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( of)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( financial)12.7 ( statements)12.7 ( at)12.7 ( the)17 ( )]tj 0.024 tc 0 tw 2.181 -1.231 td [(beginning of the year upon initial adoption of the new lease standards)-1 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 -1.231 td (since 2021)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 113.386 340.2489 cm 0 0 m 17.825 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 113.636 324.4042 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 130.9608 324.4042 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 113.386 324.1542 cm 0 0 m 17.825 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 249.7659 340.2489 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 250.0159 324.4042 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 267.0238 324.4042 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 249.7659 324.1542 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q bt /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 13 0 0 13 131.2108 327.2225 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.025 0 td (applicable)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8.391 0.043 td (\037)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.051 -0.043 td ( )tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.025 0 td (n/a)tj 0 tw 5.395 -2.463 td (by order of the board)tj /t1_1 1 tf -4.964 -1.231 td (aluminum corporation of china limited*)tj 7.305 -1.231 td (wang jun)tj /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 3.4833 13 355.6428 247.2062 tm (company secretary)tj 13 0 0 13 56.6931 215.2062 tm (beijing, the prc)tj 0 -1.231 td (26 october 2021)tj 0.026 tc 0.082 tw 13 0 3.4833 13 55.359 167.2062 tm [(as)1 ( )0.5 (at)1 ( )0.6 (the)1 ( )0.5 (date)1 ( )0.5 (of)1 ( )0.5 (this)1 ( )0.5 (announcement,)1 ( )0.5 (the)1 ( )0.5 (members)1.1 ( )0.5 (of)1 ( )0.5 (the)1 ( )0.5 (board)1 ( )0.5 (of)1 ( )0.5 (directors)1 ( )0.5 (comprise)1 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.07 tw 0.33 -1.231 td [(mr)0.5 (.)13 ( l)0.5 (iu)13 ( j)0.5 (i)0.5 (an)0.5 (pi)0.5 (ng)0.5 (,)12.9 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (r.)13 ( z)0.5 (hu)13 ( )0.5 (ru)0.5 (nz)0.5 (ho)0.5 (u,)13 ( m)0.5 (r)0.5 (.)12.9 ( )0.5 (ou)13 ( )0.5 (xi)0.5 (ao)0.5 (w)0.5 (u)12.9 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)12.9 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (r.)13 ( j)0.5 (ia)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)12.9 ( )0.5 (ta)0.5 (o)12.9 ( )0.5 (\()0.5 (ex)0.5 (ec)0.5 (u)0.5 (ti)0.5 (ve)13 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.076 tw 0.33 -1.231 td [(directors\);)7 ( )0.5 (mr.)7 ( )0.5 (zhang)7 ( )0.5 (jilong)7 ( )0.5 (and)7 ( )0.5 (mr.)7 ( )0.5 (wang)7 ( )0.5 (jun)7 ( )0.5 (\(non-executive)7 ( )0.5 (directors\);)7 ( )0.5 (mr.)7 ( )0.5 (qiu)7 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.011 tw 0.33 -1.231 td (guanzhou, mr. yu jinsong and ms. chan yuen sau kelly \(independent non-e\ xecutive )tj -0.025 tw 0.33 -1.231 td (directors\).)tj 11 0 0 11 56.6931 73.2061 tm (* )tj 0 tw 11 0 2.9474 11 72.6142 73.2061 tm (for identification purpose only)tj et endstream endobj 37 0 obj <> endobj 38 0 obj <> endobj 47 0 obj <> endobj 51 0 obj <> endobj 52 0 obj <> endobj 53 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �cq�v ��q�a�x�pl%3,�q�c�~�[:��6��?�[�խv�g��m�f�w�n>�f��6߻z��$!�%�܅1�����i�݋��c�a��ש߃�ה~pɛ�z�ñ��t13��ءs�����s|n aվ����ᒌe2ab��4�g.-0���q�h� ��9�w=7o�����)��sf�w�юd��*q|���rl�t9�w�`gq� endstream endobj 54 0 obj <>stream h�tn�ka�i��b���jl���c�d,��ť�iv��&�qv��j��h�i�)��)����1�e���a((^g����b^��}��=��qb�������ɫ8����$ff���ׄ8�ĸ[l��=����_=b�~q�`g|;���]e�n��zx:t6j�ktˬ0efο�q��#6f��� 9�9�h��lfr&���a�ō�a��f��3��ђ-�q�� �zؙ 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three)tj -0.498 -1.231 td ( quarters of)tj 2.924 -1.231 td ( 2021 )tj -0.025 tw -1.714 -1.231 td (\(january )tj 0 tw -2.262 -1.231 td (to september\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.971 4.923 td (first three)tj -0.496 -1.231 td ( quarters of)tj 2.479 -1.231 td ( 2020)tj -1.543 -1.231 td ( \(january )tj -2.045 -1.231 td (to september\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc -1.59 -1.231 td ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 3.215 0 td (\(restated\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -28.395 -2.462 td [(iii. )-388.5 (cash flows from financing activities:)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 2.181 -1.231 td (proceeds received from investments)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 23.049 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 4.078 0 td (143,650)tj 0.018 tc 0 tw -27.127 -1.231 td [(i)-7 (n)-7 (c)-7 (l)-7 (u)-7 (d)-6.9 (i)-7 (n)-7 (g)-7 (:)-7 ( )-7 (c)-7 (a)-7 ( )268 (sh received by subsidiaries)-7 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 5.797 -1.231 td (from investment of non-)tj 0 -1.231 td (controlling shareholders )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 17.252 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 4.078 0 td (143,650)tj 0 tw -27.127 -1.231 td (cash received from borrowings)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 18.824 0 td (26,372,246)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (27,198,391)tj 0 tw -25.802 -1.231 td (cash received from issue of debentures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 18.824 0 td (15,400,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (23,700,000)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 558.4379 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 559.8389 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 558.4379 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 559.8389 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -23.985 -2.462 td [(su )275 (b-total of cash inflow from )]tj 1.162 -1.231 td (financing activities)tj -0.025 tw 17.662 0 td (41,772,246)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (51,042,041)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 506.2743 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 502.9418 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 504.1753 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 506.2743 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 502.9418 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 504.1753 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc -23.985 -2.462 td (cash paid for repayment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 18.824 0 td (44,860,254)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (59,511,934)tj 0 tw -25.802 -1.231 td [(ca )275 (sh paid for dividend and profit )]tj 1.161 -1.231 td (distribution or interest repayment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 18.188 0 td (3,017,395)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (2,799,270)tj 0 tw -26.327 -1.231 td [(including: di )275 (vidend and profit paid )]tj 5.686 -1.231 td (by subsidiaries to non-)tj 0 -1.231 td (controlling shareholders)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 14.463 0 td (412,171)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.503 0 td (77,221)tj 0 tw -27.652 -1.231 td [(ot )275 (her cash paid relating to financing )]tj -0.025 tw 1.05 -1.231 td (activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 19.099 0 td (825,562)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.178 0 td (1,199,068)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 355.7652 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 357.1662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 355.7652 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 357.1662 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -23.985 -2.462 td [(su )275 (b-total of cash outflow from )]tj 1.162 -1.231 td (financing activities)tj -0.025 tw 17.662 0 td (48,703,211)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (63,510,272)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 303.6017 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 300.2692 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 301.5027 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 303.6017 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 300.2692 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 301.5027 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -23.985 -2.462 td [(ne )275 (t cash flows from financing )]tj -0.025 tw 1.216 -1.231 td (activities)tj 17.775 0 td (-6,930,965)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.453 0 td (-12,468,231)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 247.9382 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 244.6057 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 245.8392 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 247.9382 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 244.6057 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 245.8392 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 43 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 tm (\226 21 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 706.5644 tm (items)tj 0 tw 20.954 4.923 td (first three)tj -0.498 -1.231 td ( quarters of)tj 2.924 -1.231 td ( 2021 )tj -0.025 tw -1.714 -1.231 td (\(january )tj 0 tw -2.262 -1.231 td (to september\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.971 4.923 td (first three)tj -0.496 -1.231 td ( quarters of)tj 2.479 -1.231 td ( 2020)tj -1.543 -1.231 td ( \(january )tj -2.045 -1.231 td (to september\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc -1.59 -1.231 td ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 3.215 0 td (\(restated\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.02 tc 0 tw -28.395 -2.462 td [(i)-5 (i)-5 (.)-5 ( )-807.5 (cash flows from investment activities:)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 2.181 -1.231 td [(ca )275 (sh received from disposal of )]tj -0.025 tw 1.161 -1.231 td (investments)tj /t1_1 1 tf 18.188 0 td (7,857,768)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.453 0 td (11,180,741)tj 0 tw -25.802 -1.231 td [(ca )275 (sh received from returns on )]tj -0.025 tw 1.161 -1.231 td (investments)tj /t1_1 1 tf 18.988 0 td (231,554)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (705,108)tj 0 tw -27.127 -1.231 td [(ne )275 (t cash received from disposal of )]tj 1.216 -1.231 td (fixed assets, intangible assets and )tj 0 -1.231 td (other long-term assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.458 0 td (96,620)tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.653 0 td (1,946,534)tj 0 tw -26.327 -1.231 td [(ne )275 (t cash received from disposal of )]tj 1.216 -1.231 td (subsidiaries and other operating )tj -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (entities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 21.833 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 4.603 0 td (31,313)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 494.1543 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 495.5552 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 494.1543 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 495.5552 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -23.985 -2.462 td [(su )275 (b-total of cash inflow from )]tj 1.162 -1.231 td (investment activities)tj -0.025 tw 18.187 0 td (8,185,942)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.453 0 td (13,863,696)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 441.9907 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 438.6582 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 439.8917 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 441.9907 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 438.6582 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 439.8917 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc -23.985 -2.462 td [(ca )275 (sh paid to acquire fixed assets, )]tj 1.161 -1.231 td (intangible assets and other long-term )tj -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf 18.188 0 td (1,980,710)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (3,940,144)tj 0 tw -26.327 -1.231 td (cash paid for investment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 18.824 0 td (11,900,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.503 0 td (7,044,684)tj 0 tw -26.327 -1.231 td [(ot )275 (her cash paid relating to investment )]tj -0.025 tw 1.05 -1.231 td (activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 18.299 0 td (1,403,340)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.778 0 td (433,259)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 323.4817 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 324.8826 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 323.4817 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 324.8826 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -23.985 -2.462 td [(su )275 (b-total of cash outflow from )]tj 1.162 -1.231 td (investment activities)tj -0.025 tw 17.662 0 td (15,284,050)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (11,418,087)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 271.3181 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 267.9856 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 269.2191 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 271.3181 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 267.9856 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 269.2191 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -23.985 -2.462 td [(ne )275 (t cash flows from investment )]tj -0.025 tw 1.216 -1.231 td (activities)tj 17.775 0 td (-7,098,108)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.336 0 td (2,445,609)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 215.6546 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 212.3221 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 213.5556 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 215.6546 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 212.3221 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 213.5556 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 42 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 tm (\226 20 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 13 0 0 13 113.3858 776.3179 tm (consolidated cash flow statement)tj /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 3.4833 13 112.0517 760.3179 tm (january to september 2021)tj 13 0 0 13 113.3858 728.3179 tm (prepared by: aluminum corporation of china limited* )tj 13 0 3.4833 13 245.2966 696.3179 tm [(unit: \222000 )-750 (currency: rmb )-750 (audit type: unaudited)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 600.3179 tm (items)tj 0 tw 20.954 4.923 td (first three)tj -0.498 -1.231 td ( quarters of)tj 2.924 -1.231 td ( 2021 )tj -0.025 tw -1.714 -1.231 td (\(january )tj 0 tw -2.262 -1.231 td (to september\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.971 4.923 td (first three)tj -0.496 -1.231 td ( quarters of)tj 2.479 -1.231 td ( 2020)tj -1.543 -1.231 td ( \(january )tj -2.045 -1.231 td (to september\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc -1.59 -1.231 td ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 3.215 0 td (\(restated\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -28.395 -2.462 td [(i. )-1216.5 (cash flows from operating activities:)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 2.181 -1.231 td [(ca )275 (sh received from sales of products )]tj 1.161 -1.231 td (and rendering of services)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 17.138 0 td (178,608,102)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (124,097,706)tj 0 tw -25.277 -1.231 td (refund of tax and levies received)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.149 0 td (135,900)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (248,024)tj 0 tw -27.127 -1.231 td [(ot )275 (her cash received relating to )]tj 1.05 -1.231 td (operating activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 18.299 0 td (1,666,542)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (1,874,572)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 467.9078 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 469.3088 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 467.9078 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 469.3088 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -23.985 -2.462 td [(su )275 (b-total of cash inflow from )]tj 1.162 -1.231 td (operating activities)tj -0.025 tw 17.137 0 td (180,410,544)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (126,220,302)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 415.7443 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 412.4117 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 413.6453 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 415.7443 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 412.4117 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 413.6453 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc -23.985 -2.462 td [(ca )275 (sh paid for purchase of goods and )]tj 1.161 -1.231 td (receipt of services)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 17.138 0 td (145,800,536)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (104,137,754)tj 0 tw -25.277 -1.231 td [(ca )275 (sh paid to and on behalf of )]tj -0.025 tw 1.161 -1.231 td (employees)tj /t1_1 1 tf 18.188 0 td (6,158,625)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (5,415,408)tj 0 tw -26.327 -1.231 td (taxes and surcharges paid)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.349 0 td (6,578,841)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (3,618,143)tj 0 tw -26.327 -1.231 td [(ot )275 (her cash paid relating to operating )]tj -0.025 tw 1.05 -1.231 td (activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 18.299 0 td (4,080,479)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (3,706,423)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 281.2352 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 282.6362 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 281.2352 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 282.6362 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -23.985 -2.462 td [(su )275 (b-total of cash outflow from )]tj 1.162 -1.231 td (operating activities)tj -0.025 tw 17.137 0 td (162,618,481)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (116,877,728)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 229.0717 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 225.7392 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 226.9727 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 229.0717 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 225.7392 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 226.9727 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -23.985 -2.462 td [(ne )275 (t cash flows from operating )]tj -0.025 tw 1.216 -1.231 td (activities)tj 17.608 0 td (17,792,063)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.503 0 td (9,342,574)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 173.4081 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 170.0756 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 171.3091 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 173.4081 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 170.0756 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 171.3091 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 41 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 tm (\226 19 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 9.1 0 0 13 113.3858 711.8479 tm (items)tj 0 tw 32.604 4.615 td (first three )tj -0.223 -1.154 td (quarters of )tj -0.025 tw 2.924 -1.154 td (2021 )tj 0 tw -3.147 -1.154 td (\(january to )tj -0.025 tw 0.054 -1.154 td (september\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 10.18 4.615 td (first three )tj -0.221 -1.154 td (quarters of )tj -0.025 tw 2.479 -1.154 td (2020 )tj 0 tw -2.646 -1.154 td (\(january to )tj -0.025 tw -0.114 -1.154 td (september\) )tj 0.5 -1.154 td (\(restated\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -42.39 -2.308 td [(vii. )-367 (total comprehensive income)]tj -0.025 tw 33.18 0 td (8,076,139)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (1,082,205)tj 0 tw -40.033 -1.154 td [(\(i\) )-520 (to )275 (tal comprehensive income attributable to the owners )]tj 3.03 -1.154 td (of the parent)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 27.658 0 td (5,295,021)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.145 0 td (584,655)tj 0 tw -40.833 -1.154 td [(\(ii\) )-162 (to )275 (tal comprehensive income attributable to non-)]tj 3.03 -1.154 td (controlling shareholders)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 27.658 0 td (2,781,118)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.145 0 td (497,550)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -43.325 -2.308 td [(viii. )47 (earnings per share:)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 2.492 -1.154 td [(\(i\) )-520 (basic earnings per share )]tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 249.7295 561.8479 tm ( )tj 9.1 0 0 13 153.0709 546.8479 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 9.1 0 3.4833 13 161.0642 546.8479 tm (\(rmb/share\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.1 0 0 13 432.1583 546.8479 tm (0.303)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (0.015)tj 0 tw -41.883 -1.154 td [(\(ii\) )-162 (diluted earnings per share )]tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 257.2645 531.8479 tm ( )tj 9.1 0 0 13 153.0709 516.8479 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 9.1 0 3.4833 13 161.0642 516.8479 tm (\(rmb/share\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.1 0 0 13 432.1583 516.8479 tm (0.303)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (0.015)tj 0.047 tc 0.07 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 486.4989 tm [(bus)0.5 (ines)0.5 (s)12.9 ( c)0.5 (ombin)0.5 (atio)0.5 (n)12.9 ( und)0.5 (er)12.9 ( c)0.5 (omm)0.5 (on)12.9 ( c)0.5 (ontro)0.5 (l)12.9 ( wa)0.5 (s)12.9 ( e)0.5 (ffe)0.5 (cted)13 ( in)12.9 ( )0.5 (the)12.9 ( )0.5 (curr)0.5 (ent)22 ( )]tj 0.023 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td [(period. the net profit recognized by the merged party before the combina\ tion)-2 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 -1.231 td (was rmb26,664 thousand, and the net profit recognized by the merged part\ y )tj 0 -1.231 td (in the corresponding period of last year was rmb15,567 thousand.)tj 13 0 3.4833 13 122.8067 390.4989 tm (legal representative:)tj 10.434 0 td (chief financial officer: )tj 11.398 1.231 td (head of accounting )tj -0.025 tw 1.972 -1.231 td (department: )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 13 0 0 13 146.877 374.4989 tm (liu jianping)tj 11.481 0 td (wang jun)tj 10.544 0 td (gao lidong)tj et endstream endobj 40 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 tm (\226 18 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 9.1 0 0 13 113.3858 711.8479 tm (items)tj 0 tw 32.604 4.615 td (first three )tj -0.223 -1.154 td (quarters of )tj -0.025 tw 2.924 -1.154 td (2021 )tj 0 tw -3.147 -1.154 td (\(january to )tj -0.025 tw 0.054 -1.154 td (september\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 10.18 4.615 td (first three )tj -0.221 -1.154 td (quarters of )tj -0.025 tw 2.479 -1.154 td (2020 )tj 0 tw -2.646 -1.154 td (\(january to )tj -0.025 tw -0.114 -1.154 td (september\) )tj 0.5 -1.154 td (\(restated\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -42.39 -2.308 td [(iii. )-700 (operating profit \(loss stated with \223-\224\))]tj -0.025 tw 32.655 0 td (10,889,951)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.87 0 td (1,519,082)tj 0 tw -40.033 -1.154 td (add: non-operating income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 32.013 0 td (64,369)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.82 0 td (103,435)tj 0 tw -40.833 -1.154 td (less: non-operating expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 31.488 0 td (845,557)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (257,705)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -43.325 -2.308 td [(iv. )-781 (total profit \(total loss stated with \223-\224\))]tj -0.025 tw 32.655 0 td (10,108,763)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.87 0 td (1,364,812)tj 0 tw -40.033 -1.154 td (less: income tax expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 30.688 0 td (2,019,917)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.145 0 td (399,920)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -43.325 -2.308 td [(v. )-1195 (net profit \(net loss stated with \223-\224\))]tj -0.025 tw 33.18 0 td (8,088,846)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.145 0 td (964,892)tj -40.833 -1.154 td (\(i\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 1.869 0 td [(cl )275 (assified according to continuity of operations)]tj 0 -1.154 td [(1. )-15.3 (ne )275 (t profit from continuing operations )]tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 310.9023 531.8479 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 9.1 0 0 13 174.0574 516.8479 tm (\(net loss stated with \223-\224\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 26.513 0 td (8,088,846)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.145 0 td (964,892)tj -40.833 -1.154 td (\(ii\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 1.869 0 td [(cl )275 (assified according to the ownership)]tj 0 -1.154 td [(1. )-15.3 (ne )275 (t profit attributable to owners of the parent )]tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 341.7232 486.8479 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 9.1 0 0 13 174.0574 471.8479 tm (\(net loss stated with \223-\224\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 26.513 0 td (5,307,496)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.145 0 td (467,342)tj -0.275 tw -38.964 -1.154 td [(2. )-290.3 (no n-controlling )-275 (interests )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.1 0 0 13 262.4269 456.8479 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 9.1 0 0 13 174.5672 441.8479 tm (\(net loss stated with \223-\224\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 26.457 0 td (2,781,350)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.145 0 td (497,550)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -43.325 -2.308 td [(vi. )-158 (other comprehensive income net of tax)]tj -0.025 tw 34.147 0 td (-12,707)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.178 0 td (117,313)tj 0 tw -40.833 -1.154 td [(\(i\) )-520 (ot )275 (her comprehensive income \(net of tax\) attributable to )]tj 2.919 -1.154 td (the owners of the parent)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 28.736 0 td (-12,475)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.178 0 td (117,313)tj 0 tw -38.964 -1.154 td [(1. )-15.3 (ot )275 (her comprehensive income that cannot be )]tj 2.14 -1.154 td (reclassified to profit or loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 27.646 0 td (-52,362)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (-17,166)tj 0 tw -37.885 -1.154 td [(\(1\) )-41.5 (ch )275 (anges in fair value of investments in other )]tj 2.774 -1.154 td (equity instruments)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 25.765 0 td (-52,362)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (-17,166)tj 0 tw -39.131 -1.154 td [(2. )-15.3 (ot )275 (her comprehensive income that will be reclassified )]tj 2.14 -1.154 td (to profit or loss )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 28.004 0 td (39,887)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.82 0 td (134,479)tj 0 tw -37.718 -1.154 td [(\(1\) )-41.5 (ex )275 (change differences on foreign currency )]tj -0.025 tw 2.718 -1.154 td (translation)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.179 0 td (39,887)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.82 0 td (134,479)tj 0 tw -40.833 -1.154 td [(\(ii\) )-162 (ot )275 (her comprehensive income )]tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 268.6395 246.8479 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 9.1 0 0 13 162.6257 231.8479 tm (\(net of tax\) attributable to )tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 265.0088 231.8479 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 9.1 0 0 13 162.6257 216.8479 tm (non-controlling shareholders)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 30.061 0 td (-232)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10.92 0 td (-)tj et endstream endobj 39 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 tm (\226 17 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 13 0 0 13 113.3858 776.409 tm (consolidated income statement)tj /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 3.4833 13 112.0517 760.409 tm (january to september 2021)tj 13 0 0 13 113.3858 728.409 tm (prepared by: aluminum corporation of china limited*)tj 13 0 3.4833 13 245.2966 696.409 tm [(unit: \222000 )-750 (currency: rmb )-750 (audit type: unaudited)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 9.1 0 0 13 113.3858 605.409 tm (items)tj 0 tw 32.604 4.615 td (first three )tj -0.223 -1.154 td (quarters of )tj -0.025 tw 2.924 -1.154 td (2021 )tj 0 tw -3.147 -1.154 td (\(january to )tj -0.025 tw 0.054 -1.154 td (september\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 10.18 4.615 td (first three )tj -0.221 -1.154 td (quarters of )tj -0.025 tw 2.479 -1.154 td (2020 )tj 0 tw -2.646 -1.154 td (\(january to )tj -0.025 tw -0.114 -1.154 td (september\) )tj 0.5 -1.154 td (\(restated\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -42.39 -2.308 td [(i. )-1528 (total operating revenue)]tj -0.025 tw 32.13 0 td (194,928,951)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (133,154,554)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.154 td (including: operating revenue)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 29.638 0 td (194,928,951)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (133,154,554)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -41.475 -2.308 td [(ii. )-1114 (total cost of operations)]tj -0.025 tw 32.13 0 td (181,798,432)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (130,950,329)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.154 td (including: operating cost)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 29.638 0 td (172,192,964)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (122,840,877)tj 0 tw -34.31 -1.154 td (tax and surcharges)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 26.015 0 td (1,578,053)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (1,112,881)tj 0 tw -35.36 -1.154 td (selling expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 26.015 0 td (1,267,196)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (1,124,737)tj 0 tw -35.36 -1.154 td (administrative expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 26.015 0 td (2,715,322)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (2,058,329)tj 0 tw -35.36 -1.154 td (research and development expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 26.015 0 td (1,213,087)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.145 0 td (679,695)tj 0 tw -36.16 -1.154 td (finance expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 26.015 0 td (2,831,810)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (3,133,810)tj 0 tw -35.36 -1.154 td (including: interest expense)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 26.015 0 td (2,958,776)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (3,329,657)tj 0 tw -30.688 -1.154 td (interest income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 22.143 0 td (185,285)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (290,000)tj 0 tw -40.833 -1.154 td [(add: )-2297.5 (other income)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 31.488 0 td (137,675)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (101,755)tj 0 tw -36.16 -1.154 td (investment income )tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 254.4577 365.409 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 9.1 0 0 13 187.0866 350.409 tm (\(loss stated with \223-\224\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 25.523 0 td (-402,604)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.703 0 td (670,671)tj 0 tw -36.16 -1.154 td (including: investment income from associated )tj 5.607 -1.154 td (companies and joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 21.208 0 td (429,270)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.87 0 td (91,213)tj 0 tw -36.685 -1.154 td (gains on changes in fair value )tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 298.3463 305.409 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 9.1 0 0 13 187.0866 290.409 tm (\(loss stated with \223-\224\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 26.048 0 td (-53,722)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.703 0 td (27,778)tj 0 tw -36.685 -1.154 td (credit impairment losses )tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 277.5441 275.409 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 9.1 0 0 13 187.0866 260.409 tm (\(loss stated with \223-\224\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 25.523 0 td (-919,054)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (-444,683)tj 0 tw -35.802 -1.154 td (loss on assets impairment )tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 283.0768 245.409 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 9.1 0 0 13 187.0866 230.409 tm (\(loss stated with \223-\224\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 24.723 0 td (-1,035,039)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (-1,050,781)tj 0 tw -35.002 -1.154 td (gains on disposal of assets )tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 285.2971 215.409 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 9.1 0 0 13 187.0866 200.409 tm (\(loss stated with \223-\224\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 26.406 0 td (32,176)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.345 0 td (10,117)tj et endstream endobj 35 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 tm (\226 16 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 754.8479 tm (items)tj 0 tw 18.941 1.231 td (30 september )tj -0.025 tw 4.06 -1.231 td (2021)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.098 1.231 td (31 december )tj -0.025 tw 3.534 -1.231 td (2020)tj -2.26 -1.231 td (\(restated\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -28.373 -2.462 td (owner\222s equity )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.025 tc 1 -1.231 td (\(or shareholders\222 equity\):)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.231 td (paid-in capital \(or share capital\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.351 0 td (17,022,673)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (17,022,673)tj 0 tw -26.982 -1.231 td (other equity instruments)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.876 0 td (4,486,429)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (4,486,429)tj 0 tw -26.507 -1.231 td (including: perpetual debentures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 18.876 0 td (4,486,429)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (4,486,429)tj 0 tw -27.507 -1.231 td (capital reserve)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.351 0 td (27,903,516)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (28,186,579)tj 0 tw -26.982 -1.231 td (other comprehensive income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.676 0 td (340,117)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (352,823)tj 0 tw -28.307 -1.231 td (special reserve)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.676 0 td (321,329)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (180,429)tj 0 tw -28.307 -1.231 td (surplus reserve)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.876 0 td (1,544,658)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (5,774,571)tj 0 tw -27.507 -1.231 td (retained earnings)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.876 0 td (7,888,800)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.274 0 td (-1,639,654)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 558.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 432.2201 559.8389 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 558.4379 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 531.4327 559.8389 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -32.157 -2.462 td (total owner\222s equity \(or shareholders\222 )tj 1 -1.231 td (equity\) attributable to the owners of )tj 0 -1.231 td (the parent)tj -0.025 tw 19.351 0 td (59,507,522)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (54,363,850)tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 491.4288 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 432.2201 492.8298 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 491.4288 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 531.4327 492.8298 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc -32.157 -2.462 td (non-controlling interest)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.351 0 td (19,137,037)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (16,839,706)tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 456.4197 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 432.2201 457.8207 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 456.4197 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 531.4327 457.8207 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -32.157 -2.462 td (total owner\222s equity )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.025 tc 1 -1.231 td (\(or shareholders\222 equity\))tj -0.025 tw 19.351 0 td (78,644,559)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (71,203,556)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 404.2562 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 400.9237 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 432.2201 402.1572 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 404.2562 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 400.9237 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 531.4327 402.1572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -32.157 -2.462 td (total liabilities and owner\222s equity )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.025 tc 1 -1.231 td (\(or shareholders\222 equity\))tj -0.025 tw 18.826 0 td (197,333,166)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (195,034,696)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 348.5927 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 345.2602 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 432.2201 346.4937 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 348.5927 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 345.2602 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 531.4327 346.4937 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 13 0 3.4833 13 122.8067 300.1446 tm (legal representative:)tj 10.434 0 td (chief financial officer: )tj 11.398 1.231 td (head of accounting )tj -0.025 tw 1.972 -1.231 td (department: )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 13 0 0 13 146.877 284.1446 tm (liu jianping)tj 11.481 0 td (wang jun)tj 10.544 0 td (gao lidong)tj et endstream endobj 22 0 obj </lastmodified/numberofpageitemsinpage 1/numberofpages 1/originaldocumentid/pageitemuidtolocationdatamap<>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 23 0 obj </lastmodified/numberofpageitemsinpage 1/numberofpages 1/originaldocumentid/pageitemuidtolocationdatamap<>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 24 0 obj </lastmodified/numberofpageitemsinpage 1/numberofpages 1/originaldocumentid/pageitemuidtolocationdatamap<>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 25 0 obj </lastmodified/numberofpageitemsinpage 1/numberofpages 1/originaldocumentid/pageitemuidtolocationdatamap<>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 26 0 obj </lastmodified/numberofpageitemsinpage 1/numberofpages 1/originaldocumentid/pageitemuidtolocationdatamap<>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 62 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 tm (\226 15 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 754.8479 tm (items)tj 0 tw 18.941 1.231 td (30 september )tj -0.025 tw 4.06 -1.231 td (2021)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.098 1.231 td (31 december )tj -0.025 tw 3.534 -1.231 td (2020)tj -2.26 -1.231 td (\(restated\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -28.373 -2.462 td (current liabilities:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1 -1.231 td (short-term borrowings)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.351 0 td (14,062,171)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (20,738,030)tj 0 tw -26.982 -1.231 td (held-for-trading financial liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 21.201 0 td (84,648)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (26,684)tj 0 tw -28.832 -1.231 td (notes payable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.876 0 td (2,307,710)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (5,467,922)tj 0 tw -27.507 -1.231 td (accounts payable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.876 0 td (9,678,348)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (9,970,217)tj 0 tw -27.507 -1.231 td (payments received in advance)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 21.201 0 td (14,122)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (21,104)tj 0 tw -28.832 -1.231 td (contract liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.876 0 td (3,014,984)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (1,399,340)tj 0 tw -27.507 -1.231 td (staff remuneration payable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.676 0 td (603,732)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (697,915)tj 0 tw -28.307 -1.231 td (taxes payable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.876 0 td (1,790,262)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (1,102,423)tj 0 tw -27.507 -1.231 td (other payables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.876 0 td (9,154,802)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (8,505,849)tj 0 tw -27.507 -1.231 td (non-current liabilities due )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.025 tc 1 -1.231 td (within one year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 18.876 0 td (8,666,812)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.107 0 td (12,018,098)tj 0 tw -26.982 -1.231 td (other current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.876 0 td (3,825,875)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (2,780,816)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 510.4378 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 432.2201 511.8388 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 510.4378 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 531.4327 511.8388 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -32.157 -2.462 td (total current liabilities)tj -0.025 tw 20.351 0 td (53,203,466)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (62,728,398)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 474.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 470.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 432.2201 472.1753 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 474.2743 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 470.9418 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 531.4327 472.1753 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -32.157 -2.462 td (non-current liabilities:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1 -1.231 td (long-term borrowings)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.351 0 td (39,490,145)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (39,385,550)tj 0 tw -26.982 -1.231 td (debentures payable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.351 0 td (15,221,050)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (11,874,668)tj 0 tw -26.982 -1.231 td (lease liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.876 0 td (6,117,203)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (6,257,879)tj 0 tw -27.507 -1.231 td (long-term payables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.876 0 td (2,007,015)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (1,075,644)tj 0 tw -27.507 -1.231 td (long-term staff remuneration payable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.676 0 td (408,473)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (217,864)tj 0 tw -28.307 -1.231 td (estimated liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.676 0 td (477,515)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (468,853)tj 0 tw -28.307 -1.231 td (deferred gains)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.676 0 td (231,468)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (202,338)tj 0 tw -28.307 -1.231 td (deferred income tax liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 19.876 0 td (1,378,991)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (1,437,087)tj 0 tw -27.507 -1.231 td (other non-current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.676 0 td (153,281)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (182,859)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 291.7652 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 432.2201 293.1662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 291.7652 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 531.4327 293.1662 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -32.157 -2.462 td (total non-current liabilities)tj -0.025 tw 20.351 0 td (65,485,141)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (61,102,742)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 255.6017 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 252.2692 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 432.2201 253.5027 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 255.6017 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 252.2692 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 531.4327 253.5027 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -32.157 -2.462 td (total liabilities)tj -0.025 tw 19.826 0 td (118,688,607)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.632 0 td (123,831,140)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 215.9382 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 212.6057 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 432.2201 213.8392 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 215.9382 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 212.6057 cm 0 0 m 87.874 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 531.4327 213.8392 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 61 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 tm (\226 14 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 754.8479 tm (items)tj 0 tw 19.595 1.231 td (30 september)tj 3.785 -1.231 td ( 2021)tj /t1_0 1 tf 3.719 1.231 td (31 december)tj 3.259 -1.231 td ( 2020)tj -0.025 tw -1.963 -1.231 td (\(restated\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -28.395 -2.462 td (non-current assets:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.003 -1.231 td (long-term receivables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 21.327 0 td (127,611)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (127,754)tj 0 tw -28.304 -1.231 td (long-term equity investments)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.002 0 td (12,592,677)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (12,547,963)tj 0 tw -26.979 -1.231 td (investments in other equity instruments)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 21.327 0 td (544,865)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.178 0 td (1,526,703)tj 0 tw -27.504 -1.231 td (investment properties)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.527 0 td (1,594,960)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (1,601,876)tj 0 tw -27.504 -1.231 td (fixed assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.002 0 td (93,581,132)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (97,076,371)tj 0 tw -26.979 -1.231 td (construction in progress)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.527 0 td (3,695,407)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (3,886,719)tj 0 tw -27.504 -1.231 td (right-of-use assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.527 0 td (6,745,157)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (8,051,099)tj 0 tw -27.504 -1.231 td (intangible assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.002 0 td (16,978,438)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (16,175,186)tj -26.979 -1.231 td (goodwill)tj /t1_1 1 tf 20.527 0 td (3,509,722)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (3,509,857)tj 0 tw -27.504 -1.231 td (long-term deferred expenditures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 21.327 0 td (546,152)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (654,291)tj 0 tw -28.304 -1.231 td (deferred income tax assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.527 0 td (1,502,669)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (1,481,235)tj 0 tw -27.504 -1.231 td (other non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.527 0 td (1,922,400)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (2,133,208)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.504 510.4378 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 511.8388 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 510.4378 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 511.8388 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -26.166 -2.462 td (total non-current assets)tj -0.025 tw 20.48 0 td (143,341,190)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (148,772,262)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.5041 474.2743 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 368.5041 470.9418 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8348 472.1753 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 474.2743 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2128 470.9418 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5435 472.1753 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -26.166 -2.462 td (total assets)tj -0.025 tw 20.48 0 td (197,333,166)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (195,034,696)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.5042 434.6107 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 368.5042 431.2782 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8349 432.5117 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2128 434.6107 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2128 431.2782 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5435 432.5117 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 60 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 tm (\226 13 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 13 0 0 13 56.6929 776.409 tm [(iii. )-388.5 (other reminder)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.068 tc 0.07 tw 2.181 -2.462 td [(other)12.5 ( material)12.5 ( information)12.4 ( in)12.5 ( relation)12.4 ( to)12.4 ( operation)12.5 ( of)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( company)12.5 ( in)12.5 ( the)43 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (reporting period that the investors shall pay attention to)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 85.0394 710.508 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 85.2894 694.6633 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 102.2972 694.6633 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 85.0394 694.4133 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 221.1024 710.508 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 221.3524 694.6633 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 238.3602 694.6633 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 221.1024 694.4133 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q bt /gs0 gs 0 tc 13 0 0 13 102.5472 697.4816 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.025 0 td (applicable)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8.391 0.043 td (\037)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.051 -0.043 td ( )tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.025 0 td (n/a)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -15.019 -2.463 td [(iv. )-469.5 (quarterly financial statements)]tj 2.181 -2.462 td [(\(i\) )-775.5 (type of audit opinion)]tj et /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 113.3858 615.5643 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 113.6358 599.7195 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 130.6437 599.7195 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 113.3858 599.4695 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 615.5643 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 249.6988 599.7195 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 266.7067 599.7195 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 599.4695 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q bt /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 13 0 0 13 130.8937 602.5379 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.025 0 td (applicable)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8.391 0.043 td (\037)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.051 -0.043 td ( )tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.025 0 td (n/a)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -15.019 -2.463 td [(\(ii\) )-361.5 (financial statements)]tj 2.181 -2.462 td (consolidated balance sheet)tj /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 3.4833 13 112.0517 522.5215 tm (30 september 2021)tj 13 0 0 13 113.3858 490.5215 tm (prepared by: aluminum corporation of china limited* )tj 13 0 3.4833 13 245.2966 458.5215 tm [(unit: \222000 )-750 (currency: rmb )-750 (audit type: unaudited)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 410.5215 tm (items)tj 0 tw 19.595 1.231 td (30 september)tj 3.785 -1.231 td ( 2021)tj /t1_0 1 tf 3.719 1.231 td (31 december)tj 3.259 -1.231 td ( 2020)tj -0.025 tw -1.963 -1.231 td (\(restated\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -28.395 -2.462 td (current assets:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.003 -1.231 td (monetary capital)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.002 0 td (13,550,305)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (10,727,514)tj 0 tw -26.979 -1.231 td (held-for-trading financial assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.527 0 td (5,022,579)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.303 0 td (17,311)tj 0 tw -28.829 -1.231 td (accounts receivable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.527 0 td (5,648,776)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (4,758,709)tj 0 tw -27.504 -1.231 td (accounts receivable financing)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.527 0 td (5,262,058)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (4,548,723)tj -27.504 -1.231 td (prepayments)tj /t1_1 1 tf 20.527 0 td (2,516,116)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.778 0 td (805,211)tj 0 tw -28.304 -1.231 td (other receivables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.527 0 td (2,993,334)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (3,997,730)tj -27.504 -1.231 td (inventories)tj /t1_1 1 tf 20.002 0 td (18,418,001)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (19,861,776)tj 0 tw -26.979 -1.231 td (other current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 21.327 0 td (580,807)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.178 0 td (1,545,460)tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 230.1115 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8347 231.5125 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 230.1115 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5434 231.5125 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -26.166 -2.462 td (total current assets)tj -0.025 tw 21.005 0 td (53,991,976)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.978 0 td (46,262,434)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 368.5041 193.948 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 368.5041 190.6154 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 362.8348 191.8489 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 193.948 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 459.2128 190.6154 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 453.5435 191.8489 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 59 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 tm (\226 12 \226)tj 9.1 0 0 13 113.3858 770.8479 tm (related-party relationship or concert-)tj 1.429 -1.231 td (party relationship among the above )tj -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (shareholders)tj 0 tw 9.1 0 3.4833 13 287.7997 770.8479 tm (note 1:)tj 0.083 tw 9.1 0 0 13 317.7712 770.8479 tm [( )-1167.5 (the )0.5 (number )0.5 (of )0.5 (shares )0.5 (held by )0.5 (aluminum )0.5 (corporation )]tj 0.038 tw 1.526 -1.231 td (of china doesn\222t include the a shares of the company )tj 0.055 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(indirectly)12.7 ( held)12.8 ( by)12.7 ( aluminum)12.7 ( corporation)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( china)30 ( )]tj 0 -1.231 td [(through)12.1 ( its)12.1 ( subsidiaries)12.1 ( baotou)12.1 ( aluminum)12.1 ( \(group\))30 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0 -1.231 td [(co.,)12.8 ( ltd.)12.8 ( and)12.7 ( chinalco)12.8 ( shanxi)12.8 ( aluminum)12.8 ( co.,)12.8 ( ltd.)27 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0 -1.231 td [(and)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( h)12.4 ( shares)12.4 ( of)12.4 ( the)12.5 ( company)12.4 ( indirectly)12.4 ( held)12.4 ( by)20 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.005 tw 0 -1.231 td (aluminum corporation of china through its subsidiary )tj 0.046 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(aluminum)12.7 ( corporation)12.8 ( of)12.8 ( china)12.8 ( overseas)12.8 ( holdings)21 ( )]tj 0.109 tc 0 -1.231 td [(limited.)12.5 ( as)12.5 ( at)12.5 ( 3)12.6 (0)12.4 ( september)12.5 ( 2)12.5 (0)12.5 (2)12.5 (1)12.5 (,)12.5 ( aluminum)84 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0 -1.231 td [(corporation)12.5 ( of)12.4 ( china,)12.4 ( together)12.4 ( with)12.4 ( its)12.5 ( subsidiaries,)17.9 ( )]tj 0.067 tc 0 -1.231 td [(holds)12.4 ( an)12.3 ( aggregate)12.3 ( of)12.3 ( 5)12.3 (,)12.3 (4)12.3 (7)12.3 (4)12.3 (,)12.3 (4)12.3 (8)12.4 (5)12.3 (,)12.3 (0)12.3 (1)12.3 (9)12.3 ( shares)12.4 ( of)12.3 ( the)42 ( )]tj 0.091 tc 0 -1.231 td [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (mp)0.5 (a)0.5 (ny)13 ( )0.5 (in)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.5 (ud)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)13 ( )0.5 (5)12.9 (,)13 (2)13 (9)12.9 (5)13 (,)13 (8)12.9 (9)13 (5)13 (,)12.9 (0)13 (1)13 (9)12.9 ( )0.5 (a)13 ( )0.5 (sh)0.5 (a)0.5 (re)0.5 (s)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (nd)66 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0 -1.231 td [(1)12.3 (7)12.2 (8)12.3 (,)12.2 (5)12.3 (9)12.2 (0)12.3 (,)12.2 (0)12.3 (0)12.2 (0)12.3 ( h)12.2 ( shares,)12.2 ( representing)12.2 ( approximately)40 ( )]tj 0.103 tc 0 -1.231 td [(3)12.9 (2)13 (.)12.9 (1)12.9 (6)12.9 (%)13 ( of)13 ( th)0.5 (e)12.9 ( t)0.5 (ota)0.5 (l)12.9 ( )0.5 (iss)0.5 (ued)12.9 ( )0.5 (sha)0.5 (re)13 ( c)0.5 (apit)0.5 (al)12.9 ( )0.5 (of)12.9 ( )0.5 (the)78 ( )]tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (company.)tj 0 tw 9.1 0 3.4833 13 287.7997 514.8479 tm (note 2:)tj 0.035 tw 9.1 0 0 13 317.7712 514.8479 tm [( )-1215.5 (3,934,382,327 h shares of the company held by hong )]tj 0.047 tc 0.07 tw 1.526 -1.231 td [(kong)12.4 ( securities)12.4 ( clearing)12.3 ( company)12.4 ( limited)12.3 ( include)22 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.063 tw 0 -1.231 td (178,590,000 h shares it holds on behalf of aluminum )tj 0.047 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(corporation)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( china)12.2 ( overseas)12.2 ( holdings)12.3 ( limited,)12.2 ( a)22 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (subsidiary of aluminum corporation of china.)tj -23.985 -2.462 td (participation in margin financing and )tj 1.429 -1.231 td (securities lending and business of )tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 258.9532 402.8479 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 9.1 0 0 13 126.3858 386.8479 tm (margin and securities refinancing \(if )tj 0 -1.231 td (any\) by top ten shareholders and top )tj 0 -1.231 td (ten shareholders not subject to trading )tj -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (moratorium)tj 0.017 tc 0 tw 17.884 6.154 td [(among the top ten shareholders, the number of shares held through)-3 ( )]tj 0.02 tc 0 -1.231 td (credit securities account by wu xiaofeng was 106,729,100.)tj et endstream endobj 57 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 tm (\226 11 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 13 0 0 13 159.4361 776.409 tm (shareholding status of the top ten shareholders )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.025 tc 2.898 -1.231 td (not subject to trading moratorium)tj 9.1 0 0 13 113.3858 649.409 tm (name of shareholders)tj 22.574 5.846 td (number of )tj -2.095 -1.462 td (tradable shares )tj -0.22 -1.462 td (held not subject )tj 2.678 -1.462 td (to trading )tj -0.025 tw -0.971 -1.462 td (moratorium)tj 0 tw 9.412 1.462 td (class and number of shares)tj -0.025 tw -2.721 -1.462 td (class)tj 14.387 0 td (number)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw -16.183 -1.462 td ( )tj 1.796 0 td ( )tj 17.517 0 td ( )tj 0.025 tc -46.175 -1.462 td (aluminum corporation of china)tj -0.025 tw 21.362 0 td (5,050,376,970)tj 0 tw 7.296 0 td (rmb ordinary shares)tj -0.025 tw 12.017 0 td (5,050,376,970)tj 0 tw -40.675 -1.462 td (hong kong securities clearing company )tj 1.429 -1.462 td (limited \(h shares\))tj -0.025 tw 19.933 1.462 td (3,934,382,327)tj 0 tw 7.296 0 td [(ov )275 (erseas listed foreign )]tj -0.025 tw 1.272 -1.462 td (shares)tj 10.745 1.462 td (3,934,382,327)tj 0 tw -40.675 -2.923 td (huarong ruitong equity investment )tj 1.429 -1.462 td (management co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.217 tc -0.217 tw 10.8 0 td <0d3613440e7f0bb7067016c6>tj 0.225 tc -0.225 tw -10.8 -1.462 td <04b30f1f104d0b2303de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9.725 0 td (\))tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 11.008 2.923 td (676,519,327)tj 0 tw 6.496 0 td (rmb ordinary shares)tj -0.025 tw 12.817 0 td (676,519,327)tj 0 tw -41.475 -4.385 td (china life insurance company limited* )tj 0 tc 9.1 0 0 13 274.4359 497.409 tm ( )tj 9.1 0 0 13 126.3857 478.409 tm (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 10.4 0 0 13 130.9435 478.409 tm <02950a37025b0faa06ad13880670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9.1 0 0 13 283.0434 478.409 tm (\))tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 3.518 1.462 td (558,793,900)tj 0 tw 6.496 0 td (rmb ordinary shares)tj -0.025 tw 12.817 0 td (558,793,900)tj 0 tw -41.475 -2.923 td (hong kong securities clearing company )tj 1.429 -1.462 td (limited \(a shares\))tj -0.025 tw 20.733 1.462 td (524,170,501)tj 0 tw 6.496 0 td (rmb ordinary shares)tj -0.025 tw 12.817 0 td (524,170,501)tj 0 tw -41.475 -2.923 td (china securities finance corporation )tj 1.429 -1.462 td (limited* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 4.625 0 td <02950a3715c7054e069613440670038503de082202ae>tj 0 tc 0 tw -4.625 -1.462 td <0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.15 0 td (\))tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 19.583 2.923 td (448,284,993)tj 0 tw 6.496 0 td (rmb ordinary shares)tj -0.025 tw 12.817 0 td (448,284,993)tj 0 tw -41.475 -4.385 td (baotou aluminum \(group\) co., ltd.)tj -0.025 tw 22.162 0 td (238,377,795)tj 0 tw 6.496 0 td (rmb ordinary shares)tj -0.025 tw 12.817 0 td (238,377,795)tj 0 tw -41.475 -1.462 td (china foreign economy and trade trust )tj 1.429 -1.462 td (co., ltd. \226 foreign trade trust \226 gaoyi )tj 0 -1.462 td (xiaofeng hongyuan pooled fund trust )tj 0 -1.462 td (scheme* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 10.4 0 0 13 168.3986 288.409 tm <02950a370fc1032e0ebe13f60d7105f806a6>tj -4.04 -1.462 td [<09c403de082202ae0321>200 <00d1>200.1 <032e0d7106a609c4>200 <00d1>200 <09f71187>]tj 0 -1.462 td <12c808a414bf10c30dab03a50f1f069606a609c408070f8c>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9.1 0 0 13 278.4857 250.409 tm (\))tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 4.019 7.308 td (108,130,935)tj 0 tw 6.496 0 td (rmb ordinary shares)tj -0.025 tw 12.817 0 td (108,130,935)tj 0 tw -41.475 -8.769 td (wu xiaofeng \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 10.4 0 0 13 172.2243 231.409 tm <49d512c8125c>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9.1 0 0 13 209.6643 231.409 tm (\))tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 11.582 0 td (106,946,200)tj 0 tw 6.496 0 td (rmb ordinary shares)tj -0.025 tw 12.817 0 td (106,946,200)tj 0 tw -41.475 -1.462 td (shenzhen zhaoping chalco investment )tj 1.429 -1.462 td (center llp* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 6.227 0 td <0b0903ad033905dd033b0295125904b30f1f>tj -6.227 -1.462 td [<029502d0>620 <0080>200 <03de082203a50fab>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 7.68 0 td (\)\))tj 13.578 2.923 td (86,024,384)tj 0 tw 5.971 0 td (rmb ordinary shares)tj -0.025 tw 13.342 0 td (86,024,384)tj et endstream endobj 58 0 obj <> endobj 63 0 obj [64 0 r] endobj 64 0 obj <> endobj 65 0 obj <> endobj 66 0 obj <> endobj 67 0 obj <>stream h��� �0� b���u����ǎ��:z�d���u�|�lc��ɠ��i����6�z�#��>���uؔ2�y'��h)�k��moմ)�ݼ��n����� [�!s��޼t ��no3�-,c���n���؞��ze}��}�sgd���w� � �� �� endstream endobj 68 0 obj <>stream h�l�{psw����\�b/^@!e���>�(bed��o@��x�go�77/n!ᡈ(�ٱ��mw�v�u������]��m{.�����u�g~�����7���7�.ǐ��r�x��=9{���8))n޵"���x��a4����� �lx� ��������sd��@��_�{�sr�8(���h�:^����hqbz���kd��u'�3�v�ŭ%/�e�u��u�kd�5�ѣ���}�qբ}e�e'j� �w&e��vtxt�wŭ�w!>"��8yy��&����<����y4o��g���h~#_�w������e�]dґϐg�s�es�jԉv�=� &�"�nl�����`ɔ�3�g.��k����z?�j�u�g�h�(�!�o h�z?��{��9�ܠ��{s��m���;7��{���wr�9��ڸ\n*'է���ɩ�8�a�l�e^;��?�w �g�c_ lx�?�rf��?�z& \>��� ��}�n��~^м��7�ia��� �ʈ�w�#vg�^$y�������w,��^�u��ƶ��}�aklg�u�ф[~�6/�|gfҕ�%psw�-j��e�5 a�� 'o�5[z, ��a !��{�n`h e�tj�ye�b�6 �ca�wp��*�y!|���66��x��o�9��s�fjii�9����m�f�`o�\���eʆb��be��m�z�nqs_w/�s�>��� i si��f�� �)����k6o-(@` �e�.��7�j �ф(�u�5� ��a�i ���@��e-p ��(oq���3e���dk����d�r�b��z�b��*똱ֺ����x����m�y� a��o3a >xj��t�`��$ n v⚶�]* �� �=�líx��0� >���<'�w�h�2�j���v�1� ��� �j�q�Ԯޮ�s}v��eu� �;j��r�f7����5���l{�m�`�% �����c �� ߇�!� �2�bg���9�2x�>[��d�cdy�i�j#p ʌ1w�1��0p}�st�(q���n��x�mm������@��pfr��b�`��t��y�2z�ɱ�xsi�ߧ���c�  ��i[=um!���v�$o�*t���j�@��!jv��/e�9���9����gw��lm�z-o�l�^&ya���t��0�&��d"—s�*��9i����$t��3���0�_o2zף0���y� �qv6_�_�����r|�o�>~���8z�ܰ�7j���͏����2r&#�#ٞ,k��jvf��d��"{oۀ���3�ab����u.��1=g�q*4lv/qq��ťi�ةp1�lj,�}������j�qjȉ[�'/�æ�@w�},6b� 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841.89]/type/page>> endobj 21 0 obj </lastmodified/numberofpageitemsinpage 1/numberofpages 1/originaldocumentid/pageitemuidtolocationdatamap<>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 73 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 281.8878 18.7502 tm (\226 10 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 13 0 0 13 217.7342 776.409 tm (shareholding of top ten shareholders)tj 7.8 0 0 13 56.6929 680.409 tm (name of shareholders)tj 17.444 1.231 td (nature of)tj -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (shareholders)tj 0 tw 12.243 1.231 td (number of )tj -0.218 -1.231 td (shares held)tj 6.221 1.231 td (percentage of )tj -0.025 tw 0.271 -1.231 td (shareholding)tj 9.42 4.923 td (number )tj 0 tw -0.325 -1.231 td (of shares )tj -1.409 -1.231 td (held subject )tj 0.939 -1.231 td (to trading )tj -0.025 tw -0.971 -1.231 td (moratorium)tj 0 tw 6.483 4.923 td (shares pledged, marked or )tj -0.025 tw 4.627 -1.231 td (frozen)tj 0 tw -4.21 -2.462 td (status of )tj -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (shares)tj 7.586 0 td (number)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.8 0 3.4833 13 369.261 664.409 tm (\(%\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.8 0 0 13 192.7559 648.409 tm ( )tj 16.531 0 td ( )tj 7.268 0 td ( )tj 7.268 0 td ( )tj 2.004 0 td ( )tj 10.716 0 td ( )tj 0.025 tc -61.231 -1.231 td (aluminum corporation of china)tj 17.444 0 td (state-owned legal )tj -0.025 tw 1.018 -1.231 td (person)tj 10.013 1.231 td (5,050,376,970)tj 10.968 0 td (29.67)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.118 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.954 0 td (none)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.766 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -61.281 -2.462 td (hong kong securities clearing )tj 1.333 -1.231 td (company limited \(h shares\))tj 16.111 1.231 td (overseas legal person )tj -0.025 tw 11.031 0 td (3,934,382,327)tj 10.968 0 td (23.11)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.118 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.954 0 td (unknown)tj 7.172 0 td (unknown)tj 0 tw -57.687 -2.462 td (huarong ruitong equity investment )tj 1.333 -1.231 td (management co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 10.81 0 td <0d3613440e7f>tj -10.81 -1.231 td <0bb7067016c604b30f1f104d0b2303de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13.4 0 td (\))tj 0.025 tc 2.711 2.462 td (state-owned legal )tj -0.025 tw 1.018 -1.231 td (person)tj 10.813 1.231 td (676,519,327)tj 10.693 0 td (3.97)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.593 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.954 0 td (none)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.766 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -61.281 -3.692 td (china life insurance company )tj 0 tc 7.8 0 0 13 162.4284 520.409 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc 7.8 0 0 13 67.093 504.409 tm (limited* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.221 tc -0.221 tw 4.619 0 td [<02950a37>0.5 <025b0faa>0.5 <06ad1388>0.5 <0670038503de>]tj 0.225 tc -0.225 tw -4.619 -1.231 td <082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 3.6 0 td (\))tj 0.025 tc 12.511 2.462 td (state-owned legal )tj -0.025 tw 1.018 -1.231 td (person)tj 10.813 1.231 td (558,793,900)tj 10.693 0 td (3.28)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.593 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.954 0 td (none)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.766 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -61.281 -3.692 td (hong kong securities clearing )tj 1.333 -1.231 td (company limited \(a shares\))tj 16.111 1.231 td (overseas legal person)tj -0.025 tw 11.831 0 td (524,170,501)tj 10.693 0 td (3.08)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.593 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.954 0 td (none)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.766 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -61.281 -2.462 td (china securities finance corporation )tj 1.333 -1.231 td (limited* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 4.625 0 td <02950a3715c7054e0696134406700385>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7.8 0 0 13 178.0477 424.409 tm ( )tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 7.8 0 0 13 67.093 408.409 tm <03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 4.825 0 td (\))tj 0.025 tc 11.286 2.462 td (state-owned legal )tj -0.025 tw 1.018 -1.231 td (person)tj 10.813 1.231 td (448,284,993)tj 10.693 0 td (2.63)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.593 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.954 0 td (none)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.766 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -61.281 -3.692 td (baotou aluminum \(group\) co., ltd.)tj 17.444 0 td (state-owned legal )tj -0.025 tw 1.018 -1.231 td (person)tj 10.813 1.231 td (238,377,795)tj 10.693 0 td (1.40)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.593 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.954 0 td (none)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.766 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -61.281 -2.462 td (china foreign economy and trade )tj 1.333 -1.231 td (trust co., ltd. \226 foreign trade )tj 0 -1.231 td (trust \226 gaoyi xiaofeng hongyuan )tj 0 -1.231 td (pooled fund trust scheme* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 12.744 0 td <02950a37>tj 0.214 tc -0.214 tw -12.744 -1.231 td [<0fc1032e0ebe13f60d7105f806a609c403de082202ae0321>189 <00d1>]tj 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 0 -1.231 td [<032e0d7106a609c4>200 <00d1>200 <09f7118712c808a414bf10c30dab03a5>]tj 0 -1.231 td <0f1f069606a609c408070f8c>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7.275 0 td (\))tj 0.025 tc 8.836 7.385 td (domestic non-state-)tj 1.018 -1.231 td (owned legal person)tj -0.025 tw 10.813 1.231 td (108,130,935)tj 10.693 0 td (0.64)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.593 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.954 0 td (none)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.766 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -61.281 -8.615 td (wu xiaofeng \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 6.448 0 td <49d512c8125c>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 3.6 0 td (\))tj 0.025 tc 7.396 0 td (domestic natural person)tj -0.025 tw 11.831 0 td (106,946,200)tj 10.693 0 td (0.63)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.593 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.954 0 td (none)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.766 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -61.281 -1.231 td (shenzhen zhaoping chalco investment )tj 1.333 -1.231 td (center llp* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 6.227 0 td <0b0903ad033905dd033b02951259>tj -6.227 -1.231 td [<04b30f1f029502d0>620 <0080>200 <03de082203a50fab>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 10.13 0 td (\)\))tj 0 tw 5.981 2.462 td (domestic non-state-)tj 1.018 -1.231 td (owned legal person)tj -0.025 tw 11.338 1.231 td (86,024,384)tj 10.168 0 td (0.51)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.593 0 td (0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.954 0 td (none)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.766 0 td (0)tj et endstream endobj 72 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 tm (\226 9 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 770.8479 tm (items)tj 11.845 0 td (percentage )tj 0 tw 0.662 -1.231 td (of change)tj 5.591 1.231 td (main reason)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 3.4833 13 310.1827 738.8479 tm (\(%\))tj 0 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 706.8479 tm (research and )tj 1.003 -1.231 td (development expenses)tj -0.025 tw 13.437 1.231 td (78.48)tj 0.223 tc 0.07 tw 3.658 0 td [(change)12.3 ( compared)12.3 ( to)12.2 ( the)198.1 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.231 td [(corresponding)11 ( )0.5 (period)11 ( )0.5 (of)11 ( )0.5 (last)11 ( )0.5 (year)11 ( )]tj 0.07 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(was)12.9 ( mainly)12.9 ( due)12.9 ( to)12.9 ( the)12.9 ( increase)45 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0 -1.231 td [(in)12.2 ( the)12.3 ( investment)12.2 ( in)12.2 ( the)12.3 ( research)17 ( )]tj 0.103 tc 0 -1.231 td [(and)12 ( development)12.1 ( of)12.1 ( high-end)78 ( )]tj 0.151 tc 0 -1.231 td [(aluminum)12.1 ( alloy,)12.1 ( multiform)126 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (alumina and production process.)tj -18.098 -1.231 td (credit impairment losses)tj -0.025 tw 13.557 0 td (-106.68)tj 0.223 tc 0.07 tw 4.541 0 td [(change)12.3 ( compared)12.3 ( to)12.2 ( the)198.1 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.231 td [(corresponding)11 ( )0.5 (period)11 ( )0.5 (of)11 ( )0.5 (last)11 ( )0.5 (year)11 ( )]tj 0.066 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(was)12.7 ( mainly)12.7 ( due)12.7 ( to)12.7 ( the)12.8 ( year-on-)]tj 0.09 tc 0 -1.231 td [(year)12.7 ( increase)12.7 ( in)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( provision)65 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0 -1.231 td [(for)12.7 ( bad)12.6 ( debts)12.7 ( with)12.7 ( respect)12.7 ( to)12.7 ( the)20 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0 -1.231 td [(receivables)12.7 ( with)12.7 ( long)12.8 ( ages)12.7 ( in)12.8 ( the)14 ( )]tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (year.)tj 0 tw -18.098 -1.231 td (non-operating expenses)tj -0.025 tw 13.915 0 td (228.11)tj 0.223 tc 0.07 tw 4.183 0 td [(change)12.3 ( compared)12.3 ( to)12.2 ( the)198.1 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.231 td [(corresponding)11 ( )0.5 (period)11 ( )0.5 (of)11 ( )0.5 (last)11 ( )0.5 (year)11 ( )]tj 0.066 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(was)12.7 ( mainly)12.7 ( due)12.7 ( to)12.7 ( the)12.8 ( year-on-)]tj 0.033 tc 0.075 tw 0 -1.231 td [(year)8 ( )0.5 (increase)8 ( )0.5 (in)8 ( )0.5 (the)8 ( )0.5 (retirement)8 ( )0.5 (of)8 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (inefficient assets in the year.)tj /t1_1 1 tf -22.459 -2.335 td [(ii. )-802.5 (information on shareholders)]tj 0.04 tc 0.07 tw 2.18 -2.462 td [(\()15 (i)15 (\))15 ( )-690.5 (total)12.2 ( number)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( shareholders)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( ordinary)12.1 ( shares)12.2 ( and)12.1 ( shareholders)12.1 ( of)15 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.075 tw 2.181 -1.231 td [(p)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)8 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)8.1 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (h)8 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)8.1 ( )0.5 (v)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)8 ( )0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (h)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)8 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)8 ( )0.6 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (h)0.6 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (s)8 ( )0.5 (o)0.6 (f)8 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)8.1 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (top ten shareholders)tj /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 3.4833 13 476.5913 292.4989 tm (unit: share)tj 13 0 0 13 113.3858 260.4989 tm (total number of shareholders of ordinary shares )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.025 tc 0 -1.231 td (as at 30 september 2021 )tj 29.307 0 td (491,693)tj -29.307 -1.231 td (total number of shareholders of preference shares )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.025 tc 0 -1.231 td (with restored voting right as at 30 september 2021 \(if any\) )tj 30.466 0 td (none)tj et endstream endobj 71 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 tm (\226 8 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 770.8479 tm (items)tj 11.845 0 td (percentage )tj 0 tw 0.662 -1.231 td (of change)tj 5.591 1.231 td (main reason)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 3.4833 13 310.1827 738.8479 tm (\(%\))tj 0 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 706.8479 tm (other current liabilities)tj -0.025 tw 14.44 0 td (37.58)tj 0.02 tc 0 tw 3.658 0 td [(change compared to the beginning)-5 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.231 td (of the year was mainly due to the )tj 0.054 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(in)0.5 (cr)0.5 (ea)0.5 (se)13 ( in)13 ( i)0.5 (ssu)0.5 (an)0.5 (ce)13 ( of)13 ( l)0.5 (ow-)0.5 (co)0.5 (st)29 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0 -1.231 td [(short-term)12.7 ( debentures)12.7 ( according)27 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (to market conditions.)tj -18.098 -1.231 td (long-term staff )tj 1.003 -1.231 td (remuneration payable)tj -0.025 tw 13.437 1.231 td (87.49)tj 0.223 tc 0.07 tw 3.658 0 td [(change)12.3 ( compared)12.3 ( to)12.2 ( the)198.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.231 td [(beginning)3 ( )0.5 (of)3 ( )0.5 (the)3.1 ( )0.5 (year)3 ( )0.5 (was)3 ( )0.6 (mainly)3 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.231 td (due to the increase in benefits for )tj 0.074 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(termination)12.4 ( of)12.4 ( employment)12.3 ( for)49 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.04 tw 0 -1.231 td [(which )0.5 (provision has )0.5 (been made in )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (the year.)tj -18.098 -1.231 td (operating revenue)tj -0.025 tw 14.44 0 td (46.39)tj 0.223 tc 0.07 tw 3.658 0 td [(change)12.3 ( compared)12.3 ( to)12.2 ( the)198.1 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.231 td [(corresponding)11 ( )0.5 (period)11 ( )0.5 (of)11 ( )0.5 (last)11 ( )0.5 (year)11 ( )]tj 0.07 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(was)12.9 ( mainly)12.9 ( due)12.9 ( to)12.9 ( the)12.9 ( increase)45 ( )]tj 0.079 tc 0 -1.231 td [(in)12.3 ( the)12.3 ( revenue)12.3 ( from)12.3 ( trading)12.3 ( of)54.1 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0 -1.231 td [(the)12.1 ( company)12.1 ( and)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( increase)12.1 ( in)16 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.065 tw 0 -1.231 td (selling price of principal products )tj 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (in the year.)tj -18.098 -1.231 td (operating cost)tj -0.025 tw 14.44 0 td (40.18)tj 0.223 tc 0.07 tw 3.658 0 td [(change)12.3 ( compared)12.3 ( to)12.2 ( the)198.1 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.231 td [(corresponding)11 ( )0.5 (period)11 ( )0.5 (of)11 ( )0.5 (last)11 ( )0.5 (year)11 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.231 td (was mainly due to the increase in )tj 0.062 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( p)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)13 ( c)0.6 (os)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)13 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)12.9 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)13 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)37 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (the year.)tj -18.098 -1.231 td (tax and surcharges)tj -0.025 tw 14.44 0 td (41.80)tj 0.223 tc 0.07 tw 3.658 0 td [(change)12.3 ( compared)12.3 ( to)12.2 ( the)198.1 ( )]tj 0.118 tc 0 -1.231 td [(corresponding)12.4 ( period)12.3 ( of)12.4 ( last)93 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0 -1.231 td [(year)12.4 ( was)12.4 ( mainly)12.4 ( due)12.4 ( to)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( year-)]tj 0.107 tc 0 -1.231 td [(on-year)12.6 ( increase)12.6 ( in)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( taxes)82 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.231 td (resulted by the commencement of )tj 0.029 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.231 td [(operation)4 ( )0.5 (of)4.1 ( )0.5 (new)4 ( )0.5 (bauxite)4 ( )0.5 (projects)4 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(and)12.5 ( the)12.4 ( year-on-year)12.4 ( increase)12.5 ( in)25 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (the profits.)tj -18.098 -1.231 td (administrative expenses)tj -0.025 tw 14.44 0 td (31.92)tj 0.223 tc 0.07 tw 3.658 0 td [(change)12.3 ( compared)12.3 ( to)12.2 ( the)198.1 ( )]tj 0.118 tc 0 -1.231 td [(corresponding)12.4 ( period)12.3 ( of)12.4 ( last)93 ( )]tj 0.102 tc 0 -1.231 td [(y)0.5 (ea)0.5 (r)12.9 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (as)13 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (in)0.5 (ly)13 ( d)0.5 (ue)13 ( t)0.5 (o)12.9 ( )0.5 (y)0.5 (ea)0.5 (r-)]tj 0.069 tc 0 -1.231 td [(on-year)12.7 ( increase)12.7 ( in)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( number)44 ( )]tj 0.137 tc 0 -1.231 td [(of)12.9 ( administra)0.5 (tive)12.9 ( personnel)112 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.231 td (resulted by the commencement of )tj 0.053 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(oper)0.5 (ation)13 ( of)12.9 ( n)0.5 (ew)12.9 ( p)0.5 (rojec)0.5 (ts)12.9 ( in)12.9 ( )0.5 (the)28 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.003 tw 0 -1.231 td (year and the year-on-year increase )tj 0.053 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(in)12.9 ( the)12.9 ( benefit)12.8 ( for)12.8 ( termination)12.8 ( of)28 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0 -1.231 td [(employment)12.7 ( for)12.8 ( which)12.7 ( provision)20 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (has been made.)tj et endstream endobj 70 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 tm (\226 7 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.031 tc 0.077 tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.409 tm [(\()6 (i)6 (i)6 (i)6.1 (\))6 ( )135.4 (c)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)6 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)6 ( )0.5 (p)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (i)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)6.1 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)6 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (,)6 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)6 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)6 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)6 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)6.1 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 2.181 -1.231 td (for the changes)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 113.3858 742.508 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 113.6358 726.6633 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 130.6437 726.6633 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 113.3858 726.4133 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 742.508 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 249.6988 726.6633 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 266.7067 726.6633 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 726.4133 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q bt /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0 tc 13 0 0 13 117.2323 730.0406 tm (\037)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 0.75 tw 1.051 -0.043 td ( applicable)tj 0 tw 10.466 0 td [( )-750 ( n/a)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw -11.813 -2.463 td (items)tj 11.845 0 td (percentage )tj 0 tw 0.662 -1.231 td (of change)tj 5.591 1.231 td (main reason)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 3.4833 13 310.1827 665.4653 tm (\(%\))tj 0.022 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 633.4653 tm [(held-for-trading financial)-3 ( )]tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.003 -1.231 td (assets)tj 11.587 1.231 td (28,913.80)tj 0.02 tc 0 tw 5.508 0 td [(change compared to the beginning)-5 ( )]tj 0.087 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(of)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( year)12.6 ( was)12.6 ( mainly)12.6 ( due)12.6 ( to)62 ( )]tj 0.073 tc 0 -1.231 td [(the)12.9 ( purchase)12.9 ( of)12.9 ( new)12.9 ( structured)48 ( )]tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (deposits.)tj -18.098 -1.231 td (prepayments)tj 13.915 0 td (212.48)tj 0.02 tc 0 tw 4.183 0 td [(change compared to the beginning)-5 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.231 td (of the year was mainly due to the )tj 0.061 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(increase)12.6 ( in)12.6 ( prepayments)12.6 ( for)12.7 ( the)36 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.075 tw 0 -1.231 td [(procurement)8 ( )0.5 (of)8 ( )0.5 (raw)8 ( )0.5 (and)8 ( )0.5 (ancillary)8 ( )]tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (materials.)tj 0 tw -18.098 -1.231 td (other current assets)tj -0.025 tw 14.082 0 td (-62.42)tj 0.02 tc 0 tw 4.016 0 td (change compared to the beginning )tj 0.087 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(of)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( year)12.6 ( was)12.6 ( mainly)12.6 ( due)12.6 ( to)67 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0 -1.231 td [(the)12.5 ( increase)12.6 ( in)12.6 ( deduction)12.5 ( of)12.5 ( the)38.1 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0 -1.231 td [(input)12.5 ( tax)12.6 ( to)12.5 ( be)12.5 ( deducted)12.5 ( for)12.5 ( the)37 ( )]tj 0.071 tc 0 -1.231 td [(commencement)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( operation)12.7 ( of)51 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0 -1.231 td [(new)12.7 ( projects)12.7 ( in)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( year)12.6 ( and)12.6 ( the)30 ( )]tj 0.077 tc 0 -1.231 td [(decrease)13 ( in)12.8 ( the)13 ( ba)0.5 (la)0.5 (nce)12.9 ( of)12.9 ( this)57 ( )]tj 0.02 tc -0.02 tw 0 -1.231 td (item.)tj 0.025 tc 0 tw -18.098 -1.231 td (investments in other )tj 1.003 -1.231 td (equity instruments)tj -0.025 tw 13.079 1.231 td (-64.31)tj 0.01 tc 0.075 tw 4.016 0 td (change compared to the beginning )tj 0.028 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(of)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( year)12.2 ( was)12.3 ( mainly)12.3 ( due)12.3 ( to)12.2 ( the)18 ( )]tj 0.008 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (withdrawal of external investments.)tj 0.025 tc -18.098 -1.231 td (short-term borrowings)tj -0.025 tw 14.082 0 td (-32.19)tj 0.02 tc 0 tw 4.016 0 td [(change compared to the beginning)-5 ( )]tj 0.087 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(of)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( year)12.6 ( was)12.6 ( mainly)12.6 ( due)12.6 ( to)62 ( )]tj 0.07 tc 0 -1.231 td [(the)12.9 ( impact)12.9 ( of)12.9 ( net)12.9 ( repayment)12.9 ( of)45 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (matured short-term borrowings.)tj -18.098 -1.231 td (notes payable)tj -0.025 tw 14.082 0 td (-57.80)tj 0.02 tc 0 tw 4.016 0 td [(change compared to the beginning)-5 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.231 td (of the year was mainly due to the )tj 0.046 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td [(due)12.7 ( payment)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( bank)12.7 ( acceptance)21.1 ( )]tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (notes.)tj 0 tw -18.098 -1.231 td (contract liabilities)tj -0.025 tw 13.915 0 td (115.46)tj 0.02 tc 0 tw 4.183 0 td [(change compared to the beginning)-5 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.231 td (of the year was mainly due to the )tj 0.031 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.231 td [(i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (re)0.6 (as)0.5 (e)6.1 ( )0.5 (in)6.1 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (p)0.5 (t)6 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)6 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (d)0.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (nc)0.5 (e)6.1 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (or)6.1 ( )]tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (trading.)tj 0 tw -18.098 -1.231 td (taxes payable)tj -0.025 tw 14.44 0 td (62.39)tj 0.02 tc 0 tw 3.658 0 td [(change compared to the beginning)-5 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.231 td (of the year was mainly due to the )tj 0.008 tw 0 -1.231 td (increase in income tax payable for )tj 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (which provision has been made.)tj et endstream endobj 69 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 tm (\226 6 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.02 tc 13 0 3.4833 13 113.3858 776.409 tm (key operation data for the third quarter of 2021 of the company)tj 0.025 tc 13 0 0 13 327.9494 664.409 tm (january to )tj -0.025 tw 0.054 -1.231 td (september )tj 2.735 -1.231 td (2021)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 3.163 2.462 td (january to)tj -0.025 tw -0.114 -1.231 td (september )tj 2.402 -1.231 td (2020)tj /t1_1 1 tf 4.123 8.615 td (change )tj 0 tw -1.295 -1.231 td (during the )tj 0.581 -1.231 td (period as )tj -0.025 tw -0.335 -1.231 td (compared )tj 0 tw 0.805 -1.231 td (with the )tj -0.025 tw 1.406 -1.231 td (same )tj 0 tw -1.82 -1.231 td (period of )tj 0.223 -1.231 td (last year)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 3.4833 13 511.4425 616.409 tm (\(%\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 584.409 tm (information on the production and sales of key products)tj -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td (alumina)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (output of alumina )tj 13 0 3.4833 13 216.48 552.409 tm (\(10,000 tonnes\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 360.6311 552.409 tm (1,217)tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.451 0 td (1,074)tj 5.451 0 td (13.31)tj 0 tw -29.921 -1.231 td (output of refined alumina )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.025 tc 13 0 3.4833 13 126.4252 520.409 tm (\(10,000 tonnes\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 371.0311 520.409 tm (321)tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.451 0 td (294)tj 5.176 0 td (9.18)tj 0 tw -30.446 -1.231 td (exported volume of self-produced )tj -0.025 tw 1.003 -1.231 td (alumina )tj 0 tw 13 0 3.4833 13 172.8266 488.409 tm (\(10,000 tonnes\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 371.031 488.409 tm (712)tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.451 0 td (547)tj 4.651 0 td (30.16)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -29.921 -2.462 td (primary aluminum)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.231 td (output of primary aluminum )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.025 tc 13 0 3.4833 13 126.4251 424.409 tm (\(10,000 tonnes\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 371.031 424.409 tm (292)tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.451 0 td (276)tj 5.176 0 td (5.80)tj 0 tw -30.446 -1.231 td (exported volume of self-produced )tj 1.003 -1.231 td (primary alumin )tj 13 0 3.4833 13 213.7374 392.409 tm (\(10,000 tonnes\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 371.031 392.409 tm (293)tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.451 0 td (278)tj 5.176 0 td (5.40)tj /t1_1 1 tf -30.446 -2.462 td (coal)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (output of coal )tj 13 0 3.4833 13 195.2769 344.409 tm (\(10,000 tonnes\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 371.0309 344.409 tm (540)tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.451 0 td (834)tj 4.293 0 td (-35.25)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -29.563 -2.462 td (electricity power)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.231 td (power generation )tj 13 0 3.4833 13 212.1634 296.409 tm (\(excluding self-)tj -6.368 -1.231 td (owned power plants, 100 million )tj -0.025 tw 0.33 -1.231 td (kwh\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 13 0 0 13 371.0309 264.409 tm (112)tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.451 0 td (103)tj 5.176 0 td (8.74)tj et endstream endobj 5 0 obj </lastmodified/numberofpageitemsinpage 1/numberofpages 1/originaldocumentid/pageitemuidtolocationdatamap<>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 6 0 obj </lastmodified/numberofpageitemsinpage 1/numberofpages 1/originaldocumentid/pageitemuidtolocationdatamap<>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 7 0 obj </lastmodified/numberofpageitemsinpage 1/numberofpages 1/originaldocumentid/pageitemuidtolocationdatamap<>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 8 0 obj </lastmodified/numberofpageitemsinpage 1/numberofpages 1/originaldocumentid/pageitemuidtolocationdatamap<>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 9 0 obj </lastmodified/numberofpageitemsinpage 1/numberofpages 1/originaldocumentid/pageitemuidtolocationdatamap<>/pagetransformationmatrixlist<>/pageuidlist<>/pagewidthlist<>>>>>/resources<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 81 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 tm (\226 5 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 749.8479 tm (item)tj 0 tw 19.691 1.423 td (2021 \(july\226)tj -0.025 tw -0.001 -1.423 td (september\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 6.5 1.423 td (2021 \(january\226)tj -0.025 tw 1.683 -1.423 td (september\))tj 0 tw -27.873 -2.846 td (except for the hedging business that is )tj 1.003 -1.423 td (related to the ordinary business of the )tj 0 -1.423 td (company, the gains or losses arising )tj 0 -1.423 td (from fair value changes of held-for-)tj 0 -1.423 td (trading financial assets and held-)tj 0 -1.423 td (for-trading financial liabilities, and )tj 0 -1.423 td (investment income on disposal of )tj 0 -1.423 td (held-for-trading financial assets, held-)tj 0 -1.423 td (for-trading financial liabilities and )tj 0 -1.423 td (available-for-sale financial assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.097 0 td (-377,347)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.85 0 td (-872,290)tj 0 tw -28.949 -1.423 td (reverse of provision for impairment of )tj 1.003 -1.423 td (accounts receivable under individual )tj 0 -1.423 td (impairment test)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 23.355 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 6.8 0 td (480)tj 0 tw -31.157 -1.423 td (gain or loss from external entrusted )tj -0.025 tw 1.003 -1.423 td (loans)tj /t1_1 1 tf 20.097 0 td (-161,135)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.85 0 td (-383,491)tj 0 tw -28.949 -1.423 td (other non-operating income and )tj 1.003 -1.423 td (expenses other than above items)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.622 0 td (-78,730)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.325 0 td (-239,472)tj 0 tw -28.949 -1.423 td (less: impact of income taxes)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 21.625 0 td (-22,246)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.85 0 td (-74,371)tj 0 tw -29.474 -1.423 td (impact of minority interests \(after tax\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 22.95 0 td (-735)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.525 0 td (-69,584)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 375.4378 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 340.1575 376.8388 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 375.4378 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 442.2047 376.8388 tm ( )tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw -25.294 -2.654 td (total)tj /t1_1 1 tf 21.1 0 td (-557,452)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.05 0 td (-1,818,877)tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 336.7743 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 333.4418 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13 0 0 13 340.1575 334.6753 tm ( )tj et 2.5 w q 1 0 0 1 447.874 336.7743 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q 0.835 w q 1 0 0 1 447.874 333.4418 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 0 13 442.2047 334.6753 tm ( )tj 0.03 tc 0.078 tw -25.294 -2.335 td [(explanation)5 ( )0.5 (on)5 ( )0.5 (the)5 ( )0.5 (reasons)5.1 ( )0.5 (for)5 ( )0.5 (determination)5 ( )0.5 (of)5 ( )0.5 (the)5 ( )0.5 (extraordinary)5 ( )0.6 (profit)5 ( )0.5 (or)5 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.074 tw 0 -1.231 td [(loss)9 ( )0.5 (items)9 ( )0.5 (set)9 ( )0.5 (out)9 ( )0.5 (in)9 ( )0.5 (the)9 ( )0.5 (explanatory)9 ( )0.5 (announcement)8.9 ( )0.6 (no.)9 ( )0.5 (1)9 ( )0.5 (on)9 ( )0.5 (information)9 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.021 tw 0 -1.231 td (disclosure by public issuers \226 extraordinary profit or loss items \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 28.232 0 td [<0090>200 <02ae0d9a0cef>]tj 0.275 tc -0.275 tw -28.232 -1.231 td [<0411>0.5 <15c7>0.5 <054e>0.5 <065902ae>0.5 <0321>0.5 <06a6>0.5 <08b9>0.5 <05de>0.5 <16a30f06>0.5 <1651>0.5 <05cc>0.5 <02ae>0.5 <0453>0.5 <0b4b>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 20.268 0 td (1)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.65 0 td <0eee>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.15 0 td (\226 )tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.275 tc -0.275 tw 0.944 0 td [<06a2>0.5 <0ebe>0.5 <0a6c>0.5 <05cc0e26>0.5 <0942>188.1 <0091>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 0.083 tw 8.109 0 td [(\) )0.5 (a)-12.5 (s )]tj 0 tw -31.121 -1.231 td (recurring profit or loss items)tj et 0.5 w /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 113.3858 222.4253 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 113.6358 206.5806 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 130.6437 206.5806 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 113.3858 206.3306 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 222.4253 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 249.6988 206.5806 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 266.7067 206.5806 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 206.3306 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q bt /gs0 gs 0.75 tw 13 0 0 13 130.8937 209.3989 tm ( applicable)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9.416 0.043 td (\037)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 1.051 -0.043 td [( )-750 ( n/a)]tj et endstream endobj 80 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 tm (\226 4 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.409 tm [(\(ii\) )-361.5 (gains and losses arising from extraordinary items and amount)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 3.4833 13 378.8318 744.409 tm [(unit: \222000 )-750 (currency: rmb)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 13 0 0 13 113.3858 691.409 tm (item)tj 0 tw 19.691 1.423 td (2021 \(july\226)tj -0.025 tw -0.001 -1.423 td (september\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 6.5 1.423 td (2021 \(january\226)tj -0.025 tw 1.683 -1.423 td (september\))tj 0 tw -27.873 -2.846 td (gains/\(losses\) from disposal of non-)tj 1.003 -1.423 td (current assets \(including the written-)tj 0 -1.423 td (off portion for which provisions for )tj 0 -1.423 td (asset impairment were made\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 21.147 0 td (-9,641)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.8 0 td (-479,803)tj 0 tw -28.949 -1.423 td (government subsidies included in the )tj 1.003 -1.423 td (gains and losses for the current period )tj 0 -1.423 td (\(excluding government subsidies )tj 0 -1.423 td (closely related to the ordinary )tj 0 -1.423 td (business of the company and granted )tj 0 -1.423 td (on an ongoing basis under the state\222s )tj 0 -1.423 td (policies according to certain standard )tj 0 -1.423 td (amount or quantity\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.98 0 td (53,088)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.325 0 td (141,139)tj 0 tw -29.307 -1.423 td (gains/\(losses\) from debt restructuring)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 24.358 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 6 0 td (3,255)tj 0 tw -30.357 -1.423 td (corporate restructuring costs, such )tj 1.003 -1.423 td (as staff resettlement costs and )tj 0 -1.423 td (consolidation costs and so on)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.622 0 td (-42,214)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.325 0 td (-134,114)tj 0 tw -28.949 -1.423 td (net gains/\(losses\) of subsidiaries )tj 1.003 -1.423 td (arising from business combination )tj 0 -1.423 td (under common control from the )tj 0 -1.423 td (beginning of the current period to the )tj 0 -1.423 td (date of business combination)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 20.98 0 td (35,546)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.85 0 td (35,546)tj 0.021 tc 0 tw -29.832 -1.423 td [(gains/\(losses\) from contingencies which)-4 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 1.003 -1.423 td (are not related to the company\222s )tj 0 -1.423 td (normal operations)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 23.355 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 5.117 0 td (-34,082)tj et endstream endobj 79 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 tm (\226 3 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.1 0 0 13 226.4883 737.4305 tm (30 september 2021)tj /t1_0 1 tf 15.01 0 td (31 december 2020)tj -0.025 tw 15.447 2.462 td (increase/)tj 0.192 -1.231 td (decrease)tj 9.1 0 3.4833 13 522.8695 737.4305 tm (\(%\))tj 0 tw 9.1 0 0 13 308.944 721.4305 tm (before adjustment)tj 9.358 0 td (after adjustment)tj 8.722 0 td (after adjustment)tj -39.601 -2.462 td (total assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 15.309 0 td (197,333,166)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.722 0 td (194,901,684)tj 8.722 0 td (195,034,696)tj 12.147 0 td (1.18)tj 0 tw -44.9 -1.231 td (owner\222s equity attributable )tj 0.024 tc 1.153 -1.231 td (to the owners of the parent)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 14.681 0 td (59,507,522)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.722 0 td (54,332,010)tj 8.722 0 td (54,363,850)tj 11.622 0 td (9.46)tj 11 0 2.9474 11 111.9737 629.0815 tm (note:)tj 0.083 tw 11 0 0 11 138.9192 629.0815 tm [( )-1160.5 (\223the )0.5 (reporting )0.5 (period\224 )0.5 (refers )0.5 (to the )0.5 (three )0.5 (months )0.5 (from )0.5 (the )0.5 (beginning to )0.5 (the )0.5 (end )]tj 0 tw 1.518 -1.273 td (of the quarter, the same below.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 13 0 3.4833 13 111.7684 583.0815 tm (explanation on the reasons for retrospective adjustments or restatement)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.041 tc 0.07 tw 13 0 0 13 113.1025 551.0815 tm [(the)12.3 ( group)12.3 ( completed)12.3 ( the)12.3 ( acquisition)12.3 ( of)12.3 ( the)12.3 ( gallium)12.3 ( assets)12.3 ( of)12.3 ( china)12.3 ( rare)16.1 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.231 td [(earth)5 ( )0.6 (holdings)5 ( )0.5 (limited*)5 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.225 tc -0.225 tw 11.663 0 td <02950a370cfd03de0cfd027a0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.03 tc 0.078 tw 14.625 0 td [(\))5 ( )0.5 (in)5 ( )0.5 (septemb)0.5 (er)5 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0.082 tw -26.288 -1.231 td [(2)1 (0)1 (2)1 (1)1 (,)1 ( )0.5 (and)1 ( )0.5 (such)1 ( )0.5 (business)1 ( )0.6 (constituted)0.9 ( )0.6 (a)1 ( )0.5 (business)1 ( )0.5 (combination)1 ( )0.5 (under)1 ( )0.5 (common)1 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (control. the group has restated and adjusted the historical data.)tj et endstream endobj 78 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 tm (\226 2 \226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 13 0 0 13 56.6929 776.409 tm [(i. )-1216.5 (principal financial data)]tj 2.181 -2.462 td [(\(i\) )-775.5 (principal accounting data and financial indicators)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 13 0 3.4833 13 378.8318 712.409 tm [(unit: \222000 )-750 (currency: rmb)]tj -0.025 tw 7.15 0 0 13 56.6929 648.409 tm (item)tj /t1_1 1 tf 18.502 2.462 td (the )tj -2.816 -1.231 td (reporting)tj 0 tw 1.3 -1.231 td ( period)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.016 1.231 td ( corresponding period )tj 2.391 -1.231 td (of last year)tj -0.025 tw 11.237 2.462 td (increase/)tj 0.192 -1.231 td (decrease )tj 7.15 0 3.4833 13 333.4174 648.409 tm (\(%\))tj 7.15 0 0 13 379.1795 648.409 tm (2021)tj 0 tw -2.343 -1.231 td ( \(january\226)tj -0.025 tw -0.417 -1.231 td (september\))tj 0 tw 7.756 3.692 td (corresponding period )tj 2.253 -1.231 td (of last year)tj -0.025 tw 11.237 2.462 td (increase/)tj 0.192 -1.231 td (decrease )tj 7.15 0 3.4833 13 526.1735 648.409 tm (\(%\))tj 7.15 0 0 13 229.1004 632.409 tm (before )tj -1.768 -1.231 td (adjustment)tj 9.144 1.231 td (after )tj -2.404 -1.231 td (adjustment)tj 9.144 1.231 td (after)tj 0 tw -2.679 -1.231 td ( adjustment)tj -0.025 tw 15.522 1.231 td (before )tj -1.768 -1.231 td (adjustment)tj 9.144 1.231 td (after)tj 0 tw -2.679 -1.231 td ( adjustment)tj -0.025 tw 9.419 1.231 td (after )tj -2.404 -1.231 td (adjustment)tj -62.783 -2.462 td (revenue)tj /t1_1 1 tf 15.494 0 td (74,193,184)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.74 0 td (49,045,769)tj 6.74 0 td (49,045,780)tj 9.115 0 td (51.27)tj 3.84 0 td (194,928,951)tj 6.74 0 td (133,154,521)tj 6.74 0 td (133,154,554)tj 9.64 0 td (46.39)tj 0 tw -65.047 -1.231 td (net profit attributable to the )tj 1.091 -1.231 td (owners of the parent)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 14.928 0 td (2,232,336)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.54 0 td (416,063)tj 6.74 0 td (421,252)tj 7.265 0 td (429.93)tj 5.415 0 td (5,307,496)tj 6.5 0 0 13 420.1048 552.409 tm (451,775)tj 7.414 0 td (467,342)tj 7.139 0 td (1,035.68)tj 0 tw 7.15 0 0 13 56.693 536.409 tm (net profit attributable to owners )tj 1.091 -1.231 td (of the parent after excluding )tj 0 -1.231 td (extraordinary gains and losses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 14.928 0 td (2,789,788)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.54 0 td (453,975)tj 6.74 0 td (459,164)tj 7.265 0 td (507.58)tj 5.415 0 td (7,126,373)tj 6.5 0 0 13 420.1048 504.409 tm (138,394)tj 7.414 0 td (153,961)tj 7.139 0 td (4,528.69)tj 0 tw 7.15 0 0 13 56.693 488.409 tm (net cash flow from operating )tj -0.025 tw 1.091 -1.231 td (activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.356 0 td (n/a)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.74 0 td (n/a)tj 6.74 0 td (n/a)tj 6.74 0 td (n/a)tj 3.787 0 td (17,792,063)tj 6.5 0 0 13 414.9048 472.409 tm (9,336,813)tj 7.414 0 td (9,342,574)tj 9.264 0 td (90.44)tj 0 tw 7.15 0 0 13 56.693 456.409 tm (basic earnings per share )tj -0.025 tw 7.15 0 3.4833 13 131.3047 456.409 tm (\(rmb )tj 0 tw -8.931 -1.231 td (per share\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 7.15 0 0 13 184.4574 440.409 tm (0.128)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.74 0 td (0.020)tj 6.74 0 td (0.021)tj 6.215 0 td (520.79)tj 7.265 0 td (0.303)tj 6.74 0 td (0.014)tj 6.74 0 td (0.015)tj 5.415 0 td (1,872.63)tj 0 tw -63.722 -1.231 td (diluted earnings per share)tj 7.15 0 3.4833 13 136.593 424.409 tm ( \(rmb )tj -9.671 -1.231 td (per share\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 7.15 0 0 13 184.4574 408.409 tm (0.128)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.74 0 td (0.020)tj 6.74 0 td (0.021)tj 6.215 0 td (520.79)tj 7.265 0 td (0.303)tj 6.74 0 td (0.014)tj 6.74 0 td (0.015)tj 5.415 0 td (1,872.63)tj 0 tw -63.722 -3.692 td (weighted average return on net )tj -0.025 tw 1.091 -1.231 td (assets)tj 0 tw 7.15 0 3.4833 13 82.246 344.409 tm ( \(%\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw 7.15 0 0 13 188.2112 344.409 tm (3.92)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.74 0 td (0.76)tj 6.74 0 td (0.77)tj 4.534 3.692 td (increased )tj 0 tw 0.881 -1.231 td (by 3.15 )tj -0.025 tw -1.406 -1.231 td (percentage )tj 1.986 -1.231 td (points)tj 7.485 0 td (9.32)tj 6.74 0 td (0.82)tj 6.74 0 td (0.85)tj 4.534 3.692 td (increased )tj 0 tw 0.881 -1.231 td (by 8.47 )tj -0.025 tw -1.406 -1.231 td (percentage )tj 1.986 -1.231 td (points)tj et endstream endobj 74 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 tm (\226 1 \226)tj 0.065 tc 0.07 tw 13 0 3.4833 13 55.3588 776.3179 tm [(hong)12.1 ( kong)12.1 ( exchanges)12 ( and)12.1 ( clearing)12 ( limited)12 ( and)12 ( the)12 ( stock)12.1 ( exchange)12.1 ( of)12.1 ( hong)40 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.078 tw 0.33 -1.231 td [(kong)5 ( )0.5 (limited)5 ( )0.5 (take)5 ( )0.5 (no)5 ( )0.5 (responsibility)5 ( )0.5 (for)5 ( )0.5 (the)5 ( )0.5 (contents)5 ( )0.5 (of)5 ( )0.6 (this)5 ( )0.5 (announcement,)5 ( )0.5 (make)5 ( )0.5 (no)5 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0.081 tw 0.33 -1.231 td [(representation)2 ( )0.5 (as)2 ( )0.5 (to)2 ( )0.5 (its)2 ( )0.5 (accuracy)2 ( )0.5 (or)2 ( )0.5 (completeness)2 ( )0.5 (and)1.9 ( )0.5 (expressly)2 ( )0.5 (disclaim)2 ( any)2 ( )0.5 (liability)2 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.077 tw 0.33 -1.231 td (whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the w\ hole or any )tj 0 tw 0.33 -1.231 td (part of the contents of this announcement.)tj et /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc emc q 95.724 522.525 403.827 174.053 re w n /cs0 cs 1 scn q 1 0 0 1 337.0201 522.5243 cm 0 0 m 1.735 1.031 2.764 2.711 2.764 4.637 c 2.764 6.183 2.395 6.989 1.848 7.796 c 1.421 8.423 0.682 9.207 0.034 9.554 c -0.102 9.375 l 1.803 8.154 1.803 5.701 1.803 4.559 c 1.803 1.714 0.727 0.841 -0.102 0.18 c h -3.087 9.554 m -5.148 9.554 -5.618 7.013 -5.618 5.69 c -5.618 4.335 -5.148 1.827 -3.087 1.827 c -1.026 1.827 -0.556 4.335 -0.556 5.69 c -0.556 7.013 -1.026 9.554 -3.087 9.554 c -3.087 9.264 m -1.652 9.264 -1.63 6.452 -1.63 5.69 c -1.63 4.805 -1.652 2.117 -3.087 2.117 c -4.522 2.117 -4.544 4.783 -4.544 5.69 c -4.544 6.452 -4.522 9.264 -3.087 9.264 c -8.547 9.554 m -10.609 9.554 -11.078 7.013 -11.078 5.69 c -11.078 4.335 -10.609 1.827 -8.547 1.827 c -6.486 1.827 -6.017 4.335 -6.017 5.69 c -6.017 7.013 -6.486 9.554 -8.547 9.554 c -8.547 9.264 m -7.112 9.264 -7.091 6.452 -7.091 5.69 c -7.091 4.805 -7.112 2.117 -8.547 2.117 c -9.982 2.117 -10.003 4.783 -10.003 5.69 c -10.003 6.452 -9.982 9.264 -8.547 9.264 c -14.096 6.262 m -12.909 6.262 -12.573 5.142 -12.573 3.988 c -12.573 2.722 -13.088 2.14 -13.794 2.14 c -14.634 2.14 -15.386 2.968 -15.386 4.851 c -15.386 5.523 -15.273 5.792 -15.162 5.904 c -14.882 6.172 -14.478 6.262 -14.096 6.262 c -11.812 9.633 m -14.523 9.543 -16.426 7.513 -16.426 5.243 c -16.426 2.89 -15.285 1.827 -13.962 1.827 c -11.969 1.827 -11.566 3.607 -11.566 4.424 c -11.566 5.926 -12.439 6.777 -13.626 6.777 c -14.253 6.777 -14.489 6.642 -15.105 6.274 c -14.892 7.636 -13.783 9.142 -11.789 9.454 c h -16.948 3.517 m -17.094 3.574 l -17.53 2.868 -17.742 2.834 -18.156 2.834 c -20.833 2.834 l -18.952 4.805 l -18.459 5.332 -17.519 6.352 -17.519 7.539 c -17.519 8.793 -18.526 9.554 -19.545 9.554 c -20.53 9.554 -21.583 9.017 -21.919 7.326 c -21.684 7.27 l -21.438 7.875 -21.102 8.726 -20.083 8.726 c -18.761 8.726 -18.481 7.696 -18.481 7.124 c -18.481 6.284 -18.962 5.276 -19.936 4.234 c -21.93 2.118 l -21.93 1.984 l -17.564 1.984 l h -26.378 1.861 m -26.142 1.861 -25.752 2.051 -25.752 2.465 c -25.752 2.812 -26.042 3.103 -26.378 3.103 c -26.714 3.103 -26.992 2.823 -26.992 2.465 c -26.992 2.04 -26.612 1.861 -26.378 1.861 c -26.378 5.881 m -26.142 5.881 -25.752 6.072 -25.752 6.485 c -25.752 6.833 -26.042 7.124 -26.378 7.124 c -26.714 7.124 -26.992 6.844 -26.992 6.485 c -26.992 6.061 -26.612 5.881 -26.378 5.881 c -31.648 5.444 m -31.467 6.43 -31.031 6.733 -30.416 6.733 c -29.529 6.733 -29.417 5.981 -29.339 5.444 c h -28.165 3.82 m -28.422 3.405 -28.903 2.644 -29.899 2.644 c -30.639 2.644 -31.547 3.103 -31.682 5.086 c -28.198 5.086 l -28.32 6.553 -29.116 7.135 -30.169 7.135 c -31.065 7.135 -32.452 6.452 -32.452 4.381 c -32.452 2.789 -31.603 1.872 -30.359 1.872 c -28.746 1.872 -28.097 3.394 -27.986 3.742 c h -32.695 2.633 m -33.446 2.577 -33.446 2.8 -33.446 3.26 c -33.446 9.61 l -33.502 9.633 l -34.039 9.442 -34.586 9.285 -35.146 9.14 c -35.146 8.961 l -35.056 8.972 -34.945 8.972 -34.878 8.972 c -34.385 8.972 -34.385 8.737 -34.385 8.401 c -34.385 6.654 l -34.755 6.978 -35.091 7.135 -35.573 7.135 c -36.828 7.135 -37.891 5.848 -37.891 4.38 c -37.891 2.096 -36.289 1.872 -35.852 1.872 c -35.023 1.872 -34.609 2.285 -34.408 2.588 c -34.385 2.588 l -34.385 1.905 l -34.341 1.872 l -33.747 2.084 -33.233 2.264 -32.695 2.454 c h -34.385 3.126 m -34.475 2.722 -34.912 2.453 -35.383 2.453 c -36.122 2.453 -36.929 3.081 -36.929 4.749 c -36.929 6.274 -36.166 6.822 -35.539 6.822 c -35.012 6.822 -34.462 6.464 -34.385 5.702 c h -40.719 2.184 m -42.064 2.184 -42.321 4.245 -42.321 5.075 c -42.321 6.24 -41.705 6.822 -40.999 6.822 c -39.968 6.822 -39.397 5.601 -39.397 4.212 c -39.397 2.61 -40.147 2.184 -40.719 2.184 c -40.909 7.135 m -42.41 7.135 -43.328 5.915 -43.328 4.536 c -43.328 3.025 -42.321 1.872 -40.876 1.872 c -39.173 1.872 -38.391 3.428 -38.391 4.536 c -38.391 6.161 -39.441 7.135 -40.909 7.135 c -44.041 7.035 m -44.141 9.554 l -44.376 9.554 l -44.466 9.185 -44.836 9.185 -44.892 9.185 c -45.138 9.185 -45.866 9.554 -46.863 9.554 c -48.789 9.554 -50.669 8.2 -50.669 5.69 c -50.669 2.901 -48.734 1.827 -46.93 1.827 c -44.869 1.827 -43.906 3.226 -43.895 3.249 c -44.097 3.45 l -44.444 3.114 -45.25 2.319 -46.628 2.319 c -48.039 2.319 -49.372 3.293 -49.372 5.668 c -49.372 7.281 -48.879 7.998 -48.442 8.424 c -47.972 8.883 -47.322 9.107 -46.762 9.107 c -45.385 9.107 -44.578 8.211 -44.298 7.035 c h -59.025 1.984 m -56.405 1.984 l -56.405 2.151 l -56.629 2.162 l -56.999 2.184 -57.246 2.274 -57.246 2.733 c -57.246 4.761 l -57.223 4.761 l -55.677 2.7 l -55.543 2.509 -55.442 2.409 -55.442 2.33 c -55.442 2.184 -55.588 2.151 -55.677 2.151 c -55.89 2.151 l -55.89 1.984 l -53.449 1.984 l -53.449 2.151 l -53.751 2.174 -54.188 2.252 -54.759 2.968 c -56.473 5.142 l -56.148 5.445 l -54.636 6.856 -54.322 6.856 -53.729 6.856 c -53.729 7.023 l -56.014 7.023 l -56.014 6.867 l -55.543 6.867 -55.453 6.777 -55.453 6.654 c -55.453 6.553 -55.543 6.43 -55.711 6.274 c -56.159 5.893 -56.82 5.277 -57.223 4.929 c -57.246 4.952 l -57.246 9.61 l -57.289 9.633 l -57.882 9.442 -58.476 9.285 -59.025 9.14 c -59.025 8.961 l -58.935 8.972 -58.834 8.984 -58.689 8.984 c -58.252 8.984 -58.185 8.804 -58.185 8.3 c -58.185 2.901 l -58.185 2.297 -58.274 2.274 -59.025 2.151 c h -59.479 3.73 m -59.86 3.159 -60.274 2.677 -61.081 2.677 c -62.021 2.677 -62.794 3.529 -62.794 4.816 c -62.794 6.464 -61.764 6.811 -61.35 6.811 c -60.756 6.811 -60.7 6.609 -60.61 6.274 c -60.543 6.027 l -60.476 5.781 -60.286 5.489 -59.994 5.512 c -59.658 5.534 -59.479 5.747 -59.479 6.004 c -59.479 6.206 -59.625 6.553 -59.96 6.788 c -60.241 6.967 -60.745 7.135 -61.148 7.135 c -62.357 7.135 -63.656 6.206 -63.656 4.368 c -63.656 2.599 -62.458 1.872 -61.562 1.872 c -60.655 1.872 -59.927 2.352 -59.322 3.629 c h -66.461 2.184 m -67.806 2.184 -68.064 4.245 -68.064 5.075 c -68.064 6.24 -67.448 6.822 -66.742 6.822 c -65.711 6.822 -65.14 5.601 -65.14 4.212 c -65.14 2.61 -65.89 2.184 -66.461 2.184 c -66.652 7.135 m -68.153 7.135 -69.071 5.915 -69.071 4.536 c -69.071 3.025 -68.064 1.872 -66.619 1.872 c -64.916 1.872 -64.133 3.428 -64.133 4.536 c -64.133 6.161 -65.185 7.135 -66.652 7.135 c -69.514 7.023 m -70.646 7.023 l -70.646 8.322 l -70.646 8.412 -70.646 8.468 -70.724 8.468 c -71.137 7.874 -71.305 7.628 -71.731 7.191 c -71.977 6.945 -72.224 6.877 -72.224 6.744 c -72.224 6.71 -72.202 6.677 -72.179 6.665 c -71.586 6.665 l -71.586 3.293 l -71.586 2.174 -71.126 1.872 -70.556 1.872 c -70.041 1.872 -69.514 2.241 -69.246 2.722 c -69.391 2.845 l -69.514 2.7 -69.716 2.453 -70.074 2.453 c -70.646 2.453 -70.646 3.114 -70.646 3.461 c -70.646 6.665 l -69.514 6.665 l h -73.451 9.554 m -73.686 9.554 l -73.708 9.431 -73.764 9.174 -74.077 9.174 c -74.357 9.174 -74.962 9.554 -75.635 9.554 c -76.643 9.554 -77.661 8.928 -77.661 7.651 c -77.661 6.542 -76.946 6.049 -75.915 5.455 c -74.268 4.492 -74.089 4.111 -74.089 3.472 c -74.089 2.868 -74.537 2.229 -75.433 2.229 c -76.946 2.229 -77.516 3.685 -77.728 4.212 c -77.986 4.212 l -77.65 1.838 l -77.404 1.838 l -77.404 2.016 -77.292 2.207 -77.057 2.207 c -76.721 2.207 -76.173 1.827 -75.321 1.827 c -73.719 1.827 -72.958 2.901 -72.958 3.853 c -72.958 6.15 -76.699 6.374 -76.699 8.054 c -76.699 8.749 -76.128 9.096 -75.568 9.096 c -74.391 9.096 -73.674 8.088 -73.485 7.169 c -73.205 7.169 l h -78.743 9.554 m -80.479 8.524 -81.508 6.844 -81.508 4.917 c -81.508 3.372 -81.139 2.565 -80.591 1.759 c -80.166 1.132 -79.426 0.348 -78.776 0 c -78.642 0.18 l -80.546 1.4 -80.546 3.853 -80.546 4.996 c -80.546 7.841 -79.471 8.714 -78.642 9.375 c h f q q 1 0 0 1 496.8472 554.6353 cm 0 0 m 1.54 1.238 2.704 2.964 2.704 4.93 c 2.704 6.282 2.423 7.613 1.676 8.83 c 1.478 8.777 l 1.748 8.205 1.987 7.176 1.987 6.063 c 1.987 5.148 1.821 3.9 1.394 2.631 c 0.926 1.269 0.323 0.634 -0.135 0.156 c h -4.632 6.033 m -4.507 6.064 -4.435 6.074 -4.279 6.074 c -3.686 6.074 -3.55 5.628 -3.269 4.683 c -3.093 4.122 -2.656 2.305 -2.656 1.91 c -2.656 1.631 -3.093 1.122 -3.353 0.821 c -3.707 0.405 -3.841 0.312 -4.008 0.312 c -4.194 0.312 -4.33 0.603 -4.643 0.603 c -4.86 0.603 -5.038 0.426 -5.038 0.208 c -5.038 -0.228 -4.589 -0.259 -4.507 -0.259 c -3.269 -0.259 -0.359 4.579 -0.359 5.814 c -0.359 6.188 -0.566 6.458 -0.95 6.458 c -1.221 6.458 -1.336 6.24 -1.336 6.094 c -1.336 5.617 -0.774 5.731 -0.774 5.305 c -0.774 4.755 -1.594 3.354 -2.043 2.627 c -2.25 3.831 l -2.386 4.609 -3 6.458 -3.135 6.458 c -3.321 6.458 -4.132 6.292 -4.632 6.209 c h -4.472 6.323 m -5.303 6.323 l -5.013 7.394 l -5.013 7.415 -5.003 7.436 -5.003 7.457 c -5.003 7.509 -5.023 7.55 -5.064 7.55 c -5.107 7.55 l -5.189 7.55 -5.221 7.477 -5.262 7.425 c -5.553 7.062 -6.053 6.593 -6.396 6.417 c -6.573 6.323 -6.863 6.25 -6.925 6.157 c -6.946 6.126 -6.957 6.095 -6.957 6.054 c -6.957 6.033 -6.946 6.012 -6.946 5.991 c -6.177 5.991 l -6.925 3.131 l -6.968 2.964 -7.163 2.33 -7.163 2.173 c -7.163 1.863 -6.874 1.758 -6.664 1.758 c -6.125 1.758 -5.719 2.215 -5.189 3.016 c -5.324 3.089 l -5.585 2.756 -5.949 2.267 -6.157 2.267 c -6.271 2.267 -6.323 2.35 -6.323 2.444 c -6.323 2.475 -6.323 2.496 -6.313 2.527 c -5.397 5.991 l -4.524 5.991 l h -7.566 8.091 m -7.566 8.32 -7.743 8.663 -8.086 8.663 c -8.335 8.663 -8.574 8.466 -8.574 8.102 c -8.574 7.738 -8.335 7.561 -8.075 7.561 c -7.732 7.561 -7.566 7.884 -7.566 8.091 c -8.003 3.057 m -8.427 2.454 -8.729 2.246 -8.855 2.246 c -8.949 2.246 -9.022 2.33 -9.022 2.402 c -9.022 2.527 -8.896 2.943 -8.855 3.089 c -7.939 6.438 l -7.971 6.458 l -8.376 6.384 -9.239 6.218 -9.635 6.198 c -9.635 6.033 l -9.063 6.033 -8.98 5.981 -8.98 5.763 c -8.98 5.471 -9.8 2.891 -9.8 2.402 c -9.8 2.215 -9.8 1.758 -9.313 1.758 c -8.729 1.758 -8.272 2.33 -7.868 2.943 c h -10.702 3.151 m -11.211 2.496 -11.429 2.205 -11.689 2.205 c -11.846 2.205 -11.846 2.35 -11.846 2.413 c -11.846 2.527 -11.761 2.808 -11.741 2.902 c -10.171 8.923 l -10.223 8.975 l -10.763 8.85 -11.305 8.757 -11.846 8.694 c -11.846 8.529 l -11.7 8.529 l -11.439 8.529 -11.139 8.498 -11.139 8.269 c -11.139 8.05 -12.644 2.621 -12.644 2.402 c -12.644 2.111 -12.603 1.758 -12.146 1.758 c -11.503 1.758 -11.096 2.257 -10.566 3.057 c h -13.089 8.091 m -13.089 8.32 -13.264 8.663 -13.608 8.663 c -13.857 8.663 -14.096 8.466 -14.096 8.102 c -14.096 7.738 -13.857 7.561 -13.597 7.561 c -13.253 7.561 -13.089 7.884 -13.089 8.091 c -13.524 3.057 m -13.95 2.454 -14.252 2.246 -14.377 2.246 c -14.471 2.246 -14.544 2.33 -14.544 2.402 c -14.544 2.527 -14.419 2.943 -14.377 3.089 c -13.462 6.438 l -13.493 6.458 l -13.897 6.384 -14.761 6.218 -15.157 6.198 c -15.157 6.033 l -14.586 6.033 -14.503 5.981 -14.503 5.763 c -14.503 5.471 -15.323 2.891 -15.323 2.402 c -15.323 2.215 -15.323 1.758 -14.836 1.758 c -14.252 1.758 -13.794 2.33 -13.389 2.943 c h -19.76 8.56 m -19.157 8.55 -19.083 8.498 -19.083 8.258 c -19.083 8.113 -19.177 7.853 -19.25 7.561 c -20.663 2.35 l -20.663 2.309 l -20.663 2.08 -19.863 1.758 -19.313 1.758 c -17.721 1.758 -15.985 3.557 -15.985 5.201 c -15.985 5.96 -16.493 6.458 -17.221 6.458 c -18.157 6.458 -18.813 5.492 -19.157 4.951 c -19.177 4.962 l -18.824 6.137 -18.344 8.07 -18.116 8.923 c -18.168 8.975 l -18.709 8.871 -19.239 8.798 -19.76 8.736 c h -16.868 5.066 m -16.868 4.192 -17.856 1.997 -19.282 1.997 c -19.771 1.997 -19.771 2.267 -19.771 2.34 c -19.771 3.432 -18.771 5.95 -17.626 5.95 c -16.971 5.95 -16.868 5.388 -16.868 5.066 c -24.924 3.005 m -24.924 3.941 -23.986 6.231 -22.769 6.231 c -22.468 6.231 -22.177 6.033 -22.177 5.534 c -22.177 4.514 -23.196 2.267 -24.3 2.267 c -24.58 2.267 -24.924 2.454 -24.924 3.005 c -21.149 3.016 m -21.616 2.558 -21.824 2.298 -21.98 2.298 c -22.063 2.298 -22.126 2.361 -22.126 2.434 c -22.126 2.756 -21.169 6.302 -21.139 6.427 c -21.211 6.458 l -21.844 6.386 l -21.876 6.354 l -21.98 5.898 l -22.002 5.898 l -22.032 6.189 -22.374 6.458 -22.821 6.458 c -24.206 6.458 -25.796 4.514 -25.796 2.985 c -25.796 2.683 -25.764 1.758 -24.725 1.758 c -24.102 1.758 -23.55 2.07 -22.686 3.338 c -22.666 3.318 l -22.832 2.683 -22.883 2.454 -22.883 2.215 c -22.883 2.038 -22.883 1.769 -22.447 1.769 c -22.002 1.769 -21.647 2.142 -21.024 2.912 c h -25.989 8.091 m -25.989 8.32 -26.166 8.663 -26.509 8.663 c -26.758 8.663 -26.996 8.466 -26.996 8.102 c -26.996 7.738 -26.758 7.561 -26.497 7.561 c -26.156 7.561 -25.989 7.884 -25.989 8.091 c -26.425 3.057 m -26.852 2.454 -27.153 2.246 -27.279 2.246 c -27.373 2.246 -27.446 2.33 -27.446 2.402 c -27.446 2.527 -27.321 2.943 -27.279 3.089 c -26.363 6.438 l -26.394 6.458 l -26.8 6.384 -27.663 6.218 -28.058 6.198 c -28.058 6.033 l -27.486 6.033 -27.403 5.981 -27.403 5.763 c -27.403 5.471 -28.224 2.891 -28.224 2.402 c -28.224 2.215 -28.224 1.758 -27.736 1.758 c -27.153 1.758 -26.696 2.33 -26.291 2.943 c h -29.125 3.151 m -29.635 2.496 -29.853 2.205 -30.113 2.205 c -30.269 2.205 -30.269 2.35 -30.269 2.413 c -30.269 2.527 -30.186 2.808 -30.166 2.902 c -28.594 8.923 l -28.647 8.975 l -29.188 8.85 -29.727 8.757 -30.269 8.694 c -30.269 8.529 l -30.124 8.529 l -29.863 8.529 -29.561 8.498 -29.561 8.269 c -29.561 8.05 -31.069 2.621 -31.069 2.402 c -31.069 2.111 -31.026 1.758 -30.571 1.758 c -29.926 1.758 -29.521 2.257 -28.989 3.057 c h -34.221 3.026 m -34.657 2.527 -34.864 2.288 -35.074 2.288 c -35.179 2.288 -35.26 2.361 -35.26 2.517 c -35.26 2.683 -34.003 7.113 -33.555 8.923 c -33.607 8.975 l -34.138 8.861 -34.668 8.788 -35.197 8.736 c -35.197 8.56 l -34.626 8.55 -34.553 8.498 -34.553 8.258 c -34.553 8.113 -34.626 7.853 -34.71 7.561 c -35.157 5.908 l -35.179 5.887 l -35.219 6.116 -35.291 6.458 -35.874 6.458 c -37.112 6.458 -38.879 4.556 -38.879 2.985 c -38.879 2.444 -38.66 1.758 -37.797 1.758 c -37.279 1.758 -36.694 1.935 -35.946 3.078 c -35.925 3.057 l -36.009 2.693 -36.05 2.454 -36.05 2.215 c -36.05 1.997 -35.968 1.738 -35.561 1.738 c -35.219 1.738 -34.544 2.225 -34.096 2.922 c h -37.341 2.257 m -37.975 2.257 -37.975 2.85 -37.975 3.026 c -37.975 3.973 -36.986 6.22 -35.821 6.22 c -35.332 6.22 -35.332 5.763 -35.332 5.523 c -35.332 4.233 -36.352 2.257 -37.341 2.257 c -39.8 3.005 m -40.319 2.579 -40.757 2.225 -41.318 2.225 c -41.755 2.225 -42.296 2.465 -42.296 3.172 c -42.296 3.38 -42.244 3.588 -42.193 3.806 c -41.902 3.848 l -40.214 4.087 -39.239 4.931 -39.239 5.752 c -39.239 6.209 -39.56 6.458 -40.089 6.458 c -41.557 6.458 -43.2 4.712 -43.2 3.224 c -43.2 2.569 -42.868 1.758 -41.776 1.758 c -40.736 1.758 -39.789 2.714 -39.675 2.881 c h -41.943 4.493 m -41.557 5.419 -40.85 6.22 -40.288 6.22 c -40.027 6.22 -39.924 6.022 -39.924 5.804 c -39.924 5.721 -39.976 4.472 -42.119 4.035 c h -43.207 6.323 m -44.039 6.323 l -43.747 7.394 l -43.747 7.415 -43.736 7.436 -43.736 7.457 c -43.736 7.509 -43.757 7.55 -43.8 7.55 c -43.841 7.55 l -43.924 7.55 -43.955 7.477 -43.996 7.425 c -44.288 7.062 -44.786 6.593 -45.13 6.417 c -45.307 6.323 -45.597 6.25 -45.66 6.157 c -45.68 6.126 -45.691 6.095 -45.691 6.054 c -45.691 6.033 -45.68 6.012 -45.68 5.991 c -44.912 5.991 l -45.66 3.131 l -45.702 2.964 -45.9 2.33 -45.9 2.173 c -45.9 1.863 -45.608 1.758 -45.4 1.758 c -44.86 1.758 -44.453 2.215 -43.924 3.016 c -44.059 3.089 l -44.319 2.756 -44.682 2.267 -44.891 2.267 c -45.006 2.267 -45.057 2.35 -45.057 2.444 c -45.057 2.475 -45.057 2.496 -45.047 2.527 c -44.132 5.991 l -43.258 5.991 l h -46.3 8.091 m -46.3 8.32 -46.477 8.663 -46.819 8.663 c -47.069 8.663 -47.308 8.466 -47.308 8.102 c -47.308 7.738 -47.069 7.561 -46.81 7.561 c -46.468 7.561 -46.3 7.884 -46.3 8.091 c -46.736 3.057 m -47.161 2.454 -47.464 2.246 -47.589 2.246 c -47.683 2.246 -47.757 2.33 -47.757 2.402 c -47.757 2.527 -47.63 2.943 -47.589 3.089 c -46.674 6.438 l -46.706 6.458 l -47.11 6.384 -47.974 6.218 -48.369 6.198 c -48.369 6.033 l -47.797 6.033 -47.714 5.981 -47.714 5.763 c -47.714 5.471 -48.536 2.891 -48.536 2.402 c -48.536 2.215 -48.536 1.758 -48.047 1.758 c -47.464 1.758 -47.007 2.33 -46.602 2.943 c h -49.259 3.089 m -49.653 2.6 -49.924 2.267 -50.122 2.267 c -50.247 2.267 -50.279 2.298 -50.279 2.475 c -50.277 2.622 -49.436 5.409 -49.436 5.763 c -49.436 6.177 -49.675 6.458 -50.049 6.458 c -50.736 6.458 -51.579 5.544 -52.306 4.338 c -52.326 4.358 l -52.182 4.774 -51.943 5.638 -51.943 5.783 c -51.943 6.219 -52.16 6.458 -52.555 6.458 c -53.427 6.458 -54.5 4.847 -54.811 4.338 c -54.832 4.358 l -54.25 6.438 l -54.28 6.458 l -54.832 6.344 -55.382 6.24 -55.944 6.136 c -55.944 5.97 l -55.436 5.97 -55.279 5.95 -55.279 5.721 c -55.279 5.492 -56.132 2.559 -56.297 1.873 c -55.518 1.873 l -55.133 3.141 -54.925 3.828 -54.51 4.452 c -54.229 4.868 -53.439 5.918 -52.971 5.918 c -52.877 5.918 -52.741 5.918 -52.741 5.638 c -52.741 5.44 -53.459 2.882 -53.729 1.873 c -52.95 1.873 l -52.649 3.048 -52.472 3.703 -51.974 4.493 c -51.65 5.003 -50.902 5.918 -50.475 5.918 c -50.35 5.918 -50.256 5.835 -50.256 5.679 c -50.257 5.471 -51.068 2.569 -51.068 2.288 c -51.068 2.142 -51.068 1.779 -50.63 1.779 c -50.05 1.779 -49.529 2.361 -49.155 2.891 c -49.103 2.964 l h -56.441 8.091 m -56.441 8.32 -56.616 8.663 -56.96 8.663 c -57.209 8.663 -57.447 8.466 -57.447 8.102 c -57.447 7.738 -57.209 7.561 -56.95 7.561 c -56.607 7.561 -56.441 7.884 -56.441 8.091 c -56.877 3.057 m -57.303 2.454 -57.605 2.246 -57.729 2.246 c -57.823 2.246 -57.896 2.33 -57.896 2.402 c -57.896 2.527 -57.771 2.943 -57.729 3.089 c -56.814 6.438 l -56.846 6.458 l -57.25 6.384 -58.114 6.218 -58.509 6.198 c -58.509 6.033 l -57.939 6.033 -57.853 5.981 -57.853 5.763 c -57.853 5.471 -58.675 2.891 -58.675 2.402 c -58.675 2.215 -58.675 1.758 -58.186 1.758 c -57.605 1.758 -57.146 2.33 -56.741 2.943 c h -59.576 3.151 m -60.086 2.496 -60.303 2.205 -60.563 2.205 c -60.719 2.205 -60.719 2.35 -60.719 2.413 c -60.719 2.527 -60.636 2.808 -60.616 2.902 c -59.046 8.923 l -59.097 8.975 l -59.639 8.85 -60.179 8.757 -60.719 8.694 c -60.719 8.529 l -60.574 8.529 l -60.314 8.529 -60.013 8.498 -60.013 8.269 c -60.013 8.05 -61.519 2.621 -61.519 2.402 c -61.519 2.111 -61.479 1.758 -61.021 1.758 c -60.377 1.758 -59.971 2.257 -59.441 3.057 c h -64.65 3.089 m -65.046 2.589 -65.296 2.267 -65.503 2.267 c -65.586 2.267 -65.671 2.34 -65.671 2.465 c -65.669 2.684 -64.827 5.346 -64.827 5.71 c -64.827 6.386 -65.306 6.458 -65.535 6.458 c -66.471 6.458 -67.53 4.857 -67.853 4.338 c -67.874 4.358 l -66.647 8.923 l -66.7 8.975 l -67.239 8.852 -67.791 8.758 -68.33 8.696 c -68.33 8.527 l -68.061 8.538 l -67.718 8.527 -67.635 8.392 -67.635 8.267 c -67.635 8.111 -67.802 7.518 -67.916 7.082 c -69.289 1.873 l -68.509 1.873 l -68.164 3.183 -68.01 3.755 -67.541 4.463 c -67.333 4.754 -66.459 5.929 -65.939 5.929 c -65.773 5.929 -65.638 5.825 -65.638 5.648 c -65.639 5.513 -66.491 2.527 -66.491 2.257 c -66.491 1.977 -66.356 1.779 -66.023 1.779 c -65.338 1.779 -64.889 2.423 -64.516 2.964 c h -69.171 6.323 m -70.002 6.323 l -69.71 7.394 l -69.71 7.415 -69.7 7.436 -69.7 7.457 c -69.7 7.509 -69.721 7.55 -69.761 7.55 c -69.803 7.55 l -69.886 7.55 -69.918 7.477 -69.96 7.425 c -70.252 7.062 -70.75 6.593 -71.093 6.417 c -71.271 6.323 -71.561 6.25 -71.623 6.157 c -71.644 6.126 -71.653 6.095 -71.653 6.054 c -71.653 6.033 -71.644 6.012 -71.644 5.991 c -70.876 5.991 l -71.623 3.131 l -71.664 2.964 -71.862 2.33 -71.862 2.173 c -71.862 1.863 -71.572 1.758 -71.363 1.758 c -70.824 1.758 -70.418 2.215 -69.888 3.016 c -70.023 3.089 l -70.282 2.756 -70.647 2.267 -70.855 2.267 c -70.969 2.267 -71.021 2.35 -71.021 2.444 c -71.021 2.475 -71.021 2.496 -71.011 2.527 c -70.096 5.991 l -69.222 5.991 l h -72.263 8.091 m -72.263 8.32 -72.441 8.663 -72.782 8.663 c -73.032 8.663 -73.271 8.466 -73.271 8.102 c -73.271 7.738 -73.032 7.561 -72.773 7.561 c -72.43 7.561 -72.263 7.884 -72.263 8.091 c -72.7 3.057 m -73.126 2.454 -73.427 2.246 -73.553 2.246 c -73.647 2.246 -73.719 2.33 -73.719 2.402 c -73.719 2.527 -73.594 2.943 -73.553 3.089 c -72.638 6.438 l -72.669 6.458 l -73.074 6.384 -73.939 6.218 -74.332 6.198 c -74.332 6.033 l -73.761 6.033 -73.679 5.981 -73.679 5.763 c -73.679 5.471 -74.497 2.891 -74.497 2.402 c -74.497 2.215 -74.497 1.758 -74.01 1.758 c -73.427 1.758 -72.971 2.33 -72.564 2.943 c h -81.649 6.064 m -81.441 6.074 l -81.326 6.074 l -80.982 6.074 -80.93 5.96 -80.816 5.253 c -80.723 4.681 -80.629 3.786 -80.597 3.089 c -80.557 2.174 l -80.557 2.029 -80.557 1.686 -80.421 1.686 c -80.264 1.686 -80.193 1.904 -79.185 3.693 c -78.716 4.514 -78.468 4.951 -78.28 5.284 c -78.259 5.284 l -77.957 1.998 l -77.947 1.831 -77.947 1.686 -77.832 1.686 c -77.718 1.686 -77.582 1.883 -77.166 2.382 c -76.688 2.944 -75.077 4.971 -75.077 5.876 c -75.077 6.177 -75.243 6.458 -75.626 6.458 c -75.929 6.458 -76.022 6.271 -76.022 6.094 c -76.022 5.751 -75.575 5.699 -75.575 5.325 c -75.575 4.784 -76.376 3.775 -77.291 2.642 c -77.624 6.375 l -77.636 6.396 -77.636 6.448 -77.708 6.448 c -77.771 6.448 -77.802 6.406 -77.832 6.354 c -79.819 3.215 l -79.839 3.215 l -79.839 3.402 -79.944 4.825 -80.13 5.876 c -80.236 6.438 -80.264 6.458 -80.327 6.458 c -80.421 6.458 -81.056 6.292 -81.649 6.209 c h -88.306 3.005 m -88.306 3.941 -87.369 6.231 -86.152 6.231 c -85.85 6.231 -85.559 6.033 -85.559 5.534 c -85.559 4.514 -86.579 2.267 -87.682 2.267 c -87.961 2.267 -88.306 2.454 -88.306 3.005 c -84.53 3.016 m -84.997 2.558 -85.207 2.298 -85.361 2.298 c -85.446 2.298 -85.509 2.361 -85.509 2.434 c -85.509 2.756 -84.55 6.302 -84.519 6.427 c -84.593 6.458 l -85.226 6.386 l -85.258 6.354 l -85.361 5.898 l -85.382 5.898 l -85.414 6.189 -85.757 6.458 -86.203 6.458 c -87.588 6.458 -89.179 4.514 -89.179 2.985 c -89.179 2.683 -89.147 1.758 -88.108 1.758 c -87.483 1.758 -86.932 2.07 -86.069 3.338 c -86.047 3.318 l -86.214 2.683 -86.266 2.454 -86.266 2.215 c -86.266 2.038 -86.266 1.769 -85.83 1.769 c -85.382 1.769 -85.029 2.142 -84.406 2.912 c h -89.643 3.089 m -90.026 2.6 -90.286 2.267 -90.494 2.267 c -90.516 2.267 -90.661 2.288 -90.661 2.444 c -90.66 2.757 -89.829 5.325 -89.829 5.773 c -89.829 6.209 -90.069 6.458 -90.546 6.458 c -91.409 6.458 -92.364 5.013 -92.853 4.244 c -92.875 4.265 l -92.21 6.438 l -92.241 6.458 l -92.803 6.344 -93.363 6.24 -93.925 6.136 c -93.925 5.97 l -93.363 5.97 -93.26 5.856 -93.26 5.7 c -93.26 5.482 -93.956 3.048 -94.279 1.873 c -93.5 1.873 l -93.073 3.287 -92.938 3.734 -92.459 4.452 c -92.085 5.034 -91.429 5.929 -90.93 5.929 c -90.732 5.929 -90.671 5.783 -90.671 5.596 c -90.672 5.18 -91.439 2.641 -91.439 2.392 c -91.439 2.09 -91.419 1.779 -90.941 1.779 c -90.38 1.779 -90.016 2.257 -89.496 2.954 c h -94.441 8.091 m -94.441 8.32 -94.618 8.663 -94.961 8.663 c -95.21 8.663 -95.45 8.466 -95.45 8.102 c -95.45 7.738 -95.21 7.561 -94.95 7.561 c -94.608 7.561 -94.441 7.884 -94.441 8.091 c -94.879 3.057 m -95.303 2.454 -95.606 2.246 -95.73 2.246 c -95.824 2.246 -95.897 2.33 -95.897 2.402 c -95.897 2.527 -95.773 2.943 -95.73 3.089 c -94.816 6.438 l -94.847 6.458 l -95.252 6.384 -96.116 6.218 -96.51 6.198 c -96.51 6.033 l -95.939 6.033 -95.856 5.981 -95.856 5.763 c -95.856 5.471 -96.677 2.891 -96.677 2.402 c -96.677 2.215 -96.677 1.758 -96.188 1.758 c -95.606 1.758 -95.147 2.33 -94.743 2.943 c h -97.421 3.089 m -97.816 2.589 -98.066 2.267 -98.274 2.267 c -98.357 2.267 -98.441 2.34 -98.441 2.465 c -98.439 2.684 -97.597 5.346 -97.597 5.71 c -97.597 6.386 -98.076 6.458 -98.305 6.458 c -99.239 6.458 -100.3 4.857 -100.623 4.338 c -100.644 4.358 l -99.416 8.923 l -99.469 8.975 l -100.01 8.852 -100.56 8.758 -101.102 8.696 c -101.102 8.527 l -100.83 8.538 l -100.488 8.527 -100.405 8.392 -100.405 8.267 c -100.405 8.111 -100.571 7.518 -100.686 7.082 c -102.058 1.873 l -101.279 1.873 l -100.936 3.183 -100.779 3.755 -100.311 4.463 c -100.103 4.754 -99.229 5.929 -98.71 5.929 c -98.543 5.929 -98.408 5.825 -98.408 5.648 c -98.41 5.513 -99.26 2.527 -99.26 2.257 c -99.26 1.977 -99.126 1.779 -98.793 1.779 c -98.108 1.779 -97.66 2.423 -97.286 2.964 c h -102.282 6.709 m -101.897 8.777 l -102.116 8.777 l -102.169 8.673 -102.23 8.55 -102.532 8.55 c -102.772 8.55 -103.406 8.798 -104.155 8.798 c -106.536 8.798 -108.377 6.501 -108.377 4.493 c -108.377 2.413 -106.859 1.686 -105.653 1.686 c -104.135 1.686 -103.209 2.777 -102.824 3.234 c -103 3.38 l -103.5 2.891 -104.227 2.153 -105.403 2.153 c -106.641 2.153 -107.213 3.016 -107.213 4.378 c -107.213 5.908 -106.152 8.425 -104.072 8.425 c -102.585 8.425 -102.491 7.031 -102.471 6.74 c h -113.93 5.991 m -112.994 5.991 l -113.91 1.622 l -113.993 1.206 -114.263 -0.062 -114.929 -0.062 c -115.053 -0.062 -115.126 0.021 -115.126 0.104 c -115.126 0.218 -115.033 0.218 -115.033 0.395 c -115.033 0.645 -115.282 0.78 -115.429 0.78 c -115.45 0.78 l -115.823 0.759 -115.823 0.364 -115.823 0.333 c -115.76 -0.146 -115.336 -0.28 -115.013 -0.28 c -113.796 -0.28 -113.213 1.393 -112.922 2.663 c -112.173 5.991 l -111.039 5.991 l -110.977 6.323 l -112.1 6.323 l -112.006 6.854 -111.694 8.695 -110.841 8.695 c -110.706 8.695 -110.603 8.654 -110.603 8.57 c -110.603 8.456 -110.706 8.456 -110.706 8.227 c -110.706 8.113 -110.644 7.832 -110.312 7.832 c -110.073 7.832 -109.886 8.04 -109.886 8.248 c -109.886 8.456 -110.052 8.923 -110.8 8.923 c -112.11 8.923 -112.63 7.207 -112.902 6.323 c -113.858 6.323 l h -116.1 6.241 m -115.6 6.241 -115.371 5.783 -115.371 5.242 c -115.371 4.129 -116.193 1.976 -117.379 1.976 c -117.9 1.976 -118.211 2.35 -118.211 2.943 c -118.211 4.17 -117.263 6.241 -116.1 6.241 c -116.026 6.458 m -117.546 6.458 -119.082 4.785 -119.082 3.255 c -119.082 2.392 -118.616 1.758 -117.513 1.758 c -115.922 1.758 -114.497 3.64 -114.497 4.92 c -114.497 5.606 -114.819 6.458 -116.026 6.458 c -122.682 2.974 m -123.056 2.558 -123.546 2.132 -124.169 2.132 c -124.803 2.132 -125.116 2.6 -125.116 3.401 c -125.116 4.399 -124.397 6.241 -123.046 6.241 c -122.858 6.241 -122.65 6.189 -122.65 6.033 c -122.65 5.856 -122.806 5.793 -122.806 5.523 c -122.806 5.284 -122.65 5.138 -122.391 5.138 c -122.13 5.138 -121.903 5.325 -121.903 5.617 c -121.903 5.939 -122.161 6.458 -123.036 6.458 c -124.575 6.458 -126.01 4.868 -126.01 3.401 c -126.01 2.018 -125.147 1.758 -124.471 1.758 c -123.379 1.758 -122.775 2.538 -122.516 2.87 c h -126.338 8.091 m -126.338 8.32 -126.514 8.663 -126.857 8.663 c -127.107 8.663 -127.346 8.466 -127.346 8.102 c -127.346 7.738 -127.107 7.561 -126.847 7.561 c -126.505 7.561 -126.338 7.884 -126.338 8.091 c -126.775 3.057 m -127.2 2.454 -127.503 2.246 -127.627 2.246 c -127.721 2.246 -127.793 2.33 -127.793 2.402 c -127.793 2.527 -127.669 2.943 -127.627 3.089 c -126.713 6.438 l -126.744 6.458 l -127.149 6.384 -128.013 6.218 -128.407 6.198 c -128.407 6.033 l -127.836 6.033 -127.753 5.981 -127.753 5.763 c -127.753 5.471 -128.573 2.891 -128.573 2.402 c -128.573 2.215 -128.573 1.758 -128.086 1.758 c -127.503 1.758 -127.045 2.33 -126.639 2.943 c h -129.474 3.151 m -129.983 2.496 -130.203 2.205 -130.462 2.205 c -130.618 2.205 -130.618 2.35 -130.618 2.413 c -130.618 2.527 -130.536 2.808 -130.514 2.902 c -128.944 8.923 l -128.996 8.975 l -129.536 8.85 -130.077 8.757 -130.618 8.694 c -130.618 8.529 l -130.473 8.529 l -130.213 8.529 -129.911 8.498 -129.911 8.269 c -129.911 8.05 -131.418 2.621 -131.418 2.402 c -131.418 2.111 -131.376 1.758 -130.919 1.758 c -130.275 1.758 -129.869 2.257 -129.339 3.057 c h -135.771 8.56 m -135.168 8.55 -135.094 8.498 -135.094 8.258 c -135.094 8.113 -135.189 7.853 -135.261 7.561 c -136.675 2.35 l -136.675 2.309 l -136.675 2.08 -135.875 1.758 -135.323 1.758 c -133.732 1.758 -131.996 3.557 -131.996 5.201 c -131.996 5.96 -132.505 6.458 -133.232 6.458 c -134.169 6.458 -134.824 5.492 -135.168 4.951 c -135.189 4.962 l -134.836 6.137 -134.356 8.07 -134.126 8.923 c -134.179 8.975 l -134.721 8.871 -135.25 8.798 -135.771 8.736 c h -132.879 5.066 m -132.879 4.192 -133.868 1.997 -135.293 1.997 c -135.782 1.997 -135.782 2.267 -135.782 2.34 c -135.782 3.432 -134.782 5.95 -133.639 5.95 c -132.982 5.95 -132.879 5.388 -132.879 5.066 c -137.191 3.089 m -137.555 2.631 -137.846 2.267 -138.044 2.267 c -138.158 2.267 -138.169 2.382 -138.169 2.434 c -138.169 2.589 -138.033 3.047 -137.971 3.255 c -137.15 6.365 l -137.919 6.365 l -138.323 5.252 -138.553 4.597 -139.061 3.827 c -139.415 3.286 -140.071 2.309 -140.518 2.309 c -140.696 2.309 -140.747 2.444 -140.747 2.569 c -140.747 2.6 -140.747 2.631 -140.738 2.663 c -139.789 6.438 l -139.821 6.458 l -140.342 6.334 -140.861 6.24 -141.38 6.177 c -141.38 6.033 l -140.955 6.033 -140.758 6.033 -140.758 5.731 c -140.758 5.45 -141.547 2.829 -141.547 2.371 c -141.547 1.914 -141.35 1.758 -140.976 1.758 c -140.039 1.758 -139.269 3.057 -138.563 4.233 c -138.532 4.233 l -138.771 3.38 -138.979 2.506 -138.979 2.319 c -138.979 2.163 -138.957 1.779 -138.489 1.779 c -137.971 1.779 -137.7 2.049 -137.046 2.995 c h -146.473 6.064 m -146.233 6.074 l -146.203 6.074 l -145.982 6.074 -145.796 5.95 -145.796 5.773 c -145.796 5.554 -146.857 1.686 -147.138 0.52 c -147.221 0.187 -147.282 -0.094 -147.835 -0.094 c -147.835 -0.259 l -145.703 -0.259 l -145.703 -0.104 l -145.973 -0.104 -146.369 -0.104 -146.369 0.229 c -146.369 0.437 -146.076 1.582 -145.982 1.934 c -145.745 1.81 -145.536 1.758 -145.276 1.758 c -143.841 1.758 -142.177 3.484 -142.177 5.097 c -142.177 5.845 -142.489 6.458 -143.414 6.458 c -144.268 6.458 -144.86 5.7 -145.11 5.336 c -145.13 5.357 l -144.85 6.323 l -144.839 6.354 -144.829 6.386 -144.829 6.406 c -144.829 6.448 -144.86 6.458 -144.882 6.458 c -146.493 6.23 l h -143.113 5.128 m -143.113 3.889 -144.049 1.955 -145.318 1.955 c -145.579 1.955 -145.839 2.07 -145.839 2.34 c -145.839 2.745 -145.422 4.16 -145.161 4.826 c -144.892 5.534 -144.288 6.012 -143.8 6.012 c -143.123 6.012 -143.113 5.409 -143.113 5.128 c -147.818 3.005 m -148.339 2.579 -148.775 2.225 -149.338 2.225 c -149.774 2.225 -150.316 2.465 -150.316 3.172 c -150.316 3.38 -150.263 3.588 -150.211 3.806 c -149.919 3.848 l -148.235 4.087 -147.258 4.931 -147.258 5.752 c -147.258 6.209 -147.579 6.458 -148.11 6.458 c -149.576 6.458 -151.219 4.712 -151.219 3.224 c -151.219 2.569 -150.886 1.758 -149.794 1.758 c -148.753 1.758 -147.808 2.714 -147.693 2.881 c h -149.961 4.493 m -149.576 5.419 -148.869 6.22 -148.307 6.22 c -148.047 6.22 -147.943 6.022 -147.943 5.804 c -147.943 5.721 -147.994 4.472 -150.139 4.035 c h -154.561 8.061 m -154.489 8.248 -154.447 8.352 -153.979 8.352 c -153.386 8.352 -152.743 8.113 -152.743 7.218 c -152.743 6.437 -153.126 5.625 -154.624 5.625 c -154.906 5.625 -154.989 5.635 -155.239 5.677 c h -151.871 2.038 m -152.43 2.059 -152.596 2.422 -152.732 2.786 c -153.7 5.332 l -152.213 5.615 -151.652 6.343 -151.652 7.166 c -151.652 8.663 -153.439 8.663 -153.813 8.663 c -156.393 8.663 l -156.393 8.498 l -155.903 8.435 -155.653 8.414 -155.653 8.009 c -155.653 7.884 -155.747 7.519 -155.779 7.405 c -157.058 2.807 l -157.246 2.152 -157.371 2.131 -157.9 2.038 c -157.9 1.873 l -155.363 1.873 l -155.363 2.038 l -155.924 2.11 -156.071 2.131 -156.071 2.526 c -156.071 2.609 -156.071 2.651 -155.946 3.118 c -155.363 5.29 l -154.686 5.238 l -153.408 1.873 l -151.871 1.873 l h -163.776 3.39 m -163.985 1.738 l -163.818 1.738 l -163.756 1.852 -163.714 1.956 -163.569 1.956 c -163.268 1.955 -162.852 1.758 -162.539 1.758 c -161.957 1.758 -160.991 2.018 -160.991 3.151 c -160.991 4.035 -162.26 4.962 -162.26 5.617 c -162.26 6.126 -161.926 6.22 -161.696 6.22 c -161.022 6.22 -160.771 5.617 -160.719 5.024 c -160.553 5.024 l -160.346 6.469 l -160.492 6.469 l -160.544 6.386 -160.606 6.282 -160.782 6.282 c -161.094 6.282 -161.303 6.458 -161.769 6.458 c -162.872 6.458 -163.018 5.627 -163.018 5.305 c -163.018 4.504 -161.779 3.505 -161.779 2.818 c -161.779 2.475 -161.947 1.976 -162.529 1.976 c -163.371 1.976 -163.538 2.933 -163.61 3.39 c h -165.821 6.406 m -165.227 6.698 -164.469 7.353 -164.469 8.05 c -164.469 8.497 -164.729 8.798 -165.082 8.798 c -165.166 8.798 -165.603 8.746 -165.603 8.309 c -165.603 7.852 -165.135 7.841 -165.135 7.488 c -165.135 7.103 -165.706 6.718 -165.914 6.583 c h -168.249 3.005 m -168.769 2.579 -169.206 2.225 -169.768 2.225 c -170.205 2.225 -170.746 2.465 -170.746 3.172 c -170.746 3.38 -170.693 3.588 -170.642 3.806 c -170.35 3.848 l -168.665 4.087 -167.689 4.931 -167.689 5.752 c -167.689 6.209 -168.01 6.458 -168.539 6.458 c -170.007 6.458 -171.65 4.712 -171.65 3.224 c -171.65 2.569 -171.316 1.758 -170.225 1.758 c -169.185 1.758 -168.239 2.714 -168.123 2.881 c h -170.392 4.493 m -170.007 5.419 -169.3 6.22 -168.738 6.22 c -168.477 6.22 -168.373 6.022 -168.373 5.804 c -168.373 5.721 -168.425 4.472 -170.569 4.035 c h -172.363 3.151 m -172.873 2.496 -173.091 2.205 -173.35 2.205 c -173.507 2.205 -173.507 2.35 -173.507 2.413 c -173.507 2.527 -173.423 2.808 -173.403 2.902 c -171.832 8.923 l -171.885 8.975 l -172.425 8.85 -172.966 8.757 -173.507 8.694 c -173.507 8.529 l -173.361 8.529 l -173.102 8.529 -172.8 8.498 -172.8 8.269 c -172.8 8.05 -174.306 2.621 -174.306 2.402 c -174.306 2.111 -174.265 1.758 -173.808 1.758 c -173.163 1.758 -172.758 2.257 -172.227 3.057 c h -179.221 6.064 m -178.982 6.074 l -178.95 6.074 l -178.732 6.074 -178.546 5.95 -178.546 5.773 c -178.546 5.554 -179.606 1.686 -179.886 0.52 c -179.971 0.187 -180.032 -0.094 -180.582 -0.094 c -180.582 -0.259 l -178.452 -0.259 l -178.452 -0.104 l -178.721 -0.104 -179.118 -0.104 -179.118 0.229 c -179.118 0.437 -178.825 1.582 -178.732 1.934 c -178.493 1.81 -178.286 1.758 -178.025 1.758 c -176.589 1.758 -174.926 3.484 -174.926 5.097 c -174.926 5.845 -175.239 6.458 -176.163 6.458 c -177.016 6.458 -177.61 5.7 -177.859 5.336 c -177.879 5.357 l -177.6 6.323 l -177.589 6.354 -177.579 6.386 -177.579 6.406 c -177.579 6.448 -177.61 6.458 -177.63 6.458 c -179.243 6.23 l h -175.861 5.128 m -175.861 3.889 -176.797 1.955 -178.068 1.955 c -178.326 1.955 -178.586 2.07 -178.586 2.34 c -178.586 2.745 -178.171 4.16 -177.911 4.826 c -177.641 5.534 -177.038 6.012 -176.547 6.012 c -175.872 6.012 -175.861 5.409 -175.861 5.128 c -181.608 6.241 m -181.108 6.241 -180.879 5.783 -180.879 5.242 c -180.879 4.129 -181.702 1.976 -182.888 1.976 c -183.408 1.976 -183.719 2.35 -183.719 2.943 c -183.719 4.17 -182.773 6.241 -181.608 6.241 c -181.536 6.458 m -183.053 6.458 -184.592 4.785 -184.592 3.255 c -184.592 2.392 -184.124 1.758 -183.023 1.758 c -181.43 1.758 -180.007 3.64 -180.007 4.92 c -180.007 5.606 -180.329 6.458 -181.536 6.458 c -185.638 3.005 m -186.157 2.579 -186.593 2.225 -187.156 2.225 c -187.593 2.225 -188.135 2.465 -188.135 3.172 c -188.135 3.38 -188.082 3.588 -188.029 3.806 c -187.739 3.848 l -186.053 4.087 -185.076 4.931 -185.076 5.752 c -185.076 6.209 -185.4 6.458 -185.929 6.458 c -187.396 6.458 -189.039 4.712 -189.039 3.224 c -189.039 2.569 -188.706 1.758 -187.614 1.758 c -186.573 1.758 -185.626 2.714 -185.513 2.881 c h -187.78 4.493 m -187.396 5.419 -186.688 6.22 -186.126 6.22 c -185.866 6.22 -185.761 6.022 -185.761 5.804 c -185.761 5.721 -185.814 4.472 -187.957 4.035 c h -192.236 8.061 m -192.193 8.186 -192.132 8.352 -191.819 8.352 c -190.676 8.352 -190.363 7.915 -190.363 7.145 c -190.363 5.429 -191.747 5.429 -192.506 5.429 c -192.642 5.429 -192.766 5.45 -192.974 5.481 c h -194.066 8.498 m -193.629 8.445 -193.327 8.414 -193.327 8.03 c -193.327 7.884 -193.432 7.468 -193.505 7.229 c -194.732 2.808 l -194.919 2.142 -195.053 2.122 -195.585 2.038 c -195.585 1.873 l -193.036 1.873 l -193.036 2.038 l -193.577 2.111 -193.744 2.132 -193.744 2.486 c -193.744 2.663 -193.744 2.663 -193.619 3.12 c -193.068 5.128 l -192.839 5.076 -192.693 5.045 -191.966 5.045 c -189.886 5.045 -189.294 6.313 -189.294 7.082 c -189.294 8.653 -191.029 8.663 -191.486 8.663 c -194.066 8.663 l h -198.819 3.005 m -199.339 2.579 -199.776 2.225 -200.338 2.225 c -200.775 2.225 -201.316 2.465 -201.316 3.172 c -201.316 3.38 -201.264 3.588 -201.212 3.806 c -200.92 3.848 l -199.235 4.087 -198.258 4.931 -198.258 5.752 c -198.258 6.209 -198.58 6.458 -199.11 6.458 c -200.577 6.458 -202.219 4.712 -202.219 3.224 c -202.219 2.569 -201.887 1.758 -200.796 1.758 c -199.755 1.758 -198.809 2.714 -198.694 2.881 c h -200.962 4.493 m -200.577 5.419 -199.87 6.22 -199.308 6.22 c -199.047 6.22 -198.944 6.022 -198.944 5.804 c -198.944 5.721 -198.996 4.472 -201.139 4.035 c h -202.777 3.089 m -203.173 2.589 -203.422 2.267 -203.63 2.267 c -203.713 2.267 -203.796 2.34 -203.796 2.465 c -203.795 2.684 -202.954 5.346 -202.954 5.71 c -202.954 6.386 -203.432 6.458 -203.661 6.458 c -204.596 6.458 -205.656 4.857 -205.979 4.338 c -206 4.358 l -204.773 8.923 l -204.825 8.975 l -205.365 8.852 -205.916 8.758 -206.457 8.696 c -206.457 8.527 l -206.187 8.538 l -205.844 8.527 -205.761 8.392 -205.761 8.267 c -205.761 8.111 -205.927 7.518 -206.041 7.082 c -207.414 1.873 l -206.634 1.873 l -206.291 3.183 -206.135 3.755 -205.667 4.463 c -205.459 4.754 -204.585 5.929 -204.065 5.929 c -203.899 5.929 -203.764 5.825 -203.764 5.648 c -203.765 5.513 -204.616 2.527 -204.616 2.257 c -204.616 1.977 -204.482 1.779 -204.149 1.779 c -203.464 1.779 -203.016 2.423 -202.642 2.964 c h -207.296 6.323 m -208.128 6.323 l -207.836 7.394 l -207.836 7.415 -207.826 7.436 -207.826 7.457 c -207.826 7.509 -207.847 7.55 -207.888 7.55 c -207.93 7.55 l -208.013 7.55 -208.045 7.477 -208.086 7.425 c -208.378 7.062 -208.877 6.593 -209.219 6.417 c -209.396 6.323 -209.687 6.25 -209.749 6.157 c -209.77 6.126 -209.78 6.095 -209.78 6.054 c -209.78 6.033 -209.77 6.012 -209.77 5.991 c -209.002 5.991 l -209.749 3.131 l -209.791 2.964 -209.988 2.33 -209.988 2.173 c -209.988 1.863 -209.697 1.758 -209.49 1.758 c -208.95 1.758 -208.545 2.215 -208.014 3.016 c -208.149 3.089 l -208.409 2.756 -208.773 2.267 -208.981 2.267 c -209.096 2.267 -209.148 2.35 -209.148 2.444 c -209.148 2.475 -209.148 2.496 -209.137 2.527 c -208.222 5.991 l -207.348 5.991 l h -213.131 3.089 m -213.516 2.6 -213.776 2.267 -213.984 2.267 c -214.004 2.267 -214.15 2.288 -214.15 2.444 c -214.148 2.757 -213.318 5.325 -213.318 5.773 c -213.318 6.209 -213.557 6.458 -214.034 6.458 c -214.897 6.458 -215.854 5.013 -216.343 4.244 c -216.364 4.265 l -215.698 6.438 l -215.729 6.458 l -216.291 6.344 -216.852 6.24 -217.414 6.136 c -217.414 5.97 l -216.852 5.97 -216.748 5.856 -216.748 5.7 c -216.748 5.482 -217.445 3.048 -217.768 1.873 c -216.987 1.873 l -216.561 3.287 -216.426 3.734 -215.948 4.452 c -215.573 5.034 -214.918 5.929 -214.419 5.929 c -214.221 5.929 -214.159 5.783 -214.159 5.596 c -214.161 5.18 -214.929 2.641 -214.929 2.392 c -214.929 2.09 -214.908 1.779 -214.43 1.779 c -213.869 1.779 -213.505 2.257 -212.985 2.954 c h -217.93 8.091 m -217.93 8.32 -218.107 8.663 -218.449 8.663 c -218.699 8.663 -218.937 8.466 -218.937 8.102 c -218.937 7.738 -218.699 7.561 -218.439 7.561 c -218.096 7.561 -217.93 7.884 -217.93 8.091 c -218.366 3.057 m -218.793 2.454 -219.094 2.246 -219.219 2.246 c -219.313 2.246 -219.386 2.33 -219.386 2.402 c -219.386 2.527 -219.261 2.943 -219.219 3.089 c -218.303 6.438 l -218.335 6.458 l -218.741 6.384 -219.604 6.218 -219.999 6.198 c -219.999 6.033 l -219.428 6.033 -219.345 5.981 -219.345 5.763 c -219.345 5.471 -220.164 2.891 -220.164 2.402 c -220.164 2.215 -220.164 1.758 -219.677 1.758 c -219.094 1.758 -218.636 2.33 -218.232 2.943 c h -223.4 3.026 m -223.837 2.527 -224.045 2.288 -224.253 2.288 c -224.357 2.288 -224.441 2.361 -224.441 2.517 c -224.441 2.683 -223.182 7.113 -222.735 8.923 c -222.787 8.975 l -223.317 8.861 -223.848 8.788 -224.378 8.736 c -224.378 8.56 l -223.806 8.55 -223.733 8.498 -223.733 8.258 c -223.733 8.113 -223.806 7.853 -223.889 7.561 c -224.336 5.908 l -224.357 5.887 l -224.399 6.116 -224.471 6.458 -225.053 6.458 c -226.292 6.458 -228.058 4.556 -228.058 2.985 c -228.058 2.444 -227.841 1.758 -226.978 1.758 c -226.457 1.758 -225.875 1.935 -225.126 3.078 c -225.105 3.057 l -225.188 2.693 -225.229 2.454 -225.229 2.215 c -225.229 1.997 -225.147 1.738 -224.741 1.738 c -224.399 1.738 -223.723 2.225 -223.276 2.922 c h -226.52 2.257 m -227.155 2.257 -227.155 2.85 -227.155 3.026 c -227.155 3.973 -226.166 6.22 -225.001 6.22 c -224.512 6.22 -224.512 5.763 -224.512 5.523 c -224.512 4.233 -225.532 2.257 -226.52 2.257 c -228.979 3.005 m -229.499 2.579 -229.936 2.225 -230.498 2.225 c -230.935 2.225 -231.476 2.465 -231.476 3.172 c -231.476 3.38 -231.424 3.588 -231.372 3.806 c -231.08 3.848 l -229.395 4.087 -228.418 4.931 -228.418 5.752 c -228.418 6.209 -228.741 6.458 -229.27 6.458 c -230.737 6.458 -232.38 4.712 -232.38 3.224 c -232.38 2.569 -232.047 1.758 -230.956 1.758 c -229.915 1.758 -228.968 2.714 -228.854 2.881 c h -231.122 4.493 m -230.737 5.419 -230.029 6.22 -229.468 6.22 c -229.208 6.22 -229.103 6.022 -229.103 5.804 c -229.103 5.721 -229.156 4.472 -231.299 4.035 c h -232.386 6.323 m -233.217 6.323 l -232.927 7.394 l -232.927 7.415 -232.916 7.436 -232.916 7.457 c -232.916 7.509 -232.937 7.55 -232.978 7.55 c -233.019 7.55 l -233.103 7.55 -233.134 7.477 -233.176 7.425 c -233.468 7.062 -233.967 6.593 -234.31 6.417 c -234.486 6.323 -234.777 6.25 -234.84 6.157 c -234.861 6.126 -234.871 6.095 -234.871 6.054 c -234.871 6.033 -234.861 6.012 -234.861 5.991 c -234.092 5.991 l -234.84 3.131 l -234.881 2.964 -235.078 2.33 -235.078 2.173 c -235.078 1.863 -234.787 1.758 -234.58 1.758 c -234.04 1.758 -233.634 2.215 -233.103 3.016 c -233.239 3.089 l -233.499 2.756 -233.863 2.267 -234.071 2.267 c -234.185 2.267 -234.237 2.35 -234.237 2.444 c -234.237 2.475 -234.237 2.496 -234.227 2.527 c -233.312 5.991 l -232.438 5.991 l h -239.484 3.005 m -239.484 3.941 -238.548 6.231 -237.33 6.231 c -237.029 6.231 -236.737 6.033 -236.737 5.534 c -236.737 4.514 -237.757 2.267 -238.86 2.267 c -239.141 2.267 -239.484 2.454 -239.484 3.005 c -235.709 3.016 m -236.177 2.558 -236.384 2.298 -236.541 2.298 c -236.624 2.298 -236.686 2.361 -236.686 2.434 c -236.686 2.756 -235.729 6.302 -235.698 6.427 c -235.771 6.458 l -236.405 6.386 l -236.436 6.354 l -236.541 5.898 l -236.561 5.898 l -236.593 6.189 -236.935 6.458 -237.382 6.458 c -238.766 6.458 -240.357 4.514 -240.357 2.985 c -240.357 2.683 -240.325 1.758 -239.286 1.758 c -238.662 1.758 -238.11 2.07 -237.247 3.338 c -237.226 3.318 l -237.393 2.683 -237.445 2.454 -237.445 2.215 c -237.445 2.038 -237.445 1.769 -237.009 1.769 c -236.561 1.769 -236.208 2.142 -235.584 2.912 c h -243.19 1.873 m -242.764 3.256 -242.619 3.724 -242.224 4.473 c -242.141 4.629 -241.516 5.783 -241.194 5.783 c -240.945 5.783 -241.1 5.409 -240.654 5.409 c -240.54 5.409 -240.165 5.409 -240.165 5.949 c -240.165 6.302 -240.425 6.458 -240.664 6.458 c -241.319 6.458 -242.109 5.242 -242.452 4.556 c -242.536 4.348 l -242.556 4.369 l -242.047 6.438 l -242.078 6.458 l -242.546 6.386 -243.159 6.25 -243.689 6.177 c -243.689 6.002 l -243.575 6.022 -243.461 6.054 -243.346 6.054 c -243.025 6.054 -242.973 5.887 -242.973 5.741 c -242.973 5.648 -243.035 5.294 -243.138 4.909 c -243.98 1.873 l h -246.253 6.241 m -245.754 6.241 -245.525 5.783 -245.525 5.242 c -245.525 4.129 -246.347 1.976 -247.533 1.976 c -248.053 1.976 -248.365 2.35 -248.365 2.943 c -248.365 4.17 -247.419 6.241 -246.253 6.241 c -246.18 6.458 m -247.7 6.458 -249.238 4.785 -249.238 3.255 c -249.238 2.392 -248.77 1.758 -247.668 1.758 c -246.077 1.758 -244.652 3.64 -244.652 4.92 c -244.652 5.606 -244.975 6.458 -246.18 6.458 c -254.008 6.064 m -253.768 6.074 l -253.736 6.074 l -253.517 6.074 -253.332 5.95 -253.332 5.773 c -253.332 5.554 -254.392 1.686 -254.673 0.52 c -254.755 0.187 -254.818 -0.094 -255.368 -0.094 c -255.368 -0.259 l -253.238 -0.259 l -253.238 -0.104 l -253.507 -0.104 -253.903 -0.104 -253.903 0.229 c -253.903 0.437 -253.612 1.582 -253.517 1.934 c -253.28 1.81 -253.071 1.758 -252.811 1.758 c -251.376 1.758 -249.713 3.484 -249.713 5.097 c -249.713 5.845 -250.024 6.458 -250.948 6.458 c -251.802 6.458 -252.395 5.7 -252.645 5.336 c -252.665 5.357 l -252.384 6.323 l -252.374 6.354 -252.364 6.386 -252.364 6.406 c -252.364 6.448 -252.395 6.458 -252.416 6.458 c -254.029 6.23 l h -250.647 5.128 m -250.647 3.889 -251.584 1.955 -252.852 1.955 c -253.113 1.955 -253.373 2.07 -253.373 2.34 c -253.373 2.745 -252.957 4.16 -252.696 4.826 c -252.426 5.534 -251.823 6.012 -251.334 6.012 c -250.657 6.012 -250.647 5.409 -250.647 5.128 c -257.246 1.873 m -256.819 3.256 -256.674 3.724 -256.279 4.473 c -256.196 4.629 -255.573 5.783 -255.25 5.783 c -255 5.783 -255.157 5.409 -254.709 5.409 c -254.595 5.409 -254.22 5.409 -254.22 5.949 c -254.22 6.302 -254.48 6.458 -254.719 6.458 c -255.375 6.458 -256.164 5.242 -256.508 4.556 c -256.591 4.348 l -256.612 4.369 l -256.102 6.438 l -256.133 6.458 l -256.601 6.386 -257.215 6.25 -257.745 6.177 c -257.745 6.002 l -257.631 6.022 -257.516 6.054 -257.402 6.054 c -257.08 6.054 -257.028 5.887 -257.028 5.741 c -257.028 5.648 -257.09 5.294 -257.194 4.909 c -258.036 1.873 l h -260.309 6.241 m -259.809 6.241 -259.58 5.783 -259.58 5.242 c -259.58 4.129 -260.402 1.976 -261.588 1.976 c -262.109 1.976 -262.421 2.35 -262.421 2.943 c -262.421 4.17 -261.474 6.241 -260.309 6.241 c -260.236 6.458 m -261.755 6.458 -263.293 4.785 -263.293 3.255 c -263.293 2.392 -262.826 1.758 -261.724 1.758 c -260.132 1.758 -258.709 3.64 -258.709 4.92 c -258.709 5.606 -259.03 6.458 -260.236 6.458 c -264.422 2.974 m -264.796 2.558 -265.285 2.132 -265.909 2.132 c -266.545 2.132 -266.857 2.6 -266.857 3.401 c -266.857 4.399 -266.138 6.241 -264.785 6.241 c -264.598 6.241 -264.391 6.189 -264.391 6.033 c -264.391 5.856 -264.546 5.793 -264.546 5.523 c -264.546 5.284 -264.391 5.138 -264.131 5.138 c -263.871 5.138 -263.643 5.325 -263.643 5.617 c -263.643 5.939 -263.902 6.458 -264.775 6.458 c -266.316 6.458 -267.749 4.868 -267.749 3.401 c -267.749 2.018 -266.887 1.758 -266.211 1.758 c -265.119 1.758 -264.515 2.538 -264.255 2.87 c h -268.348 3.089 m -268.733 2.6 -268.993 2.267 -269.201 2.267 c -269.222 2.267 -269.368 2.288 -269.368 2.444 c -269.367 2.757 -268.536 5.325 -268.536 5.773 c -268.536 6.209 -268.775 6.458 -269.252 6.458 c -270.116 6.458 -271.073 5.013 -271.561 4.244 c -271.582 4.265 l -270.916 6.438 l -270.948 6.458 l -271.509 6.344 -272.071 6.24 -272.632 6.136 c -272.632 5.97 l -272.071 5.97 -271.967 5.856 -271.967 5.7 c -271.967 5.482 -272.664 3.048 -272.986 1.873 c -272.206 1.873 l -271.78 3.287 -271.645 3.734 -271.166 4.452 c -270.792 5.034 -270.136 5.929 -269.637 5.929 c -269.44 5.929 -269.377 5.783 -269.377 5.596 c -269.378 5.18 -270.147 2.641 -270.147 2.392 c -270.147 2.09 -270.126 1.779 -269.648 1.779 c -269.087 1.779 -268.723 2.257 -268.203 2.954 c h -273.148 8.091 m -273.148 8.32 -273.325 8.663 -273.668 8.663 c -273.917 8.663 -274.155 8.466 -274.155 8.102 c -274.155 7.738 -273.917 7.561 -273.657 7.561 c -273.315 7.561 -273.148 7.884 -273.148 8.091 c -273.584 3.057 m -274.011 2.454 -274.313 2.246 -274.437 2.246 c -274.532 2.246 -274.604 2.33 -274.604 2.402 c -274.604 2.527 -274.479 2.943 -274.437 3.089 c -273.522 6.438 l -273.553 6.458 l -273.959 6.384 -274.822 6.218 -275.217 6.198 c -275.217 6.033 l -274.646 6.033 -274.563 5.981 -274.563 5.763 c -274.563 5.471 -275.383 2.891 -275.383 2.402 c -275.383 2.215 -275.383 1.758 -274.895 1.758 c -274.313 1.758 -273.855 2.33 -273.449 2.943 c h -282.694 6.033 m -282.569 6.064 -282.496 6.074 -282.341 6.074 c -281.748 6.074 -281.613 5.628 -281.332 4.683 c -281.155 4.122 -280.718 2.305 -280.718 1.91 c -280.718 1.631 -281.155 1.122 -281.415 0.821 c -281.768 0.405 -281.903 0.312 -282.07 0.312 c -282.257 0.312 -282.393 0.603 -282.704 0.603 c -282.923 0.603 -283.1 0.426 -283.1 0.208 c -283.1 -0.228 -282.652 -0.259 -282.569 -0.259 c -281.332 -0.259 -278.421 4.579 -278.421 5.814 c -278.421 6.188 -278.629 6.458 -279.013 6.458 c -279.283 6.458 -279.397 6.24 -279.397 6.094 c -279.397 5.617 -278.836 5.731 -278.836 5.305 c -278.836 4.755 -279.657 3.354 -280.104 2.627 c -280.313 3.831 l -280.448 4.609 -281.061 6.458 -281.196 6.458 c -281.384 6.458 -282.195 6.292 -282.694 6.209 c h -283.137 3.089 m -283.522 2.6 -283.782 2.267 -283.99 2.267 c -284.011 2.267 -284.157 2.288 -284.157 2.444 c -284.155 2.757 -283.325 5.325 -283.325 5.773 c -283.325 6.209 -283.564 6.458 -284.041 6.458 c -284.904 6.458 -285.861 5.013 -286.35 4.244 c -286.371 4.265 l -285.705 6.438 l -285.736 6.458 l -286.298 6.344 -286.86 6.24 -287.421 6.136 c -287.421 5.97 l -286.86 5.97 -286.755 5.856 -286.755 5.7 c -286.755 5.482 -287.452 3.048 -287.775 1.873 c -286.995 1.873 l -286.568 3.287 -286.433 3.734 -285.955 4.452 c -285.58 5.034 -284.925 5.929 -284.426 5.929 c -284.229 5.929 -284.166 5.783 -284.166 5.596 c -284.167 5.18 -284.936 2.641 -284.936 2.392 c -284.936 2.09 -284.915 1.779 -284.437 1.779 c -283.876 1.779 -283.512 2.257 -282.992 2.954 c h -291.941 3.005 m -291.941 3.941 -291.004 6.231 -289.787 6.231 c -289.485 6.231 -289.194 6.033 -289.194 5.534 c -289.194 4.514 -290.214 2.267 -291.316 2.267 c -291.597 2.267 -291.941 2.454 -291.941 3.005 c -288.166 3.016 m -288.634 2.558 -288.842 2.298 -288.998 2.298 c -289.081 2.298 -289.144 2.361 -289.144 2.434 c -289.144 2.756 -288.187 6.302 -288.155 6.427 c -288.229 6.458 l -288.863 6.386 l -288.894 6.354 l -288.998 5.898 l -289.019 5.898 l -289.049 6.189 -289.392 6.458 -289.84 6.458 c -291.223 6.458 -292.813 4.514 -292.813 2.985 c -292.813 2.683 -292.782 1.758 -291.744 1.758 c -291.119 1.758 -290.568 2.07 -289.704 3.338 c -289.684 3.318 l -289.849 2.683 -289.901 2.454 -289.901 2.215 c -289.901 2.038 -289.901 1.769 -289.465 1.769 c -289.019 1.769 -288.665 2.142 -288.041 2.912 c h -297.479 6.064 m -297.24 6.074 l -297.209 6.074 l -296.989 6.074 -296.803 5.95 -296.803 5.773 c -296.803 5.554 -297.864 1.686 -298.144 0.52 c -298.227 0.187 -298.289 -0.094 -298.841 -0.094 c -298.841 -0.259 l -296.709 -0.259 l -296.709 -0.104 l -296.979 -0.104 -297.375 -0.104 -297.375 0.229 c -297.375 0.437 -297.083 1.582 -296.989 1.934 c -296.751 1.81 -296.543 1.758 -296.283 1.758 c -294.847 1.758 -293.184 3.484 -293.184 5.097 c -293.184 5.845 -293.496 6.458 -294.42 6.458 c -295.273 6.458 -295.867 5.7 -296.116 5.336 c -296.137 5.357 l -295.857 6.323 l -295.846 6.354 -295.836 6.386 -295.836 6.406 c -295.836 6.448 -295.867 6.458 -295.887 6.458 c -297.5 6.23 l h -294.119 5.128 m -294.119 3.889 -295.055 1.955 -296.325 1.955 c -296.584 1.955 -296.845 2.07 -296.845 2.34 c -296.845 2.745 -296.429 4.16 -296.168 4.826 c -295.898 5.534 -295.294 6.012 -294.805 6.012 c -294.129 6.012 -294.119 5.409 -294.119 5.128 c -298.275 3.089 m -298.67 2.6 -298.941 2.267 -299.138 2.267 c -299.263 2.267 -299.294 2.298 -299.294 2.475 c -299.293 2.622 -298.452 5.409 -298.452 5.763 c -298.452 6.177 -298.69 6.458 -299.064 6.458 c -299.75 6.458 -300.593 5.544 -301.321 4.338 c -301.342 4.358 l -301.196 4.774 -300.958 5.638 -300.958 5.783 c -300.958 6.219 -301.176 6.458 -301.57 6.458 c -302.444 6.458 -303.515 4.847 -303.827 4.338 c -303.848 4.358 l -303.265 6.438 l -303.296 6.458 l -303.848 6.344 -304.399 6.24 -304.961 6.136 c -304.961 5.97 l -304.451 5.97 -304.295 5.95 -304.295 5.721 c -304.295 5.492 -305.148 2.559 -305.314 1.873 c -304.534 1.873 l -304.149 3.141 -303.941 3.828 -303.525 4.452 c -303.245 4.868 -302.454 5.918 -301.986 5.918 c -301.893 5.918 -301.757 5.918 -301.757 5.638 c -301.757 5.44 -302.475 2.882 -302.745 1.873 c -301.965 1.873 l -301.664 3.048 -301.487 3.703 -300.988 4.493 c -300.666 5.003 -299.917 5.918 -299.49 5.918 c -299.365 5.918 -299.272 5.835 -299.272 5.679 c -299.273 5.471 -300.083 2.569 -300.083 2.288 c -300.083 2.142 -300.083 1.779 -299.647 1.779 c -299.065 1.779 -298.545 2.361 -298.171 2.891 c -298.119 2.964 l h -307.244 6.241 m -306.745 6.241 -306.515 5.783 -306.515 5.242 c -306.515 4.129 -307.337 1.976 -308.524 1.976 c -309.044 1.976 -309.356 2.35 -309.356 2.943 c -309.356 4.17 -308.409 6.241 -307.244 6.241 c -307.171 6.458 m -308.69 6.458 -310.228 4.785 -310.228 3.255 c -310.228 2.392 -309.761 1.758 -308.659 1.758 c -307.067 1.758 -305.643 3.64 -305.643 4.92 c -305.643 5.606 -305.964 6.458 -307.171 6.458 c -311.357 2.974 m -311.731 2.558 -312.22 2.132 -312.845 2.132 c -313.479 2.132 -313.791 2.6 -313.791 3.401 c -313.791 4.399 -313.073 6.241 -311.72 6.241 c -311.533 6.241 -311.325 6.189 -311.325 6.033 c -311.325 5.856 -311.481 5.793 -311.481 5.523 c -311.481 5.284 -311.325 5.138 -311.065 5.138 c -310.806 5.138 -310.577 5.325 -310.577 5.617 c -310.577 5.939 -310.837 6.458 -311.71 6.458 c -313.25 6.458 -314.684 4.868 -314.684 3.401 c -314.684 2.018 -313.822 1.758 -313.146 1.758 c -312.053 1.758 -311.45 2.538 -311.19 2.87 c h -317.722 3.026 m -318.159 2.527 -318.367 2.288 -318.575 2.288 c -318.679 2.288 -318.762 2.361 -318.762 2.517 c -318.762 2.683 -317.504 7.113 -317.057 8.923 c -317.109 8.975 l -317.639 8.861 -318.169 8.788 -318.7 8.736 c -318.7 8.56 l -318.128 8.55 -318.055 8.498 -318.055 8.258 c -318.055 8.113 -318.128 7.853 -318.211 7.561 c -318.658 5.908 l -318.679 5.887 l -318.72 6.116 -318.793 6.458 -319.375 6.458 c -320.613 6.458 -322.38 4.556 -322.38 2.985 c -322.38 2.444 -322.162 1.758 -321.3 1.758 c -320.78 1.758 -320.196 1.935 -319.448 3.078 c -319.427 3.057 l -319.51 2.693 -319.552 2.454 -319.552 2.215 c -319.552 1.997 -319.468 1.738 -319.064 1.738 c -318.72 1.738 -318.045 2.225 -317.597 2.922 c h -320.842 2.257 m -321.477 2.257 -321.477 2.85 -321.477 3.026 c -321.477 3.973 -320.488 6.22 -319.323 6.22 c -318.834 6.22 -318.834 5.763 -318.834 5.523 c -318.834 4.233 -319.853 2.257 -320.842 2.257 c -323.3 3.005 m -323.82 2.579 -324.258 2.225 -324.82 2.225 c -325.257 2.225 -325.798 2.465 -325.798 3.172 c -325.798 3.38 -325.746 3.588 -325.694 3.806 c -325.402 3.848 l -323.716 4.087 -322.741 4.931 -322.741 5.752 c -322.741 6.209 -323.062 6.458 -323.592 6.458 c -325.059 6.458 -326.701 4.712 -326.701 3.224 c -326.701 2.569 -326.369 1.758 -325.277 1.758 c -324.237 1.758 -323.29 2.714 -323.177 2.881 c h -325.444 4.493 m -325.059 5.419 -324.352 6.22 -323.789 6.22 c -323.529 6.22 -323.425 6.022 -323.425 5.804 c -323.425 5.721 -323.477 4.472 -325.621 4.035 c h -326.708 6.323 m -327.54 6.323 l -327.248 7.394 l -327.248 7.415 -327.238 7.436 -327.238 7.457 c -327.238 7.509 -327.259 7.55 -327.3 7.55 c -327.342 7.55 l -327.425 7.55 -327.457 7.477 -327.498 7.425 c -327.789 7.062 -328.288 6.593 -328.632 6.417 c -328.809 6.323 -329.099 6.25 -329.161 6.157 c -329.182 6.126 -329.193 6.095 -329.193 6.054 c -329.193 6.033 -329.182 6.012 -329.182 5.991 c -328.413 5.991 l -329.161 3.131 l -329.203 2.964 -329.4 2.33 -329.4 2.173 c -329.4 1.863 -329.109 1.758 -328.901 1.758 c -328.361 1.758 -327.956 2.215 -327.425 3.016 c -327.561 3.089 l -327.82 2.756 -328.184 2.267 -328.393 2.267 c -328.507 2.267 -328.559 2.35 -328.559 2.444 c -328.559 2.475 -328.559 2.496 -328.548 2.527 c -327.633 5.991 l -326.76 5.991 l h -329.802 8.091 m -329.802 8.32 -329.978 8.663 -330.321 8.663 c -330.57 8.663 -330.809 8.466 -330.809 8.102 c -330.809 7.738 -330.57 7.561 -330.311 7.561 c -329.968 7.561 -329.802 7.884 -329.802 8.091 c -330.238 3.057 m -330.664 2.454 -330.966 2.246 -331.091 2.246 c -331.184 2.246 -331.258 2.33 -331.258 2.402 c -331.258 2.527 -331.132 2.943 -331.091 3.089 c -330.176 6.438 l -330.207 6.458 l -330.612 6.384 -331.476 6.218 -331.87 6.198 c -331.87 6.033 l -331.3 6.033 -331.216 5.981 -331.216 5.763 c -331.216 5.471 -332.036 2.891 -332.036 2.402 c -332.036 2.215 -332.036 1.758 -331.548 1.758 c -330.966 1.758 -330.509 2.33 -330.103 2.943 c h -332.761 3.089 m -333.156 2.6 -333.426 2.267 -333.624 2.267 c -333.748 2.267 -333.78 2.298 -333.78 2.475 c -333.778 2.622 -332.937 5.409 -332.937 5.763 c -332.937 6.177 -333.176 6.458 -333.55 6.458 c -334.236 6.458 -335.08 5.544 -335.807 4.338 c -335.828 4.358 l -335.682 4.774 -335.444 5.638 -335.444 5.783 c -335.444 6.219 -335.661 6.458 -336.057 6.458 c -336.929 6.458 -338 4.847 -338.313 4.338 c -338.333 4.358 l -337.751 6.438 l -337.782 6.458 l -338.333 6.344 -338.884 6.24 -339.446 6.136 c -339.446 5.97 l -338.936 5.97 -338.78 5.95 -338.78 5.721 c -338.78 5.492 -339.633 2.559 -339.8 1.873 c -339.02 1.873 l -338.635 3.141 -338.427 3.828 -338.011 4.452 c -337.73 4.868 -336.94 5.918 -336.472 5.918 c -336.378 5.918 -336.243 5.918 -336.243 5.638 c -336.243 5.44 -336.961 2.882 -337.231 1.873 c -336.451 1.873 l -336.15 3.048 -335.973 3.703 -335.475 4.493 c -335.152 5.003 -334.403 5.918 -333.977 5.918 c -333.851 5.918 -333.757 5.835 -333.757 5.679 c -333.759 5.471 -334.568 2.569 -334.568 2.288 c -334.568 2.142 -334.568 1.779 -334.132 1.779 c -333.551 1.779 -333.031 2.361 -332.657 2.891 c -332.604 2.964 l h -339.941 8.091 m -339.941 8.32 -340.118 8.663 -340.461 8.663 c -340.71 8.663 -340.949 8.466 -340.949 8.102 c -340.949 7.738 -340.71 7.561 -340.451 7.561 c -340.108 7.561 -339.941 7.884 -339.941 8.091 c -340.378 3.057 m -340.804 2.454 -341.105 2.246 -341.231 2.246 c -341.325 2.246 -341.397 2.33 -341.397 2.402 c -341.397 2.527 -341.273 2.943 -341.231 3.089 c -340.316 6.438 l -340.347 6.458 l -340.752 6.384 -341.616 6.218 -342.01 6.198 c -342.01 6.033 l -341.439 6.033 -341.356 5.981 -341.356 5.763 c -341.356 5.471 -342.177 2.891 -342.177 2.402 c -342.177 2.215 -342.177 1.758 -341.688 1.758 c -341.105 1.758 -340.648 2.33 -340.243 2.943 c h -343.077 3.151 m -343.587 2.496 -343.805 2.205 -344.065 2.205 c -344.221 2.205 -344.221 2.35 -344.221 2.413 c -344.221 2.527 -344.138 2.808 -344.117 2.902 c -342.547 8.923 l -342.599 8.975 l -343.14 8.85 -343.68 8.757 -344.221 8.694 c -344.221 8.529 l -344.076 8.529 l -343.816 8.529 -343.514 8.498 -343.514 8.269 c -343.514 8.05 -345.02 2.621 -345.02 2.402 c -345.02 2.111 -344.979 1.758 -344.522 1.758 c -343.878 1.758 -343.473 2.257 -342.942 3.057 c h -348.1 3.005 m -348.401 2.486 -348.505 2.298 -348.734 2.298 c -349.004 2.298 -349.202 2.777 -349.951 4.556 c -348.516 5.825 -348.12 6.137 -347.612 6.157 c -347.612 6.323 l -349.513 6.323 l -349.513 6.157 l -349.232 6.157 -348.941 6.157 -348.941 5.96 c -348.941 5.638 -350.273 4.639 -350.845 4.192 c -350.865 4.213 l -349.628 8.923 l -349.68 8.975 l -350.221 8.85 -350.762 8.757 -351.302 8.694 c -351.302 8.529 l -351.157 8.529 l -350.897 8.529 -350.596 8.498 -350.596 8.269 c -350.616 8.04 -350.845 7.27 -350.939 6.895 c -352.259 1.873 l -351.479 1.873 l -350.98 3.745 l -350.544 4.077 l -350.44 3.765 -350.045 2.85 -349.92 2.61 c -349.608 1.997 -349.42 1.758 -349.098 1.758 c -348.641 1.758 -348.339 2.142 -347.945 2.891 c h -353.253 2.974 m -353.627 2.558 -354.116 2.132 -354.74 2.132 c -355.375 2.132 -355.687 2.6 -355.687 3.401 c -355.687 4.399 -354.969 6.241 -353.617 6.241 c -353.429 6.241 -353.221 6.189 -353.221 6.033 c -353.221 5.856 -353.377 5.793 -353.377 5.523 c -353.377 5.284 -353.221 5.138 -352.961 5.138 c -352.702 5.138 -352.473 5.325 -352.473 5.617 c -352.473 5.939 -352.733 6.458 -353.606 6.458 c -355.146 6.458 -356.58 4.868 -356.58 3.401 c -356.58 2.018 -355.718 1.758 -355.042 1.758 c -353.949 1.758 -353.345 2.538 -353.086 2.87 c h -358.697 6.241 m -358.197 6.241 -357.969 5.783 -357.969 5.242 c -357.969 4.129 -358.79 1.976 -359.977 1.976 c -360.497 1.976 -360.809 2.35 -360.809 2.943 c -360.809 4.17 -359.862 6.241 -358.697 6.241 c -358.624 6.458 m -360.143 6.458 -361.681 4.785 -361.681 3.255 c -361.681 2.392 -361.214 1.758 -360.112 1.758 c -358.52 1.758 -357.096 3.64 -357.096 4.92 c -357.096 5.606 -357.418 6.458 -358.624 6.458 c -361.646 6.323 m -362.478 6.323 l -362.187 7.394 l -362.187 7.415 -362.176 7.436 -362.176 7.457 c -362.176 7.509 -362.197 7.55 -362.239 7.55 c -362.28 7.55 l -362.363 7.55 -362.395 7.477 -362.436 7.425 c -362.728 7.062 -363.227 6.593 -363.57 6.417 c -363.746 6.323 -364.037 6.25 -364.1 6.157 c -364.12 6.126 -364.131 6.095 -364.131 6.054 c -364.131 6.033 -364.12 6.012 -364.12 5.991 c -363.352 5.991 l -364.1 3.131 l -364.141 2.964 -364.338 2.33 -364.338 2.173 c -364.338 1.863 -364.048 1.758 -363.84 1.758 c -363.3 1.758 -362.894 2.215 -362.364 3.016 c -362.499 3.089 l -362.759 2.756 -363.123 2.267 -363.331 2.267 c -363.445 2.267 -363.497 2.35 -363.497 2.444 c -363.497 2.475 -363.497 2.496 -363.487 2.527 c -362.572 5.991 l -361.698 5.991 l h -368.264 3.39 m -368.472 1.738 l -368.306 1.738 l -368.243 1.852 -368.202 1.956 -368.056 1.956 c -367.755 1.955 -367.339 1.758 -367.028 1.758 c -366.445 1.758 -365.479 2.018 -365.479 3.151 c -365.479 4.035 -366.747 4.962 -366.747 5.617 c -366.747 6.126 -366.414 6.22 -366.184 6.22 c -365.51 6.22 -365.259 5.617 -365.207 5.024 c -365.042 5.024 l -364.834 6.469 l -364.979 6.469 l -365.031 6.386 -365.094 6.282 -365.27 6.282 c -365.582 6.282 -365.79 6.458 -366.257 6.458 c -367.36 6.458 -367.505 5.627 -367.505 5.305 c -367.505 4.504 -366.268 3.505 -366.268 2.818 c -366.268 2.475 -366.434 1.976 -367.017 1.976 c -367.859 1.976 -368.025 2.933 -368.098 3.39 c h -370.793 6.323 m -371.625 6.323 l -371.334 7.394 l -371.334 7.415 -371.323 7.436 -371.323 7.457 c -371.323 7.509 -371.344 7.55 -371.385 7.55 c -371.427 7.55 l -371.51 7.55 -371.541 7.477 -371.583 7.425 c -371.875 7.062 -372.374 6.593 -372.717 6.417 c -372.893 6.323 -373.184 6.25 -373.246 6.157 c -373.267 6.126 -373.277 6.095 -373.277 6.054 c -373.277 6.033 -373.267 6.012 -373.267 5.991 c -372.498 5.991 l -373.246 3.131 l -373.288 2.964 -373.485 2.33 -373.485 2.173 c -373.485 1.863 -373.195 1.758 -372.987 1.758 c -372.446 1.758 -372.041 2.215 -371.511 3.016 c -371.646 3.089 l -371.906 2.756 -372.27 2.267 -372.478 2.267 c -372.592 2.267 -372.644 2.35 -372.644 2.444 c -372.644 2.475 -372.644 2.496 -372.634 2.527 c -371.718 5.991 l -370.845 5.991 l h -374.157 3.089 m -374.542 2.6 -374.802 2.267 -375.01 2.267 c -375.031 2.267 -375.177 2.288 -375.177 2.444 c -375.175 2.757 -374.345 5.325 -374.345 5.773 c -374.345 6.209 -374.583 6.458 -375.061 6.458 c -375.924 6.458 -376.881 5.013 -377.37 4.244 c -377.39 4.265 l -376.725 6.438 l -376.756 6.458 l -377.318 6.344 -377.879 6.24 -378.441 6.136 c -378.441 5.97 l -377.879 5.97 -377.775 5.856 -377.775 5.7 c -377.775 5.482 -378.472 3.048 -378.794 1.873 c -378.014 1.873 l -377.588 3.287 -377.453 3.734 -376.974 4.452 c -376.6 5.034 -375.945 5.929 -375.445 5.929 c -375.248 5.929 -375.186 5.783 -375.186 5.596 c -375.187 5.18 -375.955 2.641 -375.955 2.392 c -375.955 2.09 -375.934 1.779 -375.457 1.779 c -374.896 1.779 -374.532 2.257 -374.012 2.954 c h -378.957 8.091 m -378.957 8.32 -379.134 8.663 -379.476 8.663 c -379.725 8.663 -379.964 8.466 -379.964 8.102 c -379.964 7.738 -379.725 7.561 -379.466 7.561 c -379.123 7.561 -378.957 7.884 -378.957 8.091 c -379.393 3.057 m -379.819 2.454 -380.121 2.246 -380.246 2.246 c -380.34 2.246 -380.413 2.33 -380.413 2.402 c -380.413 2.527 -380.288 2.943 -380.246 3.089 c -379.331 6.438 l -379.362 6.458 l -379.767 6.384 -380.631 6.218 -381.025 6.198 c -381.025 6.033 l -380.454 6.033 -380.371 5.981 -380.371 5.763 c -380.371 5.471 -381.191 2.891 -381.191 2.402 c -381.191 2.215 -381.191 1.758 -380.704 1.758 c -380.121 1.758 -379.663 2.33 -379.258 2.943 c h -383.506 6.241 m -383.007 6.241 -382.777 5.783 -382.777 5.242 c -382.777 4.129 -383.6 1.976 -384.786 1.976 c -385.306 1.976 -385.618 2.35 -385.618 2.943 c -385.618 4.17 -384.671 6.241 -383.506 6.241 c -383.433 6.458 m -384.952 6.458 -386.49 4.785 -386.49 3.255 c -386.49 2.392 -386.023 1.758 -384.921 1.758 c -383.329 1.758 -381.905 3.64 -381.905 4.92 c -381.905 5.606 -382.227 6.458 -383.433 6.458 c -386.663 8.091 m -386.663 8.32 -386.84 8.663 -387.182 8.663 c -387.432 8.663 -387.671 8.466 -387.671 8.102 c -387.671 7.738 -387.432 7.561 -387.172 7.561 c -386.829 7.561 -386.663 7.884 -386.663 8.091 c -388.92 1.841 m -389.117 1.04 -389.377 -0.042 -389.908 -0.042 c -390.002 -0.042 -390.116 -0.031 -390.116 0.073 c -390.116 0.198 -389.981 0.198 -389.981 0.416 c -389.981 0.634 -390.188 0.79 -390.396 0.79 c -390.78 0.79 -390.822 0.426 -390.822 0.385 c -390.822 -0.125 -390.355 -0.28 -390.012 -0.28 c -389.086 -0.28 -388.482 0.499 -388.056 2.163 c -386.975 6.438 l -387.006 6.458 l -387.411 6.383 -388.347 6.218 -388.774 6.197 c -388.774 6.029 l -388.42 6.039 l -388.066 6.008 -388.014 5.935 -388.014 5.758 c -388.004 5.738 -388.004 5.706 -388.004 5.675 c -388.004 5.54 -388.056 5.301 -388.17 4.875 c h -396.407 4.597 m -394.857 7.29 l -394.847 7.29 l -394.389 4.597 l h -394.4 8.819 m -397.416 3.62 l -398.269 2.163 -398.362 2.132 -398.757 2.038 c -398.757 1.873 l -396.813 1.873 l -396.813 2.038 l -397.292 2.08 -397.427 2.132 -397.427 2.402 c -397.427 2.631 -397.365 2.766 -397.219 3.047 c -396.626 4.223 l -394.337 4.223 l -394.129 2.86 l -394.108 2.714 -394.108 2.569 -394.108 2.558 c -394.108 2.142 -394.379 2.08 -394.92 2.038 c -394.92 1.873 l -392.363 1.873 l -392.363 2.038 l -392.965 2.09 -393.027 2.205 -393.152 2.933 c -394.129 8.819 l h -399.907 0.052 m -400.407 1.331 -400.407 2.246 -400.407 2.943 c -400.407 3.598 -400.23 5.013 -399.814 6.177 c -399.315 7.582 -398.784 8.143 -398.285 8.663 c -398.42 8.83 l -400.313 7.218 -401.123 5.595 -401.123 3.879 c -401.123 3.213 -401.123 1.695 -400.095 -0.011 c h f q 0 0 0 0.6 k /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 267.8591 626.9158 cm 0 0 m -0.796 0 -1.508 0.383 -1.985 0.988 c -1.986 0.988 l -2.367 1.475 -2.598 2.103 -2.598 2.788 c -2.598 4.327 -1.435 5.577 0 5.577 c 0.832 5.577 2.01 5.256 2.701 4.508 c 2.595 8.431 l 1.8 8.759 0.922 8.934 0 8.934 c -3.587 8.934 -6.495 6.182 -6.495 2.788 c -6.495 2.161 -6.395 1.555 -6.211 0.985 c -6.21 0.985 l -5.397 -1.53 -2.924 -3.359 0 -3.359 c 0.917 -3.359 1.789 -3.177 2.581 -2.854 c 2.595 -2.854 l 2.724 0.985 l 2.612 0.985 l 1.921 0.319 0.777 0 0 0 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 302.3151 627.9013 cm 0 0 m 0 7.708 l -3.909 7.708 l -3.909 0 l -3.909 -4.103 l 3.905 -4.103 l 3.905 -0.689 l -0.003 -0.689 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 313.4681 626.9158 cm 0 0 m -0.795 0 -1.507 0.383 -1.984 0.988 c -1.985 0.988 l -2.367 1.475 -2.597 2.103 -2.597 2.788 c -2.597 4.327 -1.433 5.577 0 5.577 c 0.832 5.577 2.011 5.256 2.7 4.508 c 2.597 8.431 l 1.8 8.759 0.923 8.934 0 8.934 c -3.586 8.934 -6.493 6.182 -6.493 2.788 c -6.493 2.161 -6.394 1.555 -6.21 0.985 c -5.394 -1.53 -2.924 -3.359 0 -3.359 c 0.918 -3.359 1.79 -3.177 2.582 -2.854 c 2.597 -2.854 l 2.726 0.985 l 2.613 0.985 l 1.921 0.319 0.777 0 0 0 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 279.7751 631.2874 cm 0 0 m -3.626 0 l -3.626 4.308 l -7.219 4.308 l -7.219 -3.386 l -7.219 -7.474 l -3.613 -7.474 l -3.613 -3.386 l -3.613 -3.142 l -0.013 -3.142 l -0.013 -3.386 l -0.013 -7.474 l 3.593 -7.474 l 3.593 -3.386 l 3.593 4.308 l 0 4.308 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 270.5831 627.9013 cm 0 0 m 0.004 0.122 l -0.033 0.081 -0.072 0.042 -0.112 0.003 c h f* q q 1 0 0 1 324.0471 626.9158 cm 0 0 m -0.796 0 -1.507 0.383 -1.983 0.988 c -2.366 1.474 -2.596 2.102 -2.596 2.788 c -2.596 4.327 -1.435 5.577 0 5.577 c 1.436 5.577 2.597 4.327 2.597 2.788 c 2.597 2.102 2.368 1.474 1.984 0.985 c 1.507 0.383 0.797 0 0 0 c 0 8.934 m -3.585 8.934 -6.494 6.182 -6.494 2.788 c -6.494 2.161 -6.394 1.555 -6.21 0.985 c -5.396 -1.53 -2.922 -3.359 0 -3.359 c 2.926 -3.359 5.397 -1.53 6.211 0.985 c 6.397 1.555 6.497 2.161 6.497 2.788 c 6.497 6.182 3.588 8.934 0 8.934 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 316.1942 627.9013 cm 0 0 m 0.003 0.122 l -0.035 0.081 -0.073 0.042 -0.113 0.003 c h f* q q 1 0 0 1 290.9171 633.4932 cm 0 0 m 1.319 -5.49 l -1.414 -5.49 l h 2.303 2.074 m -2.399 2.074 l -5.073 -5.592 l -6.49 -9.653 l -2.419 -9.653 l -1.983 -7.869 l 1.887 -7.869 l 2.324 -9.653 l 6.396 -9.653 l 4.978 -5.592 l h f* q q q 146.72 572.507 301.856 124.07 re w n 1 0.6 0 0.1 k /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 316.6791 651.3596 cm 0 0 m -4.45 -7.304 l -42.564 -7.304 l -18.438 32.296 l -4.064 32.296 l -23.741 0 l -0.22 0 l h -6.75 22.733 m -1.668 31.462 l -2.454 33.71 l -13.49 33.71 l -20.659 45.219 l -55.141 -10.917 l 13.839 -10.917 l h f* q 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 161.9737 593.7114 cm 0 0 m 6.392 0 l 6.953 0 7.286 0.043 7.407 0.158 c 7.528 0.273 7.589 0.517 7.589 0.919 c 7.589 15.156 l 0 15.156 l h -11.316 0 7.438 15.156 re -15.255 18.686 m -3.878 18.686 l -3.878 20.652 l 0 20.652 l 0 18.686 l 11.527 18.686 l 11.527 -0.703 l 11.527 -1.178 11.451 -1.607 11.3 -2.009 c 11.148 -2.411 10.891 -2.769 10.497 -3.085 c 10.134 -3.401 9.619 -3.56 8.922 -3.573 c 0 -3.573 l 0 -6.057 l -3.878 -6.057 l -3.878 -3.573 l -15.255 -3.573 l h f* q q q 95.724 522.525 403.827 174.053 re w n /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 181.658 590.9693 cm 0 0 m 17.935 0 l 18.329 0 18.586 0.073 18.707 0.231 c 18.814 0.373 18.859 0.647 18.874 1.049 c 18.874 19.964 l 0 19.964 l h -4.044 23.035 m 22.98 23.035 l 22.98 0.317 l 22.98 -0.228 22.919 -0.716 22.798 -1.175 c 22.692 -1.62 22.449 -2.036 22.055 -2.454 c 21.692 -2.854 20.541 -3.055 18.602 -3.055 c -4.044 -3.055 l h 1.561 11.841 m 7.059 11.841 l 7.059 15.012 l 1.561 15.012 l 1.561 17.97 l 17.344 17.97 l 17.344 15.012 l 10.967 15.012 l 10.967 11.841 l 17.238 11.841 l 17.238 8.914 l 10.967 8.914 l 10.967 4.708 l 12.281 4.695 l 13.235 6.532 l 16.841 6.532 l 15.75 4.695 l 17.245 4.695 l 17.245 1.766 l 1.561 1.781 l 1.561 4.708 l 7.059 4.708 l 7.059 8.914 l 1.561 8.914 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 232.0261 610.7252 cm 0 0 m -8.016 0 l -8.016 -4.993 l -1.381 -4.993 l -0.935 -4.993 -0.638 -4.936 -0.475 -4.823 c -0.312 -4.711 -0.193 -4.57 -0.119 -4.388 c -0.045 -4.219 -0.015 -3.726 0 -2.896 c h -11.742 -8.143 m -11.742 3.264 l 3.711 3.264 l 3.711 -4.204 l 3.711 -5.105 3.592 -5.978 3.325 -6.849 c 3.073 -7.707 2.153 -8.128 0.534 -8.143 c h -13.577 -11.043 m -13.577 -14.372 l -18.263 -14.372 l -18.263 -17.643 l -18.263 -18.159 -18.203 -18.475 -18.081 -18.604 c -17.96 -18.719 -13.271 -17.444 y -14.094 -21.225 l -18.604 -22.497 l -19.361 -22.497 -20.551 -23.071 -20.99 -22.841 c -21.399 -22.626 -21.672 -22.296 -21.839 -21.851 c -21.974 -21.419 -22.035 -20.845 -22.05 -20.113 c -22.05 -14.372 l -24.107 -14.372 l -24.107 -11.043 l -22.05 -11.043 l -22.05 -7.929 l -24.107 -7.929 l -24.107 -4.6 l -13.577 -4.6 l -13.577 -7.929 l -18.263 -7.929 l -18.263 -11.043 l h -24.705 -0.208 m -23.292 -0.208 l -23.004 -0.208 -22.807 -0.194 -22.686 -0.136 c -22.565 -0.093 -22.458 0.136 -22.367 0.581 c -21.731 3.537 l -17.793 3.537 l -18.186 1.815 l -13.127 1.815 l -13.127 -1.485 l -18.959 -1.485 l -19.156 -2.075 -19.368 -2.504 -19.595 -2.792 c -19.807 -3.049 -20.049 -3.223 -20.338 -3.322 c -20.61 -3.408 -20.974 -3.451 -21.458 -3.451 c -23.882 -3.451 l h -0.024 -13.411 m -8.219 -13.411 l -8.219 -19.568 l -1.433 -19.568 l -0.994 -19.568 -0.691 -19.511 -0.524 -19.383 c -0.357 -19.267 -0.236 -19.123 -0.145 -18.922 c -0.069 -18.75 -0.04 -18.248 -0.024 -17.401 c h -12.006 -22.94 m -12.006 -9.981 l 3.778 -9.981 l 3.778 -18.865 l 3.778 -19.726 3.687 -20.488 3.475 -21.161 c 3.278 -21.835 2.899 -22.296 2.309 -22.554 c 1.748 -22.811 1.157 -22.94 0.521 -22.94 c h f* q q 1 0 0 1 266.3641 611.0569 cm 0 0 m -1.851 -13.327 l -1.882 -13.786 -2.033 -14.36 -2.306 -15.064 c -2.578 -15.753 -3.381 -16.097 -4.744 -16.112 c -6.227 -16.112 l -7.274 -12.781 l -6.441 -12.781 l -6.077 -12.781 -5.819 -12.71 -5.668 -12.552 c -5.517 -12.394 -5.426 -11.949 -5.366 -11.218 c -3.695 0 l h -26.902 -0.158 m -23.221 -0.158 l -21.61 -11.375 l -21.58 -12.093 -21.489 -12.538 -21.338 -12.71 c -21.186 -12.853 -20.929 -12.925 -20.55 -12.94 c -19.702 -12.94 l -20.674 -16.284 l -22.231 -16.284 l -22.595 -16.284 -22.958 -16.241 -23.353 -16.126 c -23.716 -16.011 -24.019 -15.854 -24.276 -15.653 c -24.504 -15.452 -24.7 -15.149 -24.867 -14.749 c -25.019 -14.346 -25.11 -13.931 -25.14 -13.485 c h -26.902 -19.785 m -18.904 -19.785 l -18.904 3.465 l -15.162 3.465 l -15.162 -19.785 l -11.875 -19.785 l -11.875 3.465 l -8.118 3.465 l -8.118 -19.785 l 0.395 -19.785 l 0.395 -23.245 l -26.902 -23.245 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 421.5151 599.9865 cm 0 0 m 0 -7.535 l 8.936 -7.535 l 9.709 -7.535 10.194 -7.476 10.421 -7.334 c 10.632 -7.19 10.786 -7.017 10.875 -6.803 c 10.952 -6.602 10.982 -6.315 10.996 -5.926 c 10.996 0 l h 14.889 3.143 m 14.889 -6.156 l 14.889 -6.918 14.846 -7.578 14.723 -8.166 c 14.616 -8.74 14.329 -9.285 13.846 -9.831 c 13.375 -10.362 12.058 -10.62 9.889 -10.634 c -3.832 -10.634 l -3.832 3.143 l h 15.176 5.674 -20.207 3.056 re 21.388 14.193 m 21.388 -7.664 l 21.388 -8.41 21.329 -9.013 21.191 -9.472 c 21.07 -9.931 20.782 -10.39 20.313 -10.864 c 19.858 -11.323 18.903 -11.553 17.42 -11.567 c 16.239 -11.567 l 15.118 -8.252 l 16.359 -8.252 l 16.783 -8.252 17.071 -8.179 17.238 -8.037 c 17.389 -7.892 17.464 -7.535 17.479 -6.931 c 17.479 11.122 l -4.198 11.122 l -4.198 14.193 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 400.1111 613.6849 cm 0 0 m 8.386 0 l 12.293 -8.051 l 12.489 -8.482 12.731 -8.869 13.05 -9.212 c 13.353 -9.542 13.656 -9.759 13.975 -9.888 c 14.276 -10.003 14.418 -10.06 15.145 -10.06 c 15.467 -10.06 l 14.509 -13.577 l 14.042 -13.577 l 12.603 -13.577 12.231 -13.448 11.731 -13.188 c 11.247 -12.93 10.793 -12.6 10.354 -12.171 c 9.929 -11.768 9.612 -11.337 9.4 -10.864 c 5.689 -2.772 l -1.443 -2.769 l h -5.436 0 m -1.196 0 l -6.572 -10.634 l -7.147 -11.782 -7.8 -12.528 -8.526 -12.873 c -9.224 -13.217 -9.176 -13.389 -10.493 -13.389 c -11.25 -13.389 l -12.296 -10.017 l -11.373 -10.017 l -10.737 -10.017 -11.314 -9.931 -10.828 -9.73 c -10.344 -9.542 -9.95 -9.142 -9.646 -8.525 c h -9.785 -25.818 m -10.607 -22.385 l -8.523 -22.393 l -0.376 -10.06 l 4.562 -10.06 l -3.602 -22.399 l 8.228 -22.432 l 8.53 -22.432 8.743 -22.373 8.879 -22.258 c 9.001 -22.145 9.062 -21.885 9.077 -21.469 c 7.506 -18.127 l 11.762 -18.127 l 13.333 -22.303 l 13.333 -22.948 13.257 -23.494 13.077 -23.967 c 12.924 -24.426 12.653 -24.841 12.228 -25.23 c 11.834 -25.603 11.045 -25.864 9.865 -25.864 c h f* q q 1 0 0 1 320.6171 602.9924 cm 0 0 m -12.938 0 l -12.938 -3.382 l -9.541 -3.382 l -11.352 -10.556 l -11.466 -11.105 -11.806 -11.73 -12.399 -11.758 c -13.588 -11.758 l -12.909 -15.108 l -10.65 -15.108 l -9.179 -15.108 -8.244 -14.422 -7.792 -12.997 c -5.216 -3.382 l 0.914 -3.382 l 0.914 -10.719 l 0.914 -11.16 0.688 -11.73 0.207 -11.758 c -2.719 -11.758 l -2.096 -15.108 l 1.951 -15.108 l 3.762 -15.108 4.669 -14.229 4.727 -12.419 c 4.727 0 l 2.348 0 l h 2.065 11.186 m -11.352 11.186 l -11.352 8.152 l -0.7 8.152 l 1.224 3.207 l 1.961 1.836 2.98 1.151 4.309 1.124 c 6.085 1.124 l 6.085 4.297 l 5.434 4.297 l 5.151 4.297 4.869 4.544 4.584 5.065 c h -10.902 7.195 m -11.663 4.921 l -11.946 4.373 -12.484 4.099 -13.333 4.072 c -13.814 4.072 l -13.136 1.124 l -11.152 1.124 l -9.849 1.124 -8.886 1.808 -8.236 3.18 c -6.682 7.193 l h -13.643 11.218 m -17.82 11.218 l -20.017 3.787 l -20.131 3.24 -20.749 2.395 -21.344 2.369 c -21.741 2.369 l -21.061 -0.741 l -19.816 -0.741 l -19.816 -15.108 l -16.056 -15.108 l -16.056 2.549 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 350.5081 603.8432 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.994 l -15.43 -1.994 l -15.43 0 l -0.884 0 l h 0 -5.247 m 0 -7.241 l -15.43 -7.241 l -15.43 -5.247 l -0.884 -5.247 l h 3.79 -13.281 m 3.79 3.47 l 1.439 3.47 l -0.884 3.47 l -15.584 3.47 l -13.076 6.175 l 4.686 6.175 l 4.686 9.154 l -10.964 9.154 l -9.676 10.821 l -14.541 10.821 l -15.98 9.154 l -22.743 9.154 l -22.743 6.175 l -18.246 6.175 l -20.727 3.389 l -21.008 3.006 -21.457 2.816 -22.1 2.816 c -22.829 2.816 l -22.155 -0.289 l -19.09 -0.289 l -19.09 -15.959 l -15.43 -15.959 l -15.43 -10.493 l 0 -10.493 l 0 -11.804 l 0 -12.243 -0.222 -12.461 -0.7 -12.488 c -6.193 -12.488 l -5.579 -15.959 l 1.047 -15.959 l 2.839 -15.959 3.733 -15.084 3.79 -13.281 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 385.2041 595.0413 cm 0 0 m 1.02 3.797 l -2.21 3.797 l -2.619 2.278 l -2.793 1.899 -3.413 1.655 -3.878 1.546 c -4.704 4.567 l -8.566 4.567 l -5.983 -4.872 l -5.576 -5.957 -4.74 -7.103 -2.939 -7.157 c 0.711 -7.157 l 1.135 -4.163 l -1.045 -4.163 l -1.687 -4.163 -2.366 -3.361 -2.51 -3.09 c -2.976 -1.545 l -1.639 -1.382 -0.465 -0.868 0 0 c -10.573 16.229 7.072 -2.645 re -10.573 13.583 m -3.46 10.67 m -3.46 8.685 l -3.46 8.252 -3.695 8.034 -4.187 8.008 c -10.496 8.008 l -10.496 10.67 l h -14.257 15.619 m -14.257 -4.499 l -14.257 -6.235 -13.326 -7.103 -11.404 -7.157 c -8.089 -7.157 l -7.478 -4.02 l -8.786 -4.02 l -10.12 -4.02 -10.318 -3.281 -10.348 -2.818 c -10.348 4.99 l -2.471 4.99 l -0.61 4.99 0.32 5.858 0.379 7.647 c 0.379 19.061 l -2.007 19.061 l -4.363 19.061 l -14.257 19.061 l -14.257 17.353 l h -23.21 16.306 m -20.401 16.306 l -19.934 16.306 -19.701 16.089 -19.673 15.629 c -19.673 9.62 l -19.673 9.185 -19.906 8.969 -20.401 8.941 c -23.21 8.941 l h -23.21 5.954 m -20.401 5.954 l -19.934 5.954 -19.701 5.737 -19.673 5.277 c -19.673 -0.433 l -19.673 -0.868 -19.906 -1.084 -20.401 -1.112 c -23.21 -1.112 l h -26.828 15.503 m -26.828 -7.055 l -23.139 -7.055 l -23.139 -1.646 l -21.104 -4.67 l -19.243 -4.67 -15.612 -4.628 -15.683 -2.012 c -15.683 4.306 l -15.683 5.987 -16.496 6.935 -18.126 7.154 c -16.496 7.37 -15.683 8.319 -15.683 10 c -15.683 16.507 l -15.683 18.243 -16.613 19.111 -18.534 19.164 c -26.828 19.164 l -26.828 17.348 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 296.5231 603.3878 cm 0 0 m -14.401 0 l -14.401 -3.384 l -4.122 -3.384 l -7.061 -7.349 l -8.965 -5.084 l -13.468 -5.113 l -9.259 -9.968 l -10.578 -11.242 l -11.086 -11.898 -12.025 -12.161 -13.213 -12.161 c -14.606 -12.161 l -14.09 -15.503 l -10.724 -15.503 l -9.364 -15.503 -8.261 -14.984 -7.384 -13.916 c -6.329 -12.65 l -5.303 -13.932 l -4.205 -15.135 -3.398 -15.568 -1.714 -15.503 c 0.538 -15.503 l 0.538 -12.177 l -1.714 -12.161 l -2.167 -12.161 -2.154 -11.95 -2.812 -11.596 c -4.278 -10.109 l 0 -3.91 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 280.7071 590.5643 cm 0 0 m 0 23.65 l -10.383 23.65 l -10.383 1.227 l -10.383 0.791 -10.61 0.571 -11.091 0.543 c -11.459 0.543 l -10.837 -2.68 l -9.337 -2.68 l -7.526 -2.68 -6.621 -1.805 -6.564 0 c -6.564 5.086 l -3.624 5.086 l -3.624 1.014 l -3.624 0.577 -4.386 0.359 -4.867 0.332 c -5.46 0.332 l -4.838 -2.68 l -2.772 -2.68 l -0.962 -2.68 -0.056 -1.805 0 0 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 295.7031 608.0303 cm 0 0 m 0 6.184 l -2.264 6.184 l -4.498 6.184 l -8.149 6.184 l -10.412 6.184 l -12.648 6.184 l -12.648 0 l -12.648 -0.437 -12.873 -0.657 -13.354 -0.684 c -14.119 -0.684 l -13.496 -3.412 l -11.736 -3.412 l -9.924 -3.412 -9.019 -3.5 -8.962 -1.695 c -8.962 2.64 l -3.74 2.64 l -3.74 -1.695 l -3.74 -3.445 -2.835 -3.359 -0.968 -3.412 c 1.244 -3.412 l 1.244 -0.684 l 0.708 -0.684 l 0.254 -0.684 0.029 -0.464 0 0 c f* q 0 0 0 0 k 0 0 0 0 k 0.275 w 3.864 m 274.154 610.833 2.782 -4.46 re b 274.154 603.4 2.782 -4.531 re b 0 0 0 0.6 k q 1 0 0 1 210.6481 575.9833 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.843 -1.642 -3.366 -4.002 -3.336 c -6.435 -3.346 -8.004 -1.843 -8.004 0 c -8.002 5.651 l -5.329 5.651 l -5.324 0.122 l -5.324 -0.547 -4.743 -1.08 -4.02 -1.08 c -3.297 -1.08 -2.71 -0.538 -2.71 0.131 c -2.709 5.651 l 0 5.651 l 0 -0.155 l h 2.955 5.651 m 5.872 5.649 l 7.441 0.679 l 7.524 -0.107 l 7.608 0.691 l 9.117 5.646 l 12.033 5.644 l 13.486 -3.176 l 10.924 -3.176 l 10.383 2.714 l 10.356 3.482 l 10.257 2.709 l 8.342 -3.176 l 6.664 -3.176 l 4.781 2.712 l 4.692 3.465 l 4.662 2.693 l 4.083 -3.176 l 1.557 -3.176 l h -18.644 5.651 m -15.996 5.651 l -12.806 1.26 l -12.372 0.466 l -12.476 1.332 l -12.482 5.651 l -9.95 5.651 l -9.95 -3.197 l -12.542 -3.197 l -15.808 1.268 l -16.192 2.088 l -16.064 1.263 l -16.065 -3.197 l -18.644 -3.197 l h -35.624 5.651 m -32.708 5.649 l -31.138 0.679 l -31.055 -0.107 l -30.972 0.691 l -29.462 5.646 l -26.547 5.644 l -25.092 -3.176 l -27.656 -3.176 l -28.197 2.714 l -28.224 3.482 l -28.322 2.709 l -30.237 -3.176 l -31.915 -3.176 l -33.797 2.712 l -33.888 3.465 l -33.917 2.693 l -34.496 -3.176 l -37.022 -3.176 l h -23.448 5.651 2.761 -8.881 re -38.26 0 m -38.26 -1.843 -39.902 -3.366 -42.263 -3.336 c -44.695 -3.346 -46.265 -1.843 -46.265 0 c -46.263 5.651 l -43.589 5.651 l -43.584 0.122 l -43.584 -0.547 -43.003 -1.08 -42.28 -1.08 c -41.557 -1.08 -40.971 -0.538 -40.971 0.131 c -40.969 5.651 l -38.26 5.651 l -38.26 -0.155 l h -52.728 5.651 m -50.036 5.651 l -50.038 -0.198 l -50.077 -0.882 l -49.591 -0.868 l -47.178 -0.863 l -47.178 -3.197 l -52.728 -3.197 l h -59.183 -0.437 m -56.878 -0.444 l -58.042 4.575 l h -60.21 -3.197 m -59.937 -2.008 l -56.788 -2.018 l -56.492 -3.219 l -53.617 -3.219 l -56.72 5.651 l -60.012 5.651 l -63.063 -3.206 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 288.0541 578.8443 cm 0 0 m 0.375 1.65 l 0.758 0 l 1.248 -2.112 l 1.539 -3.368 l -0.766 -3.361 l -0.481 -2.112 l h 3.711 -2.112 m 2.972 0 l 2.018 2.727 l -1.275 2.727 l -2.212 0 l -2.937 -2.112 l -3.662 -4.224 l -4.324 -6.151 l -1.473 -6.142 l -1.199 -4.934 l 1.95 -4.943 l 2.247 -6.144 l 5.122 -6.144 l 4.45 -4.224 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 301.5761 578.8443 cm 0 0 m 0 -2.112 l 0 -4.224 l 0 -6.144 l 2.761 -6.144 l 2.761 -4.224 l 2.761 -2.112 l 2.761 0 l 2.761 2.737 l 0 2.737 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 312.5241 576.7324 cm 0 0 m -0.173 -1.038 -0.992 -1.822 -1.974 -1.822 c -2.956 -1.822 -3.774 -1.038 -3.948 -0.002 c -3.97 0.131 -3.982 0.268 -3.982 0.408 c -3.982 1.092 -3.706 1.7 -3.273 2.111 c -3.27 2.111 l -2.92 2.439 -2.468 2.639 -1.974 2.639 c -1.48 2.639 -1.027 2.439 -0.679 2.112 c -0.242 1.702 0.034 1.092 0.034 0.408 c 0.034 0.27 0.023 0.133 0 0 c -1.974 5.04 m -4.013 5.04 -5.756 3.828 -6.463 2.112 c -6.68 1.585 -6.799 1.009 -6.799 0.408 c -6.799 0.27 -6.795 0.133 -6.782 0 c -6.709 -0.777 -6.442 -1.497 -6.023 -2.115 c -5.162 -3.384 -3.67 -4.224 -1.974 -4.224 c -0.279 -4.224 1.213 -3.384 2.073 -2.112 c 2.494 -1.497 2.762 -0.777 2.834 -0.002 c 2.834 0 l 2.847 0.133 2.852 0.27 2.852 0.408 c 2.852 1.009 2.734 1.585 2.515 2.112 c 1.808 3.828 0.066 5.04 -1.974 5.04 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 233.9981 574.8643 cm 0 0 m -1.188 0 -2.176 0.806 -2.388 1.868 c -2.388 1.872 l -2.416 2.011 -2.43 2.153 -2.43 2.3 c -2.43 2.965 -2.133 3.563 -1.656 3.98 c -1.656 3.982 l -1.222 4.364 -0.64 4.598 0 4.598 c 0.568 4.598 1.106 4.398 1.52 4.089 c 1.424 6.579 l 0.877 6.791 0.28 6.908 -0.344 6.908 c -2.014 6.908 -3.485 6.071 -4.34 4.8 c -4.512 4.546 -4.66 4.273 -4.778 3.982 c -4.78 3.982 l -5.003 3.441 -5.126 2.85 -5.126 2.231 c -5.126 2.109 -5.121 1.989 -5.112 1.868 c -5.056 1.162 -4.748 0.354 -4.351 -0.246 c -4.381 -0.246 l -3.531 -1.514 -2.041 -2.331 -0.344 -2.331 c 0.28 -2.331 0.877 -2.226 1.424 -2.013 c 1.485 -0.428 l 1.492 -0.428 l 1.52 0.464 l 1.494 0.486 l 1.082 0.182 0.563 0 0 0 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 322.9541 581.5483 cm 0 0 m 0.004 -2.704 l 0.004 -4.321 l 0.064 -4.816 l 0.11 -5.187 l -0.093 -4.816 l -0.323 -4.393 l -1.551 -2.704 l -3.515 0 l -6.162 0 l -6.162 -2.704 l -6.162 -4.816 l -6.162 -6.928 l -6.162 -8.848 l -3.584 -8.848 l -3.582 -6.928 l -3.58 -4.816 l -3.58 -4.39 l -3.71 -3.565 l -3.326 -4.384 l -3.01 -4.816 l -1.465 -6.928 l -0.06 -8.848 l 2.532 -8.848 l 2.532 -6.928 l 2.532 -4.816 l 2.532 -2.704 l 2.532 0 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 239.8951 578.8433 cm 0 0 m 0.001 0 l 0.351 0.328 0.803 0.528 1.297 0.528 c 1.791 0.528 2.243 0.328 2.592 0.001 c 3.028 -0.409 3.305 -1.019 3.305 -1.703 c 3.305 -1.841 3.293 -1.978 3.27 -2.111 c 3.097 -3.149 2.279 -3.933 1.297 -3.933 c 0.314 -3.933 -0.504 -3.149 -0.678 -2.113 c -0.7 -1.98 -0.711 -1.843 -0.711 -1.703 c -0.711 -1.019 -0.435 -0.411 0 0 c 5.786 0.001 m 5.079 1.717 3.335 2.929 1.297 2.929 c -0.742 2.929 -2.485 1.717 -3.193 0.001 c -3.41 -0.526 -3.529 -1.102 -3.529 -1.703 c -3.529 -1.841 -3.523 -1.978 -3.511 -2.111 c -3.442 -2.865 -3.138 -3.617 -2.737 -4.226 c -2.751 -4.226 l -1.89 -5.495 -0.399 -6.335 1.297 -6.335 c 2.964 -6.335 4.431 -5.521 5.298 -4.283 c 5.299 -4.283 l 5.302 -4.28 5.303 -4.276 5.305 -4.273 c 5.317 -4.256 5.332 -4.24 5.344 -4.223 c 5.336 -4.223 l 5.736 -3.617 6.036 -2.863 6.104 -2.113 c 6.104 -2.111 l 6.116 -1.978 6.123 -1.841 6.123 -1.703 c 6.123 -1.102 6.003 -0.526 5.786 0.001 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 293.1081 579.2053 cm 0 0 m 1.925 0.092 l 1.923 -0.361 l 1.916 -2.473 l 1.909 -4.585 l 1.904 -6.505 l 4.597 -6.505 l 4.597 -4.585 l 4.597 -2.473 l 4.597 -0.361 l 4.597 0.092 l 6.521 0 l 6.521 2.345 l 0 2.345 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 263.4021 576.7324 cm 0 0 m 0.35 0.566 0.533 1.367 0.459 1.872 c 0.462 1.929 0.461 1.982 0.461 2.035 c 0.465 2.035 l 0.465 2.042 0.462 2.047 0.462 2.053 c 0.462 2.073 0.463 2.094 0.463 2.112 c 0.452 2.112 l 0.342 3.721 -1.373 4.734 -3.153 4.828 c -7.055 4.828 l -7.055 2.112 l -7.055 0 l -7.055 -2.112 l -7.055 -4.032 l -4.432 -4.032 l -4.432 -2.112 l -4.43 0 l -4.43 2.112 l -4.43 2.888 l -4.451 2.922 l -4.289 2.963 -4.118 2.932 -3.94 2.932 c -3.237 2.932 -2.526 2.695 -2.337 2.111 c -2.339 2.111 l -2.289 1.984 -2.261 1.844 -2.263 1.69 c -2.256 0.66 -3.014 0.5 -3.94 0.5 c -4.118 0.5 -4.141 0.519 -4.301 0.554 c -4.032 -0.22 l -4.024 -0.22 l -3.677 -1.177 l -2.882 -1.174 -1.893 -1.373 -0.575 -0.553 c -0.368 -0.442 -0.199 -0.273 -0.055 -0.082 c -0.044 -0.082 l -0.037 -0.072 -0.032 -0.058 -0.025 -0.046 c -0.013 -0.031 0.002 -0.017 0.015 0 c h f* q q 1 0 0 1 282.1151 574.6203 cm 0 0 m -0.834 1.234 l -1.267 1.674 l -0.806 1.765 -0.421 1.911 -0.11 2.11 c -0.107 2.11 l 0.531 2.52 0.857 3.15 0.901 3.984 c 0.905 4.049 0.905 4.113 0.905 4.175 c 0.905 4.18 l 0.905 4.196 0.907 4.211 0.905 4.224 c 0.898 4.224 l 0.821 5.849 -0.777 6.846 -2.568 6.94 c -6.47 6.94 l -6.47 4.224 l -6.47 2.112 l -6.47 0 l -6.47 -1.92 l -3.847 -1.92 l -3.847 0 l -3.846 2.112 l -3.846 4.224 l -3.846 5 l -3.866 5.034 l -3.704 5.075 -3.534 5.044 -3.355 5.044 c -2.632 5.044 -1.997 4.66 -1.761 4.18 c -1.712 4.061 -1.678 3.936 -1.678 3.802 c -1.678 3.087 -2.429 2.612 -3.355 2.612 c -3.533 2.612 -3.556 2.631 -3.717 2.666 c -3.474 2.112 l -2.546 0 l -1.702 -1.92 l 1.296 -1.92 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 253.8141 574.6203 cm 0 0 m -0.833 1.234 l -1.266 1.674 l -0.804 1.765 -0.421 1.911 -0.109 2.11 c -0.106 2.11 l 0.532 2.52 0.859 3.15 0.903 3.984 c 0.906 4.03 0.904 4.075 0.905 4.12 c 0.909 4.12 l 0.909 4.128 0.906 4.135 0.906 4.144 c 0.906 4.171 0.908 4.199 0.907 4.224 c 0.894 4.224 l 0.782 5.818 -0.797 6.846 -2.567 6.94 c -6.469 6.94 l -6.469 4.224 l -6.469 2.112 l -6.469 0 l -6.469 -1.92 l -3.846 -1.92 l -3.846 0 l -3.845 2.112 l -3.845 4.224 l -3.845 5 l -3.865 5.034 l -3.704 5.075 -3.532 5.044 -3.354 5.044 c -2.64 5.044 -2.012 4.694 -1.769 4.223 c -1.77 4.223 l -1.71 4.092 -1.677 3.951 -1.677 3.802 c -1.677 3.087 -2.428 2.612 -3.354 2.612 c -3.532 2.612 -3.555 2.631 -3.716 2.666 c -3.473 2.112 l -2.545 0 l -1.701 -1.92 l 1.297 -1.92 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 271.4191 576.7324 cm 0 0 m -0.174 -1.038 -0.991 -1.822 -1.974 -1.822 c -2.956 -1.822 -3.774 -1.038 -3.948 -0.002 c -3.97 0.131 -3.982 0.268 -3.982 0.408 c -3.982 1.092 -3.706 1.7 -3.271 2.111 c -3.269 2.111 l -2.92 2.439 -2.468 2.639 -1.974 2.639 c -1.48 2.639 -1.028 2.439 -0.678 2.112 c -0.242 1.702 0.035 1.092 0.035 0.408 c 0.035 0.27 0.023 0.133 0 0 c -1.974 5.04 m -4.013 5.04 -5.756 3.828 -6.462 2.112 c -6.681 1.585 -6.8 1.009 -6.8 0.408 c -6.8 0.27 -6.793 0.133 -6.782 0 c -6.71 -0.777 -6.44 -1.497 -6.022 -2.115 c -5.161 -3.384 -3.669 -4.224 -1.974 -4.224 c -0.278 -4.224 1.213 -3.384 2.074 -2.112 c 2.493 -1.497 2.762 -0.777 2.833 -0.002 c 2.833 0 l 2.846 0.133 2.852 0.27 2.852 0.408 c 2.852 1.009 2.733 1.585 2.515 2.112 c 1.808 3.828 0.065 5.04 -1.974 5.04 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 331.7011 577.1583 cm 0 0 m 0 1.231 0.9 2.23 2.008 2.23 c 3.119 2.23 4.017 1.231 4.017 0 c 4.017 -1.23 3.119 -2.229 2.008 -2.229 c 0.9 -2.229 0 -1.23 0 0 c -2.817 0 m -2.817 2.558 -0.656 4.632 2.008 4.632 c 4.674 4.632 6.835 2.558 6.835 0 c 6.835 -2.557 4.674 -4.632 2.008 -4.632 c -0.656 -4.632 -2.817 -2.557 -2.817 0 c 7.723 4.425 m 13.586 4.425 l 13.586 2.139 l 10.578 2.139 l 10.578 0.793 l 13.26 0.793 l 13.26 -1.309 l 10.578 -1.309 l 10.578 -4.487 l 7.723 -4.487 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 384.8261 575.5444 cm 0 0 m 2.307 -0.006 l 1.142 5.013 l h -0.708 -2.76 m -0.432 -1.572 l 2.716 -1.58 l 3.012 -2.782 l 5.888 -2.782 l 2.783 6.088 l -0.508 6.088 l -3.559 -2.768 l h -13.143 6.045 m -10.497 6.045 l -7.308 1.652 l -6.875 0.858 l -6.978 1.725 l -6.985 6.045 l -4.451 6.045 l -4.451 -2.803 l -7.042 -2.803 l -10.309 1.661 l -10.693 2.481 l -10.565 1.656 l -10.565 -2.803 l -13.143 -2.803 l h -17.626 6.057 2.761 -8.86 re -27.529 6.07 m -24.939 6.07 l -24.929 2.811 l -22.144 2.811 l -22.144 6.07 l -19.518 6.07 l -19.518 -2.803 l -22.144 -2.803 l -22.144 0.547 l -24.929 0.547 l -24.929 -2.803 l -27.529 -2.803 l h -34.709 4.179 m -33.855 5.449 -32.384 6.286 -30.715 6.286 c -30.089 6.286 -29.493 6.169 -28.947 5.956 c -28.85 3.467 l -29.265 3.777 -29.802 3.976 -30.372 3.976 c -31.714 3.976 -32.802 2.946 -32.802 1.678 c -32.802 0.408 -31.714 -0.621 -30.372 -0.621 c -29.808 -0.621 -29.289 -0.439 -28.876 -0.135 c -28.85 -0.159 l -28.947 -2.636 l -29.493 -2.847 -30.089 -2.952 -30.715 -2.952 c -33.355 -2.952 -35.497 -0.976 -35.497 1.607 c -35.497 2.558 -35.208 3.441 -34.709 4.179 c f* q q q 146.72 572.507 301.856 124.07 re w n 0 0 0 0.6 k /gs1 gs 400.054 581.591 2.763 -8.881 re 393.654 581.564 m 396.347 581.564 l 396.344 575.713 l 396.304 575.029 l 396.791 575.043 l 399.204 575.048 l 399.204 572.714 l 393.654 572.714 l h 404.911 581.523 m 407.828 581.521 l 409.397 576.902 l 409.481 576.117 l 409.564 576.914 l 411.074 581.517 l 413.989 581.516 l 415.444 572.693 l 412.881 572.693 l 412.339 578.585 l 412.311 579.353 l 412.214 578.578 l 410.298 572.693 l 408.621 572.693 l 406.737 578.583 l 406.647 579.336 l 406.618 578.564 l 406.04 572.693 l 403.514 572.693 l h 416.873 581.497 2.761 -8.812 re 420.353 581.495 m 427.033 581.495 l 427.033 579.298 l 425.108 579.386 l 425.108 572.76 l 422.381 572.76 l 422.381 579.386 l 420.353 579.298 l h 427.944 581.596 m 433.725 581.596 l 433.725 579.401 l 430.791 579.401 l 430.791 578.351 l 433.501 578.351 l 433.501 576.416 l 430.791 576.416 l 430.791 574.83 l 433.823 574.83 l 433.823 572.76 l 427.944 572.76 l h 437.587 574.883 m 437.815 574.883 l 438.584 574.883 439.172 575.069 439.615 575.46 c 440.038 575.833 440.25 576.378 440.25 577.092 c 440.25 577.906 440.038 578.501 439.615 578.876 c 439.187 579.248 438.518 579.436 437.587 579.453 c h 434.829 581.574 m 437.953 581.574 l 439.55 581.574 440.786 581.184 441.658 580.392 c 442.529 579.611 442.965 578.503 442.965 577.042 c 442.965 575.77 442.579 574.737 441.779 573.944 c 440.992 573.162 439.974 572.772 438.715 572.76 c 434.829 572.76 l h f* 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 447.9111 585.3233 cm 0 0 m -1.128 -1.473 l -1.128 -1.497 l 0.667 -1.259 l 0.667 -2.067 l -1.128 -1.853 l -1.128 -1.877 l 0.013 -3.314 l -0.736 -3.73 l -1.461 -2.067 l -1.485 -2.067 l -2.244 -3.741 l -2.922 -3.314 l -1.794 -1.865 l -1.794 -1.84 l -3.55 -2.067 l -3.55 -1.259 l -1.805 -1.485 l -1.805 -1.461 l -2.922 0 l -2.197 0.404 l -1.461 -1.235 l -1.437 -1.235 l -0.713 0.416 l h f q q bt /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 168.3843 489.0096 tm (2021 third quarterly report)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc 0.07 tw 13 0 0 13 56.6929 457.0096 tm [(th)0.5 (is)13 ( an)0.5 (nou)0.5 (nc)0.5 (eme)0.5 (nt)13 ( is)13 ( m)0.5 (ade)13 ( b)0.5 (y)12.9 ( )0.5 (alu)0.5 (min)0.5 (um)12.9 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (rpo)0.5 (rat)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)12.9 ( o)0.5 (f)12.9 ( )0.5 (chi)0.5 (na)12.9 ( )0.5 (li)0.5 (mit)0.5 (ed)0.5 (*)12.9 ( \()0.5 (the)45.1 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.038 tc -0.038 tw 0.482 0 td [(c)0.5 (omp)0.5 (any)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tw 4.43 0 td [(\224,)13 ( t)0.5 (oge)0.5 (the)0.5 (r)12.9 ( )0.5 (wi)0.5 (th)12.9 ( )0.5 (its)13 ( s)0.5 (ubs)0.5 (idi)0.5 (ar)0.5 (ies)0.5 (,)12.9 ( )0.5 (the)13 ( \223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.038 tw 16.679 0 td [(gr)0.5 (oup)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tw 3.022 0 td [(\224\))13 ( p)0.5 (urs)0.5 (ua)0.5 (nt)12.9 ( )0.5 (to)12.9 ( )0.5 (pa)0.5 (rt)12.9 ( )0.5 (xi)0.5 (va)13 ( of)13 ( )]tj 0.043 tc -24.612 -1.231 td [(the)12.9 ( securities)12.9 ( and)12.9 ( futures)12.9 ( ordinance)12.8 ( \(chapter)12.8 ( 5)12.9 (7)12.8 (1)12.9 (,)12.8 ( laws)12.9 ( of)12.9 ( hong)12.9 ( kong\))12.9 ( and)12.8 ( rule)18 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.053 tw 0 -1.231 td (13.09 and rule 13.10b of the rules governing the listing of securities o\ n the stock )tj 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (exchange of hong kong limited.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -2.462 td (important notice:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.053 tc 0.07 tw 0 -2.462 td [(the)12.4 ( board)12.4 ( of)12.3 ( directors,)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( supervisory)12.4 ( committee,)12.3 ( the)12.4 ( directors,)12.4 ( supervisors)12.4 ( and)28 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0 -1.231 td [(senior)12.4 ( management)12.4 ( members)12.4 ( of)12.4 ( the)12.5 ( company)12.4 ( guarantee)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( truthfulness,)12.5 ( accuracy)21 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.075 tw 0 -1.231 td (and completeness of this quarterly report, and that it contains no false\ representation, )tj 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (misleading statement or material omission, and assume several and joint \ liabilities.)tj 0.035 tw 0 -2.462 td (the legal representative, the chief financial officer and the head of th\ e accounting )tj 0.059 tw 0 -1.231 td [(department )0.5 (warrant )0.6 (the )0.6 (truthfulness, )0.6 (accuracy )0.5 (and )0.5 (completeness )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (information )0.5 (in )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.231 td (the financial statements in this quarterly report.)tj 0 -2.462 td (has the third quarterly report of the company been audited)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w /gs2 gs q 1 0 0 1 56.6929 167.1086 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 56.9429 151.2639 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 73.9508 151.2639 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 56.6929 151.0139 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 130.3937 167.1086 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 130.6437 151.2639 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 147.6516 151.2639 cm 0 0 m 0 15.595 l s q q 1 0 0 1 130.3937 151.0139 cm 0 0 m 17.508 0 l s q bt /gs0 gs 0.75 tw 13 0 0 13 74.2008 154.0822 tm ( yes)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 4.618 0.043 td (\037)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 0.75 tw 1.051 -0.043 td ( no)tj et endstream endobj 77 0 obj <> 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