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7.012 -1.026 9.554 -3.087 9.554 c -3.087 9.263 m -1.652 9.263 -1.63 6.452 -1.63 5.69 c -1.63 4.805 -1.652 2.117 -3.087 2.117 c -4.522 2.117 -4.544 4.782 -4.544 5.69 c -4.544 6.452 -4.522 9.263 -3.087 9.263 c -8.546 9.554 m -10.609 9.554 -11.078 7.012 -11.078 5.69 c -11.078 4.334 -10.609 1.826 -8.546 1.826 c -6.486 1.826 -6.017 4.334 -6.017 5.69 c -6.017 7.012 -6.486 9.554 -8.546 9.554 c -8.546 9.263 m -7.113 9.263 -7.09 6.452 -7.09 5.69 c -7.09 4.805 -7.113 2.117 -8.546 2.117 c -9.982 2.117 -10.003 4.782 -10.003 5.69 c -10.003 6.452 -9.982 9.263 -8.546 9.263 c -14.096 6.262 m -12.91 6.262 -12.573 5.142 -12.573 3.987 c -12.573 2.722 -13.088 2.139 -13.794 2.139 c -14.634 2.139 -15.386 2.968 -15.386 4.85 c -15.386 5.522 -15.274 5.791 -15.162 5.903 c -14.882 6.172 -14.478 6.262 -14.096 6.262 c -11.813 9.632 m -14.522 9.542 -16.426 7.512 -16.426 5.242 c -16.426 2.89 -15.285 1.826 -13.962 1.826 c -11.969 1.826 -11.566 3.606 -11.566 4.424 c -11.566 5.926 -12.439 6.776 -13.626 6.776 c -14.253 6.776 -14.489 6.642 -15.106 6.273 c -14.892 7.635 -13.782 9.142 -11.789 9.454 c h -16.948 3.517 m -17.094 3.573 l -17.53 2.867 -17.742 2.834 -18.156 2.834 c -20.833 2.834 l -18.951 4.805 l -18.458 5.331 -17.518 6.351 -17.518 7.538 c -17.518 8.793 -18.526 9.554 -19.546 9.554 c -20.53 9.554 -21.582 9.017 -21.918 7.326 c -21.684 7.27 l -21.438 7.874 -21.102 8.726 -20.082 8.726 c -18.761 8.726 -18.481 7.695 -18.481 7.124 c -18.481 6.284 -18.962 5.275 -19.936 4.234 c -21.93 2.118 l -21.93 1.983 l -17.564 1.983 l h -26.378 1.86 m -26.142 1.86 -25.751 2.05 -25.751 2.465 c -25.751 2.811 -26.042 3.102 -26.378 3.102 c -26.714 3.102 -26.992 2.822 -26.992 2.464 c -26.992 2.039 -26.613 1.86 -26.378 1.86 c -26.378 5.881 m -26.142 5.881 -25.751 6.071 -25.751 6.485 c -25.751 6.832 -26.042 7.123 -26.378 7.123 c -26.714 7.123 -26.992 6.843 -26.992 6.485 c -26.992 6.06 -26.613 5.881 -26.378 5.881 c -31.648 5.443 m -31.467 6.43 -31.031 6.732 -30.415 6.732 c -29.529 6.732 -29.417 5.981 -29.339 5.443 c h -28.165 3.819 m -28.422 3.405 -28.903 2.643 -29.899 2.643 c -30.639 2.643 -31.546 3.102 -31.682 5.086 c -28.198 5.086 l -28.32 6.553 -29.115 7.134 -30.169 7.134 c -31.065 7.134 -32.452 6.452 -32.452 4.38 c -32.452 2.789 -31.603 1.871 -30.359 1.871 c -28.746 1.871 -28.097 3.394 -27.986 3.741 c h -32.695 2.632 m -33.446 2.576 -33.446 2.8 -33.446 3.259 c -33.446 9.61 l -33.502 9.632 l -34.039 9.442 -34.586 9.285 -35.146 9.139 c -35.146 8.961 l -35.056 8.972 -34.946 8.972 -34.878 8.972 c -34.385 8.972 -34.385 8.737 -34.385 8.401 c -34.385 6.654 l -34.754 6.978 -35.09 7.134 -35.573 7.134 c -36.828 7.134 -37.89 5.847 -37.89 4.379 c -37.89 2.095 -36.289 1.871 -35.852 1.871 c -35.022 1.871 -34.61 2.285 -34.408 2.587 c -34.385 2.587 l -34.385 1.905 l -34.341 1.871 l -33.746 2.084 -33.233 2.263 -32.695 2.454 c h -34.385 3.125 m -34.475 2.722 -34.912 2.453 -35.382 2.453 c -36.122 2.453 -36.929 3.08 -36.929 4.749 c -36.929 6.273 -36.166 6.822 -35.539 6.822 c -35.013 6.822 -34.462 6.463 -34.385 5.702 c h -40.719 2.184 m -42.064 2.184 -42.322 4.245 -42.322 5.074 c -42.322 6.239 -41.705 6.822 -40.999 6.822 c -39.968 6.822 -39.397 5.601 -39.397 4.211 c -39.397 2.61 -40.147 2.184 -40.719 2.184 c -40.91 7.134 m -42.41 7.134 -43.328 5.914 -43.328 4.536 c -43.328 3.024 -42.322 1.871 -40.876 1.871 c -39.173 1.871 -38.39 3.427 -38.39 4.536 c -38.39 6.161 -39.442 7.134 -40.91 7.134 c -44.041 7.034 m -44.142 9.554 l -44.377 9.554 l -44.466 9.185 -44.836 9.185 -44.892 9.185 c -45.138 9.185 -45.866 9.554 -46.863 9.554 c -48.79 9.554 -50.67 8.199 -50.67 5.69 c -50.67 2.901 -48.734 1.826 -46.93 1.826 c -44.87 1.826 -43.906 3.226 -43.895 3.248 c -44.097 3.45 l -44.444 3.114 -45.25 2.318 -46.628 2.318 c -48.039 2.318 -49.372 3.293 -49.372 5.667 c -49.372 7.281 -48.879 7.998 -48.442 8.423 c -47.972 8.882 -47.322 9.106 -46.762 9.106 c -45.385 9.106 -44.578 8.21 -44.298 7.034 c h -59.025 1.983 m -56.406 1.983 l -56.406 2.15 l -56.63 2.162 l -56.999 2.184 -57.246 2.274 -57.246 2.733 c -57.246 4.761 l -57.223 4.761 l -55.678 2.699 l -55.543 2.509 -55.442 2.408 -55.442 2.33 c -55.442 2.184 -55.588 2.15 -55.678 2.15 c -55.89 2.15 l -55.89 1.983 l -53.449 1.983 l -53.449 2.15 l -53.751 2.173 -54.188 2.251 -54.759 2.968 c -56.473 5.142 l -56.148 5.444 l -54.636 6.855 -54.322 6.855 -53.729 6.855 c -53.729 7.022 l -56.014 7.022 l -56.014 6.866 l -55.543 6.866 -55.454 6.777 -55.454 6.654 c -55.454 6.553 -55.543 6.43 -55.711 6.273 c -56.159 5.892 -56.82 5.276 -57.223 4.929 c -57.246 4.951 l -57.246 9.61 l -57.29 9.632 l -57.882 9.442 -58.476 9.285 -59.025 9.139 c -59.025 8.961 l -58.935 8.972 -58.834 8.983 -58.689 8.983 c -58.252 8.983 -58.185 8.804 -58.185 8.3 c -58.185 2.901 l -58.185 2.296 -58.274 2.274 -59.025 2.15 c h -59.479 3.73 m -59.86 3.158 -60.274 2.677 -61.081 2.677 c -62.022 2.677 -62.794 3.528 -62.794 4.816 c -62.794 6.463 -61.764 6.81 -61.35 6.81 c -60.756 6.81 -60.7 6.609 -60.61 6.273 c -60.543 6.026 l -60.476 5.78 -60.286 5.489 -59.994 5.511 c -59.658 5.534 -59.479 5.746 -59.479 6.004 c -59.479 6.206 -59.625 6.553 -59.961 6.788 c -60.241 6.966 -60.745 7.134 -61.148 7.134 c -62.358 7.134 -63.656 6.206 -63.656 4.368 c -63.656 2.598 -62.458 1.871 -61.562 1.871 c -60.655 1.871 -59.927 2.352 -59.322 3.629 c h -66.462 2.184 m -67.806 2.184 -68.064 4.245 -68.064 5.074 c -68.064 6.239 -67.448 6.822 -66.742 6.822 c -65.711 6.822 -65.14 5.601 -65.14 4.211 c -65.14 2.61 -65.89 2.184 -66.462 2.184 c -66.652 7.134 m -68.154 7.134 -69.071 5.914 -69.071 4.536 c -69.071 3.024 -68.064 1.871 -66.619 1.871 c -64.916 1.871 -64.133 3.427 -64.133 4.536 c -64.133 6.161 -65.185 7.134 -66.652 7.134 c -69.514 7.022 m -70.646 7.022 l -70.646 8.322 l -70.646 8.411 -70.646 8.467 -70.724 8.467 c -71.138 7.874 -71.306 7.627 -71.731 7.19 c -71.978 6.944 -72.224 6.877 -72.224 6.743 c -72.224 6.71 -72.202 6.676 -72.179 6.665 c -71.586 6.665 l -71.586 3.293 l -71.586 2.173 -71.126 1.871 -70.556 1.871 c -70.041 1.871 -69.514 2.24 -69.246 2.722 c -69.391 2.845 l -69.514 2.699 -69.716 2.453 -70.074 2.453 c -70.646 2.453 -70.646 3.114 -70.646 3.461 c -70.646 6.665 l -69.514 6.665 l h -73.451 9.554 m -73.686 9.554 l -73.708 9.43 -73.764 9.174 -74.078 9.174 c -74.358 9.174 -74.962 9.554 -75.635 9.554 c -76.643 9.554 -77.662 8.927 -77.662 7.65 c -77.662 6.542 -76.946 6.048 -75.915 5.454 c -74.268 4.491 -74.089 4.11 -74.089 3.472 c -74.089 2.867 -74.537 2.229 -75.433 2.229 c -76.946 2.229 -77.516 3.685 -77.729 4.211 c -77.986 4.211 l -77.65 1.838 l -77.404 1.838 l -77.404 2.016 -77.292 2.206 -77.058 2.206 c -76.722 2.206 -76.173 1.826 -75.321 1.826 c -73.719 1.826 -72.958 2.901 -72.958 3.853 c -72.958 6.15 -76.699 6.374 -76.699 8.054 c -76.699 8.748 -76.128 9.095 -75.568 9.095 c -74.391 9.095 -73.674 8.087 -73.485 7.169 c -73.205 7.169 l h -78.743 9.554 m -80.479 8.523 -81.508 6.843 -81.508 4.917 c -81.508 3.371 -81.139 2.565 -80.591 1.758 c -80.166 1.131 -79.426 0.347 -78.777 0 c -78.642 0.179 l -80.546 1.4 -80.546 3.853 -80.546 4.995 c -80.546 7.84 -79.471 8.714 -78.642 9.374 c h f q q 1 0 0 1 496.8472 554.6348 cm 0 0 m 1.54 1.238 2.704 2.964 2.704 4.93 c 2.704 6.282 2.423 7.613 1.676 8.83 c 1.478 8.778 l 1.748 8.206 1.987 7.176 1.987 6.063 c 1.987 5.148 1.821 3.9 1.394 2.631 c 0.927 1.269 0.323 0.634 -0.135 0.156 c h -4.633 6.033 m -4.506 6.064 -4.435 6.074 -4.278 6.074 c -3.686 6.074 -3.55 5.628 -3.27 4.683 c -3.093 4.122 -2.656 2.306 -2.656 1.91 c -2.656 1.63 -3.093 1.122 -3.353 0.821 c -3.706 0.405 -3.841 0.312 -4.008 0.312 c -4.194 0.312 -4.33 0.603 -4.642 0.603 c -4.86 0.603 -5.038 0.426 -5.038 0.208 c -5.038 -0.228 -4.59 -0.259 -4.506 -0.259 c -3.27 -0.259 -0.359 4.579 -0.359 5.814 c -0.359 6.188 -0.566 6.458 -0.95 6.458 c -1.221 6.458 -1.336 6.24 -1.336 6.094 c -1.336 5.617 -0.774 5.731 -0.774 5.306 c -0.774 4.755 -1.594 3.354 -2.042 2.627 c -2.25 3.831 l -2.385 4.61 -3 6.458 -3.135 6.458 c -3.321 6.458 -4.133 6.292 -4.633 6.209 c h -4.473 6.323 m -5.304 6.323 l -5.013 7.394 l -5.013 7.415 -5.003 7.436 -5.003 7.457 c -5.003 7.509 -5.023 7.55 -5.065 7.55 c -5.106 7.55 l -5.19 7.55 -5.221 7.478 -5.262 7.426 c -5.554 7.062 -6.053 6.594 -6.396 6.417 c -6.573 6.323 -6.863 6.25 -6.926 6.157 c -6.946 6.126 -6.957 6.095 -6.957 6.054 c -6.957 6.033 -6.946 6.012 -6.946 5.991 c -6.177 5.991 l -6.926 3.13 l -6.968 2.964 -7.163 2.33 -7.163 2.174 c -7.163 1.862 -6.874 1.758 -6.665 1.758 c -6.126 1.758 -5.719 2.215 -5.19 3.016 c -5.324 3.089 l -5.585 2.756 -5.949 2.267 -6.157 2.267 c -6.271 2.267 -6.323 2.35 -6.323 2.444 c -6.323 2.475 -6.323 2.496 -6.313 2.527 c -5.398 5.991 l -4.524 5.991 l h -7.566 8.091 m -7.566 8.32 -7.742 8.663 -8.086 8.663 c -8.335 8.663 -8.573 8.466 -8.573 8.102 c -8.573 7.738 -8.335 7.562 -8.075 7.562 c -7.733 7.562 -7.566 7.884 -7.566 8.091 c -8.003 3.058 m -8.427 2.454 -8.729 2.246 -8.855 2.246 c -8.949 2.246 -9.022 2.33 -9.022 2.402 c -9.022 2.527 -8.896 2.943 -8.855 3.089 c -7.94 6.438 l -7.971 6.458 l -8.376 6.384 -9.24 6.218 -9.635 6.198 c -9.635 6.033 l -9.063 6.033 -8.98 5.981 -8.98 5.762 c -8.98 5.471 -9.801 2.891 -9.801 2.402 c -9.801 2.215 -9.801 1.758 -9.313 1.758 c -8.729 1.758 -8.273 2.33 -7.868 2.943 c h -10.702 3.151 m -11.211 2.496 -11.429 2.205 -11.69 2.205 c -11.846 2.205 -11.846 2.35 -11.846 2.413 c -11.846 2.527 -11.762 2.808 -11.741 2.902 c -10.171 8.923 l -10.223 8.975 l -10.763 8.85 -11.306 8.757 -11.846 8.694 c -11.846 8.529 l -11.7 8.529 l -11.44 8.529 -11.139 8.498 -11.139 8.269 c -11.139 8.05 -12.644 2.621 -12.644 2.402 c -12.644 2.111 -12.604 1.758 -12.146 1.758 c -11.503 1.758 -11.096 2.257 -10.566 3.058 c h -13.089 8.091 m -13.089 8.32 -13.265 8.663 -13.608 8.663 c -13.857 8.663 -14.096 8.466 -14.096 8.102 c -14.096 7.738 -13.857 7.562 -13.598 7.562 c -13.254 7.562 -13.089 7.884 -13.089 8.091 c -13.524 3.058 m -13.95 2.454 -14.252 2.246 -14.377 2.246 c -14.471 2.246 -14.544 2.33 -14.544 2.402 c -14.544 2.527 -14.419 2.943 -14.377 3.089 c -13.462 6.438 l -13.493 6.458 l -13.898 6.384 -14.762 6.218 -15.157 6.198 c -15.157 6.033 l -14.586 6.033 -14.503 5.981 -14.503 5.762 c -14.503 5.471 -15.323 2.891 -15.323 2.402 c -15.323 2.215 -15.323 1.758 -14.836 1.758 c -14.252 1.758 -13.794 2.33 -13.39 2.943 c h -19.76 8.56 m -19.157 8.55 -19.083 8.498 -19.083 8.258 c -19.083 8.113 -19.177 7.853 -19.25 7.561 c -20.663 2.35 l -20.663 2.309 l -20.663 2.08 -19.863 1.758 -19.313 1.758 c -17.721 1.758 -15.985 3.557 -15.985 5.201 c -15.985 5.96 -16.493 6.458 -17.221 6.458 c -18.157 6.458 -18.813 5.492 -19.157 4.951 c -19.177 4.962 l -18.824 6.137 -18.344 8.07 -18.116 8.923 c -18.168 8.975 l -18.709 8.871 -19.24 8.798 -19.76 8.736 c h -16.868 5.066 m -16.868 4.192 -17.856 1.997 -19.281 1.997 c -19.771 1.997 -19.771 2.267 -19.771 2.34 c -19.771 3.432 -18.771 5.95 -17.626 5.95 c -16.971 5.95 -16.868 5.388 -16.868 5.066 c -24.924 3.006 m -24.924 3.942 -23.986 6.23 -22.77 6.23 c -22.468 6.23 -22.177 6.033 -22.177 5.534 c -22.177 4.514 -23.196 2.267 -24.3 2.267 c -24.58 2.267 -24.924 2.454 -24.924 3.006 c -21.149 3.016 m -21.616 2.558 -21.824 2.298 -21.98 2.298 c -22.063 2.298 -22.126 2.361 -22.126 2.434 c -22.126 2.756 -21.17 6.302 -21.139 6.427 c -21.211 6.458 l -21.844 6.386 l -21.876 6.354 l -21.98 5.898 l -22.002 5.898 l -22.033 6.189 -22.374 6.458 -22.821 6.458 c -24.206 6.458 -25.796 4.514 -25.796 2.985 c -25.796 2.683 -25.765 1.758 -24.726 1.758 c -24.102 1.758 -23.549 2.07 -22.686 3.338 c -22.666 3.318 l -22.833 2.683 -22.883 2.454 -22.883 2.215 c -22.883 2.038 -22.883 1.769 -22.447 1.769 c -22.002 1.769 -21.647 2.142 -21.024 2.912 c h -25.99 8.091 m -25.99 8.32 -26.166 8.663 -26.509 8.663 c -26.758 8.663 -26.996 8.466 -26.996 8.102 c -26.996 7.738 -26.758 7.562 -26.498 7.562 c -26.156 7.562 -25.99 7.884 -25.99 8.091 c -26.426 3.058 m -26.852 2.454 -27.154 2.246 -27.278 2.246 c -27.373 2.246 -27.446 2.33 -27.446 2.402 c -27.446 2.527 -27.321 2.943 -27.278 3.089 c -26.363 6.438 l -26.394 6.458 l -26.801 6.384 -27.663 6.218 -28.058 6.198 c -28.058 6.033 l -27.486 6.033 -27.404 5.981 -27.404 5.762 c -27.404 5.471 -28.224 2.891 -28.224 2.402 c -28.224 2.215 -28.224 1.758 -27.737 1.758 c -27.154 1.758 -26.696 2.33 -26.291 2.943 c h -29.125 3.151 m -29.635 2.496 -29.854 2.205 -30.113 2.205 c -30.27 2.205 -30.27 2.35 -30.27 2.413 c -30.27 2.527 -30.186 2.808 -30.166 2.902 c -28.594 8.923 l -28.647 8.975 l -29.188 8.85 -29.727 8.757 -30.27 8.694 c -30.27 8.529 l -30.124 8.529 l -29.863 8.529 -29.562 8.498 -29.562 8.269 c -29.562 8.05 -31.07 2.621 -31.07 2.402 c -31.07 2.111 -31.026 1.758 -30.571 1.758 c -29.926 1.758 -29.521 2.257 -28.99 3.058 c h -34.221 3.026 m -34.657 2.527 -34.865 2.288 -35.073 2.288 c -35.178 2.288 -35.26 2.361 -35.26 2.517 c -35.26 2.683 -34.003 7.114 -33.555 8.923 c -33.606 8.975 l -34.138 8.861 -34.668 8.788 -35.198 8.736 c -35.198 8.56 l -34.626 8.55 -34.554 8.498 -34.554 8.258 c -34.554 8.113 -34.626 7.853 -34.71 7.561 c -35.157 5.908 l -35.178 5.887 l -35.219 6.116 -35.291 6.458 -35.874 6.458 c -37.112 6.458 -38.879 4.556 -38.879 2.985 c -38.879 2.444 -38.66 1.758 -37.798 1.758 c -37.278 1.758 -36.694 1.935 -35.946 3.078 c -35.926 3.058 l -36.009 2.694 -36.05 2.454 -36.05 2.215 c -36.05 1.997 -35.968 1.738 -35.562 1.738 c -35.219 1.738 -34.544 2.226 -34.096 2.922 c h -37.341 2.257 m -37.975 2.257 -37.975 2.85 -37.975 3.026 c -37.975 3.973 -36.986 6.22 -35.821 6.22 c -35.333 6.22 -35.333 5.762 -35.333 5.523 c -35.333 4.233 -36.352 2.257 -37.341 2.257 c -39.8 3.006 m -40.319 2.579 -40.757 2.226 -41.318 2.226 c -41.755 2.226 -42.296 2.465 -42.296 3.172 c -42.296 3.38 -42.244 3.588 -42.193 3.806 c -41.902 3.848 l -40.214 4.087 -39.24 4.93 -39.24 5.752 c -39.24 6.21 -39.56 6.458 -40.09 6.458 c -41.557 6.458 -43.201 4.712 -43.201 3.224 c -43.201 2.569 -42.868 1.758 -41.776 1.758 c -40.737 1.758 -39.79 2.714 -39.675 2.881 c h -41.942 4.493 m -41.557 5.419 -40.85 6.22 -40.288 6.22 c -40.027 6.22 -39.924 6.022 -39.924 5.804 c -39.924 5.721 -39.976 4.472 -42.119 4.035 c h -43.206 6.323 m -44.039 6.323 l -43.747 7.394 l -43.747 7.415 -43.737 7.436 -43.737 7.457 c -43.737 7.509 -43.757 7.55 -43.8 7.55 c -43.841 7.55 l -43.924 7.55 -43.955 7.478 -43.996 7.426 c -44.288 7.062 -44.786 6.594 -45.13 6.417 c -45.306 6.323 -45.598 6.25 -45.66 6.157 c -45.68 6.126 -45.691 6.095 -45.691 6.054 c -45.691 6.033 -45.68 6.012 -45.68 5.991 c -44.912 5.991 l -45.66 3.13 l -45.702 2.964 -45.9 2.33 -45.9 2.174 c -45.9 1.862 -45.608 1.758 -45.401 1.758 c -44.86 1.758 -44.453 2.215 -43.924 3.016 c -44.059 3.089 l -44.319 2.756 -44.682 2.267 -44.891 2.267 c -45.006 2.267 -45.057 2.35 -45.057 2.444 c -45.057 2.475 -45.057 2.496 -45.047 2.527 c -44.133 5.991 l -43.258 5.991 l h -46.301 8.091 m -46.301 8.32 -46.477 8.663 -46.819 8.663 c -47.07 8.663 -47.308 8.466 -47.308 8.102 c -47.308 7.738 -47.07 7.562 -46.81 7.562 c -46.468 7.562 -46.301 7.884 -46.301 8.091 c -46.737 3.058 m -47.162 2.454 -47.465 2.246 -47.59 2.246 c -47.683 2.246 -47.757 2.33 -47.757 2.402 c -47.757 2.527 -47.63 2.943 -47.59 3.089 c -46.674 6.438 l -46.706 6.458 l -47.109 6.384 -47.974 6.218 -48.37 6.198 c -48.37 6.033 l -47.798 6.033 -47.714 5.981 -47.714 5.762 c -47.714 5.471 -48.536 2.891 -48.536 2.402 c -48.536 2.215 -48.536 1.758 -48.047 1.758 c -47.465 1.758 -47.006 2.33 -46.602 2.943 c h -49.259 3.089 m -49.654 2.6 -49.924 2.267 -50.122 2.267 c -50.247 2.267 -50.278 2.298 -50.278 2.475 c -50.277 2.622 -49.437 5.409 -49.437 5.762 c -49.437 6.178 -49.675 6.458 -50.049 6.458 c -50.736 6.458 -51.578 5.544 -52.306 4.338 c -52.326 4.358 l -52.182 4.774 -51.942 5.638 -51.942 5.783 c -51.942 6.219 -52.16 6.458 -52.555 6.458 c -53.427 6.458 -54.5 4.847 -54.811 4.338 c -54.833 4.358 l -54.25 6.438 l -54.28 6.458 l -54.833 6.344 -55.382 6.24 -55.944 6.136 c -55.944 5.97 l -55.436 5.97 -55.279 5.95 -55.279 5.721 c -55.279 5.492 -56.133 2.559 -56.297 1.873 c -55.518 1.873 l -55.134 3.142 -54.926 3.828 -54.51 4.452 c -54.229 4.868 -53.439 5.918 -52.971 5.918 c -52.877 5.918 -52.741 5.918 -52.741 5.638 c -52.741 5.44 -53.459 2.882 -53.729 1.873 c -52.95 1.873 l -52.649 3.048 -52.473 3.703 -51.974 4.494 c -51.65 5.003 -50.902 5.918 -50.475 5.918 c -50.35 5.918 -50.256 5.835 -50.256 5.679 c -50.257 5.471 -51.068 2.569 -51.068 2.288 c -51.068 2.142 -51.068 1.779 -50.63 1.779 c -50.05 1.779 -49.529 2.361 -49.155 2.891 c -49.104 2.964 l h -56.441 8.091 m -56.441 8.32 -56.616 8.663 -56.96 8.663 c -57.209 8.663 -57.447 8.466 -57.447 8.102 c -57.447 7.738 -57.209 7.562 -56.95 7.562 c -56.606 7.562 -56.441 7.884 -56.441 8.091 c -56.877 3.058 m -57.303 2.454 -57.606 2.246 -57.729 2.246 c -57.823 2.246 -57.896 2.33 -57.896 2.402 c -57.896 2.527 -57.771 2.943 -57.729 3.089 c -56.814 6.438 l -56.846 6.458 l -57.25 6.384 -58.114 6.218 -58.509 6.198 c -58.509 6.033 l -57.939 6.033 -57.854 5.981 -57.854 5.762 c -57.854 5.471 -58.675 2.891 -58.675 2.402 c -58.675 2.215 -58.675 1.758 -58.186 1.758 c -57.606 1.758 -57.146 2.33 -56.741 2.943 c h -59.576 3.151 m -60.086 2.496 -60.304 2.205 -60.563 2.205 c -60.719 2.205 -60.719 2.35 -60.719 2.413 c -60.719 2.527 -60.637 2.808 -60.616 2.902 c -59.046 8.923 l -59.098 8.975 l -59.639 8.85 -60.179 8.757 -60.719 8.694 c -60.719 8.529 l -60.573 8.529 l -60.314 8.529 -60.013 8.498 -60.013 8.269 c -60.013 8.05 -61.519 2.621 -61.519 2.402 c -61.519 2.111 -61.478 1.758 -61.021 1.758 c -60.377 1.758 -59.971 2.257 -59.441 3.058 c h -64.65 3.089 m -65.046 2.59 -65.296 2.267 -65.504 2.267 c -65.586 2.267 -65.671 2.34 -65.671 2.465 c -65.67 2.684 -64.827 5.346 -64.827 5.71 c -64.827 6.386 -65.306 6.458 -65.535 6.458 c -66.471 6.458 -67.53 4.858 -67.854 4.338 c -67.874 4.358 l -66.647 8.923 l -66.7 8.975 l -67.24 8.852 -67.791 8.758 -68.33 8.696 c -68.33 8.527 l -68.061 8.538 l -67.718 8.527 -67.635 8.392 -67.635 8.267 c -67.635 8.111 -67.802 7.518 -67.916 7.082 c -69.289 1.873 l -68.509 1.873 l -68.165 3.183 -68.01 3.755 -67.541 4.462 c -67.333 4.754 -66.459 5.929 -65.94 5.929 c -65.773 5.929 -65.638 5.825 -65.638 5.648 c -65.64 5.513 -66.491 2.527 -66.491 2.257 c -66.491 1.977 -66.356 1.779 -66.023 1.779 c -65.338 1.779 -64.89 2.423 -64.516 2.964 c h -69.171 6.323 m -70.002 6.323 l -69.71 7.394 l -69.71 7.415 -69.701 7.436 -69.701 7.457 c -69.701 7.509 -69.721 7.55 -69.762 7.55 c -69.804 7.55 l -69.886 7.55 -69.918 7.478 -69.96 7.426 c -70.252 7.062 -70.75 6.594 -71.093 6.417 c -71.271 6.323 -71.561 6.25 -71.623 6.157 c -71.644 6.126 -71.654 6.095 -71.654 6.054 c -71.654 6.033 -71.644 6.012 -71.644 5.991 c -70.876 5.991 l -71.623 3.13 l -71.665 2.964 -71.862 2.33 -71.862 2.174 c -71.862 1.862 -71.573 1.758 -71.363 1.758 c -70.824 1.758 -70.418 2.215 -69.888 3.016 c -70.023 3.089 l -70.282 2.756 -70.647 2.267 -70.855 2.267 c -70.97 2.267 -71.021 2.35 -71.021 2.444 c -71.021 2.475 -71.021 2.496 -71.011 2.527 c -70.096 5.991 l -69.222 5.991 l h -72.263 8.091 m -72.263 8.32 -72.441 8.663 -72.782 8.663 c -73.033 8.663 -73.271 8.466 -73.271 8.102 c -73.271 7.738 -73.033 7.562 -72.773 7.562 c -72.43 7.562 -72.263 7.884 -72.263 8.091 c -72.701 3.058 m -73.126 2.454 -73.427 2.246 -73.553 2.246 c -73.647 2.246 -73.719 2.33 -73.719 2.402 c -73.719 2.527 -73.594 2.943 -73.553 3.089 c -72.638 6.438 l -72.67 6.458 l -73.073 6.384 -73.939 6.218 -74.333 6.198 c -74.333 6.033 l -73.761 6.033 -73.678 5.981 -73.678 5.762 c -73.678 5.471 -74.497 2.891 -74.497 2.402 c -74.497 2.215 -74.497 1.758 -74.01 1.758 c -73.427 1.758 -72.971 2.33 -72.565 2.943 c h -81.649 6.064 m -81.441 6.074 l -81.326 6.074 l -80.982 6.074 -80.93 5.96 -80.816 5.253 c -80.723 4.681 -80.629 3.786 -80.598 3.09 c -80.557 2.174 l -80.557 2.029 -80.557 1.686 -80.421 1.686 c -80.265 1.686 -80.193 1.904 -79.185 3.693 c -78.716 4.514 -78.468 4.951 -78.28 5.284 c -78.259 5.284 l -77.957 1.998 l -77.947 1.831 -77.947 1.686 -77.833 1.686 c -77.718 1.686 -77.582 1.883 -77.166 2.382 c -76.688 2.944 -75.077 4.971 -75.077 5.876 c -75.077 6.178 -75.242 6.458 -75.626 6.458 c -75.929 6.458 -76.022 6.271 -76.022 6.094 c -76.022 5.751 -75.575 5.699 -75.575 5.325 c -75.575 4.784 -76.376 3.775 -77.291 2.642 c -77.624 6.375 l -77.636 6.396 -77.636 6.448 -77.708 6.448 c -77.771 6.448 -77.802 6.406 -77.833 6.354 c -79.819 3.214 l -79.84 3.214 l -79.84 3.402 -79.944 4.826 -80.13 5.876 c -80.236 6.438 -80.265 6.458 -80.327 6.458 c -80.421 6.458 -81.056 6.292 -81.649 6.209 c h -88.306 3.006 m -88.306 3.942 -87.37 6.23 -86.152 6.23 c -85.85 6.23 -85.559 6.033 -85.559 5.534 c -85.559 4.514 -86.578 2.267 -87.682 2.267 c -87.962 2.267 -88.306 2.454 -88.306 3.006 c -84.53 3.016 m -84.997 2.558 -85.206 2.298 -85.362 2.298 c -85.446 2.298 -85.509 2.361 -85.509 2.434 c -85.509 2.756 -84.55 6.302 -84.519 6.427 c -84.593 6.458 l -85.226 6.386 l -85.258 6.354 l -85.362 5.898 l -85.382 5.898 l -85.414 6.189 -85.757 6.458 -86.204 6.458 c -87.588 6.458 -89.178 4.514 -89.178 2.985 c -89.178 2.683 -89.147 1.758 -88.108 1.758 c -87.483 1.758 -86.933 2.07 -86.07 3.338 c -86.047 3.318 l -86.214 2.683 -86.266 2.454 -86.266 2.215 c -86.266 2.038 -86.266 1.769 -85.83 1.769 c -85.382 1.769 -85.029 2.142 -84.406 2.912 c h -89.642 3.089 m -90.026 2.6 -90.286 2.267 -90.494 2.267 c -90.516 2.267 -90.661 2.288 -90.661 2.444 c -90.66 2.757 -89.829 5.326 -89.829 5.773 c -89.829 6.209 -90.07 6.458 -90.546 6.458 c -91.409 6.458 -92.365 5.014 -92.854 4.244 c -92.875 4.265 l -92.21 6.438 l -92.241 6.458 l -92.803 6.344 -93.363 6.24 -93.926 6.136 c -93.926 5.97 l -93.363 5.97 -93.26 5.856 -93.26 5.7 c -93.26 5.482 -93.956 3.048 -94.279 1.873 c -93.5 1.873 l -93.073 3.287 -92.938 3.734 -92.459 4.452 c -92.085 5.034 -91.429 5.929 -90.93 5.929 c -90.733 5.929 -90.671 5.783 -90.671 5.596 c -90.673 5.18 -91.44 2.642 -91.44 2.392 c -91.44 2.09 -91.419 1.779 -90.941 1.779 c -90.38 1.779 -90.016 2.257 -89.496 2.954 c h -94.441 8.091 m -94.441 8.32 -94.618 8.663 -94.962 8.663 c -95.21 8.663 -95.45 8.466 -95.45 8.102 c -95.45 7.738 -95.21 7.562 -94.95 7.562 c -94.608 7.562 -94.441 7.884 -94.441 8.091 c -94.878 3.058 m -95.304 2.454 -95.606 2.246 -95.73 2.246 c -95.824 2.246 -95.898 2.33 -95.898 2.402 c -95.898 2.527 -95.773 2.943 -95.73 3.089 c -94.816 6.438 l -94.847 6.458 l -95.252 6.384 -96.116 6.218 -96.51 6.198 c -96.51 6.033 l -95.94 6.033 -95.856 5.981 -95.856 5.762 c -95.856 5.471 -96.677 2.891 -96.677 2.402 c -96.677 2.215 -96.677 1.758 -96.188 1.758 c -95.606 1.758 -95.147 2.33 -94.742 2.943 c h -97.421 3.089 m -97.816 2.59 -98.066 2.267 -98.273 2.267 c -98.357 2.267 -98.441 2.34 -98.441 2.465 c -98.44 2.684 -97.598 5.346 -97.598 5.71 c -97.598 6.386 -98.076 6.458 -98.306 6.458 c -99.24 6.458 -100.301 4.858 -100.623 4.338 c -100.644 4.358 l -99.416 8.923 l -99.47 8.975 l -100.01 8.852 -100.56 8.758 -101.102 8.696 c -101.102 8.527 l -100.83 8.538 l -100.488 8.527 -100.406 8.392 -100.406 8.267 c -100.406 8.111 -100.571 7.518 -100.686 7.082 c -102.058 1.873 l -101.278 1.873 l -100.936 3.183 -100.779 3.755 -100.311 4.462 c -100.104 4.754 -99.229 5.929 -98.71 5.929 c -98.542 5.929 -98.408 5.825 -98.408 5.648 c -98.41 5.513 -99.26 2.527 -99.26 2.257 c -99.26 1.977 -99.126 1.779 -98.793 1.779 c -98.108 1.779 -97.66 2.423 -97.286 2.964 c h -102.282 6.709 m -101.898 8.778 l -102.116 8.778 l -102.17 8.674 -102.23 8.55 -102.533 8.55 c -102.773 8.55 -103.406 8.798 -104.155 8.798 c -106.537 8.798 -108.377 6.501 -108.377 4.493 c -108.377 2.413 -106.859 1.686 -105.653 1.686 c -104.135 1.686 -103.209 2.777 -102.824 3.234 c -103.001 3.38 l -103.501 2.891 -104.227 2.153 -105.404 2.153 c -106.641 2.153 -107.213 3.016 -107.213 4.378 c -107.213 5.908 -106.152 8.425 -104.073 8.425 c -102.585 8.425 -102.491 7.031 -102.471 6.74 c h -113.93 5.991 m -112.994 5.991 l -113.91 1.622 l -113.993 1.206 -114.263 -0.062 -114.929 -0.062 c -115.054 -0.062 -115.126 0.021 -115.126 0.104 c -115.126 0.218 -115.034 0.218 -115.034 0.395 c -115.034 0.645 -115.282 0.78 -115.429 0.78 c -115.45 0.78 l -115.823 0.759 -115.823 0.364 -115.823 0.333 c -115.76 -0.146 -115.336 -0.28 -115.013 -0.28 c -113.796 -0.28 -113.213 1.394 -112.922 2.662 c -112.173 5.991 l -111.04 5.991 l -110.977 6.323 l -112.101 6.323 l -112.006 6.854 -111.694 8.695 -110.841 8.695 c -110.706 8.695 -110.603 8.654 -110.603 8.57 c -110.603 8.456 -110.706 8.456 -110.706 8.227 c -110.706 8.113 -110.644 7.832 -110.312 7.832 c -110.073 7.832 -109.885 8.04 -109.885 8.248 c -109.885 8.456 -110.052 8.923 -110.801 8.923 c -112.11 8.923 -112.63 7.207 -112.902 6.323 c -113.858 6.323 l h -116.1 6.241 m -115.6 6.241 -115.371 5.783 -115.371 5.242 c -115.371 4.129 -116.193 1.976 -117.378 1.976 c -117.9 1.976 -118.211 2.35 -118.211 2.943 c -118.211 4.17 -117.263 6.241 -116.1 6.241 c -116.026 6.458 m -117.546 6.458 -119.082 4.785 -119.082 3.255 c -119.082 2.392 -118.616 1.758 -117.513 1.758 c -115.922 1.758 -114.497 3.64 -114.497 4.92 c -114.497 5.606 -114.819 6.458 -116.026 6.458 c -122.682 2.974 m -123.056 2.558 -123.546 2.132 -124.17 2.132 c -124.804 2.132 -125.116 2.6 -125.116 3.401 c -125.116 4.399 -124.398 6.241 -123.046 6.241 c -122.858 6.241 -122.65 6.189 -122.65 6.033 c -122.65 5.856 -122.806 5.794 -122.806 5.523 c -122.806 5.284 -122.65 5.138 -122.391 5.138 c -122.13 5.138 -121.904 5.326 -121.904 5.617 c -121.904 5.939 -122.161 6.458 -123.036 6.458 c -124.575 6.458 -126.01 4.868 -126.01 3.401 c -126.01 2.018 -125.147 1.758 -124.471 1.758 c -123.378 1.758 -122.775 2.538 -122.516 2.87 c h -126.338 8.091 m -126.338 8.32 -126.514 8.663 -126.857 8.663 c -127.106 8.663 -127.346 8.466 -127.346 8.102 c -127.346 7.738 -127.106 7.562 -126.847 7.562 c -126.506 7.562 -126.338 7.884 -126.338 8.091 c -126.775 3.058 m -127.201 2.454 -127.503 2.246 -127.627 2.246 c -127.721 2.246 -127.794 2.33 -127.794 2.402 c -127.794 2.527 -127.67 2.943 -127.627 3.089 c -126.713 6.438 l -126.744 6.458 l -127.149 6.384 -128.013 6.218 -128.406 6.198 c -128.406 6.033 l -127.837 6.033 -127.753 5.981 -127.753 5.762 c -127.753 5.471 -128.573 2.891 -128.573 2.402 c -128.573 2.215 -128.573 1.758 -128.086 1.758 c -127.503 1.758 -127.045 2.33 -126.64 2.943 c h -129.474 3.151 m -129.983 2.496 -130.203 2.205 -130.462 2.205 c -130.618 2.205 -130.618 2.35 -130.618 2.413 c -130.618 2.527 -130.536 2.808 -130.514 2.902 c -128.944 8.923 l -128.996 8.975 l -129.537 8.85 -130.077 8.757 -130.618 8.694 c -130.618 8.529 l -130.473 8.529 l -130.213 8.529 -129.911 8.498 -129.911 8.269 c -129.911 8.05 -131.418 2.621 -131.418 2.402 c -131.418 2.111 -131.376 1.758 -130.919 1.758 c -130.275 1.758 -129.87 2.257 -129.34 3.058 c h -135.771 8.56 m -135.169 8.55 -135.094 8.498 -135.094 8.258 c -135.094 8.113 -135.189 7.853 -135.261 7.561 c -136.675 2.35 l -136.675 2.309 l -136.675 2.08 -135.875 1.758 -135.323 1.758 c -133.733 1.758 -131.996 3.557 -131.996 5.201 c -131.996 5.96 -132.506 6.458 -133.233 6.458 c -134.17 6.458 -134.824 5.492 -135.169 4.951 c -135.189 4.962 l -134.836 6.137 -134.356 8.07 -134.126 8.923 c -134.179 8.975 l -134.721 8.871 -135.25 8.798 -135.771 8.736 c h -132.879 5.066 m -132.879 4.192 -133.868 1.997 -135.293 1.997 c -135.782 1.997 -135.782 2.267 -135.782 2.34 c -135.782 3.432 -134.782 5.95 -133.639 5.95 c -132.982 5.95 -132.879 5.388 -132.879 5.066 c -137.191 3.089 m -137.555 2.631 -137.846 2.267 -138.044 2.267 c -138.158 2.267 -138.17 2.382 -138.17 2.434 c -138.17 2.59 -138.034 3.047 -137.971 3.255 c -137.15 6.365 l -137.919 6.365 l -138.323 5.252 -138.553 4.597 -139.061 3.827 c -139.415 3.286 -140.071 2.309 -140.518 2.309 c -140.696 2.309 -140.747 2.444 -140.747 2.569 c -140.747 2.6 -140.747 2.631 -140.738 2.662 c -139.79 6.438 l -139.821 6.458 l -140.342 6.334 -140.861 6.24 -141.38 6.178 c -141.38 6.033 l -140.955 6.033 -140.758 6.033 -140.758 5.731 c -140.758 5.45 -141.547 2.829 -141.547 2.371 c -141.547 1.914 -141.349 1.758 -140.976 1.758 c -140.04 1.758 -139.27 3.058 -138.563 4.233 c -138.533 4.233 l -138.771 3.38 -138.978 2.506 -138.978 2.319 c -138.978 2.163 -138.957 1.779 -138.49 1.779 c -137.971 1.779 -137.701 2.049 -137.046 2.995 c h -146.473 6.064 m -146.234 6.074 l -146.203 6.074 l -145.982 6.074 -145.796 5.95 -145.796 5.773 c -145.796 5.554 -146.857 1.686 -147.138 0.52 c -147.221 0.187 -147.282 -0.094 -147.835 -0.094 c -147.835 -0.259 l -145.703 -0.259 l -145.703 -0.104 l -145.973 -0.104 -146.37 -0.104 -146.37 0.229 c -146.37 0.437 -146.076 1.582 -145.982 1.934 c -145.745 1.81 -145.537 1.758 -145.276 1.758 c -143.841 1.758 -142.177 3.484 -142.177 5.097 c -142.177 5.846 -142.49 6.458 -143.414 6.458 c -144.268 6.458 -144.86 5.7 -145.11 5.336 c -145.13 5.357 l -144.85 6.323 l -144.84 6.354 -144.829 6.386 -144.829 6.406 c -144.829 6.448 -144.86 6.458 -144.882 6.458 c -146.493 6.23 l h -143.113 5.128 m -143.113 3.89 -144.049 1.955 -145.318 1.955 c -145.578 1.955 -145.839 2.07 -145.839 2.34 c -145.839 2.746 -145.422 4.16 -145.162 4.826 c -144.892 5.534 -144.288 6.012 -143.8 6.012 c -143.123 6.012 -143.113 5.409 -143.113 5.128 c -147.818 3.006 m -148.339 2.579 -148.775 2.226 -149.338 2.226 c -149.773 2.226 -150.316 2.465 -150.316 3.172 c -150.316 3.38 -150.263 3.588 -150.211 3.806 c -149.919 3.848 l -148.235 4.087 -147.258 4.93 -147.258 5.752 c -147.258 6.21 -147.579 6.458 -148.11 6.458 c -149.576 6.458 -151.219 4.712 -151.219 3.224 c -151.219 2.569 -150.886 1.758 -149.794 1.758 c -148.754 1.758 -147.808 2.714 -147.693 2.881 c h -149.961 4.493 m -149.576 5.419 -148.87 6.22 -148.306 6.22 c -148.047 6.22 -147.942 6.022 -147.942 5.804 c -147.942 5.721 -147.994 4.472 -150.139 4.035 c h -154.562 8.061 m -154.49 8.248 -154.447 8.352 -153.979 8.352 c -153.386 8.352 -152.742 8.113 -152.742 7.218 c -152.742 6.437 -153.126 5.625 -154.624 5.625 c -154.906 5.625 -154.989 5.635 -155.239 5.677 c h -151.871 2.038 m -152.43 2.059 -152.596 2.422 -152.733 2.786 c -153.7 5.332 l -152.213 5.614 -151.652 6.343 -151.652 7.166 c -151.652 8.663 -153.44 8.663 -153.813 8.663 c -156.393 8.663 l -156.393 8.498 l -155.904 8.435 -155.654 8.414 -155.654 8.009 c -155.654 7.884 -155.747 7.519 -155.779 7.405 c -157.058 2.807 l -157.246 2.152 -157.371 2.131 -157.901 2.038 c -157.901 1.873 l -155.363 1.873 l -155.363 2.038 l -155.924 2.11 -156.071 2.131 -156.071 2.526 c -156.071 2.61 -156.071 2.651 -155.946 3.118 c -155.363 5.29 l -154.686 5.238 l -153.408 1.873 l -151.871 1.873 l h -163.776 3.39 m -163.985 1.738 l -163.818 1.738 l -163.756 1.852 -163.714 1.956 -163.57 1.956 c -163.268 1.955 -162.852 1.758 -162.54 1.758 c -161.957 1.758 -160.991 2.018 -160.991 3.151 c -160.991 4.035 -162.26 4.962 -162.26 5.617 c -162.26 6.126 -161.926 6.22 -161.696 6.22 c -161.022 6.22 -160.771 5.617 -160.719 5.024 c -160.554 5.024 l -160.346 6.469 l -160.492 6.469 l -160.544 6.386 -160.606 6.282 -160.782 6.282 c -161.094 6.282 -161.303 6.458 -161.77 6.458 c -162.873 6.458 -163.018 5.627 -163.018 5.305 c -163.018 4.504 -161.779 3.505 -161.779 2.818 c -161.779 2.475 -161.947 1.976 -162.529 1.976 c -163.371 1.976 -163.538 2.933 -163.61 3.39 c h -165.821 6.406 m -165.227 6.698 -164.47 7.353 -164.47 8.05 c -164.47 8.497 -164.729 8.798 -165.082 8.798 c -165.166 8.798 -165.603 8.746 -165.603 8.31 c -165.603 7.852 -165.135 7.842 -165.135 7.488 c -165.135 7.103 -165.706 6.718 -165.914 6.583 c h -168.249 3.006 m -168.77 2.579 -169.206 2.226 -169.769 2.226 c -170.206 2.226 -170.746 2.465 -170.746 3.172 c -170.746 3.38 -170.693 3.588 -170.642 3.806 c -170.35 3.848 l -168.666 4.087 -167.689 4.93 -167.689 5.752 c -167.689 6.21 -168.01 6.458 -168.54 6.458 c -170.006 6.458 -171.65 4.712 -171.65 3.224 c -171.65 2.569 -171.316 1.758 -170.226 1.758 c -169.185 1.758 -168.239 2.714 -168.123 2.881 c h -170.392 4.493 m -170.006 5.419 -169.3 6.22 -168.738 6.22 c -168.477 6.22 -168.373 6.022 -168.373 5.804 c -168.373 5.721 -168.426 4.472 -170.57 4.035 c h -172.363 3.151 m -172.873 2.496 -173.091 2.205 -173.35 2.205 c -173.506 2.205 -173.506 2.35 -173.506 2.413 c -173.506 2.527 -173.423 2.808 -173.403 2.902 c -171.833 8.923 l -171.885 8.975 l -172.426 8.85 -172.966 8.757 -173.506 8.694 c -173.506 8.529 l -173.361 8.529 l -173.102 8.529 -172.8 8.498 -172.8 8.269 c -172.8 8.05 -174.306 2.621 -174.306 2.402 c -174.306 2.111 -174.266 1.758 -173.808 1.758 c -173.163 1.758 -172.758 2.257 -172.227 3.058 c h -179.221 6.064 m -178.982 6.074 l -178.95 6.074 l -178.733 6.074 -178.546 5.95 -178.546 5.773 c -178.546 5.554 -179.606 1.686 -179.886 0.52 c -179.971 0.187 -180.033 -0.094 -180.582 -0.094 c -180.582 -0.259 l -178.452 -0.259 l -178.452 -0.104 l -178.721 -0.104 -179.118 -0.104 -179.118 0.229 c -179.118 0.437 -178.826 1.582 -178.733 1.934 c -178.493 1.81 -178.286 1.758 -178.026 1.758 c -176.59 1.758 -174.926 3.484 -174.926 5.097 c -174.926 5.846 -175.239 6.458 -176.163 6.458 c -177.016 6.458 -177.61 5.7 -177.859 5.336 c -177.879 5.357 l -177.6 6.323 l -177.589 6.354 -177.578 6.386 -177.578 6.406 c -177.578 6.448 -177.61 6.458 -177.63 6.458 c -179.242 6.23 l h -175.861 5.128 m -175.861 3.89 -176.798 1.955 -178.068 1.955 c -178.326 1.955 -178.586 2.07 -178.586 2.34 c -178.586 2.746 -178.171 4.16 -177.911 4.826 c -177.641 5.534 -177.038 6.012 -176.547 6.012 c -175.873 6.012 -175.861 5.409 -175.861 5.128 c -181.608 6.241 m -181.108 6.241 -180.879 5.783 -180.879 5.242 c -180.879 4.129 -181.702 1.976 -182.888 1.976 c -183.408 1.976 -183.719 2.35 -183.719 2.943 c -183.719 4.17 -182.773 6.241 -181.608 6.241 c -181.536 6.458 m -183.054 6.458 -184.592 4.785 -184.592 3.255 c -184.592 2.392 -184.124 1.758 -183.023 1.758 c -181.43 1.758 -180.006 3.64 -180.006 4.92 c -180.006 5.606 -180.329 6.458 -181.536 6.458 c -185.638 3.006 m -186.157 2.579 -186.594 2.226 -187.156 2.226 c -187.593 2.226 -188.135 2.465 -188.135 3.172 c -188.135 3.38 -188.082 3.588 -188.03 3.806 c -187.74 3.848 l -186.053 4.087 -185.076 4.93 -185.076 5.752 c -185.076 6.21 -185.4 6.458 -185.929 6.458 c -187.396 6.458 -189.039 4.712 -189.039 3.224 c -189.039 2.569 -188.706 1.758 -187.614 1.758 c -186.573 1.758 -185.626 2.714 -185.513 2.881 c h -187.78 4.493 m -187.396 5.419 -186.688 6.22 -186.126 6.22 c -185.866 6.22 -185.762 6.022 -185.762 5.804 c -185.762 5.721 -185.814 4.472 -187.957 4.035 c h -192.237 8.061 m -192.194 8.186 -192.133 8.352 -191.819 8.352 c -190.676 8.352 -190.363 7.915 -190.363 7.146 c -190.363 5.429 -191.747 5.429 -192.506 5.429 c -192.642 5.429 -192.766 5.45 -192.974 5.481 c h -194.066 8.498 m -193.629 8.446 -193.327 8.414 -193.327 8.03 c -193.327 7.884 -193.433 7.468 -193.506 7.229 c -194.733 2.808 l -194.919 2.142 -195.054 2.122 -195.585 2.038 c -195.585 1.873 l -193.037 1.873 l -193.037 2.038 l -193.577 2.111 -193.744 2.132 -193.744 2.486 c -193.744 2.662 -193.744 2.662 -193.619 3.12 c -193.069 5.128 l -192.84 5.076 -192.693 5.045 -191.966 5.045 c -189.886 5.045 -189.294 6.313 -189.294 7.082 c -189.294 8.653 -191.029 8.663 -191.486 8.663 c -194.066 8.663 l h -198.819 3.006 m -199.339 2.579 -199.776 2.226 -200.338 2.226 c -200.775 2.226 -201.317 2.465 -201.317 3.172 c -201.317 3.38 -201.264 3.588 -201.212 3.806 c -200.921 3.848 l -199.235 4.087 -198.258 4.93 -198.258 5.752 c -198.258 6.21 -198.58 6.458 -199.11 6.458 c -200.578 6.458 -202.22 4.712 -202.22 3.224 c -202.22 2.569 -201.887 1.758 -200.796 1.758 c -199.755 1.758 -198.809 2.714 -198.694 2.881 c h -200.962 4.493 m -200.578 5.419 -199.87 6.22 -199.308 6.22 c -199.047 6.22 -198.944 6.022 -198.944 5.804 c -198.944 5.721 -198.996 4.472 -201.139 4.035 c h -202.778 3.089 m -203.173 2.59 -203.422 2.267 -203.63 2.267 c -203.714 2.267 -203.797 2.34 -203.797 2.465 c -203.795 2.684 -202.954 5.346 -202.954 5.71 c -202.954 6.386 -203.432 6.458 -203.661 6.458 c -204.596 6.458 -205.657 4.858 -205.979 4.338 c -206 4.358 l -204.773 8.923 l -204.825 8.975 l -205.366 8.852 -205.917 8.758 -206.458 8.696 c -206.458 8.527 l -206.187 8.538 l -205.844 8.527 -205.761 8.392 -205.761 8.267 c -205.761 8.111 -205.927 7.518 -206.042 7.082 c -207.414 1.873 l -206.634 1.873 l -206.291 3.183 -206.135 3.755 -205.667 4.462 c -205.459 4.754 -204.586 5.929 -204.066 5.929 c -203.899 5.929 -203.764 5.825 -203.764 5.648 c -203.766 5.513 -204.617 2.527 -204.617 2.257 c -204.617 1.977 -204.482 1.779 -204.15 1.779 c -203.464 1.779 -203.017 2.423 -202.642 2.964 c h -207.297 6.323 m -208.128 6.323 l -207.837 7.394 l -207.837 7.415 -207.826 7.436 -207.826 7.457 c -207.826 7.509 -207.847 7.55 -207.889 7.55 c -207.93 7.55 l -208.014 7.55 -208.045 7.478 -208.086 7.426 c -208.378 7.062 -208.878 6.594 -209.22 6.417 c -209.397 6.323 -209.687 6.25 -209.75 6.157 c -209.77 6.126 -209.781 6.095 -209.781 6.054 c -209.781 6.033 -209.77 6.012 -209.77 5.991 c -209.002 5.991 l -209.75 3.13 l -209.791 2.964 -209.989 2.33 -209.989 2.174 c -209.989 1.862 -209.698 1.758 -209.49 1.758 c -208.95 1.758 -208.545 2.215 -208.014 3.016 c -208.15 3.089 l -208.41 2.756 -208.774 2.267 -208.982 2.267 c -209.096 2.267 -209.148 2.35 -209.148 2.444 c -209.148 2.475 -209.148 2.496 -209.138 2.527 c -208.222 5.991 l -207.349 5.991 l h -213.131 3.089 m -213.516 2.6 -213.776 2.267 -213.984 2.267 c -214.005 2.267 -214.15 2.288 -214.15 2.444 c -214.149 2.757 -213.318 5.326 -213.318 5.773 c -213.318 6.209 -213.557 6.458 -214.034 6.458 c -214.898 6.458 -215.854 5.014 -216.343 4.244 c -216.364 4.265 l -215.698 6.438 l -215.73 6.458 l -216.291 6.344 -216.853 6.24 -217.414 6.136 c -217.414 5.97 l -216.853 5.97 -216.749 5.856 -216.749 5.7 c -216.749 5.482 -217.446 3.048 -217.768 1.873 c -216.988 1.873 l -216.562 3.287 -216.426 3.734 -215.948 4.452 c -215.574 5.034 -214.918 5.929 -214.419 5.929 c -214.222 5.929 -214.159 5.783 -214.159 5.596 c -214.161 5.18 -214.929 2.642 -214.929 2.392 c -214.929 2.09 -214.908 1.779 -214.43 1.779 c -213.87 1.779 -213.506 2.257 -212.986 2.954 c h -217.93 8.091 m -217.93 8.32 -218.107 8.663 -218.45 8.663 c -218.699 8.663 -218.938 8.466 -218.938 8.102 c -218.938 7.738 -218.699 7.562 -218.439 7.562 c -218.097 7.562 -217.93 7.884 -217.93 8.091 c -218.366 3.058 m -218.793 2.454 -219.094 2.246 -219.219 2.246 c -219.314 2.246 -219.386 2.33 -219.386 2.402 c -219.386 2.527 -219.262 2.943 -219.219 3.089 c -218.304 6.438 l -218.335 6.458 l -218.741 6.384 -219.605 6.218 -219.999 6.198 c -219.999 6.033 l -219.428 6.033 -219.345 5.981 -219.345 5.762 c -219.345 5.471 -220.165 2.891 -220.165 2.402 c -220.165 2.215 -220.165 1.758 -219.677 1.758 c -219.094 1.758 -218.637 2.33 -218.232 2.943 c h -223.401 3.026 m -223.838 2.527 -224.046 2.288 -224.254 2.288 c -224.358 2.288 -224.441 2.361 -224.441 2.517 c -224.441 2.683 -223.182 7.114 -222.735 8.923 c -222.787 8.975 l -223.318 8.861 -223.848 8.788 -224.378 8.736 c -224.378 8.56 l -223.806 8.55 -223.734 8.498 -223.734 8.258 c -223.734 8.113 -223.806 7.853 -223.89 7.561 c -224.337 5.908 l -224.358 5.887 l -224.399 6.116 -224.471 6.458 -225.054 6.458 c -226.292 6.458 -228.058 4.556 -228.058 2.985 c -228.058 2.444 -227.841 1.758 -226.978 1.758 c -226.458 1.758 -225.875 1.935 -225.126 3.078 c -225.106 3.058 l -225.189 2.694 -225.23 2.454 -225.23 2.215 c -225.23 1.997 -225.147 1.738 -224.742 1.738 c -224.399 1.738 -223.723 2.226 -223.276 2.922 c h -226.521 2.257 m -227.155 2.257 -227.155 2.85 -227.155 3.026 c -227.155 3.973 -226.166 6.22 -225.002 6.22 c -224.512 6.22 -224.512 5.762 -224.512 5.523 c -224.512 4.233 -225.532 2.257 -226.521 2.257 c -228.979 3.006 m -229.499 2.579 -229.936 2.226 -230.498 2.226 c -230.935 2.226 -231.476 2.465 -231.476 3.172 c -231.476 3.38 -231.424 3.588 -231.372 3.806 c -231.081 3.848 l -229.395 4.087 -228.418 4.93 -228.418 5.752 c -228.418 6.21 -228.741 6.458 -229.27 6.458 c -230.738 6.458 -232.38 4.712 -232.38 3.224 c -232.38 2.569 -232.047 1.758 -230.956 1.758 c -229.915 1.758 -228.969 2.714 -228.854 2.881 c h -231.122 4.493 m -230.738 5.419 -230.03 6.22 -229.468 6.22 c -229.208 6.22 -229.104 6.022 -229.104 5.804 c -229.104 5.721 -229.156 4.472 -231.299 4.035 c h -232.386 6.323 m -233.218 6.323 l -232.927 7.394 l -232.927 7.415 -232.917 7.436 -232.917 7.457 c -232.917 7.509 -232.938 7.55 -232.978 7.55 c -233.02 7.55 l -233.103 7.55 -233.134 7.478 -233.176 7.426 c -233.468 7.062 -233.967 6.594 -234.31 6.417 c -234.486 6.323 -234.778 6.25 -234.84 6.157 c -234.861 6.126 -234.871 6.095 -234.871 6.054 c -234.871 6.033 -234.861 6.012 -234.861 5.991 c -234.092 5.991 l -234.84 3.13 l -234.882 2.964 -235.078 2.33 -235.078 2.174 c -235.078 1.862 -234.788 1.758 -234.58 1.758 c -234.04 1.758 -233.634 2.215 -233.104 3.016 c -233.239 3.089 l -233.499 2.756 -233.863 2.267 -234.071 2.267 c -234.186 2.267 -234.238 2.35 -234.238 2.444 c -234.238 2.475 -234.238 2.496 -234.227 2.527 c -233.312 5.991 l -232.438 5.991 l h -239.484 3.006 m -239.484 3.942 -238.548 6.23 -237.33 6.23 c -237.029 6.23 -236.738 6.033 -236.738 5.534 c -236.738 4.514 -237.757 2.267 -238.86 2.267 c -239.141 2.267 -239.484 2.454 -239.484 3.006 c -235.709 3.016 m -236.177 2.558 -236.385 2.298 -236.541 2.298 c -236.624 2.298 -236.686 2.361 -236.686 2.434 c -236.686 2.756 -235.73 6.302 -235.698 6.427 c -235.771 6.458 l -236.406 6.386 l -236.437 6.354 l -236.541 5.898 l -236.562 5.898 l -236.593 6.189 -236.935 6.458 -237.382 6.458 c -238.766 6.458 -240.357 4.514 -240.357 2.985 c -240.357 2.683 -240.326 1.758 -239.286 1.758 c -238.662 1.758 -238.11 2.07 -237.247 3.338 c -237.226 3.318 l -237.393 2.683 -237.445 2.454 -237.445 2.215 c -237.445 2.038 -237.445 1.769 -237.009 1.769 c -236.562 1.769 -236.208 2.142 -235.584 2.912 c h -243.19 1.873 m -242.765 3.256 -242.619 3.724 -242.224 4.473 c -242.141 4.629 -241.517 5.783 -241.194 5.783 c -240.945 5.783 -241.101 5.409 -240.654 5.409 c -240.54 5.409 -240.166 5.409 -240.166 5.949 c -240.166 6.302 -240.426 6.458 -240.665 6.458 c -241.319 6.458 -242.11 5.242 -242.453 4.556 c -242.536 4.348 l -242.557 4.369 l -242.047 6.438 l -242.078 6.458 l -242.546 6.386 -243.159 6.25 -243.69 6.178 c -243.69 6.002 l -243.575 6.022 -243.461 6.054 -243.346 6.054 c -243.025 6.054 -242.973 5.887 -242.973 5.742 c -242.973 5.648 -243.035 5.294 -243.138 4.91 c -243.981 1.873 l h -246.254 6.241 m -245.754 6.241 -245.526 5.783 -245.526 5.242 c -245.526 4.129 -246.347 1.976 -247.534 1.976 c -248.054 1.976 -248.366 2.35 -248.366 2.943 c -248.366 4.17 -247.419 6.241 -246.254 6.241 c -246.181 6.458 m -247.7 6.458 -249.238 4.785 -249.238 3.255 c -249.238 2.392 -248.77 1.758 -247.669 1.758 c -246.077 1.758 -244.653 3.64 -244.653 4.92 c -244.653 5.606 -244.975 6.458 -246.181 6.458 c -254.008 6.064 m -253.768 6.074 l -253.737 6.074 l -253.518 6.074 -253.332 5.95 -253.332 5.773 c -253.332 5.554 -254.392 1.686 -254.673 0.52 c -254.756 0.187 -254.818 -0.094 -255.369 -0.094 c -255.369 -0.259 l -253.238 -0.259 l -253.238 -0.104 l -253.507 -0.104 -253.904 -0.104 -253.904 0.229 c -253.904 0.437 -253.612 1.582 -253.518 1.934 c -253.28 1.81 -253.072 1.758 -252.811 1.758 c -251.376 1.758 -249.713 3.484 -249.713 5.097 c -249.713 5.846 -250.024 6.458 -250.949 6.458 c -251.802 6.458 -252.395 5.7 -252.645 5.336 c -252.666 5.357 l -252.385 6.323 l -252.374 6.354 -252.364 6.386 -252.364 6.406 c -252.364 6.448 -252.395 6.458 -252.416 6.458 c -254.029 6.23 l h -250.647 5.128 m -250.647 3.89 -251.584 1.955 -252.853 1.955 c -253.114 1.955 -253.374 2.07 -253.374 2.34 c -253.374 2.746 -252.957 4.16 -252.697 4.826 c -252.426 5.534 -251.823 6.012 -251.334 6.012 c -250.658 6.012 -250.647 5.409 -250.647 5.128 c -257.246 1.873 m -256.82 3.256 -256.674 3.724 -256.279 4.473 c -256.196 4.629 -255.573 5.783 -255.25 5.783 c -255.001 5.783 -255.157 5.409 -254.71 5.409 c -254.595 5.409 -254.221 5.409 -254.221 5.949 c -254.221 6.302 -254.481 6.458 -254.72 6.458 c -255.375 6.458 -256.165 5.242 -256.508 4.556 c -256.591 4.348 l -256.612 4.369 l -256.102 6.438 l -256.134 6.458 l -256.602 6.386 -257.215 6.25 -257.746 6.178 c -257.746 6.002 l -257.631 6.022 -257.517 6.054 -257.402 6.054 c -257.08 6.054 -257.028 5.887 -257.028 5.742 c -257.028 5.648 -257.09 5.294 -257.194 4.91 c -258.037 1.873 l h -260.309 6.241 m -259.81 6.241 -259.581 5.783 -259.581 5.242 c -259.581 4.129 -260.402 1.976 -261.589 1.976 c -262.109 1.976 -262.422 2.35 -262.422 2.943 c -262.422 4.17 -261.474 6.241 -260.309 6.241 c -260.236 6.458 m -261.755 6.458 -263.294 4.785 -263.294 3.255 c -263.294 2.392 -262.826 1.758 -261.724 1.758 c -260.132 1.758 -258.709 3.64 -258.709 4.92 c -258.709 5.606 -259.03 6.458 -260.236 6.458 c -264.422 2.974 m -264.796 2.558 -265.286 2.132 -265.91 2.132 c -266.545 2.132 -266.857 2.6 -266.857 3.401 c -266.857 4.399 -266.138 6.241 -264.786 6.241 c -264.598 6.241 -264.391 6.189 -264.391 6.033 c -264.391 5.856 -264.546 5.794 -264.546 5.523 c -264.546 5.284 -264.391 5.138 -264.131 5.138 c -263.872 5.138 -263.643 5.326 -263.643 5.617 c -263.643 5.939 -263.902 6.458 -264.775 6.458 c -266.316 6.458 -267.75 4.868 -267.75 3.401 c -267.75 2.018 -266.888 1.758 -266.211 1.758 c -265.119 1.758 -264.515 2.538 -264.256 2.87 c h -268.349 3.089 m -268.734 2.6 -268.994 2.267 -269.202 2.267 c -269.222 2.267 -269.368 2.288 -269.368 2.444 c -269.367 2.757 -268.536 5.326 -268.536 5.773 c -268.536 6.209 -268.775 6.458 -269.253 6.458 c -270.116 6.458 -271.073 5.014 -271.562 4.244 c -271.582 4.265 l -270.917 6.438 l -270.948 6.458 l -271.51 6.344 -272.071 6.24 -272.633 6.136 c -272.633 5.97 l -272.071 5.97 -271.967 5.856 -271.967 5.7 c -271.967 5.482 -272.664 3.048 -272.986 1.873 c -272.206 1.873 l -271.78 3.287 -271.645 3.734 -271.166 4.452 c -270.792 5.034 -270.137 5.929 -269.638 5.929 c -269.44 5.929 -269.378 5.783 -269.378 5.596 c -269.378 5.18 -270.147 2.642 -270.147 2.392 c -270.147 2.09 -270.126 1.779 -269.649 1.779 c -269.087 1.779 -268.723 2.257 -268.203 2.954 c h -273.149 8.091 m -273.149 8.32 -273.326 8.663 -273.668 8.663 c -273.918 8.663 -274.156 8.466 -274.156 8.102 c -274.156 7.738 -273.918 7.562 -273.658 7.562 c -273.315 7.562 -273.149 7.884 -273.149 8.091 c -273.585 3.058 m -274.011 2.454 -274.313 2.246 -274.438 2.246 c -274.532 2.246 -274.605 2.33 -274.605 2.402 c -274.605 2.527 -274.479 2.943 -274.438 3.089 c -273.522 6.438 l -273.554 6.458 l -273.959 6.384 -274.822 6.218 -275.218 6.198 c -275.218 6.033 l -274.646 6.033 -274.563 5.981 -274.563 5.762 c -274.563 5.471 -275.383 2.891 -275.383 2.402 c -275.383 2.215 -275.383 1.758 -274.895 1.758 c -274.313 1.758 -273.855 2.33 -273.45 2.943 c h -282.694 6.033 m -282.57 6.064 -282.497 6.074 -282.341 6.074 c -281.748 6.074 -281.613 5.628 -281.332 4.683 c -281.155 4.122 -280.718 2.306 -280.718 1.91 c -280.718 1.63 -281.155 1.122 -281.415 0.821 c -281.769 0.405 -281.904 0.312 -282.07 0.312 c -282.258 0.312 -282.393 0.603 -282.705 0.603 c -282.923 0.603 -283.1 0.426 -283.1 0.208 c -283.1 -0.228 -282.653 -0.259 -282.57 -0.259 c -281.332 -0.259 -278.422 4.579 -278.422 5.814 c -278.422 6.188 -278.629 6.458 -279.013 6.458 c -279.283 6.458 -279.398 6.24 -279.398 6.094 c -279.398 5.617 -278.836 5.731 -278.836 5.306 c -278.836 4.755 -279.658 3.354 -280.105 2.627 c -280.313 3.831 l -280.448 4.61 -281.062 6.458 -281.197 6.458 c -281.384 6.458 -282.195 6.292 -282.694 6.209 c h -283.138 3.089 m -283.522 2.6 -283.782 2.267 -283.99 2.267 c -284.011 2.267 -284.157 2.288 -284.157 2.444 c -284.156 2.757 -283.325 5.326 -283.325 5.773 c -283.325 6.209 -283.564 6.458 -284.042 6.458 c -284.905 6.458 -285.862 5.014 -286.35 4.244 c -286.371 4.265 l -285.706 6.438 l -285.737 6.458 l -286.298 6.344 -286.86 6.24 -287.422 6.136 c -287.422 5.97 l -286.86 5.97 -286.756 5.856 -286.756 5.7 c -286.756 5.482 -287.453 3.048 -287.775 1.873 c -286.995 1.873 l -286.569 3.287 -286.434 3.734 -285.955 4.452 c -285.581 5.034 -284.926 5.929 -284.426 5.929 c -284.229 5.929 -284.166 5.783 -284.166 5.596 c -284.167 5.18 -284.936 2.642 -284.936 2.392 c -284.936 2.09 -284.915 1.779 -284.438 1.779 c -283.876 1.779 -283.512 2.257 -282.992 2.954 c h -291.942 3.006 m -291.942 3.942 -291.005 6.23 -289.787 6.23 c -289.486 6.23 -289.194 6.033 -289.194 5.534 c -289.194 4.514 -290.214 2.267 -291.317 2.267 c -291.598 2.267 -291.942 2.454 -291.942 3.006 c -288.166 3.016 m -288.634 2.558 -288.842 2.298 -288.998 2.298 c -289.082 2.298 -289.144 2.361 -289.144 2.434 c -289.144 2.756 -288.187 6.302 -288.156 6.427 c -288.229 6.458 l -288.863 6.386 l -288.894 6.354 l -288.998 5.898 l -289.019 5.898 l -289.05 6.189 -289.392 6.458 -289.84 6.458 c -291.223 6.458 -292.814 4.514 -292.814 2.985 c -292.814 2.683 -292.782 1.758 -291.744 1.758 c -291.119 1.758 -290.568 2.07 -289.705 3.338 c -289.684 3.318 l -289.85 2.683 -289.902 2.454 -289.902 2.215 c -289.902 2.038 -289.902 1.769 -289.466 1.769 c -289.019 1.769 -288.666 2.142 -288.042 2.912 c h -297.479 6.064 m -297.24 6.074 l -297.209 6.074 l -296.99 6.074 -296.803 5.95 -296.803 5.773 c -296.803 5.554 -297.864 1.686 -298.144 0.52 c -298.227 0.187 -298.29 -0.094 -298.841 -0.094 c -298.841 -0.259 l -296.71 -0.259 l -296.71 -0.104 l -296.979 -0.104 -297.375 -0.104 -297.375 0.229 c -297.375 0.437 -297.083 1.582 -296.99 1.934 c -296.751 1.81 -296.543 1.758 -296.283 1.758 c -294.847 1.758 -293.184 3.484 -293.184 5.097 c -293.184 5.846 -293.496 6.458 -294.421 6.458 c -295.274 6.458 -295.867 5.7 -296.117 5.336 c -296.138 5.357 l -295.857 6.323 l -295.846 6.354 -295.836 6.386 -295.836 6.406 c -295.836 6.448 -295.867 6.458 -295.888 6.458 c -297.5 6.23 l h -294.119 5.128 m -294.119 3.89 -295.055 1.955 -296.325 1.955 c -296.585 1.955 -296.845 2.07 -296.845 2.34 c -296.845 2.746 -296.429 4.16 -296.169 4.826 c -295.898 5.534 -295.294 6.012 -294.806 6.012 c -294.13 6.012 -294.119 5.409 -294.119 5.128 c -298.275 3.089 m -298.67 2.6 -298.941 2.267 -299.138 2.267 c -299.263 2.267 -299.294 2.298 -299.294 2.475 c -299.293 2.622 -298.452 5.409 -298.452 5.762 c -298.452 6.178 -298.69 6.458 -299.064 6.458 c -299.75 6.458 -300.594 5.544 -301.322 4.338 c -301.342 4.358 l -301.197 4.774 -300.958 5.638 -300.958 5.783 c -300.958 6.219 -301.176 6.458 -301.57 6.458 c -302.444 6.458 -303.515 4.847 -303.827 4.338 c -303.848 4.358 l -303.266 6.438 l -303.297 6.458 l -303.848 6.344 -304.399 6.24 -304.961 6.136 c -304.961 5.97 l -304.451 5.97 -304.295 5.95 -304.295 5.721 c -304.295 5.492 -305.148 2.559 -305.314 1.873 c -304.534 1.873 l -304.15 3.142 -303.942 3.828 -303.526 4.452 c -303.245 4.868 -302.454 5.918 -301.986 5.918 c -301.893 5.918 -301.758 5.918 -301.758 5.638 c -301.758 5.44 -302.475 2.882 -302.746 1.873 c -301.966 1.873 l -301.664 3.048 -301.487 3.703 -300.989 4.494 c -300.666 5.003 -299.918 5.918 -299.49 5.918 c -299.366 5.918 -299.272 5.835 -299.272 5.679 c -299.274 5.471 -300.083 2.569 -300.083 2.288 c -300.083 2.142 -300.083 1.779 -299.647 1.779 c -299.066 1.779 -298.546 2.361 -298.171 2.891 c -298.119 2.964 l h -307.244 6.241 m -306.745 6.241 -306.515 5.783 -306.515 5.242 c -306.515 4.129 -307.338 1.976 -308.524 1.976 c -309.044 1.976 -309.356 2.35 -309.356 2.943 c -309.356 4.17 -308.409 6.241 -307.244 6.241 c -307.171 6.458 m -308.69 6.458 -310.228 4.785 -310.228 3.255 c -310.228 2.392 -309.761 1.758 -308.659 1.758 c -307.067 1.758 -305.643 3.64 -305.643 4.92 c -305.643 5.606 -305.965 6.458 -307.171 6.458 c -311.357 2.974 m -311.731 2.558 -312.22 2.132 -312.845 2.132 c -313.479 2.132 -313.791 2.6 -313.791 3.401 c -313.791 4.399 -313.074 6.241 -311.721 6.241 c -311.534 6.241 -311.326 6.189 -311.326 6.033 c -311.326 5.856 -311.482 5.794 -311.482 5.523 c -311.482 5.284 -311.326 5.138 -311.066 5.138 c -310.806 5.138 -310.578 5.326 -310.578 5.617 c -310.578 5.939 -310.838 6.458 -311.71 6.458 c -313.25 6.458 -314.685 4.868 -314.685 3.401 c -314.685 2.018 -313.822 1.758 -313.146 1.758 c -312.054 1.758 -311.45 2.538 -311.19 2.87 c h -317.722 3.026 m -318.159 2.527 -318.367 2.288 -318.575 2.288 c -318.679 2.288 -318.762 2.361 -318.762 2.517 c -318.762 2.683 -317.504 7.114 -317.057 8.923 c -317.109 8.975 l -317.639 8.861 -318.17 8.788 -318.7 8.736 c -318.7 8.56 l -318.128 8.55 -318.055 8.498 -318.055 8.258 c -318.055 8.113 -318.128 7.853 -318.211 7.561 c -318.658 5.908 l -318.679 5.887 l -318.721 6.116 -318.793 6.458 -319.375 6.458 c -320.614 6.458 -322.381 4.556 -322.381 2.985 c -322.381 2.444 -322.162 1.758 -321.3 1.758 c -320.78 1.758 -320.197 1.935 -319.448 3.078 c -319.427 3.058 l -319.51 2.694 -319.552 2.454 -319.552 2.215 c -319.552 1.997 -319.469 1.738 -319.064 1.738 c -318.721 1.738 -318.045 2.226 -317.598 2.922 c h -320.842 2.257 m -321.477 2.257 -321.477 2.85 -321.477 3.026 c -321.477 3.973 -320.489 6.22 -319.323 6.22 c -318.834 6.22 -318.834 5.762 -318.834 5.523 c -318.834 4.233 -319.854 2.257 -320.842 2.257 c -323.3 3.006 m -323.82 2.579 -324.258 2.226 -324.82 2.226 c -325.257 2.226 -325.798 2.465 -325.798 3.172 c -325.798 3.38 -325.746 3.588 -325.694 3.806 c -325.402 3.848 l -323.716 4.087 -322.741 4.93 -322.741 5.752 c -322.741 6.21 -323.062 6.458 -323.592 6.458 c -325.059 6.458 -326.701 4.712 -326.701 3.224 c -326.701 2.569 -326.369 1.758 -325.277 1.758 c -324.237 1.758 -323.29 2.714 -323.177 2.881 c h -325.444 4.493 m -325.059 5.419 -324.352 6.22 -323.789 6.22 c -323.529 6.22 -323.425 6.022 -323.425 5.804 c -323.425 5.721 -323.477 4.472 -325.621 4.035 c h -326.708 6.323 m -327.54 6.323 l -327.248 7.394 l -327.248 7.415 -327.238 7.436 -327.238 7.457 c -327.238 7.509 -327.259 7.55 -327.3 7.55 c -327.342 7.55 l -327.425 7.55 -327.457 7.478 -327.498 7.426 c -327.789 7.062 -328.288 6.594 -328.632 6.417 c -328.809 6.323 -329.099 6.25 -329.161 6.157 c -329.182 6.126 -329.193 6.095 -329.193 6.054 c -329.193 6.033 -329.182 6.012 -329.182 5.991 c -328.413 5.991 l -329.161 3.13 l -329.203 2.964 -329.4 2.33 -329.4 2.174 c -329.4 1.862 -329.109 1.758 -328.901 1.758 c -328.361 1.758 -327.956 2.215 -327.425 3.016 c -327.561 3.089 l -327.82 2.756 -328.184 2.267 -328.393 2.267 c -328.507 2.267 -328.559 2.35 -328.559 2.444 c -328.559 2.475 -328.559 2.496 -328.548 2.527 c -327.633 5.991 l -326.76 5.991 l h -329.802 8.091 m -329.802 8.32 -329.978 8.663 -330.321 8.663 c -330.57 8.663 -330.809 8.466 -330.809 8.102 c -330.809 7.738 -330.57 7.562 -330.311 7.562 c -329.968 7.562 -329.802 7.884 -329.802 8.091 c -330.238 3.058 m -330.664 2.454 -330.966 2.246 -331.091 2.246 c -331.184 2.246 -331.258 2.33 -331.258 2.402 c -331.258 2.527 -331.133 2.943 -331.091 3.089 c -330.176 6.438 l -330.207 6.458 l -330.612 6.384 -331.476 6.218 -331.87 6.198 c -331.87 6.033 l -331.3 6.033 -331.216 5.981 -331.216 5.762 c -331.216 5.471 -332.036 2.891 -332.036 2.402 c -332.036 2.215 -332.036 1.758 -331.548 1.758 c -330.966 1.758 -330.509 2.33 -330.103 2.943 c h -332.761 3.089 m -333.156 2.6 -333.426 2.267 -333.624 2.267 c -333.749 2.267 -333.78 2.298 -333.78 2.475 c -333.778 2.622 -332.937 5.409 -332.937 5.762 c -332.937 6.178 -333.176 6.458 -333.55 6.458 c -334.236 6.458 -335.08 5.544 -335.807 4.338 c -335.828 4.358 l -335.682 4.774 -335.444 5.638 -335.444 5.783 c -335.444 6.219 -335.661 6.458 -336.057 6.458 c -336.929 6.458 -338 4.847 -338.313 4.338 c -338.333 4.358 l -337.751 6.438 l -337.782 6.458 l -338.333 6.344 -338.884 6.24 -339.446 6.136 c -339.446 5.97 l -338.936 5.97 -338.781 5.95 -338.781 5.721 c -338.781 5.492 -339.633 2.559 -339.8 1.873 c -339.02 1.873 l -338.635 3.142 -338.427 3.828 -338.011 4.452 c -337.73 4.868 -336.94 5.918 -336.472 5.918 c -336.378 5.918 -336.243 5.918 -336.243 5.638 c -336.243 5.44 -336.961 2.882 -337.231 1.873 c -336.451 1.873 l -336.15 3.048 -335.974 3.703 -335.475 4.494 c -335.152 5.003 -334.403 5.918 -333.977 5.918 c -333.851 5.918 -333.758 5.835 -333.758 5.679 c -333.759 5.471 -334.568 2.569 -334.568 2.288 c -334.568 2.142 -334.568 1.779 -334.133 1.779 c -333.551 1.779 -333.031 2.361 -332.657 2.891 c -332.604 2.964 l h -339.941 8.091 m -339.941 8.32 -340.118 8.663 -340.461 8.663 c -340.71 8.663 -340.949 8.466 -340.949 8.102 c -340.949 7.738 -340.71 7.562 -340.451 7.562 c -340.108 7.562 -339.941 7.884 -339.941 8.091 c -340.378 3.058 m -340.804 2.454 -341.105 2.246 -341.231 2.246 c -341.325 2.246 -341.397 2.33 -341.397 2.402 c -341.397 2.527 -341.273 2.943 -341.231 3.089 c -340.316 6.438 l -340.347 6.458 l -340.752 6.384 -341.616 6.218 -342.01 6.198 c -342.01 6.033 l -341.439 6.033 -341.356 5.981 -341.356 5.762 c -341.356 5.471 -342.177 2.891 -342.177 2.402 c -342.177 2.215 -342.177 1.758 -341.688 1.758 c -341.105 1.758 -340.648 2.33 -340.243 2.943 c h -343.077 3.151 m -343.587 2.496 -343.805 2.205 -344.065 2.205 c -344.221 2.205 -344.221 2.35 -344.221 2.413 c -344.221 2.527 -344.138 2.808 -344.117 2.902 c -342.547 8.923 l -342.599 8.975 l -343.14 8.85 -343.681 8.757 -344.221 8.694 c -344.221 8.529 l -344.076 8.529 l -343.816 8.529 -343.514 8.498 -343.514 8.269 c -343.514 8.05 -345.02 2.621 -345.02 2.402 c -345.02 2.111 -344.979 1.758 -344.522 1.758 c -343.878 1.758 -343.473 2.257 -342.942 3.058 c h -348.1 3.006 m -348.401 2.486 -348.505 2.298 -348.734 2.298 c -349.004 2.298 -349.202 2.777 -349.951 4.556 c -348.516 5.825 -348.12 6.137 -347.612 6.158 c -347.612 6.323 l -349.513 6.323 l -349.513 6.158 l -349.232 6.158 -348.941 6.158 -348.941 5.96 c -348.941 5.638 -350.273 4.639 -350.845 4.192 c -350.865 4.213 l -349.628 8.923 l -349.68 8.975 l -350.221 8.85 -350.762 8.757 -351.302 8.694 c -351.302 8.529 l -351.158 8.529 l -350.897 8.529 -350.596 8.498 -350.596 8.269 c -350.616 8.04 -350.845 7.27 -350.939 6.895 c -352.259 1.873 l -351.479 1.873 l -350.981 3.745 l -350.544 4.078 l -350.44 3.765 -350.045 2.85 -349.92 2.61 c -349.608 1.997 -349.42 1.758 -349.098 1.758 c -348.641 1.758 -348.339 2.142 -347.945 2.891 c h -353.252 2.974 m -353.627 2.558 -354.116 2.132 -354.74 2.132 c -355.375 2.132 -355.687 2.6 -355.687 3.401 c -355.687 4.399 -354.969 6.241 -353.616 6.241 c -353.429 6.241 -353.221 6.189 -353.221 6.033 c -353.221 5.856 -353.377 5.794 -353.377 5.523 c -353.377 5.284 -353.221 5.138 -352.961 5.138 c -352.702 5.138 -352.474 5.326 -352.474 5.617 c -352.474 5.939 -352.733 6.458 -353.606 6.458 c -355.146 6.458 -356.58 4.868 -356.58 3.401 c -356.58 2.018 -355.718 1.758 -355.042 1.758 c -353.949 1.758 -353.345 2.538 -353.086 2.87 c h -358.697 6.241 m -358.197 6.241 -357.968 5.783 -357.968 5.242 c -357.968 4.129 -358.79 1.976 -359.977 1.976 c -360.497 1.976 -360.809 2.35 -360.809 2.943 c -360.809 4.17 -359.862 6.241 -358.697 6.241 c -358.624 6.458 m -360.143 6.458 -361.681 4.785 -361.681 3.255 c -361.681 2.392 -361.214 1.758 -360.112 1.758 c -358.52 1.758 -357.097 3.64 -357.097 4.92 c -357.097 5.606 -357.418 6.458 -358.624 6.458 c -361.646 6.323 m -362.478 6.323 l -362.187 7.394 l -362.187 7.415 -362.176 7.436 -362.176 7.457 c -362.176 7.509 -362.197 7.55 -362.239 7.55 c -362.28 7.55 l -362.363 7.55 -362.395 7.478 -362.436 7.426 c -362.728 7.062 -363.227 6.594 -363.57 6.417 c -363.747 6.323 -364.037 6.25 -364.1 6.157 c -364.12 6.126 -364.131 6.095 -364.131 6.054 c -364.131 6.033 -364.12 6.012 -364.12 5.991 c -363.352 5.991 l -364.1 3.13 l -364.141 2.964 -364.338 2.33 -364.338 2.174 c -364.338 1.862 -364.048 1.758 -363.84 1.758 c -363.3 1.758 -362.894 2.215 -362.364 3.016 c -362.499 3.089 l -362.759 2.756 -363.123 2.267 -363.331 2.267 c -363.445 2.267 -363.497 2.35 -363.497 2.444 c -363.497 2.475 -363.497 2.496 -363.487 2.527 c -362.572 5.991 l -361.698 5.991 l h -368.265 3.39 m -368.472 1.738 l -368.306 1.738 l -368.243 1.852 -368.202 1.956 -368.056 1.956 c -367.755 1.955 -367.339 1.758 -367.028 1.758 c -366.445 1.758 -365.479 2.018 -365.479 3.151 c -365.479 4.035 -366.747 4.962 -366.747 5.617 c -366.747 6.126 -366.414 6.22 -366.185 6.22 c -365.51 6.22 -365.259 5.617 -365.207 5.024 c -365.042 5.024 l -364.834 6.469 l -364.979 6.469 l -365.031 6.386 -365.094 6.282 -365.27 6.282 c -365.582 6.282 -365.79 6.458 -366.257 6.458 c -367.36 6.458 -367.505 5.627 -367.505 5.305 c -367.505 4.504 -366.268 3.505 -366.268 2.818 c -366.268 2.475 -366.434 1.976 -367.017 1.976 c -367.859 1.976 -368.025 2.933 -368.098 3.39 c h -370.793 6.323 m -371.625 6.323 l -371.334 7.394 l -371.334 7.415 -371.323 7.436 -371.323 7.457 c -371.323 7.509 -371.344 7.55 -371.385 7.55 c -371.427 7.55 l -371.51 7.55 -371.541 7.478 -371.583 7.426 c -371.875 7.062 -372.374 6.594 -372.717 6.417 c -372.893 6.323 -373.184 6.25 -373.247 6.157 c -373.267 6.126 -373.277 6.095 -373.277 6.054 c -373.277 6.033 -373.267 6.012 -373.267 5.991 c -372.498 5.991 l -373.247 3.13 l -373.288 2.964 -373.485 2.33 -373.485 2.174 c -373.485 1.862 -373.195 1.758 -372.987 1.758 c -372.447 1.758 -372.041 2.215 -371.511 3.016 c -371.646 3.089 l -371.906 2.756 -372.27 2.267 -372.478 2.267 c -372.592 2.267 -372.644 2.35 -372.644 2.444 c -372.644 2.475 -372.644 2.496 -372.634 2.527 c -371.718 5.991 l -370.845 5.991 l h -374.158 3.089 m -374.542 2.6 -374.802 2.267 -375.01 2.267 c -375.031 2.267 -375.177 2.288 -375.177 2.444 c -375.175 2.757 -374.345 5.326 -374.345 5.773 c -374.345 6.209 -374.583 6.458 -375.061 6.458 c -375.924 6.458 -376.881 5.014 -377.37 4.244 c -377.39 4.265 l -376.725 6.438 l -376.756 6.458 l -377.318 6.344 -377.879 6.24 -378.441 6.136 c -378.441 5.97 l -377.879 5.97 -377.775 5.856 -377.775 5.7 c -377.775 5.482 -378.472 3.048 -378.794 1.873 c -378.015 1.873 l -377.588 3.287 -377.453 3.734 -376.974 4.452 c -376.6 5.034 -375.945 5.929 -375.445 5.929 c -375.248 5.929 -375.186 5.783 -375.186 5.596 c -375.187 5.18 -375.955 2.642 -375.955 2.392 c -375.955 2.09 -375.935 1.779 -375.457 1.779 c -374.896 1.779 -374.532 2.257 -374.012 2.954 c h -378.957 8.091 m -378.957 8.32 -379.134 8.663 -379.476 8.663 c -379.725 8.663 -379.965 8.466 -379.965 8.102 c -379.965 7.738 -379.725 7.562 -379.466 7.562 c -379.123 7.562 -378.957 7.884 -378.957 8.091 c -379.393 3.058 m -379.819 2.454 -380.121 2.246 -380.246 2.246 c -380.34 2.246 -380.413 2.33 -380.413 2.402 c -380.413 2.527 -380.288 2.943 -380.246 3.089 c -379.331 6.438 l -379.362 6.458 l -379.767 6.384 -380.631 6.218 -381.025 6.198 c -381.025 6.033 l -380.454 6.033 -380.371 5.981 -380.371 5.762 c -380.371 5.471 -381.191 2.891 -381.191 2.402 c -381.191 2.215 -381.191 1.758 -380.704 1.758 c -380.121 1.758 -379.663 2.33 -379.258 2.943 c h -383.506 6.241 m -383.007 6.241 -382.777 5.783 -382.777 5.242 c -382.777 4.129 -383.6 1.976 -384.786 1.976 c -385.306 1.976 -385.618 2.35 -385.618 2.943 c -385.618 4.17 -384.671 6.241 -383.506 6.241 c -383.433 6.458 m -384.952 6.458 -386.49 4.785 -386.49 3.255 c -386.49 2.392 -386.023 1.758 -384.921 1.758 c -383.329 1.758 -381.905 3.64 -381.905 4.92 c -381.905 5.606 -382.227 6.458 -383.433 6.458 c -386.663 8.091 m -386.663 8.32 -386.84 8.663 -387.182 8.663 c -387.432 8.663 -387.671 8.466 -387.671 8.102 c -387.671 7.738 -387.432 7.562 -387.172 7.562 c -386.829 7.562 -386.663 7.884 -386.663 8.091 c -388.92 1.841 m -389.117 1.04 -389.377 -0.042 -389.908 -0.042 c -390.002 -0.042 -390.116 -0.031 -390.116 0.073 c -390.116 0.198 -389.981 0.198 -389.981 0.416 c -389.981 0.634 -390.188 0.79 -390.396 0.79 c -390.781 0.79 -390.822 0.426 -390.822 0.385 c -390.822 -0.125 -390.355 -0.28 -390.012 -0.28 c -389.086 -0.28 -388.482 0.499 -388.056 2.163 c -386.975 6.438 l -387.006 6.458 l -387.411 6.383 -388.347 6.218 -388.774 6.197 c -388.774 6.029 l -388.42 6.039 l -388.066 6.008 -388.014 5.935 -388.014 5.758 c -388.004 5.738 -388.004 5.706 -388.004 5.675 c -388.004 5.54 -388.056 5.301 -388.17 4.875 c h -396.408 4.597 m -394.858 7.29 l -394.847 7.29 l -394.389 4.597 l h -394.4 8.819 m -397.416 3.62 l -398.269 2.163 -398.362 2.132 -398.757 2.038 c -398.757 1.873 l -396.813 1.873 l -396.813 2.038 l -397.292 2.08 -397.427 2.132 -397.427 2.402 c -397.427 2.631 -397.365 2.766 -397.219 3.047 c -396.626 4.223 l -394.337 4.223 l -394.129 2.86 l -394.108 2.714 -394.108 2.569 -394.108 2.558 c -394.108 2.142 -394.379 2.08 -394.92 2.038 c -394.92 1.873 l -392.363 1.873 l -392.363 2.038 l -392.965 2.09 -393.027 2.205 -393.152 2.933 c -394.129 8.819 l h -399.908 0.052 m -400.407 1.331 -400.407 2.246 -400.407 2.943 c -400.407 3.598 -400.23 5.013 -399.814 6.178 c -399.315 7.582 -398.784 8.143 -398.285 8.663 c -398.42 8.83 l -400.313 7.218 -401.123 5.595 -401.123 3.879 c -401.123 3.214 -401.123 1.695 -400.095 -0.01 c h f q 0 0 0 0.6 k /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 267.8585 626.9155 cm 0 0 m -0.795 0 -1.507 0.383 -1.984 0.988 c -1.985 0.988 l -2.366 1.475 -2.598 2.103 -2.598 2.788 c -2.598 4.327 -1.434 5.577 0 5.577 c 0.832 5.577 2.011 5.256 2.701 4.508 c 2.596 8.431 l 1.801 8.759 0.922 8.934 0 8.934 c -3.586 8.934 -6.494 6.182 -6.494 2.788 c -6.494 2.161 -6.394 1.555 -6.21 0.985 c -6.21 0.985 l -5.396 -1.53 -2.923 -3.359 0 -3.359 c 0.918 -3.359 1.79 -3.177 2.582 -2.854 c 2.596 -2.854 l 2.724 0.986 l 2.613 0.986 l 1.922 0.32 0.778 0 0 0 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 302.3145 627.901 cm 0 0 m 0 7.708 l -3.908 7.708 l -3.908 0 l -3.908 -4.104 l 3.906 -4.104 l 3.906 -0.689 l -0.002 -0.689 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 313.4689 626.9155 cm 0 0 m -0.795 0 -1.508 0.383 -1.985 0.988 c -1.986 0.988 l -2.367 1.475 -2.598 2.103 -2.598 2.788 c -2.598 4.327 -1.434 5.577 0 5.577 c 0.831 5.577 2.01 5.256 2.7 4.508 c 2.596 8.431 l 1.8 8.759 0.922 8.934 0 8.934 c -3.587 8.934 -6.494 6.182 -6.494 2.788 c -6.494 2.161 -6.394 1.555 -6.211 0.985 c -6.21 0.985 l -5.394 -1.53 -2.925 -3.359 0 -3.359 c 0.918 -3.359 1.789 -3.177 2.581 -2.854 c 2.596 -2.854 l 2.725 0.986 l 2.612 0.986 l 1.92 0.32 0.776 0 0 0 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 279.7753 631.2869 cm 0 0 m -3.626 0 l -3.626 4.308 l -7.218 4.308 l -7.218 -3.386 l -7.218 -7.474 l -3.614 -7.474 l -3.614 -3.386 l -3.614 -3.142 l -0.013 -3.142 l -0.013 -3.386 l -0.013 -7.474 l 3.594 -7.474 l 3.594 -3.386 l 3.594 4.308 l 0 4.308 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 270.5825 627.901 cm 0 0 m 0.005 0.122 l -0.032 0.081 -0.071 0.041 -0.111 0.003 c h f* q q 1 0 0 1 324.0473 626.9155 cm 0 0 m -0.796 0 -1.506 0.383 -1.983 0.988 c -2.366 1.474 -2.596 2.102 -2.596 2.788 c -2.596 4.327 -1.435 5.577 0 5.577 c 1.435 5.577 2.597 4.327 2.597 2.788 c 2.597 2.102 2.367 1.474 1.984 0.986 c 1.507 0.383 0.797 0 0 0 c 0 8.934 m -3.585 8.934 -6.494 6.182 -6.494 2.788 c -6.494 2.161 -6.394 1.555 -6.21 0.986 c -5.396 -1.53 -2.922 -3.359 0 -3.359 c 2.926 -3.359 5.397 -1.53 6.21 0.985 c 6.396 1.555 6.496 2.161 6.496 2.788 c 6.496 6.182 3.588 8.934 0 8.934 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 316.1937 627.901 cm 0 0 m 0.003 0.122 l -0.034 0.081 -0.073 0.041 -0.113 0.003 c h f* q q 1 0 0 1 290.9177 633.4929 cm 0 0 m 1.318 -5.49 l -1.414 -5.49 l h 2.302 2.074 m -2.4 2.074 l -5.074 -5.592 l -6.491 -9.653 l -2.42 -9.653 l -1.983 -7.869 l 1.886 -7.869 l 2.323 -9.653 l 6.395 -9.653 l 4.977 -5.592 l h f* q q q 146.72 572.507 301.856 124.07 re w n 1 0.6 0 0.1 k /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 316.6785 651.3593 cm 0 0 m -4.45 -7.304 l -42.563 -7.304 l -18.438 32.296 l -4.064 32.296 l -23.741 0 l -0.219 0 l h -6.749 22.733 m -1.667 31.462 l -2.454 33.71 l -13.49 33.71 l -20.658 45.219 l -55.14 -10.917 l 13.839 -10.917 l h f* q 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 161.9737 593.7108 cm 0 0 m 6.392 0 l 6.953 0 7.286 0.043 7.407 0.158 c 7.529 0.274 7.589 0.518 7.589 0.919 c 7.589 15.156 l 0 15.156 l h -11.316 0 7.438 15.156 re -15.255 18.686 m -3.878 18.686 l -3.878 20.653 l 0 20.653 l 0 18.686 l 11.527 18.686 l 11.527 -0.702 l 11.527 -1.178 11.452 -1.607 11.3 -2.009 c 11.148 -2.411 10.891 -2.769 10.497 -3.085 c 10.134 -3.401 9.619 -3.559 8.922 -3.573 c 0 -3.573 l 0 -6.057 l -3.878 -6.057 l -3.878 -3.573 l -15.255 -3.573 l h f* q q q 95.724 522.525 403.827 174.053 re w n /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 181.6577 590.9692 cm 0 0 m 17.935 0 l 18.33 0 18.586 0.073 18.708 0.23 c 18.814 0.374 18.859 0.646 18.874 1.049 c 18.874 19.963 l 0 19.963 l h -4.044 23.035 m 22.98 23.035 l 22.98 0.317 l 22.98 -0.228 22.919 -0.716 22.798 -1.175 c 22.692 -1.621 22.45 -2.037 22.055 -2.454 c 21.692 -2.854 20.541 -3.056 18.602 -3.056 c -4.044 -3.056 l h 1.561 11.841 m 7.059 11.841 l 7.059 15.012 l 1.561 15.012 l 1.561 17.97 l 17.345 17.97 l 17.345 15.012 l 10.967 15.012 l 10.967 11.841 l 17.238 11.841 l 17.238 8.914 l 10.967 8.914 l 10.967 4.708 l 12.282 4.694 l 13.235 6.531 l 16.842 6.531 l 15.75 4.694 l 17.246 4.694 l 17.246 1.766 l 1.561 1.781 l 1.561 4.708 l 7.059 4.708 l 7.059 8.914 l 1.561 8.914 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 232.0265 610.7252 cm 0 0 m -8.017 0 l -8.017 -4.994 l -1.381 -4.994 l -0.936 -4.994 -0.638 -4.937 -0.475 -4.823 c -0.312 -4.711 -0.194 -4.57 -0.119 -4.388 c -0.045 -4.22 -0.015 -3.726 0 -2.897 c h -11.742 -8.144 m -11.742 3.264 l 3.711 3.264 l 3.711 -4.204 l 3.711 -5.105 3.592 -5.978 3.325 -6.85 c 3.073 -7.707 2.152 -8.129 0.534 -8.144 c h -13.578 -11.043 m -13.578 -14.373 l -18.264 -14.373 l -18.264 -17.643 l -18.264 -18.159 -18.203 -18.475 -18.082 -18.604 c -17.961 -18.719 -13.271 -17.444 y -14.094 -21.226 l -18.604 -22.498 l -19.362 -22.498 -20.551 -23.071 -20.99 -22.841 c -21.4 -22.626 -21.672 -22.296 -21.839 -21.85 c -21.974 -21.419 -22.036 -20.846 -22.051 -20.114 c -22.051 -14.373 l -24.107 -14.373 l -24.107 -11.043 l -22.051 -11.043 l -22.051 -7.929 l -24.107 -7.929 l -24.107 -4.6 l -13.578 -4.6 l -13.578 -7.929 l -18.264 -7.929 l -18.264 -11.043 l h -24.705 -0.208 m -23.292 -0.208 l -23.004 -0.208 -22.807 -0.194 -22.686 -0.136 c -22.565 -0.094 -22.458 0.136 -22.368 0.581 c -21.731 3.537 l -17.793 3.537 l -18.186 1.814 l -13.127 1.814 l -13.127 -1.486 l -18.959 -1.486 l -19.157 -2.075 -19.369 -2.505 -19.596 -2.792 c -19.807 -3.05 -20.05 -3.223 -20.338 -3.322 c -20.61 -3.409 -20.974 -3.451 -21.458 -3.451 c -23.882 -3.451 l h -0.024 -13.412 m -8.219 -13.412 l -8.219 -19.568 l -1.434 -19.568 l -0.994 -19.568 -0.691 -19.512 -0.524 -19.382 c -0.358 -19.267 -0.236 -19.123 -0.146 -18.922 c -0.07 -18.75 -0.04 -18.248 -0.024 -17.401 c h -12.006 -22.941 m -12.006 -9.981 l 3.778 -9.981 l 3.778 -18.865 l 3.778 -19.726 3.687 -20.488 3.474 -21.162 c 3.278 -21.835 2.898 -22.296 2.309 -22.554 c 1.748 -22.812 1.157 -22.941 0.521 -22.941 c h f* q q 1 0 0 1 266.3641 611.0563 cm 0 0 m -1.851 -13.327 l -1.882 -13.786 -2.033 -14.36 -2.306 -15.063 c -2.578 -15.752 -3.381 -16.096 -4.744 -16.111 c -6.226 -16.111 l -7.274 -12.78 l -6.441 -12.78 l -6.077 -12.78 -5.819 -12.71 -5.668 -12.552 c -5.517 -12.394 -5.426 -11.949 -5.366 -11.218 c -3.695 0 l h -26.902 -0.158 m -23.221 -0.158 l -21.61 -11.374 l -21.58 -12.093 -21.49 -12.538 -21.338 -12.71 c -21.186 -12.853 -20.929 -12.925 -20.55 -12.94 c -19.702 -12.94 l -20.674 -16.283 l -22.231 -16.283 l -22.594 -16.283 -22.958 -16.24 -23.353 -16.126 c -23.716 -16.01 -24.019 -15.854 -24.276 -15.653 c -24.504 -15.451 -24.7 -15.149 -24.867 -14.748 c -25.019 -14.346 -25.11 -13.93 -25.14 -13.485 c h -26.902 -19.784 m -18.904 -19.784 l -18.904 3.466 l -15.162 3.466 l -15.162 -19.784 l -11.875 -19.784 l -11.875 3.466 l -8.118 3.466 l -8.118 -19.784 l 0.394 -19.784 l 0.394 -23.244 l -26.902 -23.244 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 421.5145 599.986 cm 0 0 m 0 -7.535 l 8.937 -7.535 l 9.71 -7.535 10.194 -7.476 10.422 -7.334 c 10.633 -7.19 10.787 -7.018 10.876 -6.802 c 10.953 -6.602 10.982 -6.314 10.997 -5.926 c 10.997 0 l h 14.89 3.143 m 14.89 -6.157 l 14.89 -6.918 14.846 -7.578 14.724 -8.166 c 14.617 -8.74 14.33 -9.285 13.846 -9.831 c 13.376 -10.362 12.059 -10.62 9.89 -10.634 c -3.832 -10.634 l -3.832 3.143 l h 15.177 5.674 -20.207 3.056 re 21.389 14.194 m 21.389 -7.664 l 21.389 -8.41 21.329 -9.013 21.192 -9.472 c 21.07 -9.93 20.782 -10.39 20.314 -10.864 c 19.859 -11.323 18.904 -11.554 17.421 -11.567 c 16.24 -11.567 l 15.118 -8.252 l 16.36 -8.252 l 16.784 -8.252 17.072 -8.179 17.238 -8.037 c 17.39 -7.892 17.465 -7.535 17.48 -6.931 c 17.48 11.122 l -4.198 11.122 l -4.198 14.194 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 400.1113 613.6844 cm 0 0 m 8.386 0 l 12.294 -8.05 l 12.489 -8.482 12.73 -8.869 13.05 -9.212 c 13.353 -9.542 13.656 -9.758 13.974 -9.888 c 14.276 -10.003 14.418 -10.06 15.145 -10.06 c 15.466 -10.06 l 14.509 -13.576 l 14.042 -13.576 l 12.602 -13.576 12.23 -13.447 11.73 -13.188 c 11.246 -12.93 10.794 -12.6 10.354 -12.17 c 9.93 -11.768 9.612 -11.337 9.399 -10.864 c 5.689 -2.772 l -1.443 -2.769 l h -5.437 0 m -1.196 0 l -6.572 -10.634 l -7.147 -11.782 -7.8 -12.528 -8.526 -12.873 c -9.224 -13.217 -9.176 -13.389 -10.493 -13.389 c -11.25 -13.389 l -12.297 -10.017 l -11.373 -10.017 l -10.737 -10.017 -11.314 -9.93 -10.829 -9.73 c -10.344 -9.542 -9.95 -9.142 -9.646 -8.525 c h -9.785 -25.818 m -10.606 -22.385 l -8.523 -22.392 l -0.376 -10.06 l 4.562 -10.06 l -3.602 -22.398 l 8.228 -22.431 l 8.53 -22.431 8.743 -22.373 8.879 -22.258 c 9.001 -22.144 9.062 -21.885 9.077 -21.469 c 7.506 -18.126 l 11.762 -18.126 l 13.332 -22.302 l 13.332 -22.947 13.258 -23.494 13.077 -23.966 c 12.924 -24.425 12.653 -24.841 12.228 -25.23 c 11.834 -25.602 11.045 -25.864 9.865 -25.864 c h f* q q 1 0 0 1 320.6169 602.9924 cm 0 0 m -12.938 0 l -12.938 -3.382 l -9.541 -3.382 l -11.351 -10.557 l -11.466 -11.105 -11.806 -11.731 -12.399 -11.758 c -13.588 -11.758 l -12.909 -15.108 l -10.65 -15.108 l -9.178 -15.108 -8.243 -14.422 -7.792 -12.998 c -5.215 -3.382 l 0.914 -3.382 l 0.914 -10.72 l 0.914 -11.16 0.689 -11.731 0.207 -11.758 c -2.718 -11.758 l -2.096 -15.108 l 1.952 -15.108 l 3.762 -15.108 4.67 -14.23 4.726 -12.42 c 4.726 0 l 2.349 0 l h 2.065 11.186 m -11.351 11.186 l -11.351 8.152 l -0.7 8.152 l 1.224 3.207 l 1.961 1.835 2.98 1.151 4.31 1.124 c 6.086 1.124 l 6.086 4.297 l 5.434 4.297 l 5.151 4.297 4.869 4.544 4.585 5.065 c h -10.902 7.194 m -11.662 4.921 l -11.946 4.372 -12.484 4.099 -13.333 4.071 c -13.814 4.071 l -13.136 1.124 l -11.152 1.124 l -9.849 1.124 -8.886 1.808 -8.236 3.179 c -6.682 7.193 l h -13.642 11.218 m -17.819 11.218 l -20.017 3.786 l -20.13 3.239 -20.749 2.394 -21.343 2.369 c -21.741 2.369 l -21.061 -0.741 l -19.815 -0.741 l -19.815 -15.108 l -16.056 -15.108 l -16.056 2.549 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 350.5081 603.8428 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.994 l -15.43 -1.994 l -15.43 0 l -0.884 0 l h 0 -5.247 m 0 -7.241 l -15.43 -7.241 l -15.43 -5.247 l -0.884 -5.247 l h 3.79 -13.281 m 3.79 3.47 l 1.439 3.47 l -0.884 3.47 l -15.584 3.47 l -13.076 6.175 l 4.686 6.175 l 4.686 9.154 l -10.964 9.154 l -9.676 10.822 l -14.541 10.822 l -15.98 9.154 l -22.743 9.154 l -22.743 6.175 l -18.246 6.175 l -20.727 3.39 l -21.008 3.006 -21.457 2.816 -22.1 2.816 c -22.829 2.816 l -22.155 -0.289 l -19.09 -0.289 l -19.09 -15.958 l -15.43 -15.958 l -15.43 -10.493 l 0 -10.493 l 0 -11.804 l 0 -12.242 -0.222 -12.461 -0.7 -12.488 c -6.194 -12.488 l -5.578 -15.958 l 1.047 -15.958 l 2.838 -15.958 3.733 -15.083 3.79 -13.281 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 385.2049 595.0412 cm 0 0 m 1.019 3.797 l -2.211 3.797 l -2.62 2.278 l -2.794 1.899 -3.414 1.655 -3.878 1.546 c -4.705 4.567 l -8.566 4.567 l -5.984 -4.873 l -5.577 -5.957 -4.741 -7.103 -2.939 -7.157 c 0.71 -7.157 l 1.134 -4.163 l -1.046 -4.163 l -1.688 -4.163 -2.366 -3.362 -2.511 -3.09 c -2.977 -1.546 l -1.64 -1.382 -0.466 -0.868 0 0 c -10.574 16.229 7.072 -2.646 re -10.574 13.583 m -3.462 10.67 m -3.462 8.685 l -3.462 8.252 -3.696 8.034 -4.188 8.008 c -10.498 8.008 l -10.498 10.67 l h -14.258 15.618 m -14.258 -4.499 l -14.258 -6.235 -13.327 -7.103 -11.405 -7.157 c -8.09 -7.157 l -7.478 -4.02 l -8.786 -4.02 l -10.121 -4.02 -10.319 -3.281 -10.349 -2.818 c -10.349 4.99 l -2.472 4.99 l -0.61 4.99 0.319 5.858 0.378 7.647 c 0.378 19.061 l -2.007 19.061 l -4.364 19.061 l -14.258 19.061 l -14.258 17.353 l h -23.211 16.306 m -20.402 16.306 l -19.934 16.306 -19.702 16.089 -19.674 15.629 c -19.674 9.62 l -19.674 9.186 -19.906 8.969 -20.402 8.941 c -23.211 8.941 l h -23.211 5.954 m -20.402 5.954 l -19.934 5.954 -19.702 5.737 -19.674 5.277 c -19.674 -0.433 l -19.674 -0.868 -19.906 -1.084 -20.402 -1.112 c -23.211 -1.112 l h -26.829 15.503 m -26.829 -7.055 l -23.14 -7.055 l -23.14 -1.646 l -21.105 -4.67 l -19.243 -4.67 -15.613 -4.629 -15.684 -2.013 c -15.684 4.306 l -15.684 5.986 -16.498 6.935 -18.127 7.154 c -16.498 7.37 -15.684 8.319 -15.684 10 c -15.684 16.507 l -15.684 18.243 -16.614 19.111 -18.534 19.164 c -26.829 19.164 l -26.829 17.347 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 296.5233 603.3876 cm 0 0 m -14.402 0 l -14.402 -3.384 l -4.122 -3.384 l -7.062 -7.35 l -8.966 -5.084 l -13.468 -5.114 l -9.259 -9.969 l -10.578 -11.242 l -11.086 -11.899 -12.025 -12.162 -13.214 -12.162 c -14.606 -12.162 l -14.09 -15.503 l -10.724 -15.503 l -9.364 -15.503 -8.261 -14.984 -7.384 -13.917 c -6.329 -12.65 l -5.302 -13.932 l -4.205 -15.135 -3.398 -15.569 -1.714 -15.503 c 0.538 -15.503 l 0.538 -12.178 l -1.714 -12.162 l -2.167 -12.162 -2.154 -11.95 -2.813 -11.596 c -4.278 -10.11 l 0 -3.91 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 280.7073 590.5635 cm 0 0 m 0 23.65 l -10.383 23.65 l -10.383 1.228 l -10.383 0.791 -10.61 0.571 -11.091 0.543 c -11.459 0.543 l -10.837 -2.679 l -9.337 -2.679 l -7.526 -2.679 -6.621 -1.804 -6.564 0 c -6.564 5.086 l -3.624 5.086 l -3.624 1.014 l -3.624 0.578 -4.386 0.36 -4.866 0.332 c -5.461 0.332 l -4.838 -2.679 l -2.772 -2.679 l -0.962 -2.679 -0.057 -1.804 0 0 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 295.7033 608.03 cm 0 0 m 0 6.184 l -2.264 6.184 l -4.498 6.184 l -8.149 6.184 l -10.413 6.184 l -12.648 6.184 l -12.648 0 l -12.648 -0.437 -12.874 -0.657 -13.354 -0.684 c -14.118 -0.684 l -13.496 -3.412 l -11.736 -3.412 l -9.925 -3.412 -9.018 -3.5 -8.962 -1.695 c -8.962 2.64 l -3.741 2.64 l -3.741 -1.695 l -3.741 -3.445 -2.834 -3.358 -0.968 -3.412 c 1.244 -3.412 l 1.244 -0.684 l 0.708 -0.684 l 0.254 -0.684 0.029 -0.464 0 0 c f* q 0 0 0 0 k 0 0 0 0 k 0.22 w 3.864 m 274.154 610.833 2.782 -4.46 re b 274.154 603.4 2.782 -4.53 re b 0 0 0 0.6 k q 1 0 0 1 210.6481 575.9828 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.842 -1.642 -3.366 -4.002 -3.336 c -6.435 -3.346 -8.004 -1.842 -8.004 0 c -8.002 5.651 l -5.329 5.651 l -5.324 0.122 l -5.324 -0.546 -4.743 -1.079 -4.02 -1.079 c -3.297 -1.079 -2.71 -0.538 -2.71 0.13 c -2.709 5.651 l 0 5.651 l 0 -0.155 l h 2.955 5.651 m 5.872 5.65 l 7.442 0.679 l 7.524 -0.106 l 7.608 0.691 l 9.117 5.646 l 12.033 5.645 l 13.486 -3.176 l 10.924 -3.176 l 10.383 2.714 l 10.356 3.482 l 10.258 2.709 l 8.342 -3.176 l 6.664 -3.176 l 4.782 2.712 l 4.692 3.465 l 4.662 2.694 l 4.083 -3.176 l 1.558 -3.176 l h -18.643 5.651 m -15.996 5.651 l -12.806 1.26 l -12.373 0.466 l -12.476 1.332 l -12.482 5.651 l -9.95 5.651 l -9.95 -3.197 l -12.542 -3.197 l -15.808 1.269 l -16.192 2.088 l -16.063 1.263 l -16.065 -3.197 l -18.643 -3.197 l h -35.624 5.651 m -32.708 5.65 l -31.138 0.679 l -31.055 -0.106 l -30.972 0.691 l -29.462 5.646 l -26.546 5.645 l -25.092 -3.176 l -27.656 -3.176 l -28.197 2.714 l -28.224 3.482 l -28.322 2.709 l -30.237 -3.176 l -31.915 -3.176 l -33.798 2.712 l -33.888 3.465 l -33.917 2.694 l -34.496 -3.176 l -37.022 -3.176 l h -23.448 5.651 2.761 -8.881 re -38.26 0 m -38.26 -1.842 -39.902 -3.366 -42.263 -3.336 c -44.695 -3.346 -46.265 -1.842 -46.265 0 c -46.263 5.651 l -43.589 5.651 l -43.584 0.122 l -43.584 -0.546 -43.003 -1.079 -42.28 -1.079 c -41.557 -1.079 -40.971 -0.538 -40.971 0.13 c -40.969 5.651 l -38.26 5.651 l -38.26 -0.155 l h -52.728 5.651 m -50.036 5.651 l -50.038 -0.198 l -50.077 -0.882 l -49.591 -0.868 l -47.178 -0.862 l -47.178 -3.197 l -52.728 -3.197 l h -59.183 -0.437 m -56.878 -0.443 l -58.042 4.575 l h -60.21 -3.197 m -59.937 -2.007 l -56.788 -2.018 l -56.492 -3.219 l -53.617 -3.219 l -56.72 5.651 l -60.012 5.651 l -63.063 -3.206 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 288.0545 578.8444 cm 0 0 m 0.374 1.65 l 0.758 0 l 1.248 -2.112 l 1.538 -3.369 l -0.766 -3.362 l -0.481 -2.112 l h 3.711 -2.112 m 2.972 0 l 2.018 2.726 l -1.275 2.726 l -2.212 0 l -2.938 -2.112 l -3.662 -4.225 l -4.325 -6.151 l -1.473 -6.142 l -1.199 -4.934 l 1.95 -4.943 l 2.246 -6.145 l 5.122 -6.145 l 4.45 -4.225 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 301.5761 578.8444 cm 0 0 m 0 -2.112 l 0 -4.225 l 0 -6.145 l 2.762 -6.145 l 2.762 -4.225 l 2.762 -2.112 l 2.762 0 l 2.762 2.736 l 0 2.736 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 312.5241 576.7324 cm 0 0 m -0.173 -1.038 -0.992 -1.822 -1.974 -1.822 c -2.956 -1.822 -3.774 -1.038 -3.948 -0.002 c -3.97 0.13 -3.982 0.268 -3.982 0.407 c -3.982 1.091 -3.706 1.699 -3.273 2.11 c -3.27 2.11 l -2.919 2.438 -2.468 2.638 -1.974 2.638 c -1.48 2.638 -1.027 2.438 -0.679 2.112 c -0.242 1.702 0.034 1.091 0.034 0.407 c 0.034 0.27 0.022 0.132 0 0 c -1.974 5.039 m -4.014 5.039 -5.756 3.828 -6.462 2.112 c -6.68 1.585 -6.799 1.009 -6.799 0.407 c -6.799 0.27 -6.794 0.132 -6.782 0 c -6.71 -0.777 -6.442 -1.497 -6.022 -2.116 c -5.162 -3.385 -3.67 -4.225 -1.974 -4.225 c -0.279 -4.225 1.214 -3.385 2.074 -2.113 c 2.494 -1.497 2.762 -0.777 2.834 -0.002 c 2.834 0 l 2.847 0.132 2.852 0.27 2.852 0.407 c 2.852 1.009 2.734 1.585 2.515 2.112 c 1.808 3.828 0.066 5.039 -1.974 5.039 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 233.9977 574.8636 cm 0 0 m -1.188 0 -2.176 0.806 -2.388 1.869 c -2.388 1.872 l -2.416 2.011 -2.43 2.154 -2.43 2.3 c -2.43 2.965 -2.132 3.563 -1.655 3.981 c -1.655 3.982 l -1.222 4.364 -0.639 4.598 0 4.598 c 0.569 4.598 1.107 4.398 1.521 4.09 c 1.424 6.58 l 0.877 6.791 0.281 6.908 -0.343 6.908 c -2.014 6.908 -3.484 6.071 -4.34 4.801 c -4.512 4.546 -4.659 4.274 -4.778 3.982 c -4.779 3.982 l -5.002 3.442 -5.126 2.85 -5.126 2.231 c -5.126 2.11 -5.121 1.989 -5.111 1.869 c -5.056 1.162 -4.747 0.354 -4.351 -0.246 c -4.38 -0.246 l -3.531 -1.514 -2.04 -2.33 -0.343 -2.33 c 0.281 -2.33 0.877 -2.226 1.424 -2.012 c 1.486 -0.427 l 1.493 -0.427 l 1.521 0.464 l 1.494 0.486 l 1.082 0.182 0.563 0 0 0 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 322.9545 581.5483 cm 0 0 m 0.003 -2.704 l 0.004 -4.321 l 0.064 -4.816 l 0.11 -5.187 l -0.094 -4.816 l -0.323 -4.394 l -1.551 -2.704 l -3.515 0 l -6.162 0 l -6.162 -2.704 l -6.162 -4.816 l -6.162 -6.929 l -6.162 -8.849 l -3.584 -8.849 l -3.582 -6.929 l -3.58 -4.816 l -3.58 -4.39 l -3.71 -3.565 l -3.326 -4.385 l -3.01 -4.816 l -1.466 -6.929 l -0.06 -8.849 l 2.531 -8.849 l 2.531 -6.929 l 2.531 -4.816 l 2.531 -2.704 l 2.531 0 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 239.8945 578.8428 cm 0 0 m 0.002 0 l 0.351 0.328 0.803 0.528 1.297 0.528 c 1.791 0.528 2.243 0.328 2.593 0.002 c 3.029 -0.409 3.306 -1.019 3.306 -1.703 c 3.306 -1.841 3.294 -1.978 3.271 -2.11 c 3.098 -3.149 2.28 -3.932 1.297 -3.932 c 0.314 -3.932 -0.503 -3.149 -0.677 -2.113 c -0.699 -1.98 -0.71 -1.842 -0.71 -1.703 c -0.71 -1.019 -0.434 -0.411 0 0 c 5.786 0.002 m 5.079 1.718 3.336 2.929 1.297 2.929 c -0.742 2.929 -2.485 1.718 -3.192 0.002 c -3.41 -0.526 -3.529 -1.102 -3.529 -1.703 c -3.529 -1.841 -3.522 -1.978 -3.51 -2.11 c -3.442 -2.865 -3.137 -3.616 -2.737 -4.226 c -2.75 -4.226 l -1.89 -5.495 -0.398 -6.335 1.297 -6.335 c 2.965 -6.335 4.431 -5.521 5.298 -4.283 c 5.3 -4.283 l 5.302 -4.28 5.304 -4.276 5.306 -4.273 c 5.318 -4.255 5.333 -4.24 5.345 -4.223 c 5.336 -4.223 l 5.736 -3.616 6.036 -2.863 6.105 -2.113 c 6.105 -2.11 l 6.117 -1.978 6.123 -1.841 6.123 -1.703 c 6.123 -1.102 6.004 -0.526 5.786 0.002 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 293.1073 579.2051 cm 0 0 m 1.926 0.091 l 1.923 -0.361 l 1.917 -2.473 l 1.91 -4.586 l 1.905 -6.506 l 4.598 -6.506 l 4.598 -4.586 l 4.598 -2.473 l 4.598 -0.361 l 4.598 0.091 l 6.522 0 l 6.522 2.345 l 0 2.345 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 263.4025 576.7324 cm 0 0 m 0.35 0.565 0.533 1.366 0.458 1.871 c 0.462 1.929 0.461 1.982 0.461 2.034 c 0.465 2.034 l 0.465 2.042 0.462 2.046 0.462 2.052 c 0.462 2.073 0.462 2.094 0.462 2.112 c 0.452 2.112 l 0.342 3.721 -1.373 4.734 -3.154 4.828 c -7.055 4.828 l -7.055 2.112 l -7.055 0 l -7.055 -2.113 l -7.055 -4.033 l -4.432 -4.033 l -4.432 -2.113 l -4.43 0 l -4.43 2.112 l -4.43 2.887 l -4.451 2.922 l -4.29 2.962 -4.118 2.932 -3.941 2.932 c -3.238 2.932 -2.526 2.695 -2.337 2.11 c -2.339 2.11 l -2.289 1.983 -2.262 1.844 -2.263 1.69 c -2.256 0.66 -3.014 0.5 -3.941 0.5 c -4.118 0.5 -4.142 0.519 -4.302 0.554 c -4.032 -0.22 l -4.024 -0.22 l -3.678 -1.178 l -2.882 -1.174 -1.894 -1.374 -0.575 -0.554 c -0.368 -0.442 -0.199 -0.274 -0.055 -0.082 c -0.045 -0.082 l -0.038 -0.072 -0.032 -0.058 -0.026 -0.046 c -0.013 -0.031 0.002 -0.018 0.014 0 c h f* q q 1 0 0 1 282.1153 574.6196 cm 0 0 m -0.834 1.234 l -1.267 1.674 l -0.806 1.766 -0.422 1.911 -0.11 2.11 c -0.107 2.11 l 0.53 2.52 0.858 3.15 0.901 3.984 c 0.906 4.05 0.906 4.113 0.905 4.175 c 0.906 4.175 l 0.906 4.177 0.905 4.178 0.905 4.18 c 0.905 4.196 0.906 4.211 0.906 4.225 c 0.898 4.225 l 0.822 5.849 -0.777 6.846 -2.568 6.941 c -6.47 6.941 l -6.47 4.225 l -6.47 2.113 l -6.47 0 l -6.47 -1.92 l -3.847 -1.92 l -3.847 0 l -3.846 2.113 l -3.846 4.225 l -3.846 5 l -3.866 5.034 l -3.704 5.075 -3.534 5.045 -3.355 5.045 c -2.633 5.045 -1.998 4.66 -1.761 4.18 c -1.712 4.062 -1.678 3.936 -1.678 3.802 c -1.678 3.087 -2.429 2.613 -3.355 2.613 c -3.534 2.613 -3.557 2.632 -3.717 2.666 c -3.474 2.113 l -2.546 0 l -1.702 -1.92 l 1.295 -1.92 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 253.8145 574.6196 cm 0 0 m -0.833 1.234 l -1.266 1.674 l -0.805 1.766 -0.422 1.911 -0.11 2.11 c -0.106 2.11 l 0.532 2.52 0.859 3.15 0.902 3.984 c 0.906 4.03 0.904 4.075 0.905 4.12 c 0.909 4.12 l 0.909 4.129 0.906 4.136 0.906 4.144 c 0.906 4.172 0.908 4.199 0.906 4.225 c 0.893 4.225 l 0.782 5.818 -0.798 6.846 -2.567 6.941 c -6.469 6.941 l -6.469 4.225 l -6.469 2.113 l -6.469 0 l -6.469 -1.92 l -3.846 -1.92 l -3.846 0 l -3.846 2.113 l -3.846 4.225 l -3.846 5 l -3.865 5.034 l -3.704 5.075 -3.533 5.045 -3.354 5.045 c -2.64 5.045 -2.012 4.694 -1.769 4.223 c -1.77 4.223 l -1.71 4.093 -1.678 3.952 -1.678 3.802 c -1.678 3.087 -2.428 2.613 -3.354 2.613 c -3.532 2.613 -3.556 2.632 -3.717 2.666 c -3.474 2.113 l -2.545 0 l -1.701 -1.92 l 1.296 -1.92 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 271.4193 576.7324 cm 0 0 m -0.174 -1.038 -0.992 -1.822 -1.974 -1.822 c -2.957 -1.822 -3.774 -1.038 -3.948 -0.002 c -3.97 0.13 -3.982 0.268 -3.982 0.407 c -3.982 1.091 -3.706 1.699 -3.271 2.11 c -3.269 2.11 l -2.92 2.438 -2.468 2.638 -1.974 2.638 c -1.48 2.638 -1.028 2.438 -0.678 2.112 c -0.242 1.702 0.034 1.091 0.034 0.407 c 0.034 0.27 0.022 0.132 0 0 c -1.974 5.039 m -4.013 5.039 -5.756 3.828 -6.462 2.112 c -6.681 1.585 -6.8 1.009 -6.8 0.407 c -6.8 0.27 -6.794 0.132 -6.782 0 c -6.71 -0.777 -6.44 -1.497 -6.022 -2.116 c -5.162 -3.385 -3.67 -4.225 -1.974 -4.225 c -0.278 -4.225 1.213 -3.385 2.074 -2.113 c 2.493 -1.497 2.762 -0.777 2.834 -0.002 c 2.834 0 l 2.846 0.132 2.852 0.27 2.852 0.407 c 2.852 1.009 2.733 1.585 2.514 2.112 c 1.808 3.828 0.066 5.039 -1.974 5.039 c f* q q 1 0 0 1 331.7017 577.1588 cm 0 0 m 0 1.23 0.9 2.229 2.007 2.229 c 3.118 2.229 4.017 1.23 4.017 0 c 4.017 -1.231 3.118 -2.23 2.007 -2.23 c 0.9 -2.23 0 -1.231 0 0 c -2.818 0 m -2.818 2.557 -0.657 4.632 2.007 4.632 c 4.673 4.632 6.834 2.557 6.834 0 c 6.834 -2.558 4.673 -4.632 2.007 -4.632 c -0.657 -4.632 -2.818 -2.558 -2.818 0 c 7.722 4.424 m 13.586 4.424 l 13.586 2.138 l 10.577 2.138 l 10.577 0.792 l 13.259 0.792 l 13.259 -1.31 l 10.577 -1.31 l 10.577 -4.488 l 7.722 -4.488 l h f* q q 1 0 0 1 384.8265 575.5444 cm 0 0 m 2.306 -0.006 l 1.142 5.012 l h -0.708 -2.76 m -0.433 -1.573 l 2.715 -1.581 l 3.012 -2.782 l 5.887 -2.782 l 2.782 6.088 l -0.508 6.088 l -3.559 -2.769 l h -13.144 6.045 m -10.497 6.045 l -7.308 1.652 l -6.875 0.858 l -6.978 1.724 l -6.986 6.045 l -4.452 6.045 l -4.452 -2.803 l -7.042 -2.803 l -10.31 1.661 l -10.694 2.481 l -10.565 1.655 l -10.566 -2.803 l -13.144 -2.803 l h -17.626 6.057 2.762 -8.86 re -27.529 6.069 m -24.939 6.069 l -24.929 2.81 l -22.145 2.81 l -22.145 6.069 l -19.519 6.069 l -19.519 -2.803 l -22.145 -2.803 l -22.145 0.547 l -24.929 0.547 l -24.929 -2.803 l -27.529 -2.803 l h -34.71 4.178 m -33.855 5.449 -32.385 6.286 -30.716 6.286 c -30.089 6.286 -29.494 6.169 -28.947 5.955 c -28.85 3.467 l -29.265 3.776 -29.802 3.976 -30.372 3.976 c -31.714 3.976 -32.802 2.946 -32.802 1.678 c -32.802 0.407 -31.714 -0.622 -30.372 -0.622 c -29.808 -0.622 -29.289 -0.44 -28.877 -0.135 c -28.85 -0.16 l -28.947 -2.636 l -29.494 -2.848 -30.089 -2.953 -30.716 -2.953 c -33.355 -2.953 -35.497 -0.976 -35.497 1.607 c -35.497 2.558 -35.208 3.441 -34.71 4.178 c f* q q q 146.72 572.507 301.856 124.07 re w n 0 0 0 0.6 k /gs1 gs 400.055 581.592 2.762 -8.881 re 393.654 581.564 m 396.346 581.564 l 396.344 575.713 l 396.305 575.028 l 396.791 575.043 l 399.205 575.048 l 399.205 572.714 l 393.654 572.714 l h 404.911 581.523 m 407.828 581.52 l 409.398 576.902 l 409.481 576.117 l 409.564 576.914 l 411.074 581.517 l 413.989 581.516 l 415.443 572.693 l 412.881 572.693 l 412.339 578.585 l 412.311 579.353 l 412.214 578.578 l 410.298 572.693 l 408.621 572.693 l 406.738 578.584 l 406.647 579.336 l 406.619 578.564 l 406.041 572.693 l 403.514 572.693 l h 416.874 581.496 2.761 -8.812 re 420.353 581.495 m 427.033 581.495 l 427.033 579.298 l 425.107 579.386 l 425.107 572.76 l 422.381 572.76 l 422.381 579.386 l 420.353 579.298 l h 427.943 581.596 m 433.725 581.596 l 433.725 579.401 l 430.791 579.401 l 430.791 578.352 l 433.502 578.352 l 433.502 576.416 l 430.791 576.416 l 430.791 574.829 l 433.823 574.829 l 433.823 572.76 l 427.943 572.76 l h 437.587 574.883 m 437.815 574.883 l 438.584 574.883 439.172 575.068 439.615 575.46 c 440.039 575.833 440.25 576.378 440.25 577.092 c 440.25 577.906 440.039 578.5 439.615 578.876 c 439.187 579.248 438.518 579.436 437.587 579.453 c h 434.83 581.574 m 437.953 581.574 l 439.55 581.574 440.786 581.184 441.658 580.392 c 442.53 579.612 442.966 578.503 442.966 577.042 c 442.966 575.77 442.579 574.737 441.779 573.944 c 440.992 573.162 439.974 572.772 438.715 572.76 c 434.83 572.76 l h f* 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 447.9113 585.3228 cm 0 0 m -1.129 -1.473 l -1.129 -1.496 l 0.666 -1.258 l 0.666 -2.067 l -1.129 -1.853 l -1.129 -1.877 l 0.013 -3.314 l -0.737 -3.73 l -1.462 -2.067 l -1.485 -2.067 l -2.244 -3.741 l -2.922 -3.314 l -1.794 -1.865 l -1.794 -1.84 l -3.55 -2.067 l -3.55 -1.258 l -1.805 -1.485 l -1.805 -1.461 l -2.922 0 l -2.198 0.405 l -1.462 -1.235 l -1.437 -1.235 l -0.713 0.416 l h f q q bt /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 139.1199 491.0245 tm (2019 annual results announcement)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.032 tw 13 0 0 13 56.6929 459.5245 tm (the board of directors of aluminum corporation of china limited* \(the \223\ )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.025 tw (company)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\) )tj 0.042 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.192 td [(is)13 ( p)0.5 (le)0.5 (as)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)12.9 ( t)0.5 (o)12.9 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (no)0.5 (un)0.5 (ce)13 ( t)0.5 (he)13 ( a)0.5 (ud)0.5 (ite)0.5 (d)13 ( r)0.5 (es)0.5 (ult)0.5 (s)12.9 ( )0.5 (of)13 ( t)0.5 (he)13 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ny)13 ( a)0.5 (nd)13 ( it)0.5 (s)12.9 ( )0.5 (su)0.5 (bs)0.5 (id)0.5 (ia)0.5 (rie)0.5 (s)13 ( \()0.5 (th)0.5 (e)17 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw t* (\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.055 tc -0.055 tw 0.499 0 td (group)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tw [(\224\))12.6 ( for)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( year)12.6 ( ended)12.5 ( 3)12.6 (1)12.6 ( december)12.6 ( 2)12.6 (0)12.6 (1)12.6 (9)12.6 (.)12.5 ( this)12.6 ( announcement,)12.6 ( containing)30 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.072 tw -0.499 -1.192 td [(the)11 ( )0.5 (main)11 ( )0.5 (text)11 ( )0.5 (of)11 ( )0.5 (the)11 ( )0.5 (2)11 (0)11 (1)11 (9)11 ( )0.5 (annual)11 ( )0.5 (report)11 ( )0.5 (of)11 ( )0.5 (the)11 ( )0.5 (company,)11 ( )0.5 (complies)11 ( )0.5 (with)11 ( )0.5 (the)11 ( )0.5 (relevant)11 ( )]tj 0.085 tc 0.07 tw t* [(requirements)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( rules)12.7 ( governing)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( listing)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( securities)12.7 ( on)12.8 ( the)12.7 ( stock)60 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0.055 tw t* (exchange of hong kong limited in relation to information to accompany pr\ eliminary )tj 0.071 tc 0.07 tw t* [(a)0.5 (n)0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)13 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)13 ( )0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)13 ( )0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)0.6 (.)13 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( )0.6 (2)13 (0)13 (1)13 (9)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)13 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)13 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)13.1 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( )0.5 (c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)46 ( )]tj 0.063 tc 0 -1.192 td [(its)12.7 ( printed)12.6 ( version)12.7 ( will)12.7 ( be)12.7 ( published)12.6 ( and)12.6 ( delivered)12.6 ( to)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( h)12.7 ( shareholders)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( the)38 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.075 tw 0 -1.192 td [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (y)8 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)8 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (v)0.6 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)8 ( )0.6 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)8 ( )0.5 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(american depositary receipt:)tj 17.008 0 td (the bank of new york corporate trust office)tj t* (240 greenwich street, new york, ny 10286, usa)tj -0.028 tw -19.843 -3 td (5.)tj 0 tw 2.835 0 td (places of listing)tj 17.008 0 td (the stock exchange of hong kong limited)tj t* (shanghai stock exchange)tj t* (new york stock exchange, inc)tj -17.008 -3 td (stock name)tj -0.028 tw 17.008 0 td (chalco)tj 0 tw -17.008 -3 td (stock codes)tj 17.008 0 td (2600 \(hk\))tj t* (601600 \(china\))tj t* (ach \(us\))tj -0.028 tw -19.843 -3 td (6.)tj 0 tw 2.835 0 td (principal bankers)tj 17.008 0 td (china construction bank)tj t* (industrial and commercial bank of china)tj -0.028 tw -19.843 -3 td (7.)tj 0 tw 2.835 0 td (unified social credit code for )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (corporate legal person)tj -0.028 tw 16.016 1.5 td (911100007109288314)tj -19.843 -4.5 td (8.)tj 0 tw 2.835 0 td (independent auditors)tj 17.008 0 td (ernst & young )tj 5.83 0 1.5621 5.83 331.3206 220.7417 tm (\(note 2\))tj 10 0 0 10 260.7874 202.4117 tm (certified public accountants)tj t* (22/f, citic tower, 1 tim mei avenue, central, )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc t* (hong kong)tj 0 -3 td (ernst & young hua ming llp )tj 5.83 0 1.5621 5.83 401.0641 145.7417 tm (\(note 2\))tj 10 0 0 10 260.7874 127.4117 tm (16/f, ernst & young tower, oriental plaza, 1 east )tj 0 -1.5 td (chang\222an avenue, dongcheng district, beijing, the prc)tj t* (postal code: 100738)tj et endstream endobj 79 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.015 tc 0.005 tw 12.8 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(c)-17.1 (or)-12.4 (p)-3.3 (or)-9.4 (a)-14.4 (t)-13.9 (e)-5 ( i)1.4 (n)-16.4 (f)-14.9 (or)-20.6 (m)1.8 (a)-14.4 (t)-24 (i)-1.9 (o)-1.8 (n)-5 ( \()12.5 (c)-17.1 (o)-1.8 (n)-22.5 (t)-24 (i)-3.1 (n)0.7 (u)3.2 (ed)6.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 80 0 obj <>stream ����adobed��c    ' "'''''",////,7;;;7;;;;;;;;;;����� q���� �!1aqaq"���b�����2� #$%&'()*3456789:cdefghijrstuvwxyzbcdefghijrstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������?�yh�r]wg�{���o�3�j&���ytb��i[a��1&���j�ov*�6�󣣸�x��-q1n�����t�5}tع�ꂈ]n4�4�lz��س�=ggf{a��t�2]uzm����yφ(�у��p����uu�zΐ:�&��*e")�dr��e")jd�)�de")��ej)h�e"""""""""""��ddz"�h�d�h��ddde�e�����j��ͺ�e;��=�b�«����zv�e�:�k�htuu2n�����m�b���ֵ;����̞b�����֚g�q�o�k�ƙ� ku�3�:d�]��im�6�i�"��-񱦹أ�<�ì(�$�*���sp��8�b�qc/=ߒ0���ln� �ɪa*el�)�e")h��r)h�dr"�h��e"���r")�e�""��z%���dr�dr-���"*d7t�.�ݔ�zx��� q*�lmw��j ԭ�f5���ud��e5u6��ϊ��v��4�9n�<ύ�1���wm<ϲe�k������g܎�n���ěo�-�ě�b����*p���, ��ڝm�Œ8�0b�ў|<9�z�]�u�ua�r�i��h�r���de"�t��de"�%�e"""�j�r"���dddddddddddz-h�����h�dz""""�$r.���)r�mۻcs����au�wzbk�m@��5�kvڶ�v4s&qgowt�� ����;�#-g]��\s������qlō�vz�h3du�a� 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adobe:docid:photoshop:a8a4193b-a3ca-117d-9801-c9c91e48c6ec adobe:docid:photoshop:a992e7fc-a3ed-11dd-9473-88641f860e87 uuid:3afa37073d2f11dca71c8bde6f98a190 xmp.did:47658ed6-6a69-4355-990e-54cdd9c90980 xmp.did:4c362d0a3704e311a044818031a1ba99 xmp.did:d54ab49d3c73e311a901a36f986361b4 xmp.did:a22886a5-32a8-4886-a9bd-fb6e8f5d03ae xmp.did:d956c996-e58d-455b-811a-3fa773e637aa endstream endobj 82 0 obj <> endobj 83 0 obj <> endobj 84 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0��z�9&�ॎ��1�,�c��i�jy���o�mh�{>i�k��pk����q78c�[�qo^#\��[��`z=�wᯇ֩���2�8զuyb�a�i� ���x���޼a�� �������hg����`g���� �ԇ���lh�w�sqi�'�� n���[{euƴ*(θ*����'��.��n�*s��d�w�;��8{ l�x�3>ύ�d�3�y �e΅sf��a{>2��o�gaj�,$��s r�yb��xd��{u\6m=�7艹a�������c�nt@*�ԯ�r�� endstream endobj 85 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 86 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (2)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 652.4117 tm (1.)tj 0 tw 2.835 0 td (registered name)tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 17.008 0 td <02950a3712590e380670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -17.008 -1.5 td (abbreviation of chinese name)tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 17.008 0 td <02950a3712590e38>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -17.008 -1.5 td (name in english)tj 17.008 0 td (aluminum corporation of china limited)tj -17.008 -1.5 td (abbreviation of english name)tj -0.028 tw 17.008 0 td (chalco)tj -19.843 -3 td (2.)tj 0 tw 2.835 0 td (first registration date)tj 17.008 0 td (10 september 2001)tj -17.008 -1.5 td (registered address)tj 17.008 0 td [(n)0.5 (o.)0.5 (62)0.5 ( n)0.5 (or)0.5 (th)0.5 ( x)0.5 (i)0.5 (zh)0.5 (i)0.5 (men)0.5 ( )0.5 (st)0.5 (re)0.5 (et)0.5 (, )0.5 (h)0.5 (ai)0.5 (di)0.5 (an)0.5 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (st)0.5 (ri)0.5 (ct)0.5 (, )0.5 (be)0.5 (i)0.5 (ji)0.5 (ng)0.5 (, )0.5 (th)0.5 (e )]tj 0 -1.5 td (prc \(postal code: 100082\))tj -17.008 -1.5 td (place of business)tj 17.008 0 td [(n)0.5 (o.)0.5 (62)0.5 ( n)0.5 (or)0.5 (th)0.5 ( x)0.5 (i)0.5 (zh)0.5 (i)0.5 (men)0.5 ( )0.5 (st)0.5 (re)0.5 (et)0.5 (, )0.5 (h)0.5 (ai)0.5 (di)0.5 (an)0.5 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (st)0.5 (ri)0.5 (ct)0.5 (, )0.5 (be)0.5 (i)0.5 (ji)0.5 (ng)0.5 (, )0.5 (th)0.5 (e )]tj t* (prc \(postal code: 100082\))tj -17.008 -1.5 td (principal place of business in hong )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (kong)tj 0 tw 16.016 1.5 td (room 4501, far east finance centre, no. 16 harcourt )tj t* (road, admiralty, hong kong )tj 5.83 0 1.5621 5.83 396.0742 490.7417 tm (\(note 1\))tj -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 457.4117 tm (3.)tj 0 tw 2.835 0 td (legal representative)tj 17.008 0 td (lu dongliang)tj -17.008 -1.5 td (company secretary \(secretary to )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (the board\))tj 16.016 1.5 td (wang jun)tj -0.028 tw -17.008 -3 td (telephone)tj 0 tw 17.008 0 td ( 86\(10\) 8229 8322)tj -0.028 tw -17.008 -1.5 td (fax)tj 0 tw 17.008 0 td ( 86\(10\) 8229 8158)tj -0.028 tw -17.008 -1.5 td (e-mail)tj 17.008 0 td (ir@chalco.com.cn)tj -17.008 -1.5 td (address)tj 0 tw 17.008 0 td [(n)0.5 (o.)0.5 (62)0.5 ( n)0.5 (or)0.5 (th)0.5 ( x)0.5 (i)0.5 (zh)0.5 (i)0.5 (men)0.5 ( )0.5 (st)0.5 (re)0.5 (et)0.5 (, )0.5 (h)0.5 (ai)0.5 (di)0.5 (an)0.5 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (st)0.5 (ri)0.5 (ct)0.5 (, )0.5 (be)0.5 (i)0.5 (ji)0.5 (ng)0.5 (, )0.5 (th)0.5 (e )]tj t* (prc \(postal code: 100082\))tj -17.008 -1.5 td (representative for the company\222s )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (securities related affairs)tj 16.016 1.5 td (zhao hongmei)tj -0.028 tw -17.008 -3 td (telephone)tj 0 tw 17.008 0 td ( 86\(10\) 8229 8322)tj -0.028 tw -17.008 -1.5 td (fax)tj 0 tw 17.008 0 td ( 86\(10\) 8229 8158)tj -0.028 tw -17.008 -1.5 td (e-mail)tj 17.008 0 td (ir@chalco.com.cn)tj -17.008 -1.5 td (address)tj 0 tw 17.008 0 td [(n)0.5 (o.)0.5 (62)0.5 ( n)0.5 (or)0.5 (th)0.5 ( x)0.5 (i)0.5 (zh)0.5 (i)0.5 (men)0.5 ( )0.5 (st)0.5 (re)0.5 (et)0.5 (, )0.5 (h)0.5 (ai)0.5 (di)0.5 (an)0.5 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (st)0.5 (ri)0.5 (ct)0.5 (, )0.5 (be)0.5 (i)0.5 (ji)0.5 (ng)0.5 (, )0.5 (th)0.5 (e )]tj t* (prc \(postal code: 100082\))tj -17.008 -1.5 td (department for corporate )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (information and inquiry)tj 16.016 1.5 td (office to the board)tj -17.008 -3 td (telephone for corporate information )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (and inquiry)tj 16.016 1.5 td ( 86\(10\) 8229 8322)tj et endstream endobj 87 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3796 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.004 tc 0.006 tw 17 0 0 20 378.5308 722.3699 tm [(c)-16.7 (or)-12.1 (p)-3 (or)-9.1 (a)-14.1 (t)-13.6 (e)-6 ( i)1.8 (n)-16.1 (f)-14.6 (or)-20.2 (m)2.1 (a)-14.1 (t)-23.8 (i)-1.5 (o)-1.4 (n)]tj et endstream endobj 88 0 obj <> endobj 89 0 obj <> endobj 90 0 obj <>stream h�\�ϊ� ��>��c1i۔�j�b�����:� #���;j�� :?��t���n�����([��k�n��$� �ڰ�����*��2n�v�<��g&�jn�-�:��k�ߜb��v_�v ������� � �t�kg_��g٦q��~ِ��s�e��9*�l'�u�ld4*wc����m��z��9&�p�e��m#s >&>�yd �����e�2p�/c}��|i| |ml��c���=����ļ����� r���9�'~i�%8� >͎h&�`4��� endstream endobj 91 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 92 0 obj [93 0 r] endobj 93 0 obj <> endobj 94 0 obj <> endobj 95 0 obj <> endobj 96 0 obj <>stream h��skja}�)c�y42�,k�2gh��,\o��c�a$���z �9��i�a�.#�70u�~�yփ�$��ٍ����q׫�z{�x��𐹜b��i. �ϡ���1�84r�wќh9�/g�� �p��h� ��ů_ō�*�pj�n-}b�h�u�2���*� �o�k�α�8�\qrl��r��fiβ(� 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summary of the company\222s reserves is as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 192.756 340.67 42.52 -11 re 235.276 340.67 42.52 -11 re 277.795 340.67 42.52 -11 re 320.315 340.67 42.52 -11 re 362.835 340.67 42.52 -11 re 405.354 340.67 42.52 -11 re 447.874 340.67 42.52 -11 re 490.394 340.67 42.52 -11 re 192.756 329.67 42.52 -11 re 235.276 329.67 42.52 -11 re 277.795 329.67 42.52 -11 re 320.315 329.67 42.52 -11 re 362.835 329.67 42.52 -11 re 405.354 329.67 42.52 -11 re 447.874 329.67 42.52 -11 re 490.394 329.67 42.52 -11 re 192.756 318.67 42.52 -22 re 235.276 318.67 42.52 -22 re 277.795 318.67 42.52 -22 re 320.315 318.67 42.52 -22 re 362.835 318.67 42.52 -22 re 405.354 318.67 42.52 -22 re 447.874 318.67 42.52 -22 re 490.394 318.67 42.52 -22 re 192.756 296.67 42.52 -44 re 235.276 296.67 42.52 -44 re 277.795 296.67 42.52 -44 re 320.315 296.67 42.52 -44 re 362.835 296.67 42.52 -44 re 405.354 296.67 42.52 -44 re 447.874 296.67 42.52 -44 re 490.394 296.67 42.52 -44 re 192.756 252.67 42.52 -11 re 235.276 252.67 42.52 -11 re 277.795 252.67 42.52 -11 re 320.315 252.67 42.52 -11 re 362.835 252.67 42.52 -11 re 405.354 252.67 42.52 -11 re 447.874 252.67 42.52 -11 re 490.394 252.67 42.52 -11 re 192.756 241.67 42.52 -11 re 235.276 241.67 42.52 -11 re 277.795 241.67 42.52 -11 re 320.315 241.67 42.52 -11 re 362.835 241.67 42.52 -11 re 405.354 241.67 42.52 -11 re 447.874 241.67 42.52 -11 re 490.394 241.67 42.52 -11 re 192.756 230.67 42.52 -11 re 235.276 230.67 42.52 -11 re 277.795 230.67 42.52 -11 re 320.315 230.67 42.52 -11 re 362.835 230.67 42.52 -11 re 405.354 230.67 42.52 -11 re 447.874 230.67 42.52 -11 re 490.394 230.67 42.52 -11 re 192.756 219.67 42.52 -3.009 re 235.276 219.67 42.52 -3.009 re 277.795 219.67 42.52 -3.009 re 320.315 219.67 42.52 -3.009 re 362.835 219.67 42.52 -3.009 re 405.354 219.67 42.52 -3.009 re 447.874 219.67 42.52 -3.009 re 490.394 219.67 42.52 -3.009 re 192.756 216.661 42.52 -11 re 235.276 216.661 42.52 -11 re 277.795 216.661 42.52 -11 re 320.315 216.661 42.52 -11 re 362.835 216.661 42.52 -11 re 405.354 216.661 42.52 -11 re 447.874 216.661 42.52 -11 re 490.394 216.661 42.52 -11 re 192.756 205.661 42.52 -11 re 235.276 205.661 42.52 -11 re 277.795 205.661 42.52 -11 re 320.315 205.661 42.52 -11 re 362.835 205.661 42.52 -11 re 405.354 205.661 42.52 -11 re 447.874 205.661 42.52 -11 re 490.394 205.661 42.52 -11 re 192.756 194.661 42.52 -3.38 re 235.276 194.661 42.52 -3.38 re 277.795 194.661 42.52 -3.38 re 320.315 194.661 42.52 -3.38 re 362.835 194.661 42.52 -3.38 re 405.354 194.661 42.52 -3.38 re 447.874 194.661 42.52 -3.38 re 490.394 194.661 42.52 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 5.6 0 0 8 213.4213 547.4927 tm (share )tj -1.61 -1.375 td (premium)tj 9.258 2.75 td (other )tj -0.501 -1.375 td (capital )tj -0.862 -1.375 td (reserves)tj 7.01 2.75 td (statutory )tj 1.113 -1.375 td (surplus )tj -0.002 -1.375 td (reserve)tj 7.649 1.375 td (special )tj -0.056 -1.375 td (reserve)tj 0 tw 6.397 1.375 td (fair value )tj -0.028 tw 0.917 -1.375 td (reserve)tj 8.705 2.75 td (other )tj -0.306 -1.375 td (equity )tj -2.916 -1.375 td (instruments)tj 7.093 1.375 td (accumulated )tj 3.472 -1.375 td (losses)tj 8.121 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 532.5963 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 5.6 0 0 8 119.0551 533.1123 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 192.7559 532.5963 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 221.1023 533.1123 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 235.2756 532.5963 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 263.622 533.1123 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 532.5963 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 306.1418 533.1123 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 532.5963 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 348.6614 533.1123 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 532.5963 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 391.1811 533.1123 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 405.3543 532.5963 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 433.7008 533.1123 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 532.5963 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 476.2205 533.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 532.5963 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 518.7402 533.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 5.6 0 0 8 90.7087 511.1123 tm (balance at 31 december 2017)tj -0.028 tw 19.549 0 td (19,191,612)tj 9.066 0 td (873,215)tj 6.703 0 td (5,867,557)tj 9.066 0 td (14,718)tj 8.177 0 td (6,836)tj 5.536 0 td (2,019,288)tj 7.259 0 td (\(7,648,158\))tj 7.343 0 td (20,325,068)tj 0 tw -72.699 -1.375 td (change in accounting policy)tj 0 tc 24.303 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.48 0 td (6,469)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.706 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.562 0 td (\(11,364\))tj 8.177 0 td (\(4,895\))tj 0 tw -75.006 -1.375 td (at 1 january 2018 \(restated\))tj -0.028 tw 19.549 0 td (19,191,612)tj 9.066 0 td (873,215)tj 6.703 0 td (5,867,557)tj 9.066 0 td (14,718)tj 7.593 0 td (13,305)tj 6.119 0 td (2,019,288)tj 7.259 0 td (\(7,659,522\))tj 7.343 0 td (20,320,173)tj 0 tw -72.699 -1.375 td (profit for the year)tj 0 tc 24.303 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.312 0 td (573,412)tj 7.593 0 td (573,412)tj 0 tw -74.172 -1.375 td (issuance of senior perpetual securities)tj 0 tc 24.303 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.422 0 td (1,988,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.763 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.422 0 td (1,988,000)tj 0.027 tc 0 tw -73.282 -1.375 td [(business combinations under common)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.063 -1.375 td (control)tj 20.543 0 td (11,527)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.29 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.896 0 td (11,527)tj 0 tw -74.756 -1.375 td (release of deferred government )tj -0.028 tw 1.063 -1.375 td (subsidies)tj 0 tc 0 tw 23.24 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.48 0 td (2,200)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.706 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.48 0 td (2,200)tj 0 tw -75.34 -1.375 td (changes in fair value of available-for- )tj 1.063 -1.375 td (sale financial assets, net of tax)tj 0 tc 23.24 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.146 0 td (\(5,880\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.04 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.146 0 td (\(5,880\))tj 0 tw -75.006 -1.375 td (other appropriation)tj 0 tc 24.303 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.896 0 td (10,551)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.29 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.896 0 td (10,551)tj 0 tw -74.756 -1.375 td (other equity instruments\222 distribution)tj 0 tc 24.303 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.562 0 td (\(19,288\))tj 7.593 0 td (\(90,722\))tj 7.009 0 td (\(110,010\))tj 0 tw -73.838 -1.375 td (equity exchange arrangement)tj 0 tc 24.303 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.839 0 td (12,713,248)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.347 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.839 0 td (12,713,248)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 364.3372 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 5.6 0 0 8 90.7086 365.1032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 192.7559 364.3372 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 192.7559 365.1032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 235.2756 364.3372 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 235.2756 365.1032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 364.3372 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 277.7953 365.1032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 364.3372 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 320.3149 365.1032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 364.3372 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 362.8346 365.1032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 405.3543 364.3372 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 405.3543 365.1032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 364.3372 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 447.874 365.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 364.3372 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 490.3937 365.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 5.6 0 0 8 90.7086 343.1032 tm (balance at 31 december 2018)tj -0.028 tw 19.549 0 td (19,203,139)tj 7.593 0 td (13,588,663)tj 8.177 0 td (5,867,557)tj 9.066 0 td (25,269)tj 8.177 0 td (7,425)tj 5.536 0 td (3,988,000)tj 7.259 0 td (\(7,176,832\))tj 7.343 0 td (35,503,221)tj 0 tw -72.699 -1.552 td (profit for the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 24.303 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.312 0 td (795,399)tj 7.593 0 td (795,399)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -74.172 -1.375 td (issuance of senior perpetual securities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 24.303 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.422 0 td (1,499,104)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.763 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.422 0 td (1,499,104)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw -73.282 -1.375 td [(business combinations under common)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.063 -1.375 td (control)tj /t1_1 1 tf 21.127 0 td (1,020)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.706 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.48 0 td (1,020)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -75.34 -1.375 td (changes in fair value of equity )tj 1.063 -1.375 td (investments at fair value through )tj 0 -1.375 td (other comprehensive income, net of )tj -0.028 tw t* (tax)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 23.24 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.896 0 td (13,352)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.29 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.896 0 td (13,352)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -74.756 -1.375 td (other appropriation)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 24.303 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.091 0 td (\(7,030\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.095 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.091 0 td (\(7,030\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -74.951 -1.375 td (other equity instruments\222 distribution)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 24.303 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.923 0 td (\(212,000\))tj 7.593 0 td (\(212,000\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -73.783 -1.375 td (issuance of share capital)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 20.133 0 td (8,564,661)tj 6.62 0 td (\(10,735,214\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.736 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 7.593 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.034 0 td (\(2,170,553\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 216.9109 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 5.6 0 0 8 90.7086 217.6769 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 192.7558 216.9109 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 5.6 0 0 8 192.7558 217.6769 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 235.2755 216.9109 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 235.2755 217.6769 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 216.9109 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 277.7952 217.6769 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 216.9109 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 320.3149 217.6769 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 216.9109 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 362.8346 217.6769 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 405.3542 216.9109 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 405.3542 217.6769 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.8739 216.9109 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 447.8739 217.9309 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 490.3936 216.9109 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 490.3936 217.9309 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 5.6 0 0 8 90.7086 195.6768 tm (at 31 december 2019)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 19.549 0 td (27,768,820)tj 8.177 0 td (2,853,449)tj 7.593 0 td (5,867,557)tj 9.066 0 td (18,239)tj 7.593 0 td (20,777)tj 6.119 0 td (5,487,104)tj 7.204 0 td (\(6,593,433\))tj 7.398 0 td (35,422,513)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 191.7805 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 5.6 0 0 8 90.7086 192.2965 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 192.7558 191.7805 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 5.6 0 0 8 192.7558 192.2965 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 235.2755 191.7805 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 235.2755 192.2965 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 191.7805 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 277.7952 192.2965 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3148 191.7805 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 320.3148 192.2965 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8345 191.7805 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 362.8345 192.2965 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 405.3542 191.7805 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 5.6 0 0 8 405.3542 192.2965 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.8739 191.7805 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 447.8739 192.5505 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 490.3936 191.7805 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 490.3936 192.5505 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3621 158.8204 tm [(46. )-110.4 (approval of the financial statements)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 128.8204 tm (the financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the b\ oard of directors on )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (26 march 2020.)tj et endstream endobj 99 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 464.0257 742.33 tm [(31 december 20)55 (1)60 (9)]tj -11.334 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj 8.444 -1.375 td (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(n)1 (o)-15.4 (t)-8.9 (e)1.1 (s t)-12 (o f)-28.2 (i)1.9 (n)9.3 (a)12.4 (n)11.2 (c)15.7 (i)9.7 (a)10.9 (l s)-30.8 (t)-16.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-25.1 (s \()17.6 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 100 0 obj <> endobj 101 0 obj <> endobj 102 0 obj <> endobj 103 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ct%�b�h q؇��41�(�o?;�:i������qy ������8c�9�qn� \��9�l�vf�����ͨ"j��iƾr����rn�_`�l� �u��-��]a�u�k���8�`�n��,�t�_�! i�ʒ��� ��e|.#�6��3x��ơo�u�* ?�*:�ϟ$�қ�ƫ|��ql�x/�g>�wo��ka�|>��r�n�!�{�w�;�t8e�^�{�r�d> ����^�,l�3��q�l�g\?��dx��ky�<�67�i�0ڠ/ �9|lf�,��w�#�� endstream endobj 104 0 obj <> endobj 105 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r���{� � ��x�n�����f�v�8���kh^��yf�t�|[�m_�"��j�f�k�"�d����-��� ڈ��r��ʧ���ƞ����dg��y. �~��z|�{��jۖưw���?��2����a���4� ��^id;?r����y�o=�`���w�d�x���{��>x���y���9g�18f�7fo}�����in������5 ^�^�y���[������}t n�x1���b6��t.��aqu���`���9h>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������?�@�jp�|g�g47�| �m�֞��yzt�8�һ�� ��� endstream endobj 106 0 obj <>stream h�tt tsw~���'"zބa��=qefŏ�r zpg� t����b� ��r�1n�����"�z�: bq�qg�bq,��ţ��/�x:ng�x�̹���������݅$\]�$�̍p,��r���&� �zbxtl��h�!o׭�.�pw9�'���~� q������*�$\�x�h���f��h-���i~b ��������m�4i �6d��f��qfn�^e0 &��w�s���\?��3�f�d�|�}�;\�x�����m1���kڨ�,niviuz^����_��tfn�ylj5�4}�4�"��`�yqk�qd��d�&^����e�s 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28.903 0 td (29,637,697)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (27,801,492)tj 0 tw -37.407 -1.5 td (other payables and accrued liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.903 0 td (15,322,156)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (10,133,854)tj 0 tw -37.407 -1.5 td (contract liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.96 0 td (73,991)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.92 0 td (110,154)tj 0 tw -38.881 -1.5 td (trade and notes payables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.377 0 td (795,506)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (596,215)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 460.3372 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 461.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 460.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 461.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 460.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 461.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (total current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.895 0 td (45,829,350)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (38,641,715)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 427.3282 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 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10 0 0 10 362.8346 361.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 360.8174 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 361.5874 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (net current liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 29.895 0 td (13,251,589)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (14,578,581)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 327.437 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 328.207 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 327.437 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 328.207 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 327.437 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 328.207 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (total assets less current liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 29.895 0 td (81,377,910)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (78,958,603)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 294.0566 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 294.8266 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 294.0566 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 294.8266 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 294.0566 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 294.8266 tm ( )tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 93.5433 232.0675 cm 0 0 m 215.433 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7086 233.0875 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.6456 232.0675 cm 0 0 m 215.433 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 311.811 233.0875 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -14.658 -1.5 td (lu dongliang)tj 22.916 0 td (wang jun)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 178.6512 203.0875 tm (director)tj 0 tw 18.79 0 td (chief financial officer)tj et endstream endobj 116 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 62.3622 742.33 tm [(31 december 20)55 (1)60 (9)]tj 0 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj t* (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 321.5189 721.6899 tm [(n)1 (o)-15.4 (t)-8.9 (e)1.1 (s t)-12 (o f)-28.2 (i)1.9 (n)9.3 (a)12.4 (n)11.2 (c)15.7 (i)9.7 (a)10.9 (l s)-30.8 (t)-16.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-25.1 (s \()17.6 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 117 0 obj <> endobj 118 0 obj <> endobj 119 0 obj <> endobj 120 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ct%�b�h q؇��41�(�o?;�:i������qy ������8c�9�qn� \��9�l�vf�����ͨ"j��iƾr����rn�_`�l� �u��-��]a�u�k���8�`�n��,�t�_�! i�ʒ��� ��e|.#�6��3x��ơo�u�* ?�*:�ϟ$�қ�ƫ|��ql�x/�g>�wo��ka�|>��r�n�!�{�w�;�t8e�^�{�r�d> ����^�,l�3��q�l�g\?��dx��ky�<�67�i�0ڠ/ �9|lf�,��w�#�� endstream endobj 121 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r���{� � ��x�n�����f�v�8���kh^��yf�t�|[�m_�"��j�f�k�"�d����-��� ڈ��r��ʧ���ƞ����dg��y. �~��z|�{��jۖưw���?��2����a���4� ��^id;?r����y�o=�`���w�d�x���{��>x���y���9g�18f�7fo}�����in������5 ^�^�y���[������}t n�x1���b6��t.��aqu���`���9h>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������?�@�jp�|g�g47�| �m�֞��yzt�8�һ�� ��� endstream endobj 122 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 123 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (2)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(45. )-110.4 (statement of financial position of the company )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 362.835 616.477 85.039 -30 re 362.835 586.477 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 583.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 568.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 553.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 538.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 523.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 508.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 493.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 478.096 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 475.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 460.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 445.087 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 441.707 85.039 -15 re 362.835 426.707 85.039 -15 re 362.835 411.707 85.039 -15 re 362.835 396.707 85.039 -15 re 362.835 381.707 85.039 -15 re 362.835 366.707 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 363.698 85.039 -15 re 362.835 348.698 85.039 -15 re 362.835 333.698 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0 tw 10 0 0 10 377.1852 602.7467 tm (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.475 1.5 td (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 583.5963 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 584.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 583.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 391.1811 584.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 583.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 521.1281 584.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -43.042 -3 td (equity and liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (equity)tj 0 tw t* (equity attributable to owners of the parent)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.5 td (share capital)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.903 0 td (17,022,673)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (14,903,798)tj 0 tw -37.407 -1.5 td (other reserves)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.903 0 td (42,015,946)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (42,680,053)tj 0 tw -37.407 -1.5 td (accumulated losses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.098 0 td (\(6,593,433\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(7,176,832\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 475.3372 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 476.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 475.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 476.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 475.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 476.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (total equity)tj -0.028 tw 29.895 0 td (52,445,186)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (50,407,019)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 442.2068 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 442.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 442.2068 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 442.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 442.2068 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 442.9768 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -35.717 -3 td (liabilities)tj 0 tw t* (non-current liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.5 td (interest-bearing loans and borrowings)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.903 0 td (28,597,132)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (27,877,479)tj 0 tw -37.407 -1.5 td (other non-current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.377 0 td (335,592)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (674,105)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 363.9478 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 364.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 363.9478 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 364.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 363.9478 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 364.9678 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (total non-current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.895 0 td (28,932,724)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (28,551,584)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 330.8174 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 331.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 330.8174 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 331.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 330.8174 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 331.5874 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 124 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (2)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(45. )-110.4 (statement of financial position of the company)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.059 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(infor)0.5 (matio)0.5 (n)14.3 ( ab)0.5 (out)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( statem)0.5 (ent)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( financi)0.5 (al)14.3 ( posit)0.5 (ion)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( compan)0.5 (y)14.3 ( at)14.4 ( the)14.4 ( en)0.5 (d)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (reporting period is as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 591.477 85.039 -30 re 362.835 561.477 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 558.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 543.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 528.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 513.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 498.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 483.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 468.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 453.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 438.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 423.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 408.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 393.096 85.039 -30 re 362.835 363.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 348.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 333.096 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 330.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 315.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 300.087 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 297.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 282.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 267.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 252.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 237.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 222.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 207.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 192.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 177.078 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 174.069 85.039 -15 re 362.835 159.069 85.039 -15 re 362.835 144.069 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 141.06 85.039 -15 re 362.835 126.06 85.039 -15 re 362.835 111.06 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 377.1852 577.7467 tm (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.475 1.5 td (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 559.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 391.1811 559.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 521.1281 559.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -43.042 -3 td (assets)tj 0 tw t* (non-current assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.5 td (intangible assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.377 0 td (922,741)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.614 0 td (2,847,450)tj 0 tw -37.991 -1.5 td (property, plant and equipment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.903 0 td (12,852,420)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (17,376,731)tj 0 tw -37.407 -1.5 td (investment properties)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.96 0 td (21,069)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.201 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -42.161 -1.5 td (right-of-use assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.487 0 td (1,816,982)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 12.674 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -42.161 -1.5 td (land use rights)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 33.657 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.223 0 td (550,005)tj 0 tw -38.881 -1.5 td (investments in subsidiaries)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.903 0 td (61,956,887)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (57,559,298)tj 0 tw -37.407 -1.5 td (investments in joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.487 0 td (1,471,924)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,421,924)tj 0 tw -37.991 -1.5 td (investments in associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.487 0 td (5,968,055)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (3,436,268)tj 0 tw -37.991 -1.5 td (equity investments designated at fair value through )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (other comprehensive income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.495 0 td (2,034,398)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,665,441)tj 0 tw -37.991 -1.5 td (deferred tax assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.377 0 td (576,254)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (656,317)tj 0 tw -38.881 -1.5 td (other non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.487 0 td (7,008,769)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (8,023,750)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 330.3372 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 331.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 330.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 331.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.8739 330.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.8739 331.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (total non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.895 0 td (94,629,499)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (93,537,184)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 297.3282 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 298.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 297.3282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 298.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 297.3282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 298.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (current assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (inventories)tj /t1_1 1 tf 29.487 0 td (2,202,255)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (3,062,042)tj 0 tw -37.991 -1.5 td (trade and notes receivables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.377 0 td (912,872)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.614 0 td (1,098,718)tj 0 tw -37.991 -1.5 td (other current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.903 0 td (22,428,349)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (15,417,130)tj 0 tw -37.407 -1.5 td (financial assets at fair value through profit or loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.487 0 td (3,500,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 12.674 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -42.161 -1.5 td (restricted cash and time deposits)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.377 0 td (148,908)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (127,588)tj 0 tw -38.881 -1.5 td (cash and cash equivalents)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.487 0 td (3,385,377)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (4,357,656)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 174.3191 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 175.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 174.3191 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 175.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.8739 174.3191 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.8739 175.3391 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (total current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.895 0 td (32,577,761)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (24,063,134)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 141.3101 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 142.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 141.3101 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 142.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 141.3101 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 142.3301 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (total assets)tj -0.028 tw 29.312 0 td (127,207,260)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (117,600,318)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 108.1797 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 108.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 108.1797 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 108.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 108.1797 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 108.9497 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 125 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (2)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(43. )-110.4 (events after the reporting period)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 622.7467 tm [(\()3.2 (h)3.2 (\))3.2 ( )-1241.2 (on)3.2 ( 2)3.2 (0)3.2 ( )0.5 (march)3.2 ( )0.5 (2)3.2 (0)3.2 (2)3.2 (0)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (group)3.2 ( )0.5 (completed)3.2 ( )0.5 (an)3.1 ( )0.5 (issuance)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (corporate)3.3 ( bonds)3.2 ( )0.5 (with)3.2 ( )0.5 (a)3.2 ( )0.5 (total)3.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(f)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)14.4 ( v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)14.4 (1)14.4 ( b)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( a)0.5 (t)14.4 ( p)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)14.4 ( v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)14.4 (1)14.4 (0)14.4 (0)14.4 (.)14.4 (0)14.4 (0)14.4 ( p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( u)0.6 (ni)0.5 (t)14.5 ( w)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)14.4 ( w)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)14.5 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( in)20.3 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0 -1.5 td [(m)0.5 (ar)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)14.3 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.4 (2)14.3 (3)14.4 ( fo)0.5 (r)14.4 ( wo)0.5 (r)0.5 (ki)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( c)0.5 (ap)0.5 (i)0.5 (ta)0.5 (l)14.4 ( ne)0.5 (e)0.5 (ds)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( re)0.5 (p)0.5 (ay)0.5 (me)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( ba)0.5 (nk)14.4 ( b)0.5 (or)0.5 (r)0.5 (ow)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)0.5 (s)14.3 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( fi)0.5 (x)0.5 (ed)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (annual coupon interest rate of these bonds is 3.05%.)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()18.2 (i)18.2 (\))18.2 ( )-1571.2 (on)13.4 ( 2)13.5 (6)13.4 ( march)13.4 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.5 (2)13.4 (0)13.5 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.5 ( completed)13.5 ( an)13.5 ( issuance)13.4 ( of)13.4 ( medium)13.5 (-)13.5 (term)13.5 ( notes)13.5 ( with)13.4 ( a)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (total face value of rmb0.9 billion at par value of rmb100.00 per unit wh\ ich will mature )tj 0.063 tw t* (in march 2023 for working capital needs and repayment of bank borrowings\ . the fixed )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (annual coupon interest rate of these bonds is 2.93%.)tj 0.044 tc 0.077 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()16.2 (j)16.2 (\))16.2 ( )-1574.2 (the)14.3 ( outbre)0.5 (ak)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( novel)14.3 ( coro)0.5 (naviru)0.5 (s)14.3 ( \()14.3 (c)0.5 (ovid)14.3 (-)14.3 (1)14.4 (9)14.3 (\))14.3 (in)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( prc)14.4 ( si)0.5 (nce)14.3 ( january)14.4 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.3 (2)14.4 (0)14.3 (,)14.3 (the)16.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(prevention)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( control)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( covid)14.2 (-)14.2 (1)14.1 (9)14.2 ( has)14.1 ( continued)14.1 (.)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.1 ( has)14.2 ( taken)14.1 ( )0.5 (all)14.1 ( possible)14.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(e)0.5 (f)0.5 (f)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)5.1 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (o)5.2 ( l)0.6 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)5.2 ( )0.5 (k)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)5.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)5.2 ( i)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)5.2 ( i)0.6 (n)5.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)5.3 ( g)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)5.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)5.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.6 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)5.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)5.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(strengthen)14.1 ( )0.5 (its)14.2 ( )0.5 (support)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( government)14.2 (\222)14.2 (s)14.2 ( requirements)14.2 ( on)14.2 ( )0.5 (covid)14.2 (-)14.2 (1)14.2 (9)14.2 ( )0.5 (prevention)29.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(and)13.9 ( control)13.8 ( work)13.8 (.)13.9 (covid)13.9 (-)13.9 (1)13.8 (9)13.9 ( has)13.9 ( significant)13.8 ( impacts)13.9 ( on)13.8 ( production)13.9 (,)13.8 ( consumption)13.8 ( and)19.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(investment)8.2 (.)8.2 ( it)8.2 ( )0.5 (is)8.2 ( )0.5 (expected)8.2 ( )0.5 (that)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( aluminum)8.2 ( industry)8.1 ( )0.5 (will)8.2 ( face)8.1 ( )0.5 (greater)8.2 ( )0.5 (challenges)8.2 ( as)8.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(well)14.1 ( as)14 ( greater)14 ( opportunities)14 (.)14.1 ( the)14 ( group)14 ( will)14 ( continue)14 ( to)14 ( pay)14 ( close)14 ( attention)14 ( to)14 ( and)19.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(evaluate)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (developments)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.3 ( covid)1.2 (-)1.2 (1)1.2 (9)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( market)1.2 ( )0.5 (changes)1.2 (,)1.3 ( and)1.2 ( )0.5 (actively)1.2 ( )0.5 (respond)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )]tj t* [(the)1.2 ( )0.5 (possible)1.2 ( )0.5 (impact)1.2 ( )0.5 (on)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (group)1.2 (\222)1.2 (s)1.2 ( financial)1.2 ( )0.5 (situation)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (operating)1.2 ( )0.5 (results)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (as)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (date of this report, the evaluation is still in progress.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 302.7466 tm [(44. )-110.4 (comparative amounts)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 272.7466 tm [(c)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)11.2 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (v)0.6 (e)11.2 ( b)0.5 (e)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)11.2 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)11.2 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.6 (t)11.2 ( o)0.6 (f)11.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( b)0.6 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (under common control as disclosed in note 38.)tj et endstream endobj 126 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (2)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(43. )-110.4 (events after the reporting period)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(\()25.2 (a)25.2 (\))25.2 ( )-1286.3 (on)13.9 ( 1)13.9 (3)13.8 ( january)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.9 (2)13.9 (0)13.8 (,)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 ( completed)13.9 ( an)13.9 ( issuance)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( short)13.9 (-)13.9 (term)13.8 ( bonds)13.9 ( with)13.8 ( a)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (total face value of rmb1.5 billion at par value of rmb100.00 per unit wh\ ich will mature )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(in)9.2 ( )0.5 (apr)0.5 (il)9.2 ( )0.5 (2)9.2 (0)9.2 (2)9.2 (0)9.2 ( f)0.5 (or)9.2 ( w)0.5 (orki)0.5 (ng)9.2 ( ca)0.5 (pita)0.5 (l)9.2 ( ne)0.5 (eds)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( r)0.5 (epaym)0.5 (ent)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( b)0.5 (ank)9.2 ( )0.5 (borro)0.5 (wing)0.5 (s)9.1 (.)9.3 ( th)0.5 (e)9.1 ( )0.5 (fi)0.5 (xed)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (annual coupon interest rate of these bonds is 2.10%.)tj 0.02 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\(b\) )-1313.2 (on 15 january 2020, the group completed an issuance of short-term bonds \ with a total )]tj 0.001 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (face value of rmb2 billion at par value of rmb100.00 per unit which will\ mature in april )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(2)13.6 (0)13.6 (2)13.7 (0)13.6 ( for)13.6 ( working)13.6 ( capital)13.7 ( needs)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( repayment)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( bank)13.6 ( borrowings)13.6 (.)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( fixed)13.6 ( annual)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (coupon interest rate of these bonds is 2.20%.)tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()19.2 (c)19.2 (\))19.2 ( )-1292.3 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (1)14.2 (3)14.3 ( )0.5 (february)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (group)14.3 ( )0.5 (completed)14.3 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( )0.6 (issuance)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (short)14.2 (-)14.3 (term)14.2 ( )0.6 (bonds)14.2 ( )0.6 (with)14.3 ( )0.5 (a)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (total face value of rmb1 billion at par value of rmb100.00 per unit whic\ h will mature )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(in)11.1 ( )0.5 (may)11.2 ( 2)11.2 (0)11.2 (2)11.2 (0)11.2 ( )0.5 (for)11.2 ( working)11.2 ( capital)11.2 ( needs)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( repayment)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (bank)11.2 ( borrowings)11.2 (.)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (fixed)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (annual coupon interest rate of these bonds is 2.10%.)tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()19.2 (d)19.2 (\))19.2 ( )-1236.3 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 ( )0.5 (february)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (group)14.3 ( )0.5 (completed)14.3 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( )0.6 (issuance)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (short)14.2 (-)14.3 (term)14.2 ( )0.6 (bonds)14.2 ( )0.5 (with)14.3 ( )0.5 (a)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.004 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (total face value of rmb1 billion at par value of rmb100.00 per unit whic\ h will mature in )tj 0.003 tw t* (november 2020 for working capital needs and repayment of bank borrowings\ . the fixed )tj 0 tw t* (annual coupon interest rate of these bonds is 2.50%.)tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()19.2 (e)19.2 (\))19.2 ( )-1236.3 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (1)14.3 ( )0.5 (february)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (group)14.3 ( )0.5 (completed)14.3 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( )0.6 (issuance)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (short)14.2 (-)14.3 (term)14.2 ( )0.6 (bonds)14.2 ( )0.6 (with)14.3 ( )0.5 (a)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (total face value of rmb1 billion at par value of rmb100.00 per unit whic\ h will mature )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(in)11.1 ( )0.5 (may)11.2 ( 2)11.2 (0)11.2 (2)11.2 (0)11.2 ( )0.5 (for)11.2 ( working)11.2 ( capital)11.2 ( needs)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( repayment)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (bank)11.2 ( borrowings)11.2 (.)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (fixed)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (annual coupon interest rate of these bonds is 2.20%.)tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()15.2 (f)15.2 (\))15.2 ( )-1463.3 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (5)14.3 ( )0.5 (march)14.2 ( )0.6 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (2)14.3 (0)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (group)14.2 ( )0.6 (completed)14.2 ( )0.6 (an)14.2 ( )0.6 (issuance)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (corporate)14.3 ( )0.5 (bonds)14.3 ( )0.5 (with)14.2 ( )0.6 (a)14.3 ( )0.5 (total)15.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(face)4.2 ( value)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( rmb)4.2 (0)4.2 (.)4.2 (5)4.2 ( )0.5 (billion)4.2 ( )0.5 (at)4.2 ( )0.5 (par)4.2 ( )0.5 (value)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)4.3 (1)4.1 (0)4.2 (0)4.2 (.)4.2 (0)4.2 (0)4.2 ( )0.5 (per)4.2 ( )0.5 (unit)4.2 ( which)4.2 ( )0.5 (will)4.2 ( mature)4.2 ( in)4.1 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.077 tw t* [(m)0.5 (ar)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)14.3 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.4 (2)14.3 (5)14.4 ( fo)0.5 (r)14.4 ( wo)0.5 (r)0.5 (ki)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( c)0.5 (ap)0.5 (i)0.5 (ta)0.5 (l)14.4 ( ne)0.5 (e)0.5 (ds)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( re)0.5 (p)0.5 (ay)0.5 (me)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( ba)0.5 (nk)14.4 ( b)0.5 (or)0.5 (r)0.5 (ow)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)0.5 (s)14.3 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( fi)0.5 (x)0.5 (ed)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (annual coupon interest rate of these bonds is 3.30%.)tj 0.068 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\(g\) )-1265.3 (on 13 march 2020, the group completed an issuance of short-term bonds wi\ th a total )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(face)4.2 ( value)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( rmb)4.2 (1)4.2 (.)4.2 (8)4.2 ( )0.5 (billion)4.2 ( )0.5 (at)4.2 ( )0.5 (par)4.2 ( )0.5 (value)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)4.3 (1)4.1 (0)4.2 (0)4.2 (.)4.2 (0)4.2 (0)4.2 ( )0.5 (per)4.2 ( )0.5 (unit)4.2 ( which)4.2 ( )0.5 (will)4.2 ( mature)4.2 ( in)4.1 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(september)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (0)14.1 (2)14.1 (0)14 ( for)14 ( working)14.1 ( capital)14.1 ( needs)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( repayment)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( bank)14.1 ( borrowings)14 (.)14.1 ( the)22.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (fixed annual coupon interest rate of these bonds is 2.20%.)tj et endstream endobj 127 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 128 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 129 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 130 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 131 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 132 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (2)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.11 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (42. commitments)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (capital commitments on property, plant and equipment)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 601.477 82.205 -29 re 368.504 572.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 569.096 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 554.596 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 540.096 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 380.0198 588.2467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.45 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.45 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.45 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 569.5963 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 570.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 569.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 396.8504 570.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 569.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 479.0551 570.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.9 td (contracted, but not provided for)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (4,041,857)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (3,942,933)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 537.2159 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 537.9858 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 537.2158 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 537.9858 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 537.2158 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 537.9858 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 90.7087 504.7557 tm [(\(b\) )-388.4 (operating lease commitments as at 31 december 2018)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 474.7557 tm [(the)13.8 ( future)13.8 ( aggregate)13.8 ( minimum)13.8 ( lease)13.8 ( payments)13.8 ( as)13.8 ( at)13.8 ( 3)13.8 (1)13.8 ( december)13.9 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (8)13.9 ( pursuant)29.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0 -1.5 td [(to)14.2 ( )0.5 (non)14.2 (-)14.2 (cancellable)14.2 ( )0.5 (lease)14.2 ( )0.5 (agreements)14.3 ( entered)14.3 ( into)14.2 ( )0.5 (by)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( group)14.3 ( are)14.2 ( )0.5 (summarised)14.2 ( as)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (follows:)tj 0 tw 34.483 -2.95 td (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.45 td (2018)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 396.6053 cm 0 0 m 331.654 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 397.3753 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 396.6053 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 479.0552 397.3753 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.9 td (within one year)tj -0.028 tw 37.038 0 td (541,541)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.45 td (in the second to fifth years, inclusive)tj -0.028 tw 36.149 0 td (1,880,058)tj 0 tw -36.149 -1.45 td (after five years)tj -0.028 tw 35.565 0 td (10,567,925)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 335.3463 cm 0 0 m 331.654 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 336.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 335.3463 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7087 336.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.399 -2.9 td (12,989,524)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 303.2159 cm 0 0 m 331.654 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 303.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 303.2159 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7087 303.9859 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 90.7087 270.2559 tm [(\(c\) )-444.4 (other capital commitments)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.068 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 240.2559 tm [(as)13.6 ( at)13.6 ( 3)13.6 (1)13.6 ( december)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.6 (1)13.6 (9)13.6 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( commitments)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( make)13.6 ( capital)13.6 ( contributions)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( the)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (group\222s joint ventures and associates were as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 208.986 82.205 -30 re 368.504 178.986 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 175.605 82.205 -15 re 368.504 160.605 82.205 -15 re 368.504 145.605 82.205 -15 re 368.504 130.605 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 127.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 112.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 97.596 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 380.0199 195.2559 tm (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 176.1055 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 176.8755 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 176.1055 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 396.8505 176.8755 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 176.1055 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 479.0552 176.8755 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -36 -3 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 29.401 0 td (33,800)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (82,800)tj 0 tw -37.622 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (410,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (460,000)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 127.8464 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 128.8664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 127.8464 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 128.8664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 127.8464 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 128.8664 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -4.348 -3 td (443,800)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (542,800)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 94.716 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 95.486 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 94.716 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 95.486 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 94.716 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 95.486 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 133 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (1)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(40. )-110.4 (other equity instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(pursuant)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( terms)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( conditions)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (6)13.7 ( senior)13.7 ( perpetual)13.8 ( securities)13.7 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.6 (1)13.8 (8)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.01 tw 0 -1.5 td (perpetual medium-term notes and the 2019 perpetual medium-term notes, th\ e group has no )tj 0.052 tw t* (contractual obligations to repay their principal or to pay any coupon di\ stributions. thus in the )tj 0.028 tw t* (opinion of the directors of the company, they do not meet the definition\ of financial liabilities )tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(according)14 ( to)14 ( ias)14 ( 3)13.9 (2)14 ( )]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 191.7718 562.7467 tm [(financial)14 ( instruments)14 (:)13.9 ( presentation)]tj 10 0 0 10 368.3323 562.7467 tm [(,)13.9 ( and)14 ( are)14 ( classified)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( equity)13.9 ( and)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -27.762 -1.5 td (subsequent distributions declared will be treated as distributions to eq\ uity owners.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 512.7466 tm [(41. )-110.4 (contingent liabilities)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.016 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 482.7466 tm (the group was sued in the second quarter of 2019 against the project con\ struction, financing )tj 0.004 tw t* (arrangement and others, collectively aggregating to rmb591 million, whic\ h mainly arose from )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(contract)14.2 ( )0.5 (variation)14.2 ( orders)14.2 ( without)14.2 ( merits)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( )0.5 (disagreed)14.2 ( by)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( group)14.2 (.)14.2 ( as)14.1 ( )0.5 (an)14.1 ( )0.5 (administrative)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.034 tw t* (process, the local courts held to freeze the group\222s bank accounts or\ other equivalent assets )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(amounting)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( rmb)13.7 (2)13.7 (1)13.8 (4)13.7 ( million)13.7 (.)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( at)13.8 ( 3)13.7 (1)13.7 ( december)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (9)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( at)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( date)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( approval)13.7 ( of)17.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc t* [(these)13.7 ( financial)13.8 ( statements)13.8 (,)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( local)13.8 ( courts)13.8 ( have)13.8 ( already)13.8 ( frozen)13.8 ( several)13.8 ( bank)13.8 ( accounts)13.7 ( of)20.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.6 (g)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (g)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)1.3 ( r)0.6 (m)0.5 (b)1.2 (6)1.3 (1)1.2 ( m)0.6 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)1.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)1.2 ( o)0.6 (f)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (g)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (p)1.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)1.3 ( b)0.6 (o)0.5 (o)0.6 (k)1.2 ( v)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(amounting)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( rmb)13.2 (4)13.2 (6)13.2 ( million)13.2 (.)13.2 ( currently)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (lawsuits)13.2 ( are)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( progress)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( outcomes)13.2 ( are)13.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(unknown)8.2 (.)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( directors)8.2 (,)8.2 ( based)8.2 ( )0.5 (on)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (advice)8.2 ( from)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (group)8.2 (\222)8.2 (s)8.2 ( )0.5 (legal)8.2 ( counsels)8.2 (,)8.2 ( believe)8.3 ( that)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.044 tw t* (the group has valid defence against all the allegations and accordingly,\ have not provided for )tj 0 tw t* (any claim arising from the litigations, other than the related legal and\ other costs.)tj et endstream endobj 134 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (1)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(40. )-110.4 (other equity instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(on)7.2 ( )0.5 (1)7.2 (9)7.2 ( )0.5 (october)7.2 ( )0.5 (2)7.2 (0)7.2 (1)7.2 (8)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (company)7.2 ( )0.5 (issued)7.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)7.2 (2)7.2 (,)7.2 (0)7.2 (0)7.2 (0)7.2 ( )0.5 (million)7.2 ( )0.5 (perpetual)7.2 ( )0.5 (medium)7.2 (-)7.2 (term)7.2 ( )0.5 (notes)7.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(w)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)14.5 ( a)0.6 (n)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (b)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)14.4 ( r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (t)14.5 ( 5)14.4 (.)14.4 (1)14.5 (0)14.4 (%)14.4 ( \()14.4 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( \223)14.4 (2)14.5 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (8)14.5 ( p)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( m)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.5 (-)14.4 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (m)14.5 ( n)0.6 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 (\224)14.4 (\))14.5 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)22.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw t* [(proceeds)14 ( from)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( issuance)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)14 (8)13.9 ( perpetual)13.9 ( medium)14 (-)13.9 (term)14 ( notes)13.9 ( were)13.9 ( rmb)13.9 (2)13.9 (,)14 (0)13.9 (0)13.9 (0)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw t* (million. the proceeds were used for the repayment of interest-bearing lo\ ans and borrowings. )tj 0.054 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( p)0.5 (a)0.5 (y)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( 5)14.4 (.)14.4 (1)14.4 (0)14.4 (%)14.4 ( p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.4 ( o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (8)14.4 ( p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.4 (-)14.4 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)14.4 ( n)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( h)0.5 (a)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(been )0.5 (made annually )0.5 (in )0.5 (arrears )0.5 (from )0.5 (19 october )0.5 (2018 and may be deferred )0.5 (at the )0.5 (discretion )]tj 0.013 tw t* [(of )0.6 (the )0.5 (company. )0.6 (the )0.5 (2018 )0.6 (perpetual )0.6 (medium-term )0.6 (notes )0.6 (have )0.6 (no )0.6 (fixed )0.5 (maturity )0.5 (date )0.6 (and )0.5 (are )]tj 0.075 tw t* [(callable )0.5 (only )0.5 (at )0.5 (the )0.5 (group\222s option on )0.5 (23 )0.5 (october )0.5 (2021 or )0.5 (any )0.5 (coupon distribution )0.5 (date )0.5 (after )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(2)13.8 (3)13.8 ( october)13.8 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.8 (2)13.8 (1)13.8 ( at)13.8 ( their)13.8 ( principal)13.8 ( amounts)13.8 ( together)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( any)13.8 ( accrued)13.8 (,)13.8 ( unpaid)13.8 ( or)13.8 ( deferred)16.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0 -1.5 td [(coupon)14 ( distribution)13.9 ( payments)13.9 (.)14 ( the)14 ( coupon)14 ( distribution)14 ( rate)13.9 ( will)14 ( be)14 ( reset)14 ( to)13.9 ( a)14 ( percentage)22.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(per)3.2 ( )0.5 (annum)3.3 ( equal)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (sum)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (\()3.1 (a)3.3 (\))3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( initial)3.2 ( spread)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (2)3.2 (.)3.2 (6)3.2 (1)3.2 ( )0.5 (percent)3.3 (,)3.1 ( )0.5 (\()3.2 (b)3.2 (\))3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.3 ( china)3.2 ( )0.5 (treasury)3.3 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(rate)8.2 (,)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( \()8.2 (c)8.2 (\))8.2 ( )0.5 (a)8.2 ( margin)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( maximum)8.2 ( )0.5 (5)8.2 (0)8.2 (0)8.2 ( )0.5 (bps)8.2 ( every)8.2 ( five)8.2 ( )0.5 (years)8.2 ( after)8.2 ( 2)8.2 (3)8.2 ( )0.5 (october)8.2 ( 2)8.2 (0)8.2 (2)8.2 (1)8.2 (.)8.2 ( )0.5 (while)8.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(any)14.1 ( coupon)14 ( distribution)14.1 ( payments)14 ( are)14 ( unpaid)14.1 ( or)14.1 ( deferred)14.1 (,)14 ( the)14 ( company)14 ( cannot)14 ( declare)14 ( or)18.2 ( )]tj 0.077 tw t* [(p)0.5 (a)0.5 (y)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (s)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (h)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (a)0.5 (p)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 (,)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( f)0.5 (i)0.6 (x)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (investments.)tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(on)14.2 ( )0.6 (1)14.2 (9)14.3 ( )0.6 (november)14.2 ( )0.6 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (1)14.3 (9)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.6 (issued)14.3 ( )0.5 (rmb)14.3 (1)14.2 (,)14.3 (5)14.3 (0)14.2 (0)14.3 ( )0.6 (million)14.3 ( )0.5 (perpetual)14.3 ( )0.5 (medium)14.3 (-)14.3 (term)36.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(notes)9.2 ( with)9.2 ( an)9.2 ( )0.5 (initial)9.2 ( )0.5 (distribution)9.2 ( )0.5 (rate)9.2 ( )0.5 (at)9.2 ( )0.5 (4)9.2 (.)9.1 (2)9.3 (0)9.2 (%)9.2 ( \()9.2 (the)9.2 ( \223)9.2 (2)9.2 (0)9.2 (1)9.2 (9)9.2 ( )0.5 (perpetual)9.2 ( )0.5 (medium)9.2 (-)9.2 (term)9.2 ( )0.5 (notes)9.3 (\224)9.2 (\))9.2 (.)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.061 tw t* (the proceeds from the issuance of the 2019 perpetual medium-term notes w\ ere rmb1,499 )tj 0.04 tw t* (million. the proceeds were used for the repayment of interest-bearing lo\ ans and borrowings. )tj 0 tw t* (coupon payments of 4.20% per annum on the 2019 perpetual medium-term not\ es have been )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(made)6.2 ( annually)6.2 ( )0.5 (in)6.1 ( )0.5 (arrears)6.1 ( )0.5 (from)6.2 ( 1)6.2 (9)6.2 ( )0.5 (november)6.2 ( )0.5 (2)6.2 (0)6.1 (1)6.3 (9)6.1 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )0.5 (may)6.2 ( be)6.2 ( deferred)6.2 ( )0.5 (at)6.3 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (discretion)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(the)4.2 ( company)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (2)4.2 (0)4.2 (1)4.2 (9)4.2 ( perpetual)4.2 ( )0.5 (medium)4.2 (-)4.2 (term)4.2 ( notes)4.2 ( have)4.2 ( no)4.2 ( )0.5 (fixed)4.2 ( )0.5 (maturity)4.2 ( date)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( are)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.002 tw t* (callable only at the group\222s option on 20 november 2022 or any coupon\ distribution date after )tj 0.084 tw t* (20 november 2022 at their principal amounts together with any accrued, u\ npaid or deferred )tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(coupon)14 ( distribution)13.9 ( payments)13.9 (.)14 ( the)14 ( coupon)14 ( distribution)14 ( rate)13.9 ( will)14 ( be)14 ( reset)14 ( to)13.9 ( a)14 ( percentage)22.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(per)3.2 ( )0.5 (annum)3.3 ( equal)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (sum)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (\()3.1 (a)3.3 (\))3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( initial)3.2 ( spread)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (1)3.2 (.)3.2 (3)3.2 (1)3.2 ( )0.5 (percent)3.3 (,)3.1 ( )0.5 (\()3.2 (b)3.2 (\))3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.3 ( china)3.2 ( )0.5 (treasury)3.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.046 tw t* (rate, and \(c\) a margin of maximum 300 bps every five years after 20 no\ vember 2022. while )tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(any)14.1 ( coupon)14 ( distribution)14.1 ( payments)14 ( are)14 ( unpaid)14.1 ( or)14.1 ( deferred)14.1 (,)14 ( the)14 ( company)14 ( cannot)14 ( declare)14 ( or)18.2 ( )]tj 0.077 tw t* [(p)0.5 (a)0.5 (y)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (s)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (h)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (a)0.5 (p)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 (,)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( f)0.5 (i)0.6 (x)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (investments.)tj et endstream endobj 135 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (1)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(40. )-110.4 (other equity instruments)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(on)7.2 ( )0.5 (2)7.2 (7)7.2 ( )0.5 (october)7.2 ( )0.5 (2)7.2 (0)7.2 (1)7.2 (5)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (company)7.2 ( )0.5 (issued)7.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)7.2 (2)7.2 (,)7.2 (0)7.2 (0)7.2 (0)7.2 ( )0.5 (million)7.2 ( )0.5 (perpetual)7.2 ( )0.5 (medium)7.2 (-)7.2 (term)7.2 ( )0.5 (notes)7.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(w)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)14.5 ( a)0.6 (n)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (b)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)14.4 ( r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (t)14.5 ( 5)14.4 (.)14.4 (5)14.5 (0)14.4 (%)14.4 ( \()14.4 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( \223)14.4 (2)14.5 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (5)14.5 ( p)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( m)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.5 (-)14.4 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (m)14.5 ( n)0.6 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 (\224)14.4 (\))14.5 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)22.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw t* [(proceeds)14 ( from)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( issuance)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)14 (5)13.9 ( perpetual)13.9 ( medium)14 (-)13.9 (term)14 ( notes)13.9 ( were)14 ( rmb)13.9 (2)13.9 (,)14 (0)13.9 (0)13.9 (0)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw t* (million. the proceeds were used for the repayment of interest-bearing lo\ ans and borrowings. )tj 0.054 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( p)0.5 (a)0.5 (y)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( 5)14.4 (.)14.4 (5)14.4 (0)14.4 (%)14.4 ( p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.4 ( o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (5)14.4 ( p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.4 (-)14.4 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)14.4 ( n)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( h)0.5 (a)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(been )0.5 (made annually )0.5 (in )0.5 (arrears )0.5 (from )0.5 (29 october )0.5 (2015 and may be deferred )0.5 (at the )0.5 (discretion )]tj 0.013 tw t* [(of )0.6 (the )0.5 (company. )0.6 (the )0.5 (2015 )0.6 (perpetual )0.6 (medium-term )0.6 (notes )0.6 (have )0.6 (no )0.6 (fixed )0.5 (maturity )0.5 (date )0.6 (and )0.5 (are )]tj 0.075 tw t* [(callable )0.5 (only )0.5 (at )0.5 (the )0.5 (group\222s option on )0.5 (29 )0.5 (october )0.5 (2020 or )0.5 (any )0.5 (coupon distribution )0.5 (date )0.5 (after )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(2)13.8 (9)13.8 ( october)13.8 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.8 (2)13.8 (0)13.8 ( at)13.8 ( their)13.8 ( principal)13.8 ( amounts)13.8 ( together)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( any)13.8 ( accrued)13.8 (,)13.8 ( unpaid)13.8 ( or)13.8 ( deferred)16.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0 -1.5 td [(coupon)14 ( distribution)13.9 ( payments)13.9 (.)14 ( the)14 ( coupon)14 ( distribution)14 ( rate)13.9 ( will)14 ( be)14 ( reset)14 ( to)13.9 ( a)14 ( percentage)22.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(per)3.2 ( )0.5 (annum)3.3 ( equal)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (sum)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (\()3.1 (a)3.3 (\))3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( initial)3.2 ( spread)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (2)3.2 (.)3.2 (6)3.2 (1)3.2 ( )0.5 (percent)3.3 (,)3.1 ( )0.5 (\()3.2 (b)3.2 (\))3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.3 ( china)3.2 ( )0.5 (treasury)3.3 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(rate)8.2 (,)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( \()8.2 (c)8.2 (\))8.2 ( )0.5 (a)8.2 ( margin)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( maximum)8.2 ( )0.5 (3)8.2 (0)8.2 (0)8.2 ( )0.5 (bps)8.2 ( every)8.2 ( five)8.2 ( )0.5 (years)8.2 ( after)8.2 ( 2)8.2 (9)8.2 ( )0.5 (october)8.2 ( 2)8.2 (0)8.2 (2)8.2 (0)8.2 (.)8.2 ( )0.5 (while)8.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(any)14.1 ( coupon)14 ( distribution)14.1 ( payments)14 ( are)14 ( unpaid)14.1 ( or)14.1 ( deferred)14.1 (,)14 ( the)14 ( company)14 ( cannot)14 ( declare)14 ( or)18.2 ( )]tj 0.077 tw t* [(p)0.5 (a)0.5 (y)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (s)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (h)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (a)0.5 (p)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 (,)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( f)0.5 (i)0.6 (x)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (investments.)tj 0.07 tw 0 -3 td (on 31 october 2016, chalco hong kong investment issued usd500 million se\ nior perpetual )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -1.5 td [(securities)2.2 ( with)2.2 ( )0.5 (an)2.2 ( )0.5 (initial)2.3 ( distribution)2.2 ( )0.5 (rate)2.2 ( at)2.2 ( 4)2.2 (.)2.2 (2)2.2 (5)2.2 (%)2.2 ( )0.5 (\()2.2 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (\223)2.2 (2)2.2 (0)2.2 (1)2.2 (6)2.2 ( senior)2.2 ( perpetual)2.2 ( )0.5 (securities)2.2 (\224)2.2 (\))2.2 (.)2.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(the)6.2 ( )0.5 (proceeds)6.2 ( )0.5 (from)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( issuance)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( 2)6.2 (0)6.2 (1)6.2 (6)6.2 ( )0.5 (senior)6.2 ( )0.5 (perpetual)6.3 ( securities)6.2 ( )0.5 (after)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (issuance)6.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(costs)2.2 ( )0.5 (were)2.1 ( )0.5 (usd)2.2 (4)2.2 (9)2.2 (8)2.2 ( )0.5 (million)2.2 ( \()2.2 (equivalent)2.2 ( )0.5 (to)2.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)2.2 (3)2.2 (,)2.2 (3)2.2 (7)2.2 (4)2.2 ( )0.5 (million)2.2 (\))2.2 (.)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (proceeds)2.2 ( were)2.2 ( on)2.2 (-)2.2 (lent)2.2 ( to)2.2 ( )]tj 0.023 tc 0 tw t* [(the company and any of its subsidiaries for general corporate use. coupo\ n payments of 4.25%)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(per)13.6 ( annum)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.6 (1)13.5 (6)13.6 ( senior)13.6 ( perpetual)13.6 ( securities)13.5 ( have)13.5 ( been)13.5 ( made)13.6 ( semi)13.6 (-)13.6 (annually)13.6 ( on)13.5 ( 2)13.6 (9)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.035 tw t* (april and 29 october in arrears from 7 november 2016 and may be deferred\ at the discretion )tj 0.092 tw t* [(of the )0.5 (group. the first )0.5 (coupon payment )0.5 (date was 29 )0.5 (april 2017. )0.5 (the )0.5 (2016 senior )0.5 (perpetual )]tj 0.067 tw t* (securities have no fixed maturity date and are callable only at the grou\ p\222s option on or after )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(7)8.2 ( )0.5 (november)8.2 ( )0.5 (2)8.2 (0)8.2 (2)8.2 (1)8.2 ( at)8.2 ( their)8.2 ( principal)8.2 ( )0.5 (amounts)8.3 ( together)8.2 ( with)8.2 ( any)8.2 ( accrued)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (unpaid)8.2 ( or)8.2 ( )0.5 (deferred)8.2 ( )]tj t* [(coupon)8.2 ( distribution)8.2 ( )0.5 (payments)8.2 (.)8.2 ( after)8.2 ( )0.5 (7)8.2 ( november)8.2 ( 2)8.2 (0)8.2 (2)8.2 (1)8.2 (,)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (coupon)8.2 ( )0.5 (distribution)8.2 ( rate)8.2 ( )0.5 (will)8.2 ( )0.5 (be)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (reset to a percentage per annum equal to the sum of \(a\) the initial sp\ read of 2.931 percent, )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(\()13.6 (b)13.6 (\))13.6 ( the)13.6 ( u)13.6 (.)13.6 (s)13.6 (.)13.6 ( treasury)13.6 ( rate)13.6 (,)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( \()13.6 (c)13.6 (\))13.6 ( a)13.6 ( margin)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( 5)13.6 (.)13.6 (0)13.5 (0)13.6 ( percent)13.6 ( per)13.6 ( annum)13.6 (.)13.6 ( while)13.6 ( any)13.6 ( coupon)14.2 ( )]tj t* [(distribution)14.1 ( )0.5 (payments)14.2 ( )0.5 (are)14.2 ( )0.5 (unpaid)14.2 ( or)14.2 ( deferred)14.2 (,)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (group)14.2 (,)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( wholly)14.1 (-)14.2 (owned)14.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiaries)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(chalco)13.6 ( hong)13.6 ( kong)13.5 ( as)13.6 ( guarantors)13.5 (,)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( issuer)13.6 ( cannot)13.6 ( declare)13.6 ( or)13.5 ( pay)13.5 ( dividends)13.5 ( or)13.6 ( make)16.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc t* [(distributions)14.1 ( )0.5 (or)14.2 ( similar)14.2 ( discretionary)14.2 ( payments)14.2 ( in)14.1 ( )0.5 (respect)14.2 ( of)14.2 (,)14.1 ( or)14.2 ( repurchase)14.1 (,)14.2 ( redeem)14.2 ( or)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (otherwise acquire any securities of lower or equal rank.)tj et endstream endobj 136 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (1)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(39. )-110.4 (disposal of businesses \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (disposal of 40% equity interest of inner mongolia )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (fengrong and disposal of 60% equity interest of ningxia )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.333 td (fenghao)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.068 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 547.7467 tm [(on)14.4 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.3 ( f)0.5 (eb)0.5 (ru)0.5 (ary)14.4 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.4 (1)14.3 (9)14.3 (,)14.4 ( ch)0.5 (alc)0.5 (o)14.3 ( e)0.5 (ne)0.5 (rgy)14.4 ( co)14.4 (.)14.3 (,)14.4 ( l)0.5 (td)14.4 (.)14.3 (,)14.3 ( a)14.4 ( wh)0.5 (ol)0.5 (ly)14.4 (-)14.3 (ow)0.5 (ne)0.5 (d)14.3 ( su)0.5 (bs)0.5 (id)0.5 (ia)0.5 (ry)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)40.2 ( )]tj 0.084 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(company)13.6 (,)13.5 ( entered)13.5 ( into)13.5 ( equity)13.6 ( transfer)13.6 ( agreements)13.5 ( with)13.6 ( chinalco)13.5 ( environment)56.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc t* [(protection)14.2 ( )0.5 (co)14.2 (.)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)14.3 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (partial)14.2 ( )0.6 (disposal)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (4)14.2 (0)14.3 (%)14.2 ( )0.5 (equity)14.2 ( )0.5 (interest)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )0.5 (inner)14.3 ( )0.5 (mongolia)18.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(fengrong co., ltd. and 60% equity interest in ningxia fenghao co., ltd.,\ respectively. a)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.013 tw 0 -1.5 td [(gain )0.6 (of )0.5 (rmb3,014 )0.6 (thousands )0.5 (from )0.5 (partial )0.6 (disposal )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (two )0.5 (subsidiaries )0.5 (was )0.6 (recorded )]tj 0 tw t* (by the group in the current period.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 90.7087 437.7466 tm [(\(c\) )-444.4 (deregistration of shanghai kailin)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 407.7466 tm [(chalco)14.1 ( trade)14 (,)14 ( a)14 ( subsidiary)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14 ( company)14 (,)14.1 ( held)14.1 ( 1)14 (0)14 (0)14.1 (%)14 ( equity)14 ( interest)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( shanghai)25.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc t* [(chalco)13.7 ( kailin)13.7 ( aluminum)13.7 ( co)13.7 (.)13.7 (,)13.6 ( ltd)13.7 (.)13.7 (*)13.6 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.032 tc -0.032 tw 17.485 0 td <026a090e029512590bf1060d12590e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.046 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.7 ( \()13.7 (\223)13.7 (shanghai)13.7 ( kailin)13.7 (\224)13.7 (\))13.7 (.)13.6 ( in)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw -17.485 -1.5 td (july 2019, shanghai kailin was deregistered, from which the company reco\ rded a gain )tj 0 tw t* (of rmb160 thousands.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 90.7087 327.7466 tm [(\(d\) )-388.4 (disposal of ruzhou jinhua)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.058 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 297.7466 tm [(zhongzhou)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (a)14.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiary)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (held)14.2 ( )0.6 (a)14.2 ( )0.5 (5)14.3 (1)14.3 (%)14.2 ( )0.5 (equity)14.3 ( )0.5 (interest)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)30.2 ( )]tj 0.086 tc t* [(ruzhou)13.9 ( chinalco)14 ( jinhua)13.9 ( mining)13.9 ( co)14 (.)14 (,)14 ( ltd)14 (.)14 (*)14 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.072 tc -0.072 tw 22.987 0 td <03e703c80295125906960d3616240e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.086 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14 ( \()14 (\223)14 (ruzhou)58.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc 0.077 tw -22.987 -1.5 td [(j)0.5 (in)0.5 (hua)14.4 (\224)14.3 (\))14.4 (.)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( j)0.5 (ul)0.5 (y)14.3 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.3 (1)14.4 (9)14.3 (,)14.4 ( z)0.5 (ho)0.5 (ng)0.5 (zh)0.5 (ou)14.4 ( al)0.5 (um)0.5 (in)0.5 (um)14.4 ( di)0.5 (sp)0.5 (os)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( al)0.5 (l)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( i)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.3 ( eq)0.5 (ui)0.5 (ty)14.4 ( in)0.5 (t)0.5 (ere)0.5 (st)14.4 ( of)34.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(ruzhou)13.8 ( jinhua)13.8 (,)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( gain)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( rmb)13.8 (1)13.8 (1)13.8 (3)13.8 ( thousands)13.8 ( from)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( disposal)13.8 ( was)13.8 ( included)13.8 ( in)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (other gains during the year ended 31 december 2019.)tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 119.0551 211.7466 tm [(*)26.2 ( )-2549.5 (the)14.2 ( english)14.1 ( )0.5 (names)14.2 ( represent)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( best)14.2 ( effort)14.2 ( made)14.2 ( by)14.1 ( )0.5 (management)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( group)14.2 ( translating)14.2 ( the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (chinese names of the companies as the companies do not have any official\ english names.)tj et endstream endobj 137 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 138 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 139 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 140 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 141 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 142 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (1)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(38. )-110.4 (business combinations)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (acquisition of suzhou zhongcai)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.076 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 587.7467 tm [(on 29 )0.5 (april )0.5 (2019, chinalco )0.5 (shanghai company limited )0.5 (\(\223chinalco shanghai\224\) \(\223)]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02951259026a>tj 0 -1.5 td <090e03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.03 tc 0.09 tw [(\224)2.2 (\))2.2 (,)2.2 ( a)2.3 ( subsidiary)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (company)2.2 (,)2.2 ( entered)2.2 ( )0.5 (into)2.2 ( )0.5 (an)2.2 ( equity)2.2 ( )0.5 (transfer)2.2 ( agr)0.5 (eement)2.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw t* [(with)13.5 ( zhongse)13.5 ( technology)13.5 ( co)13.6 (.)13.5 (,)13.5 ( ltd)13.6 (.)13.5 ( \()13.5 (\223)13.5 (zhongse)13.5 ( technology)13.5 (\224)13.5 (\))13.6 ( \()13.5 (\223)]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.052 tc -0.052 tw 31.974 0 td [<0295>0.5 <040d>0.5 <07c5>0.6 <04a6>0.5 <0670>0.5 <0385>0.5 <03de>0.5 <0822>0.6 <02ae>]tj 0 tc 0 tw -31.974 -1.5 td <0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.044 tw 1.028 0 td (\224\) and suzhou research institute of non-ferrous metals co., ltd. \(\223\ suzhou research )tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw -1.028 -1.5 td [(institute)14.1 (\224)14.1 (\))14.2 ( \()14.1 (\223)]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.056 tc -0.056 tw 6.598 0 td <163d03c803de040d0696166e07bc04fa09eb03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc 0.078 tw [(\224)14.1 (\))14.1 (,)14.2 ( pursuant)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( which)14.1 (,)14.2 ( chinalco)14.1 ( shanghai)42.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.016 tw -6.598 -1.5 td (acquired 70% and 30% equity interests in suzhou zhongse metal materials \ technology )tj 0.083 tc 0.078 tw t* [(co)14 (.)14 (,)13.9 ( ltd)13.9 (.)14 (*)13.9 ( \()14 (\223)13.9 (suzhou)13.9 ( zhongcai)13.9 (\224)14 (\))13.9 ( \()14 (\223)]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.069 tc -0.069 tw 17.807 0 td <163d03c80295040d0696166e04bf08d807c504a603de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.083 tc 0.078 tw [(\224)14 (\))13.9 ( from)13.9 ( zhongse)55.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc -17.807 -1.5 td [(technology)13.8 ( and)13.9 ( suzhou)13.9 ( research)13.9 ( institute)13.8 (,)13.8 ( respectively)13.9 (.)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( consideration)13.9 ( for)13.8 ( the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc t* [(acquisition)14.1 ( )0.5 (was)14.3 ( rmb)14.2 (2)14.2 (3)14.2 (7)14.2 ( )0.5 (thousand)14.2 (,)14.2 ( which)14.2 ( )0.5 (was)14.2 ( )0.5 (determined)14.2 ( )0.5 (based)14.2 ( )0.5 (on)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (appraisal)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.077 tw t* (value of the 100% equity interest in suzhou zhongcai. chinalco shanghai \ has paid the )tj 0.073 tw t* [(consideration in )0.5 (full )0.5 (as )0.5 (of )0.5 (30 )0.5 (june 2019. )0.5 (the )0.5 (acquisition date )0.5 (was )0.5 (1 )0.5 (june 2019, )0.5 (which )]tj 0.042 tw t* (was the date that the group obtained control of suzhou zhongcai. before \ and after the )tj 0.079 tw t* [(acquisition, )0.6 (both )0.5 (suzhou )0.6 (zhongcai )0.5 (and )0.5 (chinalco )0.5 (shanghai )0.5 (were )0.5 (controlled )0.5 (by )0.6 (chinalco, )]tj 0.026 tw t* (and the control was not temporary. thus, the acquisition of the 100% equ\ ity interest in )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(suzhou)9.2 ( )0.5 (zhongcai)9.3 ( is)9.2 ( )0.5 (considered)9.2 ( )0.5 (to)9.2 ( be)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)9.2 ( business)9.2 ( )0.5 (combination)9.2 ( )0.5 (under)9.2 ( common)9.2 ( )0.5 (control)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (other than significant influence or joint control.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 327.7466 tm [(39. )-110.4 (disposal of businesses)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (disposal of 100% equity of china aluminum nanhai alloy)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 262.7466 tm [(in)13.8 ( january)13.8 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.8 (9)13.7 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( entered)13.8 ( into)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( capital)13.7 ( contribution)13.8 ( agreement)13.8 ( with)26.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(chinalco)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )0.5 (its)6.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiary)6.2 ( chinalco)6.3 ( innovative)6.2 (,)6.2 ( pursuant)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.1 ( )0.5 (which)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (company)6.2 ( )0.5 (shall)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.076 tw t* (make a capital contribution to chinalco innovative in form of its 100% e\ quity interests )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(in)4.2 ( )0.5 (china)4.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)4.2 ( )0.5 (nanhai)4.2 ( )0.5 (alloy)4.2 ( )0.5 (co)4.2 (.)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)4.2 (.)4.2 ( \()4.2 (\223)4.2 (china)4.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)4.2 ( nanhai)4.2 ( alloy)4.2 (\224)4.2 (\))4.2 (.)4.2 ( after)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(transaction)13.9 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( holds)13.9 ( 1)13.9 (9)13.9 (.)13.9 (4)13.9 (8)13.9 (5)13.9 (2)13.9 (%)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( chinalco)13.9 ( innovative)13.9 (.)13.9 ( as)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( date)13.9 ( of)20.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(d)0.5 (ee)0.5 (me)0.5 (d)0.5 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (sp)0.5 (os)0.5 (a)0.5 (l,)0.5 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)0.5 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (mp)0.5 (an)0.5 (y)0.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (-m)0.5 (e)0.5 (as)0.5 (ur)0.5 (e)0.5 (d )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)0.5 ( e)0.5 (q)0.5 (ui)0.5 (t)0.5 (y )0.5 (of)0.5 ( )0.5 (ch)0.5 (i)0.5 (na)0.5 ( )0.5 (al)0.5 (u)0.5 (mi)0.5 (n)0.5 (um)0.5 ( )0.5 (na)0.5 (n)0.5 (ha)0.5 (i)0.5 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (lo)0.5 (y)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.056 tw t* (to a fair value of rmb350 million and recognized the fair value gain of \ rmb258 million )tj -0.028 tw t* (accordingly.)tj et endstream endobj 143 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (1)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(37. )-110.4 (partly-owned subsidiaries with material non-)]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (controlling interests \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm (the following tables illustrate the summarised financial information of \ the above subsidiaries. )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the amounts disclosed are before any inter-company eliminations: \(conti\ nued\))tj -0.028 tw 0 -3 td (2018)tj 0 tw 36.179 0 td (guizhou huaren)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 553.5963 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7086 554.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 553.5962 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7008 554.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -34.299 -3 td (revenue)tj 38.983 0 td (4,282,882)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (total expenses)tj -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (4,248,243)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (profit for the year)tj -0.028 tw 40.457 0 td (34,639)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td (total comprehensive income for the year)tj -0.028 tw 40.457 0 td (34,639)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 475.2158 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 475.9857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 475.2158 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7008 475.9857 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (current assets)tj 0 -1.5 td (non-current assets)tj -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (1,169,453)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (current liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (3,038,875)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (non-current liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (1,381,541)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 396.8354 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 397.6054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 396.8354 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7008 397.6054 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (net cash flows from operating activities)tj -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (134,781)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (net cash flows used in investing activities)tj -0.028 tw 39.539 0 td (\(510,243\))tj 0 tw -39.539 -1.5 td (net cash flows from/financing activities)tj -0.028 tw 39.539 0 td (\(115,222\))tj 0 tw -39.539 -1.5 td (effect of foreign exchange rate changes, net)tj 0 tc 43.154 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 318.5763 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7087 319.5963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 318.5763 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7008 319.5963 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (net decrease in cash and cash equivalents)tj -0.028 tw 39.539 0 td (\(490,684\))tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 285.4459 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 286.2159 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7009 285.4459 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7009 286.2159 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 144 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (1)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(37. )-110.4 (partly-owned subsidiaries with material non-)]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (controlling interests \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm (the following tables illustrate the summarised financial information of \ the above subsidiaries. )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the amounts disclosed are before any inter-company eliminations: \(conti\ nued\))tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 433.701 571.477 99.213 -15 re 433.701 556.477 99.213 -3.38 re 433.701 553.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 538.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 523.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 508.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 493.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 478.096 99.213 -3.38 re 433.701 474.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 459.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 444.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 429.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 414.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 399.716 99.213 -3.38 re 433.701 396.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 381.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 366.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 351.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 336.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 321.336 99.213 -3.009 re 433.701 318.326 99.213 -15 re 433.701 303.326 99.213 -15 re 433.701 288.326 99.213 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 557.7467 tm (2019)tj 0 tw 35.569 0 td (guizhou huaren)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 553.5963 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7086 554.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 553.5962 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7008 554.3662 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -34.299 -3 td (revenue)tj /t1_1 1 tf 38.983 0 td (5,982,665)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (total expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (5,677,075)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (profit for the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (305,590)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (total comprehensive income for the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (305,590)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 475.2158 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 475.9857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 475.2158 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7008 475.9857 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (1,034,442)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (2,650,822)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (1,164,346)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (non-current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (1,006,360)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 396.8354 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 397.6054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 396.8354 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7008 397.6054 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (net cash flows from operating activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (565,027)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (net cash flows used in investing activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 40.068 0 td (\(91,319\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -40.068 -1.5 td (net cash flows from/financing activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.484 0 td (\(354,187\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.484 -1.5 td (effect of foreign exchange rate changes, net)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 43.154 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 318.5763 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 319.5963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 318.5763 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7008 319.5963 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (net increase in cash and cash equivalents)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (119,521)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 285.4459 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 286.2159 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7009 285.4459 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7009 286.2159 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 145 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (1)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(37. )-110.4 (partly-owned subsidiaries with material non-)]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (controlling interests \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm (the following tables illustrate the summarised financial information of \ the above subsidiaries. )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the amounts disclosed are before any inter-company eliminations: \(conti\ nued\))tj -0.028 tw 0 -3 td (2018)tj 0 tw 35.816 0 td (shanxi zhongrun)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 553.5963 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7086 554.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 553.5962 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7008 554.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -34.299 -3 td (revenue)tj 39.873 0 td (645,413)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (total expenses)tj -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (644,596)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (profit for the year)tj -0.028 tw 41.93 0 td (817)tj 0 tw -41.93 -1.5 td (total comprehensive income for the year)tj -0.028 tw 41.93 0 td (817)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 475.2158 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 475.9857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 475.2158 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7008 475.9857 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (current assets)tj -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (605,140)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (non-current assets)tj -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (3,421,608)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (current liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (790,819)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (non-current liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (2,258,089)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 396.8354 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 397.6054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 396.8354 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7008 397.6054 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (net cash flows from operating activities)tj -0.028 tw 40.123 0 td (\(19,718\))tj 0 tw -40.123 -1.5 td (net cash flows used in investing activities)tj -0.028 tw 39.539 0 td (\(781,869\))tj 0 tw -39.539 -1.5 td (net cash flows from/financing activities)tj -0.028 tw 38.65 0 td (\(1,335,579\))tj 0 tw -38.65 -1.5 td (effect of foreign exchange rate changes, net)tj 0 tc 43.154 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 318.5763 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7087 319.5963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 318.5763 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7008 319.5963 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (net decrease in cash and cash equivalents)tj -0.028 tw 38.65 0 td (\(2,137,166\))tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 285.4459 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 286.2159 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7009 285.4459 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7009 286.2159 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 146 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (1)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(37. )-110.4 (partly-owned subsidiaries with material non-)]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (controlling interests \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm (the following tables illustrate the summarised financial information of \ the above subsidiaries. )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the amounts disclosed are before any inter-company eliminations: \(conti\ nued\))tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 433.701 571.477 99.213 -15 re 433.701 556.477 99.213 -3.38 re 433.701 553.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 538.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 523.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 508.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 493.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 478.096 99.213 -3.38 re 433.701 474.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 459.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 444.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 429.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 414.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 399.716 99.213 -3.38 re 433.701 396.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 381.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 366.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 351.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 336.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 321.336 99.213 -3.009 re 433.701 318.326 99.213 -15 re 433.701 303.326 99.213 -15 re 433.701 288.326 99.213 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 557.7467 tm (2019)tj 0 tw 35.041 0 td (shanxi zhongrun)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 553.5963 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7086 554.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 553.5962 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7008 554.3662 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -34.299 -3 td (revenue)tj /t1_1 1 tf 38.983 0 td (2,204,777)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (total expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (2,081,652)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (profit for the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (123,125)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (total comprehensive income for the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (123,125)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 475.2158 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 475.9857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 475.2158 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7008 475.9857 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (783,726)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (4,010,818)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (1,084,890)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (non-current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (2,093,735)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 396.8354 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 397.6054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 396.8354 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7008 397.6054 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (net cash flows from operating activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (234,014)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (net cash flows used in investing activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.484 0 td (\(402,636\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.484 -1.5 td (net cash flows from/financing activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (307,452)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (effect of foreign exchange rate changes, net)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 43.154 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 318.5763 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 319.5963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 318.5763 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7008 319.5963 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (net increase in cash and cash equivalents)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (138,830)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 285.4459 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 286.2159 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7009 285.4459 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7009 286.2159 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 147 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 148 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 149 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 150 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 151 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 152 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (1)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(37. )-110.4 (partly-owned subsidiaries with material non-)]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (controlling interests \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm (the following tables illustrate the summarised financial information of \ the above subsidiaries. )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the amounts disclosed are before any inter-company eliminations: \(conti\ nued\))tj -0.028 tw 0 -3 td (2018)tj 0 tw 36.624 0 td (ningxia energy)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 553.5963 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7086 554.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 553.5962 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7008 554.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -34.299 -3 td (revenue)tj 38.983 0 td (6,714,040)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (total expenses)tj -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (6,555,933)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (profit for the year)tj -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (158,107)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (total comprehensive income for the year)tj -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (158,107)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 475.2158 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 475.9857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 475.2158 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7008 475.9857 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (current assets)tj -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (5,036,413)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (non-current assets)tj -0.028 tw 38.399 0 td (32,677,977)tj 0 tw -38.399 -1.5 td (current liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (8,723,922)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (non-current liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 38.399 0 td (18,367,979)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 396.8354 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 397.6054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 396.8354 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7008 397.6054 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (net cash flows from operating activities)tj -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (2,755,612)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (net cash flows used in investing activities)tj -0.028 tw 38.65 0 td (\(1,616,513\))tj 0 tw -38.65 -1.5 td (net cash flows from/financing activities)tj -0.028 tw 39.539 0 td (\(991,998\))tj 0 tw -39.539 -1.5 td (effect of foreign exchange rate changes, net)tj 0 tc 43.154 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 318.5763 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7087 319.5963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 318.5763 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7008 319.5963 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -34.299 -3.014 td (net increase in cash and cash equivalents)tj -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (147,101)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 285.3085 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 286.0785 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7009 285.3085 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 433.7009 286.0785 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 153 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (0)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(37. )-110.4 (partly-owned subsidiaries with material non-)]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (controlling interests \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm (the following tables illustrate the summarised financial information of \ the above subsidiaries. )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the amounts disclosed are before any inter-company eliminations:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 433.701 571.477 99.213 -15 re 433.701 556.477 99.213 -3.38 re 433.701 553.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 538.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 523.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 508.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 493.096 99.213 -15 re 433.701 478.096 99.213 -3.38 re 433.701 474.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 459.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 444.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 429.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 414.716 99.213 -15 re 433.701 399.716 99.213 -3.38 re 433.701 396.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 381.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 366.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 351.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 336.336 99.213 -15 re 433.701 321.336 99.213 -3.009 re 433.701 318.326 99.213 -15 re 433.701 303.326 99.213 -15 re 433.701 288.326 99.213 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 557.7467 tm (2019)tj 0 tw 36.012 0 td (ningxia energy)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 553.5963 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7086 554.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 553.5962 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7008 554.3662 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -34.299 -3 td (revenue)tj /t1_1 1 tf 38.983 0 td (6,695,724)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (total expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (6,314,098)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (profit for the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (381,626)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (total comprehensive income for the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (381,626)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 475.2158 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 475.9857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 475.2158 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7008 475.9857 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (5,081,743)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.399 0 td (32,133,495)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.399 -1.5 td (current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (8,688,475)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (non-current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.399 0 td (17,559,995)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 396.8354 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 397.6054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 396.8354 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7008 397.6054 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (net cash flows from operating activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (3,274,683)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (net cash flows used in investing activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.484 0 td (\(939,054\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.484 -1.5 td (net cash flows from/financing activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.595 0 td (\(2,611,597\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.595 -1.5 td (effect of foreign exchange rate changes, net)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 43.154 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 318.5763 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 319.5963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 318.5763 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7008 319.5963 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (net decrease in cash and cash equivalents)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.484 0 td (\(275,968\))tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 285.4459 cm 0 0 m 342.992 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 286.2159 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7009 285.4459 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 433.7009 286.2159 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 154 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (0)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(37. )-110.4 (partly-owned subsidiaries with material non-)]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (controlling interests)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm [(other)13.7 ( than)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( senior)13.7 ( perpetual)13.7 ( securities)13.7 ( issued)13.7 ( by)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( subsidiary)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.7 (,)13.7 ( which)13.7 ( is)26.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0 -1.5 td [(disclosed)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( note)14.1 ( 4)14.1 (0)14.1 (,)14.1 ( details)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.1 (\222)14.1 (s)14.2 ( subsidiaries)14.2 ( that)14.2 ( have)14.2 ( material)14.1 ( non)14.1 (-)14.1 (controlling)14.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (interests are set out below:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 556.477 85.039 -13 re 362.835 543.477 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 540.096 85.039 -13 re 362.835 527.096 85.039 -26 re 362.835 501.096 85.039 -13 re 362.835 488.096 85.039 -13 re 362.835 475.096 85.039 -13 re 362.835 462.096 85.039 -13 re 362.835 449.096 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 445.716 85.039 -13 re 362.835 432.716 85.039 -13 re 362.835 419.716 85.039 -13 re 362.835 406.716 85.039 -13 re 362.835 393.716 85.039 -13 re 362.835 380.716 85.039 -13 re 362.835 367.716 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 364.336 85.039 -13 re 362.835 351.336 85.039 -13 re 362.835 338.336 85.039 -13 re 362.835 325.336 85.039 -13 re 362.835 312.336 85.039 -13 re 362.835 299.336 85.039 -13 re 362.835 286.336 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 282.955 85.039 -13 re 362.835 269.955 85.039 -26 re 362.835 243.955 85.039 -13 re 362.835 230.955 85.039 -13 re 362.835 217.955 85.039 -13 re 362.835 204.955 85.039 -13 re 362.835 191.955 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 419.1307 544.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 540.5963 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 541.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 540.5962 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 391.1811 541.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 540.5962 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 476.2205 541.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -38.551 -2.6 td (percentage of equity interest held by non-controlling )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.3 td (interests)tj 0 tw -0.992 -2.6 td (ningxia energy)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.62 0 td (29.18%)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.393 0 td (29.18%)tj 0 tw -40.013 -1.3 td (shanxi zhongrun)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.62 0 td (56.61%)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.393 0 td (60.00%)tj 0 tw -40.013 -1.3 td (guizhou huaren)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.62 0 td (60.00%)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.393 0 td (60.00%)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 446.2158 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 446.9857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 446.2158 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 446.9857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 446.2158 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 446.9857 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -2.6 td (profit for the year allocated to non-controlling interests)tj 0 -2.6 td (ningxia energy)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.369 0 td (240,504)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (214,479)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (shanxi zhongrun)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.953 0 td (69,701)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.92 0 td (291,009)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (guizhou huaren)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.369 0 td (198,016)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.088 0 td (20,783)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 364.8354 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 365.6054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 364.8354 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 365.6054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 364.8354 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 365.6054 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -2.6 td (dividends distributed to non-controlling interests)tj t* (ningxia energy)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.953 0 td (76,469)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.92 0 td (351,979)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (shanxi zhongrun)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 34.65 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.223 0 td (200,000)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (guizhou huaren)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 34.65 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (\226)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 283.455 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7086 284.225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 283.455 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 284.225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 283.455 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 284.225 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -2.6 td (accumulated balances of non-controlling interests at the )tj 0.992 -1.3 td (year ended)tj -0.992 -2.6 td (ningxia energy)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.479 0 td (4,978,089)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (4,757,014)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.3 td (shanxi zhongrun)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.369 0 td (996,686)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (782,176)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (guizhou huaren)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.479 0 td (1,028,426)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.394 0 td (820,675)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 189.0746 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 189.8446 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 189.0746 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 189.8446 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 189.0746 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 189.8446 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 155 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (0)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.3)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (capital risk management \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm (the gearing ratio as at 31 december 2019 is as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 551.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 521.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 506.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 503.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 488.096 82.205 -45 re 368.504 443.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 413.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 410.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 395.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 380.087 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 376.707 82.205 -15 re 368.504 361.707 82.205 -15 re 368.504 346.707 82.205 -15 re 368.504 331.707 82.205 -15 re 368.504 316.707 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 313.698 82.205 -15 re 368.504 298.698 82.205 -15 re 368.504 283.698 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 280.317 82.205 -15 re 368.504 265.317 82.205 -15 re 368.504 250.317 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 380.0198 537.7467 tm (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 503.5963 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 504.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 503.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 504.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 503.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 504.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (total liabilities \(excluding deferred tax liabilities, )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (income tax payable and deferred government )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (grants\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 25.768 0 td (130,170,395)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (131,054,499)tj 0 tw -34.981 -1.5 td [(less: )240.8 (restricted cash, time deposits and cash and )]tj 3.402 -1.5 td (cash equivalents)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.138 0 td (\(9,064,971\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.692 0 td (\(21,296,123\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 410.3372 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 411.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 410.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 411.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 410.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 411.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (net debt)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.76 0 td (121,105,424)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (109,758,376)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 377.2068 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 377.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 377.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 377.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 377.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 377.9768 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (total equity)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.344 0 td (70,725,060 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (67,669,619)tj 0 tw -35.565 -1.5 td (add: net debt)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.76 0 td (121,105,424)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (109,758,376)tj 0 tw -34.981 -1.5 td (less: non-controlling interests)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.956 0 td (\(16,065,427\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(15,254,312\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 313.9478 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 314.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 313.9478 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 314.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 313.9478 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 314.9678 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (total capital attributable to owners of the parent)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.76 0 td (175,765,057)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (162,173,683)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 280.8174 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 281.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 280.8174 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 281.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 280.8174 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 281.5874 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (gearing ratio)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.542 0 td (69%)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.109 0 td (68%)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 247.437 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 248.207 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 247.437 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 248.207 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 247.437 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 248.207 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 156 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (0)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.3)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (capital risk management)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(the)14 ( group)14.1 (\222)14 (s)14 ( capital)14 ( management)14.1 ( objectives)14 ( are)14 ( to)14 ( safeguard)14 ( the)14 ( group)14 (\222)14.1 (s)14 ( ability)14.1 ( to)25.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(continue)5.3 ( as)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( )0.5 (going)5.2 ( )0.5 (concern)5.2 ( )0.5 (in)5.2 ( )0.5 (order)5.3 ( to)5.3 ( provide)5.2 ( returns)5.2 ( for)5.2 ( )0.5 (shareholders)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (benefits)5.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.089 tw t* [(for )0.5 (other )0.5 (stakeholders, )0.5 (and )0.5 (to )0.5 (maintain )0.5 (an optimal )0.5 (capital )0.5 (structure )0.5 (to )0.5 (reduce )0.5 (the )0.5 (cost )]tj 0 tw t* (of capital.)tj 0.027 tw 0 -3 td (in order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the group may adju\ st the amount of )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (dividends paid to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets to reduc\ e debts.)tj 0.092 tw 0 -3 td [(consistent )0.5 (with )0.5 (other )0.5 (entities in the )0.5 (industry, )0.5 (the group monitors capital on the )0.5 (basis )]tj 0.041 tw 0 -1.5 td (of its gearing ratio. this ratio is calculated as net debt divided by to\ tal capital. net debt )tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(is)13.9 ( calculated)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( total)14 ( liabilities)13.9 ( \()13.9 (excluding)13.9 ( deferred)13.9 ( tax)13.9 ( liabilities)13.9 (,)13.9 ( income)13.9 ( tax)13.9 ( payable)18.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(and)13.9 ( deferred)14 ( government)13.9 ( grants)13.9 (\))13.9 ( less)14 ( restricted)13.9 ( cash)13.9 (,)14 ( time)13.9 ( deposits)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( cash)13.9 ( and)28.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.077 tw t* [(cash)14.3 ( equivalents)14.3 (.)14.3 ( tot)0.5 (al)14.4 ( capital)14.3 ( is)14.3 ( calculated)14.3 ( a)0.5 (s)14.2 ( equity)14.3 (,)14.3 ( as)14.3 ( shown)14.3 ( in)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.2 ( consolidated)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (statement of financial position, plus net debt less non-controlling inte\ rests.)tj et endstream endobj 157 0 obj <> endobj 158 0 obj <> endobj 159 0 obj <> endobj 160 0 obj <> endobj 161 0 obj <> endobj 162 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 163 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 164 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 165 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 166 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 167 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (0)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.2)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (fair value and fair value hierarchy \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm (fair value hierarchy \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 147.4016 504.7466 tm (liabilities for which fair values are disclosed: )tj -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 360.0253 504.7466 tm (\(continued\))tj 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 474.7466 tm [(d)0.5 (uri)0.5 (n)0.5 (g t)0.5 (he)0.5 ( y)0.5 (ea)0.5 (r e)0.5 (nd)0.5 (ed)0.5 ( 3)0.5 (1 d)0.5 (ec)0.5 (em)0.5 (be)0.5 (r )0.5 (20)0.5 (19)0.5 ( th)0.5 (e )0.5 (gr)0.5 (ou)0.5 (p )0.5 (had)0.5 ( n)0.5 (o )0.5 (tr)0.5 (an)0.5 (sfe)0.5 (rs)0.5 ( o)0.5 (f )0.5 (fa)0.5 (ir)0.5 ( v)0.5 (al)0.5 (ue )]tj 0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (measurements between level 1 and level 2 and no transfers into or out of\ level )tj 0 tw t* (3 for both financial assets and financial liabilities \(2018: nil\).)tj 0.026 tc 0 -3 td [(below is a summary of significant unobservable inputs to the valuation o\ f financial)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 -1.5 td (instruments as at 31 december 2019 and 2018:)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 12.756 -4.5 td (valuation )tj t* (technique)tj 12.752 3 td (significant )tj -1.362 -1.5 td (unobservable )tj 4.141 -1.5 td (input)tj 6.586 0 td (range)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 335.7176 cm 0 0 m 127.559 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 336.7376 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 274.9606 335.7176 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 274.9606 336.7376 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 382.6772 335.7176 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.262 336.7376 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 335.7176 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 521.1281 336.7376 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -37.373 -3 td (equity investments )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (in size industry )tj t* (investment fund)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.992 -1.5 td (31 december 2019)tj 12.756 0 td (net assets method)tj 12.947 0 td (net assets)tj -0.028 tw 7.611 0 td (5,000,000)tj 0 tw -33.314 -1.5 td (31 december 2018)tj 12.756 0 td (net assets method)tj 12.947 0 td (net assets)tj -0.028 tw 7.611 0 td (5,000,000)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -33.314 -3 td (chinalco innovative)tj /t1_0 1 tf t* (31 december 2019)tj 12.756 0 td (net assets method)tj 12.947 0 td (net assets)tj -0.028 tw 8.501 0 td (350,911)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 197.5872 cm 0 0 m 127.559 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 198.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 274.9606 197.5872 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 274.9606 198.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 382.6772 197.5872 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 382.6772 198.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 197.5872 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 462.0472 198.3572 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 168 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (0)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.2)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (fair value and fair value hierarchy \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm (fair value hierarchy \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.701 -3 td (liabilities for which fair values are disclosed)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 283.465 488.477 249.449 -13.835 re 283.465 474.642 249.449 -3.009 re 283.465 471.633 62.362 -44 re 345.827 471.633 62.362 -44 re 408.189 471.633 62.362 -44 re 470.551 471.633 62.362 -44 re 283.465 427.633 62.362 -3.38 re 345.827 427.633 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 427.633 62.362 -3.38 re 470.551 427.633 62.362 -3.38 re 283.465 424.253 62.362 -11 re 345.827 424.253 62.362 -11 re 408.189 424.253 62.362 -11 re 470.551 424.253 62.362 -11 re 283.465 413.253 62.362 -22 re 345.827 413.253 62.362 -22 re 408.189 413.253 62.362 -22 re 470.551 413.253 62.362 -22 re 283.465 391.253 62.362 -22 re 345.827 391.253 62.362 -22 re 408.189 391.253 62.362 -22 re 470.551 391.253 62.362 -22 re 283.465 369.253 62.362 -22 re 345.827 369.253 62.362 -22 re 408.189 369.253 62.362 -22 re 470.551 369.253 62.362 -22 re 283.465 347.253 62.362 -3.009 re 345.827 347.253 62.362 -3.009 re 408.189 347.253 62.362 -3.009 re 470.551 347.253 62.362 -3.009 re 283.465 344.243 62.362 -11 re 345.827 344.243 62.362 -11 re 408.189 344.243 62.362 -11 re 470.551 344.243 62.362 -11 re 283.465 333.243 62.362 -11 re 345.827 333.243 62.362 -11 re 408.189 333.243 62.362 -11 re 470.551 333.243 62.362 -11 re 283.465 322.243 62.362 -3.38 re 345.827 322.243 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 322.243 62.362 -3.38 re 470.551 322.243 62.362 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 147.4016 478.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019)tj 25.027 0 td (fair value measurement using)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 471.883 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 8 0 0 10 283.4645 472.903 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.085 -1.1 td (quoted prices )tj 2.777 -1.1 td (in active )tj -0.028 tw 0.168 -1.1 td (markets )tj 0 tw -0.168 -1.1 td (\(level 1\))tj -0.028 tw 6.63 3.3 td (significant )tj -0.084 -1.1 td (observable )tj 2.335 -1.1 td (inputs )tj 0 tw -1.085 -1.1 td (\(level 2\))tj -0.028 tw 6.63 3.3 td (significant )tj -1.362 -1.1 td (unobservable )tj 3.613 -1.1 td (inputs)tj 0 tw -1.085 -1.1 td (\(level 3\))tj -0.028 tw 9.463 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 424.7526 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 175.748 425.5226 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 424.7526 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 311.811 425.5226 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 424.7526 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 374.1732 425.5226 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 424.7526 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 436.5354 425.5226 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 424.7526 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 498.8976 425.5226 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -43.937 -2.2 td (financial liabilities at amortised )tj -0.028 tw 1.24 -1.1 td (cost:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -1.24 -1.1 td (financial liabilities included in other )tj 1.24 -1.1 td (non-current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 22.354 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.625 0 td (1,146,893)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.966 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.625 0 td (1,146,893)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -42.81 -1.1 td (long-term interest-bearing loans )tj 1.24 -1.1 td (and borrowings)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 22.354 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.041 0 td (50,952,676)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.549 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.041 0 td (50,952,676)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 344.4935 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4016 345.5135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 344.4935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 283.4645 345.5135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 344.4935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 345.8268 345.5135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 344.4935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.189 345.5135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 344.4935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 470.5511 345.5135 tm ( )tj -16.799 -2.2 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.041 0 td (52,099,569)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.549 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.041 0 td (52,099,569)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 319.3631 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4016 320.1331 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 319.3631 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 283.4645 320.1331 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 319.3631 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 345.8268 320.1331 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 319.3631 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.189 320.1331 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 319.3631 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 470.5511 320.1331 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -40.394 -2.373 td (as at 31 december 2018)tj 25.527 0 td (fair value measurement using)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 292.374 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 8 0 0 10 283.4645 293.394 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 1.182 -1.1 td (quoted prices )tj 2.724 -1.1 td (in active )tj -0.028 tw 0.112 -1.1 td (markets)tj 0 tw -0.225 -1.1 td (\(level 1\))tj -0.028 tw 6.909 3.3 td (significant )tj -0.196 -1.1 td (observable )tj 2.223 -1.1 td (inputs)tj 0 tw -1.14 -1.1 td (\(level 2\))tj -0.028 tw 6.909 3.3 td (significant )tj -1.364 -1.1 td (unobservable )tj 3.391 -1.1 td (inputs)tj 0 tw -1.14 -1.1 td (\(level 3\))tj -0.028 tw 9.519 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 245.2436 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 175.748 246.0136 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 245.2436 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 311.811 246.0136 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 245.2436 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 374.1732 246.0136 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 245.2436 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 436.5354 246.0136 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 245.2436 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 498.8976 246.0136 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -43.937 -2.2 td (financial liabilities at amortised )tj -0.028 tw 1.24 -1.1 td (cost:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -1.24 -1.1 td (financial liabilities included in other )tj 1.24 -1.1 td (non-current liabilities)tj 0 tc 22.354 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.514 0 td (816,529)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.076 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.514 0 td (816,529)tj 0 tw -43.7 -1.1 td (long-term interest-bearing loans )tj 1.24 -1.1 td (and borrowings)tj 0 tc 22.354 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.041 0 td (53,207,052)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.549 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.041 0 td (53,207,052)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 164.9846 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4016 166.0046 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 164.9846 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 283.4645 166.0046 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 164.9846 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 345.8268 166.0046 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 164.9846 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.189 166.0046 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 164.9846 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 470.5511 166.0046 tm ( )tj -16.799 -2.2 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.041 0 td (54,023,581)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.549 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.041 0 td (54,023,581)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 139.8542 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4016 140.6242 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 139.8542 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 283.4645 140.6242 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 139.8542 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 345.8268 140.6242 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 139.8542 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.189 140.6242 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 139.8542 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 470.5511 140.6242 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 169 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (0)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.2)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (fair value and fair value hierarchy \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm (fair value hierarchy \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.701 -3 td (assets for which fair values are disclosed:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 283.465 488.477 249.449 -15 re 283.465 473.477 249.449 -3.009 re 283.465 470.468 62.362 -60 re 345.827 470.468 62.362 -60 re 408.189 470.468 62.362 -60 re 470.551 470.468 62.362 -60 re 283.465 410.468 62.362 -3.38 re 345.827 410.468 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 410.468 62.362 -3.38 re 470.551 410.468 62.362 -3.38 re 283.465 407.087 62.362 -15 re 345.827 407.087 62.362 -15 re 408.189 407.087 62.362 -15 re 470.551 407.087 62.362 -15 re 283.465 392.087 62.362 -15 re 345.827 392.087 62.362 -15 re 408.189 392.087 62.362 -15 re 470.551 392.087 62.362 -15 re 283.465 377.087 62.362 -30 re 345.827 377.087 62.362 -30 re 408.189 377.087 62.362 -30 re 470.551 377.087 62.362 -30 re 283.465 347.087 62.362 -3.38 re 345.827 347.087 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 347.087 62.362 -3.38 re 470.551 347.087 62.362 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 147.4016 474.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019)tj 25.027 0 td (fair value measurement using)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 470.7176 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 8 0 0 10 283.4646 471.7376 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.085 -1.5 td (quoted prices )tj 2.777 -1.5 td (in active )tj -0.028 tw 0.168 -1.5 td (markets )tj 0 tw -0.168 -1.5 td (\(level 1\))tj -0.028 tw 6.63 4.5 td (significant )tj -0.084 -1.5 td (observable )tj 2.335 -1.5 td (inputs )tj 0 tw -1.085 -1.5 td (\(level 2\))tj -0.028 tw 6.63 4.5 td (significant )tj -1.362 -1.5 td (unobservable )tj 3.613 -1.5 td (inputs)tj 0 tw -1.085 -1.5 td (\(level 3\))tj -0.028 tw 9.463 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 175.748 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 311.811 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 374.1732 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 436.5355 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 498.8976 408.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -43.937 -3 td (loans and receivables:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (financial assets included in other )tj 1.24 -1.5 td (non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 22.354 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.514 0 td (111,935)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.076 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.514 0 td (111,935)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 344.2068 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4016 344.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 344.2068 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 283.4645 344.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 344.2068 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 345.8268 344.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 344.2068 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.189 344.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 344.2068 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 470.5511 344.9768 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -40.394 -2.873 td (as at 31 december 2018)tj 25.527 0 td (fair value measurement using)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 312.2177 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 8 0 0 10 283.4645 313.2377 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.473 -1.5 td (quoted prices )tj 2.724 -1.5 td (in active )tj -0.028 tw 0.112 -1.5 td (markets )tj 0 tw -0.225 -1.5 td (\(level 1\))tj -0.028 tw 6.909 4.5 td (significant )tj -0.196 -1.5 td (observable )tj 2.223 -1.5 td (inputs)tj 0 tw -1.446 -1.5 td ( \(level 2\))tj -0.028 tw 7.215 4.5 td (significant )tj -1.364 -1.5 td (unobservable )tj 3.391 -1.5 td (inputs )tj 0 tw -1.14 -1.5 td (\(level 3\))tj -0.028 tw 9.519 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4015 249.0874 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 175.748 249.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 249.0874 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 311.811 249.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 249.0874 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 374.1732 249.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 249.0874 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 436.5354 249.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 249.0874 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 498.8976 249.8573 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -43.937 -3 td (loans and receivables:)tj /t1_0 1 tf t* (financial assets included in other )tj 1.24 -1.5 td (non-current assets)tj 0 tc 22.354 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.514 0 td (182,132)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.076 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.514 0 td (182,132)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4015 185.707 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4015 186.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 185.707 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 283.4645 186.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 185.707 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 345.8267 186.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 185.707 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.1889 186.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 185.707 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 470.5511 186.477 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 170 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (0)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.2)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (fair value and fair value hierarchy \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm (fair value hierarchy \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.701 -3 td (liabilities measured at fair value)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 283.465 488.477 249.449 -15 re 283.465 473.477 249.449 -3.009 re 283.465 470.468 62.362 -60 re 345.827 470.468 62.362 -60 re 408.189 470.468 62.362 -60 re 470.551 470.468 62.362 -60 re 283.465 410.468 62.362 -3.38 re 345.827 410.468 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 410.468 62.362 -3.38 re 470.551 410.468 62.362 -3.38 re 283.465 407.087 62.362 -15 re 345.827 407.087 62.362 -15 re 408.189 407.087 62.362 -15 re 470.551 407.087 62.362 -15 re 283.465 392.087 62.362 -30 re 345.827 392.087 62.362 -30 re 408.189 392.087 62.362 -30 re 470.551 392.087 62.362 -30 re 283.465 362.087 62.362 -15 re 345.827 362.087 62.362 -15 re 408.189 362.087 62.362 -15 re 470.551 362.087 62.362 -15 re 283.465 347.087 62.362 -3.009 re 345.827 347.087 62.362 -3.009 re 408.189 347.087 62.362 -3.009 re 470.551 347.087 62.362 -3.009 re 283.465 344.078 62.362 -15 re 345.827 344.078 62.362 -15 re 408.189 344.078 62.362 -15 re 470.551 344.078 62.362 -15 re 283.465 329.078 62.362 -15 re 345.827 329.078 62.362 -15 re 408.189 329.078 62.362 -15 re 470.551 329.078 62.362 -15 re 283.465 314.078 62.362 -3.38 re 345.827 314.078 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 314.078 62.362 -3.38 re 470.551 314.078 62.362 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 147.4016 474.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019)tj 25.027 0 td (fair value measurement using)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 470.7176 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 8 0 0 10 335.2647 471.7376 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -6.39 -1.5 td (quoted prices )tj 2.777 -1.5 td (in active )tj -0.028 tw 0.168 -1.5 td (markets )tj 0 tw -0.168 -1.5 td (\(level 1\))tj -0.028 tw 6.63 4.5 td (significant )tj -0.084 -1.5 td (observable )tj 2.335 -1.5 td (inputs )tj 0 tw -1.085 -1.5 td (\(level 2\))tj -0.028 tw 6.63 4.5 td (significant )tj -1.362 -1.5 td (unobservable )tj 3.613 -1.5 td (inputs )tj 0 tw -1.085 -1.5 td (\(level 3\))tj -0.028 tw 9.463 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 175.748 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 311.811 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 374.1732 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 436.5355 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 498.8976 408.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -43.937 -3 td (financial liabilities at fair value )tj 1.24 -1.5 td (through profit or loss:)tj 0 -1.5 td (futures contracts)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 21.131 0 td (805)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.019 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.572 0 td (805)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 344.3282 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4016 345.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 344.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 335.2646 345.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 344.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 397.6269 345.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 344.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 459.9891 345.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 344.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 522.3513 345.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -24.498 -3 td (805)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.019 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.572 0 td (805)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 311.1978 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4016 311.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 311.1978 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 335.2646 311.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 311.1978 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 397.6269 311.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 311.1978 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 459.9891 311.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 311.1978 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 522.3513 311.9678 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -46.869 -4.373 td (as at 31 december 2018)tj 25.527 0 td (fair value measurement using)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 264.2087 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 8 0 0 10 283.4645 265.2287 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.473 -1.5 td (quoted prices )tj 2.724 -1.5 td (in active )tj -0.028 tw 0.112 -1.5 td (markets)tj 0 tw -0.53 -1.5 td ( \(level 1\))tj -0.028 tw 7.215 4.5 td (significant )tj -0.196 -1.5 td (observable )tj 2.223 -1.5 td (inputs )tj 0 tw -1.14 -1.5 td (\(level 2\))tj -0.028 tw 6.909 4.5 td (significant )tj -1.364 -1.5 td (unobservable )tj 3.391 -1.5 td (inputs)tj 0 tw -1.446 -1.5 td ( \(level 3\))tj -0.028 tw 9.825 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4015 201.0783 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 175.748 201.8483 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 201.0783 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 311.811 201.8483 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 201.0783 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 374.1732 201.8483 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 201.0783 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 436.5354 201.8483 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 201.0783 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 498.8976 201.8483 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -43.937 -3 td (financial liabilities at fair value )tj 1.24 -1.5 td (through profit or loss:)tj t* (futures contracts)tj -0.028 tw 20.241 0 td (1,766)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.908 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.682 0 td (1,766)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4015 137.8192 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4015 138.8392 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 137.8192 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 283.4645 138.8392 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 137.8192 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 345.8267 138.8392 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 137.8192 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.1889 138.8392 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 137.8192 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 470.5511 138.8392 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -18.912 -3 td (1,766)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.908 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.682 0 td (1,766)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4015 104.6889 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4015 105.4588 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 104.6889 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 283.4645 105.4588 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 104.6889 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 345.8267 105.4588 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 104.6889 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.1889 105.4588 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 104.6889 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 470.5511 105.4588 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 171 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (0)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.2)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (fair value and fair value hierarchy \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm (fair value hierarchy \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.701 -3 td (assets measured at fair value \(continued\))tj 8 0 0 10 147.4016 474.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2018)tj 25.527 0 td (fair value measurement using)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 470.7176 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 8 0 0 10 283.4645 471.7376 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.473 -1.5 td (quoted prices )tj 2.724 -1.5 td (in active )tj -0.028 tw 0.112 -1.5 td (markets )tj 0 tw -0.225 -1.5 td (\(level 1\))tj -0.028 tw 6.909 4.5 td (significant )tj -0.196 -1.5 td (observable )tj 2.223 -1.5 td (inputs )tj 0 tw -1.14 -1.5 td (\(level 2\))tj -0.028 tw 6.909 4.5 td (significant )tj -1.364 -1.5 td (unobservable )tj 3.391 -1.5 td (inputs )tj 0 tw -1.14 -1.5 td (\(level 3\))tj -0.028 tw 9.519 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 175.748 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 311.811 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 374.1732 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 436.5354 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 407.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 498.8976 408.3572 tm ( )tj 0.024 tc -43.937 -3 td [(financial assets at fair value through)-3.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.24 -1.5 td (profit or loss:)tj 0 -1.5 td (futures contracts)tj -0.028 tw 19.657 0 td (16,141)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.492 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.098 0 td (16,141)tj 0 tw -44.283 -1.5 td (equity investments designated )tj 1.24 -1.5 td (at fair value through other )tj t* (comprehensive income:)tj 0 tc 22.243 0 td ( )tj 7.795 0 td ( )tj 7.795 0 td ( )tj 7.795 0 td ( )tj 0.028 tc -45.629 -1.5 td (listed equity investments)tj -0.028 tw 20.241 0 td (6,441)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.908 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.682 0 td (6,441)tj 0 tw -43.627 -1.5 td (other unlisted investment)tj 0 tc 22.354 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.625 0 td (1,723,384)tj 7.795 0 td (1,723,384)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 269.3282 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4016 270.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 269.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 283.4645 270.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 269.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 345.8268 270.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 269.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.189 270.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 269.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 470.5511 270.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -19.496 -3 td (22,582)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.492 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.625 0 td (1,723,384)tj 7.795 0 td (1,745,966)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 236.1978 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4016 236.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 236.1978 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 283.4645 236.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 236.1978 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 345.8268 236.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 236.1978 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.189 236.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 236.1978 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 470.5511 236.9678 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 172 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 173 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 174 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 175 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 176 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 177 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (0)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.2)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (fair value and fair value hierarchy \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 534.7467 tm (fair value hierarchy)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 504.7466 tm [(the)13.9 ( following)13.9 ( tables)13.8 ( illustrate)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( fair)13.8 ( value)13.8 ( measurement)13.9 ( hierarchy)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)42.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (group\222s financial instruments:)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 459.7466 tm (assets measured at fair value)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 283.465 443.477 249.449 -15 re 283.465 428.477 249.449 -3.009 re 283.465 425.468 62.362 -60 re 345.827 425.468 62.362 -60 re 408.189 425.468 62.362 -60 re 470.551 425.468 62.362 -60 re 283.465 365.468 62.362 -3.38 re 345.827 365.468 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 365.468 62.362 -3.38 re 470.551 365.468 62.362 -3.38 re 283.465 362.087 62.362 -15 re 345.827 362.087 62.362 -15 re 408.189 362.087 62.362 -15 re 470.551 362.087 62.362 -15 re 283.465 347.087 62.362 -30 re 345.827 347.087 62.362 -30 re 408.189 347.087 62.362 -30 re 470.551 347.087 62.362 -30 re 283.465 317.087 62.362 -15 re 345.827 317.087 62.362 -15 re 408.189 317.087 62.362 -15 re 470.551 317.087 62.362 -15 re 283.465 302.087 62.362 -15 re 345.827 302.087 62.362 -15 re 408.189 302.087 62.362 -15 re 470.551 302.087 62.362 -15 re 283.465 287.087 62.362 -45 re 345.827 287.087 62.362 -45 re 408.189 287.087 62.362 -45 re 470.551 287.087 62.362 -45 re 283.465 242.087 62.362 -45 re 345.827 242.087 62.362 -45 re 408.189 242.087 62.362 -45 re 470.551 242.087 62.362 -45 re 283.465 197.087 62.362 -15 re 345.827 197.087 62.362 -15 re 408.189 197.087 62.362 -15 re 470.551 197.087 62.362 -15 re 283.465 182.087 62.362 -15 re 345.827 182.087 62.362 -15 re 408.189 182.087 62.362 -15 re 470.551 182.087 62.362 -15 re 283.465 167.087 62.362 -3.009 re 345.827 167.087 62.362 -3.009 re 408.189 167.087 62.362 -3.009 re 470.551 167.087 62.362 -3.009 re 283.465 164.078 62.362 -15 re 345.827 164.078 62.362 -15 re 408.189 164.078 62.362 -15 re 470.551 164.078 62.362 -15 re 283.465 149.078 62.362 -15 re 345.827 149.078 62.362 -15 re 408.189 149.078 62.362 -15 re 470.551 149.078 62.362 -15 re 283.465 134.078 62.362 -3.38 re 345.827 134.078 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 134.078 62.362 -3.38 re 470.551 134.078 62.362 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 147.4016 429.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019)tj 25.027 0 td (fair value measurement using)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 425.7176 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 8 0 0 10 335.2646 426.7376 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -6.39 -1.5 td (quoted prices )tj 2.777 -1.5 td (in active )tj -0.028 tw 0.168 -1.5 td (markets )tj 0 tw -0.168 -1.5 td (\(level 1\))tj -0.028 tw 6.63 4.5 td (significant )tj -0.084 -1.5 td (observable )tj 2.335 -1.5 td (inputs )tj 0 tw -1.085 -1.5 td (\(level 2\))tj -0.028 tw 6.63 4.5 td (significant )tj -1.362 -1.5 td (unobservable )tj 3.613 -1.5 td (inputs )tj 0 tw -1.085 -1.5 td (\(level 3\))tj -0.028 tw 9.463 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 362.5872 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 175.748 363.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 362.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 311.811 363.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 362.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 374.1732 363.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 362.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 436.5354 363.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 362.5872 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 498.8976 363.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tc -43.937 -3 td [(financial assets at fair value through)-3.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.24 -1.5 td (profit or loss:)tj t* (futures contracts)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 20.241 0 td (3,175)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.908 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.682 0 td (3,175)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -43.627 -1.5 td (financial product)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 22.354 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.625 0 td (3,500,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.966 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.625 0 td (3,500,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -42.81 -1.5 td (debt instruments at fair value )tj 1.24 -1.5 td (through other comprehensive )tj t* (income \226 notes receivable)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 22.354 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.625 0 td (2,834,011)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.966 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.625 0 td (2,834,011)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -42.81 -1.5 td (equity investments designated )tj 1.24 -1.5 td (at fair value through other )tj t* (comprehensive income:)tj t* (listed equity investments)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 20.241 0 td (8,853)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.908 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.682 0 td (8,853)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -43.627 -1.5 td (other unlisted investment)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 22.354 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.625 0 td (2,230,398)tj 7.795 0 td (2,230,398)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 164.3282 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 165.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 164.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 283.4645 165.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 164.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8268 165.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 164.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.189 165.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 164.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 165.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 0 10 314.5815 135.3482 tm (12,028)tj 6.322 0 td (6,334,011)tj 7.795 0 td (2,230,398)tj 7.795 0 td (8,576,437)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 131.1978 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 131.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 131.1978 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 283.4645 131.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 131.1978 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8268 131.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 131.1978 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.189 131.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 131.1978 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 131.9678 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 178 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (9)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.2)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (fair value and fair value hierarchy \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm (fair value \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.052 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 504.7466 tm [(management)13.9 ( has)13.8 ( assessed)13.9 ( that)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( fair)13.9 ( values)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( cash)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( cash)13.9 ( equivalents)13.9 (,)24.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(restricted)9.2 ( cash)9.2 ( and)9.2 ( time)9.2 ( )0.5 (deposits)9.2 (,)9.2 ( trade)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (notes)9.2 ( )0.5 (receivables)9.2 (,)9.2 ( financial)9.2 ( )0.5 (assets)9.3 ( )]tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw t* [(included)14.1 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( other)14.2 ( )0.5 (current)14.2 ( )0.5 (assets)14.2 (,)14.2 ( entrusted)14.2 ( loans)14.2 (,)14.2 ( trade)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( )0.5 (notes)14.2 ( )0.5 (payables)14.2 (,)33.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(financial)14 ( liabilities)14 ( included)14 ( in)13.9 ( other)14 ( payables)13.9 ( and)14 ( accrued)13.9 ( liabilities)13.9 (,)13.9 ( short)14 (-)13.9 (term)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.034 tw t* (and the current portion of interest-bearing loans and borrowings, intere\ st payable )tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)14 ( the)14 ( current)14 ( portion)14 ( of)14.1 ( long)14.1 (-)14 (term)14 ( payables)14 ( approximate)14 ( to)14 ( their)14 ( carrying)38.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (amounts largely due to the short term maturities of these instruments.)tj 0.043 tw 0 -3 td [(the )0.5 (fair )0.5 (values )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (financial )0.5 (assets )0.6 (and )0.5 (liabilities )0.5 (are )0.6 (included )0.5 (at )0.6 (the )0.5 (amount )0.5 (at )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(w)0.5 (hi)0.5 (ch)0.5 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e )0.5 (i)0.5 (ns)0.5 (tr)0.5 (um)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (ul)0.5 (d )0.5 (b)0.5 (e )0.5 (ex)0.5 (ch)0.5 (an)0.5 (ge)0.5 (d)0.5 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 ( a)0.5 ( c)0.5 (ur)0.5 (r)0.5 (en)0.5 (t )0.5 (tr)0.5 (a)0.5 (ns)0.5 (ac)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)0.5 (n )0.5 (be)0.5 (t)0.5 (we)0.5 (en)0.5 ( w)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (li)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)-0.9 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (parties, other than in a forced or liquidation sale.)tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)14.1 ( fair)14.1 ( values)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( financial)14.1 ( assets)14.1 ( included)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( other)14.1 ( non)14.1 (-)14.1 (current)14.1 ( assets)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -1.5 td [(financial)2.2 ( liabilities)2.2 ( )0.5 (included)2.2 ( )0.5 (in)2.2 ( )0.5 (other)2.3 ( non)2.2 (-)2.2 (current)2.3 ( liabilities)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( long)2.3 (-)2.2 (term)2.2 ( )0.5 (interest)2.2 (-)]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(bearing loans )0.5 (and )0.5 (borrowings have )0.5 (been )0.5 (calculated )0.5 (by discounting )0.5 (the expected )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(future)5.3 ( cash)5.2 ( )0.5 (flows)5.2 ( )0.5 (using)5.2 ( rates)5.2 ( )0.5 (currently)5.2 ( available)5.2 ( )0.5 (for)5.2 ( )0.5 (instruments)5.2 ( )0.5 (on)5.3 ( with)5.2 ( )0.5 (similar)5.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (terms, credit risk and remaining maturities.)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)14.1 ( group)14.1 (\222)14.1 (s)14.2 ( own)14.1 ( non)14.1 (-)14.1 (performance)14.1 ( risk)14.2 ( for)14.1 ( financial)14.1 ( liabilities)14.2 ( included)14.1 ( in)14.2 ( other)16.3 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(non)9.2 (-)9.2 (current)9.2 ( )0.5 (liabi)0.5 (lities)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (long)9.2 (-)9.2 (term)9.2 ( )0.5 (interest)9.2 (-)9.2 (beari)0.5 (ng)9.2 ( loans)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (borrowings)9.2 ( )0.5 (as)9.2 ( )0.5 (at)9.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (31 december 2019 was assessed to be insignificant.)tj et endstream endobj 179 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (9)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.2)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (fair value and fair value hierarchy)]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 534.7467 tm (fair value)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 504.7466 tm [(the carrying )0.5 (amounts )0.5 (and )0.5 (fair values of the group\222s financial )0.5 (instruments, )0.5 (other )]tj 0.074 tw 0 -1.5 td (than those with carrying amounts that reasonably approximate to fair val\ ues and )tj 0 tw t* (those carried at fair value, are as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 283.465 437.633 62.362 -15 re 408.189 437.633 62.362 -15 re 283.465 422.633 62.362 -15 re 408.189 422.633 62.362 -15 re 283.465 407.633 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 407.633 62.362 -3.38 re 283.465 404.253 62.362 -15 re 408.189 404.253 62.362 -15 re 283.465 389.253 62.362 -15 re 408.189 389.253 62.362 -15 re 283.465 374.253 62.362 -15 re 408.189 374.253 62.362 -15 re 283.465 359.253 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 359.253 62.362 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 309.9311 444.7467 tm (carrying amounts)tj 17.382 0 td (fair values)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 437.883 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0 tc 8 0 0 10 335.2646 438.903 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 437.883 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 0 10 397.6269 438.903 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 437.883 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 459.9891 438.903 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 437.883 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 0 10 522.3513 438.903 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -29.276 -1.5 td (31 december)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.961 0 td (31 december)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.629 0 td (31 december)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.961 0 td (31 december)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw -19.357 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.795 0 td (2018)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.795 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.795 0 td (2018)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 404.7526 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 175.7481 405.5226 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 404.7526 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 311.8111 405.5226 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 404.7526 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 0 10 374.1733 405.5226 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 404.7526 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 436.5355 405.5226 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 404.7526 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 0 10 498.8977 405.5226 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -43.937 -3 td (financial assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf t* (other non-current assets )tj 8 0 2.6795 10 243.071 360.5226 tm (\(note 11\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 10 309.9111 360.5226 tm (128,673)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 7.489 0 td ( 204,718 )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8.101 0 td (111,935)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.795 0 td (182,132 )tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 356.3722 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4016 357.1422 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 356.3722 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 335.2647 357.1422 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 356.3722 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 0 10 397.6269 357.1422 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 356.3722 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 459.9891 357.1422 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 356.3722 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 0 10 522.3513 357.1422 tm ( )tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 283.465 321.298 62.362 -15 re 408.189 321.298 62.362 -15 re 283.465 306.298 62.362 -15 re 408.189 306.298 62.362 -15 re 283.465 291.298 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 291.298 62.362 -3.38 re 283.465 287.918 62.362 -15 re 408.189 287.918 62.362 -15 re 283.465 272.918 62.362 -15 re 408.189 272.918 62.362 -15 re 283.465 257.918 62.362 -30 re 408.189 257.918 62.362 -30 re 283.465 227.918 62.362 -45 re 408.189 227.918 62.362 -45 re 283.465 182.918 62.362 -3.009 re 408.189 182.918 62.362 -3.009 re 283.465 179.909 62.362 -15 re 408.189 179.909 62.362 -15 re 283.465 164.909 62.362 -15 re 408.189 164.909 62.362 -15 re 283.465 149.909 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 149.909 62.362 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 8 0 0 10 309.9312 328.4121 tm (carrying amounts)tj 17.382 0 td (fair values)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 321.5484 cm 0 0 m 124.724 0 l s q bt 0 tc 8 0 0 10 335.2647 322.5684 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1891 321.5484 cm 0 0 m 124.724 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 459.9892 322.5684 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -21.481 -1.5 td (31 december)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.961 0 td (31 december)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.629 0 td (31 december)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.961 0 td (31 december)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw -19.357 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.795 0 td (2018)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.795 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.795 0 td (2018)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4017 288.418 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 175.7482 289.188 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4647 288.418 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 311.8112 289.188 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8269 288.418 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 374.1734 289.188 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1891 288.418 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 436.5356 289.188 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5513 288.418 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 498.8978 289.188 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 8 0 0 10 147.4017 259.188 tm (financial liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf t* (financial liabilities included in other )tj 1.24 -1.5 td (non-current liabilities )tj 8 0 2.6795 10 237.2013 229.188 tm (\(note 21\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 10 302.7945 229.188 tm (1,153,487)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.685 0 td (841,059)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.906 0 td (1,146,893)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.685 0 td (816,529)tj 0 tw -43.7 -1.5 td (long-term interest-bearing loans )tj 1.24 -1.5 td (and borrowings, excluding lease )tj -0.028 tw t* (liability )tj 0 tw 8 0 2.6795 10 184.7361 184.188 tm (\(note 18\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 10 298.1241 184.188 tm (52,232,955)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.795 0 td (54,207,386)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.795 0 td (50,952,676)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.795 0 td (53,207,052)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4017 180.159 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4017 181.179 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4647 180.159 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 283.4647 181.179 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8269 180.159 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 0 10 345.8269 181.179 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1891 180.159 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 408.1891 181.179 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5513 180.159 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 0 10 470.5513 181.179 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -21.553 -3 td (53,386,442)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.795 0 td (55,048,445)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.795 0 td (52,099,569)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.795 0 td (54,023,581)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4017 147.0286 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4017 147.7986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4647 147.0286 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 283.4647 147.7986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8269 147.0286 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 0 10 345.8269 147.7986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1891 147.0286 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 408.1891 147.7986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5513 147.0286 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 0 10 470.5513 147.7986 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 180 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (9)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.2)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (financial instruments by category \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 534.7467 tm (financial liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 411.025 505.7467 tm (group )tj 0 tw -5.642 -1.4 td (31 december 2018 \(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 487.7176 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt 0 tc 6 0 0 10 306.1417 488.7376 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 2.337 -1.4 td (financial liabilities at fair value)tj 2.027 -1.4 td ( through profit or loss)tj -0.028 tw 18.981 -1.701 td (financial )tj 0 tw -1.193 -1.4 td (liabilities at )tj -1.724 -1.4 td (amortised cost)tj -0.028 tw 14.144 0 td (total)tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 456.7086 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6 0 0 10 306.1417 457.7285 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 1.835 -1.4 td (designated as )tj -0.945 -1.4 td (such upon initial )tj -0.028 tw 2.39 -1.4 td (recognition)tj 0 tw 10.922 1.4 td (held for)tj 0.222 -1.4 td ( trading)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 411.5782 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 6 0 0 10 175.748 412.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 411.5782 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 6 0 0 10 353.4958 412.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 411.5782 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 410.1887 412.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 411.5782 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 466.8816 412.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 411.5782 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 523.5745 412.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -62.695 -2.8 td (current)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -1.4 td (financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss)tj 0 tc 34.461 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.336 0 td (1,766)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.562 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.336 0 td (1,766)tj 0 tw -60.694 -1.4 td (interest-bearing loans and borrowings)tj 0 tc 34.461 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.695 0 td (47,565,490)tj 9.449 0 td (47,565,490)tj 0 tw -58.053 -1.4 td (financial liabilities included in other payables and )tj 1.654 -1.4 td (accrued liabilities )tj 6 0 2.6795 10 206.6359 328.3482 tm (\(note 22\))tj 0 tc 6 0 0 10 354.1653 328.3482 tm (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.278 0 td (9,286,462)tj 9.449 0 td (9,286,462)tj 0 tw -58.637 -1.4 td (trade and notes payables)tj 0 tc 34.461 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.695 0 td (14,009,264)tj 9.449 0 td (14,009,264)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 310.3191 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 311.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 310.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 311.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 310.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 311.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 310.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 311.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 310.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 311.3391 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 147.4016 283.3391 tm (subtotal)tj 0 tc 0 tw 34.461 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.336 0 td (1,766)tj 6.808 0 td (70,861,216)tj 9.449 0 td (70,862,982)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 279.3101 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 280.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 279.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 280.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 279.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 280.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 279.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 280.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 279.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 280.33 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 147.4016 252.33 tm (non-current)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw t* (financial liabilities included in other non-current )tj -0.028 tw 1.654 -1.4 td (liabilities )tj 0 tw 6 0 2.6795 10 182.6276 224.33 tm (\(note 21\))tj 0 tc 6 0 0 10 354.1653 224.33 tm (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.168 0 td (841,059)tj 9.449 0 td (841,059)tj 0 tw -59.526 -1.4 td (interest-bearing loans and borrowings)tj 0 tc 34.461 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.695 0 td (54,207,386)tj 9.449 0 td (54,207,386)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 206.301 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 207.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 206.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 207.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 206.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 207.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 206.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 207.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 206.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 207.321 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 147.4016 179.321 tm (subtotal)tj 0 tc 0 tw 34.461 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.695 0 td (55,048,445)tj 9.449 0 td (55,048,445)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 175.292 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 176.312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 175.292 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 176.312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 175.292 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 176.312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 175.292 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 176.312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 175.292 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 176.312 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 147.4016 148.312 tm (total)tj 0 tc 0 tw 34.461 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.336 0 td (1,766)tj 6.224 0 td (125,909,661)tj 9.449 0 td (125,911,427)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 144.1616 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 144.9316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 144.1616 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 144.9316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 144.1616 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 144.9316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 144.1616 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 144.9316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 144.1616 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 144.9316 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 181 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (9)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.267 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 600.7466 tm (36.2)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 600.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 569.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (financial instruments by category \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 541.7467 tm (financial assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 382.6786 514.7467 tm (group )tj 0 tw -5.642 -1.3 td (31 december 2018 \(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 497.7176 cm 0 0 m 283.465 0 l s q bt 0 tc 6 0 0 10 249.4488 498.7376 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 2.851 -3.9 td (financial assets at fair value )tj 1.666 -1.3 td (through profit or loss)tj -0.028 tw 18.828 -2 td (financial )tj 0 tw -0.166 -1.3 td (assets at )tj -2.751 -1.3 td (amortised cost)tj -0.028 tw 13.505 8.4 td (equity )tj -2.862 -1.4 td (investments )tj 0.638 -1.4 td (designated )tj 0 tw -0.303 -1.4 td (at fair value )tj -0.947 -1.4 td (through other )tj -0.028 tw -0.778 -1.4 td (comprehensive )tj 3.752 -1.4 td (income)tj 10.589 0 td (total)tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4489 442.7086 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6 0 0 10 249.4489 443.7285 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 1.835 -1.699 td (designated as )tj -0.945 -1.3 td (such upon initial )tj -0.028 tw 2.39 -1.3 td (recognition)tj 0 tw 10.922 1.3 td (held for)tj 0.222 -1.3 td ( trading)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 396.5872 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 6 0 0 10 175.7481 397.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4489 396.5872 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 6 0 0 10 296.8029 397.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 396.5872 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 353.4958 397.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 396.5872 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 410.1888 397.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 396.5872 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 466.8817 397.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 396.5872 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 523.5746 397.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -62.695 -2.6 td (current)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -1.3 td (trade and notes receivables)tj 0 tc 25.012 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.278 0 td (8,104,017)tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.619 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.278 0 td (8,104,017)tj 0.024 tc 0 tw -58.637 -1.3 td [(financial assets at fair value through)-3.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.654 -1.3 td (profit or loss)tj 0 tc 23.358 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.752 0 td (16,141)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.146 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.752 0 td (16,141)tj 0 tw -60.11 -1.4 td (restricted cash and time deposits)tj 0 tc 25.012 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc 4.973 0 td (2,165, 288)tj 18.898 0 td (2,165, 288)tj -58.331 -1.3 td (cash and cash equivalents)tj 0 tc 25.012 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.695 0 td (19,130,835)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.203 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.695 0 td (19,130,835)tj 0 tw -58.053 -1.3 td (financial assets included in other )tj 1.654 -1.3 td (current assets)tj 0 tc 23.358 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.278 0 td (4,875,530)tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.619 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.278 0 td (4,875,530)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 275.3282 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 276.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4489 275.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4489 276.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 275.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1418 276.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 275.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 276.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 275.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 276.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 275.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2206 276.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 147.4016 250.3482 tm (subtotal)tj 0 tc 0 tw 25.012 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.752 0 td (16,141)tj 7.392 0 td (34,275,670)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.203 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.695 0 td (34,291,811)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 246.3191 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 247.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4489 246.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4489 247.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 246.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1418 247.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 246.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 247.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 246.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 247.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 246.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2206 247.3391 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 147.4016 221.3391 tm (non-current)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw t* (equity investments designated )tj 1.654 -1.3 td (at fair value through other )tj t* (comprehensive income)tj 0 tc 23.358 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.278 0 td (1,729,825)tj 9.449 0 td (1,729,825)tj 0 tw -58.637 -1.3 td (other non-current assets)tj 0 tc 25.012 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.168 0 td (204,718)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.73 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.168 0 td (204,718)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 165.3101 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 166.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4489 165.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4489 166.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 165.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1418 166.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 165.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 166.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 165.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 166.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 165.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2206 166.3301 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 147.4016 140.33 tm (subtotal)tj 0 tc 0 tw 25.012 0 td (\226)tj 9.449 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.168 0 td (204,718)tj 8.559 0 td (1,729,825)tj 9.449 0 td (1,934,543)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 136.301 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 137.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4489 136.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4489 137.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 136.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1418 137.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 136.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 137.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 136.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 137.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 136.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2206 137.321 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 147.4016 111.321 tm (total)tj 0 tc 0 tw 25.012 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.752 0 td (16,141)tj 7.392 0 td (34,480,388)tj 10.033 0 td (1,729,825)tj 8.865 0 td (36,226,354)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 107.1706 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 107.9406 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4489 107.1706 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4489 107.9406 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 107.1706 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1418 107.9406 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 107.1706 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 107.9406 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 107.1706 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 107.9406 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 107.1706 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2206 107.9406 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 182 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 183 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 184 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 185 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 186 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 187 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (9)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.2)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial instruments \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (financial instruments by category \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 534.7467 tm (financial liabilities)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 306.142 518.477 226.772 -26 re 306.142 492.477 226.772 -3.009 re 306.142 489.468 113.386 -26 re 419.528 489.468 56.693 -81.009 re 476.22 489.468 56.693 -81.009 re 306.142 463.468 113.386 -3.009 re 306.142 460.459 56.693 -52 re 362.835 460.459 56.693 -52 re 306.142 408.459 56.693 -3.38 re 362.835 408.459 56.693 -3.38 re 419.528 408.459 56.693 -3.38 re 476.22 408.459 56.693 -3.38 re 306.142 405.078 56.693 -13 re 362.835 405.078 56.693 -13 re 419.528 405.078 56.693 -13 re 476.22 405.078 56.693 -13 re 306.142 392.078 56.693 -13 re 362.835 392.078 56.693 -13 re 419.528 392.078 56.693 -13 re 476.22 392.078 56.693 -13 re 306.142 379.078 56.693 -26 re 362.835 379.078 56.693 -26 re 419.528 379.078 56.693 -26 re 476.22 379.078 56.693 -26 re 306.142 353.078 56.693 -15 re 362.835 353.078 56.693 -15 re 419.528 353.078 56.693 -15 re 476.22 353.078 56.693 -15 re 306.142 338.078 56.693 -26 re 362.835 338.078 56.693 -26 re 419.528 338.078 56.693 -26 re 476.22 338.078 56.693 -26 re 306.142 312.078 56.693 -15 re 362.835 312.078 56.693 -15 re 419.528 312.078 56.693 -15 re 476.22 312.078 56.693 -15 re 306.142 297.078 56.693 -3.009 re 362.835 297.078 56.693 -3.009 re 419.528 297.078 56.693 -3.009 re 476.22 297.078 56.693 -3.009 re 306.142 294.069 56.693 -15 re 362.835 294.069 56.693 -15 re 419.528 294.069 56.693 -15 re 476.22 294.069 56.693 -15 re 306.142 279.069 56.693 -15 re 362.835 279.069 56.693 -15 re 419.528 279.069 56.693 -15 re 476.22 279.069 56.693 -15 re 306.142 264.069 56.693 -3.009 re 362.835 264.069 56.693 -3.009 re 419.528 264.069 56.693 -3.009 re 476.22 264.069 56.693 -3.009 re 306.142 261.06 56.693 -15 re 362.835 261.06 56.693 -15 re 419.528 261.06 56.693 -15 re 476.22 261.06 56.693 -15 re 306.142 246.06 56.693 -15 re 362.835 246.06 56.693 -15 re 419.528 246.06 56.693 -15 re 476.22 246.06 56.693 -15 re 306.142 231.06 56.693 -26 re 362.835 231.06 56.693 -26 re 419.528 231.06 56.693 -26 re 476.22 231.06 56.693 -26 re 306.142 205.06 56.693 -15 re 362.835 205.06 56.693 -15 re 419.528 205.06 56.693 -15 re 476.22 205.06 56.693 -15 re 306.142 190.06 56.693 -3.009 re 362.835 190.06 56.693 -3.009 re 419.528 190.06 56.693 -3.009 re 476.22 190.06 56.693 -3.009 re 306.142 187.051 56.693 -15 re 362.835 187.051 56.693 -15 re 419.528 187.051 56.693 -15 re 476.22 187.051 56.693 -15 re 306.142 172.051 56.693 -15 re 362.835 172.051 56.693 -15 re 419.528 172.051 56.693 -15 re 476.22 172.051 56.693 -15 re 306.142 157.051 56.693 -3.009 re 362.835 157.051 56.693 -3.009 re 419.528 157.051 56.693 -3.009 re 476.22 157.051 56.693 -3.009 re 306.142 154.042 56.693 -15 re 362.835 154.042 56.693 -15 re 419.528 154.042 56.693 -15 re 476.22 154.042 56.693 -15 re 306.142 139.042 56.693 -15 re 362.835 139.042 56.693 -15 re 419.528 139.042 56.693 -15 re 476.22 139.042 56.693 -15 re 306.142 124.042 56.693 -3.38 re 362.835 124.042 56.693 -3.38 re 419.528 124.042 56.693 -3.38 re 476.22 124.042 56.693 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 7.5 0 0 10 407.8607 506.7467 tm (group )tj 0 tw -3.016 -1.3 td (31 december 2019)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 489.7176 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt 0 tc 7.5 0 0 10 352.5784 490.7376 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -4.941 -1.3 td (financial liabilities at fair )tj -0.568 -1.3 td (value through profit or loss)tj -0.028 tw 16.792 -1.601 td (financial )tj 0 tw -1.418 -1.3 td (liabilities at )tj -0.028 tw 0.808 -1.3 td (amortised )tj 2.973 -1.3 td (cost)tj 7.086 0 td (total)tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 460.7086 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 352.5784 461.7285 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.029 -1.3 td (designated )tj 0 tw 1.917 -1.3 td (as such )tj -1.973 -1.3 td (upon initial )tj -0.028 tw -0.027 -1.3 td (recognition)tj 0 tw 9.309 1.3 td (held for )tj -0.028 tw 0.361 -1.3 td (trading)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 405.5782 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 175.748 406.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 405.5782 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 352.5784 406.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 405.5782 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 409.2713 406.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 405.5782 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 465.9642 406.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 405.5782 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 522.6571 406.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -50.034 -2.6 td (current)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -1.3 td (financial liabilities at fair value through )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 1.323 -1.3 td (profit or loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 26.146 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.335 0 td (805)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.783 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.335 0 td (805)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -48.922 -1.5 td (interest-bearing loans and borrowings)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 27.469 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.805 0 td (42,286,604)tj 7.559 0 td (42,286,604)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -45.391 -1.3 td (financial liabilities included in other )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 1.323 -1.3 td (payables and accrued liabilities )tj 7.5 0 2.6795 10 267.3661 313.3482 tm (\(note 22\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 7.5 0 0 10 353.4154 313.3482 tm (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.805 0 td (10,782,998)tj 7.559 0 td (10,782,998)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -45.391 -1.5 td (trade and notes payables)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 27.468 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.805 0 td (12,584,755)tj 7.559 0 td (12,584,755)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 294.3191 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 147.4016 295.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 294.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 7.5 0 0 10 352.5784 295.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 294.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 409.2714 295.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 294.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 465.9643 295.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 294.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 522.6572 295.3391 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -50.034 -3 td (subtotal)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 27.468 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.335 0 td (805)tj 4.028 0 td (65,654,357)tj 7.559 0 td (65,655,162)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 261.3101 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 147.4016 262.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 261.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 7.5 0 0 10 352.5784 262.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 261.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 409.2714 262.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 261.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 465.9643 262.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 261.3101 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 522.6572 262.33 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -50.034 -3 td (non-current)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw t* (financial liabilities included in other non-)tj 1.323 -1.3 td (current liabilities )tj 7.5 0 2.6795 10 216.7157 206.33 tm (\(note 21\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 7.5 0 0 10 353.4154 206.33 tm (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.389 0 td (1,153,487)tj 7.559 0 td (1,153,487)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -45.975 -1.5 td (interest-bearing loans and borrowings)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 27.468 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.805 0 td (59,243,563)tj 7.559 0 td (59,243,563)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 187.301 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 147.4016 188.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 187.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 7.5 0 0 10 352.5784 188.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 187.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 409.2714 188.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 187.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 465.9643 188.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 187.301 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 522.6572 188.321 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -50.034 -3 td (subtotal)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 27.468 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.805 0 td (60,397,050)tj 7.559 0 td (60,397,050)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 154.292 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 147.4016 155.312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 154.292 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 7.5 0 0 10 352.5784 155.312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 154.292 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 409.2714 155.312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 154.292 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 465.9643 155.312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 154.292 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 522.6572 155.312 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -50.034 -3 td (total)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 27.468 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.335 0 td (805)tj 3.445 0 td (126,051,407)tj 7.559 0 td (126,052,212)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 121.1616 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 147.4016 121.9316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 121.1616 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 7.5 0 0 10 352.5784 121.9316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 121.1616 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 409.2714 121.9316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 121.1616 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 465.9643 121.9316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 121.1616 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 522.6572 121.9316 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 188 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (9)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.11 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (36. financ)tj 0 tw (ial and capital risk management )tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.267 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7086 600.7466 tm (36.2)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 600.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial instruments)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 569.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (financial instruments by category)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.043 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 541.7467 tm [(t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( c)0.5 (ar)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.4 ( am)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (nt)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( e)0.5 (a)0.5 (ch)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( c)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)0.5 (go)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (es)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( f)0.5 (in)0.5 (a)0.5 (nc)0.5 (i)0.5 (al)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (st)0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.5 (me)0.5 (n)0.5 (ts)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.4 td (group as at the end of the reporting period are as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 499.7466 tm (financial assets)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 243.78 484.477 289.134 -21 re 243.78 463.477 289.134 -3.009 re 243.78 460.468 96.378 -31.5 re 340.157 460.468 48.189 -73.5 re 388.346 460.468 48.189 -73.5 re 436.535 460.468 48.189 -73.5 re 484.724 460.468 48.189 -73.5 re 243.78 428.968 96.378 -3.009 re 243.78 425.959 48.189 -38.991 re 291.968 425.959 48.189 -38.991 re 243.78 386.968 48.189 -3.38 re 291.968 386.968 48.189 -3.38 re 340.157 386.968 48.189 -3.38 re 388.346 386.968 48.189 -3.38 re 436.535 386.968 48.189 -3.38 re 484.724 386.968 48.189 -3.38 re 243.78 383.587 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 383.587 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 383.587 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 383.587 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 383.587 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 383.587 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 373.087 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 373.087 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 373.087 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 373.087 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 373.087 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 373.087 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 362.587 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 362.587 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 362.587 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 362.587 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 362.587 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 362.587 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 352.087 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 352.087 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 352.087 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 352.087 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 352.087 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 352.087 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 341.587 48.189 -21 re 291.968 341.587 48.189 -21 re 340.157 341.587 48.189 -21 re 388.346 341.587 48.189 -21 re 436.535 341.587 48.189 -21 re 484.724 341.587 48.189 -21 re 243.78 320.587 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 320.587 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 320.587 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 320.587 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 320.587 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 320.587 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 310.087 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 310.087 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 310.087 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 310.087 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 310.087 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 310.087 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 299.587 48.189 -21 re 291.968 299.587 48.189 -21 re 340.157 299.587 48.189 -21 re 388.346 299.587 48.189 -21 re 436.535 299.587 48.189 -21 re 484.724 299.587 48.189 -21 re 243.78 278.587 48.189 -3.009 re 291.968 278.587 48.189 -3.009 re 340.157 278.587 48.189 -3.009 re 388.346 278.587 48.189 -3.009 re 436.535 278.587 48.189 -3.009 re 484.724 278.587 48.189 -3.009 re 243.78 275.578 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 275.578 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 275.578 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 275.578 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 275.578 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 275.578 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 265.078 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 265.078 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 265.078 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 265.078 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 265.078 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 265.078 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 254.578 48.189 -3.009 re 291.968 254.578 48.189 -3.009 re 340.157 254.578 48.189 -3.009 re 388.346 254.578 48.189 -3.009 re 436.535 254.578 48.189 -3.009 re 484.724 254.578 48.189 -3.009 re 243.78 251.569 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 251.569 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 251.569 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 251.569 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 251.569 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 251.569 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 241.069 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 241.069 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 241.069 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 241.069 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 241.069 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 241.069 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 230.569 48.189 -31.5 re 291.968 230.569 48.189 -31.5 re 340.157 230.569 48.189 -31.5 re 388.346 230.569 48.189 -31.5 re 436.535 230.569 48.189 -31.5 re 484.724 230.569 48.189 -31.5 re 243.78 199.069 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 199.069 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 199.069 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 199.069 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 199.069 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 199.069 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 188.569 48.189 -3.009 re 291.968 188.569 48.189 -3.009 re 340.157 188.569 48.189 -3.009 re 388.346 188.569 48.189 -3.009 re 436.535 188.569 48.189 -3.009 re 484.724 188.569 48.189 -3.009 re 243.78 185.56 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 185.56 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 185.56 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 185.56 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 185.56 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 185.56 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 175.06 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 175.06 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 175.06 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 175.06 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 175.06 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 175.06 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 164.56 48.189 -3.009 re 291.968 164.56 48.189 -3.009 re 340.157 164.56 48.189 -3.009 re 388.346 164.56 48.189 -3.009 re 436.535 164.56 48.189 -3.009 re 484.724 164.56 48.189 -3.009 re 243.78 161.551 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 161.551 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 161.551 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 161.551 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 161.551 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 161.551 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 151.051 48.189 -10.5 re 291.968 151.051 48.189 -10.5 re 340.157 151.051 48.189 -10.5 re 388.346 151.051 48.189 -10.5 re 436.535 151.051 48.189 -10.5 re 484.724 151.051 48.189 -10.5 re 243.78 140.551 48.189 -3.38 re 291.968 140.551 48.189 -3.38 re 340.157 140.551 48.189 -3.38 re 388.346 140.551 48.189 -3.38 re 436.535 140.551 48.189 -3.38 re 484.724 140.551 48.189 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 4.8 0 0 8 380.8796 474.9927 tm (group )tj 0 tw -3.016 -1.312 td (31 december 2019)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 243.7795 460.7176 cm 0 0 m 289.134 0 l s q bt 0 tc 4.8 0 0 8 283.3635 461.4836 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -5.308 -2.625 td (financial assets at fair value )tj 1.725 -1.312 td (through profit or loss)tj -0.028 tw 19.827 -1.312 td (financial )tj 0 tw 0 -1.312 td (assets at )tj -0.028 tw -0.61 -1.312 td (amortised )tj 2.973 -1.312 td (cost)tj 8.928 7.875 td (equity )tj -2.973 -1.312 td (investments )tj 0.639 -1.312 td (designated )tj 0 tw -0.418 -1.312 td (at fair value )tj -1.053 -1.312 td (through other )tj -0.028 tw -0.612 -1.312 td (comprehensive )tj 3.974 -1.312 td (income)tj 0 tw 4.927 5.25 td (debt instruments )tj 2.803 -1.312 td (at fair value )tj -1.053 -1.312 td (through other )tj -0.028 tw -0.612 -1.312 td (comprehensive )tj 3.974 -1.312 td (income)tj 11.122 0 td (total)tj et q 1 0 0 1 243.7795 426.2086 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 4.8 0 0 8 283.3635 426.9745 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.029 -2.249 td (designated )tj 0 tw -0.944 -1.312 td (as such upon )tj 0.026 tc -2.275 -1.312 td (initial recognition)tj 0.028 tc 14.925 1.312 td (held for )tj -0.028 tw 0.361 -1.312 td (trading)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4015 384.0872 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 4.8 0 0 8 175.748 384.6032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 243.7795 384.0872 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 283.3635 384.6032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 291.9684 384.0872 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 331.5525 384.6032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 340.1574 384.0872 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 379.7414 384.6032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 388.3464 384.0872 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 427.9304 384.6032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 436.5353 384.0872 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 476.1194 384.6032 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 484.7243 384.0872 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 524.3083 384.6032 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -78.522 -2.625 td (current)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw t* (trade receivables)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 28.437 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (4,559,112)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.21 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (4,559,112)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -74.463 -1.312 td (notes receivable)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 28.437 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (2,834,011)tj 10.039 0 td (2,834,011)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -74.463 -1.312 td (financial assets at fair value through profit )tj 2.067 -1.312 td (or loss*)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 26.37 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (3,503,175)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.21 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (3,503,175)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -74.463 -1.312 td (restricted cash and time deposits)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 28.437 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (1,305,781)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.21 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (1,305,781)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -74.463 -1.312 td (cash and cash equivalents)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 28.437 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (7,759,190)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.21 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (7,759,190)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -74.463 -1.312 td (financial assets included in other current )tj -0.028 tw 2.067 -1.312 td (assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 26.37 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (5,723,924)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.21 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (5,723,924)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4015 275.8282 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 4.8 0 0 8 147.4015 276.5942 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 243.7794 275.8282 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 4.8 0 0 8 283.3635 276.5942 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 291.9684 275.8282 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 331.5524 276.5942 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 340.1574 275.8282 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 379.7414 276.5942 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 388.3464 275.8282 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 427.9304 276.5942 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 436.5353 275.8282 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 476.1194 276.5942 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 484.7243 275.8282 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 524.3083 276.5942 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -78.522 -2.625 td (subtotal)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 28.437 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (3,503,175)tj 9.456 0 td (19,348,007)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.794 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (2,834,011)tj 9.456 0 td (25,685,193)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4015 251.8191 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 4.8 0 0 8 147.4015 252.5851 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 243.7794 251.8191 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 4.8 0 0 8 283.3635 252.5851 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 291.9684 251.8191 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 331.5524 252.5851 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 340.1574 251.8191 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 379.7414 252.5851 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 388.3464 251.8191 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 427.9304 252.5851 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 436.5353 251.8191 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 476.1194 252.5851 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 484.7243 251.8191 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 524.3083 252.5851 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -78.522 -2.625 td (non-current)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw t* (equity investments designated at fair )tj 2.067 -1.312 td (value through other comprehensive )tj -0.028 tw t* (income)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 26.37 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (2,239,251)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.21 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (2,239,251)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -74.463 -1.312 td (other non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 28.437 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.759 0 td (128,673)tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.32 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.759 0 td (128,673)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4015 185.8101 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 4.8 0 0 8 147.4015 186.5761 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 243.7794 185.8101 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 4.8 0 0 8 283.3635 186.5761 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 291.9684 185.8101 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 331.5524 186.5761 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 340.1574 185.8101 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 379.7414 186.5761 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 388.3464 185.8101 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 427.9304 186.5761 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 436.5353 185.8101 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 476.1194 186.5761 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 484.7243 185.8101 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 524.3083 186.5761 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -78.522 -2.625 td (subtotal)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 28.437 0 td (\226)tj 10.039 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.759 0 td (128,673)tj 9.15 0 td (2,239,251)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.21 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (2,367,924)tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4015 161.801 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 4.8 0 0 8 147.4015 162.567 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 243.7794 161.801 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 4.8 0 0 8 283.3635 162.567 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 291.9684 161.801 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 331.5524 162.567 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 340.1574 161.801 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 379.7414 162.567 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 388.3464 161.801 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 427.9304 162.567 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 436.5353 161.801 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 476.1194 162.567 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 484.7243 161.801 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 524.3083 162.567 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -78.522 -2.625 td (total)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 28.437 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.869 0 td (3,503,175)tj 9.456 0 td (19,476,680)tj 10.623 0 td (2,239,251)tj 10.039 0 td (2,834,011)tj 9.456 0 td (28,053,117)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4015 137.6706 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 4.8 0 0 8 147.4015 138.1866 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 243.7794 137.6706 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 4.8 0 0 8 283.3635 138.1866 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 291.9684 137.6706 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 331.5524 138.1866 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 340.1574 137.6706 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 379.7414 138.1866 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 388.3464 137.6706 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 427.9304 138.1866 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 436.5353 137.6706 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 476.1194 138.1866 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 484.7243 137.6706 cm 0 0 m 48.189 0 l s q bt 4.8 0 0 8 524.3083 138.1866 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.091 tw 8 0 0 8 147.4015 115.7106 tm [(* )-2562.5 (financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss are mainl\ y wealth management )]tj 0.04 tw 3.543 -1.25 td (products, denominated in rmb, with expected rates of return depending on\ the interest rates )tj 0.055 tw 0 -1.25 td (and yield curves observable at commonly quoted intervals. the fair value\ approximates to the )tj 0 tw t* (carrying amount of the financial assets measured at fair value through p\ rofit or loss.)tj et endstream endobj 189 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (9)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.1)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial risk management \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(c\) )-909.5 (liquidity risk \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.5 0 0 10 265.1344 535.7467 tm (within 1 year)tj 7.875 0 td (1 to 2 years)tj 7.181 0 td (2 to 5 years)tj 6.737 0 td (over 5 years)tj -0.028 tw 10.877 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 531.5963 cm 0 0 m 116.22 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 175.748 532.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 263.622 531.5962 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 291.9685 532.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 317.4803 531.5962 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 345.8268 532.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 371.3386 531.5962 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 399.685 532.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 425.1968 531.5962 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 453.5433 532.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 479.0551 531.5962 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 507.4016 532.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -48 -2.9 td (as at 31 december 2018)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tc 0 -1.5 td [(finance lease payables, including)-3.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.323 -1.5 td (current portion)tj -0.028 tw 15.928 0 td (2,518,653)tj 7.181 0 td (1,161,490)tj 8.071 0 td (707,716)tj 7.765 0 td (13,238)tj 5.708 0 td (4,401,097)tj 0 tw -45.975 -1.5 td (long-term bank and other loans, )tj 1.323 -1.5 td (including current portion)tj -0.028 tw 15.928 0 td (3,384,400)tj 7.181 0 td (7,377,956)tj 6.597 0 td (16,593,587)tj 7.181 0 td (18,784,797)tj 7.181 0 td (46,140,740)tj 0 tw -45.391 -1.5 td (medium-term notes and bonds, )tj 1.323 -1.5 td (including current portion)tj -0.028 tw 16.818 0 td (400,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.462 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.011 0 td (9,785,840)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.352 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.427 0 td (10,185,840)tj 0 tw -45.391 -1.5 td (short-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 18.14 0 td (500,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.462 0 td (\226)tj 7.181 0 td (\226)tj 7.181 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.9 0 td (500,000)tj 0 tw -46.865 -1.5 td (gold leasing arrangement)tj -0.028 tw 17.251 0 td (1,607,905)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.352 0 td (\226)tj 7.181 0 td (\226)tj 7.181 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.011 0 td (1,607,905)tj 0 tw -45.975 -1.5 td (short-term bank and other loans)tj -0.028 tw 16.667 0 td (39,348,100)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.935 0 td (\226)tj 7.181 0 td (\226)tj 7.181 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.427 0 td (39,348,100)tj 0 tw -45.391 -1.5 td (interest payables for borrowings)tj -0.028 tw 17.251 0 td (4,848,968)tj 7.181 0 td (2,602,751)tj 7.181 0 td (4,197,364)tj 8.071 0 td (898,786)tj 5.708 0 td (12,547,869)tj 0 tw -45.391 -1.5 td (financial liabilities at fair value )tj 1.323 -1.5 td (through profit or loss)tj -0.028 tw 17.985 0 td (1,766)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.294 0 td (\226)tj 7.181 0 td (\226)tj 7.181 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.068 0 td (1,766)tj 0 tw -48.032 -1.5 td (financial liabilities included in )tj 1.323 -1.5 td (other payables and accrued )tj 0 -1.5 td (liabilities, excluding accrued )tj -0.028 tw t* (interest)tj 15.928 0 td (8,890,176)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.352 0 td (\226)tj 7.181 0 td (\226)tj 7.181 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.011 0 td (8,890,176)tj 0 tw -45.975 -1.5 td (financial liabilities included in )tj 1.323 -1.5 td (other non-current liabilities )tj -0.028 tw 7.5 0 2.6795 10 157.3228 218.3661 tm (\(note\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 308.061 218.3661 tm (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.9 0 td (108,896)tj 7.181 0 td (333,354)tj 7.181 0 td (420,258)tj 7.181 0 td (862,508)tj 0 tw -46.865 -1.5 td (trade and notes payables)tj -0.028 tw 16.667 0 td (14,009,264)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.935 0 td (\226)tj 7.181 0 td (\226)tj 7.181 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.427 0 td (14,009,264)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 199.3371 cm 0 0 m 116.22 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 147.4016 200.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 263.622 199.3371 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 263.622 200.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 317.4803 199.3371 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 317.4803 200.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 371.3386 199.3371 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 371.3386 200.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 425.1968 199.3371 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 425.1968 200.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 479.0551 199.3371 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 479.0551 200.3571 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -27.553 -2.8 td (75,509,232)tj 7.181 0 td (11,251,093)tj 7.181 0 td (31,617,861)tj 7.181 0 td (20,117,079)tj 6.597 0 td (138,495,265)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 168.2067 cm 0 0 m 116.22 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 147.4016 168.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 263.622 168.2067 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 263.622 168.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 317.4803 168.2067 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 317.4803 168.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 371.3386 168.2067 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 371.3386 168.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 425.1968 168.2067 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 425.1968 168.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 479.0551 168.2067 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 479.0551 168.9767 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 146.5805 144.2466 tm (note:)tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 168.0733 144.2466 tm [( )-556.3 (as)13.9 ( disclosed)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( note)13.9 ( 2)14 (1)13.9 (,)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( at)14 ( 3)13.9 (1)14 ( december)13.9 ( 2)14 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (9)14 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( carrying)13.9 ( value)13.9 ( of)14 ( financial)14 ( liabilities)19.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0.959 -1.375 td [(i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)9.1 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)9.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)9.2 ( )0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)9.2 (-)9.2 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)9.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)9.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)9.2 ( r)0.6 (m)0.5 (b)9.2 (1)9.2 (,)9.2 (1)9.2 (5)9.2 (3)9.2 ( m)0.6 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)9.2 ( )0.5 (\()9.2 (3)9.2 (1)9.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)9.2 ( )0.5 (2)9.2 (0)9.2 (1)9.2 (8)9.2 (:)9.2 ( r)0.5 (m)0.6 (b)9.2 (8)9.2 (4)9.2 (1)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.375 td (million\).)tj et endstream endobj 190 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (9)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.1)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial risk management \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(c\) )-909.5 (liquidity risk \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm [(the)13.2 ( )0.5 (tab)0.5 (le)13.2 ( b)0.5 (elow)13.2 ( )0.5 (anal)0.5 (yses)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (mat)0.5 (urit)0.5 (y)13.2 ( pr)0.5 (ofil)0.5 (e)13.2 ( o)0.5 (f)13.1 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)13.2 ( gr)0.5 (oup)13.2 (\222)13.2 (s)13.2 ( )0.5 (fina)0.5 (ncial)13.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (iabi)0.5 (liti)0.5 (es)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.058 tw 0 -1.5 td (as at the end of the reporting period. the amounts disclosed in the tabl\ e are the )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (contractual undiscounted cash flows.)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 263.622 488.477 53.858 -12 re 317.48 488.477 53.858 -12 re 371.339 488.477 53.858 -12 re 425.197 488.477 53.858 -12 re 479.055 488.477 53.858 -12 re 263.622 476.477 53.858 -3.38 re 317.48 476.477 53.858 -3.38 re 371.339 476.477 53.858 -3.38 re 425.197 476.477 53.858 -3.38 re 479.055 476.477 53.858 -3.38 re 263.622 473.096 53.858 -12 re 317.48 473.096 53.858 -12 re 371.339 473.096 53.858 -12 re 425.197 473.096 53.858 -12 re 479.055 473.096 53.858 -12 re 263.622 461.096 53.858 -12 re 317.48 461.096 53.858 -12 re 371.339 461.096 53.858 -12 re 425.197 461.096 53.858 -12 re 479.055 461.096 53.858 -12 re 263.622 449.096 53.858 -30 re 317.48 449.096 53.858 -30 re 371.339 449.096 53.858 -30 re 425.197 449.096 53.858 -30 re 479.055 449.096 53.858 -30 re 263.622 419.096 53.858 -30 re 317.48 419.096 53.858 -30 re 371.339 419.096 53.858 -30 re 425.197 419.096 53.858 -30 re 479.055 419.096 53.858 -30 re 263.622 389.096 53.858 -30 re 317.48 389.096 53.858 -30 re 371.339 389.096 53.858 -30 re 425.197 389.096 53.858 -30 re 479.055 389.096 53.858 -30 re 263.622 359.096 53.858 -15 re 317.48 359.096 53.858 -15 re 371.339 359.096 53.858 -15 re 425.197 359.096 53.858 -15 re 479.055 359.096 53.858 -15 re 263.622 344.096 53.858 -15 re 317.48 344.096 53.858 -15 re 371.339 344.096 53.858 -15 re 425.197 344.096 53.858 -15 re 479.055 344.096 53.858 -15 re 263.622 329.096 53.858 -15 re 317.48 329.096 53.858 -15 re 371.339 329.096 53.858 -15 re 425.197 329.096 53.858 -15 re 479.055 329.096 53.858 -15 re 263.622 314.096 53.858 -30 re 317.48 314.096 53.858 -30 re 371.339 314.096 53.858 -30 re 425.197 314.096 53.858 -30 re 479.055 314.096 53.858 -30 re 263.622 284.096 53.858 -30 re 317.48 284.096 53.858 -30 re 371.339 284.096 53.858 -30 re 425.197 284.096 53.858 -30 re 479.055 284.096 53.858 -30 re 263.622 254.096 53.858 -45 re 317.48 254.096 53.858 -45 re 371.339 254.096 53.858 -45 re 425.197 254.096 53.858 -45 re 479.055 254.096 53.858 -45 re 263.622 209.096 53.858 -30 re 317.48 209.096 53.858 -30 re 371.339 209.096 53.858 -30 re 425.197 209.096 53.858 -30 re 479.055 209.096 53.858 -30 re 263.622 179.096 53.858 -15 re 317.48 179.096 53.858 -15 re 371.339 179.096 53.858 -15 re 425.197 179.096 53.858 -15 re 479.055 179.096 53.858 -15 re 263.622 164.096 53.858 -3.009 re 317.48 164.096 53.858 -3.009 re 371.339 164.096 53.858 -3.009 re 425.197 164.096 53.858 -3.009 re 479.055 164.096 53.858 -3.009 re 263.622 161.087 53.858 -12 re 317.48 161.087 53.858 -12 re 371.339 161.087 53.858 -12 re 425.197 161.087 53.858 -12 re 479.055 161.087 53.858 -12 re 263.622 149.087 53.858 -12 re 317.48 149.087 53.858 -12 re 371.339 149.087 53.858 -12 re 425.197 149.087 53.858 -12 re 479.055 149.087 53.858 -12 re 263.622 137.087 53.858 -3.38 re 317.48 137.087 53.858 -3.38 re 371.339 137.087 53.858 -3.38 re 425.197 137.087 53.858 -3.38 re 479.055 137.087 53.858 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 7 0 0 10 265.124 477.7466 tm (within 1 year)tj 8.555 0 td (1 to 2 years)tj 7.694 0 td (2 to 5 years)tj 7.249 0 td (over 5 years)tj -0.028 tw 11.392 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 473.5962 cm 0 0 m 116.22 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 175.748 474.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 263.622 473.5962 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 7 0 0 10 291.9685 474.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 317.4803 473.5962 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 345.8268 474.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 371.3386 473.5962 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 399.685 474.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 425.1968 473.5962 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 453.5433 474.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 479.0551 473.5962 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 507.4016 474.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -51.429 -2.4 td (as at 31 december 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (lease liabilities, including current )tj -0.028 tw 1.134 -1.5 td (portion)tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.683 0 td (1,729,933)tj 7.694 0 td (1,106,701)tj 7.694 0 td (1,333,762)tj 7.11 0 td (10,377,143)tj 7.694 0 td (14,547,539)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -49.009 -1.5 td (long-term bank and other loans, )tj 1.134 -1.5 td (including current portion)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 17.683 0 td (3,339,687)tj 7.694 0 td (7,525,775)tj 7.694 0 td (9,159,028)tj 7.11 0 td (18,811,397)tj 7.694 0 td (38,835,887)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -49.009 -1.5 td (medium-term notes and bonds, )tj 1.134 -1.5 td (including current portion)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 21.853 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.524 0 td (7,285,840)tj 7.694 0 td (9,500,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.864 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.94 0 td (16,785,840)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -49.009 -1.5 td (short-term bonds)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.817 0 td (9,300,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.864 0 td (\226)tj 7.694 0 td (\226)tj 7.694 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.524 0 td (9,300,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -49.593 -1.5 td (gold leasing arrangement)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.817 0 td (6,921,860)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.864 0 td (\226)tj 7.694 0 td (\226)tj 7.694 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.524 0 td (6,921,860)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -49.593 -1.5 td (short-term bank and other loans)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.233 0 td (21,238,166)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.448 0 td (\226)tj 7.694 0 td (\226)tj 7.694 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.94 0 td (21,238,166)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -49.009 -1.5 td (interest payables for loans and )tj -0.028 tw 1.134 -1.5 td (borrowings)tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.683 0 td (4,955,925)tj 7.694 0 td (2,289,092)tj 7.694 0 td (4,220,111)tj 8.584 0 td (978,041)tj 6.221 0 td (12,443,169)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -49.009 -1.5 td (financial liabilities at fair value )tj 1.134 -1.5 td (through profit or loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 20.63 0 td (805)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.918 0 td (\226)tj 7.694 0 td (\226)tj 7.694 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.47 0 td (805)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -52.54 -1.5 td [(f)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.6 (b)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.6 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 ( )0.6 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (r )]tj 1.134 -1.5 td (payables and accrued liabilities, )tj t* (excluding accrued interest)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 17.099 0 td (10,288,657)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.448 0 td (\226)tj 7.694 0 td (\226)tj 7.694 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.94 0 td (10,288,657)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -49.009 -1.5 td [(f)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.6 (b)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.6 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (r )]tj 1.134 -1.5 td (non-current liabilities )tj -0.028 tw 7 0 2.6795 10 225.1038 180.3662 tm (\(note\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 308.311 180.3662 tm (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.413 0 td (176,232)tj 7.694 0 td (182,006)tj 7.694 0 td (857,647)tj 6.804 0 td (1,215,885)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -49.593 -1.5 td (trade and notes payables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.233 0 td (12,584,755)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.448 0 td (\226)tj 7.694 0 td (\226)tj 7.694 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.94 0 td (12,584,755)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 161.3372 cm 0 0 m 116.22 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 147.4016 162.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 263.622 161.3372 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 7 0 0 10 263.622 162.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 317.4803 161.3372 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 317.4803 162.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 371.3386 161.3372 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 371.3386 162.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 425.1968 161.3372 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 425.1968 162.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 479.0551 161.3372 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 479.0551 162.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -29.146 -2.4 td (70,359,788)tj 7.694 0 td (18,383,640)tj 7.694 0 td (24,394,907)tj 7.694 0 td (31,024,228)tj 7.11 0 td (144,162,563)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 134.2068 cm 0 0 m 116.22 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 147.4016 134.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 263.622 134.2068 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 7 0 0 10 263.622 134.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 317.4803 134.2068 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 317.4803 134.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 371.3386 134.2068 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 371.3386 134.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 425.1968 134.2068 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 425.1968 134.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 479.0551 134.2068 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 479.0551 134.9768 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 191 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (9)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.1)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial risk management \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(c\) )-909.5 (liquidity risk \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.073 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm [(as at 31 december 2019, )0.5 (the group )0.5 (had total banking )0.5 (facilities )0.5 (of approximately )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(rmb)14.1 (1)14.2 (6)14.1 (7)14.1 (,)14.2 (4)14.1 (3)14.2 (1)14.1 ( million)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( which)14.1 ( amounts)14.2 ( totalling)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (4)14.2 (9)14.1 (,)14.1 (3)14.2 (4)14.1 (7)14.1 ( million)14.2 ( have)14.1 ( been)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.015 tw 0 -1.5 td (utilised as at 31 december 2019. banking facilities of approximately rmb\ 108,360 )tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(million)13.6 ( will)13.5 ( be)13.6 ( subject)13.6 ( to)13.5 ( renewal)13.6 ( during)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( next)13.5 ( 1)13.5 (2)13.6 ( months)13.6 (.)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( directors)13.5 ( of)18.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ny)14.4 ( ar)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (on)0.5 (fi)0.5 (de)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( th)0.5 (at)14.4 ( su)0.5 (ch)14.4 ( b)0.5 (an)0.5 (ki)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( fa)0.5 (ci)0.5 (l)0.5 (it)0.5 (ie)0.5 (s)14.3 ( c)0.5 (an)14.4 ( be)14.3 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (new)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( up)0.5 (on)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (expiration based on their past experience and good credit standing.)tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -3 td [(i)0.5 (n)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (d)0.5 (di)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)9.2 (,)9.2 ( a)0.5 (s)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (t)9.2 ( )0.5 (3)9.2 (1)9.2 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)9.2 ( )0.5 (2)9.2 (0)9.2 (1)9.2 (9)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)9.2 ( g)0.5 (r)0.6 (ou)0.6 (p)9.2 ( h)0.5 (a)0.5 (d)9.2 ( )0.5 (n)0.5 (o)9.2 ( c)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)9.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)9.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (g)0.5 (h)9.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(i)0.5 (ts)14.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (ut)0.5 (ur)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.2 ( a)0.5 (g)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)14.2 ( a)0.5 (t)14.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)14.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (me)14.2 ( )0.5 (\()14.2 (3)14.2 (1)14.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (ec)0.5 (em)0.5 (b)0.5 (er)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (8)14.2 (:)14.2 ( )0.5 (u)0.5 (sd)14.3 (1)14.2 (2)14.2 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (li)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.2 ( \()14.2 (e)0.5 (qu)0.5 (i)0.5 (va)0.5 (l)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(rmb)13.5 (8)13.5 (2)13.6 ( million)13.5 (\))13.5 (,)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( which)13.6 ( usd)13.6 (1)13.5 ( million)13.5 ( \()13.5 (equivalent)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( rmb)13.5 (7)13.5 ( million)13.6 (\))13.5 ( has)13.6 ( been)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (utilised. the futures agent has the right to adjust the related credit f\ acilities.\))tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -3 td [(management)11.2 ( )0.5 (also)11.2 ( monitors)11.2 ( rolling)11.2 ( )0.5 (forecasts)11.3 ( of)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( group)11.3 (\222)11.2 (s)11.2 ( liquidity)11.2 ( )0.5 (reserve)11.2 ( on)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the basis of expected cash flows.)tj et endstream endobj 192 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 193 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 194 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 195 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 196 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 197 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (9)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.1)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial risk management \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (credit risk \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm [(the)3.2 ( carrying)3.2 ( )0.5 (amounts)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.3 ( short)3.2 (-)3.2 (term)3.2 ( )0.5 (investments)3.2 ( and)3.2 ( )0.5 (these)3.2 ( )0.5 (receivables)3.2 ( )0.5 (incl)0.5 (uded)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.018 tw 0 -1.5 td (in notes 9, 11, 13 and 14 represent the group\222s maximum exposure to c\ redit risk )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(in)13.6 ( relation)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( its)13.6 ( financial)13.6 ( assets)13.6 (.)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.6 ( also)13.6 ( provided)13.6 ( financial)13.7 ( guarantees)15.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0 -1.5 td [(to)14.2 ( certain)14.2 ( subsidiaries)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( a)14.2 ( joint)14.2 ( )0.5 (venture)14.2 (.)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.1 ( )0.5 (guarantees)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( joint)14.2 ( venture)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.066 tw t* (mentioned in note 35 represented the group\222s maximum exposure to cred\ it risk )tj 0 tw t* (in relation to its guarantees to the joint venture.)tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -3 td [(for)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (year)12.2 ( ended)12.2 ( )0.5 (3)12.2 (1)12.2 ( december)12.2 ( 2)12.3 (0)12.1 (1)12.2 (9)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (revenues)12.2 ( of)12.1 ( )0.5 (approximately)12.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)12.2 (4)12.2 (0)12.2 (,)12.2 (5)12.2 (6)12.2 (7)12.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw 0 -1.5 td (million \(2018: rmb32,852 million\) were derived from entities directly \ or indirectly )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(owned)6.2 ( )0.5 (or)6.2 ( )0.5 (controlled)6.1 ( )0.5 (by)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( prc)6.2 ( )0.5 (government)6.2 ( )0.5 (including)6.2 ( chinalco)6.2 (.)6.2 ( there)6.2 ( )0.5 (were)6.2 ( no)6.1 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(other)10.2 ( )0.5 (individual)10.2 ( )0.5 (customers)10.2 ( )0.5 (from)10.3 ( whom)10.2 ( the)10.1 ( )0.5 (group)10.2 ( )0.5 (has)10.2 ( )0.5 (derived)10.2 ( revenue)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( more)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.028 tw t* (than 10% of the group\222s revenue during the years ended 31 december 20\ 19 and )tj 0.072 tw t* (2018. thus, the directors of the company are of the opinion that the gro\ up was )tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(not)13.5 ( exposed)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( any)13.5 ( significant)13.5 ( concentration)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( credit)13.5 ( risk)13.5 ( as)13.5 ( at)13.5 ( 3)13.5 (1)13.5 ( december)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (2019 and 2018.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 291.7466 tm [(\(c\) )-909.5 (liquidity risk)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.068 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 261.7466 tm [(cash)14.2 ( flow)14.2 ( )0.5 (forecast)14.3 ( is)14.2 ( )0.5 (performed)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (operating)14.1 ( )0.5 (entities)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( group)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)40.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.032 tw t* [(aggregated )0.5 (by )0.5 (the )0.5 (group )0.5 (treasury. )0.5 (the )0.6 (group )0.5 (treasury )0.5 (monitors )0.5 (rolling )0.5 (forecasts )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 (\222)13.8 (s)13.8 ( liquidity)13.8 ( requirements)13.8 ( to)13.7 ( ensure)13.8 ( it)13.8 ( has)13.8 ( sufficient)13.8 ( cash)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( meet)22.2 ( )]tj 0.087 tc t* [(operational)13.6 ( needs)13.5 ( while)13.5 ( maintaining)13.5 ( sufficient)13.5 ( headroom)13.5 ( on)13.6 ( its)13.6 ( undrawn)59.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc t* [(committed)13.6 ( borrowing)13.7 ( facilities)13.6 ( at)13.7 ( all)13.6 ( times)13.6 ( so)13.7 ( that)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.7 ( does)13.7 ( not)13.7 ( breach)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.006 tw t* (borrowing limits or covenants \(where applicable\) on any of its borrowi\ ng facilities. )tj 0.071 tc 0.078 tw t* [(this)13.5 ( forecast)13.6 ( takes)13.6 ( into)13.6 ( consideration)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.6 (\222)13.6 (s)13.6 ( debt)13.5 ( financing)13.5 ( plans)13.6 (,)43.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(covenant)10.2 ( )0.5 (compliance)10.2 (,)10.2 ( compliance)10.2 ( )0.5 (with)10.2 ( internal)10.2 ( balance)10.2 ( sheet)10.2 ( ratio)10.2 ( targets)10.2 ( and)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(if)13.5 ( applicable)13.5 (,)13.5 ( external)13.5 ( regulatory)13.5 ( or)13.5 ( legal)13.5 ( requirements)13.5 (,)13.4 ( for)13.5 ( example)13.5 (,)13.4 ( currency)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (restrictions.)tj et endstream endobj 198 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (8)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.1)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial risk management \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (credit risk \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 534.7467 tm (maximum exposure and year-end staging as at 31 december 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 504.7466 tm [(the)14 ( table)14 ( below)14 ( shows)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( credit)13.9 ( quality)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( the)14 ( maximum)13.9 ( exposure)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( credit)14.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc 0 -1.5 td [(risk)13.6 ( based)13.5 ( on)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.6 (\222)13.5 (s)13.6 ( credit)13.6 ( policy)13.5 (,)13.5 ( which)13.5 ( is)13.5 ( mainly)13.5 ( based)13.5 ( on)13.6 ( past)13.5 ( due)39.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.009 tw t* (information unless other information is available without undue cost or \ effort, and )tj 0.076 tw t* (year-end staging classification as at 31 december 2019. the amounts pres\ ented )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(are)4.2 ( carrying)4.2 ( amounts)4.2 ( for)4.2 ( )0.5 (financial)4.2 ( )0.5 (assets)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( exposure)4.2 ( to)4.2 ( )0.5 (credit)4.2 ( risk)4.2 ( for)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (financial guarantee contracts.)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 249.449 413.477 56.693 -15 re 306.142 413.477 56.693 -15 re 362.835 413.477 56.693 -15 re 419.528 413.477 56.693 -15 re 476.22 413.477 56.693 -15 re 249.449 398.477 56.693 -3.38 re 306.142 398.477 56.693 -3.38 re 362.835 398.477 56.693 -3.38 re 419.528 398.477 56.693 -3.38 re 476.22 398.477 56.693 -3.38 re 249.449 395.096 56.693 -15 re 306.142 395.096 56.693 -15 re 362.835 395.096 56.693 -15 re 419.528 395.096 56.693 -15 re 476.22 395.096 56.693 -15 re 249.449 380.096 56.693 -15 re 306.142 380.096 56.693 -15 re 362.835 380.096 56.693 -15 re 419.528 380.096 56.693 -15 re 476.22 380.096 56.693 -15 re 249.449 365.096 56.693 -30 re 306.142 365.096 56.693 -30 re 362.835 365.096 56.693 -30 re 419.528 365.096 56.693 -30 re 476.22 365.096 56.693 -30 re 249.449 335.096 56.693 -15 re 306.142 335.096 56.693 -15 re 362.835 335.096 56.693 -15 re 419.528 335.096 56.693 -15 re 476.22 335.096 56.693 -15 re 249.449 320.096 56.693 -15 re 306.142 320.096 56.693 -15 re 362.835 320.096 56.693 -15 re 419.528 320.096 56.693 -15 re 476.22 320.096 56.693 -15 re 249.449 305.096 56.693 -15 re 306.142 305.096 56.693 -15 re 362.835 305.096 56.693 -15 re 419.528 305.096 56.693 -15 re 476.22 305.096 56.693 -15 re 249.449 290.096 56.693 -30 re 306.142 290.096 56.693 -30 re 362.835 290.096 56.693 -30 re 419.528 290.096 56.693 -30 re 476.22 290.096 56.693 -30 re 249.449 260.096 56.693 -30 re 306.142 260.096 56.693 -30 re 362.835 260.096 56.693 -30 re 419.528 260.096 56.693 -30 re 476.22 260.096 56.693 -30 re 249.449 230.096 56.693 -3.009 re 306.142 230.096 56.693 -3.009 re 362.835 230.096 56.693 -3.009 re 419.528 230.096 56.693 -3.009 re 476.22 230.096 56.693 -3.009 re 249.449 227.087 56.693 -15 re 306.142 227.087 56.693 -15 re 362.835 227.087 56.693 -15 re 419.528 227.087 56.693 -15 re 476.22 227.087 56.693 -15 re 249.449 212.087 56.693 -15 re 306.142 212.087 56.693 -15 re 362.835 212.087 56.693 -15 re 419.528 212.087 56.693 -15 re 476.22 212.087 56.693 -15 re 249.449 197.087 56.693 -3.38 re 306.142 197.087 56.693 -3.38 re 362.835 197.087 56.693 -3.38 re 419.528 197.087 56.693 -3.38 re 476.22 197.087 56.693 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 270.2342 399.7466 tm (stage 1)tj 7.087 0 td (stage 2)tj 7.087 0 td (stage 3)tj -0.028 tw 5.782 0 td (simplified)tj 9.615 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 395.5962 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4016 396.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 395.5962 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 295.5797 396.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 395.5962 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 352.2726 396.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 395.5962 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.9655 396.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 395.5962 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 465.6584 396.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 395.5962 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 522.3513 396.3662 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -46.869 -3 td (trade receivables*)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 18.634 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.916 0 td (4,559,112)tj 7.087 0 td (4,559,112)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -42.81 -1.5 td (financial assets in other )tj 1.24 -1.5 td (current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 13.223 0 td (1,632,766)tj 7.087 0 td (3,970,620)tj 7.976 0 td (120,538)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.367 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.916 0 td (5,723,924)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -42.81 -1.5 td (restricted cash)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.463 0 td (1,305,781)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.257 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.916 0 td (1,305,781)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -42.81 -1.5 td (notes receivable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.463 0 td (2,834,011)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.257 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.916 0 td (2,834,011)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -42.81 -1.5 td (cash and cash equivalents)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.463 0 td (7,759,190)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.257 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.916 0 td (7,759,190)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -42.81 -1.5 td (financial assets in other )tj 1.24 -1.5 td (non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.113 0 td (128,673)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.367 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.806 0 td (128,673)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -42.459 -1.5 td (financial guarantees \226 )tj 1.24 -1.5 td (not yet past due)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.04 0 td (5,772)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.2 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.973 0 td (5,772)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4017 227.3372 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4017 228.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4489 227.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 249.4489 228.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 227.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 306.1418 228.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8348 227.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 362.8348 228.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5277 227.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 419.5277 228.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 227.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 476.2206 228.3572 tm ( )tj 5.766 -1.5 td ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -46.869 -1.5 td (total)tj /t1_1 1 tf 13.88 0 td (13,666,193)tj 7.67 0 td (3,970,620)tj 7.976 0 td (120,538)tj 6.197 0 td (4,559,112)tj 6.503 0 td (22,316,463)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4018 194.2068 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 147.4018 194.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.449 194.2068 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 10 295.5798 194.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1419 194.2068 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 352.2727 194.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8348 194.2068 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.9657 194.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5277 194.2068 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 465.6586 194.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2207 194.2068 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 522.3515 194.9768 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.054 tc 0.077 tw 8 0 0 8 147.4018 158.7388 tm [(*)26.2 ( )-2550.5 (for)14.4 ( tra)0.5 (de)14.3 ( r)0.5 (ece)0.5 (iva)0.5 (bl)0.5 (es)14.3 ( to)14.4 ( w)0.5 (hi)0.5 (ch)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( gr)0.5 (oup)14.4 ( a)0.5 (pp)0.5 (li)0.5 (es)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( si)0.5 (mpl)0.5 (if)0.5 (ied)14.4 ( a)0.5 (ppr)0.5 (oac)0.5 (h)14.3 ( fo)0.5 (r)14.3 ( im)0.5 (pai)0.5 (rme)0.5 (nt)14.3 (,)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.041 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (information based on the provision matrix is disclosed in note 13 to the\ consolidated financial )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.375 td (statements.)tj et endstream endobj 199 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (8)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.1)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (financial risk management \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (credit risk \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm [(the)13.7 ( group)13.7 ( has)13.7 ( performed)13.7 ( historical)13.7 ( analysis)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( identified)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( key)13.7 ( economic)26.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(variables)5.2 ( )0.5 (impacting)5.2 ( )0.5 (credit)5.2 ( )0.5 (risk)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (expected)5.2 ( )0.5 (credit)5.2 ( )0.5 (losses)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (it)5.2 ( )0.5 (considers)5.2 ( available)5.2 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(reasonable and supportive forwarding-looking information. especially the\ following)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 -1.5 td (indicators are incorporated:)tj 0 -3 td [(\225 )-2000.8 (internal credit rating)]tj t* [(\225 )-2000.8 (external credit rating)]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(\225)26.2 ( )-1896.8 (actual)14.2 ( )0.5 (or)14.2 ( )0.5 (expected)14.2 ( )0.5 (significant)14.2 ( adverse)14.2 ( )0.5 (changes)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( business)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (financial)14.2 ( or)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.041 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (economic conditions that are expected to cause a significant change to t\ he )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (borrower\222s ability to meet its obligations)tj 0.059 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225 )-1941.8 (actual or expected significant changes in the operating results of indiv\ idual )]tj -0.028 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (clients)tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)34.2 ( )-1888.8 (significant)14.3 ( )0.5 (changes)14.2 ( )0.6 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (expected)14.3 ( )0.5 (performance)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (behaviour)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)34.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (clients)tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(the)13.7 ( group)13.7 ( measures)13.6 ( expected)13.6 ( credit)13.6 ( loss)13.6 ( rates)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( basis)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( loss)13.6 ( rate)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.065 tw t* [(approach by segmenting its portfolio into )0.5 (appropriate groupings based on shared )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(credit risk characteristics. at the end of each year, the group updates \ its historical)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.077 tw t* [(los)0.5 (s)14.3 ( info)0.5 (rmat)0.5 (ion)14.3 ( wi)0.5 (th)14.3 ( forwa)0.5 (rd)14.3 (-)14.3 (l)0.5 (ooki)0.5 (ng)14.3 ( info)0.5 (rmat)0.5 (ion)14.3 (.)14.3 ( as)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( hist)0.5 (orica)0.5 (l)14.3 ( cred)0.5 (it)14.3 ( los)0.5 (s)19.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw t* (rates were comparatively stable and no significant changes were expected\ to the )tj 0.019 tw t* (forward-looking information after the consideration of reasonable and su\ pportable )tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(forecasts)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( )0.5 (comparatively)14.2 ( )0.5 (stable)14.2 ( )0.5 (customer)14.2 ( )0.5 (relationship)14.3 ( and)14.2 ( customers)14.2 (\222)14.2 ( )0.5 (credit)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (ratings, the expected credit loss rates remained consistent during 2019.\ )tj et endstream endobj 200 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (8)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.1)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (financial risk management \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (credit risk)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm [(credit)10.2 ( )0.5 (risk)10.2 ( )0.5 (arises)10.2 ( from)10.2 ( balances)10.2 ( with)10.2 ( banks)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( )0.5 (financial)10.2 ( )0.5 (institutions)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (trade)10.1 ( )0.5 (and)10.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(notes)14.1 ( receivables)14.2 (,)14.1 ( other)14.1 ( current)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( non)14.1 (-)14.1 (current)14.1 ( receivables)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( well)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( credit)22.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0 -1.5 td [(exposures)13.8 ( of)13.7 ( customers)13.7 (,)13.8 ( including)13.8 ( outstanding)13.7 ( receivables)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( committed)44.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (transactions.)tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -3 td [(the group maintains substantially all of its bank balances and cash and \ short-term)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.041 tw 0 -1.5 td (investments in several major state-owned banks in the prc. with strong s\ upport )tj 0.063 tc 0.077 tw t* [(f)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (c)14.5 ( g)0.5 (o)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (n)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.4 ( t)0.6 (o)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)14.4 ( s)0.6 (t)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)14.5 (-)14.4 (o)0.6 (w)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( b)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (k)0.5 (s)14.5 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( d)0.6 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.6 (f)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.048 tw t* (company are of the opinion that there is no significant credit risk on s\ uch assets )tj 0 tw t* (being exposed to losses.)tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.8 ( group)13.7 ( applies)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( simplified)13.7 ( approach)13.8 ( to)13.7 ( most)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( its)13.8 ( trade)13.7 ( receivables)13.8 ( to)23.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)5.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (x)0.5 (p)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)5.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)5.2 ( l)0.6 (o)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)5.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (c)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)5.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (y)5.3 ( i)0.6 (f)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)5.2 ( )0.5 (9)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (h)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)5.3 ( p)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)5.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.017 tw t* (of the lifetime expected loss provision for trade receivables. the group\ has made )tj 0.021 tw t* (individual assessment for trade receivables from clients with top rating\ and those )tj 0 tw t* (receivables with pledged assets separately and impairment provisions are\ made.)tj 0.043 tw 0 -3 td [(to )0.5 (measure the )0.5 (expected )0.5 (credit losses )0.5 (of )0.5 (trade )0.5 (receivables excluding individually )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(assessed)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (impaired)5.2 ( receivables)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (trade)5.2 ( )0.5 (receivables)5.2 ( have)5.2 ( )0.5 (been)5.2 ( grouped)5.2 ( )0.5 (based)5.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(on)2.2 ( )0.5 (shared)2.3 ( credit)2.2 ( risk)2.3 ( characteristics)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (days)2.2 ( past)2.2 ( )0.5 (due)2.2 (.)2.1 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( expected)2.2 ( )0.5 (credit)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (loss model also incorporates forward-looking information.)tj et endstream endobj 201 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (8)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.1)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial risk management \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (market risk \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm [(\(iii\) )-889.6 (commodity price risk \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 10 0 0 10 175.748 504.7466 tm [(as)11.2 ( )0.5 (at)11.2 ( )0.5 (3)11.2 (1)11.2 ( )0.5 (december)11.3 ( 2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (9)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (if)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( commodity)11.2 ( )0.5 (futures)11.2 ( prices)11.2 ( had)11.2 ( )0.5 (increased)11.2 (/)]tj 0.058 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(d)0.5 (e)0.6 (c)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.5 ( b)0.6 (y)14.4 ( 3)14.4 (%)14.5 ( \()14.4 (3)14.5 (1)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.6 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( 2)14.5 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (8)14.5 (:)14.4 ( 3)14.4 (%)14.5 (\))14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.6 (l)14.5 ( o)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( v)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (b)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 ( h)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 (d)30.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(c)0.5 (on)0.5 (st)0.5 (a)0.5 (nt)14.4 (,)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (of)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)14.4 ( fo)0.5 (r)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( ye)0.5 (ar)14.4 ( w)0.5 (o)0.5 (ul)0.5 (d)14.3 ( h)0.5 (a)0.5 (ve)14.4 ( c)0.5 (ha)0.5 (ng)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( b)0.5 (y)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( am)0.5 (o)0.5 (un)0.5 (ts)14.4 ( s)0.5 (ho)0.5 (w)0.5 (n)16.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (below:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 306.142 443.477 113.386 -15 re 306.142 428.477 113.386 -3.38 re 306.142 425.096 113.386 -15 re 306.142 410.096 113.386 -30 re 306.142 380.096 113.386 -30 re 306.142 350.096 113.386 -30 re 306.142 320.096 113.386 -30 re 306.142 290.096 113.386 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 390.7843 429.7466 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 11.339 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 175.748 425.5963 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 175.748 426.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 425.5963 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 407.7422 426.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5275 425.5963 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 521.1281 426.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -34.538 -3 td (primary aluminum)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.641 0 td (decrease/increase )tj 0 tw 1.89 -1.5 td (rmb40 million)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 9.949 1.5 td (decrease/increase )tj 0 tw 1.778 -1.5 td (rmb14 million)tj -0.028 tw -28.259 -1.5 td (copper)tj /t1_1 1 tf 14.752 0 td (increase/decrease )tj 0 tw 1.473 -1.5 td (rmb0.9 million)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 10.365 1.5 td (increase/decrease )tj 0 tw 1.362 -1.5 td (rmb0.9 million)tj -0.028 tw -27.953 -1.5 td (zinc)tj /t1_1 1 tf 14.641 0 td (decrease/increase )tj 0 tw 1.584 -1.5 td (rmb5.1 million)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 10.255 1.5 td (decrease/increase )tj 0 tw 1.472 -1.5 td (rmb1.0 million)tj -0.028 tw -27.953 -1.5 td (coal)tj /t1_1 1 tf 14.641 0 td (decrease/increase )tj 1.89 -1.5 td (rmb0.2million)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.949 1.5 td (decrease/increase )tj 0 tw 1.472 -1.5 td (rmb2.7 million)tj et q 1 0 0 1 175.7479 287.2159 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 175.7479 287.9858 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 287.2159 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 306.1417 287.9858 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5275 287.2159 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 419.5275 287.9858 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 202 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 203 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 204 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 205 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 206 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 207 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (8)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.1)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial risk management \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (market risk \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm [(\(ii\) )-1195.4 (interest rate risk \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 10 0 0 10 175.748 504.7466 tm [(the)2.2 ( interest)2.2 ( rate)2.2 ( risk)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( group)2.2 ( mainly)2.2 ( )0.5 (arises)2.2 ( from)2.2 ( medium)2.2 (-)2.2 (term)2.2 ( )0.5 (notes)2.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(and short-term bonds issued at fixed rates. as the fluctuation of compar\ able)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(interest)14.1 ( rates)14.1 ( of)14 ( corporate)14 ( bonds)14 ( with)14 ( similar)14 ( terms)14 ( was)14 ( relatively)14 ( low)14.1 (,)25.1 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(the)13.6 ( directors)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( are)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( opinion)13.5 ( that)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.6 ( was)13.6 ( not)19.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(exposed)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( any)3.2 ( )0.5 (significant)3.3 ( fair)3.2 ( )0.5 (value)3.2 ( )0.5 (interest)3.2 ( )0.5 (rate)3.3 ( risk)3.2 ( for)3.2 ( )0.5 (its)3.2 ( )0.5 (fixed)3.2 ( )0.5 (interest)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (rate borrowings held as at 31 december 2019 and 2018.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 399.7466 tm [(\(iii\) )-889.6 (commodity price risk)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.056 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 175.748 369.7466 tm [(the)14.3 ( group)14.3 ( uses)14.3 ( future)0.5 (s)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( opti)0.5 (on)14.3 ( con)0.5 (tracts)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( reduce)14.3 ( its)14.3 ( exposure)14.3 ( to)28.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(fluctuations)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( price)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( primary)13.8 ( aluminum)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( other)13.8 ( products)13.8 (.)13.8 ( the)36.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(g)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (p)10.2 ( u)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)10.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)10.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (u)0.6 (t)0.5 (u)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)10.2 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)10.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)10.2 ( h)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)0.6 (g)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)10.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)10.1 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)10.1 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (u)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)10.2 (.)10.2 ( w)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (h)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.016 tw t* (reference to the hedging of primary aluminum, production company hedges \ )tj 0.023 tw t* (the output of primary aluminum and trading company hedges the quantities\ )tj 0 tw t* (of buyout and self-supporting.)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.8 ( group)13.8 ( uses)13.8 ( mainly)13.8 ( futures)13.8 ( contracts)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( option)13.8 ( contracts)13.9 ( traded)13.8 ( on)18.2 ( )]tj 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( s)0.5 (han)0.5 (gh)0.5 (ai)14.4 ( fut)0.5 (ur)0.5 (es)14.3 ( e)0.5 (xch)0.5 (an)0.5 (ge)14.4 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( lon)0.5 (don)14.4 ( m)0.5 (eta)0.5 (l)14.3 ( e)0.5 (xch)0.5 (an)0.5 (ge)14.3 ( \()14.4 (\223)14.3 (lm)0.5 (e)14.4 (\224)14.3 (\))14.3 ( t)0.5 (o)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.062 tw t* (hedge against fluctuations in primary aluminum prices. as at 31 december\ )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(2)13.5 (0)13.6 (1)13.5 (9)13.6 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( fair)13.6 ( values)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( outstanding)13.6 ( futures)13.6 ( contracts)13.5 ( amounting)13.5 ( to)25.1 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(rmb)13.8 (3)13.8 ( million)13.8 ( \()13.8 (3)13.7 (1)13.8 ( december)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.7 (8)13.8 (:)13.8 ( rmb)13.7 (1)13.8 (6)13.8 ( million)13.7 (\))13.8 ( and)13.7 ( rmb)13.8 (1)13.8 ( million)13.8 ( \()13.7 (3)13.8 (1)16.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc t* [(december)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (8)13.7 (:)13.8 ( rmb)13.8 (2)13.7 ( million)13.8 (\))13.7 ( were)13.8 ( recognised)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( financial)13.8 ( assets)13.7 ( and)24.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw t* [(f)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( l)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 ( a)0.6 (t)14.4 ( f)0.6 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)14.4 ( v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (ue)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (g)0.5 (h)14.5 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( l)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.4 (.)14.5 ( a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (t)20.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc t* [(3)14.4 (1)14.4 ( d)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (em)0.6 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (9)14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)14.4 ( no)0.5 (t)14.4 ( h)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 ( o)0.5 (p)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( \()14.4 (3)14.4 (1)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (december 2018: the company did not hold any option contracts\).)tj et endstream endobj 208 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (8)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.1)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial risk management \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (market risk \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 534.7467 tm [(\(ii\) )-1195.4 (interest rate risk)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 10 0 0 10 175.748 504.7466 tm [(as)1.2 ( )0.5 (at)1.3 ( 3)1.2 (1)1.2 ( )0.5 (december)1.2 ( )0.5 (2)1.2 (0)1.2 (1)1.2 (9)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (as)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (group)1.2 ( )0.5 (had)1.3 ( no)1.2 ( )0.5 (significant)1.2 ( )0.5 (interest)1.2 (-)1.2 (bearing)1.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.5 td [(assets)8.2 ( )0.5 (except)8.2 ( for)8.2 ( )0.5 (bank)8.2 ( )0.5 (deposits)8.2 ( \()8.2 (note)8.2 ( 1)8.2 (5)8.2 (\))8.2 (,)8.2 ( entrusted)8.2 ( loans)8.2 ( \()8.2 (note)8.2 ( )0.5 (1)8.2 (4)8.2 (\))8.2 (,)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(group\222s income and )0.5 (operating )0.5 (cash )0.5 (flows are )0.5 (substantially )0.5 (independent )0.5 (of )]tj 0 tw t* (changes in market interest rates.)tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(most)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( bank)13.5 ( deposits)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( maintained)13.5 ( in)13.4 ( savings)13.5 ( and)13.4 ( time)13.5 ( deposit)33.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.042 tw 0 -1.5 td (accounts in the prc. the interest rates are regulated by the people\222s\ bank )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(of)7.2 ( )0.5 (china)7.2 ( and)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (group)7.2 ( )0.5 (treasury)7.2 ( closely)7.2 ( )0.5 (monitors)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (fluctuation)7.2 ( on)7.2 ( )0.5 (such)7.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(rates)14.2 ( periodically)14.2 (.)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( interest)14.2 ( rates)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( entrusted)14.2 ( loans)14.2 ( are)14.2 ( fixed)14.1 (.)14.2 ( as)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)17.2 ( )]tj t* [(interest)13.8 ( rates)13.7 ( applied)13.8 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( entrusted)13.7 ( loans)13.7 ( were)13.8 ( fixed)13.7 (,)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( directors)13.7 ( of)17.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw t* [(the)14.2 ( company)14.2 ( are)14.2 ( )-0.6 (of)14.3 ( )-0.6 (the)14.2 ( opinion)14.2 ( that)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( group)14.2 ( )-0.6 (was)14.3 ( )-0.6 (not)14.2 ( exposed)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( )-0.6 (any)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.066 tw t* (significant interest rate risk for its financial assets held as at 31 de\ cember )tj 0 tw t* (2019 and 2018.)tj 0.002 tw 0 -3 td [(the )0.6 (interest )0.5 (rate )0.5 (risk )0.6 (for )0.5 (the )0.6 (group\222s )0.6 (financial )0.6 (liabilities )0.5 (primarily )0.6 (arises )0.5 (from )]tj 0.026 tw 0 -1.5 td (interest-bearing loans. loans borrowed at floating interest rates expose\ the )tj 0.003 tw t* (group to cash flow interest rate risk. the group enters into debt obliga\ tions )tj 0.073 tc 0.078 tw t* [(to)14.2 ( )0.5 (support)14.2 ( general)14.2 ( )0.5 (corporate)14.2 ( )0.5 (purposes)14.2 ( including)14.2 ( capital)14.3 ( expenditures)45.1 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(and)14.2 ( )0.5 (working)14.2 ( capital)14.2 ( needs)14.2 (.)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( group)14.1 ( )0.5 (treasury)14.2 ( closely)14.1 ( )0.5 (monitors)14.2 ( market)21.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc t* [(interest)14 ( rates)13.9 ( and)14 ( maintains)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( balance)13.9 ( between)13.9 ( variable)14 ( rate)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( fixed)31.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(rate)8.2 ( )0.5 (borrowings)8.2 ( in)8.2 ( )0.5 (order)8.2 ( )0.5 (to)8.2 ( reduce)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( exposures)8.2 ( )0.5 (to)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (interest)8.2 ( )0.5 (rate)8.2 ( risk)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (described above.)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(as)14.3 ( )0.5 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (3)14.3 (1)14.3 ( )0.6 (december)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.3 (0)14.3 (1)14.3 (9)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.6 (if)14.3 ( )0.5 (interest)14.3 ( )0.6 (rates)14.3 ( )0.6 (had)14.3 ( )0.5 (been)14.3 ( )0.5 (1)14.3 (0)14.3 (0)14.3 ( )0.5 (basis)14.3 ( )0.5 (points)14.2 ( )0.6 (\()14.3 (3)14.2 (1)16.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0 -1.5 td [(december)13.5 ( 2)13.4 (0)13.5 (1)13.5 (8)13.4 (:)13.5 ( 1)13.5 (0)13.5 (0)13.5 ( basis)13.5 ( points)13.4 (\))13.5 ( higher)13.5 (/)13.5 (lower)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( bank)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( other)13.5 ( loans)17.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(borrowed)13.7 ( at)13.7 ( floating)13.7 ( interest)13.7 ( rates)13.7 ( with)13.7 ( all)13.7 ( other)13.7 ( variables)13.7 ( held)13.7 ( constant)13.8 (,)15.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.006 tw t* (net profit for the year would have been rmb451 million lower/higher \(20\ 18: )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)3.2 (6)3.2 (4)3.2 (1)3.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)3.2 ( )0.5 (\()3.2 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (ed)3.3 (\))3.2 (\))3.2 (,)3.2 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (ly)3.3 ( a)0.5 (s)3.2 ( )0.5 (a)3.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (ul)0.5 (t)3.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)3.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)3.2 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (he)0.5 (r)3.2 (/)]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (lower interest expense on floating rate borrowings.)tj et endstream endobj 209 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (8)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.5 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (36.1)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 597.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial risk management \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (market risk \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm [(\(i\) )-1501.3 (foreign currency risk \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.069 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 175.748 504.7466 tm [(as)13.6 ( at)13.5 ( 3)13.6 (1)13.5 ( december)13.6 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.5 (1)13.6 (9)13.5 (,)13.5 ( if)13.5 ( rmb)13.5 ( had)13.5 ( strengthened)13.5 (/)13.6 (weakened)13.5 ( by)13.5 ( 5)13.5 (%)41.2 ( )]tj 0.075 tc 0 -1.5 td [(against)13.7 ( usd)13.7 ( with)13.7 ( all)13.7 ( other)13.7 ( variables)13.7 ( held)13.7 ( constant)13.7 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( profit)13.7 ( for)13.8 ( the)47.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw t* [(y)0.5 (ea)0.5 (r)14.4 ( wo)0.5 (u)0.5 (ld)14.4 ( h)0.5 (av)0.5 (e)14.3 ( be)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)14.3 ( a)0.5 (pp)0.5 (r)0.5 (ox)0.5 (i)0.5 (ma)0.5 (t)0.5 (el)0.5 (y)14.4 ( rm)0.5 (b)14.4 (9)14.3 (5)14.4 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (ll)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.3 ( h)0.5 (i)0.5 (gh)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.3 (/)14.4 (l)0.5 (ow)0.5 (er)14.4 ( \()14.4 (2)14.4 (0)14.3 (1)14.4 (8)14.3 (:)22.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(rmb)2.2 (1)2.2 (0)2.2 ( )0.5 (million)2.2 ( lower)2.2 (/)2.2 (higher)2.2 (\))2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (mainly)2.2 ( as)2.2 ( a)2.2 ( )0.5 (result)2.3 ( of)2.2 ( foreign)2.2 ( exchange)2.2 ( gains)2.2 ( )]tj 0.077 tc 0.077 tw t* [(a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.5 ( l)0.6 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( f)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)14.4 ( t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.5 ( o)0.6 (f)14.4 ( u)0.5 (s)0.5 (d)14.5 (-)14.4 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.5 ( b)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.6 (s)14.4 (,)49.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(other)13.2 ( payables)13.2 ( and)13.2 ( medium)13.2 (-)13.2 (term)13.2 ( notes)13.2 (.)13.2 ( profit)13.2 ( was)13.2 ( more)13.2 ( )0.5 (sensitive)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(fluctuation)14 ( in)14 ( the)14 ( rmb)14 (/)14 (usd)14 ( exchange)14 ( rates)14 ( in)14 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (9)14 ( than)14 ( in)13.9 ( 2)14 (0)13.9 (1)14 (8)14 (,)14 ( mainly)15.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(due)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.3 ( increase)3.2 ( )0.5 (in)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (usd)3.3 ( denominated)3.2 ( )0.5 (other)3.3 ( payables)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( )0.5 (medium)3.2 (-)]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (term notes.)tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -3 td [(as)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (assets)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (liabilities)1.3 ( denominated)1.2 ( )0.5 (in)1.3 ( other)1.3 ( foreign)1.2 ( currencies)1.2 ( )0.5 (other)1.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td [(than)12.2 ( )0.5 (usd)12.2 ( were)12.2 ( relatively)12.2 ( minimal)12.2 ( )0.5 (to)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( total)12.2 ( assets)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( )0.5 (liabilities)12.1 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(group)13.6 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( directors)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.6 ( are)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( opinion)13.6 ( that)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( group)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw t* (was not exposed to any significant foreign currency risk arising from th\ ese )tj 0.001 tw t* (foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities as at 31 december 20\ 19 )tj 0 tw t* (and 2018.)tj et endstream endobj 210 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (8)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(36. )-110.4 (financial and capital risk management)]tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 10.5 0 0 15 90.7086 617.7466 tm (36.1)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 112.3092 617.7466 tm [( )-143.7 (financial risk management)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 587.7467 tm [(the)14.1 ( group)14.1 (\222)14.1 (s)14.1 ( activities)14.1 ( expose)14.1 ( it)14.2 ( to)14.1 ( a)14.1 ( variety)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( financial)14.1 ( risks)14.1 (,)14.1 ( including)14.1 ( market)14.1 ( risk)23.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0 -1.5 td [(\()13.5 (including)13.6 ( foreign)13.5 ( currency)13.6 ( risk)13.5 (,)13.5 ( interest)13.5 ( rate)13.5 ( risk)13.5 ( and)13.6 ( commodity)13.6 ( price)13.5 ( risk)13.5 (\))13.6 (,)13.5 ( credit)26.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.077 tw t* [(r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (k)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( li)0.5 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)14.3 ( r)0.5 (i)0.5 (sk)14.4 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)14.3 (\222)14.4 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (al)0.5 (l)14.4 ( r)0.5 (is)0.5 (k)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (em)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (og)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (m)14.4 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (us)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise the potentia\ l adverse effects )tj t* (on the group\222s financial performance.)tj 0.092 tw 0 -3 td [(risk management )0.5 (is )0.5 (carried )0.5 (out by )0.5 (the treasury )0.5 (management )0.5 (department \(the )0.5 (\223group )]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(treasury)13.6 (\224)13.6 (\))13.6 ( under)13.6 ( policies)13.6 ( approved)13.6 ( by)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( board)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( directors)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 (.)13.6 ( the)27.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc t* [(group)13.8 ( treasury)13.9 ( identifies)13.8 (,)13.8 ( evaluates)13.8 ( and)13.9 ( hedges)13.8 ( financial)13.8 ( risks)13.8 ( through)13.8 ( close)13.7 ( co)13.8 (-)]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (operation with the group\222s operating units.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 419.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (market risk)]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 389.7466 tm [(\(i\) )-1501.3 (foreign currency risk)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.074 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 175.748 359.7466 tm [(f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (ei)0.6 (gn)14.4 ( c)0.5 (ur)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (y)14.4 ( r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (k)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( f)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)14.4 ( c)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( s)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (f)0.5 (ic)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (n)46.2 ( )]tj 0.114 tc 0.078 tw t* [(currency)14.1 ( deposits)14.1 (,)14.1 ( trade)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( notes)14 ( receivables)14 (,)14.1 ( trade)14.1 ( and)14 ( notes)86.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(payables)12.2 (,)12.2 ( advances)12.2 ( )0.5 (paid)12.2 ( to)12.2 ( )0.5 (suppliers)12.2 (,)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( )0.5 (short)12.3 (-)12.1 (term)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( long)12.2 (-)12.1 (term)12.1 ( )0.5 (loans)12.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(denominated)3.2 ( in)3.2 ( )0.5 (united)3.2 ( )0.5 (states)3.2 ( )0.5 (dollars)3.2 ( )0.5 (\()3.2 (\223)3.2 (usd)3.2 (\224)3.2 (\))3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (australian)3.2 ( )0.5 (dollars)3.2 ( )0.5 (\()3.2 (\223)3.2 (aud)3.2 (\224)3.2 (\))3.2 (,)3.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(euro)13.7 ( \()13.8 (\223)13.7 (eur)13.7 (\224)13.7 (\))13.8 (,)13.7 ( japanese)13.7 ( yen)13.7 ( \()13.7 (\223)13.8 (jpy)13.8 (\224)13.7 (\))13.7 (,)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( hong)13.8 ( kong)13.7 ( dollars)13.7 ( \()13.8 (\223)13.7 (hkd)13.7 (\224)13.8 (\))13.7 (.)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* [(related )0.6 (exposures )0.6 (are )0.6 (disclosed )0.6 (in )0.6 (notes )0.5 (13, )0.6 (14, )0.5 (15, )0.6 (18, )0.5 (22, )0.5 (23 )0.6 (and )0.6 (40 )0.5 (to )]tj 0.026 tw t* (the financial statements, respectively. the group treasury closely monit\ ors )tj 0.081 tw t* (the international foreign currency market on the change of exchange rate\ s )tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.7 ( takes)13.7 ( these)13.7 ( into)13.7 ( consideration)13.7 ( when)13.7 ( investing)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( foreign)13.7 ( currency)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (deposits and borrowing loans. as at 31 december 2019, the group only had\ )tj t* (significant exposure to usd.)tj et endstream endobj 211 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (8)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(c\) )-444.4 (compensation of key management personnel)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 581.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 566.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 563.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 548.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 533.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 503.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 488.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 485.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 470.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 455.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 567.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 563.5963 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 564.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -33.165 -3 td (fees)tj /t1_1 1 tf 30.875 0 td (780)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (756)tj 0 tw -39.095 -1.5 td (basic salaries, housing fund, other allowances and )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (benefits in kind)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.993 0 td (6,945)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (3,953)tj 0 tw -38.206 -1.5 td (pension costs)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.875 0 td (715)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (482)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 485.3371 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 486.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 485.3371 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 486.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 485.3371 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 486.3571 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -3.18 -3 td (8,440)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (5,191)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 452.2067 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 452.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 452.2067 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 452.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 452.2067 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 452.9767 tm ( )tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 119.0552 428.2467 tm [(*)34.2 ( )-2541.5 (the)13.6 ( year)13.5 (-)13.6 (on)13.5 (-)13.5 (year)13.5 ( increase)13.5 ( in)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( salaries)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( key)13.5 ( management)13.6 ( personnel)13.6 ( was)13.5 ( mainly)13.5 ( due)13.6 ( to)13.5 ( the)34.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0.077 tw 3.543 -1.375 td [(compan)0.5 (y)14.3 (\222)14.3 (s)14.3 ( a)0.5 (ddition)14.4 ( of)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( salari)0.5 (ed)14.3 ( s)0.5 (upervisor)14.4 ( thi)0.5 (s)14.3 ( y)0.5 (ear)14.3 ( an)0.5 (d)14.3 ( ch)0.5 (anges)14.3 ( in)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( p)0.5 (ositio)0.5 (ns)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( som)0.5 (e)14.3 ( key)30.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.043 tw 0 -1.375 td (management personnel, which caused the year-on-year changes in the scope\ and duration of salaries )tj 0 tw t* (paid by the company.)tj 10 0 0 10 119.0552 369.2467 tm (details of directors\222 remuneration are included in note 30 to the fin\ ancial statements.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 90.7087 334.2466 tm [(\(d\) )-388.4 (commitments with related parties)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.011 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 304.2467 tm (as at 31 december 2019 and 2018, except for the other capital commitment\ s disclosed )tj 0.05 tw 0 -1.5 td [(in )0.6 (note )0.5 (42\(b\) )0.6 (to )0.5 (these )0.6 (financial )0.6 (statements, )0.6 (the )0.5 (group )0.6 (had )0.5 (no )0.5 (significant )0.5 (commitments )]tj 0 tw t* (with related parties.)tj et endstream endobj 212 0 obj <> endobj 213 0 obj <> endobj 214 0 obj <> endobj 215 0 obj <> endobj 216 0 obj <> endobj 217 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 218 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 219 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 220 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 221 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 222 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (8)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (balances with related parties \(continued\))]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 362.835 581.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 566.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 551.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 536.477 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 533.096 85.039 -14 re 362.835 519.096 85.039 -14 re 362.835 505.096 85.039 -14 re 362.835 491.096 85.039 -14 re 362.835 477.096 85.039 -14 re 362.835 463.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 448.096 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 445.087 85.039 -14 re 362.835 431.087 85.039 -14 re 362.835 417.087 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 413.707 85.039 -15 re 362.835 398.707 85.039 -14 re 362.835 384.707 85.039 -14 re 362.835 370.707 85.039 -14 re 362.835 356.707 85.039 -14 re 362.835 342.707 85.039 -15 re 362.835 327.707 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 324.698 85.039 -14 re 362.835 310.698 85.039 -14 re 362.835 296.698 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 377.1852 567.7467 tm (31 december)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.67 0 td (31 december)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw -4.475 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 533.5963 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 534.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 533.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 391.1811 534.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 533.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 476.2205 534.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -2.8 td (other payables and accrued liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.4 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.652 0 td (1,810,514)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,930,947)tj 0 tw -35.156 -1.4 td (associates of chinalco)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.126 0 td (17,056)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (17,128)tj -36.63 -1.4 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.126 0 td (80,012)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.92 0 td (148,978)tj 0 tw -36.046 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.126 0 td (73,823)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.088 0 td (8,860)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 445.3372 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 446.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 445.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 446.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 445.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 446.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -2.8 td (1,981,405)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2,105,913)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 414.2068 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 414.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 414.2068 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 414.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 414.2068 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 414.9768 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -2.9 td (contract liabilities:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.4 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.126 0 td (29,210)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (22,307)tj 0 tw -36.63 -1.4 td (associates of chinalco)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 30.823 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.864 0 td (20)tj -38.687 -1.4 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 29.599 0 td (223)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.031 0 td (12,451)tj 0 tw -36.63 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.126 0 td (56,010)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (94,367)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 324.9478 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 325.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 324.9478 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 325.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.8741 324.9478 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.8741 325.9678 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -3.764 -2.8 td (85,443)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.92 0 td (129,145)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 293.8174 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 294.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 293.8174 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 294.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.8741 293.8174 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.8741 294.5874 tm ( )tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw -32.882 -2.873 td [(as)14.2 ( )0.6 (at)14.3 ( )0.6 (3)14.2 (1)14.3 ( )0.5 (december)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.3 (0)14.3 (1)14.3 (9)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (included)14.3 ( )0.6 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (long)14.2 (-)14.3 (term)14.3 ( )0.5 (loans)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.6 (borrowings)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.6 (short)14.3 (-)]tj 0.053 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)14.4 ( l)0.6 (o)0.5 (an)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( b)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (s)14.4 ( w)0.6 (er)0.6 (e)14.4 ( f)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)14.4 ( o)0.5 (t)0.6 (he)0.5 (r)14.4 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)14.4 (-)14.4 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (ne)0.6 (d)14.3 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)25.1 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(rmb35,029 million \(31 december 2018: rmb42,553 million\) and rmb29,781 \ million \(31)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (december 2018: rmb41,189 million\), respectively.)tj 0.027 tc 0 -3 td [(the terms of all balances with the exception of the entrusted loans were\ unsecured and)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw 0 -1.5 td (were in accordance with terms as set out in the respective agreements or\ as mutually )tj 0 tw t* (agreed between the parties concerned.)tj et endstream endobj 223 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (7)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (balances with related parties \(continued\))]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 362.835 581.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 566.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 551.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 536.477 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 533.096 85.039 -14 re 362.835 519.096 85.039 -14 re 362.835 505.096 85.039 -14 re 362.835 491.096 85.039 -14 re 362.835 477.096 85.039 -14 re 362.835 463.096 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 460.087 85.039 -14 re 362.835 446.087 85.039 -14 re 362.835 432.087 85.039 -14 re 362.835 418.087 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 415.078 85.039 -14 re 362.835 401.078 85.039 -14 re 362.835 387.078 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 383.698 85.039 -14 re 362.835 369.698 85.039 -14 re 362.835 355.698 85.039 -15 re 362.835 340.698 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 337.317 85.039 -14 re 362.835 323.317 85.039 -15 re 362.835 308.317 85.039 -14 re 362.835 294.317 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 290.937 85.039 -14 re 362.835 276.937 85.039 -14 re 362.835 262.937 85.039 -14 re 362.835 248.937 85.039 -15 re 362.835 233.937 85.039 -14 re 362.835 219.937 85.039 -14 re 362.835 205.937 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 202.928 85.039 -14 re 362.835 188.928 85.039 -14 re 362.835 174.928 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 377.1852 567.7467 tm (31 december)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.67 0 td (31 december)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw -4.475 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 533.5963 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 534.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 533.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 391.1811 534.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 533.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 476.2205 534.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -2.8 td (other current assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.4 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.542 0 td (482,195)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (830,615)tj 0 tw -36.046 -1.4 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.652 0 td (1,503,505)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,424,678)tj -35.156 -1.4 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.126 0 td (47,743)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (29,701)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 460.3372 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 461.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 460.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 461.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 460.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 461.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -2.8 td (2,033,443)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2,284,994)tj 0 tw -36.149 -1.4 td (provision for impairment of other current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.729 0 td (\(30,509\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(40,830\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 415.3282 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 416.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 415.3282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 416.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 415.3282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 416.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -2.8 td (2,002,934)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2,244,164)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 384.1978 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 384.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 384.1978 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 384.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 384.1978 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 384.9678 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -2.8 td (other non-current assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 27.542 0 td (111,845)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (111,845)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 337.8174 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 338.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 337.8174 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 338.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 337.8174 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 338.5874 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -2.9 td (interest-bearing loans and borrowings:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.026 tc 0.992 -1.4 td (subsidiaries of chinalco \(including lease liabilities\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 26.652 0 td (9,857,187)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (4,373,033)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 291.437 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 292.207 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 291.437 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 292.207 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 291.437 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 292.207 tm ( )tj -31.89 -1.4 td ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 30.711 0 td ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -40.207 -1.4 td (trade and notes payables)tj 0 tc 31.703 0 td ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td ( )tj 0.028 tc -39.215 -1.4 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.542 0 td (334,840)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (404,278)tj 0 tw -36.046 -1.5 td (associates of chinalco)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.599 0 td (917)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.614 0 td (4,012)tj 0 tw -37.214 -1.4 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.542 0 td (527,744)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (631,570)tj -36.046 -1.4 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.71 0 td (9,789)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.92 0 td (13,033)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 203.178 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 204.198 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 203.178 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 204.198 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 203.178 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 204.198 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -4.348 -2.8 td (873,290)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.614 0 td (1,052,893)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 172.0476 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 172.8176 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 172.0476 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 391.1811 172.8176 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 172.0476 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 476.2205 172.8176 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 224 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (7)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (balances with related parties)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(other)13.6 ( than)13.6 ( those)13.6 ( disclosed)13.6 ( elsewhere)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( consolidated)13.6 ( financial)13.6 ( statements)13.6 (,)13.5 ( the)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (outstanding balances with related parties at the year end are as follows\ :)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 536.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 521.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 506.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 491.477 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 488.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 473.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 458.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 443.096 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 440.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 425.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 410.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 395.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 380.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 365.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 350.087 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 347.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 332.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 317.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 302.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 287.078 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 284.069 85.039 -15 re 362.835 269.069 85.039 -15 re 362.835 254.069 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 377.1852 522.7467 tm (31 december)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.67 0 td (31 december)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw -4.475 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 488.5963 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 489.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 488.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 391.1811 489.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 488.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 476.2205 489.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (cash and cash equivalents deposited with)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.5 td (a subsidiary of chinalco*)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.652 0 td (3,285,093)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (9,101,541)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 440.3372 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 119.0551 441.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 440.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 441.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 440.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 441.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (trade and notes receivables)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.5 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.652 0 td (1,054,168)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,281,395)tj 0 tw -35.156 -1.5 td (associates of chinalco)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.71 0 td (6,034)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.92 0 td (18,655)tj 0 tw -36.63 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.542 0 td (788,183)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (819,878)tj -36.046 -1.5 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 30.183 0 td (25)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.031 0 td (6,615)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 347.3282 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 348.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 347.3282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 348.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 347.3282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 348.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (1,848,410)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2,126,543)tj 0 tw -36.149 -3 td (provision for impairment of receivables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.729 0 td (\(17,815\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(77,657\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 284.3191 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 285.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 284.3191 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 285.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 284.3191 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 285.3391 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (1,830,595)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2,048,886)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 251.1887 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 251.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 251.1887 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 251.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 251.1887 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 251.9587 tm ( )tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 119.0551 227.2287 tm [(*)22.2 ( )-2553.5 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (6)14.2 ( )0.5 (august)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (1)14.2 (1)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.5 (entered)14.2 ( )0.5 (into)14.2 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( )0.5 (agreement)14.2 ( )0.5 (with)14.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)14.3 ( )0.5 (finance)14.2 (,)14.3 ( pursuant)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)22.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc 3.543 -1.375 td [(which)13.5 (,)13.5 ( chinalco)13.5 ( finance)13.5 ( agreed)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( provide)13.5 ( deposit)13.5 ( services)13.5 (,)13.5 ( credit)13.5 ( services)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( other)13.6 ( financial)33.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.375 td [(services to the group. on 24 august 2012, 28 april 2015 and 26 october 2\ 017, the company renewed)-0.9 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.037 tw t* (the financial service agreement with chinalco finance with a validation \ term of three years ending on )tj 0 tw t* (26 october 2020.)tj et endstream endobj 225 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (7)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (significant related party transactions \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(all)10.2 ( )0.5 (transactions)10.1 ( )0.5 (with)10.2 ( )0.5 (related)10.2 ( parties)10.2 ( were)10.2 ( )0.5 (conducted)10.2 ( at)10.1 ( )0.5 (prices)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( )0.5 (on)10.2 ( terms)10.2 ( mutually)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (agreed by the parties involved, which are determined as follows: \(conti\ nued\))tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(\()44.2 (i)44.2 (x)44.2 (\))44.2 ( )-1017.4 (these)13.9 ( related)14 ( party)14 ( transactions)14 ( also)14 ( constitute)13.9 ( connected)13.9 ( transactions)14 ( or)44.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (continuing connected transactions as defined in chapter 13a of the listi\ ng rules.)tj 0.086 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\(x\) )-1303.2 (in december 2006, ningxia energy, a subsidiary of the company, entered i\ nto a )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(financial)13.6 ( guarantee)13.5 ( contract)13.6 ( with)13.5 ( china)13.6 ( construction)13.6 ( bank)13.6 ( providing)13.5 ( a)13.6 ( financial)14.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0 -1.5 td [(guarantee)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( tian)13.8 ( jing)13.8 ( shen)13.8 ( zhou)13.8 ( wind)13.8 ( power)13.8 ( co)13.7 (.)13.8 (,)13.8 ( ltd)13.7 (,)13.8 ( a)13.7 ( joint)13.8 ( venture)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)18.2 ( )]tj 0.075 tc t* [(company)13.6 (,)13.5 ( for)13.6 ( its)13.6 ( 1)13.6 (4)13.6 (-)13.5 (year)13.6 ( bank)13.6 ( loan)13.6 ( amounting)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( rmb)13.6 (3)13.6 (5)13.5 ( million)13.6 (.)13.5 ( as)13.6 ( at)13.6 ( 3)13.5 (1)47.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (december 2019, the outstanding amount of the guarantee was rmb6 million.\ )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()3.2 (x)3.2 (i)3.2 (\))3.2 ( )-1047.4 (as)3.3 ( disclosed)3.2 ( )0.5 (in)3.2 ( )0.5 (note)3.2 ( )0.5 (2)3.2 (0)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (group)3.3 ( has)3.2 ( )0.5 (entered)3.3 ( into)3.2 ( several)3.2 ( )0.5 (sale)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( )0.5 (leaseback)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (contracts with chalco financial leasing co., ltd.)tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()15.2 (x)15.2 (i)15.2 (i)15.2 (\))15.2 ( )-796.7 (as)14 ( disclosed)14 ( in)14 ( note)14 ( 3)13.9 (8)14 (,)13.9 ( the)14 ( group)13.9 ( acquired)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( 1)14 (0)13.9 (0)14 (%)13.9 ( equity)13.9 ( interest)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( suzhou)15.2 ( )]tj 0.075 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(zhongcai)14 ( from)14 ( zhongse)13.9 ( technology)14 ( and)14 ( suzhou)14 ( research)14 ( institute)14 (,)14 ( which)47.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (constituted a related party transaction.)tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()2.2 (x)2.2 (i)2.2 (i)2.2 (i)2.2 (\))2.2 ( )-547.9 (as)2.2 ( )0.5 (disclosed)2.2 ( in)2.2 ( )0.5 (note)2.2 ( 2)2.2 (7)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (in)2.2 ( may)2.1 ( )0.5 (2)2.2 (0)2.2 (1)2.2 (9)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( group)2.2 ( )0.5 (entered)2.2 ( )0.5 (into)2.2 ( )0.5 (transactions)2.2 ( with)2.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.077 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(i)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)14.5 ( f)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)0.6 (o)0.5 (w)14.5 ( s)0.5 (u)0.6 (b)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 ( i)0.6 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( d)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (p)0.5 (o)0.6 (s)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (s)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( s)0.5 (u)0.6 (b)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)14.5 ( d)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (p)0.6 (o)0.5 (s)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw t* (electronic aluminium capacity quota. these transactions constituted rela\ ted party )tj -0.028 tw t* (transactions.)tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()20.2 (x)20.2 (i)20.2 (v)20.2 (\))20.2 ( )-513.6 (as)14.1 ( disclosed)14 ( in)14.1 ( note)14 ( 8)14 ( \()14 (b)14 (\))14.1 (,)14 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 ( completed)14 ( the)14 ( acquisitions)14 ( of)14 ( equity)20.3 ( )]tj 0.095 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(interests)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( yunnan)13.5 ( aluminum)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( yixin)13.5 ( aluminum)13.5 (,)13.5 ( respectively)13.6 (.)13.5 ( these)67.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (transactions constituted related party transactions.)tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 8 0 0 8 119.0551 151.7466 tm [(*)11.2 ( )-2561.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (english)11.2 ( names)11.2 ( )0.5 (represent)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( best)11.2 ( effort)11.2 ( )0.5 (made)11.2 ( )0.5 (by)11.2 ( )0.5 (management)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (group)11.2 ( in)11.2 ( )0.5 (translating)11.3 ( the)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (chinese names of the companies as they do not have any official english \ names.)tj et endstream endobj 226 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (7)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (significant related party transactions \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(all)10.2 ( )0.5 (transactions)10.1 ( )0.5 (with)10.2 ( )0.5 (related)10.2 ( parties)10.2 ( were)10.2 ( )0.5 (conducted)10.2 ( at)10.1 ( )0.5 (prices)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( )0.5 (on)10.2 ( terms)10.2 ( mutually)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (agreed by the parties involved, which are determined as follows: \(conti\ nued\))tj 0.079 tw 0 -3 td [(\(iv\) )-1060.5 (the pricing policy for purchases of key and auxiliary materials \(includ\ ing bauxite, )]tj 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (limestone, carbon, cement and coal\) is the same as that set out in \(i\)\ above.)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()18.2 (v)18.2 (\))18.2 ( )-1293.2 (social)14.3 ( )0.6 (services)14.2 ( )0.6 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (logistics)14.3 ( )0.5 (services)14.3 ( )0.5 (provided)14.3 ( )0.5 (by)14.2 ( )0.6 (chinalco)14.2 ( )0.6 (group)14.2 ( )0.6 (cover)14.3 ( )0.6 (public)18.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0.077 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(s)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (ri)0.6 (t)0.5 (y)14.4 (,)14.3 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.3 (,)14.4 ( e)0.5 (du)0.6 (ca)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (r)0.6 (ai)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 (,)14.4 ( s)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (o)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( h)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)37.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(cultural)14 ( and)14.1 ( physical)14.1 ( education)14 (,)14.1 ( newspaper)14 ( and)14.1 ( magazines)14.1 (,)14.1 ( broadcasting)14.1 ( and)27.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(printing)2.2 ( as)2.2 ( )0.5 (well)2.2 ( )0.5 (as)2.2 ( )0.5 (property)2.2 ( )0.5 (management)2.2 (,)2.2 ( environmental)2.3 ( and)2.2 ( )0.5 (hygiene)2.2 (,)2.2 ( greenery)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(nurseries)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (kindergartens)1.3 (,)1.2 ( sanatoriums)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (canteens)1.3 ( and)1.2 ( offices)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (public)1.2 ( )0.5 (transport)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.057 tw t* [(and retirement management )0.5 (and other services. provisions )0.5 (of these services )0.5 (are )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(covered)13.8 ( by)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( comprehensive)13.9 ( social)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( logistics)13.8 ( services)13.8 ( agreement)13.9 (.)13.8 ( the)21.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (pricing policy is the same as that set out in \(i\) above.)tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()22.2 (v)22.2 (i)22.2 (\))22.2 ( )-1039.4 (pursuant)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( land)13.8 ( use)13.8 ( right)13.8 ( lease)13.8 ( agreements)13.8 ( entered)13.8 ( into)13.8 ( between)13.9 ( the)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.062 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(group )0.5 (and chinalco group, )0.5 (operating leases for )0.5 (industrial )0.5 (or commercial land )0.5 (are )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw t* [(charged)14.3 ( at)14.2 ( the)14.3 ( market)14.3 ( rent)14.3 ( rate)14.3 (.)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( group)14.3 ( also)14.3 ( entered)14.3 ( into)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( building)14.3 ( rental)20.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(agreement)6.2 ( with)6.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)6.2 ( )0.5 (group)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )0.5 (paid)6.2 ( )0.5 (rents)6.2 ( )0.5 (based)6.2 ( on)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( market)6.2 ( )0.5 (rate)6.2 ( for)6.1 ( )0.5 (its)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (lease of buildings owned by chinalco.)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()16.2 (v)16.2 (i)16.2 (i)16.3 (\))16.2 ( )-795.7 (other)14 ( services)14 ( are)14.1 ( environmental)14 ( protection)14.1 ( operation)14 ( services)14.1 (.)14 ( the)14 ( prevailing)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (market price is adopted for pricing purposes.)tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()31.2 (v)31.2 (i)31.2 (i)31.2 (i)31.3 (\))31.2 ( )-530.9 (chinalco)13.8 ( finance)13.7 ( company)13.8 ( limited)13.8 ( \()13.8 (\223)13.7 (chinalco)13.7 ( finance)13.8 (\224)13.7 (\))13.8 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.045 tc -0.045 tw 32.024 0 td <0295125909cc0a1503de08220baa038202ae>tj 0 tc 0 tw -29.189 -1.5 td <0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 1.034 0 td [(\))13.5 (,)13.4 ( a)13.5 ( wholly)13.4 (-)13.5 (owned)13.4 ( subsidiary)13.4 ( of)13.5 ( chinalco)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( a)13.5 ( non)13.5 (-)13.4 (bank)13.5 ( financial)13.4 ( institution)19.1 ( )]tj 0.105 tc 0.077 tw -1.034 -1.5 td [(establ)0.5 (ished)14.3 ( in)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( p)0.5 (rc)14.3 (,)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (ovides)14.3 ( deposit)14.3 ( servi)0.5 (ces)14.3 (,)14.3 ( cre)0.5 (dit)14.3 ( s)0.5 (ervices)14.3 ( and)77.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(miscellaneous)14 ( financial)14 ( services)14 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( group)14 (.)14.1 ( the)14 ( terms)14 ( for)14.1 ( the)14 ( provision)14 ( of)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw 0 -1.5 td (financial services to the group are no less favourable than those of the\ same type )tj 0.011 tw 0 -1.5 td (of financial services provided by chinalco finance to chinalco and other\ members )tj 0.054 tw t* (of its group or those of the same type of financial services that may be\ provided )tj 0 tw t* (to the group by other financial institutions.)tj et endstream endobj 227 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 228 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 229 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 230 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 231 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 232 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (7)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (significant related party transactions \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(all)10.2 ( )0.5 (transactions)10.1 ( )0.5 (with)10.2 ( )0.5 (related)10.2 ( parties)10.2 ( were)10.2 ( )0.5 (conducted)10.2 ( at)10.1 ( )0.5 (prices)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( )0.5 (on)10.2 ( terms)10.2 ( mutually)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (agreed by the parties involved, which are determined as follows:)tj 0.071 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(\()43.2 (i)43.2 (\))43.2 ( )-1546.2 (sales)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (materials)14.3 ( )0.6 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (finished)14.3 ( )0.5 (goods)14.3 ( )0.5 (comprised)14.3 ( )0.6 (sales)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (alumina)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (primary)43.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(aluminum, copp)-19.8 (er and scrap materials. transactions entered into are covered by )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(general)14.2 ( agreements)14.2 ( on)14.2 ( a)14.1 ( )0.5 (mutual)14.2 ( provision)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( production)14.2 ( supplies)14.1 ( and)14.2 ( ancillary)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (services. the pricing policy is summarised below:)tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -3 td [(1)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )-1547 (the)7.2 ( price)7.2 ( )0.5 (prescribed)7.3 ( by)7.2 ( the)7.2 ( prc)7.2 ( )0.5 (government)7.2 ( )0.5 (\()7.2 (\223)7.2 (state)7.2 (-)7.2 (prescribed)7.2 ( )0.5 (price)7.2 (\224)7.2 (\))7.2 ( )0.5 (is)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (adopted;)tj 0 tw -2.835 -3 td [(2. )-1639.1 (if there is no state-prescribed price, state-guidance price is adopted;)]tj 0.087 tw t* [(3. )-1552 (if there is neither state-prescribed price nor state-guidance price, the\ n the )]tj 0.064 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (market price \(being price charged to and from independent third parties\ \) is )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (adopted; and)tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw -2.835 -3 td [(4)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )-1547 (if)11.2 ( none)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (above)11.2 ( )0.5 (is)11.2 ( available)11.2 (,)11.2 ( then)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( adoption)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( a)11.2 ( )0.5 (contractual)11.2 ( )0.5 (price)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.051 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (\(being reasonable costs incurred in providing the relevant services plu\ s not )tj 0 tw t* (more than 5% of such costs is adopted\).)tj 0.052 tc 0.077 tw -5.669 -3 td [(\()24.2 (i)24.2 (i)24.2 (\))24.2 ( )-1316.4 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (y)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( e)0.5 (l)0.6 (ec)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)14.5 (,)14.4 ( g)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( h)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( w)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 (,)14.4 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (t)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (state-prescribed price.)tj 0.078 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()50.2 (i)50.2 (i)50.2 (i)50.3 (\))50.2 ( )-1039.7 (engineering)13.7 (,)13.7 ( project)13.7 ( construction)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( supervisory)13.7 ( services)13.7 ( were)13.7 ( provided)50.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(for)13.9 ( construction)14 ( projects)13.9 (.)13.9 ( the)14 ( state)13.9 (-)14 (guidance)14 ( price)13.9 ( or)14 ( prevailing)14 ( market)13.9 ( price)27.2 ( )]tj 0.075 tc t* [(\()14 (including)14 ( the)14 ( tender)14 ( price)14 ( where)14 ( by)14 ( way)14 ( of)14 ( tender)14 (\))14 ( is)14 ( adopted)14 ( for)14 ( pricing)47.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (purposes.)tj et endstream endobj 233 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (7)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (significant related party transactions \(continued\))]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 351.496 581.477 90.709 -15 re 351.496 566.477 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 563.096 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 549.596 90.709 -45 re 351.496 504.596 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 501.216 90.709 -15 re 351.496 486.216 90.709 -45 re 351.496 441.216 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 437.836 90.709 -15 re 351.496 422.836 90.709 -30 re 351.496 392.836 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 389.455 90.709 -15 re 351.496 374.455 90.709 -30 re 351.496 344.455 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 341.075 90.709 -15 re 351.496 326.075 90.709 -15 re 351.496 311.075 90.709 -15 re 351.496 296.075 90.709 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 309.2587 567.7467 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10.42 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 563.5963 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1496 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8426 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 470.5512 564.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.15 -2.85 td (disposal of assets under a sale and )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (leaseback contract to a subsidiary )tj 0 -1.5 td (of chinalco)tj -0.028 tw 18.737 0 td (\(xi\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.238 0 td (500,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (224,000)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 501.7158 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 502.4857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 501.7158 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1496 502.4857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 501.7158 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8426 502.4857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 501.7158 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 470.5512 502.4857 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.15 -3 td (finance lease under a sale and )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (leaseback contract from a )tj t* (subsidiary of chinalco)tj 17.736 0 td (\(xi\), \(ix\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 9.239 0 td (558,924)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (224,000)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 438.3354 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 439.1054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 438.3354 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1496 439.1054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 438.3354 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8426 439.1054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 438.3354 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 470.5512 439.1054 tm ( )tj 0.005 tc -35.15 -3 td [(trade receivable factoring arrangement)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.008 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (from a subsidiary of chinalco)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 18.737 0 td (\(ix\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.238 0 td (136,656)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (470,101)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 389.955 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 390.7249 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 389.955 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1496 390.7249 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 389.955 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8426 390.7249 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 389.955 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 470.5512 390.7249 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.15 -3 td (discounted notes receivable to a )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (subsidiary of chinalco)tj -0.028 tw 18.487 0 td (\(viii\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.488 0 td (679,517)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (756,000)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 341.5746 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 342.3446 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 341.5746 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1496 342.3446 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 341.5746 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8426 342.3446 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 341.5746 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 470.5512 342.3446 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.15 -3 td (provision of financial guarantees to:)tj 0.992 -1.5 td (a joint venture)tj -0.028 tw 18.862 0 td (\(x\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.697 0 td (12,450)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (12,450)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 293.1942 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 293.9642 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 293.1942 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1496 293.9642 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 293.1942 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8426 293.9642 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 293.1942 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 470.5512 293.9642 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 234 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (7)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (significant related party transactions \(continued\))]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 351.496 581.477 90.709 -15 re 351.496 566.477 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 563.096 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 549.596 90.709 -30 re 351.496 519.596 90.709 -15 re 351.496 504.596 90.709 -30 re 351.496 474.596 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 471.216 90.709 -15 re 351.496 456.216 90.709 -60 re 351.496 396.216 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 392.836 90.709 -15 re 351.496 377.836 90.709 -30 re 351.496 347.836 90.709 -15 re 351.496 332.836 90.709 -15 re 351.496 317.836 90.709 -3.009 re 351.496 314.826 90.709 -15 re 351.496 299.826 90.709 -15 re 351.496 284.826 90.709 -3.009 re 351.496 281.817 90.709 -15 re 351.496 266.817 90.709 -45 re 351.496 221.817 90.709 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 309.2587 567.7467 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10.42 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 563.5963 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1496 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8426 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 470.5512 564.3662 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.15 -2.85 td (other significant related party )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (transactions:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -0.992 -3 td (borrowing from subsidiaries of )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (chinalco)tj 0 tw 17.486 0 td (\(viii\), \(ix\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8.599 0 td (3,890,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (6,525,000)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 471.7158 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 472.4857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 471.7158 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1496 472.4857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 471.7158 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8426 472.4857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 471.7158 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 470.5512 472.4857 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.15 -3 td (interest expense on borrowings, )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (discounted notes and factoring )tj 0 -1.5 td (arrangement from subsidiaries of )tj -0.028 tw t* (chinalco)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.975 0 td (141,991)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (143,415)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 393.3354 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 394.1054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 393.3354 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1496 394.1054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 393.3354 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8426 394.1054 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 393.3354 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 470.5512 394.1054 tm ( )tj -0.023 tc -35.15 -3 td [(consideration to acquire the shares in the)-0.8 ( )]tj -0.022 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (subsidiaries of chinalco)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 18.473 0 td (\(xiv\))tj 0 tw -18.473 -1.5 td (investment in yunnan aluminum)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.086 0 td (1,287,608)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13.241 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -39.327 -1.5 td (investment in yixin aluminum)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.975 0 td (850,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 12.352 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 315.0763 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 119.0552 316.0963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 315.0763 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 316.0963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 315.0763 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4962 316.0963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2048 315.0763 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2048 316.0963 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (2,137,608)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13.241 0 td (\226)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 282.0673 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 119.0552 283.0872 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 282.0673 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 283.0872 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 282.0673 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4962 283.0872 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2048 282.0673 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2048 283.0872 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.315 -3 td (disposal of electronic aluminium )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (capacity quota to a subsidiary of )tj -0.028 tw t* (chinalco)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.975 0 td (800,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 12.352 0 td (\226)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 218.9369 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 147.4016 219.7069 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 218.9369 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1497 219.7069 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 218.9369 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8426 219.7069 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 218.9369 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 470.5512 219.7069 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 235 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (7)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (significant related party transactions \(continued\))]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 351.496 581.477 90.709 -15 re 351.496 566.477 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 563.096 90.709 -15 re 351.496 548.096 90.709 -30 re 351.496 518.096 90.709 -15 re 351.496 503.096 90.709 -30 re 351.496 473.096 90.709 -15 re 351.496 458.096 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 454.716 90.709 -15 re 351.496 439.716 90.709 -15 re 351.496 424.716 90.709 -15 re 351.496 409.716 90.709 -15 re 351.496 394.716 90.709 -15 re 351.496 379.716 90.709 -15 re 351.496 364.716 90.709 -3.009 re 351.496 361.707 90.709 -15 re 351.496 346.707 90.709 -15 re 351.496 331.707 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 328.326 90.709 -15 re 351.496 313.326 90.709 -15 re 351.496 298.326 90.709 -15 re 351.496 283.326 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 279.946 90.709 -15 re 351.496 264.946 90.709 -45 re 351.496 219.946 90.709 -15 re 351.496 204.946 90.709 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 309.2587 567.7467 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10.42 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 563.5963 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1496 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8426 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 470.5512 564.3662 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.15 -3 td (purchases of goods and services: )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -0.992 -3 td (provision of social services and )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (logistics services by:)tj -0.028 tw 18.862 0 td (\(v\))tj 0 tw -18.862 -1.5 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 18.737 0 td (\(ix\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.238 0 td (309,180)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (312,062)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 455.2158 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 455.9857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 455.2158 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 455.9857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 455.2158 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4961 455.9857 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 455.2158 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2047 455.9857 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.315 -3 td (provision of utility services by:)tj -0.028 tw 19.868 0 td (\(ii\))tj 0 tw -18.876 -1.5 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 18.737 0 td (\(ix\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.238 0 td (763,812)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (992,827)tj 0 tw -36.046 -1.5 td (associates of chinalco)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.975 0 td (100,835)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.655 0 td (96,510)tj 0 tw -36.63 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.975 0 td (280,523)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.655 0 td (26,269)tj -36.63 -1.5 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.143 0 td (8,326)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.487 0 td (77,432)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 361.9567 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 362.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 361.9567 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 362.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 361.9567 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4961 362.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 361.9567 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2047 362.9767 tm ( )tj -31.323 -3 td ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 26.086 0 td (1,153,496)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (1,193,038)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 328.8263 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 329.5963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 328.8263 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 329.5963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 328.8263 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4961 329.5963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 328.8263 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2047 329.5963 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.315 -3 td (provision of other services by:)tj -0.028 tw 19.604 0 td (\(vii\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.533 0 td ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td ( )tj 0.028 tc -39.215 -1.5 td (a joint venture)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.975 0 td (272,220)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (226,280)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 280.4459 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 281.2159 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 280.4459 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 281.2159 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 280.4459 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4961 281.2159 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 280.4459 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2047 281.2159 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.315 -3 td (rental expenses/lease liabilities )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (payments for buildings and land )tj 0 -1.5 td (use rights charged by:)tj -0.028 tw 18.737 0 td (\(vi\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.408 0 td ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td ( )tj 0.028 tc -39.215 -1.5 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 18.737 0 td (\(ix\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.238 0 td (499,191)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (501,866)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 202.0655 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 202.8355 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 202.0655 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 202.8355 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 202.0655 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4961 202.8355 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 202.0655 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2047 202.8355 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 236 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (7)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (significant related party transactions \(continued\))]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 351.496 581.477 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 567.977 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 564.596 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 551.096 90.709 -27 re 351.496 524.096 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 510.596 90.709 -27 re 351.496 483.596 90.709 -15 re 351.496 468.596 90.709 -15 re 351.496 453.596 90.709 -15 re 351.496 438.596 90.709 -15 re 351.496 423.596 90.709 -3.009 re 351.496 420.587 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 407.087 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 393.587 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 390.207 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 376.707 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 363.207 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 349.707 90.709 -40.5 re 351.496 309.207 90.709 -15 re 351.496 294.207 90.709 -15 re 351.496 279.207 90.709 -15 re 351.496 264.207 90.709 -3.009 re 351.496 261.198 90.709 -15 re 351.496 246.198 90.709 -15 re 351.496 231.198 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 227.817 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 214.317 90.709 -40.5 re 351.496 173.817 90.709 -15 re 351.496 158.817 90.709 -15 re 351.496 143.817 90.709 -15 re 351.496 128.817 90.709 -15 re 351.496 113.817 90.709 -3.009 re 351.496 110.808 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 97.308 90.709 -13.5 re 351.496 83.808 90.709 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 309.2587 569.2467 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10.42 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 565.0963 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 565.8662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 565.0962 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1496 565.8662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 565.0962 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8426 565.8662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 565.0962 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 470.5512 565.8662 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.15 -2.7 td (sales of goods and services )tj 0.992 -1.35 td (rendered: \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.992 -2.7 td (rental revenue of land use rights and )tj 0.992 -1.35 td (buildings from:)tj -0.028 tw 18.737 0 td (\(vi\))tj 0 tw -18.737 -1.5 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 18.737 0 td (\(ix\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.822 0 td (52,571)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (31,551)tj 0 tw -36.63 -1.5 td (associates of chinalco)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.616 0 td (65)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9.711 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -39.327 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.143 0 td (1,967)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (1,545)tj -37.214 -1.5 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 29.032 0 td (775)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.181 0 td (1,511)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 420.8371 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 421.8571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 420.8371 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 421.8571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 420.8371 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4962 421.8571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2048 420.8371 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2048 421.8571 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -3.764 -2.7 td (55,378)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (34,607)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 390.7067 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 391.4767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 390.7067 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 391.4767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 390.7067 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4962 391.4767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2048 390.7067 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2048 391.4767 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.315 -2.7 td (purchases of goods and services:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.7 td (purchases of engineering, )tj 0.992 -1.35 td (construction and supervisory )tj 0 -1.35 td (services from:)tj -0.028 tw 18.751 0 td (\(iii\))tj 0 tw -18.751 -1.5 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 18.737 0 td (\(ix\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.349 0 td (2,949,866)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (2,088,338)tj 0 tw -35.156 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.559 0 td (69,332)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.655 0 td (2,100)tj -37.214 -1.5 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.975 0 td (218,616)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (405,993)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 261.4477 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 262.4677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 261.4477 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 262.4677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 261.4477 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4962 262.4677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2048 261.4477 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2048 262.4677 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (3,237,814)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (2,496,431)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 228.3173 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 229.0873 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 228.3173 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 229.0873 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 228.3173 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4962 229.0873 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2048 228.3173 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2048 229.0873 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.315 -2.7 td (purchases of key and auxiliary )tj 0.992 -1.35 td (materials, equipment and finished )tj t* (goods from:)tj -0.028 tw 18.737 0 td (\(iv\))tj 0 tw -18.737 -1.5 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 18.737 0 td (\(ix\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.349 0 td (8,161,223)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (3,513,420)tj 0 tw -35.156 -1.5 td (associates of chinalco)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.616 0 td (18)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.014 0 td (18,917)tj 0 tw -36.63 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.085 0 td (2,647,234)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (8,182,251)tj -35.156 -1.5 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.085 0 td (1,893,449)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (2,108,072)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 111.0582 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 112.0782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 111.0582 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 112.0782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 111.0582 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4962 112.0782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2048 111.0582 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2048 112.0782 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.821 -2.7 td (12,701,924)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (13,822,660)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 80.9278 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 81.6978 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 80.9278 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 81.6978 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 80.9278 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4962 81.6978 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2048 80.9278 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2048 81.6978 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 237 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 238 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 239 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 240 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 241 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 242 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (7)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (significant related party transactions)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 362.835 581.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 566.477 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 563.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 548.096 85.039 -30 re 362.835 518.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 503.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 488.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 473.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 458.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 443.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 428.096 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 425.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 410.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 395.087 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 391.707 85.039 -15 re 362.835 376.707 85.039 -30 re 362.835 346.707 85.039 -15 re 362.835 331.707 85.039 -15 re 362.835 316.707 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 313.698 85.039 -15 re 362.835 298.698 85.039 -15 re 362.835 283.698 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 280.317 85.039 -15 re 362.835 265.317 85.039 -15 re 362.835 250.317 85.039 -15 re 362.835 235.317 85.039 -15 re 362.835 220.317 85.039 -15 re 362.835 205.317 85.039 -15 re 362.835 190.317 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 187.308 85.039 -15 re 362.835 172.308 85.039 -15 re 362.835 157.308 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 320.5973 567.7467 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.853 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 563.5963 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 334.4882 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 391.1811 564.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 563.5962 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 476.2205 564.3662 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (sales of goods and services )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (rendered:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.018 tc 0 tw -0.992 -3 td [(sal)0.5 (es of ma)0.5 (terial)0.5 (s and fi)0.5 (nished)0.5 ( g)0.5 (oods to:)]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 21.127 0 td (\(i\))tj 0 tw -20.134 -1.5 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 19.87 0 td (\(ix\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.198 0 td (13,612,817)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (11,248,625)tj 0 tw -34.573 -1.5 td (associates of chinalco)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.542 0 td (514,414)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (897,642)tj 0 tw -36.046 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.652 0 td (5,676,548)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (4,462,670)tj -35.156 -1.5 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.652 0 td (3,812,565)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2,626,780)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 425.3371 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 426.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 425.3371 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 426.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 425.3371 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 426.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 425.3371 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 426.3571 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.821 -3 td (23,616,344)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (19,235,717)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 392.2067 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 392.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 392.2067 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 392.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 392.2067 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 392.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 392.2067 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 392.9767 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (provision of engineering, construction )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (and supervisory services to:)tj -0.028 tw 19.885 0 td (\(iii\))tj 0 tw -19.885 -1.5 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 19.87 0 td (\(ix\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10.952 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.391 0 td (5,981)tj -37.214 -1.5 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 30.823 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.391 0 td (1,725)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 313.9477 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 314.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 313.9477 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 314.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 313.9477 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 314.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 313.9477 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 314.9677 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf -1.067 -3 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.391 0 td (7,706)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 280.8173 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 281.5872 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 280.8173 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 281.5872 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 280.8173 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 281.5872 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 280.8173 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 281.5872 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (provision of utility services to:)tj -0.028 tw 21.002 0 td (\(ii\))tj 0 tw -20.009 -1.5 td (chinalco and its subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 19.87 0 td (\(ix\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.672 0 td (687,290)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (620,552)tj 0 tw -36.046 -1.5 td (associates of chinalco)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.71 0 td (4,062)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.92 0 td (15,719)tj 0 tw -36.63 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.542 0 td (263,436)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (186,672)tj -36.046 -1.5 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.126 0 td (35,650)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (24,309)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 187.5582 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 188.5782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 187.5582 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 188.5782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 187.5582 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 188.5782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 187.5582 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 188.5782 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -4.348 -3 td (990,438)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (847,252)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 154.4278 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 155.1978 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 154.4278 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 155.1978 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 154.4278 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 155.1978 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 154.4278 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 155.1978 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 243 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (6)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(35. )-110.4 (significant related party balances and )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (transactions)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm [(t)0.5 (he)14.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ny)14.2 ( )0.5 (is)14.3 ( c)0.5 (on)0.5 (t)0.5 (ro)0.5 (ll)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.1 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (y)14.2 ( )0.5 (ch)0.5 (in)0.5 (al)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)14.2 ( p)0.5 (ar)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)14.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ny)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (nd)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( )0.5 (st)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)14.2 (-)14.2 (o)0.5 (wn)0.5 (ed)14.2 ( )0.5 (en)0.5 (te)0.5 (r)0.5 (pr)0.5 (is)0.5 (e)14.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td [(established)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( )0.5 (mainland)13.2 ( china)13.2 (.)13.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)13.3 ( itself)13.2 ( )0.5 (is)13.2 ( )0.5 (controlled)13.2 ( by)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )0.5 (prc)13.2 ( government)13.2 (,)13.2 ( which)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.005 tw t* (also owns a significant portion of the productive assets in mainland chi\ na. in accordance with )tj 0.074 tw t* [(ias )0.5 (24 )]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 125.3431 557.7467 tm [(related )0.5 (party )0.5 (disclosures)]tj 10 0 0 10 248.6931 557.7467 tm [(, )0.5 (government-related )0.5 (entities )0.5 (and )0.5 (their subsidiaries, )0.5 (directly )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw -15.798 -1.5 td [(or)6.2 ( indirectly)6.2 ( controlled)6.2 (,)6.2 ( jointly)6.1 ( )0.5 (controlled)6.1 ( )0.5 (or)6.2 ( )0.5 (significantly)6.1 ( )0.5 (influenced)6.1 ( )0.5 (by)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( prc)6.2 ( )0.5 (government)6.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(are)13.2 ( defined)13.2 ( as)13.2 ( related)13.2 ( parties)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (group)13.2 (.)13.2 ( on)13.2 ( that)13.2 ( basis)13.2 (,)13.2 ( related)13.2 ( )0.5 (parties)13.2 ( )0.5 (include)13.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)13.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(and)13.8 ( its)13.8 ( subsidiaries)13.7 ( \()13.7 (other)13.8 ( than)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.8 (\))13.7 (,)13.7 ( other)13.7 ( government)13.7 (-)13.7 (related)13.7 ( entities)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( their)34.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw 0 -1.5 td (subsidiaries \(\223other state-owned enterprises\224\), other entities a\ nd corporations over which the )tj 0.091 tw t* (company is able to control or exercise significant influence and key man\ agement personnel )tj 0 tw t* (of the company and chinalco as well as their close family members.)tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -3 td [(fo)0.5 (r)4.2 ( t)0.5 (he)4.2 ( )0.5 (pur)0.5 (pos)0.5 (es)4.2 ( o)0.5 (f)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (lat)0.5 (ed)4.2 ( )0.5 (par)0.5 (ty)4.2 ( )0.5 (tr)0.5 (ans)0.5 (act)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)4.2 ( di)0.5 (sc)0.5 (los)0.5 (ur)0.5 (es)4.2 (,)4.2 ( t)0.5 (he)4.2 ( )0.5 (di)0.5 (rec)0.5 (tor)0.5 (s)4.2 ( o)0.5 (f)4.2 ( t)0.5 (he)4.2 ( )0.5 (com)0.5 (pan)0.5 (y)4.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(consider)14.1 ( that)14.1 ( meaningful)14.2 ( information)14 ( in)14.1 ( respect)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( related)14.1 ( party)14.1 ( transactions)14 ( has)14.1 ( been)37.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (adequately disclosed.)tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(in)13.8 ( addition)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( related)13.8 ( party)13.7 ( information)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( transactions)13.8 ( disclosed)13.8 ( elsewhere)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( the)30.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0 -1.5 td [(consolidated)13.9 ( financial)13.9 ( statements)13.9 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( following)14 ( is)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( summary)13.9 ( of)14 ( significant)13.9 ( related)13.9 ( party)21.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc t* [(transactions)14.2 ( in)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.1 ( )0.5 (ordinary)14.1 ( )0.5 (course)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( business)14.2 ( )0.5 (between)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (group)14.1 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( its)14.2 ( )0.5 (related)14.2 ( parties)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (during the year.)tj et endstream endobj 244 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (6)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(34. )-110.4 (notes to the consolidated statement of cash )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (flows \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(c\) )-444.4 (total cash outflow for leases)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm (the total cash outflow for leases included in the statement of cash flow\ s is as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 447.874 551.477 85.039 -15 re 447.874 536.477 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 533.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 518.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 503.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 488.096 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 485.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 470.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 455.087 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 504.1701 537.7467 tm (2019)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 533.5963 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 533.5962 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 534.3662 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (within operating activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 37.622 0 td (65,426)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -37.622 -1.5 td (within financing activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 36.149 0 td (3,032,106)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 485.3371 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 486.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 485.3371 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 486.3571 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.267 -3 td (3,097,532)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 452.2067 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 452.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 452.2067 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 452.9767 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 245 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 464.0257 742.33 tm [(31 december 20)55 (1)60 (9)]tj -11.334 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj 8.444 -1.375 td (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(n)1 (o)-15.4 (t)-8.9 (e)1.1 (s t)-12 (o f)-28.2 (i)1.9 (n)9.3 (a)12.4 (n)11.2 (c)15.7 (i)9.7 (a)10.9 (l s)-30.8 (t)-16.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-25.1 (s \()17.6 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 246 0 obj <> endobj 247 0 obj <> endobj 248 0 obj <> endobj 249 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ct%�b�h q؇��41�(�o?;�:i������qy ������8c�9�qn� \��9�l�vf�����ͨ"j��iƾr����rn�_`�l� �u��-��]a�u�k���8�`�n��,�t�_�! i�ʒ��� ��e|.#�6��3x��ơo�u�* ?�*:�ϟ$�қ�ƫ|��ql�x/�g>�wo��ka�|>��r�n�!�{�w�;�t8e�^�{�r�d> ����^�,l�3��q�l�g\?��dx��ky�<�67�i�0ڠ/ �9|lf�,��w�#�� endstream endobj 250 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r���{� � ��x�n�����f�v�8���kh^��yf�t�|[�m_�"��j�f�k�"�d����-��� ڈ��r��ʧ���ƞ����dg��y. �~��z|�{��jۖưw���?��2����a���4� ��^id;?r����y�o=�`���w�d�x���{��>x���y���9g�18f�7fo}�����in������5 ^�^�y���[������}t n�x1���b6��t.��aqu���`���9h>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������?�@�jp�|g�g47�| �m�֞��yzt�8�һ�� ��� endstream endobj 251 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 252 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (6)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.5 0 0 10 245.7597 513.8134 tm (financial )tj 0 tw -1.193 -1.4 td (liabilities at )tj 0.999 -1.4 td (fair value )tj -0.028 tw 0.637 -1.4 td (through )tj 0 tw -2.305 -1.4 td (profit or loss)tj 9.154 3 td (trade and )tj -0.028 tw 2.001 -1.5 td (notes )tj -1.472 -1.5 td (payables)tj 7.878 9 td (financial )tj 0.001 -1.5 td (liabilities )tj 0 tw -1.003 -1.5 td (included in )tj -1.055 -1.5 td (other current )tj -0.028 tw 2.028 -1.5 td (payables )tj 0 tw -1.584 -1.5 td (and accrued )tj -0.028 tw 1.194 -1.5 td (expenses)tj 8.268 7.5 td (financial )tj -0.333 -1.5 td (liabilities )tj 0 tw -0.669 -1.5 td (included in )tj 0.25 -1.5 td (other non-)tj -0.028 tw 1.474 -1.5 td (current )tj -0.721 -1.5 td (liabilities)tj 8.265 4.5 td (interest )tj 0.194 -1.5 td (bearing )tj 0 tw -1.001 -1.5 td (loans and )tj -0.028 tw -0.805 -1.5 td (borrowings)tj 10.823 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 453.6729 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 147.4016 454.4429 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 453.6729 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 268.1506 454.4429 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 453.6729 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 319.1742 454.4429 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 453.6729 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 370.1978 454.4429 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 453.6729 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 421.2214 454.4429 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 453.6729 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 472.245 454.4429 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 453.6729 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.2687 454.4429 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -62.187 -2.9 td (proceeds from finance lease, net )tj 1.526 -1.5 td (of deposit and transaction costs)tj 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.679 0 td (1,204,843)tj 7.85 0 td (1,204,843)tj 0 tw -58.128 -1.5 td (capital elements of finance lease )tj 1.526 -1.5 td (rental payment)tj 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.346 0 td (\(3,915,404\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(3,915,404\))tj 0 tw -57.794 -1.5 td (dividends paid by subsidiaries to )tj 1.526 -1.5 td (non-controlling shareholders)tj 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.569 0 td (277,771)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.131 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.569 0 td (277,771)tj 0 tw -59.018 -1.5 td (amortisation of unrecognised )tj 1.526 -1.5 td (finance expenses and interest )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (expense)tj 0 tc 0 tw 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.737 0 td (6,090)tj 6.682 0 td (521,295)tj 7.85 0 td (527,385)tj 0 tw -59.018 -1.5 td (interest paid)tj 0 tc 23.049 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.235 0 td (\(460,147\))tj 8.434 0 td (\(24,736\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(85,578\))tj 7.266 0 td (\(570,461\))tj -58.684 -1.5 td (reclassification)tj 0 tc 0 tw 23.049 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.819 0 td (\(90,644\))tj 8.183 0 td (90,644)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.547 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -62.298 -1.5 td (net cash \(used in\)/generated from )tj 1.526 -1.5 td (financing activities)tj 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.346 0 td (\(1,273,020\))tj 9.657 0 td (71,998)tj 6.043 0 td (\(8,762,064\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(9,963,086\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.055 241.4139 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.055 242.4339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7715 241.4139 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7715 242.4339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 241.4139 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7952 242.4339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 241.4139 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8188 242.4339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8424 241.4139 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8424 242.4339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.866 241.4139 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.866 242.4339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8896 241.4139 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8896 242.4339 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 6.5 0 0 10 119.055 212.4339 tm (net foreign exchange differences)tj 0 tc 23.049 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.737 0 td (6,520)tj 7.266 0 td (14,095)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.547 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.626 0 td (916)tj 6.376 0 td (21,531)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.055 208.4048 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.055 209.4248 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7715 208.4048 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7715 209.4248 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 208.4048 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7952 209.4248 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 208.4048 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8188 209.4248 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8424 208.4048 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8424 209.4248 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.866 208.4048 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.866 209.4248 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8896 208.4048 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8896 209.4248 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 6.5 0 0 10 119.055 179.4248 tm (as at 31 december 2018 )tj -0.028 tw 1.526 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj 19.41 0 td (1,766)tj 5.209 0 td (14,009,264)tj 8.434 0 td (9,286,462)tj 8.739 0 td (841,059)tj 5.793 0 td (101,772,876)tj 7.85 0 td (125,911,427)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.055 160.2744 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.055 161.0444 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7715 160.2744 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7715 161.0444 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 160.2744 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7952 161.0444 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 160.2744 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8188 161.0444 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8424 160.2744 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8424 161.0444 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.866 160.2744 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.866 161.0444 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8896 160.2744 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8896 161.0444 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(34. )-110.4 (notes to the consolidated statement of cash )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (flows \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj et endstream endobj 253 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 62.3622 742.33 tm [(31 december 20)55 (1)60 (9)]tj 0 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj t* (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 321.5189 721.6899 tm [(n)1 (o)-15.4 (t)-8.9 (e)1.1 (s t)-12 (o f)-28.2 (i)1.9 (n)9.3 (a)12.4 (n)11.2 (c)15.7 (i)9.7 (a)10.9 (l s)-30.8 (t)-16.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-25.1 (s \()17.6 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 254 0 obj <> endobj 255 0 obj <> endobj 256 0 obj <> endobj 257 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ct%�b�h q؇��41�(�o?;�:i������qy ������8c�9�qn� \��9�l�vf�����ͨ"j��iƾr����rn�_`�l� �u��-��]a�u�k���8�`�n��,�t�_�! i�ʒ��� ��e|.#�6��3x��ơo�u�* ?�*:�ϟ$�қ�ƫ|��ql�x/�g>�wo��ka�|>��r�n�!�{�w�;�t8e�^�{�r�d> ����^�,l�3��q�l�g\?��dx��ky�<�67�i�0ڠ/ �9|lf�,��w�#�� endstream endobj 258 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r���{� � ��x�n�����f�v�8���kh^��yf�t�|[�m_�"��j�f�k�"�d����-��� ڈ��r��ʧ���ƞ����dg��y. �~��z|�{��jۖưw���?��2����a���4� ��^id;?r����y�o=�`���w�d�x���{��>x���y���9g�18f�7fo}�����in������5 ^�^�y���[������}t n�x1���b6��t.��aqu���`���9h>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������?�@�jp�|g�g47�| �m�֞��yzt�8�һ�� ��� endstream endobj 259 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 260 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (6)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(34. )-110.4 (notes to the consolidated statement of cash )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (flows \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 6.5 0 0 10 245.7597 513.7467 tm (financial )tj 0 tw -1.193 -1.4 td (liabilities at )tj 0.999 -1.4 td (fair value )tj -0.028 tw 0.637 -1.4 td (through )tj 0 tw -2.305 -1.4 td (profit or loss)tj 9.154 3 td (trade and )tj -0.028 tw 2.001 -1.5 td (notes )tj -1.472 -1.5 td (payables)tj 7.878 9 td (financial )tj 0.001 -1.5 td (liabilities )tj 0 tw -1.003 -1.5 td (included in )tj -1.055 -1.5 td (other current )tj -0.028 tw 2.028 -1.5 td (payables )tj 0 tw -1.584 -1.5 td (and accrued )tj -0.028 tw 1.194 -1.5 td (expenses)tj 8.268 7.5 td (financial )tj -0.333 -1.5 td (liabilities )tj 0 tw -0.669 -1.5 td (included in )tj 0.25 -1.5 td (other non-)tj -0.028 tw 1.474 -1.5 td (current )tj -0.721 -1.5 td (liabilities)tj 8.265 4.5 td (interest )tj 0.194 -1.5 td (bearing )tj 0 tw -1.001 -1.5 td (loans and )tj -0.028 tw -0.805 -1.5 td (borrowings)tj 10.823 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 453.5963 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 147.4016 454.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 453.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 268.1506 454.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 453.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 319.1742 454.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 453.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 370.1978 454.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 453.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 421.2214 454.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 453.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 472.245 454.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 453.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.2687 454.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -62.187 -2.9 td (as at 1 january 2018 \(restated\))tj -0.028 tw 20.352 0 td (89,426)tj 5.793 0 td (12,360,441)tj 7.85 0 td (11,363,236)tj 9.323 0 td (769,061)tj 5.793 0 td (103,270,773)tj 7.85 0 td (127,852,937)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 421.3372 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 422.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 421.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7716 422.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 421.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7952 422.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 421.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8188 422.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 421.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8425 422.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 421.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8661 422.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 421.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8897 422.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 6.5 0 0 10 119.0551 392.3572 tm (net cash generated from operating )tj -0.028 tw 1.526 -1.5 td (activities)tj 0 tc 0 tw 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.403 0 td (\(3,996\))tj 6.682 0 td (\(624,504\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.464 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.235 0 td (\(628,500\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 373.3282 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 374.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 373.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7716 374.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 373.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7952 374.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 373.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8188 374.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 373.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8425 374.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 373.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8661 374.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 373.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8897 374.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 6.5 0 0 10 119.0551 344.3482 tm (net cash flows from/\(used in\) )tj 1.526 -1.5 td (investing activities)tj -0.028 tw 18.492 0 td (\(87,660\))tj 6.71 0 td (1,646,299)tj 8.406 0 td (\(193,345\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.464 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.679 0 td (7,263,251)tj 7.85 0 td (8,628,545)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 325.3191 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 326.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 325.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7716 326.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 325.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7952 326.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 325.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8188 326.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 325.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8425 326.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 325.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8661 326.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 325.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8897 326.3391 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 6.5 0 0 10 119.0551 296.3391 tm (payment of upfront interest of gold )tj 1.526 -1.5 td (leasing arrangement)tj 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.679 0 td (2,323,105)tj 7.85 0 td (2,323,105)tj 0 tw -58.128 -1.5 td (proceeds from issuance of short-)tj 1.526 -1.5 td (term bonds and medium-term )tj 0 -1.5 td (notes, net of issuance costs)tj 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.096 0 td (13,185,034)tj 7.85 0 td (13,185,034)tj 0 tw -57.544 -1.5 td (repayments of medium-term )tj 1.526 -1.5 td (notes and short-term bonds)tj 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.762 0 td (\(21,815,000\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(21,815,000\))tj 0 tw -57.211 -1.5 td (repayments of gold leasing )tj -0.028 tw 1.526 -1.5 td (arrangement)tj 0 tc 0 tw 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.346 0 td (\(7,519,283\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(7,519,283\))tj 0 tw -57.794 -1.5 td (drawdown of short-term and long-)tj 1.526 -1.5 td (term bank and other loans)tj 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.096 0 td (76,899,591)tj 7.85 0 td (76,899,591)tj 0 tw -57.544 -1.5 td (repayments of short-term and )tj 1.526 -1.5 td (long-term bank and other loans)tj 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.346 0 td (\(1,000,000\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.354 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.762 0 td (\(69,560,667\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(70,560,667\))tj et endstream endobj 261 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 262 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 263 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 264 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 265 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 266 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (6)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 226.772 570.898 51.024 -105 re 277.795 570.898 51.024 -105 re 328.819 570.898 51.024 -105 re 379.843 570.898 51.024 -105 re 430.866 570.898 51.024 -105 re 481.89 570.898 51.024 -105 re 226.772 465.898 51.024 -3.37 re 277.795 465.898 51.024 -3.37 re 328.819 465.898 51.024 -3.37 re 379.843 465.898 51.024 -3.37 re 430.866 465.898 51.024 -3.37 re 481.89 465.898 51.024 -3.37 re 226.772 462.527 51.024 -15 re 277.795 462.527 51.024 -15 re 328.819 462.527 51.024 -15 re 379.843 462.527 51.024 -15 re 430.866 462.527 51.024 -15 re 481.89 462.527 51.024 -15 re 226.772 447.527 51.024 -28 re 277.795 447.527 51.024 -28 re 328.819 447.527 51.024 -28 re 379.843 447.527 51.024 -28 re 430.866 447.527 51.024 -28 re 481.89 447.527 51.024 -28 re 226.772 419.527 51.024 -28 re 277.795 419.527 51.024 -28 re 328.819 419.527 51.024 -28 re 379.843 419.527 51.024 -28 re 430.866 419.527 51.024 -28 re 481.89 419.527 51.024 -28 re 226.772 391.527 51.024 -28 re 277.795 391.527 51.024 -28 re 328.819 391.527 51.024 -28 re 379.843 391.527 51.024 -28 re 430.866 391.527 51.024 -28 re 481.89 391.527 51.024 -28 re 226.772 363.527 51.024 -14 re 277.795 363.527 51.024 -14 re 328.819 363.527 51.024 -14 re 379.843 363.527 51.024 -14 re 430.866 363.527 51.024 -14 re 481.89 363.527 51.024 -14 re 226.772 349.527 51.024 -28 re 277.795 349.527 51.024 -28 re 328.819 349.527 51.024 -28 re 379.843 349.527 51.024 -28 re 430.866 349.527 51.024 -28 re 481.89 349.527 51.024 -28 re 226.772 321.527 51.024 -42 re 277.795 321.527 51.024 -42 re 328.819 321.527 51.024 -42 re 379.843 321.527 51.024 -42 re 430.866 321.527 51.024 -42 re 481.89 321.527 51.024 -42 re 226.772 279.527 51.024 -14 re 277.795 279.527 51.024 -14 re 328.819 279.527 51.024 -14 re 379.843 279.527 51.024 -14 re 430.866 279.527 51.024 -14 re 481.89 279.527 51.024 -14 re 226.772 265.527 51.024 -14 re 277.795 265.527 51.024 -14 re 328.819 265.527 51.024 -14 re 379.843 265.527 51.024 -14 re 430.866 265.527 51.024 -14 re 481.89 265.527 51.024 -14 re 226.772 251.527 51.024 -28 re 277.795 251.527 51.024 -28 re 328.819 251.527 51.024 -28 re 379.843 251.527 51.024 -28 re 430.866 251.527 51.024 -28 re 481.89 251.527 51.024 -28 re 226.772 223.527 51.024 -3.009 re 277.795 223.527 51.024 -3.009 re 328.819 223.527 51.024 -3.009 re 379.843 223.527 51.024 -3.009 re 430.866 223.527 51.024 -3.009 re 481.89 223.527 51.024 -3.009 re 226.772 220.518 51.024 -14 re 277.795 220.518 51.024 -14 re 328.819 220.518 51.024 -14 re 379.843 220.518 51.024 -14 re 430.866 220.518 51.024 -14 re 481.89 220.518 51.024 -14 re 226.772 206.518 51.024 -28 re 277.795 206.518 51.024 -28 re 328.819 206.518 51.024 -28 re 379.843 206.518 51.024 -28 re 430.866 206.518 51.024 -28 re 481.89 206.518 51.024 -28 re 226.772 178.518 51.024 -3.009 re 277.795 178.518 51.024 -3.009 re 328.819 178.518 51.024 -3.009 re 379.843 178.518 51.024 -3.009 re 430.866 178.518 51.024 -3.009 re 481.89 178.518 51.024 -3.009 re 226.772 175.509 51.024 -14 re 277.795 175.509 51.024 -14 re 328.819 175.509 51.024 -14 re 379.843 175.509 51.024 -14 re 430.866 175.509 51.024 -14 re 481.89 175.509 51.024 -14 re 226.772 161.509 51.024 -14 re 277.795 161.509 51.024 -14 re 328.819 161.509 51.024 -14 re 379.843 161.509 51.024 -14 re 430.866 161.509 51.024 -14 re 481.89 161.509 51.024 -14 re 226.772 147.509 51.024 -3.38 re 277.795 147.509 51.024 -3.38 re 328.819 147.509 51.024 -3.38 re 379.843 147.509 51.024 -3.38 re 430.866 147.509 51.024 -3.38 re 481.89 147.509 51.024 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.5 0 0 10 243.2245 527.1676 tm (financial )tj 0 tw -1.418 -1.5 td (liabilities at )tj 1.223 -1.5 td (fair value )tj -0.028 tw 0.641 -1.5 td (through )tj 0 tw -2.418 -1.5 td (profit or loss)tj 9.266 3 td (trade and )tj -0.028 tw 2.223 -1.5 td (notes )tj -1.64 -1.5 td (payables)tj 7.822 9 td (financial )tj -0.112 -1.5 td (liabilities )tj 0 tw -0.943 -1.5 td (included in )tj -1.112 -1.5 td (other current )tj -0.028 tw 2.194 -1.5 td (payables )tj 0 tw -1.638 -1.5 td (and accrued )tj -0.028 tw 1.416 -1.5 td (expenses)tj 8.044 7.5 td (financial )tj -0.39 -1.5 td (liabilities )tj 0 tw -0.665 -1.5 td (included in )tj 0.251 -1.5 td (other non-)tj -0.028 tw 1.638 -1.5 td (current )tj -0.946 -1.5 td (liabilities)tj 8.545 4.5 td (interest )tj 0.084 -1.5 td (bearing )tj 0 tw -1.056 -1.5 td (loans and )tj -0.028 tw -0.916 -1.5 td (borrowings)tj 11.044 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 463.0272 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 147.4016 463.7972 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 463.0272 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 6.5 0 0 10 268.1506 463.7972 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 463.0272 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 319.1742 463.7972 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 463.0272 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 370.1978 463.7972 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 463.0272 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 421.2214 463.7972 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 463.0272 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 472.245 463.7972 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 463.0272 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.2687 463.7972 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -62.187 -2.9 td (repayments of gold leasing )tj -0.028 tw 1.526 -1.4 td (arrangement)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.291 0 td (\(1,607,905\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(1,607,905\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.026 tc 0 tw -57.739 -1.4 td (drawdown of short-term and long-)tj 0.028 tc 1.526 -1.4 td (term bank and other loans)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.096 0 td (40,669,197)tj 7.85 0 td (40,669,197)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.544 -1.4 td (repayments of short-term and )tj 1.526 -1.4 td (long-term bank and other loans)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.707 0 td (\(66,105,388\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(66,105,388\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.156 -1.4 td (principal portion of lease payment)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 23.049 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.291 0 td (\(3,032,106\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(3,032,106\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.739 -1.4 td (dividends paid by subsidiaries to )tj 1.526 -1.4 td (non-controlling shareholders)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.764 0 td (\(23,715\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.935 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.764 0 td (\(23,715\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -59.213 -1.4 td (amortisation of unrecognised )tj 1.526 -1.4 td (finance expenses and interest )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.4 td (expense)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.569 0 td (487,249)tj 7.85 0 td (487,249)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -59.018 -1.4 td (interest paid)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 23.049 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.569 0 td (235,310)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.131 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.153 0 td (22,631)tj 7.266 0 td (257,941)tj /t1_0 1 tf -59.018 -1.4 td (reclassification)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 23.049 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.569 0 td (162,120)tj 7.461 0 td (\(162,120\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.519 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -62.298 -1.4 td (net cash \(used in\)/generated )tj 1.526 -1.4 td (from financing activities)tj 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.569 0 td (373,715)tj 7.461 0 td (\(162,120\))tj 6.96 0 td (\(7,431,725\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(7,220,130\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 220.7681 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.0551 221.7881 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 220.7681 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 226.7716 221.7881 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 220.7681 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 277.7952 221.7881 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 220.7681 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 328.8188 221.7881 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 220.7681 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 379.8425 221.7881 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 220.7681 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 430.8661 221.7881 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 220.7681 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 481.8897 221.7881 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -55.821 -2.8 td (net foreign exchange )tj -0.028 tw 1.526 -1.4 td (differences)tj 0 tc 0 tw 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.737 0 td (2,178)tj 7.266 0 td (10,408)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.547 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.153 0 td (31,321)tj 7.85 0 td (43,907)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 175.7591 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.0551 176.7791 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 175.7591 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 226.7716 176.7791 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 175.7591 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 277.7952 176.7791 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 175.7591 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 328.8188 176.7791 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 175.7591 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 379.8425 176.7791 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 175.7591 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 430.8661 176.7791 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 175.7591 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 481.8897 176.7791 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -55.821 -2.8 td (as at 31 december 2019)tj -0.028 tw 21.826 0 td (805)tj 4.319 0 td (12,584,755)tj 7.85 0 td (10,764,058)tj 8.434 0 td (1,153,487)tj 6.682 0 td (101,530,167)tj 7.85 0 td (126,033,272)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 144.6287 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.0551 145.3987 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 144.6287 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 226.7716 145.3987 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 144.6287 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 277.7952 145.3987 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 144.6287 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 328.8188 145.3987 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 144.6287 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 379.8425 145.3987 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 144.6287 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 430.8661 145.3987 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 144.6287 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 481.8897 145.3987 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(34. )-110.4 (notes to the consolidated statement of cash )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (flows \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1 td (\(continued\))tj et endstream endobj 267 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (6)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(34. )-110.4 (notes to the consolidated statement of cash )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (flows \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.056 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 572.7467 tm [(the)13.8 ( table)13.7 ( below)13.7 ( details)13.7 ( changes)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.8 (\222)13.7 (s)13.8 ( liabilities)13.8 ( from)13.8 ( financing)13.7 ( activities)13.8 (,)28.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(in)0.5 (clu)0.5 (ding)11.2 ( )0.5 (bot)0.5 (h)11.2 ( c)0.5 (ash)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )0.5 (non)11.2 (-)11.2 (c)0.5 (ash)11.2 ( )0.5 (chan)0.5 (ges)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (lia)0.5 (bil)0.5 (it)0.5 (ies)11.2 ( )0.5 (ari)0.5 (sin)0.5 (g)11.1 ( )0.5 (fr)0.5 (om)11.2 ( )0.5 (fin)0.5 (anci)0.5 (ng)11.2 ( )0.5 (acti)0.5 (vi)0.5 (ties)11.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(are)8.2 ( liabilities)8.2 ( for)8.2 ( which)8.2 ( cash)8.2 ( flows)8.2 ( )0.5 (was)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (or)8.2 ( future)8.3 ( cash)8.2 ( )0.5 (flows)8.2 ( will)8.2 ( )0.5 (be)8.3 (,)8.1 ( )0.5 (classified)8.2 ( in)8.1 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (group\222s consolidated statement of cash flows as cash flows from finan\ cing activities.)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 226.772 511.477 51.024 -105 re 277.795 511.477 51.024 -105 re 328.819 511.477 51.024 -105 re 379.843 511.477 51.024 -105 re 430.866 511.477 51.024 -105 re 481.89 511.477 51.024 -105 re 226.772 406.477 51.024 -3.38 re 277.795 406.477 51.024 -3.38 re 328.819 406.477 51.024 -3.38 re 379.843 406.477 51.024 -3.38 re 430.866 406.477 51.024 -3.38 re 481.89 406.477 51.024 -3.38 re 226.772 403.096 51.024 -15 re 277.795 403.096 51.024 -15 re 328.819 403.096 51.024 -15 re 379.843 403.096 51.024 -15 re 430.866 403.096 51.024 -15 re 481.89 403.096 51.024 -15 re 226.772 388.096 51.024 -15 re 277.795 388.096 51.024 -15 re 328.819 388.096 51.024 -15 re 379.843 388.096 51.024 -15 re 430.866 388.096 51.024 -15 re 481.89 388.096 51.024 -15 re 226.772 373.096 51.024 -3.009 re 277.795 373.096 51.024 -3.009 re 328.819 373.096 51.024 -3.009 re 379.843 373.096 51.024 -3.009 re 430.866 373.096 51.024 -3.009 re 481.89 373.096 51.024 -3.009 re 226.772 370.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 370.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 370.087 51.024 -15 re 379.843 370.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 370.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 370.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 355.087 51.024 -30 re 277.795 355.087 51.024 -30 re 328.819 355.087 51.024 -30 re 379.843 355.087 51.024 -30 re 430.866 355.087 51.024 -30 re 481.89 355.087 51.024 -30 re 226.772 325.087 51.024 -3.009 re 277.795 325.087 51.024 -3.009 re 328.819 325.087 51.024 -3.009 re 379.843 325.087 51.024 -3.009 re 430.866 325.087 51.024 -3.009 re 481.89 325.087 51.024 -3.009 re 226.772 322.078 51.024 -15 re 277.795 322.078 51.024 -15 re 328.819 322.078 51.024 -15 re 379.843 322.078 51.024 -15 re 430.866 322.078 51.024 -15 re 481.89 322.078 51.024 -15 re 226.772 307.078 51.024 -30 re 277.795 307.078 51.024 -30 re 328.819 307.078 51.024 -30 re 379.843 307.078 51.024 -30 re 430.866 307.078 51.024 -30 re 481.89 307.078 51.024 -30 re 226.772 277.078 51.024 -3.009 re 277.795 277.078 51.024 -3.009 re 328.819 277.078 51.024 -3.009 re 379.843 277.078 51.024 -3.009 re 430.866 277.078 51.024 -3.009 re 481.89 277.078 51.024 -3.009 re 226.772 274.069 51.024 -15 re 277.795 274.069 51.024 -15 re 328.819 274.069 51.024 -15 re 379.843 274.069 51.024 -15 re 430.866 274.069 51.024 -15 re 481.89 274.069 51.024 -15 re 226.772 259.069 51.024 -30 re 277.795 259.069 51.024 -30 re 328.819 259.069 51.024 -30 re 379.843 259.069 51.024 -30 re 430.866 259.069 51.024 -30 re 481.89 259.069 51.024 -30 re 226.772 229.069 51.024 -45 re 277.795 229.069 51.024 -45 re 328.819 229.069 51.024 -45 re 379.843 229.069 51.024 -45 re 430.866 229.069 51.024 -45 re 481.89 229.069 51.024 -45 re 226.772 184.069 51.024 -30 re 277.795 184.069 51.024 -30 re 328.819 184.069 51.024 -30 re 379.843 184.069 51.024 -30 re 430.866 184.069 51.024 -30 re 481.89 184.069 51.024 -30 re 226.772 154.069 51.024 -30 re 277.795 154.069 51.024 -30 re 328.819 154.069 51.024 -30 re 379.843 154.069 51.024 -30 re 430.866 154.069 51.024 -30 re 481.89 154.069 51.024 -30 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 6.5 0 0 10 243.2245 467.7467 tm (financial )tj 0 tw -1.418 -1.5 td (liabilities at )tj 1.223 -1.5 td (fair value )tj -0.028 tw 0.641 -1.5 td (through )tj 0 tw -2.418 -1.5 td (profit or loss)tj 9.266 3 td (trade and )tj -0.028 tw 2.223 -1.5 td (notes )tj -1.64 -1.5 td (payables)tj 7.822 9 td (financial )tj -0.112 -1.5 td (liabilities )tj 0 tw -0.943 -1.5 td (included in )tj -1.112 -1.5 td (other current )tj -0.028 tw 2.194 -1.5 td (payables )tj 0 tw -1.638 -1.5 td (and accrued )tj -0.028 tw 1.416 -1.5 td (expenses)tj 8.044 7.5 td (financial )tj -0.39 -1.5 td (liabilities )tj 0 tw -0.665 -1.5 td (included in )tj 0.251 -1.5 td (other non-)tj -0.028 tw 1.638 -1.5 td (current )tj -0.946 -1.5 td (liabilities)tj 8.545 4.5 td (interest )tj 0.084 -1.5 td (bearing )tj 0 tw -1.056 -1.5 td (loans and )tj -0.028 tw -0.916 -1.5 td (borrowings)tj 11.044 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 403.5963 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 147.4016 404.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 403.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 6.5 0 0 10 268.1506 404.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 403.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 319.1742 404.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 403.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 370.1978 404.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 403.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 421.2214 404.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 403.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 472.245 404.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 403.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.2687 404.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -62.187 -3 td (as at 1 january 2019 \(restated\))tj -0.028 tw 20.936 0 td (1,766)tj 5.209 0 td (14,009,264)tj 8.434 0 td (9,286,462)tj 8.739 0 td (841,059)tj 5.793 0 td (101,772,876)tj 7.85 0 td (125,911,427)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.0551 371.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 226.7716 371.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 277.7952 371.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 328.8188 371.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 379.8425 371.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 430.8661 371.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 481.8897 371.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -55.821 -3 td (net cash generated from )tj 1.526 -1.5 td (operating activities)tj 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.291 0 td (\(1,385,080\))tj 9.128 0 td (470,478)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.131 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.18 0 td (\(914,602\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 322.3282 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.0551 323.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 322.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 226.7716 323.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 322.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 277.7952 323.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 322.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 328.8188 323.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 322.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 379.8425 323.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 322.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 430.8661 323.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 322.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 481.8897 323.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -55.821 -3 td (net cash flows from/\(used in\) )tj 1.526 -1.5 td (investing activities)tj -0.028 tw 19.911 0 td (\(961\))tj 6.376 0 td (\(41,607\))tj 7.655 0 td (622,995)tj 7.85 0 td (474,548)tj 6.96 0 td (7,157,695)tj 7.85 0 td (8,212,670)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 274.3191 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.0551 275.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 274.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 226.7716 275.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 274.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 277.7952 275.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 274.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 328.8188 275.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 274.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 379.8425 275.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 274.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 430.8661 275.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 274.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 481.8897 275.3391 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -55.821 -3 td (proceeds from gold leasing )tj -0.028 tw 1.526 -1.5 td (arrangement)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.679 0 td (6,921,860)tj 7.85 0 td (6,921,860)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.128 -1.5 td (proceeds from issuance of short-)tj 1.526 -1.5 td (term bonds and medium-term )tj t* (notes, net of issuance costs)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.096 0 td (37,965,385)tj 7.85 0 td (37,965,385)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.544 -1.5 td (repayments of senior perpetual )tj -0.028 tw 1.526 -1.5 td (securities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.18 0 td (\(352,648\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(352,648\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.629 -1.5 td (repayments of medium-term )tj 1.526 -1.5 td (notes and short-term bonds)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 21.523 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.707 0 td (\(22,400,000\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(22,400,000\))tj et endstream endobj 268 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (6)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(34. )-110.4 (notes to the consolidated statement of cash )]tj 1.89 -1.267 td (flows \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.2 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (reconciliation of profit before taxation to cash generated )]tj 1.89 -1.267 td (from operations \(continued\))tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 566.477 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 552.977 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 549.596 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 536.096 82.205 -27 re 368.504 509.096 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 495.596 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 482.096 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 468.596 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 455.096 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 441.596 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 428.096 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 414.596 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 401.096 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 387.596 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 384.587 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 371.087 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 357.587 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 344.087 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 330.587 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 327.578 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 314.078 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 310.698 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 297.198 82.205 -27 re 368.504 270.198 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 256.698 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 243.198 82.205 -40.5 re 368.504 202.698 82.205 -40.5 re 368.504 162.198 82.205 -27 re 368.504 135.198 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 121.698 82.205 -13.5 re 368.504 108.198 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 554.2467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 550.0963 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 550.8662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 550.0962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 550.8662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 550.0962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 550.8662 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -33.165 -2.7 td (cash flows generated from operating activities )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.35 td (\(continued\))tj 0 tw -0.992 -1.35 td (changes in working capital:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.35 td (decrease in inventories)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (929,027)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.331 0 td (1,194,454)tj 0 tw -36.149 -1.35 td (increase in trade and notes receivables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.539 0 td (\(1,050,860\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(2,473,006\))tj 0 tw -35.815 -1.35 td (\(increase\)/decrease in other current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.429 0 td (\(360,639\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.609 0 td (916,681)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.35 td (decrease in restricted cash)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (859,507)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (530,284)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.35 td (increase in other non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (547,287)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (425,739)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.35 td (decrease in trade and notes payables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.539 0 td (\(1,385,081\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.333 0 td (\(5,559\))tj 0 tw -37.872 -1.35 td (decrease in other payables and accrued liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.429 0 td (\(560,914\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(945,270\))tj 0 tw -36.705 -1.35 td (\(decrease\)/increase in other non-current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.429 0 td (\(206,355\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.609 0 td (105,386)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 384.8371 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 385.8571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 384.8371 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 385.8571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 384.8371 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 385.8571 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -33.165 -2.7 td (cash generated from operations)tj -0.028 tw 27.344 0 td (13,022,114)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (13,979,779)tj 0 tw -35.565 -2.7 td (prc corporate income taxes paid)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.429 0 td (\(548,625\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(947,703\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 327.8281 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 328.8481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 327.8281 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 328.8481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 327.8281 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 328.8481 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -33.165 -1.35 td (net cash generated from operating activities)tj -0.028 tw 27.344 0 td (12,473,489)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (13,032,076)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 311.1977 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 311.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 311.1977 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 368.504 311.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 311.1977 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 311.9677 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -33.165 -2.7 td (non-cash transactions of investing activities and )tj 0.992 -1.35 td (financing activities)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.992 -1.35 td (equity exchange arrangement)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 32.098 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.466 0 td (10,735,214)tj 0 tw -35.565 -1.35 td (investment in a joint venture used gallium business)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (352,848)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.501 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -40.319 -1.35 td (endorsement of notes receivables accepted from )tj 0.027 tc 0.992 -1.35 td [(sale of)0.5 ( goods or servi)0.5 (ces for purc)0.5 (hase of propert)0.5 (y,)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (plant and equipment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.936 0 td (1,504,162)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2,384,046)tj 0 tw -36.149 -1.35 td (acquisition of equity investments designated at fair )tj 0.992 -1.35 td (value through other comprehensive income by )tj t* (exchanging equity in a subsidiary)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.826 0 td (350,911)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.501 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -40.319 -1.35 td (non-controlling shareholders forfeited sharing of )tj 0.992 -1.35 td (profit or equity interests)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.826 0 td (149,322)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.501 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -40.319 -1.35 td (acquisition of business)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 32.098 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.523 0 td (70,087)tj 0 tw -37.622 -1.35 td (finance lease)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 32.098 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.94 0 td (113,601)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 105.3173 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 106.0873 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 105.3173 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 106.0873 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 105.3173 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 106.0873 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 269 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (6)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 561.26 82.205 -15 re 368.504 546.26 82.205 -3.37 re 368.504 542.889 82.205 -15 re 368.504 527.89 82.205 -30 re 368.504 497.889 82.205 -30 re 368.504 467.889 82.205 -15 re 368.504 452.889 82.205 -15 re 368.504 437.889 82.205 -60 re 368.504 377.889 82.205 -15 re 368.504 362.889 82.205 -15 re 368.504 347.889 82.205 -15 re 368.504 332.889 82.205 -15 re 368.504 317.889 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 314.88 82.205 -15 re 368.504 299.88 82.205 -15 re 368.504 284.88 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 333.3532 547.5299 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.861 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 543.3895 cm 0 0 m 206.929 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 544.1594 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 325.9843 543.3894 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 325.9843 544.1594 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 543.3894 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 544.1594 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 543.3894 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 544.1594 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (cash flows generated from operating )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (activities \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (\(gain\)/loss on disposal of investments in )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (associates)tj 20.265 0 td (27)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.18 0 td (\(159,514\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.777 0 td (1,904)tj 0 tw -37.214 -1.5 td (gain on disposal of business)tj -0.028 tw 21.257 0 td (27)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.18 0 td (\(262,677\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.89 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -39.327 -1.5 td (gain on share of associates\222 net assets)tj -0.028 tw 21.257 0 td (27)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.18 0 td (\(295,288\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.89 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -39.327 -1.5 td (gain on disposal of and dividends from )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (equity investments designated at fair )tj 0 -1.5 td (value through other comprehensive )tj -0.028 tw t* (income)tj 20.265 0 td (27)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.764 0 td (\(97,775\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.692 0 td (\(109,914\))tj 0 tw -35.712 -1.5 td (receipt of government subsidies)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.437 0 td (\(112,141\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(158,109\))tj 0 tw -35.712 -1.5 td (finance cost)tj -0.028 tw 21.257 0 td (28)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.679 0 td (4,921,179)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (4,882,496)tj 0 tw -35.156 -1.5 td (change in special reserve)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.021 0 td (\(23,085\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.193 0 td (6,605)tj -37.214 -1.5 td (others)tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.409 0 td (11,555)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (75,381)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 315.1303 cm 0 0 m 206.929 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 316.1503 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 325.9843 315.1303 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 325.9843 316.1503 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 315.1303 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 316.1503 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 315.1303 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 316.1503 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.821 -3 td (14,250,141)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (14,231,070)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 281.9999 cm 0 0 m 206.929 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 282.7699 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 325.9843 281.9999 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 325.9843 282.7699 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 281.9999 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 282.7699 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 281.9999 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 282.7699 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(34. )-110.4 (notes to the consolidated statement of cash )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (flows \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (reconciliation of profit before taxation to cash generated )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (from operations \(continued\))tj et endstream endobj 270 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (6)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(34. )-110.4 (notes to the consolidated statement of cash )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (flows)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (reconciliation of profit before taxation to cash generated )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (from operations)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 561.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 546.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 543.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 528.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 498.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 483.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 468.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 453.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 423.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 408.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 378.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 363.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 348.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 333.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 303.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 273.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 258.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 243.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 213.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 183.096 82.205 -45 re 368.504 138.096 82.205 -15 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 333.3532 547.7467 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.861 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 543.5963 cm 0 0 m 206.929 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 544.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 325.9843 543.5962 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 325.9843 544.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 543.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 544.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 543.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 544.3662 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (cash flows generated from operating )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (activities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -0.992 -1.5 td (profit before income tax)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (2,113,801)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2,264,514)tj 0 tw -36.149 -3 td (adjustments for:)tj 0.992 -1.5 td (share of profits and losses of joint )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (ventures)tj 0 tw 19.834 0 td (8 \(a\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 6.611 0 td (\(270,115\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.609 0 td (199,452)tj 0 tw -36.046 -1.5 td (share of profits and losses of associates)tj 20.798 0 td (8 \(b\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 7.223 0 td (\(48,767\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(39,335\))tj 0 tw -36.296 -1.5 td (depreciation of property, plant and )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (equipment)tj 0 tc 0 tw 20.557 0 td (6)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.387 0 td (7,094,716)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (7,499,322)tj 0 tw -35.156 -1.5 td (depreciation of investment properties)tj 0 tc 21.549 0 td (7)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.861 0 td (26,559)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (22,229)tj 0 tw -36.63 -1.5 td (depreciation of right-of-use assets)tj -0.028 tw 21.257 0 td (19)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.679 0 td (1,075,825)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 12.391 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -39.327 -1.5 td (amortisation of land use rights)tj -0.028 tw 21.257 0 td (19)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9.849 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.94 0 td (108,152)tj 0 tw -36.046 -1.5 td (gain on disposal of other property, plant )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (and equipment, land use rights, net)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.445 0 td (\(242,960\) )tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(101,098\))tj 0 tw -35.712 -1.5 td (impairment losses on property, plant and )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (equipment)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.833 0 td (259,354)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.804 0 td (46,484)tj 0 tw -36.63 -1.5 td (impairment loss of right-of-use assets)tj -0.028 tw 21.257 0 td (19)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.736 0 td (1,448)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10.334 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -39.327 -1.5 td (amortisation of intangible assets)tj 0 tc 21.549 0 td (5)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.277 0 td (338,938)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (295,901)tj 0 tw -36.046 -1.5 td (amortisation of prepaid expenses )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (included in other non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.833 0 td (254,205)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (130,148)tj 0 tw -36.046 -1.5 td (realised and unrealised gains on futures, )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (option and forward contracts)tj -0.028 tw 20.265 0 td (27)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.764 0 td (\(50,820\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.692 0 td (\(141,459\))tj 0 tw -35.712 -1.5 td (gain on previously held equity interest )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (remeasured at acquisition-date fair )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (value)tj 20.265 0 td (27)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9.849 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.606 0 td (\(748,086\))tj 0 tw -35.712 -1.5 td (gain on disposal of subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 21.257 0 td (27)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.18 0 td (\(261,187\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.443 0 td (\(3,517\))tj et endstream endobj 271 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 272 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 273 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 274 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 275 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 276 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (6)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(32. )-110.4 (earnings per share attributable to ordinary )]tj 1.89 -1.3 td (equity holders of the parent)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 617.477 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 602.977 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 588.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 585.096 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 570.596 82.205 -29 re 368.504 541.596 82.205 -29 re 368.504 512.596 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 509.587 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 495.087 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 480.587 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 466.087 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 451.587 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 437.087 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 422.587 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 419.578 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 405.078 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 390.578 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 387.569 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 373.069 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 358.569 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 604.2467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.45 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 585.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 586.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 585.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 586.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 585.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 586.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.9 td (profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 100.6299 542.8663 tm (\(in thousands of rmb\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 542.8663 tm (850,999)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (707,460)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.45 td (other equity instruments\222 distribution reserved )tj -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 314.1847 528.3663 tm (\(in )tj 0 tw -21.07 -1.45 td (thousands of rmb\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 403.3455 513.8663 tm (\(219,249\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(129,282\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 509.8372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 510.8572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 509.8372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 510.8572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 509.8372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 510.8572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -4.348 -2.9 td (631,750)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (578,178)tj 0 tw -39.873 -2.9 td (weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.122 0 td (14,903,798,236)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (14,903,798,236)tj 0 tw -36.342 -1.45 td (effect of equity exchange arrangement)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 34.933 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.993 0 td (1,938,915,502)tj 0 tw -36.926 -1.45 td (issuance of share capital*\(note 16\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.705 0 td (2,118,874,715)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 14.448 0 td (\226)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 419.8282 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 10 0 2.6795 10 90.7087 420.8482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 419.8282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 420.8482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 419.8282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 420.8482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -7.878 -2.9 td (17,022,672,951)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (16,842,713,738)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 387.8191 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 388.8391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 387.8191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 388.8391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 387.8191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 388.8391 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.9 td (basic and diluted earnings per share )tj -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 263.3575 359.8391 tm (\(rmb\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 418.9075 359.8391 tm (0.037)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (0.034)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 355.6887 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 356.4587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 355.6887 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 356.4587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 355.6887 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 356.4587 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.037 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 338.2207 tm [(* )-2616.5 (the group had no potentially dilutive ordinary shares in issue during th\ e years ended 31 december 2019 and )]tj -0.028 tw 3.543 -1.687 td (2018.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.11 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3623 292.7207 tm (33. dividends)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.076 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 265.7207 tm [(ac)0.5 (cordi)0.5 (ng)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( the)14.4 ( arti)0.5 (cles)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( assoc)0.5 (iati)0.5 (on)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (omp)0.5 (any)14.3 (,)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (ompa)0.5 (ny)14.3 ( cons)0.5 (ider)0.5 (s)14.3 ( the)48.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.35 td (maximum limit of profit appropriation to its shareholders is the lowest \ of:)tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -2.7 td [(\()11.2 (i)11.2 (\))11.2 ( )-1575.2 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (sum)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (net)11.2 ( profit)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (opening)11.2 ( )0.5 (retained)11.2 ( earnings)11.2 ( for)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (current)11.2 ( )0.5 (period)11.2 ( )0.5 (in)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.35 td (accordance with ifrss;)tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw -2.835 -2.7 td [(\()11.2 (i)11.2 (i)11.2 (\))11.2 ( )-1325.4 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (sum)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (net)11.2 ( profit)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (opening)11.2 ( )0.5 (retained)11.2 ( earnings)11.2 ( for)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (current)11.2 ( )0.5 (period)11.2 ( )0.5 (in)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.35 td (accordance with the prc accounting standards for business enterprises; a\ nd)tj -2.835 -2.7 td [(\(iii\) )-1167.6 (the amount limited by the company law of the prc.)]tj 0.075 tw t* (according to the resolution of the board of directors dated 26 march 202\ 0, the directors did )tj 0 tw 0 -1.35 td [(no)0.5 (t )0.5 (pro)0.5 (pos)0.5 (e )0.5 (any)0.5 ( f)0.5 (ina)0.5 (l )0.5 (di)0.5 (vid)0.5 (en)0.5 (d f)0.5 (or)0.5 ( th)0.5 (e )0.5 (yea)0.5 (r e)0.5 (nde)0.5 (d )0.5 (31 )0.5 (de)0.5 (cem)0.5 (ber)0.5 ( 2)0.5 (019)0.5 (, )0.5 (whi)0.5 (ch)0.5 ( i)0.5 (s t)0.5 (o b)0.5 (e )0.5 (app)0.5 (rov)0.5 (ed )]tj t* (by the shareholders.)tj et endstream endobj 277 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (5)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(31. )-110.4 (income tax expense \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.011 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 626.7467 tm (a reconciliation of the tax expense applicable to profit before tax at t\ he statutory rates for the )tj 0.079 tw 0 -1.3 td [(countries )0.5 (in )0.5 (which )0.5 (the company )0.5 (and )0.5 (the majority of )0.5 (its )0.5 (subsidiaries )0.5 (are )0.5 (domiciled )0.5 (to )0.5 (the tax )]tj 0.032 tw t* (expense at the effective tax rates, and a reconciliation of the applicab\ le rates to the effective )tj 0 tw t* (tax rates, are as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 573.477 82.205 -13 re 368.504 560.477 82.205 -13 re 368.504 547.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 544.096 82.205 -13 re 368.504 531.096 82.205 -13 re 368.504 518.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 515.087 82.205 -13 re 368.504 502.087 82.205 -26 re 368.504 476.087 82.205 -13 re 368.504 463.087 82.205 -26 re 368.504 437.087 82.205 -13 re 368.504 424.087 82.205 -13 re 368.504 411.087 82.205 -26 re 368.504 385.087 82.205 -26 re 368.504 359.087 82.205 -13 re 368.504 346.087 82.205 -13 re 368.504 333.087 82.205 -13 re 368.504 320.087 82.205 -26 re 368.504 294.087 82.205 -26 re 368.504 268.087 82.205 -39 re 368.504 229.087 82.205 -13 re 368.504 216.087 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 213.078 82.205 -13 re 368.504 200.078 82.205 -13 re 368.504 187.078 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 183.698 82.205 -13 re 368.504 170.698 82.205 -13 re 368.504 157.698 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 561.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.3 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 544.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 545.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 544.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 545.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 544.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 545.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.6 td (profit before income tax)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (2,113,801)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2,264,514)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 515.3371 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 516.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 515.337 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 516.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 515.337 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 516.3571 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.6 td (tax expense calculated at the statutory tax rate of 25% )tj 0.992 -1.3 td (\(2018: 25%\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.66 0 td (528,450)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (566,129)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (tax effects of:)tj t* (preferential income tax rates applicable to certain )tj 0.992 -1.3 td (branches and subsidiaries)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.272 0 td (\(464,880\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(268,665\))tj 0 tw -39.539 -1.3 td (impact of change in income tax rate)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.82 0 td (4,594)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.637 0 td (23,425)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.3 td (tax losses with no deferred tax assets recognised)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (588,267)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (434,103)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (deductible temporary differences with no deferred tax )tj 0.992 -1.3 td (assets recognised)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.244 0 td (41,695)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.637 0 td (384,072)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (utilisation of previously unrecognised tax losses and )tj 0.992 -1.3 td (deductible temporary differences)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.855 0 td (\(17,952\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(52,962\))tj 0 tw -40.123 -1.3 td (tax incentive in relation to deduction of certain expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.847 0 td (\(50,921\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(62,172\))tj 0 tw -40.123 -1.3 td (non-taxable income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.264 0 td (\(173,686\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(254,337\))tj 0 tw -39.539 -1.3 td (expenses not deductible for tax purposes)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.236 0 td (56,448)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (54,959)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.3 td (write-off of unrecoverable deferred tax assets previously )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.3 td (recognised)tj /t1_1 1 tf 30.66 0 td (187,433)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (183,195)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (profits and losses attributable to joint ventures and )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.3 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 30.855 0 td (\(79,720\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.609 0 td (40,029)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.3 td (recognition of deferred tax assets related to deductible )tj 0.992 -1.3 td (temporary differences and tax losses previously not )tj -0.028 tw t* (recognised)tj /t1_1 1 tf 31.439 0 td (\(3,868\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.108 0 td (\(233,940\))tj 0 tw -39.539 -1.3 td (adjustments in respect of current tax of previous periods)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.82 0 td (9,860)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (8,683)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 213.328 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 214.348 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 213.328 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 214.348 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 213.328 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 214.348 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.6 td (income tax expense)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (625,720)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (822,519)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 184.1976 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 184.9676 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 184.1976 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 184.9676 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 184.1976 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 184.9676 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.6 td (effective tax rate)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.376 0 td (30%)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.109 0 td (36%)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 154.8172 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 155.5872 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 154.8172 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 155.5872 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 154.8172 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 155.5872 tm ( )tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw -36 -2.473 td [(share)13.9 ( of)14 ( income)14 ( tax)14 ( expense)14 ( of)14 ( associates)14 ( and)14 ( joint)13.9 ( ventures)14 ( of)14 ( rmb)13.9 (7)14 (9)14 ( million)14 ( \()13.9 (2)14 (0)14 (1)13.9 (8)14 (:)34.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(rmb)13.2 (1)13.2 (0)13.2 (6)13.2 ( million)13.2 (\))13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)13.2 (5)13.2 (4)13.2 ( )0.5 (million)13.1 ( )0.5 (\()13.2 (2)13.2 (0)13.2 (1)13.2 (8)13.2 (:)13.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)13.2 (4)13.2 (8)13.3 ( million)13.1 (\))13.2 ( )0.5 (is)13.1 ( )0.5 (included)13.1 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( )0.5 (\223)13.2 (share)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (profits)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (and losses of associates\224 and \223share of profits and losses of join\ t ventures\224, respectively.)tj et endstream endobj 278 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (5)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(31. )-110.4 (income tax expense)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 636.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 621.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 606.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 603.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 588.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 573.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 558.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 555.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 540.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 525.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 622.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 603.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 604.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 603.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 604.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 603.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 604.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (current income tax expense)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (720,405)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (755,264)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (deferred tax \(benefit\)/expense)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.847 0 td (\(94,685\) )tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.609 0 td (67,255)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 555.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 556.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 555.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 556.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 555.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 556.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -4.348 -3 td (625,720)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (822,519)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 522.2068 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 522.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 522.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 522.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 522.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 522.9768 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.038 tw -36 -2.873 td (in general, the group\222s prc entities are subject to prc corporate inc\ ome tax at the standard )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(rate of 25% \(2018: 25%\) on their respective estimated assessable profi\ ts for the year. certain)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(branches)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( subsidiaries)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( located)13.8 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( western)13.7 ( regions)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( prc)13.7 ( are)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (granted tax concessions including a preferential tax rate of 15% \(2018:\ 15%\).)tj et endstream endobj 279 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (5)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(30. )-110.4 (directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuneration)]tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (five highest paid individuals)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.025 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 572.7467 tm [(d)0.5 (ur)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)0.5 ( y)0.5 (e)0.5 (ar)0.5 ( )0.5 (en)0.5 (de)0.5 (d)0.5 ( 3)0.5 (1)0.5 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (ce)0.5 (m)0.5 (be)0.5 (r)0.5 ( 2)0.5 (0)0.5 (19)0.5 (, )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e )0.5 (f)0.5 (iv)0.5 (e)0.5 ( h)0.5 (i)0.5 (gh)0.5 (e)0.5 (st)0.5 ( p)0.5 (a)0.5 (id)0.5 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (mp)0.5 (l)0.5 (oy)0.5 (e)0.5 (es)0.5 ( o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e )0.5 (g)0.5 (ro)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td (include three directors \(2018: two director and one supervisor\) whose \ remuneration is )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(ref)0.5 (lected)3.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)3.2 ( th)0.5 (e)3.2 ( a)0.5 (nalysi)0.5 (s)3.2 ( )0.5 (present)0.5 (ed)3.2 ( )0.5 (above)3.2 (.)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (rem)0.5 (unerat)0.5 (ion)3.2 ( )0.5 (payabl)0.5 (e)3.2 ( t)0.5 (o)3.2 ( t)0.5 (he)3.2 ( )0.5 (remai)0.5 (ning)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (two individuals during 2019 \(2018: two\) is as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 511.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 496.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 493.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 478.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 448.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 433.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 418.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 415.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 400.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 385.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 497.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 493.5963 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 494.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 493.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 494.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 493.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 494.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (basic salaries, housing fund, other allowances and )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (benefits in kind)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.993 0 td (1,670)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,305)tj 0 tw -38.206 -1.5 td (discretionary bonuses)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 32.098 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -40.319 -1.5 td (pension costs)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.875 0 td (137)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (165)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 415.3372 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 416.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 415.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 416.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 415.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 416.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -3.18 -3 td (1,807)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,470)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 382.2068 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 382.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 382.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 382.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 382.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 382.9768 tm ( )tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw -33.165 -2.873 td [(the)13.8 ( number)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( remaining)13.8 ( three)13.9 ( highest)13.9 ( paid)13.8 ( individuals)13.8 ( during)13.9 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (9)13.9 ( \()13.9 (2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (8)13.8 (:)13.9 ( two)13.9 (\))18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (whose remuneration fell within the following band is as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 305.142 82.205 -15 re 368.504 290.142 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 286.762 82.205 -15 re 368.504 271.762 82.205 -15 re 368.504 256.762 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 396.8505 309.2468 tm (number of employees)tj -0.028 tw 2.512 -1.783 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 287.2617 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 288.0317 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 287.2617 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 288.0317 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 287.2617 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 288.0317 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (nil to rmb1,000,000)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 32.042 0 td (2)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 253.8814 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 119.0552 254.6514 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5041 253.8814 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5041 254.6514 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7088 253.8814 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7088 254.6514 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 280 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (5)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(30. )-110.4 (directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuneration )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuneration \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 571.7467 tm [(the)13.9 ( remuneration)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( directors)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( supervisors)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.8 ( fell)13.9 ( within)13.9 ( the)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (following band:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 522.642 82.205 -15 re 368.504 507.642 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 504.262 82.205 -15 re 368.504 489.262 82.205 -15 re 368.504 474.262 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 396.8504 526.7467 tm (number of individuals)tj -0.028 tw 2.512 -1.783 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 504.7616 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 505.5316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 504.7616 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 505.5316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 504.7616 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 505.5316 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (nil to rmb1,000,000)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.459 0 td (14)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (12)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 471.3812 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 472.1512 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 471.3812 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 472.1512 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 471.3812 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 472.1512 tm ( )tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw -33.165 -2.873 td [(during)14.2 ( )-0.6 (the)14.2 ( year)14.2 (,)14.2 ( no)14.2 ( )-0.6 (options)14.2 ( )-0.6 (were)14.2 ( )-0.6 (granted)14.2 ( )-0.6 (to)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )-0.6 (directors)14.2 ( )-0.6 (or)14.2 ( )-0.6 (the)14.2 ( supervisors)14.2 ( of)14.3 ( )-0.6 (the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (company \(2018: nil\).)tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -3 td [(during)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (year)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (no)10.2 ( emoluments)10.2 ( )0.5 (were)10.2 ( paid)10.2 ( )0.5 (to)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.1 ( )0.5 (directors)10.2 ( )0.5 (or)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw 0 -1.5 td [(company \(among )0.5 (which included the five highest )0.5 (paid employees\) )0.5 (as an inducement )0.5 (to )]tj 0 tw t* (join or upon joining the company or as compensation for loss of office \(\ 2018: nil\).)tj 0.063 tw 0 -3 td (no directors or supervisors of the company waived any remuneration durin\ g the years )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (2019 and 2018.)tj et endstream endobj 281 0 obj <> endobj 282 0 obj <> endobj 283 0 obj <> endobj 284 0 obj <> endobj 285 0 obj <> endobj 286 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 287 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 288 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 289 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 290 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 291 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (5)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(30. )-110.4 (directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuneration )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuneration \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 118.2341 575.7466 tm (notes:)tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 119.0551 553.7466 tm [(\()33.2 (i)33.2 (\))33.2 ( )-2264.9 (on)14.2 ( )0.6 (2)14.2 (1)14.3 ( )0.5 (february)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.3 (0)14.2 (1)14.3 (9)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (mr)14.3 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (yu)14.2 ( )0.6 (dehui)14.3 ( )0.5 (resigned)14.3 ( )0.5 (as)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (chairman)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( )0.6 (executive)14.3 ( )0.5 (director)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)33.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (company, and mr. lu dongliang was elected as the chairman of the sixth s\ ession of the board of the )tj 0 tw 0 -1.375 td (company at the 39th meeting of the sixth session of the board.)tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw -3.543 -2.75 td [(\()40.2 (i)40.2 (i)40.2 (\))40.2 ( )-2008.1 (on)13.8 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.8 ( february)13.8 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (9)13.9 (,)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( appointment)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( mr)13.9 (.)13.8 ( wang)13.8 ( jun)13.8 ( as)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( chief)13.8 ( financial)13.8 ( officer)13.9 ( and)13.8 ( the)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.007 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (secretary to the board \(company secretary\) of the company was approved\ at the 38th meeting of the )tj 0 tw t* (sixth session of the board of the company.)tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw -3.543 -2.75 td [(\()40.2 (i)40.2 (i)40.2 (i)40.2 (\))40.2 ( )-1758.4 (on)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (5)13.6 ( june)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.5 (1)13.6 (9)13.5 (,)13.5 ( mr)13.5 (.)13.5 ( ye)13.5 ( guohua)13.5 ( was)13.6 ( elected)13.5 ( as)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( chairman)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( seventh)13.5 ( session)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (supervisory committee of the company at the first meeting of the seventh\ session of the supervisory )tj t* (committee of the company.)tj 0.006 tw 0 -2.75 td (on 25 june 2019, ms. shan shulan were elected as the shareholder represe\ ntative supervisors of the )tj 0.004 tw 0 -1.375 td (seventh session of the supervisory committee of the company at the 2018 \ annual general meeting of )tj 0 tw t* (the company.)tj 0.052 tw 0 -2.75 td (on 25 june 2019, mr. guan xiaoguang was elected as an employee represent\ ative supervisor of the )tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.375 td [(seventh)12.2 ( session)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( supervisory)12.1 ( )0.5 (committee)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (company)12.2 ( at)12.1 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( employees)12.2 (\222)12.2 ( )0.5 (representatives)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (meeting of the company.)tj 0.044 tc 0.077 tw 0 -2.75 td [(o)0.5 (n)14.5 ( 1)14.5 (0)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.4 (1)14.5 (9)14.4 (,)14.4 ( m)0.5 (r)14.5 (.)14.4 ( o)0.5 (u)14.4 ( x)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (u)14.5 (,)14.4 ( n)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( b)0.6 (y)14.4 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (c)0.6 (o)14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)14.4 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (h)0.5 (o)0.6 (l)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.016 tw 0 -1.375 td (company on 24 october 2019, was elected as a shareholder representative \ supervisor of the seventh )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(session of the supervisory committee of the company at the 2019 third ex\ traordinary general meeting)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (of the company.)tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -2.75 td [(on)2.2 ( )0.5 (1)2.2 (0)2.2 ( december)2.2 ( 2)2.2 (0)2.3 (1)2.2 (9)2.2 (,)2.1 ( )0.5 (mr)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )0.5 (yue)2.2 ( xuguang)2.2 ( )0.5 (was)2.2 ( elected)2.2 ( )0.5 (as)2.2 ( )0.5 (an)2.2 ( employee)2.2 ( )0.5 (representative)2.2 ( supervisor)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.005 tw 0 -1.375 td [(the )0.5 (seventh )0.5 (session )0.5 (of )0.5 (the supervisory )0.5 (committee )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (at )0.5 (the employees\222 )0.5 (representatives )]tj 0 tw t* (meeting of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 292 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (5)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(30. )-110.4 (directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuneration )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.3 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.267 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuneration \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 570.2467 tm [(t)0.5 (he)4.2 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (m)0.5 (un)0.5 (er)0.5 (a)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)4.2 ( o)0.5 (f)4.2 ( )0.5 (ea)0.5 (ch)4.2 ( )0.5 (di)0.5 (r)0.5 (ec)0.5 (t)0.5 (or)4.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)4.2 ( )0.5 (su)0.5 (pe)0.5 (r)0.5 (vi)0.5 (s)0.5 (or)4.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)4.1 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)4.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)4.1 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (or)4.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)4.2 ( )0.5 (ye)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)4.1 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (nd)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.45 td (31 december 2018 is set out below:)tj 8.5 0 0 10 119.0551 526.7467 tm (names of directors )tj t* (and supervisors)tj -0.028 tw 19.092 0 td (fees)tj 5.283 0 td (salaries)tj 0.008 tc -0.008 tw 4.382 1.45 td (discretionary )tj 2.1 -1.45 td (bonuses)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.773 1.45 td (pension )tj 1.224 -1.45 td (costs)tj 7.115 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 508.0963 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8.5 0 0 10 147.4016 508.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4489 508.0963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 295.2739 508.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1418 508.0963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 351.9668 508.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 508.0963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 408.6597 508.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 508.0963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 465.3526 508.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 508.0963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 522.0455 508.8663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -47.411 -2.9 td (executive directors:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.45 td (yu dehui )tj 8.5 0 2.6795 10 157.0028 465.3663 tm (\(note \(i\)\))tj 0 tc 8.5 0 0 10 296.2226 465.3663 tm (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -47.522 -1.45 td (lu dongliang )tj 8.5 0 2.6795 10 173.0695 450.8663 tm (\(note \(i\)\))tj 0 tc 8.5 0 0 10 296.2226 450.8663 tm (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -47.522 -1.45 td (jiang yinggang)tj 0 tc 20.843 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.446 0 td (762)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.893 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.03 0 td (90)tj 6.086 0 td (852)tj 0 tw -46.299 -1.45 td (zhu runzhou)tj 0 tc 20.843 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.446 0 td (438)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.893 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.03 0 td (54)tj 6.086 0 td (492)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0553 417.8372 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8.5 0 0 10 119.0553 418.8572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.449 417.8372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 295.274 418.8572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1419 417.8372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 351.9669 418.8572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8348 417.8372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 408.6599 418.8572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5278 417.8372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 465.3528 418.8572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2207 417.8372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 522.0457 418.8572 tm ( )tj -26.567 -2.9 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.557 0 td (1,200)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.783 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.446 0 td (144)tj 5.78 0 td (1,344)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0554 385.7068 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8.5 0 0 10 119.0554 386.4768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4491 385.7068 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 295.2741 386.4768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.142 385.7068 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 351.967 386.4768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8349 385.7068 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 408.6599 386.4768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5278 385.7068 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 465.3529 386.4768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2207 385.7068 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 522.0458 386.4768 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -47.411 -2.9 td (non-executive directors:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.45 td (ao hong)tj 0 tc 20.843 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -47.522 -1.45 td (liu caiming)tj 0 tc 20.843 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -47.522 -1.45 td (wang jun)tj -0.028 tw 19.62 0 td (150)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.893 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.446 0 td (150)tj 0 tw -46.299 -1.45 td (chen lijie)tj -0.028 tw 19.62 0 td (202)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.893 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.446 0 td (202)tj 0 tw -46.299 -1.45 td (lie-a-cheong tai-chong, )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.167 -1.45 td (david)tj 18.452 0 td (202)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.893 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.446 0 td (202)tj 0 tw -46.299 -1.45 td (hu shihai)tj -0.028 tw 19.62 0 td (202)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.893 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.446 0 td (202)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0555 251.9478 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0555 252.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4492 251.9478 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4492 252.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1422 251.9478 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1422 252.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8351 251.9478 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8351 252.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.528 251.9478 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.528 252.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2209 251.9478 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2209 252.9678 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8.5 0 0 10 285.8223 223.9678 tm (756)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.893 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.446 0 td (756)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0556 219.8174 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0556 220.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4493 219.8174 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4493 220.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1422 219.8174 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1422 220.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8351 219.8174 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8351 220.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5281 219.8174 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5281 220.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.221 219.8174 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.221 220.5874 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8.5 0 0 10 119.0557 191.5874 tm (supervisors:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -1.45 td (liu xiangmin)tj 0 tc 20.843 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -47.522 -1.45 td (wang jun)tj 0 tc 20.843 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 6.67 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -47.522 -1.45 td (wu zuoming)tj 0 tc 20.843 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.446 0 td (649)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.893 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.03 0 td (90)tj 6.086 0 td (739)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0558 144.0583 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0558 145.0783 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4495 144.0583 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4495 145.0783 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1424 144.0583 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1424 145.0783 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8353 144.0583 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8353 145.0783 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5283 144.0583 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5283 145.0783 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2212 144.0583 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2212 145.0783 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8.5 0 0 10 119.0559 116.0783 tm (total)tj 19.62 0 td (756)tj 5.78 0 td (1,849)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.783 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.446 0 td (234)tj 5.78 0 td (2,839)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0559 111.928 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0559 112.6979 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4496 111.928 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4496 112.6979 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1425 111.928 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1425 112.6979 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8354 111.928 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8354 112.6979 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5284 111.928 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5284 112.6979 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2213 111.928 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2213 112.6979 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 293 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (5)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 238.11 575.858 56.693 -30 re 294.803 575.858 56.693 -30 re 351.496 575.858 68.031 -30 re 419.528 575.858 56.693 -30 re 476.22 575.858 56.693 -30 re 238.11 545.858 56.693 -3.37 re 294.803 545.858 56.693 -3.37 re 351.496 545.858 68.031 -3.37 re 419.528 545.858 56.693 -3.37 re 476.22 545.858 56.693 -3.37 re 238.11 542.488 56.693 -15 re 294.803 542.488 56.693 -15 re 351.496 542.488 68.031 -15 re 419.528 542.488 56.693 -15 re 476.22 542.488 56.693 -15 re 238.11 527.488 56.693 -15 re 294.803 527.488 56.693 -15 re 351.496 527.488 68.031 -15 re 419.528 527.488 56.693 -15 re 476.22 527.488 56.693 -15 re 238.11 512.488 56.693 -15 re 294.803 512.488 56.693 -15 re 351.496 512.488 68.031 -15 re 419.528 512.488 56.693 -15 re 476.22 512.488 56.693 -15 re 238.11 497.488 56.693 -15 re 294.803 497.488 56.693 -15 re 351.496 497.488 68.031 -15 re 419.528 497.488 56.693 -15 re 476.22 497.488 56.693 -15 re 238.11 482.488 56.693 -15 re 294.803 482.488 56.693 -15 re 351.496 482.488 68.031 -15 re 419.528 482.488 56.693 -15 re 476.22 482.488 56.693 -15 re 238.11 467.488 56.693 -30 re 294.803 467.488 56.693 -30 re 351.496 467.488 68.031 -30 re 419.528 467.488 56.693 -30 re 476.22 467.488 56.693 -30 re 238.11 437.488 56.693 -15 re 294.803 437.488 56.693 -15 re 351.496 437.488 68.031 -15 re 419.528 437.488 56.693 -15 re 476.22 437.488 56.693 -15 re 238.11 422.488 56.693 -3.009 re 294.803 422.488 56.693 -3.009 re 351.496 422.488 68.031 -3.009 re 419.528 422.488 56.693 -3.009 re 476.22 422.488 56.693 -3.009 re 238.11 419.479 56.693 -15 re 294.803 419.479 56.693 -15 re 351.496 419.479 68.031 -15 re 419.528 419.479 56.693 -15 re 476.22 419.479 56.693 -15 re 238.11 404.479 56.693 -15 re 294.803 404.479 56.693 -15 re 351.496 404.479 68.031 -15 re 419.528 404.479 56.693 -15 re 476.22 404.479 56.693 -15 re 238.11 389.479 56.693 -3.38 re 294.803 389.479 56.693 -3.38 re 351.496 389.479 68.031 -3.38 re 419.528 389.479 56.693 -3.38 re 476.22 389.479 56.693 -3.38 re 238.11 386.098 56.693 -15 re 294.803 386.098 56.693 -15 re 351.496 386.098 68.031 -15 re 419.528 386.098 56.693 -15 re 476.22 386.098 56.693 -15 re 238.11 371.098 56.693 -15 re 294.803 371.098 56.693 -15 re 351.496 371.098 68.031 -15 re 419.528 371.098 56.693 -15 re 476.22 371.098 56.693 -15 re 238.11 356.098 56.693 -15 re 294.803 356.098 56.693 -15 re 351.496 356.098 68.031 -15 re 419.528 356.098 56.693 -15 re 476.22 356.098 56.693 -15 re 238.11 341.098 56.693 -15 re 294.803 341.098 56.693 -15 re 351.496 341.098 68.031 -15 re 419.528 341.098 56.693 -15 re 476.22 341.098 56.693 -15 re 238.11 326.098 56.693 -15 re 294.803 326.098 56.693 -15 re 351.496 326.098 68.031 -15 re 419.528 326.098 56.693 -15 re 476.22 326.098 56.693 -15 re 238.11 311.098 56.693 -15 re 294.803 311.098 56.693 -15 re 351.496 311.098 68.031 -15 re 419.528 311.098 56.693 -15 re 476.22 311.098 56.693 -15 re 238.11 296.098 56.693 -15 re 294.803 296.098 56.693 -15 re 351.496 296.098 68.031 -15 re 419.528 296.098 56.693 -15 re 476.22 296.098 56.693 -15 re 238.11 281.098 56.693 -15 re 294.803 281.098 56.693 -15 re 351.496 281.098 68.031 -15 re 419.528 281.098 56.693 -15 re 476.22 281.098 56.693 -15 re 238.11 266.098 56.693 -3.009 re 294.803 266.098 56.693 -3.009 re 351.496 266.098 68.031 -3.009 re 419.528 266.098 56.693 -3.009 re 476.22 266.098 56.693 -3.009 re 238.11 263.089 56.693 -15 re 294.803 263.089 56.693 -15 re 351.496 263.089 68.031 -15 re 419.528 263.089 56.693 -15 re 476.22 263.089 56.693 -15 re 238.11 248.089 56.693 -15 re 294.803 248.089 56.693 -15 re 351.496 248.089 68.031 -15 re 419.528 248.089 56.693 -15 re 476.22 248.089 56.693 -15 re 238.11 233.089 56.693 -3.38 re 294.803 233.089 56.693 -3.38 re 351.496 233.089 68.031 -3.38 re 419.528 233.089 56.693 -3.38 re 476.22 233.089 56.693 -3.38 re 238.11 229.709 56.693 -15 re 294.803 229.709 56.693 -15 re 351.496 229.709 68.031 -15 re 419.528 229.709 56.693 -15 re 476.22 229.709 56.693 -15 re 238.11 214.709 56.693 -15 re 294.803 214.709 56.693 -15 re 351.496 214.709 68.031 -15 re 419.528 214.709 56.693 -15 re 476.22 214.709 56.693 -15 re 238.11 199.709 56.693 -3.38 re 294.803 199.709 56.693 -3.38 re 351.496 199.709 68.031 -3.38 re 419.528 199.709 56.693 -3.38 re 476.22 199.709 56.693 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 9 0 0 10 119.0551 562.1283 tm (names of directors )tj 0 -1.5 td (and supervisors)tj -0.028 tw 16.646 0 td (fees)tj 4.576 0 td (salaries)tj 4.865 1.5 td (discretionary )tj 2.502 -1.5 td (bonuses)tj 6.521 1.5 td (pension )tj 1.334 -1.5 td (costs)tj 6.576 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 542.9879 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9 0 0 10 147.4016 543.7579 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1103 542.9879 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 283.6295 543.7579 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 542.9879 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 340.3224 543.7579 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 542.9879 cm 0 0 m 68.031 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 408.3539 543.7579 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 542.9879 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 465.0468 543.7579 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 542.9879 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 521.7397 543.7579 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -44.743 -3 td (non-executive directors:)tj /t1_0 1 tf t* (ao hong )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 18.398 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -44.854 -1.5 td (wang jun )tj 9 0 2.6795 10 163.3007 483.7579 tm (\(note \(ii\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 9 0 0 10 273.6215 483.7579 tm (150)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.523 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.076 0 td (150)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -43.631 -1.5 td (chen lijie)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 17.174 0 td (210)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.523 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.076 0 td (210)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -43.631 -1.5 td (lie-a-cheong tai-chong, )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.102 -1.5 td (david)tj /t1_1 1 tf 16.072 0 td (210)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.523 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.076 0 td (210)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -43.631 -1.5 td (hu shihai)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 17.174 0 td (210)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.523 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.076 0 td (210)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 419.7288 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9 0 0 10 119.0552 420.7488 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1103 419.7288 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 10 238.1103 420.7488 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 419.7288 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 294.8032 420.7488 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 419.7288 cm 0 0 m 68.031 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 408.354 420.7488 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 419.7288 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 419.5276 420.7488 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 419.7288 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 476.2206 420.7488 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -22.511 -3 td (780)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.523 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.076 0 td (780)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 386.5984 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9 0 0 10 119.0552 387.3684 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1103 386.5984 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 10 238.1103 387.3684 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 386.5984 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 294.8032 387.3684 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 386.5984 cm 0 0 m 68.031 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 408.354 387.3684 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 386.5984 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 419.5276 387.3684 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 386.5984 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 476.2206 387.3684 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -39.685 -3 td (supervisors:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw t* (ye guohua )tj 9 0 2.6795 10 167.0517 342.3684 tm (\(note \(iii\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 9 0 0 10 284.6339 342.3684 tm (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -44.854 -1.5 td (ou xiaohui )tj 9 0 2.6795 10 166.7978 327.3684 tm (\(note \(iii\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 9 0 0 10 284.6339 327.3684 tm (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -44.854 -1.5 td (shan shulan )tj 9 0 2.6795 10 173.051 312.3684 tm (\(note \(iii\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 9 0 0 10 284.6339 312.3684 tm (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -44.854 -1.5 td (guan xiaoguang )tj 9 0 2.6795 10 189.3085 297.3684 tm (\(note \(iii\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 9 0 0 10 284.6339 297.3684 tm (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.076 0 td (710)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.523 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.919 0 td (88)tj 5.715 0 td (798)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -43.631 -1.5 td (yue xuguang )tj 9 0 2.6795 10 176.5612 282.3684 tm (\(note \(iii\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 9 0 0 10 284.6339 282.3684 tm (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.076 0 td (770)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.523 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.919 0 td (88)tj 5.715 0 td (858)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -43.631 -1.5 td (wu zuoming)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 18.398 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.076 0 td (578)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.523 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.919 0 td (88)tj 5.715 0 td (666)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 263.3394 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9 0 0 10 119.0552 264.3593 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1103 263.3394 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 10 238.1103 264.3593 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 263.3394 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 294.8032 264.3593 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 263.3394 cm 0 0 m 68.031 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 408.354 264.3593 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 263.3394 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 419.5276 264.3593 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 263.3394 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 476.2206 264.3593 tm ( )tj -21.287 -3 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.186 0 td (2,058)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.412 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.335 0 td (264)tj 5.41 0 td (2,322)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 230.209 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9 0 0 10 119.0552 230.979 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1103 230.209 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 10 238.1103 230.979 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 230.209 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 294.8032 230.979 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 230.209 cm 0 0 m 68.031 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 408.354 230.979 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 230.209 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 419.5276 230.979 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 230.209 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 476.2206 230.979 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -39.685 -3 td (total)tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.174 0 td (780)tj 5.41 0 td (4,665)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.412 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.335 0 td (513)tj 5.41 0 td (5,958)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 196.8286 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9 0 0 10 119.0552 197.5986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1103 196.8286 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 10 238.1103 197.5986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 196.8286 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 294.8032 197.5986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 196.8286 cm 0 0 m 68.031 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 408.354 197.5986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 196.8286 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 419.5276 197.5986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 196.8286 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 476.2206 197.5986 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(30. )-110.4 (directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuneration )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuneration \(continued\))]tj et endstream endobj 294 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (5)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(30. )-110.4 (directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuneration)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuneration)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.041 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 587.7467 tm (directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuneration for the year, disclosed p\ ursuant to the listing )tj 0.004 tw 0 -1.5 td (rules, section 383\(1\)\(a\), \(b\), \(c\) and \(f\) of the hong kong co\ mpanies ordinance and part )tj 0.023 tc 0 tw t* [(2 of the companies regulation \(disclosure of information about benefits\ of directors\), is)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 526.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 511.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 508.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 493.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 478.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 448.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 433.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 430.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 415.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 400.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 512.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 508.5963 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 509.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 508.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 509.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 508.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 509.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -33.165 -3 td (fees)tj /t1_1 1 tf 30.875 0 td (780)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (756)tj 0 tw -39.095 -1.5 td (basic salaries, housing fund, other allowances and )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (benefits in kind)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.993 0 td (4,665)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,849)tj 0 tw -38.206 -1.5 td (pension costs)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.875 0 td (513)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (234)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 430.3372 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 431.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 430.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 431.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 430.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 431.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -3.18 -3 td (5,958)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2,839)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 397.2068 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 397.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 397.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 397.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 397.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 397.9768 tm ( )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw -33.165 -2.873 td [(t)0.5 (he)4.2 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (m)0.5 (un)0.5 (er)0.5 (a)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)4.2 ( o)0.5 (f)4.2 ( )0.5 (ea)0.5 (ch)4.2 ( )0.5 (di)0.5 (r)0.5 (ec)0.5 (t)0.5 (or)4.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)4.2 ( )0.5 (su)0.5 (pe)0.5 (r)0.5 (vi)0.5 (s)0.5 (or)4.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)4.1 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)4.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)4.1 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (or)4.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)4.2 ( )0.5 (ye)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)4.2 ( e)0.5 (nd)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (31 december 2019 is set out below:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 238.11 337.977 56.693 -30 re 294.803 337.977 56.693 -30 re 351.496 337.977 68.031 -30 re 419.528 337.977 56.693 -30 re 476.221 337.977 56.693 -30 re 238.11 307.977 56.693 -3.38 re 294.803 307.977 56.693 -3.38 re 351.496 307.977 68.031 -3.38 re 419.528 307.977 56.693 -3.38 re 476.221 307.977 56.693 -3.38 re 238.11 304.596 56.693 -15 re 294.803 304.596 56.693 -15 re 351.496 304.596 68.031 -15 re 419.528 304.596 56.693 -15 re 476.221 304.596 56.693 -15 re 238.11 289.596 56.693 -15 re 294.803 289.596 56.693 -15 re 351.496 289.596 68.031 -15 re 419.528 289.596 56.693 -15 re 476.221 289.596 56.693 -15 re 238.11 274.596 56.693 -15 re 294.803 274.596 56.693 -15 re 351.496 274.596 68.031 -15 re 419.528 274.596 56.693 -15 re 476.221 274.596 56.693 -15 re 238.11 259.596 56.693 -15 re 294.803 259.596 56.693 -15 re 351.496 259.596 68.031 -15 re 419.528 259.596 56.693 -15 re 476.221 259.596 56.693 -15 re 238.11 244.596 56.693 -15 re 294.803 244.596 56.693 -15 re 351.496 244.596 68.031 -15 re 419.528 244.596 56.693 -15 re 476.221 244.596 56.693 -15 re 238.11 229.596 56.693 -15 re 294.803 229.596 56.693 -15 re 351.496 229.596 68.031 -15 re 419.528 229.596 56.693 -15 re 476.221 229.596 56.693 -15 re 238.11 214.596 56.693 -15 re 294.803 214.596 56.693 -15 re 351.496 214.596 68.031 -15 re 419.528 214.596 56.693 -15 re 476.221 214.596 56.693 -15 re 238.11 199.596 56.693 -3.009 re 294.803 199.596 56.693 -3.009 re 351.496 199.596 68.031 -3.009 re 419.528 199.596 56.693 -3.009 re 476.221 199.596 56.693 -3.009 re 238.11 196.587 56.693 -15 re 294.803 196.587 56.693 -15 re 351.496 196.587 68.031 -15 re 419.528 196.587 56.693 -15 re 476.221 196.587 56.693 -15 re 238.11 181.587 56.693 -15 re 294.803 181.587 56.693 -15 re 351.496 181.587 68.031 -15 re 419.528 181.587 56.693 -15 re 476.221 181.587 56.693 -15 re 238.11 166.587 56.693 -3.38 re 294.803 166.587 56.693 -3.38 re 351.496 166.587 68.031 -3.38 re 419.528 166.587 56.693 -3.38 re 476.221 166.587 56.693 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 10 119.0552 324.2468 tm (names of directors )tj t* (and supervisors)tj -0.028 tw 16.646 0 td (fees)tj 4.576 0 td (salaries)tj 4.865 1.5 td (discretionary )tj 2.502 -1.5 td (bonuses)tj 6.521 1.5 td (pension )tj 1.334 -1.5 td (costs)tj 6.576 0 td (total)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 305.0964 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9 0 0 10 147.4017 305.8664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1103 305.0964 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 283.6295 305.8664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 305.0964 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 340.3224 305.8664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 305.0964 cm 0 0 m 68.031 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 408.354 305.8664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 305.0964 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 465.0469 305.8664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 305.0964 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 521.7397 305.8664 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -44.743 -3 td (executive directors:)tj /t1_0 1 tf t* (yu dehui )tj 9 0 2.6795 10 159.2954 260.8664 tm (\(note \(i\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 9 0 0 10 284.6339 260.8664 tm (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -44.854 -1.5 td (lu dongliang )tj 9 0 2.6795 10 176.3071 245.8664 tm (\(note \(i\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 9 0 0 10 284.6339 245.8664 tm (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj 6.299 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -44.854 -1.5 td (he zhihui)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 18.398 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.076 0 td (885)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.783 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.659 0 td (73)tj 5.715 0 td (958)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -43.631 -1.5 td (zhu runzhou)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 18.398 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.076 0 td (833)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.783 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.659 0 td (88)tj 5.715 0 td (921)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -43.631 -1.5 td (jiang yinggang)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 18.398 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.076 0 td (889)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.783 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.659 0 td (88)tj 5.715 0 td (977)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 196.8374 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9 0 0 10 119.0552 197.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1103 196.8374 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 10 283.6295 197.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 196.8374 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 340.3224 197.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 196.8374 cm 0 0 m 68.031 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 408.354 197.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 196.8374 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 465.0469 197.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 196.8374 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 521.7397 197.8573 tm ( )tj -26.345 -3 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.186 0 td (2,607)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.672 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.076 0 td (249)tj 5.41 0 td (2,856)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 163.707 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9 0 0 10 119.0552 164.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1103 163.707 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 10 283.6295 164.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 163.707 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 340.3224 164.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4962 163.707 cm 0 0 m 68.031 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 408.354 164.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 163.707 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 465.0469 164.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2206 163.707 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 521.7397 164.477 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 295 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (5)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(29. )-110.4 (employee benefit expenses)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (an analysis of employee benefit expenses is as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 606.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 591.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 576.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 573.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 558.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 543.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 528.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 513.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 483.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 468.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 465.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 450.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 435.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 592.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 573.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 574.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 573.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 574.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 573.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 574.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (salaries and bonuses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (4,939,758)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (4,636,972)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (housing fund)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (488,574)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (414,440)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (staff welfare and other expenses*)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (2,035,931)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,896,365)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (employment expense in relation to early retirement )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (schemes )tj 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 145.1776 484.3663 tm (\(note 21\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 484.3663 tm (210,428)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (447,660)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (employment expenses in relation to termination benefits)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.236 0 td (98,479)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (37,590)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 465.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 466.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 465.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 466.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 465.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 466.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (7,773,170)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (7,433,027)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 432.2068 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 432.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 432.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 432.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 432.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 432.9768 tm ( )tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 408.2468 tm [(*)21.2 ( )-2554.5 (staff)14 ( welfare)14 ( and)14 ( other)14 ( expenses)14 ( include)14 ( staff)14 ( welfare)14 (,)14 ( staff)14 ( union)14 ( expenses)14 (,)14 ( staff)14 ( education)14 ( expenses)14 (,)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (unemployment insurance expenses and pension insurance expenses, etc.)tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 367.2468 tm [(employee)13.9 ( benefit)13.9 ( expenses)13.9 ( include)14 ( remuneration)13.9 ( payables)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( directors)13.9 (,)13.9 ( supervisors)13.9 ( and)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (senior management as set out in note 30.)tj et endstream endobj 296 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 297 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 298 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 299 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 300 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 301 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (5)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(28. )-110.4 (finance income/finance costs)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (an analysis of finance income/finance costs is as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 351.496 606.477 90.709 -15 re 351.496 591.477 90.709 -15 re 351.496 576.477 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 573.096 90.709 -15 re 351.496 558.096 90.709 -15 re 351.496 543.096 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 539.716 90.709 -15 re 351.496 524.716 90.709 -15 re 351.496 509.716 90.709 -30 re 351.496 479.716 90.709 -3.009 re 351.496 476.707 90.709 -15 re 351.496 461.707 90.709 -15 re 351.496 446.707 90.709 -15 re 351.496 431.707 90.709 -15 re 351.496 416.707 90.709 -15 re 351.496 401.707 90.709 -3.009 re 351.496 398.698 90.709 -15 re 351.496 383.698 90.709 -15 re 351.496 368.698 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 365.317 90.709 -15 re 351.496 350.317 90.709 -15 re 351.496 335.317 90.709 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 413.4615 592.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 573.5963 cm 0 0 m 260.787 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 574.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.496 573.5963 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 430.4194 574.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 573.5963 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 521.1281 574.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -43.042 -3 td (finance income-interest income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.413 0 td (\(261,151\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.126 0 td (\(492,234\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 540.2159 cm 0 0 m 260.787 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 540.9858 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.496 540.2158 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 430.4194 540.9858 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 540.2158 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 521.1281 540.9858 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -43.042 -3 td (interest expense)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.912 0 td (4,665,329)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (5,202,639)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (less: interest expense capitalised in property, plant )tj 3.969 -1.5 td (and equipment)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 200.7073 480.9858 tm ( \(note 6\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 394.8415 480.9858 tm (\(289,499\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.126 0 td (\(517,589\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 476.9568 cm 0 0 m 260.787 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 477.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.496 476.9568 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 430.4194 477.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 476.9568 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 521.1281 477.9768 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -43.042 -3 td (interest expense, net of capitalised interest)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.912 0 td (4,375,830)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (4,685,050)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (interest on lease liability)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.802 0 td (487,249)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 12.352 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -43.154 -1.5 td (amortisation of unrecognised finance expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.386 0 td (60,415)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.487 0 td (205,335)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (exchange gains, net)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.581 0 td (\(2,315\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.126 0 td (\(7,889\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 398.9477 cm 0 0 m 260.787 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 399.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.496 398.9477 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 430.4194 399.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 398.9477 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 521.1281 399.9677 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -43.042 -3 td (finance costs)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.912 0 td (4,921,179)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (4,882,496)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 365.8173 cm 0 0 m 260.787 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 366.5873 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.496 365.8173 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 430.4194 366.5873 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 365.8173 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 521.1281 366.5873 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -43.042 -3 td (capitalisation rate during the year)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 248.7972 336.5873 tm ( \(note 6\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 360.6617 336.5873 tm (4.00% to 6.96%)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.96 0 td (4.54% to 7.00%)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 332.4369 cm 0 0 m 260.787 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7086 333.2069 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.496 332.4369 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.496 333.2069 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 332.4369 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2047 333.2069 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 302 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (4)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(27. )-110.4 (other gains, net \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8876 626.7466 tm (notes: \(continued\))tj 0.066 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 604.7466 tm [(\(3\) )-1975.9 (during the year, the transactions contributed to the gain on disposal of\ electrolytic aluminum capacity quota )]tj 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (and property, plant and equipment mainly include the following:)tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.75 td [(\()15.2 (a)15.2 (\))15.2 ( )-2004.9 (pursuant)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( agreement)13.5 ( entered)13.6 ( into)13.5 ( between)13.6 ( shanxi)13.6 ( huasheng)13.5 ( co)13.6 (.)13.5 (,)13.5 ( ltd)13.5 (.)13.6 ( \()13.5 (\223)13.5 (shanxi)13.6 ( huasheng)13.6 (\224)13.5 (\))15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.015 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (and yixin aluminum on 28 may 2019, the electrolytic aluminum capacity qu\ ota of 170,000 tonnes was )tj 0.052 tw 0 -1.375 td (transferred from shanxi huasheng to yixin aluminum. a gain of rmb800 mil\ lion from disposal of the )tj t* (aluminum capacity quota was recorded by the group in the current period.\ the transfer constitutes a )tj 0 tw t* (related party transaction which was disclosed in note 35 \(a\).)tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw -3.543 -2.75 td [(\()11.2 (b)11.2 (\))11.2 ( )-1949.9 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (fixed)11.2 ( )0.5 (assets)11.2 ( related)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (electrolytic)11.2 ( aluminum)11.2 ( production)11.2 ( )0.5 (line)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (guizhou)11.3 ( branch)11.2 ( )0.5 (have)11.2 ( )0.5 (been)11.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 3.543 -1.375 td [(disposed)7.2 ( of)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (company)7.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)7.3 ( the)7.2 ( disposal)7.2 ( )0.5 (loss)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)7.3 (5)7.2 (4)7.2 (1)7.2 ( million)7.2 ( )0.5 (from)7.2 ( the)7.2 ( )0.5 (difference)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (between the transfer price and carrying amount of the assets.)tj 0.087 tw -7.087 -2.75 td [(\(4\) )-1954.9 (as disclosed in note 8 \(b\), the group recognised a gain of rmb204 mill\ ion and a gain of rmb91 million on )]tj 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (share of associates\222 net assets yunnan aluminum and yixin aluminum, r\ espectively.)tj 0.04 tw -3.543 -2.75 td [(\(5\) )-2001.9 (in march 2019, ningxia energy transferred, through an auction transactio\ n, its 50% equity interest in ningxia )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td [(zhongning power co., ltd. to ningxia tianyuan manganese industry group c\ o., ltd. a gain of rmb159 million)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (from disposal of investment in a joint venture was recorded by the group\ in the current year.)tj 0.067 tw -3.543 -3.25 td [(\(6\) )-1974.9 (the company used gallium metal business to increase its investment to an\ associate chinalco rare earth & )]tj 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (metals co., ltd. \(\223china rare earth\224\), and recognised a gain of \ rmb263 million.)tj et endstream endobj 303 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (4)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(27. )-110.4 (other gains, net)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 650.842 82.205 -15 re 368.504 635.842 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 632.461 82.205 -15 re 368.504 617.461 82.205 -30 re 368.504 587.461 82.205 -45 re 368.504 542.461 82.205 -30 re 368.504 512.461 82.205 -30 re 368.504 482.461 82.205 -30 re 368.504 452.461 82.205 -30 re 368.504 422.461 82.205 -30 re 368.504 392.461 82.205 -30 re 368.504 362.461 82.205 -15 re 368.504 347.461 82.205 -15 re 368.504 332.461 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 329.452 82.205 -15 re 368.504 314.452 82.205 -15 re 368.504 299.452 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 637.1117 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 632.9612 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 633.7312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 632.9612 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 633.7312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 632.9612 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 633.7312 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (gain on disposal of subsidiaries )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 10 0 2.6795 10 100.6299 588.7312 tm (\(note 39\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 588.7312 tm (261,187)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.388 0 td (3,517)tj 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (gain on disposal and dividends of equity investments )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (designated at fair value through other comprehensive )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (income)tj 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 134.0614 543.7312 tm (\(note \(1\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 413.0694 543.7312 tm (97,775)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.637 0 td (109,914)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (realised gains on futures, forward and option contracts, )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (net )tj 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 117.9456 513.7312 tm (\(note \(2\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 413.0694 513.7312 tm (60,671)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (40,492)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td (unrealised \(losses\)/gains on futures, forward and option )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (contracts, net )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 167.6734 483.7312 tm (\(note \(2\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 415.0215 483.7312 tm (\(9,851\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.441 0 td (100,967)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment and )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (land use rights, net )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 193.2511 453.7312 tm (\(note \(3\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 453.7312 tm (259,684)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (272,098)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (gain on previously held equity interests remeasured at )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (acquisition\226date fair value)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 33.941 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.94 0 td (748,086)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (gain on share of associates )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 222.4957 408.7312 tm (net assets \(note 8\(b\)\), )tj 0 tc 10 0 2.6795 10 330.3173 408.7312 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 10 0 2.6795 10 99.6037 393.7312 tm (\(note \(4\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 393.7312 tm (295,288)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.501 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -43.154 -1.5 td (gain/\(loss\) on disposal of investment in a joint venture/)tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (an associate )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 161.0075 363.7311 tm (\(note \(5\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 363.7311 tm (159,514)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.054 0 td (\(1,904\))tj 0 tw -40.707 -1.5 td (gain on disposal of business )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 227.2336 348.7311 tm (\(note \(6\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 348.7311 tm (262,677)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.501 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -43.154 -1.5 td (others)tj /t1_1 1 tf 31.264 0 td (\(139,676\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(351,266\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 329.7021 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 330.7221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 329.7021 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 330.7221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 329.7021 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 330.7221 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (1,247,269)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.11 0 td (921,904)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 296.5717 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 297.3417 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 296.5717 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 297.3417 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 296.5717 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 297.3417 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8877 272.6117 tm (notes)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.024 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 250.6117 tm [(\(1\) )-2017.9 (in )0.5 (2019, )0.5 (the )0.5 (dividends )0.5 (of )0.5 (other )0.5 (equity )0.5 (instrument investments )0.5 (were )0.5 (mainly )0.5 (rmb98 )0.5 (million )0.5 (from )0.5 (size )0.5 (industry )]tj 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (investment fund \(2018: rmb109 million\).)tj -3.543 -2.75 td [(\(2\) )-2041.9 (the group does not apply hedge accounting for these futures, forward and\ option contracts.)]tj et endstream endobj 304 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (4)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(25. )-110.4 (profit before income tax)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (an analysis of profit before income tax is as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 606.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 591.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 576.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 573.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 558.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 543.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 513.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 498.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 483.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 453.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 438.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 423.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 408.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 393.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 378.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 363.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 348.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 333.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 318.096 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 592.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 573.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 574.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 573.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 574.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 573.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 574.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (purchase of inventories in relation to trading activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.595 0 td (104,928,962)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.804 0 td (85,443,397)tj 0 tw -38.399 -1.5 td (raw materials and consumables used, and changes in )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (work-in-progress and finished goods)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.187 0 td (35,573,467)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (43,197,855)tj 0 tw -38.399 -1.5 td (power and utilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.179 0 td (16,755,424)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (17,650,214)tj 0 tw -38.399 -1.5 td (depreciation of right-of-use assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,075,825)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 12.391 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -43.154 -1.5 td (depreciation and amortisation \(other than depreciation of )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (right-of-use assets\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.771 0 td (7,714,418)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (8,055,753)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (employee benefit expenses )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 223.6298 439.3663 tm (\(note 29\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 398.3354 439.3663 tm (7,773,170)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (7,433,027)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (repairs and maintenance)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,867,160)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,750,194)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (transportation expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (950,716)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.331 0 td (1,893,659)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (logistic cost)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (2,469,531)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2,794,733)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (taxes other than income tax expense )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 269.1999 379.3663 tm (\(note \(i\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 379.3663 tm (904,088)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (936,546)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (rental expenses for land use rights and buildings)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 34.933 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.94 0 td (649,640)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (packaging expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (277,785)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (261,626)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (research and development expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (940,828)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (626,873)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (auditors\222 remuneration )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 201.1056 319.3663 tm (\(note \(ii\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 413.0695 319.3663 tm (33,337)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (30,852)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 315.2159 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 90.7087 315.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 315.2159 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 315.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 315.2159 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 315.9859 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8877 291.2559 tm (note:)tj 0 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 269.2559 tm [(\(i\) )-2375.9 (taxes other than income tax expense mainly comprise surcharges, land use\ tax, property tax and stamp duty.)]tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw 0 -2.75 td [(\()23.2 (i)23.2 (i)23.2 (\))23.2 ( )-2026.1 (d)0.5 (u)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( y)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)14.5 ( e)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( 3)14.5 (1)14.4 ( d)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (b)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( 2)14.5 (0)14.4 (1)14.5 (9)14.4 (,)14.5 ( a)0.5 (u)0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 (\222)14.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.5 ( i)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (d)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.5 ( a)0.5 (u)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)14.4 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( n)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.5 (-)14.4 (a)0.6 (u)0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)14.5 ( s)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (v)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)23.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 3.543 -1.375 td [(p)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.6 (i)0.5 (d)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (y)14.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)14.2 ( )0.5 (&)14.2 ( )0.5 (y)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)14.2 (,)14.2 ( h)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)14.2 ( )0.5 (k)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)14.3 ( &)14.2 ( )0.5 (y)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.2 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (u)0.6 (a)14.2 ( m)0.6 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.6 (p)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (o)14.2 ( r)0.6 (m)0.5 (b)14.3 (2)14.2 (7)14.2 (.)14.2 (8)14.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.375 td (\(2018: rmb26.7 million\), and remuneration for services provided by oth\ er auditors.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3623 194.2558 tm [(26. )-110.4 (other income)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 164.2559 tm [(for)14 ( the)14 ( year)14 ( ended)14 ( 3)14 (1)14 ( december)14 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (9)14 (,)13.9 ( government)14 ( grants)14 ( amounting)14 ( to)14 ( rmb)14 (7)14 (9)14 ( million)26.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0 -1.5 td [(\()13.9 (2)13.8 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (8)13.8 (:)13.9 ( rmb)13.9 (1)13.9 (3)13.8 (5)13.9 ( million)13.8 (\))13.9 ( were)13.9 ( recognised)13.8 ( as)13.9 ( income)13.9 ( for)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( year)13.8 ( to)13.9 ( facilitate)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.9 (\222)13.8 (s)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (development. there are no unfulfilled conditions or contingencies attach\ ed to the grants.)tj et endstream endobj 305 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (4)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(24. )-110.4 (pledge of assets)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.035 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (the group has pledged various assets as collateral against certain secur\ ed borrowings as set )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (out in note 18. as at 31 december 2019, a summary of these pledged asset\ s was as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 591.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 561.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 558.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 543.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 528.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 513.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 498.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 483.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 468.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 453.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 450.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 435.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 420.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 380.0198 577.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 559.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 559.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 559.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (property, plant and equipment )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 235.2915 529.3663 tm (\(note 6\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 398.3354 529.3663 tm (4,946,338)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (4,168,239)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (land use rights )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 165.2701 514.3663 tm (\(note 19\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 440.0394 514.3663 tm (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.94 0 td (328,116)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (right-of-use assets )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 183.6019 499.3663 tm (\(note 19\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 499.3663 tm (373,048)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.501 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -43.154 -1.5 td (intangible assets )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 172.486 484.3663 tm (\(note 5\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 484.3663 tm (757,269)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (772,597)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (notes receivable )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 171.6478 469.3663 tm (\(note 13\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 469.3663 tm (667,190)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (933,551)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (investments in associates)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 212.2118 454.3663 tm (\(note 8\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 454.3663 tm (538,787)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (535,610)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 450.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 90.7087 451.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 450.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 451.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 450.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 451.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (7,282,632)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (6,738,113)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 417.2068 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 417.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 417.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 417.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 417.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 417.9768 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.03 tw -36 -2.873 td (as at 31 december 2019, in addition to the loans and borrowings which we\ re secured by the )tj 0.031 tw t* (above assets, the current portion of long-term loans and borrowings amou\ nting to rmb1,209 )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(million \(31 december 2018: rmb1,354 million\), and the non-current port\ ion of long-term loans)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.6 ( borrowings)13.6 ( amounting)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( rmb)13.6 (1)13.6 (0)13.6 (,)13.6 (2)13.6 (6)13.5 (5)13.6 ( million)13.6 ( \()13.6 (3)13.6 (1)13.6 ( december)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.6 (1)13.6 (8)13.6 (:)13.6 ( rmb)13.6 (1)13.6 (0)13.6 (,)13.6 (1)13.6 (5)13.6 (5)13.6 ( million)13.6 (\))15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (were secured by the contractual right to charge users for electricity ge\ nerated in the future.)tj et endstream endobj 306 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 307 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 308 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 309 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 310 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 311 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (4)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(23. )-110.4 (trade and notes payables)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 636.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 606.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 591.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 588.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 573.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 558.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 543.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 540.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 525.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 510.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 380.0198 622.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 589.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (trade payables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (7,858,214)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (8,570,102)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (notes payable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (4,726,541)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (5,439,162)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 541.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 541.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 541.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.821 -3 td (12,584,755)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (14,009,264)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 507.2068 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 507.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 507.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 507.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 507.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 507.9768 tm ( )tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw -36 -2.873 td [(as)13.9 ( at)14 ( 3)14 (1)14 ( december)14 ( 2)14 (0)13.9 (1)14 (9)14 (,)13.9 ( except)14 ( for)14 ( trade)14 ( and)14 ( notes)14 ( payables)14 ( of)13.9 ( the)14 ( group)14 ( amounting)33.1 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0 -1.5 td [(to)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (5)14.1 (2)14.1 ( million)14.1 ( which)14.1 ( were)14.1 ( denominated)14 ( in)14.1 ( usd)14.1 ( \()14.1 (3)14.1 (1)14 ( december)14.1 ( 2)14 (0)14.1 (1)14.1 (8)14.1 (:)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (2)14.1 (1)14.1 (3)14.1 ( million)24.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(in)13.6 ( usd)13.7 (\))13.6 (,)13.6 ( all)13.6 ( trade)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( notes)13.7 ( payables)13.6 ( were)13.6 ( denominated)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( rmb)13.7 ( \()13.6 (3)13.6 (1)13.6 ( december)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.6 (1)13.6 (8)13.6 (:)13.6 ( all)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (denominated in rmb\).)tj 0 -3 td (the ageing analysis of trade and notes payables is as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 387.977 82.205 -30 re 368.504 357.977 82.205 -15 re 368.504 342.977 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 339.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 324.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 309.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 294.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 279.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 264.596 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 261.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 246.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 231.587 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 380.0199 374.2467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 340.0963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 340.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 340.0963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 340.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 340.0963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 340.8663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (within 1 year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.179 0 td (12,145,985)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (13,598,039)tj 0 tw -38.399 -1.5 td (between 1 and 2 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (229,221)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (140,665)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (between 2 and 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.236 0 td (30,713)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (47,654)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td (over 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (178,836)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (222,906)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 261.8372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 262.8572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 261.8372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 262.8572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 261.8372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 262.8572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.821 -3 td (12,584,755)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (14,009,264)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 228.7068 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 229.4768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 228.7068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 229.4768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 228.7068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 229.4768 tm ( )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw -36 -2.873 td [(the)13.7 ( trade)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( notes)13.7 ( payables)13.7 ( are)13.7 ( non)13.7 (-)13.6 (interest)13.6 (-)13.7 (bearing)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( are)13.7 ( normally)13.6 ( settled)13.7 ( within)13.7 ( one)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (year.)tj et endstream endobj 312 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (4)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(22. )-110.4 (other payables and accrued liabilities)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 636.977 82.205 -29 re 368.504 607.977 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 593.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 590.096 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 575.596 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 561.096 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 546.596 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 532.096 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 517.596 82.205 -29 re 368.504 488.596 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 474.096 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 459.596 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 445.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 442.087 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 427.587 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 413.087 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 410.078 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 395.578 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 381.078 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 366.578 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 352.078 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 337.578 82.205 -29 re 368.504 308.578 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 294.078 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 279.578 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 276.569 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 262.069 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 247.569 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 244.56 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 230.06 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 215.56 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 380.0198 623.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.45 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.45 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.45 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.45 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 590.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 591.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 590.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 591.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 590.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 591.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.9 td (financial liabilities)tj 0.85 -1.45 td (\226 payable for capital expenditures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.912 0 td (6,832,365)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (5,694,632)tj 0 tw -38.133 -1.45 td (\226 interest payable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.802 0 td (494,341)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (396,286)tj 0 tw -39.022 -1.45 td (\226 payables withheld as guarantees and deposits)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.912 0 td (1,339,722)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,102,358)tj 0 tw -38.133 -1.45 td (\226 dividends payable by subsidiaries to non-controlling )tj -0.028 tw 1.984 -1.45 td (shareholders)tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.818 0 td (518,360)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (543,207)tj 0 tw -39.022 -1.45 td (\226 consideration payable for investment projects)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.802 0 td (141,740)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (280,856)tj 0 tw -39.022 -1.45 td (\226 current portion of payables for mining rights)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.802 0 td (372,824)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (210,325)tj 0 tw -39.022 -1.45 td (\226 others)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.912 0 td (1,083,646)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,058,798)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 442.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 443.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 442.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 443.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 442.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 443.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.821 -2.9 td (10,782,998)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.804 0 td (9,286,462)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 410.3282 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 411.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 410.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 411.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 410.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 411.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.9 td (output value-added tax on pending)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (210,283)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (252,691)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.45 td (taxes other than income taxes payable*)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (732,264)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (831,151)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.45 td (accrued payroll and bonus)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.236 0 td (21,902)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.637 0 td (220,851)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.45 td (staff welfare payables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (258,448)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (391,824)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.45 td (current portion of obligations in relation to early )tj 0.992 -1.45 td (retirement schemes )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 197.685 309.8482 tm (\(note 21\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 309.8482 tm (414,904)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (516,536)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.45 td (contribution payable for pension insurance)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.236 0 td (20,386)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (30,145)tj -40.457 -1.45 td (others)tj /t1_1 1 tf 33.709 0 td (999)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.747 0 td (37,492)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 276.8191 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 277.8391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 276.8191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 277.8391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 276.8191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 277.8391 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -2.9 td (1,659,186)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2,280,690)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 244.8101 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 245.8301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 244.8101 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 245.8301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 244.8101 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 245.8301 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.821 -2.9 td (12,442,184)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (11,567,152)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 212.6797 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 213.4497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 212.6797 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 213.4497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 212.6797 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 213.4497 tm ( )tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 189.7196 tm [(*)24.2 ( )-2551.5 (taxes)14.3 ( )0.5 (other)14.2 ( )0.6 (than)14.2 ( )0.6 (income)14.3 ( )0.6 (taxes)14.3 ( )0.5 (payable)14.3 ( )0.6 (mainly)14.3 ( )0.5 (comprise)14.3 ( )0.6 (accruals)14.3 ( )0.5 (for)14.3 ( )0.5 (value)14.3 (-)14.2 (added)14.3 ( )0.5 (tax)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (resource)14.3 ( )0.5 (tax)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (city)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.312 td (construction tax and education surcharge.)tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 150.2196 tm [(as)14.1 ( at)14.2 ( 3)14.1 (1)14.1 ( december)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (0)14.2 (1)14.1 (9)14.1 (,)14.1 ( except)14.1 ( for)14.2 ( other)14.1 ( payables)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( accrued)14.1 ( liabilities)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( group)29.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.45 td [(amounting)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( )-0.6 (rmb)14.2 (8)14.2 (2)14.2 (5)14.2 ( million)14.2 ( )-0.6 (and)14.2 ( rmb)14.2 (0)14.3 (.)14.2 (2)14.2 (5)14.2 ( )-0.6 (million)14.2 ( )-0.6 (which)14.2 ( )-0.6 (were)14.2 ( )-0.6 (denominated)14.2 ( in)14.2 ( usd)14.2 ( and)20.2 ( )]tj 0.078 tw t* [(hkd)13.5 (,)13.5 ( respectively)13.5 ( \()13.5 (3)13.5 (1)13.5 ( december)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.5 (1)13.5 (8)13.5 (:)13.5 ( rmb)13.5 (2)13.5 (4)13.5 (0)13.4 ( million)13.4 ( and)13.4 ( rmb)13.5 (0)13.4 (.)13.5 (2)13.5 (7)13.5 ( million)13.5 ( which)13.5 ( were)20.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc t* [(denominated)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( usd)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( hkd)13.7 (,)13.7 ( respectively)13.7 (\))13.7 (,)13.6 ( all)13.6 ( payables)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( accrued)13.6 ( liabilities)13.7 ( were)44.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (denominated in rmb.)tj et endstream endobj 313 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (4)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(21. )-110.4 (other non-current liabilities \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8876 626.7466 tm (note:)tj 0 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 604.7466 tm [(\(i\) )-2375.9 (obligations in relation to early retirement schemes)]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 3.543 -2.75 td [(from)3.2 ( )0.5 (2)3.2 (0)3.2 (1)3.2 (4)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (certain)3.1 ( )0.5 (subsidiaries)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( )0.5 (branches)3.2 ( )0.5 (implemented)3.2 ( )0.5 (certain)3.2 ( )0.5 (early)3.3 ( retirement)3.2 ( )0.5 (benefit)3.2 ( )0.5 (schemes)3.2 ( )0.5 (which)3.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.375 td [(allow)5.2 ( )0.5 (qualified)5.2 ( employees)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( )0.5 (early)5.2 ( )0.5 (retire)5.2 ( on)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( )0.5 (voluntary)5.2 ( )0.5 (basis)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (group)5.2 ( )0.5 (undertakes)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( obligations)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( )0.5 (pay)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.044 tw t* (the early retirement employees\222 living expenses for no more than five\ years in the future on a monthly basis )tj 0.039 tw t* (according to the early retirement benefit schemes, together with social \ insurance and housing fund pursuant )tj 0.092 tw t* [(to the )0.5 (regulation of the local social security )0.5 (office. )0.5 (living expenses, )0.5 (social )0.5 (insurance )0.5 (and )0.5 (the housing )0.5 (fund )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(are)14.3 ( )0.5 (together)14.2 ( )0.6 (referred)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.6 (as)14.3 ( )0.5 (\223)14.3 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (payments)14.2 (\224)14.3 (.)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (payments)14.3 ( )0.5 (are)14.2 ( )0.5 (forecasted)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.6 (increase)14.3 ( )0.5 (by)14.2 ( )0.6 (3)14.2 (%)14.3 ( )0.5 (per)14.3 ( )0.5 (annum)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.032 tw t* (with reference to the inflation rate and adjusted based on the average d\ eath rate in china. the payments are )tj 0.047 tw t* (discounted by the treasury bond rate of 31 december 2019. as at 31 decem\ ber 2019, the current portion of )tj 0 tw t* (the payments within one year was reclassified to \223other payables and \ accrued liabilities\224.)tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -2.75 td [(as)11.2 ( )0.5 (at)11.2 ( )0.5 (3)11.2 (1)11.2 ( december)11.3 ( 2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (9)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (obligations)11.2 ( in)11.2 ( relation)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( retirement)11.2 ( )0.5 (benefits)11.2 ( )0.5 (under)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (group)11.2 (\222)11.2 (s)11.2 ( early)11.2 ( )0.5 (retirement)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.375 td (schemes are as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 449.731 82.205 -11 re 368.504 438.731 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 435.35 82.205 -11 re 368.504 424.35 82.205 -11 re 368.504 413.35 82.205 -11 re 368.504 402.35 82.205 -11 re 368.504 391.35 82.205 -11 re 368.504 380.35 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 377.341 82.205 -11 re 368.504 366.341 82.205 -11 re 368.504 355.341 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 351.961 82.205 -11 re 368.504 340.961 82.205 -11 re 368.504 329.961 82.205 -11 re 368.504 318.961 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 315.952 82.205 -11 re 368.504 304.952 82.205 -11 re 368.504 293.952 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 426.5802 439.7466 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.276 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 435.8503 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 436.6202 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 435.8503 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 436.6202 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 435.8503 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 436.6202 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8 0 0 8 119.0551 414.3662 tm (as at 1 january )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 36.078 0 td (1,293,841)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.276 0 td (1,438,440)tj 0 tw -46.353 -1.375 td (provision made during the year )tj 8 0 2.1436 8 237.6077 403.3662 tm (\(note 29\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 414.7929 403.3662 tm (210,428)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.276 0 td (447,660)tj 0 tw -47.243 -1.375 td (interest costs)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 37.551 0 td (18,260)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.276 0 td (62,801)tj 0 tw -47.827 -1.375 td (payment during the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 36.579 0 td (\(680,888\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.331 0 td (\(655,060\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 377.5912 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 378.6112 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 377.5912 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 378.6112 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 377.5912 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 378.6112 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8 0 0 8 119.0551 356.3572 tm (as at 31 december )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 36.967 0 td (841,641)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.386 0 td (1,293,841)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 352.4608 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 353.2308 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 352.4608 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 353.2308 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 352.4608 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 353.2308 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 119.0551 330.9768 tm (non-current)tj /t1_1 1 tf 36.967 0 td (426,737)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.276 0 td (777,305)tj -47.243 -1.375 td (current )tj 0 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 148.909 319.9768 tm (\(note 22\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 414.7929 319.9768 tm (414,904)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.276 0 td (516,536)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 316.2018 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 119.0551 317.2217 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 316.2018 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 317.2217 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 316.2018 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 317.2217 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 414.7929 294.9677 tm (841,641)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.386 0 td (1,293,841)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 291.0714 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 291.8413 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 291.0714 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 291.8413 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 291.0714 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 291.8413 tm ( )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7086 270.6033 tm [(\()10.2 (i)10.2 (i)10.2 (\))10.2 ( )-2034.1 (for)10.2 ( )0.5 (asset)10.2 ( )0.5 (related)10.2 ( )0.5 (government)10.2 ( )0.5 (grant)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (had)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( asset)10.2 ( already)10.2 ( )0.5 (exist)10.2 ( )0.5 (upon)10.2 ( )0.5 (receiving)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (government)10.2 ( grant)10.2 (,)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td [(g)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.5 (d)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (m)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (g)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (o)0.5 (o)0.5 (k)0.6 ( )0.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.6 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( )0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (o)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 ( )0.6 (g)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (d )]tj 0.055 tw t* (of record the government grants as deferred income. for government grant\ related to income and expenses )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(or)13.4 ( losses)13.4 ( already)13.5 ( incurred)13.4 ( by)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.5 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( government)13.4 ( grant)13.5 ( amounts)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( directly)13.4 ( deducted)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( related)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.086 tw t* (costs, expenses or non-operating losses. other types of government grant\ in the group are still included in )tj 0 tw t* (deferred government grant and other income.)tj et endstream endobj 314 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (4)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(20. )-110.4 (finance lease payables)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.022 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (during the year ended 31 december 2018, the group entered into various s\ ale and leaseback )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(agreements)14.1 ( with)14.1 ( pingan)14.1 ( international)14.1 ( financial)14.1 ( leasing)14.1 ( co)14.1 (.)14 (,)14.1 ( ltd)14.1 (.)14.1 ( \()14.1 (\223)]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.029 tc -0.029 tw 32.931 0 td <033b03c40a3710e713440f1f09610f2303de082202ae>tj 0 tc 0 tw -32.931 -1.5 td <0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 1.025 0 td (\224\), tianjin far east hongxin finance leasing co., ltd. \(\223)tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.025 tw [<10c30607048306a6>502.1 <0080>103.7 <02c20775>103.7 <0081>502.1 <13440f1f09610f2303de082202ae0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\))tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <0064>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.035 tw -1.025 -1.5 td (china aviation international leasing co., ltd. \(\223)tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029509980a3710e709610f2303de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.035 tw (\224\), zhaoyin leasing co., )tj 0.031 tc 0.091 tw t* [(l)-13.4 (t)-13.5 (d)0.5 (. \()0.5 (\223)]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.031 tw [<05dd>0.5 <10d50961>0.5 <0f23>0.5 <03de0822>0.5 <02ae0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 11.413 0 td [(\224)13.5 (\))13.4 ( and)13.5 ( chalco)13.5 ( financial)13.5 ( leasing)13.5 ( co)13.4 (.)13.5 (,)13.4 ( ltd)13.4 (.)13.5 ( \()13.4 (\223)]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.031 tc -0.031 tw 21.329 0 td [<0295>0.5 <12591344>0.5 <0f1f0961>0.5 <0f2303de>0.5 <082202ae>0.5 <0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf [(\224)0.5 (\),)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.078 tw -32.742 -1.5 td (which is a related party of the group, respectively, under which the gro\ up sold machineries )tj 0.084 tw t* (and construction in progress and leased them back. the lease terms range\ from one to five )tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw t* [(years)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( the)14.2 ( lease)14.3 ( rentals)14.3 ( are)14.3 ( payable)14.3 ( b)0.5 (y)14.2 ( instalments)14.3 ( with)14.3 ( bearing)14.3 ( interest)14.3 ( at)14.3 ( prevailing)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (lending rates.)tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 476.7466 tm [(*)1.2 ( )-2561.5 (t)0.5 (he)1.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (ng)0.5 (li)0.5 (s)0.5 (h)1.2 ( n)0.5 (am)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)1.2 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (pr)0.5 (es)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)1.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (be)0.5 (st)1.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (ff)0.5 (o)0.5 (rt)1.2 ( )0.5 (ma)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (by)1.2 ( )0.5 (ma)0.5 (n)0.5 (ag)0.5 (em)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)1.2 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (ro)0.5 (up)1.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)1.2 ( )0.5 (tr)0.5 (a)0.5 (ns)0.5 (la)0.5 (ti)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)1.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)1.2 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (in)0.5 (es)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (names of the companies as they do not have any official english names.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 430.7466 tm [(21. )-110.4 (other non-current liabilities)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 414.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 384.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 381.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 366.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 351.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 336.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 321.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 318.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 303.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 288.087 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 285.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 270.078 82.205 -30 re 368.504 240.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 225.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 210.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 195.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 180.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 165.078 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 162.069 82.205 -15 re 368.504 147.069 82.205 -15 re 368.504 132.069 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 129.06 82.205 -15 re 368.504 114.06 82.205 -15 re 368.504 99.06 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 380.0198 400.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 381.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 382.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 381.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 382.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 381.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 382.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (financial liabilities)tj 0.992 -1.5 td (\226 long-term payables for mining rights)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.771 0 td (1,108,075)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.11 0 td (788,133)tj 0 tw -38.881 -1.5 td (\226 other financial liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.244 0 td (45,412)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (52,926)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 318.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 319.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 318.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 319.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 318.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 319.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (1,153,487)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.11 0 td (841,059)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 285.3282 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 286.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 285.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 286.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 285.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 286.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (obligations in relation to early retirement schemes )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 10 0 2.6795 10 100.6299 241.3482 tm (\(note \(i\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 241.3482 tm (426,737)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (777,305)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (deferred government grants )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 226.6676 226.3482 tm (\(note \(ii\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 226.3482 tm (245,916)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (314,045)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (deferred gain relating to sales and leaseback agreements)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (125,707)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (240,661)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (contract liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (125,758)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (132,844)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (provision for rehabilitation)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (131,248)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (121,033)tj -39.873 -1.5 td (others)tj /t1_1 1 tf 32.236 0 td (10,721)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (11,217)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 162.3191 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 163.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 162.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 163.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 162.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 163.3391 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (1,066,087)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,597,105)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 129.3101 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 130.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 129.3101 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 130.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 129.3101 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 130.3301 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (2,219,574)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2,438,164)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 96.1797 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 96.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 96.1797 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 96.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 96.1797 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 96.9497 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 315 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (4)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(20. )-110.4 (finance lease payables)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(these)14 ( leases)13.9 ( were)14 ( classified)14 ( as)14 ( finance)13.9 ( leases)14 ( prior)14 ( to)13.9 ( ifrs)13.9 ( 1)13.9 (6)14 ( becoming)13.9 ( effective)14 ( on)13.9 ( 1)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (january 2019.)tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -3 td [(a)0.5 (t)11.2 ( )0.5 (3)11.2 (1)11.2 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (er)11.3 ( 2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (8)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)11.2 ( f)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)11.2 ( m)0.6 (i)0.5 (ni)0.5 (m)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)11.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (se)11.3 ( p)0.5 (a)0.5 (y)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (de)0.5 (r)11.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (nc)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (es)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (their present values were as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 10 349.5906 517.7467 tm (minimum lease )tj -0.028 tw 1.879 -1.5 td (payments)tj 0 tw 8.935 3 td (present value of )tj 0.713 -1.5 td (minimum lease )tj -0.028 tw 1.375 -1.5 td (payments)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -10.523 -1.783 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj 0 tw 6.995 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 465.883 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 9 0 0 10 90.7087 466.903 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4882 465.883 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 422.5271 466.903 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 465.883 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 521.7397 466.903 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -47.892 -3 td (amounts payable:)tj 1.102 -1.5 td (within one year)tj -0.028 tw 31.708 0 td (2,518,653)tj 11.024 0 td (2,328,358)tj 0 tw -42.731 -1.5 td (in the second year)tj -0.028 tw 31.708 0 td (1,161,490)tj 11.024 0 td (1,075,050)tj 0 tw -42.731 -1.5 td (in the third to fifth years, inclusive)tj -0.028 tw 32.597 0 td (707,716)tj 11.024 0 td (664,889)tj 0 tw -43.621 -1.5 td (after five years)tj -0.028 tw 33.181 0 td (13,238)tj 11.024 0 td (12,973)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 372.8739 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 373.8939 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4882 372.8739 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 421.9155 373.8939 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 372.8739 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 521.1281 373.8939 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 9 0 0 10 90.7087 343.8939 tm (total minimum finance lease payments)tj -0.028 tw 32.81 0 td (4,401,097)tj 11.024 0 td (4,081,270)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 339.7435 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 340.5135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4882 339.7435 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 421.9155 340.5135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 339.7435 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 521.1281 340.5135 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 9 0 0 10 90.7087 310.5135 tm (future finance charges)tj -0.028 tw 33.366 0 td (\(319,827\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 306.4845 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 307.5045 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4882 306.4845 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 421.9155 307.5045 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 9 0 0 10 90.7087 277.5045 tm (total net finance lease payables )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 9 0 2.6795 10 99.7796 262.5045 tm (\(note 18\))tj -0.028 tw 9 0 0 10 385.998 262.5045 tm (4,081,270)tj 0 tw -32.81 -1.5 td (portion classified as current liabilities )tj 9 0 2.6795 10 249.6969 247.5045 tm (\(note 18\))tj -0.028 tw 9 0 0 10 382.9955 247.5045 tm (\(2,328,358\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 243.4754 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 90.7087 244.4954 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4882 243.4754 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 421.9155 244.4954 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 9 0 0 10 90.7087 214.4954 tm (non-current portion)tj -0.028 tw 32.81 0 td (1,752,912)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 210.345 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 211.115 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4882 210.345 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 421.9155 211.115 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 316 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 317 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 318 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 319 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 320 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 321 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (4)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(19. )-110.4 (lease \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td (the group as a lessee)tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 584.7466 tm [(\(f\) )-1076.5 (the total cash outflow for leases and future cash outflows relating to )]tj 2.465 -1.565 td (leases that have not yet commenced are disclosed in notes 34\(c\) and )tj 0 -1.565 td (42, respectively, to the financial statements.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 15 0 0 15 90.7087 513.7466 tm (the group as a lessor)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.039 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 483.7466 tm (rental income recognised by the group during the year was rmb318 million\ \(2018: rmb240 )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(million)5.2 (\))5.2 (,)5.2 ( details)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (which)5.2 ( )0.5 (are)5.2 ( )0.5 (included)5.2 ( )0.5 (in)5.2 ( )0.5 (note)5.2 ( )0.5 (4)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (financial)5.3 ( statements)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (in)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (opinions)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.075 tw t* (of the directors, the undiscounted lease payments receivable by the grou\ p in future periods )tj 0 tw t* (under non-cancellable operating leases are not material.)tj et endstream endobj 322 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (3)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(19. )-110.4 (lease \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td (the group as a lessee)tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 584.7466 tm [(\(d\) )-798.5 (the amounts recognised in profit or loss in relation to leases are as )]tj -0.028 tw 2.465 -1.565 td (follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 447.874 550.477 85.039 -15 re 447.874 535.477 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 532.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 517.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 502.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 487.096 85.039 -30 re 447.874 457.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 442.096 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 439.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 424.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 409.087 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 504.1701 536.7467 tm (2019)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 532.5963 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 533.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 532.5962 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 533.3662 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (interest on lease liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 37.038 0 td (487,249)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -37.038 -1.5 td (depreciation charge of right-of-use assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 36.149 0 td (1,075,825)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -36.149 -1.5 td (expense relating to short-term leases and other leases with )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (remaining lease terms ended on or before 31 december 2019)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 36.63 0 td (63,626)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -37.622 -1.5 td (expense relating to leases of low-value assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.206 0 td (1,800)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 439.3371 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 440.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 439.3371 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 440.3571 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (total amount recognised in profit or loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 36.149 0 td (1,628,500)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 406.2067 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 406.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 406.2067 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 406.9767 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 375.2467 tm [(\(e\) )-853.5 (extension and termination options)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.089 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 345.2467 tm (the group has several lease contracts that include extension and termina\ tion options. )tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(these)13.5 ( options)13.5 ( are)13.6 ( negotiated)13.5 ( by)13.5 ( management)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( provide)13.6 ( flexibility)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( managing)13.6 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.076 tc t* [(leased)13.9 (-)13.9 (asset)13.8 ( portfolio)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( align)13.8 ( with)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( group)13.8 (\222)13.9 (s)13.9 ( business)13.8 ( needs)13.9 (.)13.8 ( management)48.2 ( )]tj 0.094 tc t* [(exercises)13.9 ( significant)13.9 ( judgement)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( determining)13.9 ( whether)13.9 ( these)13.9 ( extension)13.9 ( and)66.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc t* [(termination)13.7 ( options)13.7 ( are)13.7 ( reasonably)13.7 ( certain)13.8 ( to)13.7 ( be)13.7 ( exercised)13.7 (.)13.8 ( set)13.8 ( out)13.8 ( below)13.8 ( are)13.7 ( the)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.012 tw t* (undiscounted potential future rental payments relating to periods follow\ ing the exercise )tj 0 tw t* (date of extension and termination options that are not included in the l\ ease terms:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 24.896 -3 td (payable within )tj 2.611 -1.5 td (five years)tj 6.754 1.5 td (payable after )tj 2.278 -1.5 td (five year)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 206.0963 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 206.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 206.0963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 206.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 206.0963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 206.8663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (extension options expected not to be exercised)tj 0 tc 31.815 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -40.319 -1.5 td (termination options expected to be exercised)tj 0 tc 31.815 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.055 157.7159 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 119.055 158.4859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8345 157.7159 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8345 158.4859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.8739 157.7159 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.8739 158.4859 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 323 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (3)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(19. )-110.4 (lease \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td (the group as a lessee)tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 584.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (right-of-use assets \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.03 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 554.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019, the group has pledged land use rights at a net c\ arrying value )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -1.5 td [(a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)2.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)2.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)2.2 (3)2.2 (7)2.2 (3)2.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)2.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)2.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (k)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)2.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)2.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)2.2 ( i)0.6 (n)2.2 ( n)0.6 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)2.2 ( 2)2.2 (4)2.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the financial statements.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 491.7466 tm [(\(c\) )-909.5 (lease liabilities)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.072 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 461.7466 tm [(the )0.5 (carrying )0.6 (amount )0.5 (of )0.5 (lease )0.5 (liabilities )0.5 (\(included )0.6 (under )0.5 (interest-bearing )0.5 (bank )0.5 (and )0.5 (other )]tj 0 tw t* (borrowings\) and the movements during the year are as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 447.874 430.477 85.039 -15 re 447.874 415.477 85.039 -15 re 447.874 400.477 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 397.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 382.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 367.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 352.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 337.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 322.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 307.096 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 304.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 289.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 274.087 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 270.707 85.039 -15 re 447.874 255.707 85.039 -15 re 447.874 240.707 85.039 -15 re 447.874 225.707 85.039 -15 re 447.874 210.707 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 504.1701 416.7467 tm (2019)tj 0 tw -5.419 -1.5 td (lease liabilities)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 397.5963 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 398.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 397.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 398.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (carrying amount at 1 january )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 35.565 0 td (11,010,323)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -35.565 -1.5 td (new leases)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 37.622 0 td (82,370)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -37.622 -1.5 td (contract modification)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 36.65 0 td (\(178,575\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -36.65 -1.5 td (accretion of interest recognised during the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 37.038 0 td (487,249)tj /t1_0 1 tf -37.038 -1.5 td (payments)tj /t1_1 1 tf 35.76 0 td (\(3,032,106\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 304.3372 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 305.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 304.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 305.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (carrying amount at 31 december )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 36.149 0 td (8,369,261)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 271.2068 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 271.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 271.2068 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 271.9768 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (analysed into:)tj 0.992 -1.5 td (current portion)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 35.156 0 td (1,358,653)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -35.156 -1.5 td (non-current portion)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 35.156 0 td (7,010,608)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 207.8264 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 208.5964 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 207.8264 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 208.5964 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 324 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (3)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(19. )-110.4 (lease \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td (the group as a lessee)tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 584.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (right-of-use assets)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 554.7467 tm (the carrying amounts of the group\222s right-of-use assets and the movem\ ents during the )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (year are as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.892 -4.5 td (buildings)tj 6.531 0 td (machinery)tj 0 tw 7.836 1.5 td (land use )tj -0.028 tw 1.557 -1.5 td (rights)tj 7.447 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 490.5963 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 491.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 490.5963 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4488 491.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 490.5963 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 491.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 391.1811 490.5963 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 391.1811 491.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 490.5963 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 462.0472 491.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -34.299 -4.5 td (as at 1 january 2019)tj -0.028 tw 15.778 0 td (396,499)tj 6.197 0 td (6,129,771)tj 6.503 0 td (11,450,581)tj 7.087 0 td (17,976,851)tj -35.565 -1.5 td (additions)tj 16.362 0 td (21,203)tj 7.087 0 td (11,606)tj 5.613 0 td (1,215,049)tj 7.087 0 td (1,247,858)tj 0 tw -36.149 -1.5 td (transfer to investment )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (properties )tj 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 178.7977 401.3663 tm (\(note 7\))tj 0 tc 10 0 0 10 309.6457 401.3663 tm (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.472 0 td (\(239,765\))tj 7.087 0 td (\(239,765\))tj 0 tw -36.704 -1.5 td (transfer to property, plant )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (and equipment )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 201.3218 371.3663 tm (\(note 6\))tj 0 tc 10 0 0 10 309.6457 371.3663 tm (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.583 0 td (\(1,674,260\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.591 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.583 0 td (\(1,674,260\))tj 0 tw -35.815 -1.5 td (government grants)tj 0 tc 19.059 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.472 0 td (\(107,441\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.701 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.472 0 td (\(107,441\))tj 0 tw -36.704 -1.5 td (contract modification)tj -0.028 tw 16.028 0 td (\(45,507\))tj 13.589 0 td (\(137,358\))tj 7.087 0 td (\(182,865\))tj 0 tw -36.704 -1.5 td (disposal of subsidiaries)tj 0 tc 19.059 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.056 0 td (\(52,668\))tj 7.087 0 td (\(52,668\))tj -37.288 -1.5 td (depreciation)tj 16.028 0 td (\(84,940\))tj 6.503 0 td (\(601,891\))tj 7.087 0 td (\(388,994\))tj 6.197 0 td (\(1,075,825\))tj 0 tw -35.815 -1.5 td (impairment losses)tj 0 tc 19.059 0 td (\226)tj 7.087 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.64 0 td (\(1,448\))tj 7.087 0 td (\(1,448\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 292.3372 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 293.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 292.3372 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4488 293.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 292.3372 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 293.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 391.1811 292.3372 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 391.1811 293.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 292.3372 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 462.0472 293.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -34.299 -3 td (as at 31 december 2019)tj -0.028 tw 15.778 0 td (287,255)tj 6.197 0 td (3,757,785)tj 6.503 0 td (11,845,397)tj 7.087 0 td (15,890,437)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 259.2068 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 259.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 259.2068 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4488 259.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 259.2068 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 259.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 391.1811 259.2068 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 391.1811 259.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 259.2068 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 462.0472 259.9768 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.051 tw -34.299 -2.873 td [(as at 31 december 2019, the group was in the process )0.5 (of applying for the certificates )]tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)14 ( land)14 ( use)14.1 ( rights)14.1 ( with)14.1 ( a)14.1 ( carrying)14.1 ( amount)14.1 ( of)14 ( rmb)14.1 (7)14 (4)14.1 ( million)14 ( \()14 (3)14.1 (1)14 ( december)14 ( 2)14.1 (0)14.1 (1)14 (8)14.1 (:)40.2 ( )]tj 0.078 tc t* [(rmb)13.9 (6)13.9 (8)13.8 (7)13.9 ( million)13.8 (\))13.9 (.)13.9 ( there)13.9 ( has)13.8 ( been)13.9 ( no)13.8 ( litigations)13.8 (,)13.9 ( claims)13.8 ( or)13.9 ( assessments)13.9 ( against)50.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc t* [(the)13.8 ( group)13.9 ( for)13.9 ( compensation)13.9 ( with)13.8 ( respect)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( use)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( land)13.8 ( parcels)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( date)13.8 (.)13.9 ( as)44.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc t* [(at)13.6 ( 3)13.6 (1)13.5 ( december)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.5 (1)13.5 (9)13.5 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( carrying)13.6 ( value)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( these)13.5 ( land)13.5 ( parcels)13.5 ( only)13.5 ( represented)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.013 tw t* (approximately 0.04% of the total asset value of the group \(31 december \ 2018: 0.34%\). )tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw t* [(management)14.1 ( considers)14.1 ( that)14.2 ( it)14.2 ( is)14.1 ( probable)14.2 ( that)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.1 ( can)14.2 ( obtain)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( relevant)37.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(ownership)3.2 ( certificates)3.2 ( )0.5 (from)3.3 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (appropriate)3.2 ( )0.5 (authorities)3.2 (.)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.3 ( directors)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (company)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.051 tw t* (are of the opinion that the group legally owns and has the right to use \ the above land, )tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.5 ( that)13.5 ( there)13.5 ( is)13.5 ( no)13.5 ( material)13.5 ( adverse)13.5 ( impact)13.5 ( on)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( overall)13.5 ( financial)13.5 ( position)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (group.)tj et endstream endobj 325 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (3)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.11 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (19. lease)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td (the group as a lessee)tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 584.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (land use rights \(before 1 january 2019\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 463.8844 554.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018 )tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 520.5963 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 521.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 520.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 521.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (operating leases:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (in the mainland china, held on:)tj t* (leases less than 10 years)tj -0.028 tw 37.038 0 td (768,153)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.5 td (leases between 10 and 50 years)tj -0.028 tw 36.149 0 td (2,753,882)tj 0 tw -36.149 -1.5 td (leases over 50 years)tj -0.028 tw 37.038 0 td (784,830)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 427.3372 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 428.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 427.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 428.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.267 -3 td (4,306,865)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 394.2068 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 394.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 394.2068 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 394.9768 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.63 -2.873 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 347.0964 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 347.8664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 347.0964 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 347.8664 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (as at 1 january 3,604,201)tj -0.028 tw 36.149 0 td (3,604,201)tj -36.149 -1.5 td (additions)tj 38.206 0 td (2,838)tj 0 tw -38.206 -1.5 td (acquisition of subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 37.038 0 td (460,638)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.5 td (transfer from property, plant and equipment)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 328.2878 272.8664 tm ( \(note 6\))tj -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 489.4361 272.8664 tm (382,242)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.5 td (government grants)tj -0.028 tw 37.288 0 td (\(34,174\))tj 0 tw -37.288 -1.5 td (disposal of subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 38.762 0 td (\(728\))tj -38.762 -1.5 td (amortisation)tj 36.705 0 td (\(108,152\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 223.8374 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 224.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 223.8374 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 224.8573 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (as at 31 december)tj -0.028 tw 36.149 0 td (4,306,865)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 190.707 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 191.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 190.707 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 191.477 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.03 tw -32.882 -2.873 td (as at 31 december 2018, the group has pledged land use rights at a net c\ arrying value )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)2.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)2.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)2.2 (3)2.2 (2)2.2 (8)2.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)2.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)2.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (k)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)2.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)2.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)2.2 ( i)0.6 (n)2.2 ( n)0.6 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)2.2 ( 2)2.2 (4)2.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the financial statements.)tj et endstream endobj 326 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 327 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 328 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 329 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 330 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 331 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (3)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(18. )-110.4 (interest-bearing loans and borrowings )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8876 610.7466 tm (notes: \(continued\))tj 8 0 0 8 90.7087 588.7466 tm [(\(f\) )-2264.9 (secured interest-bearing loans and borrowings)]tj 3.543 -2.75 td (the assets pledged for bank and other borrowings were set out in note 24\ to the financial statements.)tj -3.543 -2.75 td [(\(g\) )-2041.9 (gold leasing arrangements)]tj 0.086 tw 3.543 -2.75 td (in 2018 and 2019, the company entered into several gold leasing master f\ ramework agreements, individual )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.375 td [(gold leasing agreements and general hedging agreements with bank of comm\ unications and agriculture bank)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(of)6.2 ( )0.5 (china)6.2 ( )0.5 (\()6.2 (collectively)6.1 (,)6.3 ( \223)6.2 (the)6.2 ( banks)6.2 (\224)6.2 (\))6.2 (.)6.2 ( )0.5 (according)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( the)6.3 ( gold)6.2 ( leasing)6.2 ( )0.5 (master)6.2 ( )0.5 (framework)6.2 ( )0.5 (agreements)6.2 ( and)6.2 ( )0.5 (gold)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(leasing )0.5 (agreements, )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (leased )0.5 (standard )0.5 (gold )0.5 (with )0.5 (fineness of au )0.5 (99.99 for )0.5 (6 )0.5 (to 12 )0.5 (months )0.5 (from )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(the)8.2 ( )0.5 (banks)8.2 (,)8.1 ( )0.5 (with)8.2 ( )0.5 (annual)8.2 ( interest)8.2 ( rates)8.2 ( )0.5 (ranging)8.2 ( )0.5 (from)8.2 ( 3)8.2 (.)8.2 (7)8.2 (0)8.2 (%)8.2 ( )0.5 (to)8.2 ( 4)8.2 (.)8.2 (5)8.2 (0)8.2 (%)8.2 (.)8.2 ( concurrently)8.2 (,)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (company)8.2 ( entrusted)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.01 tw t* [(the banks to sell all leased gold and received cash )0.5 (of rmb6,922 )0.5 (million from the )0.5 (sale, and )0.5 (repaid gold )0.5 (leasing )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(principal)13.4 ( amounting)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( rmb)13.5 (1)13.5 (,)13.4 (6)13.5 (0)13.5 (8)13.4 ( million)13.5 (.)13.4 ( upon)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( expiry)13.4 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( gold)13.4 ( leasing)13.4 ( agreements)13.4 (,)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( company)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.077 tw t* (shall purchase the standard gold \(with same quality and value according\ to the general hedging agreements )tj 0 tw t* (entered into simultaneously with the leasing agreements\) to return to t\ he banks.)tj 0.075 tw 0 -2.75 td [(the )0.5 (directors )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (are of )0.5 (the )0.5 (view )0.5 (that )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (is )0.5 (free )0.5 (from )0.5 (the )0.5 (assumption )0.5 (of risk of gold )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.375 td [(price)8.2 ( )0.5 (fluctuations)8.3 ( due)8.2 ( )0.5 (to)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( fixed)8.2 ( )0.5 (repurchase)8.2 ( price)8.2 ( )0.5 (under)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( general)8.2 ( )0.5 (hedging)8.2 ( )0.5 (agreements)8.2 (,)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (therefore)8.3 (,)8.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.075 tw t* (this arrangement should be accounted for as short-term loans with fixed \ interest rates \(ranging from 3.70% )tj 0 tw t* (to 4.50%\) \(2018: ranging from 4.10% to 4.50%\), net of the banks\222 c\ harges.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.11 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 344.7466 tm (19. lease)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 1.89 -2.333 td (the group as a lessee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.08 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 279.7466 tm (the group has lease contracts for various items of plant and machinery, \ motor vehicles and )tj 0.09 tw 0 -1.5 td (other equipment used in its operations. lump sum payments were made upfr\ ont to acquire )tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14 ( leased)14 ( land)14 ( from)13.9 ( the)14 ( owners)13.9 ( with)14 ( lease)14 ( periods)14 ( of)14 ( 2)14 (0)13.9 ( to)14 ( 3)14 (0)13.9 ( years)14 (,)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( no)14 ( ongoing)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw t* (payments will be made under the terms of these land leases. leases of pl\ ant and machinery )tj 0.022 tw t* (generally have lease terms between 3 and 5 years, while motor vehicles g\ enerally have lease )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(terms)4.2 ( between)4.2 ( )0.5 (2)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( 5)4.2 ( )0.5 (years)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )0.5 (other)4.3 ( equipment)4.3 ( generally)4.2 ( has)4.2 ( )0.5 (lease)4.2 ( terms)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )0.5 (1)4.2 (2)4.2 ( months)4.2 ( or)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.074 tw t* (less and/or is individually of low value. generally, the group is restri\ cted from assigning and )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(subleasing the leased assets outside the group. there are several lease \ contracts that include)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (extension and termination options and variable lease payments, which are\ further discussed )tj -0.028 tw t* (below.)tj et endstream endobj 332 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (3)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(18. )-110.4 (interest-bearing loans and borrowings )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.267 td (\(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 0 8 90.7087 613.7466 tm (note: )tj 8 0 2.1436 8 113.0059 613.7466 tm (\(continued\))tj 0 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 594.2466 tm [(\(e\) )-2041.9 (guaranteed interest-bearing loans and borrowings)]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 3.543 -2.375 td [(d)0.5 (eta)0.5 (il)0.5 (s)1.2 ( o)0.5 (f)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.3 ( i)0.5 (nt)0.5 (ere)0.5 (st)1.2 (-)1.2 (b)0.5 (ear)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)1.2 ( )0.5 (loa)0.5 (ns)1.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)1.2 ( b)0.5 (orr)0.5 (ow)0.5 (ing)0.5 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (in)1.2 ( )0.5 (wh)0.5 (ic)0.5 (h)1.2 ( t)0.5 (he)1.2 ( )0.5 (gr)0.5 (ou)0.5 (p)1.2 ( r)0.5 (ec)0.5 (eiv)0.5 (ed)1.2 ( )0.5 (gu)0.5 (ara)0.5 (nt)0.5 (ees)1.2 ( )0.5 (ar)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (set)1.2 ( )0.5 (ou)0.5 (t)1.2 ( )0.5 (as)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.187 td (follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 555.231 82.205 -19 re 368.504 536.231 82.205 -9.5 re 368.504 526.731 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 523.35 82.205 -9.5 re 368.504 513.85 82.205 -9.5 re 368.504 504.35 82.205 -10.5 re 368.504 493.85 82.205 -10.5 re 368.504 483.35 82.205 -10.5 re 368.504 472.85 82.205 -28.5 re 368.504 444.35 82.205 -19 re 368.504 425.35 82.205 -10.5 re 368.504 414.85 82.205 -19 re 368.504 395.85 82.205 -19 re 368.504 376.85 82.205 -19 re 368.504 357.85 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 354.841 82.205 -9.5 re 368.504 345.341 82.205 -9.5 re 368.504 335.841 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 332.461 82.205 -9.5 re 368.504 322.961 82.205 -9.5 re 368.504 313.461 82.205 -19 re 368.504 294.461 82.205 -19 re 368.504 275.461 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 272.452 82.205 -9.5 re 368.504 262.952 82.205 -9.5 re 368.504 253.452 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 119.0551 537.2466 tm (guarantors)tj 0 tw 34.246 1.187 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.187 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 6.247 1.187 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.187 td (2018)tj -2.166 -1.187 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 523.8502 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4015 524.6202 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 523.8502 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 396.8504 524.6202 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 523.8502 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 479.0551 524.6202 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 8 0 0 8 119.0551 505.3663 tm (long-term loans)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.312 td (yinyi fengdian, neimenggu, alashan )tj 8 0 2.1436 8 258.0731 494.8662 tm (\(note \(iv\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 414.7929 494.8662 tm (150,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13.556 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -50.524 -1.312 td (ningxia energy )tj 8 0 2.1436 8 177.1376 484.3662 tm (\(note \(i\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 407.6761 484.3662 tm (1,274,400)tj /t1_0 1 tf 11.165 0 td (892,400)tj 0 tw -47.243 -1.312 td (yinxing energy )tj 8 0 2.1436 8 176.6976 473.8662 tm (\(note \(i\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 419.4633 473.8662 tm (46,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.276 0 td (70,000)tj 0 tw -47.827 -1.187 td (baotou aluminum limited company\()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <030d139812590e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw (\) and )tj 0.992 -1.187 td [(b)0.5 (a)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (ou)0.5 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (m)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (st)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 ( )0.5 (li)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (ny)0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 29.189 0 td <030d>tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -29.189 -1.187 td <139803740bb704b30f1f0dab0fa003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\) )tj 0 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 221.5103 445.3662 tm (\(note \(ii\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 407.6761 445.3662 tm (1,250,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.276 0 td (1,600,000)tj 0 tw -46.353 -1.187 td (the company and hangzhou jinjiang group limited company )tj 0.992 -1.187 td (\(\223hangzhou jinjiang\224, )tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <060403c8138003ea0dab0fa003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\) )tj 0 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 298.212 426.3662 tm (\(note \(iii\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 419.4633 426.3662 tm (10,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.692 0 td (246,000)tj 0 tw -47.243 -1.312 td (hangzhou jinjiang )tj 8 0 2.1436 8 188.9246 415.8663 tm (\(note \(v\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 414.7929 415.8663 tm (123,500)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13.556 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -50.524 -1.187 td (qingzhen industrial investment co.,ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0af61544033902880e3804b30f1f03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\) )tj 0 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 126.9921 396.8663 tm (\(note \(v\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 419.4633 396.8663 tm (47,250)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.692 0 td (116,000)tj 0 tw -47.243 -1.187 td (guizhou industrial investment group co.,ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw [<0d6e03c80b2a0e3804b30f1f>502.6 <0080>104.2 <0dab0fa0>104.2 <0081>]tj 0.992 -1.187 td <03de08220baa038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\) )tj 0 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 180.3983 377.8663 tm (\(note \(v\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 419.4633 377.8663 tm (47,250)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.692 0 td (116,000)tj 0 tw -47.243 -1.187 td (size industry investment fund\()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <030f052f02951259037410d5032c06c60b2a0e3804b30f1f0a3f0696104d0b23>tj 0.992 -1.187 td [<03a50fab03860e38>502.6 <0080>104.2 <03de082203a50fab>]tj /t1_0 1 tf (\)\) )tj 0 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 202.6607 358.8663 tm (\(note \(v\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 407.6761 358.8663 tm (1,000,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 14.446 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 355.0912 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 10 0 2.6795 10 119.0551 356.1112 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 355.0912 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 356.1112 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 355.0912 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 356.1112 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 407.6761 336.8572 tm (3,948,400)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.276 0 td (3,040,400)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.055 332.9608 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.055 333.7308 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5038 332.9608 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5038 333.7308 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 332.9608 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 333.7308 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 8 0 0 8 119.055 314.4768 tm (short-term loans)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.187 td (china great wall aluminum co., ltd.*\(\223china great wall )tj 0.992 -1.187 td (aluminum\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a37069706ec12590e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\) )tj 0 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 263.5322 295.4768 tm (\(note \(vi\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 8 0 0 8 441.0393 295.4768 tm (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.579 0 td (40,000)tj 0 tw -47.827 -1.187 td (hangzhou jinjiang, qingzhen investment and guizhou investment )tj 8 0 2.1436 8 126.992 276.4768 tm (\(note \(v\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 8 0 0 8 441.0393 276.4768 tm (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.995 0 td (200,000)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.055 272.7018 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 119.055 273.7217 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5038 272.7018 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5038 273.7217 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 272.7018 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 273.7217 tm ( )tj 8 0 0 8 119.055 254.4677 tm (\226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 40.248 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.995 0 td (240,000)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.055 250.5714 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.055 251.3414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5038 250.5714 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5038 251.3414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 250.5714 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 251.3414 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 118.234 233.1033 tm (notes:)tj 0 tw 8 0 0 8 119.0551 214.1033 tm [(\(i\) )-2375.9 (the guarantor is a subsidiary of the company.)]tj 0 -2.375 td [(\(ii\) )-2126.1 (the guarantors are a subsidiary of the company and a third party respect\ ively.)]tj t* [(\(iii\) )-1876.3 (the guarantors are the company and a third party respectively.)]tj t* [(\(iv\) )-1848.1 (the guarantors are subsidiaries of the company.)]tj t* [(\(v\) )-2097.9 (the guarantor is a third party.)]tj t* [(\(vi\) )-1848.1 (the guarantor is a subsidiary of chinalco.)]tj 0.059 tw t* [(* )-2594.5 (the english names represent the best effort by management of the group i\ n translating the chinese )]tj 0 tw 3.543 -1.187 td (names of the companies as they do not have any official english names.)tj et endstream endobj 333 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (3)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(18. )-110.4 (interest-bearing loans and borrowings )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 0 8 90.7087 610.7466 tm (note: )tj 8 0 2.1436 8 113.0059 610.7466 tm (\(continued\))tj 0 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 588.7466 tm [(\(c\) )-2097.9 (short-term bank and other loans)]tj 3.543 -2.75 td (other loans were entrusted loans provided by state-owned companies to th\ e group.)tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.75 td [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (weighted)14.1 ( )0.5 (average)14.2 ( annual)14.2 ( )0.5 (interest)14.2 ( rate)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( short)14.2 (-)14.1 (term)14.1 ( )0.5 (bank)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( other)14.2 ( loans)14.2 ( for)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( year)14.2 ( )0.5 (ended)14.2 ( 3)14.2 (1)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.375 td (december 2019 was 4.29% \(2018: 4.52%\).)tj -3.543 -2.75 td [(\(d\) )-2041.9 (short-term bonds)]tj 3.543 -2.75 td (outstanding short-term bonds as at 31 december 2019 are summarised as fo\ llows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 391.181 477.731 70.866 -22 re 391.181 455.731 70.866 -3.38 re 391.181 452.35 70.866 -11 re 391.181 441.35 70.866 -11 re 391.181 430.35 70.866 -11 re 391.181 419.35 70.866 -11 re 391.181 408.35 70.866 -11 re 391.181 397.35 70.866 -11 re 391.181 386.35 70.866 -11 re 391.181 375.35 70.866 -3.009 re 391.181 372.341 70.866 -11 re 391.181 361.341 70.866 -11 re 391.181 350.341 70.866 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8 0 0 8 268.8459 467.7466 tm (face value/)tj -0.028 tw 1.418 -1.375 td (maturity)tj 8.83 1.375 td (effective )tj 0 tw -1.835 -1.375 td (interest rate)tj 8.526 1.375 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.375 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.83 1.375 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.375 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 452.8503 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 453.6202 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 452.8503 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 308.5297 453.6202 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 452.8503 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.3958 453.6202 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 391.1811 452.8503 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.2619 453.6202 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 452.8503 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 521.1281 453.6202 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8 0 0 8 119.0551 431.3662 tm (2018 ningxia short-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 18.027 0 td (500,000/2019)tj 12.223 0 td (5.00%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.415 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.577 0 td (500,000)tj 0 tw -47.243 -1.375 td (2019 ningxia short-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 18.027 0 td (300,000/2020)tj 12.223 0 td (3.97%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.135 0 td (300,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 12.139 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -50.524 -1.375 td (2019 short-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 17.137 0 td (1,000,000/2020)tj 13.112 0 td (2.45%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.245 0 td (1,008,161)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13.029 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -50.524 -1.375 td (2019 short-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 17.137 0 td (2,000,000/2020)tj 13.112 0 td (2.63%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 6.939 0 td ( 2,013,127 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 13.334 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -50.524 -1.375 td (2019 short-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 17.137 0 td (3,000,000/2020)tj 13.112 0 td (2.00%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 6.939 0 td ( 3,008,384 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 13.334 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -50.524 -1.375 td (2019 short-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 17.137 0 td (3,000,000/2020)tj 13.112 0 td (2.30%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 6.939 0 td ( 3,001,816 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 13.334 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 372.5912 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 119.0552 373.6112 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4489 372.5912 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4489 373.6112 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 372.5912 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 373.6112 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 391.1812 372.5912 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 391.1812 373.6112 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0473 372.5912 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 462.0473 373.6112 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 419.0148 351.3572 tm (9,331,488)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.748 0 td (500,000)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 347.4608 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 348.2308 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4489 347.4608 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4489 348.2308 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 347.4608 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 348.2308 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 391.1812 347.4608 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 391.1812 348.2308 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0473 347.4608 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 462.0473 348.2308 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8 0 0 8 119.0552 326.9928 tm (all the above short-term bonds were issued for working capital needs.)tj et endstream endobj 334 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (3)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(18. )-110.4 (interest-bearing loans and borrowings )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.3 td (\(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8876 608.2466 tm (note:)tj 0 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 587.2466 tm [(\(a\) )-2097.9 (long-term bank and other loans)]tj 3.543 -2.625 td [(\(i\) )-2375.9 (the maturity of long-term bank and other loans is set out below:)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 226.772 530.896 51.024 -21 re 328.819 530.896 51.024 -21 re 430.866 530.896 51.024 -21 re 226.772 509.896 51.024 -10.5 re 328.819 509.896 51.024 -10.5 re 430.866 509.896 51.024 -10.5 re 226.772 499.396 51.024 -3.38 re 328.819 499.396 51.024 -3.38 re 430.866 499.396 51.024 -3.38 re 226.772 496.016 51.024 -10.5 re 328.819 496.016 51.024 -10.5 re 430.866 496.016 51.024 -10.5 re 226.772 485.516 51.024 -10.5 re 328.819 485.516 51.024 -10.5 re 430.866 485.516 51.024 -10.5 re 226.772 475.016 51.024 -10.5 re 328.819 475.016 51.024 -10.5 re 430.866 475.016 51.024 -10.5 re 226.772 464.516 51.024 -10.5 re 328.819 464.516 51.024 -10.5 re 430.866 464.516 51.024 -10.5 re 226.772 454.016 51.024 -10.5 re 328.819 454.016 51.024 -10.5 re 430.866 454.016 51.024 -10.5 re 226.772 443.516 51.024 -3.009 re 328.819 443.516 51.024 -3.009 re 430.866 443.516 51.024 -3.009 re 226.772 440.507 51.024 -10.5 re 328.819 440.507 51.024 -10.5 re 430.866 440.507 51.024 -10.5 re 226.772 430.007 51.024 -10.5 re 328.819 430.007 51.024 -10.5 re 430.866 430.007 51.024 -10.5 re 226.772 419.507 51.024 -3.38 re 328.819 419.507 51.024 -3.38 re 430.866 419.507 51.024 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 6.4 0 0 8 232.7206 545.2466 tm (loans from banks and other )tj 1.889 -1.312 td (financial institutions)tj 18.181 0 td (other loans)tj 11.834 1.312 td (total of long-term bank and )tj 4.195 -1.312 td (other loans)tj -36.444 -1.667 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.312 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 3.944 1.312 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.312 td (2018)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 3.778 1.312 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.312 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 3.944 1.312 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.312 td (2018)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 3.778 1.312 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.312 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 3.944 1.312 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.312 td (2018)tj -34.056 -1.312 td (\(restated\))tj 31.89 0 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 496.5156 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 497.2856 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 496.5156 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7716 497.2856 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 496.5156 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 497.2856 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 496.5156 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 328.8189 497.2856 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 496.5156 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8425 497.2856 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 496.5156 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 430.8661 497.2856 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 496.5156 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 481.8897 497.2856 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 6.4 0 0 8 147.4016 476.0316 tm (within 1 year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.818 0 td (3,337,202)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (3,382,325)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10.03 0 td (2,485)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (2,075)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.915 0 td (3,339,687)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (3,384,400)tj 0 tw -54.68 -1.312 td (between 1 and 2 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.818 0 td (7,523,290)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (7,375,557)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10.03 0 td (2,485)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (2,399)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.915 0 td (7,525,775)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (7,377,956)tj 0 tw -54.68 -1.312 td (between 2 and 5 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.818 0 td (9,151,573)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.389 0 td (16,586,390)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10.613 0 td (7,455)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (7,197)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.915 0 td (9,159,028)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.389 0 td (16,593,587)tj 0 tw -54.096 -1.312 td (over 5 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.234 0 td (18,806,428)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (18,777,275)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10.613 0 td (4,969)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (7,522)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.331 0 td (18,811,397)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (18,784,797)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 440.7565 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 441.7765 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 440.7565 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7717 441.7765 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 440.7565 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 441.7765 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 440.7565 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 328.8189 441.7765 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 440.7565 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8425 441.7765 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 440.7565 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 430.8661 441.7765 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 440.7565 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 481.8898 441.7765 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.4 0 0 8 238.4993 420.5226 tm (38,818,493)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (46,121,547)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10.03 0 td (17,394)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (19,193)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.915 0 td (38,835,887)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.972 0 td (46,140,740)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 416.6262 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 417.3961 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 416.6262 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7717 417.3961 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 416.6262 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 417.3961 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 416.6262 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 328.8189 417.3961 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 416.6262 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 379.8425 417.3961 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 416.6262 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 430.8661 417.3961 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 416.6262 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 481.8898 417.3961 tm ( )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 8 0 0 8 119.0551 397.1581 tm [(\()9.2 (i)9.2 (i)9.2 (\))9.2 ( )-2034.1 (other)9.2 ( loans)9.2 ( )0.5 (were)9.2 ( )0.5 (provided)9.2 ( )0.5 (by)9.2 ( local)9.2 ( )0.5 (bureaus)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (ministry)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.3 ( finance)9.2 ( )0.5 (to)9.3 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (group)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (weighted)9.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw 3.543 -1.312 td (average annual interest rate of long-term bank and other loans for the y\ ear ended 31 december 2019 )tj 0 tw 0 -1.312 td (was 5.20% \(2018: 4.78%\).)tj -7.087 -2.625 td [(\(b\) )-2041.9 (medium-term notes and bonds and long-term bonds and private placement no\ tes)]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 3.543 -2.625 td [(outstanding)14.1 ( medium)14.1 (-)14.1 (term)14.1 ( bonds)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( private)14.1 ( placement)14.1 ( notes)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( group)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( at)14.2 ( 3)14.2 (1)14.1 ( december)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (0)14.1 (1)14.1 (9)14.2 ( are)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (summarised as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 385.512 312.142 73.701 -21 re 385.512 291.142 73.701 -3.38 re 385.512 287.762 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 277.262 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 266.762 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 256.262 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 245.762 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 235.262 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 224.762 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 214.262 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 203.762 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 193.262 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 182.762 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 172.262 73.701 -21 re 385.512 151.262 73.701 -3.009 re 385.512 148.253 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 137.753 73.701 -10.5 re 385.512 127.253 73.701 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 7.2 0 0 8 268.3189 302.6581 tm (face value )tj -0.028 tw -2.608 -1.312 td (\(rmb\)/maturity)tj 13.763 1.312 td (effective )tj 0 tw -1.835 -1.312 td (interest rate)tj 9.904 1.312 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.312 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 6.208 1.312 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.312 td (2018)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 288.2617 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 9 0 0 10 147.4016 289.0317 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1103 288.2617 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 300.6374 289.0317 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 311.811 288.2617 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 374.3381 289.0317 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 385.5118 288.2617 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 9 0 0 10 448.0389 289.0317 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 288.2617 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 9 0 0 10 521.7397 289.0317 tm ( )tj 7.2 0 0 8 119.0552 278.2777 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8 0 0 8 119.0552 267.7777 tm (2018 medium-term notes)tj -0.028 tw 16.074 0 td (2,000,000/2021)tj 13.467 0 td (5.84%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 7.294 0 td ( 1,992,339 )tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 9.518 0 td (1,986,418)tj 0 tw -46.353 -1.312 td (2019 medium-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 16.074 0 td (2,000,000/2024)tj 13.467 0 td (4.31%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 7.294 0 td ( 1,982,228 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 13.689 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -50.524 -1.312 td (2016 private placement notes)tj -0.028 tw 16.074 0 td (3,215,000/2019)tj 13.467 0 td (5.12%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.77 0 td (\226 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.932 0 td (396,727)tj 0 tw -47.243 -1.312 td (2018 medium-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 16.074 0 td (1,100,000/2021)tj 13.467 0 td (4.66%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 7.294 0 td ( 1,098,218 )tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 9.518 0 td (1,097,003)tj 0 tw -46.353 -1.312 td (2018 medium-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 16.964 0 td (900,000/2023)tj 12.577 0 td (5.06%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 8.183 0 td ( 898,315 )tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 9.518 0 td (897,820)tj 0 tw -47.243 -1.312 td (2018 medium-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 16.074 0 td (1,400,000/2021)tj 13.467 0 td (4.30%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 7.294 0 td ( 1,397,319 )tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 9.518 0 td (1,395,970)tj 0 tw -46.353 -1.312 td (2018 medium-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 16.074 0 td (1,600,000/2023)tj 13.467 0 td (4.57%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 7.294 0 td ( 1,596,192 )tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 9.518 0 td (1,595,311)tj 0 tw -46.353 -1.312 td (2019 medium-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 16.074 0 td (2,000,000/2022)tj 13.467 0 td (3.84%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 7.294 0 td ( 1,998,604 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 13.689 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -50.524 -1.312 td (2019 medium-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 16.074 0 td (1,000,000/2022)tj 13.467 0 td (3.50%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 7.294 0 td ( 1,997,097 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 13.689 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -50.524 -1.312 td (2019 medium-term bonds)tj -0.028 tw 16.964 0 td (900,000/2023)tj 12.577 0 td (4.99%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 8.183 0 td ( 999,462 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 12.799 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -50.524 -1.312 td (2018 hong kong medium-term )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.312 td (bonds)tj 15.082 0 td (2,785,840/2021)tj 13.467 0 td (5.25%)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 7.294 0 td ( 2,776,981 )tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 9.518 0 td (2,725,612)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 148.5027 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 149.5227 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1103 148.5027 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 238.1103 149.5227 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 311.8111 148.5027 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 311.8111 149.5227 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 385.5119 148.5027 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 385.5119 149.5227 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2127 148.5027 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 459.2127 149.5227 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 0 8 411.5099 128.2687 tm (16,736,755)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.213 0 td (10,094,861)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0553 124.3723 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0553 125.1423 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1104 124.3723 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 238.1104 125.1423 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 311.8112 124.3723 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 311.8112 125.1423 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 385.512 124.3723 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 385.512 125.1423 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2128 124.3723 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 459.2128 125.1423 tm ( )tj 0.027 tc 8 0 0 8 119.0553 101.4123 tm [(medium-term notes and bonds and private placement notes were issued for \ capital expenditure and operating)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (cash flows purposes, as well as for the purpose of re-financing of bank \ loans.)tj et endstream endobj 335 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (3)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(18. )-110.4 (interest-bearing loans and borrowings )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.088 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019, included in the group\222s interest-bearing loan\ s and borrowings are )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(amounts)11.2 ( due)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiaries)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( chinalco)11.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)11.2 (4)11.2 (,)11.2 (1)11.2 (8)11.2 (1)11.2 ( )0.5 (million)11.2 ( )0.5 (\()11.2 (3)11.2 (1)11.2 ( december)11.2 ( )0.5 (2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (8)11.2 (:)11.2 ( rmb)11.2 (4)11.2 (,)11.2 (3)11.2 (7)11.2 (3)11.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(million)13.7 (\))13.7 (,)13.6 ( respectively)13.7 (,)13.6 ( as)13.7 ( set)13.7 ( out)13.6 ( in)13.7 ( note)13.7 ( 3)13.7 (5)13.6 (\()13.7 (b)13.7 (\))13.6 (.)13.7 ( there)13.7 ( were)13.7 ( no)13.7 ( interest)13.7 (-)13.6 (bearing)13.7 ( loans)13.7 ( and)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (borrowings obtained from joint ventures and associates \(31 december 201\ 8: nil\).)tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 531.7466 tm [(*)14.2 ( )-789.8 (as)13.5 ( at)13.6 ( 3)13.5 (1)13.6 ( december)13.5 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.5 (1)13.5 (9)13.5 (,)13.5 ( shandong)13.5 ( huayu)13.5 ( alloy)13.5 ( materials)13.5 ( co)13.6 (.)13.5 (,)13.5 ( ltd)13.5 (.)13.5 ( \()13.5 (\223)13.5 (shandong)13.5 ( huayu)13.5 (\224)13.5 (\))13.5 (,)13.6 ( a)13.5 ( subsidiary)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 1.772 -1.375 td [(group)6.2 (,)6.2 ( has)6.1 ( )0.5 (overdued)6.1 ( )0.5 (short)6.2 (-)6.2 (term)6.2 ( loans)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)6.2 (6)6.2 (4)6.2 (9)6.2 ( million)6.2 (.)6.2 ( since)6.2 ( )0.5 (overdued)6.2 ( )0.5 (on)6.2 ( )0.5 (its)6.2 ( )0.5 (bank)6.2 ( )0.5 (debts)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (shandong)6.2 ( )0.5 (huayu)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw 0 -1.375 td (actively communicated with relevant bank creditors, participated in rele\ vant litigation process in accordance with )tj 0.02 tw t* (law, and coordinated the repayments of its debts with its own assets, an\ d sought the understanding and support )tj 0.084 tw t* (of relevant bank creditors. as of the date of approval of the report, sh\ andong huayu\222s default on debts did not )tj 0 tw t* (lead to a renegotiation of debt terms.)tj et endstream endobj 336 0 obj <> endobj 337 0 obj <> endobj 338 0 obj <> endobj 339 0 obj <> endobj 340 0 obj <> endobj 341 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 342 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 343 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 344 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 345 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 346 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (3)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(18. )-110.4 (interest-bearing loans and borrowings )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 616.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 586.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 571.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 568.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 553.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 538.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 523.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 508.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 493.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 478.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 475.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 460.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 445.087 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 442.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 427.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 412.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 397.078 82.205 -30 re 368.504 367.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 352.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 337.078 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 334.069 82.205 -15 re 368.504 319.069 82.205 -30 re 368.504 289.069 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0 tw 10 0 0 10 380.0198 602.7467 tm (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 568.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 569.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 568.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 569.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 568.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 569.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (short-term loans and borrowings)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (bank and other loans )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 191.67 524.3663 tm (\(note \(c\)\))tj 10 0 0 10 100.6299 509.3663 tm (\226 secured )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 149.6235 509.3663 tm (\(note \(f\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 509.3663 tm (465,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.331 0 td (1,220,680)tj 0 tw -37.991 -1.5 td (\226 guaranteed )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 165.4574 494.3663 tm (\(note \(e\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 440.0394 494.3663 tm (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.94 0 td (240,000)tj 0 tw -38.881 -1.5 td (\226 unsecured)tj 0 tc 5.83 0 0 5.83 159.8177 482.6963 tm (*)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 392.4974 479.3663 tm (20,773,166)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (37,887,420)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 475.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 476.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 475.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 476.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 475.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 476.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.821 -3 td (21,238,166)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (39,348,100)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 442.3282 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 443.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 442.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 443.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 442.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 443.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (short-term bonds, unsecured )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 230.2959 413.3482 tm (\(note \(d\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 398.3354 413.3482 tm (9,331,488)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.11 0 td (500,000)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (gold leasing arrangements )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 218.6095 398.3482 tm (\(note \(g\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 398.3354 398.3482 tm (7,018,609)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,607,905)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (current portion of lease liabilities/finance lease payables )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 100.6299 368.3482 tm (\(note 19\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 398.3354 368.3482 tm (1,358,654)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2,328,358)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (current portion of medium-term notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 34.933 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.94 0 td (396,727)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (current portion of long-term bank and other loans)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (3,339,687)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (3,384,400)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 334.3191 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 335.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 334.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 335.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 334.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 335.3391 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (total short-term borrowings and current portion of )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (long-term loans and borrowings)tj -0.028 tw 29.187 0 td (42,286,604)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (47,565,490)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 286.1887 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 286.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 286.1887 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 286.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 286.1887 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 286.9587 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.01 tw -36 -2.873 td (as at 31 december 2019, except for loans and borrowings of the group amo\ unting to rmb17 )tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw t* [(million)13.8 ( \()13.8 (3)13.8 (1)13.7 ( december)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (8)13.7 (:)13.8 ( rmb)13.8 (1)13.8 (9)13.7 ( million)13.8 (\))13.7 ( and)13.8 ( rmb)13.8 (4)13.8 (,)13.7 (0)13.8 (0)13.8 (6)13.8 ( million)13.8 ( \()13.8 (3)13.8 (1)13.7 ( december)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (8)13.7 (:)33.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc t* [(rmb)14 (3)14 (,)14.1 (9)14 (8)14 (4)14.1 ( million)14 (\))14 ( which)14 ( were)14 ( denominated)14.1 ( in)14 ( jpy)14 ( and)14 ( usd)14 (,)14 ( respectively)14 (,)14.1 ( all)14.1 ( loans)14 ( and)27.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (borrowings were denominated in rmb.)tj et endstream endobj 347 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (2)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(18. )-110.4 (interest-bearing loans and borrowings)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 286.299 636.477 82.205 -30 re 286.299 606.477 82.205 -15 re 286.299 591.477 82.205 -3.38 re 286.299 588.096 82.205 -15 re 286.299 573.096 82.205 -15 re 286.299 558.096 82.205 -15 re 286.299 543.096 82.205 -3.009 re 286.299 540.087 82.205 -15 re 286.299 525.087 82.205 -15 re 286.299 510.087 82.205 -3.009 re 286.299 507.078 82.205 -15 re 286.299 492.078 82.205 -15 re 286.299 477.078 82.205 -15 re 286.299 462.078 82.205 -15 re 286.299 447.078 82.205 -15 re 286.299 432.078 82.205 -3.009 re 286.299 429.069 82.205 -15 re 286.299 414.069 82.205 -15 re 286.299 399.069 82.205 -3.009 re 286.299 396.06 82.205 -15 re 286.299 381.06 82.205 -30 re 286.299 351.06 82.205 -15 re 286.299 336.06 82.205 -3.009 re 286.299 333.051 82.205 -15 re 286.299 318.051 82.205 -15 re 286.299 303.051 82.205 -3.009 re 286.299 300.042 82.205 -15 re 286.299 285.042 82.205 -15 re 286.299 270.042 82.205 -15 re 286.299 255.042 82.205 -30 re 286.299 225.042 82.205 -30 re 286.299 195.042 82.205 -30 re 286.299 165.042 82.205 -30 re 286.299 135.042 82.205 -3.009 re 286.299 132.033 82.205 -15 re 286.299 117.033 82.205 -30 re 286.299 87.033 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 297.8151 622.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 6.026 1.5 td (1 january )tj -0.028 tw 2.194 -1.5 td (2019)tj 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 195.591 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 286.2992 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 286.2992 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7087 589.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (long-term loans and borrowings)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (finance lease payables )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 201.1161 544.3663 tm (\(note 20\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 357.8348 544.3663 tm (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.05 0 td (4,081,270)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7088 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 195.591 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 90.7088 541.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 286.2993 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 286.2993 541.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5041 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5041 541.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7088 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7088 541.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (lease liabilities )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 164.6956 511.3571 tm (\(note 19\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 316.1309 511.3571 tm (8,369,262)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.637 0 td (11,010,323)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.975 0 td (\226)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7088 507.3281 cm 0 0 m 195.591 0 l s q bt 10 0 2.6795 10 90.7088 508.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 286.2994 507.3281 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 286.2994 508.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5041 507.3281 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5041 508.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7088 507.3281 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7088 508.3481 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (bank and other loans )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 191.6702 478.3481 tm (\(note \(a\)\))tj 10 0 0 10 100.6302 463.3481 tm (\226 secured )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 149.6238 463.3481 tm (\(note \(f\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 310.2929 463.3481 tm (13,254,721)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (12,608,727)tj 8.22 0 td (12,608,727)tj 0 tw -37.407 -1.5 td (\226 guaranteed )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 165.4576 448.3481 tm (\(note \(e\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 316.1309 448.3481 tm (3,948,400)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (3,040,400)tj 8.22 0 td (3,040,400)tj 0 tw -37.991 -1.5 td (\226 unsecured)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 20.966 0 td (21,632,766)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (30,491,613)tj 8.22 0 td (30,491,613)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7089 429.3191 cm 0 0 m 195.591 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7089 430.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 286.2995 429.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 286.2995 430.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5042 429.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5042 430.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7089 429.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7089 430.3391 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -14.042 -3 td (38,835,887)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (46,140,740)tj 8.22 0 td (46,140,740)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.709 396.31 cm 0 0 m 195.591 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.709 397.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 286.2995 396.31 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 286.2995 397.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5043 396.31 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5043 397.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.709 396.31 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.709 397.33 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (medium-term notes and bonds and )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (private placement notes )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 216.3053 352.33 tm (\(note \(b\)\))tj 10 0 0 10 100.6304 337.33 tm (\226 unsecured)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 20.966 0 td (16,736,755)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (10,094,861)tj 8.22 0 td (10,094,861)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7091 333.3009 cm 0 0 m 195.591 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7091 334.3209 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 286.2997 333.3009 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 286.2997 334.3209 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5044 333.3009 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5044 334.3209 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7091 333.3009 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7091 334.3209 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -14.042 -3 td (16,736,755)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (10,094,861)tj 8.22 0 td (10,094,861)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7092 300.2919 cm 0 0 m 195.591 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7092 301.3119 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 286.2997 300.2919 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 286.2997 301.3119 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5045 300.2919 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5045 301.3119 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7092 300.2919 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7092 301.3119 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (total long-term loans and borrowings)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 21.958 0 td (63,941,904)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (67,245,924)tj 8.22 0 td (60,316,871)tj 0 tw -38.399 -3 td (current portion of lease liabilities )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 10 0 2.6795 10 100.6305 226.3119 tm (\(note 19\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 312.2454 226.3119 tm (\(1,358,654\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(2,509,125\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.724 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -43.154 -1.5 td (current portion of finance lease payables )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 100.6306 196.3119 tm (\(note 20\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 357.8353 196.3119 tm (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.716 0 td (\(2,328,358\))tj 0 tw -38.65 -1.5 td (current portion of medium-term bonds )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (and long-term bonds)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 25.72 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.606 0 td (\(396,727\))tj 8.22 0 td (\(396,727\))tj 0 tw -39.539 -1.5 td (current portion of long-term bank and )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (other loans)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 21.161 0 td (\(3,339,687\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(3,384,400\))tj 8.22 0 td (\(3,384,400\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7093 132.2829 cm 0 0 m 195.591 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7093 133.3028 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 286.2999 132.2829 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 286.2999 133.3028 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5046 132.2829 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5046 133.3028 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7093 132.2829 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7093 133.3028 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (non-current portion of long-term loans )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (and borrowings)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 20.966 0 td (59,243,563)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (60,955,672)tj 8.22 0 td (54,207,386)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7094 84.1525 cm 0 0 m 195.591 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7094 84.9225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 286.2999 84.1525 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 286.2999 84.9225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5046 84.1525 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5046 84.9225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7094 84.1525 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7094 84.9225 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 348 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (2)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(16. )-110.4 (share capital)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.082 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2018 and 2019, all issued shares were registered and f\ ully paid. both a )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (shares and h shares rank pari passu with each other.)tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(on)14.1 ( 3)14 (1)14.1 ( january)14 ( 2)14.1 (0)14 (1)14 (8)14.1 (,)14 ( the)14 ( company)14 ( and)14 ( eight)14 ( investors)14 (,)14 ( including)14 ( huarong)14 ( ruitong)14 ( equity)20.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(inv)0.5 (estment)14.4 ( m)0.5 (anage)0.5 (ment)14.3 ( co)14.3 (.)14.4 (,)14.3 ( l)0.5 (td)14.3 (.)14.3 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.048 tc -0.048 tw 18.127 0 td <0d3613440e7f0bb7067016c604b30f1f104d0b2303de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.062 tc 0.077 tw [(\))14.3 (,)14.4 ( c)0.5 (hina)14.3 ( lif)0.5 (e)14.3 ( i)0.5 (nsuran)0.5 (ce)34.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.092 tw -18.127 -1.5 td [(c)-13.9 (o., l)-13.9 (t)-14 (d. \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.047 tw <02950a37025b0faa06ad13880670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.061 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14 (,)13.9 ( shenzhen)13.9 ( zhao)14 ( ping)13.9 ( aluminum)14 ( investment)14 ( center)33.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc t* [(\()13.7 (limited)13.8 ( partnership)13.7 (\))13.7 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.038 tc -0.038 tw 10.677 0 td [<0b0903ad033905dd033b0295125904b30f1f03de0822>502.2 <0080>103.7 <03de082203a50fab>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.052 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.7 (\))13.7 (,)13.7 ( china)13.7 ( pacific)13.7 ( life)13.7 ( insurance)13.7 ( co)13.7 (.)13.7 (,)24.3 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.092 tw -10.677 -1.5 td [(l)-13.6 (t)-13.7 (d. )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.031 tw <02950a3702c4033b0771025b0faa06ad13880670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.045 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (china)14.2 ( )0.5 (cinda)14.3 ( )0.5 (asset)14.2 ( )0.6 (management)14.3 ( )0.5 (co)14.3 (.)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (ltd)14.2 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.031 tc -0.031 tw 40.128 0 td <02950a3706a60f3a>tj 0.042 tc -0.042 tw -40.128 -1.5 td [<0f1f>0.5 <0b2a>0.6 <104d>0.5 <0b23>0.6 <0670>0.5 <0385>0.5 <03de>0.6 <0822>0.5 <02ae>0.6 <0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 10.415 0 td [(\))13.5 (,)13.6 ( boc)13.5 ( financial)13.6 ( asset)13.5 ( investment)13.5 ( co)13.5 (,)13.5 ( ltd)13.6 (.)13.5 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.042 tc -0.042 tw 22.391 0 td [<0295>0.5 <10d5>0.6 <0696>0.5 <1344>0.6 <0f1f>0.5 <0b2a>0.5 <04b3>0.6 <0f1f>0.5 <03de>0.5 <0822>0.6 <02ae>]tj 0 tc 0 tw -32.806 -1.5 td <0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.051 tw 1.028 0 td (\), icbc financial asset investment co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <028810d5069613440f1f0b2a04b30f1f03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tw (\) and abc financial )tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw -1.028 -1.5 td [(asset)14.2 ( )0.6 (investment)14.3 ( )0.5 (co)14.3 (.)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (ltd)14.2 (.)14.3 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.048 tc -0.048 tw 14.013 0 td <0f3510d5069613440f1f0b2a04b30f1f03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.062 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14.3 ( )0.5 (\()14.3 (collecti)0.5 (vely)14.3 ( )0.6 (called)14.3 ( )0.5 (\223)14.3 (transferors)14.3 (\224)14.3 (\))34.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw -14.013 -1.5 td [(e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)7.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)7.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (em)0.6 (en)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)7.1 (,)7.3 ( p)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)7.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)7.2 ( w)0.6 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)7.2 (,)7.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)7.2 ( t)0.5 (o)7.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(acquire)13.9 ( and)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( transferors)13.8 ( agreed)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( sell)13.8 ( their)13.9 ( non)13.9 (-)13.8 (controlling)13.9 ( equity)13.8 ( interests)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( chalco)21.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(shandong)2.2 ( )0.5 (co)2.2 (.)2.2 (,)2.2 ( ltd)2.3 (.)2.2 (,)2.2 ( chalco)2.2 ( )0.5 (zhongzhou)2.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)2.3 ( co)2.2 (.)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)2.2 (.)2.2 (,)2.2 ( baotou)2.2 ( aluminum)2.2 ( co)2.3 (.)2.2 (,)2.2 ( ltd)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (ha)0.5 (lc)0.5 (o)14.3 ( m)0.5 (in)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.3 ( c)0.5 (o)14.3 (.)14.4 (,)14.3 ( l)0.5 (td)14.4 (.)14.3 ( \()14.3 (co)0.5 (ll)0.5 (e)0.5 (cti)0.5 (v)0.5 (el)0.5 (y)14.3 ( c)0.5 (al)0.5 (l)0.5 (ed)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( \223)14.3 (t)0.5 (ar)0.5 (ge)0.5 (t)14.3 ( com)0.5 (p)0.5 (ani)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.3 (\224)14.4 (\))14.3 (,)14.3 ( a)0.5 (t)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( c)0.5 (ons)0.5 (i)0.5 (der)0.5 (at)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)14.4 ( of)15.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(approximately)2.2 ( )0.5 (2)2.2 (.)2.2 (1)2.2 ( )0.5 (billion)2.2 ( )0.5 (ordinary)2.2 ( )0.5 (shares)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (company)2.2 (,)2.2 ( which)2.2 ( )0.5 (was)2.2 ( )0.5 (determined)2.2 ( at)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (fair)2.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(value)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( non)14 (-)14 (controlling)14 ( interests)14 ( in)14 ( the)14 ( target)14 ( companies)14 ( of)14 ( approximately)14 ( rmb)14 (1)14 (2)14 (.)14 (7)19.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc t* [(billion)14.3 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (upon)14.3 ( )0.5 (signing)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (equity)14.3 ( )0.6 (acquisition)14.3 ( )0.5 (agreements)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.6 (together)14.3 ( )0.5 (with)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (investment)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.068 tw t* (agreements and debt to equity swap agreements signed in 2017, the transf\ erors effectively )tj 0.006 tw t* (surrendered their non-controlling interests in the target companies, whi\ ch included the rights )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(t)0.5 (o)10.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)10.2 ( o)0.5 (r)10.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)10.3 (,)10.1 ( )0.5 (v)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)10.2 ( r)0.6 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (h)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)10.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)10.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)10.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (h)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)10.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (g)0.5 (h)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)10.2 ( o)0.6 (f)10.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)10.1 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (g)0.6 (e)0.5 (t)10.2 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)10.2 ( t)0.5 (o)10.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)10.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(group)6.2 (.)6.2 ( consequently)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (carrying)6.2 ( values)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (transferors)6.2 (\222)6.2 ( non)6.2 (-)6.2 (controlling)6.2 ( )0.5 (interests)6.2 ( in)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.033 tw t* (target companies of rmb10.7 billion were derecognised, and were transfer\ red to the capital )tj 0 tw t* (reserve of the group in 2018.)tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(on)14.1 ( 2)14 (5)14 ( february)14 ( 2)14.1 (0)14 (1)14 (9)14 (,)14.1 ( the)14 ( company)14.1 ( completed)14 ( the)14 ( issuance)14 ( of)14 ( ordinary)14 ( shares)14 ( to)14 ( these)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (transferors, and the total number of shares issued was 2,118,874,715.)tj 0.024 tw 0 -3 td (the number of the company\222s authorised ordinary shares was 17,022,672\ ,951 at par value of )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(rmb1.00 per share as at 31 december 2019. there were 14,903,798,236 and \ 17,022,672,951)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (ordinary shares issued and outstanding as at 31 december 2018 and 2019, \ respectively.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.11 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 137.7467 tm (17. reserves)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 107.7467 tm [(the)8.2 ( amounts)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (group)8.3 (\222)8.1 (s)8.2 ( )0.5 (reserves)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( movements)8.2 ( )0.5 (therein)8.2 ( )0.5 (for)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( current)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (prior)8.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw t* [(years)14.3 ( )0.5 (are)14.2 ( )0.5 (presented)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (consolidated)14.2 ( )0.5 (statement)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (changes)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (equity)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (financial)31.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (statements.)tj et endstream endobj 349 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (2)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(15. )-110.4 (cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash)]tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1 td (\(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.012 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 607.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019, bank balances and cash on hand of the group were\ denominated in )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the following currencies:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 576.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 546.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 531.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 528.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 513.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 498.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 483.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 468.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 453.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 438.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 423.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 420.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 405.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 390.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 380.0199 562.7467 tm (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 529.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -36 -3 td (rmb)tj /t1_1 1 tf 30.763 0 td (7,858,867)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.637 0 td (18,026,265)tj -38.399 -1.5 td (usd)tj /t1_1 1 tf 30.763 0 td (1,195,720)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (3,256,625)tj -38.983 -1.5 td (hkd)tj /t1_1 1 tf 32.82 0 td (4,423)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (8,321)tj -41.04 -1.5 td (eur)tj /t1_1 1 tf 32.82 0 td (1,943)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.11 0 td (371)tj -41.93 -1.5 td (aud)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 34.933 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.107 0 td (2,552)tj -41.04 -1.5 td (idr)tj /t1_1 1 tf 32.82 0 td (4,018)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,989)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 420.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 421.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 420.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 421.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 420.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 421.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (9,064,971)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.637 0 td (21,296,123)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 387.2068 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 387.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 387.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 387.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 387.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 387.9768 tm ( )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw -36 -2.873 td [(cash)13.9 ( at)14 ( banks)14 ( earns)14 ( interest)14 ( at)14 ( floating)14 ( rates)13.9 ( based)14 ( on)14 ( daily)14 ( bank)14 ( deposit)13.9 ( rates)14 (.)14 ( the)14 ( bank)15.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(balances)8.2 (,)8.2 ( time)8.2 ( deposits)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (restricted)8.2 ( cash)8.1 ( )0.5 (are)8.2 ( deposited)8.2 ( with)8.3 ( creditworthy)8.3 ( banks)8.2 ( with)8.2 ( no)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (recent history of default.)tj et endstream endobj 350 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (2)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(14. )-110.4 (other current assets \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7086 607.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2018)tj 28.683 1.5 td (gross carrying )tj -0.028 tw 3.221 -1.5 td (amount)tj 0 tw 4.414 1.5 td (expected credit )tj -0.028 tw 4.362 -1.5 td (losses)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 603.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 604.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 603.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 368.5039 604.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 603.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7086 604.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -4.5 td (stage 1 \226 12 months expected credit loss)tj -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,098,455)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.391 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -43.154 -1.5 td (stage 2 \226 life time expected credit loss)tj -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (3,744,612)tj 9.694 0 td (88,974)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td [(stage 3 \226 )306 (life time expected credit loss with credit- )]tj -0.028 tw 4.724 -1.5 td (impaired)tj 26.039 0 td (1,796,526)tj 8.22 0 td (1,675,094)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 368.504 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7087 511.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (6,639,593)tj 8.22 0 td (1,764,068)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 477.2068 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 477.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 477.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 368.504 477.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 477.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7087 477.9768 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3623 444.2468 tm [(15. )-110.4 (cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 427.977 82.205 -30 re 368.504 397.977 82.205 -15 re 368.504 382.977 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 379.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 364.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 349.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 334.596 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 331.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 316.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 301.587 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 380.0199 414.2468 tm (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 380.0964 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 380.8664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 380.0964 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 380.8664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 380.0964 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 380.8664 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (restricted cash)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,305,781)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2,165,288)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (cash and cash equivalents)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (7,759,190)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.637 0 td (19,130,835)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 331.8373 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 332.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 331.8373 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 332.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 331.8373 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 332.8573 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (9,064,971)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.637 0 td (21,296,123)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 298.707 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 299.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 298.707 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 299.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 298.707 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 299.477 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.052 tw -36 -2.873 td (restricted cash mainly represented deposits held for use in issued notes\ payable and letters )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (of credit.)tj et endstream endobj 351 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 352 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 353 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 354 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 355 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 356 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (2)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(14. )-110.4 (other current assets \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.068 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (movements in the provision for impairment of financial assets in other c\ urrent assets are as )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 591.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 576.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 561.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 558.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 543.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 528.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 513.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 510.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 495.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 480.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 465.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 450.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 435.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 420.087 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 417.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 402.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 387.078 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 421.9654 577.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 559.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 559.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 559.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (as at 1 january )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,768,207)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,677,277)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (effect of adoption of ifrs 9)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 34.933 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.523 0 td (38,502)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 511.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -1.5 td (at beginning of year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,768,207)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,715,779)tj 0 tw -38.983 -3 td (impairment loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.236 0 td (42,898)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (65,494)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td (write off)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.847 0 td (\(62,319\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.859 0 td (\(6,117\))tj -40.707 -1.5 td (reversal)tj /t1_1 1 tf 31.847 0 td (\(26,290\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.859 0 td (\(1,731\))tj -40.707 -1.5 td (others)tj /t1_1 1 tf 33.709 0 td (658)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.997 0 td (\(5,218\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 417.3282 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 418.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 417.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 418.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 417.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 418.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (as at 31 december )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,723,154)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,768,207)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 384.1978 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 384.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 384.1978 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 384.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 384.1978 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 384.9678 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw -36 -2.873 td (financial assets included in other current assets at amortised cost are \ subject to impairment )tj 0.091 tc 0.077 tw t* [(u)0.5 (n)0.5 (de)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( g)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (er)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( a)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (oa)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (ey)14.4 ( ar)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (si)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( w)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( fo)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( st)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.3 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)63.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (measurement of ecls.)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 276.587 82.205 -15 re 450.709 276.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 261.587 82.205 -15 re 450.709 261.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 246.587 82.205 -15 re 450.709 246.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 231.587 82.205 -30 re 450.709 231.587 82.205 -30 re 368.504 201.587 82.205 -3.009 re 450.709 201.587 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 198.578 82.205 -15 re 450.709 198.578 82.205 -15 re 368.504 183.578 82.205 -15 re 450.709 183.578 82.205 -15 re 368.504 168.578 82.205 -3.38 re 450.709 168.578 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 281.2377 tm (as at 31 december 2019)tj 28.126 1.5 td (gross carrying )tj -0.028 tw 3.446 -1.5 td (amount)tj 0 tw 4.428 1.5 td (expected credit )tj -0.028 tw 4.57 -1.5 td (losses)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 277.0873 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 277.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 277.0873 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 368.504 277.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 277.0873 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7087 277.8573 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (stage 1 \226 12 months expected credit loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,632,766)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.391 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -43.154 -1.5 td (stage 2 \226 life time expected credit loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (4,052,681)tj 9.694 0 td (82,061)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td [(stage 3 \226 )306 (life time expected credit loss with credit- )]tj -0.028 tw 4.724 -1.5 td (impaired)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.039 0 td (1,758,916)tj 8.22 0 td (1,638,378)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 198.8283 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 199.8483 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 198.8283 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 199.8483 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 198.8283 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7087 199.8483 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (7,444,363)tj 8.22 0 td (1,720,439)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 165.6979 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 166.4679 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 165.6979 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 166.4679 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 165.6979 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 450.7087 166.4679 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 357 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (2)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(14. )-110.4 (other current assets \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(as)14.3 ( at)14.3 ( 3)14.3 (1)14.3 ( december)14.3 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.3 (1)14.3 (9)14.2 (,)14.3 ( except)14.3 ( for)14.3 ( amounts)14.3 ( included)14.3 ( in)14.3 ( other)14.3 ( receivables)14.3 ( amounting)14.3 ( to)20.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0 -1.5 td [(r)0.5 (m)0.6 (b)14.4 (3)14.4 (7)14.5 ( m)0.6 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)14.4 (,)14.4 ( w)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)14.4 ( w)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( i)0.6 (n)14.4 ( u)0.6 (s)0.5 (d)14.5 ( \()14.5 (3)14.4 (1)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.6 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.5 (1)14.4 (8)14.4 (:)14.4 ( o)0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.5 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)29.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(amounting to rmb48 million denominated in usd\), remaining amounts in ot\ her current assets)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (were denominated in rmb0.12 million \(31 december 2018: remaining denomi\ nated in rmb\).)tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(as)13.7 ( at)13.8 ( 3)13.7 (1)13.7 ( december)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (9)13.7 (,)13.6 ( except)13.7 ( for)13.7 ( entrusted)13.7 ( loans)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( loans)13.7 ( receivable)13.7 ( \()13.7 (3)13.7 (1)13.7 ( december)23.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(2)9.2 (0)9.2 (1)9.2 (8)9.2 (:)9.2 ( )0.5 (except)9.2 ( for)9.2 ( )0.5 (entrusted)9.2 ( )0.5 (loans)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( loans)9.2 ( )0.5 (receivable)9.2 (\))9.3 ( which)9.2 ( )0.5 (were)9.2 ( interest)9.3 (-)9.2 (bearing)9.2 ( )0.5 (assets)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(all)13.2 ( )0.5 (amounts)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( other)13.3 ( current)13.2 ( )0.5 (assets)13.2 ( )0.5 (were)13.2 ( non)13.1 (-)13.3 (interest)13.2 (-)13.2 (bearing)13.2 ( )0.5 (\()13.2 (3)13.2 (1)13.2 ( )0.5 (december)13.2 ( 2)13.2 (0)13.2 (1)13.2 (8)13.2 (:)13.2 ( )0.5 (all)13.2 ( )0.5 (non)13.2 (-)]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (interest-bearing\).)tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(as)14.1 ( at)14.1 ( 3)14.2 (1)14.1 ( december)14.1 ( )0.5 (2)14.1 (0)14.1 (1)14.2 (9)14.1 (,)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( ageing)14.2 ( analysis)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( financial)14.2 ( assets)14.2 ( included)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( other)14.2 ( current)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (assets was as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 441.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 411.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 396.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 393.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 378.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 363.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 348.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 333.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 318.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 315.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 300.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 285.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 270.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 255.087 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 252.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 237.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 222.078 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 380.0198 427.7467 tm (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 393.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 394.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 393.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 394.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 393.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 394.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (within 1 year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,628,723)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,456,520)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (between 1 and 2 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (752,731)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (283,844)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (between 2 and 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (151,974)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (844,262)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (over 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (4,910,935)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (4,113,427)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 315.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 316.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 315.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 316.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 315.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 316.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (7,444,363)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (6,698,053)tj 0 tw -38.983 -3 td (less: provision for impairment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.374 0 td (\(1,720,439\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(1,764,068\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 252.3282 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 253.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 252.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 253.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 252.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 253.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (5,723,924)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (4,933,985)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 219.1978 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 219.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 219.1978 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 219.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 219.1978 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 219.9678 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 358 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (2)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(14. )-110.4 (other current assets)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 637.477 82.205 -28 re 368.504 609.477 82.205 -14 re 368.504 595.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 592.096 82.205 -14 re 368.504 578.096 82.205 -14 re 368.504 564.096 82.205 -14 re 368.504 550.096 82.205 -14 re 368.504 536.096 82.205 -14 re 368.504 522.096 82.205 -14 re 368.504 508.096 82.205 -28 re 368.504 480.096 82.205 -14 re 368.504 466.096 82.205 -14 re 368.504 452.096 82.205 -14 re 368.504 438.096 82.205 -14 re 368.504 424.096 82.205 -14 re 368.504 410.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 407.087 82.205 -14 re 368.504 393.087 82.205 -14 re 368.504 379.087 82.205 -14 re 368.504 365.087 82.205 -14 re 368.504 351.087 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 348.078 82.205 -14 re 368.504 334.078 82.205 -14 re 368.504 320.078 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 317.069 82.205 -14 re 368.504 303.069 82.205 -14 re 368.504 289.069 82.205 -14 re 368.504 275.069 82.205 -14 re 368.504 261.069 82.205 -14 re 368.504 247.069 82.205 -14 re 368.504 233.069 82.205 -14 re 368.504 219.069 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 216.06 82.205 -14 re 368.504 202.06 82.205 -14 re 368.504 188.06 82.205 -14 re 368.504 174.06 82.205 -14 re 368.504 160.06 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 157.051 82.205 -14 re 368.504 143.051 82.205 -14 re 368.504 129.051 82.205 -14 re 368.504 115.051 82.205 -14 re 368.504 101.051 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 380.0198 624.7467 tm (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.4 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.4 td (31 december)tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.4 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.4 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 592.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 593.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 592.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 593.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 592.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 593.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.8 td (financial assets)tj 0.992 -1.4 td (\226 deposits paid to suppliers)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.66 0 td (501,918)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (317,946)tj 0 tw -38.881 -1.4 td (\226 dividends receivable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.244 0 td (82,796)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (47,167)tj 0 tw -39.464 -1.4 td (\226 receivables from disposal of businesses and assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.244 0 td (90,399)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.637 0 td (134,789)tj 0 tw -38.881 -1.4 td (\226 entrusted loans and loans receivable from third parties)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.771 0 td (1,544,070)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,645,205)tj 0 tw -37.991 -1.4 td (\226 entrusted loans and loans receivable from related )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.4 td (parties)tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.778 0 td (1,309,095)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,297,892)tj 0 tw -37.991 -1.4 td (\226 receivables from disposal of properties)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.771 0 td (1,948,434)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,881,513)tj 0 tw -37.991 -1.4 td (\226 interest receivables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.244 0 td (40,936)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (40,936)tj 0 tw -39.464 -1.4 td (\226 recoverable reimbursement for freight charges)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.66 0 td (223,884)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (415,232)tj 0 tw -38.881 -1.4 td (\226 receivable of government grants)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.66 0 td (517,365)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (129,977)tj 0 tw -38.881 -1.4 td (\226 other financial assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.771 0 td (1,185,466)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.11 0 td (787,396)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 407.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 407.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 408.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 407.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 408.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -2.8 td (7,444,363)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (6,698,053)tj 0 tw -38.983 -2.8 td (less: impairment allowance)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.374 0 td (\(1,720,439\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(1,764,068\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 348.3282 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 349.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 348.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 349.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 348.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 349.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -2.8 td (5,723,924)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (4,933,985)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 317.3191 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 318.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 317.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 318.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 317.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 318.3391 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.8 td (advances to employees)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.236 0 td (17,207)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (23,744)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.4 td (deductible input value added tax receivables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (2,424,004)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2,189,470)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.4 td (prepaid income tax)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.236 0 td (93,093)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.637 0 td (162,103)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.4 td (prepayments to related parties for purchases)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (229,324)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (586,312)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.4 td (prepayments to suppliers for purchases and others)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (634,548)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (964,158)tj -39.873 -1.4 td (others)tj /t1_1 1 tf 31.652 0 td (117,678)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (169,881)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 216.3101 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 217.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 216.3101 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 217.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 216.3101 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 217.3301 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -2.8 td (3,515,854)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (4,095,668)tj 0 tw -38.983 -2.8 td (less: impairment allowance)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.431 0 td (\(2,715\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(4,139\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 157.301 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 158.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 157.301 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 158.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 157.301 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 158.321 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -2.8 td (3,513,139)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (4,091,529)tj 0 tw -38.983 -2.8 td (total other current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (9,237,063)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (9,025,514)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 98.1706 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 98.9406 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 98.1706 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 98.9406 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 98.1706 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 98.9406 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 359 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (2)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(13. )-110.4 (trade and notes receivables \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.063 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(as)13.9 ( at)14 ( 3)13.9 (1)14 ( december)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (9)14 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( group)13.9 ( derecognised)14 ( notes)13.9 ( receivable)13.9 ( not)14 ( yet)13.9 ( due)13.9 ( with)13.9 ( a)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.016 tw 0 -1.5 td (carrying amount in aggregate of rmb34,506 million \(31 december 2018: rm\ b29,273 million\). )tj 0.09 tw t* (in addition, as at 31 december 2019, the group has not derecognised note\ s receivable that )tj 0.032 tw t* (have been discounted or enclosed but not yet due with a carrying amount \ of rmb357 million )tj 0 tw t* (\(31 december 2018: rmb444 million\).)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.9 ( derecognised)13.8 ( notes)13.9 ( receivable)13.9 ( had)13.8 ( a)13.9 ( maturity)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( one)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( six)13.9 ( months)13.8 ( at)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( end)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)18.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0 -1.5 td [(reporting)13.5 ( period)13.4 (.)13.5 ( in)13.4 ( accordance)13.5 ( with)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( law)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( negotiable)13.5 ( instruments)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( prc)13.5 (,)13.5 ( the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(holders)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( derecognised)11.2 ( )0.5 (notes)11.2 ( receivable)11.2 ( have)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)11.2 ( right)11.3 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (recourse)11.2 ( against)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (group)11.2 ( if)11.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the)13.2 ( )0.5 (prc)13.2 ( banks)13.2 ( )0.5 (default)13.2 ( \()13.2 (the)13.2 ( \223)13.2 (continuing)13.2 ( )0.5 (involvement)13.2 (\224)13.2 (\))13.2 (.)13.2 ( in)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (opinion)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (directors)13.2 (,)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(g)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)4.2 ( h)0.6 (as)4.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)4.2 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (b)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)4.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)4.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (k)0.5 (s)4.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)4.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (w)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)0.5 (s)4.1 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)4.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)4.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)4.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (gn)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (ed)4.2 ( )0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)4.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(receivable)13.2 (.)13.2 ( accordingly)13.1 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (it)13.2 ( has)13.2 ( )0.5 (derecognised)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (full)13.2 ( )0.5 (carrying)13.2 ( amounts)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (derecognised)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.037 tw t* (notes receivable and the associated trade payables. the maximum exposure\ to loss from the )tj 0.092 tw t* [(group\222s continuing involvement in )0.5 (the derecognised )0.5 (notes )0.5 (receivable )0.5 (and the )0.5 (undiscounted )]tj 0.056 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (as)0.5 (h)14.4 ( f)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (ws)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( r)0.5 (ep)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (c)0.5 (ha)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)14.3 ( de)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (co)0.5 (g)0.5 (ni)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( no)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.3 ( re)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (va)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)14.3 ( i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( e)0.5 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (al)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (ei)0.5 (r)14.4 ( c)0.5 (a)0.5 (rr)0.5 (y)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)28.2 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw t* [(amounts. in the opinion of the directors, the fair values of the group\222\ s continuing involvement)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (in the derecognised notes receivable are not significant.)tj 0.049 tw 0 -3 td (during the year ended 31 december 2019, the group has not recognised any\ gain or loss on )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the date of transfer of the derecognised notes receivable. no gains or l\ osses were recognised)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw t* (from the continuing involvement, both during the year or cumulatively. t\ he endorsement has )tj 0 tw t* (been made evenly throughout the year.)tj et endstream endobj 360 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (2)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 346.8556 617.4786 tm (as at 31 december 2018)tj -5.719 -1.45 td (gross carrying )tj -0.028 tw 3.221 -1.45 td (amount)tj 0 tw 4.698 1.45 td (expected credit )tj -0.028 tw 4.362 -1.45 td (losses)tj 0 tw 4.142 1.45 td (expected credit )tj 1.695 -1.45 td (loss rate\(%\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 584.3383 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7086 585.1083 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 584.3383 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 585.1083 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 584.3383 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 585.1083 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 584.3383 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 585.1083 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -2.9 td (corporate and other operating )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.45 td (segments)tj 0 tw -0.992 -1.45 td (within 1 year)tj -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (108,627)tj 9.672 0 td (6,539)tj 9.088 0 td (6.02)tj 0 tw -41.624 -1.45 td (between 1 and 2 years)tj -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (10,974)tj 9.088 0 td (7,767)tj 8.504 0 td (70.78)tj 0 tw -41.04 -1.45 td (between 2 and 3 years)tj -0.028 tw 24.032 0 td (4,026)tj 8.504 0 td (3,823)tj 8.504 0 td (94.96)tj 0 tw -41.04 -1.45 td (over 3 years)tj -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (25,800)tj 8.504 0 td (25,142)tj 9.088 0 td (97.45)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 479.5792 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 480.5992 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 479.5792 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 480.5992 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 479.5792 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 480.5992 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 479.5792 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 480.5992 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -12.852 -2.9 td (149,427)tj 9.088 0 td (43,271)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.423 0 td (/)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 447.5701 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7087 448.5901 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 447.5701 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 448.5901 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 447.5701 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 448.5901 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 447.5701 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 448.5901 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -13.741 -2.9 td (1,619,244)tj 9.394 0 td (446,297)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 415.4397 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 416.2097 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 415.4397 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 416.2097 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 415.4397 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 416.2097 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 415.4397 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 416.2097 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -2.9 td (individually assessed trade receivables)tj -0.028 tw 21.975 0 td (4,249,552)tj 9.394 0 td (212,964)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 383.1807 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 384.2007 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 383.1807 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 384.2007 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 383.1807 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 384.2007 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 383.1807 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 384.2007 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -13.741 -2.9 td (5,868,796)tj 9.394 0 td (659,261)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 351.0503 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 351.8203 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 351.0503 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 351.8203 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 351.0503 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 351.8203 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 351.0503 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 351.8203 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -2.773 td (movements in the loss allowance for impairment of trade receivables are \ as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 308.32 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 293.82 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 279.32 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 275.94 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 261.44 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 246.94 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 232.44 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 229.431 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 214.931 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 200.431 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 185.931 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 171.431 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 156.931 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 142.431 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 127.931 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 124.922 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 110.422 82.205 -14.5 re 368.504 95.922 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 295.0902 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.45 td (\(restated\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 276.4398 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 277.2098 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 276.4398 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 277.2098 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 276.4398 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 277.2098 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.9 td (as at 1 january )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (659,261)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (546,102)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.45 td (effect of adoption of ifrs 9)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 34.933 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.94 0 td (112,407)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 229.6808 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 230.7008 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 229.6808 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 230.7008 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 229.6808 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 230.7008 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.9 td (at beginning of year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (659,261)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (658,509)tj 0 tw -39.873 -2.9 td (impairment loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (236,238)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.804 0 td (64,544)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.45 td (write off)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.847 0 td (\(97,554\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(33,469\))tj -40.123 -1.45 td (reversal)tj /t1_1 1 tf 31.847 0 td (\(83,095\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(20,466\))tj -40.123 -1.45 td (others)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 34.877 0 td (7)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.83 0 td (\(9,857\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 125.1718 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 126.1917 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 125.1718 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 126.1917 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 125.1718 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 126.1917 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.9 td (as at 31 december )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (714,857)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (659,261)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 93.0414 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 93.8113 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 93.0414 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 93.8113 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 93.0414 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 93.8113 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(13. )-110.4 (trade and notes receivables \(continued\))]tj et endstream endobj 361 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 362 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 363 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 364 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 365 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 366 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (2)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(13. )-110.4 (trade and notes receivables \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 346.8556 623.2467 tm (as at 31 december 2018)tj -5.719 -1.45 td (gross carrying )tj -0.028 tw 3.221 -1.45 td (amount)tj 0 tw 4.698 1.45 td (expected credit )tj -0.028 tw 4.362 -1.45 td (losses)tj 0 tw 4.142 1.45 td (expected credit )tj 1.695 -1.45 td (loss rate\(%\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 590.0963 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7086 590.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 590.0963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 590.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 590.0963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 590.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 590.0963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 590.8663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -2.9 td (alumina and primary aluminum)tj 0 -1.45 td (within 1 year)tj -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (401,691)tj 9.672 0 td (3,696)tj 9.088 0 td (0.92)tj 0 tw -41.624 -1.45 td (between 1 and 2 years)tj -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (55,766)tj 9.088 0 td (6,179)tj 8.504 0 td (11.08)tj 0 tw -41.04 -1.45 td (between 2 and 3 years)tj -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (16,546)tj 8.504 0 td (14,893)tj 9.088 0 td (90.01)tj 0 tw -41.04 -1.45 td (over 3 years)tj -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (379,213)tj 8.504 0 td (359,759)tj 9.672 0 td (94.87)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 499.8372 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 500.8572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 499.8372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 500.8572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 499.8372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 500.8572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 499.8372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 500.8572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -12.852 -2.9 td (853,216)tj 8.504 0 td (384,527)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.007 0 td (/)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 467.8282 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7087 468.8482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 467.8282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 468.8482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 467.8282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 468.8482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 467.8282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 468.8482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -35.717 -2.9 td (trading)tj 0 tw t* (within 1 year)tj -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (473,153)tj 10.561 0 td (662)tj 8.198 0 td (0.14)tj 0 tw -41.624 -1.45 td (between 1 and 2 years)tj -0.028 tw 24.032 0 td (4,146)tj 9.977 0 td (70)tj 7.614 0 td (1.68)tj 0 tw -41.624 -1.45 td (between 2 and 3 years)tj -0.028 tw 25.506 0 td (74)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.088 0 td (3)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.031 0 td (3.80)tj 0 tw -41.624 -1.45 td (over 3 years)tj -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (19,422)tj 9.088 0 td (3,787)tj 8.504 0 td (19.50)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 377.8191 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 378.8391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 377.8191 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 378.8391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 377.8191 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 378.8391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 377.8191 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 378.8391 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -12.852 -2.9 td (496,795)tj 9.672 0 td (4,522)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.839 0 td (/)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 345.8101 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7087 346.83 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 345.8101 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 346.83 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 345.8101 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 346.83 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 345.8101 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 346.83 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -35.717 -2.9 td (energy)tj 0 tw t* (within 1 year)tj -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (88,462)tj 9.088 0 td (3,388)tj 9.088 0 td (3.83)tj 0 tw -41.624 -1.45 td (between 1 and 2 years)tj -0.028 tw 24.032 0 td (3,217)tj 9.394 0 td (685)tj 7.614 0 td (21.28)tj 0 tw -41.04 -1.45 td (between 2 and 3 years)tj -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (15,417)tj 9.088 0 td (3,688)tj 8.504 0 td (23.92)tj 0 tw -41.04 -1.45 td (over 3 years)tj -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (12,710)tj 9.088 0 td (6,216)tj 8.504 0 td (48.91)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 255.801 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 256.821 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 255.801 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 256.821 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 255.801 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 256.821 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 255.801 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 256.821 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -12.852 -2.9 td (119,806)tj 9.088 0 td (13,977)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.423 0 td (/)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 223.792 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7087 224.812 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 223.792 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 224.812 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 223.792 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 224.812 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 223.792 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 224.812 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 367 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (1)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 277.795 631.181 255.118 -15 re 277.795 616.181 85.039 -30 re 362.835 616.181 85.039 -30 re 447.874 616.181 85.039 -30 re 277.795 586.181 85.039 -3.37 re 362.835 586.181 85.039 -3.37 re 447.874 586.181 85.039 -3.37 re 277.795 582.811 85.039 -15 re 362.835 582.811 85.039 -15 re 447.874 582.811 85.039 -15 re 277.795 567.811 85.039 -30 re 362.835 567.811 85.039 -30 re 447.874 567.811 85.039 -30 re 277.795 537.811 85.039 -15 re 362.835 537.811 85.039 -15 re 447.874 537.811 85.039 -15 re 277.795 522.811 85.039 -15 re 362.835 522.811 85.039 -15 re 447.874 522.811 85.039 -15 re 277.795 507.811 85.039 -15 re 362.835 507.811 85.039 -15 re 447.874 507.811 85.039 -15 re 277.795 492.811 85.039 -15 re 362.835 492.811 85.039 -15 re 447.874 492.811 85.039 -15 re 277.795 477.811 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 477.811 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 477.811 85.039 -3.009 re 277.795 474.802 85.039 -15 re 362.835 474.802 85.039 -15 re 447.874 474.802 85.039 -15 re 277.795 459.802 85.039 -15 re 362.835 459.802 85.039 -15 re 447.874 459.802 85.039 -15 re 277.795 444.802 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 444.802 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 444.802 85.039 -3.38 re 277.795 441.421 85.039 -15 re 362.835 441.421 85.039 -15 re 447.874 441.421 85.039 -15 re 277.795 426.421 85.039 -15 re 362.835 426.421 85.039 -15 re 447.874 426.421 85.039 -15 re 277.795 411.421 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 411.421 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 411.421 85.039 -3.38 re 277.795 408.041 85.039 -15 re 362.835 408.041 85.039 -15 re 447.874 408.041 85.039 -15 re 277.795 393.041 85.039 -15 re 362.835 393.041 85.039 -15 re 447.874 393.041 85.039 -15 re 277.795 378.041 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 378.041 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 378.041 85.039 -3.009 re 277.795 375.032 85.039 -15 re 362.835 375.032 85.039 -15 re 447.874 375.032 85.039 -15 re 277.795 360.032 85.039 -15 re 362.835 360.032 85.039 -15 re 447.874 360.032 85.039 -15 re 277.795 345.032 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 345.032 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 345.032 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 345.1907 617.4512 tm (as at 31 december 2019)tj -6.11 -1.5 td (gross carrying )tj -0.028 tw 3.446 -1.5 td (amount)tj 0 tw 4.585 1.5 td (expected credit )tj -0.028 tw 4.696 -1.5 td (losses)tj 0 tw 3.808 1.5 td (expected credit )tj 1.862 -1.5 td (loss rate\(%\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 583.3108 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7086 584.0808 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 583.3108 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 584.0808 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 583.3108 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 584.0808 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 583.3108 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 584.0808 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (corporate and other operating )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (segments)tj 0 tw -0.992 -1.5 td (within 1 year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (51,774)tj 9.088 0 td (3,117)tj 9.088 0 td (6.02)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.624 -1.5 td (between 1 and 2 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (18,129)tj 8.504 0 td (12,831)tj 9.088 0 td (70.78)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (between 2 and 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.032 0 td (5,399)tj 8.504 0 td (5,127)tj 8.504 0 td (94.96)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (over 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.032 0 td (6,176)tj 8.504 0 td (6,019)tj 8.504 0 td (97.45)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 475.0517 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 476.0717 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 475.0517 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 476.0717 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 475.0517 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 476.0717 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 475.0517 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 476.0717 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -12.268 -3 td (81,478)tj 8.504 0 td (27,094)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.257 0 td (/)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 441.9213 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 442.6913 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 441.9213 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 442.6913 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 441.9213 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 442.6913 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 441.9213 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 442.6913 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -13.741 -3 td (1,133,923)tj 9.394 0 td (285,134)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 408.5409 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 409.3109 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 408.5409 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 409.3109 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 408.5409 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 409.3109 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -27.213 -3 td (individually assessed trade receivables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 21.975 0 td (4,140,046)tj 9.394 0 td (429,723)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 375.2819 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 376.3018 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 375.2819 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 376.3018 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 375.2819 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 376.3018 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (5,273,969)tj 9.394 0 td (714,857)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 342.1515 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 342.9214 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 342.1515 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 342.9214 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 342.1515 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 342.9214 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(13. )-110.4 (trade and notes receivables \(continued\))]tj et endstream endobj 368 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (1)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(13. )-110.4 (trade and notes receivables \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.074 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(set)14.2 ( out)14.1 ( )0.5 (below)14.1 ( is)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (information)14.2 ( about)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (credit)14.2 ( risk)14.1 ( )0.5 (exposure)14.2 ( on)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( group)14.2 (\222)14.1 (s)14.2 ( trade)46.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (receivables using a provision matrix:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 277.795 591.477 255.118 -15 re 277.795 576.477 85.039 -30 re 362.835 576.477 85.039 -30 re 447.874 576.477 85.039 -30 re 277.795 546.477 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 546.477 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 546.477 85.039 -3.38 re 277.795 543.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 543.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 543.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 528.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 528.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 528.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 513.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 513.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 513.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 498.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 498.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 498.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 483.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 483.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 483.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 468.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 468.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 468.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 453.096 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 453.096 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 453.096 85.039 -3.009 re 277.795 450.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 450.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 450.087 85.039 -15 re 277.795 435.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 435.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 435.087 85.039 -15 re 277.795 420.087 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 420.087 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 420.087 85.039 -3.009 re 277.795 417.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 417.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 417.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 402.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 402.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 402.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 387.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 387.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 387.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 372.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 372.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 372.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 357.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 357.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 357.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 342.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 342.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 342.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 327.078 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 327.078 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 327.078 85.039 -3.009 re 277.795 324.069 85.039 -15 re 362.835 324.069 85.039 -15 re 447.874 324.069 85.039 -15 re 277.795 309.069 85.039 -15 re 362.835 309.069 85.039 -15 re 447.874 309.069 85.039 -15 re 277.795 294.069 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 294.069 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 294.069 85.039 -3.009 re 277.795 291.06 85.039 -15 re 362.835 291.06 85.039 -15 re 447.874 291.06 85.039 -15 re 277.795 276.06 85.039 -15 re 362.835 276.06 85.039 -15 re 447.874 276.06 85.039 -15 re 277.795 261.06 85.039 -15 re 362.835 261.06 85.039 -15 re 447.874 261.06 85.039 -15 re 277.795 246.06 85.039 -15 re 362.835 246.06 85.039 -15 re 447.874 246.06 85.039 -15 re 277.795 231.06 85.039 -15 re 362.835 231.06 85.039 -15 re 447.874 231.06 85.039 -15 re 277.795 216.06 85.039 -15 re 362.835 216.06 85.039 -15 re 447.874 216.06 85.039 -15 re 277.795 201.06 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 201.06 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 201.06 85.039 -3.009 re 277.795 198.051 85.039 -15 re 362.835 198.051 85.039 -15 re 447.874 198.051 85.039 -15 re 277.795 183.051 85.039 -15 re 362.835 183.051 85.039 -15 re 447.874 183.051 85.039 -15 re 277.795 168.051 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 168.051 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 168.051 85.039 -3.009 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 345.1907 577.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019)tj -6.11 -1.5 td (gross carrying )tj -0.028 tw 3.446 -1.5 td (amount)tj 0 tw 4.585 1.5 td (expected credit )tj -0.028 tw 4.696 -1.5 td (losses)tj 0 tw 3.808 1.5 td (expected credit )tj 1.862 -1.5 td (loss rate\(%\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 543.5963 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7086 544.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 543.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 544.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 543.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 544.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 543.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 544.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (alumina and primary aluminum)tj t* (within 1 year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (207,602)tj 9.672 0 td (1,910)tj 9.088 0 td (0.92)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.624 -1.5 td (between 1 and 2 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (47,883)tj 9.088 0 td (5,305)tj 8.504 0 td (11.08)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (between 2 and 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (20,712)tj 8.504 0 td (18,643)tj 9.088 0 td (90.01)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (over 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (205,395)tj 8.504 0 td (194,858)tj 9.672 0 td (94.87)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 450.3372 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 451.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 450.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 451.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 450.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 451.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 450.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 451.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -12.852 -3 td (481,592)tj 8.504 0 td (220,716)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.841 0 td (/)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 417.3282 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 418.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 417.3282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 418.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 417.3282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 418.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 417.3282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 418.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -35.717 -3 td (trading)tj 0 tw t* (within 1 year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (113,596)tj 10.561 0 td (159)tj 8.198 0 td (0.14)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.624 -1.5 td (between 1 and 2 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 26.146 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.975 0 td (1.69)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.624 -1.5 td (between 2 and 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.032 0 td (1,001)tj 9.977 0 td (41)tj 7.614 0 td (4.05)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.624 -1.5 td (over 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (79,793)tj 8.504 0 td (15,560)tj 9.088 0 td (19.50)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 324.3191 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 325.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 324.3191 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 325.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 324.3191 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 325.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 324.3191 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 325.3391 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -12.852 -3 td (194,390)tj 9.088 0 td (15,760)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.257 0 td (/)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 291.3101 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 292.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 291.3101 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 292.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 291.3101 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 292.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 291.3101 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 292.33 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -35.717 -3 td (energy)tj 0 tw t* (within 1 year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (348,399)tj 9.088 0 td (13,343)tj 9.672 0 td (3.83)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.624 -1.5 td (between 1 and 2 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 23.449 0 td (11,722)tj 9.088 0 td (2,496)tj 8.504 0 td (21.29)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (between 2 and 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.032 0 td (9,073)tj 8.504 0 td (2,170)tj 8.504 0 td (23.92)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (over 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.032 0 td (7,269)tj 8.504 0 td (3,555)tj 8.504 0 td (48.91)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 198.301 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 199.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 198.301 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 199.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 198.301 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 199.321 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 198.301 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 199.321 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -12.852 -3 td (376,463)tj 9.088 0 td (21,564)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.257 0 td (/)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 165.292 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 166.312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 165.292 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 166.312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 165.292 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 166.312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 165.292 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 166.312 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 369 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (1)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(13. )-110.4 (trade and notes receivables \(continued\))]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 636.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 606.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 591.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 588.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 573.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 558.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 543.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 528.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 513.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 510.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 495.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 480.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 465.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 450.087 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 447.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 432.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 417.078 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 380.0198 622.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 589.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (within 1 year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (2,907,407)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (3,320,735)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (between 1 and 2 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (742,477)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (906,302)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (between 2 and 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (377,836)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (158,162)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (over 3 years)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,246,249)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,483,597)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 511.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (5,273,969)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (5,868,796)tj 0 tw -38.983 -3 td (less: loss allowance for impairment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.264 0 td (\(714,857\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 7.97 0 td (\(659, 261\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 447.3282 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7087 448.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 447.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 448.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 447.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 448.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (4,559,112)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (5,209,535)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 414.1978 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 414.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 414.1978 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 414.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 414.1978 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 414.9678 tm ( )tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw -36 -2.873 td [(an)14.2 ( )0.5 (impairment)14.2 ( )0.5 (analysis)14.2 ( )0.5 (is)14.2 ( )0.5 (performed)14.2 ( )0.5 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (each)14.2 ( )0.5 (reporting)14.2 ( date)14.2 ( )0.5 (using)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( )0.5 (provision)14.2 ( )0.5 (matrix)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)33.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(measure expected credit losses. the provision rates are based on days pa\ st due for groupings)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw t* (of various customer segments with similar loss patterns \(i.e., by geogr\ aphical region, product )tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(type)14.1 (,)14 ( customer)14.1 ( type)14 ( and)14 ( rating)14 (,)14.1 ( and)14 ( coverage)14 ( by)14.1 ( letters)14.1 ( of)14 ( credit)14 ( or)14.1 ( other)14 ( forms)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( credit)19.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc t* [(insurance)14.1 (\))14.1 (.)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( calculation)14.1 ( reflects)14 ( the)14.1 ( probability)14.1 (-)14.1 (weighted)14.1 ( outcome)14.1 (,)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( time)14.1 ( value)14.1 ( of)30.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(money)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( reasonable)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( supportable)13.7 ( information)13.8 ( that)13.7 ( is)13.7 ( available)13.8 ( at)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( reporting)13.7 ( date)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (about past events, current conditions and forecasts of future economic c\ onditions.)tj et endstream endobj 370 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (1)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(13. )-110.4 (trade and notes receivables)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 636.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 606.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 591.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 588.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 573.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 558.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 543.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 540.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 525.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 510.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 495.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 480.087 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 477.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 462.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 447.078 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 380.0198 622.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 589.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (trade receivables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (5,273,969)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (5,868,796)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (less: impairment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.264 0 td (\(714,857\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 7.97 0 td (\(659, 261\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7087 541.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 541.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 541.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (4,559,112)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (5,209,535)tj 0 tw -38.983 -3 td (notes receivable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (2,834,011)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2,894,482)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 477.3281 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 478.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 477.3281 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 478.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 477.3281 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 478.3481 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (7,393,123)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (8,104,017)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 444.1977 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 444.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 444.1977 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 444.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 444.1977 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 444.9677 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.071 tw -36 -2.873 td (as at 31 december 2019, except for trade and notes receivables of the gr\ oup amounting to )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(rmb)9.2 (1)9.2 (,)9.2 (1)9.2 (1)9.2 (1)9.2 ( )0.5 (million)9.1 ( )0.5 (which)9.2 ( were)9.3 ( denominated)9.2 ( )0.5 (in)9.2 ( )0.5 (usd)9.2 ( \()9.2 (3)9.2 (1)9.2 ( )0.5 (december)9.2 ( 2)9.2 (0)9.2 (1)9.2 (8)9.2 (:)9.3 ( rmb)9.2 (1)9.2 (,)9.2 (4)9.2 (0)9.2 (3)9.2 ( )0.5 (million)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (which were denominated in usd\), all trade and notes receivables were de\ nominated in rmb.)tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(included)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.5 (\222)13.5 (s)13.4 ( trade)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( notes)13.5 ( receivables)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( amounts)13.5 ( due)13.5 ( from)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.5 (\222)13.5 (s)31.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.5 td [(joint)7.3 ( ventures)7.2 ( and)7.2 ( )0.5 (associates)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)7.3 (7)7.2 (8)7.2 (8)7.2 ( million)7.2 ( )0.5 (\()7.2 (3)7.2 (1)7.2 ( december)7.2 ( )0.5 (2)7.2 (0)7.2 (1)7.2 (8)7.2 (:)7.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)7.2 (8)7.2 (2)7.3 (0)7.2 ( million)7.2 (\))7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(rmb)13.8 (0)13.8 (.)13.8 (0)13.8 (3)13.8 ( million)13.8 ( \()13.8 (3)13.8 (1)13.8 ( december)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (8)13.8 (:)13.8 ( rmb)13.8 (7)13.8 ( million)13.8 (\))13.8 (,)13.8 ( which)13.8 ( are)13.8 ( repayable)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( credit)13.8 ( terms)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (similar to those offered to the major customers of the group.)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(as)14.1 ( at)14.2 ( 3)14.1 (1)14.2 ( december)14.2 ( 2)14.2 (0)14.1 (1)14.2 (9)14.1 (,)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( group)14.1 ( had)14.1 ( pledged)14.1 ( notes)14.1 ( )0.5 (receivable)14.2 ( amounting)14.1 ( to)14.2 ( rmb)14.2 (6)14.1 (6)14.2 (7)18.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(m)0.5 (il)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)14.4 ( \()14.4 (3)14.3 (1)14.4 ( d)0.5 (ec)0.5 (e)0.5 (mb)0.5 (er)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.3 (1)14.4 (8)14.4 (:)14.3 ( n)0.5 (o)0.5 (te)0.5 (s)14.4 ( re)0.5 (c)0.5 (ei)0.5 (va)0.5 (b)0.5 (le)14.4 ( a)0.5 (mo)0.5 (u)0.5 (nt)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.3 ( r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)14.4 (9)14.3 (3)14.4 (4)14.3 ( mi)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)14.3 (\))14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)14.3 ( se)0.5 (t)14.3 ( o)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)14.3 ( in)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (note 24 to the financial statements.)tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -3 td [(trade)9.2 ( )0.5 (receivables)9.2 ( and)9.1 ( )0.5 (notes)9.2 ( )0.5 (receivable)9.2 ( )0.5 (are)9.2 ( )0.5 (non)9.2 (-)9.2 (interest)9.2 (-)9.2 (bearing)9.2 ( and)9.3 ( are)9.2 ( )0.5 (generally)9.2 ( on)9.2 ( terms)9.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td [(of)12.2 ( 3)12.2 ( )0.5 (to)12.2 ( )0.5 (1)12.2 (2)12.2 ( months)12.2 (.)12.2 ( certain)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( group)12.2 (\222)12.2 (s)12.2 ( sales)12.2 ( )0.5 (were)12.2 ( on)12.2 ( )0.5 (advance)12.1 ( )0.5 (payments)12.2 ( or)12.2 ( )0.5 (documents)12.2 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw t* [(against payment. in some cases, these terms are extended for qualifying \ long term customers)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.076 tw t* (that have met specific credit requirements. as at 31 december 2019, the \ ageing analysis of )tj 0 tw t* (trade receivables was as follows:)tj et endstream endobj 371 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 372 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 373 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 374 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 375 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 376 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (1)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.11 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (12. inventories)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 636.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 606.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 603.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 588.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 573.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 558.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 543.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 528.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 513.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 510.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 495.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 480.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 465.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 450.087 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 447.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 432.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 417.078 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0 tw 10 0 0 10 380.0198 622.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 603.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 604.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 603.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 604.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 603.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 604.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (raw materials)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (6,825,650)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (8,362,697)tj -38.983 -1.5 td (work-in-progress)tj /t1_1 1 tf 30.763 0 td (7,847,599)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (8,684,506)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (finished goods)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (4,501,633)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (3,280,641)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (spare parts)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (842,734)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (879,794)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (packaging materials and others)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.236 0 td (57,870)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (63,227)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 511.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.821 -3 td (20,075,486)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (21,270,865)tj 0 tw -38.399 -3 td (less: provision for impairment of inventories)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.264 0 td (\(560,066\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(811,197\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 447.3282 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 448.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 447.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 448.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 447.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 448.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.821 -3 td (19,515,420)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (20,459,668)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 414.1978 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 414.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 414.1978 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 414.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 414.1978 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 414.9678 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -2.873 td (movements in the provision for impairment of inventories are as follows:\ )tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 369.968 82.205 -15 re 368.504 354.968 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 351.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 336.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 321.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 306.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 291.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 276.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 261.587 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 258.578 82.205 -15 re 368.504 243.578 82.205 -15 re 368.504 228.578 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 356.2378 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 352.0874 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 352.8574 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 352.0874 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 352.8574 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 352.0874 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 352.8574 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (as at 1 january )tj -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (811,197)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (457,252)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (provision for impairment of inventories)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,503,406)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2,413,098)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (disposal of subsidiary)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.321 0 td (\(772\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9.833 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -43.154 -1.5 td (reversal arising from increase in net realisable value)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.264 0 td (\(340,134\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(165,510\))tj 0 tw -39.539 -1.5 td (written off upon sales of inventories)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.374 0 td (\(1,413,631\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(1,893,643\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 258.8283 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 259.8483 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 258.8283 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 259.8483 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 258.8283 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 259.8483 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (as at 31 december )tj -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (560,066)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (811,197)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 225.6979 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 226.4679 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 225.6979 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 226.4679 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 225.6979 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 226.4679 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw -36 -2.873 td [(as )0.5 (at )0.5 (31 )0.5 (december )0.6 (2019 )0.5 (and )0.6 (31 )0.6 (december )0.5 (2018, )0.5 (the )0.5 (group )0.5 (had )0.5 (no )0.5 (pledged inventories )0.5 (for )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (bank and other borrowings.)tj et endstream endobj 377 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (1)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(11. )-110.4 (other non-current assets)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 277.795 636.477 85.039 -30 re 277.795 606.477 85.039 -15 re 277.795 591.477 85.039 -3.38 re 277.795 588.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 573.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 558.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 543.096 85.039 -3.009 re 277.795 540.087 85.039 -15 re 277.795 525.087 85.039 -15 re 277.795 510.087 85.039 -15 re 277.795 495.087 85.039 -30 re 277.795 465.087 85.039 -15 re 277.795 450.087 85.039 -3.009 re 277.795 447.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 432.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 417.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 402.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 387.078 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 292.1458 622.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 6.31 1.5 td (1 january )tj -0.028 tw 2.194 -1.5 td (2019)tj 0 tw 4.475 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 589.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (financial assets)tj 0.992 -1.5 td (\226 other long-term receivables)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 21.873 0 td (128,673)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (204,718)tj 8.504 0 td (204,718)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 541.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 541.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 541.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 540.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 541.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (prepayment for mining rights)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (813,822)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (808,736)tj 8.504 0 td (808,736)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (long-term prepaid expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (648,983)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (647,449)tj 8.504 0 td (667,772)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (deferred losses for sale and leaseback )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (transactions*)tj /t1_1 1 tf 21.873 0 td (766,548)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.614 0 td (1,323,221)tj 8.504 0 td (1,323,221)tj -38.983 -1.5 td (others)tj /t1_1 1 tf 22.865 0 td (849,817)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.614 0 td (1,438,198)tj 8.504 0 td (1,438,198)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 447.3281 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 448.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 447.3281 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 448.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 447.3281 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 448.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 447.3281 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 448.3481 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -13.741 -3 td (3,079,170)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (4,217,604)tj 8.504 0 td (4,237,927)tj /t1_1 1 tf -17.008 -3 td (3,207,843)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (4,422,322)tj 8.504 0 td (4,442,645)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 384.1977 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 384.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 384.1977 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 384.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 384.1977 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 384.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 384.1977 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 384.9677 tm ( )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 360.2376 tm [(*)14.2 ( )-2561.5 (as)13.5 ( disclosed)13.4 ( in)13.4 ( note)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.4 (,)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( group)13.4 ( entered)13.5 ( into)13.5 ( several)13.4 ( sale)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( leaseback)13.5 ( agreements)13.4 ( which)13.4 ( constitute)14.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 3.543 -1.375 td [(finance)13.8 ( leases)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( previous)13.8 ( years)13.8 (.)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( deferred)13.9 ( losses)13.8 ( resulted)13.8 ( from)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( sale)13.8 ( are)13.8 ( classified)13.8 ( as)13.8 ( other)13.9 ( non)13.8 (-)]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.375 td (current assets and were amortised over the useful lives of the assets le\ ased back.)tj 10 0 0 10 90.7087 308.2376 tm (as at 31 december 2019 and 31 december 2018, all amounts were denominate\ d in rmb.)tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(as)13.9 ( at)13.8 ( 3)13.9 (1)13.8 ( december)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.9 (1)13.8 (9)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( 3)13.9 (1)13.8 ( december)13.9 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.9 (8)13.8 (,)13.8 ( all)13.9 ( amounts)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( other)13.9 ( non)13.9 (-)13.8 (current)13.8 ( assets)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (were non-interest-bearing.)tj et endstream endobj 378 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (1)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(10. )-110.4 (deferred tax \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.08 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019, the expiry profile of these unprovided tax losse\ s was analysed as )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 591.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 561.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 558.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 543.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 528.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 513.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 498.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 483.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 468.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 453.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 438.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 435.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 420.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 405.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 10 0 0 10 380.0198 577.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 559.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 559.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 559.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (expiring in)tj -0.028 tw t* (2019)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 35.1 0 td (-)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.883 0 td (6,753,096)tj -38.983 -1.5 td (2020)tj /t1_1 1 tf 31.652 0 td (690,646)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (711,878)tj -39.873 -1.5 td (2021)tj /t1_1 1 tf 31.652 0 td (958,188)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (975,081)tj -39.873 -1.5 td (2022)tj /t1_1 1 tf 30.763 0 td (1,211,002)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,211,002)tj -38.983 -1.5 td (2023)tj /t1_1 1 tf 31.652 0 td (997,376)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.331 0 td (1,736,412)tj -38.983 -1.5 td (2024)tj /t1_1 1 tf 30.763 0 td (2,353,070)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 12.391 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 435.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7087 436.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 435.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 436.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 435.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 436.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (6,210,282)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.637 0 td (11,387,469)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 402.2068 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 402.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 402.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 402.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 402.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 402.9768 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 379 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (1)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(10. )-110.4 (deferred tax \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.082 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (for presentation purposes, certain deferred tax assets and liabilities h\ ave been offset in the )tj 0.086 tw 0 -1.5 td (consolidated statement of financial position. the following is an analys\ is of the deferred tax )tj 0 tw t* (balances of the group for financial reporting purposes:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 576.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 546.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 531.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 528.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 513.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 498.096 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 494.716 82.205 -15 re 368.504 479.716 82.205 -15 re 368.504 464.716 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 380.0198 562.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 529.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (net deferred tax assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,522,216)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,542,655)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 495.2159 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 495.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 495.2159 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 495.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 495.2159 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 495.9859 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (net deferred tax liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (1,712,739)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,812,805)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 461.8355 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 462.6055 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 461.8355 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 462.6055 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 461.8355 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 462.6055 tm ( )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw -36 -2.873 td [(as)14 ( at)14 ( 3)14 (1)14.1 ( december)14 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (9)14 (,)14 ( the)14 ( group)14 ( has)14 ( not)14 ( recognised)14 ( deferred)14 ( tax)14 ( assets)14 ( of)14 ( rmb)14 (1)14 (,)14 (4)14 (6)14 (7)15.2 ( )]tj 0.08 tc t* [(million)14 ( \()14 (3)14 (1)13.9 ( december)14 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (8)13.9 (:)14 ( rmb)14 (2)14 (,)14 (6)13.9 (3)14 (4)14 ( million)14 (\))14 ( in)14 ( respect)14 ( of)13.9 ( accumulated)14 ( tax)14 ( losses)52.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.064 tw t* (amounting to rmb6,210 million \(31 december 2018: rmb11,387 million\) ar\ ising in mainland )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(china)1.2 ( )0.5 (that)1.2 ( )0.5 (can)1.2 ( )0.5 (be)1.2 ( carried)1.2 ( )0.5 (forward)1.3 ( for)1.2 ( )0.5 (offsetting)1.2 ( )0.5 (against)1.2 ( )0.5 (future)1.2 ( )0.5 (taxable)1.2 ( )0.5 (income)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (deferred)1.2 ( )]tj 0.076 tc 0.078 tw t* [(tax)14.1 ( assets)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (2)14.1 (,)14.1 (2)14.1 (8)14 (7)14.1 ( million)14.1 ( \()14.1 (3)14 (1)14.1 ( december)14 ( 2)14.1 (0)14.1 (1)14 (8)14.1 (:)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (1)14.1 (,)14.1 (6)14.1 (6)14 (0)14.1 ( million)14.1 (\))14.1 ( in)14.1 ( respect)14.1 ( of)48.2 ( )]tj 0.066 tc t* [(deductible)13.8 ( temporary)13.9 ( differences)13.9 ( amounting)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( rmb)13.8 (9)13.9 (,)13.8 (1)13.9 (6)13.8 (0)13.9 ( million)13.8 ( \()13.9 (3)13.8 (1)13.8 ( december)13.8 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.8 (1)13.9 (8)13.8 (:)38.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(rmb7,992 million\) as it was considered not probable that those assets w\ ould be realised. the)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (above tax losses will expire in one to five years if not utilised.)tj et endstream endobj 380 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (1)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(10. )-110.4 (deferred tax \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (movements in deferred tax liabilities:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 249.449 402.078 56.693 -15 re 306.142 402.078 56.693 -15 re 362.835 402.078 56.693 -15 re 419.528 402.078 56.693 -15 re 476.22 402.078 56.693 -15 re 249.449 387.078 56.693 -15 re 306.142 387.078 56.693 -15 re 362.835 387.078 56.693 -15 re 419.528 387.078 56.693 -15 re 476.22 387.078 56.693 -15 re 249.449 372.078 56.693 -15 re 306.142 372.078 56.693 -15 re 362.835 372.078 56.693 -15 re 419.528 372.078 56.693 -15 re 476.22 372.078 56.693 -15 re 249.449 357.078 56.693 -15 re 306.142 357.078 56.693 -15 re 362.835 357.078 56.693 -15 re 419.528 357.078 56.693 -15 re 476.22 357.078 56.693 -15 re 249.449 342.078 56.693 -15 re 306.142 342.078 56.693 -15 re 362.835 342.078 56.693 -15 re 419.528 342.078 56.693 -15 re 476.22 342.078 56.693 -15 re 249.449 327.078 56.693 -3.009 re 306.142 327.078 56.693 -3.009 re 362.835 327.078 56.693 -3.009 re 419.528 327.078 56.693 -3.009 re 476.22 327.078 56.693 -3.009 re 249.449 324.069 56.693 -15 re 306.142 324.069 56.693 -15 re 362.835 324.069 56.693 -15 re 419.528 324.069 56.693 -15 re 476.22 324.069 56.693 -15 re 249.449 309.069 56.693 -15 re 306.142 309.069 56.693 -15 re 362.835 309.069 56.693 -15 re 419.528 309.069 56.693 -15 re 476.22 309.069 56.693 -15 re 249.449 294.069 56.693 -3.38 re 306.142 294.069 56.693 -3.38 re 362.835 294.069 56.693 -3.38 re 419.528 294.069 56.693 -3.38 re 476.22 294.069 56.693 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 7.5 0 0 10 271.5032 547.7467 tm (interest )tj -2.89 -1.5 td (capitalisation)tj 0 tw 9.447 4.5 td (fair value )tj -0.553 -1.5 td (changes of )tj -0.028 tw 1.194 -1.5 td (financial )tj 1.083 -1.5 td (assets)tj 4.336 3 td (depreciation )tj 4.529 -1.5 td (and )tj -4.584 -1.5 td (amortisation)tj 0 tw 9.113 6 td (fair value )tj -0.028 tw -1.359 -1.5 td (adjustments )tj 0 tw 0.139 -1.5 td (arising from )tj -0.719 -1.5 td (acquisition of )tj -0.028 tw 0.829 -1.5 td (subsidiaries)tj 10.977 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 249.4488 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 529.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 90.7086 499.3663 tm (as at 1 january 2018)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.772 0 td (52,934)tj 8.143 0 td (5,972)tj 7.559 0 td (7,659)tj 6.391 0 td (988,848)tj 6.669 0 td (1,055,413)tj 0 tw -53.534 -1.5 td (exchange realignment)tj 0 tc 27.469 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.446 0 td (1,353)tj 7.559 0 td (1,353)tj 0 tw -55.592 -1.5 td (credited to other comprehensive income)tj 0 tc 27.469 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.112 0 td (\(3,769\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.006 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.112 0 td (\(3,769\))tj 0 tw -55.258 -1.5 td (acquisition of subsidiaries)tj 0 tc 27.469 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.278 0 td (822,229)tj 7.559 0 td (822,229)tj 0 tw -54.424 -1.5 td (\(credited\)/charged to profit or loss)tj -0.028 tw 25.022 0 td (\(9,102\))tj 7.893 0 td (3,403)tj 6.975 0 td (24,830)tj 7.225 0 td (\(27,511\))tj 8.143 0 td (\(8,380\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 435.3372 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 436.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 435.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4488 436.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 435.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 436.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 435.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 436.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 435.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 436.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 435.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 436.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 90.7086 406.3572 tm (as at 31 december 2018)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.772 0 td (43,832)tj 8.143 0 td (5,606)tj 6.975 0 td (32,489)tj 6.086 0 td (1,784,919)tj 7.559 0 td (1,866,846)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 402.3282 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 403.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 402.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 249.4488 403.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 402.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 403.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 402.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 403.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 402.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 403.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 402.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 403.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 90.7086 373.3482 tm (as at 1 january 2019)tj -0.028 tw 24.772 0 td (43,832)tj 8.143 0 td (5,606)tj 6.975 0 td (32,489)tj 6.086 0 td (1,784,919)tj 7.559 0 td (1,866,846)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -53.534 -1.5 td (exchange realignment)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 27.469 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.335 0 td (416)tj 7.559 0 td (416)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -56.481 -1.5 td (charged to other comprehensive income)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 27.469 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.862 0 td (14,642)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.256 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.862 0 td (14,642)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -55.008 -1.5 td (credited to profit or loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.967 0 td (\(5,825\))tj 6.975 0 td (\(12,517\))tj 8.143 0 td (\(8,616\))tj 6.975 0 td (\(85,247\))tj 6.975 0 td (\(112,205\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 324.3191 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 325.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 324.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 249.4488 325.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 324.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 325.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 324.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 325.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 324.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 325.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 324.3191 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 325.3391 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 90.7086 295.3391 tm (as at 31 december 2019)tj -0.028 tw 24.772 0 td (38,007)tj 8.143 0 td (7,731)tj 6.975 0 td (23,873)tj 6.086 0 td (1,700,088)tj 7.559 0 td (1,769,699)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 291.1887 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 291.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 291.1887 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 249.4488 291.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 291.1887 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 291.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 291.1887 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 291.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 291.1887 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 291.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 291.1887 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 291.9587 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.066 tc 0.078 tw -38.551 -2.873 td [(the)13.6 ( temporary)13.7 ( differences)13.6 ( associated)13.6 ( with)13.6 ( investments)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.6 (\222)13.7 (s)13.6 ( associates)13.6 ( and)38.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0 -1.5 td [(joint)14 ( ventures)14 (,)14 ( for)14 ( which)14 ( a)14 ( deferred)14 ( tax)14 ( liability)14 ( has)14 ( not)14 ( been)14 ( recognised)14 ( in)14 ( the)14 ( periods)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.042 tw t* (presented, aggregate to rmb827 million \(2018: rmb438 million\), conside\ ring dividends from )tj 0.034 tw t* (investments in associates and joint ventures are exempted from the prc i\ ncome tax and the )tj 0 tw t* (group has no plan to dispose any of these investees in the foreseeable f\ uture.)tj et endstream endobj 381 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 382 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 383 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 384 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 385 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 386 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (1)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(10. )-110.4 (deferred tax)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.016 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally e\ nforceable right to offset )tj 0.074 tw 0 -1.5 td (current income tax assets against current income tax liabilities and whe\ n the deferred taxes )tj 0 tw t* (relate to the same tax authority.)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.5 ( movements)13.4 ( in)13.5 ( deferred)13.5 ( tax)13.5 ( assets)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( liabilities)13.5 ( during)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( year)13.5 ( ended)13.5 ( 3)13.5 (1)13.5 ( december)18.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0 -1.5 td [(2)13.6 (0)13.6 (1)13.7 (9)13.6 ( without)13.6 ( taking)13.7 ( into)13.7 ( consideration)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( offsetting)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( balances)13.6 ( within)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( same)13.6 ( tax)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (jurisdiction, are as follows:)tj 0 -3 td (movements in deferred tax assets:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 192.756 233.698 56.693 -15 re 249.449 233.698 56.693 -15 re 306.142 233.698 56.693 -15 re 362.835 233.698 56.693 -15 re 419.528 233.698 56.693 -15 re 476.22 233.698 56.693 -15 re 192.756 218.698 56.693 -30 re 249.449 218.698 56.693 -30 re 306.142 218.698 56.693 -30 re 362.835 218.698 56.693 -30 re 419.528 218.698 56.693 -30 re 476.22 218.698 56.693 -30 re 192.756 188.698 56.693 -30 re 249.449 188.698 56.693 -30 re 306.142 188.698 56.693 -30 re 362.835 188.698 56.693 -30 re 419.528 188.698 56.693 -30 re 476.22 188.698 56.693 -30 re 192.756 158.698 56.693 -3.009 re 249.449 158.698 56.693 -3.009 re 306.142 158.698 56.693 -3.009 re 362.835 158.698 56.693 -3.009 re 419.528 158.698 56.693 -3.009 re 476.22 158.698 56.693 -3.009 re 192.756 155.689 56.693 -15 re 249.449 155.689 56.693 -15 re 306.142 155.689 56.693 -15 re 362.835 155.689 56.693 -15 re 419.528 155.689 56.693 -15 re 476.22 155.689 56.693 -15 re 192.756 140.689 56.693 -15 re 249.449 140.689 56.693 -15 re 306.142 140.689 56.693 -15 re 362.835 140.689 56.693 -15 re 419.528 140.689 56.693 -15 re 476.22 140.689 56.693 -15 re 192.756 125.689 56.693 -3.38 re 249.449 125.689 56.693 -3.38 re 306.142 125.689 56.693 -3.38 re 362.835 125.689 56.693 -3.38 re 419.528 125.689 56.693 -3.38 re 476.22 125.689 56.693 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 7.5 0 0 10 195.858 457.7467 tm (provision for )tj -0.028 tw 0.583 -1.5 td (impairment)tj 9.309 1.5 td (accrued )tj -0.585 -1.5 td (expenses)tj 0 tw 7.003 0 td (tax losses)tj -0.028 tw 7.392 3 td (unrealised )tj 0 tw 1.307 -1.5 td (profit at )tj -0.028 tw -2.722 -1.5 td (consolidation)tj 10.976 0 td (others)tj 8.365 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 438.5963 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 119.0551 439.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 192.7559 438.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 239.1925 439.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 438.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 295.8854 439.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 438.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 352.5783 439.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 438.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 409.2712 439.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5275 438.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 465.9641 439.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2204 438.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 522.657 439.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -57.593 -3 td (as at 31 december 2017)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.629 0 td (525,382)tj 7.559 0 td (264,209)tj 7.559 0 td (539,899)tj 7.559 0 td (166,043)tj 7.559 0 td (168,647)tj 6.669 0 td (1,664,180)tj 0 tw -53.534 -1.5 td (business combination under )tj 1.209 -1.5 td (common control)tj -0.028 tw 18.06 0 td (57)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.199 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.919 0 td (57)tj 0 tw -57.065 -1.5 td (as at 1 january 2018 )tj -0.028 tw 1.209 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj 15.419 0 td (525,439)tj 7.559 0 td (264,209)tj 7.559 0 td (539,899)tj 7.559 0 td (166,043)tj 7.559 0 td (168,647)tj 6.669 0 td (1,664,237)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 345.3372 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 346.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 192.7559 345.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 192.7559 346.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 345.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4488 346.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 345.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 346.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 345.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 346.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5275 345.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5275 346.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2204 345.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2204 346.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 90.7086 316.3572 tm (acquisition of subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 18.686 0 td (360)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.783 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 7.559 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.446 0 td (7,734)tj 7.559 0 td (8,094)tj 0 tw -55.592 -1.5 td (\(charged\)/credited to profit )tj 1.209 -1.5 td (or loss)tj -0.028 tw 15.086 0 td (\(139,956\))tj 8.143 0 td (\(21,839\))tj 7.893 0 td (76,338)tj 8.143 0 td (3,833)tj 7.559 0 td (5,989)tj 6.642 0 td (\(75,635\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 192.7559 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 192.7559 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4488 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 283.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 90.7086 253.3482 tm (as at 31 december 2018 )tj -0.028 tw 1.209 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 15.419 0 td (385,843)tj 7.559 0 td (242,370)tj 7.559 0 td (616,237)tj 7.559 0 td (169,876)tj 7.559 0 td (182,370)tj 6.669 0 td (1,596,696)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 234.1978 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 234.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 192.7559 234.1978 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 192.7559 234.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 234.1978 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4488 234.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 234.1978 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 234.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 234.1978 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 234.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5275 234.1978 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5275 234.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2204 234.1978 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2204 234.9678 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 90.7086 204.9678 tm (as at 1 january 2019 )tj -0.028 tw 1.209 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj 15.419 0 td (385,843)tj 7.559 0 td (242,370)tj 7.559 0 td (616,237)tj 7.559 0 td (169,876)tj 7.559 0 td (182,370)tj 6.669 0 td (1,596,696)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -53.534 -1.5 td (credit/\(charged\) to profit or )tj -0.028 tw 1.209 -1.5 td (loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf 16.003 0 td (59,218)tj 7.17 0 td (\(33,214\))tj 7.559 0 td (\(40,047\))tj 9.032 0 td (\(521\))tj 6.669 0 td (\(2,956\))tj 6.975 0 td (\(17,520\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 155.9387 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 156.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 192.7558 155.9387 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 192.7558 156.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4487 155.9387 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4487 156.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 155.9387 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 156.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 155.9387 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 156.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5275 155.9387 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5275 156.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2204 155.9387 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2204 156.9587 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 90.7086 126.9587 tm (as at 31 december 2019)tj -0.028 tw 16.629 0 td (445,061)tj 7.559 0 td (209,156)tj 7.559 0 td (576,190)tj 7.559 0 td (169,355)tj 7.559 0 td (179,414)tj 6.669 0 td (1,579,176)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 122.8083 cm 0 0 m 102.047 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 123.5783 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 192.7559 122.8083 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 192.7559 123.5783 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 122.8083 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 249.4488 123.5783 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 122.8083 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 123.5783 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 122.8083 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 123.5783 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5275 122.8083 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5275 123.5783 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2204 122.8083 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2204 123.5783 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 387 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (0)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(9. )-694.2 (equity investments designated at fair )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (value through other comprehensive income)tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1 td (\(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.068 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 587.7467 tm [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (above)14.2 ( )0.5 (equity)14.2 ( investments)14.3 ( were)14.2 ( )0.5 (irrevocably)14.3 ( designated)14.2 ( )0.5 (at)14.2 ( )0.5 (fair)14.2 ( )0.5 (value)14.2 ( )0.5 (through)14.2 ( )0.5 (other)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (comprehensive income as the group considers these investments to be stra\ tegic in nature.)tj -0.028 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8876 546.7466 tm (note:)tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7086 524.7466 tm [(included)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( unlisted)13.7 ( investments)13.7 ( is)13.7 ( mainly)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( equity)13.7 ( investment)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( size)13.7 ( industry)13.7 ( investment)13.7 ( fund)13.7 (.)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.8 (1)13.7 (7)13.7 (,)17.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0 -1.375 td [(the)13.6 ( company)13.5 ( entered)13.5 ( into)13.5 ( a)13.5 ( series)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( agreements)13.5 ( with)13.5 ( bank)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( communications)13.5 ( international)13.5 ( trust)13.6 ( co)13.5 (.)13.5 (,)13.5 ( ltd)13.5 (.)31.3 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(\()8.2 (\223)8.2 (bocommtrust)8.2 (\224)8.2 (\))8.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10.761 0 td <037410d50a3710e706a609c403de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.036 tc 0.084 tw [(\))8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (bocommtrust)8.2 ( asset)8.2 ( )0.5 (management)8.2 ( )0.5 (co)8.1 (.)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)8.3 (.)8.1 (*)8.2 ( )0.5 (\()8.2 (\223)8.2 (bocommtrust)8.2 ( )0.5 (asset)8.2 (\224)8.2 (\))8.2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw -10.761 -1.375 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td <037410d50a3706a60f1f0b2a104d0b2303de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.037 tc 0.083 tw [(\))9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)9.2 ( subsidiary)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.3 ( bocommtrust)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( chinalco)9.3 ( jianxin)9.2 ( )0.5 (investment)9.2 ( fund)9.2 ( management)9.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw -0.306 -1.375 td [(\()13.6 (beijing)13.7 (\))13.6 ( company)13.7 ( limited)13.6 (*)13.6 ( \()13.6 (\223)13.7 (chinalco)13.6 ( jianxin)13.6 (\224)13.6 (\))13.7 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.03 tc -0.03 tw 24.22 0 td [<02951259071406a604b30f1f0a3f0696104d0b23>502 <0080>103.6 <030f052f>103.6 <0081>502.1 <03de082202ae0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.044 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.6 ( to)13.6 ( establish)13.7 ( beijing)13.6 ( chalco)16.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc -24.22 -1.375 td [(bocom)13.9 ( size)14 ( \()14 (\223)13.9 (size)13.9 ( industry)13.9 ( investment)14 ( fund)14 (\224)13.9 (\))14 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.034 tc -0.034 tw 23.861 0 td [<030f052f02951259037410d5032c06c60b2a0e3804b30f1f0a3f0696104d0b2303a50fab03860e38>502.3 <0080>104 <03de082203a50fab>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14 (\))13.9 (.)13.9 ( according)20.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw -23.861 -1.375 td [(to)2.2 ( these)2.2 ( )0.5 (agreements)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (bocommtrust)2.2 ( )0.5 (acted)2.2 ( as)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (prioritised)2.2 ( )0.5 (limited)2.2 ( )0.5 (partner)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( company)2.2 ( )0.5 (as)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( secondary)2.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(l)0.5 (im)0.5 (i)0.5 (te)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (pa)0.5 (rt)0.5 (n)0.5 (er)11.3 ( o)0.5 (f)11.2 ( s)0.5 (i)0.5 (ze)11.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (nd)0.5 (us)0.5 (t)0.5 (ry)11.2 ( )0.5 (in)0.5 (v)0.5 (es)0.5 (tm)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)11.2 ( )0.5 (fu)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)11.2 (,)11.2 ( w)0.5 (i)0.5 (th)11.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (ma)0.5 (xi)0.5 (m)0.5 (um)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (mo)0.5 (un)0.5 (t)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (ap)0.5 (it)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)11.2 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (nt)0.5 (r)0.5 (ib)0.5 (ut)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)11.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)11.2 ( r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)11.2 (6)11.2 (,)11.2 (7)11.2 (0)11.2 (0)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.03 tw t* (million and rmb3,300 million, respectively. bocommtrust asset and chinal\ co jianxin are the general partner and the )tj 0 tw t* (manager of size industry investment fund, respectively. the purpose of s\ ize industry investment fund is to invest in )tj t* (the company\222s subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures in the form \ of debt financing.)tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.75 td [(as)14.3 ( )0.5 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (3)14.2 (1)14.3 ( )0.5 (december)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.3 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (9)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (size)14.2 ( )0.5 (industry)14.3 ( )0.5 (investment)14.2 ( )0.5 (fund)14.3 ( )0.5 (made)14.2 ( )0.6 (four)14.2 ( )0.5 (investments)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )0.5 (three)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( company)14.2 (\222)14.3 (s)39.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0 -1.375 td [(subsidiaries)14 ( and)14 ( one)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( company)14 (\222)13.9 (s)14 ( joint)14 ( ventures)13.9 ( amounting)14 ( to)14 ( rmb)14 (5)14 (,)13.9 (0)14 (0)14 (0)14 ( million)14 ( in)14 ( the)14 ( form)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( debt)14 (.)14 ( the)24.2 ( )]tj t* [(company)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( bocommtrust)14.1 ( contributed)14.1 ( capital)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (1)14.1 (,)14.1 (6)14.1 (5)14.1 (0)14 ( million)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (3)14.1 (,)14.1 (3)14.1 (5)14.1 (0)14.1 ( million)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( size)14.1 ( industry)24.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (investment fund, respectively.)tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -2.75 td [(because)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (variable)2.2 ( return)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )0.5 (size)2.2 ( )0.5 (industry)2.2 ( investment)2.2 ( )0.5 (fund)2.2 ( )0.5 (depends)2.2 ( on)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( selection)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (investment)2.2 ( )0.5 (targets)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 -1.375 td (timing and size of the investment fund and the rate of return, which are\ all determined by bocommtrust under )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(its)14.2 ( full)14.2 ( authority)14.2 (,)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (directors)14.1 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( are)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( opinion)14.2 ( that)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( company)14.2 ( did)14.2 ( not)14.2 ( have)14.1 ( )0.5 (control)14.2 ( or)14.2 ( joint)16.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(control)6.2 ( over)6.2 (,)6.2 ( or)6.2 ( )0.5 (significant)6.2 ( )0.5 (influence)6.2 ( )0.5 (over)6.2 ( )0.5 (size)6.2 ( )0.5 (industry)6.2 ( investment)6.2 ( )0.5 (fund)6.2 (.)6.2 ( )0.5 (therefore)6.3 (,)6.1 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (company)6.3 (\222)6.2 (s)6.1 ( )0.5 (investment)6.2 ( )0.5 (in)6.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(size)12.2 ( industry)12.2 ( investment)12.2 ( )0.5 (fund)12.2 ( )0.5 (was)12.2 ( )0.5 (accounted)12.2 ( for)12.2 ( as)12.2 ( an)12.2 ( )0.5 (equity)12.2 ( investment)12.2 ( )0.5 (designated)12.2 ( at)12.2 ( )0.5 (fair)12.2 ( value)12.2 ( )0.5 (through)12.2 ( other)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (comprehensive income.)tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -3.25 td [(*)1.2 ( )-2561.5 (t)0.5 (he)1.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (ng)0.5 (li)0.5 (s)0.5 (h)1.2 ( n)0.5 (a)0.5 (me)0.5 (s)1.2 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (pr)0.5 (es)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)1.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (be)0.5 (st)1.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (ff)0.5 (o)0.5 (rt)1.2 ( )0.5 (ma)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (by)1.2 ( )0.5 (ma)0.5 (n)0.5 (ag)0.5 (em)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)1.2 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (ro)0.5 (up)1.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)1.2 ( )0.5 (tr)0.5 (a)0.5 (ns)0.5 (la)0.5 (ti)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)1.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)1.2 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (in)0.5 (es)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (names of the companies as the companies do not have any official english\ names.)tj et endstream endobj 388 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (0)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(9. )-694.2 (equity investments designated at fair value )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (through other comprehensive income)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 368.504 616.477 82.205 -30 re 368.504 586.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 583.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 568.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 538.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 508.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 505.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 490.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 475.087 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 472.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 457.078 82.205 -45 re 368.504 412.078 82.205 -30 re 368.504 382.078 82.205 -45 re 368.504 337.078 82.205 -30 re 368.504 307.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 292.078 82.205 -30 re 368.504 262.078 82.205 -30 re 368.504 232.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 217.078 82.205 -30 re 368.504 187.078 82.205 -30 re 368.504 157.078 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 154.069 82.205 -15 re 368.504 139.069 82.205 -15 re 368.504 124.069 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 121.06 82.205 -15 re 368.504 106.06 82.205 -15 re 368.504 91.06 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 380.0198 602.7467 tm (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.192 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 583.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 584.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 583.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 584.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 583.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 584.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (equity investments designated at fair value through )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (other comprehensive income)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.992 -1.5 td (listed equity investments, at fair value )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (dongxing securities co., ltd.\()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0607133315c7054e>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 31.828 0 td (8,853)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (6,441)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 505.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 506.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 505.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 506.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 505.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 506.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -3.18 -3 td (8,853)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (6,441)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 472.3282 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 473.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 472.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 473.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 472.3282 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 473.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (unlisted equity investments, at fair value )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (sanmenxia dachang mining co., ltd. )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0 -1.5 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td <0267069808a00f3a05f916240e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 30.938 0 td (20,905)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (20,926)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td (inner mongolia ganqimaodu port development co., ltd. )tj 0 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td <02ab1086031a035a054902e30bc70ca50a150cef089d0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 30.938 0 td (30,410)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (18,010)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td (yinchuan economic and technological development zone )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (investment holding co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <10d502870ebe13f604a60b940d9a0cef0a1c04b30f1f0a9b>tj t* <067003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 31.244 0 td (20,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (19,306)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td (china color international alumina development co., ltd. )tj 0 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td <0295040d0a3710e7090302b712590d9a0cef03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 31.522 0 td (6,614)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (9,000)tj 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (luoyang jianyuan mining co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <077e0da2071402a916240e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 32.82 0 td (4,960)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (4,948)tj 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (ningxia ningdian logistics transportation co., ltd. )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td <0fb908800fb90f65064a07740f36136903de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 31.522 0 td (1,640)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,194)tj 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (chinalco innovative development investment company )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (limited \(\223chinalco innovative\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590bf404b3>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 30.66 0 td (365,681)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.501 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -43.154 -1.5 td (size industry investment fund)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 234.3699 218.3482 tm ( \(note\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 398.3354 218.3482 tm (1,653,251)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,650,000)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (fangchenggang chisha pier co., ltd. )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td <052306ec0ca5050f04cd11c1139803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 32.412 0 td (700)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 9.444 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -43.154 -1.5 td (xingxian shengxing highway investment management )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <133313240b38133302ae0f2904b30f1f104d0b2303de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 30.66 0 td (126,237)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.501 0 td (\226)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 154.3191 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7087 155.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 154.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 155.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 154.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 155.3391 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (2,230,398)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,723,384)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 121.3101 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 122.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 121.3101 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 122.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 121.3101 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 122.3301 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (2,239,251)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,729,825)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 88.1797 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 88.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 88.1797 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 88.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 88.1797 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 88.9497 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 389 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (0)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(8. )-694.2 (investments in joint ventures and associates )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (investments in associates \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(as)11.2 ( )0.5 (at)11.2 ( 3)11.2 (1)11.2 ( )0.5 (december)11.2 ( )0.5 (2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (9)11.2 (,)11.2 ( all)11.3 ( associates)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (except)11.2 ( for)11.2 ( )0.5 (yunnan)11.2 ( )0.5 (aluminium)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (group)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (were unlisted.)tj 0 -3 td (as at december 2019, no associate was individually material to the group\ .)tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.9 ( following)13.8 ( table)13.8 ( illustrates)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( aggregate)13.8 ( financial)13.8 ( information)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 (\222)13.8 (s)39.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (associates that are not individually material:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 461.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 446.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 443.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 428.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 413.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 410.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 395.087 82.205 -30 re 368.504 365.087 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 361.707 82.205 -15 re 368.504 346.707 82.205 -30 re 368.504 316.707 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 447.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 443.5963 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 444.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 443.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 444.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 443.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 444.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (share of the associates\222 profits and losses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.401 0 td (48,767)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (39,335)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 410.3372 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 411.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 410.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 411.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 410.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 411.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (share of the associates\222 total comprehensive )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (income)tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.409 0 td (48,767)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (39,335)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 362.2068 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 362.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 362.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 362.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 362.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 362.9768 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (aggregate carrying amount of the group\222s )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (investments in the associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.936 0 td (9,512,401)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (6,363,462)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 313.8264 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 314.5964 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 313.8264 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 314.5964 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 313.8264 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 314.5964 tm ( )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw -33.165 -2.873 td [(as)13.5 ( at)13.6 ( 3)13.6 (1)13.6 ( december)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.6 (1)13.6 (9)13.5 (,)13.6 ( there)13.5 ( were)13.5 ( no)13.6 ( proportionate)13.6 ( interests)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( the)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (associates\222 capital commitments \(31 december 2018: nil\).)tj 0.045 tw 0 -3 td [(as )0.5 (at )0.6 (31 )0.5 (december )0.6 (2019, )0.5 (the )0.5 (group )0.6 (had )0.5 (pledged )0.6 (investments )0.5 (in )0.6 (associates )0.5 (amounting )]tj 0.071 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(to)13.9 ( rmb)14 (5)14 (3)14 (9)13.9 ( million)14 ( \()14 (3)14 (1)14 ( december)14 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)13.9 (8)14 (:)14 ( investments)14 ( in)14 ( associates)13.9 ( amounting)13.9 ( to)43.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (rmb536 million\) as set out in note 24 to the financial statements.)tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(there)13.9 ( were)13.9 ( no)13.9 ( material)13.9 ( contingent)13.9 ( liabilities)13.9 ( relating)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( group)13.9 (\222)13.9 (s)13.8 ( interests)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( the)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (associates and the associates themselves.)tj et endstream endobj 390 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (0)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(8. )-694.2 (investments in joint ventures and associates )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (investments in associates \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 8 0 2.1436 8 118.2341 571.7466 tm (note \(1\):)tj 8 0 0 8 151.7365 571.7466 tm [( )-923.8 (investment to yunnan aluminium \(continued\))]tj 0.028 tw 1.23 -3.25 td (as at the date of this announcement, chinalco is the controlling shareho\ lder of the company, and )tj 0.022 tw 0 -1.375 td (yunnan aluminum is a subsidiary of chinalco. therefore, yunnan aluminum \ is a connected person )tj 0.032 tw t* (of the company under the hong kong listing rules. as such, the transacti\ on contemplated under )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.5 ( shares)13.5 ( subscription)13.5 ( agreement)13.5 ( constitutes)13.5 ( a)13.5 ( connected)13.6 ( transaction)13.5 ( under)13.6 ( chapter)13.5 ( 1)13.5 (4)13.6 (a)13.5 ( of)16.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (h)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)7.2 ( )0.5 (k)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)7.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)7.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)7.2 (.)7.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)7.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)7.2 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)7.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.6 (y)7.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.6 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)7.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)7.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (disclosed in note 35 \(a\).)tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.75 td [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (investment)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( yunnan)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminium)14.2 (,)14.2 ( which)14.2 ( is)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( )0.5 (listed)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 (,)14.2 ( is)14.2 ( conducive)14.2 ( )0.5 (for)14.2 ( )0.5 (resolving)29.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0 -1.375 td [(business)13.5 ( competitions)13.5 ( between)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( yunnan)13.5 ( aluminum)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( is)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( line)13.6 ( with)13.6 ( the)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (development strategies and in the whole interests of the company.)tj 0.075 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.75 td [(the)14.3 ( )0.5 (excess)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (fair)14.3 ( )0.5 (value)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (identifiable)14.2 ( )0.5 (net)14.2 ( )0.5 (assets)14.3 ( )0.5 (as)14.2 ( )0.6 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (acquisition)14.3 ( )0.5 (date)14.3 ( )0.5 (over)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)47.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.032 tw 0 -1.375 td [(consideration )0.5 (transferred )0.5 (approximates to )0.5 (rmb204 )0.5 (million, which )0.5 (was mainly arising from the )0.5 (fair )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(value)12.2 ( )0.5 (adjustments)12.2 ( for)12.2 ( certain)12.2 ( intangible)12.2 ( assets)12.2 ( according)12.2 ( to)12.2 ( a)12.2 ( )0.5 (professional)12.2 ( valuer)12.2 (\222)12.2 (s)12.2 ( )0.5 (report)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (was)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (recognised in other gains for the year ended 31 december 2019.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 118.2341 365.7466 tm (note \(2\):)tj 8 0 0 8 151.7365 365.7466 tm [( )-923.8 (investment to yixin aluminum)]tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 1.23 -2.75 td [(on)13.6 ( 1)13.6 (0)13.6 ( december)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.6 (1)13.6 (9)13.6 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( entered)13.6 ( into)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( capital)13.6 ( contribution)13.6 ( agreement)13.7 ( with)33.2 ( )]tj t* [(shareholders)14 ( of)14.1 ( yixin)14.1 ( aluminum)14.1 (,)14 ( including)14.1 ( yunnan)14.1 ( aluminum)14.1 (,)14 ( wenshan)14.1 ( aluminum)14.1 ( co)14.1 (.)14 (,)14.1 ( ltd)14.1 (.)33.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(\(\223wenshan aluminum\224\), and three individual shareholders, pursuan\ t to which the company agreed)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.073 tw t* (to make a capital contribution of rmb850 million in cash to yixin alumin\ um. upon completion of )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14 ( capital)14.1 ( contribution)14.1 (,)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 ( holds)14 ( approximately)14 ( 3)14.1 (8)14 (.)14.1 (9)14.1 (0)14.1 (%)14.1 ( equity)14.1 ( investments)14 ( of)14 ( yixin)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (aluminum.)tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.75 td [(chinalco)14.2 ( )0.5 (is)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( controlling)14.3 ( shareholder)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (yunnan)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (wenshan)44.2 ( )]tj 0.07 tc 0 -1.375 td [(aluminum)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( yixin)14.1 ( aluminum)14.1 ( are)14.1 ( subsidiaries)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( chinalco)14.1 (.)14.2 ( therefore)14.2 (,)14.1 ( yunnan)14.1 ( aluminum)14.1 (,)42.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc t* [(wenshan)14.1 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( yixin)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.2 ( )0.5 (are)14.2 ( )0.5 (connected)14.2 ( )0.5 (persons)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( under)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)35.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(h)0.5 (ong)9.2 ( )0.5 (ko)0.5 (ng)9.2 ( )0.5 (li)0.5 (st)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)9.2 ( r)0.5 (ul)0.5 (es)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)9.1 ( )0.5 (su)0.5 (ch)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)9.2 ( )0.5 (tr)0.5 (ans)0.5 (ac)0.5 (ti)0.5 (on)9.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (nt)0.5 (emp)0.5 (l)0.5 (ate)0.5 (d)9.2 ( u)0.5 (nd)0.5 (er)9.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)9.2 ( c)0.5 (ap)0.5 (it)0.5 (al)9.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (nt)0.5 (ri)0.5 (bu)0.5 (ti)0.5 (on)9.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(agreement)13.5 ( constitutes)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( connected)13.6 ( transaction)13.5 ( under)13.6 ( chapter)13.6 ( 1)13.6 (4)13.6 (a)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( hong)13.6 ( kong)13.5 ( listing)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (rules. the investment constitutes a related party transaction which was \ disclosed in note 35 \(a\).)tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.75 td [(the)14.2 ( )0.6 (investment)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (yixin)14.2 ( )0.6 (aluminum)14.2 ( )0.6 (is)14.2 ( )0.6 (to)14.2 ( )0.6 (facilitate)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (participating)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (green)33.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.065 tw 0 -1.375 td (development layout on the integration of water, electricity and aluminum\ in yunnan province and )tj 0 tw t* (obtaining competitive assets for its principal business.)tj 0.075 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.75 td [(the)14.3 ( )0.5 (excess)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (fair)14.3 ( )0.5 (value)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (identifiable)14.2 ( )0.5 (net)14.2 ( )0.5 (assets)14.3 ( )0.5 (as)14.2 ( )0.6 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (acquisition)14.3 ( )0.5 (date)14.3 ( )0.5 (over)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)47.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.076 tw 0 -1.375 td [(consideration )0.5 (transferred )0.5 (approximated )0.5 (to )0.5 (rmb91 )0.5 (million, )0.5 (which )0.5 (was )0.5 (mainly )0.5 (arising )0.5 (from )0.5 (the )0.5 (fair )]tj 0.031 tw t* (value adjustments for constructions according to a professional valuer\222\ s report, was recognised in )tj 0 tw t* (other gains for the year ended 31 december 2019.)tj et endstream endobj 391 0 obj <> endobj 392 0 obj <> endobj 393 0 obj <> endobj 394 0 obj <> endobj 395 0 obj <> endobj 396 0 obj <> endobj 397 0 obj <> endobj 398 0 obj <> endobj 399 0 obj <> endobj 400 0 obj <> endobj 401 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 402 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 403 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 404 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 405 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 406 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (0)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(8. )-694.2 (investments in joint ventures and associates )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (investments in associates)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm (movements in investments in associates are as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 551.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 536.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 533.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 518.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 503.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 473.096 82.205 -45 re 368.504 428.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 398.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 383.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 368.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 353.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 338.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 323.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 308.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 305.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 290.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 275.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 537.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 533.5963 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 533.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 534.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 533.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 534.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (as at 1 january )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (6,363,462)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (6,935,030)tj 0 tw -36.149 -1.5 td (investment to yunnan aluminum )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 10 0 2.6795 10 128.9764 474.3661 tm (\(note \(1\), \(note 27\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 398.3354 474.3661 tm (1,491,736)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 12.391 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -40.319 -1.5 td (investment to heqing yixin aluminum industry co., )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <16b211450e5034a512590e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw (\) \(\223yixin aluminum\224\) )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 128.9764 429.3661 tm (\(note \(2\), \(note 27\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 407.2314 429.3661 tm (941,160)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.501 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -40.319 -1.5 td (capital injections, other than to yunnan aluminum )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (and yixin aluminum)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.826 0 td (729,368)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (315,300)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.5 td (subsidiaries changed into associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.401 0 td (16,283)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10.917 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -40.319 -1.5 td (associates changed into subsidiaries)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 32.098 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.606 0 td (\(862,214\))tj 0 tw -36.705 -1.5 td (capital reduction)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.013 0 td (\(20,250\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(32,720\))tj 0 tw -37.288 -1.5 td (share of profits and losses for the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.401 0 td (48,767)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (39,335)tj 0 tw -37.622 -1.5 td (cash dividends declared)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.013 0 td (\(50,314\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(36,157\))tj 0 tw -37.288 -1.5 td (share of changes in reserves)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.597 0 td (\(7,811\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.609 0 td (4,888)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 305.3371 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 306.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 305.3371 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 306.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 305.3371 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 306.3571 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (as at 31 december )tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (9,512,401)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (6,363,462)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 272.2067 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 272.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 272.2067 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 272.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 272.2067 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 272.9767 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8 0 2.1436 8 118.2342 248.2467 tm (note \(1\))tj 8 0 0 8 149.2902 248.2467 tm [(: )-923.8 (investment to yunnan aluminium)]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 1.536 -2.75 td [(on)13.7 ( 1)13.8 (9)13.7 ( december)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.8 (1)13.7 (9)13.8 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( yunnan)13.7 ( aluminum)13.8 ( entered)13.8 ( into)13.8 ( a)13.7 ( share)13.8 ( subscription)14.3 ( )]tj 0.07 tc 0 -1.375 td [(agreements)14.2 ( )0.5 (\()14.2 (\223)14.1 (subscription)14.2 ( agreements)14.2 (\224)14.1 (\))14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (pursuant)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( which)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( company)14.2 ( )0.5 (subscribed)14.2 ( for)42.2 ( )]tj 0.081 tc t* [(3)14.1 (1)14.2 (4)14.1 (,)14.1 (0)14.2 (5)14.1 (0)14.1 (,)14.2 (6)14.1 (8)14.2 (8)14.1 ( shares)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( yunnan)14.2 ( aluminum)14.1 ( at)14.2 ( a)14.1 ( price)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (4)14.2 (.)14.1 (1)14.1 (0)14.2 ( per)14.2 ( share)14.1 ( with)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( total)53.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(subscription)13.9 ( amount)13.9 ( of)14 ( rmb)14 (1)14 (,)13.9 (2)14 (8)13.9 (8)14 ( million)14 (.)14 ( upon)13.9 ( completion)14 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( subscription)14 (,)14 ( the)14 ( company)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (obtained 10.04% equity interests in yunnan aluminum.)tj 0.054 tw 0 -2.75 td (the group considers that it has significant influence over yunnan alumin\ um even though it owns )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.375 td [(less)14.1 ( than)14 ( 2)14.1 (0)14 (%)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( voting)14 ( rights)14 (,)14.1 ( on)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( grounds)14.1 ( that)14.1 ( after)14.1 ( the)14 ( investment)14.1 (,)14 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.1 ( is)14 ( the)15.3 ( )]tj 0.045 tc t* [(second)13.6 ( largest)13.6 ( shareholder)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( one)13.6 ( out)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( eleven)13.6 ( directors)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( board)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( directors)13.6 ( of)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (yunnan aluminum exercises director\222s rights on the behalf of the grou\ p.)tj et endstream endobj 407 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (0)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(8. )-694.2 (investments in joint ventures and associates )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (investments in joint ventures \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(the)7.2 ( )0.5 (following)7.2 ( table)7.2 ( illustrates)7.2 ( the)7.3 ( aggregate)7.2 ( )0.5 (financial)7.2 ( )0.5 (information)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (group)7.2 (\222)7.2 (s)7.2 ( )0.5 (joint)7.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (ventures that are not individually material:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 551.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 536.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 533.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 518.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 488.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 485.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 470.087 82.205 -30 re 368.504 440.087 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 436.707 82.205 -15 re 368.504 421.707 82.205 -30 re 368.504 391.707 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 537.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 533.5963 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 533.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 534.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 533.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 534.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (share of the joint ventures\222 profits and losses for the )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (year)tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.409 0 td (91,250)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.303 0 td (\(340,145\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 485.3371 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 486.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 485.3371 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 486.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 485.3371 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 486.3571 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (share of the joint ventures\222 total comprehensive )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (income)tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.409 0 td (91,250)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.303 0 td (\(340,145\))tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 437.2067 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 437.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 437.2067 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 437.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 437.2067 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 437.9767 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (aggregate carrying amount of the group\222s )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (investments in joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.936 0 td (1,870,538)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,858,386)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 388.8263 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 389.5963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 388.8263 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 389.5963 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 388.8263 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 389.5963 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.01 tw -33.165 -2.873 td [(there )0.6 (were )0.5 (no )0.6 (material )0.6 (contingent )0.5 (liabilities )0.6 (relating )0.6 (to )0.5 (the )0.6 (group\222s )0.6 (interests )0.5 (in )0.6 (the )0.6 (joint )]tj 0 tw t* (ventures and the joint ventures themselves.)tj et endstream endobj 408 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (0)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 575.433 82.205 -15 re 368.504 560.433 82.205 -3.37 re 368.504 557.063 82.205 -15 re 368.504 542.063 82.205 -15 re 368.504 527.063 82.205 -30 re 368.504 497.063 82.205 -15 re 368.504 482.063 82.205 -15 re 368.504 467.063 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 464.054 82.205 -15 re 368.504 449.054 82.205 -15 re 368.504 434.054 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 430.673 82.205 -15 re 368.504 415.673 82.205 -15 re 368.504 400.673 82.205 -15 re 368.504 385.673 82.205 -15 re 368.504 370.673 82.205 -15 re 368.504 355.673 82.205 -15 re 368.504 340.673 82.205 -15 re 368.504 325.673 82.205 -15 re 368.504 310.673 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 307.664 82.205 -15 re 368.504 292.664 82.205 -15 re 368.504 277.664 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 274.655 82.205 -15 re 368.504 259.655 82.205 -15 re 368.504 244.655 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 241.275 82.205 -15 re 368.504 226.275 82.205 -15 re 368.504 211.275 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 561.7031 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 557.5627 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 558.3326 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 557.5626 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 558.3326 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 557.5626 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 558.3326 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -4.5 td (reconciliation to the group\222s interest in the joint )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (venture:)tj 0 tw -0.992 -1.5 td (proportion of the group\222s ownership)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.542 0 td (33%)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.109 0 td (33%)tj 0 tw -38.651 -1.5 td (group\222s share of net assets of the joint venture)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (1,403,117)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,426,655)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 464.3035 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 465.3235 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 464.3035 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 465.3235 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 464.3035 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 465.3235 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (carrying amount of the investment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (1,403,117)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,426,655)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 431.1731 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 431.9431 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 431.1731 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 431.9431 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 431.1731 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 431.9431 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -33.165 -3 td (revenue)tj /t1_1 1 tf 27.928 0 td (5,226,893)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (5,173,801)tj 0 tw -36.149 -1.5 td (gross profit)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (1,303,254)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.11 0 td (979,991)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.5 td (interest income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.985 0 td (9,781)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (6,365)tj 0 tw -38.206 -1.5 td (depreciation and amortisation)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (525,109)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (509,556)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.5 td (interest expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.401 0 td (63,351)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (77,438)tj 0 tw -37.622 -1.5 td (profit before income tax)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (621,315)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (504,875)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.5 td (income tax)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.401 0 td (79,300)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (78,827)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 307.9141 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 308.9341 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 307.9141 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 308.9341 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 307.9141 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 308.9341 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (other comprehensive income)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 32.098 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (\226)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 274.905 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 119.0552 275.925 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 274.905 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 275.925 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 274.905 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 275.925 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (total comprehensive income for the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (542,015)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (426,048)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 241.7746 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 242.5446 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 241.7746 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 242.5446 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 241.7746 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 242.5446 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (dividend received)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (198,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (132,000)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 208.3942 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 209.1642 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 208.3942 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 209.1642 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 208.3942 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 209.1642 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(8. )-694.2 (investments in joint ventures and associates )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (investments in joint ventures \(continued\))]tj et endstream endobj 409 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (0)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(8. )-694.2 (investments in joint ventures and associates )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (investments in joint ventures \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.064 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(the)13.9 ( following)13.8 ( table)13.8 ( illustrates)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( summarised)13.9 ( financial)13.9 ( information)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( respect)13.9 ( of)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (guangxi huayin:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 536.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 521.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 518.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 503.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 488.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 473.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 470.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 455.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 440.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 425.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 410.087 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 407.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 392.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 377.078 82.205 -15 re 368.504 362.078 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 359.069 82.205 -15 re 368.504 344.069 82.205 -15 re 368.504 329.069 82.205 -15 re 368.504 314.069 82.205 -15 re 368.504 299.069 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 296.06 82.205 -15 re 368.504 281.06 82.205 -15 re 368.504 266.06 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 262.68 82.205 -15 re 368.504 247.68 82.205 -15 re 368.504 232.68 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 522.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 518.5963 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 519.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 518.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 519.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 518.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 519.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (cash and cash equivalents)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (261,447)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (232,022)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.5 td (other current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (1,222,290)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,233,669)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 470.3372 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 471.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 470.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 471.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 470.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 471.3571 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (1,483,737)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,465,691)tj 0 tw -36.149 -3 td (non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (5,249,101)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (5,473,480)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 407.3281 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 408.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 407.3281 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 408.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 407.3281 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 408.3481 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (financial liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (1,106,593)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.11 0 td (840,000)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.5 td (other current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (960,077)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (961,283)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 359.3191 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 360.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 359.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 360.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 359.3191 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 360.3391 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (2,066,670)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,801,283)tj 0 tw -36.149 -3 td (non-current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (414,299)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (814,691)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 296.31 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 297.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 296.31 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 297.33 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 296.31 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 297.33 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (net assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (4,251,869)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (4,323,197)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 263.1796 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 263.9496 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 263.1796 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 263.9496 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 263.1796 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 263.9496 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (non-controlling interests)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 32.098 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (\226)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 229.7992 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 119.0552 230.5692 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 229.7992 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 230.5692 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 229.7992 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 230.5692 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 410 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (0)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(8. )-694.2 (investments in joint ventures and associates)]tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (investments in joint ventures)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 119.0551 572.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019, particulars of the group\222s material joint ven\ ture is as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 119.0551 512.7467 tm (name)tj 0 tw 17.008 3 td (place of )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (establishment )tj 0 tw t* (and operation)tj -0.028 tw 10.025 3 td (registered )tj 0 tw -0.306 -1.5 td (and paid-in )tj -0.028 tw t* (capital)tj 6.479 1.5 td (principal )tj t* (activities)tj 0 tw 10.174 0 td (effective equity interest held)tj -0.028 tw -1.265 -1.5 td (ownership )tj 0.997 -1.5 td (interest)tj 6.171 1.5 td (voting )tj 0.194 -1.5 td (power)tj 6.086 1.5 td (profit )tj -0.973 -1.5 td (sharing)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1102 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 68.031 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 238.1102 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 351.4961 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8583 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 413.8583 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5433 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2283 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 493.2283 479.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 7 0 0 10 119.0551 449.3663 tm (guangxi huayin aluminum co.,ltd. )tj 1.012 -1.5 td (*\(\223guangxi huayin\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <113f04130d3610d51259>tj t* <0e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 15.996 0 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 10.718 0 td (2,441,987)tj 5.48 0 td (manufacturing)tj 9.921 0 td (33%)tj 5.669 0 td (33%)tj 5.669 0 td (33%)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 415.2159 cm 0 0 m 119.055 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 415.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1102 415.2159 cm 0 0 m 68.031 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 238.1102 415.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 415.2159 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 415.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.496 415.2159 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 351.496 415.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8582 415.2159 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 413.8582 415.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 415.2159 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5433 415.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2283 415.2159 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 493.2283 415.9859 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 7 0 0 10 119.0551 385.9859 tm (guangxi huayin, which is considered a material joint venture of the grou\ p, is accounted for using the equity method.)tj 0.059 tw 8 0 0 8 119.0551 361.2559 tm [(* )-2594.5 (the english names represent the best effort by management of the group i\ n translating the chinese )]tj 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (names of the companies as they do not have any official english names.)tj et endstream endobj 411 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 412 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 413 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 414 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 415 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 416 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (0)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(7. )-694.2 (investment properties\(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019, the fair value of the buildings was approximatel\ y rmb1,071 million )tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(\()14.3 (3)14.3 (1)14.3 ( december)14.3 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.3 (1)14.3 (8)14.2 (:)14.3 ( rmb)14.3 (7)14.3 (8)14.3 (1)14.2 ( million)14.3 (\))14.3 ( which)14.3 ( was)14.3 ( estimated)14.3 ( based)14.3 ( on)14.2 ( the)14.3 ( market)14.3 ( price)14.3 ( of)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.011 tw t* [(comparable buildings in the nearby area. the )0.5 (directors of the company estimated that the fair )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(value)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (land)4.2 ( )0.5 (use)4.2 ( right)4.2 ( )0.5 (is)4.2 ( likely)4.2 ( )0.5 (to)4.2 ( )0.5 (be)4.2 ( rmb)4.2 (1)4.2 (,)4.2 (2)4.2 (6)4.2 (9)4.2 ( million)4.2 ( )0.5 (\()4.2 (3)4.2 (1)4.2 ( )0.5 (december)4.3 ( 2)4.2 (0)4.2 (1)4.2 (8)4.2 (:)4.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)4.2 (1)4.2 (,)4.2 (2)4.2 (8)4.2 (7)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (million\), which was determined based on the transaction prices for simi\ lar lands nearby.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 527.7466 tm [(8. )-694.2 (investments in joint ventures and associates)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (investments in joint ventures)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 119.0551 462.7466 tm (movements in investments in joint ventures are as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 446.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 431.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 428.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 413.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 398.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 383.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 368.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 353.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 338.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 323.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 308.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 293.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 290.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 275.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 260.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 432.7466 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 428.5962 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 429.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 428.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 429.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 428.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 429.3662 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (as at 1 january )tj -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (3,393,349)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (6,007,624)tj 0 tw -36.149 -1.5 td (capital injections)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.401 0 td (50,000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (90,000)tj 0 tw -37.622 -1.5 td (a joint venture changed into a subsidiary)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 32.098 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.716 0 td (\(2,048,780\))tj -35.815 -1.5 td (disposal*)tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.429 0 td (\(114,604\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.89 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -40.319 -1.5 td (share of profits and losses for the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.818 0 td (270,115)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.887 0 td (\(199,452\))tj 0 tw -36.705 -1.5 td (share of changes in reserves)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.985 0 td (8,746)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.887 0 td (\(2,837\))tj 0 tw -37.872 -1.5 td (cash dividends declared)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.429 0 td (\(222,024\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.275 0 td (\(236,253\))tj -36.705 -1.5 td (impairment)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 32.098 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.606 0 td (\(216,953\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 290.3372 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 291.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 290.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 291.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 290.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 291.3571 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (as at 31 december)tj -0.028 tw 27.928 0 td (3,385,582)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (3,393,349)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 257.2068 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 257.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 257.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 257.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 257.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 257.9768 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.066 tw 8 0 0 8 119.0552 233.2468 tm [(* )-2587.5 (in march 2019, a subsidiary of the group ningxia energy transferred, thr\ ough an auction transaction, )]tj 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (its 50% equity interest in ningxia zhongning power co.,ltd.)tj 10 0 0 10 119.0552 192.2468 tm (as at 31 december 2019, all joint ventures of the group were unlisted.)tj et endstream endobj 417 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (9)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(7. )-694.2 (investment properties\(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 314.3719 622.7467 tm (buildings)tj 0 tw 6.086 0 td (land use right)tj -0.028 tw 12.923 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 618.5963 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 619.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 618.5962 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 619.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 618.5962 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 391.1811 619.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 618.5962 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 619.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (year ended 31 december 2018)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (opening net carrying amount)tj -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (254,061)tj 7.614 0 td (1,078,309)tj 8.504 0 td (1,332,370)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (transfer from property, plant and )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (equipment )tj 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 152.9634 544.3662 tm (\(note 6\))tj -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 325.1954 544.3662 tm (11,039)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.201 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.807 0 td (11,039)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td (transfer to property, plant and )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (equipment )tj 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 152.9634 514.3662 tm (\(note 6\))tj -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 321.8594 514.3662 tm (\(21,773\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.535 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.473 0 td (\(21,773\))tj -40.123 -1.5 td (disposal)tj 0 tc 0 tw 26.146 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.89 0 td (\(143,401\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(143,401\))tj -39.539 -1.5 td (depreciation)tj 23.699 0 td (\(7,353\))tj 7.92 0 td (\(14,876\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(22,229\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 480.3371 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 481.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 480.3371 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 481.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 480.3371 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 481.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 480.3371 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 481.3571 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (closing net carrying amount)tj -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (235,974)tj 8.504 0 td (920,032)tj 7.614 0 td (1,156,006)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 447.3281 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 448.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 447.3281 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 448.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 447.3281 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 448.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 447.3281 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 448.3481 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (as at 31 december 2018)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw t* (cost)tj 22.865 0 td (251,626)tj 8.504 0 td (939,015)tj 7.614 0 td (1,190,641)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (accumulated depreciation)tj -0.028 tw 23.115 0 td (\(15,652\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(18,983\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(34,635\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 384.319 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 385.339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 384.319 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 385.339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 384.319 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 385.339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 384.319 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 385.339 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (net carrying amount)tj -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (235,974)tj 8.504 0 td (920,032)tj 7.614 0 td (1,156,006)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 351.1886 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 351.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 351.1886 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 351.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 351.1886 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 351.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 351.1886 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 351.9586 tm ( )tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw -35.717 -2.873 td [(the)14.1 ( group)14 (\222)14.1 (s)14.1 ( investment)14.1 ( properties)14.1 ( consist)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( land)14.1 ( use)14.1 ( rights)14.1 ( held)14.1 ( for)14.1 ( rental)14.2 ( income)14.1 ( and)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (buildings leased to third parties under operating leases.)tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(as)14 ( at)14 ( 3)13.9 (1)14 ( december)14 ( 2)13.9 (0)14 (1)13.9 (9)13.9 (,)14 ( the)13.9 ( group)13.9 ( was)14 ( in)14 ( the)14 ( process)14 ( of)13.9 ( applying)14 ( for)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( ownership)37.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0 -1.5 td [(certificates)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( investment)13.7 ( properties)13.6 ( with)13.7 ( a)13.6 ( net)13.6 ( carrying)13.6 ( value)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( rmb)13.6 (2)13.7 (5)13.6 (5)13.6 ( million)13.6 ( \()13.7 (3)13.6 (1)44.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(december)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (0)14.2 (1)14.1 (8)14.2 (:)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (6)14.2 (8)14.1 ( million)14.1 (\))14.2 (.)14.1 ( there)14.2 ( have)14.1 ( been)14.2 ( no)14.1 ( litigations)14.1 (,)14.1 ( claims)14.1 ( or)14.2 ( assessments)26.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(against)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( compensation)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( respect)13.8 ( to)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( use)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( these)13.9 ( rights)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( date)13.9 (.)13.8 ( as)13.8 ( at)14.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc t* [(3)13.5 (1)13.4 ( december)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.4 (1)13.5 (9)13.4 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( carrying)13.5 ( value)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( these)13.5 ( investment)13.5 ( properties)13.4 ( only)13.5 ( represented)30.3 ( )]tj 0.057 tc t* [(approximately)14.2 ( )0.5 (0)14.1 (.)14.2 (1)14.2 (3)14.1 (%)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( total)14.2 ( )0.5 (asset)14.1 ( )0.5 (value)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( group)14.1 ( )0.5 (\()14.1 (3)14.2 (1)14.2 ( december)14.2 ( 2)14.2 (0)14.1 (1)14.2 (8)14.2 (:)14.1 ( )0.5 (0)14.2 (.)14.1 (0)14.2 (3)14.2 (%)14.2 (\))14.1 (.)29.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(management)1.2 ( )0.5 (considers)1.2 ( that)1.3 ( it)1.2 ( )0.5 (is)1.2 ( )0.5 (probable)1.3 ( that)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( group)1.2 ( )0.5 (can)1.2 ( )0.5 (obtain)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (relevant)1.3 ( ownership)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.044 tw t* [(certificates from the appropriate authorities. the directors of the comp\ any are of )0.5 (the opinion )]tj 0.089 tw t* (that the group legally owns and has the rights to use the above investme\ nt properties, and )tj 0 tw t* (that there is no material adverse impact on the overall financial positi\ on of the group.)tj et endstream endobj 418 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (9)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(7. )-694.2 (investment properties)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 277.795 636.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 636.477 85.039 -15 re 447.874 636.477 85.039 -15 re 277.795 621.477 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 621.477 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 621.477 85.039 -3.38 re 277.795 618.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 618.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 618.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 603.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 603.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 603.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 588.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 588.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 588.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 573.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 573.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 573.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 558.096 85.039 -30 re 362.835 558.096 85.039 -30 re 447.874 558.096 85.039 -30 re 277.795 528.096 85.039 -30 re 362.835 528.096 85.039 -30 re 447.874 528.096 85.039 -30 re 277.795 498.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 498.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 498.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 483.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 483.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 483.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 468.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 468.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 468.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 453.096 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 453.096 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 453.096 85.039 -3.009 re 277.795 450.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 450.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 450.087 85.039 -15 re 277.795 435.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 435.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 435.087 85.039 -15 re 277.795 420.087 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 420.087 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 420.087 85.039 -3.009 re 277.795 417.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 417.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 417.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 402.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 402.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 402.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 387.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 387.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 387.078 85.039 -15 re 277.795 372.078 85.039 -30 re 362.835 372.078 85.039 -30 re 447.874 372.078 85.039 -30 re 277.795 342.078 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 342.078 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 342.078 85.039 -3.009 re 277.795 339.069 85.039 -15 re 362.835 339.069 85.039 -15 re 447.874 339.069 85.039 -15 re 277.795 324.069 85.039 -15 re 362.835 324.069 85.039 -15 re 447.874 324.069 85.039 -15 re 277.795 309.069 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 309.069 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 309.069 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 310.4917 622.7467 tm (buildings)tj 0 tw 5.447 0 td (land use rights)tj -0.028 tw 13.672 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 618.5963 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 619.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 618.5962 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 619.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 618.5962 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 391.1811 619.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 618.5962 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 619.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (year ended 31 december 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (opening net carrying amount)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (235,974)tj 8.504 0 td (920,032)tj 7.614 0 td (1,156,006)tj /t1_0 1 tf -38.983 -1.5 td (additions)tj /t1_1 1 tf 23.449 0 td (44,063)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.201 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.807 0 td (44,063)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td (transfer from property, plant and )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (equipment )tj 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 152.9634 529.3662 tm (\(note 6\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 319.3574 529.3662 tm (179,564)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.785 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.223 0 td (179,564)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (transfer from right-of-use assets )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 10 0 2.6795 10 100.6299 499.3662 tm (\(note 19\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 352.1654 499.3662 tm (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.223 0 td (239,765)tj 8.504 0 td (239,765)tj /t1_0 1 tf -39.873 -1.5 td (disposal)tj /t1_1 1 tf 23.06 0 td (\(36,949\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(52,537\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(89,486\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -40.068 -1.5 td (depreciation)tj /t1_1 1 tf 23.644 0 td (\(8,484\))tj 7.92 0 td (\(18,075\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(26,559\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -40.068 -1.5 td (impairment)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 26.146 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.476 0 td (\(87\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(87\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 450.3371 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 451.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 450.3371 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 451.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 450.3371 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 451.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 450.3371 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 451.3571 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (closing net carrying amount)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (414,168)tj 7.614 0 td (1,089,098)tj 8.504 0 td (1,503,266)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 417.3281 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 418.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 417.3281 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 418.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 417.3281 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 418.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 417.3281 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 418.3481 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (as at 31 december 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw t* (cost)tj /t1_1 1 tf 22.865 0 td (508,705)tj 7.614 0 td (1,159,343)tj 8.504 0 td (1,668,048)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (accumulated depreciation and )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (impairment)tj /t1_1 1 tf 22.068 0 td (\(94,537\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(70,245\))tj 7.92 0 td (\(164,782\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 339.319 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 340.339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 339.319 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 340.339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 339.319 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 340.339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 339.319 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 340.339 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (net carrying amount)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 22.865 0 td (414,168)tj 7.614 0 td (1,089,098)tj 8.504 0 td (1,503,266)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 306.1886 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 306.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 306.1886 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 306.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 306.1886 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 306.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 306.1886 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 306.9586 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 419 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (9)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(6. )-694.2 (property, plant and equipment)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.016 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 622.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019, the carrying value of temporarily idle property,\ plant and equipment )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (of the group was rmb952 million \(31 december 2018: rmb675 million\).)tj 0.078 tw 0 -3 td (the net carrying amounting of the group\222s fixed assets held under fin\ ance lease included in )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the)2.2 ( )0.5 (total)2.2 ( )0.5 (amounts)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( buildings)2.3 (,)2.2 ( machinery)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )0.5 (construction)2.2 ( )0.5 (in)2.2 ( progress)2.2 ( )0.5 (at)2.2 ( 3)2.2 (1)2.2 ( )0.5 (december)2.2 ( )]tj 0.091 tc 0.078 tw t* [(2)13.6 (0)13.6 (1)13.6 (8)13.7 ( were)13.6 ( rmb)13.7 (1)13.6 (0)13.6 (,)13.6 (6)13.6 (7)13.7 (8)13.6 ( million)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( rmb)13.6 (1)13.6 (1)13.6 (2)13.6 ( million)13.6 (,)13.6 ( respectively)13.6 (.)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( accumulated)63.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(depreciation)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 (\222)13.9 (s)13.9 ( fixed)13.9 ( asset)13.9 ( held)13.8 ( under)13.9 ( finance)13.9 ( lease)13.9 ( amounted)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( rmb)13.8 (2)13.9 (,)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)13.8 (1)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (million.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0 tw 15 0 0 15 90.7086 482.7466 tm (impairment testing for property, plant and equipment)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.006 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 452.7466 tm [(when )0.5 (any )0.6 (indicators )0.5 (of )0.6 (impairment )0.6 (are )0.5 (identified, )0.5 (property, )0.6 (plant )0.5 (and )0.6 (equipment )0.5 (are )0.6 (reviewed )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(for)14.2 ( )0.5 (impairment)14.2 ( )0.5 (based)14.2 ( )0.5 (on)14.2 ( each)14.2 ( cgu)14.2 (.)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( cgu)14.2 ( )0.5 (is)14.2 ( an)14.2 ( )0.5 (individual)14.2 ( plant)14.2 ( )0.5 (or)14.2 ( )0.5 (entity)14.2 (.)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( carrying)17.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(val)0.5 (ues)13.2 ( o)0.5 (f)13.2 ( the)0.5 (se)13.2 ( i)0.5 (ndivi)0.5 (dual)13.2 ( )0.5 (plan)0.5 (ts)13.2 ( )0.5 (or)13.2 ( en)0.5 (titi)0.5 (es)13.2 ( we)0.5 (re)13.2 ( c)0.5 (ompare)0.5 (d)13.1 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (reco)0.5 (verabl)0.5 (e)13.2 ( am)0.5 (ounts)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.5 ( cgus)13.5 (,)13.5 ( which)13.5 ( were)13.5 ( based)13.5 ( predominantly)13.5 ( on)13.5 ( value)13.5 (-)13.5 (in)13.5 (-)13.5 (use)13.5 (.)13.5 ( value)13.5 (-)13.5 (in)13.5 (-)13.5 (use)13.5 ( calculations)13.5 ( use)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw t* (pre-tax cash flow projections based on financial budgets approved by man\ agement covering )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(a)8.2 ( five)8.2 (-)8.2 (year)8.2 ( period)8.2 (.)8.2 ( )0.5 (cash)8.2 ( flows)8.2 ( )0.5 (beyond)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (five)8.2 (-)8.2 (year)8.2 ( )0.5 (period)8.2 ( are)8.2 ( extrapolated)8.2 ( using)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (same)8.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (h)14.3 ( f)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)14.3 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (oj)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (f)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)14.4 ( y)0.5 (e)0.5 (ar)14.5 (.)14.3 ( o)0.5 (th)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( ke)0.5 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( i)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)23.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(t)0.5 (es)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( i)0.5 (nc)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (de)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( f)0.5 (u)0.5 (tu)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (ic)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( a)0.5 (lu)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (um)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (um)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)14.4 (,)14.3 ( e)0.5 (x)0.5 (p)0.5 (ec)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( p)0.5 (ro)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (ct)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.3 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( s)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (es)16.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(volumes)14.1 (,)14.1 ( production)14 ( costs)14 ( and)14.1 ( operating)14.1 ( expenses)14 (.)14.1 ( management)14.1 ( determined)14 ( these)14 ( key)29.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(assumptions)13.8 ( based)13.8 ( on)13.7 ( past)13.8 ( performance)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( their)13.8 ( expectations)13.8 ( on)13.7 ( market)13.7 ( development)13.7 (.)23.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(further)13.5 (,)13.4 ( the)13.4 ( group)13.5 ( adopts)13.4 ( a)13.5 ( pre)13.4 (-)13.5 (tax)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( non)13.5 (-)13.5 (inflation)13.5 ( rate)13.5 ( of)13.4 ( 1)13.4 (0)13.5 (.)13.5 (1)13.4 (6)13.5 (%)13.4 ( \()13.4 (2)13.5 (0)13.4 (1)13.5 (8)13.5 (:)13.4 ( 1)13.4 (0)13.5 (.)13.5 (1)13.4 (6)13.5 (%)13.4 (\))13.5 ( that)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.048 tw t* (reflects specific risks related to the cgus as discount rate. the assump\ tions above are used )tj 0.02 tc 0 tw t* [(in analysing the recoverable amounts of the cgus within operating segmen\ ts. these estimates)-7.8 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)14.2 ( )0.5 (judgments)14.2 ( )0.5 (may)14.2 ( )0.5 (be)14.3 ( )0.5 (affected)14.2 ( )0.5 (by)14.2 ( )0.5 (unexpected)14.2 ( )0.5 (changes)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (future)14.2 ( )0.5 (market)14.2 ( )0.5 (or)14.3 ( )0.5 (economic)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (conditions.)tj 0.089 tw 0 -3 td (for the cgus with indicators of impairment identified, the assets were n\ ot further impaired )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (during the current year based on the impairment testing \(2018: nil\).)tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -3 td [(in)4.2 ( addition)4.2 ( )0.5 (to)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( cgus)4.2 ( )0.5 (for)4.2 ( )0.5 (which)4.2 ( )0.5 (impairment)4.3 ( was)4.2 ( tested)4.2 ( )0.5 (based)4.2 ( )0.5 (on)4.2 ( )0.5 (value)4.2 (-)4.2 (in)4.2 (-)4.2 (use)4.2 (,)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( )0.5 (group)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td [(also assessed the recoverable amounts for )0.5 (property, plant and equipment to be disposed or )]tj 0.04 tc t* [(ab)0.5 (and)0.5 (one)0.5 (d)12.2 ( so)0.5 (on)12.2 (,)12.2 ( a)0.5 (nd)12.2 ( )0.5 (imp)0.5 (ai)0.5 (rme)0.5 (nt)12.2 ( l)0.5 (os)0.5 (ses)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)12.3 (2)12.1 (5)12.2 (9)12.2 ( )0.5 (mi)0.5 (ll)0.5 (ion)12.2 ( )0.5 (we)0.5 (re)12.2 ( )0.5 (pro)0.5 (vid)0.5 (ed)12.2 ( d)0.5 (uri)0.5 (ng)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (yea)0.5 (r)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (ended 31 december 2019 \(2018: rmb46 million\).)tj et endstream endobj 420 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (9)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(6. )-694.2 (property, plant and equipment \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.014 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (for the year ended 31 december 2019, depreciation expenses recognised in\ profit or loss are )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (analysed as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 591.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 576.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 561.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 558.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 543.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 528.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 513.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 498.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 495.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 480.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 465.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 577.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 559.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 559.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 558.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 559.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (cost of sales)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.763 0 td (6,926,580)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (7,291,380)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (general and administrative expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (161,547)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (201,337)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (selling and distribution expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.82 0 td (6,589)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (6,605)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 495.3372 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 496.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 495.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 496.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 495.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 496.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (7,094,716)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (7,499,322)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 462.2068 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 462.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 462.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 462.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 462.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 462.9768 tm ( )tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw -36 -2.873 td [(as)14 ( at)14 ( 3)13.9 (1)14 ( december)14 ( 2)13.9 (0)14 (1)13.9 (9)13.9 (,)14 ( the)13.9 ( group)13.9 ( was)14 ( in)13.9 ( the)14 ( process)14 ( of)13.9 ( applying)14 ( for)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( ownership)37.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(certificates)7.2 ( of)7.2 ( )0.5 (buildings)7.2 ( )0.5 (with)7.2 ( a)7.2 ( )0.5 (net)7.3 ( carrying)7.2 ( value)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)7.1 (7)7.3 (,)7.2 (3)7.2 (1)7.2 (5)7.2 ( million)7.2 ( \()7.2 (3)7.2 (1)7.2 ( )0.5 (december)7.3 ( 2)7.2 (0)7.2 (1)7.2 (8)7.2 (:)7.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(rmb)4.2 (5)4.2 (,)4.2 (6)4.2 (3)4.2 (9)4.2 ( million)4.2 (\))4.2 (.)4.2 ( there)4.2 ( has)4.2 ( been)4.1 ( )0.5 (no)4.2 ( )0.5 (litigations)4.2 (,)4.2 ( claims)4.2 ( )0.5 (or)4.2 ( )0.5 (assessments)4.2 ( )0.5 (against)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( group)4.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(for)13.9 ( compensation)13.8 ( with)13.9 ( respect)13.8 ( to)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( use)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( these)13.9 ( buildings)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( at)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( date)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( approval)13.8 ( of)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (these financial statements.)tj 0.025 tc 0 -3 td [(as at 31 december 2019, the carrying value of these buildings only repre\ sented approximately)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.065 tw 0 -1.5 td (3.60% of the group\222s total asset value \(31 december 2018: 2.81%\). m\ anagement considers )tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)14.3 ( i)0.5 (t)14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (b)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (le)14.4 ( t)0.5 (ha)0.5 (t)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)14.4 ( c)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (b)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (ev)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (w)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (sh)0.5 (i)0.5 (p)14.4 ( c)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (te)0.5 (s)14.4 ( f)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.003 tw t* (appropriate authorities. the directors of the company are of the opinion\ that the group legally )tj 0.026 tw t* (owns and has the rights to use the above property, plant and equipment, \ and that there is no )tj 0 tw t* (material adverse impact on the overall financial position of the group.)tj 0.022 tw 0 -3 td (for the year ended 31 december 2019, interest expenses of rmb292 million\ \(2018: rmb518 )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(m)0.5 (il)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)5.2 (\))5.2 ( )0.5 (\()5.2 (n)0.5 (o)0.5 (te)5.2 ( )0.5 (2)5.2 (8)5.2 (\))5.2 ( )0.5 (ar)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)5.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (ro)0.5 (m)5.2 ( )0.5 (bo)0.5 (r)0.5 (ro)0.5 (w)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)0.5 (s)5.2 ( a)0.5 (t)0.5 (tr)0.5 (i)0.5 (bu)0.5 (t)0.5 (ab)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)5.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (on)0.5 (st)0.5 (r)0.5 (uc)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)5.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)5.2 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (op)0.5 (e)0.5 (rt)0.5 (y)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (pl)0.5 (a)0.5 (nt)5.2 ( )]tj 0.021 tc 0 tw t* [(and equipment during the year were capitalised at an annual rate ranging\ from 4.00% to 6.96%)-6.8 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.077 tw t* [(\()14.4 (2)14.5 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (8)14.5 (:)14.4 ( 4)14.4 (.)14.5 (5)14.4 (4)14.4 (%)14.5 ( t)0.6 (o)14.4 ( 7)14.4 (.)14.5 (0)14.4 (0)14.4 (%)14.5 (\))14.4 ( \()14.4 (n)0.6 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)14.5 ( 2)14.5 (8)14.4 (\))14.4 (,)14.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.5 ( w)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.5 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( a)0.6 (d)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)14.5 ( t)0.6 (o)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (t)0.6 (y)14.4 (,)14.4 ( p)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (equipment.)tj 0.052 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (t)14.5 ( 3)14.5 (1)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.5 ( 2)14.5 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (9)14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (p)14.4 ( h)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( p)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.5 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)14.4 (,)14.5 ( p)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( e)0.5 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.6 (p)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.4 ( a)0.6 (t)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( n)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)24.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(carrying)14 ( value)14.1 ( amounting)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (4)14.1 (,)14 (9)14.1 (4)14.1 (6)14 ( million)14.1 ( \()14.1 (3)14 (1)14.1 ( december)14 ( 2)14 (0)14.1 (1)14 (8)14.1 (:)14.1 ( rmb)14 (4)14.1 (,)14.1 (1)14 (6)14.1 (8)14 ( million)14.1 (\))14 ( for)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (bank and other borrowings as set out in note 24 to the financial stateme\ nts.)tj et endstream endobj 421 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 422 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 423 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 424 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 425 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 426 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (9)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(6. )-694.2 (property, plant and equipment \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 6.5 0 0 10 90.7086 592.7467 tm (\(restated\))tj 23.631 0 td (buildings)tj 7.24 0 td (machinery)tj -0.012 tc 0.012 tw 6.508 1.5 td (transportation )tj 2.731 -1.5 td (facilities)tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 6.488 3 td (office and )tj -0.028 tw 2.417 -1.5 td (other )tj -2.557 -1.5 td (equipment)tj 6.878 1.5 td (construction )tj 0 tw 0.75 -1.5 td (in progress)tj -0.028 tw 10.796 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.0551 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 268.1505 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 319.1742 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 370.1978 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 421.2214 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 472.245 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.2687 589.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -66.548 -3 td (year ended 31 december 2018)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (opening net carrying amount)tj -0.028 tw 22.656 0 td (32,288,223)tj 7.85 0 td (52,784,696)tj 9.323 0 td (541,908)tj 7.85 0 td (129,630)tj 6.96 0 td (9,987,437)tj 7.266 0 td (95,731,894)tj 0 tw -61.905 -1.5 td (reclassifications and internal transfers)tj -0.028 tw 23.24 0 td (3,204,611)tj 7.85 0 td (3,600,371)tj 9.323 0 td (75,277)tj 8.434 0 td (5,149)tj 5.459 0 td (\(6,885,408\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.354 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -1.5 td (government grants)tj -0.028 tw 25.853 0 td (\(468\))tj 5.793 0 td (\(113,481\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.464 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.235 0 td (\(113,949\))tj 0 tw -63.045 -1.5 td (transfer to intangible assets )tj 6.5 0 2.6795 10 178.5366 499.3663 tm (\(note 5\))tj 0 tc 6.5 0 0 10 268.8759 499.3663 tm (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.235 0 td (\(525,216\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(525,216\))tj 0 tw -63.045 -1.5 td (transfer to prepaid land lease payments )tj 6.5 0 2.6795 10 99.7794 469.3663 tm (\(note 19\))tj 0 tc 6.5 0 0 10 268.8759 469.3663 tm (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.235 0 td (\(382,242\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(382,242\))tj 0 tw -63.045 -1.5 td (transfer to investment properties )tj 6.5 0 2.6795 10 194.4303 454.3663 tm (\(note 7\))tj -0.028 tw 6.5 0 0 10 249.177 454.3663 tm (\(11,039\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.88 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.819 0 td (\(11,039\))tj 0 tw -63.629 -1.5 td (transfer from investment properties )tj -0.028 tw 6.5 0 2.6795 10 202.7345 439.3663 tm (\(note )tj -15.379 -1.5 td (7\))tj 6.5 0 0 10 251.3454 424.3663 tm (21,773)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.547 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.153 0 td (21,773)tj -63.962 -1.5 td (additions)tj 24.13 0 td (230,243)tj 6.96 0 td (1,998,717)tj 9.323 0 td (31,668)tj 7.85 0 td (48,912)tj 6.376 0 td (8,016,079)tj 7.266 0 td (10,325,619)tj 0 tw -61.905 -1.5 td (acquisition of subsidiaries)tj -0.028 tw 23.24 0 td (4,633,728)tj 7.85 0 td (4,026,062)tj 9.323 0 td (17,443)tj 8.434 0 td (5,937)tj 5.793 0 td (3,149,060)tj 7.266 0 td (11,832,230)tj 0 tw -61.905 -1.5 td (disposal of subsidiaries)tj 0 tc 27.41 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.293 0 td (\(472\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(101\))tj 8.434 0 td (\(53\))tj 6.376 0 td (\(8,893\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(9,519\))tj -64.213 -1.5 td (disposals)tj 23.796 0 td (\(251,212\))tj 6.96 0 td (\(2,505,158\))tj 9.323 0 td (\(39,827\))tj 8.434 0 td (\(3,347\))tj 6.682 0 td (\(275,391\))tj 6.96 0 td (\(3,074,935\))tj -62.155 -1.5 td (depreciation)tj 22.906 0 td (\(1,266,607\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(6,087,890\))tj 8.739 0 td (\(116,807\))tj 8.434 0 td (\(28,018\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.88 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.346 0 td (\(7,499,322\))tj 0 tw -62.155 -1.5 td (impairment losses)tj 0 tc 27.41 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.403 0 td (\(7,061\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.297 0 td (\226)tj 7.85 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.819 0 td (\(39,423\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(46,484\))tj 0 tw -63.629 -1.5 td (currency translation differences)tj -0.028 tw 26.771 0 td (99)tj 7.266 0 td (146)tj 8.434 0 td (34)tj 7.85 0 td (27)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.49 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.626 0 td (306)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 315.3372 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 316.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7715 315.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7715 316.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 315.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7952 316.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 315.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8188 316.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8424 315.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8424 316.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.866 315.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.866 316.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8896 315.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8896 316.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 6.5 0 0 10 90.7086 286.3572 tm (closing net carrying amount)tj -0.028 tw 22.656 0 td (38,849,351)tj 7.85 0 td (53,695,930)tj 9.323 0 td (509,595)tj 7.85 0 td (158,237)tj 6.376 0 td (13,036,003)tj 7.266 0 td (106,249,116)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7715 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7715 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7952 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8188 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8424 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8424 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.866 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.866 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8896 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8896 283.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 6.5 0 0 10 90.7086 253.3482 tm (as at 31 december 2018)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw t* (cost)tj 22.656 0 td (56,620,994)tj 7.266 0 td (103,608,492)tj 9.017 0 td (2,538,835)tj 8.739 0 td (603,665)tj 6.376 0 td (13,187,424)tj 7.266 0 td (176,559,410)tj 0 tw -61.321 -1.5 td (accumulated depreciation and impairment)tj -0.028 tw 22.323 0 td (\(17,771,643\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(49,912,562\))tj 8.434 0 td (\(2,029,240\))tj 8.739 0 td (\(445,428\))tj 7.85 0 td (\(151,421\))tj 6.376 0 td (\(70,310,294\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 219.3191 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 220.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7715 219.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7715 220.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 219.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7952 220.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 219.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8188 220.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8424 219.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8424 220.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.866 219.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.866 220.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8896 219.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8896 220.3391 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 6.5 0 0 10 90.7086 190.3391 tm (net carrying amount)tj -0.028 tw 22.656 0 td (38,849,351)tj 7.85 0 td (53,695,930)tj 9.323 0 td (509,595)tj 7.85 0 td (158,237)tj 6.376 0 td (13,036,003)tj 7.266 0 td (106,249,116)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 186.1887 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 186.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7715 186.1887 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7715 186.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 186.1887 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7952 186.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 186.1887 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8188 186.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8424 186.1887 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8424 186.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.866 186.1887 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.866 186.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8896 186.1887 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8896 186.9587 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 427 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (9)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(6. )-694.2 (property, plant and equipment)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 226.772 636.477 51.024 -45 re 277.795 636.477 51.024 -45 re 328.819 636.477 51.024 -45 re 379.842 636.477 51.024 -45 re 430.866 636.477 51.024 -45 re 481.89 636.477 51.024 -45 re 226.772 591.477 51.024 -3.38 re 277.795 591.477 51.024 -3.38 re 328.819 591.477 51.024 -3.38 re 379.842 591.477 51.024 -3.38 re 430.866 591.477 51.024 -3.38 re 481.89 591.477 51.024 -3.38 re 226.772 588.096 51.024 -15 re 277.795 588.096 51.024 -15 re 328.819 588.096 51.024 -15 re 379.842 588.096 51.024 -15 re 430.866 588.096 51.024 -15 re 481.89 588.096 51.024 -15 re 226.772 573.096 51.024 -15 re 277.795 573.096 51.024 -15 re 328.819 573.096 51.024 -15 re 379.842 573.096 51.024 -15 re 430.866 573.096 51.024 -15 re 481.89 573.096 51.024 -15 re 226.772 558.096 51.024 -15 re 277.795 558.096 51.024 -15 re 328.819 558.096 51.024 -15 re 379.842 558.096 51.024 -15 re 430.866 558.096 51.024 -15 re 481.89 558.096 51.024 -15 re 226.772 543.096 51.024 -30 re 277.795 543.096 51.024 -30 re 328.819 543.096 51.024 -30 re 379.842 543.096 51.024 -30 re 430.866 543.096 51.024 -30 re 481.89 543.096 51.024 -30 re 226.772 513.096 51.024 -3.009 re 277.795 513.096 51.024 -3.009 re 328.819 513.096 51.024 -3.009 re 379.842 513.096 51.024 -3.009 re 430.866 513.096 51.024 -3.009 re 481.89 513.096 51.024 -3.009 re 226.772 510.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 510.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 510.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 510.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 510.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 510.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 495.087 51.024 -30 re 277.795 495.087 51.024 -30 re 328.819 495.087 51.024 -30 re 379.842 495.087 51.024 -30 re 430.866 495.087 51.024 -30 re 481.89 495.087 51.024 -30 re 226.772 465.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 465.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 465.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 465.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 465.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 465.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 450.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 450.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 450.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 450.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 450.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 450.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 435.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 435.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 435.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 435.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 435.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 435.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 420.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 420.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 420.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 420.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 420.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 420.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 405.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 405.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 405.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 405.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 405.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 405.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 390.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 390.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 390.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 390.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 390.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 390.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 375.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 375.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 375.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 375.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 375.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 375.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 360.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 360.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 360.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 360.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 360.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 360.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 345.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 345.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 345.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 345.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 345.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 345.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 330.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 330.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 330.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 330.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 330.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 330.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 315.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 315.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 315.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 315.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 315.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 315.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 300.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 300.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 300.087 51.024 -15 re 379.842 300.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 300.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 300.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 285.087 51.024 -3.009 re 277.795 285.087 51.024 -3.009 re 328.819 285.087 51.024 -3.009 re 379.842 285.087 51.024 -3.009 re 430.866 285.087 51.024 -3.009 re 481.89 285.087 51.024 -3.009 re 226.772 282.078 51.024 -15 re 277.795 282.078 51.024 -15 re 328.819 282.078 51.024 -15 re 379.842 282.078 51.024 -15 re 430.866 282.078 51.024 -15 re 481.89 282.078 51.024 -15 re 226.772 267.078 51.024 -15 re 277.795 267.078 51.024 -15 re 328.819 267.078 51.024 -15 re 379.842 267.078 51.024 -15 re 430.866 267.078 51.024 -15 re 481.89 267.078 51.024 -15 re 226.772 252.078 51.024 -3.009 re 277.795 252.078 51.024 -3.009 re 328.819 252.078 51.024 -3.009 re 379.842 252.078 51.024 -3.009 re 430.866 252.078 51.024 -3.009 re 481.89 252.078 51.024 -3.009 re 226.772 249.069 51.024 -15 re 277.795 249.069 51.024 -15 re 328.819 249.069 51.024 -15 re 379.842 249.069 51.024 -15 re 430.866 249.069 51.024 -15 re 481.89 249.069 51.024 -15 re 226.772 234.069 51.024 -15 re 277.795 234.069 51.024 -15 re 328.819 234.069 51.024 -15 re 379.842 234.069 51.024 -15 re 430.866 234.069 51.024 -15 re 481.89 234.069 51.024 -15 re 226.772 219.069 51.024 -15 re 277.795 219.069 51.024 -15 re 328.819 219.069 51.024 -15 re 379.842 219.069 51.024 -15 re 430.866 219.069 51.024 -15 re 481.89 219.069 51.024 -15 re 226.772 204.069 51.024 -15 re 277.795 204.069 51.024 -15 re 328.819 204.069 51.024 -15 re 379.842 204.069 51.024 -15 re 430.866 204.069 51.024 -15 re 481.89 204.069 51.024 -15 re 226.772 189.069 51.024 -3.009 re 277.795 189.069 51.024 -3.009 re 328.819 189.069 51.024 -3.009 re 379.842 189.069 51.024 -3.009 re 430.866 189.069 51.024 -3.009 re 481.89 189.069 51.024 -3.009 re 226.772 186.06 51.024 -15 re 277.795 186.06 51.024 -15 re 328.819 186.06 51.024 -15 re 379.842 186.06 51.024 -15 re 430.866 186.06 51.024 -15 re 481.89 186.06 51.024 -15 re 226.772 171.06 51.024 -15 re 277.795 171.06 51.024 -15 re 328.819 171.06 51.024 -15 re 379.842 171.06 51.024 -15 re 430.866 171.06 51.024 -15 re 481.89 171.06 51.024 -15 re 226.772 156.06 51.024 -3.38 re 277.795 156.06 51.024 -3.38 re 328.819 156.06 51.024 -3.38 re 379.842 156.06 51.024 -3.38 re 430.866 156.06 51.024 -3.38 re 481.89 156.06 51.024 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 244.1218 592.7467 tm (buildings)tj 7.948 0 td (machinery)tj -0.012 tc 0.012 tw 6.774 1.5 td (transportation )tj 3.117 -1.5 td (facilities)tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 7.256 3 td (office and )tj -0.028 tw 2.417 -1.5 td (other )tj -2.722 -1.5 td (equipment)tj 7.421 1.5 td (construction )tj 0 tw 0.861 -1.5 td (in progress)tj -0.028 tw 11.56 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6 0 0 10 119.0551 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 268.4564 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7952 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 319.4799 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8188 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 370.5036 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 421.5272 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 472.5508 589.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8897 588.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 523.5745 589.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -72.144 -3 td (year ended 31 december 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (opening net carrying amount \(restated\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.982 0 td (38,849,351)tj 8.504 0 td (53,695,930)tj 9.977 0 td (509,595)tj 8.504 0 td (158,237)tj 7.031 0 td (13,036,003)tj 7.92 0 td (106,249,116)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -66.918 -1.5 td (impact on initial application of )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 1.512 -1.5 td (ifrs 16 )tj 6 0 2.6795 10 122.7676 514.3663 tm (\(note 2.2\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 247.1096 514.3663 tm (\(148,673\))tj 7.614 0 td (\(5,851,498\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.063 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.835 0 td (\(720,439\))tj 7.614 0 td (\(6,720,610\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 90.7087 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7717 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8189 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8425 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8661 511.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 510.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 511.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 6 0 0 10 90.7087 481.3572 tm (opening net book amount at 1 january 2019 )tj -0.028 tw 1.512 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 23.47 0 td (38,700,678)tj 8.504 0 td (47,844,432)tj 9.977 0 td (509,595)tj 8.504 0 td (158,237)tj 7.031 0 td (12,315,564)tj 8.504 0 td (99,528,506)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -67.502 -1.5 td (currency translation differences)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 29.096 0 td (89)tj 7.92 0 td (103)tj 9.088 0 td (17)tj 8.504 0 td (46)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.144 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.28 0 td (255)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -71.032 -1.5 td (reclassifications and internal transfers)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 25.566 0 td (3,869,147)tj 8.504 0 td (5,125,998)tj 9.589 0 td (\(29,181\))tj 8.309 0 td (207,546)tj 7.226 0 td (\(9,173,510\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.063 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -72.256 -1.5 td (transfer to intangible assets )tj 6 0 2.6795 10 171.7019 421.3572 tm (\(note 5\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 6 0 0 10 269.126 421.3572 tm (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.418 0 td (\(63,370\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(63,370\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -69.17 -1.5 td (transfer to right-of-use assets )tj 6 0 2.6795 10 176.7036 406.3572 tm (\(note 19\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 247.1097 406.3572 tm (\(107,368\))tj 10.561 0 td (\(495\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.116 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.835 0 td (\(107,863\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -68.587 -1.5 td (transfer to investment properties )tj 6 0 2.6795 10 186.373 391.3572 tm (\(note 7\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 247.1097 391.3572 tm (\(179,564\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.173 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.835 0 td (\(179,564\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -68.587 -1.5 td (additions)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.455 0 td (576,035)tj 8.504 0 td (635,678)tj 9.088 0 td (44,122)tj 8.504 0 td (13,506)tj 7.031 0 td (9,351,883)tj 7.92 0 td (10,621,224)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -67.502 -1.5 td (transfer from right-of-use assets )tj 6 0 2.6795 10 184.3691 361.3572 tm (\(note 19\) *)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 6 0 0 10 269.126 361.3572 tm (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.334 0 td (1,674,260)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.674 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.334 0 td (1,674,260)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -68.085 -1.5 td (government grants)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.234 0 td (\(7,211\))tj 7.92 0 td (\(69,012\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.59 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 8.504 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.418 0 td (\(76,223\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -69.17 -1.5 td (disposals)tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.651 0 td (\(79,280\))tj 7.92 0 td (\(378,816\))tj 9.088 0 td (\(19,672\))tj 9.977 0 td (\(938\))tj 7.031 0 td (\(70,201\))tj 7.92 0 td (\(548,907\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -68.587 -1.5 td (disposal of subsidiaries)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.651 0 td (\(85,851\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(73,432\))tj 9.088 0 td (\(3,270\))tj 9.394 0 td (\(239\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.116 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.835 0 td (\(162,792\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -68.587 -1.5 td (depreciation)tj /t1_1 1 tf 25.177 0 td (\(1,849,121\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(5,121,646\))tj 9.394 0 td (\(100,547\))tj 9.088 0 td (\(23,402\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.59 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.945 0 td (\(7,094,716\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -67.697 -1.5 td (impairment loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.067 0 td (\(105,347\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(153,394\))tj 11.145 0 td (\(14\))tj 7.92 0 td (\(185\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(414\))tj 6.447 0 td (\(259,354\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7717 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.819 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.819 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8426 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8426 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8662 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8662 283.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 282.3282 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 283.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 6 0 0 10 90.7087 253.3482 tm (closing net carrying amount)tj -0.028 tw 24.982 0 td (40,732,207)tj 8.504 0 td (49,483,676)tj 9.977 0 td (401,050)tj 8.504 0 td (354,571)tj 7.031 0 td (12,359,952)tj 7.92 0 td (103,331,456)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 249.3191 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 250.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 249.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7717 250.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 249.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 250.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.819 249.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.819 250.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8426 249.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8426 250.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8662 249.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8662 250.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 249.3191 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 250.3391 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 6 0 0 10 90.7087 220.3391 tm (as at 31 december 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw t* (cost)tj /t1_1 1 tf 24.982 0 td (60,153,059)tj 7.92 0 td (101,624,509)tj 9.672 0 td (2,238,818)tj 9.394 0 td (829,575)tj 7.614 0 td (2,511,787)tj 7.336 0 td (177,357,748)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -66.918 -1.5 td (accumulated depreciation and impairment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.593 0 td (\(19,420,852\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(52,140,833\))tj 9.088 0 td (\(1,837,768\))tj 9.394 0 td (\(475,004\))tj 8.504 0 td (\(151,835\))tj 7.031 0 td (\(74,026,292\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 186.3101 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 187.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 186.3101 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7717 187.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 186.3101 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 187.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.819 186.3101 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.819 187.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8426 186.3101 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8426 187.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8662 186.3101 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8662 187.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 186.3101 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 187.3301 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 6 0 0 10 90.7087 157.33 tm (net carrying amount)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.982 0 td (40,732,207)tj 8.504 0 td (49,483,676)tj 9.977 0 td (401,050)tj 8.504 0 td (354,571)tj 7.031 0 td (12,359,952)tj 7.92 0 td (103,331,456)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 153.1797 cm 0 0 m 136.063 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 153.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 153.1797 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7717 153.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 153.1797 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 153.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.819 153.1797 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.819 153.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8426 153.1797 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8426 153.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8662 153.1797 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8662 153.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 153.1797 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 153.9497 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.061 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 129.2196 tm [(* )-2592.5 (this includes the right-of-use assets recognised previously under sale a\ nd leaseback contracts of rmb1,674 )]tj 0.064 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (million that were reclassified from property, plant and equipment, upon \ initial adoption of ifrs 16. after the )tj 0 tw 0 -1.375 td (expiration of those contracts, they were recognised as property, plant a\ nd equipment.)tj et endstream endobj 428 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (9)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(5. )-694.2 (intangible assets \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td (impairment testing of goodwill)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 587.7467 tm [(the)8.2 ( lowest)8.2 ( level)8.2 ( )0.5 (within)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.3 ( group)8.2 ( at)8.2 ( )0.5 (which)8.2 ( )0.5 (goodwill)8.2 ( )0.5 (is)8.2 ( monitored)8.2 ( for)8.2 ( internal)8.2 ( management)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.009 tw 0 -1.5 td (purposes is the operating segment level. therefore, goodwill is allocate\ d to the group\222s cash-)tj 0.022 tw t* [(generating )0.5 (units )0.5 (\(\223cgus\224\) )0.5 (and groups )0.5 (of )0.5 (cgus )0.5 (according to )0.5 (operating )0.5 (segments. )0.5 (a summary )]tj 0 tw t* (of goodwill allocated to each segment is presented below:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 215.433 526.477 158.74 -15 re 215.433 511.477 158.74 -3.009 re 215.433 508.468 79.37 -30 re 294.803 508.468 79.37 -30 re 215.433 478.468 79.37 -3.38 re 294.803 478.468 79.37 -3.38 re 215.433 475.087 79.37 -15 re 294.803 475.087 79.37 -15 re 215.433 460.087 79.37 -15 re 294.803 460.087 79.37 -15 re 215.433 445.087 79.37 -15 re 294.803 445.087 79.37 -15 re 215.433 430.087 79.37 -15 re 294.803 430.087 79.37 -15 re 215.433 415.087 79.37 -30 re 294.803 415.087 79.37 -30 re 215.433 385.087 79.37 -15 re 294.803 385.087 79.37 -15 re 215.433 370.087 79.37 -3.009 re 294.803 370.087 79.37 -3.009 re 215.433 367.078 79.37 -15 re 294.803 367.078 79.37 -15 re 215.433 352.078 79.37 -15 re 294.803 352.078 79.37 -15 re 215.433 337.078 79.37 -3.38 re 294.803 337.078 79.37 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 249.0884 512.7467 tm (31 december 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 15.957 0 td (31 december 2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 215.4331 508.7176 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 215.4331 509.7376 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 508.7176 cm 0 0 m 158.74 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 374.1732 509.7376 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -12.671 -3 td (alumina)tj 8.214 1.5 td (primary )tj -1.138 -1.5 td (aluminum)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.186 0 td (alumina)tj 8.161 1.5 td (primary )tj -1.03 -1.5 td (aluminum)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 475.5872 cm 0 0 m 124.724 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 476.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.4331 475.5872 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 215.4331 476.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8031 475.5872 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8031 476.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 475.5872 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 374.1732 476.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 475.5872 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5433 476.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36.283 -3 td (qinghai branch)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 19.343 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.656 0 td (217,267)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.218 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.656 0 td (217,267)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (guangxi branch)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.062 0 td (189,419)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.218 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.656 0 td (189,419)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.218 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -43.154 -1.5 td (lanzhou branch)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 19.343 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.767 0 td (1,924,259)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 12.107 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.767 0 td (1,924,259)tj 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (pt. nusapati prima )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (\(\223ptnp\224\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 15.653 0 td (15,998)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.634 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.24 0 td (15,739)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.634 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -43.154 -1.5 td (shanxi huaxing)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 15.172 0 td (1,163,949)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.107 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.767 0 td (1,163,949)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.107 0 td (\226)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 367.3282 cm 0 0 m 124.724 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7086 368.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.433 367.3282 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 215.433 368.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8031 367.3282 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8031 368.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 367.3282 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 374.1732 368.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 367.3282 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5433 368.3482 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -21.111 -3 td (1,369,366)tj 7.937 0 td (2,141,526)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.937 0 td (1,369,107)tj 7.937 0 td (2,141,526)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 334.1978 cm 0 0 m 124.724 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 334.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.433 334.1978 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 215.433 334.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8031 334.1978 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8031 334.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 334.1978 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 374.1732 334.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5432 334.1978 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5432 334.9678 tm ( )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw -36.283 -2.873 td [(the)10.2 ( )0.5 (recoverable)10.2 ( amount)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( a)10.2 ( )0.5 (cgu)10.2 ( )0.5 (is)10.2 ( )0.5 (determined)10.2 ( )0.5 (based)10.1 ( )0.5 (on)10.2 ( )0.5 (value)10.1 (-)10.2 (in)10.1 (-)10.3 (use)10.2 ( calculations)10.1 (.)10.2 ( )0.5 (these)10.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (c)0.6 (u)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( v)0.5 (i)0.6 (u)14.4 ( u)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)14.4 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)14.5 (-)14.4 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (x)14.4 ( c)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (h)14.4 ( f)0.6 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)14.5 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (j)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)14.5 ( b)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.5 ( o)0.5 (n)14.5 ( f)0.6 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( b)0.5 (u)0.5 (d)0.6 (g)0.5 (e)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)14.5 ( a)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)22.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw t* [(by)13.7 ( management)13.7 ( covering)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( five)13.8 (-)13.8 (year)13.8 ( period)13.8 (.)13.7 ( cash)13.8 ( flows)13.8 ( beyond)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( 5)13.8 (-)13.8 (year)13.8 ( period)13.8 ( are)44.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw t* (extrapolated using the estimated growth rate of 2% \(2018: 2%\) not exce\ eding the long-term )tj 0.092 tw t* [(average growth )0.5 (rate )0.5 (for the )0.5 (businesses in which )0.5 (the cgu )0.5 (operates. )0.5 (other )0.5 (key assumptions )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(applied)9.2 ( in)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (impairment)9.2 ( )0.5 (testing)9.2 ( include)9.2 ( )0.5 (future)9.1 ( )0.5 (prices)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)9.2 ( and)9.2 ( )0.5 (alumina)9.2 (,)9.2 ( expected)9.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(production)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( sales)14.1 ( volumes)14.1 (,)14.1 ( production)14.1 ( costs)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( operating)14.1 ( expenses)14.1 (.)14.1 ( management)36.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(determined)14.1 ( these)14 ( key)14 ( assumptions)14 ( based)14 ( on)14 ( past)14 ( performance)14.1 ( and)14 ( their)14 ( expectations)14.1 ( on)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* [(ma)0.5 (rket)0.5 ( dev)0.5 (elo)0.5 (pmen)0.5 (t. )0.5 (furt)0.5 (herm)0.5 (ore)0.5 (, th)0.5 (e g)0.5 (roup)0.5 ( adop)0.5 (ts )0.5 (a pr)0.5 (e-ta)0.5 (x ra)0.5 (te )0.5 (of 1)0.5 (2.62)0.5 (% \(2)0.5 (018:)0.5 ( 12.)0.5 (62%\) )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(that)13.6 ( reflects)13.5 ( specific)13.6 ( risks)13.6 ( related)13.5 ( to)13.6 ( cgus)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( groups)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( cgus)13.6 ( as)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( discount)13.6 ( rate)13.6 (.)13.6 ( the)17.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0.077 tw t* [(as)0.5 (su)0.5 (mpt)0.5 (io)0.5 (ns)14.4 ( a)0.5 (bo)0.5 (ve)14.3 ( a)0.5 (re)14.4 ( u)0.5 (se)0.5 (d)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( an)0.5 (aly)0.5 (si)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( re)0.5 (cov)0.5 (er)0.5 (abl)0.5 (e)14.3 ( a)0.5 (mou)0.5 (nt)0.5 (s)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( cg)0.5 (us)14.4 ( and)14.4 ( gr)0.5 (oup)0.5 (s)30.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)14 ( cgus)14 ( within)14 ( operating)14 ( segments)14 (.)14 ( these)14.1 ( estimates)14 ( and)14 ( judgments)14 ( may)14 ( be)14 ( affected)14 ( by)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (unexpected changes in the future market or economic conditions.)tj 0.039 tw 0 -3 td (the directors of the company are of the view that, based on their assess\ ment, there was no )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (impairment of goodwill as at 31 december 2019 and 31 december 2018.)tj et endstream endobj 429 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (9)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(5. )-694.2 (intangible assets \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(for)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( year)14.1 ( ended)14.2 ( 3)14.1 (1)14.2 ( december)14.1 ( 2)14.2 (0)14.1 (1)14.2 (9)14.1 (,)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( amortisation)14.2 ( expenses)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( intangible)14.1 ( )0.5 (assets)34.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (recognised in profit or loss were analysed as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 591.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 576.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 573.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 558.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 543.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 528.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 525.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 510.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 495.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 577.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 573.5963 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 574.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 573.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 574.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 573.5962 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 574.3662 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36 -3 td (cost of sales)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.652 0 td (294,766)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (265,108)tj 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (general and administrative expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.236 0 td (44,172)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (30,793)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 525.3371 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 526.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 525.337 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 526.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 525.337 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 526.3571 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -4.348 -3 td (338,938)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (295,901)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 492.2067 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 492.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 492.2067 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 492.9767 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 492.2067 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 492.9767 tm ( )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw -36 -2.873 td [(as)6.2 ( )0.5 (at)6.2 ( 3)6.2 (1)6.2 ( )0.5 (decembe)0.5 (r)6.2 ( 2)6.2 (0)6.2 (1)6.2 (9)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( g)0.5 (roup)6.2 ( h)0.5 (as)6.2 ( ple)0.5 (dg)0.5 (ed)6.2 ( in)0.5 (tangibl)0.5 (e)6.2 ( asset)6.2 ( )0.5 (wit)0.5 (h)6.1 ( )0.5 (a)6.2 ( )0.5 (net)6.2 ( car)0.5 (rying)6.2 ( )0.5 (value)6.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw t* [(amounting)13.6 ( to)13.7 ( rmb)13.7 (7)13.7 (5)13.7 (7)13.7 ( million)13.7 ( \()13.7 (3)13.7 (1)13.7 ( december)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (8)13.7 (:)13.7 ( rmb)13.7 (7)13.7 (7)13.7 (3)13.7 ( million)13.7 (\))13.6 ( for)13.7 ( bank)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( other)33.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (borrowings as set out in note 24 to the financial statements.)tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(as)13.9 ( at)13.8 ( 3)13.9 (1)13.8 ( december)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.8 (1)13.9 (9)13.9 (,)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 ( was)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( process)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( applying)13.8 ( for)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( certificates)32.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc 0 -1.5 td [(of)13.5 ( mining)13.6 ( rights)13.5 ( with)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( carrying)13.5 ( value)13.5 ( amounting)13.5 ( to)13.6 ( rmb)13.6 (3)13.5 (9)13.6 ( million)13.5 ( \()13.5 (3)13.6 (1)13.5 ( december)13.6 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.6 (1)13.5 (8)33.3 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(\(restated\): rmb21 million\). there have been no litigations, claims or\ assessments against the)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.068 tw t* (group for compensation with respect to the use of these rights to date. \ as at 31 december )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (9)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( carrying)11.2 ( )0.5 (value)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( these)11.2 ( )0.5 (rights)11.2 ( only)11.2 ( )0.5 (represented)11.2 ( approximately)11.2 ( 0)11.2 (.)11.2 (0)11.2 (2)11.2 (%)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (total)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.018 tw t* (asset value of the group \(31 december 2018 \(restated\): approximately \ 0.01%\). management )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(considers)14.1 ( )0.5 (that)14.1 ( )0.5 (it)14.1 ( is)14.2 ( probable)14.2 ( that)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (group)14.1 ( )0.5 (can)14.2 ( obtain)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( relevant)14.1 ( )0.5 (ownership)14.2 ( certificates)16.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(from)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( appropriate)14.2 ( authorities)14.2 (.)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( directors)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( company)14.1 ( )0.5 (are)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( opinion)14.2 ( that)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(group)9.2 ( legally)9.2 ( owns)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( has)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( rights)9.2 ( )0.5 (to)9.2 ( )0.5 (use)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( above)9.2 ( )0.5 (mining)9.2 ( rights)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (that)9.2 ( )0.5 (there)9.2 ( is)9.1 ( )0.5 (no)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (material adverse impact on the overall financial position of the group.)tj et endstream endobj 430 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (9)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(5. )-694.2 (intangible assets)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 10 245.127 532.1117 tm (goodwill)tj 0 tw 8.378 3 td ( mining )tj -1.139 -1.5 td (rights and )tj -0.028 tw 1.667 -1.5 td (others)tj 7.269 3 td (mineral )tj -1.668 -1.5 td (exploration )tj 2.529 -1.5 td (rights)tj 5.794 9 td (computer )tj 0.196 -1.5 td (software, )tj -0.749 -1.5 td (electrolytic)tj 0.609 -1.5 td (aluminum)tj -0.39 -1.5 td (production )tj 0 tw 0.361 -1.5 td (quota and )tj -0.028 tw 1.64 -1.5 td (others)tj 8.49 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 527.9613 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 90.7086 528.7313 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 527.9613 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 272.9024 528.7313 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 527.9613 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 335.2646 528.7313 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 527.9613 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 397.6268 528.7313 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 527.9613 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 459.989 528.7313 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 527.9613 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 522.3513 528.7313 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -53.955 -3 td (year ended 31 december 2018)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (opening net carrying amount)tj -0.028 tw 18.715 0 td (2,345,930)tj 7.795 0 td (7,066,428)tj 7.795 0 td (1,111,586)tj 8.685 0 td (113,689)tj 6.322 0 td (10,637,633)tj -49.313 -1.5 td (additions)tj 0 tc 0 tw 22.886 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.098 0 td (98,995)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.492 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.682 0 td (4,309)tj 6.628 0 td (103,304)tj 0 tw -50.786 -1.5 td (acquisition of a subsidiary)tj -0.028 tw 18.715 0 td (1,163,949)tj 8.685 0 td (728,066)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.076 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.682 0 td (1,285)tj 5.738 0 td (1,893,300)tj -49.897 -1.5 td (reclassification)tj 0 tc 0 tw 22.886 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.682 0 td (7,072)tj 7.462 0 td (\(7,072\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.242 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -54.067 -1.5 td (disposals)tj 0 tc 0 tw 22.886 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.238 0 td (\(168\))tj 7.795 0 td (\(168\))tj -52.51 -1.5 td (amortisation)tj 0 tc 0 tw 22.886 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.181 0 td (\(265,108\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.41 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.765 0 td (\(30,793\))tj 7.211 0 td (\(295,901\))tj 0 tw -50.453 -1.5 td (transfer from property, plant)tj t* (and equipment)tj 8 0 2.6795 10 146.9596 378.7313 tm ( \(note 6\))tj 0 tc 8 0 0 10 273.7952 378.7313 tm (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.098 0 td (41,148)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.492 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.514 0 td (484,068)tj 7.795 0 td (525,216)tj 0 tw -50.786 -1.5 td (currency translation differences)tj -0.028 tw 21.662 0 td (754)tj 6.906 0 td (5,782)tj 7.795 0 td (9,445)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.908 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.098 0 td (15,981)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 359.5809 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 360.3509 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 359.5809 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1023 360.3509 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 359.5809 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4645 360.3509 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 359.5809 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8267 360.3509 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 359.5809 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1889 360.3509 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 359.5809 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 360.3509 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8 0 0 10 90.7086 330.3509 tm (closing net carrying amount)tj -0.028 tw 18.715 0 td (3,510,633)tj 7.795 0 td (7,682,383)tj 7.795 0 td (1,113,959)tj 8.685 0 td (572,390)tj 6.322 0 td (12,879,365)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 326.3218 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 327.3418 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 326.3218 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1023 327.3418 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 326.3218 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4645 327.3418 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 326.3218 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8267 327.3418 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 326.3218 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1889 327.3418 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 326.3218 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 327.3418 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 8 0 0 10 90.7085 297.3418 tm (as at 31 december 2018)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw t* (cost)tj 18.715 0 td (3,510,633)tj 7.795 0 td (9,430,183)tj 7.795 0 td (1,113,959)tj 8.685 0 td (888,975)tj 6.322 0 td (14,943,750)tj 0 tw -49.313 -1.5 td (accumulated amortisation and )tj -0.028 tw 1.24 -1.5 td (impairment)tj 0 tc 0 tw 21.646 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.291 0 td (\(1,747,800\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.299 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.181 0 td (\(316,585\))tj 6.906 0 td (\(2,064,385\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7085 248.3128 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7085 249.3328 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1022 248.3128 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1022 249.3328 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4644 248.3128 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4644 249.3328 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8266 248.3128 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8266 249.3328 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1888 248.3128 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1888 249.3328 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.551 248.3128 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.551 249.3328 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8 0 0 10 90.7085 219.3328 tm (net carrying amount)tj -0.028 tw 18.715 0 td (3,510,633)tj 7.795 0 td (7,682,383)tj 7.795 0 td (1,113,959)tj 8.685 0 td (572,390)tj 6.322 0 td (12,879,365)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7084 215.1824 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7084 215.9524 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1021 215.1824 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1021 215.9524 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4644 215.1824 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4644 215.9524 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8265 215.1824 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8265 215.9524 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1888 215.1824 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1888 215.9524 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.551 215.1824 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.551 215.9524 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 431 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 432 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 433 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 434 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 435 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 436 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (9)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(5. )-694.2 (intangible assets)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 221.102 636.477 62.362 -105 re 283.465 636.477 62.362 -105 re 345.827 636.477 62.362 -105 re 408.189 636.477 62.362 -105 re 470.551 636.477 62.362 -105 re 221.102 531.477 62.362 -3.38 re 283.465 531.477 62.362 -3.38 re 345.827 531.477 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 531.477 62.362 -3.38 re 470.551 531.477 62.362 -3.38 re 221.102 528.096 62.362 -15 re 283.465 528.096 62.362 -15 re 345.827 528.096 62.362 -15 re 408.189 528.096 62.362 -15 re 470.551 528.096 62.362 -15 re 221.102 513.096 62.362 -15 re 283.465 513.096 62.362 -15 re 345.827 513.096 62.362 -15 re 408.189 513.096 62.362 -15 re 470.551 513.096 62.362 -15 re 221.102 498.096 62.362 -15 re 283.465 498.096 62.362 -15 re 345.827 498.096 62.362 -15 re 408.189 498.096 62.362 -15 re 470.551 498.096 62.362 -15 re 221.102 483.096 62.362 -15 re 283.465 483.096 62.362 -15 re 345.827 483.096 62.362 -15 re 408.189 483.096 62.362 -15 re 470.551 483.096 62.362 -15 re 221.102 468.096 62.362 -15 re 283.465 468.096 62.362 -15 re 345.827 468.096 62.362 -15 re 408.189 468.096 62.362 -15 re 470.551 468.096 62.362 -15 re 221.102 453.096 62.362 -15 re 283.465 453.096 62.362 -15 re 345.827 453.096 62.362 -15 re 408.189 453.096 62.362 -15 re 470.551 453.096 62.362 -15 re 221.102 438.096 62.362 -15 re 283.465 438.096 62.362 -15 re 345.827 438.096 62.362 -15 re 408.189 438.096 62.362 -15 re 470.551 438.096 62.362 -15 re 221.102 423.096 62.362 -30 re 283.465 423.096 62.362 -30 re 345.827 423.096 62.362 -30 re 408.189 423.096 62.362 -30 re 470.551 423.096 62.362 -30 re 221.102 393.096 62.362 -15 re 283.465 393.096 62.362 -15 re 345.827 393.096 62.362 -15 re 408.189 393.096 62.362 -15 re 470.551 393.096 62.362 -15 re 221.102 378.096 62.362 -3.009 re 283.465 378.096 62.362 -3.009 re 345.827 378.096 62.362 -3.009 re 408.189 378.096 62.362 -3.009 re 470.551 378.096 62.362 -3.009 re 221.102 375.087 62.362 -15 re 283.465 375.087 62.362 -15 re 345.827 375.087 62.362 -15 re 408.189 375.087 62.362 -15 re 470.551 375.087 62.362 -15 re 221.102 360.087 62.362 -15 re 283.465 360.087 62.362 -15 re 345.827 360.087 62.362 -15 re 408.189 360.087 62.362 -15 re 470.551 360.087 62.362 -15 re 221.102 345.087 62.362 -3.009 re 283.465 345.087 62.362 -3.009 re 345.827 345.087 62.362 -3.009 re 408.189 345.087 62.362 -3.009 re 470.551 345.087 62.362 -3.009 re 221.102 342.078 62.362 -15 re 283.465 342.078 62.362 -15 re 345.827 342.078 62.362 -15 re 408.189 342.078 62.362 -15 re 470.551 342.078 62.362 -15 re 221.102 327.078 62.362 -15 re 283.465 327.078 62.362 -15 re 345.827 327.078 62.362 -15 re 408.189 327.078 62.362 -15 re 470.551 327.078 62.362 -15 re 221.102 312.078 62.362 -15 re 283.465 312.078 62.362 -15 re 345.827 312.078 62.362 -15 re 408.189 312.078 62.362 -15 re 470.551 312.078 62.362 -15 re 221.102 297.078 62.362 -30 re 283.465 297.078 62.362 -30 re 345.827 297.078 62.362 -30 re 408.189 297.078 62.362 -30 re 470.551 297.078 62.362 -30 re 221.102 267.078 62.362 -3.009 re 283.465 267.078 62.362 -3.009 re 345.827 267.078 62.362 -3.009 re 408.189 267.078 62.362 -3.009 re 470.551 267.078 62.362 -3.009 re 221.102 264.069 62.362 -15 re 283.465 264.069 62.362 -15 re 345.827 264.069 62.362 -15 re 408.189 264.069 62.362 -15 re 470.551 264.069 62.362 -15 re 221.102 249.069 62.362 -15 re 283.465 249.069 62.362 -15 re 345.827 249.069 62.362 -15 re 408.189 249.069 62.362 -15 re 470.551 249.069 62.362 -15 re 221.102 234.069 62.362 -3.38 re 283.465 234.069 62.362 -3.38 re 345.827 234.069 62.362 -3.38 re 408.189 234.069 62.362 -3.38 re 470.551 234.069 62.362 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 8 0 0 10 241.5667 532.7467 tm (goodwill)tj 8.852 3 td (mining )tj 0 tw -1.612 -1.5 td (rights and )tj -0.028 tw 1.889 -1.5 td (others)tj 7.211 3 td (mineral )tj -1.945 -1.5 td (exploration )tj 2.807 -1.5 td (rights)tj 5.74 9 td (computer )tj 0.249 -1.5 td (software, )tj -0.917 -1.5 td (electrolytic)tj 0.613 -1.5 td (aluminum)tj -0.445 -1.5 td (production )tj 0 tw 0.416 -1.5 td (quota and )tj -0.028 tw 1.861 -1.5 td (others)tj 8.434 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 90.7086 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 221.1023 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 283.4645 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 345.8267 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 408.1889 529.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 528.5963 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 470.5511 529.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -47.48 -3 td (year ended 31 december 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (opening net carrying amount)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.715 0 td (3,510,633)tj 7.795 0 td (7,682,383)tj 7.795 0 td (1,113,959)tj 8.685 0 td (572,390)tj 6.322 0 td (12,879,365)tj /t1_0 1 tf -49.313 -1.5 td (additions)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 22.886 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.514 0 td (467,640)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.076 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.514 0 td (687,746)tj 6.906 0 td (1,155,386)tj /t1_0 1 tf -49.897 -1.5 td (reclassification)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 22.886 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.514 0 td (115,871)tj 7.407 0 td (\(115,871\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.465 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -54.067 -1.5 td (disposals)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 22.886 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.351 0 td (\(9\))tj 7.795 0 td (\(9\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -53.622 -1.5 td (amortisation)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 22.886 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.126 0 td (\(294,766\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.465 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.71 0 td (\(44,172\))tj 7.211 0 td (\(338,938\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -50.398 -1.5 td (transfer from property, plant and )tj -0.028 tw 1.24 -1.5 td (equipment )tj 0 tw 8 0 2.6795 10 142.2914 394.3663 tm (\(note 6\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 8 0 0 10 273.7952 394.3663 tm (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 7.795 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.098 0 td (63,370)tj 7.795 0 td (63,370)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -51.37 -1.5 td (currency translation differences)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 21.662 0 td (259)tj 6.906 0 td (1,783)tj 7.795 0 td (3,244)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.908 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.682 0 td (5,286)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 375.3372 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 376.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 375.3372 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 221.1023 376.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 375.3372 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4645 376.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 375.3372 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8267 376.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 375.3372 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1889 376.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 375.3372 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 376.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 8 0 0 10 90.7086 346.3572 tm (closing net carrying amount)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.715 0 td (3,510,892)tj 7.795 0 td (7,972,911)tj 7.795 0 td (1,001,332)tj 7.795 0 td (1,279,325)tj 7.211 0 td (13,764,460)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 342.3282 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 343.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 342.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 221.1023 343.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 342.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4645 343.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 342.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8267 343.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 342.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1889 343.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 342.3282 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 343.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8 0 0 10 90.7086 313.3482 tm (as at 31 december 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw t* (cost)tj /t1_1 1 tf 18.715 0 td (3,510,892)tj 7.211 0 td (10,016,634)tj 8.379 0 td (1,001,332)tj 7.795 0 td (1,640,081)tj 7.211 0 td (16,168,939)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -49.313 -1.5 td (accumulated amortisation and )tj -0.028 tw 1.24 -1.5 td (impairment)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 21.646 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.236 0 td (\(2,043,723\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.354 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.126 0 td (\(360,756\))tj 6.906 0 td (\(2,404,479\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 264.3191 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 265.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 264.3191 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 221.1023 265.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 264.3191 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4645 265.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 264.3191 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8267 265.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 264.3191 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1889 265.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 264.3191 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 265.3391 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 8 0 0 10 90.7086 235.3391 tm (net carrying amount)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.715 0 td (3,510,892)tj 7.795 0 td (7,972,911)tj 7.795 0 td (1,001,332)tj 7.795 0 td (1,279,325)tj 7.211 0 td (13,764,460)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 231.1887 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 231.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 231.1887 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 221.1023 231.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 231.1887 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4645 231.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 231.1887 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8267 231.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 231.1887 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1889 231.9587 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 231.1887 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 231.9587 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 437 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (8)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (segment information \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.063 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 587.7467 tm [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)14.5 ( m)0.5 (a)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.4 ( o)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 ( i)0.6 (n)14.4 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)14.4 (.)14.4 ( o)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (ng)14.5 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (g)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( b)0.5 (y)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (geographical location is as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 556.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 541.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 526.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 523.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 508.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 493.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 478.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 463.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 460.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 445.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 430.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 542.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 523.5963 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 524.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 523.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 524.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 523.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 524.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (segment revenue from external customers)tj 0.992 -1.5 td (\226 mainland china)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 25.768 0 td (184,298,146)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (171,024,855)tj 0 tw -33.989 -1.5 td (\226 outside mainland china)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.936 0 td (5,776,015)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (9,216,559)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 460.3372 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 461.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 460.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 461.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 460.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 461.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -6.405 -3 td (190,074,161)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (180,241,414)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 427.2068 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 427.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 427.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 427.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 427.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 427.9768 tm ( )tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 412.977 82.205 -15 re 368.504 397.977 82.205 -15 re 368.504 382.977 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 379.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 364.596 82.205 -30 re 368.504 334.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 319.596 82.205 -15 re 368.504 304.596 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 301.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 286.587 82.205 -15 re 368.504 271.587 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9655 399.2468 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 380.0964 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 380.8664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 380.0964 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 380.8664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 380.0964 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 380.8664 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (non-current assets \(excluding financial assets and )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (deferred tax assets\))tj t* (\226 mainland china)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 25.768 0 td (147,798,239)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (137,939,763)tj 0 tw -33.989 -1.5 td (\226 outside mainland china)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.936 0 td (2,668,533)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.11 0 td (646,327)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 301.8373 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 302.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 301.8373 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 302.8573 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 301.8373 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 302.8573 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -6.405 -3 td (150,466,772)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (138,586,090)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0552 268.707 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0552 269.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 268.707 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 269.477 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 268.707 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 269.477 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.076 tw -33.165 -2.873 td (for the year ended 31 december 2019, revenues of approximately rmb40,567\ million )tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw t* [(\()13.7 (2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (8)13.7 (:)13.7 ( rmb)13.7 (3)13.7 (2)13.7 (,)13.7 (8)13.7 (5)13.7 (2)13.7 ( million)13.7 (\))13.7 ( were)13.7 ( derived)13.7 ( from)13.7 ( entities)13.7 ( directly)13.7 ( or)13.7 ( indirectly)13.7 ( owned)31.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.077 tw t* [(or)14.4 ( co)0.5 (nt)0.5 (rol)0.5 (l)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( b)0.5 (y)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (c)14.3 ( go)0.5 (ve)0.5 (rn)0.5 (me)0.5 (nt)14.3 ( i)0.5 (nc)0.5 (lu)0.5 (di)0.5 (ng)14.3 ( c)0.5 (hi)0.5 (na)0.5 (lc)0.5 (o)14.3 (.)14.4 ( the)0.5 (se)14.4 ( re)0.5 (ven)0.5 (ue)0.5 (s)14.3 ( ar)0.5 (e)14.3 ( m)0.5 (ai)0.5 (nl)0.5 (y)15.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(attributable)13.5 ( to)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( alumina)13.6 (,)13.6 ( primary)13.6 ( aluminum)13.6 (,)13.6 ( energy)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( trading)13.6 ( segments)13.6 (.)13.5 ( there)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.043 tw t* (were no other individual customers from which the group has derived reve\ nue of 10% )tj 0 tw t* (or more of the group\222s revenue during the years ended 31 december 201\ 9 and 2018.)tj et endstream endobj 438 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (8)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (segment information \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 7.5 0 0 10 243.7853 542.7467 tm (alumina)tj 7.027 1.5 td (primary )tj -1.03 -1.5 td (aluminum)tj 8.137 0 td (energy)tj 6.608 0 td (trading)tj 5.637 4.5 td (corporate )tj 0 tw 0.166 -1.5 td (and other )tj -0.028 tw 0.056 -1.5 td (operating )tj -0.25 -1.5 td (segments)tj 9.166 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 119.0551 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 267.539 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 318.5626 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 369.5862 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 420.6099 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 471.6335 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 522.6571 539.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -53.814 -3 td (as at 31 december 2018 )tj -0.028 tw 1.209 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj 0 tw -1.209 -3 td (segment assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 15.155 0 td (82,677,250)tj 6.803 0 td (57,712,842)tj 6.803 0 td (39,458,086)tj 6.803 0 td (20,217,906)tj 6.803 0 td (33,577,526)tj 6.219 0 td (233,643,610)tj 7.5 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 449.3663 tm (reconciliation:)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 447.3663 cm 0 0 m 51.472 0 l s q bt 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 119.0551 434.3663 tm (elimination of inter-segment )tj -0.028 tw 1.209 -1.5 td (receivables)tj 47.628 0 td (\(34,228,334\))tj 0 tw -48.837 -1.5 td (other eliminations)tj -0.028 tw 50.311 0 td (\(155,283\))tj 0 tw -50.311 -1.5 td (corporate and other )tj 1.209 -1.5 td (unallocated assets:)tj 0 -1.5 td (deferred tax assets)tj -0.028 tw 48.545 0 td (1,542,655)tj 0 tw -48.545 -1.5 td (prepaid income tax)tj -0.028 tw 49.435 0 td (162,103)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 340.3372 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 341.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 340.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7717 341.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 340.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 341.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 340.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8189 341.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 340.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8425 341.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 340.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8661 341.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 340.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 341.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 119.0551 311.3572 tm (total assets)tj -0.028 tw 48.587 0 td (200,964,751)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 307.2068 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 307.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 307.2068 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7717 307.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 307.2068 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 307.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 307.2068 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8189 307.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 307.2068 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8425 307.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 307.2068 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8661 307.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 307.2068 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 307.9768 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 119.0551 277.9768 tm (segment liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 15.155 0 td (38,817,030)tj 6.803 0 td (34,492,538)tj 6.803 0 td (27,265,031)tj 6.803 0 td (14,530,230)tj 6.803 0 td (50,492,049)tj 6.219 0 td (165,596,878)tj -48.587 -1.5 td (reconciliation:)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 260.9768 cm 0 0 m 51.472 0 l s q bt 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 119.0551 247.9768 tm (elimination of inter-segment )tj -0.028 tw 1.209 -1.5 td (payables)tj 47.628 0 td (\(34,228,334\))tj 0 tw -48.837 -1.5 td (corporate and other )tj 1.209 -1.5 td (unallocated liabilities:)tj t* (deferred tax liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 48.545 0 td (1,812,805)tj 0 tw -48.545 -1.5 td (income tax payable)tj -0.028 tw 49.435 0 td (113,783)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 168.9478 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 169.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 168.9478 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7717 169.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 168.9478 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 169.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 168.9478 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8189 169.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 168.9478 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8425 169.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 168.9478 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8661 169.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 168.9478 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 169.9678 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 119.0551 139.9678 tm (total liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 48.587 0 td (133,295,132)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 135.8174 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 136.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 135.8174 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 226.7717 136.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 135.8174 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 136.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 135.8174 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8189 136.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 135.8174 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8425 136.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 135.8174 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8661 136.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 135.8174 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 136.5874 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 439 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (8)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (segment information \(continued\))]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 226.772 601.477 51.024 -60 re 277.795 601.477 51.024 -60 re 328.819 601.477 51.024 -60 re 379.843 601.477 51.024 -60 re 430.866 601.477 51.024 -60 re 481.89 601.477 51.024 -60 re 226.772 541.477 51.024 -3.38 re 277.795 541.477 51.024 -3.38 re 328.819 541.477 51.024 -3.38 re 379.843 541.477 51.024 -3.38 re 430.866 541.477 51.024 -3.38 re 481.89 541.477 51.024 -3.38 re 226.772 538.096 51.024 -15 re 277.795 538.096 51.024 -15 re 328.819 538.096 51.024 -15 re 379.843 538.096 51.024 -15 re 430.866 538.096 51.024 -15 re 481.89 538.096 51.024 -15 re 226.772 523.096 51.024 -15 re 277.795 523.096 51.024 -15 re 328.819 523.096 51.024 -15 re 379.843 523.096 51.024 -15 re 430.866 523.096 51.024 -15 re 481.89 523.096 51.024 -15 re 226.772 508.096 51.024 -15 re 277.795 508.096 51.024 -15 re 328.819 508.096 51.024 -15 re 379.843 508.096 51.024 -15 re 430.866 508.096 51.024 -15 re 481.89 508.096 51.024 -15 re 226.772 493.096 51.024 -15 re 277.795 493.096 51.024 -15 re 328.819 493.096 51.024 -15 re 379.843 493.096 51.024 -15 re 430.866 493.096 51.024 -15 re 481.89 493.096 51.024 -15 re 226.772 478.096 51.024 -30 re 277.795 478.096 51.024 -30 re 328.819 478.096 51.024 -30 re 379.843 478.096 51.024 -30 re 430.866 478.096 51.024 -30 re 481.89 478.096 51.024 -30 re 226.772 448.096 51.024 -15 re 277.795 448.096 51.024 -15 re 328.819 448.096 51.024 -15 re 379.843 448.096 51.024 -15 re 430.866 448.096 51.024 -15 re 481.89 448.096 51.024 -15 re 226.772 433.096 51.024 -30 re 277.795 433.096 51.024 -30 re 328.819 433.096 51.024 -30 re 379.843 433.096 51.024 -30 re 430.866 433.096 51.024 -30 re 481.89 433.096 51.024 -30 re 226.772 403.096 51.024 -15 re 277.795 403.096 51.024 -15 re 328.819 403.096 51.024 -15 re 379.843 403.096 51.024 -15 re 430.866 403.096 51.024 -15 re 481.89 403.096 51.024 -15 re 226.772 388.096 51.024 -15 re 277.795 388.096 51.024 -15 re 328.819 388.096 51.024 -15 re 379.843 388.096 51.024 -15 re 430.866 388.096 51.024 -15 re 481.89 388.096 51.024 -15 re 226.772 373.096 51.024 -3.009 re 277.795 373.096 51.024 -3.009 re 328.819 373.096 51.024 -3.009 re 379.843 373.096 51.024 -3.009 re 430.866 373.096 51.024 -3.009 re 481.89 373.096 51.024 -3.009 re 226.772 370.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 370.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 370.087 51.024 -15 re 379.843 370.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 370.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 370.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 355.087 51.024 -15 re 277.795 355.087 51.024 -15 re 328.819 355.087 51.024 -15 re 379.843 355.087 51.024 -15 re 430.866 355.087 51.024 -15 re 481.89 355.087 51.024 -15 re 226.772 340.087 51.024 -3.38 re 277.795 340.087 51.024 -3.38 re 328.819 340.087 51.024 -3.38 re 379.843 340.087 51.024 -3.38 re 430.866 340.087 51.024 -3.38 re 481.89 340.087 51.024 -3.38 re 226.772 336.707 51.024 -15 re 277.795 336.707 51.024 -15 re 328.819 336.707 51.024 -15 re 379.843 336.707 51.024 -15 re 430.866 336.707 51.024 -15 re 481.89 336.707 51.024 -15 re 226.772 321.707 51.024 -15 re 277.795 321.707 51.024 -15 re 328.819 321.707 51.024 -15 re 379.843 321.707 51.024 -15 re 430.866 321.707 51.024 -15 re 481.89 321.707 51.024 -15 re 226.772 306.707 51.024 -15 re 277.795 306.707 51.024 -15 re 328.819 306.707 51.024 -15 re 379.843 306.707 51.024 -15 re 430.866 306.707 51.024 -15 re 481.89 306.707 51.024 -15 re 226.772 291.707 51.024 -30 re 277.795 291.707 51.024 -30 re 328.819 291.707 51.024 -30 re 379.843 291.707 51.024 -30 re 430.866 291.707 51.024 -30 re 481.89 291.707 51.024 -30 re 226.772 261.707 51.024 -30 re 277.795 261.707 51.024 -30 re 328.819 261.707 51.024 -30 re 379.843 261.707 51.024 -30 re 430.866 261.707 51.024 -30 re 481.89 261.707 51.024 -30 re 226.772 231.707 51.024 -15 re 277.795 231.707 51.024 -15 re 328.819 231.707 51.024 -15 re 379.843 231.707 51.024 -15 re 430.866 231.707 51.024 -15 re 481.89 231.707 51.024 -15 re 226.772 216.707 51.024 -15 re 277.795 216.707 51.024 -15 re 328.819 216.707 51.024 -15 re 379.843 216.707 51.024 -15 re 430.866 216.707 51.024 -15 re 481.89 216.707 51.024 -15 re 226.772 201.707 51.024 -3.009 re 277.795 201.707 51.024 -3.009 re 328.819 201.707 51.024 -3.009 re 379.843 201.707 51.024 -3.009 re 430.866 201.707 51.024 -3.009 re 481.89 201.707 51.024 -3.009 re 226.772 198.698 51.024 -15 re 277.795 198.698 51.024 -15 re 328.819 198.698 51.024 -15 re 379.843 198.698 51.024 -15 re 430.866 198.698 51.024 -15 re 481.89 198.698 51.024 -15 re 226.772 183.698 51.024 -15 re 277.795 183.698 51.024 -15 re 328.819 183.698 51.024 -15 re 379.843 183.698 51.024 -15 re 430.866 183.698 51.024 -15 re 481.89 183.698 51.024 -15 re 226.772 168.698 51.024 -3.38 re 277.795 168.698 51.024 -3.38 re 328.819 168.698 51.024 -3.38 re 379.843 168.698 51.024 -3.38 re 430.866 168.698 51.024 -3.38 re 481.89 168.698 51.024 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 7.5 0 0 10 240.8754 542.7467 tm (alumina)tj 7.08 1.5 td (primary)tj 0 tw -1.444 -1.5 td ( aluminum)tj -0.028 tw 8.664 0 td (energy)tj 6.442 0 td (trading)tj 5.636 4.5 td (corporate )tj 0 tw 0.167 -1.5 td (and other)tj -0.306 -1.5 td ( operating )tj -0.028 tw 0.279 -1.5 td (segments)tj 9.109 0 td (total)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 119.0551 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 267.539 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 318.5626 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 369.5862 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 420.6099 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 471.6335 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7.5 0 0 10 522.6571 539.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -53.814 -3 td (as at 31 december 2019)tj 0 -1.5 td (segment assets)tj -0.028 tw 15.155 0 td (90,584,165)tj 6.803 0 td (63,155,573)tj 6.803 0 td (38,886,172)tj 6.803 0 td (17,360,278)tj 6.803 0 td (49,658,116)tj 6.219 0 td (259,644,304)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.5 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 479.3663 tm (reconciliation:)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 477.3663 cm 0 0 m 51.472 0 l s q bt 0 tw 7.5 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 464.3663 tm (elimination of inter-segment )tj -0.028 tw 1.745 -1.5 td (receivables)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.5 0 0 10 484.9232 449.3663 tm (\(58,081,964\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -48.782 -1.5 td (other eliminations)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 50.256 0 td (\(106,985\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -50.256 -1.5 td (corporate and other )tj 1.209 -1.5 td (unallocated assets:)tj 0 -1.5 td (deferred tax assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 48.545 0 td (1,522,216)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -48.545 -1.5 td (prepaid income tax)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 50.019 0 td (93,093)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 371.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7717 371.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 371.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8189 371.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8425 371.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8661 371.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 370.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 371.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 119.0551 341.3572 tm (total assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 48.587 0 td (203,070,664)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 337.2068 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 337.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 337.2068 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7717 337.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 337.2068 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 337.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 337.2068 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8189 337.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 337.2068 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8425 337.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 337.2068 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8661 337.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 337.2068 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 337.9768 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 119.0551 307.9768 tm (segment liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 15.155 0 td (47,247,335)tj 6.803 0 td (38,588,473)tj 6.803 0 td (26,582,436)tj 7.387 0 td (9,308,667)tj 6.219 0 td (66,771,364)tj 6.219 0 td (188,498,275)tj -48.587 -1.5 td (reconciliation:)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 290.9768 cm 0 0 m 55.642 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 119.0551 277.9768 tm (elimination of inter-segment )tj -0.028 tw 1.209 -1.5 td (payables)tj /t1_1 1 tf 47.573 0 td (\(58,081,964\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -48.782 -1.5 td (corporate and other )tj 1.209 -1.5 td (unallocated liabilities:)tj t* (deferred tax liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 48.545 0 td (1,712,739)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -48.545 -1.5 td (income tax payable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 49.435 0 td (216,554)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 198.9478 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 199.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 198.9478 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7717 199.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 198.9478 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 199.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 198.9478 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8189 199.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 198.9478 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8425 199.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 198.9478 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8661 199.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 198.9478 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 199.9678 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 7.5 0 0 10 119.0551 169.9678 tm (total liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 48.587 0 td (132,345,604)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 165.8174 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 166.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 165.8174 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 226.7717 166.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 165.8174 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 166.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 165.8174 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8189 166.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 379.8425 165.8174 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 379.8425 166.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 165.8174 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 430.8661 166.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 481.8898 165.8174 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 481.8898 166.5874 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 440 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (8)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 310.2048 587.7534 tm (year ended 31 december 2018 \(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 583.7333 cm 0 0 m 317.48 0 l s q bt 0 tc 6.5 0 0 10 215.6831 584.7533 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.327 -6 td (alumina)tj 7.202 1.5 td (primary )tj -1.03 -1.5 td (aluminum)tj 8.311 0 td (energy)tj 6.783 0 td (trading)tj 5.811 4.5 td (corporate )tj 0 tw 0.166 -1.5 td (and other )tj -0.028 tw 0.056 -1.5 td (operating )tj -0.25 -1.5 td (segments)tj 9.145 3 td (inter- )tj -1.64 -1.5 td (segment )tj -1.527 -1.5 td (eliminations)tj 10.339 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.3051 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 251.3928 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 261.0374 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 296.7471 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.3918 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 342.1014 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.7461 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 387.4558 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 397.1005 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 432.8101 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.4548 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 478.1644 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.5188 521.3829 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -62.187 -1.5 td (changes for impairment of )tj -0.028 tw 1.308 -1.5 td (inventories)tj 16.094 0 td (\(54,463\))tj 6.394 0 td (\(273,796\))tj 8.145 0 td (\(7,884\))tj 6.394 0 td (\(17,802\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.008 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.363 0 td (\(353,945\))tj 0 tw -58.684 -1.5 td (reversal of/\(provision for\) )tj 1.308 -1.5 td (impairment of receivables, )tj 0 -1.5 td (net of bad debts recovered)tj -0.028 tw 16.427 0 td (19,320)tj 7.228 0 td (\(9,406\))tj 6.394 0 td (\(23,327\))tj 6.978 0 td (\(84,922\))tj 7.561 0 td (\(9,621\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.363 0 td (\(107,956\))tj 0 tw -58.684 -1.5 td (dividends of equity )tj 1.308 -1.5 td (investments at fair )tj t* (value through other )tj t* (comprehensive income)tj 0 tc 19.124 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.864 0 td (1,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.091 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (108,914)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.258 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (109,914)tj 0 tw -59.018 -1.5 td (gain/\(loss\) on disposal of )tj -0.028 tw 1.308 -1.5 td (associates)tj 0 tc 0 tw 19.124 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.531 0 td (\(1,904\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.424 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.531 0 td (\(1,904\))tj 0 tw -59.852 -1.5 td (gain on previously held equity )tj 1.308 -1.5 td (interest remeasured at a )tj t* (acquisition-date fair value)tj 0 tc 19.124 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.531 0 td (\(3,177\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (751,263)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.258 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (748,086)tj 0 tw -59.018 -1.5 td (investments in associates)tj -0.028 tw 17.736 0 td (89,734)tj 6.394 0 td (558,759)tj 6.088 0 td (2,064,425)tj 7.867 0 td (131,691)tj 6.088 0 td (3,518,853)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.148 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.807 0 td (6,363,462)tj 0 tw -58.128 -1.5 td (investments in joint ventures)tj -0.028 tw 17.152 0 td (989,840)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.258 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (435,867)tj 7.561 0 td (77,211)tj 5.504 0 td (1,890,431)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.148 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.807 0 td (3,393,349)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.3052 277.2325 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.3052 278.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.6832 277.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 215.6832 278.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 261.0375 277.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 261.0375 278.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.3918 277.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.3918 278.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.7462 277.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 351.7462 278.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 397.1005 277.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 397.1005 278.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.4548 277.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 442.4548 278.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.8092 277.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 487.8092 278.0025 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 6.5 0 0 10 119.3052 248.0025 tm (additions during the period:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.308 -1.5 td (intangible assets)tj -0.028 tw 16.427 0 td (99,089)tj 8.451 0 td (753)tj 6.088 0 td (2,754)tj 7.867 0 td (514)tj 6.978 0 td (194)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.201 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (103,304)tj 0 tw -57.709 -1.5 td (land use rights)tj -0.028 tw 17.011 0 td (2,786)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.091 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.338 0 td (52)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.617 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.864 0 td (2,838)tj 0 tw -58.877 -1.5 td (property, plant and )tj -0.028 tw 1.308 -1.5 td (equipment )tj 0 tw 6.5 0 2.6795 10 169.9706 188.0025 tm (\(note \(ii\)\))tj -0.028 tw 6.5 0 0 10 225.0107 188.0025 tm (2,564,003)tj 6.978 0 td (4,602,580)tj 6.978 0 td (1,610,442)tj 7.867 0 td (101,360)tj 6.978 0 td (143,839)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.258 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.807 0 td (9,022,224)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.3052 183.8521 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 119.3052 184.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.6832 183.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 215.6832 184.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 261.0375 183.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 261.0375 184.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.3918 183.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.3918 184.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.7462 183.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 351.7462 184.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 397.1005 183.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 397.1005 184.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.4548 183.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 442.4548 184.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.8092 183.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 487.8092 184.6221 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 118.2342 159.8921 tm (notes:)tj 0.051 tw 8 0 0 8 119.0552 137.8921 tm [(\(i\) )-2324.9 (the sales of self-produced products include sales of self-produced alumi\ na amounting to rmb13,329 )]tj 0.089 tc 0.078 tw 3.543 -1.375 td [(million)13.9 ( \()13.9 (2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (8)13.8 (:)13.9 ( rmb)13.9 (1)13.9 (6)13.9 (,)13.8 (5)13.9 (6)13.9 (1)13.9 ( million)13.9 (\))13.9 (,)13.9 ( sales)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( self)13.9 (-)13.8 (produced)13.9 ( primary)13.9 ( aluminium)13.9 ( amounting)13.8 ( to)61.3 ( )444.9 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.375 td (rmb10,689 million \(2018: rmb13,517 million\), and sales of self-produce\ d other products amounting )tj 0 tw t* (to rmb356 million \(2018: rmb4,376 million\).)tj 0.071 tw -3.543 -2.75 td [(\(ii\) )-2055.1 (the )0.5 (additions )0.5 (to )0.6 (property, )0.5 (plant )0.5 (and )0.6 (equipment )0.5 (under )0.6 (sale )0.5 (and )0.6 (leaseback )0.5 (contracts )0.5 (\(note )0.6 (20\) )0.5 (are )0.6 (not )]tj -0.028 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (included.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (segment information \(continued\))]tj et endstream endobj 441 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 442 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 443 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 444 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 445 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 446 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (8)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 310.2048 587.7534 tm (year ended 31 december 2018 \(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 583.7333 cm 0 0 m 317.48 0 l s q bt 0 tc 6.5 0 0 10 215.6831 584.7533 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.327 -6 td (alumina)tj 7.202 1.5 td (primary )tj -1.03 -1.5 td (aluminum)tj 8.311 0 td (energy)tj 6.783 0 td (trading)tj 5.811 4.5 td (corporate )tj 0 tw 0.166 -1.5 td (and other )tj -0.028 tw 0.056 -1.5 td (operating )tj -0.25 -1.5 td (segments)tj 9.145 3 td (inter- )tj -1.64 -1.5 td (segment )tj -1.527 -1.5 td (eliminations)tj 10.339 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.3051 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 251.3928 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 261.0374 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 296.7471 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.3918 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 342.1014 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.7461 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 387.4558 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 397.1005 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 432.8101 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.4548 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 478.1644 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.5188 521.3829 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -62.187 -3 td (other items)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (finance income)tj -0.028 tw 17.152 0 td (100,125)tj 7.561 0 td (54,458)tj 6.978 0 td (15,744)tj 6.394 0 td (136,515)tj 6.978 0 td (185,392)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.258 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (492,234)tj 0 tw -59.018 -1.5 td (finance costs)tj -0.028 tw 16.818 0 td (\(399,344\))tj 6.088 0 td (\(1,131,622\))tj 6.978 0 td (\(1,047,285\))tj 7.867 0 td (\(366,807\))tj 6.088 0 td (\(1,937,438\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.482 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.474 0 td (\(4,882,496\))tj 0 tw -57.794 -1.5 td (share of profits and losses of )tj 1.308 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj -0.028 tw 16.427 0 td (37,377)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.619 0 td (8)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.419 0 td (\(225,377\))tj 8.479 0 td (9,010)tj 6.06 0 td (\(20,470\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.008 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.363 0 td (\(199,452\))tj 0 tw -58.684 -1.5 td (share of profits and losses of )tj -0.028 tw 1.308 -1.5 td (associates)tj 16.678 0 td (\(1,141\))tj 6.727 0 td (17,102)tj 6.644 0 td (\(52,368\))tj 7.311 0 td (19,375)tj 6.978 0 td (56,367)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.675 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.281 0 td (39,335)tj 0.026 tc 0 tw -59.601 -1.5 td (amortisation of land use rights)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 17.402 0 td (\(39,027\))tj 6.978 0 td (\(41,175\))tj 7.561 0 td (\(9,335\))tj 6.394 0 td (\(18,615\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.008 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.363 0 td (\(108,152\))tj 0 tw -58.684 -1.5 td (depreciation and amortisation )tj 1.308 -1.5 td (\(excluding the amortisation )tj t* (of land use rights\))tj -0.028 tw 14.62 0 td (\(2,846,051\))tj 6.978 0 td (\(2,954,801\))tj 6.978 0 td (\(1,962,081\))tj 7.867 0 td (\(101,705\))tj 7.561 0 td (\(82,963\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.008 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.474 0 td (\(7,947,601\))tj 0 tw -57.794 -1.5 td (gain/\(loss\) on disposal )tj 1.308 -1.5 td (of property, plant and )tj t* (equipment and land use )tj -0.028 tw t* (right)tj 16.427 0 td (53,116)tj 6.978 0 td (15,211)tj 6.978 0 td (24,780)tj 6.978 0 td (20,036)tj 6.644 0 td (\(12,045\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.008 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (101,098)tj 0 tw -59.018 -1.5 td (realised \(loss\)/gain on )tj 1.308 -1.5 td (futures, forward and option )tj t* (contracts, net)tj -0.028 tw 17.567 0 td (\(716\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.535 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.864 0 td (2,855)tj 6.394 0 td (47,601)tj 7.228 0 td (\(9,248\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.281 0 td (40,492)tj 0 tw -59.601 -1.5 td (other income)tj -0.028 tw 17.736 0 td (57,777)tj 6.978 0 td (38,220)tj 6.978 0 td (29,858)tj 7.561 0 td (6,718)tj 6.978 0 td (2,794)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.091 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (135,367)tj 0 tw -59.018 -1.5 td (impairment of property, plant )tj 1.308 -1.5 td (and equipment)tj 0 tc 19.124 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.531 0 td (\(7,450\))tj 6.394 0 td (\(39,034\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.008 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.947 0 td (\(46,484\))tj 0 tw -59.268 -1.5 td (unrealised gain on )tj 1.308 -1.5 td (futures,forward and option )tj t* (contracts, net)tj 0 tc 19.124 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (100,967)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.258 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (100,967)tj 0 tw -59.018 -1.5 td (gain/\(loss\) on disposal of )tj -0.028 tw 1.308 -1.5 td (subsidiaries)tj 17.011 0 td (7,671)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.091 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.531 0 td (\(4,154\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.864 0 td (3,517)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (segment information \(continued\))]tj et endstream endobj 447 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (8)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (segment information \(continued\))]tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w /gs2 gs q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 96.628 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 441.8282 cm 0 0 m 0 2.759 l s q q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 261.0374 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 306.3917 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 351.7461 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 397.1004 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 442.4547 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.604 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 533.1634 441.8282 cm 0 0 m 0 2.759 l s q q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 411.8282 cm 0 0 m 0 30 l s q q 1 0 0 1 533.1634 411.8282 cm 0 0 m 0 30 l s q q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 396.8282 cm 0 0 m 0 15 l s q q 1 0 0 1 533.1634 396.8282 cm 0 0 m 0 15 l s q q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 366.8282 cm 0 0 m 0 30 l s q q 1 0 0 1 533.1634 366.8282 cm 0 0 m 0 30 l s q q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 363.8191 cm 0 0 m 0 3.009 l s q q 1 0 0 1 533.1634 363.8191 cm 0 0 m 0 3.009 l s q q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 363.5691 cm 0 0 m 96.628 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 363.5691 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 261.0374 363.5691 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 306.3917 363.5691 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 351.7461 363.5691 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 397.1004 363.5691 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 442.4547 363.5691 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 363.5691 cm 0 0 m 45.604 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 6.5 0 0 10 310.2048 587.7467 tm (year ended 31 december 2018 \(restated\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 583.7175 cm 0 0 m 317.48 0 l s q bt 0 tc 6.5 0 0 10 215.6831 584.7375 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.327 -6 td (alumina)tj 7.202 1.5 td (primary )tj -1.03 -1.5 td (aluminum)tj 8.311 0 td (energy)tj 6.783 0 td (trading)tj 5.811 4.5 td (corporate )tj 0 tw 0.166 -1.5 td (and other )tj -0.028 tw 0.056 -1.5 td (operating )tj -0.25 -1.5 td (segments)tj 9.145 3 td (inter- )tj -1.64 -1.5 td (segment )tj -1.527 -1.5 td (eliminations)tj 10.339 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 520.5871 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.3051 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 251.3928 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 261.0374 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 296.7471 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.3918 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 342.1014 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.7461 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 387.4558 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 397.1005 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 432.8101 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.4548 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 478.1644 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.5188 521.3571 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -62.187 -3 td (total revenue)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 15.679 0 td (44,150,937)tj 6.978 0 td (53,802,172)tj 7.561 0 td (7,235,273)tj 5.81 0 td (142,017,821)tj 9.035 0 td (667,235)tj 5.171 0 td (\(67,632,024\))tj 6.727 0 td (180,241,414)tj 0 tw -56.96 -3 td (inter-segment revenue)tj -0.028 tw 15.345 0 td (\(29,392,495\))tj 6.978 0 td (\(12,457,863\))tj 8.451 0 td (\(198,337\))tj 5.504 0 td (\(25,370,303\))tj 8.451 0 td (\(213,026\))tj 5.838 0 td (67,632,024)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.732 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -61.824 -3.326 td (sales of self-produced )tj -0.028 tw 1.308 -1.5 td (products )tj 0 tw 6.5 0 2.6795 10 158.5857 413.098 tm (\(note \(i\)\))tj -0.028 tw 6.5 0 0 10 357.279 413.098 tm (34,454,943)tj 0 tw -36.137 -3 td (sales of products sourced )tj 1.308 -1.5 td (from external suppliers)tj -0.028 tw 34.828 0 td (82,192,575)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -36.611 -3.351 td (revenue from external )tj -0.028 tw 1.308 -1.5 td (customers)tj /t1_0 1 tf 14.37 0 td (14,758,442)tj 6.978 0 td (41,344,309)tj 7.561 0 td (7,036,936)tj 5.81 0 td (116,647,518)tj 9.035 0 td (454,209)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.258 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.64 0 td (180,241,414)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 487.8092 315.1885 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 487.8092 316.2085 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -56.693 -3 td (segment profit/\(loss\) )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 1.308 -1.5 td (before income tax)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.954 0 td (3,496,381)tj 7.534 0 td (\(929,298\))tj 7.895 0 td (26,020)tj 6.394 0 td (740,454)tj 5.754 0 td (\(1,267,146\))tj 8.201 0 td (198,103)tj 6.088 0 td (2,264,514)tj 0 tw -58.128 -3 td (income tax expense)tj -0.028 tw 58.684 0 td (\(822,519\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.8092 237.1795 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 487.8092 238.1995 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -56.693 -3 td (profit for the year)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 58.128 0 td (1,441,995)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 487.8092 204.4205 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 487.8092 205.1904 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 448 0 obj <> endobj 449 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (8)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 215.683 601.483 317.48 -15 re 215.683 586.483 317.48 -3 re 215.683 583.483 45.354 -60 re 261.037 583.483 45.354 -60 re 306.392 583.483 45.354 -60 re 351.746 583.483 45.354 -60 re 397.1 583.483 45.354 -60 re 442.455 583.483 45.354 -60 re 487.809 583.483 45.354 -60 re 215.683 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 261.037 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 306.392 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 351.746 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 397.1 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 442.455 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 487.809 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 215.683 520.113 45.354 -30 re 261.037 520.113 45.354 -30 re 306.392 520.113 45.354 -30 re 351.746 520.113 45.354 -30 re 397.1 520.113 45.354 -30 re 442.455 520.113 45.354 -30 re 487.809 520.113 45.354 -30 re 215.683 490.113 45.354 -30 re 261.037 490.113 45.354 -30 re 306.392 490.113 45.354 -30 re 351.746 490.113 45.354 -30 re 397.1 490.113 45.354 -30 re 442.455 490.113 45.354 -30 re 487.809 490.113 45.354 -30 re 215.683 460.113 45.354 -30 re 261.037 460.113 45.354 -30 re 306.392 460.113 45.354 -30 re 351.746 460.113 45.354 -30 re 397.1 460.113 45.354 -30 re 442.455 460.113 45.354 -30 re 487.809 460.113 45.354 -30 re 215.683 430.113 45.354 -30 re 261.037 430.113 45.354 -30 re 306.392 430.113 45.354 -30 re 351.746 430.113 45.354 -30 re 397.1 430.113 45.354 -30 re 442.455 430.113 45.354 -30 re 487.809 430.113 45.354 -30 re 215.683 400.113 45.354 -45 re 261.037 400.113 45.354 -45 re 306.392 400.113 45.354 -45 re 351.746 400.113 45.354 -45 re 397.1 400.113 45.354 -45 re 442.455 400.113 45.354 -45 re 487.809 400.113 45.354 -45 re 215.683 355.113 45.354 -60 re 261.037 355.113 45.354 -60 re 306.392 355.113 45.354 -60 re 351.746 355.113 45.354 -60 re 397.1 355.113 45.354 -60 re 442.455 355.113 45.354 -60 re 487.809 355.113 45.354 -60 re 215.683 295.113 45.354 -15 re 261.037 295.113 45.354 -15 re 306.392 295.113 45.354 -15 re 351.746 295.113 45.354 -15 re 397.1 295.113 45.354 -15 re 442.455 295.113 45.354 -15 re 487.809 295.113 45.354 -15 re 215.683 280.113 45.354 -30 re 261.037 280.113 45.354 -30 re 306.392 280.113 45.354 -30 re 351.746 280.113 45.354 -30 re 397.1 280.113 45.354 -30 re 442.455 280.113 45.354 -30 re 487.809 280.113 45.354 -30 re 215.683 250.113 45.354 -3.38 re 261.037 250.113 45.354 -3.38 re 306.392 250.113 45.354 -3.38 re 351.746 250.113 45.354 -3.38 re 397.1 250.113 45.354 -3.38 re 442.455 250.113 45.354 -3.38 re 487.809 250.113 45.354 -3.38 re 215.683 246.733 45.354 -15 re 261.037 246.733 45.354 -15 re 306.392 246.733 45.354 -15 re 351.746 246.733 45.354 -15 re 397.1 246.733 45.354 -15 re 442.455 246.733 45.354 -15 re 487.809 246.733 45.354 -15 re 215.683 231.733 45.354 -30 re 261.037 231.733 45.354 -30 re 306.392 231.733 45.354 -30 re 351.746 231.733 45.354 -30 re 397.1 231.733 45.354 -30 re 442.455 231.733 45.354 -30 re 487.809 231.733 45.354 -30 re 215.683 201.733 45.354 -15 re 261.037 201.733 45.354 -15 re 306.392 201.733 45.354 -15 re 351.746 201.733 45.354 -15 re 397.1 201.733 45.354 -15 re 442.455 201.733 45.354 -15 re 487.809 201.733 45.354 -15 re 215.683 186.733 45.354 -15 re 261.037 186.733 45.354 -15 re 306.392 186.733 45.354 -15 re 351.746 186.733 45.354 -15 re 397.1 186.733 45.354 -15 re 442.455 186.733 45.354 -15 re 487.809 186.733 45.354 -15 re 215.683 171.733 45.354 -30 re 261.037 171.733 45.354 -30 re 306.392 171.733 45.354 -30 re 351.746 171.733 45.354 -30 re 397.1 171.733 45.354 -30 re 442.455 171.733 45.354 -30 re 487.809 171.733 45.354 -30 re 215.683 141.733 45.354 -3.38 re 261.037 141.733 45.354 -3.38 re 306.392 141.733 45.354 -3.38 re 351.746 141.733 45.354 -3.38 re 397.1 141.733 45.354 -3.38 re 442.455 141.733 45.354 -3.38 re 487.809 141.733 45.354 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 325.2907 587.7534 tm (year ended 31 december 2019)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 583.7333 cm 0 0 m 317.48 0 l s q bt 0 tc 6.5 0 0 10 251.3927 584.7533 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -3.555 -6 td (alumina)tj 7.255 1.5 td (primary )tj -1.138 -1.5 td (aluminum)tj 8.532 0 td (energy)tj 6.617 0 td (trading)tj 5.81 4.5 td (corporate )tj 0 tw 0.167 -1.5 td (and other )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (operating )tj -0.027 -1.5 td (segments)tj 9.144 3 td (inter-)tj 0 tw -1.945 -1.5 td ( segment )tj -0.028 tw -1.466 -1.5 td (eliminations)tj 10.527 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.3051 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 251.3927 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 261.0374 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 296.7471 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.3917 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 342.1014 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.7461 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 387.4557 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 397.1004 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 432.8101 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.4547 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 478.1644 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.5187 521.3829 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -61.315 -1.5 td (gain on share of associates\222 )tj 1.003 -1.5 td (net assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 18.558 0 td (\226)tj 6.541 0 td (\226)tj 7.414 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (295,288)tj 13.955 0 td (295,288)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.145 -1.5 td (gain on disposal of a )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.5 td (subsidiary)tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.334 0 td (118)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.765 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.3 0 td (3,014)tj 6.978 0 td (2,738)tj 5.81 0 td (255,317)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.258 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (261,187)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.145 -1.5 td (gain on disposal of )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.5 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 18.558 0 td (\226)tj 6.541 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.133 0 td (159,514)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.258 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (159,514)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.145 -1.5 td (changes for impairment of )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.5 td (inventories)tj /t1_1 1 tf 15.861 0 td (69,740)tj 5.958 0 td (166,331)tj 7.609 0 td (\(19,076\))tj 7.366 0 td (34,136)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.675 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (251,131)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.145 -1.5 td (reversal of/\(provision for\) )tj 1.003 -1.5 td (impairment of receivables, )tj 0.02 tc t* (net of bad debts recovered)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 16.444 0 td (6,837)tj 6.541 0 td (1,088)tj 6.441 0 td (\(53,227\))tj 6.394 0 td (\(121,154\))tj 8.145 0 td (\(3,295\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.479 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.308 0 td (\(169,751\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.757 -1.5 td (dividends of equity )tj 1.003 -1.5 td (investments at fair )tj t* (value through other )tj t* (comprehensive income)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 18.558 0 td (\226)tj 6.541 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.3 0 td (1,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.091 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.281 0 td (96,775)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.675 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.281 0 td (97,775)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.729 -1.5 td (investments in associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.864 0 td (83,424)tj 5.958 0 td (574,385)tj 6.524 0 td (2,021,964)tj 7.867 0 td (362,757)tj 6.088 0 td (6,469,871)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.148 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.807 0 td (9,512,401)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.256 -1.5 td (investments in joint )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.5 td (ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf 14.387 0 td (1,076,085)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.712 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.133 0 td (298,991)tj 7.561 0 td (79,199)tj 5.504 0 td (1,931,307)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.148 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.807 0 td (3,385,582)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.3052 247.2325 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.3052 248.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 247.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 6.5 0 0 10 215.6831 248.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 261.0375 247.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 261.0375 248.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.3918 247.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 306.3918 248.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.7461 247.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 351.7461 248.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 397.1005 247.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 397.1005 248.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.4548 247.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 442.4548 248.0025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 247.2325 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 487.8091 248.0025 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -55.821 -3 td (additions during the )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.5 td (period:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw t* (intangible assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 15.277 0 td (209,365)tj 6.541 0 td (949,013)tj 8.193 0 td (\(5,062\))tj 7.366 0 td (1,869)tj 7.867 0 td (201)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.201 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.807 0 td (1,155,386)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -56.253 -1.5 td (right-of-use assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.387 0 td (1,080,285)tj 7.431 0 td (131,797)tj 8.581 0 td (8,411)tj 6.394 0 td (27,365)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.675 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.807 0 td (1,247,858)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -56.253 -1.5 td (property, plant and )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.5 td (equipment)tj /t1_1 1 tf 13.384 0 td (6,486,248)tj 6.541 0 td (2,381,644)tj 7.414 0 td (1,454,659)tj 7.867 0 td (132,841)tj 6.978 0 td (165,832)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.258 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.223 0 td (10,621,224)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.3052 138.8521 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.3052 139.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 138.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 6.5 0 0 10 215.6831 139.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 261.0375 138.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 261.0375 139.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.3918 138.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 306.3918 139.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.7461 138.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 351.7461 139.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 397.1005 138.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 397.1005 139.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.4548 138.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 442.4548 139.6221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 138.8521 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 487.8091 139.6221 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (segment information \(continued\))]tj et endstream endobj 450 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (8)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 215.683 601.483 317.48 -15 re 215.683 586.483 317.48 -3 re 215.683 583.483 45.354 -60 re 261.037 583.483 45.354 -60 re 306.392 583.483 45.354 -60 re 351.746 583.483 45.354 -60 re 397.1 583.483 45.354 -60 re 442.455 583.483 45.354 -60 re 487.809 583.483 45.354 -60 re 215.683 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 261.037 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 306.392 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 351.746 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 397.1 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 442.455 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 487.809 523.483 45.354 -3.37 re 215.683 520.113 45.354 -15 re 261.037 520.113 45.354 -15 re 306.392 520.113 45.354 -15 re 351.746 520.113 45.354 -15 re 397.1 520.113 45.354 -15 re 442.455 520.113 45.354 -15 re 487.809 520.113 45.354 -15 re 215.683 505.113 45.354 -15 re 261.037 505.113 45.354 -15 re 306.392 505.113 45.354 -15 re 351.746 505.113 45.354 -15 re 397.1 505.113 45.354 -15 re 442.455 505.113 45.354 -15 re 487.809 505.113 45.354 -15 re 215.683 490.113 45.354 -15 re 261.037 490.113 45.354 -15 re 306.392 490.113 45.354 -15 re 351.746 490.113 45.354 -15 re 397.1 490.113 45.354 -15 re 442.455 490.113 45.354 -15 re 487.809 490.113 45.354 -15 re 215.683 475.113 45.354 -15 re 261.037 475.113 45.354 -15 re 306.392 475.113 45.354 -15 re 351.746 475.113 45.354 -15 re 397.1 475.113 45.354 -15 re 442.455 475.113 45.354 -15 re 487.809 475.113 45.354 -15 re 215.683 460.113 45.354 -30 re 261.037 460.113 45.354 -30 re 306.392 460.113 45.354 -30 re 351.746 460.113 45.354 -30 re 397.1 460.113 45.354 -30 re 442.455 460.113 45.354 -30 re 487.809 460.113 45.354 -30 re 215.683 430.113 45.354 -30 re 261.037 430.113 45.354 -30 re 306.392 430.113 45.354 -30 re 351.746 430.113 45.354 -30 re 397.1 430.113 45.354 -30 re 442.455 430.113 45.354 -30 re 487.809 430.113 45.354 -30 re 215.683 400.113 45.354 -30 re 261.037 400.113 45.354 -30 re 306.392 400.113 45.354 -30 re 351.746 400.113 45.354 -30 re 397.1 400.113 45.354 -30 re 442.455 400.113 45.354 -30 re 487.809 400.113 45.354 -30 re 215.683 370.113 45.354 -60 re 261.037 370.113 45.354 -60 re 306.392 370.113 45.354 -60 re 351.746 370.113 45.354 -60 re 397.1 370.113 45.354 -60 re 442.455 370.113 45.354 -60 re 487.809 370.113 45.354 -60 re 215.683 310.113 45.354 -60 re 261.037 310.113 45.354 -60 re 306.392 310.113 45.354 -60 re 351.746 310.113 45.354 -60 re 397.1 310.113 45.354 -60 re 442.455 310.113 45.354 -60 re 487.809 310.113 45.354 -60 re 215.683 250.113 45.354 -15 re 261.037 250.113 45.354 -15 re 306.392 250.113 45.354 -15 re 351.746 250.113 45.354 -15 re 397.1 250.113 45.354 -15 re 442.455 250.113 45.354 -15 re 487.809 250.113 45.354 -15 re 215.683 235.113 45.354 -45 re 261.037 235.113 45.354 -45 re 306.392 235.113 45.354 -45 re 351.746 235.113 45.354 -45 re 397.1 235.113 45.354 -45 re 442.455 235.113 45.354 -45 re 487.809 235.113 45.354 -45 re 215.683 190.113 45.354 -15 re 261.037 190.113 45.354 -15 re 306.392 190.113 45.354 -15 re 351.746 190.113 45.354 -15 re 397.1 190.113 45.354 -15 re 442.455 190.113 45.354 -15 re 487.809 190.113 45.354 -15 re 215.683 175.113 45.354 -30 re 261.037 175.113 45.354 -30 re 306.392 175.113 45.354 -30 re 351.746 175.113 45.354 -30 re 397.1 175.113 45.354 -30 re 442.455 175.113 45.354 -30 re 487.809 175.113 45.354 -30 re 215.683 145.113 45.354 -45 re 261.037 145.113 45.354 -45 re 306.392 145.113 45.354 -45 re 351.746 145.113 45.354 -45 re 397.1 145.113 45.354 -45 re 442.455 145.113 45.354 -45 re 487.809 145.113 45.354 -45 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 325.2907 587.7534 tm (year ended 31 december 2019)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 583.7333 cm 0 0 m 317.48 0 l s q bt 0 tc 6.5 0 0 10 251.3927 584.7533 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -3.555 -6 td (alumina)tj 7.255 1.5 td (primary )tj -1.138 -1.5 td (aluminum)tj 8.532 0 td (energy)tj 6.617 0 td (trading)tj 5.81 4.5 td (corporate )tj 0 tw 0.167 -1.5 td (and other )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (operating )tj -0.027 -1.5 td (segments)tj 9.144 3 td (inter-)tj 0 tw -1.945 -1.5 td ( segment )tj -0.028 tw -1.466 -1.5 td (eliminations)tj 10.527 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.3051 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 251.3927 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 261.0374 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 296.7471 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.3917 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 342.1014 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.7461 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 387.4557 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 397.1004 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 432.8101 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.4547 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 478.1644 521.3829 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 520.6129 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.5187 521.3829 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -61.315 -3 td (other items)tj /t1_0 1 tf t* (finance income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.864 0 td (61,644)tj 6.541 0 td (53,252)tj 7.414 0 td (35,093)tj 6.394 0 td (105,622)tj 8.145 0 td (5,540)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.091 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (261,151)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.145 -1.5 td (finance costs)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 15.891 0 td (\(651,238\))tj 5.652 0 td (\(1,328,730\))tj 7.414 0 td (\(1,064,769\))tj 7.867 0 td (\(223,928\))tj 6.088 0 td (\(1,652,514\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.537 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.419 0 td (\(4,921,179\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -56.867 -1.5 td (share of profits and losses )tj 1.003 -1.5 td (of joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 15.861 0 td (86,245)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.238 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.328 0 td (\(22,272\))tj 7.95 0 td (3,767)tj 5.81 0 td (202,375)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.258 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (270,115)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.145 -1.5 td (share of profits and losses )tj 1.003 -1.5 td (of associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.056 0 td (\(6,319\))tj 6.346 0 td (11,621)tj 7.025 0 td (\(32,660\))tj 7.366 0 td (36,579)tj 6.978 0 td (39,546)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.675 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.281 0 td (48,767)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.729 -1.5 td (amortisation of right-of-use )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.5 td (assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf 14.888 0 td (\(495,693\))tj 6.541 0 td (\(338,975\))tj 7.414 0 td (\(146,139\))tj 7.561 0 td (\(45,541\))tj 6.978 0 td (\(49,477\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.063 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.419 0 td (\(1,075,825\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -56.867 -1.5 td (depreciation and )tj 1.003 -1.5 td (amortisation \(excluding )tj t* (the amortisation of right-)tj t* (of-use assets\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 13.999 0 td (\(2,830,152\))tj 6.541 0 td (\(3,235,356\))tj 7.414 0 td (\(1,488,077\))tj 8.451 0 td (\(79,366\))tj 6.978 0 td (\(81,467\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.063 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.419 0 td (\(7,714,418\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -56.867 -1.5 td (\(loss\)/gain on disposal )tj 1.003 -1.5 td (of property, plant and )tj t* (equipment and land use )tj -0.028 tw t* (rights)tj /t1_1 1 tf 14.888 0 td (\(587,503\))tj 6.93 0 td (830,205)tj 8.193 0 td (\(1,010\))tj 6.978 0 td (\(7,216\))tj 6.978 0 td (\(5,948\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.479 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (242,960)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.145 -1.5 td (gain on disposal of business)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.28 0 td (262,677)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.822 0 td (\226)tj 7.414 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.697 0 td (262,677)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.145 -1.5 td (realised loss on futures, )tj 1.003 -1.5 td (forward and option )tj t* (contracts, net)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 18.558 0 td (\226)tj 6.541 0 td (\226)tj 7.414 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.281 0 td (60,671)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.675 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.281 0 td (60,671)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -58.729 -1.5 td (other income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.864 0 td (21,252)tj 8.015 0 td (716)tj 5.94 0 td (47,666)tj 7.561 0 td (6,241)tj 6.978 0 td (2,757)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.091 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.281 0 td (78,632)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 0 tw -58.729 -1.5 td [(impairment loss on property,)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.003 -1.5 td (plant and equipment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.056 0 td (\(8,743\))tj 5.374 0 td (\(247,112\))tj 8.581 0 td (\(3,499\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.479 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.308 0 td (\(259,354\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.757 -1.5 td (unrealised loss on futures, )tj 1.003 -1.5 td (forward and option )tj -0.028 tw t* (contracts,net)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 18.558 0 td (\226)tj 6.541 0 td (\226)tj 7.414 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.476 0 td (\(9,851\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.479 0 td (\226)tj 6.978 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.476 0 td (\(9,851\))tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (segment information \(continued\))]tj et endstream endobj 451 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (8)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (segment information \(continued\))]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 215.683 601.477 317.48 -15 re 215.683 586.477 317.48 -3.009 re 215.683 583.468 45.354 -60 re 261.037 583.468 45.354 -60 re 306.392 583.468 45.354 -60 re 351.746 583.468 45.354 -60 re 397.1 583.468 45.354 -60 re 442.455 583.468 45.354 -60 re 487.809 583.468 45.354 -60 re 215.683 523.468 45.354 -3.38 re 261.037 523.468 45.354 -3.38 re 306.392 523.468 45.354 -3.38 re 351.746 523.468 45.354 -3.38 re 397.1 523.468 45.354 -3.38 re 442.455 523.468 45.354 -3.38 re 487.809 523.468 45.354 -3.38 re 215.683 520.087 45.354 -15 re 261.037 520.087 45.354 -15 re 306.392 520.087 45.354 -15 re 351.746 520.087 45.354 -15 re 397.1 520.087 45.354 -15 re 442.455 520.087 45.354 -15 re 487.809 520.087 45.354 -15 re 215.683 505.087 45.354 -15 re 261.037 505.087 45.354 -15 re 306.392 505.087 45.354 -15 re 351.746 505.087 45.354 -15 re 397.1 505.087 45.354 -15 re 442.455 505.087 45.354 -15 re 487.809 505.087 45.354 -15 re 215.683 490.087 45.354 -15 re 261.037 490.087 45.354 -15 re 306.392 490.087 45.354 -15 re 351.746 490.087 45.354 -15 re 397.1 490.087 45.354 -15 re 442.455 490.087 45.354 -15 re 487.809 490.087 45.354 -15 re 215.683 475.087 45.354 -15 re 261.037 475.087 45.354 -15 re 306.392 475.087 45.354 -15 re 351.746 475.087 45.354 -15 re 397.1 475.087 45.354 -15 re 442.455 475.087 45.354 -15 re 487.809 475.087 45.354 -15 re 215.683 460.087 45.354 -15.25 re 261.037 460.087 45.354 -15.25 re 306.392 460.087 45.354 -15.25 re 351.746 460.087 45.354 -15.25 re 397.1 460.087 45.354 -15.25 re 442.455 460.087 45.354 -15.25 re 487.809 460.087 45.354 -15.25 re 215.683 444.837 45.354 -3.38 re 261.037 444.837 45.354 -3.38 re 306.392 444.837 45.354 -3.38 re 351.746 444.837 45.354 -3.38 re 397.1 444.837 45.354 -3.38 re 442.455 444.837 45.354 -3.38 re 487.809 444.837 45.354 -3.38 re 215.683 441.457 45.354 -30 re 261.037 441.457 45.354 -30 re 306.392 441.457 45.354 -30 re 351.746 441.457 45.354 -30 re 397.1 441.457 45.354 -30 re 442.455 441.457 45.354 -30 re 487.809 441.457 45.354 -30 re 215.683 411.457 45.354 -15 re 261.037 411.457 45.354 -15 re 306.392 411.457 45.354 -15 re 351.746 411.457 45.354 -15 re 397.1 411.457 45.354 -15 re 442.455 411.457 45.354 -15 re 487.809 411.457 45.354 -15 re 215.683 396.457 45.354 -30 re 261.037 396.457 45.354 -30 re 306.392 396.457 45.354 -30 re 351.746 396.457 45.354 -30 re 397.1 396.457 45.354 -30 re 442.455 396.457 45.354 -30 re 487.809 396.457 45.354 -30 re 215.683 366.457 45.354 -3.63 re 261.037 366.457 45.354 -3.63 re 306.392 366.457 45.354 -3.63 re 351.746 366.457 45.354 -3.63 re 397.1 366.457 45.354 -3.63 re 442.455 366.457 45.354 -3.63 re 487.809 366.457 45.354 -3.63 re 215.683 362.826 45.354 -15.25 re 261.037 362.826 45.354 -15.25 re 306.392 362.826 45.354 -15.25 re 351.746 362.826 45.354 -15.25 re 397.1 362.826 45.354 -15.25 re 442.455 362.826 45.354 -15.25 re 487.809 362.826 45.354 -15.25 re 215.683 347.576 45.354 -30 re 261.037 347.576 45.354 -30 re 306.392 347.576 45.354 -30 re 351.746 347.576 45.354 -30 re 397.1 347.576 45.354 -30 re 442.455 347.576 45.354 -30 re 487.809 347.576 45.354 -30 re 215.683 317.576 45.354 -3.009 re 261.037 317.576 45.354 -3.009 re 306.392 317.576 45.354 -3.009 re 351.746 317.576 45.354 -3.009 re 397.1 317.576 45.354 -3.009 re 442.455 317.576 45.354 -3.009 re 487.809 317.576 45.354 -3.009 re 215.683 314.567 45.354 -15 re 261.037 314.567 45.354 -15 re 306.392 314.567 45.354 -15 re 351.746 314.567 45.354 -15 re 397.1 314.567 45.354 -15 re 442.455 314.567 45.354 -15 re 487.809 314.567 45.354 -15 re 215.683 299.567 45.354 -30 re 261.037 299.567 45.354 -30 re 306.392 299.567 45.354 -30 re 351.746 299.567 45.354 -30 re 397.1 299.567 45.354 -30 re 442.455 299.567 45.354 -30 re 487.809 299.567 45.354 -30 re 215.683 269.567 45.354 -15 re 261.037 269.567 45.354 -15 re 306.392 269.567 45.354 -15 re 351.746 269.567 45.354 -15 re 397.1 269.567 45.354 -15 re 442.455 269.567 45.354 -15 re 487.809 269.567 45.354 -15 re 215.683 254.567 45.354 -15 re 261.037 254.567 45.354 -15 re 306.392 254.567 45.354 -15 re 351.746 254.567 45.354 -15 re 397.1 254.567 45.354 -15 re 442.455 254.567 45.354 -15 re 487.809 254.567 45.354 -15 re 215.683 239.567 45.354 -3.009 re 261.037 239.567 45.354 -3.009 re 306.392 239.567 45.354 -3.009 re 351.746 239.567 45.354 -3.009 re 397.1 239.567 45.354 -3.009 re 442.455 239.567 45.354 -3.009 re 487.809 239.567 45.354 -3.009 re 215.683 236.558 45.354 -15 re 261.037 236.558 45.354 -15 re 306.392 236.558 45.354 -15 re 351.746 236.558 45.354 -15 re 397.1 236.558 45.354 -15 re 442.455 236.558 45.354 -15 re 487.809 236.558 45.354 -15 re 215.683 221.558 45.354 -15 re 261.037 221.558 45.354 -15 re 306.392 221.558 45.354 -15 re 351.746 221.558 45.354 -15 re 397.1 221.558 45.354 -15 re 442.455 221.558 45.354 -15 re 487.809 221.558 45.354 -15 re 215.683 206.558 45.354 -3.38 re 261.037 206.558 45.354 -3.38 re 306.392 206.558 45.354 -3.38 re 351.746 206.558 45.354 -3.38 re 397.1 206.558 45.354 -3.38 re 442.455 206.558 45.354 -3.38 re 487.809 206.558 45.354 -3.38 re f 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w /gs2 gs q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 96.628 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 441.4568 cm 0 0 m 0 3.13 l s q q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 261.0374 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 306.3917 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 351.7461 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 397.1004 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 442.4547 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 444.8372 cm 0 0 m 45.604 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 533.1634 441.4568 cm 0 0 m 0 3.13 l s q q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 411.4568 cm 0 0 m 0 30 l s q q 1 0 0 1 533.1634 411.4568 cm 0 0 m 0 30 l s q q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 396.4568 cm 0 0 m 0 15 l s q q 1 0 0 1 533.1634 396.4568 cm 0 0 m 0 15 l s q q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 366.4568 cm 0 0 m 0 30 l s q q 1 0 0 1 533.1634 366.4568 cm 0 0 m 0 30 l s q q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 363.0764 cm 0 0 m 0 3.38 l s q q 1 0 0 1 533.1634 363.0764 cm 0 0 m 0 3.38 l s q q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 362.8264 cm 0 0 m 96.628 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 362.8264 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 261.0374 362.8264 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 306.3917 362.8264 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 351.7461 362.8264 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 397.1004 362.8264 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 442.4547 362.8264 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 362.8264 cm 0 0 m 45.604 0 l s q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 6.5 0 0 10 325.2907 587.7467 tm (year ended 31 december 2019)tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 583.7175 cm 0 0 m 317.48 0 l s q bt 0 tc 6.5 0 0 10 251.3927 584.7375 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -3.555 -6 td (alumina)tj 7.255 1.5 td (primary )tj -1.138 -1.5 td (aluminum)tj 8.532 0 td (energy)tj 6.617 0 td (trading)tj 5.81 4.5 td (corporate )tj 0 tw 0.167 -1.5 td (and other )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (operating )tj -0.027 -1.5 td (segments)tj 9.144 3 td (inter-)tj 0 tw -1.945 -1.5 td ( segment )tj -0.028 tw -1.466 -1.5 td (eliminations)tj 10.527 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.3051 520.5871 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 119.3051 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.6831 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 251.3927 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 261.0374 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 296.7471 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.3917 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 342.1014 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.7461 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 387.4557 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 397.1004 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 432.8101 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.4547 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 478.1644 521.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 520.587 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.5187 521.3571 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -61.315 -3 td (total revenue)tj -0.028 tw 14.806 0 td (43,899,982)tj 6.541 0 td (49,089,019)tj 7.997 0 td (7,345,971)tj 5.81 0 td (158,686,280)tj 9.035 0 td (492,940)tj 5.116 0 td (\(69,440,031\))tj 6.782 0 td (190,074,161)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -56.088 -3 td (inter-segment revenue)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 14.418 0 td (\(29,573,401\))tj 6.541 0 td (\(11,694,382\))tj 8.887 0 td (\(236,136\))tj 5.504 0 td (\(27,769,049\))tj 8.451 0 td (\(167,063\))tj 5.893 0 td (69,440,031)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.732 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -61.426 -3.363 td (sales of self-produced )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.5 td (products )tj 0 tw 6.5 0 2.6795 10 159.1861 412.7267 tm (\(note \(i\)\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 6.5 0 0 10 357.2789 412.7267 tm (24,374,356)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -35.739 -3 td (sales of products sourced )tj 1.003 -1.5 td (from external suppliers)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 34.152 0 td (106,542,875)tj 0 tw -35.155 -3.388 td (revenue from external )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.5 td (customers)tj 13.803 0 td (14,326,581)tj 6.541 0 td (37,394,637)tj 7.997 0 td (7,109,835)tj 5.81 0 td (130,917,231)tj 9.035 0 td (325,877)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.258 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.64 0 td (190,074,161)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 487.8091 314.8172 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 523.5188 315.8372 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -61.315 -3 td (segment profit/\(loss\) )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 1.003 -1.5 td (before income tax)tj -0.028 tw 15.277 0 td (844,848)tj 6.541 0 td (687,246)tj 7.414 0 td (403,479)tj 6.978 0 td (952,848)tj 6.589 0 td (\(987,704\))tj 7.366 0 td (213,084)tj 6.088 0 td (2,113,801)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.256 -3 td (income tax expense)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 57.757 0 td (\(625,720\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.8092 236.8082 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 523.5189 237.8281 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -61.315 -3 td (profit for the year)tj -0.028 tw 57.256 0 td (1,488,081)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 487.8092 203.6778 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 523.5189 204.4478 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 452 0 obj <> endobj 453 0 obj <> endobj 454 0 obj <> endobj 455 0 obj <> endobj 456 0 obj <> endobj 457 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 458 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 459 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 460 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 461 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 462 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (8)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (segment information \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.096 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 587.7467 tm [(\225)68.2 ( )-1854.9 (the)14 ( energy)14.1 ( segment)14.1 (,)14 ( which)14.1 ( consists)14.1 ( of)14 ( the)14.1 ( research)14 ( and)14.1 ( development)14 (,)68.2 ( )]tj 0.073 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(production)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( operation)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( energy)13.7 ( products)13.7 (,)13.7 ( mainly)13.7 ( includes)13.7 ( coal)13.8 ( mining)13.7 (,)45.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(ele)0.5 (ctrici)0.5 (ty)9.2 ( g)0.5 (enerat)0.5 (ion)9.2 ( )0.5 (by)9.2 ( th)0.5 (ermal)9.2 ( )0.5 (pow)0.5 (er)9.2 (,)9.2 ( w)0.5 (ind)9.2 ( )0.5 (power)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (solar)9.2 ( )0.5 (power)9.3 (,)9.2 ( and)9.2 ( )0.5 (new)9.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(energy)14.1 ( related)14.1 ( equipment)14.1 ( manufacturing)14.1 ( business)14.1 (.)14.1 ( sales)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( coals)14.1 ( are)14.2 ( mainly)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.034 tw t* (made to the group\222s internal and external coals consuming customers, \ electricity )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (is sold to regional power grid corporations.)tj 0.001 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225 )-1999.8 (the trading segment, which consists of the trading of alumina, primary a\ luminum, )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(aluminum)3.2 ( )0.5 (fabrication)3.2 ( )0.5 (products)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (other)3.2 ( )0.5 (non)3.3 (-)3.1 (ferrous)3.2 ( )0.5 (metal)3.2 ( )0.5 (products)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (coal)3.3 ( products)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(raw)13.8 ( materials)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( supplemental)13.8 ( materials)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( logistics)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( transport)13.7 ( services)19.2 ( )]tj 0.085 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (er)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (fa)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.4 ( p)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( ex)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (na)0.5 (l)14.4 ( c)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (me)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (c)14.4 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)57.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.034 tw t* (products are sourced from fellow subsidiaries of the group, and internat\ ional and )tj 0.051 tw t* (domestic suppliers of the group. sales of products manufactured by the g\ roup\222s )tj 0.069 tw t* (manufacturing business are included in the total revenue of the trading \ segment )tj 0.072 tw t* [(and )0.5 (are )0.5 (eliminated )0.6 (with )0.5 (the )0.6 (segment )0.5 (revenue )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (respective )0.5 (segments )0.6 (which )]tj 0 tw t* (supply the products to the trading segment.)tj 0.082 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)54.2 ( )-1868.9 (corporate)13.9 ( and)14 ( other)13.9 ( operating)13.9 ( segments)13.9 (,)14 ( which)13.9 ( mainly)14 ( include)13.9 ( corporate)54.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (management, research and development activities and others.)tj 0.033 tw -2.835 -3 td (prepaid current income tax and deferred tax assets are excluded from seg\ ment assets, )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(and income tax payable and deferred tax liabilities are excluded from se\ gment liabilities.)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(all)14 ( sales)14 ( among)14 ( the)14 ( operating)14 ( segments)13.9 ( were)14 ( conducted)14 ( on)14 ( terms)13.9 ( mutually)14 ( agreed)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (among group companies, and have been eliminated on consolidation.)tj et endstream endobj 463 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (7)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(b\) )-388.4 (segment information)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 587.7467 tm [(the)10.2 ( presidents)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.1 ( )0.5 (company)10.2 ( have)10.2 ( )0.5 (been)10.2 ( )0.5 (identified)10.2 ( as)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (chief)10.1 ( )0.5 (operating)10.2 ( decision)10.2 (-)]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(makers)13.7 (.)13.6 ( they)13.7 ( are)13.6 ( responsible)13.7 ( for)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( review)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( internal)13.6 ( reports)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( order)13.7 ( to)13.6 ( allocate)24.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.077 tw t* [(res)0.5 (ources)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.3 ( o)0.5 (perat)0.5 (ing)14.3 ( segm)0.5 (ents)14.3 ( and)14.4 ( a)0.5 (ssess)14.3 ( the)0.5 (ir)14.3 ( perf)0.5 (orman)0.5 (ce)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( thes)0.5 (e)14.3 ( o)0.5 (perat)0.5 (ing)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (segments.)tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -3 td [(the)8.2 ( )0.5 (presidents)8.2 ( monitor)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (business)8.2 ( )0.5 (from)8.3 ( a)8.2 ( )0.5 (product)8.2 ( perspective)8.2 ( )0.5 (comprising)8.2 ( )0.5 (alumina)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(primary)14 ( aluminum)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( energy)13.9 ( products)14 ( which)13.9 ( are)13.9 ( identified)13.9 ( as)14 ( separate)14 ( reportable)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* [(operating segments. in addition, the group\222s trading business )0.5 (is identified as a separ)0.5 (ate )]tj 0.084 tw t* (reportable operating segment. the group\222s operating segments also inc\ lude corporate )tj 0 tw t* (and other operating activities.)tj 0.082 tw 0 -3 td (the presidents assess the performance of operating segments based on pro\ fit or loss )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(before)13.8 ( income)13.7 ( tax)13.8 ( in)13.7 ( related)13.7 ( periods)13.7 (.)13.8 ( unless)13.7 ( otherwise)13.8 ( stated)13.7 ( below)13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( manner)13.8 ( of)14.2 ( )]tj t* [(assessment)13.8 ( used)13.7 ( by)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( presidents)13.8 ( is)13.7 ( consistent)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( that)13.8 ( applied)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( these)13.7 ( financial)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* [(st)0.5 (atem)0.5 (ents)0.5 (. m)0.5 (anag)0.5 (eme)0.5 (nt h)0.5 (as d)0.5 (eter)0.5 (mi)0.5 (ned t)0.5 (he o)0.5 (per)0.5 (ati)0.5 (ng se)0.5 (gme)0.5 (nts )0.5 (base)0.5 (d on)0.5 ( the)0.5 ( re)0.5 (port)0.5 (s )]tj t* (reviewed by the presidents that are used to make strategic decisions.)tj 0 -3 td (the group\222s five reportable operating segments are summarised as foll\ ows:)tj 0.058 tw t* [(\225 )-1942.9 (the alumina segment, which consists of the mining and purchase of bauxit\ e and )]tj 0.069 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (other raw materials, the refining of bauxite into alumina, and the sale \ of alumina )tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(both)13.6 ( internally)13.7 ( to)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.6 (\222)13.7 (s)13.7 ( aluminum)13.7 ( enterprises)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( trading)13.7 ( enterprises)34.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(and)9.1 ( )0.5 (externally)9.2 ( to)9.2 ( )0.5 (customers)9.2 ( )0.5 (outside)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (group)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (this)9.2 ( segment)9.2 ( also)9.2 ( includes)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (production and sale of chemical alumina and metal gallium.)tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)9.2 ( )-1908.9 (the)9.3 ( primary)9.2 ( aluminum)9.2 ( segment)9.2 (,)9.2 ( which)9.2 ( consists)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( procurement)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( alumina)9.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(and)12.2 ( )0.5 (other)12.2 ( )0.5 (raw)12.2 ( )0.5 (materials)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (supplemental)12.2 ( )0.5 (materials)12.1 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( )0.5 (electricity)12.2 ( power)12.2 (,)12.2 ( and)12.1 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.013 tw t* [(smelting of alumina )0.5 (to )0.5 (produce )0.5 (primary )0.5 (aluminum )0.5 (which is )0.5 (sold )0.5 (to )0.5 (internal )0.5 (trading )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (rp)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)2.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (x)0.5 (te)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)2.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (us)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)2.2 (,)2.2 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)2.2 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)2.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( i)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (ub)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)2.2 (.)2.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.059 tw 0 -1.5 td (segment also includes the production and sale of carbon products and alu\ minum )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (alloy and other aluminum products.)tj et endstream endobj 464 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (7)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information)]tj ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.444 tw 1.89 -2.333 td (\(a\) revenue)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 584.7466 tm [(\(ii\) )-825.7 (performance obligations)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 554.7467 tm (rendering of services)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 524.7467 tm [(the)12.2 ( )0.5 (performance)12.2 ( obligation)12.2 ( )0.5 (is)12.2 ( )0.5 (satisfied)12.2 ( over)12.2 ( time)12.2 ( )0.5 (as)12.2 ( services)12.2 ( are)12.2 ( rendered)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (payment is generally due upon completion of the relevant services.)tj 0 -3 td (amounts expected to be recognised as revenue:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 463.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 448.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 445.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 430.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 415.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 400.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 397.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 382.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 367.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 449.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 445.5963 cm 0 0 m 221.102 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 446.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 445.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 446.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 445.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 446.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -30.331 -3 td (within one year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 25.093 0 td (1,638,826)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,579,322)tj 0 tw -33.314 -1.5 td (after one year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 25.983 0 td (125,758)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (132,844)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 397.3372 cm 0 0 m 221.102 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 398.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 397.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 398.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 397.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 398.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (1,764,584)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,712,166)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 364.2068 cm 0 0 m 221.102 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 364.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 364.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 364.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 364.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 364.9768 tm ( )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw -30.331 -2.873 td [(t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)4.2 ( r)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)4.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (e)4.2 ( o)0.6 (b)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (g)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)4.1 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (x)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)4.2 ( t)0.6 (o)4.2 ( b)0.6 (e)4.1 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (g)0.5 (n)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)4.2 ( i)0.5 (n)4.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)4.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.017 tw 0 -1.5 td [(one year relate to rendering of services that are to )0.5 (be )0.5 (satisfied within 1\22610 years. )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(all the other remaining performance obligations are satisfied in one yea\ r or less at)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (the end of each year.)tj et endstream endobj 465 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (7)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (revenue \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 584.7466 tm [(\(i\) )-1131.5 (disaggregated revenue information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.053 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 554.7467 tm [(th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( f)0.5 (ol)0.5 (l)0.5 (owi)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( t)0.5 (ab)0.5 (le)14.4 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (ow)0.5 (s)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( a)0.5 (mo)0.5 (un)0.5 (ts)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( re)0.5 (ve)0.5 (nu)0.5 (e)14.3 ( r)0.5 (eco)0.5 (gn)0.5 (is)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( in)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (ur)0.5 (re)0.5 (nt)25.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -1.5 td [(r)0.5 (ep)0.5 (or)0.5 (t)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)4.2 ( p)0.5 (er)0.5 (i)0.5 (od)4.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)4.2 ( w)0.5 (er)0.5 (e)4.2 ( )0.5 (in)0.5 (c)0.5 (lu)0.5 (de)0.5 (d)4.2 ( i)0.5 (n)4.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)4.2 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (nt)0.5 (ra)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)4.1 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (ia)0.5 (b)0.5 (il)0.5 (i)0.5 (ti)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)4.2 ( a)0.5 (t)4.2 ( t)0.5 (he)4.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (eg)0.5 (i)0.5 (nn)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)4.2 ( o)0.5 (f)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the reporting period:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 508.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 493.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 490.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 475.096 82.205 -45 re 368.504 430.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 415.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 400.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 397.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 382.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 367.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 494.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 490.5963 cm 0 0 m 221.102 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 491.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 490.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5039 491.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7086 490.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7086 491.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -30.331 -3 td (revenue recognised that was included in )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (contract liabilities at the beginning of the )tj t* (reporting period:)tj 0 -1.5 td (\226 sale of goods)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.101 0 td (1,543,164)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,277,125)tj 0 tw -32.322 -1.5 td (\226 others)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 25.575 0 td (36,158)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (32,947)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 397.3372 cm 0 0 m 221.102 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 398.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 397.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 398.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 397.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 398.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (1,579,322)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (1,310,072)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4017 364.2068 cm 0 0 m 221.102 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4017 364.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5041 364.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.5041 364.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7088 364.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7088 364.9768 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0553 333.2468 tm [(\(ii\) )-825.7 (performance obligations)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 147.4017 303.2468 tm (information about the group\222s performance obligations is summarised b\ elow:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3754 273.2468 tm (revenue from sales of products \(including sales of the other materials\)\ )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4017 243.2468 tm [(the)12.1 ( )0.5 (performance)12.2 ( )0.5 (obligation)12.2 ( is)12.2 ( )0.5 (satisfied)12.2 ( )0.5 (upon)12.2 ( delivery)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( industrial)12.2 ( )0.5 (products)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.05 tw t* (and payment is generally due within 30 to 90 days from delivery, except \ for new )tj 0 tw t* (customers, where payment in advance is normally required.)tj 0.078 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(sales)14 ( of)14 ( goods)14 ( were)14 ( made)14 ( in)13.9 ( a)14 ( short)14 ( period)14 ( of)14 ( time)14 ( and)14 ( the)14 ( performance)50.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (obligation was mostly satisfied in one year or less at the end of each y\ ear.)tj et endstream endobj 466 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (7)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 255.118 565.285 277.795 -15 re 255.118 550.285 277.795 -3 re 255.118 547.285 39.685 -60 re 294.803 547.285 39.685 -60 re 334.488 547.285 39.685 -60 re 374.173 547.285 39.685 -60 re 413.858 547.285 39.685 -60 re 453.543 547.285 39.685 -60 re 493.228 547.285 39.685 -60 re 255.118 487.285 39.685 -3.37 re 294.803 487.285 39.685 -3.37 re 334.488 487.285 39.685 -3.37 re 374.173 487.285 39.685 -3.37 re 413.858 487.285 39.685 -3.37 re 453.543 487.285 39.685 -3.37 re 493.228 487.285 39.685 -3.37 re 255.118 483.915 39.685 -15 re 294.803 483.915 39.685 -15 re 334.488 483.915 39.685 -15 re 374.173 483.915 39.685 -15 re 413.858 483.915 39.685 -15 re 453.543 483.915 39.685 -15 re 493.228 483.915 39.685 -15 re 255.118 468.915 39.685 -30 re 294.803 468.915 39.685 -30 re 334.488 468.915 39.685 -30 re 374.173 468.915 39.685 -30 re 413.858 468.915 39.685 -30 re 453.543 468.915 39.685 -30 re 493.228 468.915 39.685 -30 re 255.118 438.915 39.685 -15 re 294.803 438.915 39.685 -15 re 334.488 438.915 39.685 -15 re 374.173 438.915 39.685 -15 re 413.858 438.915 39.685 -15 re 453.543 438.915 39.685 -15 re 493.228 438.915 39.685 -15 re 255.118 423.915 39.685 -15 re 294.803 423.915 39.685 -15 re 334.488 423.915 39.685 -15 re 374.173 423.915 39.685 -15 re 413.858 423.915 39.685 -15 re 453.543 423.915 39.685 -15 re 493.228 423.915 39.685 -15 re 255.118 408.915 39.685 -3.009 re 294.803 408.915 39.685 -3.009 re 334.488 408.915 39.685 -3.009 re 374.173 408.915 39.685 -3.009 re 413.858 408.915 39.685 -3.009 re 453.543 408.915 39.685 -3.009 re 493.228 408.915 39.685 -3.009 re 255.118 405.906 39.685 -15 re 294.803 405.906 39.685 -15 re 334.488 405.906 39.685 -15 re 374.173 405.906 39.685 -15 re 413.858 405.906 39.685 -15 re 453.543 405.906 39.685 -15 re 493.228 405.906 39.685 -15 re 255.118 390.906 39.685 -15 re 294.803 390.906 39.685 -15 re 334.488 390.906 39.685 -15 re 374.173 390.906 39.685 -15 re 413.858 390.906 39.685 -15 re 453.543 390.906 39.685 -15 re 493.228 390.906 39.685 -15 re 255.118 375.906 39.685 -15 re 294.803 375.906 39.685 -15 re 334.488 375.906 39.685 -15 re 374.173 375.906 39.685 -15 re 413.858 375.906 39.685 -15 re 453.543 375.906 39.685 -15 re 493.228 375.906 39.685 -15 re 255.118 360.906 39.685 -30 re 294.803 360.906 39.685 -30 re 334.488 360.906 39.685 -30 re 374.173 360.906 39.685 -30 re 413.858 360.906 39.685 -30 re 453.543 360.906 39.685 -30 re 493.228 360.906 39.685 -30 re 255.118 330.906 39.685 -3.009 re 294.803 330.906 39.685 -3.009 re 334.488 330.906 39.685 -3.009 re 374.173 330.906 39.685 -3.009 re 413.858 330.906 39.685 -3.009 re 453.543 330.906 39.685 -3.009 re 493.228 330.906 39.685 -3.009 re 255.118 327.897 39.685 -15 re 294.803 327.897 39.685 -15 re 334.488 327.897 39.685 -15 re 374.173 327.897 39.685 -15 re 413.858 327.897 39.685 -15 re 453.543 327.897 39.685 -15 re 493.228 327.897 39.685 -15 re 255.118 312.897 39.685 -30 re 294.803 312.897 39.685 -30 re 334.488 312.897 39.685 -30 re 374.173 312.897 39.685 -30 re 413.858 312.897 39.685 -30 re 453.543 312.897 39.685 -30 re 493.228 312.897 39.685 -30 re 255.118 282.897 39.685 -3.38 re 294.803 282.897 39.685 -3.38 re 334.488 282.897 39.685 -3.38 re 374.173 282.897 39.685 -3.38 re 413.858 282.897 39.685 -3.38 re 453.543 282.897 39.685 -3.38 re 493.228 282.897 39.685 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 6 0 0 10 337.3245 551.5551 tm (for the year ended 31 december 2019)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 255.1181 547.5349 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 6 0 0 10 288.2989 548.5549 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -3.555 -4.5 td (alumina )tj -0.167 -1.5 td (segment)tj 7.058 3 td (primary )tj -1.304 -1.5 td (aluminum )tj 0.86 -1.5 td (segment)tj 7.475 1.5 td (energy )tj -1.028 -1.5 td (segment)tj 7.281 0 td (trading)tj 5.447 4.5 td (corporate )tj 0 tw 0.167 -1.5 td (and other )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (operating )tj -0.027 -1.5 td (segments)tj 8.781 3 td (inter-)tj -1.639 -1.5 td (segment)tj 0 tw -1.64 -1.5 td ( elimination)tj -0.028 tw 9.559 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 484.4145 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6 0 0 10 147.4016 485.1845 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 255.1182 484.4145 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 288.299 485.1845 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 484.4145 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 327.984 485.1845 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4883 484.4145 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 367.669 485.1845 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 484.4145 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 407.3541 485.1845 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8583 484.4145 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 447.0391 485.1845 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 484.4145 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 486.7242 485.1845 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2284 484.4145 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 523.5746 485.1845 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -62.695 -3 td (revenue from contracts with )tj -0.028 tw 1.417 -1.5 td (customers)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -1.417 -1.5 td (external customers)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.84 0 td (14,117,594)tj 6.614 0 td (37,349,482)tj 7.198 0 td (7,099,211)tj 5.447 0 td (130,864,398)tj 8.671 0 td (325,561)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.895 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.972 0 td (189,756,246)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.638 -1.5 td (intersegment sales)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.84 0 td (29,573,401)tj 6.614 0 td (11,694,382)tj 8.088 0 td (236,136)tj 5.141 0 td (27,769,049)tj 8.088 0 td (167,063)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.895 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.388 0 td (69,440,031)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 406.1555 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 407.1754 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 255.1182 406.1555 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 255.1182 407.1754 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 406.1555 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 407.1754 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4883 406.1555 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 334.4883 407.1754 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 406.1555 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 374.1733 407.1754 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8583 406.1555 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 413.8583 407.1754 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 406.1555 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5434 407.1754 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2284 406.1555 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 493.2284 407.1754 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 260.4434 377.1754 tm (43,690,995)tj 6.614 0 td (49,043,864)tj 7.198 0 td (7,335,347)tj 5.447 0 td (158,633,447)tj 8.671 0 td (492,624)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.895 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.276 0 td (259,196,277)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.942 -3 td (intersegment adjustments and )tj -0.028 tw 1.417 -1.5 td (eliminations)tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.034 0 td (\(29,573,401\))tj 6.614 0 td (\(11,694,382\))tj 8.088 0 td (\(236,136\))tj 5.141 0 td (\(27,769,049\))tj 8.088 0 td (\(167,063\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.284 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.999 0 td (\(69,440,031\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 328.1464 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 329.1664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 255.1182 328.1464 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 255.1182 329.1664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 328.1464 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 329.1664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4883 328.1464 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 334.4883 329.1664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 328.1464 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 374.1733 329.1664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8583 328.1464 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 413.8583 329.1664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 328.1464 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5434 329.1664 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2284 328.1464 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 493.2284 329.1664 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 6 0 0 10 147.4016 299.1664 tm (total revenue from contracts with )tj -0.028 tw 1.417 -1.5 td (customers)tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.423 0 td (14,117,594)tj 6.614 0 td (37,349,482)tj 7.198 0 td (7,099,211)tj 5.447 0 td (130,864,398)tj 8.671 0 td (325,561)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.895 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.972 0 td (189,756,246)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 280.016 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 280.786 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 255.1182 280.016 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 255.1182 280.786 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 280.016 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 280.786 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4883 280.016 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 334.4883 280.786 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 280.016 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 374.1733 280.786 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8583 280.016 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 413.8583 280.786 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 280.016 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5434 280.786 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2284 280.016 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 493.2284 280.786 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (revenue \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 584.7466 tm [(\(i\) )-1131.5 (disaggregated revenue information \(continued\))]tj et endstream endobj 467 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 468 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 469 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 470 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 471 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 472 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (7)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td [(\(a\) )-444.4 (revenue \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 584.7466 tm [(\(i\) )-1131.5 (disaggregated revenue information)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 255.118 568.477 277.795 -15 re 255.118 553.477 277.795 -3.009 re 255.118 550.468 39.685 -60 re 294.803 550.468 39.685 -60 re 334.488 550.468 39.685 -60 re 374.173 550.468 39.685 -60 re 413.858 550.468 39.685 -60 re 453.543 550.468 39.685 -60 re 493.228 550.468 39.685 -60 re 255.118 490.468 39.685 -3.38 re 294.803 490.468 39.685 -3.38 re 334.488 490.468 39.685 -3.38 re 374.173 490.468 39.685 -3.38 re 413.858 490.468 39.685 -3.38 re 453.543 490.468 39.685 -3.38 re 493.228 490.468 39.685 -3.38 re 255.118 487.087 39.685 -15 re 294.803 487.087 39.685 -15 re 334.488 487.087 39.685 -15 re 374.173 487.087 39.685 -15 re 413.858 487.087 39.685 -15 re 453.543 487.087 39.685 -15 re 493.228 487.087 39.685 -15 re 255.118 472.087 39.685 -15 re 294.803 472.087 39.685 -15 re 334.488 472.087 39.685 -15 re 374.173 472.087 39.685 -15 re 413.858 472.087 39.685 -15 re 453.543 472.087 39.685 -15 re 493.228 472.087 39.685 -15 re 255.118 457.087 39.685 -15 re 294.803 457.087 39.685 -15 re 334.488 457.087 39.685 -15 re 374.173 457.087 39.685 -15 re 413.858 457.087 39.685 -15 re 453.543 457.087 39.685 -15 re 493.228 457.087 39.685 -15 re 255.118 442.087 39.685 -15 re 294.803 442.087 39.685 -15 re 334.488 442.087 39.685 -15 re 374.173 442.087 39.685 -15 re 413.858 442.087 39.685 -15 re 453.543 442.087 39.685 -15 re 493.228 442.087 39.685 -15 re 255.118 427.087 39.685 -3.009 re 294.803 427.087 39.685 -3.009 re 334.488 427.087 39.685 -3.009 re 374.173 427.087 39.685 -3.009 re 413.858 427.087 39.685 -3.009 re 453.543 427.087 39.685 -3.009 re 493.228 427.087 39.685 -3.009 re 255.118 424.078 39.685 -15 re 294.803 424.078 39.685 -15 re 334.488 424.078 39.685 -15 re 374.173 424.078 39.685 -15 re 413.858 424.078 39.685 -15 re 453.543 424.078 39.685 -15 re 493.228 424.078 39.685 -15 re 255.118 409.078 39.685 -15 re 294.803 409.078 39.685 -15 re 334.488 409.078 39.685 -15 re 374.173 409.078 39.685 -15 re 413.858 409.078 39.685 -15 re 453.543 409.078 39.685 -15 re 493.228 409.078 39.685 -15 re 255.118 394.078 39.685 -3.38 re 294.803 394.078 39.685 -3.38 re 334.488 394.078 39.685 -3.38 re 374.173 394.078 39.685 -3.38 re 413.858 394.078 39.685 -3.38 re 453.543 394.078 39.685 -3.38 re 493.228 394.078 39.685 -3.38 re 255.118 390.698 39.685 -15 re 294.803 390.698 39.685 -15 re 334.488 390.698 39.685 -15 re 374.173 390.698 39.685 -15 re 413.858 390.698 39.685 -15 re 453.543 390.698 39.685 -15 re 493.228 390.698 39.685 -15 re 255.118 375.698 39.685 -15 re 294.803 375.698 39.685 -15 re 334.488 375.698 39.685 -15 re 374.173 375.698 39.685 -15 re 413.858 375.698 39.685 -15 re 453.543 375.698 39.685 -15 re 493.228 375.698 39.685 -15 re 255.118 360.698 39.685 -15 re 294.803 360.698 39.685 -15 re 334.488 360.698 39.685 -15 re 374.173 360.698 39.685 -15 re 413.858 360.698 39.685 -15 re 453.543 360.698 39.685 -15 re 493.228 360.698 39.685 -15 re 255.118 345.698 39.685 -15 re 294.803 345.698 39.685 -15 re 334.488 345.698 39.685 -15 re 374.173 345.698 39.685 -15 re 413.858 345.698 39.685 -15 re 453.543 345.698 39.685 -15 re 493.228 345.698 39.685 -15 re 255.118 330.698 39.685 -3.009 re 294.803 330.698 39.685 -3.009 re 334.488 330.698 39.685 -3.009 re 374.173 330.698 39.685 -3.009 re 413.858 330.698 39.685 -3.009 re 453.543 330.698 39.685 -3.009 re 493.228 330.698 39.685 -3.009 re 255.118 327.689 39.685 -15 re 294.803 327.689 39.685 -15 re 334.488 327.689 39.685 -15 re 374.173 327.689 39.685 -15 re 413.858 327.689 39.685 -15 re 453.543 327.689 39.685 -15 re 493.228 327.689 39.685 -15 re 255.118 312.689 39.685 -30 re 294.803 312.689 39.685 -30 re 334.488 312.689 39.685 -30 re 374.173 312.689 39.685 -30 re 413.858 312.689 39.685 -30 re 453.543 312.689 39.685 -30 re 493.228 312.689 39.685 -30 re 255.118 282.689 39.685 -3.38 re 294.803 282.689 39.685 -3.38 re 334.488 282.689 39.685 -3.38 re 374.173 282.689 39.685 -3.38 re 413.858 282.689 39.685 -3.38 re 453.543 282.689 39.685 -3.38 re 493.228 282.689 39.685 -3.38 re 255.118 279.308 39.685 -15 re 294.803 279.308 39.685 -15 re 334.488 279.308 39.685 -15 re 374.173 279.308 39.685 -15 re 413.858 279.308 39.685 -15 re 453.543 279.308 39.685 -15 re 493.228 279.308 39.685 -15 re 255.118 264.308 39.685 -15 re 294.803 264.308 39.685 -15 re 334.488 264.308 39.685 -15 re 374.173 264.308 39.685 -15 re 413.858 264.308 39.685 -15 re 453.543 264.308 39.685 -15 re 493.228 264.308 39.685 -15 re 255.118 249.308 39.685 -15 re 294.803 249.308 39.685 -15 re 334.488 249.308 39.685 -15 re 374.173 249.308 39.685 -15 re 413.858 249.308 39.685 -15 re 453.543 249.308 39.685 -15 re 493.228 249.308 39.685 -15 re 255.118 234.308 39.685 -15 re 294.803 234.308 39.685 -15 re 334.488 234.308 39.685 -15 re 374.173 234.308 39.685 -15 re 413.858 234.308 39.685 -15 re 453.543 234.308 39.685 -15 re 493.228 234.308 39.685 -15 re 255.118 219.308 39.685 -3.009 re 294.803 219.308 39.685 -3.009 re 334.488 219.308 39.685 -3.009 re 374.173 219.308 39.685 -3.009 re 413.858 219.308 39.685 -3.009 re 453.543 219.308 39.685 -3.009 re 493.228 219.308 39.685 -3.009 re 255.118 216.299 39.685 -15 re 294.803 216.299 39.685 -15 re 334.488 216.299 39.685 -15 re 374.173 216.299 39.685 -15 re 413.858 216.299 39.685 -15 re 453.543 216.299 39.685 -15 re 493.228 216.299 39.685 -15 re 255.118 201.299 39.685 -30 re 294.803 201.299 39.685 -30 re 334.488 201.299 39.685 -30 re 374.173 201.299 39.685 -30 re 413.858 201.299 39.685 -30 re 453.543 201.299 39.685 -30 re 493.228 201.299 39.685 -30 re 255.118 171.299 39.685 -3.38 re 294.803 171.299 39.685 -3.38 re 334.488 171.299 39.685 -3.38 re 374.173 171.299 39.685 -3.38 re 413.858 171.299 39.685 -3.38 re 453.543 171.299 39.685 -3.38 re 493.228 171.299 39.685 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 6 0 0 10 337.3245 554.7467 tm (for the year ended 31 december 2019)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 255.1181 550.7175 cm 0 0 m 277.795 0 l s q bt 0 tc 6 0 0 10 288.2989 551.7375 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -3.555 -4.5 td (alumina )tj -0.167 -1.5 td (segment)tj 7.058 3 td (primary )tj -1.304 -1.5 td (aluminum )tj 0.86 -1.5 td (segment)tj 7.475 1.5 td (energy )tj -1.028 -1.5 td (segment)tj 7.281 0 td (trading)tj 5.447 4.5 td (corporate )tj 0 tw 0.167 -1.5 td (and other )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (operating )tj -0.027 -1.5 td (segments)tj 8.781 3 td (inter-)tj -1.639 -1.5 td (segment)tj 0 tw -1.64 -1.5 td ( elimination)tj -0.028 tw 9.559 0 td (total)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 487.5871 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6 0 0 10 147.4016 488.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 255.1182 487.5871 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 288.299 488.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 487.5871 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 327.984 488.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4883 487.5871 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 367.669 488.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 487.5871 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 407.3541 488.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8583 487.5871 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 447.0391 488.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 487.5871 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 486.7242 488.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2284 487.5871 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 523.5746 488.3571 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -62.695 -3 td (type of goods or services)tj 0 tc 23.483 0 td ( )tj 6.614 0 td ( )tj 6.614 0 td ( )tj 6.614 0 td ( )tj 6.614 0 td ( )tj 6.614 0 td ( )tj 6.142 0 td ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -62.695 -1.5 td (sales of goods)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.84 0 td (43,690,995)tj 6.614 0 td (49,043,864)tj 7.198 0 td (7,148,644)tj 5.447 0 td (158,633,447)tj 8.671 0 td (492,624)tj 4.752 0 td (\(69,440,031\))tj 6.115 0 td (189,569,543)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.638 -1.5 td (rendering of services)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 23.594 0 td (\226)tj 6.614 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.333 0 td (186,703)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.895 0 td (\226)tj 6.614 0 td (\226)tj 6.614 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.861 0 td (186,703)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 424.3281 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 425.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 255.1182 424.3281 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 255.1182 425.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 424.3281 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 425.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4883 424.3281 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 334.4883 425.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 424.3281 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 374.1733 425.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8583 424.3281 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 413.8583 425.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 424.3281 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5434 425.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2284 424.3281 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 493.2284 425.3481 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 6 0 0 10 147.4016 395.3481 tm (total revenue)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.84 0 td (43,690,995)tj 6.614 0 td (49,043,864)tj 7.198 0 td (7,335,347)tj 5.447 0 td (158,633,447)tj 8.671 0 td (492,624)tj 4.752 0 td (\(69,440,031\))tj 6.115 0 td (189,756,246)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 391.1977 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 391.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 255.1182 391.1977 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 255.1182 391.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 391.1977 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 391.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4883 391.1977 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 334.4883 391.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 391.1977 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 374.1733 391.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8583 391.1977 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 413.8583 391.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 391.1977 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5434 391.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2284 391.1977 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 493.2284 391.9677 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 6 0 0 10 147.4016 361.9677 tm (geographical markets)tj /t1_0 1 tf t* (mainland china)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.84 0 td (43,690,995)tj 6.614 0 td (49,043,864)tj 7.198 0 td (7,335,347)tj 5.447 0 td (152,857,432)tj 8.671 0 td (492,624)tj 4.752 0 td (\(69,440,031\))tj 6.115 0 td (183,980,231)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.638 -1.5 td (outside of mainland china)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 23.594 0 td (\226)tj 6.614 0 td (\226)tj 6.614 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.444 0 td (5,776,015)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.785 0 td (\226)tj 6.614 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.971 0 td (5,776,015)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 327.9386 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 328.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 255.1182 327.9386 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 255.1182 328.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 327.9386 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 328.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4883 327.9386 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 334.4883 328.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 327.9386 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 374.1733 328.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8583 327.9386 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 413.8583 328.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 327.9386 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5434 328.9586 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2284 327.9386 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 493.2284 328.9586 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 6 0 0 10 147.4016 298.9586 tm (total revenue from contracts with )tj -0.028 tw 1.417 -1.5 td (customers)tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.423 0 td (43,690,995)tj 6.614 0 td (49,043,864)tj 7.198 0 td (7,335,347)tj 5.447 0 td (158,633,447)tj 8.671 0 td (492,624)tj 4.752 0 td (\(69,440,031\))tj 6.115 0 td (189,756,246)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 279.8082 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 280.5782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 255.1182 279.8082 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 255.1182 280.5782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 279.8082 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 280.5782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4883 279.8082 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 334.4883 280.5782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 279.8082 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 374.1733 280.5782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8583 279.8082 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 413.8583 280.5782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 279.8082 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5434 280.5782 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2284 279.8082 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 493.2284 280.5782 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 6 0 0 10 147.4016 250.5782 tm (timing of revenue recognition)tj /t1_0 1 tf t* (goods transferred at a point in time)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.84 0 td (43,690,995)tj 6.614 0 td (49,043,864)tj 7.198 0 td (7,148,644)tj 5.447 0 td (158,633,447)tj 8.671 0 td (492,624)tj 4.752 0 td (\(69,440,031\))tj 6.115 0 td (189,569,543)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -57.638 -1.5 td (services transferred over time)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 23.594 0 td (\226)tj 6.614 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.333 0 td (186,703)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.895 0 td (\226)tj 6.614 0 td (\226)tj 6.614 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.861 0 td (186,703)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 216.5492 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 217.5692 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 255.1182 216.5492 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 255.1182 217.5692 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 216.5492 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 217.5692 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4883 216.5492 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 334.4883 217.5692 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 216.5492 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 374.1733 217.5692 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8583 216.5492 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 413.8583 217.5692 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 216.5492 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5434 217.5692 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2284 216.5492 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 493.2284 217.5692 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 6 0 0 10 147.4016 187.5692 tm (total revenue from contracts with )tj -0.028 tw 1.417 -1.5 td (customers)tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.423 0 td (43,690,995)tj 6.614 0 td (49,043,864)tj 7.198 0 td (7,335,347)tj 5.447 0 td (158,633,447)tj 8.671 0 td (492,624)tj 4.752 0 td (\(69,440,031\))tj 6.115 0 td (189,756,246)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 147.4016 168.4188 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 169.1888 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 255.1182 168.4188 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 255.1182 169.1888 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 168.4188 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 169.1888 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 334.4883 168.4188 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 334.4883 169.1888 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 168.4188 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 374.1733 169.1888 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8583 168.4188 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 413.8583 169.1888 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 168.4188 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5434 169.1888 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 493.2284 168.4188 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 493.2284 169.1888 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 473 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (7)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (revenue and segment information)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.444 tw 1.89 -2.333 td (\(a\) revenue)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 587.7467 tm (revenue recognised during the year is as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 368.504 571.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 556.477 82.205 -15 re 368.504 541.477 82.205 -3.38 re 368.504 538.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 523.096 82.205 -30 re 368.504 493.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 478.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 463.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 448.096 82.205 -15 re 368.504 433.096 82.205 -3.009 re 368.504 430.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 415.087 82.205 -15 re 368.504 400.087 82.205 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 421.9654 557.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 539.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 538.5963 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 539.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -33.165 -3 td (revenue from contracts with customers \(net of )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (value-added tax\))tj 0 -1.5 td (sale of goods)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 25.768 0 td (189,569,543)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (179,785,704)tj 0 tw -33.989 -1.5 td (rendering of services)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.826 0 td (186,703)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (215,557)tj 0 tw -37.038 -1.5 td (revenue from other sources)tj 0.992 -1.5 td (rental income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.826 0 td (317,915)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (240,153)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 430.3372 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 431.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 430.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 431.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 430.3372 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 431.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -6.405 -3 td (190,074,161)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.22 0 td (180,241,414)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 397.2068 cm 0 0 m 249.449 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 397.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.504 397.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 368.504 397.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 450.7087 397.2068 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 450.7087 397.9768 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw -33.165 -2.873 td [(revenue )0.5 (from )0.5 (the )0.5 (rendering )0.5 (of )0.5 (services )0.5 (includes )0.5 (revenue )0.5 (from )0.5 (the )0.5 (supply )0.5 (of )0.5 (heat )0.5 (and )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(water)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (provision)5.2 ( of)5.3 ( machinery)5.2 ( )0.5 (processing)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (transportation)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (packaging)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (other)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (services.)tj et endstream endobj 474 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (7)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.003 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(3)-24.8 (.)-24.8 ( )-719.1 (significant accounting estimates and judgements)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.008 tc -0.008 tw 1.89 -1.3 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -2.333 td (estimates and assumptions)tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 565.2466 tm [(\(h\) )-798.5 (investments in joint ventures and associates \226 recoverable amount)]tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.465 -1.304 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.076 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 520.2467 tm (value in use is also generally determined as the present value of the es\ timated future )tj 0.001 tw 0 -1.5 td [(cash )0.5 (flows )0.5 (of )0.5 (those )0.5 (expected )0.5 (to )0.5 (arise )0.5 (from )0.5 (the )0.5 (continued use )0.5 (of )0.5 (the asset )0.5 (in )0.6 (its )0.5 (present )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(form)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( its)13.9 ( eventual)13.9 ( disposal)13.9 (.)13.9 ( present)13.9 ( values)13.9 ( are)13.9 ( determined)13.9 ( using)13.9 ( a)14 ( risk)13.9 (-)13.9 (adjusted)20.3 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(pre)13.7 (-)13.7 (tax)13.7 ( discount)13.7 ( rate)13.7 ( appropriate)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( risks)13.8 ( inherent)13.8 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( asset)13.7 (.)13.7 ( future)13.7 ( cash)13.8 ( flow)14.3 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.077 tw t* [(es)0.5 (ti)0.5 (ma)0.5 (tes)14.4 ( are)14.4 ( bas)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( o)0.5 (n)14.3 ( e)0.5 (xpe)0.5 (cte)0.5 (d)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (od)0.5 (uct)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)14.3 ( an)0.5 (d)14.3 ( sa)0.5 (le)0.5 (s)14.3 ( vo)0.5 (lu)0.5 (me)0.5 (s)14.3 (,)14.3 ( c)0.5 (omm)0.5 (od)0.5 (it)0.5 (y)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (ice)0.5 (s)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (\(considering current and historical prices, price trends and related fa\ ctors\) and operating )tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(costs)14.1 (.)14 ( this)14 ( policy)14 ( requires)14 ( management)14 ( to)14 ( make)14 ( these)14 ( estimates)14 ( and)14.1 ( assumptions)23.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.077 tw t* [(whi)0.5 (ch)14.3 ( are)14.3 ( subj)0.5 (ect)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( ri)0.5 (sk)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.3 ( uncert)0.5 (ainty)14.4 (;)14.3 ( h)0.5 (ence)14.3 ( ther)0.5 (e)14.3 ( i)0.5 (s)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( p)0.5 (ossib)0.5 (ilit)0.5 (y)14.3 ( t)0.5 (hat)14.3 ( chan)0.5 (ges)24.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(in)14.2 ( )0.5 (circumstances)14.3 ( )0.5 (will)14.3 ( )0.5 (alter)14.2 ( )0.5 (these)14.2 ( )0.5 (projections)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (which)14.3 ( )0.5 (may)14.2 ( )0.5 (impact)14.3 ( )0.5 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (recoverable)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.003 tw t* (amounts of the investments. in such circumstances, some or all of the ca\ rrying value of )tj 0.084 tw t* (the investments may be impaired and the impairment would be charged agai\ nst profit )tj 0 tw t* (or loss.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 322.2466 tm [(\(i\) )-1131.5 (leases \226 estimating the incremental borrowing rate)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.069 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 292.2466 tm (the group cannot readily determine the interest rate implicit in a lease\ , and therefore, )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(it)11.3 ( uses)11.2 ( )0.5 (an)11.2 ( )0.5 (incremental)11.2 ( )0.5 (borrowing)11.2 ( rate)11.3 ( \()11.2 (\223)11.2 (ibr)11.2 (\224)11.2 (\))11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( )0.5 (measure)11.2 ( )0.5 (lease)11.2 ( )0.5 (liabilities)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( ibr)11.2 ( )0.5 (is)11.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.077 tw t* [(the)14.3 ( r)0.5 (ate)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( interest)14.3 ( t)0.5 (hat)14.4 ( the)14.3 ( g)0.5 (roup)14.3 ( would)14.3 ( have)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( pay)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( borrow)14.3 ( over)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( sim)0.5 (ilar)14.3 ( t)0.5 (erm)14.3 (,)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.048 tw t* (and with a similar security, the funds necessary to obtain an asset of a\ similar value to )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.5 ( right)13.5 (-)13.5 (of)13.5 (-)13.5 (use)13.5 ( asset)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( a)13.4 ( similar)13.5 ( economic)13.5 ( environment)13.5 (.)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( ibr)13.6 ( therefore)13.5 ( reflects)16.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(w)0.5 (hat)6.3 ( t)0.5 (he)6.2 ( )0.5 (gr)0.5 (ou)0.5 (p)6.2 ( \223)6.2 (w)0.5 (ou)0.5 (ld)6.2 ( )0.5 (ha)0.5 (ve)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( )0.5 (pa)0.5 (y)6.2 (\224)6.2 (,)6.2 ( w)0.5 (hi)0.5 (ch)6.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (equ)0.5 (i)0.5 (re)0.5 (s)6.2 ( e)0.5 (st)0.5 (im)0.5 (at)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)6.2 ( w)0.5 (he)0.5 (n)6.2 ( n)0.5 (o)6.2 ( o)0.5 (bs)0.5 (er)0.5 (va)0.5 (bl)0.5 (e)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.005 tw t* (rates are available \(such as for subsidiaries that do not enter into fi\ nancing transactions\) )tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw t* [(or)14.3 ( )0.5 (when)14.3 ( )0.5 (it)14.3 ( )0.6 (needs)14.3 ( )0.6 (to)14.2 ( )0.6 (be)14.3 ( )0.5 (adjusted)14.3 ( )0.6 (to)14.2 ( )0.6 (reflect)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (terms)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.6 (conditions)14.3 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.6 (lease)14.3 (.)34.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(the)9.1 ( )0.5 (group)9.2 ( )0.5 (estimates)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( ibr)9.2 ( )0.5 (using)9.2 ( )0.5 (observable)9.2 ( inputs)9.2 ( )0.5 (\()9.2 (such)9.2 ( as)9.2 ( )0.5 (market)9.2 ( )0.5 (interest)9.2 ( )0.5 (rates)9.2 (\))9.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(w)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.6 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)11.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)11.2 ( t)0.6 (o)11.2 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)11.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (y)11.2 (-)11.2 (s)0.5 (p)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (f)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)11.2 ( e)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (m)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (\()11.2 (s)0.5 (u)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)11.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (subsidiary\222s stand-alone credit rating\).)tj et endstream endobj 475 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 62.3622 742.33 tm [(31 december 20)55 (1)60 (9)]tj 0 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj t* (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 321.5189 721.6899 tm [(n)1 (o)-15.4 (t)-8.9 (e)1.1 (s t)-12 (o f)-28.2 (i)1.9 (n)9.3 (a)12.4 (n)11.2 (c)15.7 (i)9.7 (a)10.9 (l s)-30.8 (t)-16.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-25.1 (s \()17.6 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 476 0 obj <> endobj 477 0 obj <> endobj 478 0 obj <> endobj 479 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ct%�b�h q؇��41�(�o?;�:i������qy ������8c�9�qn� \��9�l�vf�����ͨ"j��iƾr����rn�_`�l� �u��-��]a�u�k���8�`�n��,�t�_�! i�ʒ��� ��e|.#�6��3x��ơo�u�* ?�*:�ϟ$�қ�ƫ|��ql�x/�g>�wo��ka�|>��r�n�!�{�w�;�t8e�^�{�r�d> ����^�,l�3��q�l�g\?��dx��ky�<�67�i�0ڠ/ �9|lf�,��w�#�� endstream endobj 480 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r���{� � ��x�n�����f�v�8���kh^��yf�t�|[�m_�"��j�f�k�"�d����-��� ڈ��r��ʧ���ƞ����dg��y. �~��z|�{��jۖưw���?��2����a���4� ��^id;?r����y�o=�`���w�d�x���{��>x���y���9g�18f�7fo}�����in������5 ^�^�y���[������}t n�x1���b6��t.��aqu���`���9h>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������?�@�jp�|g�g47�| �m�֞��yzt�8�һ�� ��� endstream endobj 481 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 482 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (7)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (3)tj 0.003 tc 0.584 0 td [(.)-24.8 ( )-719.2 (significant accounting estimates and judgements)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.008 tc -0.008 tw 1.306 -1.3 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -2.333 td (estimates and assumptions)tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 565.2466 tm [(\(g\) )-798.5 (income tax)]tj ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 535.2467 tm [(an)14.1 ( entity)14.1 ( shall)14.1 ( recognise)14.1 ( a)14.1 ( deferred)14.1 ( tax)14.1 ( liability)14.1 ( for)14.1 ( all)14.1 ( taxable)14.1 ( temporary)14.1 ( differences)15.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(associated)11.1 ( )0.5 (with)11.2 ( )0.5 (investments)11.2 ( in)11.2 ( subsidiaries)11.2 (,)11.2 ( associates)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( )0.5 (joint)11.2 ( )0.5 (ventures)11.2 (,)11.2 ( except)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the extent that both of the following conditions are satisfied:)tj 0.084 tw 0 -3 td [(\225 )-1916.9 (the parent, investor or joint venturer is able to control the timing of \ the reversal )]tj 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (of the temporary difference; and)tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)15.2 ( )-1907.9 (it)14 ( is)14 ( probable)14.1 ( that)14.1 ( the)14 ( temporary)14.1 ( difference)14 ( will)14.1 ( not)14 ( reverse)14 ( in)14 ( the)14 ( foreseeable)15.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (future.)tj 0.049 tw -2.835 -3 td (the group considers it has recorded adequate current tax provision and d\ eferred taxes )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(based)14.3 ( on)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (prevailing)14.2 ( )0.5 (tax)14.2 ( )0.5 (rules)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( regulations)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( its)14.2 ( )0.5 (current)14.2 ( )0.5 (best)14.2 ( )0.5 (estimates)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.01 tw t* (assumptions. in the event that future tax rules and regulations or relat\ ed circumstances )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(change)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (adjustments)4.2 ( )0.5 (to)4.2 ( )0.5 (current)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( )0.5 (deferred)4.2 ( taxation)4.2 ( may)4.2 ( )0.5 (be)4.2 ( necessary)4.2 ( )0.5 (which)4.2 ( )0.5 (would)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (impact on the group\222s results or financial position.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 292.2466 tm [(\(h\) )-798.5 (investments in joint ventures and associates \226 recoverable amount)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 262.2466 tm [(in)9.2 ( accordance)9.2 ( )0.5 (with)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( group)9.2 (\222)9.2 (s)9.2 ( )0.5 (accounting)9.2 ( policy)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (each)9.2 ( )0.5 (investment)9.2 ( in)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)9.2 ( joint)9.2 ( )0.5 (venture)9.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw t* [(and)14.2 ( an)14.2 ( associate)14.3 ( )-0.6 (is)14.3 ( )-0.6 (evaluated)14.3 ( in)14.3 ( every)14.2 ( reporting)14.2 ( period)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( determine)14.3 ( whether)14.3 ( there)21.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc t* [(a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( an)0.5 (y)14.5 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( i)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (ai)0.6 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 (.)14.4 ( i)0.5 (f)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( e)0.6 (xi)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)14.4 ( e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)31.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(recoverable)8.2 ( amount)8.2 ( is)8.2 ( performed)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (an)8.2 ( )0.5 (impairment)8.2 ( )0.5 (loss)8.2 ( )0.5 (is)8.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)8.2 ( )0.5 (to)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( extent)8.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(that)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( carrying)13.6 ( amount)13.5 ( exceeds)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( recoverable)13.5 ( amount)13.6 (.)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( recoverable)13.6 ( amount)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (of the investment in a joint venture and an associate is measured at the\ higher of fair )tj 0 tw t* (value less costs of disposal and value in use.)tj 0.082 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(a)14.4 ( f)0.6 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)14.3 ( v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)14.4 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( n)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 (-)14.4 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)14.4 ( t)0.5 (a)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( a)0.5 (c)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)54.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.046 tw 0 -1.5 td (participant\222s ability to generate economic benefits by using the asse\ t in its highest and )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(best)8.2 ( )0.5 (use)8.2 ( )0.5 (or)8.2 ( by)8.2 ( selling)8.2 ( )0.5 (it)8.2 ( )0.5 (to)8.2 ( another)8.2 ( )0.5 (market)8.2 ( participant)8.2 ( )0.5 (that)8.2 ( )0.5 (would)8.2 ( )0.5 (use)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (asset)8.2 ( )0.5 (in)8.2 ( its)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (highest and best use.)tj et endstream endobj 483 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 464.0257 742.33 tm [(31 december 20)55 (1)60 (9)]tj -11.334 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj 8.444 -1.375 td (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(n)1 (o)-15.4 (t)-8.9 (e)1.1 (s t)-12 (o f)-28.2 (i)1.9 (n)9.3 (a)12.4 (n)11.2 (c)15.7 (i)9.7 (a)10.9 (l s)-30.8 (t)-16.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-25.1 (s \()17.6 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 484 0 obj <> endobj 485 0 obj <> endobj 486 0 obj <> endobj 487 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ct%�b�h q؇��41�(�o?;�:i������qy ������8c�9�qn� \��9�l�vf�����ͨ"j��iƾr����rn�_`�l� �u��-��]a�u�k���8�`�n��,�t�_�! i�ʒ��� ��e|.#�6��3x��ơo�u�* ?�*:�ϟ$�қ�ƫ|��ql�x/�g>�wo��ka�|>��r�n�!�{�w�;�t8e�^�{�r�d> ����^�,l�3��q�l�g\?��dx��ky�<�67�i�0ڠ/ �9|lf�,��w�#�� endstream endobj 488 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r���{� � ��x�n�����f�v�8���kh^��yf�t�|[�m_�"��j�f�k�"�d����-��� ڈ��r��ʧ���ƞ����dg��y. �~��z|�{��jۖưw���?��2����a���4� ��^id;?r����y�o=�`���w�d�x���{��>x���y���9g�18f�7fo}�����in������5 ^�^�y���[������}t n�x1���b6��t.��aqu���`���9h>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������?�@�jp�|g�g47�| �m�֞��yzt�8�һ�� ��� endstream endobj 489 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 490 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (7)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (3. )tj 0.003 tc 0 tw 1.89 0 td [(significant accounting estimates and judgements)-4.7 ( )]tj 0.008 tc -0.008 tw 0 -1.267 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -2.267 td (estimates and assumptions)tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 567.7466 tm [(\(f\) )-1076.5 (coal reserve estimates and units-of-production amortisation for coal )]tj 2.465 -1.522 td (mining rights)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.038 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 521.2467 tm [(external )0.5 (qualified )0.5 (valuation professionals evaluate )0.5 (\223economically )0.5 (recoverable reserves\224 )]tj 0.079 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.45 td [(based)14.1 ( on)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( reserves)14.1 ( estimated)14.1 ( by)14 ( external)14.1 ( qualified)14.1 ( exploration)14.1 ( engineers)14 ( in)51.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0 -1.45 td [(accordance)13.5 ( with)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( prc)13.5 ( standards)13.4 (.)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( estimates)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( coal)13.5 ( reserves)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( inherently)26.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(imprecise)9.2 ( and)9.2 ( represent)9.2 ( only)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( approximate)9.2 ( )0.5 (amounts)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (coal)9.2 ( )0.5 (reserves)9.2 ( )0.5 (because)9.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( subjective)13.9 ( judgements)13.9 ( involved)13.8 ( in)13.9 ( developing)13.9 ( such)13.9 ( information)13.8 (.)13.9 ( economically)17.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw t* [(recoverable)14.2 ( reserve)14.2 ( estimates)14.2 ( are)14.2 ( evaluated)14.2 ( on)14.2 ( a)14.2 ( regular)14.3 ( )-0.6 (basis)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( have)14.2 ( taken)14.2 ( into)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (account recent production and technical information about each mine.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 402.2466 tm [(\(g\) )-798.5 (income tax)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.056 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 373.2466 tm [(the)13.6 ( group)13.5 ( estimates)13.6 ( its)13.6 ( income)13.6 ( tax)13.5 ( provision)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( deferred)13.6 ( taxation)13.5 ( in)13.6 ( accordance)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.089 tw t* (with the prevailing tax rules and regulations, taking into account any s\ pecial approvals )tj 0.025 tw t* [(obtained )0.5 (from the )0.5 (relevant )0.5 (tax authorities and )0.5 (any preferential tax )0.5 (treatment to )0.5 (which )0.5 (it )]tj 0.06 tw t* (is entitled in each location or jurisdiction in which the group operates\ . there are many )tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(transactions)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( calculations)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( which)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( ultimate)13.8 ( tax)13.8 ( determination)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( uncertain)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw t* (during the ordinary course of business. the group recognises liabilities\ for anticipated )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(tax)13.6 ( audit)13.6 ( issues)13.6 ( based)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( estimates)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( whether)13.6 ( additional)13.6 ( taxes)13.6 ( will)13.6 ( be)13.6 ( due)13.6 (.)13.6 ( where)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.053 tw t* (the final tax outcome of these matters is different from the amounts tha\ t were initially )tj 0.082 tw t* (recorded, the differences will impact on the income tax and deferred tax\ provisions in )tj 0 tw t* (the period in which the determination is made.)tj 0.047 tc 0.077 tw 0 -2.9 td [(deferre)0.5 (d)14.3 ( tax)14.3 ( assets)14.3 ( a)0.5 (re)14.2 ( recognise)0.5 (d)14.2 ( for)14.3 ( unused)14.3 ( ta)0.5 (x)14.2 ( losses)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( ded)0.5 (uctible)14.3 ( t)0.5 (emporary)19.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.45 td [(differences)13.8 (,)13.7 ( such)13.8 ( as)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( provision)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( impairment)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( receivables)13.8 (,)13.8 ( inventories)13.8 ( and)37.2 ( )]tj 0.079 tc t* [(property)13.8 (,)13.7 ( plant)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( equipment)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( accruals)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( expenses)13.7 ( not)13.8 ( yet)13.7 ( deductible)13.7 ( for)51.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(tax)13.8 ( purposes)13.7 (,)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( extent)13.8 ( that)13.7 ( it)13.7 ( is)13.7 ( probable)13.7 ( that)13.7 ( taxable)13.7 ( profits)13.7 ( will)13.8 ( be)13.7 ( available)28.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(against)13.2 ( )0.5 (which)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (losses)13.2 ( )0.5 (deductible)13.2 ( temporary)13.2 ( difference)13.2 ( )0.5 (can)13.2 ( )0.5 (be)13.2 ( )0.5 (utilised)13.2 (.)13.2 ( significant)13.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.077 tw t* [(m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( j)0.5 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (g)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (a)0.5 (x)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)16.2 ( )]tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw t* [(that)13.5 ( can)13.5 ( be)13.5 ( recognised)13.5 (,)13.5 ( based)13.5 ( upon)13.5 ( forecast)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( future)13.5 ( taxable)13.5 ( profits)13.5 ( which)13.5 ( was)38.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(complex)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( judgmental)14 ( and)13.9 ( was)13.9 ( based)13.8 ( on)13.9 ( significant)13.9 ( assumptions)13.9 (,)13.9 ( including)13.9 ( future)14.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(tax)2.2 ( rates)2.3 (,)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( possible)2.2 ( utilisation)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( loss)2.2 ( )0.5 (carry)2.2 ( )0.5 (forwards)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )0.5 (future)2.2 ( )0.5 (taxable)2.2 ( )0.5 (profits)2.2 ( that)2.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(are)13.7 ( affected)13.6 ( by)13.6 ( unexpected)13.7 ( changes)13.7 ( in)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( tax)13.7 ( law)13.6 ( framework)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( future)13.6 ( market)13.6 ( or)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (economic conditions.)tj et endstream endobj 491 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 492 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 493 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 494 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 495 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 496 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (7)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.003 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(3)-24.8 (.)-24.8 ( )-719.1 (significant accounting estimates and judgements)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.008 tc -0.008 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -2.333 td (estimates and assumptions \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 564.7466 tm [(\(d\) )-798.5 (provision for expected credit losses on trade receivables \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(the)13.5 ( assessment)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( correlation)13.5 ( among)13.5 ( historical)13.5 ( observed)13.6 ( default)13.5 ( rates)13.6 (,)13.5 ( forecast)16.2 ( )]tj 0.073 tc 0 -1.5 td [(economic)13.6 ( conditions)13.6 ( and)13.7 ( ecls)13.6 ( is)13.7 ( a)13.6 ( significant)13.7 ( estimate)13.6 (.)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( amount)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( ecls)13.7 ( is)45.1 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -1.5 td [(sensitive)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )0.5 (changes)1.2 ( )0.5 (in)1.2 ( )0.5 (circumstances)1.2 ( and)1.2 ( )0.5 (forecast)1.2 ( )0.5 (economic)1.1 ( )0.5 (conditions)1.2 (.)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (group)1.2 (\222)1.2 (s)1.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -1.5 td [(historical)4.2 ( credit)4.2 ( )0.5 (loss)4.2 ( )0.5 (experience)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( forecast)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( )0.5 (economic)4.2 ( )0.5 (conditions)4.2 ( )0.5 (may)4.2 ( also)4.2 ( not)4.2 ( )0.5 (be)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw t* [(presentative of customer\222s actual )0.5 (default in )0.5 (the future. the )0.5 (information about the ecls )]tj 0 tw t* (on the group\222s trade receivables is disclosed in note 13 to the finan\ cial statements.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 426.7466 tm [(\(e\) )-853.5 (estimated impairment of inventories)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 396.7466 tm [(in)14.1 ( accordance)14.1 ( with)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.2 (\222)14.1 (s)14.1 ( accounting)14.1 ( policy)14.1 (,)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.1 (\222)14.1 (s)14.1 ( management)14.1 ( tests)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw t* (whether inventories suffered any impairment based on estimates of the ne\ t realisable )tj 0.059 tw t* (amount of the inventories. for different types of inventories, it requir\ es the estimation )tj 0.067 tw t* (on selling prices, costs of conversion, selling expenses and the related\ tax expense to )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(calculate)14 ( the)14 ( net)14 ( realisable)14 ( amount)14 ( of)14.1 ( inventories)14 (.)14.1 ( for)14.1 ( inventories)14 ( held)14 ( for)14 ( executed)16.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0.077 tw t* [(s)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( n)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)14.5 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.4 ( b)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.5 ( o)0.5 (n)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)44.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.045 tw t* [(contracted )0.5 (price. )0.5 (for raw )0.5 (materials )0.5 (and )0.5 (work-in-progress, )0.5 (management )0.5 (has )0.5 (established )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(a model in estimating the net realisable amount at which the inventories\ can be realised)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(in)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( normal)6.2 ( )0.5 (course)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (business)6.2 ( )0.5 (after)6.2 ( considering)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( group)6.2 (\222)6.2 (s)6.2 ( )0.5 (man)0.5 (uf)0.5 (acturing)6.2 ( )0.5 (cycles)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.012 tw t* (production capacity and forecasts, estimated future conversion costs and\ selling prices. )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(management)14 ( also)13.9 ( takes)13.9 ( into)13.9 ( account)13.9 ( the)14 ( price)13.9 ( or)13.9 ( cost)13.9 ( fluctuations)13.9 ( and)14 ( other)14 ( related)14.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(matters)14.3 ( )0.5 (occurring)14.2 ( )0.6 (after)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (end)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (reporting)14.2 ( )0.6 (period)14.3 ( )0.5 (which)14.3 ( )0.5 (reflect)14.3 ( )0.5 (conditions)14.3 ( )0.5 (that)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (existed at the end of the reporting period.)tj 0.061 tw 0 -3 td (it is reasonably possible that if there is a significant change in circu\ mstances including )tj 0.039 tw 0 -1.5 td (the group\222s business and the external environment, outcomes within th\ e next financial )tj 0 tw t* (year would be significantly affected.)tj et endstream endobj 497 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (6)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (3. )tj 0.003 tc 0 tw 1.89 0 td [(significant accounting estimates and judgements)-4.7 ( )]tj 0.008 tc -0.008 tw 0 -1.3 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -2.333 td (estimates and assumptions)tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 565.2466 tm [(\(c\) )-909.5 (goodwill \226 recoverable amount)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.084 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 535.2467 tm (in accordance with the group\222s accounting policy, goodwill is allocat\ ed to the group\222s )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(cash)13.6 ( generating)13.7 ( units)13.6 ( \()13.6 (\223)13.6 (cgu)13.6 (\224)13.7 (\))13.6 ( as)13.6 ( it)13.7 ( represents)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( lowest)13.6 ( level)13.7 ( within)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.6 ( at)17.3 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td [(which)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( goodwill)12.2 ( )0.5 (is)12.2 ( )0.5 (monitored)12.2 ( for)12.2 ( )0.5 (internal)12.2 ( )0.5 (management)12.2 ( purposes)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( is)12.2 ( )0.5 (tested)12.2 ( for)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.064 tw 0 -1.5 td (impairment annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumsta\ nce indicated )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(that)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( carrying)13.4 ( amount)13.5 ( may)13.4 ( be)13.5 ( impaired)13.5 (,)13.5 ( by)13.4 ( comparing)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( recoverable)13.4 ( amount)13.5 ( of)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.043 tw t* (the cgu and the carrying amount of the cgu. the recoverable amount is th\ e higher of )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(value)9.2 ( )0.5 (in)9.2 ( )0.5 (use)9.2 ( and)9.1 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (fair)9.3 ( value)9.2 ( )0.5 (less)9.2 ( )0.5 (costs)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (disposal)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (recoverable)9.2 ( amount)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(underlying cgus involved estimates and judgments, including future price\ s of aluminum)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)14 ( alumina)14 (,)14 ( expected)14 ( production)14 ( and)14 ( sales)14 ( volumes)14 (,)14 ( production)14 ( costs)14 (,)14 ( operating)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw t* (expenses, terminal growth rates used to estimate future cash flows and d\ iscount rates )tj 0.026 tw t* (applied to these forecasted future cash flows of the underlying cgus. th\ ese estimates )tj 0.089 tw t* [(and )0.5 (judgments )0.5 (may )0.5 (be affected )0.5 (by )0.5 (unexpected )0.5 (changes in future market )0.5 (or )0.5 (economic )]tj -0.028 tw t* (conditions.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 322.2466 tm [(\(d\) )-798.5 (provision for expected credit losses on trade receivables)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.001 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 292.2466 tm (the group uses a provision matrix to calculate ecls for trade receivable\ s. the provision )tj 0 tw t* [(rates ar)0.5 (e based on days pa)0.5 (st due for gr)0.5 (ou)0.5 (pings of vari)0.5 (ous customer )0.5 (segments that )0.5 (have )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(similar)7.2 ( )0.5 (loss)7.2 ( )0.5 (patterns)7.2 ( \()7.2 (i)7.3 (.)7.1 (e)7.3 (.)7.2 (,)7.2 ( by)7.2 ( )0.5 (product)7.2 ( )0.5 (type)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (customer)7.2 ( )0.5 (type)7.2 (,)7.3 ( and)7.2 ( )0.5 (coverage)7.2 ( )0.5 (by)7.2 ( letters)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (credit and other forms of credit insurance\).)tj 0.091 tw 0 -3 td (the provision matrix is initially based on the group\222s historical obs\ erved default rates. )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the)4.2 ( group)4.2 ( )0.5 (will)4.2 ( calibrate)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( )0.5 (matrix)4.2 ( )0.5 (to)4.2 ( )0.5 (adjust)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( historical)4.3 ( credit)4.2 ( loss)4.2 ( )0.5 (experience)4.2 ( with)4.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(forward)10.2 (-)10.2 (looking)10.2 ( information)10.2 (.)10.2 ( for)10.2 ( )0.5 (instance)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (if)10.2 ( )0.5 (forecast)10.2 ( )0.5 (economic)10.2 ( )0.5 (conditions)10.2 ( )0.5 (\()10.2 (i)10.2 (.)10.2 (e)10.2 (.)10.2 (,)10.1 ( )0.5 (gross)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.028 tw t* (domestic products\) are expected to deteriorate over the next year which\ can lead to an )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(increased)7.2 ( )0.5 (number)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (defaults)7.2 ( in)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (manufacturing)7.2 ( sector)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.3 ( historical)7.2 ( )0.5 (default)7.2 ( )0.5 (rates)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.091 tw t* (are adjusted. at each reporting date, the historical observed default ra\ tes are updated )tj 0 tw t* (and changes in the forward-looking estimates are analysed.)tj et endstream endobj 498 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (6)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.003 tc 0.719 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(3)-24.8 (.)-24.8 ( significant)]tj 0 tw [( accounting estimates and judgements)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.008 tc -0.008 tw 1.89 -1.3 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -2.267 td (estimates and assumptions \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 567.2466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (property, plant and equipment and intangible assets \226 recoverable )]tj 2.465 -1.522 td (amount \(excluding goodwill\) \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.056 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 520.7467 tm (value in use is generally determined as the present value of the estimat\ ed future cash )tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.45 td [(flows)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( those)13.5 ( expected)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( arise)13.5 ( from)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( continued)13.5 ( use)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( asset)13.6 ( in)13.4 ( its)13.5 ( present)18.3 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0 -1.45 td [(form)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( its)13.9 ( eventual)13.9 ( disposal)13.9 (.)13.9 ( present)13.9 ( values)13.9 ( are)13.9 ( determined)13.9 ( using)13.9 ( a)14 ( risk)13.9 (-)13.9 (adjusted)20.3 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(pre)13.7 (-)13.7 (tax)13.7 ( discount)13.7 ( rate)13.7 ( appropriate)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( risks)13.8 ( inherent)13.8 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( asset)13.7 (.)13.7 ( future)13.7 ( cash)13.8 ( flow)14.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw t* (estimates are based on significant estimates and judgments involved in t\ he projections )tj 0.056 tw t* (of the future prices of aluminum and alumina, expected production and sa\ les volumes, )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(production)6.2 ( costs)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (operating)6.2 ( )0.5 (expenses)6.2 (,)6.2 ( and)6.2 ( )0.5 (discount)6.2 ( rates)6.2 ( )0.5 (applied)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( these)6.3 ( forecasted)6.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(future)13.6 ( cash)13.6 ( flows)13.6 (.)13.6 ( these)13.6 ( estimates)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( judgments)13.6 ( may)13.6 ( be)13.6 ( affected)13.6 ( by)13.6 ( unexpected)21.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (ha)0.5 (n)0.5 (ge)0.5 (s)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( f)0.5 (u)0.5 (tu)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( m)0.5 (ar)0.5 (k)0.5 (et)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( e)0.5 (c)0.5 (on)0.5 (o)0.5 (mi)0.5 (c)14.4 ( c)0.5 (on)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)14.3 (;)14.4 ( h)0.5 (e)0.5 (nc)0.5 (e)14.4 (,)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.3 ( is)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( p)0.5 (o)0.5 (ss)0.5 (i)0.5 (b)0.5 (il)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)29.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(that)13.2 ( changes)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( circumstances)13.2 ( will)13.3 ( alter)13.2 ( )0.5 (these)13.2 ( projections)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (which)13.2 ( )0.5 (may)13.2 ( )0.5 (impact)13.2 ( )0.5 (on)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw t* (recoverable amounts of the assets. in such circumstances, some or all of\ the carrying )tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(value)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( assets)14.2 ( )0.5 (may)14.2 ( )0.5 (be)14.2 ( impaired)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (impairment)14.2 ( )0.5 (would)14.2 ( )0.5 (be)14.2 ( )0.5 (charged)14.2 ( against)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (profit or loss.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 314.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (property, plant and equipment and intangible assets \(excluding )]tj 2.465 -1.522 td (goodwill\) \226 estimated useful lives and residual values)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 268.2466 tm [(the)14.2 ( group)14.2 (\222)14.2 (s)14.2 ( management)14.2 ( )0.5 (determines)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (estimated)14.2 ( )0.5 (useful)14.2 ( lives)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( )0.5 (residual)14.2 ( )0.5 (values)15.2 ( )]tj 0.088 tc t* [(\()14.1 (if)14 ( applicable)14 (\))14.1 ( and)14.1 ( consequently)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( related)14.1 ( depreciation)14.1 (/)14.1 (amortisation)14.1 ( charges)60.2 ( )]tj 0.07 tc t* [(for)13.6 ( its)13.6 ( property)13.5 (,)13.7 ( plant)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( equipment)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( intangible)13.6 ( assets)13.6 ( \()13.6 (excluding)13.6 ( goodwill)13.6 (\))13.6 (.)42.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc t* [(these)13.9 ( estimates)13.9 ( are)13.9 ( based)13.9 ( on)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( historical)13.8 ( experience)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( actual)13.9 ( useful)13.9 ( lives)13.8 ( of)18.3 ( )]tj 0.061 tc t* [(property)14 (,)14 ( plant)14.1 ( and)14 ( equipment)14.1 ( of)14 ( similar)14 ( nature)14.1 ( and)14 ( functions)14.1 (,)14 ( or)14 ( based)14 ( on)14.1 ( value)14 (-)]tj 0.047 tc t* [(in)14.3 (-)14.3 (use)14.2 ( )0.6 (calculations)14.3 ( )0.6 (or)14.3 ( )0.6 (market)14.3 ( )0.6 (valuations)14.3 ( )0.6 (according)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (estimated)14.3 ( )0.6 (peri)0.5 (ods)14.3 ( )0.6 (that)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)19.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.077 tw t* [(g)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)14.4 ( i)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (s)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)14.5 ( f)0.6 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)14.4 ( e)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)14.5 ( b)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.5 ( f)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( u)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)14.4 ( o)0.6 (f)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (i)0.5 (b)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 (.)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.088 tw t* (management will increase the depreciation/amortisation charge where usef\ ul lives are )tj 0.082 tw t* (less than previously estimated, and it will write off or write down tech\ nically obsolete )tj 0 tw t* (or non-strategic assets that have been abandoned or sold.)tj 0.045 tw 0 -2.9 td (actual economic lives may differ from estimated useful lives and actual \ residual values )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.45 td [(may)13.9 ( differ)13.9 ( from)13.9 ( estimated)13.9 ( residual)13.9 ( values)13.9 (.)13.9 ( periodic)13.9 ( review)13.9 ( could)13.8 ( result)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( change)13.9 ( in)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw t* (depreciable lives and residual values and therefore change in depreciati\ on/amortisation )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (expense in future periods.)tj et endstream endobj 499 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (6)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.003 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(3)-24.8 (.)-24.8 ( )-719.1 (significant accounting estimates and judgements)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.008 tc -0.008 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -2.333 td (estimates and assumptions)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.026 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7087 567.7467 tm [(the key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estim\ ation uncertainty at)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.01 tw 0 -1.5 td (the reporting date, that have a significant risk of causing a material a\ djustment to the carrying )tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(amounts)13.8 ( of)13.7 ( assets)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( liabilities)13.7 ( within)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( next)13.7 ( financial)13.8 ( year)13.7 (,)13.8 ( are)13.7 ( described)13.7 ( below)13.8 (.)13.7 ( the)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (group\222s assumptions and estimates are based on parameters available w\ hen the consolidated )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(financial)14.1 ( statements)14.1 ( were)14.1 ( prepared)14.1 (.)14.1 ( existing)14.1 ( circumstances)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( assumptions)14.1 ( about)14.1 ( future)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(devel)0.5 (opments)0.5 (, howev)0.5 (er, may )0.5 (change d)0.5 (ue to mar)0.5 (ket cha)0.5 (nges or c)0.5 (ircums)0.5 (tances a)0.5 (rising)0.5 ( beyond )]tj t* (the control of the group. such changes are reflected in the assumptions \ when they occur.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 444.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (property, plant and equipment and intangible assets \226 recoverable )]tj 2.465 -1.565 td (amount \(excluding goodwill\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 396.7466 tm [(in)8.2 ( )0.5 (accordance)8.2 ( with)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (group)8.2 (\222)8.2 (s)8.2 ( accounting)8.2 ( policy)8.2 (,)8.2 ( each)8.2 ( asset)8.2 ( )0.5 (or)8.2 ( )0.5 (cash)8.2 (-)8.2 (generating)8.2 ( unit)8.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(is)7.2 ( )0.5 (evaluated)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( every)7.2 ( )0.5 (reporting)7.2 ( )0.5 (period)7.2 ( )0.5 (to)7.2 ( )0.5 (determine)7.2 ( )0.5 (whether)7.2 ( )0.5 (there)7.2 ( are)7.2 ( )0.5 (any)7.2 ( indications)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.037 tw t* (of impairment. if any such indication exists, an estimate of the net rec\ overable amount )tj 0.058 tc 0.077 tw t* [(i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)14.4 ( i)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( l)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( r)0.5 (ec)0.5 (o)0.5 (g)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( e)0.5 (x)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (ar)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)30.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.052 tw t* [(amount )0.5 (exceeds )0.6 (the )0.5 (recoverable )0.5 (amount. )0.6 (the )0.5 (recoverable )0.6 (amount )0.5 (of )0.5 (an )0.5 (asset )0.6 (or )0.5 (cash- )]tj 0.075 tw t* (generating unit of assets is measured at the higher of fair value less c\ osts of disposal )tj 0 tw t* (and value in use.)tj 0.082 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(a)14.4 ( f)0.6 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)14.3 ( v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)14.4 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( n)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 (-)14.4 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)14.4 ( t)0.5 (a)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( a)0.5 (c)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)54.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.046 tw 0 -1.5 td (participant\222s ability to generate economic benefits by using the asse\ t in its highest and )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(best)8.2 ( )0.5 (use)8.2 ( )0.5 (or)8.2 ( by)8.2 ( selling)8.2 ( )0.5 (it)8.2 ( )0.5 (to)8.2 ( another)8.2 ( )0.5 (market)8.2 ( participant)8.2 ( )0.5 (that)8.2 ( )0.5 (would)8.2 ( )0.5 (use)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (asset)8.2 ( )0.5 (in)8.2 ( its)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (highest and best use.)tj et endstream endobj 500 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (6)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.003 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(3)-24.8 (.)-24.8 ( )-719.1 (significant accounting estimates and judgements)]tj 0 tc 31.378 0 td ( )tj 0.008 tc -0.008 tw -29.488 -1 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -2.333 td (judgements)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 569.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (consolidation of entities in which the group holds less than a majority \ )]tj 2.465 -1.565 td (of voting rights)tj ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.054 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 521.7467 tm [(a)0.5 (t)14.5 ( 3)14.4 (1)14.5 ( d)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (b)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)14.5 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.5 (1)14.4 (9)14.5 (,)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (y)14.5 ( o)0.5 (w)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( 4)14.5 (3)14.4 (.)14.5 (3)14.4 (9)14.4 (%)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( s)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( s)0.5 (h)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (x)0.5 (i)14.5 ( c)0.5 (h)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)26.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(aluminum)13.9 ( china)13.9 ( resources)13.9 ( co)14 (.)13.9 (,)13.9 ( ltd)13.9 (.)13.9 (*)14 ( \()13.9 (\223)13.9 (shanxi)14 ( zhongrun)13.9 (\224)14 (\))13.9 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 29.219 0 td <02860413029512590d36119703de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw [(\). i)-14 (n )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw -29.219 -1.5 td [(accordance)13.5 ( with)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( acting)13.5 (-)13.5 (in)13.4 (-)13.5 (concert)13.4 ( agreement)13.5 ( signed)13.5 ( between)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( company)13.5 ( and)18.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0 -1.5 td [(china)13.9 ( resources)13.9 ( coal)13.9 ( industry)14 ( group)14 ( co)13.9 (.)13.9 (,)13.9 ( ltd)13.9 (.)13.9 ( \()13.9 (\223)13.9 (china)14 ( resources)13.9 ( coal)13.9 ( industry)13.9 (\224)13.9 (\))13.9 (,)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.011 tw t* (china resources coal industry would exercise the shareholders\222 and bo\ ard of directors\222 )tj 0.084 tw t* (votes in concert with the group. therefore, the directors of the company\ believe that )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14 ( company)14 ( has)14 ( control)14 ( over)14 ( shanxi)14 ( zhongrun)14 ( and)14 ( consolidated)14 ( shanxi)14 ( zhongrun)14 (\222)14 (s)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (financial statements from the date the group obtained control.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 383.7466 tm [(\(c\) )-909.5 (determination of control over structured entities)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 353.7466 tm [(as)14.1 ( disclosed)14.2 ( in)14.2 ( note)14.1 ( 9)14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( 2)14.1 (0)14.2 (1)14.1 (7)14.2 (,)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( company)14.1 ( )0.5 (initiated)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.1 ( establishment)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( beijing)19.2 ( )]tj 0.071 tc t* [(chalco)14.3 ( )0.5 (bocom)14.3 ( )0.6 (size)14.3 ( )0.5 (industry)14.3 ( )0.5 (investment)14.3 ( )0.5 (fund)14.2 ( )0.6 (management)14.3 ( )0.5 (partnership)14.3 ( )0.6 (\()14.2 (limited)43.2 ( )]tj 0.07 tc t* [(partnership)14 (\))14 (*)13.9 ( \()13.9 (\223)14 (size)14 ( industry)14 ( investment)14 ( fund)14 (\224)13.9 (\))14 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.056 tc -0.056 tw 25.601 0 td <030f052f02951259037410d5032c06c60b2a0e3804b30f1f0a3f0696104d>tj 0.034 tc -0.034 tw -25.601 -1.5 td [<0b2303a50fab03860e38>502 <0080>103.6 <03de082203a50fab>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.6 (\))13.6 (.)13.6 ( pursuant)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( investment)13.6 ( agreements)13.6 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( directors)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.062 tw t* (company are of the opinion that as a limited partner, the company neithe\ r had control )tj 0.08 tw t* [(over )0.5 (or )0.5 (joint )0.5 (control over )0.5 (nor )0.5 (significant )0.5 (influence )0.5 (over )0.5 (size )0.5 (industry )0.5 (investment )0.5 (fund. )]tj 0.034 tw t* (therefore, the company\222s investment in size industry investment fund \ was accounted )tj 0 tw t* (for as equity investment designated at fair value through other comprehe\ nsive income.)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 119.0551 222.7466 tm [(*)16.2 ( )-2559.5 (the)13.8 ( english)13.7 ( name)13.7 ( represents)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( best)13.8 ( effort)13.7 ( made)13.8 ( by)13.8 ( management)13.8 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.7 ( in)13.8 ( translating)13.7 ( its)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (chinese name as it does not have any official english names.)tj et endstream endobj 501 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 502 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 503 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 504 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 505 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 506 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (6)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.003 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(3)-24.8 (.)-24.8 ( )-719.1 (significant accounting estimates and judgements)]tj 0 tc 31.378 0 td ( )tj 0.008 tc -0.008 tw -29.488 -1 td (\(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -2.333 td (judgements)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 569.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (significant influence over an entity in which the group holds less than \ )]tj 2.465 -1.565 td (20% of voting rights)tj ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.012 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 521.7467 tm (at 31 december 2019, the group owned a 16% equity interest in baise new \ aluminum )tj 0.082 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(power)13.8 ( co)13.8 (.)13.7 (,)13.8 ( ltd)13.7 (.)13.8 ( *)13.7 ( \()13.8 (\223)13.7 (new)13.7 ( aluminum)13.8 ( power)13.7 (\224)13.8 (\))13.7 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.068 tc -0.068 tw 24.183 0 td <03f5040d0e2d12590f65026203de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.082 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.7 (.)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( group)54.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc -24.183 -1.5 td [(considers)13.8 ( that)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 ( has)13.8 ( significant)13.9 ( influence)13.9 ( over)13.8 ( new)13.8 ( aluminum)13.8 ( power)13.8 ( even)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td (though it owns less than 20% of the voting rights, on the grounds that t\ he group can )tj 0 tw t* (appoint one out of the nine directors of the board of directors of new a\ luminum power.)tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(at)13.8 ( 3)13.7 (1)13.7 ( december)13.8 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.8 (9)13.7 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.7 ( owned)13.8 ( a)13.7 ( 1)13.7 (4)13.7 (.)13.8 (2)13.7 (9)13.7 (%)13.8 ( equity)13.7 ( interest)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( inner)13.7 ( mongolia)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.025 tw 0 -1.5 td (geliugou co., ltd.* \(\223inner mongolia qiliugou\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02ab1086031a17d207630e5609900e5503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tw (\). the group )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(consi)0.5 (ders)1.2 ( )0.5 (that)1.2 ( )0.5 (it)1.2 ( )0.5 (has)1.2 ( )0.5 (sig)0.5 (nifican)0.5 (t)1.2 ( i)0.5 (nfluenc)0.5 (e)1.2 ( ov)0.5 (er)1.2 ( i)0.5 (nner)1.2 ( )0.5 (mongol)0.5 (ia)1.2 ( )0.5 (qiliug)0.5 (ou)1.2 ( e)0.5 (ven)1.2 ( t)0.5 (hough)1.2 ( )0.5 (it)1.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(owns)12.2 ( less)12.2 ( than)12.2 ( 2)12.2 (0)12.2 (%)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( voting)12.2 ( rights)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (on)12.2 ( the)12.1 ( )0.5 (grounds)12.2 ( )0.5 (that)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( group)12.2 ( )0.5 (can)12.2 ( appoint)12.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (one out of the seven directors of the board of directors of inner mongol\ ia qiliugou.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 338.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (consolidation of entities in which the group holds less than a majority \ )]tj 2.465 -1.565 td (of voting rights)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 290.7466 tm [(at)11.2 ( 3)11.2 (1)11.2 ( )0.5 (december)11.2 ( 2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (9)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (group)11.2 ( owned)11.2 ( a)11.2 ( )0.5 (4)11.2 (0)11.2 (.)11.2 (2)11.2 (3)11.2 (%)11.2 ( )0.5 (equity)11.2 ( interest)11.2 ( )0.5 (in)11.2 ( )0.5 (ningxia)11.2 ( )0.5 (yinxing)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.066 tw t* (energy co., ltd. * \(\223yinxing energy\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0fb9088010d5074b09900e550670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.066 tw (\). since the remaining )tj 0.052 tw t* (59.77% of the equity shares in yinxing energy are held by a large number\ of individual )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(shareholder)0.5 (s)9.1 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (in)9.2 ( )0.5 (opinion)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( dir)0.5 (ectors)9.2 ( of)9.3 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (company)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( g)0.5 (ro)0.5 (up)9.3 ( has)9.2 ( )0.5 (control)9.2 ( )0.5 (over)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (yinxing energy, and yinxing energy continues to be included in the conso\ lidation scope.)tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -3 td [(at)2.2 ( 3)2.2 (1)2.2 ( )0.5 (december)2.2 ( 2)2.2 (0)2.2 (1)2.2 (9)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (company)2.2 ( )0.5 (owned)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)2.2 ( 4)2.2 (0)2.2 (%)2.2 ( )0.5 (equity)2.2 ( )0.5 (interest)2.2 ( )0.5 (in)2.2 ( )0.5 (guizhou)2.2 ( )0.5 (huaren)2.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(new)10.2 ( )0.5 (materials)10.2 ( )0.5 (co)10.2 (.)10.2 (,)10.1 ( )0.5 (ltd)10.2 (.)10.2 (*)10.2 ( )0.5 (\()10.1 (\223)10.2 (guizhou)10.2 ( )0.5 (huaren)10.2 (\224)10.2 (\))10.2 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 22.375 0 td <0d6e03c80d3602a00e2d04bf08d803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.038 tc 0.082 tw [(\))10.2 (.)10.2 ( in)10.2 ( accordance)10.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw -22.375 -1.5 td [(with)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( acting)14.1 (-)14 (in)14.1 (-)14.1 (concert)14.1 ( agreement)14.1 ( signed)14.1 ( between)14 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( hangzhou)28.2 ( )]tj 0.07 tc t* [(jinjiang)13.6 ( group)13.5 ( co)13.6 (.)13.6 (,)13.5 ( ltd)13.6 (.)13.5 (*)13.6 ( \()13.6 (\223)13.6 (hangzhou)13.6 ( jinjiang)13.6 (\224)13.6 (\))13.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.056 tc -0.056 tw 24.788 0 td <060403c8138003ea0dab0fa003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.5 (,)13.6 ( hangzhou)42.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.063 tw -24.788 -1.5 td (jinjiang would exercise the shareholders\222 and board of directors\222 \ votes in concert with )tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.5 ( group)13.4 (.)13.5 ( therefore)13.4 (,)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( directors)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.4 ( believe)13.5 ( that)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 ( has)26.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(control)7.3 ( over)7.2 ( )0.5 (guizhou)7.2 ( )0.5 (huaren)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (consolidated)7.2 ( )0.5 (guizhou)7.2 ( huaren)7.2 (\222)7.2 (s)7.2 ( )0.5 (financial)7.2 ( )0.5 (statements)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (from the date the group obtained control.)tj et endstream endobj 507 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (6)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.003 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(3)-24.8 (.)-24.8 ( )-719.1 (significant accounting estimates and judgements)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.043 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (p)14.4 (\222)14.4 (s)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.6 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw 0 -1.5 td (make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amou\ nts of revenues, )tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(expenses)14 (,)14.1 ( assets)14 ( and)14 ( liabilities)14 (,)14 ( and)14 ( the)14 ( accompanying)14.1 ( disclosures)14 (,)14 ( and)14 ( the)14.1 ( disclosure)14 ( of)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (contingent liabilities. uncertainty about these judgements, assumptions \ and estimates could )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(result)9.2 ( )0.5 (in)9.2 ( )0.5 (outcomes)9.2 ( that)9.2 ( )0.5 (require)9.2 ( a)9.2 ( )0.5 (material)9.2 ( adjustment)9.2 ( )0.5 (to)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( carrying)9.2 ( )0.5 (amounts)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (assets)9.2 ( )0.5 (or)9.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (liabilities affected in future periods.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 15 0 0 15 90.7087 512.7466 tm (judgements)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.072 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 482.7466 tm [(in)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( process)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( applying)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.6 (\222)13.7 (s)13.7 ( accounting)13.6 ( policies)13.6 ( and)13.7 ( preparing)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.7 (\222)13.7 (s)44.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(consolidated)11.2 ( )0.5 (financial)11.2 ( statements)11.2 (,)11.2 ( management)11.2 ( has)11.2 ( made)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( following)11.2 ( )0.5 (judgements)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (apart)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw t* (from those involving estimates, which have a significant effect on the a\ mounts recognised in )tj 0 tw t* (the consolidated financial statements.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 404.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (significant influence over an entity in which the group holds less than \ )]tj 2.465 -1.565 td (20% of voting rights)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.026 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 356.7466 tm [(as disclosed in note 8, the group owned a 10.04% equity interest in yunn\ an aluminium)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(co)14 (.)14 (,)14 ( ltd)14 (.)14 (*)14 ( \()14 (\223)14 (yunnan)14 ( aluminum)14.1 (\224)14 (\))14 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.031 tc -0.031 tw 16.575 0 td <0dae06cc12590e380670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.045 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14 (.)14 ( the)14 ( group)14 ( considers)14 ( that)14 ( it)17.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw -16.575 -1.5 td [(has)13.2 ( significant)13.2 ( influence)13.2 ( over)13.3 ( yunnan)13.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)13.2 ( even)13.2 ( though)13.2 ( )0.5 (it)13.2 ( )0.5 (owns)13.2 ( )0.5 (less)13.2 ( )0.5 (than)13.2 ( 2)13.2 (0)13.2 (%)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw t* (of the voting rights, on the grounds that the group is the second larges\ t shareholders )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(of)7.2 ( )0.5 (yunnan)7.2 ( aluminum)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( one)7.2 ( )0.5 (out)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( the)7.2 ( )0.5 (eleven)7.2 ( )0.5 (directors)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (board)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (directors)7.2 ( of)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (yunnan aluminum exercises director\222s rights on behalf of the group.)tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(a)0.5 (t)14.4 ( 3)14.4 (1)14.4 ( d)0.5 (ec)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (9)14.4 (,)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (up)14.4 ( o)0.5 (w)0.5 (n)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( 6)14.4 (.)14.4 (6)14.4 (8)14.4 (%)14.4 ( e)0.5 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)14.4 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)23.2 ( )]tj 0.099 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(resources)14.1 ( co)14 (.)14.1 (,)14.1 (ltd)14.1 (.)14.1 (*)14 ( \()14.1 (\223)14 (chalco)14.1 ( resources)14.1 (\224)14 (\))14.1 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.085 tc -0.085 tw 23.832 0 td <0295125916240b2a0f1f0e5503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.099 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14.1 (.)14 ( the)14.1 ( group)71.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.091 tw -23.832 -1.5 td (considers that it has significant influence over chalco resources even t\ hough it owns )tj 0.058 tw t* (less than 20% of the voting rights, on the grounds that the group can ap\ point one out )tj 0 tw t* (of the five directors of the board of directors of chalco resources.)tj 0.034 tw 0 -3 td (at 31 december 2019, the group owned 14.71% of the voting right of china\ lco capital )tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td [(holdings)13.2 ( )0.5 (co)13.2 (.)13.2 (,)13.2 ( ltd)13.2 (.)13.2 (*)13.2 ( )0.5 (\()13.2 (\223)13.2 (chinalco)13.2 ( capital)13.2 (\224)13.2 (\))13.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 20 0 td <029512590f1f03490a9b067003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.041 tc 0.079 tw [(\))13.2 (.)13.2 ( the)13.1 ( )0.5 (group)13.2 ( )0.5 (considers)13.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw -20 -1.5 td [(that)14.2 ( )0.5 (it)14.2 ( )0.5 (has)14.2 ( )0.5 (significant)14.2 ( )0.5 (influence)14.2 ( )0.5 (over)14.3 ( chinalco)14.2 ( )0.5 (capital)14.2 ( )0.5 (since)14.2 ( )0.5 (it)14.2 ( can)14.2 ( )0.5 (appoint)14.2 ( one)14.2 ( )0.5 (out)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)16.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (three directors of the board of directors of chinalco capital.)tj et endstream endobj 508 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (6)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.30)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (contract liabilities)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.058 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(a)13.8 ( contract)13.8 ( liability)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( recognised)13.8 ( when)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( payment)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( received)13.8 ( or)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( payment)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( due)30.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(\()11.2 (whichever)11.2 ( )0.5 (is)11.2 ( earlier)11.3 (\))11.2 ( from)11.2 ( a)11.2 ( )0.5 (custom)11.2 ( )0.5 (before)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (group)11.2 ( transfers)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (related)11.2 ( )0.5 (goods)11.2 ( )0.5 (or)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw t* (services. contract liabilities are recognised as revenue when the group \ performs under )tj 0 tw t* (the contract \(i.e., transfers control of the related goods or services \ to the customer\).)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 487.7466 tm (2.31)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 487.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (borrowing costs)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 457.7466 tm [(borrowing)11.3 ( costs)11.2 ( directly)11.2 ( )0.5 (attributable)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( acquisition)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (construction)11.2 ( )0.5 (or)11.2 ( )0.5 (production)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(qualifying)7.2 ( assets)7.3 (,)7.2 ( i)7.3 (.)7.2 (e)7.2 (.)7.2 (,)7.2 ( assets)7.2 ( )0.5 (that)7.2 ( necessarily)7.2 ( )0.5 (take)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)7.2 ( substantial)7.2 ( )0.5 (period)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (time)7.2 ( )0.5 (to)7.2 ( )0.5 (get)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.049 tw t* (ready for their intended use or sale, are capitalised as part of the cos\ t of those assets. )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14.1 ( capitalisation)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( such)14.1 ( borrowing)14.1 ( costs)14.2 ( ceases)14.1 ( when)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( assets)14.1 ( are)14.1 ( substantially)15.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(ready)14 ( for)14 ( their)14 ( intended)13.9 ( use)13.9 ( or)14 ( sale)13.9 (.)14 ( investment)13.9 ( income)14 ( earned)13.9 ( on)14 ( the)13.9 ( temporary)32.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw t* [(inve)0.5 (stment)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( spec)0.5 (ific)14.3 ( borro)0.5 (wings)14.3 ( pendi)0.5 (ng)14.3 ( t)0.5 (heir)14.3 ( expend)0.5 (iture)14.3 ( on)14.3 ( quali)0.5 (fying)14.4 ( asse)0.5 (ts)14.3 ( i)0.5 (s)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.034 tw t* (deducted from the borrowing costs capitalised. all other borrowing costs\ are expensed )tj 0.074 tw t* (in the period in which they are incurred. borrowing costs consist of int\ erest and other )tj 0 tw t* (costs that an entity incurs in connection with the borrowing of funds.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 302.7466 tm (2.31)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 302.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (dividend distribution)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 272.7466 tm [(dividend)5.2 ( distribution)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (company)5.2 (\222)5.2 (s)5.2 ( shareholders)5.2 ( )0.5 (is)5.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)5.2 ( )0.5 (as)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( )0.5 (liability)5.2 ( )0.5 (in)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.3 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(group)7.2 (\222)7.2 (s)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (company)7.2 (\222)7.2 (s)7.2 ( )0.5 (financial)7.2 ( )0.5 (statements)7.2 ( in)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (period)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( )0.5 (which)7.2 ( the)7.2 ( )0.5 (dividends)7.2 ( )0.5 (are)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (approved by the company\222s shareholders in a general meeting.)tj et endstream endobj 509 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (6)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.29)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (revenue recognition \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (revenue from contracts with customers \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 534.7467 tm [(\(b\) )-1168.2 (rendering of services)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.075 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 504.7466 tm [(revenue)14.1 ( from)14.1 ( services)14 ( is)14.1 ( recognised)14.1 ( over)14 ( time)14.1 (,)14 ( using)14 ( an)14.1 ( input)14.1 ( method)14.1 ( to)47.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0 -1.5 td [(measure)14.1 ( progress)14.2 ( towards)14.1 ( complete)14.1 ( satisfaction)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( service)14.1 (,)14.1 ( because)14.2 ( the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(customer)13.5 ( simultaneously)13.5 ( receives)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( consumes)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( benefits)13.5 ( provided)13.5 ( by)13.6 ( the)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.044 tw t* [(group. )0.5 (revenue is )0.5 (recognised on )0.5 (a straight-line basis because the )0.5 (entity\222s )0.5 (inputs )]tj 0 tw t* (are expended evenly throughout the performance period.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 411.7466 tm (revenue from other sources)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 381.7466 tm (rental income)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.088 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 351.7466 tm (rental income is recognised on a time proportion basis over the lease te\ rms. variable )tj 0.082 tw t* (lease payments that do not depend on an index or a rate are recognised a\ s income in )tj 0 tw t* (the accounting period in which they are incurred.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 291.7466 tm (other income)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.073 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 261.7466 tm (interest income is recognised on an accrual basis using the effective i\ nterest method )tj 0.063 tw t* (by applying the rate that exactly discounts the estimated future cash re\ ceipts over the )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(expected)4.2 ( )0.5 (life)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (financial)4.2 ( instrument)4.2 ( )0.5 (or)4.2 ( )0.5 (a)4.2 ( shorter)4.2 ( )0.5 (period)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (when)4.2 ( )0.5 (appropriate)4.2 (,)4.2 ( to)4.3 ( the)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (net carrying amount of the financial asset.)tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(dividend)14 ( income)14 ( is)14.1 ( recognised)14 ( when)14 ( the)14 ( shareholders)14 (\222)14 ( right)14.1 ( to)14 ( receive)14 ( payment)14.1 ( has)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw 0 -1.5 td (been established, it is probable that the economic benefits associated w\ ith the dividend )tj 0 tw t* (will flow to the group and the amount of the dividend can be measured re\ liably.)tj et endstream endobj 510 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (6)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.28)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (revenue recognition)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (revenue from contracts with customers)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.068 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(revenue)13.7 ( from)13.6 ( contracts)13.6 ( with)13.7 ( customers)13.7 ( is)13.7 ( recognised)13.6 ( when)13.7 ( control)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( goods)13.7 ( or)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw 0 -1.5 td (services is transferred to the customers at an amount that reflects the \ consideration to )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (which the group expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or se\ rvices.)tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(when)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( consideration)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( contract)13.8 ( includes)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( variable)13.8 ( amount)13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( amount)13.8 ( of)42.2 ( )]tj 0.081 tc 0 -1.5 td [(consideration)14.1 ( is)14.1 ( estimated)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( which)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.1 ( will)14.1 ( be)14.1 ( entitled)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( exchange)14.1 ( for)53.2 ( )]tj 0.066 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (ra)0.5 (n)0.5 (sf)0.5 (er)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( g)0.5 (oo)0.5 (d)0.5 (s)14.3 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( s)0.5 (er)0.5 (v)0.5 (ic)0.5 (es)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( cu)0.5 (s)0.5 (to)0.5 (m)0.5 (er)14.4 (.)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( v)0.5 (ar)0.5 (i)0.5 (ab)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (ns)0.5 (i)0.5 (de)0.5 (ra)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)38.2 ( )]tj 0.071 tc 0.078 tw t* [(estimated)14.3 ( )0.5 (at)14.2 ( )0.5 (contract)14.2 ( )0.6 (inception)14.2 ( )0.6 (and)14.2 ( )0.6 (constrained)14.2 ( )0.6 (until)14.3 ( )0.5 (it)14.3 ( )0.5 (is)14.2 ( )0.5 (highly)14.2 ( )0.6 (probable)14.2 ( )0.6 (that)14.3 ( )0.5 (a)43.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(significant)10.3 ( revenue)10.2 ( )0.5 (reversal)10.2 ( )0.5 (in)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (amount)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( cumulative)10.2 ( )0.5 (revenue)10.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)10.2 ( will)10.2 ( )0.5 (not)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (occur when the associated uncertainty with the variable consideration is\ subsequently )tj -0.028 tw t* (resolved.)tj 0.092 tw 0 -3 td [(when the contract contains )0.5 (a )0.5 (financing component which )0.5 (provides the customer )0.5 (with )]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(a)13.8 ( significant)13.8 ( benefit)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( financing)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( transfer)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( goods)13.8 ( or)13.8 ( services)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( customer)24.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc t* [(for)14 ( more)13.9 ( than)13.9 ( one)14 ( year)13.9 (,)14 ( revenue)14 ( is)13.9 ( measured)14 ( at)14 ( the)14 ( present)14 ( value)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( amount)34.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(receivable)13.6 (,)13.6 ( discounted)13.6 ( using)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( discount)13.6 ( rate)13.7 ( that)13.6 ( would)13.6 ( be)13.6 ( reflected)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( separate)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw t* (financing transaction between the group and the customer at contract inc\ eption. when )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.6 ( contract)13.6 ( contains)13.5 ( a)13.5 ( financing)13.6 ( component)13.5 ( which)13.5 ( provides)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.5 ( a)13.5 ( significant)17.3 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw t* [(financial benefit for more than one year, revenue recognised under the c\ ontract includes)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14 ( interest)14 ( expense)13.9 ( accreted)13.9 ( on)13.9 ( the)14 ( contract)14 ( liability)13.9 ( under)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( effective)13.9 ( interest)29.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(method)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (for)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)9.2 ( contract)9.2 ( )0.5 (where)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (period)9.2 ( between)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (payment)9.2 ( by)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( customer)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.025 tw t* (the transfer of the promised goods or services is one year or less, the \ transaction price )tj 0.067 tw t* (is not adjusted for the effects of a significant financing component, us\ ing the practical )tj 0 tw t* (expedient in ifrs 15.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 159.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-1223.3 (sale of industrial products)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.073 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 129.7467 tm [(revenue)13.6 ( from)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( sale)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( industrial)13.6 ( products)13.6 ( \()13.6 (including)13.6 ( sales)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( scrap)13.6 ( and)45.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(other)12.3 ( materials)12.2 (\))12.2 ( )0.5 (is)12.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)12.2 ( )0.5 (at)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.1 ( )0.5 (point)12.2 ( )0.5 (in)12.2 ( time)12.2 ( )0.5 (when)12.2 ( )0.5 (control)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (asset)12.2 ( )0.5 (is)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (transferred to the customer, generally on delivery of the industrial pro\ ducts.)tj et endstream endobj 511 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 512 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 513 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 514 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 515 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 516 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (6)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.26)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (income tax \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.063 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm (deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset if and only \ if the group has a )tj 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td (legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets and current tax \ liabilities and the )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes \ levied by the same)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(taxation)2.2 ( )0.5 (authority)2.2 ( )0.5 (on)2.2 ( )0.5 (either)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (same)2.2 ( )0.5 (taxable)2.2 ( )0.5 (entity)2.2 ( or)2.2 ( )0.5 (different)2.2 ( )0.5 (taxable)2.2 ( entities)2.2 ( which)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.074 tw 0 -1.5 td (intend either to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basi\ s, or to realise the )tj 0.006 tw 0 -1.5 td (assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each future period \ in which significant )tj 0 tw t* (amounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are expected to be settled\ or recovered.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 442.7466 tm (2.27)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 442.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (perpetual securities)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.059 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 412.7466 tm (perpetual securities are classified as equity if they are non-redeemable\ , or redeemable )tj 0.076 tc 0.077 tw t* [(o)0.5 (nl)0.5 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (t)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)0.5 (su)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 (\222)14.3 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (p)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 (,)14.3 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (ny)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (er)0.5 (e)0.5 (st)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( di)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (ri)0.5 (b)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)14.3 ( ar)0.5 (e)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (sc)0.5 (r)0.5 (et)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (na)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)14.4 (.)48.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.064 tw t* (interest and distributions on perpetual securities classified as equity \ are recognised as )tj 0 tw t* (distributions within equity.)tj 0.073 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.8 ( perpetual)13.7 ( securities)13.8 ( issued)13.8 ( by)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( are)13.7 ( recognised)13.8 ( as)13.8 ( other)13.7 ( equity)45.1 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td [(instruments)12.2 (,)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (perpetual)12.2 ( )0.5 (securities)12.2 ( )0.5 (issued)12.2 ( by)12.2 ( )0.5 (a)12.2 ( subsidiary)12.2 ( of)12.3 ( the)12.1 ( )0.5 (company)12.1 ( )0.5 (are)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (recognised as non-controlling interests.)tj et endstream endobj 517 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (5)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.26)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (income tax \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(deferred)13.5 ( tax)13.5 ( assets)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( recognised)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( all)13.5 ( deductible)13.5 ( temporary)13.5 ( differences)13.5 (,)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.067 tw 0 -1.5 td (carryforward of unused tax credits and any unused tax losses. deferred t\ ax assets are )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(recognised)1.3 ( to)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (extent)1.2 ( )0.5 (that)1.3 ( it)1.2 ( )0.5 (is)1.2 ( )0.5 (probable)1.2 ( that)1.2 ( )0.5 (taxable)1.2 ( )0.5 (profit)1.2 ( )0.5 (will)1.2 ( )0.5 (be)1.2 ( )0.5 (available)1.3 ( against)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw t* (which the deductible temporary differences, the carryforward of unused t\ ax credits and )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (unused tax losses can be utilised, except:)tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(\225)24.2 ( )-1898.8 (when)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( deferred)13.9 ( tax)13.9 ( asset)13.8 ( relating)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( deductible)13.9 ( temporary)13.9 ( differences)24.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.018 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transa\ ction that is not )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(a)13.6 ( business)13.6 ( combination)13.6 ( and)13.6 (,)13.5 ( at)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( time)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( transaction)13.6 (,)13.5 ( affects)13.6 ( neither)13.6 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; and)tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)33.2 ( )-1889.8 (in)13.5 ( respect)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( deductible)13.6 ( temporary)13.6 ( differences)13.6 ( associated)13.6 ( with)13.6 ( investments)33.3 ( )]tj 0.071 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(in)13.9 ( subsidiaries)14 (,)13.9 ( associates)13.9 ( and)14 ( joint)13.9 ( ventures)13.9 (,)14 ( deferred)14 ( tax)13.9 ( assets)13.9 ( are)14 ( only)43.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(recognised)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( extent)13.7 ( that)13.7 ( it)13.7 ( is)13.8 ( probable)13.7 ( that)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( temporary)13.8 ( differences)13.7 ( will)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.01 tw t* (reverse in the foreseeable future and taxable profit will be available a\ gainst which )tj 0 tw t* (the temporary differences can be utilised.)tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw -2.835 -3 td [(the)13.2 ( carrying)13.2 ( )0.5 (amount)13.2 ( of)13.3 ( deferred)13.2 ( )0.5 (tax)13.2 ( )0.5 (assets)13.2 ( is)13.2 ( reviewed)13.2 ( )0.5 (at)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (end)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( each)13.1 ( )0.5 (reporting)13.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.077 tw t* [(p)0.5 (er)0.5 (i)0.5 (od)14.3 ( an)0.5 (d)14.3 ( r)0.5 (ed)0.5 (u)0.5 (ce)0.5 (d)14.3 ( t)0.5 (o)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( e)0.5 (x)0.5 (te)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( t)0.5 (ha)0.5 (t)14.3 ( i)0.5 (t)14.4 ( is)14.4 ( n)0.5 (o)14.3 ( l)0.5 (o)0.5 (ng)0.5 (er)14.4 ( pr)0.5 (o)0.5 (ba)0.5 (bl)0.5 (e)14.4 ( th)0.5 (at)14.4 ( s)0.5 (uf)0.5 (fi)0.5 (c)0.5 (ie)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( t)0.5 (ax)0.5 (ab)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)16.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw t* [(profit)14 ( will)14 ( be)14.1 ( available)14 ( to)14.1 ( allow)14 ( all)14 ( or)14.1 ( part)14.1 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( deferred)14 ( tax)14.1 ( asset)14 ( to)14 ( be)14 ( utilised)14 (.)32.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(unrecognised)5.2 ( deferred)5.2 ( )0.5 (tax)5.2 ( )0.5 (assets)5.2 ( )0.5 (are)5.2 ( )0.5 (reassessed)5.2 ( at)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( end)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.3 ( each)5.3 ( reporting)5.2 ( period)5.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.5 ( are)13.6 ( recognised)13.6 ( to)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( extent)13.6 ( that)13.6 ( it)13.5 ( has)13.5 ( become)13.5 ( probable)13.5 ( that)13.5 ( sufficient)13.6 ( taxable)15.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (profit will be available to allow all or part of the deferred tax asset \ to be recovered.)tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -3 td [(deferred)9.2 ( tax)9.2 ( )0.5 (assets)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( liabilities)9.2 ( )0.5 (are)9.2 ( )0.5 (measured)9.2 ( )0.5 (at)9.3 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (tax)9.2 ( )0.5 (rates)9.2 ( )0.5 (that)9.2 ( are)9.2 ( expected)9.2 ( to)9.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(apply)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( period)11.2 ( when)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( asset)11.3 ( is)11.2 ( )0.5 (realised)11.2 ( or)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (liability)11.2 ( is)11.2 ( )0.5 (settled)11.2 (,)11.2 ( based)11.3 ( on)11.2 ( tax)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.045 tw t* (rates \(and tax laws\) that have been enacted or substantively enacted b\ y the end of the )tj 0 tw t* (reporting period.)tj et endstream endobj 518 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (5)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.26)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (income tax)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.001 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm (income tax comprises current and deferred tax. income tax relating to it\ ems recognised )tj 0.026 tw 0 -1.5 td (outside profit or loss is recognised outside profit or loss, either in o\ ther comprehensive )tj 0 tw t* (income or directly in equity.)tj 0.031 tw 0 -3 td (current tax assets and liabilities are measured at the amount expected t\ o be recovered )tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(from)13.8 ( or)13.7 ( paid)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( taxation)13.7 ( authorities)13.8 (,)13.7 ( based)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( tax)13.7 ( rates)13.8 ( \()13.8 (and)13.8 ( tax)13.8 ( laws)13.8 (\))13.7 ( that)13.7 ( have)19.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(been)5.3 ( enacted)5.2 ( )0.5 (or)5.2 ( )0.5 (substantively)5.3 ( enacted)5.2 ( )0.5 (by)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (end)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (reporting)5.2 ( )0.5 (period)5.2 (,)5.2 ( taking)5.2 ( )0.5 (into)5.3 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(consideration)13.5 ( interpretations)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( practices)13.5 ( prevailing)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( countries)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( which)13.5 ( the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (group operates.)tj 0.059 tw 0 -3 td [(deferred )0.5 (tax )0.5 (is provided, )0.5 (using )0.5 (the liability )0.5 (method, )0.5 (on all )0.5 (temporary )0.5 (differences )0.5 (at the )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(end)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( reporting)13.9 ( period)13.8 ( between)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( tax)13.8 ( bases)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( assets)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( liabilities)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( their)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes.)tj 0 -3 td (deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differ\ ences, except:)tj 0.046 tw t* [(\225 )-1954.8 (when the deferred tax liability arises from the initial recognition of g\ oodwill or an )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(asset)14.1 ( or)14.1 ( liability)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( a)14.1 ( transaction)14.1 ( that)14.2 ( is)14.1 ( not)14.1 ( a)14.1 ( business)14.1 ( combination)14.1 ( and)14.1 (,)14.1 ( at)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.066 tw 0 -1.5 td (time of the transaction, affects neither the accounting profit nor taxab\ le profit or )tj 0 tw t* (loss; and)tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)38.2 ( )-1884.9 (in)14.1 ( respect)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( taxable)14.1 ( temporary)14.1 ( differences)14.1 ( associated)14.1 ( with)14.1 ( investments)14.1 ( in)38.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(subsidiaries)13.6 (,)13.6 ( associates)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( joint)13.6 ( ventures)13.6 (,)13.6 ( when)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( timing)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( reversal)13.6 ( of)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw t* (the temporary differences can be controlled and it is probable that the \ temporary )tj 0 tw t* (differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future.)tj et endstream endobj 519 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (5)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.25)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (employee benefits \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(c\) )-909.5 (other social insurance and housing funds)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm [(the)13.8 ( group)13.7 ( provides)13.8 ( other)13.8 ( social)13.7 ( insurance)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( housing)13.8 ( funds)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( qualified)23.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0 -1.5 td [(employees)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( prc)13.9 ( based)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( certain)13.8 ( percentages)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( their)13.8 ( salaries)13.8 (.)13.8 ( these)30.1 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0 -1.5 td [(percentages)13.9 ( are)14 ( not)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( exceed)14 ( the)14 ( upper)14 ( limits)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)14 ( percentages)13.9 ( prescribed)18.1 ( )]tj 0.062 tc 0 -1.5 td [(by)14 ( the)13.9 ( ministry)14 ( of)13.9 ( human)13.9 ( resources)14 ( and)13.9 ( social)14 ( security)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( prc)13.9 (.)13.9 ( these)34.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(benefits are )0.5 (paid to social )0.5 (security organisations and the amounts )0.5 (are )0.5 (expensed )]tj 0.074 tc 0.078 tw t* [(as)14 ( incurred)14 (.)14.1 ( the)14 ( group)14 ( has)14.1 ( no)14 ( legal)14.1 ( or)14.1 ( constructive)14.1 ( obligations)14.1 ( for)14.1 ( further)46.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.052 tw t* (contributions if the fund does not hold sufficient assets to pay all emp\ loyees the )tj 0 tw t* (benefit relating to their current and past services.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 396.7466 tm [(\(d\) )-798.5 (termination benefit obligations and early retirement benefit )]tj -0.028 tw 2.465 -1.565 td (obligations)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.103 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 348.7466 tm [(term)0.5 (inatio)0.5 (n)14.3 ( an)0.5 (d)14.3 ( ear)0.5 (ly)14.3 ( retire)0.5 (ment)14.3 ( benefi)0.5 (t)14.3 ( o)0.5 (bligat)0.5 (ions)14.3 ( are)14.3 ( payabl)0.5 (e)14.3 ( w)0.5 (hen)75.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(employment)14.1 ( is)14.1 ( terminated)14.1 ( by)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.1 ( before)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( normal)14.1 ( retirement)14.1 ( date)14.1 (,)14.1 ( or)16.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc t* [(whenever)14.2 ( an)14.2 ( )0.5 (employee)14.2 ( accepts)14.2 ( )0.5 (voluntary)14.2 ( redundancy)14.2 ( and)14.2 (/)14.2 (or)14.2 ( )0.5 (early)14.2 ( )0.5 (retirement)24.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc t* [(in)13.7 ( exchange)13.7 ( for)13.7 ( these)13.7 ( benefits)13.7 (.)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.7 ( recognises)13.7 ( termination)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( early)33.2 ( )]tj t* [(retirement)13.6 ( benefit)13.6 ( obligations)13.6 ( when)13.6 ( it)13.6 ( is)13.5 ( demonstrably)13.6 ( committed)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( either)13.6 (:)33.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.057 tw t* [(terminating the employment of current employees according to )0.5 (a detailed formal )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(plan without possibility of withdrawal; or providing termination benefit\ s as a result)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.8 ( an)13.9 ( offer)13.9 ( made)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( encourage)13.9 ( voluntary)13.9 ( redundancy)13.9 ( and)13.9 (/)13.9 (or)13.9 ( early)13.9 ( retirement)13.9 (.)26.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( s)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)14.4 ( t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (s)14.4 ( v)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( e)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (y)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)40.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(depending)3.2 ( )0.5 (on)3.2 ( )0.5 (various)3.2 ( )0.5 (factors)3.2 ( )0.5 (including)3.2 ( )0.5 (position)3.3 (,)3.2 ( length)3.3 ( of)3.3 ( service)3.2 ( and)3.2 ( )0.5 (district)3.3 ( of)3.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw t* (the employees concerned. benefits falling due for more than 12 months af\ ter the )tj 0 tw t* (end of the reporting period are discounted to their present values.)tj et endstream endobj 520 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (5)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.25)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (employee benefits)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.078 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(employee)14.1 ( )0.5 (benefits)14.2 ( mainly)14.2 ( )0.5 (include)14.2 ( )0.5 (salaries)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (bonuses)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (allowances)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (subsidies)14.2 (,)50.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -1.5 td [(pension)1.2 ( )0.5 (insurance)1.3 (,)1.2 ( social)1.2 ( )0.5 (insurance)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( housing)1.2 ( )0.5 (funds)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (labour)1.2 ( union)1.2 ( )0.5 (fees)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (employees)1.2 (\222)1.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(education)13.5 ( fees)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( other)13.5 ( expenses)13.6 ( related)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( employees)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( their)13.5 ( services)13.6 (.)13.5 ( the)17.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(group)12.2 ( recognises)12.2 ( )0.5 (employee)12.2 ( benef)0.5 (its)12.2 ( )0.5 (as)12.2 ( liabilities)12.2 ( during)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( account)0.5 (ing)12.2 ( )0.5 (peri)0.5 (od)12.2 ( )0.5 (when)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.012 tw 0 -1.5 td (employees rendered the services and allocates the related cost of assets\ and expenses )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (based on different beneficiaries.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 459.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (bonus plans)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 429.7466 tm [(the)13.5 ( expected)13.4 ( cost)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( bonus)13.5 ( plans)13.5 ( is)13.4 ( recognised)13.5 ( as)13.4 ( a)13.5 ( liability)13.5 ( when)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( group)21.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.073 tw t* (has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of services r\ endered by )tj 0 tw t* (employees and a reliable estimate of the obligation can be made.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 366.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (retirement benefit obligations)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 336.7466 tm [(the)14.1 ( group)14.1 ( primarily)14.1 ( pays)14.1 ( contributions)14 ( on)14.1 ( a)14.1 ( monthly)14.1 ( basis)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( participate)14.1 ( in)14 ( a)27.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc t* [(pension)13.9 ( plan)13.8 ( organised)13.8 ( by)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( relevant)13.9 ( municipal)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( provincial)13.8 ( governments)24.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(in)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( prc)11.2 (.)11.2 ( in)11.2 ( 2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (9)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.3 ( group)11.2 ( )0.5 (made)11.2 ( monthly)11.2 ( )0.5 (contributions)11.2 ( )0.5 (at)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (rate)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( 1)11.2 (7)11.2 (%)11.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(\()14.2 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (1)14.2 (8)14.2 (:)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (%)14.2 (\))14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (qualified)14.2 ( )0.5 (employees)14.2 (\222)14.2 ( )0.5 (salaries)14.2 (.)14.3 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (municipal)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (provincial)19.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc t* [(governments)13.7 ( undertake)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( assume)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( retirement)13.7 ( benefit)13.7 ( obligations)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( all)40.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.076 tw t* (existing and future retired employees payable under these plans. the gro\ up has )tj 0.087 tw t* [(no )0.6 (legal )0.5 (or )0.6 (constructive )0.6 (obligations )0.6 (for )0.6 (further )0.5 (contributions )0.5 (if )0.5 (the )0.6 (fund )0.5 (does )0.6 (not )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(hold sufficient assets to pay all employees the benefit relating to thei\ r current and)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (past services.)tj et endstream endobj 521 0 obj <> endobj 522 0 obj <> endobj 523 0 obj <> endobj 524 0 obj <> endobj 525 0 obj <> endobj 526 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 527 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 528 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 529 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 530 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 531 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (5)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.24)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (government grants)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.074 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(government)13.5 ( grants)13.5 ( are)13.4 ( recognised)13.5 ( at)13.5 ( their)13.6 ( fair)13.5 ( value)13.5 ( where)13.5 ( there)13.5 ( is)13.5 ( reasonable)46.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw 0 -1.5 td [(assurance )0.5 (that the )0.5 (grant will be received )0.5 (and )0.5 (all )0.5 (attaching )0.5 (conditions )0.5 (will )0.5 (be )0.5 (complied )]tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw t* [(with)13.5 (.)13.6 ( when)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( grant)13.6 ( relates)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( an)13.6 ( expense)13.5 ( item)13.6 (,)13.5 ( it)13.5 ( is)13.6 ( recognised)13.6 ( as)13.6 ( income)13.5 ( on)13.5 ( a)30.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(systematic)2.2 ( )0.5 (basis)2.2 ( over)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (periods)2.2 ( that)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (costs)2.2 (,)2.2 ( which)2.2 ( )0.5 (it)2.3 ( is)2.2 ( intended)2.2 ( )0.5 (to)2.2 ( compensate)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (are expensed.)tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(asset)14.1 (-)14.1 (related)14.1 ( government)14.1 ( grants)14.1 ( are)14 ( recognised)14.1 ( when)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( government)14.1 ( document)33.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td (designates that the government grants are used for constructing or formi\ ng long-term )tj 0.077 tw t* (assets. if the government document is inexplicit, the group should make \ a judgement )tj 0.007 tw t* (based on the basic conditions to obtain the government grants, and recog\ nises them as )tj 0.05 tw t* [(asset-related )0.5 (government grants )0.5 (if the )0.5 (conditions are to )0.5 (construct or to form )0.5 (long-term )]tj 0 tw t* (assets. otherwise, the government grants should be income-related.)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(for)14 ( asset)14 (-)13.9 (related)14 ( government)14 ( grants)14 ( that)14 ( is)13.9 ( related)14 ( to)14 ( long)14 ( lived)14 ( assets)13.9 ( that)14 ( already)18.2 ( )]tj 0.074 tc 0 -1.5 td [(exist)13.9 ( at)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( time)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( recognising)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( government)13.8 ( grant)13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( grant)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( deducted)13.8 ( in)46.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(calculating)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (carrying)8.2 ( amount)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( asset)8.2 (.)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( grant)8.2 ( is)8.2 ( recognised)8.2 ( in)8.2 ( )0.5 (profit)8.2 ( or)8.2 ( )0.5 (loss)8.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(over)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (life)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )0.5 (depreciable)1.2 ( asset)1.3 ( as)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )0.5 (reduced)1.2 ( )0.5 (depreciation)1.2 ( )0.5 (expense)1.2 (.)1.3 ( if)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( asset)1.2 ( is)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw t* (not yet purchased or constructed at the time of recognising the governme\ nt grant, the )tj 0.023 tw t* (grant is recognised as deferred income and will be deducted from the cos\ t of the asset )tj 0 tw t* (once the asset is recognised.)tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -3 td [(income)2.2 (-)2.2 (related)2.2 ( government)2.2 ( )0.5 (grants)2.2 ( that)2.2 ( )0.5 (are)2.2 ( )0.5 (specific)2.2 ( )0.5 (to)2.2 ( )0.5 (compensate)2.2 ( )0.5 (expenses)2.2 ( )0.5 (or)2.2 ( )0.5 (costs)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.076 tw 0 -1.5 td (that have already incurred, they are directly recognised in profit or lo\ ss for the current )tj 0.019 tw t* (period as deduction of the related expenses or costs. if the income-rela\ ted government )tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(grants)13.5 ( are)13.4 ( specific)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( compensate)13.5 ( future)13.5 ( expenses)13.5 ( or)13.5 ( costs)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.5 (,)13.5 ( they)13.5 ( are)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(recognised as deferred income and will )0.5 (be released )0.5 (to profit or loss when )0.5 (the )0.5 (related )]tj 0 tw t* (expenses or costs are incurred.)tj et endstream endobj 532 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (5)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7086 597.7466 tm (2.23)tj 0.041 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm ( provisions)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(a)8.2 ( )0.5 (provision)8.2 ( )0.5 (is)8.2 ( recognised)8.2 ( )0.5 (when)8.2 ( a)8.2 ( )0.5 (present)8.2 ( )0.5 (obligation)8.2 ( \()8.2 (legal)8.2 ( )0.5 (or)8.2 ( constructive)8.2 (\))8.2 ( )0.5 (has)8.2 ( )0.5 (arisen)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.5 td (as a result of a past event and it is probable that a future outflow of \ resources will be )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(required)2.2 ( )0.5 (to)2.2 ( settle)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (obligation)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (provided)2.2 ( that)2.2 ( a)2.2 ( )0.5 (reliable)2.2 ( estimate)2.2 ( can)2.2 ( be)2.2 ( made)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (amount of the obligation.)tj 0.013 tw 0 -3 td [(when the effect )0.5 (of discounting is )0.5 (material, the )0.5 (amount recognised for )0.5 (a provision )0.5 (is )0.5 (the )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(present)10.1 ( )0.5 (value)10.2 ( )0.5 (at)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.1 ( )0.5 (end)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( reporting)10.2 ( )0.5 (period)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (future)10.2 ( expenditures)10.2 ( )0.5 (expected)10.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(to)14.2 ( )0.6 (be)14.3 ( )0.5 (required)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (settle)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (obligation)14.3 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (increase)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (discounted)14.2 ( )0.6 (present)14.2 ( )0.6 (value)16.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (amount arising from the passage of time is included in finance costs in \ profit or loss.)tj et endstream endobj 533 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (5)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.21)tj 0.041 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm ( inventories)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(i)0.5 (n)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.6 (or)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)3.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)3.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (aw)3.3 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (s)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (k)3.2 (-)3.2 (i)0.5 (n)3.2 (-)3.2 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (g)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)3.1 (,)3.3 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)3.2 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (o)0.5 (od)0.5 (s)3.3 (,)3.1 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)3.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)3.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)3.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -1.5 td [(packaging)1.2 ( )0.5 (materials)1.3 ( and)1.2 ( )0.5 (others)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (are)1.3 ( stated)1.2 ( )0.5 (at)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (lower)1.3 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (cost)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (net)1.2 ( )0.5 (realisable)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.034 tw t* (amount. cost is determined using the weighted average method. work-in-pr\ ogress and )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(finished)14.1 ( goods)14 ( comprise)14 ( materials)14 (,)14 ( direct)14 ( labour)14 ( and)14.1 ( an)14 ( appropriate)14 ( proportion)14 ( of)14 ( all)16.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -1.5 td [(production)2.2 ( )0.5 (overhead)2.2 ( )0.5 (expenditure)2.2 ( )0.5 (\()2.2 (based)2.2 ( on)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (normal)2.2 ( )0.5 (operating)2.2 ( capacity)2.2 (\))2.2 (.)2.2 ( borrowing)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (costs are excluded.)tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(provision)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( impairment)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( inventories)13.5 ( is)13.4 ( usually)13.5 ( determined)13.4 ( by)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( excess)13.5 ( of)13.4 ( cost)19.3 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(over)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (net)10.2 ( )0.5 (realisable)10.1 ( )0.5 (amount)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( recorded)10.2 ( in)10.2 ( )0.5 (profit)10.2 ( or)10.2 ( )0.5 (loss)10.1 (.)10.2 ( )0.5 (net)10.2 ( )0.5 (realisable)10.2 ( )0.5 (amounts)10.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(are)2.2 ( )0.5 (determined)2.2 ( based)2.2 ( on)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (estimated)2.2 ( )0.5 (selling)2.2 ( price)2.2 ( less)2.2 ( estimated)2.2 ( )0.5 (conversion)2.2 ( )0.5 (costs)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw t* [(selling )0.6 (expenses )0.6 (and )0.5 (related )0.6 (taxes )0.6 (in )0.5 (the )0.6 (ordinary )0.6 (course )0.6 (of )0.5 (business. )0.6 (the )0.5 (provision )0.5 (for )]tj 0.057 tw t* [(or )0.6 (the )0.5 (reversal )0.6 (of )0.6 (provision )0.5 (for )0.6 (impairment )0.5 (of )0.6 (inventories )0.6 (is )0.5 (recognised )0.6 (within )0.6 (\223cost )0.5 (of )]tj 0 tw t* (sales\224 in profit or loss.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 352.7466 tm (2.22)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 352.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (cash and cash equivalents)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.027 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 322.7466 tm [(for the purpose of the consolidated statement of cash flows, cash and ca\ sh equivalents)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.049 tw t* (comprise cash on hand and demand deposits, and short term highly liquid \ investments )tj 0.065 tw t* (that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash, are subject to \ an insignificant )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(risk)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( changes)14.1 ( in)14.2 ( value)14.2 (,)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( have)14.2 ( a)14.2 ( short)14.1 ( maturity)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( generally)14.1 ( within)14.2 ( three)14.2 ( months)15.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc t* [(when)13.6 ( acquired)13.6 (,)13.6 ( less)13.6 ( bank)13.6 ( overdrafts)13.5 ( which)13.5 ( are)13.6 ( repayable)13.6 ( on)13.5 ( demand)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( form)13.5 ( an)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (integral part of the group\222s cash management.)tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(for)14 ( the)14 ( purpose)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( consolidated)14 ( statement)14 ( of)13.9 ( financial)13.9 ( position)14 (,)13.9 ( cash)14 ( and)14 ( cash)25.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -1.5 td [(equivalents)4.2 ( )0.5 (comprise)4.2 ( cash)4.2 ( )0.5 (on)4.2 ( )0.5 (hand)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( at)4.2 ( )0.5 (banks)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (including)4.2 ( term)4.2 ( )0.5 (deposits)4.2 (,)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( assets)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (similar in nature to cash, which are not restricted as to use.)tj et endstream endobj 534 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (5)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.18)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (financial liabilities)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (derecognition of financial liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.063 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm (a financial liability is derecognised when the obligation under the liab\ ility is discharged )tj 0.056 tw 0 -1.5 td (or cancelled, or expires. when an existing financial liability is replac\ ed by another from )tj 0.023 tw 0 -1.5 td (the same lender on substantially different terms, or the terms of an exi\ sting liability are )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -1.5 td [(substantially)1.2 ( )0.5 (modified)1.3 (,)1.2 ( such)1.2 ( )0.5 (an)1.3 ( exchange)1.2 ( )0.5 (or)1.3 ( modification)1.2 ( )0.5 (is)1.2 ( treated)1.2 ( )0.5 (as)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )0.5 (derecognition)1.2 ( )]tj t* [(of)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (original)1.3 ( liability)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )0.5 (recognition)1.3 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )0.5 (new)1.2 ( )0.5 (liability)1.2 (,)1.2 ( and)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (difference)1.2 ( )0.5 (between)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the respective carrying amounts is recognised in profit or loss.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 424.7466 tm (2.19)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 424.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (offsetting financial instruments)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.095 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 394.7466 tm [(f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( l)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)0.5 (f)0.6 (se)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( n)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (nt)14.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( i)0.6 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)67.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(consolidated)11.2 ( )0.5 (statement)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (financial)11.2 ( )0.5 (position)11.2 ( when)11.2 ( )0.5 (there)11.2 ( )0.5 (is)11.2 ( a)11.2 ( )0.5 (legally)11.2 ( )0.5 (enforceable)11.2 ( )0.5 (right)11.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(to)3.2 ( )0.5 (offset)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( recognised)3.2 ( )0.5 (amounts)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( there)3.2 ( )0.5 (is)3.2 ( )0.5 (an)3.2 ( )0.5 (intention)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (settle)3.2 ( on)3.2 ( )0.5 (a)3.2 ( )0.5 (net)3.2 ( )0.5 (basis)3.2 ( or)3.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 314.7466 tm (2.20)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 314.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (derivative financial instruments)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 281.7466 tm (initial recognition and subsequent measurement)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.082 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 251.7466 tm (the group uses derivative financial instruments, such as futures and opt\ ion contracts, )tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(to)14.1 ( reduce)14.1 ( its)14.1 ( exposure)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( fluctuation)14.1 ( in)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( price)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( primary)14.1 ( aluminium)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( other)36.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(products)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( hedge)13.2 ( )0.5 (its)13.2 ( foreign)13.2 ( )0.5 (currency)13.2 ( )0.5 (risk)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( )0.5 (interest)13.2 ( )0.5 (rate)13.2 ( )0.5 (risk)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (respectively)13.2 (.)13.2 ( such)13.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(derivative financial instruments are initially recognised at fair value \ on the date on which)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw t* [(a)14.2 ( derivative)14.2 ( contract)14.3 ( is)14.3 ( )-0.6 (entered)14.3 ( into)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( are)14.2 ( subsequently)14.2 ( remeasured)14.3 ( at)14.2 ( fair)14.2 ( value)14.3 (.)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.078 tw t* (derivatives are carried as assets when the fair value is positive and as\ liabilities when )tj 0 tw t* (the fair value is negative.)tj 0.006 tw 0 -3 td (any gains or losses arising from changes in fair value of derivatives ar\ e taken directly to )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (profit or loss.)tj et endstream endobj 535 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (5)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.18)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (financial liabilities)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (subsequent measurement)tj ( \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 534.7467 tm (financial liabilities at amortised cost \(loans and borrowings\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.072 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 504.7466 tm [(after)14.2 ( initial)14.1 ( )0.5 (recognition)14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (interest)14.2 (-)14.2 (bearing)14.1 ( )0.5 (loans)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( borrowings)14.2 ( are)14.2 ( subsequently)44.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw 0 -1.5 td (measured at amortised cost, using the effective interest rate method unl\ ess the effect )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(of)7.2 ( )0.5 (discounting)7.2 ( )0.5 (would)7.2 ( )0.5 (be)7.2 ( )0.5 (immaterial)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( )0.5 (which)7.2 ( )0.5 (case)7.3 ( they)7.2 ( )0.5 (are)7.1 ( )0.5 (stated)7.2 ( )0.5 (at)7.2 ( cost)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )0.5 (gains)7.3 ( and)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.088 tw t* (losses are recognised in profit or loss when the liabilities are derecog\ nised as well as )tj 0 tw t* (through the effective interest rate amortisation process.)tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(amortised)14 ( cost)13.9 ( is)13.9 ( calculated)14 ( by)14 ( taking)13.9 ( into)13.9 ( account)13.9 ( any)14 ( discount)14 ( or)13.9 ( premium)13.9 ( on)42.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw 0 -1.5 td (acquisition and fees or costs that are an integral part of the effective\ interest rate. the )tj 0 tw t* (effective interest rate amortisation is included in finance costs in pro\ fit or loss.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 354.7466 tm (financial guarantee contracts)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 324.7466 tm [(financial)13.2 ( )0.5 (guarantee)13.2 ( )0.5 (contracts)13.2 ( issued)13.2 ( by)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (group)13.2 ( are)13.2 ( )0.5 (those)13.2 ( contracts)13.2 ( )0.5 (that)13.2 ( )0.5 (require)13.2 ( )0.5 (a)13.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.065 tw t* (payment to be made to reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because \ the specified )tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw t* [(debtor)13.8 ( fails)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( make)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( payment)13.8 ( when)13.8 ( due)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( accordance)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( terms)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( a)13.9 ( debt)30.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(instrument)3.2 (.)3.2 ( a)3.3 ( financial)3.2 ( )0.5 (guarantee)3.2 ( )0.5 (contract)3.2 ( )0.5 (is)3.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)3.2 ( )0.5 (initially)3.2 ( )0.5 (as)3.2 ( a)3.2 ( )0.5 (liability)3.2 ( )0.5 (at)3.2 ( )0.5 (its)3.2 ( )0.5 (fair)3.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(value)13.8 (,)13.9 ( adjusted)13.8 ( for)13.9 ( transaction)13.8 ( costs)13.8 ( that)13.8 ( are)13.9 ( directly)13.8 ( attributable)13.8 ( to)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( issuance)13.9 ( of)18.3 ( )]tj 0.055 tc t* [(the)13.6 ( guarantee)13.5 (.)13.5 ( subsequent)13.6 ( to)13.5 ( initial)13.5 ( recognition)13.5 (,)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.5 ( measures)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( financial)27.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(guarantee)7.2 ( contracts)7.2 ( )0.5 (at)7.2 ( the)7.2 ( )0.5 (higher)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 (:)7.2 ( \()7.2 (i)7.3 (\))7.2 ( the)7.2 ( )0.5 (ecl)7.2 ( )0.5 (allowance)7.2 ( determined)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( accordance)7.2 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw t* [(with the policy as set out in \223impairment of financial assets\224; an\ d \(ii\) the amount initially)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (recognised less, when appropriate, the cumulative amount of income recog\ nised.)tj et endstream endobj 536 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 537 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 538 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 539 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 540 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 541 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (5)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.18)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (financial liabilities)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (subsequent measurement)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(the)5.2 ( )0.5 (subsequent)5.2 ( measurement)5.3 ( of)5.2 ( )0.5 (financial)5.2 ( )0.5 (liabilities)5.2 ( )0.5 (depends)5.2 ( )0.5 (on)5.2 ( )0.5 (their)5.2 ( )0.5 (classification)5.3 ( as)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0288 489.7466 tm (financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.063 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 459.7466 tm (financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include finan\ cial liabilities held for )tj 0.006 tw t* (trading and financial liabilities designated upon initial recognition as\ at fair value through )tj 0 tw t* (profit or loss.)tj 0.062 tw 0 -3 td (financial liabilities are classified as held for trading if they are inc\ urred for the purpose )tj 0.068 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.6 (p)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( n)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (m)14.4 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)14.5 ( c)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (g)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (y)14.4 ( a)0.6 (l)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 ( d)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)14.4 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.061 tw t* (instruments entered into by the group that are not designated as hedging\ instruments )tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw t* [(in)13.9 ( hedge)13.9 ( relationships)13.8 ( as)13.9 ( defined)13.9 ( by)13.8 ( ifrs)13.8 ( 9)13.8 (.)13.9 ( separated)13.8 ( embedded)13.9 ( derivatives)13.8 ( are)32.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc t* [(also)14 ( classified)14 ( as)14.1 ( held)14 ( for)14 ( trading)14 ( unless)14 ( they)14.1 ( are)14.1 ( designated)14 ( as)14 ( effective)14.1 ( hedging)29.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.077 tw t* [(i)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 (.)14.5 ( g)0.6 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( l)0.5 (o)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 ( o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( l)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 ( h)0.6 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (d)14.5 ( f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (o)0.5 (g)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( i)0.6 (n)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.6 (r)16.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(loss)13.2 (.)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( net)13.2 ( )0.5 (fair)13.2 ( )0.5 (value)13.2 ( )0.5 (gain)13.2 ( )0.5 (or)13.2 ( )0.5 (loss)13.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)13.2 ( in)13.2 ( )0.5 (profit)13.2 ( or)13.2 ( )0.5 (loss)13.2 ( )0.5 (does)13.2 ( not)13.2 ( )0.5 (include)13.2 ( any)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (interest charged on these financial liabilities.)tj et endstream endobj 542 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (4)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.17)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (investments and other financial assets)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (impairment of financial assets)tj ( \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm (simplified approach)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 504.7466 tm [(for)14 ( trade)13.9 ( receivables)14 ( and)13.9 ( contract)13.9 ( assets)13.9 ( that)13.9 ( do)14 ( not)13.9 ( contain)14 ( a)13.9 ( significant)13.9 ( financing)19.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0 -1.5 td [(component)13.9 ( or)13.9 ( when)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 ( applies)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( practical)13.8 ( expedient)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( not)13.8 ( adjusting)13.8 ( the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(effect)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.3 ( a)1.2 ( )0.5 (significant)1.2 ( )0.5 (financing)1.2 ( component)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (group)1.2 ( )0.5 (applies)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( simplified)1.2 ( )0.5 (approach)1.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(in)2.2 ( calculating)2.2 ( ecls)2.2 (.)2.2 ( under)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (simplified)2.2 ( approach)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (group)2.2 ( does)2.2 ( )0.5 (not)2.2 ( )0.5 (track)2.2 ( changes)2.2 ( )]tj t* [(in)2.2 ( )0.5 (credit)2.2 ( risk)2.2 (,)2.1 ( )0.5 (but)2.2 ( instead)2.3 ( recognises)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)2.2 ( loss)2.2 ( )0.5 (allowance)2.2 ( based)2.2 ( )0.5 (on)2.2 ( lifetime)2.2 ( )0.5 (ecls)2.2 ( )0.5 (at)2.2 ( each)2.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw t* [(reporting)14.3 ( )0.5 (date)14.2 (.)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (group)14.3 ( )0.5 (has)14.3 ( )0.5 (established)14.3 ( )0.6 (a)14.3 ( )0.5 (provision)14.3 ( )0.5 (matrix)14.3 ( )0.6 (that)14.3 ( )0.6 (is)14.3 ( )0.6 (based)14.3 ( )0.5 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (its)37.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc t* [(historical)14 ( credit)14 ( loss)14 ( experience)14 (,)14 ( adjusted)14 ( for)14 ( forward)14 (-)14 (looking)14 ( factors)14 ( specific)14 ( to)14 ( the)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (debtors and the economic environment.)tj 0.042 tw 0 -3 td [(for trade receivables )0.5 (and contract )0.5 (assets that contain a significant )0.5 (financial component )]tj 0.077 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(and)14.3 ( )0.5 (lease)14.3 ( )0.5 (receivables)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.6 (group)14.3 ( )0.6 (chooses)14.3 ( )0.6 (as)14.2 ( )0.6 (its)14.3 ( )0.5 (accounting)14.3 ( )0.5 (policy)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.6 (adopt)14.4 ( )0.5 (the)49.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (simplified approach in calculating ecls with policies as described above\ .)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 304.7466 tm (2.18)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 304.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (financial liabilities)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 271.7466 tm (initial recognition and measurement)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.053 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 241.7466 tm [(financial )0.6 (liabilities )0.6 (are )0.5 (classified, )0.6 (at )0.5 (initial )0.6 (recognition, )0.5 (as )0.5 (financial )0.5 (liabilities )0.5 (at )0.5 (fair )0.5 (value )]tj 0.082 tw t* (through profit or loss, loans and borrowings, payables, or as derivative\ s designated as )tj 0 tw t* (hedging instruments in an effective hedge, as appropriate.)tj 0.086 tw 0 -3 td (all financial liabilities are recognised initially at fair value and, in\ the case of loans and )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (borrowings and payables, net of directly attributable transaction costs.\ )tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.9 ( group)13.9 (\222)13.9 (s)13.9 ( financial)13.9 ( liabilities)13.8 ( include)13.9 ( trade)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( other)14 ( payables)13.9 (,)13.9 ( derivative)14 ( financial)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (instruments and interest-bearing bank and other borrowings.)tj et endstream endobj 543 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (4)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.17)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (investments and other financial assets \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (impairment of financial assets \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm (general approach \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.072 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 504.7466 tm [(the)13.6 ( group)13.6 ( considers)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( financial)13.6 ( asset)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( be)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( default)13.6 ( when)13.6 ( internal)13.6 ( or)13.6 ( external)44.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(information)5.2 ( )0.5 (indicates)5.2 ( )0.5 (that)5.3 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (group)5.2 ( )0.5 (is)5.2 ( )0.5 (unlikely)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( receive)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( outstanding)5.2 ( )0.5 (contractual)5.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.05 tw t* (amounts in full before taking into account any credit enhancements held \ by the group. )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(a)3.2 ( )0.5 (financial)3.2 ( )0.5 (asset)3.2 ( )0.5 (is)3.2 ( )0.5 (written)3.2 ( off)3.2 ( )0.5 (when)3.2 ( )0.5 (there)3.2 ( )0.5 (is)3.2 ( )0.5 (no)3.2 ( )0.5 (reasonable)3.2 ( expectation)3.2 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (recovering)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the contractual cash flows.)tj 0.025 tc 0 -3 td [(debt investments at fair value through other comprehensive income and fi\ nancial assets)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(at)14.1 ( amortised)14.1 ( cost)14.1 ( are)14.1 ( subject)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( impairment)14.1 ( under)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( general)14.1 ( approach)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( they)32.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(are)13.9 ( classified)13.9 ( within)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( following)13.9 ( stages)13.9 ( for)14 ( measurement)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( ecls)13.9 ( except)13.9 ( for)14 ( trade)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (receivables and contract assets which apply the simplified approach as d\ etailed below.)tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 0.031 -3 td [(s)19.2 (t)19.2 (a)19.2 (g)19.2 (e)19.2 ( )97.2 (1)19.2 ( )97.2 (\226)19.2 ( )97.2 ( )-73 (financial)14.1 ( instruments)14.1 ( for)14.1 ( which)14.1 ( credit)14.1 ( risk)14.1 ( has)14.1 ( not)14.1 ( increased)14.1 ( significantly)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.079 tw 5.2 -1.5 td (since initial recognition and for which the loss allowance is measured a\ t an )tj 0 tw t* (amount equal to 12-month ecls)tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw -5.2 -3 td [(s)4.2 (t)4.2 (a)4.2 (g)4.2 (e)4.2 ( )92.2 (2)4.2 ( )92.2 (\226)4.2 ( )92.2 ( )-78 (f)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.6 (l)4.1 ( )0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)4.2 ( f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)4.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (h)0.6 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)4.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)4.2 ( r)0.6 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (k)4.2 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)4.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)4.2 ( s)0.6 (i)0.5 (g)0.6 (n)0.5 (i)0.6 (f)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)4.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)4.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 5.2 -1.5 td [(initial)13.6 ( recognition)13.6 ( but)13.6 ( that)13.6 ( are)13.6 ( not)13.6 ( credit)13.6 (-)13.6 (impaired)13.6 ( financial)13.6 ( assets)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( for)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (which the loss allowance is measured at an amount equal to lifetime ecls\ )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw -5.2 -3 td [(s)9.2 (t)9.2 (a)9.2 (g)9.2 (e)9.2 ( )92.2 (3)9.2 ( )92.2 (\226)9.2 ( )92.2 ( )-78 (financial)9.2 ( )0.5 (assets)9.2 ( that)9.2 ( )0.5 (are)9.2 ( )0.5 (credit)9.2 (-)9.2 (impaired)9.1 ( )0.5 (at)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( reporting)9.2 ( )0.5 (date)9.2 ( \()9.2 (but)9.3 ( that)9.2 ( )0.5 (are)9.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw 5.2 -1.5 td [(not purchased or originated credit-impaired\) and for which the loss all\ owance)-1.7 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (is measured at an amount equal to lifetime ecls)tj et endstream endobj 544 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (4)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.17)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (investments and other financial assets \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (impairment of financial assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.047 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(the)14.3 ( gro)0.5 (up)14.3 ( recogni)0.5 (ses)14.3 ( an)14.3 ( allow)0.5 (ance)14.3 ( for)14.3 ( expe)0.5 (cted)14.3 ( credi)0.5 (t)14.3 ( l)0.5 (osses)14.3 ( \()14.3 (\223)14.3 (e)0.5 (cls)14.3 (\224)14.3 (\))14.3 ( for)14.3 ( all)14.4 ( d)0.5 (ebt)19.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(instruments)13.5 ( not)13.6 ( held)13.5 ( at)13.5 ( fair)13.5 ( value)13.6 ( through)13.6 ( profit)13.6 ( or)13.6 ( loss)13.5 (.)13.6 ( ecls)13.6 ( are)13.5 ( based)13.5 ( on)13.5 ( the)44.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw 0 -1.5 td (difference between the contractual cash flows due in accordance with the\ contract and )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(a)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)10.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)10.2 ( c)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (h)10.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (s)10.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)10.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)10.2 ( g)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)10.1 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (x)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)10.2 ( t)0.5 (o)10.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)10.2 (,)10.2 ( d)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (co)0.6 (u)0.5 (nt)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)10.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (t)10.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)10.2 ( a)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (x)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)10.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (original)14.2 ( )0.6 (effective)14.3 ( )0.5 (interest)14.3 ( )0.5 (rate)14.3 (.)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (ecl)14.3 ( )0.5 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (3)14.3 (1)14.3 ( )0.5 (december)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.3 (0)14.3 (1)14.2 (9)14.3 ( )0.5 (was)14.3 ( )0.5 (estimated)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.086 tw t* (based on a range of forecast economic conditions as at that date. since \ early january )tj 0.081 tc 0.078 tw t* [(2)14.2 (0)14.3 (2)14.2 (0)14.2 (,)14.3 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (coronavirus)14.2 ( )0.5 (outbreak)14.3 ( )0.5 (has)14.2 ( )0.5 (spread)14.2 ( )0.5 (across)14.2 ( )0.5 (mainland)14.2 ( )0.5 (china)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (beyond)14.2 (,)53.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.077 tw t* [(ca)0.5 (usin)0.5 (g)14.3 ( di)0.5 (srup)0.5 (tio)0.5 (n)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( b)0.5 (usi)0.5 (ness)14.4 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.3 ( ec)0.5 (onom)0.5 (ic)14.4 ( a)0.5 (cti)0.5 (vit)0.5 (y)14.3 (.)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( im)0.5 (pact)14.4 ( o)0.5 (n)14.3 ( gd)0.5 (p)14.3 ( and)14.4 ( o)0.5 (th)0.5 (er)17.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(key)9.2 ( )0.5 (indicators)9.2 ( have)9.2 ( )0.5 (been)9.2 ( considered)9.2 ( )0.5 (when)9.2 ( determ)0.5 (ining)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (severity)9.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)9.1 ( )0.5 (likeli)0.5 (hood)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (downside economic scenarios that are used to estimate ecl under ifrs 9 i\ n 2020.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 369.7466 tm (general approach)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.06 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 339.7466 tm (ecls are recognised in two stages. for credit exposures for which there \ has not been )tj 0.042 tw t* (a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, ecls ar\ e provided for credit )tj 0.054 tc 0.077 tw t* [(l)0.5 (os)0.5 (ses)14.4 ( t)0.5 (ha)0.5 (t)14.3 ( r)0.5 (es)0.5 (ul)0.5 (t)14.3 ( f)0.5 (r)0.5 (om)14.4 ( de)0.5 (fa)0.5 (ul)0.5 (t)14.3 ( e)0.5 (ve)0.5 (nt)0.5 (s)14.3 ( t)0.5 (ha)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.3 ( p)0.5 (os)0.5 (si)0.5 (bl)0.5 (e)14.3 ( w)0.5 (it)0.5 (h)0.5 (in)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( n)0.5 (ex)0.5 (t)14.3 ( 1)14.4 (2)14.3 ( m)0.5 (on)0.5 (th)0.5 (s)26.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(\()14 (a)14.1 ( 1)14 (2)14.1 (-)14 (month)14 ( ecl)14 (\))14 (.)14.1 ( for)14 ( those)14.1 ( credit)14.1 ( exposures)14.1 ( for)14 ( which)14.1 ( there)14.1 ( has)14 ( been)14 ( a)14 ( significant)15.3 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(increase)14 ( in)14 ( credit)14 ( risk)14 ( since)14 ( initial)14.1 ( recognition)14 (,)14 ( a)14 ( loss)14 ( allowance)14 ( is)14 ( required)14 ( for)14 ( credit)14.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(losses)4.2 ( expected)4.2 ( )0.5 (over)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( )0.5 (remaining)4.2 ( life)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (exposure)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (irrespective)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( timing)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the default \(a lifetime ecl\).)tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(at)13.7 ( each)13.7 ( reporting)13.7 ( date)13.7 (,)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.7 ( assesses)13.8 ( whether)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( credit)13.8 ( risk)13.7 ( on)13.7 ( a)13.8 ( financial)33.2 ( )]tj 0.066 tc 0 -1.5 td [(instrument)14.1 ( has)14.1 ( increased)14.2 ( significantly)14.1 ( )0.5 (since)14.1 ( )0.5 (initial)14.2 ( recognition)14.1 (.)14.2 ( when)14.1 ( making)14.2 ( the)38.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0.077 tw t* [(a)0.5 (ss)0.5 (e)0.5 (ss)0.5 (m)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)14.4 (,)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( g)0.5 (ro)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)14.4 ( co)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (r)0.5 (es)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( ri)0.5 (s)0.5 (k)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( d)0.5 (ef)0.5 (a)0.5 (u)0.5 (lt)14.4 ( o)0.5 (c)0.5 (cu)0.5 (r)0.5 (ri)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( on)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( fi)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (nc)0.5 (i)0.5 (al)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.069 tw t* (instrument as at the reporting date with the risk of a default occurring\ on the financial )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(instrument as at the date of initial recognition and considers reasonabl\ e and supportable)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.063 tc 0.077 tw t* [(i)0.5 (n)0.5 (f)0.5 (or)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (v)0.5 (ai)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)14.3 ( wi)0.6 (th)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)14.3 ( u)0.5 (nd)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (st)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( e)0.5 (f)0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (rt)14.4 (,)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.5 (ud)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( h)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (to)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.3 ( an)0.5 (d)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (forward-looking information.)tj et endstream endobj 545 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (4)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.17)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (investments and other financial assets \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (derecognition of financial assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.049 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(a)14.4 ( fi)0.5 (n)0.5 (an)0.5 (ci)0.5 (al)14.4 ( a)0.5 (ss)0.5 (et)14.4 ( \()14.3 (o)0.5 (r)14.3 (,)14.4 ( w)0.5 (he)0.5 (re)14.4 ( ap)0.5 (pl)0.5 (i)0.5 (ca)0.5 (bl)0.5 (e)14.4 (,)14.3 ( a)14.4 ( pa)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( a)14.4 ( f)0.5 (in)0.5 (an)0.5 (ci)0.5 (al)14.4 ( a)0.5 (ss)0.5 (et)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.3 ( p)0.5 (ar)0.5 (t)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( a)14.3 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (ou)0.5 (p)21.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0 -1.5 td [(o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( s)0.5 (i)0.5 (mi)0.5 (l)0.5 (ar)14.4 ( f)0.5 (in)0.5 (an)0.5 (c)0.5 (ia)0.5 (l)14.4 ( as)0.5 (s)0.5 (et)0.5 (s)14.3 (\))14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)14.3 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (im)0.5 (a)0.5 (ri)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.3 ( d)0.5 (er)0.5 (e)0.5 (co)0.5 (g)0.5 (ni)0.5 (se)0.5 (d)14.4 ( \()14.4 (i)14.4 (.)14.3 (e)14.4 (.)14.4 (,)14.3 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (mo)0.5 (ve)0.5 (d)14.3 ( fr)0.5 (om)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( g)0.5 (ro)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)14.3 (\222)14.4 (s)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (consolidated statement of financial position\) when:)tj 0 -3 td [(\225 )-2000.8 (the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired; or)]tj 0.092 tw t* [(\225 )-1908.9 (the )0.5 (group has )0.5 (transferred its )0.5 (rights )0.5 (to )0.5 (receive )0.5 (cash flows from )0.5 (the )0.5 (asset )0.5 (or has )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(assumed)13.5 ( an)13.5 ( obligation)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( pay)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( received)13.4 ( cash)13.5 ( flows)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( full)13.5 ( without)13.4 ( material)22.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0 -1.5 td [(delay)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( third)13.8 ( party)13.8 ( under)13.7 ( a)13.8 ( \223)13.8 (pass)13.8 (-)13.8 (through)13.8 (\224)13.8 ( arrangement)13.8 (;)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( either)13.8 ( \()13.8 (a)13.8 (\))13.8 ( the)25.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc t* [(group)13.9 ( has)13.9 ( transferred)13.9 ( substantially)13.8 ( all)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( risks)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( rewards)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( asset)13.9 (,)13.9 ( or)27.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(\()7.2 (b)7.2 (\))7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (group)7.2 ( )0.5 (has)7.2 ( neither)7.3 ( transferred)7.2 ( nor)7.2 ( )0.5 (retained)7.2 ( )0.5 (substantially)7.2 ( all)7.3 ( the)7.2 ( )0.5 (risks)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (rewards of the asset, but has transferred control of the asset.)tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw -2.835 -3 td [(when)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.3 ( group)1.2 ( has)1.2 ( )0.5 (transferred)1.2 ( )0.5 (its)1.2 ( )0.5 (rights)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( receive)1.2 ( )0.5 (cash)1.2 ( )0.5 (flows)1.2 ( )0.5 (from)1.2 ( )0.5 (an)1.2 ( )0.5 (asset)1.3 ( or)1.2 ( has)1.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw t* [(en)0.5 (ter)0.5 (ed)14.3 ( i)0.5 (nt)0.5 (o)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( pa)0.5 (ss)14.3 (-)14.4 (thr)0.5 (oug)0.5 (h)14.3 ( ar)0.5 (ra)0.5 (nge)0.5 (men)0.5 (t)14.3 (,)14.3 ( i)0.5 (t)14.3 ( ev)0.5 (alu)0.5 (ate)0.5 (s)14.3 ( if)14.4 (,)14.3 ( an)0.5 (d)14.3 ( to)14.4 ( wha)0.5 (t)14.3 ( ex)0.5 (ten)0.5 (t)14.3 (,)14.3 ( i)0.5 (t)14.3 ( ha)0.5 (s)22.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(retained the risk and rewards of ownership of the asset. when it has nei\ ther transferred)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.076 tw t* (nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset nor tr\ ansferred control )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(of the asset, the group continues to recognise the transferred asset to \ the extent of the)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.064 tw t* (group\222s continuing involvement. in that case, the group also recognis\ es an associated )tj 0.065 tw t* (liability. the transferred asset and the associated liability are measur\ ed on a basis that )tj 0 tw t* (reflects the rights and obligations that the group has retained.)tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -3 td [(continuing)4.2 ( )0.5 (involvement)4.2 ( )0.5 (that)4.2 ( )0.5 (takes)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (form)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )0.5 (a)4.1 ( )0.5 (guarantee)4.2 ( over)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.1 ( )0.5 (transferred)4.2 ( asset)4.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw 0 -1.5 td (is measured at the lower of the original carrying amount of the asset an\ d the maximum )tj 0 tw t* (amount of consideration that the group could be required to repay.)tj et endstream endobj 546 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 547 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 548 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 549 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 550 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 551 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (4)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.17)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (investments and other financial assets \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (subsequent measurement \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm (financial assets at fair value through profit or loss \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.026 tc 0.001 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 504.7466 tm [(a )0.5 (derivative )0.6 (embedded )0.6 (in )0.5 (a )0.6 (hybrid )0.6 (contract, )0.5 (with )0.5 (a )0.5 (financial )0.5 (liability )0.6 (or )0.5 (non-financial )0.5 (host,)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td (is separated from the host and accounted for as a separate derivative if\ the economic )tj 0.05 tw t* (characteristics and risks are not closely related to the host; a separat\ e instrument with )tj 0.069 tw t* (the same terms as the embedded derivative would meet the definition of a\ derivative; )tj 0.072 tw t* (and the hybrid contract is not measured at fair value through profit or \ loss. embedded )tj 0.058 tw t* (derivatives are measured at fair value with changes in fair value recogn\ ised in profit or )tj 0.047 tw t* (loss. reassessment only occurs if there is either a change in the terms \ of the contract )tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw t* [(that)14.3 ( )0.6 (significantly)14.2 ( )0.6 (modifies)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.6 (cash)14.3 ( )0.5 (flows)14.3 ( )0.5 (that)14.3 ( )0.5 (would)14.3 ( )0.6 (otherwise)14.3 ( )0.5 (be)14.3 ( )0.5 (required)14.2 ( )0.6 (or)14.2 ( )0.6 (a)42.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (reclassification of a financial asset out of the fair value through prof\ it or loss category.)tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(a)13.7 ( derivative)13.8 ( embedded)13.7 ( within)13.8 ( a)13.7 ( hybrid)13.7 ( contract)13.7 ( containing)13.7 ( a)13.8 ( financial)13.8 ( asset)13.8 ( host)13.7 ( is)24.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(n)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)14.3 ( a)0.5 (c)0.5 (c)0.5 (ou)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)14.3 ( s)0.5 (ep)0.5 (ar)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (ly)14.4 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( fi)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (nc)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.3 ( as)0.5 (s)0.5 (et)14.4 ( ho)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)14.3 ( t)0.5 (og)0.5 (e)0.5 (th)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( w)0.5 (it)0.5 (h)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( em)0.5 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (dd)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)22.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(derivative)13.7 ( is)13.7 ( required)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( be)13.7 ( classified)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( its)13.7 ( entirety)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( financial)13.7 ( asset)13.7 ( at)13.7 ( fair)13.8 ( value)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (through profit or loss.)tj et endstream endobj 552 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (4)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.17)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (investments and other financial assets)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (subsequent measurement)tj ( \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 534.7467 tm (financial assets designated at fair value through other comprehensive in\ come )tj 0.505 -1.5 td (\(equity investments\) \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 489.7466 tm [(gains and losses on these financial assets are never recycled to profit \ or loss. dividends)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.5 td [(are)7.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)7.2 ( )0.5 (as)7.2 ( )0.5 (other)7.2 ( income)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( )0.5 (profit)7.2 ( )0.5 (or)7.2 ( )0.5 (loss)7.2 ( )0.5 (when)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( right)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (payment)7.3 ( has)7.2 ( been)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.061 tw t* (established, it is probable that the economic benefits associated with t\ he dividend will )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(flow)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( group)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( amount)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( dividend)13.9 ( can)13.9 ( be)13.9 ( measured)13.9 ( reliably)13.8 (,)13.9 ( except)17.3 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(when)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( group)1.2 ( )0.5 (benefits)1.2 ( )0.5 (from)1.2 ( )0.5 (such)1.2 ( )0.5 (proceeds)1.2 ( as)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )0.5 (recovery)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (part)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.3 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (cost)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.3 ( the)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw t* [(financial )0.5 (asset, )0.5 (in )0.6 (which )0.5 (case, )0.6 (such )0.5 (gains )0.6 (are )0.5 (recorded )0.6 (in )0.5 (other )0.6 (comprehensive )0.5 (income. )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(equity)7.2 ( investments)7.2 ( )0.5 (designated)7.2 ( )0.5 (at)7.3 ( fair)7.2 ( )0.5 (value)7.2 ( )0.5 (through)7.2 ( )0.5 (other)7.3 ( comprehensive)7.2 ( )0.5 (income)7.2 ( )0.5 (are)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (not subject to impairment assessment.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 354.7466 tm (financial assets at fair value through profit or loss)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 324.7466 tm [(financial)13.6 ( assets)13.5 ( at)13.6 ( fair)13.6 ( value)13.6 ( through)13.5 ( profit)13.6 ( or)13.5 ( loss)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( carried)13.5 ( in)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( statement)13.5 ( of)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (financial position at fair value with net changes in fair value recognis\ ed in profit or loss.)tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(this)13.5 ( category)13.5 ( includes)13.5 ( derivative)13.5 ( instruments)13.5 (,)13.5 ( wealth)13.5 ( management)13.5 ( products)13.5 ( and)38.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.035 tw 0 -1.5 td (equity investments which the group had not irrevocably elected to classi\ fy at fair value )tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(through)13.2 ( )0.5 (other)13.2 ( )0.5 (comprehensive)13.1 ( )0.5 (income)13.2 (.)13.2 ( dividends)13.2 ( )0.5 (on)13.2 ( )0.5 (equity)13.2 ( investments)13.2 ( )0.5 (classified)13.2 ( )0.5 (as)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw t* (financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are also recognise\ d as other gains in )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(profit)6.2 ( or)6.2 ( loss)6.2 ( when)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (right)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( )0.5 (payment)6.2 ( has)6.2 ( been)6.2 ( )0.5 (established)6.2 (,)6.2 ( it)6.2 ( )0.5 (is)6.3 ( probable)6.2 ( )0.5 (that)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.056 tw t* (economic benefits associated with the dividend will flow to the group an\ d the amount )tj 0 tw t* (of the dividend can be measured reliably.)tj et endstream endobj 553 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (4)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.17)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (investments and other financial assets \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (subsequent measurement)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(the)13.8 ( subsequent)13.9 ( measurement)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( financial)13.9 ( assets)13.8 ( depends)13.8 ( on)13.9 ( their)13.9 ( classification)13.8 ( as)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 489.7466 tm (financial assets at amortised cost \(debt instruments\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.058 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 459.7466 tm [(financial)14 ( assets)14.1 ( at)14.1 ( amortised)14 ( cost)14 ( are)14 ( subsequently)14.1 ( measured)14 ( using)14.1 ( the)14 ( effective)30.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(interest)13.8 ( method)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( are)13.7 ( subject)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( impairment)13.8 (.)13.7 ( gains)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( losses)13.7 ( are)13.8 ( recognised)13.7 ( in)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (profit or loss when the asset is derecognised, modified or impaired.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 399.7466 tm (financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income \(debt\ )tj -0.028 tw 0.402 -1.5 td (instruments\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.063 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 354.7466 tm [(for)13.8 ( debt)13.8 ( investments)13.9 ( at)13.9 ( fair)13.8 ( value)13.8 ( through)13.9 ( other)13.9 ( comprehensive)13.9 ( income)13.8 (,)13.9 ( interest)35.2 ( )]tj 0.091 tc t* [(income)13.6 (,)13.5 ( foreign)13.6 ( exchange)13.6 ( revaluation)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( impairment)13.6 ( losses)13.6 ( or)13.5 ( reversals)13.5 ( are)63.3 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(recognised)6.2 ( in)6.2 ( profit)6.2 ( or)6.2 ( loss)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )0.5 (computed)6.2 ( in)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( same)6.3 ( manner)6.2 ( )0.5 (as)6.2 ( )0.5 (for)6.1 ( )0.5 (financial)6.2 ( assets)6.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw t* [(measured)13.6 ( at)13.6 ( amortised)13.6 ( cost)13.6 (.)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( remaining)13.5 ( fair)13.6 ( value)13.6 ( changes)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( recognised)13.5 ( in)39.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc t* [(other)13.6 ( comprehensive)13.6 ( income)13.6 (.)13.6 ( upon)13.6 ( derecognition)13.6 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( cumulative)13.6 ( fair)13.6 ( value)13.6 ( change)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (recognised in other comprehensive income is recycled to profit or loss.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 249.7466 tm (financial assets designated at fair value through other comprehensive in\ come )tj 0.402 -1.5 td (\(equity investments\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.09 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 204.7466 tm [(upon)13.5 ( initial)13.7 ( recognition)13.6 (,)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.5 ( can)13.5 ( elect)13.6 ( to)13.5 ( classify)13.6 ( irrevocably)13.6 ( its)13.6 ( equity)62.2 ( )]tj 0.118 tc t* [(investments)14.2 ( as)14.2 ( equity)14.1 ( )0.5 (investments)14.2 ( designated)14.2 ( at)14.2 ( fair)14.2 ( )0.5 (value)14.2 ( through)14.1 ( )0.5 (other)90.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw t* (comprehensive income when they meet the definition of equity under ias 3\ 2 financial )tj 0.052 tw t* [(instruments: )0.6 (presentation )0.5 (and )0.5 (are )0.6 (not )0.5 (held )0.5 (for )0.6 (trading. )0.5 (the )0.5 (classification )0.5 (is )0.5 (determined )]tj 0 tw t* (on an instrument-by-instrument basis.)tj et endstream endobj 554 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (4)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.17)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (investments and other financial assets)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (initial recognition and measurement)tj ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(in)13.7 ( order)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( financial)13.7 ( asset)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( be)13.8 ( classified)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( measured)13.8 ( at)13.7 ( amortised)13.8 ( cost)13.7 ( or)13.8 ( fair)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw 0 -1.5 td (value through other comprehensive income, it needs to give rise to cash \ flows that are )tj 0.049 tw 0 -1.5 td (solely payments of principal and interest \(\223sppi\224\) on the princi\ pal amount outstanding. )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -1.5 td [(financial)4.2 ( )0.5 (assets)4.2 ( with)4.2 ( )0.5 (cash)4.2 ( flows)4.1 ( )0.5 (that)4.2 ( )0.5 (are)4.2 ( not)4.2 ( )0.5 (sppi)4.2 ( are)4.2 ( )0.5 (classified)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( measured)4.2 ( )0.5 (at)4.2 ( fair)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (value through profit or loss, irrespective of the business model.)tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.2 ( )0.5 (group)13.2 (\222)13.2 (s)13.2 ( business)13.2 ( )0.5 (model)13.3 ( for)13.2 ( managing)13.2 ( financial)13.2 ( )0.5 (assets)13.2 ( )0.5 (refers)13.2 ( to)13.2 ( how)13.2 ( it)13.2 ( manages)13.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(i)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.5 ( f)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( g)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (h)14.4 ( f)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (s)14.4 (.)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( b)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)14.4 ( m)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)16.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(whether)13.5 ( cash)13.5 ( flows)13.4 ( will)13.5 ( result)13.5 ( from)13.5 ( collecting)13.5 ( contractual)13.6 ( cash)13.5 ( flows)13.5 (,)13.4 ( selling)13.5 ( the)35.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(financial)13.5 ( assets)13.4 (,)13.5 ( or)13.5 ( both)13.5 (.)13.5 ( financial)13.5 ( assets)13.5 ( classified)13.5 ( and)13.4 ( measured)13.5 ( at)13.5 ( amortised)13.5 ( cost)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw t* (are held within a business model with the objective to hold financial as\ sets in order to )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(collect)14.2 ( contractual)14.2 ( cash)14.2 ( flows)14.1 (,)14.2 ( while)14.1 ( financial)14.2 ( assets)14.1 ( classified)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( measured)14.1 ( at)14.2 ( fair)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.079 tw t* (value through other comprehensive income are held within a business mode\ l with the )tj 0.073 tw t* (objective of both holding to collect contractual cash flows and selling.\ financial assets )tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw t* [(which)14 ( are)14 ( not)14 ( held)14 ( within)14 ( the)14 ( aforementioned)14 ( business)14 ( models)14 ( are)14 ( classified)14 ( and)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (measured at fair value through profit or loss.)tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(all)14.3 ( regular)14.3 ( way)14.2 ( purchases)14.2 ( and)14.3 ( )-0.6 (sales)14.3 ( of)14.2 ( financial)14.2 ( assets)14.2 ( are)14.2 ( recognised)14.2 ( on)14.3 ( the)14.2 ( trade)21.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(date)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (that)11.2 ( )0.5 (is)11.2 (,)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (date)11.2 ( )0.5 (that)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( group)11.2 ( )0.5 (commits)11.2 ( to)11.2 ( purchase)11.2 ( )0.5 (or)11.3 ( sell)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (asset)11.3 (.)11.1 ( )0.5 (regular)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw t* (way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of financial assets that r\ equire delivery )tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)14.1 ( assets)14.1 ( within)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( period)14.1 ( generally)14.1 ( established)14.1 ( by)14.1 ( regulation)14.1 ( or)14.1 ( convention)14 ( in)14.1 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (marketplace.)tj et endstream endobj 555 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (4)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.16)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (leases \(applicable before 1 january 2019\))]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(leases)14 ( where)13.9 ( substantially)14 ( all)13.9 ( the)14 ( rewards)13.9 ( and)14 ( risks)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( ownership)14 ( of)14 ( assets)14 ( remain)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw 0 -1.5 td [(with the lessor are )0.5 (accounted for )0.5 (as operating leases. where )0.5 (the group is )0.5 (the )0.5 (lessor, )]tj 0.082 tw t* (assets leased by the group under operating leases are included in non-cu\ rrent assets, )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(and)4.2 ( )0.5 (rentals)4.2 ( )0.5 (receivable)4.2 ( )0.5 (under)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( operating)4.2 ( leases)4.2 ( )0.5 (are)4.2 ( )0.5 (credited)4.2 ( )0.5 (to)4.2 ( profit)4.2 ( or)4.2 ( )0.5 (loss)4.2 ( )0.5 (on)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw 0 -1.5 td (straight-line basis over the lease terms. where the group is the lessee,\ rentals payable )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.5 td [(under)8.2 ( )0.5 (operating)8.2 ( )0.5 (leases)8.2 ( )0.5 (net)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( any)8.2 ( )0.5 (incentives)8.2 ( received)8.2 ( from)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (lessor)8.2 ( )0.5 (are)8.2 ( charged)8.2 ( )0.5 (to)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (profit or loss on the straight-line basis over the lease terms.)tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(prepaid)14.1 ( land)14.1 ( lease)14.1 ( payments)14.1 ( under)14.1 ( operating)14.1 ( leases)14.1 ( are)14.1 ( initially)14.1 ( stated)14 ( at)14 ( cost)14 ( and)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (subsequently recognised on the straight-line basis over the lease terms.\ )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 397.7466 tm (2.17)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 397.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (investments and other financial assets)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 364.7466 tm (initial recognition and measurement)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 334.7466 tm [(financial)13.4 ( assets)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( classified)13.5 (,)13.4 ( at)13.5 ( initial)13.4 ( recognition)13.4 (,)13.5 ( as)13.5 ( subsequently)13.5 ( measured)13.5 ( at)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.064 tw t* (amortised cost, fair value through other comprehensive income, and fair \ value through )tj 0 tw t* (profit or loss.)tj 0.023 tc 0 -3 td [(the c)0.5 (lassi)0.5 (ficati)0.5 (on of )0.5 (financ)0.5 (ial a)0.5 (ssets a)0.5 (t init)0.5 (ial r)0.5 (ecogni)0.5 (tion d)0.5 (epends o)0.5 (n the f)0.5 (inanci)0.5 (al as)0.5 (set\222s)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( c)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (h)14.4 ( f)0.6 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)14.5 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( g)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (p)14.4 (\222)14.4 (s)14.5 ( b)0.6 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)14.4 ( m)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.6 (e)0.5 (l)14.4 ( f)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.012 tw t* [(them. )0.5 (with )0.5 (the )0.5 (exception )0.6 (of )0.5 (trade )0.5 (receivables )0.5 (that )0.5 (do )0.6 (not )0.5 (contain )0.5 (a )0.6 (significant )0.5 (financing )]tj 0.067 tw t* (component or for which the group has applied the practical expedient of \ not adjusting )tj 0.054 tw t* (the effect of a significant financing component, the group initially mea\ sures a financial )tj 0.012 tw t* [(asset )0.5 (at )0.5 (its )0.5 (fair )0.5 (value, plus in the )0.5 (case )0.5 (of )0.5 (a )0.5 (financial )0.5 (asset )0.5 (not at fair )0.5 (value )0.5 (through )0.5 (profit )]tj 0.091 tw t* (or loss, transaction costs. trade receivables that do not contain a sign\ ificant financing )tj 0.043 tw t* (component or for which the group has applied the practical expedient are\ measured at )tj 0.048 tw t* (the transaction price determined under ifrs 15 in accordance with the po\ licies set out )tj 0 tw t* (for \223revenue recognition\224 below.)tj et endstream endobj 556 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 557 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 558 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 559 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 560 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 561 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (4)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.15)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (leases \(applicable from 1 january 2019\))]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (group as a lessor \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.052 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(leases)13.6 ( that)13.6 ( transfer)13.6 ( substantially)13.6 ( all)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( risks)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( rewards)13.5 ( incidental)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( ownership)24.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0 -1.5 td [(of)14.2 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( underlying)14.2 ( assets)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( lessee)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (are)14.2 ( )0.5 (accounted)14.2 ( for)14.2 ( )0.5 (as)14.2 ( )0.5 (finance)14.2 ( leases)14.2 (.)14.2 ( at)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)30.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.5 td [(commencement)7.2 ( )0.5 (date)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( cost)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( the)7.2 ( )0.5 (leased)7.2 ( )0.5 (asset)7.2 ( )0.5 (is)7.3 ( capitalised)7.2 ( )0.5 (at)7.3 ( the)7.2 ( )0.5 (present)7.3 ( value)7.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(of)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( minimum)13.5 ( lease)13.5 ( payments)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( related)13.5 ( payments)13.5 ( \()13.4 (including)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( initial)13.5 ( direct)33.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.076 tw t* (costs\), and presented as a receivable at an amount equal to the net inv\ estment in the )tj 0.056 tw t* (lease. the finance costs of such leases are charged to profit or loss so\ as to provide a )tj 0 tw t* (constant periodic rate of charge over the lease terms.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 409.7466 tm (2.16)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 409.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (leases \(applicable before 1 january 2019\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 379.7466 tm [(leases)8.2 ( )0.5 (that)8.2 ( transfer)8.2 ( )0.5 (substantially)8.2 ( )0.5 (all)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (rewards)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( risks)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (ownership)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( assets)8.2 ( to)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(the )0.5 (group, )0.5 (other )0.5 (than )0.5 (legal title, are accounted )0.5 (for as )0.5 (finance leases. at the )0.5 (inception )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(of)12.2 ( )0.5 (a)12.2 ( finance)12.2 ( lease)12.2 (,)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (cost)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (leased)12.1 ( )0.5 (asset)12.2 ( )0.5 (is)12.2 ( capitalised)12.2 ( )0.5 (at)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (present)12.2 ( )0.5 (value)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.064 tw t* (the minimum lease payments and recorded together with the obligation, ex\ cluding the )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(interest)5.2 ( )0.5 (element)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( )0.5 (reflect)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (purchase)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (financing)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (assets)5.2 ( )0.5 (held)5.2 ( under)5.2 ( )0.5 (capitalised)5.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw t* [(finance)14.2 ( leases)14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (including)14.2 ( prepaid)14.2 ( land)14.1 ( )0.5 (lease)14.1 ( )0.5 (payments)14.1 ( )0.5 (under)14.1 ( )0.5 (finance)14.2 ( leases)14.1 (,)14.2 ( are)44.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(included in property, plant and equipment, and depreciated over the shor\ ter of the lease)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(terms)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( estimated)8.2 ( )0.5 (useful)8.2 ( lives)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (assets)8.2 (.)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( finance)8.2 ( )0.5 (costs)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (such)8.2 ( )0.5 (leases)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.017 tw t* (are charged to profit or loss so as to provide a constant periodic rate \ of charge over the )tj 0 tw t* (lease terms.)tj 0.008 tw 0 -3 td (assets acquired through hire purchase contracts of a financing nature ar\ e accounted for )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (as finance leases, but are depreciated over their estimated useful lives\ .)tj et endstream endobj 562 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (3)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.15)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (leases \(applicable from 1 january 2019\))]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (group as a lessee)tj ( \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 534.7467 tm [(\(c\) )-1279.3 (short-term leases and leases of low-value assets)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 504.7466 tm [(the)9.2 ( group)9.2 ( applies)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( short)9.2 (-)9.2 (term)9.2 ( )0.5 (lease)9.2 ( )0.5 (recognition)9.2 ( )0.5 (exemption)9.2 ( to)9.2 ( )0.5 (its)9.2 ( short)9.2 (-)9.2 (term)9.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(leas)0.5 (es of machi)0.5 (nery and equ)0.5 (ipment \()0.5 (that is t)0.5 (hose leases)0.5 ( that have)0.5 ( a lease te)0.5 (rm of )]tj 0.073 tw t* (12 months or less from the commencement date and do not contain a purcha\ se )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(o)0.5 (p)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)5.2 (\))5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (t)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)5.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)5.2 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.6 (g)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)5.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (x)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)5.2 ( f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)5.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)5.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)5.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)5.3 (-)5.2 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)5.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(to)2.2 ( leases)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (office)2.2 ( equipment)2.2 ( )0.5 (that)2.2 ( )0.5 (are)2.2 ( )0.5 (considered)2.2 ( to)2.2 ( )0.5 (be)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (low)2.2 ( )0.5 (value)2.2 ( )0.5 (\()2.2 (i)2.2 (.)2.2 (e)2.2 (.)2.2 ( below)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (rmb30,000\).)tj 0.082 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(lease)13.6 ( payments)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( short)13.6 (-)13.6 (term)13.6 ( leases)13.5 ( and)13.6 ( leases)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( low)13.6 (-)13.5 (value)13.6 ( assets)13.6 ( are)54.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 351.7466 tm (group as a lessor)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 321.7466 tm [(when)14 ( the)14 ( group)14.1 ( acts)14 ( as)14.1 ( a)14 ( lessor)14.1 (,)14 ( it)14 ( classifies)14 ( at)14 ( lease)14 ( inception)14 ( \()14 (or)14.1 ( when)14 ( there)14 ( is)14 ( a)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (lease modification\) each of its leases as either an operating lease or \ a finance lease.)tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(leases)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( which)14 ( the)13.9 ( group)13.9 ( does)13.9 ( not)14 ( transfer)13.9 ( substantially)13.9 ( all)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( risks)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( rewards)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw 0 -1.5 td (incidental to ownership of an asset are classified as operating leases. \ when a contract )tj 0.049 tw t* (contains lease and non-lease components, the group allocates the conside\ ration in the )tj 0.02 tc 0 tw t* [(contract to each component on a relative stand-alone selling price basis\ . rental income is)-7.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw t* (accounted for on a straight-line basis over the lease terms and is inclu\ ded in revenue in )tj 0.064 tw t* (profit or loss due to its operating nature. initial direct costs incurre\ d in negotiating and )tj 0.066 tw t* (arranging an operating lease are added to the carrying amount of the lea\ sed asset and )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(recognised)1.2 ( )0.5 (over)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (lease)1.2 ( )0.5 (term)1.2 ( )0.5 (on)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (same)1.2 ( )0.5 (basis)1.2 ( )0.5 (as)1.2 ( )0.5 (rental)1.3 ( income)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (contingent)1.2 ( )0.5 (rents)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (are recognised as revenue in the period in which they are earned.)tj et endstream endobj 563 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (3)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.15)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (leases \(applicable from 1 january 2019\))]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (group as a lessee)tj ( \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 534.7467 tm [(\(b\) )-1168.2 (lease liabilities)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 504.7466 tm [(lease)13.6 ( liabilities)13.5 ( are)13.6 ( recognised)13.6 ( at)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( commencement)13.6 ( date)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( lease)13.6 ( at)13.6 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0 -1.5 td [(present)14.1 ( value)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( lease)14.1 ( payments)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( be)14 ( made)14 ( over)14 ( the)14.1 ( lease)14.1 ( term)14.1 (.)14 ( the)14 ( lease)30.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(payments)13.8 ( include)13.8 ( fixed)13.8 ( payments)13.8 ( \()13.8 (including)13.8 ( in)13.9 (-)13.8 (substance)13.8 ( fixed)13.8 ( payments)13.8 (\))13.9 ( less)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw t* (any lease incentives receivable, variable lease payments that depend on \ an index )tj 0.054 tw t* (or a rate, and amounts expected to be paid under residual value guarante\ es. the )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(lease)6.2 ( payments)6.2 ( )0.5 (also)6.2 ( )0.5 (include)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( exercise)6.2 ( )0.5 (price)6.1 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (a)6.2 ( purchase)6.2 ( )0.5 (option)6.1 ( )0.5 (reasonably)6.2 ( )]tj t* [(c)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)6.2 ( t)0.6 (o)6.1 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (e)6.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (x)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (c)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)6.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (y)6.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)6.2 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (p)6.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)6.2 ( p)0.6 (a)0.5 (y)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)6.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)6.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)6.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)6.3 ( t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.017 tw t* (of a lease, if the lease term reflects the group exercising the option t\ o terminate. )tj 0.075 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14.1 ( variable)14.1 ( lease)14.1 ( payments)14.1 ( that)14.1 ( do)14.1 ( not)14.1 ( depend)14.1 ( on)14.1 ( an)14.1 ( index)14.1 ( or)14.1 ( a)14 ( rate)14.1 ( are)47.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc t* [(recognised)13.6 ( as)13.6 ( an)13.6 ( expense)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( period)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( which)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( event)13.5 ( or)13.5 ( condition)13.6 ( that)30.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (triggers the payment occurs.)tj 0.026 tc 0 -3 td [(in calculating the present value of lease payments, the group uses its i\ ncremental)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(borrowing)14.3 ( )0.5 (rate)14.2 ( )0.5 (at)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (lease)14.2 ( )0.5 (commencement)14.2 ( )0.5 (date)14.2 ( )0.6 (because)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (interest)14.2 ( )0.5 (rate)40.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(i)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)4.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)4.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)4.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)4.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (s)4.2 ( )0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)4.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (a)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)4.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)4.2 (.)4.2 ( a)0.6 (f)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)4.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)4.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)4.2 ( d)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.05 tw t* (the amount of lease liabilities is increased to reflect the accretion of\ interest and )tj 0.092 tw t* [(reduced for the )0.5 (lease )0.5 (payments made. in )0.5 (addition, )0.5 (the )0.5 (carrying )0.5 (amount of )0.5 (lease )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(liabilities)5.2 ( )0.5 (is)5.2 ( remeasured)5.2 ( )0.5 (if)5.2 ( )0.5 (there)5.2 ( is)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( )0.5 (modification)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( )0.5 (change)5.2 ( )0.5 (in)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( lease)5.2 ( term)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.01 tw t* (change in lease payments \(e.g., a change to future lease payments resul\ ting from )tj 0.039 tw t* [(a )0.5 (change )0.5 (in )0.5 (an )0.5 (index )0.5 (or )0.5 (rate\) )0.5 (or )0.5 (a )0.5 (change )0.5 (in )0.5 (assessment )0.5 (of )0.5 (an )0.5 (option )0.5 (to )0.5 (purchase )]tj 0 tw t* (the underlying asset.)tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.9 ( group)13.9 (\222)14 (s)13.9 ( lease)13.9 ( liabilities)13.9 ( are)14 ( included)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( interest)13.9 (-)14 (bearing)14 ( bank)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( other)38.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (borrowings.)tj et endstream endobj 564 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (3)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.15)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (leases \(applicable from 1 january 2019\))]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (group as a lessee)tj ( \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 534.7467 tm [(\(a\) )-1223.3 (right-of-use assets)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 504.7466 tm (right-of-use assets are recognised at the commencement date of the lease\ \(that )tj 0.057 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(is)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( dat)0.5 (e)14.3 ( the)14.4 ( u)0.5 (nder)0.5 (lyi)0.5 (ng)14.3 ( asse)0.5 (t)14.3 ( is)14.4 ( av)0.5 (ail)0.5 (abl)0.5 (e)14.3 ( for)14.4 ( u)0.5 (se)14.3 (\))14.3 (.)14.4 ( r)0.5 (ight)14.4 (-)14.3 (of)14.4 (-)14.3 (use)14.3 ( a)0.5 (sset)0.5 (s)14.3 ( a)0.5 (re)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw t* (measured at cost, less any accumulated depreciation and any impairment l\ osses, )tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.8 ( adjusted)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( any)13.8 ( remeasurement)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( lease)13.8 ( liabilities)13.8 (.)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( cost)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( right)13.9 (-)13.8 (of)13.9 (-)]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(us)7.3 ( assets)7.2 ( )0.5 (includes)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (amount)7.2 ( of)7.2 ( )0.5 (lease)7.2 ( )0.5 (liabilities)7.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (initial)7.2 ( )0.5 (direct)7.2 ( )0.5 (costs)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.019 tw t* (incurred, and lease payment made at or before the commencement date less\ any )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(lease)8.2 ( )0.5 (incentives)8.2 ( )0.5 (received)8.2 (.)8.2 ( )0.5 (right)8.2 (-)8.2 (of)8.2 (-)8.2 (use)8.2 ( )0.5 (assets)8.2 ( )0.5 (are)8.2 ( )0.5 (depreciated)8.2 ( )0.5 (on)8.2 ( a)8.2 ( )0.5 (straight)8.2 (-)8.2 (line)8.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(b)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)11.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)11.3 ( o)0.5 (f)11.3 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)11.2 ( l)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)11.2 ( t)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (s)11.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)11.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( e)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.6 (u)0.5 (l)11.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (assets as follows:)tj -0.028 tw 0 -3 td (buildings)tj 0 tw 33.466 0 td (2\22620 years)tj -0.028 tw -33.466 -1.5 td (machinery)tj 0 tw 33.466 0 td (2\22610 years)tj -33.466 -1.5 td (land use rights)tj 32.882 0 td (10\22650 years)tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw -32.882 -2.873 td [(if)2.2 ( ownership)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( leased)2.2 ( )0.5 (asset)2.2 ( transfers)2.2 ( )0.5 (to)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( group)2.2 ( )0.5 (by)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( end)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (lease)2.2 ( )]tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(term)13.9 ( or)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( cost)13.9 ( reflects)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( exercise)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( purchase)13.8 ( option)13.8 (,)13.8 ( depreciation)13.8 ( is)38.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (calculated using the estimated useful life of the asset.)tj et endstream endobj 565 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (3)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7086 597.7466 tm (2.15)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (leases \(applicable from 1 january 2019\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.042 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm (the group assesses at contract inception whether a contract is, or conta\ ins, a lease. a )tj 0.007 tw 0 -1.5 td (contract is, or contains, a lease if the contract conveys the right to c\ ontrol the use of an )tj 0 tw t* (identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 504.7466 tm (group as a lessee)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.027 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 474.7466 tm [(the group applies a single recognition and measurement approach for all \ leases, except)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw t* [(for)13.6 ( short)13.6 (-)13.6 (term)13.6 ( leases)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( leases)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( low)13.6 (-)13.6 (value)13.6 ( assets)13.6 (.)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.6 ( recognises)13.5 ( lease)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.056 tw t* (liabilities to make lease payments and right-of-use assets representing \ the right to use )tj 0 tw t* (the underlying assets.)tj et endstream endobj 566 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 567 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 568 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 569 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 570 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 571 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (3)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.14)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (research and development costs)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(research)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( development)11.2 ( )0.5 (expenditures)11.2 ( )0.5 (are)11.2 ( classified)11.2 ( )0.5 (as)11.2 ( research)11.2 ( )0.5 (expenditures)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(development)14.2 ( expenditures)14.2 ( according)14.1 ( )0.5 (to)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (nature)14.1 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( expenditures)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( whether)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (there is significant uncertainty of development activities transforming \ to assets.)tj 0.088 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(re)0.5 (se)0.5 (ar)0.5 (ch)14.4 ( ex)0.5 (pen)0.5 (di)0.5 (tu)0.5 (re)0.5 (s)14.3 ( a)0.5 (re)14.4 ( re)0.5 (cog)0.5 (ni)0.5 (se)0.5 (d)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( p)0.5 (ro)0.5 (fi)0.5 (t)14.3 ( o)0.5 (r)14.3 ( l)0.5 (os)0.5 (s)14.3 ( f)0.5 (or)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (ur)0.5 (ren)0.5 (t)14.3 ( p)0.5 (er)0.5 (io)0.5 (d)14.3 (.)60.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -1.5 td [(d)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (lo)0.5 (p)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)4.2 ( e)0.5 (x)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (nd)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)4.2 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)4.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (ec)0.5 (o)0.5 (g)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (se)0.5 (d)4.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)4.2 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)4.1 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)4.2 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)4.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)4.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)4.2 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)4.2 ( c)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (ri)0.6 (a)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (are met:)tj 0.027 tc 0 -3 td [(\()-0.8 (i)-0.8 (\))-0.8 ( )-1668.3 (it is technically feasible to complete the asset so that it will be avai\ lable for use or)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (sale;)tj 0.011 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\(ii\) )-1406.5 (management intends to complete the asset and intends and has the ability\ to use )]tj 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (or sell it;)tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()19.2 (i)19.2 (i)19.2 (i)19.2 (\))19.2 ( )-1070.7 (it)14.2 ( can)14.2 ( be)14.1 ( )0.5 (demonstrated)14.2 ( that)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( asset)14.1 ( )0.5 (will)14.2 ( generate)14.2 ( probable)14.2 ( future)14.2 ( economic)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (benefits;)tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()35.2 (i)35.2 (v)35.2 (\))35.2 ( )-1026.4 (there)14.2 ( )0.5 (are)14.2 ( )0.5 (adequate)14.3 ( )0.5 (technical)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (financial)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (other)14.2 ( )0.5 (resources)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (complete)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)35.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(d)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.6 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.6 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (t)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (s )0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (o)0.5 ( )0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 ( )0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (;)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (and)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()16.2 (v)16.2 (\))16.2 ( )-1295.2 (the)14 ( expenditure)14 ( attributable)14 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( asset)14 ( during)14 ( its)14 ( development)14 ( phase)14 ( can)14 ( be)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (reliably measured.)tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw -2.835 -3 td [(development)12.2 ( )0.5 (expenditures)12.2 ( )0.5 (that)12.2 ( do)12.2 ( not)12.2 ( )0.5 (meet)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (criteria)12.2 ( )0.5 (above)12.2 ( )0.5 (are)12.2 ( )0.5 (recorded)12.2 ( in)12.2 ( profit)12.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(or)11.2 ( )0.5 (loss)11.2 ( )0.5 (for)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( current)11.2 ( )0.5 (period)11.2 ( )0.5 (as)11.2 ( )0.5 (incurred)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (development)11.2 ( )0.5 (expenditures)11.2 ( that)11.2 ( )0.5 (have)11.2 ( been)11.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw t* [(recorded)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( profit)13.9 ( or)13.9 ( loss)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( previous)13.9 ( periods)13.9 ( will)14 ( be)13.9 ( not)13.9 ( recognised)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( assets)13.9 ( in)39.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (subsequent periods. the group has not had any development expenditure ca\ pitalised.)tj et endstream endobj 572 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (3)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.13)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (intangible assets \(other than goodwill\) \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-798.5 (computer software)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm [(acquired)14.2 ( )0.5 (computer)14.3 ( software)14.2 ( )0.5 (licences)14.2 ( )0.5 (are)14.2 ( )0.5 (capitalised)14.2 ( )0.5 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( basis)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (costs)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw 0 -1.5 td (incurred to acquire and bring to use specific software. these costs are \ amortised )tj 0.008 tw 0 -1.5 td (over their estimated useful lives, which do not exceed 10 years. costs a\ ssociated )tj 0.023 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(w)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 ( )0.6 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (u)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 ( )0.5 (s)0.6 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 (t)0.5 (w)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (g)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (m)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (o)0.5 (g)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (x)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (incurred.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 441.7466 tm [(\(c\) )-909.5 (electrolytic aluminum production quota)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.088 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 411.7466 tm [(e)0.5 (le)0.5 (c)0.5 (tr)0.5 (ol)0.5 (y)0.5 (ti)0.5 (c)14.3 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (um)0.5 (i)0.5 (nu)0.5 (m)14.4 ( pr)0.5 (od)0.5 (uc)0.5 (t)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)14.4 ( q)0.5 (u)0.5 (ot)0.5 (a)14.4 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (it)0.5 (i)0.5 (al)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.3 ( r)0.5 (ec)0.5 (o)0.5 (rd)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( a)0.5 (t)14.3 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (st)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)60.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (subsequently states at cost less any amortisation and impairment. amorti\ sation is )tj t* (provided on a straight-line basis according to expected production perio\ d.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 348.7466 tm [(\(d\) )-798.5 (other intangible assets)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 318.7466 tm [(other)13.5 ( intangible)13.5 ( assets)13.5 ( mainly)13.5 ( include)13.5 ( profit)13.5 (-)13.5 (sharing)13.5 ( rights)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( maochang)13.5 ( mine)13.5 (,)15.2 ( )]tj 0.076 tc 0.077 tw t* [(whi)0.5 (ch)14.3 ( a)0.5 (re)14.3 ( initi)0.5 (ally)14.4 ( rec)0.5 (orded)14.3 ( at)14.3 ( costs)14.4 ( i)0.5 (ncurred)14.3 ( to)14.4 ( acqu)0.5 (ire)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( speci)0.5 (fic)14.3 ( rig)0.5 (ht)14.3 (.)48.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.049 tw t* (amortisation is calculated on the straight-line basis over its estimated\ useful life. )tj 0 tw t* (the estimated useful live of profit-sharing rights of maochang mine is 2\ 2.5 years.)tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(for)14 ( intangible)14 ( assets)14 ( with)14 ( finite)14 ( useful)14 ( life)14 (,)14 ( the)14 ( estimated)14 ( useful)14 ( lives)14 ( and)44.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(amortisation)11.2 ( )0.5 (method)11.2 ( are)11.2 ( reviewed)11.2 ( annually)11.2 ( at)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( end)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( each)11.2 ( )0.5 (reporting)11.2 ( period)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (and adjusted when necessary.)tj et endstream endobj 573 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (3)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.13)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (intangible assets \(other than goodwill\) \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (mining rights and mineral exploration rights \(continued\))]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 147.4016 534.7467 tm [(\(ii\) )-1195.4 (reclassification \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.093 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 175.748 504.7466 tm [(t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( g)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)14.5 ( a)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.6 (g)0.5 (e)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( e)0.6 (a)0.5 (c)0.6 (h)14.4 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (e)14.4 ( u)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.5 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.6 (o)65.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.046 tw 0 -1.5 td (determine when a mine moves into the production stage. the criteria used\ )tj 0.013 tw t* (to assess the start date are determined based on the unique nature of ea\ ch )tj 0.046 tc 0.077 tw t* [(m)0.5 (ine)14.4 ( con)0.5 (str)0.5 (uct)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (oj)0.5 (ect)14.4 (.)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( gr)0.5 (ou)0.5 (p)14.3 ( co)0.5 (nsi)0.5 (de)0.5 (rs)14.3 ( v)0.5 (ari)0.5 (ou)0.5 (s)14.3 ( re)0.5 (lev)0.5 (an)0.5 (t)14.3 ( cri)0.5 (te)0.5 (ri)0.5 (a)14.3 (,)18.2 ( )]tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw t* [(such)13.7 ( as)13.6 ( completion)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( a)13.6 ( reasonable)13.7 ( period)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( testing)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( mine)13.6 ( and)38.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(equipment)14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (ability)14.2 ( to)14.1 ( )0.5 (produce)14.2 ( in)14.2 ( saleable)14.1 ( )0.5 (form)14.2 ( \()14.2 (within)14.2 ( specifications)14.2 (\))14.2 ( and)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw t* (ability to sustain ongoing production to assess when a mine is substanti\ ally )tj 0 tw t* (complete and ready for its intended use.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.89 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 369.7466 tm (\(iii\) amortisation)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 175.748 339.7466 tm [(amortisation)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( bauxite)13.5 ( and)13.6 ( other)13.6 ( mining)13.5 ( rights)13.5 ( \()13.6 (except)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( coal)13.5 ( mining)26.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(rights)13.9 (\))14 ( is)13.9 ( provided)13.9 ( on)14 ( a)14 ( straight)13.9 (-)13.9 (line)14 ( basis)13.9 ( according)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( the)14 ( shorter)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.072 tw t* [(expiration date )0.5 (of the mining certificate and the mineable period of natural )]tj 0.068 tw t* (resources. estimated mineable periods of the majority of the mining righ\ ts )tj 0 tw t* (range from 3 to 30 years.)tj 0.057 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (al)14.4 ( m)0.5 (in)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( r)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (h)0.5 (ts)14.4 ( ar)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (ti)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( u)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)14.4 (-)14.3 (o)0.5 (f)14.4 (-)14.4 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (od)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)14.4 ( b)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (ve)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)29.2 ( )]tj 0.081 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(economically)13.6 ( recoverable)13.6 ( reserves)13.6 ( evaluated)13.6 ( based)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( reserves)53.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.071 tw t* [(estimated )0.5 (in )0.5 (accordance )0.5 (with )0.5 (the )0.5 (standards )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (solid )0.5 (mineral resource/)]tj 0.108 tc 0.077 tw t* [(r)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (f)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (c)14.4 ( \()14.5 (g)0.5 (b)14.4 (/)14.5 (t)14.4 (1)14.4 (7)14.4 (7)14.5 (6)14.4 (6)14.4 (\226)14.5 (1)14.4 (9)14.4 (9)14.5 (9)14.4 (\))14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)80.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (concerned.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.918 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 159.7466 tm [(\(iv\) )0.6 (impairment)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 175.748 129.7467 tm [(an)13.8 ( impairment)13.8 ( review)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( performed)13.8 ( when)13.8 ( there)13.8 ( are)13.8 ( indicators)13.8 ( that)13.8 ( the)31.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw t* [(carrying)14.2 ( amount)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( mineral)14.3 ( exploration)14.2 ( rights)14.2 ( and)14.3 ( mining)14.2 ( rights)14.2 ( may)21.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(exceed)13.6 ( their)13.6 ( recoverable)13.6 ( amounts)13.6 (.)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( extent)13.6 ( that)13.6 ( this)13.6 ( occurs)13.6 (,)13.6 ( the)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (excess is fully provided as an impairment loss.)tj et endstream endobj 574 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (3)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.13)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (intangible assets \(other than goodwill\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(intangible)9.2 ( )0.5 (assets)9.2 ( )0.5 (acquired)9.2 ( )0.5 (separately)9.2 ( )0.5 (are)9.2 ( )0.5 (measured)9.2 ( )0.5 (on)9.2 ( initial)9.2 ( )0.5 (recognition)9.2 ( )0.5 (at)9.2 ( )0.5 (cost)9.2 (.)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.016 tw 0 -1.5 td [(cost )0.6 (of )0.5 (intangible )0.5 (assets )0.6 (acquired )0.5 (in )0.6 (a )0.5 (business )0.5 (combination )0.6 (is )0.6 (the )0.5 (fair )0.6 (value )0.5 (at )0.6 (the )0.6 (date )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(of)3.2 ( )0.5 (acquisition)3.3 (.)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( useful)3.2 ( )0.5 (lives)3.3 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (intangible)3.2 ( assets)3.2 ( )0.5 (are)3.2 ( )0.5 (assessed)3.3 ( to)3.3 ( be)3.2 ( )0.5 (either)3.2 ( )0.5 (finite)3.2 ( or)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.016 tw t* (indefinite. intangible assets with finite lives are subsequently amortis\ ed over the useful )tj 0.045 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(ec)0.5 (on)0.5 (om)0.5 (ic)14.4 ( li)0.5 (fe)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.3 ( a)0.5 (ss)0.5 (es)0.5 (se)0.5 (d)14.3 ( f)0.5 (or)14.4 ( i)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ir)0.5 (me)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( wh)0.5 (ene)0.5 (ve)0.5 (r)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)0.5 (re)14.4 ( is)14.4 ( an)14.4 ( in)0.5 (di)0.5 (ca)0.5 (ti)0.5 (on)14.4 ( th)0.5 (at)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw 0 -1.5 td (intangible asset may be impaired. the amortisation period and the amorti\ sation method )tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(for)12.2 ( )0.5 (an)12.2 ( intangible)12.2 ( asset)12.2 ( )0.5 (with)12.2 ( a)12.2 ( )0.5 (finite)12.2 ( )0.5 (useful)12.2 ( life)12.2 ( are)12.2 ( )0.5 (reviewed)12.2 ( )0.5 (at)12.2 ( )0.5 (least)12.2 ( )0.5 (at)12.2 ( each)12.2 ( )0.5 (financial)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (year end.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 429.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-853.5 (mining rights and mineral exploration rights)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 399.7466 tm [(the)12.2 ( group)12.2 (\222)12.2 (s)12.2 ( mineral)12.2 ( )0.5 (exploration)12.2 ( rights)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( mining)12.2 ( )0.5 (rights)12.2 ( relate)12.2 ( to)12.2 ( )0.5 (coal)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (bauxite)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (and other mines.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 1.501 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 354.7466 tm (\(i\) recognition)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.076 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 175.748 324.7466 tm [(except)13.7 ( for)13.8 ( mineral)13.7 ( exploration)13.7 ( rights)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( mining)13.7 ( rights)13.7 ( acquired)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( a)48.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(business)13.6 ( combination)13.7 (,)13.7 ( mineral)13.7 ( exploration)13.7 ( rights)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( mining)13.7 ( rights)13.7 ( are)32.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc t* [(initially)14.1 ( recorded)14.1 ( at)14.1 ( cost)14.1 ( which)14.1 ( includes)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( acquisition)14.1 ( consideration)14.1 (,)37.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw t* (qualifying exploration and other direct costs. the mineral exploration r\ ights )tj 0.071 tw t* (are stated at cost less any impairment, and the mining rights are stated\ at )tj 0 tw t* (cost less any amortisation and impairment.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 1.196 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 146.3753 219.7466 tm [(\(ii\) )0.6 (reclassification)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 175.748 189.7466 tm [(mineral)14.2 ( )0.5 (exploration)14.2 ( )0.5 (rights)14.2 ( are)14.2 ( )0.5 (converted)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( )0.5 (mining)14.2 ( rights)14.3 ( when)14.2 ( )0.5 (technical)18.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc t* [(feasibility)14.2 ( and)14.3 ( commercial)14.2 ( )0.5 (viability)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (extracting)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( mineral)14.3 ( resource)14.2 ( )0.5 (are)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.015 tw t* (demonstrable, and are subject to amortisation when commercial production\ )tj 0 tw t* (has commenced.)tj et endstream endobj 575 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (3)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.11)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (investment properties)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.072 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(depreciation is )0.5 (calculated )0.5 (on the )0.5 (straight-line basis )0.5 (to )0.5 (write )0.5 (off the )0.5 (cost )0.5 (to )0.5 (investment )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (property\222s residual value over its estimated useful life. the estimat\ ed useful lives are as )tj -0.028 tw t* (follows:)tj 0 -3 td (buildings)tj 0 tw 37.412 0 td (50 years)tj -37.412 -1.5 td (land use rights)tj 35.717 0 td (40\22670 years)tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw -35.717 -2.873 td [(t)0.5 (he)12.2 ( )0.5 (ca)0.5 (r)0.5 (ry)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)12.2 ( )0.5 (am)0.5 (o)0.5 (un)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)12.2 ( o)0.5 (f)12.2 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (ve)0.5 (s)0.5 (tm)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)12.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (ro)0.5 (pe)0.5 (r)0.5 (ti)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)12.2 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (as)0.5 (u)0.5 (re)0.5 (d)12.2 ( u)0.5 (si)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)12.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)12.1 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (os)0.5 (t)12.2 ( )0.5 (me)0.5 (t)0.5 (ho)0.5 (d)12.2 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)12.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td [(reviewed)13.2 ( )0.5 (for)13.3 ( impairment)13.2 ( )0.5 (when)13.2 ( )0.5 (events)13.2 ( )0.5 (or)13.2 ( changes)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( )0.5 (circumstances)13.2 ( )0.5 (indicate)13.2 ( that)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (carrying amounts may not be recoverable.)tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(any)14 ( gains)14 ( or)14 ( losses)13.9 ( on)14 ( the)14 ( retirement)14 ( or)14 ( disposal)14 ( of)13.9 ( an)13.9 ( investment)13.9 ( property)14 ( are)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (recognised in profit or loss in the year of the retirement or disposal.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 354.0166 tm (2.12)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 354.0166 tm ( non-current assets and disposal groups held for sale)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 324.0166 tm [(non)4.2 (-)4.2 (current)4.2 ( )0.5 (assets)4.2 ( and)4.1 ( )0.5 (disposal)4.2 ( groups)4.2 ( )0.5 (are)4.2 ( classified)4.2 ( as)4.2 ( )0.5 (held)4.2 ( )0.5 (for)4.2 ( )0.5 (sale)4.2 ( )0.5 (if)4.2 ( )0.5 (their)4.2 ( )0.5 (carrying)4.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(amounts)8.2 ( )0.5 (will)8.2 ( )0.5 (be)8.2 ( )0.5 (recovered)8.2 ( principally)8.2 ( )0.5 (through)8.2 ( )0.5 (a)8.2 ( sales)8.2 ( )0.5 (transaction)8.2 ( rather)8.2 ( )0.5 (than)8.2 ( )0.5 (through)8.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(continuing)1.2 ( use)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (for)1.2 ( )0.5 (this)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )0.5 (be)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (case)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (asset)1.2 ( )0.5 (or)1.2 ( )0.5 (disposal)1.3 ( group)1.2 ( )0.5 (must)1.2 ( )0.5 (be)1.2 ( )0.5 (available)1.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(for)13.9 ( immediate)13.9 ( sale)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( its)13.9 ( present)13.9 ( condition)13.9 ( subject)13.9 ( only)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( terms)14 ( that)14 ( are)14 ( usual)13.9 ( and)20.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(customary)10.1 ( )0.5 (for)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( sale)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( )0.5 (such)10.2 ( )0.5 (assets)10.2 ( or)10.2 ( )0.5 (disposal)10.2 ( )0.5 (groups)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( its)10.2 ( )0.5 (sale)10.2 ( )0.5 (must)10.2 ( )0.5 (be)10.2 ( )0.5 (highly)10.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(probable)14.2 (.)14.2 ( all)14.2 ( assets)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( liabilities)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( )0.5 (a)14.1 ( subsidiary)14.2 ( classified)14.1 ( )0.5 (as)14.2 ( a)14.2 ( disposal)14.2 ( group)14.1 ( )0.5 (are)24.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(reclassified)3.2 ( as)3.2 ( )0.5 (held)3.2 ( )0.5 (for)3.2 ( )0.5 (sale)3.2 ( )0.5 (regardless)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.3 ( whether)3.3 ( the)3.2 ( group)3.2 ( )0.5 (retains)3.2 ( )0.5 (a)3.2 ( )0.5 (non)3.2 (-)3.2 (controlling)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (interest in its former subsidiary after the sale.)tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -3 td [(non)2.2 (-)2.2 (current)2.2 ( )0.5 (assets)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( disposal)2.2 ( )0.5 (groups)2.2 ( \()2.2 (other)2.2 ( than)2.2 ( financial)2.2 ( )0.5 (assets)2.2 (\))2.2 ( )0.5 (classified)2.3 ( as)2.2 ( )0.5 (held)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.062 tw 0 -1.5 td (for sale are measured at the lower of their carrying amounts and fair va\ lues less costs )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(t)0.5 (o)2.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)2.3 (.)2.1 ( )0.5 (p)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (p)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (t)0.5 (y)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)2.2 ( e)0.6 (q)0.5 (u)0.6 (i)0.5 (p)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)2.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)0.5 (i)0.6 (b)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)2.2 ( a)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (f)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.6 (d)2.2 ( f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)2.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (are not depreciated or amortised.)tj et endstream endobj 576 0 obj <> endobj 577 0 obj <> endobj 578 0 obj <> endobj 579 0 obj <> endobj 580 0 obj <> endobj 581 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 582 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 583 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 584 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 585 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 586 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (3)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.10)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (property, plant and equipment)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.078 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(an)13.8 ( item)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( property)13.8 (,)13.9 ( plant)13.9 ( and)13.8 ( equipment)13.9 ( including)13.8 ( any)13.8 ( significant)13.8 ( part)13.9 ( initially)50.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0 -1.5 td [(recognised)13.5 ( is)13.5 ( derecognised)13.4 ( upon)13.5 ( disposal)13.5 ( or)13.5 ( when)13.5 ( no)13.5 ( future)13.5 ( economic)13.5 ( benefits)13.5 ( are)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* [(expected )0.5 (from its use )0.5 (or )0.5 (disposal. any )0.5 (gain )0.5 (or )0.5 (loss on )0.5 (disposal )0.5 (or retirement recognised )]tj 0.034 tw t* [(in )0.6 (profit )0.5 (or )0.6 (loss )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.6 (year )0.5 (the )0.5 (asset )0.5 (is )0.5 (derecognised )0.6 (is )0.5 (the )0.6 (difference )0.5 (between )0.6 (the )0.5 (net )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (sales proceeds and the carrying amount of the relevant asset.)tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(construction)13.9 ( in)14 ( progress)14 ( \()14 (\223)14 (cip)14 (\224)14 (\))13.9 ( represents)13.9 ( buildings)14 ( under)14 ( construction)13.9 (,)14 ( which)13.9 ( is)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td (stated at cost less any impairment losses, and is not depreciated. cost \ comprises the )tj 0.052 tw t* [(direct )0.5 (costs )0.5 (of construction )0.5 (and capitalised borrowing )0.5 (costs on )0.5 (related )0.5 (borrowed )0.5 (funds )]tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(during)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( period)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( construction)13.8 (.)13.9 ( cip)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( reclassified)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( appropriate)13.8 ( category)13.8 ( of)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (property, plant and equipment when completed and ready for use.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 382.7466 tm (2.11)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 382.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (investment properties)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.063 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 352.7466 tm [(investment)14.2 ( properties)14.1 ( )0.5 (are)14.2 ( interests)14.2 ( in)14.1 ( )0.5 (land)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( buildings)14.2 ( \()14.2 (including)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( leasehold)35.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc t* [(property)14.1 ( held)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( a)14.1 ( right)14.1 (-)14.1 (of)14.1 (-)14 (use)14.1 ( asset)14.1 ( \()14 (2)14.1 (0)14.1 (1)14.1 (8)14.1 (:)14.1 ( leasehold)14.1 ( property)14.1 ( under)14.1 ( an)14.1 ( operating)30.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(lease)11.2 (\))11.2 ( which)11.2 ( would)11.2 ( )0.5 (otherwise)11.2 ( )0.5 (meet)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( definition)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (an)11.2 ( investment)11.2 ( )0.5 (property)11.2 (\))11.2 ( )0.5 (held)11.2 ( to)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.059 tw t* [(earn )0.6 (rental )0.5 (income )0.6 (and/or )0.5 (for )0.6 (capital )0.5 (appreciation, )0.5 (rather )0.6 (than )0.5 (for )0.6 (use )0.5 (in )0.6 (the )0.5 (production )]tj 0.027 tw t* (or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes; or for sa\ le in the ordinary )tj 0.034 tw t* (course of business. such properties are measured initially at cost, incl\ uding transaction )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(costs)3.2 (.)3.2 ( )0.5 (after)3.2 ( )0.5 (initial)3.3 ( recognition)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( group)3.2 ( uses)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (cost)3.2 ( )0.5 (methods)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( measure)3.1 ( )0.5 (all)3.3 ( of)3.3 ( its)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (investment properties.)tj et endstream endobj 587 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (2)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.25 0 0 15 90.7087 597.7466 tm (2.10)tj 0 tw 15 0 0 15 113.8521 597.7466 tm [( )-40.9 (property, plant and equipment)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(property)1.3 (,)1.2 ( plant)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (equipment)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (other)1.2 ( )0.5 (than)1.2 ( construction)1.3 ( in)1.2 ( )0.5 (progress)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (are)1.2 ( )0.5 (stated)1.2 ( )0.5 (at)1.2 ( )0.5 (cost)1.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -1.5 td [(less)4.2 ( accumulated)4.2 ( )0.5 (depreciation)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( )0.5 (any)4.2 ( impairment)4.2 ( )0.5 (losses)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )0.5 (when)4.2 ( )0.5 (an)4.2 ( )0.5 (item)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )0.5 (property)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.058 tw t* (plant and equipment is classified as held for sale or when it is part of\ a disposal group )tj 0.038 tw t* (classified as held for sale, it is not depreciated and is accounted for \ in accordance with )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.5 td [(ifrs)6.2 ( 5)6.2 (.)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( cost)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( )0.5 (an)6.2 ( )0.5 (item)6.3 ( of)6.2 ( property)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (plant)6.2 ( and)6.1 ( )0.5 (equipment)6.3 ( comprises)6.2 ( its)6.2 ( )0.5 (purchase)6.2 ( )]tj 0 -1.5 td [(price)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( any)6.2 ( )0.5 (directly)6.2 ( )0.5 (attributable)6.2 ( costs)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (bringing)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( asset)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( its)6.2 ( working)6.2 ( condition)6.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (and location for its intended use.)tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -3 td [(expenditure)4.2 ( incurred)4.2 ( )0.5 (after)4.2 ( )0.5 (items)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( )0.5 (property)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (plant)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( )0.5 (equipment)4.2 ( have)4.2 ( been)4.2 ( )0.5 (put)4.2 ( )0.5 (into)4.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.052 tw 0 -1.5 td (operation, such as repairs and maintenance, is normally charged to profi\ t or loss in the )tj 0.089 tw t* [(period in which it )0.5 (is incurred. in )0.5 (situations where the recognition criteria are satisfied, )]tj 0.023 tw t* [(the expenditure for a )0.5 (major inspection is capitalised in )0.5 (the carrying )0.5 (amount of )0.5 (the )0.5 (asset )]tj 0.008 tw t* (as a replacement. where significant parts of property, plant and equipme\ nt are required )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(to)5.2 ( )0.5 (be)5.2 ( )0.5 (replaced)5.3 ( at)5.2 ( )0.5 (intervals)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (group)5.2 ( recognises)5.2 ( )0.5 (such)5.2 ( )0.5 (parts)5.2 ( )0.5 (as)5.2 ( individual)5.2 ( assets)5.2 ( with)5.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (specific useful lives and depreciates them accordingly.)tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -3 td [(depreciation)5.2 ( )0.5 (is)5.2 ( calculated)5.2 ( on)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (straight)5.2 (-)5.2 (line)5.2 ( )0.5 (basis)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.3 ( write)5.2 ( )0.5 (off)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( cost)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (each)5.2 ( item)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (of property, plant and equipment to its residual value over its estimate\ d useful life. the )tj 0 tw t* (principal annual rates used for this purpose are as follows:)tj -0.028 tw 0 -3 td (buildings)tj 0 tw 36.301 0 td (8\22645 years)tj -0.028 tw -36.301 -1.5 td (machinery)tj 0 tw 36.301 0 td (3\22630 years)tj -36.301 -1.5 td (transportation facilities )tj 36.301 0 td (6\22610 years)tj -36.301 -1.5 td (office and other equipment)tj 36.301 0 td (3\22610 years)tj 0.009 tw -36.301 -2.873 td [(where )0.5 (parts of )0.5 (an )0.5 (item of )0.5 (property, )0.5 (plant )0.5 (and equipment )0.5 (have different useful lives, )0.5 (the )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.5 td [(c)0.5 (os)0.5 (t)7.2 ( o)0.5 (f)7.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (at)7.3 ( i)0.5 (t)0.5 (em)7.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (s)7.2 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (lo)0.5 (ca)0.5 (t)0.5 (ed)7.2 ( )0.5 (on)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)7.2 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (a)0.5 (so)0.5 (na)0.5 (bl)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (ba)0.5 (si)0.5 (s)7.2 ( )0.5 (am)0.5 (on)0.5 (g)7.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (pa)0.5 (rt)0.5 (s)7.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)7.2 ( e)0.5 (a)0.5 (ch)7.2 ( )0.5 (pa)0.5 (rt)7.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (s)7.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(depreciated)5.2 ( separately)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (residual)5.2 ( )0.5 (values)5.2 (,)5.2 ( useful)5.2 ( )0.5 (lives)5.2 ( and)5.3 ( the)5.2 ( depreciation)5.2 ( )0.5 (method)5.2 ( )0.5 (are)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at least at each financial year e\ nd.)tj et endstream endobj 588 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (2)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.9 )-110.4 (foreign currency translation \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (group companies)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(the)14.1 ( results)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( financial)14.1 ( positions)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( all)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.1 ( entities)14.1 ( \()14.1 (none)14.1 ( of)14 ( which)14.1 ( has)14.1 ( the)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td [(currency )0.6 (of )0.5 (a )0.5 (hyper-inflationary )0.6 (economy\) )0.5 (that )0.6 (has )0.6 (a )0.5 (functional )0.5 (currency )0.6 (different )0.6 (from )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the presentation currency are translated into the presentation currency \ as follows:)tj 0.074 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(\()46.2 (i)46.2 (\))46.2 ( )-1544.2 (as)0.5 (se)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( l)0.5 (i)0.5 (ab)0.5 (i)0.5 (li)0.5 (t)0.5 (ie)0.5 (s)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( e)0.5 (ac)0.5 (h)14.3 ( st)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)0.5 (me)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( fi)0.5 (n)0.5 (an)0.5 (ci)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.3 ( po)0.5 (si)0.5 (t)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)14.4 ( pr)0.5 (es)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( a)0.5 (re)46.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (translated at the closing rates at the end of the reporting period;)tj 0.117 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()89.2 (i)89.2 (i)89.2 (\))89.3 ( )-1250.5 (income)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( expenses)13.8 ( in)13.7 ( each)13.7 ( statement)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( profit)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( loss)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( other)89.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.077 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (mp)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (he)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (ve)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (me)14.4 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (ns)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( a)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)0.5 (v)0.5 (er)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)14.4 ( e)0.5 (xc)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (ng)0.5 (e)14.4 ( r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (es)14.4 ( \()14.4 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (le)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)27.1 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.5 td [(average)6.2 ( )0.5 (is)6.2 ( not)6.3 ( a)6.2 ( )0.5 (reasonable)6.2 ( approximation)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( the)6.1 ( )0.5 (cumulative)6.2 ( effect)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( rates)6.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.077 tw t* [(prevailing)14.3 ( on)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( transac)0.5 (ti)0.5 (on)14.3 ( dates)14.3 (,)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)14.2 ( which)14.3 ( case)14.3 ( income)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( expense)0.5 (s)14.2 ( are)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (translated at the rates at the dates of the transactions\); and)tj 0.001 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\(iii\) )-1166.6 (all resulting exchange differences are recognised in other comprehensive\ income. )]tj 0.049 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (upon disposal of a foreign operation, the other comprehensive income rel\ ated to )tj 0 tw t* (the foreign operation is reclassified to profit or loss.)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(goodwill)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (fair)14.2 ( )0.5 (value)14.2 ( )0.6 (adjustments)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (carrying)14.2 ( )0.5 (amounts)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (assets)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (liabilities)16.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc t* [(arising)14.1 ( )0.5 (on)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( acquisition)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( a)14.2 ( foreign)14.2 ( )0.5 (entity)14.1 ( )0.5 (are)14.2 ( treated)14.1 ( )0.5 (as)14.1 ( )0.5 (assets)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( liabilities)14.2 ( of)27.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(the)8.2 ( )0.5 (foreign)8.3 ( entity)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( translated)8.2 ( at)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( closing)8.2 ( )0.5 (rate)8.2 (.)8.2 ( )0.5 (exchange)8.2 ( )0.5 (differences)8.2 ( arising)8.2 ( )0.5 (are)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (recognised in other comprehensive income.)tj et endstream endobj 589 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (2)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.9 )-110.4 (foreign currency translation)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (functional and presentation currency)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.02 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm (items included in the financial statements of each of the group\222s ent\ ities are measured )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -1.5 td [(using)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( currency)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (primary)2.2 ( economic)2.2 ( )0.5 (environment)2.2 ( in)2.2 ( )0.5 (which)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (entity)2.2 ( )0.5 (operates)2.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(\()13.5 (the)13.5 ( \223)13.6 (functional)13.6 ( currency)13.5 (\224)13.6 (\))13.5 (.)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( consolidated)13.6 ( financial)13.5 ( statements)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( presented)39.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0 -1.5 td [(in)13.6 ( rmb)13.6 (,)13.5 ( which)13.5 ( is)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 (\222)13.5 (s)13.5 ( functional)13.5 ( currency)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.5 (\222)13.5 (s)13.6 ( presentation)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (currency.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 441.7466 tm (transactions and balances)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.075 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 411.7466 tm [(foreign)13.8 ( currency)13.8 ( transactions)13.8 ( recorded)13.8 ( by)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( entities)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 ( are)13.8 ( initially)47.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(recorded)14.2 ( )0.6 (using)14.3 ( )0.5 (their)14.3 ( )0.5 (respective)14.3 ( )0.5 (functional)14.2 ( )0.6 (currency)14.3 ( )0.5 (rates)14.3 ( )0.5 (prevailing)14.3 ( )0.5 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (dates)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)26.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc t* [(the)14.3 ( )0.5 (transactions)14.2 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (monetary)14.3 ( )0.5 (assets)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (liabilities)14.3 ( )0.5 (denominated)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )0.6 (foreign)14.3 ( )0.5 (currencies)25.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(are)13.6 ( translated)13.6 ( at)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( functional)13.6 ( currency)13.5 ( rates)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( exchange)13.6 ( ruling)13.6 ( at)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( end)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.032 tw t* [(reporting )0.5 (period. )0.5 (differences )0.5 (arising )0.5 (on )0.5 (settlement )0.5 (or )0.5 (translation )0.5 (of )0.6 (monetary )0.5 (items )0.5 (are )]tj 0 tw t* (recognised in profit or loss.)tj 0.052 tw 0 -3 td (non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a fo\ reign currency )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(are)13.9 ( translated)13.9 ( using)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( exchange)13.9 ( rates)13.8 ( at)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( dates)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( initial)13.9 ( transactions)13.9 (.)13.9 ( non)14 (-)]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(monetary)12.2 ( )0.5 (items)12.2 ( measured)12.2 ( at)12.2 ( fair)12.2 ( value)12.1 ( )0.5 (in)12.2 ( )0.5 (a)12.2 ( foreign)12.2 ( currency)12.1 ( )0.5 (are)12.2 ( )0.5 (translated)12.2 ( )0.5 (using)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.058 tw t* (exchange rates at the date when the fair value was measured. the gain or\ loss arising )tj 0.06 tw t* (on translation of a non-monetary item measured at fair value is treated \ in line with the )tj 0 tw t* (recognition of the gain or loss on change in fair value of the item.)tj 0.052 tw 0 -3 td (in determining the exchange rate on initial recognition of the related a\ sset, expense or )tj 0.072 tw 0 -1.5 td [(income )0.5 (on )0.5 (the derecognition of a )0.5 (non-monetary )0.5 (asset )0.5 (or non-monetary liability )0.5 (relating )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (o)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)14.3 ( ad)0.5 (va)0.5 (nc)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (on)0.5 (si)0.5 (de)0.5 (ra)0.5 (ti)0.5 (on)14.4 (,)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( da)0.5 (te)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( i)0.5 (ni)0.5 (ti)0.5 (al)14.4 ( tr)0.5 (an)0.5 (sa)0.5 (ct)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)14.4 ( is)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( d)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)14.3 ( o)0.5 (n)14.3 ( w)0.5 (hi)0.5 (ch)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.057 tw t* (group initially recognises the non-monetary asset or non-monetary liabil\ ity arising from )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(the)6.2 ( advance)6.2 ( )0.5 (consideration)6.2 (.)6.2 ( )0.5 (if)6.2 ( there)6.2 ( )0.5 (are)6.2 ( multiple)6.2 ( )0.5 (payments)6.2 ( or)6.2 ( )0.5 (receipts)6.3 ( in)6.2 ( )0.5 (advance)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(group)13.6 ( determines)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( transaction)13.6 ( date)13.5 ( for)13.6 ( each)13.6 ( payment)13.6 ( or)13.6 ( receipt)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( advance)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (consideration.)tj et endstream endobj 590 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (2)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.8 )-110.4 (impairment of non-financial assets)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.063 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(where)13.9 ( an)13.9 ( indication)14 ( of)14 ( impairment)13.9 ( exists)13.9 (,)14 ( or)14 ( when)14 ( annual)14 ( impairment)13.9 ( testing)14 ( for)35.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0 -1.5 td [(an)14.1 ( asset)14 ( is)14 ( required)14 ( \()14.1 (other)14 ( than)14.1 ( inventories)14 (,)14 ( deferred)14 ( tax)14 ( assets)14 (,)14.1 ( non)14.1 (-)14 (current)14.1 ( assets)18.3 ( )]tj 0.055 tc t* [(classified)14 ( as)14 ( held)14 ( for)14 ( sales)14 ( and)14.1 ( goodwill)14 ( or)14 ( intangible)14 ( assets)14 ( with)14 ( indefinite)14 ( useful)27.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(life)14.1 (\))14.2 (,)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( asset)14.1 (\222)14.2 (s)14.1 ( recoverable)14.1 ( amount)14.2 ( is)14.1 ( estimated)14.1 (.)14.2 ( an)14.1 ( asset)14.2 (\222)14.2 (s)14.1 ( recoverable)14.1 ( amount)14.2 ( is)15.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the)8.2 ( higher)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (asset)8.2 (\222)8.2 (s)8.2 ( )0.5 (or)8.2 ( cash)8.2 (-)8.2 (generating)8.2 ( )0.5 (unit)8.2 (\222)8.2 (s)8.2 ( value)8.2 ( in)8.2 ( )0.5 (use)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (its)8.2 ( fair)8.2 ( )0.5 (value)8.2 ( )0.5 (less)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td (costs of disposal, and is determined for an individual asset, unless the\ asset does not )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(generate cash inflows that are largely independent of those from other a\ ssets or groups)-0.9 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.049 tw t* (of assets, in which case the recoverable amount is determined for the ca\ sh-generating )tj 0 tw t* (unit to which the asset belongs.)tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -3 td [(an)7.2 ( )0.5 (impairment)7.2 ( )0.5 (loss)7.2 ( )0.5 (is)7.3 ( recognised)7.2 ( )0.5 (only)7.2 ( )0.5 (if)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( carrying)7.2 ( amount)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (an)7.2 ( )0.5 (asset)7.2 ( exceeds)7.1 ( )0.5 (its)7.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(recoverable)13.9 ( amount)13.9 (.)14 ( in)13.9 ( assessing)13.9 ( value)14 ( in)13.9 ( use)13.9 (,)14 ( the)13.9 ( estimated)14 ( future)13.9 ( cash)13.9 ( flows)13.9 ( are)19.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(discounted)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( their)13.6 ( present)13.6 ( value)13.6 ( using)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( pre)13.6 (-)13.7 (tax)13.7 ( discount)13.6 ( rate)13.6 ( that)13.7 ( reflects)13.6 ( current)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw t* (market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to \ the asset. an )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(impairment)3.2 ( )0.5 (loss)3.2 ( )0.5 (is)3.2 ( charged)3.2 ( to)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( statement)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (profit)3.2 ( )0.5 (or)3.2 ( )0.5 (loss)3.2 ( )0.5 (in)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (period)3.2 ( )0.5 (in)3.2 ( )0.5 (which)3.2 ( )0.5 (it)3.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (arises in those expense categories consistent with the function of the i\ mpaired asset.)tj 0.086 tw 0 -3 td [(an )0.5 (assessment )0.5 (is )0.5 (made )0.5 (at )0.5 (the )0.5 (end )0.5 (of each )0.5 (reporting period )0.5 (as to )0.5 (whether there is an )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(indication)13.9 ( that)13.9 ( previously)13.9 ( recognised)13.8 ( impairment)13.9 ( losses)13.8 ( may)13.9 ( no)13.9 ( longer)13.9 ( exist)13.9 ( or)13.8 ( may)18.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(have)11.2 ( )0.5 (decreased)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (if)11.2 ( such)11.2 ( )0.5 (an)11.2 ( indication)11.2 ( )0.5 (exists)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( recoverable)11.2 ( amount)11.2 ( is)11.2 ( )0.5 (estimated)11.1 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.056 tw t* (previously recognised impairment loss of an asset other than goodwill is\ reversed only )tj 0.04 tw t* (if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the recove\ rable amount )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(o)0.5 (f)9.3 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)9.2 ( a)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (t)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.6 (u)0.5 (t)9.2 ( )0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.6 (t)9.2 ( t)0.6 (o)9.2 ( a)0.6 (n)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (m)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)9.2 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (g)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)9.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)9.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (r)0.6 (y)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (m)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)9.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)9.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (l)0.6 (d)9.2 ( h)0.6 (a)0.5 (v)0.6 (e)9.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(been)11.2 ( )0.5 (determined)11.2 ( )0.5 (\()11.2 (net)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( any)11.2 ( depreciation)11.2 (/)11.2 (amortisation)11.2 (\))11.2 ( )0.5 (had)11.2 ( no)11.3 ( impairment)11.2 ( )0.5 (loss)11.2 ( been)11.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(recognised for the asset in prior years. a reversal of such an impairmen\ t loss is credited)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (to profit or loss in the period in which it arises.)tj et endstream endobj 591 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 592 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 593 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 594 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 595 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 596 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (2)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.7 )-110.4 (fair value measurement)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(a)0.5 (ll)12.2 ( )0.5 (as)0.5 (se)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)12.2 ( a)0.5 (nd)12.2 ( )0.5 (li)0.5 (ab)0.5 (i)0.5 (li)0.5 (t)0.5 (ie)0.5 (s)12.2 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)12.2 ( w)0.5 (hi)0.5 (ch)12.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (ai)0.5 (r)12.2 ( v)0.5 (al)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)12.1 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (s)12.2 ( m)0.5 (ea)0.5 (su)0.5 (re)0.5 (d)12.2 ( o)0.5 (r)12.2 ( )0.5 (di)0.5 (sc)0.5 (l)0.5 (os)0.5 (ed)12.2 ( )0.5 (in)12.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)12.2 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (na)0.5 (nc)0.5 (ia)0.5 (l)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw 0 -1.5 td (statements are categorised within the fair value hierarchy, described as\ follows, based )tj 0 tw t* (on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurem\ ent as a whole:)tj 0 -3 td (level 1)tj 0 tc 6.047 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc 2.835 0 td (based on quoted \(unadjusted\) prices in active markets for identical )tj 0 -1.5 td (assets or liabilities)tj -8.882 -3 td (level 2)tj 0 tc 6.047 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc 2.835 0 td (based on valuation techniques for which the lowest level input that )tj t* (is significant to the fair value measurement is observable)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <0064>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 27.923 0 td (either )tj 0 tw -27.923 -1.5 td (directly or indirectly)tj -8.882 -3 td (level 3)tj 0 tc 6.047 0 td (\226)tj 0.026 tc 2.835 0 td [(b)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)0.5 ( )0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 ( )0.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (u)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (h)0.5 (n)0.6 (i)0.5 (q)0.6 (u)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 ( )0.5 (w)0.6 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)0.6 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.6 (l)0.5 (o)0.6 (w)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 ( )0.5 (l)0.6 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 ( )0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (p)0.5 (u)0.6 (t)0.5 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (s)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (significant to the fair value measurement is unobservable)tj 0.089 tw -8.882 -2.873 td [(for )0.5 (assets and )0.5 (liabilities that )0.5 (are )0.5 (recognised in the )0.5 (financial )0.5 (statements )0.5 (on a )0.5 (recurring )]tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw t* [(basis)13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 ( determines)13.9 ( whether)13.9 ( transfers)13.8 ( have)13.8 ( occurred)13.8 ( between)13.8 ( levels)13.8 ( in)41.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc t* [(the)14.2 ( hierarchy)14.1 ( by)14.2 ( re)14.1 (-)14.1 (assessing)14.1 ( categorisation)14.1 ( \()14.1 (based)14.2 ( on)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( lowest)14.2 ( level)14.2 ( input)14.2 ( that)14.1 ( is)17.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(significant)13.8 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( fair)13.8 ( value)13.8 ( measurement)13.8 ( as)13.7 ( a)13.8 ( whole)13.7 (\))13.8 ( at)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( end)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( each)13.8 ( reporting)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (period.)tj et endstream endobj 597 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (2)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.7 )-110.4 (fair value measurement)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm (the group measures its derivative financial instruments and equity inves\ tments at fair )tj 0.033 tw 0 -1.5 td (value at the end of each reporting period. fair value is the price that \ would be received )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(to)3.2 ( )0.5 (sell)3.2 ( )0.5 (an)3.2 ( )0.5 (asset)3.2 ( or)3.2 ( )0.5 (paid)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (transfer)3.2 ( )0.5 (a)3.2 ( )0.5 (liability)3.2 ( )0.5 (in)3.2 ( )0.5 (an)3.2 ( )0.5 (orderly)3.2 ( )0.5 (transaction)3.2 ( )0.5 (between)3.2 ( market)3.3 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(participants)13.6 ( at)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( measurement)13.5 ( date)13.6 (.)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( fair)13.5 ( value)13.5 ( measurement)13.5 ( is)13.5 ( based)13.6 ( on)13.5 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td [(presumption)12.2 ( )0.5 (that)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( transaction)12.2 ( )0.5 (to)12.2 ( sell)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( asset)12.2 ( or)12.2 ( )0.5 (transfer)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (liability)12.2 ( takes)12.2 ( )0.5 (place)12.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(either)5.2 ( )0.5 (in)5.3 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (principal)5.3 ( market)5.2 ( )0.5 (for)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (asset)5.3 ( or)5.2 ( )0.5 (liability)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (or)5.3 ( in)5.3 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (absence)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( principal)5.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(market)13.5 (,)13.4 ( in)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( most)13.5 ( advantageous)13.4 ( market)13.4 ( for)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( asset)13.5 ( or)13.5 ( liability)13.5 (.)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( principal)13.5 ( or)24.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(the)2.1 ( )0.5 (most)2.2 ( )0.5 (advantageous)2.2 ( market)2.2 ( )0.5 (must)2.2 ( be)2.2 ( )0.5 (accessible)2.2 ( )0.5 (by)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( group)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (fair)2.2 ( )0.5 (value)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )0.5 (an)2.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(asset)8.2 ( )0.5 (or)8.3 ( a)8.2 ( )0.5 (liability)8.2 ( is)8.2 ( )0.5 (measured)8.2 ( )0.5 (using)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (assumptions)8.2 ( that)8.2 ( market)8.2 ( )0.5 (participants)8.2 ( )0.5 (would)8.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(use)13.2 ( )0.5 (when)13.3 ( pricing)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( asset)13.2 ( )0.5 (or)13.2 ( liability)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (assuming)13.2 ( )0.5 (that)13.2 ( )0.5 (market)13.2 ( participants)13.2 ( )0.5 (act)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( their)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (economic best interest.)tj 0.082 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(a)14.4 ( f)0.6 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)14.3 ( v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)14.4 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( n)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 (-)14.4 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)14.4 ( t)0.5 (a)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( a)0.5 (c)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)54.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.046 tw 0 -1.5 td (participant\222s ability to generate economic benefits by using the asse\ t in its highest and )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(best)8.2 ( )0.5 (use)8.2 ( )0.5 (or)8.2 ( by)8.2 ( selling)8.2 ( )0.5 (it)8.2 ( )0.5 (to)8.2 ( another)8.2 ( )0.5 (market)8.2 ( participant)8.2 ( )0.5 (that)8.2 ( )0.5 (would)8.2 ( )0.5 (use)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (asset)8.2 ( )0.5 (in)8.2 ( its)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (highest and best use.)tj 0.063 tw 0 -3 td (the group uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumst\ ances and for )tj 0.012 tw 0 -1.5 td (which sufficient data are available to measure fair value, maximising th\ e use of relevant )tj 0 tw t* (observable inputs and minimising the use of unobservable inputs.)tj et endstream endobj 598 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (2)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.6 )-110.4 (related parties)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(\(b\) )-1333.2 (the party is an entity where any of the following conditions applies:)]tj 2.835 -3 td [(\(iv\) )-1139.4 (the entity and the group are members of the same group;)]tj 0.015 tw 0 -3 td [(\(v\) )-1374.2 (one entity is an associate or joint venture of the other entity \(or of \ a parent, )]tj 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (subsidiary or fellow subsidiary of the other entity\);)tj -2.835 -3 td [(\(vi\) )-1139.4 (the entity and the group are joint ventures of the same third party;)]tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(\()32.2 (v)32.2 (i)32.2 (i)32.2 (\))32.2 ( )-779.6 (one)14.1 ( )0.5 (entity)14.2 ( is)14.1 ( )0.5 (a)14.1 ( joint)14.2 ( venture)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( a)14.2 ( )0.5 (third)14.2 ( entity)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( other)14.2 ( entity)14.1 ( )0.5 (is)14.2 ( an)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (associate of the third entity;)tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()3.2 (v)3.2 (i)3.2 (i)3.3 (i)3.2 (\))3.2 ( )-547.9 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (entity)3.3 ( is)3.2 ( )0.5 (a)3.2 ( )0.5 (post)3.3 (-)3.2 (employment)3.2 ( )0.5 (benefit)3.2 ( )0.5 (plan)3.2 ( )0.5 (for)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (benefit)3.2 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (employees)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.011 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (of either the group or an entity related to the group; \(if the group is\ itself a )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (plan\) and the sponsoring employers of the post-employment benefit plan;\ )tj 0.088 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\(ix\) )-1051.4 (a person identified in \(a\) \(i\) has significant influence over the en\ tity or is a )]tj 0.084 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (member of the key management personnel of the entity \(or of a parent of\ )tj 0 tw t* (the entity\); and)tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()22.2 (x)22.2 (\))22.2 ( )-1289.2 (the)13.8 ( entity)13.8 (,)13.8 ( or)13.8 ( any)13.8 ( member)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( a)13.9 ( group)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( which)13.8 ( it)13.9 ( is)13.9 ( a)13.8 ( part)13.8 (,)13.9 ( provides)13.8 ( key)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(m)0.5 (an)0.5 (a)0.5 (ge)0.5 (me)0.5 (n)0.5 (t )0.5 (p)0.5 (er)0.5 (s)0.5 (on)0.5 (n)0.5 (el)0.5 ( )0.5 (se)0.5 (rv)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (es)0.5 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e )0.5 (g)0.5 (ro)0.5 (u)0.5 (p )0.5 (or)0.5 ( )0.5 (to)0.5 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)0.5 ( p)0.5 (ar)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 ( )0.5 (of)0.5 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)0.5 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (ou)0.5 (p.)]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()22.2 (x)22.2 (i)22.2 (\))22.2 ( )-1039.4 (the)13.8 ( entity)13.9 (,)13.8 ( or)13.8 ( any)13.8 ( member)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( a)13.9 ( group)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( which)13.8 ( it)13.9 ( is)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( part)13.8 (,)13.9 ( provides)13.8 ( key)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(m)0.5 (an)0.5 (a)0.5 (ge)0.5 (me)0.5 (n)0.5 (t )0.5 (p)0.5 (er)0.5 (s)0.5 (on)0.5 (n)0.5 (el)0.5 ( )0.5 (se)0.5 (rv)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (es)0.5 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e )0.5 (g)0.5 (ro)0.5 (u)0.5 (p )0.5 (or)0.5 ( )0.5 (to)0.5 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)0.5 ( p)0.5 (ar)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 ( )0.5 (of)0.5 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)0.5 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (ou)0.5 (p.)]tj et endstream endobj 599 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (2)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.6 )-110.4 (related parties)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm (a party is considered to be related to the group if:)tj 0 -3 td [(\(a\) )-1389.2 (the party is a person or a close member of that person\222s family and t\ hat person:)]tj 2.835 -3 td [(\(i\) )-1667.2 (has control or joint control over the group;)]tj -0 -3 td [(\(ii\) )-1417.4 (has a significant influence over the group; or)]tj 0.038 tw t* [(\(iii\) )-1129.7 (is a member of the key management personnel of the group or of a parent \ )]tj 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (of the group;)tj -0.028 tw -2.835 -3 td (or)tj et endstream endobj 600 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (2)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.4 )-110.4 (investments in associates and joint ventures)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.044 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(after )0.5 (application )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (equity )0.5 (method, )0.5 (the )0.5 (group )0.5 (determine )0.6 (whether )0.5 (it )0.5 (is )0.5 (necessary )0.5 (to )]tj 0.04 tw 0 -1.5 td (recognise an impairment loss on its investment in its associate and join\ t venture in the )tj 0.058 tw t* (profit or loss. at each reporting date, the group determines whether the\ re is objective )tj 0.054 tc 0.077 tw t* [(evi)0.5 (dence)14.3 ( that)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( i)0.5 (nvest)0.5 (ment)14.3 ( in)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( ass)0.5 (ociate)14.3 ( or)14.4 ( j)0.5 (oint)14.3 ( vent)0.5 (ure)14.3 ( is)14.3 ( impa)0.5 (ired)14.3 (.)14.4 ( if)14.4 ( th)0.5 (ere)26.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(is)14.1 ( such)14.1 ( evidence)14.1 (,)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( group)14.2 ( calculates)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( amount)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( impairment)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( difference)21.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(between the recoverable amount of the associate or joint venture and its\ carrying value,)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (then recognises the loss in the profit or loss.)tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(if)14.2 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( )0.5 (investment)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( )0.5 (associate)14.2 ( becomes)14.2 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( )0.5 (investment)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( joint)14.2 ( )0.5 (venture)14.2 ( or)14.2 ( )0.5 (vice)29.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0 -1.5 td [(versa)14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( retained)14.1 ( )0.5 (interest)14.2 ( is)14.2 ( not)14.1 ( )0.5 (remeasured)14.2 (.)14.2 ( instead)14.2 (,)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (investment)14.1 ( )0.5 (continues)14.1 ( )0.5 (to)15.3 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(be)2.2 ( )0.5 (accounted)2.3 ( for)2.2 ( under)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (equity)2.2 ( )0.5 (method)2.2 (.)2.2 ( in)2.3 ( all)2.2 ( )0.5 (other)2.2 ( )0.5 (cases)2.2 (,)2.2 ( upon)2.2 ( )0.5 (loss)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )0.5 (significant)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw t* (influence over the associate or joint control over the joint venture, th\ e group measures )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(and)9.2 ( recognises)9.2 ( any)9.2 ( )0.5 (retained)9.2 ( )0.5 (investment)9.2 ( )0.5 (at)9.2 ( its)9.2 ( )0.5 (fair)9.2 ( value)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (any)9.3 ( difference)9.3 ( between)9.1 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(carrying)5.2 ( )0.5 (amount)5.3 ( of)5.3 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (associate)5.2 ( )0.5 (or)5.2 ( )0.5 (joint)5.2 ( )0.5 (venture)5.2 ( )0.5 (upon)5.2 ( )0.5 (loss)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (significant)5.2 ( )0.5 (influence)5.2 ( )0.5 (or)5.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.015 tw t* [(joint )0.5 (control and )0.5 (the fair )0.5 (value of )0.5 (the retained )0.5 (investment )0.5 (and )0.5 (proceeds from )0.5 (disposal is )]tj 0 tw t* (recognised in profit or loss.)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(when)13.7 ( an)13.8 ( investment)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( an)13.7 ( associate)13.8 ( or)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( joint)13.8 ( venture)13.8 ( is)13.7 ( classified)13.8 ( as)13.7 ( held)13.7 ( for)13.8 ( sale)13.8 (,)18.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0 -1.5 td [(it)14.1 ( is)14.1 ( accounted)14.1 ( for)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( accordance)14.1 ( with)14.1 ( ifrs)14.1 ( 5)14 ( )]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 346.8454 297.7466 tm [(non)14.1 (-)14.1 (current)14.1 ( assets)14.1 ( held)14 ( for)14.1 ( sale)14.1 ( and)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -22.48 -1.5 td (discontinued operations)tj 0 tc 10 0 0 10 235.4782 282.7466 tm (.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 90.7086 247.7467 tm [(2.5 )-110.4 (segment reporting)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 217.7466 tm [(operating)13.5 ( segments)13.5 ( are)13.6 ( reported)13.6 ( in)13.5 ( a)13.6 ( manner)13.6 ( consistent)13.6 ( with)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( internal)13.6 ( reporting)17.3 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(provided)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (chief)3.2 ( operating)3.2 ( )0.5 (decision)3.2 (-)3.2 (makers)3.2 (.)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (chief)3.2 ( )0.5 (operating)3.2 ( )0.5 (decision)3.2 (-)3.2 (makers)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(who)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( responsible)13.6 ( for)13.5 ( allocating)13.5 ( resources)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( assessing)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( performance)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.049 tw t* (operating segments, have been identified as the presidents of the compan\ y that make )tj 0 tw t* (strategic decisions.)tj et endstream endobj 601 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 602 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 603 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 604 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 605 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 606 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (2)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.4 )-110.4 (investments in associates and joint ventures)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 567.7467 tm [(an)14.1 ( associate)14.1 ( is)14.1 ( an)14.1 ( entity)14.1 ( over)14.1 ( which)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.1 ( has)14.1 ( significant)14.1 ( influence)14.1 (.)14.1 ( significant)18.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.5 td [(influence)6.2 ( )0.5 (is)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (power)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( )0.5 (participate)6.2 ( in)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (financial)6.2 ( and)6.2 ( )0.5 (operating)6.1 ( )0.5 (policy)6.2 ( )0.5 (decisions)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the investee, but is not control or joint control over those policies.)tj 0.004 tw 0 -3 td (a joint venture is a type of joint arrangement whereby the parties that \ have joint control )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.5 td [(of)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( arrangement)6.2 ( )0.5 (have)6.2 ( rights)6.2 ( to)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (net)6.2 ( )0.5 (assets)6.1 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (joint)6.2 ( venture)6.2 (.)6.2 ( )0.5 (joint)6.2 ( control)6.2 ( )0.5 (is)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.077 tw t* (the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exi\ sts only when )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(decisions)14 ( about)14 ( the)14 ( relevant)14 ( activities)14 ( require)14 ( the)14 ( unanimous)14 ( consent)14 ( of)13.9 ( the)14 ( parties)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (sharing control.)tj 0.012 tw 0 -3 td (the group\222s investments in associates and joint ventures are stated i\ n the consolidated )tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(statement)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( financial)14.2 ( )0.5 (position)14.2 ( at)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (group)14.2 (\222)14.2 (s)14.2 ( )0.5 (share)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( )0.5 (net)14.2 ( )0.5 (assets)14.2 ( under)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (equity)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.038 tw t* (method of accounting, less any impairment losses. adjustments are made t\ o bring into )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(line)11.2 ( any)11.2 ( dissimilar)11.2 ( )0.5 (accounting)11.2 ( policies)11.2 ( )0.5 (that)11.2 ( )0.5 (may)11.2 ( )0.5 (exist)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (group)11.2 (\222)11.2 (s)11.2 ( share)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (post)11.2 (-)]tj t* [(acquisition)11.2 ( )0.5 (results)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( other)11.2 ( )0.5 (comprehensive)11.2 ( income)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (associates)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( joint)11.2 ( )0.5 (ventures)11.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(is)13.9 ( included)13.8 ( in)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( consolidated)13.8 ( statement)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( profit)13.9 ( or)13.9 ( loss)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( other)13.8 ( comprehensive)18.1 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(income)13.2 (.)13.2 ( in)13.2 ( addition)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (when)13.2 ( )0.5 (there)13.2 ( has)13.2 ( )0.5 (been)13.2 ( )0.5 (a)13.2 ( change)13.2 ( recognised)13.2 ( )0.5 (directly)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )0.5 (equity)13.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( associate)13.5 ( or)13.5 ( joint)13.5 ( venture)13.5 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.6 ( recognises)13.5 ( its)13.6 ( share)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( any)13.5 ( changes)13.5 (,)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.089 tw t* (when applicable, in the consolidated statement of changes in equity. unr\ ealised gains )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(and)11.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (osse)0.5 (s)11.2 ( re)0.5 (sult)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)11.2 ( fr)0.5 (om)11.2 ( )0.5 (tra)0.5 (nsact)0.5 (io)0.5 (ns)11.2 ( b)0.5 (etw)0.5 (een)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (gro)0.5 (up)11.2 ( a)0.5 (nd)11.2 ( )0.5 (its)11.2 ( )0.5 (ass)0.5 (oci)0.5 (ates)11.2 ( )0.5 (or)11.2 ( )0.5 (jo)0.5 (int)11.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(ventures)14.1 ( )0.5 (are)14.2 ( )0.5 (eliminated)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( extent)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( group)14.2 (\222)14.2 (s)14.2 ( )0.5 (investments)14.3 ( in)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (associates)22.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(or)10.2 ( joint)10.3 ( ventures)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (except)10.1 ( )0.5 (where)10.2 ( )0.5 (unrealised)10.2 ( losses)10.2 ( )0.5 (provide)10.2 ( )0.5 (evidence)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( )0.5 (an)10.2 ( )0.5 (impairment)10.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(of)13.3 ( t)0.5 (he)13.2 ( )0.5 (as)0.5 (se)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)13.2 ( t)0.5 (r)0.5 (an)0.5 (sf)0.5 (er)0.5 (r)0.5 (ed)13.2 (.)13.2 ( )0.5 (go)0.5 (o)0.5 (dw)0.5 (il)0.5 (l)13.2 ( )0.5 (ar)0.5 (i)0.5 (si)0.5 (ng)13.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (ro)0.5 (m)13.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13.2 ( a)0.5 (cq)0.5 (ui)0.5 (s)0.5 (it)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (ss)0.5 (oc)0.5 (ia)0.5 (t)0.5 (es)13.2 ( )0.5 (or)13.2 ( )0.5 (j)0.5 (oi)0.5 (nt)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (ventures is included as part of the group\222s investments in associates\ or joint ventures.)tj et endstream endobj 607 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (1)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.3 )-110.4 (issued but not yet effective international financial )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (reporting standards \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 547.7467 tm [(amendments)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( ifrs)13.7 ( 3)13.7 ( clarify)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( provide)13.7 ( additional)13.7 ( guidance)13.7 ( on)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( definition)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( a)15.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.071 tw 0 -1.5 td (business. the amendments clarify that for an integrated set of activitie\ s and assets to )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(be)11.2 ( considered)11.2 ( a)11.2 ( )0.5 (business)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (it)11.2 ( )0.5 (must)11.2 ( include)11.2 (,)11.2 ( at)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)11.2 ( minimum)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (an)11.2 ( input)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( a)11.2 ( )0.5 (substantive)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.043 tw 0 -1.5 td (process that together significantly contribute to the ability to create \ output. a business )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.5 td [(can)7.2 ( )0.5 (exist)7.2 ( )0.5 (without)7.2 ( )0.5 (including)7.2 ( )0.5 (all)7.3 ( of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (inputs)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (processes)7.2 ( )0.5 (needed)7.2 ( )0.5 (to)7.2 ( )0.5 (create)7.2 ( )0.5 (outputs)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(the)2.3 ( amendments)2.2 ( remove)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.3 ( assessment)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )0.5 (whether)2.2 ( )0.5 (market)2.2 ( participants)2.2 ( )0.5 (are)2.2 ( )0.5 (capable)2.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.7 ( acquiring)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( business)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( continue)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( produce)13.7 ( outputs)13.7 (.)13.7 ( instead)13.7 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( focus)13.6 ( is)13.7 ( on)18.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.077 tw t* [(wh)0.5 (et)0.5 (her)14.4 ( acq)0.5 (ui)0.5 (re)0.5 (d)14.3 ( inp)0.5 (ut)0.5 (s)14.3 ( an)0.5 (d)14.3 ( ac)0.5 (qui)0.5 (re)0.5 (d)14.3 ( su)0.5 (bs)0.5 (tan)0.5 (tiv)0.5 (e)14.3 ( p)0.5 (roc)0.5 (ess)0.5 (es)14.4 ( t)0.5 (og)0.5 (eth)0.5 (er)14.4 ( s)0.5 (ig)0.5 (ni)0.5 (fic)0.5 (an)0.5 (tl)0.5 (y)27.1 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(contribute)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (ability)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.5 (create)14.3 ( )0.5 (outputs)14.2 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (amendments)14.3 ( )0.5 (have)14.3 ( )0.5 (also)14.3 ( )0.5 (narrowed)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)15.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.073 tw t* [(definition )0.5 (of )0.5 (outputs )0.5 (to )0.6 (focus )0.5 (on )0.6 (goods )0.5 (or )0.6 (services )0.5 (provided )0.5 (to )0.5 (customers, )0.5 (investment )]tj 0.023 tw t* (income or other income from ordinary activities. furthermore, the amendm\ ents provide )tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(guidance)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( assess)13.6 ( whether)13.7 ( an)13.6 ( acquired)13.6 ( process)13.6 ( is)13.7 ( substantive)13.6 ( and)13.7 ( introduce)13.6 ( an)36.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw t* [(op)0.5 (ti)0.5 (onal)14.4 ( fa)0.5 (ir)14.4 ( v)0.5 (alu)0.5 (e)14.3 ( co)0.5 (nce)0.5 (ntr)0.5 (ati)0.5 (on)14.4 ( t)0.5 (es)0.5 (t)14.3 ( to)14.4 ( p)0.5 (er)0.5 (mit)14.4 ( a)14.3 ( si)0.5 (mpl)0.5 (if)0.5 (ie)0.5 (d)14.3 ( ass)0.5 (ess)0.5 (men)0.5 (t)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( whe)0.5 (the)0.5 (r)22.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw t* [(an)14.1 ( acquired)14.1 ( set)14.1 ( of)14 ( activities)14.1 ( and)14 ( assets)14.1 ( is)14 ( not)14 ( a)14 ( business)14.1 (.)14 ( the)14 ( group)14 ( expects)14.1 ( to)41.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc t* [(adopt)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( amendments)13.9 ( prospectively)14 ( from)13.9 ( 1)13.9 ( january)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (2)13.9 (0)13.9 (.)13.9 ( since)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( amendments)24.1 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(apply)11.2 ( )0.5 (prospectively)11.2 ( to)11.2 ( transactions)11.2 ( )0.5 (or)11.2 ( )0.5 (other)11.2 ( events)11.2 ( that)11.2 ( occur)11.3 ( on)11.2 ( or)11.3 ( after)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( date)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(first)8.2 ( application)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (group)8.2 ( will)8.3 ( not)8.2 ( )0.5 (be)8.2 ( )0.5 (affected)8.2 ( )0.5 (by)8.2 ( )0.5 (these)8.2 ( amendments)8.2 ( on)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (date)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (transition.)tj 0.002 tw 0 -3 td (amendments to ifrs 9, ias 39 and ifrs 7 address the effects of interbank\ offered rate )tj 0.057 tw 0 -1.5 td [(reform )0.5 (on financial )0.5 (reporting. )0.5 (the amendments )0.5 (provide temporary )0.5 (reliefs )0.5 (which enable )]tj 0.086 tw t* (hedge accounting to continue during the period of uncertainty before the\ replacement )tj 0.034 tw t* (of an existing interest rate benchmark. in addition, the amendments requ\ ire companies )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(to)9.2 ( )0.5 (provide)9.2 ( )0.5 (additional)9.2 ( information)9.2 ( )0.5 (to)9.2 ( )0.5 (investors)9.2 ( about)9.2 ( their)9.2 ( )0.5 (hedging)9.2 ( )0.5 (relationships)9.2 ( which)9.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(are)3.2 ( )0.5 (directly)3.2 ( affected)3.2 ( )0.5 (by)3.2 ( )0.5 (these)3.2 ( )0.5 (uncertainties)3.2 (.)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (amendments)3.2 ( )0.5 (are)3.2 ( )0.5 (effective)3.2 ( )0.5 (for)3.2 ( )0.5 (annual)3.2 ( )]tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw t* [(periods)13.9 ( beginning)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( or)13.8 ( after)13.8 ( 1)13.8 ( january)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (2)13.8 (0)13.8 (.)13.8 ( early)13.8 ( application)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( permitted)13.8 (.)13.8 ( the)38.1 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(amendments)2.2 ( )0.5 (are)2.2 ( )0.5 (not)2.2 ( )0.5 (expected)2.2 ( to)2.2 ( have)2.2 ( any)2.2 ( )0.5 (significant)2.2 ( impact)2.2 ( )0.5 (on)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( group)2.2 (\222)2.2 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (financial)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (statements.)tj et endstream endobj 608 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (1)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.3 )-110.4 (issued but not yet effective international financial )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (reporting standards)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.058 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 547.7467 tm (the group has not applied the following new and revised ifrss that have \ been issued )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (but are not yet effective, in these financial statements.)tj 0 -3 td (amendments to ifrs 3)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 290.9423 502.7467 tm (definition of a business)tj 0 tc 5.83 0 1.5621 5.83 403.6211 506.0767 tm (1)tj 0.028 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 472.7467 tm (amendments to ifrs 9, )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (ias 39 and ifrs 7)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 290.9423 472.7467 tm (interest rate benchmark reform)tj 0 tc 5.83 0 1.5621 5.83 446.9693 476.0767 tm (1)tj 0.028 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 427.7467 tm (ifrs 17)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 290.9423 427.7467 tm (insurance contracts)tj 0 tc 5.83 0 1.5621 5.83 385.5618 431.0767 tm (2)tj 0.028 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 397.7467 tm (amendments to ias 1 and ias 8)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 290.9423 397.7467 tm (definition of material)tj 0 tc 5.83 0 1.5621 5.83 390.8148 401.0767 tm (1)tj 0.028 tc 8 0 0 8 119.0551 373.0166 tm [(1 )-2653.5 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 january 2020)]tj 0 -1.375 td [(2 )-2653.5 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 january 2021)]tj 0.025 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 332.0166 tm [(further information about those ifrss that are expected to be applicable\ to the group is)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 -1.5 td (described below.)tj 0.077 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(a)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( i)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)14.4 ( 1)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.5 ( i)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( 8)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( n)0.5 (e)0.6 (w)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( n)0.6 (e)0.5 (w)49.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw 0 -1.5 td (definition states that information is material if omitting, misstating o\ r obscuring it could )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(reasonably be expected to influence decisions that the primary users of \ general purpose)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.016 tw t* (financial statements make on the basis of those financial statements. th\ e amendments )tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw t* [(clarify)13.6 ( that)13.5 ( materiality)13.6 ( will)13.6 ( depend)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( nature)13.6 ( or)13.6 ( magnitude)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( information)13.6 (.)13.5 ( a)42.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.068 tw t* (misstatement of information is material if it could reasonably be expect\ ed to influence )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(decisions)14.1 ( made)14 ( by)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( primary)14.1 ( users)14.1 (.)14 ( the)14 ( group)14.1 ( expects)14 ( to)14.1 ( adopt)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( amendments)17.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(prospectively)13.9 ( from)14 ( 1)14 ( january)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (2)13.9 (0)13.9 (.)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( amendments)14 ( are)13.9 ( not)14 ( expected)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( have)13.9 ( any)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (significant impact on the group\222s financial statements.)tj et endstream endobj 609 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (1)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tc 0 -2.333 td [(2)-3.8 (.)-3.8 (2)-3.8 ( )-114.4 (changes in accounting policies and disclosures \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (amendments to ifrs 10 and ias 28)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(amendments)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( ifrs)13.7 ( 1)13.6 (0)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( ias)13.6 ( 2)13.7 (8)13.6 ( \()13.6 (2)13.7 (0)13.6 (1)13.7 (1)13.6 (\))13.7 ( address)13.6 ( an)13.6 ( inconsistency)13.7 ( between)13.7 ( the)27.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.035 tw 0 -1.5 td (requirements in ifrs 10 and in ias 28 \(2011\) in dealing with the sale \ or contribution of )tj 0.026 tw 0 -1.5 td (assets between an investor and its associate or joint venture. the amend\ ments require )tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(a)14 ( full)14.1 ( recognition)14 ( of)14.1 ( a)14.1 ( gain)14.1 ( or)14.1 ( loss)14 ( when)14 ( the)14 ( sale)14 ( or)14.1 ( contribution)14 ( of)14 ( assets)14 ( between)20.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(a)0.5 (n)1.2 ( )0.5 (in)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (st)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (nd)1.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (ss)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (r)1.2 ( j)0.5 (o)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)1.2 ( )0.5 (ve)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (re)1.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (st)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (es)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (us)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (es)0.5 (s)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)1.2 ( a)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (ns)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)1.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw t* [(i)0.5 (nv)0.5 (ol)0.5 (vi)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( as)0.5 (set)0.5 (s)14.4 ( th)0.5 (at)14.4 ( do)14.4 ( no)0.5 (t)14.3 ( c)0.5 (on)0.5 (st)0.5 (it)0.5 (ut)0.5 (e)14.3 ( a)14.4 ( bu)0.5 (si)0.5 (ne)0.5 (ss)14.4 (,)14.3 ( a)14.4 ( ga)0.5 (in)14.4 ( or)14.4 ( lo)0.5 (ss)14.4 ( re)0.5 (su)0.5 (lt)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( f)0.5 (r)0.5 (om)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)20.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(transaction)13.8 ( is)13.9 ( recognised)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( investor)13.9 (\222)13.8 (s)13.9 ( profit)13.9 ( or)13.9 ( loss)13.9 ( only)13.8 ( to)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( extent)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.068 tw t* (unrelated investor\222s interest in that associate or joint venture. the\ amendments are to )tj 0 tw t* (be applied prospectively.)tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.6 ( group)13.6 ( adopted)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( amendments)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( 1)13.6 ( january)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.6 (1)13.5 (9)13.6 (,)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( assessed)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( sale)13.6 ( or)27.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td (contribution of assets transaction with its associate or joint venture. \ the amendments )tj 0 tw t* (did not have any significant impact on the group\222s financial statemen\ ts.)tj et endstream endobj 610 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (1)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tc 0 -2.333 td [(2)-3.8 (.)-3.8 (2)-3.8 ( )-114.4 (changes in accounting policies and disclosures \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (ifric 23)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(ifric)8.2 ( )0.5 (2)8.2 (3)8.1 ( )0.5 (addresses)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (accounting)8.2 ( for)8.1 ( )0.5 (income)8.2 ( )0.5 (taxes)8.1 ( )0.5 (\()8.2 (current)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.3 ( deferred)8.2 (\))8.2 ( )0.5 (when)8.1 ( )0.5 (tax)8.2 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(treatments involve uncertainty that affects the application of ias 12 \(\ often referred to as)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td (\223uncertain tax positions\224\). the interpretation does not apply to \ taxes or levies outside )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the)10.2 ( )0.5 (scope)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( )0.5 (ias)10.2 ( )0.5 (1)10.2 (2)10.2 (,)10.2 ( nor)10.2 ( does)10.2 ( )0.5 (it)10.2 ( specifically)10.2 ( include)10.2 ( requirements)10.2 ( relating)10.2 ( to)10.2 ( )0.5 (interest)10.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(and)5.2 ( penalties)5.2 ( associated)5.2 ( )0.5 (with)5.2 ( )0.5 (uncertain)5.2 ( tax)5.2 ( )0.5 (treatments)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (interpretation)5.2 ( specifically)5.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(addresses)7.2 ( )0.5 (\()7.2 (i)7.2 (\))7.2 ( )0.5 (whether)7.2 ( )0.5 (an)7.2 ( )0.5 (entity)7.2 ( considers)7.2 ( )0.5 (uncertain)7.3 ( tax)7.2 ( )0.5 (treatments)7.2 ( )0.5 (separately)7.2 (;)7.2 ( )0.5 (\()7.2 (ii)7.2 (\))7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(assumptions)13.9 ( an)13.8 ( entity)13.8 ( makes)13.8 ( about)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( examination)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( tax)13.8 ( treatments)13.8 ( by)13.9 ( taxation)29.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(authorities)13.5 (;)13.6 ( \()13.5 (iii)13.6 (\))13.5 ( how)13.5 ( an)13.5 ( entity)13.5 ( determines)13.6 ( taxable)13.5 ( profits)13.5 ( or)13.5 ( tax)13.5 ( losses)13.6 (,)13.5 ( tax)13.5 ( bases)13.5 (,)32.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(unused)8.2 ( tax)8.2 ( losses)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (unused)8.2 ( )0.5 (tax)8.2 ( credits)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (tax)8.2 ( rates)8.2 (;)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (\()8.2 (iv)8.2 (\))8.2 ( how)8.2 ( )0.5 (an)8.2 ( entity)8.2 ( considers)8.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(changes)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )0.5 (facts)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (circumstances)14.2 (.)14.3 ( upon)14.2 ( )0.5 (adoption)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (interpretation)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (group)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* (assessed whether it has any uncertain tax positions arising from transac\ tions during the )tj 0.075 tw t* (year. based on the group\222s assessment, the directors are of opinion t\ hat the eventual )tj 0 tw t* (outcome of the uncertainty position shall not have a material adverse fi\ nancial effect.)tj et endstream endobj 611 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 612 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 613 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 614 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 615 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 616 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (1)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tc 0 -2.333 td [(2)-3.8 (.)-3.8 (2)-3.8 ( )-114.4 (changes in accounting policies and disclosures \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (amendments to ias 28)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.075 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(ame)0.5 (ndme)0.5 (nts)14.4 ( to)14.4 ( ias)14.3 ( 2)14.3 (8)14.4 ( c)0.5 (lari)0.5 (fy)14.3 ( th)0.5 (at)14.3 ( the)14.4 ( s)0.5 (cope)14.3 ( ex)0.5 (clus)0.5 (ion)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( i)0.5 (frs)14.3 ( 9)14.3 ( on)0.5 (ly)14.3 ( in)0.5 (clud)0.5 (es)47.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(interests)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.3 ( )0.6 (an)14.3 ( )0.6 (associate)14.3 ( )0.5 (or)14.3 ( )0.5 (joint)14.3 ( )0.5 (venture)14.3 ( )0.6 (to)14.2 ( )0.6 (which)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (equity)14.3 ( )0.6 (method)14.3 ( )0.5 (is)14.3 ( )0.5 (applied)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.061 tw 0 -1.5 td [(does not )0.5 (include long-term interests )0.5 (that in substance form part )0.5 (of the )0.5 (net investment )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(in)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( associate)13.8 ( or)13.7 ( joint)13.8 ( venture)13.7 (,)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( which)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( equity)13.7 ( method)13.7 ( has)13.7 ( not)13.7 ( been)13.8 ( applied)13.8 (.)20.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (he)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (fo)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 (,)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)14.3 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (ty)14.4 ( a)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (ie)0.5 (s)14.4 ( i)0.5 (fr)0.5 (s)14.4 ( 9)14.4 (,)14.4 ( r)0.5 (a)0.5 (th)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (ha)0.5 (n)14.4 ( i)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (8)14.3 (,)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (lu)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( i)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)37.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(requirements )0.5 (under )0.5 (ifrs 9, )0.5 (in accounting )0.5 (for such )0.5 (long-term )0.5 (interests. )0.5 (ias 28 )0.5 (is then )]tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw t* [(applied)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.6 (net)14.3 ( )0.5 (investment)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (which)14.2 ( )0.6 (includes)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (long)14.3 (-)14.3 (term)14.3 ( )0.6 (interests)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (only)14.3 ( )0.6 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)32.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(context)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( recognising)13.9 ( losses)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( an)13.9 ( associate)13.9 ( or)13.9 ( joint)13.9 ( venture)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( impairment)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(net)14.3 ( investment)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (associate)14.2 ( )0.5 (or)14.3 ( joint)14.2 ( )0.5 (venture)14.2 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (group)14.2 ( )0.5 (assessed)14.2 ( )0.5 (its)14.2 ( )0.5 (business)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.071 tw t* (model for its long-term interests in associates and joint ventures upon \ adoption of the )tj 0.022 tc 0 tw t* [(amendments on 1 january 2019 and concluded that the long-term interests \ in associates)-5.8 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)14.1 ( joint)14.1 ( ventures)14.1 ( continue)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( be)14.1 ( measured)14.1 ( at)14.1 ( amortised)14.1 ( cost)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( accordance)14.1 ( with)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.09 tw t* (ifrs 9. accordingly, the amendments did not have any impact on financial\ position or )tj 0 tw t* (performance of the group.)tj et endstream endobj 617 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (1)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.233 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tc 0 -2.133 td [(2)-3.8 (.)-3.8 (2)-3.8 ( )-114.4 (changes in accounting policies and disclosures)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 572.2466 tm (ifrs 16 leases \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 119.0551 545.2467 tm (as a lessee- leases previously classified as operating leases \(continue\ d\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.661 -2.85 td (impacts on transition \(continued\))tj 0.027 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 488.2466 tm [(the lease liabilities as at 1 january 2019 reconciled to the operating l\ ease commitments)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 -1.5 td (as at 31 december 2018 is as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -3 td (operating lease commitments as at 31 december 2018)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 35.565 0 td (12,989,524)tj 0 tw -35.565 -1.5 td (less: commitments relating to short-term leases, low-value assets )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (leases and those leases with a remaining lease term ending on or )tj 0 -1.5 td (before 31 december 2019)tj -0.028 tw 36.63 0 td (59,819)tj 0 tw -37.622 -1.5 td (undiscounted operating lease commitments as at 1 january 2019 )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (under ifrs 16)tj -0.028 tw 34.573 0 td (12,929,705)tj 0 tw -35.565 -1.5 td (weighted average incremental borrowing rate as at 1 january 2019)tj -0.028 tw 37.762 0 td (4.97%)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 349.2176 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 350.2375 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 349.2176 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 350.2375 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (discounted operating lease commitments as at 1 january 2019 under )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (ifrs 16)tj -0.028 tw 35.156 0 td (6,929,053)tj 0 tw -36.149 -1.5 td (add: recognised finance leases as at 31 december 2018)tj -0.028 tw 36.149 0 td (4,081,270)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 286.2085 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 287.2285 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 286.2085 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 287.2285 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -3 td (lease liabilities as at 1 january 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 35.565 0 td (11,010,323)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 253.0781 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 253.8481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 253.0781 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 253.8481 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 618 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (1)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.233 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tc 0 -2.133 td [(2)-3.8 (.)-3.8 (2)-3.8 ( )-114.4 (changes in accounting policies and disclosures)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 572.2466 tm (ifrs 16 leases \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 119.0551 545.2467 tm (as a lessee- leases previously classified as operating leases \(continue\ d\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.661 -2.85 td (impacts on transition \(continued\))tj 0.071 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 489.7466 tm [(the)13.6 ( group)13.5 ( did)13.5 ( not)13.6 ( change)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( initial)13.5 ( carrying)13.6 ( amounts)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( recognised)13.6 ( assets)13.5 ( and)43.1 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.35 td [(liabil)0.5 (ities)14.3 ( at)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( date)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( init)0.5 (ial)14.3 ( appl)0.5 (ication)14.3 ( f)0.5 (or)14.3 ( leases)14.3 ( previously)14.3 ( classified)14.3 ( as)14.3 ( fi)0.5 (nance)23.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(leases)13.5 (.)13.6 ( accordingly)13.6 (,)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( carrying)13.6 ( amounts)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( right)13.6 (-)13.6 (of)13.5 (-)13.6 (use)13.5 ( assets)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( lease)29.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(liabilities)11.2 ( at)11.1 ( )0.5 (1)11.2 ( )0.5 (january)11.2 ( )0.5 (2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (9)11.2 ( )0.5 (were)11.3 ( the)11.2 ( carrying)11.2 ( )0.5 (amounts)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( recognised)11.2 ( )0.5 (assets)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (liabilities \(i.e., finance lease payables\) measured under ias 17.)tj 0 -2.7 td (the impact arising from the adoption of ifrs16 at 1 january 2019 is as f\ ollows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 0 -4.05 td (assets)tj 36.207 1.35 td (increase/)tj -0.528 -1.35 td (\(decrease\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 364.0963 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 364.8663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 364.0963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 364.8663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.882 -2.7 td (increase in right-of-use assets)tj -0.028 tw 35.565 0 td (17,976,851)tj 0 tw -35.565 -1.35 td (decrease in property, plant and equipment)tj -0.028 tw 35.815 0 td (\(6,720,610\))tj 0 tw -35.815 -1.35 td (decrease in land use rights)tj -0.028 tw 35.815 0 td (\(4,306,865\))tj 0 tw -35.815 -1.35 td (decrease in other non-current assets)tj -0.028 tw 37.288 0 td (\(20,323\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 293.3372 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 294.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 293.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 294.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -32.882 -2.7 td (increase in total assets)tj -0.028 tw 36.149 0 td (6,929,053)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 263.2068 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 263.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 263.2068 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 263.9768 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -32.882 -2.7 td (liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 0 -1.35 td (increase in interest-bearing loans and borrowings)tj -0.028 tw 35.565 0 td (11,010,323)tj 0 tw -35.565 -1.35 td (decrease in finance lease payables)tj -0.028 tw 35.815 0 td (\(4,081,270\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 205.9478 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 206.9678 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 205.9478 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 206.9678 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -2.7 td (increase in total liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 36.149 0 td (6,929,053)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 175.8174 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 176.5874 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 175.8174 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 176.5874 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -32.882 -2.7 td (decrease in retained earnings)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 40.319 0 td (\226)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -40.319 -1.35 td (decrease in non-controlling interests)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 40.319 0 td (\226)tj et q 1 0 0 1 119.0551 131.937 cm 0 0 m 328.819 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 119.0551 132.707 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 131.937 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 132.707 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 619 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (1)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tc 0 -2.333 td [(2)-3.8 (.)-3.8 (2)-3.8 ( )-114.4 (changes in accounting policies and disclosures)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (ifrs 16 leases \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm (as a lessee- leases previously classified as operating leases \(continue\ d\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.701 -3 td (impacts on transition \(continued\))tj 0.065 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 474.7466 tm (all these assets were assessed for any impairment based on ias 36 on tha\ t date. the )tj 0.008 tw 0 -1.5 td (group elected to present the right-of-use assets separately in the state\ ment of financial )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(position)2.2 (.)2.2 ( this)2.2 ( )0.5 (includes)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (lease)2.2 ( assets)2.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)2.2 ( )0.5 (previously)2.2 ( under)2.2 ( )0.5 (fi)0.5 (nan)0.5 (ce)2.2 ( )0.5 (leases)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw t* (rmb6,721 million that were reclassified from property, plant and equipme\ nt, land use )tj 0.092 tw t* [(right )0.5 (of )0.5 (rmb4,307 )0.5 (million )0.5 (that )0.5 (were disclosed )0.5 (separately )0.5 (in the )0.5 (statement )0.5 (of )0.5 (financial )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(position)6.2 (,)6.2 ( and)6.2 ( )0.5 (prepaid)6.2 ( )0.5 (rental)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)6.2 (2)6.2 (0)6.2 ( )0.5 (million)6.2 ( )0.5 (that)6.2 ( were)6.2 ( included)6.2 ( )0.5 (in)6.2 ( )0.5 (other)6.2 ( )0.5 (non)6.2 (-)6.1 (current)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (assets.)tj 0.092 tw 0 -3 td [(the )0.5 (group )0.5 (has )0.5 (used )0.5 (the following )0.5 (elective practical expedients )0.5 (when )0.5 (applying )0.5 (ifrs16 )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (at 1 january 2019:)tj 0.089 tw 0 -3 td [(\225 )-1911.9 (applied the short-term leases exemptions to leases with a lease term tha\ t ends )]tj 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (within 12 months from the date of initial application)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)18.2 ( )-1904.8 (applying)14.3 ( a)14.2 ( )0.5 (single)14.2 ( )0.5 (discount)14.2 ( )0.5 (rate)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( )0.5 (portfolio)14.2 ( of)14.3 ( leases)14.2 ( )0.5 (with)14.2 ( )0.5 (reasonably)14.2 ( similar)18.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (characteristics when measuring the lease liabilities at 1 january 2019)tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)40.2 ( )-1882.9 (using)13.8 ( hindsight)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( determining)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( lease)13.8 ( term)13.8 ( where)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( contract)13.8 ( contains)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (options to extend or terminate the lease)tj 0.016 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225 )-1984.8 (and excluding initial direct costs from the measurement of the right-of-\ use assets )]tj 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (at the date of initial application)tj et endstream endobj 620 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (1)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tc 0 -2.333 td [(2)-3.8 (.)-3.8 (2)-3.8 ( )-114.4 (changes in accounting policies and disclosures \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (ifrs 16 leases \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 534.7467 tm (as a lessee- leases previously classified as operating leases)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.804 -3 td (nature of the effect of adoption of ifrs 16)tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 474.7466 tm [(the)6.2 ( group)6.2 ( has)6.2 ( )0.5 (lease)6.2 ( )0.5 (contracts)6.2 ( )0.5 (for)6.2 ( various)6.3 ( items)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( property)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (machinery)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (vehicles)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.089 tw 0 -1.5 td (other equipment. as a lessee, the group previously classified leases as \ either finance )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(leases)1.2 ( )0.5 (or)1.2 ( )0.5 (operating)1.2 ( leases)1.2 ( )0.5 (based)1.2 ( )0.5 (on)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (assessment)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (whether)1.3 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (lease)1.3 ( transferred)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw t* (substantially all the rewards and risks of ownership of assets to the gr\ oup. under ifrs )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(1)2.2 (6)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (group)2.2 ( )0.5 (applies)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)2.2 ( single)2.2 ( )0.5 (approach)2.2 ( )0.5 (to)2.2 ( recognise)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )0.5 (measure)2.2 ( )0.5 (right)2.2 (-)2.2 (of)2.3 (-)2.1 (use)2.2 ( )0.5 (assets)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.039 tw t* (and lease liabilities for all leases, except for two elective exemptions\ for leases of low-)tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(value)13.5 ( assets)13.5 ( \()13.5 (elected)13.5 ( on)13.5 ( a)13.5 ( lease)13.5 (-)13.5 (by)13.6 (-)13.5 (lease)13.5 ( basis)13.5 (\))13.5 ( and)13.5 ( leases)13.6 ( with)13.5 ( a)13.5 ( lease)13.5 ( term)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( 1)13.6 (2)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (months or less \(\223short-term leases\224\) \(elected by class of under\ lying asset\). instead of )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(recognising)13.7 ( rental)13.7 ( expenses)13.7 ( under)13.6 ( operating)13.7 ( leases)13.7 ( on)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( straight)13.7 (-)13.6 (line)13.7 ( basis)13.7 ( over)13.7 ( the)17.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw t* (lease term commencing from 1 january 2019, the group recognises deprecia\ tion \(and )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(impairment)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (if)5.2 ( )0.5 (any)5.2 (\))5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (right)5.2 (-)5.2 (of)5.2 (-)5.2 (use)5.2 ( )0.5 (assets)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( interest)5.2 ( )0.5 (accrued)5.2 ( on)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( outstanding)5.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (lease liabilities \(as finance costs\).)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 279.7466 tm (impacts on transition)tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 249.7466 tm [(lease)14 ( liabilities)14 ( at)14 ( 1)14.1 ( january)14 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (9)14 ( were)13.9 ( recognised)14 ( based)14 ( on)14 ( the)14 ( present)14 ( value)14 ( of)28.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(the)11.2 ( )0.5 (remaining)11.2 ( lease)11.2 ( payments)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (discounted)11.2 ( using)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (incremental)11.3 ( borrowing)11.2 ( rate)11.2 ( )0.5 (at)11.2 ( 1)11.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(january)13.2 ( )0.5 (2)13.2 (0)13.2 (1)13.2 (9)13.2 ( and)13.2 ( )0.5 (included)13.2 ( in)13.2 ( interest)13.2 (-)13.2 (bearing)13.2 ( loans)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( )0.5 (borrowings)13.2 (.)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (right)13.2 (-)13.2 (of)13.2 (-)13.2 (use)13.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(assets)14.2 ( were)14.2 ( measured)14.2 ( at)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.1 ( )0.5 (amount)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( lease)14.2 ( liability)14.1 (,)14.2 ( adjusted)14.2 ( by)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( amount)23.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc t* [(of)14 ( any)14.1 ( prepaid)14 ( or)14.1 ( accrued)14.1 ( lease)14 ( payments)14.1 ( relating)14 ( to)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( lease)14 ( recognised)14 ( in)14.1 ( the)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (consolidated statement of financial position immediately before 1 januar\ y 2019.)tj et endstream endobj 621 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 622 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 623 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 624 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 625 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 626 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (1)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tc 0 -2.333 td [(2)-3.8 (.)-3.8 (2)-3.8 ( )-114.4 (changes in accounting policies and disclosures)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (ifrs 16 leases \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(the)4.2 ( group)4.2 ( )0.5 (has)4.1 ( )0.5 (adopted)4.1 ( )0.5 (ifrs)4.2 ( )0.5 (1)4.2 (6)4.2 ( using)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( modified)4.2 ( )0.5 (retrospective)4.2 ( )0.5 (method)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )0.5 (adoption)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td (with the date of initial application of 1 january 2019. under this metho\ d, the standard )tj 0.085 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(has)13.9 ( been)13.9 ( applied)13.9 ( retrospectively)13.9 ( with)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( cumulative)13.9 ( effect)14 ( of)13.9 ( initial)14 ( adoption)57.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.5 td (recognised as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings \ at 1 january )tj 0.084 tw t* (2019, and the comparative information for 2018 was not restated and cont\ inues to be )tj 0 tw t* (reported under ias 17 and related interpretations.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 429.7466 tm (new definition of a lease)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 399.7466 tm [(u)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( i)0.5 (f)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( 1)14.4 (6)14.4 (,)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( co)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (nt)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( l)0.5 (e)0.5 (as)0.5 (e)14.4 ( i)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (ct)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (nv)0.5 (e)0.5 (y)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( r)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (ht)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.019 tw t* (control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange \ for consideration. )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(control)8.2 ( is)8.2 ( )0.5 (conveyed)8.2 ( )0.5 (where)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (customer)8.2 ( )0.5 (has)8.2 ( )0.5 (both)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (right)8.2 ( )0.5 (to)8.2 ( obtain)8.2 ( )0.5 (substantially)8.1 ( )0.5 (all)8.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( economic)14 ( benefits)13.9 ( from)13.9 ( use)14 ( of)14 ( the)13.9 ( identified)14 ( asset)14 ( and)13.9 ( the)14 ( right)14 ( to)13.9 ( direct)13.9 ( the)14.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.065 tw t* (use of the identified asset. the group elected to use the transition pra\ ctical expedient )tj 0.061 tw t* (allowing the standard to be applied only to contracts that were previous\ ly identified as )tj 0.019 tw t* (leases applying ias 17 and ifric 4 at the date of initial application. c\ ontracts that were )tj 0.058 tw t* (not identified as leases under ias 17 and ifric 4 were not reassessed. t\ herefore, the )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(definition)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( a)1.2 ( )0.5 (lease)1.2 ( under)1.2 ( ifrs)1.2 ( )0.5 (1)1.2 (6)1.2 ( )0.5 (has)1.2 ( )0.5 (been)1.2 ( applied)1.2 ( only)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )0.5 (contracts)1.2 ( )0.5 (entered)1.2 ( )0.5 (into)1.2 ( or)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (changed on or after 1 january 2019.)tj et endstream endobj 627 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (0)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.2 )-110.4 (changes in accounting policies and disclosures)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.092 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 568.7467 tm [(the group has )0.5 (adopted )0.5 (the )0.5 (following )0.5 (new and )0.5 (revised )0.5 (ifrss )0.5 (for )0.5 (the first )0.5 (time )0.5 (for the )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.4 td (current year\222s financial statements.)tj 0 -2.8 td (amendments to ifrs 9)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 262.5958 526.7467 tm (prepayment features with negative compensation)tj 10 0 0 10 119.0551 498.7467 tm (ifrs 16)tj -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 262.5958 498.7467 tm (leases)tj 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 470.7467 tm (amendments to ias 19)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 262.5958 470.7467 tm (plan amendment, curtailment or settlement)tj 10 0 0 10 119.0551 442.7467 tm (amendments to ias 28)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 262.5958 442.7467 tm (long-term interests in associates and joint ventures)tj 10 0 0 10 119.0551 414.7467 tm (amendments to ifrs 10 and )tj 0.992 -1.4 td (ias 28 \(2011\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 262.5958 414.7467 tm (sale or contribution of assets between an investors and )tj 1.367 -1.4 td (its associate or joint venture)tj 10 0 0 10 119.0551 372.7467 tm (ifric interpretation 23)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 262.5958 372.7467 tm (uncertainty over income tax treatments)tj 10 0 0 10 119.0551 344.7467 tm (annual improvements )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.992 -1.4 td (2015\2262017 cycle)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 262.5958 344.7467 tm (amendments to ifrs 3, ifrs 11, ias 12 and ias 23)tj 0.082 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 304.0166 tm (except for the amendments to ifrs 9 and ifrs 19 and annual improvements \ to ifrs )tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.4 td [(2)14 (0)14 (1)14.1 (5)14 (\226)14 (2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (7)14.1 ( cycle)14.1 (,)14 ( which)14.1 ( are)14 ( not)14.1 ( relevant)14 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( preparation)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( group)14 (\222)14.1 (s)14 ( financial)20.3 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw t* [(s)0.5 (ta)0.5 (te)0.5 (m)0.5 (en)0.5 (ts)14.4 (,)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( n)0.5 (a)0.5 (tu)0.5 (re)14.4 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( im)0.5 (p)0.5 (ac)0.5 (t)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( ne)0.5 (w)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( r)0.5 (ev)0.5 (i)0.5 (se)0.5 (d)14.3 ( i)0.5 (f)0.5 (rs)0.5 (s)14.3 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.3 ( d)0.5 (es)0.5 (c)0.5 (ri)0.5 (be)0.5 (d)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (below:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 231.0166 tm (ifrs 16 leases)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.026 tc 10 0 0 10 119.0551 203.0166 tm [(ifrs 16 replaces ias 17 leases, ifric 4 determining whether an arrangeme\ nt contains)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(a)7.2 ( )0.5 (lea)0.5 (se)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (sic)7.2 ( )0.5 (1)7.2 (5)7.2 ( )0.5 (ope)0.5 (rat)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)7.2 ( le)0.5 (ase)0.5 (s)7.2 (-)7.2 (inc)0.5 (enti)0.5 (ve)0.5 (s)7.2 ( a)0.5 (nd)7.2 ( )0.5 (sic)7.2 ( )0.5 (2)7.2 (7)7.2 ( )0.5 (ev)0.5 (alu)0.5 (ati)0.5 (ng)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (su)0.5 (bst)0.5 (ance)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.065 tw t* (transactions involving the legal form of a lease. the standard sets out \ the principles )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(for)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (recognition)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (measurement)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (presentation)6.2 ( and)6.2 ( disclosure)6.1 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (leases)6.3 ( and)6.2 ( )0.5 (requires)6.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(lessees)10.2 ( to)10.2 ( )0.5 (account)10.3 ( for)10.2 ( )0.5 (all)10.2 ( leases)10.2 ( )0.5 (und)0.5 (er)10.2 ( )0.5 (a)10.2 ( single)10.2 ( )0.5 (on)10.2 (-)10.2 (balance)10.1 ( )0.5 (sheet)10.2 ( model)10.2 ( )0.5 (to)10.2 ( recognise)10.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.077 tw t* [(and)14.3 ( measure)14.3 ( right)14.3 (-)14.3 (of)14.3 (-)14.3 (use)14.3 ( assets)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( lease)14.3 ( l)0.5 (iabilities)14.3 (,)14.3 ( ex)0.5 (cept)14.3 ( for)14.3 ( c)0.5 (ert)0.5 (ain)14.4 ( recognition)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.069 tw t* (exemptions. lessor accounting under ifrs 16 is substantially unchanged f\ rom ias 17. )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(lessors)4.2 ( )0.5 (continue)4.2 ( )0.5 (to)4.2 ( )0.5 (classify)4.2 ( )0.5 (leases)4.2 ( as)4.2 ( either)4.2 ( )0.5 (operating)4.2 ( or)4.2 ( )0.5 (finance)4.2 ( )0.5 (leases)4.1 ( )0.5 (using)4.2 ( )0.5 (similar)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.069 tw t* (principles as in ias 17. therefore, ifrs 16 did not have any financial i\ mpact on leases )tj 0 tw t* (where the group is the lessor.)tj et endstream endobj 628 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (0)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.1 )-110.4 (basis of preparation \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (consolidation \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(\(c\) )-1279.3 (subsidiaries \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 504.7466 tm [(when)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( company)3.2 ( )0.5 (has)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (directly)3.2 ( or)3.2 ( )0.5 (indirectly)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (less)3.2 ( )0.5 (than)3.2 ( a)3.2 ( )0.5 (majority)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (voting)3.3 ( )]tj 0.073 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(or)14.2 ( similar)14.2 ( rights)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( an)14.1 ( investee)14.1 (,)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.1 ( considers)14.2 ( all)14.1 ( relevant)14.2 ( facts)14.1 ( and)45.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (circumstances in assessing whether it has power over an investee, includ\ ing:)tj 0 -3 td [(\(a\) )-1389.2 (the contractual arrangement with the other vote holders of the investee;\ )]tj t* [(\(b\) )-1333.2 (rights arising from other contractual arrangements; and)]tj t* [(\(c\) )-1389.2 (the group\222s voting rights and potential voting rights.)]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(subsidiaries)2.2 ( are)2.2 ( fully)2.2 ( consolidated)2.2 ( )0.5 (from)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( date)2.2 ( on)2.2 ( )0.5 (which)2.2 ( control)2.2 ( )0.5 (is)2.2 ( transferred)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (to the group. they are de-consolidated from the date that control ceases\ .)tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(inter)13.9 (-)14 (company)13.9 ( transactions)14 (,)13.9 ( balances)14 (,)13.9 ( income)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( expenses)14 ( on)13.9 ( transactions)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw 0 -1.5 td (between group companies are eliminated. profits and losses resulting fro\ m inter-)tj 0.037 tw t* (company transactions that are recognised in assets are also eliminated. \ amounts )tj 0.026 tw t* (reported by subsidiaries have been adjusted where necessary in the conso\ lidated )tj 0 tw t* (financial statements to conform with the policies adopted by the group.)tj 0.052 tw 0 -3 td [(in the )0.5 (company\222s statement of financial position, as permitted under ifrs 1,\ the )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(investments)11.2 ( )0.5 (in)11.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiaries)11.2 ( acquired)11.2 ( )0.5 (prior)11.2 ( to)11.2 ( 1)11.2 ( )0.5 (january)11.3 ( 2)11.2 (0)11.2 (0)11.2 (8)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (being)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( date)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(transition)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( ifrs)13.5 (,)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( stated)13.5 ( at)13.5 ( deemed)13.5 ( cost)13.5 ( as)13.4 ( required)13.5 ( under)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( previously)15.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(adopted)3.2 ( accounting)3.2 ( )0.5 (standards)3.2 (.)3.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiaries)3.2 ( )0.5 (acquired)3.2 ( )0.5 (after)3.2 ( )0.5 (that)3.2 ( date)3.2 ( )0.5 (that)3.2 ( )0.5 (are)3.2 ( not)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.05 tw t* (classified as held for sale in accordance with ifrs 5 non-current assets\ held for )tj 0.009 tw t* (sale and discontinued operations are stated at cost less provision for i\ mpairment )tj 0.003 tw t* (losses. the results of subsidiaries are accounted for by the company on \ the basis )tj 0 tw t* (of dividends received and receivable.)tj et endstream endobj 629 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (0)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.1 )-110.4 (basis of preparation)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (consolidation \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 534.7467 tm [(\(b\) )-1168.2 (acquisition method of accounting for other business combinations and )]tj 3.339 -1.5 td (goodwill \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 489.7466 tm [(where)9.1 ( )0.5 (goodwill)9.2 ( )0.5 (has)9.2 ( )0.5 (been)9.2 ( )0.5 (allocated)9.2 ( to)9.2 ( a)9.2 ( )0.5 (cash)9.2 (-)9.2 (generating)9.2 ( unit)9.3 ( \()9.2 (or)9.2 ( )0.5 (group)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( cash)9.2 (-)]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(generating)14.3 ( )0.6 (units)14.2 (\))14.3 ( )0.6 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (part)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (operation)14.3 ( )0.6 (within)14.3 ( )0.5 (that)14.3 ( )0.5 (unit)14.3 ( )0.6 (is)14.3 ( )0.5 (disposed)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)19.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc t* [(goodwill)13.5 ( associated)13.5 ( with)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( operation)13.5 ( disposed)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( is)13.5 ( included)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( carrying)20.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.077 tw t* [(a)0.5 (m)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( o)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.5 ( w)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( g)0.6 (a)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.5 ( l)0.6 (o)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.6 (s)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 (.)32.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(g)0.5 (o)0.6 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (w)0.6 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (l)5.2 ( d)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.6 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)5.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)5.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)5.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)5.2 ( i)0.6 (s)5.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)5.2 ( b)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)5.2 ( o)0.6 (n)5.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(value)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( operation)14.2 ( disposed)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( portion)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( cash)14.1 (-)14.2 (generating)14.2 ( unit)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (retained.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 1.279 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 369.7466 tm (\(c\) subsidiaries)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.017 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 339.7466 tm (a subsidiary is an entity, directly or indirectly, controlled by the com\ pany. control )tj 0.032 tw t* (is achieved when the group is exposed, or has rights, to variable return\ s from its )tj 0.054 tw t* (involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those return\ s through )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(its)5.2 ( power)5.2 ( over)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( investee)5.2 ( )0.5 (\()5.2 (i)5.2 (.)5.2 (e)5.2 (.)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (existing)5.2 ( )0.5 (rights)5.3 ( that)5.2 ( )0.5 (give)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (group)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (current)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (ability to direct the relevant activities of the investee\).)tj et endstream endobj 630 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (0)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.1 )-110.4 (basis of preparation \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (consolidation \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 534.7467 tm [(\(b\) )-1168.2 (acquisition method of accounting for other business combinations and )]tj 3.339 -1.5 td (goodwill \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 489.7466 tm [(goodwill)7.2 ( )0.5 (is)7.2 ( )0.5 (initially)7.2 ( )0.5 (measured)7.2 ( at)7.2 ( )0.5 (cost)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (being)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (excess)7.2 ( of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.3 ( aggregate)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.3 ( the)7.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(consideration)14 ( transferred)14 (,)14 ( the)14 ( amount)14 ( recognised)14 ( for)14 ( non)14 (-)13.9 (controlling)14 ( interests)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.073 tw t* (and any fair value of the group\222s previously held equity interests in\ the acquiree )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(over)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( identifiable)13.4 ( net)13.5 ( assets)13.5 ( acquired)13.5 ( and)13.4 ( liabilities)13.4 ( assumed)13.5 (.)13.5 ( if)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( sum)13.5 ( of)16.3 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(this)3.2 ( )0.5 (consideration)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( other)3.3 ( items)3.3 ( is)3.2 ( )0.5 (lower)3.2 ( )0.5 (than)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (fai)0.5 (r)3.2 ( )0.5 (val)0.5 (ue)3.2 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (net)3.2 ( )0.5 (ass)0.5 (ets)3.3 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(acquired)1.2 (,)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( difference)1.2 ( )0.5 (is)1.2 (,)1.2 ( after)1.3 ( reassessment)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)1.2 ( )0.5 (in)1.2 ( )0.5 (profit)1.3 ( or)1.2 ( )0.5 (loss)1.2 ( )0.5 (as)1.1 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (gain on bargain purchase.)tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(after)13.8 ( initial)13.8 ( recognition)13.8 (,)13.8 ( goodwill)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( measured)13.8 ( at)13.8 ( cost)13.8 ( less)13.8 ( any)13.8 ( accumulated)36.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td [(impairment)12.2 ( losses)12.2 (.)12.2 ( )0.5 (goodwill)12.2 ( is)12.1 ( )0.5 (tested)12.2 ( for)12.2 ( impairment)12.2 ( )0.5 (at)12.2 ( )0.5 (least)12.2 ( )0.5 (annually)12.2 ( )0.5 (or)12.2 ( )0.5 (more)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw t* (frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carry\ ing value )tj 0.054 tc 0.077 tw t* [(m)0.5 (ay)14.4 ( be)14.4 ( i)0.5 (mp)0.5 (ai)0.5 (re)0.5 (d)14.4 (.)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( gr)0.5 (o)0.5 (up)14.4 ( pe)0.5 (rf)0.5 (o)0.5 (rm)0.5 (s)14.3 ( i)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nn)0.5 (ua)0.5 (l)14.4 ( im)0.5 (pa)0.5 (i)0.5 (rm)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)14.4 ( t)0.5 (e)0.5 (st)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( g)0.5 (oo)0.5 (dw)0.5 (i)0.5 (ll)26.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(as)13.5 ( at)13.5 ( 3)13.5 (1)13.5 ( december)13.5 (.)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( purpose)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( impairment)13.5 ( testing)13.5 (,)13.5 ( goodwill)13.5 ( acquired)21.3 ( )]tj 0.059 tc t* [(in)14.1 ( a)14.1 ( business)14.1 ( combination)14.1 ( is)14.2 (,)14.1 ( from)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( acquisition)14.1 ( date)14.1 (,)14.1 ( allocated)14.2 ( to)14.1 ( each)14.1 ( of)31.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0.077 tw t* [(the)14.3 ( group)14.3 (\222)14.3 (s)14.3 ( cash)14.3 (-)14.3 (gener)0.5 (ating)14.3 ( u)0.5 (nits)14.3 (,)14.3 ( or)14.3 ( gr)0.5 (oups)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( cash)14.3 (-)14.3 (gener)0.5 (ating)14.3 ( units)14.3 (,)14.3 ( that)41.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.3 ( ex)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (ct)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( b)0.5 (en)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)14.3 ( fr)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( sy)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (gi)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (in)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)14.4 (,)14.4 ( i)0.5 (r)0.5 (r)0.5 (es)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (ct)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)16.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(whether)14 ( other)14 ( assets)14 ( or)14.1 ( liabilities)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( group)14 ( are)14.1 ( assigned)14.1 ( to)14 ( those)14 ( units)14 ( or)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (groups of units.)tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(impairment)14.2 ( )0.5 (is)14.2 ( )0.5 (determined)14.2 ( )0.5 (by)14.2 ( )0.5 (assessing)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (recoverable)14.2 ( )0.5 (amount)14.3 ( of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (cash)14.2 (-)]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td [(generating)12.2 ( )0.5 (unit)12.2 ( )0.5 (\()12.2 (group)12.3 ( of)12.2 ( )0.5 (cash)12.2 (-)12.2 ( )0.5 (generating)12.2 ( units)12.2 (\))12.2 ( )0.5 (to)12.2 ( )0.5 (which)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( goodwill)12.2 ( )0.5 (relates)12.2 (.)12.2 ( )]tj 0.071 tc 0.078 tw t* [(where)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( recoverable)13.5 ( amount)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( cash)13.5 (-)13.6 (generating)13.5 ( unit)13.6 ( \()13.5 (group)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( cash)13.5 (-)]tj 0.083 tc t* [(generating)13.9 ( units)13.8 (\))13.9 ( is)13.8 ( less)13.9 ( than)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( carrying)13.9 ( amount)13.8 (,)13.9 ( an)13.9 ( impairment)13.9 ( loss)13.8 ( is)55.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.077 tw t* [(r)0.5 (eco)0.5 (gn)0.5 (is)0.5 (ed)14.4 (.)14.3 ( an)14.4 ( im)0.5 (pa)0.5 (i)0.5 (rm)0.5 (ent)14.4 ( lo)0.5 (ss)14.4 ( re)0.5 (co)0.5 (gni)0.5 (s)0.5 (ed)14.3 ( f)0.5 (or)14.4 ( go)0.5 (od)0.5 (wi)0.5 (ll)14.4 ( is)14.4 ( no)0.5 (t)14.3 ( r)0.5 (ev)0.5 (er)0.5 (sed)14.4 ( in)14.4 ( a)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (subsequent period.)tj et endstream endobj 631 0 obj <> endobj 632 0 obj <> endobj 633 0 obj <> endobj 634 0 obj <> endobj 635 0 obj <> endobj 636 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 637 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 638 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 639 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 640 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 641 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (0)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.1 )-110.4 (basis of preparation \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (consolidation \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 534.7467 tm [(\(b\) )-1168.2 (acquisition method of accounting for other business combinations and )]tj -0.028 tw 3.237 -1.5 td (goodwill)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 489.7466 tm [(the)14.3 ( )0.5 (acquisition)14.3 ( )0.6 (method)14.3 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (accounting)14.3 ( )0.6 (is)14.2 ( )0.6 (used)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (account)14.2 ( )0.6 (for)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.6 (acquisition)34.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc 0 -1.5 td [(of)14.1 ( )0.5 (subsidiaries)14.2 ( by)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (group)14.1 (,)14.2 ( other)14.2 ( )0.5 (than)14.1 ( )0.5 (common)14.1 ( )0.5 (control)14.2 ( combinations)14.1 (.)14.2 ( the)33.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(consideration)13.6 ( transferred)13.6 ( is)13.7 ( measured)13.6 ( at)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( acquisition)13.6 ( date)13.6 ( fair)13.6 ( value)13.6 ( which)21.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(is)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( sum)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( acquisition)13.8 ( date)13.9 ( fair)13.9 ( value)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( assets)13.9 ( transferred)13.9 ( by)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( group)13.9 (,)32.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw t* [(l)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (b)0.6 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( b)0.5 (y)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( g)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (p)14.4 ( t)0.6 (o)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( f)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( o)0.5 (w)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( a)0.6 (c)0.5 (q)0.6 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)22.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(equity)14.2 ( interests)14.1 ( issued)14.1 ( by)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.2 ( in)14.1 ( exchange)14.2 ( for)14.1 ( control)14.1 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( acquiree)14.2 (.)25.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(the)1.2 ( )0.5 (consideration)1.3 ( transferred)1.2 ( )0.5 (included)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (fair)1.3 ( value)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.3 ( any)1.2 ( )0.5 (assets)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (liabilities)1.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw t* [(resulting)13.9 ( from)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( contingent)13.9 ( consideration)13.9 ( arrangement)14 (.)13.9 ( acquisition)13.9 (-)13.9 (related)44.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc t* [(costs)13.5 ( are)13.6 ( expensed)13.5 ( as)13.6 ( incurred)13.5 (.)13.6 ( identifiable)13.5 ( assets)13.6 ( acquired)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( liabilities)13.5 ( and)17.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(contingent)14.2 ( liabilities)14.2 ( assumed)14.1 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( a)14.2 ( business)14.1 ( combination)14.2 ( are)14.2 ( measured)14.1 ( )0.5 (initially)16.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(at)14.1 ( fair)14.2 ( value)14.1 ( at)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( acquisition)14.1 ( date)14.1 (.)14.1 ( all)14.2 ( other)14.1 ( components)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( non)14.1 (-)14.1 (controlling)32.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(interests)7.3 ( are)7.2 ( measured)7.1 ( )0.5 (at)7.2 ( )0.5 (fair)7.2 ( )0.5 (value)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )0.5 (for)7.2 ( )0.5 (each)7.2 ( business)7.3 ( combination)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (group)7.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(elects)2.2 ( )0.5 (whether)2.2 ( to)2.3 ( measure)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( non)2.2 (-)2.2 (controlling)2.2 ( interests)2.2 ( in)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( acquiree)2.2 ( )0.5 (that)2.2 ( are)2.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(pr)0.5 (es)0.5 (ent)12.2 ( )0.5 (ow)0.5 (ner)0.5 (sh)0.5 (ip)12.2 ( )0.5 (int)0.5 (er)0.5 (es)0.5 (ts)12.2 ( a)0.5 (nd)12.2 ( )0.5 (ent)0.5 (it)0.5 (le)12.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (eir)12.3 ( h)0.5 (old)0.5 (er)0.5 (s)12.2 ( t)0.5 (o)12.2 ( a)12.2 ( )0.5 (pro)0.5 (por)0.5 (ti)0.5 (on)0.5 (al)12.2 ( )0.5 (sha)0.5 (re)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.086 tw t* (net assets in the event of liquidation at fair value or at the proportio\ nal share of )tj 0 tw t* (the acquiree\222s identifiable net assets.)tj 0.075 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(when)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( group)14.3 ( acquires)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( business)14.3 (,)14.3 ( i)0.5 (t)14.3 ( assesse)0.5 (s)14.2 ( the)14.3 ( financial)14.3 ( assets)14.3 ( and)47.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(liabilities)14.1 ( )0.5 (assumed)14.1 ( )0.5 (for)14.2 ( )0.5 (appropriate)14.1 ( )0.5 (classification)14.1 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (designation)14.2 ( in)14.2 ( accordance)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.088 tw t* (with the contractual terms, economic circumstances and pertinent conditi\ ons as )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(at)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (acquisition)5.2 ( )0.5 (date)5.3 (.)5.1 ( )0.5 (this)5.2 ( )0.5 (includes)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( separation)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (embedded)5.2 ( )0.5 (derivatives)5.1 ( )0.5 (in)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (host contracts of the acquiree.)tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(if)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( business)13.5 ( combination)13.6 ( is)13.6 ( achieved)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( stages)13.6 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( previously)13.6 ( held)13.6 ( equity)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw 0 -1.5 td [(interest )0.5 (is remeasured )0.5 (at )0.5 (its )0.5 (acquisition )0.5 (date )0.5 (fair )0.5 (value )0.5 (and )0.5 (any )0.5 (resulting gain or )]tj 0 tw t* (loss is recognised in profit or loss.)tj et endstream endobj 642 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (0)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.1 )-110.4 (basis of preparation \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (consolidation \(continued\))tj 10 0 2.6795 10 118.0289 534.7467 tm [(\(a\) )-1223.3 (merger accounting for business combinations under common control)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tw 10 0 0 10 147.4016 504.7466 tm (the consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statemen\ ts of the )tj 0.047 tw 0 -1.5 td (combining entities or businesses in business combination under common co\ ntrol )tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw t* [(as)14.3 ( )0.5 (if)14.2 ( )0.5 (they)14.2 ( )0.5 (had)14.2 ( )0.5 (been)14.3 ( combined)14.2 ( )0.5 (from)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (date)14.3 ( when)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (combining)14.2 ( )0.5 (entities)14.2 ( )0.5 (or)30.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (businesses first came under the control of the ultimate holding company.\ )tj 0.003 tw 0 -3 td (the net assets of the combining entities or businesses are consolidated \ using the )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(carrying)13.8 ( amount)13.8 ( from)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( ultimate)13.9 ( holding)13.9 ( company)13.9 (\222)13.9 (s)13.9 ( perspective)13.9 (.)13.8 ( no)13.9 ( amount)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.074 tw t* (is recognised for goodwill or excess of the group\222s interest in the b\ ook value of )tj 0.088 tw t* (the net assets over cost at the time of the common control combination, \ to the )tj 0 tw t* (extent of the continuation of the ultimate holding company\222s interest\ .)tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)14.2 ( consolidated)14.1 ( )0.5 (statement)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( )0.5 (comprehensive)14.1 ( )0.5 (income)14.2 ( includes)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( results)14.2 ( of)22.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0 -1.5 td [(each)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( combining)14 ( entities)14 ( or)14 ( businesses)14 ( from)14 ( the)14 ( earliest)14 ( date)14 ( presented)16.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc t* [(or)13.8 ( since)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( date)13.8 ( when)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( combining)13.8 ( entities)13.8 ( or)13.8 ( businesses)13.8 ( first)13.8 ( came)13.8 ( under)17.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(common)13.7 ( control)13.8 (,)13.7 ( where)13.7 ( this)13.7 ( is)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( shorter)13.7 ( period)13.7 (,)13.8 ( regardless)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( date)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)21.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (common control combination.)tj 0.075 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.9 ( comparative)13.8 ( financial)13.9 ( data)13.9 ( have)13.9 ( been)13.8 ( restated)13.8 ( to)13.9 ( reflect)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( business)47.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (b)0.6 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)14.5 ( u)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (m)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (l)14.4 ( o)0.6 (c)0.5 (c)0.6 (u)0.5 (r)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( d)0.6 (u)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)14.4 ( y)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)14.5 ( a)0.6 (s)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (c)0.6 (l)0.5 (o)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( i)0.6 (n)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (note 38.)tj 0.081 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(transaction)13.6 ( costs)13.5 (,)13.6 ( including)13.5 ( professional)13.5 ( fees)13.5 (,)13.6 ( registration)13.6 ( fees)13.6 (,)13.5 ( costs)13.6 ( of)53.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0 -1.5 td [(furnishing)13.7 ( information)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( shareholders)13.8 (,)13.8 ( costs)13.8 ( or)13.8 ( losses)13.8 ( incurred)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( combining)25.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(operations)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( previously)13.7 ( separate)13.6 ( businesses)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( other)13.6 ( costs)13.7 ( incurred)13.6 ( in)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.075 tw t* (relation to the common control combination that is to be accounted for b\ y using )tj 0.01 tw t* (the merger accounting method are recognised as expenses in the period in\ which )tj 0 tw t* (they are incurred.)tj et endstream endobj 643 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (0)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.1 )-110.4 (basis of preparation \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (consolidation \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.072 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(a)14.3 ( )0.5 (change)14.2 ( )0.6 (in)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (ownership)14.2 ( )0.5 (interest)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (a)14.3 ( )0.5 (subsidiary)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (without)14.3 ( )0.5 (a)14.3 ( )0.5 (loss)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (control)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (is)44.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (accounted for as an equity transaction. if the group loses control over \ a subsidiary, it:)tj 0 -3 td [(\225 )-2000.8 (derecognises the assets \(including goodwill\) and liabilities of the su\ bsidiary;)]tj 0 -3 td [(\225 )-2000.8 (derecognises the carrying amount of any non-controlling interests;)]tj t* [(\225 )-2000.8 (derecognises the cumulative translation differences recorded in equity;)]tj t* [(\225 )-2000.8 (recognises the fair value of the consideration received;)]tj t* [(\225 )-2000.8 (recognises the fair value of any investment retained;)]tj t* [(\225 )-2000.8 (recognises any surplus or deficit in profit or loss; and)]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(\225)13.2 ( )-1908.9 (reclassifies)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )0.5 (parent)13.2 (\222)13.2 (s)13.2 ( )0.5 (share)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (components)13.2 ( previously)13.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)13.2 ( in)13.2 ( )0.5 (oci)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(profit)13.9 ( or)13.9 ( loss)13.9 ( or)13.9 ( retained)13.9 ( earnings)13.9 (,)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( appropriate)13.9 (,)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( would)13.9 ( be)13.9 ( required)13.9 ( if)13.9 ( the)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities.)tj et endstream endobj 644 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (0)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.1 )-110.4 (basis of preparation)]tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (consolidation \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.018 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm (the group reassesses whether or not it controls an investee if facts and\ circumstances )tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(indicate)13.5 ( that)13.6 ( there)13.6 ( are)13.6 ( changes)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( one)13.6 ( or)13.6 ( more)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( three)13.6 ( elements)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( control)13.6 (.)37.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.008 tw 0 -1.5 td (consolidation of a subsidiary begins when the group obtains control over\ the subsidiary )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -1.5 td [(and)1.2 ( )0.5 (ceases)1.2 ( )0.5 (when)1.3 ( the)1.2 ( group)1.2 ( )0.5 (loses)1.2 ( )0.5 (control)1.3 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiary)1.2 (.)1.2 ( assets)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (liabilities)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (income)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.004 tw t* (and expenses of a subsidiary acquired or disposed of during the year are\ included in the )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(consolidated)9.2 ( statement)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( financial)9.3 ( position)9.2 ( and)9.2 ( consolidated)9.2 ( )0.5 (statement)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (profit)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(loss)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( other)1.2 ( )0.5 (comprehensive)1.2 ( )0.5 (income)1.2 ( )0.5 (from)1.2 ( the)1.3 ( date)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (group)1.2 ( gains)1.2 ( )0.5 (control)1.2 ( )0.5 (until)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (date the group ceases to control the subsidiary.)tj 0.077 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(profit)13.5 ( or)13.6 ( loss)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( each)13.6 ( component)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( other)13.5 ( comprehensive)13.5 ( income)13.6 ( \()13.6 (\223)13.5 (oci)13.5 (\224)13.5 (\))13.5 ( are)49.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(attributed)9.3 ( to)9.3 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (equity)9.2 ( )0.5 (holders)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (parent)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( group)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( to)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (non)9.2 (-)9.2 (controlling)9.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(interests)8.2 (,)8.2 ( even)8.2 ( )0.5 (if)8.2 ( )0.5 (this)8.2 ( results)8.2 ( in)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (non)8.2 (-)8.2 (controlling)8.2 ( )0.5 (interests)8.2 ( )0.5 (having)8.2 ( )0.5 (a)8.2 ( deficit)8.2 ( balance)8.2 (.)8.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(when)13.9 ( necessary)13.9 (,)13.9 ( adjustments)13.8 ( are)13.9 ( made)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( financial)13.9 ( statements)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( subsidiaries)23.2 ( )]tj t* [(to)13.5 ( bring)13.4 ( their)13.4 ( accounting)13.5 ( policies)13.5 ( into)13.4 ( line)13.5 ( with)13.4 ( the)13.4 ( group)13.4 (\222)13.5 (s)13.4 ( accounting)13.5 ( policies)13.5 (.)13.4 ( all)23.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(intra)8.2 (-)8.2 (group)8.2 ( )0.5 (assets)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( )0.5 (liabilities)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (equity)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (income)8.2 (,)8.2 ( expenses)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( )0.5 (cash)8.2 ( flows)8.2 ( )0.5 (relating)8.2 ( to)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (transactions between members of the group are eliminated in full on cons\ olidation.)tj et endstream endobj 645 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (0)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.89 -1.333 td (policies \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.1 )-110.4 (basis of preparation \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (consolidation)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.075 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm [(the)13.5 ( consolidated)13.5 ( financial)13.5 ( statements)13.5 ( comprise)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( financial)13.6 ( statements)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)47.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0 -1.5 td [(company)13.4 ( and)13.5 ( all)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( its)13.4 ( subsidiaries)13.5 ( for)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( year)13.5 ( ended)13.4 ( 3)13.4 (1)13.4 ( december)13.4 ( 2)13.4 (0)13.5 (1)13.4 (9)13.4 (.)13.5 ( control)25.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0 -1.5 td [(is)14.2 ( achieved)14.2 ( when)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (group)14.2 ( is)14.2 ( exposed)14.2 (,)14.2 ( or)14.2 ( has)14.1 ( )0.5 (rights)14.1 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( variable)14.2 ( returns)14.2 ( from)14.2 ( its)30.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0 -1.5 td [(involvement)13.7 ( with)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( investee)13.6 ( and)13.7 ( has)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( ability)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( affect)13.7 ( those)13.7 ( returns)13.7 ( through)13.7 ( its)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.072 tw t* (power over the investee. specifically, the group controls an investee if\ and only if the )tj 0 tw t* (group has:)tj 0.027 tc 0 -3 td [(\225)-0.8 ( )-2001.9 (power over the investee \(i.e, existing rights that give it the current \ ability to direct)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 2.835 -1.5 td (the relevant activities of the investee\);)tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)12.2 ( )-1908.9 (exposure)12.2 (,)12.2 ( or)12.2 ( rights)12.2 (,)12.2 ( to)12.2 ( variable)12.2 ( )0.5 (returns)12.1 ( )0.5 (from)12.2 ( its)12.2 ( )0.5 (involvement)12.2 ( with)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.3 ( investee)12.3 (;)12.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (and)tj 0 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225 )-2000.8 (the ability to use its power over the investee to affect its returns.)]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(generally)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (there)10.2 ( is)10.2 ( )0.5 (a)10.2 ( presumption)10.2 ( )0.5 (that)10.2 ( a)10.2 ( )0.5 (majority)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.1 ( )0.5 (voting)10.2 ( )0.5 (rights)10.2 ( result)10.2 ( )0.5 (in)10.2 ( )0.5 (control)10.2 (.)10.2 ( )0.5 (to)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw 0 -1.5 td (support this presumption and when the group has less than a majority of \ the voting or )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(similar rights of an investee, the group considers all relevant facts an\ d circumstances in)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (assessing whether it has power over an investee, including:)tj 0 -3 td [(\225 )-2000.8 (the contractual arrangement with the other vote holders of the investee;\ )]tj t* [(\225 )-2000.8 (rights arising from other contractual arrangements; and)]tj t* [(\225 )-2000.8 (the group\222s voting rights and potential voting rights.)]tj et endstream endobj 646 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 647 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 648 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 649 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 650 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 651 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (0)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(2.1 )-110.4 (basis of preparation \(continued\))]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 119.0551 564.7466 tm (going concern)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.056 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm (as at 31 december 2019, the group\222s current liabilities exceeded its \ current assets by )tj 0.074 tw 0 -1.5 td (approximately rmb20,456 million \(31 december 2018 \(restated\): rmb15,9\ 35 million\). )tj 0.024 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the directors of the company have considered the group\222s available so\ urces of funds as)-3.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (follows:)tj 0 tw 0 -3 td [(\225 )-2000.8 (the group\222s expected net cash inflows from operating activities in 20\ 20;)]tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw t* [(\225)44.2 ( )-1878.8 (unutilised)14 ( banking)14 ( facilities)14 ( of)14 ( approximately)14.1 ( rmb)14 (1)14.1 (1)14 (8)14.1 (,)14 (0)14 (8)14.1 (4)14 ( million)14.1 ( as)14 ( at)14 ( 3)14.1 (1)44.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(december)1.2 ( )0.5 (2)1.2 (0)1.2 (1)1.2 (9)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.3 ( which)1.2 ( )0.5 (amounts)1.2 ( totalling)1.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)1.2 (1)1.2 (0)1.2 (8)1.2 (,)1.2 (3)1.3 (6)1.2 (0)1.2 ( million)1.2 ( will)1.2 ( )0.5 (be)1.2 ( )0.5 (subject)1.2 ( )]tj 0.081 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(to)14 ( renewal)14.1 ( during)14 ( the)14 ( next)14.1 ( 1)14 (2)14.1 ( months)14.1 (.)14 ( the)14.1 ( directors)14 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 ( are)53.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.003 tw t* (confident that these banking facilities could be renewed upon expiration\ based on )tj 0 tw t* (the group\222s past experience and good credit standing; and)tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)13.2 ( )-1908.9 (other)13.2 ( available)13.2 ( )0.5 (sources)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( )0.5 (financing)13.2 ( )0.5 (from)13.2 ( banks)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( )0.5 (other)13.2 ( )0.5 (financial)13.2 ( )0.5 (institutions)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (given the group\222s credit history.)tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(the)13.9 ( directors)14 ( of)14 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( believe)14 ( that)14 ( the)14 ( group)14 ( has)14 ( adequate)13.9 ( resources)14 ( to)40.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.077 tw t* [(co)0.5 (nti)0.5 (nue)14.4 ( ope)0.5 (rat)0.5 (ion)0.5 (s)14.3 ( fo)0.5 (r)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( fo)0.5 (res)0.5 (eea)0.5 (ble)14.4 ( fut)0.5 (ure)14.4 ( of)14.3 ( no)0.5 (t)14.3 ( l)0.5 (ess)14.4 ( t)0.5 (han)14.4 ( 1)14.3 (2)14.3 ( m)0.5 (ont)0.5 (hs)14.3 ( f)0.5 (rom)14.4 ( 3)14.4 (1)24.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(d)0.5 (ec)0.5 (em)0.5 (be)0.5 (r)12.2 ( 2)12.2 (0)12.2 (1)12.2 (9)12.2 (.)12.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)12.2 ( d)0.5 (ir)0.5 (ec)0.5 (t)0.5 (or)0.5 (s)12.2 ( o)0.5 (f)12.2 ( t)0.5 (he)12.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (mp)0.5 (an)0.5 (y)12.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (er)0.5 (ef)0.5 (or)0.5 (e)12.2 ( a)0.5 (re)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)12.2 ( )0.5 (op)0.5 (in)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)12.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (at)12.2 ( )0.5 (it)12.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (s)12.1 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(appropriate)14 ( to)14 ( adopt)14 ( the)14 ( going)14 ( concern)14 ( basis)14 ( in)14 ( preparing)14 ( the)14 ( consolidated)14 ( financial)19.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (statements.)tj et endstream endobj 652 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (9)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(1. )-694.2 (general information)]tj ( \(continued\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td (information about subsidiaries)tj ( \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.073 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 587.7467 tm (the above table lists the subsidiaries of the company which, in the opin\ ion of the directors, )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(principally affected the results of the year or formed a substantial par\ t of the net assets of the)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.007 tw t* (group. to give details of the other subsidiaries would, in the opinion o\ f the directors, result in )tj 0 tw t* (particulars of excessive of length.)tj 0.027 tc 0 -3 td [(the english name represents the best effort made by management of the gr\ oup in translating)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 -1.5 td (its chinese name as it does not have any official english names.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.027 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 462.7466 tm [(2)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-695.2 (basis of preparation and significant accounting)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (policies)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 412.7466 tm [(the)14.3 ( )0.5 (principal)14.3 ( )0.5 (accounting)14.3 ( )0.5 (policies)14.3 ( )0.5 (applied)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (preparation)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (these)14.3 ( )0.5 (financial)14.3 ( )0.5 (statements)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.088 tw t* (are set out below. these policies have been consistently applied to all \ the years presented, )tj 0 tw t* (unless otherwise stated.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 90.7087 347.7466 tm [(2.1 )-110.4 (basis of preparation)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.085 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 317.7466 tm [(the)13.7 ( consolidated)13.7 ( financial)13.8 ( statements)13.8 ( have)13.8 ( been)13.8 ( prepared)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( accordance)13.8 ( with)57.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc t* [(international)14.1 ( )0.5 (financial)14.2 ( reporting)14.1 ( standards)14.1 ( )0.5 (\()14.1 (\223)14.2 (ifrss)14.2 (\224)14.1 (\))14.2 ( issued)14.1 ( )0.5 (by)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (international)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.039 tw t* [(accounting )0.5 (standards )0.5 (board )0.5 (\(the )0.6 (\223iasb\224\) )0.5 (and )0.5 (the )0.6 (disclosure )0.5 (requirements )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (hong )]tj 0.014 tw t* (kong companies ordinance. they have been prepared on a historical cost b\ asis, except )tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(for)14.1 ( equity)14.1 ( investments)14.1 ( at)14.1 ( fair)14.1 ( value)14.1 ( through)14.1 ( other)14.1 ( comprehensive)14.1 ( income)14.1 (,)14.1 ( financial)24.3 ( )]tj 0.048 tc t* [(assets)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( liabilities)14.2 ( at)14.2 ( )0.5 (fair)14.2 ( value)14.2 ( through)14.2 ( profit)14.1 ( )0.5 (or)14.2 ( loss)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (debt)14.2 ( instruments)14.2 ( at)14.2 ( fair)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (value through other comprehensive income which have been measured at fai\ r value.)tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(these)13.9 ( financial)13.9 ( statements)13.8 ( are)13.8 ( presented)13.9 ( in)13.8 ( thousands)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( renminbi)13.9 ( \()13.8 (\223)13.9 (rmb)13.9 (\224)13.9 (\))13.8 ( unless)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (otherwise stated.)tj et endstream endobj 653 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (9)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.5 0 0 10 90.7087 561.1125 tm (name)tj 0 tw 17.444 1.2 td (place of registration )tj 0 -1.2 td (and business)tj -0.028 tw 12.953 1.2 td (registered )tj 2.028 -1.2 td (capital)tj 0 tw 5.079 0 td (principal activities)tj 17.931 2.4 td (percentage of equity )tj 1.542 -1.2 td (attributable to )tj 0.306 -1.2 td (the company)tj -0.028 tw -0.075 -1.2 td (direct)tj 6.144 0 td (indirect)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7088 544.9722 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 90.7088 545.7422 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 204.0946 544.9722 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 204.0946 545.7422 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4647 544.9722 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 319.1743 545.7422 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.819 544.9722 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 328.819 545.7422 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2049 544.9722 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 477.9145 545.7422 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.5592 544.9722 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.2689 545.7422 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -66.548 -2.4 td (guizhou huajin aluminum co., ltd. )tj 0.027 tc 1.003 -1.2 td (\(\223guizhou huajin\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.027 tw <0d6e03c80d36138012590e38>tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* <03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 2.4 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (1,000,000)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (manufacture and distribution of )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.2 td (alumina)tj 18.033 1.2 td (60.00%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.119 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -3.6 td (chalco zhengzhou research )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (institute of non-ferrous metal )tj t* (co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a3712590e38124d03c803de040d0696166e>tj t* <07bc04fa09eb03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 3.6 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 14.535 0 td (214,858)tj 0 tw 5.525 0 td (research and development )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.2 td (services)tj 17.449 1.2 td (100.00%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.702 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -4.8 td (chalco shandong co., ltd. )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (\(\223chalco shandong\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295125902860607>tj t* <03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 2.4 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (4,052,847)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (manufacture and distribution of )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.2 td (alumina)tj 17.449 1.2 td (100.00%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.702 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -3.6 td (chalco zhongzhou aluminum co., )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (ltd. \(\223zhongzhou aluminum\224\) )tj 0 tc t* (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td <02951259029503c812590e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.135 2.4 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (5,071,235)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (manufacture and distribution of )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.2 td (alumina)tj 17.449 1.2 td (100.00%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.702 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -3.6 td (china aluminum logistics group )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (corporation co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02951259064a07740dab>tj t* <0fa003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 2.4 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 14.535 0 td (964,291)tj 0 tw 5.525 0 td (logistics transportation)tj -0.028 tw 18.452 0 td (100.00%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.702 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -3.6 td (chinalco shanxi jiaokou xinghua )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (technology ltd. \(\223xinghua )tj t* (technology\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590dab0fa00286041303740279>tj t* <13330d3607c504a60670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 3.6 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 14.535 0 td (588,182)tj 0 tw 5.525 0 td (manufacture and distribution of )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (primary aluminum)tj -0.028 tw 18.033 1.2 td (33.00%)tj 6.978 0 td (33.00%)tj 0 tw -63.518 -4.8 td (chinalco shanghai company )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (limited \(\223chinalco shanghai\224\) )tj 0 tc t* (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td [<02951259>502.6 <0080>104.2 <026a090e>104.2 <0081>502.6 <03de082202ae0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.135 2.4 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 14.535 0 td (968,300)tj 0 tw 5.525 0 td (trading and engineering project )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.2 td (management)tj 17.449 1.2 td (100.00%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.702 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -3.6 td (shanxi china huarun co., ltd. )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (\(\223shanxi huarun\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02860413029512590d361197>tj t* <03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 2.4 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (1,641,750)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (manufacture and distribution of )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (primary aluminum)tj -0.028 tw 18.033 1.2 td (43.39%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.119 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -3.6 td (guizhou huaren new material co., )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (ltd. \(\223guizhou huaren\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0d6e03c80d36>tj t* <02a00e2d04bf08d803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 2.4 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (1,200,000)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (manufacture and distribution of )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (primary aluminum)tj -0.028 tw 18.033 1.2 td (40.00%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.119 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -3.6 td (chinalco materials co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02951259>tj 1.003 -1.2 td <064a0f1f03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 1.2 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (1,000,000)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (import and export activities)tj -0.028 tw 18.452 0 td (100.00%)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7088 157.5918 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7088 158.3617 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 204.0947 157.5918 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 204.0947 158.3617 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4648 157.5918 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4648 158.3617 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8191 157.5918 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 328.8191 158.3617 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2049 157.5918 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 442.2049 158.3617 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.5593 157.5918 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 487.5593 158.3617 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(1. )-694.2 (general information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td (information about subsidiaries \(continued\))tj et endstream endobj 654 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (9)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(1. )-694.2 (general information \(continued\))]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td (information about subsidiaries)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 90.7087 587.7467 tm (particulars of the company\222s principal subsidiaries are as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 6.5 0 0 10 90.7087 536.7467 tm (name)tj 0 tw 17.444 1.2 td (place of registration )tj 0 -1.2 td (and business)tj -0.028 tw 12.953 1.2 td (registered )tj 2.028 -1.2 td (capital)tj 0 tw 5.079 0 td (principal activities)tj 17.931 2.4 td (percentage of equity )tj 1.542 -1.2 td (attributable to )tj 0.306 -1.2 td (the company)tj -0.028 tw -0.075 -1.2 td (direct)tj 6.144 0 td (indirect)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 520.5963 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6.5 0 0 10 90.7087 521.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 204.0945 520.5963 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 204.0945 521.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 520.5963 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 319.1743 521.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.819 520.5963 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 328.819 521.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2048 520.5963 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 477.9145 521.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 487.5591 520.5963 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6.5 0 0 10 523.2688 521.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -66.548 -2.4 td (shanxi huaxing aluminum co. ltd. )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (\(\223shanxi huaxing\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <028604130d3613331259>tj t* <0e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 2.4 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (1,850,000)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (manufacture and distribution of )tj -0.028 tw 1.003 -1.2 td (alumina)tj 18.033 1.2 td (60.00%)tj 6.978 0 td (40.00%)tj 0 tw -63.518 -3.6 td (baotou aluminum co., ltd. )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (\(\223baotou aluminum\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <030d139812590e38>tj t* <03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 2.4 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (2,245,510)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (manufacture and distribution of )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (primary aluminum, aluminum )tj t* (alloy and related fabricated )tj t* (products and carbon products)tj -0.028 tw 17.449 3.6 td (100.00%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.702 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -4.8 td (china aluminum international )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (trading co., ltd. \(\223chalco )tj t* (trading\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590a3710e70d7105f803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 2.4 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (1,731,111)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (import and export activities)tj -0.028 tw 18.452 0 td (100.00%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.702 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -3.6 td (chalco shanxi new material co., )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (ltd. \(\223shanxi new material\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <0295>tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* <1259028604130e2d04bf08d803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 2.4 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (4,279,601)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (manufacture and distribution of )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (alumina, primary aluminum )tj t* (and anode carbon products )tj t* (and electricity generation and )tj -0.028 tw t* (supply)tj 18.033 4.8 td (85.98%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.119 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -6 td (china aluminum international )tj 0.026 tc 1.003 -1.2 td [(trading group co., ltd. \(\223trading)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (group\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590a3710e70d7105f80dab0fa003de0822>tj t* <02ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 3.6 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (1,030,000)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (import and export activities)tj -0.028 tw 18.452 0 td (100.00%)tj 0 tw -55.957 -4.8 td (zunyi aluminum co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <136d0ec81259>tj 1.003 -1.2 td <0e380670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 1.2 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (3,204,900)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (manufacture and distribution of )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (primary aluminum and alumina)tj -0.028 tw 18.033 1.2 td (67.45%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.119 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -2.4 td (chalco hong kong ltd. \(\223chalco )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (hong kong\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a3712590e3808300ca503de0822>tj t* <02ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 2.4 td (hong kong)tj -0.028 tw 12.397 0 td (hkd849,940 )tj 0 tw 0.472 -1.2 td (in thousand)tj 7.191 1.2 td (overseas investments and )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (alumina import and export )tj -0.028 tw t* (activities)tj 17.449 2.4 td (100.00%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.702 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -3.6 td (chalco mining co., ltd. \(\223chalco )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (mining\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295125916240e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 1.2 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (4,028,859)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (manufacture, acquisition and )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (distribution of bauxite mines, )tj t* (limestone ore, manufacturing )tj t* (and distribution of alumina)tj -0.028 tw 17.449 3.6 td (100.00%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.702 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -4.8 td (chalco energy co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295125909900e55>tj 1.003 -1.2 td <03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 1.2 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (1,384,398)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (thermoelectric supply and )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (investment management)tj -0.028 tw 17.449 1.2 td (100.00%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.702 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -66.659 -2.4 td (china aluminum ningxia energy )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (group co., ltd. \(\223ningxia )tj t* (energy\224\) \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590fb9088009900e550dab0fa0>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc 16.441 2.4 td (prc/mainland china)tj -0.028 tw 13.646 0 td (5,025,800)tj 0 tw 6.415 0 td (thermal power, wind power and )tj 1.003 -1.2 td (solar power generation, coal )tj t* (mining, and power-related )tj t* (equipment manufacturing)tj -0.028 tw 18.033 3.6 td (70.82%)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.119 0 td (\226)tj et endstream endobj 655 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 62.3622 742.33 tm [(31 december 20)55 (1)60 (9)]tj 0 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj t* (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 321.5189 721.6899 tm [(n)1 (o)-15.4 (t)-8.9 (e)1.1 (s t)-12 (o f)-28.2 (i)1.9 (n)9.3 (a)12.4 (n)11.2 (c)15.7 (i)9.7 (a)10.9 (l s)-30.8 (t)-16.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-25.1 (s \()17.6 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 656 0 obj <> endobj 657 0 obj <> endobj 658 0 obj <> endobj 659 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ct%�b�h q؇��41�(�o?;�:i������qy ������8c�9�qn� \��9�l�vf�����ͨ"j��iƾr����rn�_`�l� �u��-��]a�u�k���8�`�n��,�t�_�! i�ʒ��� ��e|.#�6��3x��ơo�u�* ?�*:�ϟ$�қ�ƫ|��ql�x/�g>�wo��ka�|>��r�n�!�{�w�;�t8e�^�{�r�d> ����^�,l�3��q�l�g\?��dx��ky�<�67�i�0ڠ/ �9|lf�,��w�#�� endstream endobj 660 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r���{� � ��x�n�����f�v�8���kh^��yf�t�|[�m_�"��j�f�k�"�d����-��� ڈ��r��ʧ���ƞ����dg��y. �~��z|�{��jۖưw���?��2����a���4� ��^id;?r����y�o=�`���w�d�x���{��>x���y���9g�18f�7fo}�����in������5 ^�^�y���[������}t n�x1���b6��t.��aqu���`���9h>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������?�@�jp�|g�g47�| �m�֞��yzt�8�һ�� ��� endstream endobj 661 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 662 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (9)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(1. )-694.2 (general information)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.083 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(aluminum)13.7 ( corporation)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( china)13.7 ( limited)13.7 ( \()13.8 (the)13.7 ( \223)13.7 (company)13.7 (\224)13.7 (\))13.8 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.069 tc -0.069 tw 30.963 0 td <02950a3712590e380670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.083 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.7 ( and)55.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc -30.963 -1.5 td [(its)13.5 ( subsidiaries)13.5 ( \()13.4 (together)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( \223)13.5 (group)13.5 (\224)13.5 (\))13.5 ( are)13.4 ( principally)13.5 ( engaged)13.5 ( in)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( manufacture)13.5 ( and)37.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.5 td [(distribution)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (alumina)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (primary)8.2 ( aluminum)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( energy)8.2 ( )0.5 (products)8.2 (.)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( group)8.2 ( )0.5 (is)8.2 ( also)8.2 ( engaged)8.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(in)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (development)1.2 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (bauxite)1.2 ( )0.5 (related)1.2 ( )0.5 (resources)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (production)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (fabrication)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (distribution)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (of bauxite, carbon and relevant non-ferrous metal products and the tradi\ ng and logistics and )tj 0 tw t* (transport services of non-ferrous metal products and coal products.)tj 0.063 tw 0 -3 td (the company is a joint stock company which was established on 10 septemb\ er 2001 and is )tj 0.06 tw 0 -1.5 td (domiciled in the people\222s republic of china \(the \223prc\224\) with \ limited liability. the address of )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (its registered office is no. 62 north xizhimen street, haidian district,\ beijing, the prc.)tj 0.006 tw 0 -3 td (the company\222s shares have been listed on the main board of the hong k\ ong stock exchange )tj 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td [(and the new )0.5 (york )0.5 (stock exchange )0.5 (since )0.5 (2001. )0.5 (the )0.5 (company also )0.5 (listed )0.5 (its )0.5 (a shares )0.5 (on the )]tj 0 tw t* (shanghai stock exchange in 2007.)tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -3 td [(in)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( opinion)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( directors)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( ultimate)2.2 ( holding)2.2 ( company)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( parent)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (company)2.2 ( )0.5 (is)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw 0 -1.5 td [(aluminum corporation of china )0.5 (\(\223chinalco\224\) \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a3712590e380dab454803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.04 tw (\), a company incorporated )tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.9 ( domiciled)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( prc)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( wholly)13.9 ( owned)13.9 ( by)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( state)13.9 (-)13.9 (owned)13.9 ( assets)13.9 ( supervision)13.9 ( and)23.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (administration commission of the state council.)tj et endstream endobj 663 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3796 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.01 tc 0 tw 17 0 0 20 62.3622 722.3699 tm [(n)2.6 (o)-14.2 (t)-7.6 (e)2.5 (s t)-10.7 (o f)-26.9 (i)3.2 (n)10.7 (a)13.8 (n)12.5 (c)17.2 (i)11.1 (a)12.4 (l s)-29.4 (t)-15.7 (a)-8.1 (t)-7.6 (e)5.6 (m)4.9 (e)7.6 (n)-16.2 (t)-23.9 (s)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tc 8 0 0 8 464.0257 742.33 tm [(31 december 20)55 (1)60 (9)]tj -11.334 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj 8.444 -1.375 td (unless otherwise stated\))tj et endstream endobj 664 0 obj <> endobj 665 0 obj <> endobj 666 0 obj <> endobj 667 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r���{� � ��x�n�����f�v�8���kh^��yf�t�|[�m_�"��j�f�k�"�d����-��� ڈ��r��ʧ���ƞ����dg��y. �~��z|�{��jۖưw���?��2����a���4� ��^id;?r����y�o=�`���w�d�x���{��>x���y���9g�18f�7fo}�����in������5 ^�^�y���[������}t n�x1���b6��t.��aqu���`���9h>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������?�@�jp�|g�g47�| �m�֞��yzt�8�һ�� ��� endstream endobj 668 0 obj <>stream h�\�ϊ� ��>��c1ɦ) ,i 9�6��� l�{��逸 ��t�>ƒ7]�큿�y��a�f9\曓�j����������8��u�8uf���?(�x���y��2��:m���j�-��f�nh%>�"s`��#s n�u<�'�>&>n7���m��_�ꜘ ��y��2qr�8<�:�~ɛsԪ�=�g�;����l�ta�_[@�2 endstream endobj 669 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 670 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 671 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 672 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 673 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 674 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 675 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (9)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 666.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 651.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 636.142 85.039 -3.37 re 362.835 632.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 617.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 602.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 587.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 572.771 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 569.762 85.039 -15 re 362.835 554.762 85.039 -15 re 362.835 539.762 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 327.6839 652.4117 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.145 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2018)tj -2.166 -1.5 td (\(restated\) )tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 634.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 634.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 634.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 634.0414 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (net decrease in cash and cash equivalents)tj -0.028 tw 32.341 0 td (\(11,392,847\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.143 0 td (\(8,777,635\))tj 0 tw -41.484 -1.5 td (cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.73 0 td (19,130,835)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (27,851,106)tj 0 tw -41.234 -1.5 td (effect of foreign exchange rate changes, net)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 34.787 0 td (21,202)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (57,364)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 570.0123 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 571.0322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 570.0122 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 571.0322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 570.0122 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 571.0322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 570.0122 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 571.0322 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (cash and cash equivalents at 31 december )tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.351 0 td (15)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.962 0 td (7,759,190)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.92 0 td (19,130,835)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 536.8818 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 537.6519 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 536.8818 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 537.6519 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 536.8818 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 537.6519 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 536.8818 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 537.6519 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -38.551 -2.873 td (the accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statement\ s.)tj et endstream endobj 676 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 62.3622 742.33 tm [(y)95 (ear ended 31 december 20)55.1 (1)60 (9)]tj 0 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj t* (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 285.0214 721.6899 tm [(c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)3.2 (s)-1.4 (ol)1.7 (i)3.1 (d)11.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.7 (d s)-30.7 (t)-17 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t o)-9.4 (f c)-8.6 (a)11.7 (sh f)-25.6 (l)1.3 (o)-4.4 (w \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)2 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 677 0 obj <> endobj 678 0 obj <> endobj 679 0 obj <> endobj 680 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��ce%i%�4�v�?���th#d�x��q�i��%���8$u}�]?��=���yv���� � \{'�������6c�e��f�fj׍�(d��i�\=��k�� �ww�����l���?0��e*�rz��c/�m�i�mj��~^6����x�y�o�3z�|k �� �hq��8�(8�/��,�t� ��hs�b@�3����sd ȋy!缞ӻ�fƀ�c���91ki{)�r��ku���h|b>����4ՠ�w��f_m�z3�ؐ�ɩ5x���ws [�9����;x� ~�u�_�� endstream endobj 681 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r�h�yv<�7(�ci�y�nh*�e�y�hn�!y�kgei�5��o�6}=��w�4s_�vy&�?9�n�o�f��foΐ��u>}�f�m�';˝�si��f/��z�$��l[?������)>��d���� ���n���j"��'���?� k���1�.m�];�e,����y�3��141k�2g��9�̨��6�>a}}��$'�g��s mʚ>)�(�(�q�(�(��x]oş*�� ���g�{t�w�.��gqu���`��ƙh>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������|y�[�k��%=�ܜ���������g���(}��w�kܺ' endstream endobj 682 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 683 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (9)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 666.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 651.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 636.142 85.039 -3.37 re 362.835 632.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 617.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 602.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 587.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 572.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 557.771 85.039 -30 re 362.835 527.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 512.771 85.039 -30 re 362.835 482.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 467.771 85.039 -30 re 362.835 437.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 422.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 407.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 392.771 85.039 -30 re 362.835 362.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 347.771 85.039 -30 re 362.835 317.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 302.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 287.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 272.771 85.039 -30 re 362.835 242.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 227.771 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 224.762 85.039 -15 re 362.835 209.762 85.039 -15 re 362.835 194.762 85.039 -3.009 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 327.6839 652.4117 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.145 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2018)tj -2.166 -1.5 td (\(restated\) )tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 634.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 634.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 634.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 634.0414 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (financing activities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (proceeds from a gold leasing arrangement)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.314 0 td (6,921,860)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2,323,105)tj 0 tw -41.818 -1.5 td (share issue expense)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 34.399 0 td (\(51,678\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.59 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -45.988 -1.5 td (repayments of gold leasing arrangement)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.925 0 td (\(1,607,905\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(7,519,283\))tj 0 tw -41.484 -1.5 td (proceeds from issuance of bonds and notes, net of )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (issuance costs)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.738 0 td (37,965,385)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (13,185,034)tj 0 tw -41.234 -1.5 td (repayments of senior perpetual securities)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 37.484 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4 0 td (\(2,417,758\))tj 0 tw -41.484 -1.5 td (proceeds from issuance of perpetual securities, net of )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (issuance costs)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.322 0 td (1,499,104)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,988,000)tj 0 tw -41.818 -1.5 td (repayments of bonds and notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.341 0 td (\(22,400,000\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(21,815,000\))tj 0 tw -40.9 -1.5 td (cash consideration paid for business combinations )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (under common control)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 34.88 0 td (\(237\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.502 0 td (\(373,495\))tj 0 tw -42.374 -1.5 td (drawdown of short-term and long-term loans)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.73 0 td (40,669,197)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (76,899,591)tj 0 tw -41.234 -1.5 td (repayments of short-term and long-term loans)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.341 0 td (\(66,105,388\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(70,560,667\))tj 0 tw -40.9 -1.5 td (senior perpetual securities\222 distribution paid)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.815 0 td (\(352,648\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(410,548\))tj 0 tw -42.374 -1.5 td (proceeds from sale and leaseback finance leases, net )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (of deposit and transaction costs)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 36.492 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.334 0 td (1,204,843)tj 0 tw -41.818 -1.5 td (purchase of non-controlling interests)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 37.484 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.057 0 td (\(3,765\))tj 0 tw -43.541 -1.5 td (capital injection from the parent company to the entity )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (acquired under common control)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 36.492 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.807 0 td (69,885)tj 0 tw -43.291 -1.5 td (principal portion of lease payment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.925 0 td (\(3,032,106\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13.063 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -45.988 -1.5 td (finance lease instalment paid)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 37.484 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4 0 td (\(3,915,404\))tj 0 tw -41.484 -1.5 td (capital injection from non-controlling shareholders)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 34.203 0 td (711,114)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (837,621)tj 0 tw -42.707 -1.5 td (dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (shareholders)tj /t1_1 1 tf 32.823 0 td (\(222,930\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(327,645\))tj 0 tw -42.374 -1.5 td (interest paid)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.925 0 td (\(4,467,803\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(5,445,120\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 225.0123 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 226.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 225.0123 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 226.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 225.0123 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 226.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 225.0123 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 226.0323 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (net cash flows used in financing activities)tj -0.028 tw 32.341 0 td (\(10,474,035\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(16,280,606\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 192.0032 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 193.0232 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 192.0032 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 193.0232 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 192.0032 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 193.0232 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 192.0032 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 193.0232 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 684 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 419.4339 742.33 tm [(y)95 (ear ended 31 december 20)55.1 (1)60 (9)]tj -5.76 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj 8.444 -1.375 td (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)3.2 (s)-1.4 (ol)1.7 (i)3.1 (d)11.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.7 (d s)-30.7 (t)-17 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t o)-9.4 (f c)-8.6 (a)11.7 (sh f)-25.6 (l)1.3 (o)-4.4 (w \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)2 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 685 0 obj <> endobj 686 0 obj <> endobj 687 0 obj <> endobj 688 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��ce%i%�4�v�?���th#d�x��q�i��%���8$u}�]?��=���yv���� � \{'�������6c�e��f�fj׍�(d��i�\=��k�� �ww�����l���?0��e*�rz��c/�m�i�mj��~^6����x�y�o�3z�|k �� �hq��8�(8�/��,�t� ��hs�b@�3����sd ȋy!缞ӻ�fƀ�c���91ki{)�r��ku���h|b>����4ՠ�w��f_m�z3�ؐ�ɩ5x���ws [�9����;x� ~�u�_�� endstream endobj 689 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r�h�yv<�7(�ci�y�nh*�e�y�hn�!y�kgei�5��o�6}=��w�4s_�vy&�?9�n�o�f��foΐ��u>}�f�m�';˝�si��f/��z�$��l[?������)>��d���� ���n���j"��'���?� k���1�.m�];�e,����y�3��141k�2g��9�̨��6�>a}}��$'�g��s mʚ>)�(�(�q�(�(��x]oş*�� ���g�{t�w�.��gqu���`��ƙh>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������|y�[�k��%=�ܜ���������g���(}��w�kܺ' endstream endobj 690 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 691 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (9)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 666.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 651.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 636.142 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 632.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 617.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 602.761 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 599.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 584.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 569.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 554.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 539.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 524.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 509.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 494.752 85.039 -30 re 362.835 464.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 449.752 85.039 -30 re 362.835 419.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 404.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 389.752 85.039 -30 re 362.835 359.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 344.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 329.752 85.039 -45 re 362.835 284.752 85.039 -30 re 362.835 254.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 239.752 85.039 -30 re 362.835 209.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 194.752 85.039 -30 re 362.835 164.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 149.752 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 146.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 131.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 116.743 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 327.6839 652.4117 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.145 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2018)tj -2.166 -1.5 td (\(restated\) )tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 633.2614 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 634.0314 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 633.2614 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 634.0314 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 633.2614 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 634.0314 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 633.2614 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 634.0314 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (net cash flows from operating activities)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.351 0 td (34)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.379 0 td (12,473,489)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (13,032,076)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 600.0023 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 601.0222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 600.0022 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 601.0222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 600.0022 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 601.0222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 600.0022 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 601.0222 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (investing activities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (purchases of intangible assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.815 0 td (\(149,756\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(103,304\))tj 0 tw -42.374 -1.5 td (purchases of property, plant and equipment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.925 0 td (\(8,891,529\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(6,746,616\))tj 0 tw -41.484 -1.5 td (purchases of investment properties)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 34.399 0 td (\(44,063\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.59 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -45.988 -1.5 td (purchases of land use rights)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 37.484 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.057 0 td (\(2,838\))tj 0 tw -43.541 -1.5 td (prepaid land lease payments)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 34.982 0 td (\(6,034\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 11.006 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -45.988 -1.5 td (proceeds from disposal of property, plant and )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (equipment)tj /t1_1 1 tf 32.322 0 td (1,132,839)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.394 0 td (564,791)tj 0 tw -42.707 -1.5 td (proceeds from disposal of intangible assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 35.371 0 td (5,764)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10.617 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -45.988 -1.5 td (proceeds from disposal of a joint venture and an )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (associate)tj /t1_1 1 tf 33.211 0 td (367,867)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.088 0 td (30,816)tj 0 tw -43.291 -1.5 td (purchase of financial products)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.925 0 td (\(3,500,000\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13.063 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -45.988 -1.5 td (acquisition of a subsidiary)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 37.484 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.223 0 td (255,650)tj 0 tw -42.707 -1.5 td (proceeds from disposal and deemed disposal of )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (subsidiaries and business, net of cash)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.795 0 td (23,797 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.088 0 td (6,558)tj 0 tw -43.875 -1.5 td (investments in joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 34.399 0 td (\(50,000\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(90,000\))tj 0 tw -42.958 -1.5 td (investments in associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.925 0 td (\(2,653,244\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.449 0 td (\(266,300\))tj 0 tw -42.374 -1.5 td (\(purchase of\)/proceeds from equity investments )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (designated at fair value through other )tj t* (comprehensive income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 34.88 0 td (\(700\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.835 0 td (198,000)tj 0 tw -42.707 -1.5 td (dividend from equity investments designated at fair )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (value through other comprehensive income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.795 0 td (97,775)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.92 0 td (109,914)tj 0 tw -42.707 -1.5 td (dividend received)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 34.203 0 td (236,708)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (327,983)tj 0 tw -42.707 -1.5 td (cash paid for settlement of futures, options and )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (forward foreign exchange contracts)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.407 0 td (\(67,253\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(13,288\))tj 0 tw -42.958 -1.5 td (loans repaid by related parties)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 37.484 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.807 0 td (32,215)tj 0 tw -43.291 -1.5 td (proceeds from disposal of financial assets at fair value )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (through profit or loss)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 34.379 0 td (2,155)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10.617 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -45.988 -1.5 td (asset-related government grants received)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 34.203 0 td (103,373)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (167,314)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 146.9932 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 148.0132 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 146.9932 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 148.0132 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 146.9932 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 148.0132 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 146.9932 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 148.0132 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (net cash flows used in investing activities)tj -0.028 tw 32.341 0 td (\(13,392,301\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.143 0 td (\(5,529,105\))tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 113.8627 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 114.6327 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 113.8627 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 114.6327 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 113.8627 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 114.6327 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 113.8627 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 114.6327 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 692 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3796 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 17 0 0 20 284.3595 722.3699 tm [(c)-10.7 (o)4.6 (n)4.5 (so)1.7 (l)3.1 (i)4.5 (d)13.3 (a)-8.1 (t)-7.6 (e)6.1 (d s)-29.4 (t)-15.7 (a)-8 (t)-7.6 (e)5.6 (m)4.9 (e)7.6 (n)-16.2 (t o)-8.1 (f c)-7.1 (a)13.2 (s)1.4 (h f)-24.3 (l)2.8 (o)-3.1 (w)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tc 8 0 0 8 62.3622 742.33 tm [(y)95 (ear ended 31 december 20)55.1 (1)60 (9)]tj 0 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj t* (unless otherwise stated\))tj et endstream endobj 693 0 obj <> endobj 694 0 obj <> endobj 695 0 obj <> endobj 696 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r�h�yv<�7(�ci�y�nh*�e�y�hn�!y�kgei�5��o�6}=��w�4s_�vy&�?9�n�o�f��foΐ��u>}�f�m�';˝�si��f/��z�$��l[?������)>��d���� ���n���j"��'���?� k���1�.m�];�e,����y�3��141k�2g��9�̨��6�>a}}��$'�g��s mʚ>)�(�(�q�(�(��x]oş*�� ���g�{t�w�.��gqu���`��ƙh>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������|y�[�k��%=�ܜ���������g���(}��w�kܺ' endstream endobj 697 0 obj <>stream h�\�kj�0��:�,�e���v�p��胺=�#�sc- �y��ib h�i�_�gr����3$�~� ����x�ƛ���vd[0��ﻸ�u"!q�l3��f�$�f���ٌ\��������j֐47�~p@;c e ;z�u�퀐d٦6���ec����c��}������z���w*�q�:�(z�ϟi�]:��z���r��j�� q�\�|���"�l�xǽ �3�y[m�g�>0w�u�#�1�����l�(�1���e�wjf��gҧ������=�3�0�1t�����*l� � � endstream endobj 698 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 699 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (9)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.2 0 0 7 279.112 657.5307 tm (attributable to owners of the parent)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 158.7401 653.8826 cm 0 0 m 311.811 0 l s q bt 0 tc 4.2 0 0 7 181.6832 654.5216 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 5.621 -1.357 td (capital reserves)tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9212 641.3736 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0 tc 4.2 0 0 7 212.8643 642.0126 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -9.48 -2.714 td (share )tj -0.333 -1.357 td (capital )tj 7.757 0 td (share )tj -1.501 -1.357 td (premium)tj 0 tw 5.591 1.357 td (other capital )tj -0.028 tw 1.972 -1.357 td (reserves)tj 7.175 2.714 td (statutory )tj 0.888 -1.357 td (surplus )tj -0.111 -1.357 td (reserve)tj 7.591 1.357 td (special )tj -0.167 -1.357 td (reserve)tj 9.23 1.357 td (fair )tj 0 tw -4.38 -1.357 td (value reserve)tj 7.636 1.357 td (other equity )tj -0.028 tw 0.251 -1.357 td (instruments)tj 9.534 4.071 td (foreign )tj -0.527 -1.357 td (currency )tj -0.86 -1.357 td (translation )tj 1.388 -1.357 td (reserve)tj -0.002 tc 0.002 tw 5.112 1.357 td (accumulated )tj 2.99 -1.357 td (losses)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.969 0 td (total)tj 7.507 2.714 td (non- )tj -2.695 -1.357 td (controlling )tj 0.779 -1.357 td (interests)tj 0 tw 6.062 0 td (total equity)tj -80.526 -1.357 td (\(note 16\))tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3621 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 4.2 0 0 7 62.3621 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 158.7401 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 181.6832 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9211 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 212.8643 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1022 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 244.0454 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2834 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 275.2265 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4644 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 306.4076 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.6456 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 337.5887 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 368.7698 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0078 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 399.9509 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 431.132 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 439.37 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 462.3131 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 493.4942 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 501.7322 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 524.6753 591.1322 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -110.075 -2.714 td (at 31 december 2017)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 23.767 0 td (14,903,798)tj 7.424 0 td (18,787,833)tj 8.897 0 td (952,878)tj 6.534 0 td (5,867,557)tj 8.314 0 td (146,934)tj 8.008 0 td (17,671)tj 5.951 0 td (2,019,288)tj 8.314 0 td (335,276)tj 6.201 0 td (\(3,465,717\))tj 7.174 0 td (39,565,518)tj 7.424 0 td (26,037,642)tj 7.424 0 td (65,603,160)tj 0 tw -105.432 -1.357 td (adjustment due to business combinations under )tj 1.552 -1.357 td (common control)tj 0 tc 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.727 0 td (40,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.121 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.867 0 td (\(566\))tj 6.284 0 td (39,434)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.121 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.727 0 td (39,434)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 62.3622 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 158.7401 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 158.7401 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9212 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 189.9212 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1023 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2834 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 252.2834 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4645 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.6456 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 314.6456 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8267 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0078 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 377.0078 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1889 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 439.37 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 439.37 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 501.7322 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 501.7322 550.5042 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 4.2 0 0 7 62.3622 531.1231 tm (at 1 january 2018 \(restated\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 23.767 0 td (14,903,798)tj 7.424 0 td (18,827,833)tj 8.897 0 td (952,878)tj 6.534 0 td (5,867,557)tj 8.314 0 td (146,934)tj 8.008 0 td (17,671)tj 5.951 0 td (2,019,288)tj 8.314 0 td (335,276)tj 6.201 0 td (\(3,466,283\))tj 7.174 0 td (39,604,952)tj 7.424 0 td (26,037,642)tj 7.424 0 td (65,642,594)tj 0 tw -105.432 -1.357 td (profit for the year)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.143 0 td (707,460)tj 7.424 0 td (707,460)tj 7.424 0 td (734,535)tj 6.534 0 td (1,441,995)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -106.016 -2.714 td (other comprehensive income for the year)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.357 td (changes in fair value of equity investments )tj 1.552 -1.357 td (at fair value through other comprehensive )tj t* (income, net of tax)tj 0 tc 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.393 0 td (\(11,083\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.455 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.393 0 td (\(11,083\))tj 8.897 0 td (\(639\))tj 5.951 0 td (\(11,722\))tj 0 tw -107.156 -1.357 td (exchange differences on translation of foreign )tj -0.028 tw 1.552 -1.357 td (operations)tj 0 tc 0 tw 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.81 0 td (\(120,756\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.038 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.81 0 td (\(120,756\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.038 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.81 0 td (\(120,756\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 452.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 158.7401 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 158.7401 452.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9212 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 189.9212 452.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1023 452.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2834 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 252.2834 452.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4645 452.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.6456 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 314.6456 452.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8267 452.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0078 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 377.0078 452.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1889 452.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 439.37 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 439.37 452.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 452.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 501.7322 451.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 501.7322 452.4951 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 4.2 0 0 7 62.3622 433.1141 tm (total comprehensive income for the year)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.393 0 td (\(11,083\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.455 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.81 0 td (\(120,756\))tj 7.758 0 td (707,460)tj 7.424 0 td (575,621)tj 7.424 0 td (733,896)tj 6.534 0 td (1,309,517)tj 0 tw -106.016 -2.714 td (business combinations under common control)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.81 0 td (\(443,582\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.038 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.81 0 td (\(443,582\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.038 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.81 0 td (\(443,582\))tj 0 tw -106.572 -1.357 td (capital injection from non-controlling )tj -0.028 tw 1.552 -1.357 td (shareholders)tj 0 tc 0 tw 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.727 0 td (78,271)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.121 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.727 0 td (78,271)tj 6.84 0 td (759,350)tj 7.424 0 td (837,621)tj 0 tw -106.905 -1.357 td (capital injection before business combinations )tj 1.552 -1.357 td (under common control)tj 0 tc 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.727 0 td (69,885)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.121 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.727 0 td (69,885)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.121 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.727 0 td (69,885)tj 0 tw -107.489 -1.357 td (acquisition of non-controlling interests)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.867 0 td (\(218\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.981 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.867 0 td (\(218\))tj 6.534 0 td (\(3,547\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(3,765\))tj 0 tw -107.739 -1.357 td (restructure of subsidiaries)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.393 0 td (\(77,511\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.455 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.393 0 td (\(77,511\))tj 7.758 0 td (77,511)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.121 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -110.186 -1.357 td (disposal of subsidiaries)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.977 0 td (\(1,160\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(1,160\))tj 0 tw -107.739 -1.357 td (issuance of senior perpetual securities)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.254 0 td (1,988,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.594 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.254 0 td (1,988,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.594 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.254 0 td (1,988,000)tj 0 tw -106.016 -1.357 td (release of deferred government subsidies)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.311 0 td (2,200)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.537 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.311 0 td (2,200)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.537 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.311 0 td (2,200)tj 0 tw -108.073 -1.357 td (equity exchange arrangement )tj 4.2 0 1.8756 7 121.8647 319.1141 tm (\(note 16 \(c\)\))tj 0 tc 4.2 0 0 7 182.1522 319.1141 tm (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.67 0 td (10,735,214)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.178 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.67 0 td (10,735,214)tj 7.09 0 td (\(10,735,214\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.512 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -110.186 -1.357 td (other appropriations)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.311 0 td (8,119)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.537 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.311 0 td (8,119)tj 7.09 0 td (\(1,514\))tj 7.758 0 td (6,605)tj 0 tw -108.073 -1.357 td (share of reserves of joint ventures and )tj -0.028 tw 1.552 -1.357 td (associates)tj 0 tc 0 tw 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.311 0 td (2,051)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.537 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.311 0 td (2,051)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.537 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.311 0 td (2,051)tj 0 tw -108.073 -1.357 td (step acquisition of a subsidiary)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.393 0 td (\(11,166\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.455 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.393 0 td (\(11,166\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.455 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.394 0 td (\(11,166\))tj 0 tw -107.156 -1.357 td (distribution of other equity instruments\222)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.393 0 td (\(19,288\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.455 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.394 0 td (\(90,722\))tj 6.84 0 td (\(110,010\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(300,538\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(410,548\))tj 0 tw -106.572 -1.357 td (dividends distribution before business )tj 1.552 -1.357 td (combinations under common control)tj 0 tc 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.977 0 td (\(6,519\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(6,519\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.871 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.977 0 td (\(6,519\))tj 0 tw -107.739 -1.357 td (dividends distribution of subsidiaries to non-)tj 1.552 -1.357 td (controlling shareholders)tj 0 tc 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.81 0 td (\(605,416\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(605,416\))tj 0 tw -106.572 -1.357 td (acquisition of subsidiaries)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.254 0 td (1,468,435)tj 7.424 0 td (1,468,435)tj 0 tw -106.016 -1.357 td (repayment of senior perpetual securities)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.92 0 td (\(2,175,133\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(2,175,133\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3625 210.966 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3625 211.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 158.7405 210.966 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 158.7405 211.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9216 210.966 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 189.9216 211.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1027 210.966 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1027 211.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2838 210.966 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 252.2838 211.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4649 210.966 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4649 211.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.646 210.966 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 314.646 211.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8271 210.966 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8271 211.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0082 210.966 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 377.0082 211.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1893 210.966 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1893 211.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 439.3704 210.966 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 439.3704 211.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5515 210.966 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5515 211.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 501.7326 210.966 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 501.7326 211.986 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 4.2 0 0 7 62.3625 192.6051 tm (at 31 december 2018 \(restated\))tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 23.767 0 td (14,903,798)tj 7.424 0 td (18,454,678)tj 7.424 0 td (11,690,292)tj 8.008 0 td (5,867,557)tj 8.314 0 td (145,938)tj 8.592 0 td (6,588)tj 5.367 0 td (3,988,000)tj 8.314 0 td (214,520)tj 6.201 0 td (\(2,856,064\))tj 7.174 0 td (52,415,307)tj 7.424 0 td (15,254,312)tj 7.424 0 td (67,669,619)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3625 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3625 189.6057 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 158.7405 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 158.7405 189.6057 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9216 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 189.9216 189.6057 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1027 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1027 189.6057 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2838 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 252.2838 189.6057 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4649 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4649 189.6057 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.646 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 314.646 189.6057 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8271 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8271 189.6057 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0082 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 377.0082 189.6057 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1893 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1893 189.6057 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 439.3704 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 439.3704 189.6057 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5515 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5515 189.6057 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 501.7326 188.8357 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 501.7326 189.6057 tm ( )tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 62.3625 164.8756 tm [(*)28.2 ( )-2547.5 (these)14.1 ( reserves)14.1 ( accounts)14.1 ( comprise)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( consolidated)14.1 ( other)14.2 ( reserves)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( rmb)14.2 (3)14.1 (9)14.1 (,)14.1 (8)14.1 (5)14.1 (4)14.1 ( million)14.1 ( \()14.1 (3)14.1 (1)14.1 ( december)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (0)14.1 (1)14.1 (8)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (\(restated\): rmb40,368 million\) in the consolidated statement of finan\ cial position.)tj 10 0 0 10 62.3625 123.8756 tm (the accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statement\ .)tj et endstream endobj 700 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 419.4339 742.33 tm [(y)95 (ear ended 31 december 20)55.1 (1)60 (9)]tj -5.76 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj 8.444 -1.375 td (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)3.2 (s)-1.4 (ol)1.7 (i)3.1 (d)11.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.7 (d s)-30.7 (t)-17 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t o)-9.4 (f c)-5.6 (h)9.2 (a)12.4 (n)5.8 (g)9 (e)1.1 (s i)6.3 (n e)-9.6 (q)8.6 (u)2.9 (i)-22.1 (t)-49.2 (y \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 701 0 obj <> endobj 702 0 obj <> endobj 703 0 obj <> endobj 704 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �cek!i%�4�v�?���th#�@��l\u�"�q��;qqk�n���v8a�zp�o�"\��z����v���ae$��q®�m�� �:�0�ӳ�/�r�[pz����zat݆�;�l ��ac�^����e�.��ӽ&�_��< ��~ fl�pj���wtنvٙv�л��nd��~�ae1'o6���{���8�-l�8n�%'�trr��ۅ)'� �h5k���f�0�����\_��q��|>1����3# {0�ͱ7#~ �1�ǰ#ߢ�m�w��gs��l�-�r�y�$z���2���� �}� endstream endobj 705 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r�h�yv<�7(�ci�y�nh*�e�y�hn�!y�kgei�5��o�6}=��w�4s_�vy&�?9�n�o�f��foΐ��u>}�f�m�';˝�si��f/��z�$��l[?������)>��d���� ���n���j"��'���?� k���1�.m�];�e,����y�3��141k�2g��9�̨��6�>a}}��$'�g��s mʚ>)�(�(�q�(�(��x]oş*�� ���g�{t�w�.��gqu���`��ƙh>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������|y�[�k��%=�ܜ���������g���(}��w�kܺ' endstream endobj 706 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 707 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (9)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 158.74 666.142 311.811 -9.5 re 470.551 666.142 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 666.142 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 656.642 311.811 -3.009 re 470.551 656.642 31.181 -3.009 re 501.732 656.642 31.181 -3.009 re 158.74 653.633 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 653.633 62.362 -9.5 re 252.283 653.633 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 653.633 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 653.633 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 653.633 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 653.633 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 653.633 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 653.633 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 653.633 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 653.633 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 644.133 31.181 -3.009 re 189.921 644.133 62.362 -3.009 re 252.283 644.133 31.181 -3.009 re 283.465 644.133 31.181 -3.009 re 314.646 644.133 31.181 -3.009 re 345.827 644.133 31.181 -3.009 re 377.008 644.133 31.181 -3.009 re 408.189 644.133 31.181 -3.009 re 439.37 644.133 31.181 -3.009 re 470.551 644.133 31.181 -3.009 re 501.732 644.133 31.181 -3.009 re 158.74 641.124 31.181 -38 re 189.921 641.124 31.181 -38 re 221.102 641.124 31.181 -38 re 252.283 641.124 31.181 -38 re 283.465 641.124 31.181 -38 re 314.646 641.124 31.181 -38 re 345.827 641.124 31.181 -38 re 377.008 641.124 31.181 -38 re 408.189 641.124 31.181 -38 re 439.37 641.124 31.181 -38 re 470.551 641.124 31.181 -38 re 501.732 641.124 31.181 -38 re 158.74 603.124 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 603.124 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 603.124 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 603.124 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 603.124 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 603.124 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 603.124 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 603.124 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 603.124 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 603.124 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 603.124 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 603.124 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 593.624 31.181 -3.38 re 189.921 593.624 31.181 -3.38 re 221.102 593.624 31.181 -3.38 re 252.283 593.624 31.181 -3.38 re 283.465 593.624 31.181 -3.38 re 314.646 593.624 31.181 -3.38 re 345.827 593.624 31.181 -3.38 re 377.008 593.624 31.181 -3.38 re 408.189 593.624 31.181 -3.38 re 439.37 593.624 31.181 -3.38 re 470.551 593.624 31.181 -3.38 re 501.732 593.624 31.181 -3.38 re 158.74 590.243 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 590.243 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 590.243 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 590.243 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 590.243 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 590.243 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 590.243 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 590.243 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 590.243 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 590.243 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 590.243 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 590.243 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 580.743 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 580.743 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 580.743 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 580.743 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 580.743 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 580.743 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 580.743 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 580.743 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 580.743 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 580.743 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 580.743 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 580.743 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 571.243 31.181 -19 re 189.921 571.243 31.181 -19 re 221.102 571.243 31.181 -19 re 252.283 571.243 31.181 -19 re 283.465 571.243 31.181 -19 re 314.646 571.243 31.181 -19 re 345.827 571.243 31.181 -19 re 377.008 571.243 31.181 -19 re 408.189 571.243 31.181 -19 re 439.37 571.243 31.181 -19 re 470.551 571.243 31.181 -19 re 501.732 571.243 31.181 -19 re 158.74 552.243 31.181 -3.009 re 189.921 552.243 31.181 -3.009 re 221.102 552.243 31.181 -3.009 re 252.283 552.243 31.181 -3.009 re 283.465 552.243 31.181 -3.009 re 314.646 552.243 31.181 -3.009 re 345.827 552.243 31.181 -3.009 re 377.008 552.243 31.181 -3.009 re 408.189 552.243 31.181 -3.009 re 439.37 552.243 31.181 -3.009 re 470.551 552.243 31.181 -3.009 re 501.732 552.243 31.181 -3.009 re 158.74 549.234 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 549.234 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 549.234 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 549.234 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 549.234 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 549.234 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 549.234 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 549.234 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 549.234 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 549.234 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 549.234 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 549.234 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 539.734 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 539.734 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 539.734 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 539.734 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 539.734 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 539.734 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 539.734 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 539.734 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 539.734 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 539.734 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 539.734 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 539.734 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 530.234 31.181 -3.009 re 189.921 530.234 31.181 -3.009 re 221.102 530.234 31.181 -3.009 re 252.283 530.234 31.181 -3.009 re 283.465 530.234 31.181 -3.009 re 314.646 530.234 31.181 -3.009 re 345.827 530.234 31.181 -3.009 re 377.008 530.234 31.181 -3.009 re 408.189 530.234 31.181 -3.009 re 439.37 530.234 31.181 -3.009 re 470.551 530.234 31.181 -3.009 re 501.732 530.234 31.181 -3.009 re 158.74 527.225 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 527.225 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 527.225 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 527.225 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 527.225 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 527.225 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 527.225 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 527.225 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 527.225 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 527.225 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 527.225 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 527.225 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 517.725 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 517.725 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 517.725 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 517.725 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 517.725 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 517.725 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 517.725 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 517.725 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 517.725 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 517.725 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 517.725 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 517.725 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 508.225 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 508.225 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 508.225 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 508.225 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 508.225 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 508.225 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 508.225 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 508.225 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 508.225 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 508.225 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 508.225 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 508.225 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 498.725 31.181 -28.5 re 189.921 498.725 31.181 -28.5 re 221.102 498.725 31.181 -28.5 re 252.283 498.725 31.181 -28.5 re 283.465 498.725 31.181 -28.5 re 314.646 498.725 31.181 -28.5 re 345.827 498.725 31.181 -28.5 re 377.008 498.725 31.181 -28.5 re 408.189 498.725 31.181 -28.5 re 439.37 498.725 31.181 -28.5 re 470.551 498.725 31.181 -28.5 re 501.732 498.725 31.181 -28.5 re 158.74 470.225 31.181 -19 re 189.921 470.225 31.181 -19 re 221.102 470.225 31.181 -19 re 252.283 470.225 31.181 -19 re 283.465 470.225 31.181 -19 re 314.646 470.225 31.181 -19 re 345.827 470.225 31.181 -19 re 377.008 470.225 31.181 -19 re 408.189 470.225 31.181 -19 re 439.37 470.225 31.181 -19 re 470.551 470.225 31.181 -19 re 501.732 470.225 31.181 -19 re 158.74 451.225 31.181 -3.009 re 189.921 451.225 31.181 -3.009 re 221.102 451.225 31.181 -3.009 re 252.283 451.225 31.181 -3.009 re 283.465 451.225 31.181 -3.009 re 314.646 451.225 31.181 -3.009 re 345.827 451.225 31.181 -3.009 re 377.008 451.225 31.181 -3.009 re 408.189 451.225 31.181 -3.009 re 439.37 451.225 31.181 -3.009 re 470.551 451.225 31.181 -3.009 re 501.732 451.225 31.181 -3.009 re 158.74 448.216 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 448.216 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 448.216 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 448.216 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 448.216 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 448.216 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 448.216 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 448.216 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 448.216 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 448.216 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 448.216 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 448.216 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 438.716 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 438.716 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 438.716 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 438.716 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 438.716 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 438.716 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 438.716 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 438.716 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 438.716 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 438.716 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 438.716 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 438.716 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 429.216 31.181 -3.38 re 189.921 429.216 31.181 -3.38 re 221.102 429.216 31.181 -3.38 re 252.283 429.216 31.181 -3.38 re 283.465 429.216 31.181 -3.38 re 314.646 429.216 31.181 -3.38 re 345.827 429.216 31.181 -3.38 re 377.008 429.216 31.181 -3.38 re 408.189 429.216 31.181 -3.38 re 439.37 429.216 31.181 -3.38 re 470.551 429.216 31.181 -3.38 re 501.732 429.216 31.181 -3.38 re 158.74 425.836 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 425.836 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 425.836 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 425.836 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 425.836 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 425.836 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 425.836 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 425.836 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 425.836 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 425.836 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 425.836 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 425.836 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 416.336 31.181 -19 re 189.921 416.336 31.181 -19 re 221.102 416.336 31.181 -19 re 252.283 416.336 31.181 -19 re 283.465 416.336 31.181 -19 re 314.646 416.336 31.181 -19 re 345.827 416.336 31.181 -19 re 377.008 416.336 31.181 -19 re 408.189 416.336 31.181 -19 re 439.37 416.336 31.181 -19 re 470.551 416.336 31.181 -19 re 501.732 416.336 31.181 -19 re 158.74 397.336 31.181 -19 re 189.921 397.336 31.181 -19 re 221.102 397.336 31.181 -19 re 252.283 397.336 31.181 -19 re 283.465 397.336 31.181 -19 re 314.646 397.336 31.181 -19 re 345.827 397.336 31.181 -19 re 377.008 397.336 31.181 -19 re 408.189 397.336 31.181 -19 re 439.37 397.336 31.181 -19 re 470.551 397.336 31.181 -19 re 501.732 397.336 31.181 -19 re 158.74 378.336 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 378.336 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 378.336 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 378.336 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 378.336 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 378.336 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 378.336 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 378.336 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 378.336 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 378.336 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 378.336 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 378.336 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 368.836 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 368.836 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 368.836 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 368.836 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 368.836 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 368.836 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 368.836 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 368.836 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 368.836 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 368.836 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 368.836 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 368.836 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 359.336 31.181 -19 re 189.921 359.336 31.181 -19 re 221.102 359.336 31.181 -19 re 252.283 359.336 31.181 -19 re 283.465 359.336 31.181 -19 re 314.646 359.336 31.181 -19 re 345.827 359.336 31.181 -19 re 377.008 359.336 31.181 -19 re 408.189 359.336 31.181 -19 re 439.37 359.336 31.181 -19 re 470.551 359.336 31.181 -19 re 501.732 359.336 31.181 -19 re 158.74 340.336 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 340.336 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 340.336 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 340.336 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 340.336 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 340.336 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 340.336 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 340.336 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 340.336 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 340.336 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 340.336 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 340.336 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 330.836 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 330.836 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 330.836 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 330.836 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 330.836 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 330.836 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 330.836 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 330.836 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 330.836 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 330.836 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 330.836 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 330.836 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 321.336 31.181 -19 re 189.921 321.336 31.181 -19 re 221.102 321.336 31.181 -19 re 252.283 321.336 31.181 -19 re 283.465 321.336 31.181 -19 re 314.646 321.336 31.181 -19 re 345.827 321.336 31.181 -19 re 377.008 321.336 31.181 -19 re 408.189 321.336 31.181 -19 re 439.37 321.336 31.181 -19 re 470.551 321.336 31.181 -19 re 501.732 321.336 31.181 -19 re 158.74 302.336 31.181 -19 re 189.921 302.336 31.181 -19 re 221.102 302.336 31.181 -19 re 252.283 302.336 31.181 -19 re 283.465 302.336 31.181 -19 re 314.646 302.336 31.181 -19 re 345.827 302.336 31.181 -19 re 377.008 302.336 31.181 -19 re 408.189 302.336 31.181 -19 re 439.37 302.336 31.181 -19 re 470.551 302.336 31.181 -19 re 501.732 302.336 31.181 -19 re 158.74 283.336 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 283.336 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 283.336 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 283.336 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 283.336 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 283.336 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 283.336 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 283.336 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 283.336 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 283.336 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 283.336 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 283.336 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 273.836 31.181 -3.009 re 189.921 273.836 31.181 -3.009 re 221.102 273.836 31.181 -3.009 re 252.283 273.836 31.181 -3.009 re 283.465 273.836 31.181 -3.009 re 314.646 273.836 31.181 -3.009 re 345.827 273.836 31.181 -3.009 re 377.008 273.836 31.181 -3.009 re 408.189 273.836 31.181 -3.009 re 439.37 273.836 31.181 -3.009 re 470.551 273.836 31.181 -3.009 re 501.732 273.836 31.181 -3.009 re 158.74 270.827 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 270.827 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 270.827 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 270.827 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 270.827 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 270.827 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 270.827 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 270.827 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 270.827 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 270.827 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 270.827 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 270.827 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 261.327 31.181 -9.5 re 189.921 261.327 31.181 -9.5 re 221.102 261.327 31.181 -9.5 re 252.283 261.327 31.181 -9.5 re 283.465 261.327 31.181 -9.5 re 314.646 261.327 31.181 -9.5 re 345.827 261.327 31.181 -9.5 re 377.008 261.327 31.181 -9.5 re 408.189 261.327 31.181 -9.5 re 439.37 261.327 31.181 -9.5 re 470.551 261.327 31.181 -9.5 re 501.732 261.327 31.181 -9.5 re 158.74 251.827 31.181 -3.38 re 189.921 251.827 31.181 -3.38 re 221.102 251.827 31.181 -3.38 re 252.283 251.827 31.181 -3.38 re 283.465 251.827 31.181 -3.38 re 314.646 251.827 31.181 -3.38 re 345.827 251.827 31.181 -3.38 re 377.008 251.827 31.181 -3.38 re 408.189 251.827 31.181 -3.38 re 439.37 251.827 31.181 -3.38 re 470.551 251.827 31.181 -3.38 re 501.732 251.827 31.181 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.2 0 0 7 276.1952 657.5307 tm (attributable to owners of the parent)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 158.7401 653.8826 cm 0 0 m 311.811 0 l s q bt 0 tc 4.2 0 0 7 181.6832 654.5216 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 5.37 -1.357 td (capital reserves)tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9212 641.3736 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 0 tc 4.2 0 0 7 212.8643 642.0126 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -9.703 -4.071 td (share )tj -0.445 -1.357 td (capital )tj 7.869 1.357 td (share )tj -1.61 -1.357 td (premium)tj 9.09 2.714 td (other )tj -0.501 -1.357 td (capital )tj -0.862 -1.357 td (reserves)tj 6.841 2.714 td (statutory )tj 1.113 -1.357 td (surplus )tj -0.002 -1.357 td (reserve)tj 7.48 1.357 td (special )tj -0.056 -1.357 td (reserve)tj 0 tw 6.229 1.357 td (fair value )tj -0.028 tw 1.195 -1.357 td (reserve)tj 0 tw 5.019 1.357 td (other equity )tj -0.028 tw 0.018 -1.357 td (instruments)tj 9.701 4.071 td (foreign )tj -0.528 -1.357 td (currency )tj -1.139 -1.357 td (translation )tj 1.777 -1.357 td (reserve)tj -0.012 tc 0.012 tw 5.019 1.357 td (accumulated )tj 3.19 -1.357 td (losses)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.752 0 td (total)tj 7.564 2.714 td (non- )tj -3.029 -1.357 td (controlling )tj 1.055 -1.357 td (interests)tj 0 tw 5.785 0 td (total equity)tj /t1_0 1 tf -79.97 -1.357 td (\(note 16\))tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3621 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 4.2 0 0 7 62.3621 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 158.7401 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 181.6832 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9211 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 212.8643 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1022 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 244.0454 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2834 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 275.2265 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4644 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 306.4076 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.6456 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 337.5887 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 368.7698 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0078 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 399.9509 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 431.132 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 439.37 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 462.3131 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 493.4942 591.1322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 501.7322 590.7432 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 4.2 0 0 7 524.6753 591.1322 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -110.075 -2.714 td (at 31 december 2018)tj -0.028 tw 23.767 0 td (14,903,798)tj 7.424 0 td (18,414,678)tj 7.424 0 td (11,690,292)tj 8.008 0 td (5,867,557)tj 8.314 0 td (145,938)tj 8.592 0 td (6,588)tj 5.367 0 td (3,988,000)tj 8.314 0 td (214,520)tj 6.146 0 td (\(2,816,481\))tj 7.229 0 td (52,414,890)tj 7.424 0 td (15,254,312)tj 7.424 0 td (67,669,202)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -105.432 -1.357 td (adjustment due to business combinations )tj 1.552 -1.357 td (under common control )tj 4.2 0 1.8756 7 114.2655 553.1322 tm (\(note 38\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 4.2 0 0 7 182.1519 553.1322 tm (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.727 0 td (40,000)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.121 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.338 0 td (\(39,583\))tj 9.286 0 td (417)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.648 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.2 0 td (417)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3621 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 62.3621 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 158.7401 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 158.7401 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9212 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 189.9212 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1023 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2834 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 252.2834 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4645 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.6456 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 314.6456 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8267 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0078 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 377.0078 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1889 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 439.37 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 439.37 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 550.5042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 501.7322 549.4841 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 501.7322 550.5042 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 4.2 0 0 7 62.3621 531.1231 tm (at 31 december 2018 \(restated\))tj -0.028 tw 23.767 0 td (14,903,798)tj 7.424 0 td (18,454,678)tj 7.424 0 td (11,690,292)tj 8.008 0 td (5,867,557)tj 8.314 0 td (145,938)tj 8.592 0 td (6,588)tj 5.367 0 td (3,988,000)tj 8.314 0 td (214,520)tj 6.146 0 td (\(2,856,064\))tj 7.229 0 td (52,415,307)tj 7.424 0 td (15,254,312)tj 7.424 0 td (67,669,619)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3621 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3621 528.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 158.7401 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 158.7401 528.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9211 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 189.9211 528.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1022 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1022 528.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2834 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 252.2834 528.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4644 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4644 528.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.6456 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 314.6456 528.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8267 528.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0078 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 377.0078 528.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1889 528.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 439.37 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 439.37 528.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 528.4951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 501.7322 527.4751 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 501.7322 528.4951 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 4.2 0 0 7 62.3621 509.1141 tm (profit for the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.143 0 td (850,999)tj 7.424 0 td (850,999)tj 7.424 0 td (637,082)tj 6.534 0 td (1,488,081)tj 0 tw -106.016 -1.357 td (other comprehensive income for the year)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.357 td (changes in fair value of equity investments )tj 1.552 -1.357 td (at fair value through other comprehensive )tj 0 -1.357 td (income, net of tax)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.727 0 td (42,923)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.121 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.727 0 td (42,923)tj 8.897 0 td (250)tj 5.951 0 td (43,173)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.026 tc 0 tw -107.489 -1.357 td [(e)0.5 (x)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (f)0.5 (f)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (n)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.552 -1.357 td (operations)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.338 0 td (\(32,323\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.51 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.338 0 td (\(32,323\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.51 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.339 0 td (\(32,323\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 449.4861 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 158.7402 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 158.7402 449.4861 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9213 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 189.9213 449.4861 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1024 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1024 449.4861 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2835 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 252.2835 449.4861 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4646 449.4861 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.6457 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 314.6457 449.4861 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8268 449.4861 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0079 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 377.0079 449.4861 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.189 449.4861 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 439.3701 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 439.3701 449.4861 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5512 449.4861 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 501.7323 448.4661 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 501.7323 449.4861 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 4.2 0 0 7 62.3622 430.105 tm (total comprehensive income for the year)tj 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.727 0 td (42,923)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.121 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.338 0 td (\(32,323\))tj 7.229 0 td (850,999)tj 7.424 0 td (861,599)tj 7.424 0 td (637,332)tj 6.534 0 td (1,498,931)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 427.1056 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 158.7402 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 158.7402 427.1056 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9213 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 189.9213 427.1056 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1024 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1024 427.1056 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2835 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 252.2835 427.1056 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4646 427.1056 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.6457 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 314.6457 427.1056 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8268 427.1056 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0079 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 377.0079 427.1056 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.189 427.1056 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 439.3701 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 439.3701 427.1056 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5512 427.1056 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 501.7323 426.3356 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 501.7323 427.1056 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 4.2 0 0 7 62.3622 407.7247 tm (business combinations under common control )tj 4.2 0 1.8756 7 68.8819 398.2247 tm (\(note 38\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 4.2 0 0 7 182.152 398.2247 tm (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.812 0 td (\(237\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.036 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.812 0 td (\(237\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.036 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.812 0 td (\(237\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -108.574 -1.357 td (capital injection from non-controlling )tj -0.028 tw 1.552 -1.357 td (shareholders)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.311 0 td (4,144)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.537 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.311 0 td (4,144)tj 6.256 0 td (706,970)tj 7.424 0 td (711,114)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -106.905 -1.357 td (acquisition of non-controlling interests)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.143 0 td (149,322)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.705 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.143 0 td (149,322)tj 7.035 0 td (\(149,322\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.093 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -110.186 -1.357 td (disposal of subsidiaries)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.922 0 td (\(1,666\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.926 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.2 0 td (119)tj 6.146 0 td (\(1,547\))tj 6.84 0 td (\(26,234\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(27,781\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -107.101 -1.357 td (issuance of senior perpetual securities )tj 0 tc 4.2 0 0 7 140.0866 350.7247 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 4.2 0 1.8756 7 68.882 341.2247 tm (\(note 40\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 4.2 0 0 7 182.1521 341.2247 tm (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.254 0 td (1,499,104)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.594 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.254 0 td (1,499,104)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.594 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.254 0 td (1,499,104)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -106.016 -1.357 td (issuance of share capital )tj 4.2 0 1.8756 7 111.8242 331.7247 tm (\(note 16\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 4.2 0 0 7 164.6365 331.7247 tm (2,118,875)tj 7.424 0 td (8,564,661)tj 6.452 0 td (\(10,735,214\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.567 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.338 0 td (\(51,678\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.51 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.339 0 td (\(51,678\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -107.101 -1.357 td (other appropriations)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.922 0 td (\(5,317\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.926 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.922 0 td (\(5,317\))tj 6.84 0 td (\(17,768\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(23,085\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -107.101 -1.357 td (share of reserves of joint ventures and )tj -0.028 tw 1.552 -1.357 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.2 0 td (936)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.648 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.2 0 td (936)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.648 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.2 0 td (936)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -108.963 -1.357 td (dividends distribution of subsidiaries to non-)tj 1.552 -1.357 td (controlling shareholders)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 26.969 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.755 0 td (\(199,215\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(199,215\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -106.517 -1.357 td (distribution of other equity instruments)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 28.521 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 7.424 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.755 0 td (\(212,000\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(212,000\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(140,648\))tj 7.424 0 td (\(352,648\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3624 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3624 272.0966 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 158.7404 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 158.7404 272.0966 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9214 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 189.9214 272.0966 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1026 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1026 272.0966 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2837 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 252.2837 272.0966 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4648 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4648 272.0966 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.6459 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 314.6459 272.0966 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.827 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.827 272.0966 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0081 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 377.0081 272.0966 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1892 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1892 272.0966 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 439.3703 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 439.3703 272.0966 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5514 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5514 272.0966 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 501.7325 271.0766 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 501.7325 272.0966 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 4.2 0 0 7 62.3624 252.7156 tm (at 31 december 2019)tj -0.028 tw 23.767 0 td (17,022,673)tj 7.396 0 td (27,019,102*)tj 8.008 0 td (1,108,544*)tj 7.424 0 td (5,867,557*)tj 8.314 0 td (139,891*)tj 8.008 0 td (49,511*)tj 5.951 0 td (5,487,104*)tj 8.314 0 td (182,197*)tj 6.174 0 td (\(2,216,946\))tj 7.229 0 td (54,659,633)tj 7.424 0 td (16,065,427)tj 7.424 0 td (70,725,060)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3624 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3624 249.7162 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 158.7404 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 158.7404 249.7162 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 189.9214 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 189.9214 249.7162 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1026 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 221.1026 249.7162 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 252.2837 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 252.2837 249.7162 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4648 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 283.4648 249.7162 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 314.6459 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 314.6459 249.7162 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.827 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.827 249.7162 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0081 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 377.0081 249.7162 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1892 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1892 249.7162 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 439.3703 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 439.3703 249.7162 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5514 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5514 249.7162 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 501.7325 248.9462 cm 0 0 m 31.181 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 501.7325 249.7162 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 708 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3796 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.002 tc -0.008 tw 17 0 0 20 356.5944 744.3699 tm [(c)-2.7 (o)12.6 (n)12.5 (s)7.9 (o)9.7 (l)11 (i)12.6 (d)21.3 (ate)14.1 (d)8 ( s)-21.4 (t)-7.7 (ate)13.6 (m)12.9 (e)15.6 (n)-8.2 (t)8 ( of)8 ( )]tj -0.02 tc 0.01 tw 3.403 -1.1 td [(c)-14.1 (h)0.7 (a)3.8 (n)-2.7 (ge)-7.5 (s)-10 ( i)-6.8 (n)-10 ( e)-18.1 (qu)-5.7 (i)-30.9 (t)-58.2 (y)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 62.3622 742.33 tm [(y)95 (ear ended 31 december 20)55.1 (1)60 (9)]tj 0 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj t* (unless otherwise stated\))tj et endstream endobj 709 0 obj <> endobj 710 0 obj <> endobj 711 0 obj <> endobj 712 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r�h�yv<�7(�ci�y�nh*�e�y�hn�!y�kgei�5��o�6}=��w�4s_�vy&�?9�n�o�f��foΐ��u>}�f�m�';˝�si��f/��z�$��l[?������)>��d���� ���n���j"��'���?� k���1�.m�];�e,����y�3��141k�2g��9�̨��6�>a}}��$'�g��s mʚ>)�(�(�q�(�(��x]oş*�� ���g�{t�w�.��gqu���`��ƙh>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������|y�[�k��%=�ܜ���������g���(}��w�kܺ' endstream endobj 713 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ce��b�h q���hb:��@��l\u�"��m��%qy �m����8a�9pn� \��9�m�vf�ϖ���"j��q¾r����j�s�a�l� �u�,��]a�u�k���?أ� ���-}��m�-m��r��� ��u|�!y�[c��o ��]q�1��3�b����i,m��|7a� �1���@� �ĩ����m�@��1k}��y&�1kaͼ�3�̥p�|>2��o�ga�t�e�f z�i֦e�f=z�h֣�_ؐ���:ax�nn!���1/^�˝��m����g� 0��� endstream endobj 714 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 715 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 716 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 717 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 718 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 719 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 720 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (9)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 666.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 651.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 636.142 85.039 -3.37 re 362.835 632.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 617.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 602.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 587.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 572.771 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 569.762 85.039 -15 re 362.835 554.762 85.039 -15 re 362.835 539.762 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 536.382 85.039 -15 re 362.835 521.382 85.039 -30 re 362.835 491.382 85.039 -15 re 362.835 476.382 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 327.6839 652.4117 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.145 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\) )tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 634.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 634.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 634.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 634.0414 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (attributable to:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.5 td (owners of the parent)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.211 0 td (861,599)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (575,621)tj 0 tw -41.715 -1.5 td (non-controlling interests)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.211 0 td (637,332)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (733,896)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 570.0123 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 571.0322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 570.0122 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 571.0322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 570.0122 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 571.0322 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 570.0122 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 571.0322 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (1,498,931)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,309,517)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 536.8818 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 537.6519 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 536.8818 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 537.6519 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 536.8818 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 537.6519 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 536.8818 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 537.6519 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (basic and diluted earnings per share attributable )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (to ordinary equity holders of the parent)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td (\(expressed in rmb per share\))tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (32)tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.02 0 td (0.037)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (0.034)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 473.5014 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 474.2714 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 473.5014 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 474.2714 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 473.5014 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 474.2714 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 473.5014 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 474.2714 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw -38.551 -2.873 td (details of the dividends payable and proposed for the year are disclosed\ in note 33 to the financial )tj -0.028 tw t* (statements.)tj 0 tw 0 -3 td (the accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statement\ s.)tj et endstream endobj 721 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 419.4339 742.33 tm [(y)95 (ear ended 31 december 20)55.1 (1)60 (9)]tj -5.76 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj 8.444 -1.375 td (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 62.3622 739.6899 tm [(c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)3.2 (s)-1.4 (ol)1.7 (i)3.1 (d)11.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.7 (d s)-30.7 (t)-17 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t o)-9.4 (f p)-5.1 (r)-6.9 (o)-19.6 (\037)-29.2 (t o)4.6 (r )]tj -0.016 tc 0.006 tw 0 -1.125 td [(l)-31.2 (o)-7.9 (s)-15 (s)-6 ( a)6.4 (n)-4.1 (d)-6 ( o)-34.7 (t)-24.5 (her)-6 ( c)-18.1 (o)-4.8 (m)-2 (p)-2.6 (r)-9.9 (e)-1.6 (hen)-2.8 (s)-5.7 (i)-19.5 (v)-1.4 (e)-6 ( in)5.2 (c)5.7 (o)-4.8 (m)-2.4 (e)-6 ( \()11.5 (c)-18.1 (o)-2.8 (n)-23.5 (t)-25 (i)-4.1 (nu)2.2 (e)-1.4 (d)5.2 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 722 0 obj <> endobj 723 0 obj <> endobj 724 0 obj <> endobj 725 0 obj <> endobj 726 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0@�� �c�r� !u$�8tq�~���dȁ���r���|4�`��^w��o�|���{�g�o8c:���ㆍ�(1���`zq�` endstream endobj 727 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r�h�yv<�7(�ci�y�nh*�e�y�hn�!y�kgei�5��o�6}=��w�4s_�vy&�?9�n�o�f��foΐ��u>}�f�m�';˝�si��f/��z�$��l[?������)>��d���� ���n���j"��'���?� k���1�.m�];�e,����y�3��141k�2g��9�̨��6�>a}}��$'�g��s mʚ>)�(�(�q�(�(��x]oş*�� ���g�{t�w�.��gqu���`��ƙh>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������|y�[�k��%=�ܜ���������g���(}��w�kܺ' endstream endobj 728 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 729 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (8)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 666.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 651.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 636.142 85.039 -3.37 re 362.835 632.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 617.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 602.771 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 599.391 85.039 -15 re 362.835 584.391 85.039 -45 re 362.835 539.391 85.039 -30 re 362.835 509.391 85.039 -15 re 362.835 494.391 85.039 -15 re 362.835 479.391 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 476.382 85.039 -15 re 362.835 461.382 85.039 -15 re 362.835 446.382 85.039 -45 re 362.835 401.382 85.039 -30 re 362.835 371.382 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 368.373 85.039 -15 re 362.835 353.373 85.039 -30 re 362.835 323.373 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 320.364 85.039 -15 re 362.835 305.364 85.039 -15 re 362.835 290.364 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 327.6839 652.4117 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.145 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\) )tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 634.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 634.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 634.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 633.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 634.0414 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (profit for the year)tj -0.028 tw 33.314 0 td (1,488,081)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,441,995)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 599.8909 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 600.6609 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 599.8909 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 600.6609 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 599.8909 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 600.6609 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 599.8909 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 600.6609 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (other comprehensive income that will not be )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent )tj 0 -1.5 td (periods, net of tax:)tj /t1_0 1 tf t* (equity investments designated at fair value through )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (other comprehensive income:)tj -0.992 -1.5 td (changes in fair value)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.795 0 td (57,815)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.17 0 td (\(15,491\))tj 0 tw -41.965 -1.5 td (income tax effect)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.407 0 td (\(14,642\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.476 0 td (3,769)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 476.6318 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 477.6518 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 476.6318 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 477.6518 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 476.6318 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 477.6518 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 476.6318 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 477.6518 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -3.764 -3 td (43,173)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.17 0 td (\(11,722\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -42.958 -1.5 td (other comprehensive income that may be )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent )tj t* (periods, net of tax:)tj /t1_0 1 tf t* (exchange differences on translation of foreign )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (operations)tj /t1_1 1 tf 32.414 0 td (\(32,323\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.975 0 td (\(120,756\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 368.6227 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 369.6427 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 368.6227 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 369.6427 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 368.6227 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 369.6427 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 368.6227 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 369.6427 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (other comprehensive income/\(loss\) for the period, )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (net of tax)tj -0.028 tw 33.795 0 td (10,850)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.587 0 td (\(132,478\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 320.6137 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 321.6337 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 320.6137 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 321.6337 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 320.6137 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 321.6337 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 320.6137 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 321.6337 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (total comprehensive income for the year)tj -0.028 tw 33.314 0 td (1,498,931)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,309,517)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 287.4833 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 288.2533 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 287.4833 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 288.2533 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 287.4833 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 288.2533 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 287.4833 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 288.2533 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 730 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 62.3622 742.33 tm [(y)95 (ear ended 31 december 20)55.1 (1)60 (9)]tj 0 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj t* (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 356.1602 739.6899 tm [(c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)3.2 (s)-1.4 (ol)1.7 (i)3.1 (d)11.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.7 (d s)-30.7 (t)-17 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t o)-9.4 (f p)-5.1 (r)-6.9 (o)-19.6 (\037)-29.2 (t o)4.6 (r )]tj -0.016 tc 0.006 tw -6.243 -1.125 td [(l)-31.2 (o)-7.9 (s)-15 (s)-6 ( a)6.4 (n)-4.1 (d)-6 ( o)-34.7 (t)-24.5 (her)-6 ( c)-18.1 (o)-4.8 (m)-2 (p)-2.6 (r)-9.9 (e)-1.6 (hen)-2.8 (s)-5.7 (i)-19.5 (v)-1.4 (e)-6 ( in)5.2 (c)5.7 (o)-4.8 (m)-2.4 (e)-6 ( \()11.5 (c)-18.1 (o)-2.8 (n)-23.5 (t)-25 (i)-4.1 (nu)2.2 (e)-1.4 (d)5.2 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 731 0 obj <> endobj 732 0 obj <> endobj 733 0 obj <> endobj 734 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0@�� �c�r� !u$�8tq�~���dȁ���r���|4�`��^w��o�|���{�g�o8c:���ㆍ�(1���`zq�` endstream endobj 735 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r�h�yv<�7(�ci�y�nh*�e�y�hn�!y�kgei�5��o�6}=��w�4s_�vy&�?9�n�o�f��foΐ��u>}�f�m�';˝�si��f/��z�$��l[?������)>��d���� ���n���j"��'���?� k���1�.m�];�e,����y�3��141k�2g��9�̨��6�>a}}��$'�g��s mʚ>)�(�(�q�(�(��x]oş*�� ���g�{t�w�.��gqu���`��ƙh>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������|y�[�k��%=�ܜ���������g���(}��w�kܺ' endstream endobj 736 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 737 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (8)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 666.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 651.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 636.142 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 632.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 617.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 602.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 587.761 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 584.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 569.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 554.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 539.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 524.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 509.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 494.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 479.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 464.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 449.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 434.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 419.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 404.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 389.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 374.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 359.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 344.752 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 341.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 326.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 311.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 296.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 281.743 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 278.734 85.039 -15 re 362.835 263.734 85.039 -15 re 362.835 248.734 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 245.354 85.039 -15 re 362.835 230.354 85.039 -15 re 362.835 215.354 85.039 -15 re 362.835 200.354 85.039 -15 re 362.835 185.354 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 182.345 85.039 -15 re 362.835 167.345 85.039 -15 re 362.835 152.345 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 327.6839 652.4117 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.145 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\) )tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 633.2614 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 634.0314 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 633.2614 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 634.0314 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 633.2614 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 634.0314 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 633.2614 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 634.0314 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -38.551 -3 td (revenue)tj 0 tc 0 tw 27.643 0 td (4)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.503 0 td (190,074,161)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (180,241,414)tj 0 tw -40.65 -1.5 td (cost of sales)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.758 0 td (\(177,946,276\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(167,029,416\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 585.0023 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 586.0222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 585.0022 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 586.0222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 585.0022 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 586.0222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 585.0022 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 586.0222 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (gross profit)tj -0.028 tw 32.73 0 td (12,127,885)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (13,211,998)tj 0 tw -41.234 -3 td (selling and distribution expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.925 0 td (\(1,673,139\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(2,496,933\))tj 0 tw -41.484 -1.5 td (general and administrative expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.925 0 td (\(3,956,604\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(3,959,177\))tj 0 tw -41.484 -1.5 td (research and development expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.815 0 td (\(940,828\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(626,873\))tj 0 tw -42.374 -1.5 td (impairment losses on property, plant and equipment)tj 0 tc 27.643 0 td (6)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.172 0 td (\(259,354\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.143 0 td (\(46,484\))tj 0 tw -42.958 -1.5 td (impairment losses on financial assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.815 0 td (\(169,751\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(107,956\))tj 0 tw -42.374 -1.5 td (impairment losses on investments in joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 37.484 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.89 0 td (\(216,953\))tj 0 tw -42.374 -1.5 td (other income)tj -0.028 tw 27.351 0 td (26)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.436 0 td (79,469)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.92 0 td (135,367)tj 0 tw -42.707 -1.5 td (other gains, net)tj -0.028 tw 27.351 0 td (27)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.962 0 td (1,247,269 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.394 0 td (921,904)tj 0 tw -42.707 -1.5 td (finance income)tj -0.028 tw 27.351 0 td (28)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.852 0 td (261,151)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (492,234)tj 0 tw -42.707 -1.5 td (finance costs)tj -0.028 tw 27.351 0 td (28)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.574 0 td (\(4,921,179\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(4,882,496\))tj 0 tw -41.484 -1.5 td (share of profits and losses of:)tj 0.992 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj 25.929 0 td (8 \(a\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 7.283 0 td (270,115)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.17 0 td (\(199,452\))tj -41.382 -1.5 td (associates)tj 0 tw 25.901 0 td (8 \(b\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 7.895 0 td (48,767)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (39,335)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 341.9932 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 343.0132 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 341.9932 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 343.0132 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 341.9932 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 343.0132 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 341.9932 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 343.0132 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (profit before income tax)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.351 0 td (25)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.962 0 td (2,113,801)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2,264,514)tj 0 tw -41.818 -3 td (income tax expense)tj -0.028 tw 27.351 0 td (31)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.463 0 td (\(625,720\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 8.253 0 td (\(822, 519\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 278.9841 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 62.3622 280.0041 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 278.9841 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 280.0041 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 278.9841 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 280.0041 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 278.9841 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 280.0041 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (profit for the year)tj -0.028 tw 33.314 0 td (1,488,081)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,441,995)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 245.8537 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 246.6237 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 245.8537 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 246.6237 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 245.8537 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 246.6237 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 245.8537 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 246.6237 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (profit attributable to:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.5 td (owners of the parent)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.211 0 td (850,999 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (707,460)tj 0 tw -41.715 -1.5 td (non-controlling interests)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.211 0 td (637,082)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (734,535)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 182.5947 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 183.6146 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 182.5947 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 183.6146 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 182.5947 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 183.6146 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 182.5947 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 183.6146 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.237 -3 td (1,488,081 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,441,995)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 149.4642 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 150.2342 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 149.4642 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 150.2342 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 149.4642 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 150.2342 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 149.4642 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 150.2342 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 738 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3796 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.01 tc 0 tw 17 0 0 20 62.3622 744.3699 tm [(c)-10.7 (o)4.6 (n)4.5 (so)1.7 (l)3 (i)4.5 (d)13.3 (a)-8.1 (t)-7.6 (e)6.1 (d s)-29.4 (t)-15.7 (a)-8.1 (t)-7.6 (e)5.6 (m)4.9 (e)7.6 (n)-16.2 (t o)-8.1 (f p)-3.6 (r)-5.7 (o)-18.3 (\037)-27.8 (t o)6.1 (r )]tj 0 -1.1 td [(l)-23.9 (o)-0.6 (s)-7.7 (s a)13.8 (n)3.3 (d o)-27.4 (t)-17.3 (h)7.5 (e)7.9 (r c)-10.7 (o)2.6 (m)5.4 (p)4.9 (r)-2.6 (e)5.9 (h)7.5 (e)7.6 (n)4.5 (s)1.6 (i)-12.2 (v)6 (e i)7.8 (n)12.5 (c)13.1 (o)2.6 (m)4.9 (e)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tc 8 0 0 8 419.4339 742.33 tm [(y)95 (ear ended 31 december 20)55.1 (1)60 (9)]tj -5.76 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj 8.444 -1.375 td (unless otherwise stated\))tj et endstream endobj 739 0 obj <> endobj 740 0 obj <> endobj 741 0 obj <> endobj 742 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r�h�yv<�7(�ci�y�nh*�e�y�hn�!y�kgei�5��o�6}=��w�4s_�vy&�?9�n�o�f��foΐ��u>}�f�m�';˝�si��f/��z�$��l[?������)>��d���� ���n���j"��'���?� k���1�.m�];�e,����y�3��141k�2g��9�̨��6�>a}}��$'�g��s mʚ>)�(�(�q�(�(��x]oş*�� ���g�{t�w�.��gqu���`��ƙh>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������|y�[�k��%=�ܜ���������g���(}��w�kܺ' endstream endobj 743 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0e�� /�eģ`�b�h"��cm��r�b�! ��3�j�d�� �gu}�]7�����l;g=l���w�un$�����,�d�͘��46|�n t���������4cٵ5ߍ:9��8v �:�c�a��)0�3��*折���y��6gmnz��7b^wa=cέs�x�����{b�|*��ȃ:2�o�'����[�� �v��)1�)�o�~ �s� tĵztn�|��ܽ�6���c��>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 745 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (8)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 666.142 85.039 -30 re 362.835 636.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 621.142 85.039 -3.37 re 362.835 617.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 602.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 587.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 572.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 557.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 542.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 527.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 512.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 497.771 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 494.762 85.039 -15 re 362.835 479.762 85.039 -15 re 362.835 464.762 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 461.753 85.039 -15 re 362.835 446.753 85.039 -15 re 362.835 431.753 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 428.744 85.039 -15 re 362.835 413.744 85.039 -15 re 362.835 398.744 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 395.364 85.039 -15 re 362.835 380.364 85.039 -15 re 362.835 365.364 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 361.983 85.039 -15 re 362.835 346.983 85.039 -15 re 362.835 331.983 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 327.6839 637.4117 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 4.95 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.475 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\) )tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 619.0414 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (current liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.5 td (trade and notes payables)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (23)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.379 0 td (12,584,755)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (14,009,264)tj 0 tw -40.242 -1.5 td (other payables and accrued liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (22)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.379 0 td (12,442,184)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (11,567,152)tj 0 tw -40.242 -1.5 td (contract liabilities)tj 0 tc 26.651 0 td (4)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.671 0 td (1,638,826)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,579,322)tj 0 tw -40.826 -1.5 td (financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss)tj -0.028 tw 25.914 0 td (36.2)tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.354 0 td (805)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.614 0 td (1,766)tj 0 tw -42.883 -1.5 td (income tax payable)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 33.211 0 td (216,554)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (113,783)tj 0 tw -41.715 -1.5 td (interest-bearing loans and borrowings)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (18)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.379 0 td (42,286,604)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (47,565,490)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 495.0123 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 496.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 495.0123 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 496.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 495.0123 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 496.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 495.0123 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 496.0323 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (total current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.73 0 td (69,169,728)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (74,836,777)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 462.0032 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 463.0232 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 462.0032 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 463.0232 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 462.0032 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 463.0232 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 462.0032 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 463.0232 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (total liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 32.146 0 td (132,345,604)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (133,295,132)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 428.9941 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 430.0141 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 428.9941 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 430.0141 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 428.9941 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 430.0141 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 428.9941 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 430.0141 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (total equity and liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 32.146 0 td (203,070,664 )tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (200,964,751)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 395.8638 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 396.6338 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 395.8638 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 396.6338 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 395.8638 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 396.6338 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 395.8638 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 396.6338 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (net current liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 32.73 0 td (20,455,976)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (15,935,314)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 362.4834 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 363.2534 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 362.4834 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 363.2534 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 362.4834 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 363.2534 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 362.4834 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 363.2534 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (total assets less current liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 32.146 0 td (133,900,936)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (126,127,974)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 329.103 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 329.873 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 329.103 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 329.873 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 329.103 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 329.873 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 329.103 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 329.873 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -38.551 -2.873 td (the accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statement\ s.)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 68.0315 222.1139 cm 0 0 m 223.937 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 62.3622 223.1339 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 303.3071 222.1139 cm 0 0 m 223.937 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 297.6378 223.1339 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -15.084 -1.5 td (lu dongliang)tj 24.333 0 td (wang jun)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 160.226 193.1339 tm (director)tj 0 tw 20.207 0 td (chief financial officer)tj et endstream endobj 746 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 62.3622 742.33 tm [(31 december 20)55 (1)60 (9)]tj 0 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj t* (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 285.0214 721.6899 tm [(c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)3.2 (s)-1.4 (ol)1.7 (i)3.1 (d)11.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.7 (d s)-30.7 (t)-17 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t o)-9.4 (f c)-8.6 (a)11.7 (sh f)-25.6 (l)1.3 (o)-4.4 (w \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)2 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 747 0 obj <> endobj 748 0 obj <> endobj 749 0 obj <> endobj 750 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��ce%i%�4�v�?���th#d�x��q�i��%���8$u}�]?��=���yv���� � \{'�������6c�e��f�fj׍�(d��i�\=��k�� �ww�����l���?0��e*�rz��c/�m�i�mj��~^6����x�y�o�3z�|k �� �hq��8�(8�/��,�t� ��hs�b@�3����sd ȋy!缞ӻ�fƀ�c���91ki{)�r��ku���h|b>����4ՠ�w��f_m�z3�ؐ�ɩ5x���ws [�9����;x� ~�u�_�� endstream endobj 751 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r���{� � ��x�n�����f�v�8���kh^��yf�t�|[�m_�"��j�f�k�"�d����-��� ڈ��r��ʧ���ƞ����dg��y. �~��z|�{��jۖưw���?��2����a���4� ��^id;?r����y�o=�`���w�d�x���{��>x���y���9g�18f�7fo}�����in������5 ^�^�y���[������}t n�x1���b6��t.��aqu���`���9h>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������?�@�jp�|g�g47�| �m�֞��yzt�8�һ�� ��� endstream endobj 752 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 753 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (8)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 666.142 85.039 -30 re 362.835 636.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 621.142 85.039 -3.37 re 362.835 617.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 602.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 587.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 572.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 557.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 542.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 527.771 85.039 -15 re 362.835 512.771 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 509.762 85.039 -15 re 362.835 494.762 85.039 -15 re 362.835 479.762 85.039 -15 re 362.835 464.762 85.039 -15 re 362.835 449.762 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 446.753 85.039 -15 re 362.835 431.753 85.039 -15 re 362.835 416.753 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 413.744 85.039 -15 re 362.835 398.744 85.039 -15 re 362.835 383.744 85.039 -15 re 362.835 368.744 85.039 -15 re 362.835 353.744 85.039 -15 re 362.835 338.744 85.039 -15 re 362.835 323.744 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 320.735 85.039 -15 re 362.835 305.735 85.039 -15 re 362.835 290.735 85.039 -3.009 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 327.6839 637.4117 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 4.95 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.475 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\) )tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 619.0414 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (equity and liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (equity)tj 0 tw t* (equity attributable to owners of the parent)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.5 td (share capital)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (16)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.379 0 td (17,022,673)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (14,903,798)tj 0 tw -40.242 -1.5 td (other reserves)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (17)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.379 0 td (39,853,906)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (40,367,573)tj 0 tw -40.242 -1.5 td (accumulated losses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.933 0 td (\(2,216,946\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.559 0 td (\(2,856,064\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 510.0123 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 511.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 510.0123 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 511.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 510.0123 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 511.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 510.0123 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 511.0323 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -5.821 -3 td (54,659,633)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (52,415,307)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -41.234 -3 td (non-controlling interests)tj -0.028 tw 32.73 0 td (16,065,427)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (15,254,312)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 447.0032 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 448.0232 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 447.0032 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 448.0232 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 447.0032 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 448.0232 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 447.0032 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 448.0232 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (total equity)tj -0.028 tw 32.73 0 td (70,725,060)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (67,669,619)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 413.9941 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 415.0141 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 413.9941 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 320.315 415.0141 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 413.9941 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 415.0141 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 413.9941 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 415.0141 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -38.551 -3 td (liabilities)tj 0 tw t* (non-current liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.5 td (interest-bearing loans and borrowings)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (18)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.379 0 td (59,243,563)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (54,207,386)tj 0 tw -40.242 -1.5 td (other non-current liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (21)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.962 0 td (2,219,574)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2,438,164)tj 0 tw -40.826 -1.5 td (deferred tax liabilities)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (10)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.962 0 td (1,712,739)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,812,805)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 320.9851 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 322.0051 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 320.9851 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 322.0051 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 320.9851 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 322.0051 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 320.9851 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 322.0051 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -37.559 -3 td (total non-current liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.738 0 td (63,175,876)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (58,458,355)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 287.976 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 288.996 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 287.976 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 288.996 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 287.976 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 288.996 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 287.976 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 288.996 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 754 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 464.0257 742.33 tm [(31 december 20)55 (1)60 (9)]tj -11.334 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj 8.444 -1.375 td (unless otherwise stated\))tj /t1_2 1 tf -0.01 tc 12.8 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)3.2 (s)-1.4 (ol)1.7 (i)3.1 (d)11.9 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.7 (d s)-30.7 (t)-17 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e)4.2 (m)3.6 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t o)-9.4 (f c)-8.6 (a)11.7 (sh f)-25.6 (l)1.3 (o)-4.4 (w \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)2 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 755 0 obj <> endobj 756 0 obj <> endobj 757 0 obj <> endobj 758 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��ce%i%�4�v�?���th#d�x��q�i��%���8$u}�]?��=���yv���� � \{'�������6c�e��f�fj׍�(d��i�\=��k�� �ww�����l���?0��e*�rz��c/�m�i�mj��~^6����x�y�o�3z�|k �� �hq��8�(8�/��,�t� ��hs�b@�3����sd ȋy!缞ӻ�fƀ�c���91ki{)�r��ku���h|b>����4ՠ�w��f_m�z3�ؐ�ɩ5x���ws [�9����;x� ~�u�_�� endstream endobj 759 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r���{� � ��x�n�����f�v�8���kh^��yf�t�|[�m_�"��j�f�k�"�d����-��� ڈ��r��ʧ���ƞ����dg��y. �~��z|�{��jۖưw���?��2����a���4� ��^id;?r����y�o=�`���w�d�x���{��>x���y���9g�18f�7fo}�����in������5 ^�^�y���[������}t n�x1���b6��t.��aqu���`���9h>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������?�@�jp�|g�g47�| �m�֞��yzt�8�һ�� ��� endstream endobj 760 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 761 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 762 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 763 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 764 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 765 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 766 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (8)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 666.142 85.039 -30 re 362.835 636.142 85.039 -15 re 362.835 621.142 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 617.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 602.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 587.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 572.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 557.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 542.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 527.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 512.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 497.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 482.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 467.761 85.039 -30 re 362.835 437.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 422.761 85.039 -15 re 362.835 407.761 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 404.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 389.752 85.039 -15 re 362.835 374.752 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 371.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 356.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 341.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 326.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 311.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 296.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 281.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 266.743 85.039 -15 re 362.835 251.743 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 248.734 85.039 -15 re 362.835 233.734 85.039 -15 re 362.835 218.734 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 215.725 85.039 -15 re 362.835 200.725 85.039 -15 re 362.835 185.725 85.039 -3.009 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 327.6839 637.4117 tm (notes)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 4.95 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 4.475 1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.029 -1.5 td (2018)tj -2.5 -1.5 td (\(restated\) )tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 618.2614 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 619.0314 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 618.2614 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 619.0314 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 618.2614 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 619.0314 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 618.2614 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 619.0314 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -38.551 -3 td (assets)tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (non-current assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.992 -1.5 td (intangible assets)tj 0 tc 26.651 0 td (5)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.087 0 td (13,764,460)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (12,879,365)tj 0 tw -40.242 -1.5 td (property, plant and equipment)tj 0 tc 26.651 0 td (6)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.503 0 td (103,331,456)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (106,249,116)tj 0 tw -39.658 -1.5 td (investment properties)tj 0 tc 26.651 0 td (7)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.671 0 td (1,503,266)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,156,006)tj 0 tw -40.826 -1.5 td (land use rights)tj 25.637 0 td (19 \(a\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 10.855 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.334 0 td (4,306,865)tj 0 tw -40.826 -1.5 td (right-of-use assets)tj 25.609 0 td (19 \(b\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 6.129 0 td (15,890,437)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 13.258 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -44.996 -1.5 td (investments in joint ventures)tj 25.929 0 td (8 \(a\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 6.393 0 td (3,385,582)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (3,393,349)tj 0 tw -40.826 -1.5 td (investments in associates)tj 25.901 0 td (8 \(b\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 6.421 0 td (9,512,401)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (6,363,462)tj 0 tw -40.826 -1.5 td (equity investments designated at fair value through )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (other comprehensive income)tj 0 tc 25.659 0 td (9)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.671 0 td (2,239,251)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,729,825)tj 0 tw -40.826 -1.5 td (deferred tax assets)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (10)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.962 0 td (1,522,216)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1,542,655)tj 0 tw -40.826 -1.5 td (other non-current assets)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (11)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.962 0 td (3,207,843)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (4,442,645)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 405.0023 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 406.0222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 405.0023 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.3149 406.0222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 405.0023 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 406.0222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 405.0023 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 406.0222 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (total non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.146 0 td (154,356,912)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (142,063,288)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 371.9932 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 373.0132 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 371.9932 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 373.0132 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 371.9932 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 373.0132 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 371.9932 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 373.0132 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (current assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (inventories)tj 26.359 0 td (12)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.379 0 td (19,515,420)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (20,459,668)tj 0 tw -40.242 -1.5 td (trade and notes receivables)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (13)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.962 0 td (7,393,123)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (8,104,017)tj 0 tw -40.826 -1.5 td (other current assets)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (14)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.962 0 td (9,237,063)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (9,025,514)tj 0 tw -40.826 -1.5 td (financial assets at fair value through profit or loss)tj -0.028 tw 25.914 0 td (36.2)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.407 0 td (3,503,175)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.977 0 td (16,141)tj 0 tw -42.299 -1.5 td (restricted cash and time deposits)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (15)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.962 0 td (1,305,781)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2,165,288)tj 0 tw -40.826 -1.5 td (cash and cash equivalents)tj -0.028 tw 26.359 0 td (15)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.962 0 td (7,759,190)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.92 0 td (19,130,835)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 248.9842 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 250.0042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 248.9842 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 250.0042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 248.9842 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 250.0042 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 248.9842 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 250.0042 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (total current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 32.73 0 td (48,713,752)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (58,901,463)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 215.9751 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 216.9951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 215.9751 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 216.9951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 215.9751 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 216.9951 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 215.9751 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 216.9951 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -38.551 -3 td (total assets)tj -0.028 tw 32.146 0 td (203,070,664)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (200,964,751)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 182.966 cm 0 0 m 257.953 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 183.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 182.966 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 320.315 183.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 182.966 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 183.986 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 182.966 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 183.986 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 767 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3796 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.002 tc -0.008 tw 17 0 0 20 352.9906 744.3699 tm [(c)-2.7 (o)12.6 (n)12.5 (s)7.9 (o)9.7 (l)11 (i)12.6 (d)21.3 (ate)14.1 (d)8 ( s)-21.4 (t)-7.7 (ate)13.6 (m)12.9 (e)15.6 (n)-8.2 (t)8 ( of)8 ( )]tj -0.022 tc 0.012 tw 3.73 -1.1 td [(f)-38.9 (i)-8.8 (n)-1.3 (a)1.8 (n)0.5 (c)5.2 (i)-0.9 (al)-12 ( p)-7 (o)-12.6 (s)-10.4 (i)-32.8 (t)-29.8 (i)-7.5 (o)-7.4 (n)-12 ( )]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 62.3622 742.33 tm [(31 december 20)55 (1)60 (9)]tj 0 -1.375 td (\(amounts expressed in thousands of rmb )tj t* (unless otherwise stated\))tj et endstream endobj 768 0 obj <> endobj 769 0 obj <> endobj 770 0 obj <> endobj 771 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0��~ �cd�� !u$�8�g�}���dȁ����r���{� � ��x�n�����f�v�8���kh^��yf�t�|[�m_�"��j�f�k�"�d����-��� ڈ��r��ʧ���ƞ����dg��y. �~��z|�{��jۖưw���?��2����a���4� ��^id;?r����y�o=�`���w�d�x���{��>x���y���9g�18f�7fo}�����in������5 ^�^�y���[������}t n�x1���b6��t.��aqu���`���9h>�<��h�ќg#��<y4������?�@�jp�|g�g47�| �m�֞��yzt�8�һ�� ��� endstream endobj 772 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ctt !m��8�cc{hl�4b職�w��h���;؎��t�a���o������t����`u�3��~ _=�neܬ�cm�id�����lnu�� ��^a�u5[���s?8�] ���=%zi�k;"d!lw�˺��?�����������z���wtel���b�th�?�kx���֫b��8&���s`2ępf��&em*��5y� ��g�� |`n�sfəq��(|d�� ����,|f�sqe.o��v.o��b�uq�4x�t߼�v��>r��)��e�v�  endstream endobj 773 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 774 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (8)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.098 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(auditor)13.9 (\222)13.9 (s)13.9 ( responsibilities)13.9 ( for)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( audit)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)70.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.333 td (consolidated financial statements \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.014 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 602.7467 tm (from the matters communicated with the audit committee, we determine tho\ se matters that were )tj 0.056 tw 0 -1.5 td (of most significance in the audit of the consolidated financial statemen\ ts of the current period and )tj 0.008 tw t* (are therefore the key audit matters. we describe these matters in our au\ ditor\222s report unless law or )tj 0.082 tw t* (regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extr\ emely rare circumstances, )tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(we)14.2 ( determine)14.2 ( that)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.1 ( )0.5 (matter)14.2 ( )0.5 (should)14.2 ( )0.5 (not)14.2 ( be)14.1 ( )0.5 (communicated)14.2 ( in)14.2 ( our)14.2 ( report)14.1 ( )0.5 (because)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (adverse)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.09 tw t* (consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the pu\ blic interest benefits )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (of such communication.)tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -3 td [(the)1.2 ( )0.5 (engagement)1.2 ( )0.5 (partner)1.2 ( )0.5 (on)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( audit)1.2 ( resulting)1.2 ( )0.5 (in)1.2 ( )0.5 (this)1.2 ( )0.5 (independent)1.2 ( )0.5 (auditor)1.2 (\222)1.2 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (report)1.2 ( )0.5 (is)1.2 ( )0.5 (mr)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (cheong)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (ming yik.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 61.3359 407.7466 tm (ernst & young)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 62.3622 392.7466 tm (certified public accountants)tj t* (22/f citic tower)tj t* (1 tim mei avenue)tj t* (central, hong kong)tj 0 -3 td (26 march 2020)tj et endstream endobj 775 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.016 tc 0.006 tw 16 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(in)-4.1 (d)3 (e)2.5 (p)-1.3 (en)-4.2 (d)3 (en)-23.5 (t)-6 ( a)-16.6 (u)-2.2 (di)-28.1 (t)-18 (o)-1.4 (r)-45.8 (\222)32 (s)-6 ( r)-6 (e)2.5 (p)-4.3 (o)-1.4 (r)-54.7 (t)-6 ( \()11.5 (c)-18.1 (o)-2.8 (n)-23.5 (t)-25 (i)-4.1 (nu)2.2 (e)-1.3 (d)5.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 776 0 obj <> endobj 777 0 obj <> endobj 778 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ����l/j=��] �؁u{��v���'���o�j3$������p?׮� y�9�m�l�q��p�k�t����t�ſ��j>��}��a�%$t8na�œ.�t�[�:w���ἄ�|��{t�pu`�%��ƿ6=b�v���n�w����=b��c��o ��]q�)� ��j���γ��]z��u�,ns �{�=s!\o�����kf�lx��#sp�n��vx�,��wg�#�i� .�ԣ�-��=�ܫ�^-�����k�/x��y~!��&���[��8��s�f��1q?x�,�ԯ[�� endstream endobj 779 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 780 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (8)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.098 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(auditor)13.9 (\222)13.9 (s)13.9 ( responsibilities)13.9 ( for)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( audit)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)70.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.333 td (consolidated financial statements \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.077 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 602.7467 tm [(\225)49.2 ( )-1873.9 (conclude)13.7 ( on)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( appropriateness)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( directors)13.6 (\222)13.7 ( use)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( going)13.7 ( concern)13.6 ( basis)13.7 ( of)49.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.068 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material\ uncertainty exists )tj 0.058 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(re)0.5 (lat)0.5 (ed)14.3 ( to)14.4 ( e)0.5 (vent)0.5 (s)14.3 ( or)14.3 ( co)0.5 (ndi)0.5 (tio)0.5 (ns)14.3 ( th)0.5 (at)14.3 ( ma)0.5 (y)14.3 ( cas)0.5 (t)14.3 ( sig)0.5 (nif)0.5 (ica)0.5 (nt)14.3 ( do)0.5 (ubt)14.3 ( on)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( g)0.5 (rou)0.5 (p)14.3 (\222)14.3 (s)14.3 ( ab)0.5 (ili)0.5 (ty)14.3 ( t)0.5 (o)30.1 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw t* [(continue as a going concern. if we conclude that a material uncertainty \ exists, we are required)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* (to draw attention in our auditor\222s report to the related disclosures \ in the consolidated financial )tj 0.033 tw t* (statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion\ . our conclusions are )tj 0.052 tw 0 -1.5 td (based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor\222s \ report. however, future )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (events or conditions may cause the group to cease to continue as a going\ concern.)tj 0.074 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)46.2 ( )-1876.8 (evaluate)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( overall)13.7 ( presentation)13.7 (,)13.7 ( structure)13.6 ( and)13.7 ( content)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( consolidated)13.7 ( financial)46.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(statements)13.7 (,)13.7 ( including)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( disclosures)13.7 (,)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( whether)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( consolidated)13.7 ( financial)13.7 ( statements)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achiev\ es fair presentation.)tj 0.037 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225 )-1963.9 (obtain )0.5 (sufficient )0.5 (appropriate )0.5 (audit )0.5 (evidence )0.5 (regarding )0.5 (the )0.5 (financial )0.5 (information )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (entities )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(or)13.2 ( business)13.2 ( activities)13.2 ( )0.5 (within)13.1 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (group)13.2 ( to)13.2 ( express)13.2 ( )0.5 (an)13.2 ( )0.5 (opinion)13.2 ( )0.5 (on)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( consolidated)13.2 ( )0.5 (financial)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw t* (statements. we are responsible for the direction, supervision and perfor\ mance of the group )tj 0 tw t* (audit. we remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.)tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw -2.835 -3 td [(w)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (m)0.6 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)11.2 ( a)0.6 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)11.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (g)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (m)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)11.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)11.3 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (s)11.2 (,)11.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (n)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (c)0.6 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any si\ gnificant deficiencies in internal)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (control that we identify during our audit.)tj 0.012 tw 0 -3 td (we also provide the audit committee with a statement that we have compli\ ed with relevant ethical )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(requirements)10.2 ( regarding)10.2 ( )0.5 (independence)10.2 ( )0.5 (and)10.2 ( to)10.2 ( )0.5 (communicate)10.2 ( with)10.2 ( )0.5 (them)10.2 ( all)10.2 ( )0.5 (relationships)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( )0.5 (other)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* [(matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our indepen)0.5 (dence, and wher)0.5 (e applicable, related )]tj -0.028 tw t* (safeguards.)tj et endstream endobj 781 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.016 tc 0.006 tw 16 0 0 16 272.9603 721.6899 tm [(in)-4.1 (d)3 (e)2.5 (p)-1.3 (en)-4.2 (d)3 (en)-23.5 (t)-6 ( a)-16.6 (u)-2.2 (di)-28.1 (t)-18 (o)-1.4 (r)-45.8 (\222)32 (s)-6 ( r)-6 (e)2.5 (p)-4.3 (o)-1.4 (r)-54.7 (t)-6 ( \()11.5 (c)-18.1 (o)-2.8 (n)-23.5 (t)-25 (i)-4.1 (nu)2.2 (e)-1.3 (d)5.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 782 0 obj <> endobj 783 0 obj <> endobj 784 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ����l/j=��] �؁u{��v���'���o�j3$������p?׮� y�9�m�l�q��p�k�t����t�ſ��j>��}��a�%$t8na�œ.�t�[�:w���ἄ�|��{t�pu`�%��ƿ6=b�v���n�w����=b��c��o ��]q�)� ��j���γ��]z��u�,ns �{�=s!\o�����kf�lx��#sp�n��vx�,��wg�#�i� .�ԣ�-��=�ܫ�^-�����k�/x��y~!��&���[��8��s�f��1q?x�,�ԯ[�� endstream endobj 785 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 786 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (8)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.098 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(auditor)13.9 (\222)13.9 (s)13.9 ( responsibilities)13.9 ( for)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( audit)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)70.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.333 td (consolidated financial statements)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.066 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 602.7467 tm [(our)13.6 ( objectives)13.7 ( are)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( obtain)13.6 ( reasonable)13.7 ( assurance)13.7 ( about)13.6 ( whether)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( consolidated)13.7 ( financial)38.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0 -1.5 td [(statements)14 ( as)14 ( a)14 ( whole)14 ( are)14 ( free)14 ( from)14 ( material)14 ( misstatement)13.9 (,)14 ( whether)14 ( due)14 ( to)13.9 ( fraud)14 ( or)14 ( error)14 (,)14 ( and)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.075 tw t* [(to )0.5 (issue )0.5 (an )0.5 (auditor\222s )0.5 (report )0.6 (that )0.5 (includes )0.6 (our )0.5 (opinion. )0.6 (our )0.5 (report )0.5 (is )0.5 (made )0.5 (solely )0.5 (to )0.6 (you, )0.6 (as )0.5 (a )0.5 (body, )]tj 0.067 tw t* [(and for no other purpose. we do )0.5 (not assume responsibility )0.5 (towards or accept liability to any other )]tj 0 tw t* (person for the contents of this report.)tj 0.079 tw 0 -3 td [(reasonable assurance )0.5 (is a high level )0.5 (of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted )]tj 0.053 tw 0 -1.5 td (in accordance with isas will always detect a material misstatement when \ it exists. misstatements )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(c)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)7.2 ( a)0.6 (ri)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)7.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (ud)7.3 ( o)0.5 (r)7.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)7.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (on)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)7.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (er)0.5 (i)0.6 (al)7.3 ( i)0.5 (f)7.2 (,)7.3 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)7.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (r)7.1 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)7.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (gr)0.5 (e)0.5 (g)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (y)7.1 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(could)1.2 ( )0.5 (reasonably)1.2 ( be)1.2 ( )0.5 (expected)1.2 ( to)1.2 ( )0.5 (influence)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (economic)1.2 ( )0.5 (decisions)1.2 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (users)1.2 ( )0.5 (taken)1.2 ( )0.5 (on)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (basis)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (these consolidated financial statements.)tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(as)13.5 ( part)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( an)13.5 ( audit)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( accordance)13.4 ( with)13.5 ( isas)13.5 (,)13.5 ( we)13.5 ( exercise)13.5 ( professional)13.6 ( judgement)13.5 ( and)13.4 ( maintain)21.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (professional scepticism throughout the audit. we also:)tj 0.082 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(\225)54.2 ( )-1868.9 (identify)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( assess)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( risks)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( material)14.1 ( misstatement)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( consolidated)14.2 ( financial)54.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(stat)0.5 (ements)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (whe)0.5 (ther)1.2 ( )0.5 (due)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )0.5 (fraud)1.2 ( )0.5 (or)1.2 ( )0.5 (erro)0.5 (r)1.2 (,)1.2 ( d)0.5 (esign)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (perfor)0.5 (m)1.2 ( )0.5 (audit)1.2 ( )0.5 (proce)0.5 (dures)1.2 ( )0.5 (respons)0.5 (ive)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.073 tw 0 -1.5 td (to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropr\ iate to provide a basis )tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(for)13.7 ( our)13.7 ( opinion)13.6 (.)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( risk)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( not)13.7 ( detecting)13.7 ( a)13.6 ( material)13.6 ( misstatement)13.7 ( resulting)13.7 ( from)13.6 ( fraud)13.6 ( is)21.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(higher)6.2 ( than)6.2 ( for)6.3 ( one)6.2 ( )0.5 (resulting)6.2 ( from)6.2 ( )0.5 (error)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (as)6.2 ( fraud)6.2 ( may)6.2 ( )0.5 (involve)6.2 ( collusion)6.2 (,)6.1 ( )0.5 (forgery)6.2 (,)6.2 ( intentional)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.)tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)25.2 ( )-1897.9 (obtain)14 ( an)14 ( understanding)14.1 ( of)14 ( internal)14 ( control)14.1 ( relevant)14.1 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( audit)14 ( in)14.1 ( order)14.1 ( to)14 ( design)14.1 ( audit)25.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.088 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the pu\ rpose of expressing )tj 0 tw t* (an opinion on the effectiveness of the group\222s internal control.)tj 0.078 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)50.2 ( )-1872.8 (evaluate)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( appropriateness)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( accounting)13.6 ( policies)13.6 ( used)13.5 ( and)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( reasonableness)13.6 ( of)50.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the directors.)tj et endstream endobj 787 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (8)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (other information included in the annual report)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm [(the)13.8 ( directors)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( are)13.8 ( responsible)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( other)13.7 ( information)13.7 (.)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( other)13.7 ( information)22.2 ( )]tj 0 -1.5 td [(comprises)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (information)14.2 ( )0.5 (included)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (annual)14.2 ( )0.5 (report)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (other)14.2 ( )0.5 (than)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (consolidated)14.2 ( financial)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (statements and our auditor\222s report thereon.)tj 0.064 tw 0 -3 td (our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does not cover the \ other information and we )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.)tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(in)13.8 ( connection)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( our)13.7 ( audit)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( consolidated)13.7 ( financial)13.8 ( statements)13.8 (,)13.7 ( our)13.8 ( responsibility)13.8 ( is)13.7 ( to)31.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(read)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( other)10.2 ( )0.5 (informa)0.5 (tion)10.2 ( and)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (in)10.2 ( )0.5 (do)0.5 (ing)10.2 ( so)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (consider)10.2 ( )0.5 (whether)10.2 ( th)0.5 (e)10.1 ( )0.5 (other)10.2 ( )0.5 (informati)0.5 (on)10.1 ( )0.5 (is)10.2 ( )0.5 (materiall)0.5 (y)10.1 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(inconsistent)14.1 ( with)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( consolidated)14.2 ( financial)14.2 ( statements)14.1 ( or)14.1 ( our)14.1 ( knowledge)14.1 ( obtained)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( audit)20.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(or)13.8 ( otherwise)13.8 ( appears)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( be)13.8 ( materially)13.8 ( misstated)13.8 (.)13.7 ( if)13.7 (,)13.8 ( based)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( work)13.7 ( we)13.7 ( have)13.8 ( performed)13.8 (,)13.8 ( we)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.066 tw t* (conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information\ , we are required to report )tj 0 tw t* (that fact. we have nothing to report in this regard.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.194 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 407.7466 tm [(responsibilities)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( directors)13.7 ( for)13.7 ( the)166.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.333 td (consolidated financial statements)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 357.7466 tm [(the)13.6 ( directors)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( are)13.6 ( responsible)13.6 ( for)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( preparation)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( consolidated)13.6 ( financial)23.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0 -1.5 td [(statements)13.4 ( that)13.5 ( give)13.5 ( a)13.5 ( true)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( fair)13.5 ( view)13.4 ( in)13.5 ( accordance)13.5 ( with)13.5 ( ifrss)13.5 ( issued)13.5 ( by)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( iasb)13.4 ( and)13.5 ( the)17.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(disclosure)1.2 ( requirements)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (hong)1.2 ( )0.5 (kong)1.2 ( companies)1.3 ( ordinance)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (for)1.2 ( )0.5 (such)1.2 ( )0.5 (internal)1.3 ( control)1.2 ( )0.5 (as)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw t* (the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of consol\ idated financial statements )tj 0 tw t* (that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.\ )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -3 td [(in)8.2 ( )0.5 (preparing)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( consolidated)8.2 ( )0.5 (financial)8.2 ( statements)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (directors)8.2 ( of)8.3 ( the)8.2 ( company)8.2 ( )0.5 (are)8.2 ( )0.5 (responsible)8.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.5 td (for assessing the group\222s ability to continue as a going concern, dis\ closing, as applicable, matters )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting\ unless the directors of the)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.041 tw t* (company either intend to liquidate the group or to cease operations or h\ ave no realistic alternative )tj 0 tw t* (but to do so.)tj 0.093 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( b)0.5 (y)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (u)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)14.4 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (e)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (g)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)65.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (responsibilities for overseeing the group\222s financial reporting proce\ ss.)tj et endstream endobj 788 0 obj <> endobj 789 0 obj <> endobj 790 0 obj <> endobj 791 0 obj <> endobj 792 0 obj <> endobj 793 0 obj <> endobj 794 0 obj <> endobj 795 0 obj <> endobj 796 0 obj <> endobj 797 0 obj <> endobj 798 0 obj <> endobj 799 0 obj <> endobj 800 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 801 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 802 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 803 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 804 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 805 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (8)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 624.1117 tm (key audit matter)tj 23.528 0 td (how our audit addressed the key audit matter)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 61.3359 594.6117 tm (recognition of deferred tax assets)tj 0.022 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 564.6117 tm (at 31 december 2019, the group had deferred )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(tax assets on deductible temporary differences)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.077 tw t* [(an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( ta)0.5 (x)14.3 ( l)0.5 (os)0.5 (se)0.5 (s)14.4 ( car)0.5 (r)0.5 (ie)0.5 (d)14.3 ( f)0.5 (or)0.5 (w)0.5 (ar)0.5 (d)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( rm)0.5 (b)14.3 (1)14.4 (,)14.3 (5)14.4 (2)14.3 (2)27.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(million)14 (.)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( described)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( notes)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (.)14.1 (2)14.1 (6)14.1 (,)14 ( 3)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( 1)14.1 (0)14.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( consolidated)13.7 ( financial)13.7 ( statements)13.7 (,)13.6 ( the)19.1 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(group)14.2 ( )0.5 (recognised)14.1 ( )0.5 (these)14.2 ( deferred)14.2 ( tax)14.1 ( )0.5 (assets)28.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc t* [(to)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( extent)14.1 ( that)14.1 ( it)14.1 ( is)14.1 ( probable)14.1 ( that)14.1 ( future)40.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(taxable)14.2 ( )0.5 (profits)14.2 ( will)14.2 ( )0.5 (be)14.2 ( )0.5 (available)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( )0.5 (utilise)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)23.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (deferred tax assets.)tj 0.149 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(auditing)13.5 ( management)13.6 (\222)13.5 (s)13.5 ( recoverability)121.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0 -1.5 td [(assessment)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( deferred)14.1 ( tax)14.1 ( assets)14.1 ( involved)32.2 ( )]tj 0.078 tc t* [(subjective)13.7 ( estimation)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( complex)13.7 ( auditor)50.2 ( )]tj 0.101 tc t* [(judgment)13.9 ( because)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( forecast)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( future)73.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.091 tw t* (taxable profits is complex and judgmental and )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(is)3.2 ( )0.5 (based)3.2 ( on)3.2 ( )0.5 (significant)3.2 ( )0.5 (assumptions)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (including)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.043 tw t* (future tax rates, the possible utilisation of loss )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(carry)13.6 ( forwards)13.6 ( and)13.7 ( future)13.7 ( taxable)13.6 ( profits)13.6 ( that)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.046 tw t* (are affected by unexpected changes in the tax )tj 0.045 tw t* (law framework and future market or economic )tj -0.028 tw t* (conditions.)tj 0.073 tc 0.077 tw 23.528 30 td [(w)0.5 (e)14.3 ( o)0.5 (bt)0.5 (ai)0.5 (n)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( an)14.4 ( u)0.5 (nd)0.5 (er)0.5 (st)0.5 (an)0.5 (d)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.3 (,)14.4 ( e)0.5 (va)0.5 (lu)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)45.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(design)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.6 (and)14.2 ( )0.6 (tested)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (operati)0.5 (ng)14.3 ( )0.6 (effectiveness)29.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(of)13.8 ( controls)13.8 ( over)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( recoverability)13.8 ( assessment)32.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(of)13.6 ( deferred)13.6 ( tax)13.7 ( assets)13.7 ( including)13.6 ( testing)13.7 ( controls)14.2 ( )]tj 0.081 tc t* [(over)14 ( management)14 (\222)14 (s)14 ( review)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( significant)53.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (assumptions used in the forecast.)tj 0.068 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(am)0.5 (on)0.5 (g)14.3 ( ot)0.5 (her)14.4 ( aud)0.5 (it)14.4 ( pro)0.5 (ced)0.5 (ur)0.5 (es)14.3 ( p)0.5 (erf)0.5 (orm)0.5 (ed)14.4 (,)14.3 ( we)40.2 ( )]tj 0.024 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(compared the tax rates and the possible utilisation)-3.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.01 tw t* (of loss carry forwards with the tax law framework )tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.5 ( tested)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( completeness)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( accuracy)13.5 ( of)41.2 ( )]tj 0.078 tc t* [(the)13.7 ( underlying)13.7 ( data)13.7 ( used)13.7 ( in)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( forecast)13.7 (.)13.6 ( we)50.2 ( )]tj 0.091 tc t* [(tested)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.7 (\222)13.6 (s)13.7 ( scheduling)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( timing)63.2 ( )]tj 0.083 tc t* [(and)14.2 ( )0.5 (amount)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( reversal)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( taxable)14.2 ( )0.5 (temporary)55.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc t* [(differences)14 (.)14 ( we)14 ( also)14 ( evaluated)14 ( management)14.1 (\222)14 (s)35.2 ( )]tj 0.108 tc t* [(significant)13.8 ( assumptions)13.7 ( in)13.8 ( determining)13.8 ( the)80.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(future)13.9 ( available)13.9 ( taxable)13.9 ( profits)14 (,)13.9 ( for)13.9 ( example)13.9 (,)14 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw t* [(future )0.6 (prices )0.5 (of )0.5 (aluminum )0.5 (and )0.6 (alumina, )0.6 (expected )]tj 0.046 tc 0.077 tw t* [(p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.5 ( s)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( v)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.3 (,)14.5 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)18.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(a)0.5 (nd)1.2 ( )0.5 (op)0.5 (e)0.5 (ra)0.5 (ti)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)1.2 ( e)0.5 (x)0.5 (pe)0.5 (ns)0.5 (es)1.3 ( b)0.5 (y)1.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (mp)0.5 (ar)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)0.5 (m)1.2 ( )0.5 (wi)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)1.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(the)6.2 ( )0.5 (market)6.2 ( )0.5 (trend)6.1 ( )0.5 (forecasted)6.2 ( )0.5 (by)6.2 ( )0.5 (external)6.2 ( )0.5 (industry)6.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(analysts)13.2 ( and)13.2 ( analysing)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( historical)13.2 ( accuracy)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )]tj 0.024 tc 0 tw t* [(management\222s estimates. in addition, we involved)-3.8 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(our)13.7 ( tax)13.7 ( professionals)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( assist)13.7 ( us)13.8 ( in)13.7 ( evaluating)29.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc t* [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (technical)14.2 ( )0.5 (merits)14.3 ( )0.5 (from)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( )0.5 (tax)14.3 ( )0.5 (perspective)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)37.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (management\222s analysis.)tj 0.171 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(we)14.3 ( also)14.3 ( assessed)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( adequacy)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( the)143.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(group)14 (\222)14.1 (s)14 ( disclosures)14.1 ( included)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( note)14.1 ( 1)14 (0)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( the)29.2 ( )]tj 0.097 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (ns)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (nc)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (te)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.3 ( r)0.5 (eg)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)69.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (deferred tax assets.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (key audit matters \(continued\))tj et endstream endobj 806 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (7)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 624.1117 tm (key audit matter)tj 23.528 0 td (how our audit addressed the key audit matter)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 61.3359 596.6117 tm (impairment of goodwill)tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 570.6117 tm [(at)13.7 ( 3)13.7 (1)13.8 ( december)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.7 (9)13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 (\222)13.8 (s)13.7 ( goodwill)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.091 tw 0 -1.3 td (was rmb3,511 million. as described in notes )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(2)11.2 (.)11.2 (1)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (2)11.2 (.)11.2 (8)11.2 (,)11.2 ( 3)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)11.2 ( 5)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (o)11.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)0.6 (o)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.6 (d)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)11.2 ( f)0.6 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.6 (l)11.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(statements)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (group)9.2 ( is)9.2 ( )0.5 (required)9.2 ( )0.5 (to)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (at)9.2 ( )0.5 (least)9.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw t* [(annually)13.5 (,)13.5 ( perform)13.5 ( impairment)13.5 ( assessments)41.2 ( )]tj 0.071 tc t* [(of)14.2 ( goodwill)14.2 (.)14.1 ( )0.5 (for)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( purpose)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( performing)43.1 ( )]tj 0.123 tc t* [(impairment)13.5 ( assessments)13.5 (,)13.5 ( goodwill)13.5 ( was)95.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc t* [(allocated)14.3 ( to)14.2 ( )0.5 (cgus)14.2 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (management)14.2 ( )0.5 (performed)36.2 ( )]tj 0.097 tc t* [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (impairment)14.2 ( )0.5 (testing)14.2 ( by)14.2 ( )0.5 (comparing)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)69.2 ( )]tj 0.095 tc 0.077 tw t* [(r)0.5 (eco)0.5 (ve)0.5 (rab)0.5 (le)14.4 ( am)0.5 (ou)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( cg)0.5 (us)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)67.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (carrying amount of the cgus.)tj 0.116 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.6 td [(auditing)14.3 ( )0.5 (management)14.3 (\222)14.3 (s)14.2 ( )0.6 (annual)14.2 ( )0.6 (goodwill)88.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw 0 -1.3 td (impairment assessment was complex because )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.8 ( determination)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( recoverable)13.8 ( amount)17.2 ( )]tj 0.07 tc t* [(of)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (underlying)14.3 ( )0.5 (cgus)14.3 ( )0.5 (involved)14.3 ( )0.5 (estimates)42.2 ( )]tj 0.091 tc t* [(and)14.1 ( judgments)14.1 (,)14.1 ( including)14.2 ( future)14.1 ( prices)14.1 ( of)63.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc t* [(aluminum)14 ( and)14.1 ( alumina)14 (,)14 ( expected)14 ( production)27.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(and sales volumes, production costs, operating)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.1 tc 0.078 tw t* [(expenses)14 (,)13.9 ( terminal)13.9 ( growth)14 ( rates)13.9 ( used)13.9 ( to)72.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(estimate )0.5 (future )0.5 (cash )0.5 (flows )0.5 (and )0.5 (discount )0.5 (rates )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(applied)7.2 ( )0.5 (to)7.2 ( these)7.2 ( forecasted)7.2 ( )0.5 (future)7.1 ( )0.5 (cash)7.2 ( )0.5 (flows)7.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (underlying)5.2 ( cgus)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (these)5.2 ( )0.5 (estimates)5.2 ( and)5.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw t* [(judgments)14.1 ( may)14.1 ( be)14.1 ( affected)14.1 ( by)14.1 ( unexpected)44.2 ( )]tj 0.14 tc t* [(changes)14 ( in)14 ( future)14 ( market)14 ( or)14 ( economic)112.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (conditions.)tj 0.073 tc 0.077 tw 23.528 32.5 td [(w)0.5 (e)14.3 ( o)0.5 (bt)0.5 (ai)0.5 (n)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( an)14.4 ( u)0.5 (nd)0.5 (er)0.5 (st)0.5 (an)0.5 (d)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.3 (,)14.4 ( e)0.5 (va)0.5 (lu)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)45.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.059 tw t* [(design, )0.5 (and )0.5 (tested )0.5 (the )0.5 (operating )0.5 (effectiveness )0.5 (of )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(controls over the impairment assessment process)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw t* [(including)13.8 ( testing)13.8 ( controls)13.8 ( over)13.8 ( management)13.8 (\222)13.8 (s)42.2 ( )]tj 0.105 tc t* [(review)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (key)14.3 ( )0.5 (assumptions)14.2 ( )0.6 (used)14.2 ( )0.6 (in)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)77.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (goodwill impairment assessment.)tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.6 td [(amongst)13.9 ( other)13.8 ( audit)13.8 ( procedures)13.9 ( performed)13.9 (,)13.8 ( we)17.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0 -1.3 td [(compared)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( methodology)13.8 ( used)13.8 ( \()13.9 (recoverable)41.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(amount)14.2 ( )0.5 (calculations)14.2 ( based)14.2 ( on)14.2 ( )0.5 (future)14.2 ( discounted)15.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(cash)13.2 ( )0.5 (flows)13.2 (\))13.2 ( )0.5 (by)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( group)13.2 ( to)13.2 ( )0.5 (industry)13.2 ( guidelines)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.5 ( tested)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( completeness)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( accuracy)13.5 ( of)41.2 ( )]tj 0.078 tc t* [(the)13.7 ( underlying)13.7 ( data)13.7 ( used)13.7 ( in)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( forecast)13.7 (.)13.6 ( we)50.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.077 tw t* [(e)0.5 (va)0.5 (lu)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( r)0.5 (ea)0.5 (so)0.5 (na)0.5 (bl)0.5 (e)0.5 (ne)0.5 (ss)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( m)0.5 (an)0.5 (a)0.5 (ge)0.5 (me)0.5 (nt)14.4 (\222)14.4 (s)18.1 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(key)9.2 ( )0.5 (assumptions)9.2 ( used)9.3 ( in)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (calculations)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (which)9.2 ( )]tj 0.076 tc 0.078 tw t* [(comprised)13.7 ( of)13.7 (,)13.7 ( among)13.6 ( others)13.7 (,)13.7 ( future)13.7 ( prices)13.7 ( of)48.2 ( )]tj 0.09 tc t* [(aluminum)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( alumina)13.6 (,)13.6 ( expected)13.6 ( production)62.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc t* [(and)13.9 ( sales)13.9 ( volumes)13.9 (,)13.9 ( production)13.9 ( costs)13.9 (,)13.9 ( operating)24.2 ( )]tj 0.086 tc t* [(expenses)13.9 (,)14 ( growth)14 ( rate)13.9 ( and)14 ( discount)13.9 ( rate)14 (,)13.9 ( by)58.2 ( )]tj 0.084 tc t* [(comparing)13.7 ( them)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( external)13.7 ( industry)13.7 ( outlook)56.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(reports)11.2 ( )0.5 (from)11.3 ( a)11.2 ( )0.5 (number)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (sources)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( )0.5 (analysing)11.2 ( )]tj 0.141 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14.1 ( historical)14 ( accuracy)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( management)14.1 (\222)14.1 (s)113.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(estimates)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( )0.5 (addition)7.2 (,)7.3 ( we)7.3 ( involved)7.2 ( )0.5 (our)7.2 ( )0.5 (valuation)7.2 ( )]tj 0.124 tc 0.078 tw t* [(specialist)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( assist)13.9 ( us)13.9 ( with)13.9 ( assessing)13.9 ( the)96.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc t* [(appropriateness)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( valuation)14 ( methodologies)20.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc t* [(and)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( reasonableness)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( assumptions)13.6 ( used)13.6 (,)39.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (including the discount rates.)tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.6 td [(we)13.6 ( performed)13.7 ( a)13.6 ( sensitivity)13.7 ( analysis)13.6 ( around)13.6 ( the)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.049 tw 0 -1.3 td (key assumptions described above to evaluate the )tj 0.038 tw t* (changes to the recoverable amounts of the cgus )tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw t* [(resulting)13.6 ( from)13.6 ( changes)13.6 ( in)13.5 ( these)13.5 ( assumptions)13.6 (,)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (both individually and in aggregate.)tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.6 td [(we)13.7 ( also)13.7 ( assessed)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( adequacy)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.7 (\222)13.8 (s)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.006 tw 0 -1.3 td (disclosures included in note 5 to the consolidated )tj 0.171 tc 0.078 tw t* [(financial)14.1 ( statements)14 ( regarding)14 ( the)14 ( key)143.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (assumptions of impairment testing.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (key audit matters \(continued\))tj et endstream endobj 807 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (7)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (independent auditor\222s report \(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 62.3622 623.7467 tm (key audit matter)tj 23.528 0 td (how our audit addressed the key audit matter)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 61.3359 596.7467 tm (impairment of property, plant and equipment)tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 571.7467 tm [(at)13.5 ( 3)13.6 (1)13.6 ( december)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.5 (1)13.6 (9)13.5 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.5 (\222)13.6 (s)13.5 ( property)13.6 (,)19.1 ( )]tj 0.023 tc 0 tw 0 -1.25 td [(plant and equipment \(\223ppe\224\) was rmb103,331)-4.9 ( )]tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw t* [(million)14.3 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (as)14.3 ( )0.5 (described)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (notes)14.3 ( )0.6 (2)14.2 (.)14.3 (8)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (3)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (6)42.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( consolidated)13.7 ( financial)13.7 ( statements)13.7 (,)13.6 ( the)19.1 ( )]tj 0.023 tc 0 tw t* [(group is required to review ppe for impairment)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw t* (whenever events or changes in circumstances )tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(indicate)13.5 ( that)13.5 ( their)13.5 ( carrying)13.5 ( amounts)13.5 ( may)13.5 ( not)22.2 ( )]tj 0.112 tc t* [(be)13.7 ( recoverable)13.7 (.)13.7 ( management)13.7 ( performed)84.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc t* [(an)13.6 ( impairment)13.6 ( assessment)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( such)13.6 ( ppe)13.6 ( by)36.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(determining)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( recoverable)13.5 ( amounts)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc t* [(cash)13.9 ( generating)14 ( units)14 ( \()13.9 (\223)13.9 (cgus)13.9 (\224)14 (\))13.9 ( that)14 ( the)13.9 ( ppe)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.069 tw t* [(are )0.5 (allocated to. )0.5 (as )0.5 (a )0.5 (result )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (impairment )]tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(assessment)13.6 (,)13.6 ( impairment)13.6 ( losses)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( rmb)13.6 (2)13.6 (5)13.6 (9)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.045 tw t* [(million )0.5 (were )0.5 (recognised )0.5 (during )0.5 (the )0.5 (year ended )]tj 0 tw t* (31 december 2019.)tj 0.196 tc 0.077 tw 0 -2.5 td [(a)0.5 (u)0.5 (di)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( ma)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (ge)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)14.4 (\222)14.4 (s)14.4 ( i)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (ai)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)168.2 ( )]tj 0.108 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.25 td [(assessment)14 ( of)14 ( ppe)14 ( was)14 ( complex)14 ( due)13.9 ( to)80.2 ( )]tj 0.107 tc t* [(the)13.8 ( significant)13.7 ( estimates)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( judgments)79.2 ( )]tj 0.089 tc t* [(involved)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( projections)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( future)13.5 ( cash)61.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.077 tw t* (flows, including the future prices of aluminum )tj 0.142 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.8 ( alumina)13.8 (,)13.8 ( expected)13.9 ( production)13.9 ( and)114.2 ( )]tj 0.07 tc t* [(sales)13.8 ( volumes)13.8 (,)13.7 ( production)13.8 ( costs)13.8 (,)13.7 ( operating)42.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(expenses)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( )0.5 (discount)8.2 ( )0.5 (rates)8.2 ( )0.5 (applied)8.2 ( to)8.2 ( these)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.043 tw t* (forecasted future cash flows. these estimates )tj 0 tw t* [(an)0.5 (d )0.5 (ju)0.5 (dg)0.5 (me)0.5 (nt)0.5 (s )0.5 (ma)0.5 (y )0.5 (be )0.5 (af)0.5 (fe)0.5 (ct)0.5 (ed)0.5 ( b)0.5 (y u)0.5 (ne)0.5 (xp)0.5 (ec)0.5 (te)0.5 (d )]tj 0.08 tc 0.078 tw t* [(changes)14.2 ( in)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( future)14.1 ( market)14.2 ( or)14.1 ( )0.5 (economic)52.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (conditions.)tj 0.073 tc 0.077 tw 23.528 33.75 td [(w)0.5 (e)14.3 ( o)0.5 (bt)0.5 (ai)0.5 (n)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( an)14.4 ( u)0.5 (nd)0.5 (er)0.5 (st)0.5 (an)0.5 (d)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.3 (,)14.4 ( e)0.5 (va)0.5 (lu)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)45.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(design)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.6 (and)14.2 ( )0.6 (tested)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (operati)0.5 (ng)14.3 ( )0.6 (effectiveness)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (of controls over the ppe impairment assessment )tj 0.148 tc 0.078 tw t* [(process)14.2 ( )0.5 (including)14.2 ( )0.5 (tests)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (controls)14.3 ( )0.5 (over)120.1 ( )]tj 0.154 tc t* [(management)14.3 (\222)14.3 (s)14.2 ( )0.5 (review)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (significant)126.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (assumptions used in the impairment assessment.)tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.5 td [(amongst)13.9 ( other)13.8 ( audit)13.8 ( procedures)13.9 ( performed)13.9 (,)13.8 ( we)17.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0 -1.25 td [(compared)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( methodology)14.1 ( used)14.1 ( by)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.1 (,)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.05 tw t* [(that )0.5 (is, )0.5 (recoverable )0.5 (amount )0.5 (calculations )0.5 (based )0.5 (on )]tj 0.036 tw t* (future discounted cash flows, to industry practice )tj 0.042 tw t* (and tested the completeness and accuracy of the )tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(underlying)13.9 ( data)13.9 ( used)13.9 ( in)14 ( the)13.9 ( projection)13.9 (.)13.9 ( we)13.9 ( also)21.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(assessed)14 ( the)14.1 ( reasonableness)14 ( of)14.1 ( the)14 ( significant)26.2 ( )]tj 0.096 tc t* [(assumptions)14.1 ( used)14.2 ( in)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( calculations)14.2 ( which)68.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(comprised)13.6 ( of)13.6 (,)13.6 ( amongst)13.6 ( others)13.6 (,)13.6 ( future)13.6 ( prices)13.6 ( of)26.2 ( )]tj 0.09 tc t* [(aluminum)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( alumina)13.6 (,)13.6 ( expected)13.6 ( production)62.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc t* [(and)13.9 ( sales)13.9 ( volumes)13.9 (,)13.9 ( production)13.9 ( costs)13.9 (,)13.9 ( operating)24.2 ( )]tj 0.098 tc t* [(expenses)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( discount)13.5 ( rates)13.5 (,)13.5 ( by)13.5 ( comparing)70.3 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(them)7.2 ( )0.5 (to)7.2 ( )0.5 (external)7.2 ( )0.5 (industry)7.2 ( outlook)7.2 ( reports)7.2 ( from)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.034 tw t* (number of sources and by analysing the historical )tj 0.021 tw t* (accuracy of management\222s estimates. in addition, )tj 0.077 tc 0.078 tw t* [(we)13.7 ( involved)13.7 ( our)13.7 ( valuation)13.7 ( specialist)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( assist)49.2 ( )]tj 0.074 tc t* [(us)13.6 ( with)13.7 ( assessing)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( appropriateness)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)46.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(valuation)6.2 ( methodologies)6.2 ( and)6.3 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (reasonableness)6.2 ( )]tj 0.087 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.8 ( assumptions)13.7 ( used)13.8 (,)13.8 ( including)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( discount)59.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (rates.)tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.6 td [(we)13.6 ( performed)13.7 ( a)13.6 ( sensitivity)13.7 ( analysis)13.6 ( around)13.6 ( the)23.2 ( )]tj 0.1 tc 0 -1.35 td [(significant)13.9 ( assumptions)13.9 ( described)13.9 ( above)13.9 ( to)72.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(assess)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( changes)13.7 ( to)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( recoverable)13.7 ( amounts)14.2 ( )]tj 0.077 tc t* [(of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( cgus)13.8 ( resulting)13.7 ( from)13.7 ( changes)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( these)49.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (assumptions, both individually and in aggregate.)tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.7 td [(we)13.7 ( also)13.7 ( assessed)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( adequacy)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.7 (\222)13.8 (s)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.006 tw 0 -1.35 td (disclosures included in note 6 to the consolidated )tj 0.075 tc 0.078 tw t* [(financial)13.8 ( statements)13.8 ( regarding)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( significant)47.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (assumptions of impairment testing.)tj et endstream endobj 808 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (7)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (basis for opinion)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm [(we)13.8 ( conducted)13.9 ( our)13.9 ( audit)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( accordance)13.9 ( with)13.9 ( international)13.8 ( standards)13.9 ( on)13.8 ( auditing)13.8 ( \()13.8 (\223)13.9 (isas)13.9 (\224)13.9 (\))13.8 ( issued)16.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc 0 -1.5 td [(by)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( international)13.8 ( auditing)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( assurance)13.8 ( standards)13.9 ( board)13.9 ( \()13.9 (\223)13.8 (iaasb)13.8 (\224)13.9 (\))13.9 (.)13.8 ( our)13.9 ( responsibilities)34.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(under)13.9 ( those)13.8 ( standards)13.8 ( are)13.8 ( further)13.9 ( described)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( )]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 314.0367 592.7467 tm [(auditor)13.9 (\222)13.8 (s)13.9 ( responsibilities)13.8 ( for)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( audit)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)15.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc -24.868 -1.5 td [(consolidated)13.7 ( financial)13.7 ( statements)]tj 10 0 0 10 232.0387 577.7467 tm [( section)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( our)13.7 ( report)13.7 (.)13.8 ( we)13.7 ( are)13.7 ( independent)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.7 ( in)33.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.028 tw -16.968 -1.5 td (accordance with the code of ethics for professional accountants \(the \223\ code\224\), issued by the hong )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(kong institute of certified public accountants, and we have fulfilled ou\ r other ethical responsibilities)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.014 tw t* (in accordance with the code. we believe that the audit evidence we have \ obtained is sufficient and )tj 0 tw t* (appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 482.7466 tm (key audit matters)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.037 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 452.7466 tm (key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement,\ were of most significance )tj 0.046 tc 0.077 tw t* [(i)0.6 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (u)0.6 (r)14.4 ( a)0.5 (u)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (d)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( f)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( s)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)14.5 ( o)0.6 (f)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.6 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.4 ( p)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (d)14.4 (.)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)14.4 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (s)14.4 ( w)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)18.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(a)0.5 (d)0.6 (d)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)5.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)5.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)5.2 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (x)0.5 (t)5.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)5.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (r)5.2 ( a)0.6 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)5.2 ( o)0.6 (f)5.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)5.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)5.3 ( s)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (h)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)5.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.052 tw t* (forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on\ these matters. for each )tj 0 tw t* (matter below, our description of how our audit addressed the matter is p\ rovided in that context.)tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(we)14 ( have)14 ( fulfilled)14 ( the)13.9 ( responsibilities)14 ( described)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( the)14 ( )]tj 10 0 2.6795 10 331.151 362.7466 tm [(auditor)13.9 (\222)14 (s)13.9 ( responsibilities)14 ( for)14 ( the)13.9 ( audit)14 ( of)21.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw -26.58 -1.5 td [(the)2.2 ( )0.5 (consolidated)2.2 ( financial)2.2 ( )0.5 (statements)]tj 10 0 0 10 241.6468 347.7466 tm [( )0.5 (section)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( our)2.2 ( report)2.2 (,)2.2 ( including)2.2 ( )0.5 (in)2.2 ( relation)2.2 ( )0.5 (to)2.2 ( )0.5 (these)2.2 ( )0.5 (matters)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw -17.928 -1.5 td [(accordingly)13.6 (,)13.7 ( our)13.7 ( audit)13.7 ( included)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( performance)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( procedures)13.7 ( designed)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( respond)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( our)44.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0 -1.5 td [(assessment)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( risks)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( material)13.7 ( misstatement)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( consolidated)13.7 ( financial)13.8 ( statements)13.7 (.)13.7 ( the)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.05 tw t* (results of our audit procedures, including the procedures performed to a\ ddress the matters below, )tj 0 tw t* (provide the basis for our audit opinion on the accompanying consolidated\ financial statements.)tj et endstream endobj 809 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.016 tc 0.006 tw 16 0 0 16 272.9603 721.6899 tm [(in)-4.1 (d)3 (e)2.5 (p)-1.3 (en)-4.2 (d)3 (en)-23.5 (t)-6 ( a)-16.6 (u)-2.2 (di)-28.1 (t)-18 (o)-1.4 (r)-45.8 (\222)32 (s)-6 ( r)-6 (e)2.5 (p)-4.3 (o)-1.4 (r)-54.7 (t)-6 ( \()11.5 (c)-18.1 (o)-2.8 (n)-23.5 (t)-25 (i)-4.1 (nu)2.2 (e)-1.3 (d)5.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 810 0 obj <> endobj 811 0 obj <> endobj 812 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ����l/j=��] �؁u{��v���'���o�j3$������p?׮� y�9�m�l�q��p�k�t����t�ſ��j>��}��a�%$t8na�œ.�t�[�:w���ἄ�|��{t�pu`�%��ƿ6=b�v���n�w����=b��c��o ��]q�)� ��j���γ��]z��u�,ns �{�=s!\o�����kf�lx��#sp�n��vx�,��wg�#�i� .�ԣ�-��=�ܫ�^-�����k�/x��y~!��&���[��8��s�f��1q?x�,�ԯ[�� endstream endobj 813 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 814 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (7)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q /placedpdf /mc0 bdc 0 0.15 1 0 k /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 129.7395 666.1413 cm 0 0 m -67.378 -24.591 l 0.006 -12.686 l 0.006 0 l h f q 0 0 0 0.7 k q 1 0 0 1 108.3663 631.3248 cm 0 0 m -5.791 -11.123 l -11.566 0 l -22.869 0 l -10.959 -20.621 l -10.959 -34.085 l -0.768 -34.085 l -0.768 -20.621 l 11.157 0 l h f q q 1 0 0 1 62.9505 631.3257 cm 0 0 m 0 -34.087 l 27.267 -34.087 l 27.267 -26.247 l 10.222 -26.247 l 10.222 -20.623 l 22.548 -20.623 l 22.548 -13.466 l 10.222 -13.466 l 10.222 -7.841 l 23.857 -7.841 l 19.333 0 l h f q q 62.362 597.239 85.032 68.902 re w n q 1 0 0 1 121.3025 602.9335 cm 0 0 m -0.705 0.234 -1.717 0.531 -3.077 0.902 c -2.844 1.3 -2.619 1.665 -2.407 1.993 c 1.217 1.993 l 0.816 1.121 0.407 0.454 0 0 c 7.479 -3.412 m 6.929 -3.102 l 5.351 -2.213 3.788 -1.456 2.273 -0.844 c 2.909 0.019 3.441 0.97 3.862 1.993 c 4.199 1.993 l 5.182 1.993 6.05 1.971 6.782 1.926 c 7.328 1.893 l 7.328 4.226 l 6.78 4.189 l 6.109 4.144 5.217 4.121 4.132 4.121 c -1.452 4.121 l -1.089 4.862 -0.919 5.17 -0.839 5.293 c -0.699 5.513 -0.551 5.704 -0.392 5.861 c 0.232 6.486 l -0.622 6.718 l -0.781 6.762 -0.944 6.815 -1.109 6.88 c 3.755 6.88 l 3.755 4.746 l 6.262 4.746 l 6.225 5.293 l 6.18 5.963 6.157 6.506 6.157 6.911 c 6.157 7.315 6.18 7.835 6.225 8.458 c 6.264 9.008 l 0.955 9.008 l 0.707 9.393 l 0.196 10.181 -0.322 10.911 -0.835 11.565 c -1.165 11.985 l -1.572 11.637 l -1.877 11.375 -2.231 11.109 -2.624 10.848 c -3.12 10.517 l -2.72 10.076 l -2.447 9.776 -2.189 9.419 -1.948 9.008 c -8.046 9.008 l -7.936 8.403 l -7.851 7.928 -7.806 7.472 -7.806 7.049 c -7.806 6.61 -7.829 6.081 -7.874 5.433 c -7.913 4.884 l -5.405 4.884 l -5.405 6.88 l -2.883 6.88 l -3.164 5.966 -3.546 5.041 -4.024 4.121 c -5.986 4.121 l -6.933 4.121 -7.682 4.144 -8.214 4.188 c -8.77 4.234 l -8.77 1.902 l -8.234 1.926 l -7.209 1.971 -6.45 1.993 -5.917 1.993 c -5.064 1.993 l -5.383 1.456 -5.786 0.853 -6.263 0.193 c -6.722 -0.437 l -5.962 -0.609 l -4.595 -0.917 -3.345 -1.254 -2.233 -1.612 c -2.759 -1.882 -3.387 -2.134 -4.117 -2.372 c -5.329 -2.77 -6.641 -3.017 -8.015 -3.106 c -9.064 -3.174 l -8.366 -3.959 l -8.047 -4.317 -7.804 -4.744 -7.642 -5.225 c -7.5 -5.651 l -7.06 -5.567 l -6.078 -5.38 -4.83 -5.039 -3.349 -4.553 c -1.932 -4.088 -0.643 -3.438 0.489 -2.619 c 2.191 -3.323 3.85 -4.218 5.426 -5.282 c 5.863 -5.577 l 6.147 -5.131 l 6.449 -4.654 6.758 -4.235 7.063 -3.888 c h f q q 1 0 0 1 146.478 600.8923 cm 0 0 m -1.174 0.478 -2.151 1.08 -2.903 1.79 c -3.538 2.388 -4.063 2.981 -4.47 3.558 c -3.906 4.034 -3.339 4.48 -2.781 4.891 c -2.111 5.382 -1.456 5.811 -0.834 6.167 c -0.192 6.535 l -0.76 7.006 l -1.297 7.454 -1.794 7.907 -2.238 8.352 c -2.681 8.795 l -3.03 8.274 l -3.466 7.62 -3.962 7.023 -4.505 6.501 c -4.921 6.102 -5.332 5.752 -5.731 5.456 c -6.18 6.082 -6.449 6.712 -6.532 7.335 c -6.627 8.027 -6.647 8.683 -6.597 9.289 c -6.19 8.969 l -5.92 9.566 l -5.713 10.023 -5.44 10.442 -5.109 10.814 c -4.664 11.314 l -5.263 11.614 l -7.054 12.508 -8.498 13.208 -9.681 13.754 c -10.172 13.981 l -10.373 13.479 l -10.543 13.054 -10.759 12.646 -11.012 12.265 c -11.361 11.741 l -10.779 11.505 l -9.622 11.036 -8.658 10.585 -7.894 10.154 c -11.274 10.154 l -11.815 10.154 -12.476 10.176 -13.238 10.222 c -13.782 10.254 l -13.782 7.927 l -13.241 7.958 l -12.451 8.004 -11.808 8.026 -11.274 8.026 c -9.102 8.026 l -9.102 6.437 l -13.75 6.437 l -14.295 6.437 -14.957 6.461 -15.716 6.506 c -16.259 6.539 l -16.259 4.28 l -15.717 4.311 l -14.928 4.357 -14.285 4.379 -13.75 4.379 c -11.959 4.379 l -12.339 3.197 -12.862 2.225 -13.517 1.48 c -14.29 0.599 -15.253 -0.111 -16.373 -0.629 c -17.243 -1.03 l -16.428 -1.532 l -15.905 -1.854 -15.523 -2.213 -15.291 -2.598 c -15.019 -3.054 l -14.573 -2.764 l -13.763 -2.24 -12.949 -1.569 -12.15 -0.77 c -11.329 0.05 -10.644 1.075 -10.114 2.277 c -9.592 3.465 -9.255 4.672 -9.112 5.864 c -9.102 5.944 l -9.102 -0.682 l -9.102 -0.839 -9.137 -0.886 -9.141 -0.887 c -9.152 -0.891 -9.257 -0.925 -9.613 -0.925 c -9.899 -0.925 -10.279 -0.903 -10.743 -0.859 c -11.699 -0.769 l -11.243 -1.613 l -10.963 -2.132 -10.823 -2.629 -10.823 -3.091 c -10.823 -3.649 l -10.267 -3.603 l -9.086 -3.504 -8.246 -3.316 -7.697 -3.028 c -7.044 -2.686 -6.701 -2.089 -6.701 -1.301 c -6.701 2.698 l -6.18 1.835 -5.637 1.104 -5.073 0.513 c -4.156 -0.452 -3.028 -1.39 -1.721 -2.277 c -1.174 -2.647 l -0.949 -2.026 l -0.807 -1.633 -0.457 -1.256 0.085 -0.907 c 0.916 -0.373 l h f q emc q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 567.2394 tm (to the shareholders of aluminum corporation of china limited)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 61.3359 552.2394 tm (\(established in the people\222s republic of china with limited liabilit\ y\))tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 502.2393 tm (opinion)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 472.2393 tm [(we have )0.5 (audited the consolidated financial statements )0.5 (of aluminum )0.5 (corporation of )0.5 (china )0.5 (limited )]tj 0.089 tw 0 -1.5 td (\(the \223company\224\) and its subsidiaries \(the \223group\224\) set o\ ut on pages 185 to 426, which comprise )tj 0.047 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (on)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (da)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (na)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.3 ( p)0.5 (os)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (t)14.3 ( 3)14.4 (1)14.3 ( d)0.5 (ec)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (er)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.3 (1)14.4 (9)14.4 (,)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( co)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (ol)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)19.1 ( )]tj 0.065 tc t* [(s)0.5 (ta)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (me)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (fi)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( l)0.5 (os)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( o)0.5 (t)0.5 (he)0.5 (r)14.4 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (eh)0.5 (e)0.5 (ns)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (om)0.5 (e)14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (ns)0.5 (o)0.5 (li)0.5 (d)0.5 (a)0.5 (te)0.5 (d)14.4 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)0.5 (me)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( of)37.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.023 tw t* (changes in equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the y\ ear then ended, and notes )tj 0 tw t* (to the consolidated financial statements, including a summary of signifi\ cant accounting policies.)tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -3 td [(in)1.2 ( )0.5 (our)1.2 ( )0.5 (opinion)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( consolidated)1.2 ( )0.5 (financial)1.2 ( )0.5 (statements)1.2 ( )0.5 (give)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )0.5 (true)1.2 ( and)1.2 ( )0.5 (fair)1.3 ( view)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.3 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (consolidated)1.2 ( )]tj 0.083 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(financial)14.3 ( )0.5 (position)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (group)14.2 ( )0.5 (as)14.3 ( )0.5 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (3)14.2 (1)14.2 ( )0.5 (december)14.3 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.2 (1)14.3 (9)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (its)14.2 ( )0.6 (consolidated)14.2 ( )0.5 (financial)55.3 ( )]tj t* [(performance)14 ( and)14 ( its)14 ( consolidated)14 ( cash)14 ( flows)14 ( for)14 ( the)14 ( year)14 ( then)14 ( ended)14 ( in)14 ( accordance)14 ( with)55.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc t* [(international)13.7 ( financial)13.8 ( reporting)13.8 ( standards)13.7 ( \()13.8 (\223)13.7 (ifrss)13.7 (\224)13.8 (\))13.8 ( issued)13.8 ( by)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( international)13.8 ( accounting)35.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(standards)13.6 ( board)13.7 ( \()13.7 (\223)13.6 (iasb)13.7 (\224)13.7 (\))13.6 ( and)13.6 ( have)13.6 ( been)13.6 ( properly)13.6 ( prepared)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( compliance)13.7 ( with)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( disclosure)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (requirements of the hong kong companies ordinance.)tj et endstream endobj 815 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3796 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.02 tc 0.01 tw 20 0 0 20 62.3622 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(shareholder )0.5 (of the )0.5 (company, )0.5 (chinalco )0.5 (is a )0.5 (connected )0.5 (person )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )]tj 0.009 tw 0 -1.5 td (company under chapter 14a of the hong kong listing rules. therefore, the\ transaction constitutes )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(a)11.2 ( )0.5 (connected)11.2 ( )0.5 (transaction)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( company)11.1 ( )0.5 (under)11.2 ( )0.5 (chapter)11.2 ( 1)11.2 (4)11.2 (a)11.3 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (hong)11.2 ( kong)11.2 ( listing)11.2 ( rules)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (as)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.051 tw t* (the highest applicable percentage ratio in respect of the transaction ex\ ceeds 0.1% but is less than )tj 0.055 tc 0.077 tw t* [(5)14.3 (%)14.3 (,)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( t)0.5 (ransact)0.5 (ion)14.3 ( is)14.4 ( su)0.5 (bject)14.3 ( to)14.4 ( re)0.5 (porti)0.5 (ng)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( annou)0.5 (ncement)14.4 ( r)0.5 (equire)0.5 (ment)0.5 (s)14.3 ( b)0.5 (ut)14.4 ( e)0.5 (xempt)14.4 ( f)0.5 (rom)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (independent shareholders\222 approval requirement.)tj 0 -3 td (for details of the aforesaid matter, please refer to the announcement da\ ted 28 march 2019.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 517.2117 tm (one-off connected transaction \(exempted\) related )tj 0 -1.333 td (to acquisition and disposal of assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td (acquisition of equity interests of suzhou nonferrous metals )tj 0 -1.333 td (materials science and technical development co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <163d03c80295040d>tj t* <0696166e04bf08d807c504a603de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw (\) by chalco shanghai)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.067 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 392.2117 tm (on 29 april 2019, the resolution in relation to proposed acquisition of \ equity interests in suzhou )tj 0.052 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(n)0.5 (on)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (rr)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)14.3 ( me)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (ls)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (er)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (ls)14.4 ( s)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (en)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)14.3 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (e)0.5 (ch)0.5 (n)0.5 (ic)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( d)0.5 (ev)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (op)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)14.4 (.)14.3 (,)14.4 ( l)0.5 (t)0.5 (d)14.3 ( by)14.4 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (lc)0.5 (o)14.4 ( s)0.5 (ha)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (ha)0.5 (i)24.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(company)11.2 ( )0.5 (limited)11.2 ( )0.5 (was)11.2 ( )0.5 (considered)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( )0.5 (approved)11.2 ( )0.5 (at)11.2 ( the)11.3 ( 4)11.2 (2)11.2 (nd)11.2 ( )0.5 (meeting)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.3 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (sixth)11.2 ( )0.5 (session)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.3 ( the)11.2 ( )]tj t* [(board)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.3 ( the)11.2 ( company)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (pursuant)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( which)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( board)11.2 ( )0.5 (approved)11.2 ( )0.5 (chalco)11.2 ( shanghai)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)11.2 ( wholly)11.2 (-)11.2 (owned)11.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(s)0.5 (u)0.5 (bs)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (ar)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (ny)0.5 (,)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o )0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (qu)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (10)0.5 (0)0.5 (%)0.5 ( e)0.5 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (er)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (s )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (uz)0.5 (h)0.5 (o)0.5 (u )0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (rr)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (s )0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (ls)0.5 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (er)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (s)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw t* (science and technical development co., ltd.* \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf (suzhou nonferrous metals)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\) at a consideration )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(of rmb237,400. on the same day, chalco shanghai entered into the equity \ transfer agreement with)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(china)8.2 ( )0.5 (nonferrous)8.2 ( )0.5 (metals)8.2 ( processing)8.2 ( )0.5 (technology)8.2 ( co)8.2 (.)8.2 (,)8.2 ( ltd)8.2 (.)8.2 (*)8.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 29.411 0 td <0295040d07c504a60670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw [(\) )0.5 (\(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.036 tc -0.036 tw (cnpt)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.092 tw 14.673 0 td [(\224\) )0.5 (a)-7.9 (n)-7.8 (d )]tj 0.014 tw -44.084 -1.5 td (suzhou engineering & research institute for nonferrous metal research co\ ., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <163d03c803de040d0696166e07bc>tj t* <04fa09eb03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf (suzhou nonferrous institute)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\), two shareholders of suzhou nonferrous metals.)tj 0.077 tw 0 -3 td (as cnpt and suzhou nonferrous institute are subsidiaries of chinalco, th\ e controlling shareholder )tj 0.018 tw 0 -1.5 td [(of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company, )0.5 (they )0.5 (are )0.5 (connected )0.5 (persons )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (under )0.5 (chapter )0.5 (14a )0.5 (of )0.5 (the hong )0.5 (kong )]tj 0.019 tw t* (listing rules. therefore, the transaction constitutes a connected transa\ ction of the company under )tj 0.058 tw t* (chapter 14a of the hong kong listing rules. as the highest applicable pe\ rcentage ratio in respect )tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( transaction)13.8 ( is)13.7 ( less)13.7 ( than)13.8 ( 0)13.7 (.)13.8 (1)13.7 (%)13.8 (,)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( transaction)13.8 ( is)13.7 ( exempt)13.8 ( from)13.7 ( complying)13.7 ( with)13.8 ( reporting)13.7 (,)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (announcement and independent shareholders\222 approval requirements.)tj 0 -3 td (for details of the aforesaid matter, please refer to the announcement da\ ted 29 april 2019.)tj et endstream endobj 828 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.013 tc 0.003 tw 16 0 0 16 305.6542 721.6899 tm [(c)-15.1 (on)0.5 (n)3.1 (e)9.7 (c)-15.4 (t)-11.9 (e)1.7 (d)-3 ( t)62.3 (r)-7.4 (a)9.4 (ns)-2.9 (a)19 (c)-15.4 (t)-22 (ions)-2.9 ( \()14.5 (c)-15.1 (on)-20.5 (t)-22 (i)-1.1 (n)2.7 (u)5.2 (e)1.7 (d)8.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 829 0 obj <> endobj 830 0 obj <> endobj 831 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �cq��n &0�r���r[� �c����l�fh�3��ai��>����~r������/ʋ�mt���_��c���e8�v����?(9��ó�θb��k��^���э�ww�~pd�������x*[���&,k��s|.�j�2?fmg� ��� ���n����r��{�d�ea�x�yy�yo�yll���&1&e��qֈ�y#�f�y9{��)����o�����s ξu���g=��i!6x�$�j����{az[�]���x߬�pu�د���| endstream endobj 832 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 833 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (7)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(9. )-694.2 (capital contribution to yixin aluminum of the company)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.05 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 624.7467 tm [(on )0.5 (10 )0.5 (december )0.5 (2019, )0.5 (the )0.5 (resolution )0.5 (on )0.5 (the )0.5 (proposed )0.6 (capital )0.5 (contribution )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )]tj 0.056 tw 0 -1.4 td (to heqing yixin aluminum co., ltd. was considered and approved at the fi\ fth meeting of the )tj 0.092 tw t* [(seventh session )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (board of directors of the )0.5 (company, pursuant to which )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(agreed)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( make)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( capital)13.8 ( contribution)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( rmb)13.9 (8)13.8 (5)13.8 (0)13.9 ( million)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( cash)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( yixin)13.9 ( aluminum)13.8 (.)13.9 ( upon)15.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(completion)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( capital)13.7 ( contribution)13.7 (,)13.6 ( yixin)13.7 ( aluminum)13.6 ( will)13.6 ( be)13.7 ( held)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( approximately)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw t* (38.90% by the company, and yixin aluminum will not become a subsidiary o\ f the company. )tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(on)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (same)12.2 ( day)12.2 (,)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (company)12.2 ( entered)12.2 ( )0.5 (into)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (capital)12.2 ( contribution)12.2 ( )0.5 (agreement)12.2 ( )0.5 (with)12.2 ( )0.5 (yixin)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (aluminum and its original shareholder in relation to the aforesaid matte\ r.)tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.8 td [(as)13.6 ( each)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( yixin)13.6 ( aluminum)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( its)13.6 ( original)13.6 ( shareholders)13.6 ( yunnan)13.6 ( aluminum)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( yunnan)32.2 ( )]tj 0.084 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.4 td [(w)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.5 ( c)0.5 (o)14.4 (.)14.4 (,)14.5 ( l)0.6 (t)0.5 (d)14.4 (.)14.5 (*)14.4 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 16.397 0 td [<0dae06cc>0.5 <02d60286>0.5 <12590e3803de0822>0.5 <02ae0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.084 tc 0.077 tw 10.696 0 td [(\))14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)14.5 ( a)14.4 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (b)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (y)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( c)0.6 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (c)0.6 (o)14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)56.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.038 tw -27.092 -1.4 td (controlling shareholder of the company, each of yixin aluminum and its o\ riginal shareholders )tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw t* [(yunnan)14 ( aluminum)14 ( and)14 ( yunnan)14 ( wenshan)14 ( aluminum)14 ( co)14 (.)14 (,)14.1 ( ltd)14.1 (.)14 (*)14 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.056 tc -0.056 tw 32.109 0 td <0dae06cc02d6028612590e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.12 tw [(\))-27.9 ( i)-41.8 (s )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw -32.109 -1.4 td [(a)13.6 ( connected)13.6 ( person)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( under)13.6 ( chapter)13.6 ( 1)13.6 (4)13.6 (a)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( hong)13.6 ( kong)13.5 ( listing)13.6 ( rules)13.5 (.)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.008 tw t* (therefore, the transaction constitutes a connected transaction of the co\ mpany under chapter )tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(1)13.2 (4)13.2 (a)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )0.5 (hong)13.1 ( )0.5 (kong)13.2 ( listing)13.2 ( )0.5 (rules)13.1 (.)13.3 ( as)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (highest)13.2 ( applicable)13.2 ( percentage)13.2 ( ratio)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( respect)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.086 tw t* (of the transaction exceeds 0.1% but is less than 5%, the transaction is \ subject to reporting )tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)14.1 ( announcement)14.1 ( requirements)14.1 ( but)14.1 ( exempt)14.1 ( from)14.1 ( independent)14 ( shareholders)14 (\222)14.1 ( approval)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (requirement.)tj 0.011 tw 0 -2.8 td [(for )0.5 (the )0.5 (details )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (aforesaid )0.6 (matter, )0.5 (please )0.5 (refer )0.5 (to )0.6 (the )0.5 (announcement )0.5 (dated )0.5 (10 )0.5 (december )]tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.4 td (2019.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 297.7466 tm (the connected transactions with the connected )tj 0 -1.267 td (parties through joint contribution \(non-exempted\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.2 td (capital contribution to chinalco capital by the company)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 217.7466 tm [(on)12.2 ( 2)12.2 (8)12.2 ( )0.5 (march)12.2 ( 2)12.2 (0)12.2 (1)12.2 (9)12.2 (,)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (resolution)12.2 ( )0.5 (in)12.2 ( relation)12.2 ( to)12.2 ( )0.5 (proposed)12.2 ( )0.5 (capital)12.2 ( )0.5 (contribution)12.2 ( )0.5 (by)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( company)12.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.4 td [(to)8.2 ( chinalco)8.2 ( capital)8.2 ( )0.5 (holdings)8.2 ( )0.5 (co)8.2 (.)8.2 (,)8.1 ( )0.5 (ltd)8.2 (.)8.2 ( was)8.2 ( )0.5 (considered)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (approved)8.2 ( at)8.2 ( )0.5 (4)8.2 (1)8.2 (st)8.2 ( )0.5 (meeting)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (sixth)8.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(session)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (board)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( company)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (pursuant)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( )0.5 (which)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( company)11.2 ( was)11.2 ( approved)11.2 ( to)11.2 ( )0.5 (make)11.1 ( )0.5 (a)11.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(capital contribution of rmb176,520,000 to chinalco capital. on the same \ day, the company entered)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(into)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( capital)13.7 ( contribution)13.8 ( agreement)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( chinalco)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( chinalco)13.8 ( capital)13.8 (.)13.8 ( prior)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( capital)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.032 tw t* (contribution, chinalco capital was also held as to 14.71% by the company\ . the capital contribution )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(was)7.2 ( )0.5 (made)7.2 ( by)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (company)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( )0.5 (proportion)7.2 ( )0.5 (to)7.2 ( )0.5 (their)7.2 ( )0.5 (respective)7.2 ( )0.5 (shareholdings)7.3 ( on)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)7.2 ( )0.5 (pro)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.043 tw t* (rata basis. the shareholding of the company in chinalco capital remained\ unchanged following the )tj 0 tw t* (capital contribution)tj et endstream endobj 834 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.013 tc 0.003 tw 16 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(c)-15.1 (on)0.5 (n)3.1 (e)9.7 (c)-15.4 (t)-11.9 (e)1.7 (d)-3 ( t)62.3 (r)-7.4 (a)9.4 (ns)-2.9 (a)19 (c)-15.4 (t)-22 (ions)-2.9 ( \()14.5 (c)-15.1 (on)-20.5 (t)-22 (i)-1.1 (n)2.7 (u)5.2 (e)1.7 (d)8.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 835 0 obj <> endobj 836 0 obj <> endobj 837 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �cq��n &0�r���r[� �c����l�fh�3��ai��>����~r������/ʋ�mt���_��c���e8�v����?(9��ó�θb��k��^���э�ww�~pd�������x*[���&,k��s|.�j�2?fmg� ��� ���n����r��{�d�ea�x�yy�yo�yll���&1&e��qֈ�y#�f�y9{��)����o�����s ξu���g=��i!6x�$�j����{az[�]���x߬�pu�د���| endstream endobj 838 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 839 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (7)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(8. )-694.2 (subscription for shares by the company of yunnan aluminum )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (to be issued through non-public offering)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm [(on)9.2 ( )0.5 (2)9.2 (1)9.2 ( november)9.2 ( )0.5 (2)9.2 (0)9.2 (1)9.2 (9)9.2 (,)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (resolution)9.2 ( )0.5 (in)9.2 ( relation)9.2 ( )0.5 (to)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( proposed)9.2 ( subscription)9.2 ( for)9.2 ( )0.5 (shares)9.3 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(by)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( yunnan)13.7 ( aluminum)13.7 ( co)13.8 (.)13.7 (,)13.7 ( ltd)13.8 (.)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( be)13.7 ( issued)13.7 ( through)13.7 ( non)13.7 (-)13.8 (public)13.7 ( offering)20.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(was)1.2 ( )0.5 (considered)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (approved)1.2 ( at)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( fourth)1.2 ( )0.5 (meeting)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( seventh)1.2 ( )0.5 (session)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (board)1.2 ( of)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw t* (directors of the company, pursuant to which the board approved the compa\ ny to subscribe )tj 0.031 tw t* [(for )0.5 (shares of yunnan aluminum to be )0.5 (issued through )0.5 (non-public offering with its )0.5 (subscription )]tj 0.092 tw t* [(proportion not )0.5 (less than 5% )0.5 (of yunnan )0.5 (aluminum\222s )0.5 (total )0.5 (equity )0.5 (after )0.5 (no-public offering, and )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (subscription amount not less than rmb1.5 billion.)tj 0.027 tc 0 -3 td [(on 19 december 2019, share subscription agreement for non-public issued \ shares of yunnan)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw 0 -1.5 td (aluminum co., ltd. was entered into between the company and yunnan alumi\ num, pursuant )tj 0.034 tw t* (to which the company agreed to subscribe for 314,050,688 a shares of yun\ nan aluminum at )tj 0.076 tw t* (a price of rmb4.10 per share with the total subscription amount of about\ rmb1.288 billion. )tj 0.088 tw t* (upon completion of the subscription, around 10.04% equity of yunnan alum\ inum is held by )tj 0 tw t* (the company, and yunnan aluminum will not become a subsidiary of the com\ pany.)tj 0.024 tw 0 -3 td (as yunnan aluminum is a subsidiary of chinalco, the controlling sharehol\ der of the company, )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(yunnan)13.7 ( aluminum)13.6 ( is)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( connected)13.7 ( person)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.7 ( under)13.6 ( chapter)13.7 ( 1)13.7 (4)13.6 (a)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( hong)15.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc t* [(kong)14.2 ( listing)14.2 ( rules)14.1 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (therefore)14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( transaction)14.2 ( constitutes)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.1 ( )0.5 (connected)14.1 ( )0.5 (transaction)14.1 ( )0.5 (of)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)20.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc t* [(company)14 ( under)14 ( chapter)14 ( 1)14 (4)14 (a)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( hong)14 ( kong)14 ( listing)14 ( rules)14 (.)14 ( as)14 ( the)14 ( highest)14 ( applicable)30.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0.077 tw t* [(p)0.5 (er)0.5 (ce)0.5 (nt)0.5 (ag)0.5 (e)14.3 ( r)0.5 (a)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)14.3 ( in)14.4 ( re)0.5 (sp)0.5 (ec)0.5 (t)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( t)0.5 (r)0.5 (an)0.5 (sa)0.5 (ct)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)14.4 ( ex)0.5 (ce)0.5 (ed)0.5 (s)14.3 ( 0)14.4 (.)14.3 (1)14.4 (%)14.4 ( bu)0.5 (t)14.3 ( i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( l)0.5 (e)0.5 (ss)14.4 ( th)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)14.3 ( 5)14.4 (%)14.3 (,)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)44.2 ( )]tj 0.074 tc 0.078 tw t* [(transaction)14.1 ( is)14.1 ( subject)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( reporting)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( announcement)14.1 ( requirements)14.1 ( but)14.2 ( exempt)14.1 ( from)46.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(independent)5.2 ( )0.5 (shareholders)5.2 (\222)5.2 ( )0.5 (approval)5.2 ( )0.5 (requirement)5.3 (.)5.1 ( )0.5 (pursuant)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (shanghai)5.2 ( )0.5 (stock)5.2 ( exchange)5.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(listing)2.2 ( )0.5 (rules)2.2 (,)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( proposed)2.2 ( )0.5 (subscription)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (company)2.2 ( )0.5 (for)2.2 ( a)2.2 ( )0.5 (shares)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (yunnan)2.2 ( aluminum)2.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(to)13.2 ( be)13.2 ( )0.5 (issued)13.2 ( )0.5 (through)13.2 ( )0.5 (non)13.2 (-)13.2 (public)13.2 ( )0.5 (offering)13.2 ( )0.5 (is)13.2 ( )0.5 (requited)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( be)13.2 ( considered)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( )0.5 (approved)13.3 ( by)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.038 tw t* (general meeting of shareholders. according to the relevant requirements \ of the listing rules )tj 0.086 tw t* (of the shanghai stock exchange, the proposed subscription for shares of \ yunnan aluminum )tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(to)14.1 ( be)14 ( issued)14.1 ( through)14.1 ( non)14 (-)14.1 (public)14 ( offering)14.1 ( by)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 ( shall)14.1 ( be)14.1 ( submitted)14.1 ( to)14 ( a)14.1 ( general)20.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(meeting)12.2 ( )0.5 (for)12.2 ( )0.5 (consideration)12.2 (.)12.2 ( on)12.2 ( )0.5 (1)12.2 (0)12.2 ( december)12.2 ( 2)12.2 (0)12.2 (1)12.2 (9)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (aforesaid)12.2 ( )0.5 (subscription)12.2 ( )0.5 (for)12.2 ( )0.5 (shares)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* [(yunnan )0.6 (aluminum )0.5 (to )0.5 (be )0.5 (issued )0.5 (through )0.6 (non-public )0.5 (offering )0.5 (was )0.6 (considered )0.5 (and )0.6 (approved )0.5 (at )]tj 0 tw t* (the 2019 third extraordinary general meeting of the company.)tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -3 td [(for)4.2 ( details)4.3 ( of)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( aforesaid)4.2 ( )0.5 (matter)4.1 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (please)4.2 ( refer)4.2 ( to)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( announcements)4.2 ( )0.5 (dated)4.2 ( )0.5 (2)4.2 (1)4.2 ( november)4.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.5 td [(2)7.2 (0)7.2 (1)7.2 (9)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( 1)7.2 (9)7.2 ( )0.5 (december)7.2 ( )0.5 (2)7.2 (0)7.2 (1)7.2 (9)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.3 ( company)7.1 (,)7.3 ( and)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( supplemental)7.2 ( circular)7.2 ( )0.5 (for)7.2 ( )0.5 (2)7.2 (0)7.2 (1)7.2 (9)7.2 ( )0.5 (third)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (extraordinary general meeting of the company dated 25 november 2019, res\ pectively.)tj et endstream endobj 840 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (7)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(for)13.7 ( details)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( aforesaid)13.7 ( matter)13.7 (,)13.7 ( please)13.7 ( refer)13.6 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( announcements)13.6 ( dated)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.6 ( february)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td (2019 and 28 may 2019 and the supplemental circular of 2018 annual genera\ l meeting dated )tj 0 tw t* (10 june 2019 of the company, respectively.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 592.2117 tm [(7. )-694.2 (capital contribution to china rare metals and rare earths )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (company ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02953d640cfd03de0cfd027a0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw (\) with gallium )tj 0 -1.333 td (assets by the company)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.008 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 522.2117 tm (on 27 august 2019, the resolution in relation to proposed capital contri\ bution to china rare )tj 0.059 tw 0 -1.5 td [(metals )0.5 (and )0.5 (rare )0.5 (earths )0.5 (company )0.5 (ltd. with gallium )0.5 (assets by )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (was )0.5 (considered )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(and)6.2 ( approved)6.2 ( )0.5 (at)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( second)6.2 ( meeting)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)6.2 ( session)6.3 ( of)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (board)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( company)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(pursuant to )0.5 (which the board )0.5 (approved )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (to )0.5 (make )0.5 (a capital )0.5 (contribution )0.5 (to )0.5 (china )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(rare)8.2 ( metals)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( )0.5 (rare)8.2 ( earths)8.2 ( )0.5 (company)8.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)8.2 (*)8.2 ( \()8.2 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 22.67 0 td [(china)8.2 ( rare)8.2 ( )0.5 (earth)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.722 0 td [(\224)8.2 (\))8.2 ( )0.5 (with)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (net)8.2 ( )0.5 (assets)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw -31.392 -1.5 td [(liabilities)6.2 ( )0.5 (related)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( )0.5 (its)6.2 ( )0.5 (gallium)6.2 ( )0.5 (production)6.2 ( )0.5 (line)6.2 ( )0.5 (at)6.2 ( a)6.2 ( )0.5 (consideration)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)6.2 (3)6.2 (5)6.2 (2)6.1 (,)6.3 (8)6.1 (4)6.2 (8)6.2 (,)6.2 (1)6.2 (0)6.2 (0)6.2 (.)6.2 ( )0.5 (upon)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.003 tw t* (completion of the capital contribution, the shareholding proportion in c\ hina rare earth held by )tj 0.048 tw t* (the company increased from 14.62% to 23.94%. on the same day, the compan\ y signed the )tj 0 tw t* (capital contribution agreement with china rare earth.)tj 0.072 tw 0 -3 td (as china rare earth is a subsidiary of chinalco, the controlling shareho\ lder of the company, )tj 0.007 tw 0 -1.5 td (china rare earth is a connected person of the company under chapter 14a \ of the hong kong )tj 0.036 tw t* (listing rules. therefore, the transaction constitutes a connected transa\ ction of the company )tj 0 tw t* (under chapter 14a of the hong kong listing rules. as the highest applica\ ble percentage ratio )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(in)14.2 ( respect)14.3 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( transaction)14.2 ( exceeds)14.2 ( )0.5 (0)14.2 (.)14.2 (1)14.2 (%)14.2 ( )0.5 (but)14.2 ( )0.5 (is)14.2 ( less)14.2 ( )0.5 (than)14.2 ( )0.5 (5)14.2 (%)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (transaction)14.2 ( )0.5 (is)14.2 ( )0.5 (subject)14.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (o)14.3 ( re)0.5 (po)0.5 (rt)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( ann)0.5 (ou)0.5 (nc)0.5 (eme)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( re)0.5 (qu)0.5 (ir)0.5 (em)0.5 (en)0.5 (ts)14.4 ( but)14.4 ( ex)0.5 (em)0.5 (pt)14.4 ( fr)0.5 (om)14.4 ( in)0.5 (de)0.5 (pe)0.5 (nde)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( sh)0.5 (ar)0.5 (eh)0.5 (old)0.5 (er)0.5 (s)14.3 (\222)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (approval requirement.)tj 0.026 tw 0 -3 td (for details of the aforesaid matter, please refer to the announcements d\ ated 27 august 2019 )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (and 12 september 2019 of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 841 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (7)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.074 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm (as chinalco environmental protection is a subsidiary of chinalco, the co\ ntrolling shareholder )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.5 td [(of)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( company)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)6.2 ( )0.5 (environmental)6.2 ( )0.5 (protection)6.2 ( )0.5 (is)6.2 ( a)6.2 ( )0.5 (connected)6.2 ( person)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( company)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.09 tw t* (under chapter 14a of the hong kong listing rules. therefore, the transac\ tion constitutes a )tj 0.002 tw t* (connected transaction of the company under chapter 14a of the hong kong \ listing rules. as )tj 0.021 tw t* [(the )0.5 (highest )0.5 (applicable )0.6 (percentage )0.5 (ratio )0.6 (in )0.5 (respect )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (transaction )0.5 (exceeds )0.5 (0.1% )0.6 (but )0.5 (is )0.5 (less )]tj 0.035 tw t* (than 5%, the transaction is subject to reporting and announcement requir\ ements but exempt )tj 0 tw t* (from independent shareholders\222 approval requirement.)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(for)13.7 ( details)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( aforesaid)13.7 ( matter)13.7 (,)13.7 ( please)13.7 ( refer)13.6 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( announcements)13.6 ( dated)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.6 ( february)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (2019 and 12 march 2019 of the company.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 487.2117 tm [(6. )-694.2 (transfer of electrolytic aluminum capacity quota by shanxi )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (huasheng to yixin aluminum)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.075 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 437.2117 tm [(on)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 ( february)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (9)13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( resolution)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( relation)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( proposed)13.8 ( transfer)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( electrolytic)47.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0.077 tw t* [(a)0.5 (l)0.5 (um)0.5 (i)0.5 (nu)0.5 (m)14.4 ( c)0.5 (ap)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (it)0.5 (y)14.4 ( q)0.5 (uo)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)14.3 ( b)0.5 (y)14.4 ( s)0.5 (ha)0.5 (n)0.5 (xi)14.4 ( h)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (sh)0.5 (e)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (um)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (um)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)14.4 (.)14.3 (,)14.4 ( l)0.5 (t)0.5 (d)14.3 (.)14.4 ( w)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)14.3 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (ns)0.5 (i)0.5 (de)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)30.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(approved)13.2 ( )0.5 (at)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )0.5 (3)13.2 (8)13.1 (th)13.2 ( )0.5 (meeting)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (sixth)13.2 ( )0.5 (session)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (board)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (company)13.2 (,)13.2 ( pursuant)13.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(to)9.2 ( which)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.3 ( board)9.2 ( )0.5 (approved)9.2 ( shanxi)9.2 ( )0.5 (huasheng)9.2 (,)9.2 ( a)9.2 ( )0.5 (controlled)9.2 ( subsidiary)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (company)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (to)9.3 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(transfer)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( electrolytic)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.2 ( capacity)14.2 ( )0.5 (quota)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( )0.5 (1)14.1 (9)14.2 (0)14.2 (,)14.2 (0)14.2 (0)14.2 (0)14.1 ( )0.5 (tonnes)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( )0.5 (yixin)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.2 ( by)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.018 tw t* (way of agreement at a consideration \(tax inclusive\) of rmb950 million \ \(the final consideration )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(shall)13.9 ( be)13.9 ( subject)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( valuation)13.9 ( report)13.9 ( issued)13.9 ( by)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( professional)14 ( appraisal)14 ( institution)13.9 ( and)25.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(the)13.2 ( number)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )0.5 (electrolytic)13.2 ( aluminum)13.2 ( )0.5 (capacity)13.2 ( )0.5 (quota)13.2 ( )0.5 (finally)13.2 ( determined)13.2 ( )0.5 (by)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (province)13.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(to)10.2 ( which)10.2 ( )0.5 (it)10.3 ( is)10.2 ( transferred)10.2 (\))10.2 (.)10.2 ( )0.5 (on)10.2 ( )0.5 (2)10.2 (8)10.2 ( may)10.2 ( )0.5 (2)10.2 (0)10.2 (1)10.2 (9)10.1 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (shanxi)10.2 ( )0.5 (huasheng)10.2 ( entered)10.2 ( into)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (electrolytic)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (aluminum capacity quota transfer agreement with conditions precedent wit\ h yixin aluminum.)tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 0 -3 td [(as)6.2 ( yixin)6.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)6.2 ( is)6.2 ( )0.5 (a)6.2 ( subsidiary)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( controlling)6.2 ( )0.5 (shareholder)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( the)6.1 ( )0.5 (company)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.045 tw 0 -1.5 td (yixin aluminum is a connected person of the company under chapter 14a of\ the hong kong )tj 0.036 tw t* (listing rules. therefore, the transaction constitutes a connected transa\ ction of the company )tj 0 tw t* (under chapter 14a of the hong kong listing rules. as the highest applica\ ble percentage ratio )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(in)14.2 ( )0.5 (respect)14.3 ( of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( transaction)14.2 ( exceeds)14.2 ( )0.5 (0)14.2 (.)14.2 (1)14.2 (%)14.2 ( )0.5 (but)14.2 ( )0.5 (is)14.2 ( less)14.2 ( )0.5 (than)14.2 ( )0.5 (5)14.2 (%)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (transaction)14.2 ( )0.5 (is)14.2 ( )0.5 (subject)14.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (o)14.3 ( re)0.5 (po)0.5 (rt)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( ann)0.5 (ou)0.5 (nc)0.5 (em)0.5 (ent)14.4 ( re)0.5 (qu)0.5 (ir)0.5 (em)0.5 (en)0.5 (ts)14.4 ( but)14.4 ( ex)0.5 (em)0.5 (pt)14.4 ( fr)0.5 (om)14.4 ( in)0.5 (de)0.5 (pe)0.5 (nde)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( sh)0.5 (ar)0.5 (eh)0.5 (old)0.5 (er)0.5 (s)14.3 (\222)15.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(approval)13.7 ( requirement)13.6 (.)13.6 ( according)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( relevant)13.7 ( requirements)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( listing)13.6 ( rules)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(shanghai)3.2 ( )0.5 (stock)3.2 ( exchange)3.3 (,)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (proposed)3.2 ( )0.5 (transfer)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (electrolytic)3.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)3.2 ( )0.5 (capacity)3.2 ( )0.5 (quota)3.2 ( )0.5 (by)3.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(shanxi huasheng shall be submitted to a general meeting for consideratio\ n. on 25 june 2019,)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(the)1.2 ( )0.5 (aforesaid)1.2 ( )0.5 (transfer)1.2 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (electrolytic)1.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)1.2 ( )0.5 (capacity)1.2 ( )0.5 (quota)1.2 ( )0.5 (was)1.2 ( )0.5 (considered)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( approved)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (at the 2018 annual general meeting of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 842 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 843 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 844 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 845 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 846 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 847 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (7)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.06 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(as)13.9 ( chinalco)13.9 ( is)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( controlling)13.9 ( shareholder)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)14 ( company)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( chinalco)13.9 ( innovative)13.9 ( is)13.9 ( a)32.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc 0 -1.5 td [(subsidiary)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( chinalco)13.5 (,)13.5 ( chinalco)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( chinalco)13.6 ( innovative)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( connected)13.6 ( persons)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)36.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 ( u)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.5 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (p)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( 1)14.4 (4)14.5 (a)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( h)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.5 ( k)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)14.4 ( l)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( r)0.5 (u)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( t)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)26.3 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(constitutes)12.2 ( )0.5 (a)12.2 ( connected)12.2 ( )0.5 (transaction)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.1 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( company)12.2 ( under)12.2 ( )0.5 (chapter)12.2 ( )0.5 (1)12.2 (4)12.1 (a)12.3 ( of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (hong)12.2 ( kong)12.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw t* [(listing)13.9 ( rules)13.9 (.)14 ( as)13.9 ( the)14 ( highest)13.9 ( applicable)13.9 ( percentage)14 ( ratio)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( respect)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( transaction)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw t* (exceeds 0.1% but is less than 5%, the transaction is subject to reportin\ g and announcement )tj 0.004 tw t* (requirements but exempt from independent shareholders\222 approval requi\ rement. according to )tj 0.02 tw t* (the relevant requirements of the listing rules of the shanghai stock exc\ hange, the proposed )tj 0.074 tw t* [(capital )0.6 (contribution )0.5 (to )0.5 (chinalco )0.5 (innovative )0.5 (by )0.5 (the )0.6 (company )0.5 (with )0.5 (its )0.6 (100% )0.5 (equity )0.5 (interests )0.6 (in )]tj 0.024 tw t* (nanhai alloy shall be submitted to a general meeting for consideration. \ on 20 february 2019, )tj 0.02 tw t* [(the )0.5 (aforesaid )0.6 (capital )0.5 (contribution )0.6 (was )0.5 (considered )0.5 (and )0.5 (approved )0.5 (at )0.5 (the )0.5 (2019 )0.5 (first )0.5 (extraordinary )]tj 0 tw t* (general meeting of the company.)tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(for)14 ( details)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( aforesaid)14 ( matter)14 (,)13.9 ( please)13.9 ( refer)13.9 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( announcements)14 ( dated)14 ( 2)14 (2)14 ( january)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.5 td (2019 and 30 january 2019, and the supplemental circular of 2019 first ex\ traordinary general )tj 0 tw t* (meeting dated 31 january 2019 of the company.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 397.2117 tm [(5. )-694.2 (acquisition of equity interests in two electricity allocation )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (and sales companies from chalco energy by chinalco )tj 0 -1.333 td (environmental protection and energy conservation co., ltd.* )tj 0 tc 0 -1.333 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td <02951259141106ad0eb709900dab0fa003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.028 tc 0.084 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 307.2117 tm (on 20 february 2019, the resolution in relation to proposed acquisition \ of equity interests )tj 0.091 tw 0 -1.5 td [(in )0.5 (two )0.5 (electricity )0.5 (allocation and )0.5 (sales )0.5 (companies )0.5 (from chalco energy co., )0.5 (ltd. )0.5 (by chinalco )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(environmental)11.3 ( protection)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( energy)11.2 ( conservation)11.2 ( )0.5 (co)11.2 (.)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)11.2 (.)11.2 ( was)11.2 ( )0.5 (considered)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( )0.5 (approved)11.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(at)14 ( the)13.9 ( 3)13.9 (8)14 (th)14 ( meeting)14 ( of)13.9 ( the)14 ( sixth)14 ( session)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( board)14 ( of)13.9 ( the)14 ( company)13.9 (,)14 ( pursuant)14 ( to)14 ( which)16.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(the)8.2 ( board)8.2 ( )0.5 (approved)8.2 ( )0.5 (chalco)8.2 ( )0.5 (energy)8.2 (,)8.2 ( a)8.2 ( )0.5 (wholly)8.2 (-)8.2 (owned)8.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiary)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (company)8.2 (,)8.2 ( to)8.2 ( )0.5 (transfer)8.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(its)14.2 ( 4)14.1 (0)14.2 (%)14.1 ( equity)14.2 ( interests)14.2 ( in)14.1 ( inner)14.2 ( mongolia)14.1 ( )0.5 (fengrong)14.2 ( electricity)14.1 ( allocation)14.1 ( and)14.2 ( sales)14.2 ( co)14.2 (.)14.1 (,)24.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.092 tw t* [(l)-14.1 (t)-14.1 (d.* \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.039 tw <02ab1086031a152e134409e30a2f0f6503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.053 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.7 ( and)13.8 ( 6)13.8 (0)13.7 (%)13.8 ( equity)13.8 ( interests)13.7 ( in)13.8 ( ningxia)13.8 ( fenghao)13.8 ( electricity)25.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* (allocation and sales co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.027 tw <0fb90880152e060009e30a2f0f6503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw [(\) to chinalco environmental protection)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.8 ( energy)13.8 ( conservation)13.8 ( co)13.8 (.)13.7 (,)13.8 ( ltd)13.8 (.)13.7 (*)13.8 ( \()13.7 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 19.266 0 td [(chinalco)13.7 ( environmental)13.8 ( protection)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.045 tc 0.092 tw 18.68 0 td [(\224\) b)-14.2 (y w)-14.2 (a)-14.1 (y o)-14.1 (f)17.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw -37.946 -1.5 td [(agreement transfer at consideration of rmb20,041,300 and rmb21,531,300, \ respectively. on)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (the same day, chalco energy and chinalco environmental protection entere\ d into the equity )tj 0 tw t* (transfer agreements in respect of the aforesaid equity transfer.)tj et endstream endobj 848 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (6)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(as)3.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)3.2 ( )0.5 (capital)3.2 ( )0.5 (is)3.2 ( )0.5 (a)3.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiary)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( chinalco)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.3 ( controlling)3.2 ( )0.5 (shareholder)3.2 ( of)3.3 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (company)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(and)14.3 ( thus)14.2 ( )0.5 (it)14.3 ( is)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( )0.5 (connected)14.2 ( )0.5 (person)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.5 (under)14.2 ( )0.5 (chapter)14.2 ( )0.5 (1)14.2 (4)14.2 (a)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (hong)14.2 ( )0.5 (kong)25.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(listing)2.2 ( )0.5 (rules)2.2 (.)2.2 ( as)2.2 ( )0.5 (such)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (transaction)2.2 ( )0.5 (constitutes)2.2 ( a)2.2 ( )0.5 (connected)2.2 ( )0.5 (transaction)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (company)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (under chapter 14a of the hong kong listing rules. as the highest applica\ ble percentage ratio )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(in)14.2 ( )0.5 (respect)14.3 ( of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( transaction)14.2 ( exceeds)14.2 ( )0.5 (0)14.2 (.)14.2 (1)14.2 (%)14.2 ( )0.5 (but)14.2 ( )0.5 (is)14.2 ( less)14.2 ( )0.5 (than)14.2 ( )0.5 (5)14.2 (%)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (transaction)14.2 ( )0.5 (is)14.2 ( )0.5 (subject)14.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(to)14.2 ( reporting)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( announcement)14.2 ( requirements)14.2 ( but)14.1 ( )0.5 (exempt)14.1 ( )0.5 (from)14.2 ( )0.5 (independent)14.2 ( )0.5 (shareholder)14.2 (\222)14.2 (s)15.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(approval)13.7 ( requirement)13.6 (.)13.6 ( according)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( relevant)13.7 ( requirements)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( listing)13.6 ( rules)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw t* (shanghai stock exchange, the proposed capital contribution to chinalco f\ actoring by chalco )tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw t* [(international)13.9 ( trading)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( chalco)13.9 ( logistics)13.9 ( shall)14 ( be)13.9 ( submitted)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( general)14 ( meeting)14 ( for)38.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc t* [(consideration)14.2 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (on)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (9)14.2 ( )0.5 (april)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (9)14.3 (,)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (resolution)14.3 ( on)14.3 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (aforesaid)14.2 ( )0.5 (capital)14.2 ( )0.5 (contribution)14.2 ( )0.5 (was)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (considered and approved at the 2019 second extraordinary general meeting\ .)tj 0.062 tw 0 -3 td (for the details of the aforesaid matter, please refer to the announcemen\ ts dated 22 january )tj 0.036 tw 0 -1.5 td (2019 and 30 january 2019 and the circular of the 2019 second extraordina\ ry general meeting )tj 0 tw t* (dated 31 january 2019 of the company, respectively.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 412.2117 tm [(4. )-694.2 (capital contribution to chinalco innovative development )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (investment company limited* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590bf40e2d0d9a0cef04b30f1f03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw (\) by )tj 0 -1.333 td (the company)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.071 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 342.2117 tm (on 22 january 2019, the resolution in relation to proposed capital contr\ ibution to chinalco )tj 0.034 tw 0 -1.5 td (innovative development investment company limited* by the company was co\ nsidered and )tj 0.053 tw t* [(approved )0.5 (at )0.5 (the )0.5 (37th )0.6 (meeting )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (sixth )0.5 (session )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (board )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (company, )0.6 (pursuant )0.5 (to )]tj 0.035 tw t* (which the board approved the company to make a capital contribution to c\ hinalco innovative )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(development)4.2 ( investment)4.3 ( company)4.2 ( limited)4.2 (*)4.2 ( )0.5 (\()4.2 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 22.784 0 td [(chinalco)4.2 ( innovative)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.079 0 td [(\224)4.2 (\))4.2 ( )0.5 (with)4.2 ( )0.5 (its)4.2 ( )0.5 (1)4.2 (0)4.2 (0)4.2 (%)4.2 ( equity)4.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw -32.864 -1.5 td (interests in china aluminum nanhai alloy co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.026 tw <0295125906cc090e03a5069603de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf (nanhai alloy)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.026 tw [(\224\).)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(the)9.2 ( capital)9.3 ( contribution)9.2 ( amounted)9.2 ( )0.5 (to)9.2 ( rmb)9.2 (3)9.2 (5)9.2 (0)9.2 (,)9.2 (9)9.2 (2)9.2 (5)9.2 (,)9.3 (2)9.2 (0)9.2 (0)9.2 (,)9.2 ( being)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (appraised)9.3 ( value)9.3 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (1)9.1 (0)9.3 (0)9.2 (%)9.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(equity)11.2 ( interests)11.2 ( )0.5 (in)11.2 ( )0.5 (nanhai)11.2 ( alloy)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (upon)11.2 ( )0.5 (completion)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (capital)11.2 ( )0.5 (contribution)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( company)11.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(acquired 19.4852% equity interests in chinalco innovative. on 30 january\ 2019, the company)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.074 tw t* (entered into the capital contribution agreement with conditions preceden\ t with chinalco and )tj 0 tw t* (chinalco innovative.)tj et endstream endobj 849 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (6)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2. )-694.2 (acquisition of certain assets of shanxi aluminum by shanxi )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (new material)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 602.7467 tm [(on)7.2 ( )0.5 (2)7.2 (2)7.2 ( january)7.2 ( 2)7.2 (0)7.2 (1)7.2 (9)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( resolution)7.2 ( )0.5 (on)7.3 ( proposed)7.2 ( )0.5 (acquisition)7.2 ( of)7.2 ( )0.5 (certain)7.2 ( )0.5 (assets)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)7.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(sha)0.5 (nxi)14.3 ( alum)0.5 (inum)14.3 ( co)14.3 (.)14.4 (,)14.3 ( l)0.5 (td)14.3 (.)14.3 ( by)14.3 ( chal)0.5 (co)14.3 ( shanxi)14.4 ( n)0.5 (ew)14.3 ( mater)0.5 (ial)14.3 ( co)14.4 (.)14.3 (,)14.3 ( l)0.5 (td)14.3 ( was)14.3 ( consi)0.5 (dered)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)28.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(approved at the 37th meeting of the sixth session of the board of the co\ mpany, which agreed)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(that)13.6 ( shanxi)13.6 ( new)13.6 ( material)13.6 (,)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( subsidiary)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 (,)13.6 ( acquired)13.6 ( certain)13.6 ( assets)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( shanxi)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.033 tw t* (aluminum by a consideration of rmb177,159,400. on 30 january 2019, shanx\ i new material )tj 0 tw t* (and shanxi aluminum entered into the assets transfer agreement,)tj 0.054 tw 0 -3 td (as shanxi aluminum is a subsidiary of chinalco, the controlling sharehol\ der of the company, )tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(shanxi)13.8 ( aluminum)13.9 ( is)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( connected)13.9 ( person)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( under)13.9 ( chapter)13.8 ( 1)13.8 (4)13.9 (a)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( hong)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.075 tw t* (kong listing rules, and the transaction constitutes a connected transact\ ion of the company )tj 0 tw t* (under chapter 14a of the hong kong listing rules. as the highest applica\ ble percentage ratio )tj 0.013 tw t* [(in respect of the transaction contemplated )0.5 (exceeds 0.1% but is less than 5%, )0.5 (the transaction )]tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw t* [(is)13.5 ( subject)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( reporting)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( announcement)13.5 ( requirements)13.5 ( but)13.5 ( exempt)13.5 ( from)13.5 ( independent)37.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (shareholder\222s approval requirement.)tj 0.055 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(f)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( d)0.6 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.6 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.6 (d)14.4 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)14.5 (,)14.4 ( p)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)14.4 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( t)0.6 (o)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.5 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (n)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( d)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (2)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (january 2019 and 30 january 2019 of the company, respectively.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 327.7466 tm [(3. )-694.2 (capital contribution to chinalco factoring by chalco )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (international trading and chalco logistics)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.07 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 277.7466 tm [(on)14.1 ( 2)14 (2)14 ( january)14 ( 2)14.1 (0)14 (1)14 (9)14 (,)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( resolution)14 ( on)14.1 ( the)14 ( proposed)14 ( capital)14 ( contribution)14.1 ( to)14 ( chinalco)42.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc t* [(commercial)14 ( factoring)14 ( \()14 (tianjin)14 (\))14 ( co)14 (.)14 (,)14 ( ltd)14 (.)14 (*)14 ( by)14 ( chalco)14 ( international)14 ( trading)14 ( group)14 ( co)14 (.)14 (,)14 ( ltd)14 (.)14 (*)18.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(and)13.8 ( chalco)13.8 ( logistics)13.8 ( group)13.8 ( co)13.8 (.)13.8 (,)13.8 ( ltd)13.8 (.)13.8 (*)13.8 ( was)13.8 ( considered)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( approved)13.8 ( at)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( 3)13.8 (7)13.8 (th)13.8 ( meeting)21.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.077 tw t* [(o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( si)0.5 (xt)0.5 (h)14.3 ( s)0.5 (ess)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( b)0.5 (oa)0.5 (rd)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ny)14.4 (,)14.3 ( p)0.5 (ur)0.5 (su)0.5 (ant)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.3 ( w)0.5 (hi)0.5 (ch)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( b)0.5 (oa)0.5 (rd)14.4 ( ap)0.5 (pr)0.5 (ov)0.5 (ed)18.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(chalco)7.2 ( international)7.2 ( )0.5 (trading)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (chalco)7.2 ( )0.5 (logistics)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (each)7.2 ( )0.5 (being)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)7.2 ( wholly)7.2 (-)7.2 (owned)7.1 ( )0.5 (subsidiary)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(the)5.2 ( )0.5 (company)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (made)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( )0.5 (capital)5.2 ( )0.5 (contribution)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)5.2 (1)5.2 (0)5.2 (0)5.2 ( )0.5 (million)5.2 ( )0.5 (in)5.2 ( )0.5 (cash)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)5.2 ( )0.5 (factoring)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc 0.077 tw t* [(respectively)14.3 (,)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( c)0.5 (hinalco)14.3 ( f)0.5 (acto)0.5 (ring)14.3 ( wil)0.5 (l)14.3 ( be)14.3 ( owned)14.3 ( a)0.5 (s)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( 1)14.3 (7)14.3 (.)14.3 (1)14.3 (9)14.3 (1)14.3 (5)14.3 (%)14.3 ( by)14.3 ( each)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( chalco)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.076 tw t* (international trading and chalco logistics. on 30 january 2019, chalco i\ nternational trading )tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)14.3 ( )0.5 (chalco)14.3 ( )0.6 (logistics)14.3 ( )0.5 (entered)14.3 ( )0.6 (into)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.6 (conditional)14.3 ( )0.5 (capital)14.3 ( )0.6 (contribution)14.3 ( )0.5 (agreement)14.3 ( )0.6 (with)44.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* (chinalco factoring and chinalco capital holdings co., ltd.*\()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590f1f03490a9b067003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.001 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw (chinalco )tj t* (capital)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw (\224\), the shareholder of chinalco factoring..)tj et endstream endobj 850 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (6)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (one-off connected transactions \(non-exempted\) )tj 0 -1.3 td (related to acquisition and disposal of assets)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.267 td [(1. )-694.2 (acquisition of assets by issuance of shares and the related-)]tj 1.89 -1.3 td (party transaction of the company)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.081 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 550.7467 tm [(the)14 ( company)14 ( issued)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (,)14 (1)14 (1)13.9 (8)14 (,)14 (8)14 (7)13.9 (4)14 (,)14 (7)14 (1)13.9 (5)14 ( a)14 ( shares)14 ( to)14 ( huarong)14 ( ruitong)14 ( equity)14 ( investment)53.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc 0 -1.45 td [(management)14.1 ( co)14.1 (.)14.2 (,)14.1 ( ltd)14.2 (.)14.1 (*)14.1 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.054 tc -0.054 tw 12.797 0 td <0d3613440e7f0bb7067016c604b30f1f104d0b2303de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.068 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14.2 (,)14.1 ( china)14.1 ( life)14.1 ( insurance)14.1 ( company)40.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc -12.797 -1.45 td [(limited)14.1 (*)14.1 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.036 tc -0.036 tw 4.98 0 td <02950a37025b0faa06ad13880670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.05 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14.1 (,)14 ( shenzhen)14.1 ( zhaoping)14.1 ( chalco)14.1 ( investment)14 ( center)14.1 ( llp)14.1 (*)22.2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw -4.98 -1.45 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.03 tc -0.03 tw 0.308 0 td [<0b0903ad033905dd033b0295125904b30f1f029502d0>502.1 <0080>103.6 <03de082203a50fab>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.044 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.6 (\))13.7 (,)13.6 ( china)13.6 ( pacific)13.7 ( life)13.7 ( insurance)13.6 ( co)13.7 (.)13.6 (,)13.6 ( ltd)13.7 (.)13.6 (*)13.6 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.03 tc -0.03 tw 36.73 0 td <02950a3702c4033b0771025b0faa>tj -37.038 -1.45 td <06ad13880670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.044 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (china)14.3 ( )0.6 (cinda)14.3 ( )0.5 (asset)14.3 ( )0.5 (management)14.3 ( )0.6 (co)14.3 (.)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (ltd)14.2 (.)14.3 (*)14.3 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.03 tc -0.03 tw 30.864 0 td <02950a3706a60f3a0f1f0b2a104d0b230670038503de082202ae>tj 0 tc 0 tw -30.864 -1.45 td <0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 1.03 0 td [(\))13.9 (,)13.9 ( boc)13.9 ( financial)13.9 ( asset)13.9 ( investment)13.9 ( co)13.9 (.)13.9 (,)13.9 ( ltd)13.9 (.)13.9 (*)13.9 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.03 tc -0.03 tw 22.786 0 td <029510d5069613440f1f0b2a04b30f1f03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.044 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.9 (,)13.9 ( icbc)13.9 ( financial)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.035 tw -23.816 -1.45 td (asset investment co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <028810d5069613440f1f0b2a04b30f1f03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.035 tw (\) and abc financial asset investment )tj 0.071 tc 0.078 tw t* [(company)13.6 ( limited)13.6 (*)13.6 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.057 tc -0.057 tw 10.331 0 td <0f3510d5069613440f1f0b2a04b30f1f03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.071 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.6 ( to)13.6 ( acquire)13.6 ( 3)13.6 (0)13.6 (.)13.6 (7)13.6 (9)13.6 (5)13.6 (4)13.6 (%)13.6 ( equity)13.5 ( interests)13.6 ( in)43.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc -10.331 -1.45 td [(chalco)13.8 ( shandong)13.7 (,)13.8 ( 3)13.8 (6)13.7 (.)13.8 (8)13.7 (9)13.8 (9)13.8 (0)13.7 (%)13.8 ( equity)13.8 ( interests)13.7 ( in)13.8 ( zhongzhou)13.8 ( aluminum)13.8 (,)13.7 ( 2)13.8 (5)13.8 (.)13.7 (6)13.8 (7)13.8 (4)13.7 (8)13.8 (%)13.7 ( equity)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.037 tw t* (interests in baotou aluminum and 81.1361% equity interests in chalco min\ ing jointly held by )tj 0 tw t* (the above eight investors.)tj 0.06 tw 0 -2.9 td (on 20 february 2019, the shares of four target companies held by the abo\ ve eight investors )tj 0.043 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.45 td [(have)14.3 ( been)14.3 ( tr)0.5 (ansferred)14.3 ( and)14.2 ( the)14.3 ( formalities)14.3 ( for)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( com)0.5 (mercial)14.4 ( and)14.3 ( i)0.5 (ndustrial)14.3 ( registration)14.3 ( of)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.046 tw t* (relevant changes were duly completed. the four target companies have bec\ ome subsidiaries )tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.5 (.)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( 2)13.5 (5)13.6 ( february)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.6 (1)13.6 (9)13.5 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( share)13.6 ( registration)13.6 ( procedure)13.6 ( regarding)13.5 ( the)39.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(additional)4.2 ( shares)4.2 ( )0.5 (for)4.2 ( acquisition)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( assets)4.2 ( by)4.2 ( )0.5 (issuance)4.1 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )0.5 (shares)4.2 ( )0.5 (have)4.2 ( been)4.2 ( )0.5 (completed)4.2 ( )0.5 (with)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.077 tw t* (shanghai branch of china securities depository and clearing corporation \ limited. as of this )tj 0.088 tw t* (point, transaction regarding acquisition of assets by issuance of shares\ of the company has )tj 0 tw t* (been completed.)tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -2.9 td [(a)0.5 (s)10.2 ( c)0.5 (hi)0.5 (na)10.2 ( )0.5 (li)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)10.2 ( i)0.5 (ns)0.5 (ur)0.5 (an)0.5 (ce)10.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ny)10.2 ( )0.5 (li)0.5 (mi)0.5 (t)0.5 (ed)10.2 ( )0.5 (is)10.2 ( )0.5 (a)10.2 ( s)0.5 (ub)0.5 (st)0.5 (a)0.5 (nt)0.5 (ia)0.5 (l)10.2 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (ar)0.5 (eh)0.5 (ol)0.5 (de)0.5 (r)10.2 ( o)0.5 (f)10.2 ( )0.5 (ch)0.5 (al)0.5 (co)10.2 ( )0.5 (sh)0.5 (a)0.5 (nd)0.5 (on)0.5 (g)10.2 ( )]tj 0 -1.45 td [(a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)10.2 ( b)0.6 (a)0.5 (o)0.6 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)10.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (t)10.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (s)10.2 ( )0.5 (a)10.2 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)10.2 ( p)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)10.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)10.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)10.1 ( )0.5 (c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)10.1 ( )0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)10.2 ( c)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (p)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)10.2 ( 1)10.2 (4)10.2 (a)10.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)10.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)10.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(hong)13.7 ( kong)13.8 ( listing)13.7 ( rules)13.8 (.)13.8 ( therefore)13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 (\222)13.7 (s)13.8 ( acquisition)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( equity)13.8 ( interests)13.8 ( in)21.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc t* [(the)13.5 ( target)13.5 ( companies)13.5 ( held)13.5 ( by)13.5 ( china)13.6 ( life)13.5 ( insurance)13.5 ( company)13.5 ( limited)13.4 ( by)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( issuance)13.5 ( of)27.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.039 tw t* (consideration shares constitutes a connected transaction of the company \ under chapter 14a )tj 0.023 tc 0 tw t* [(of the hong kong listing rules. as the highest applicable percentage rat\ io of the transaction is)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.027 tc t* [(higher than 5%, it shall be subject to reporting, announcement and indep\ endent shareholders\222)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 -1.45 td (approval requirements.)tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.9 td [(for)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( details)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 (\222)14.2 (s)14.2 ( )0.5 (acquisition)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (assets)14.2 ( by)14.2 ( )0.5 (issuance)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( shares)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (please)14.2 ( )0.5 (refer)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.45 td (to the circular of 2018 first extraordinary general meeting dated 31 jul\ y 2018, supplemental )tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw t* [(circular)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.6 (1)13.7 (8)13.6 ( first)13.7 ( extraordinary)13.7 ( general)13.6 ( meeting)13.6 ( dated)13.6 ( 3)13.6 (1)13.7 ( august)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.6 (1)13.7 (8)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( related)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (announcements published.)tj et endstream endobj 851 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (6)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 653.4117 tm (payment term:)tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (chinalco)14.2 ( )0.6 (factoring)14.3 ( )0.5 (shall)14.3 ( )0.5 (design)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)33.3 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0 -1.4 td [(payment)13.7 ( methods)13.6 ( on)13.7 ( a)13.6 ( flexible)13.7 ( basis)13.6 ( according)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( the)30.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.077 tw t* [(s)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (ci)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)14.4 ( f)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (or)0.6 (in)0.5 (g)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (es)14.4 (,)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( b)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)14.4 ( n)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)14.4 ( l)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( t)0.5 (o)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.071 tw t* [(payment )0.5 (by )0.5 (the )0.5 (financing )0.5 (party )0.5 (to )0.5 (accounts )0.5 (receivable )0.5 (or )]tj 0 tw t* (by debtors to accounts receivable or both.)tj 0.049 tw -14.173 -2.773 td (for more detailed information on this continuing connected transaction, \ please refer to )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.45 td [(the)8.3 ( announcement)8.2 ( dated)8.2 ( )0.5 (1)8.2 (7)8.2 ( september)8.2 ( 2)8.2 (0)8.2 (1)8.2 (8)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (supplemental)8.2 ( circular)8.2 ( )0.5 (dated)8.2 ( 2)8.2 (6)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (november 2018 of the company, respectively.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 508.6817 tm [(\(j\) )-853.5 (labour services and engineering services agreement)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 119.0551 479.6817 tm (date of agreement)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (17 september 2018)tj -0.028 tw -14.173 -2.9 td (parties)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 14.173 0 td [(the)5.2 ( company)5.2 ( )0.5 (as)5.2 ( recipient)5.2 ( )0.5 (\()5.2 (for)5.2 ( itself)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (on)5.2 ( )0.5 (behalf)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( its)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (subsidiaries\) )tj 0.084 tw 0 -2.9 td (chalco steering intelligent technology co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590d56>tj 0.041 tc -0.041 tw 0 -1.45 td [<05df>0.5 <0c7d0990>0.5 <07c504a6>0.5 <03de>0.5 <082202ae>0.5 <0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.091 tw [(\))0.5 ( \()0.5 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 11.009 0 td [(chalco)13.5 ( steering)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.425 0 td [(\224)13.5 (\))13.4 ( \()13.4 (as)13.4 ( provider)13.5 (\))13.4 (,)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -19.433 -1.45 td (an associate of chinalco)tj -0.028 tw -14.173 -2.9 td (term)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (three years from 1 january 2018 to 31 december 2020)tj -14.173 -2.9 td (nature of transaction)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.049 tw 14.173 0 td (pursuant to the agreement, chalco steering shall provide )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (group)14.2 ( with)14.2 ( )0.5 (engineering)14.2 ( )0.5 (services)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( )0.5 (labor)14.2 ( services)17.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw t* [(s)0.5 (uc)0.5 (h)14.3 ( a)0.5 (s)14.3 ( eq)0.5 (ui)0.5 (p)0.5 (me)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( r)0.5 (ep)0.5 (ai)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14.3 (,)14.4 ( i)0.5 (nt)0.5 (e)0.5 (ll)0.5 (i)0.5 (ge)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( i)0.5 (nd)0.5 (u)0.5 (st)0.5 (ri)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.3 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (si)0.5 (gn)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (and maintenance, etc.)tj -14.173 -2.9 td (price determination)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.008 tw 14.173 0 td (the price is determined with reference to the comparable )tj 0.035 tw t* (local market prices, which refer to the reference made to )tj 0.025 tw t* (the prices charged or quoted by at least two independent )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(third)4.2 ( parties)4.2 ( )0.5 (providing)4.2 ( )0.5 (services)4.2 ( with)4.2 ( comparable)4.2 ( scale)4.2 ( in)4.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(areas)13.2 ( )0.5 (where)13.2 ( such)13.2 ( )0.5 (services)13.2 ( )0.5 (were)13.2 ( provided)13.2 ( under)13.2 ( )0.5 (normal)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (trading conditions around that time.)tj -14.173 -2.9 td (payment term:)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(the)14.1 ( company)14.1 ( shall)14.1 ( make)14.1 ( payment)14.1 ( within)14.1 ( three)14.1 ( months)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.081 tw t* (after chalco steering renders its services and completes )tj 0 tw t* (the settlement thereof.)tj 0.049 tw -14.173 -2.773 td (for more detailed information on this continuing connected transaction, \ please refer to )tj 0 tw t* (the announcement of the company dated 17 september 2018.)tj et endstream endobj 852 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 853 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 854 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 855 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 856 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 857 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (6)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 652.9117 tm (payment term:)tj 0.074 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(the)14.2 ( company)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( chinalco)14.2 ( )0.5 (lease)14.2 ( will)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (based)14.2 ( on)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)46.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.45 td [(a)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (u)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)14.4 ( c)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (h)14.4 ( f)0.6 (l)0.5 (o)0.6 (w)0.5 (s)14.5 (,)14.4 ( d)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (g)0.6 (n)14.4 ( f)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)0.5 (x)0.6 (i)0.5 (b)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)14.5 ( p)0.5 (a)0.6 (y)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.4 ( m)0.6 (e)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (s)14.5 (,)44.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw t* (including but not limited to payment of principal in equal )tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw t* [(instalments)14.2 ( )0.5 (on)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( )0.5 (quarterly)14.2 ( )0.5 (basis)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (payment)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (principal)32.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc t* [(and)13.5 ( interest)13.5 ( in)13.6 ( equal)13.6 ( instalments)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( quarterly)13.5 ( basis)13.5 (,)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* (payment of principal in unequal instalments on a quarterly )tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw t* [(basis)13.8 (,)13.8 ( payment)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( principal)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( equal)13.8 ( instalments)13.7 ( on)13.7 ( a)40.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(semi)14.1 (-)14 (annual)14 ( basis)14.1 (,)14.1 ( payment)14 ( of)14.1 ( principal)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( interest)14 ( in)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (equal instalments on an annual basis, etc.)tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw -14.173 -2.773 td [(for)14 ( more)14 ( detailed)14.1 ( information)14.1 ( on)14.1 ( this)14.1 ( continuing)14.1 ( connected)14.1 ( transaction)14.1 (,)14.1 ( please)14.1 ( refer)14.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(to)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (announcement)8.2 ( dated)8.2 ( 1)8.2 (7)8.2 ( )0.5 (september)8.3 ( 2)8.2 (0)8.2 (1)8.2 (8)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( supplemental)8.2 ( )0.5 (circular)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (company dated 26 november 2018, respectively.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 448.1817 tm [(\(i\) )-1131.5 (factoring cooperation agreement)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 119.0551 419.1817 tm (date of initial agreement)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (27 september 2017)tj 0.022 tc -14.173 -2.9 td (date of renewed agreement)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc (17 september 2018)tj -0.028 tw 0 -2.9 td (parties)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 14.173 0 td [(the)5.2 ( company)5.2 ( )0.5 (as)5.2 ( recipient)5.2 ( )0.5 (\()5.2 (for)5.2 ( itself)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (on)5.2 ( )0.5 (behalf)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( its)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.45 td (subsidiaries\))tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.9 td [(chinalco)14.1 ( commercial)14.1 ( factoring)14.1 ( \()14.1 (tianjin)14.1 (\))14.1 ( co)14.1 (.)14.1 (,)14 ( ltd)14.1 (.)14.1 (*)14.1 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 26.213 0 td <0295>tj 0.056 tc -0.056 tw -26.213 -1.45 td [<12590a200e3806ad0b23>502 <0080>103.6 <02c20775>103.5 <0081>502 <03de082202ae0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.07 tc 0.078 tw [(chinalco)13.6 ( factoring)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.056 tc 0.092 tw 24.435 0 td [(\224\) \(a)-14.4 (s)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -24.435 -1.45 td (provider\), a subsidiary of chinalco)tj -0.028 tw -14.173 -2.9 td (term)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (three years from 1 january 2019 to 31 december 2021)tj -14.173 -2.9 td (nature of transaction)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.095 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(pursuant)14.1 ( to)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( factoring)14.1 ( cooperation)14.1 ( agreement)14.2 (,)67.2 ( )]tj 0.087 tc 0 -1.45 td [(chinalco)13.8 ( factoring)13.8 ( shall)13.8 ( provide)13.8 ( factoring)13.8 ( financing)59.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.063 tw t* (services to the company and the cap \(including factoring )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(pa)0.5 (ym)0.5 (ent)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (fa)0.5 (ct)0.5 (or)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)4.2 ( f)0.5 (ee)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( )0.5 (ch)0.5 (ar)0.5 (ges)4.2 (\))4.2 ( )0.5 (fo)0.5 (r)4.2 ( t)0.5 (he)4.2 ( )0.5 (tr)0.5 (an)0.5 (sac)0.5 (ti)0.5 (on)0.5 (s)4.1 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(between)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( chinalco)13.7 ( factoring)13.7 ( shall)13.7 ( not)16.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(exceed)13.2 ( rmb)13.2 (3)13.2 ( billion)13.2 ( )0.5 (at)13.2 ( )0.5 (any)13.2 ( )0.5 (time)13.2 ( within)13.1 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (term)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (agreement.)tj 0 tw -14.173 -2.9 td (price determination)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(the)14.1 ( financing)14.1 ( costs)14.1 ( for)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( services)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( be)14.1 ( provided)14.1 ( by)26.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc t* [(chinalco)14.2 ( factoring)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( company)14.2 ( shall)14.1 ( not)14.1 ( be)14.2 ( higher)24.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(than)10.2 ( )0.5 (those)10.2 ( )0.5 (charged)10.2 ( by)10.2 ( independent)10.2 ( )0.5 (third)10.2 ( )0.5 (party)10.2 ( )0.5 (factoring)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (companies in the prc for similar services.)tj et endstream endobj 858 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (6)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 655.8722 tm [(\(h\) )-687.5 (finance lease agreement)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 119.0551 625.8722 tm (date of initial agreement)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (27 august 2015)tj 0.022 tc -14.173 -3 td (date of renewed agreement)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc (17 september 2018)tj -0.028 tw 0 -3 td (parties)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.056 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( lessee)13.9 ( \()13.9 (for)13.9 ( itself)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( on)13.9 ( behalf)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( its)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (subsidiaries\) )tj 0.013 tw 0 -3 td (chinalco finance lease co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295125913440f1f09610f2303de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\) )tj 0 -1.5 td (\(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw (chinalco lease)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\) \(as lessor\), a subsidiary of chinalco)tj -0.028 tw -14.173 -3 td (term)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (three years from 1 january 2019 to 31 december 2021)tj -14.173 -3 td (nature of transaction)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.069 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(pursuant)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( finance)13.6 ( lease)13.6 ( framework)13.7 ( agreement)13.6 (,)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.081 tw t* (chinalco lease will provide finance lease services to the )tj 0.087 tw t* (group, and at any time within the period from 1 january )tj 0.102 tc 0.078 tw t* [(2)13.7 (0)13.8 (1)13.7 (9)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( 3)13.7 (1)13.8 ( december)13.7 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.7 (2)13.7 (1)13.8 (,)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( financing)13.7 ( balance)74.3 ( )]tj 0.069 tc t* [(acquired)13.5 ( by)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.4 ( from)13.5 ( chinalco)13.5 ( lease)13.5 ( shall)13.5 ( not)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (exceed rmb10 billion.)tj -14.173 -3 td (price determination)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.065 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(the)14.1 ( financing)14.1 ( costs)14.1 ( mainly)14.1 ( include)14.1 ( lease)14.2 ( interest)14.2 ( and)37.3 ( )]tj 0.088 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( f)0.6 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 (,)14.4 ( e)0.5 (t)0.5 (c)14.5 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( f)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)14.5 ( l)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)60.1 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(services)11.2 ( )0.5 (provided)11.2 ( )0.5 (by)11.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)11.2 ( )0.5 (lease)11.2 ( )0.5 (shall)11.2 ( not)11.2 ( )0.5 (be)11.2 ( )0.5 (higher)11.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(than)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( financing)14.1 ( costs)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( services)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( same)14.1 ( or)14.1 ( similar)22.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(nat)0.5 (ure)1.2 ( )0.5 (provide)0.5 (d)1.2 ( b)0.5 (y)1.2 ( i)0.5 (ndepend)0.5 (ent)1.2 ( )0.5 (thir)0.5 (d)1.1 ( )0.5 (pa)0.5 (rty)1.2 ( )0.5 (finan)0.5 (ce)1.2 ( l)0.5 (ease)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.017 tw t* [(companies )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (prc )0.5 (\(the )0.5 (after-tax internal )0.5 (rate )0.5 (of )0.5 (return )]tj 0.071 tc 0.078 tw t* [(shall)13.5 ( prevail)13.5 (\))13.4 (.)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( lease)13.5 ( interest)13.5 ( shall)13.5 ( be)13.4 ( determined)43.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.074 tw t* (with reference to the benchmark interest rates for rmb-)tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw t* [(denominated)13.9 ( loans)14 ( published)13.9 ( by)14 ( the)14 ( people)13.9 (\222)14 (s)13.9 ( bank)13.9 ( of)31.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(china)12.2 ( )0.5 (on)12.2 ( a)12.2 ( )0.5 (regular)12.2 ( basis)12.2 (;)12.2 ( if)12.2 ( )0.5 (such)12.2 ( rates)12.2 ( )0.5 (are)12.2 ( not)12.2 ( )0.5 (available)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.091 tw t* (then the lease interest shall be determined by reference )tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw t* [(to)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( rate)14.1 ( charged)14.1 ( or)14.1 ( quoted)14.1 ( by)14.1 ( other)14.1 ( major)14.1 ( finance)39.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (organizations for the same or similar service.)tj et endstream endobj 859 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (6)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 655.8722 tm [(\(g\) )-631.5 (financial services agreement)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 119.0551 625.8722 tm (date of initial agreement)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (26 august 2011)tj 0.022 tc -14.173 -3 td (date of renewed agreement)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc (26 october 2017)tj -0.028 tw 0 -3 td (parties)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.031 tw 14.173 0 td (the company \(as the recipient\) \(for itself and on behalf of )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (its subsidiaries\); )tj 0.108 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(chinalco)13.9 ( finance)13.9 ( co)13.8 (.)13.9 (,)13.8 ( ltd)13.9 (.)13.8 (*)13.8 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.094 tc -0.094 tw 15.993 0 td <0295125909cc0a1503de08220baa038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.037 tc -0.037 tw -15.993 -1.5 td (\(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.051 tc 0.078 tw [(chinalco)14.1 ( finance)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.829 0 td [(\224)14.1 (\))14.1 ( \()14.1 (as)14.1 ( the)14 ( provider)14.1 (\))14 (,)14.1 ( a)14.1 ( subsidiary)14.1 ( of)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -9.829 -1.5 td (chinalco)tj -14.173 -3 td (term)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (three years from 26 october 2017 to 25 october 2020)tj -14.173 -3 td (nature of transaction)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.069 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(chinalco)14.3 ( )0.5 (finance)14.3 ( )0.5 (agreed)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (provide)14.3 ( )0.5 (deposit)14.3 ( )0.5 (services)14.2 (,)41.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (t)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( c)0.5 (r)0.5 (ed)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (o)0.5 (us)22.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(financial)13.8 ( services)13.8 ( to)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( group)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( accordance)13.8 ( with)13.9 ( the)27.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc t* [(terms)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( conditions)13.6 ( set)13.7 ( out)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( renewed)13.6 ( financial)31.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc t* [(services)13.7 ( agreement)13.6 (.)13.6 ( within)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( validity)13.6 ( period)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)40.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0.077 tw t* [(r)0.5 (en)0.5 (ew)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (na)0.5 (n)0.5 (ci)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.3 ( se)0.5 (rv)0.5 (i)0.5 (ce)0.5 (s)14.4 ( ag)0.5 (re)0.5 (e)0.5 (me)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.3 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( m)0.5 (ax)0.5 (i)0.5 (mu)0.5 (m)41.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(daily)3.2 ( )0.5 (deposit)3.2 ( )0.5 (balance)3.2 ( )0.5 (\()3.2 (including)3.2 ( )0.5 (accrued)3.2 ( )0.5 (interests)3.2 (\))3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(group)13.9 ( on)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( settlement)13.8 ( account)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( chinalco)13.9 ( finance)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* (shall not exceed rmb12.0 billion; the maximum daily loan )tj t* (balance \(including accrued interests\) provided by chinalco )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(finance)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( group)14.2 ( )0.5 (shall)14.2 ( not)14.2 ( )0.5 (exceed)14.1 ( )0.5 (rmb)14.2 (1)14.2 (5)14.2 (.)14.2 (0)14.2 ( )0.5 (billion)14.2 (;)16.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(the)6.2 ( )0.5 (annual)6.2 ( )0.5 (service)6.2 ( )0.5 (fees)6.2 ( )0.5 (charged)6.2 ( )0.5 (by)6.2 ( chinalco)6.2 ( )0.5 (finance)6.2 ( )0.5 (for)6.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(miscellaneous)13.8 ( financial)13.8 ( services)13.8 ( provided)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( group)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.022 tw t* (shall not exceed rmb50 million and chinalco finance will )tj 0 tw t* (provide the company with settlement services for free.)tj 0.049 tw -14.173 -2.873 td (for more detailed information on this continuing connected transaction, \ please refer to )tj 0.073 tw t* (the announcement dated 26 october 2017 and the circular dated 5 december\ 2017 of )tj 0 tw t* (the company.)tj et endstream endobj 860 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (6)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.049 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 657.2117 tm (for more detailed information on this continuing connected transaction, \ please refer to )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the)13.7 ( announcement)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( dated)13.7 ( 1)13.7 (7)13.7 ( september)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (8)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( supplemental)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (circular dated 26 november 2018, respectively.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 594.2117 tm [(\(f\) )-853.5 (the fixed assets lease framework agreement)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 119.0551 564.2117 tm (date of initial agreement)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (28 april 2015)tj 0.022 tc -14.173 -3 td (date of renewed agreement)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc (19 november 2018)tj -0.028 tw 0 -3 td (parties)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(chinalco)14.2 ( \()14.2 (as)14.1 ( both)14.1 ( lessor)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( lessee)14.2 (\))14.1 ( \()14.1 (for)14.1 ( itself)14.1 ( and)14.2 ( on)33.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (behalf of its subsidiaries\);)tj 0.041 tw 0 -3 td (the company \(as both lessor and lessee\)\(for itself and on )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (behalf of its subsidiaries\))tj -0.028 tw -14.173 -3 td (term)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (three years from 1 january 2019 to 31 december 2021)tj -14.173 -3 td (fixed assets)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.133 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(buildings)13.7 (,)13.8 ( constructions)13.7 (,)13.7 ( machinery)13.7 (,)13.7 ( apparatus)13.7 (,)105.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(transportation)13.6 ( as)13.6 ( well)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( equipment)13.7 (,)13.6 ( appliance)13.7 ( or)13.7 ( tools)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* [(a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (x)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (n)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 ( )0.5 (p)0.6 (ar)0.6 (t)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o )]tj t* (the production and operation.)tj -14.173 -3 td (price determination)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 14.173 0 td [(the)1.2 ( )0.5 (rent)1.2 ( )0.5 (shall)1.2 ( )0.5 (be)1.2 ( )0.5 (adjusted)1.2 ( )0.5 (every)1.2 ( )0.5 (two)1.2 ( )0.5 (years)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (shall)1.2 ( )0.5 (not)1.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(be)13.7 ( higher)13.7 ( than)13.7 ( prevailing)13.8 ( market)13.8 ( rent)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( confirmed)13.7 ( by)29.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc t* [(an)14 ( independent)13.9 ( valuer)14 (.)13.9 ( when)14 ( determining)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( rent)13.9 (,)14 ( the)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (parties will also make reference to the prices charged or )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(quoted by at least two independent third parties providing)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(services)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (similar)11.2 ( )0.5 (size)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )0.5 (nature)11.2 ( under)11.2 ( )0.5 (normal)11.2 ( trading)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (conditions in the market around that time.)tj -14.173 -3 td (payment term)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (monthly payment)tj 0.049 tw -14.173 -2.873 td (for more detailed information on this continuing connected transaction, \ please refer to )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.9 ( announcement)13.9 ( dated)13.9 ( 1)13.9 (9)13.9 ( november)13.9 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (8)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( supplemental)13.9 ( circular)13.9 ( dated)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (6)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (november 2018 of the company, respectively.)tj et endstream endobj 861 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (6)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 655.8722 tm [(\(e\) )-798.5 (land use rights leasing agreement)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 119.0551 625.8722 tm (date of initial agreement)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (5 november 2001)tj -0.028 tw -14.173 -3 td (parties:)tj 0.093 tc 0.077 tw 14.173 0 td [(c)0.5 (hi)0.5 (n)0.5 (al)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)14.3 ( a)0.5 (s)14.3 ( la)0.5 (n)0.5 (dl)0.5 (o)0.5 (rd)14.4 ( \()14.4 (fo)0.5 (r)14.4 ( it)0.5 (s)0.5 (el)0.5 (f)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( on)14.4 ( b)0.5 (eh)0.5 (al)0.5 (f)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( it)0.5 (s)65.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (subsidiaries\))tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.8 ( company)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( tenant)13.9 ( \()13.8 (for)13.9 ( itself)13.8 ( and)13.9 ( on)13.9 ( behalf)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( its)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (subsidiaries\))tj -14.173 -3 td (term:)tj 0 tw 14.173 0 td (50 years expiring on 30 june 2051)tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -3 td [(as)2.2 ( )0.5 (previously)2.2 ( disclosed)2.2 ( )0.5 (in)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (letter)2.2 ( )0.5 (dated)2.2 ( )0.5 (2)2.2 (7)2.2 ( december)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.5 td (2006 from taifook capital limited, the then independent )tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw t* [(financial)14 ( adviser)14.1 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( independent)14 ( board)14.1 ( committee)34.2 ( )]tj 0.086 tc t* [(and)13.4 ( independent)13.5 ( shareholders)13.4 ( in)13.5 ( relation)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( certain)58.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.015 tw t* (continuing connected transactions, it is in the interests of )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(the)5.2 ( )0.5 (company)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (independent)5.2 ( )0.5 (shareholders)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.3 ( have)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.023 tw t* (a longer lease term of the land to minimize the disruption )tj 0.005 tw t* (of the group\222s production and business operations arising )tj 0.081 tw t* (from relocation. given that \(i\) the size of the leased land )tj 0.039 tc t* [(and)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (facilities)11.2 ( )0.5 (erected)11.2 ( thereon)11.2 (;)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )0.5 (\()11.2 (ii)11.2 (\))11.2 ( the)11.3 ( resources)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.008 tw t* [(to )0.5 (be )0.5 (expended in establishing )0.5 (new )0.5 (production )0.5 (plants )0.5 (and )]tj 0.045 tw t* (related facilities, such relocation may be deemed difficult )tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.8 ( infeasible)13.9 (.)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( directors)13.9 ( are)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( view)13.9 ( that)13.8 ( it)13.8 ( is)29.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(normal)1.2 ( )0.5 (business)1.2 ( )0.5 (practice)1.2 ( )0.5 (for)1.2 ( )0.5 (contracts)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (this)1.2 ( type)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )0.5 (be)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (of such duration.)tj -14.173 -3 td (nature of transactions:)tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(pursuant)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( land)13.9 ( use)13.9 ( rights)13.9 ( leasing)13.9 ( agreement)41.2 ( )]tj 0.106 tc t* [(entered)13.7 ( into)13.7 ( between)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( chinalco)13.7 (,)78.3 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( co)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ny)14.4 ( c)0.5 (an)14.4 ( c)0.5 (on)0.5 (ti)0.5 (n)0.5 (ue)14.4 ( to)14.4 ( l)0.5 (e)0.5 (as)0.5 (e)14.3 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (le)0.5 (va)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.3 ( l)0.5 (a)0.5 (nd)0.5 (s)14.3 ( \()14.4 (a)0.5 (ll)32.2 ( )]tj 0.09 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.7 ( which)13.6 ( are)13.6 ( located)13.7 ( in)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( prc)13.6 (\))13.6 ( from)13.7 ( chinalco)13.6 ( for)62.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc t* [(the)13.6 ( purpose)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( operations)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( businesses)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (company and its subsidiaries.)tj -14.173 -3 td (price determination:)tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(t)0.5 (he)14.2 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.2 ( )0.5 (sh)0.5 (al)0.5 (l)14.2 ( )0.5 (be)14.2 ( )0.5 (n)0.5 (eg)0.5 (ot)0.5 (i)0.5 (at)0.5 (ed)14.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (ve)0.5 (ry)14.3 ( t)0.5 (hr)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)14.2 ( y)0.5 (e)0.5 (ar)0.5 (s)14.2 ( a)0.5 (t)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( )0.5 (ra)0.5 (te)14.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw t* (not higher than prevailing market rent as confirmed by an )tj 0 tw t* (independent valuer.)tj -14.173 -3 td (payment term:)tj 14.173 0 td (monthly payment)tj et endstream endobj 862 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 863 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 864 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 865 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 866 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 867 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (6)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 260.7874 652.4117 tm [(\()34.2 (b)34.2 (\))34.2 ( )196.1 (construction)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( supervisory)14.1 ( services)14.2 (:)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( price)14.1 ( )0.5 (is)34.2 ( )]tj 0.081 tc 1.417 -1.5 td [(determined)13.6 ( through)13.7 ( public)13.7 ( bidding)13.7 (.)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( such)13.6 ( case)13.6 (,)53.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the)10.2 ( )0.5 (prices)10.2 ( will)10.2 ( )0.5 (be)10.2 ( )0.5 (determined)10.2 ( )0.5 (in)10.2 ( )0.5 (accordance)10.2 ( )0.5 (with)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(public)14 ( bidding)14.1 ( and)14 ( tender)14 ( procedure)14 ( required)14 ( by)14 ( the)20.3 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(relevant)12.2 ( )0.5 (supervision)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( administration)12.2 ( authorities)12.2 ( )0.5 (in)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw t* (the areas where the projects are located. the bidding )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(price)14 ( shall)14 ( be)14 ( controlled)14 ( within)14 ( the)14 ( reasonable)14.1 ( range)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (which is close to the base price.)tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw -1.417 -3 td [(\()8.2 (c)8.2 (\))8.2 ( )120.1 (other)8.2 ( )0.5 (relevant)8.3 ( services)8.2 (:)8.1 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (price)8.2 ( is)8.2 ( determined)8.2 ( )0.5 (with)8.2 ( )]tj 0.083 tc 0.078 tw 1.417 -1.5 td [(reference)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( comparable)13.5 ( local)13.5 ( market)13.5 ( prices)13.5 (,)55.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(w)0.5 (hi)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)8.2 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (er)8.3 ( t)0.5 (o)8.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)8.2 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (ce)0.5 (s)8.2 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (ve)0.5 (d)8.2 ( a)0.5 (t)8.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (it)0.5 (h)8.2 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (re)0.5 (n)0.5 (ce)8.3 ( t)0.5 (o)8.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(those)3.2 ( )0.5 (charged)3.2 ( )0.5 (or)3.2 ( )0.5 (quoted)3.2 ( by)3.2 ( )0.5 (at)3.2 ( least)3.2 ( two)3.2 ( )0.5 (independent)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.09 tw t* (third parties providing services with comparable scale )tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(in)14.1 ( areas)14.1 ( where)14.1 ( such)14.1 ( services)14.1 ( were)14.1 ( provided)14.2 ( under)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (normal trading conditions around that time.)tj -15.591 -3 td (payment term:)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(payment)13.6 ( shall)13.6 ( generally)13.6 ( be)13.6 ( made)13.6 ( \()13.6 (a)13.6 (\))13.5 ( as)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( 1)13.6 (0)13.6 (%)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.6 (%)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw t* (of the contract price before the provision of the relevant )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(services)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (up)1.2 ( to)1.2 ( a)1.3 ( maximum)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (7)1.2 (0)1.2 (%)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (contract)1.2 ( )0.5 (price)1.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(during)14.1 ( the)14 ( provision)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( relevant)14.1 ( services)14 ( and)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( to)25.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc t* [(the)13.8 ( remaining)13.7 ( 1)13.8 (0)13.8 (%)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.7 (%)13.8 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( contract)13.8 ( price)13.7 ( upon)30.2 ( )]tj 0.085 tc t* [(successful)14.1 ( provision)14.1 ( of)14 ( the)14.1 ( relevant)14 ( services)14.1 (;)14.1 ( \()14 (b)14.1 (\))14.1 ( in)57.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc t* [(accordance)13.6 ( with)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( prevailing)13.5 ( market)13.5 ( practice)13.6 (;)13.5 ( or)13.5 ( \()13.6 (c)13.5 (\))35.2 ( )]tj 0.071 tc t* [(in)14 ( accordance)14.1 ( with)14 ( the)14 ( arrangement)14 ( to)14.1 ( be)14 ( agreed)14.1 ( by)43.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(the)12.2 ( parties)12.2 (.)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( relevant)12.2 ( )0.5 (payment)12.2 ( term)12.2 ( )0.5 (shall)12.2 ( )0.5 (be)12.2 ( )0.5 (no)12.2 ( less)12.1 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(favorable)11.2 ( )0.5 (than)11.2 ( )0.5 (those)11.2 ( )0.5 (under)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( comparable)11.2 ( )0.5 (transactions)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (between the company and independent third parties.)tj 0.049 tw -14.173 -2.873 td (for more detailed information on this continuing connected transaction, \ please refer to )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.7 ( announcement)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( dated)13.7 ( 1)13.7 (7)13.7 ( september)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (8)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( supplemental)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (circular dated 26 november 2018, respectively.)tj et endstream endobj 868 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (5)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.049 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 657.2117 tm (for more detailed information on this continuing connected transaction, \ please refer to )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the)13.7 ( announcement)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( dated)13.7 ( 1)13.7 (7)13.7 ( september)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (8)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( supplemental)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (circular dated 26 november 2018.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 594.2117 tm [(\(d\) )-687.5 (provision of engineering, construction and supervisory services )]tj -0.028 tw 2.465 -1.565 td (agreement)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 546.2117 tm (date of initial agreement:)tj 14.173 0 td (5 november 2001)tj -14.173 -3 td (date of supplemental )tj -0.028 tw t* (agreement:)tj 0 tw 14.173 1.5 td (17 september 2018)tj -0.028 tw -14.173 -4.5 td (parties:)tj 0.09 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(chinalco)13.4 ( as)13.5 ( provider)13.5 ( \()13.5 (for)13.5 ( itself)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( on)13.4 ( behalf)13.4 ( of)13.5 ( its)62.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (subsidiaries\))tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -3 td [(the)5.2 ( company)5.2 ( )0.5 (as)5.2 ( recipient)5.2 ( )0.5 (\()5.2 (for)5.2 ( itself)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (on)5.2 ( )0.5 (behalf)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( its)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (subsidiaries\))tj -14.173 -3 td (term:)tj 0 tw 14.173 0 td (three years from 1 january 2019 to 31 december 2021)tj -14.173 -3 td (nature of transaction:)tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(services)14 ( provided)14 ( by)14 ( chinalco)14 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( company)14.1 ( include)24.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(e)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)0.5 ( )0.5 (d)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (g)0.5 (n)0.6 (,)0.5 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (s)0.6 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (y)0.5 ( )0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (as well as relevant research and development operations.)tj -14.173 -3 td (price determination:)tj 0.106 tc 0.077 tw 14.173 0 td [(\()78.2 (a)78.2 (\))78.2 ( )183.1 (en)0.5 (gin)0.5 (eer)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.3 ( des)0.5 (ign)14.4 (:)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (ice)14.4 ( is)14.3 ( d)0.5 (ete)0.5 (rmi)0.5 (ne)0.5 (d)14.3 ( by)78.2 ( )]tj 0.082 tc 0.078 tw 1.417 -1.5 td [(comparable)14 ( local)14 ( market)14 ( prices)14 ( or)13.9 ( through)14 ( public)54.2 ( )]tj 0.08 tc t* [(bidding)14 ( on)13.9 ( a)14 ( case)14 ( by)13.9 ( case)13.9 ( basis)13.9 (.)14 ( the)13.9 ( comparable)52.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(local)8.2 ( )0.5 (market)8.3 ( prices)8.2 ( )0.5 (refer)8.2 ( to)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (prices)8.2 ( )0.5 (arrived)8.3 ( at)8.2 ( with)8.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(reference)3.1 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (those)3.2 ( )0.5 (charged)3.2 ( or)3.2 ( )0.5 (quoted)3.2 ( )0.5 (by)3.3 ( at)3.2 ( )0.5 (least)3.2 ( )0.5 (two)3.2 ( )]tj 0.08 tc 0.078 tw t* [(independent)13.6 ( third)13.5 ( parties)13.5 ( providing)13.5 ( services)13.5 ( with)52.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(co)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ra)0.5 (bl)0.5 (e)10.2 ( s)0.5 (ca)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)10.1 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)10.2 ( a)0.5 (re)0.5 (as)10.2 ( )0.5 (wh)0.5 (e)0.5 (re)10.2 ( )0.5 (su)0.5 (ch)10.2 ( )0.5 (se)0.5 (rv)0.5 (ic)0.5 (es)10.2 ( )0.5 (we)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)10.1 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(provided)8.2 ( )0.5 (under)8.2 ( normal)8.2 ( )0.5 (trading)8.2 ( conditions)8.2 ( around)8.2 ( that)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.011 tw t* (time. price determination through public bidding refers )tj 0.018 tw t* (to the prices determined in accordance with the public )tj 0.064 tw t* (bidding and tender procedure required by the relevant )tj 0.067 tw t* [(supervision )0.5 (and )0.5 (administration )0.5 (authorities )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (areas )]tj 0.036 tw t* [(where the projects are located. )0.5 (the bidding price )0.5 (shall )]tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw t* [(be)13.5 ( controlled)13.6 ( within)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( reasonable)13.6 ( range)13.6 ( which)13.6 ( is)33.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (close to the base price.)tj et endstream endobj 869 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (5)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 10 0 0 10 260.7874 652.4117 tm [(the)5.2 ( company)5.2 ( )0.5 (as)5.2 ( recipient)5.2 ( )0.5 (\()5.2 (for)5.2 ( itself)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( on)5.2 ( )0.5 (behalf)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( its)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (subsidiaries\))tj -14.173 -3 td (term)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (three years from 1 january 2019 to 31 december 2021)tj -14.173 -3 td (nature of transaction:)tj 0.078 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(supply)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( bauxite)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( limestone)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.9 ( by)50.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (h)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)14.5 (;)14.4 ( b)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.5 ( m)0.6 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.5 (\222)14.4 (s)14.4 ( b)0.5 (a)0.5 (u)0.6 (x)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)40.2 ( )]tj 0.088 tc 0.078 tw t* [(limestone)14.1 ( requirements)14.1 (,)14 ( chinalco)14 ( is)14.1 ( not)14.1 ( entitled)14.1 ( to)60.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (provide bauxite and limestone to any third parties)tj -14.173 -3 td (price determination)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.103 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(\()75.2 (i)75.2 (\))75.2 ( )-96.9 (for)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (supplies)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (bauxite)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (limestone)14.3 ( )0.5 (from)75.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw 1.417 -1.5 td (chinalco\222s own mining operations, at reasonable costs )tj 0.017 tw t* (incurred in providing the same \(which mainly comprise )tj 0.029 tw t* (fuel and energy costs, labour costs, security expenses )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(and)10.2 ( etc)10.2 (.)10.2 (\))10.2 (,)10.2 ( plus)10.2 ( not)10.2 ( )0.5 (more)10.2 ( )0.5 (than)10.2 ( 5)10.2 (%)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (such)10.2 ( )0.5 (reasonable)10.2 ( )]tj 0.096 tc 0.078 tw t* [(costs)13.7 ( \()13.7 (a)13.7 ( buffer)13.7 ( for)13.7 ( surges)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( price)13.7 ( level)13.7 ( and)68.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(labo)0.5 (ur)1.2 ( co)0.5 (sts)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (which)1.2 ( )0.5 (is)1.2 ( )0.5 (arr)0.5 (ived)1.2 ( )0.5 (at)1.2 ( )0.5 (through)1.3 ( arm)1.3 (\222)1.2 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (length)1.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(negotiation)5.2 ( )0.5 (between)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (company)5.3 ( and)5.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)5.2 ( )0.5 (after)5.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw t* [(taking)13.8 ( comprehensive)13.8 ( consideration)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( normal)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.032 tw t* (profit margin of such products provided by chinalco to )tj 0.062 tw t* (the company, and is not higher than the profit margin )tj 0 tw t* (charged to independent third parties\); and)tj 0.088 tw -1.417 -3 td [(\(ii\) )87.9 (for the supplies of bauxite and limestone from jointly )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 1.417 -1.5 td [(operated)7.2 ( )0.5 (mines)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (at)7.2 ( )0.5 (contractual)7.2 ( price)7.3 ( paid)7.2 ( )0.5 (by)7.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (to such third parties)tj -15.591 -3 td (payment term)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.015 tw 14.173 0 td (payment on delivery \(payment shall generally be made \(a\) )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(within)5.3 ( a)5.2 ( )0.5 (period)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( time)5.2 ( )0.5 (after)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (delivery)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (relevant)5.2 ( )]tj 0.084 tc 0.077 tw t* [(p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.6 (t)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( p)0.6 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( b)0.5 (y)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( p)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)56.1 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(party)13.8 ( or)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( provision)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( relevant)13.7 ( services)13.8 (,)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( )0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (y)0.5 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.6 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (p)0.6 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.6 (a)0.5 (l )]tj 0.077 tc 0.077 tw t* [(p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (du)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 (;)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( \()14.4 (b)14.3 (\))14.4 ( a)0.5 (ft)0.6 (er)14.4 ( s)0.5 (et)0.6 (ti)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)0.5 (f)14.3 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.3 ( d)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)49.1 ( )]tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw t* [(between)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.6 (parties)14.3 ( )0.5 (where)14.3 ( )0.5 (there)14.3 ( )0.6 (is)14.3 ( )0.5 (mutual)14.3 ( )0.6 (provision)42.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc t* [(of)13.4 ( products)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( services)13.5 (.)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( relevant)13.4 ( payment)13.5 ( term)37.3 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(shall)13.5 ( be)13.5 ( no)13.5 ( less)13.4 ( favorable)13.5 ( than)13.5 ( those)13.5 ( under)13.5 ( comparable)14.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(transactions between the company and independent third)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (parties.\))tj et endstream endobj 870 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (5)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 291.9685 652.4117 tm [(\()29.2 (i)29.2 (i)29.2 (i)29.3 (\))29.2 ( )73.2 (other)13.6 ( services)13.6 (:)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( price)13.6 ( is)13.7 ( determined)13.6 ( with)29.2 ( )]tj 0.097 tc 1.701 -1.5 td [(reference)13.6 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( comparable)13.7 ( local)13.6 ( market)69.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0 -1.5 td [(prices)13.7 (,)13.7 ( which)13.7 ( refer)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( reference)13.6 ( made)13.7 ( to)25.2 ( )]tj t* [(the)14.3 ( prices)14.2 ( )0.5 (charged)14.2 ( )0.5 (or)14.2 ( )0.5 (quoted)14.2 ( by)14.2 ( )0.5 (at)14.2 ( least)14.2 ( )0.5 (two)25.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc t* [(independent)14.2 ( third)14.1 ( parties)14.1 ( providing)14.1 ( services)36.2 ( )]tj 0.071 tc t* [(with)13.9 ( comparable)13.9 ( scale)13.9 ( in)14 ( areas)13.9 ( where)13.9 ( such)43.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc t* [(services)13.6 ( were)13.7 ( provided)13.7 ( under)13.7 ( normal)13.7 ( trading)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (conditions around that time.)tj -18.992 -3 td (payment term:)tj 0.015 tw 14.173 0 td (payment on delivery \(payment shall generally be made \(a\) )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(within)5.3 ( a)5.2 ( )0.5 (period)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( time)5.2 ( )0.5 (after)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (delivery)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (relevant)5.2 ( )]tj 0.084 tc 0.077 tw t* [(p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (t)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( p)0.6 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( b)0.5 (y)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( p)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)56.1 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(party)13.8 ( or)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( provision)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( relevant)13.7 ( services)13.8 (,)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( )0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (y)0.5 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.6 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (p)0.6 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.6 (a)0.5 (l )]tj 0.077 tc 0.077 tw t* [(p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (du)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 (;)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( \()14.4 (b)14.3 (\))14.4 ( a)0.5 (ft)0.6 (er)14.4 ( s)0.5 (et)0.6 (ti)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( o)0.5 (ff)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.3 ( d)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)49.1 ( )]tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw t* [(between)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.6 (parties)14.3 ( )0.5 (where)14.2 ( )0.6 (there)14.3 ( )0.6 (is)14.3 ( )0.5 (mutual)14.3 ( )0.6 (provision)42.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc t* [(of)13.4 ( products)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( services)13.5 (.)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( relevant)13.4 ( payment)13.5 ( term)37.3 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(shall)13.5 ( be)13.5 ( no)13.5 ( less)13.4 ( favorable)13.5 ( than)13.5 ( those)13.5 ( under)13.5 ( comparable)14.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(transactions between the company and independent third)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (parties.\))tj 0.049 tw -14.173 -2.873 td (for more detailed information on this continuing connected transaction, \ please refer to )tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(the)13.2 ( )0.5 (announcements)13.2 ( dated)13.2 ( )0.5 (1)13.2 (7)13.2 ( )0.5 (september)13.2 ( )0.5 (2)13.1 (0)13.2 (1)13.2 (8)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (2)13.2 (8)13.2 ( )0.5 (march)13.2 ( )0.5 (2)13.1 (0)13.2 (1)13.2 (9)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( )0.5 (3)13.2 ( june)13.2 ( )0.5 (2)13.2 (0)13.2 (1)13.2 (9)13.2 ( and)13.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(the supplemental circulars dated 26 november 2018 and 10 june 2019 of th\ e company,)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (respectively.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 260.6817 tm [(\(c\) )-742.5 (mineral supply agreement)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 119.0551 230.6817 tm (date of initial agreement)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 0 td (5 november 2001)tj -14.173 -3 td (date of supplemental )tj -0.028 tw t* (agreement)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 14.173 1.5 td (17 september 2018)tj -0.028 tw -14.173 -4.5 td (parties)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <006a>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.093 tc 0.077 tw 14.173 0 td [(c)0.5 (hi)0.5 (n)0.5 (al)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)14.3 ( a)0.5 (s)14.3 ( su)0.5 (p)0.5 (pl)0.5 (i)0.5 (er)14.4 ( \()14.4 (fo)0.5 (r)14.4 ( it)0.5 (s)0.5 (el)0.5 (f)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( on)14.4 ( b)0.5 (eh)0.5 (al)0.5 (f)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( it)0.5 (s)65.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (subsidiaries\))tj et endstream endobj 871 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (5)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.076 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 291.9685 652.4117 tm [(\()48.2 (i)48.2 (i)48.2 (\))48.2 ( )-158.6 (g)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( h)0.5 (e)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.5 ( w)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.5 ( s)0.6 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.6 (y)14.4 (,)14.4 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.5 (,)48.2 ( )]tj 0.081 tc 0.078 tw 1.701 -1.5 td [(spare)13.5 ( parts)13.5 (,)13.5 ( repair)13.5 (,)13.5 ( testing)13.5 (,)13.6 ( transportation)13.5 (,)53.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.5 td [(steam)7.2 (:)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (price)7.2 ( is)7.2 ( determined)7.2 ( )0.5 (with)7.2 ( reference)7.2 ( )]tj 0.088 tc 0.077 tw t* [(to)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( contractual)14.4 ( price)14.3 (,)14.3 ( which)14.3 ( ref)0.5 (er)0.5 (s)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( a)60.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw t* [(mutually agreed price set )0.5 (by all relevant parties )]tj 0.079 tc 0.078 tw t* [(for)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( provision)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( services)13.9 (.)13.8 ( such)13.9 ( price)13.8 ( is)51.2 ( )]tj 0.088 tc t* [(equivalent)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( reasonable)13.5 ( costs)13.5 ( incurred)13.5 ( in)60.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(providing)4.2 ( such)4.2 ( )0.5 (services)4.2 ( )0.5 (plus)4.2 ( reasonable)4.2 ( profit)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(reasonable)14.2 ( )0.5 (costs)14.3 ( mainly)14.2 ( )0.5 (comprise)14.2 ( )0.5 (expenses)27.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc t* [(for)13.9 ( raw)14 ( materials)14 (,)13.9 ( fuel)14 ( costs)13.9 (,)13.9 ( transportation)40.2 ( )]tj 0.103 tc t* [(facility)14 ( fees)14 (,)14 ( labour)14.1 ( costs)14 (,)14 ( manufacturing)75.2 ( )]tj 0.082 tc t* [(fees)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( etc)13.8 (.)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( reasonable)13.8 ( profit)13.8 ( \()13.8 (which)54.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc t* [(shall)14 ( be)14 ( not)13.9 ( more)14 ( than)14 ( 5)13.9 (%)14 ( of)14 ( such)14 ( costs)13.9 (\))14 ( for)20.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(provision)3.2 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (a)3.2 ( )0.5 (series)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.3 ( services)3.2 ( )0.5 (including)3.2 ( )0.5 (gas)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0.077 tw t* [(h)0.5 (e)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)14.5 (,)14.4 ( w)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.5 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.6 (p)0.5 (l)0.6 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.4 ( e)0.5 (t)0.6 (c)14.4 (.)14.4 ( b)0.6 (y)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)30.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(to)13.7 ( chinalco)13.7 ( is)13.7 ( arrived)13.7 ( at)13.7 ( through)13.7 ( arm)13.7 (\222)13.7 (s)13.7 ( length)18.2 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw t* [(n)0.5 (e)0.6 (g)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 ( )0.6 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (w)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.6 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.6 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)-2.8 ( )]tj t* [(after taking comprehensive consideration of the)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.088 tw t* (normal profit margin of such services provided )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(by)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (company)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( chinalco)11.2 (,)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( )0.5 (is)11.2 ( not)11.2 ( )0.5 (lower)11.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(than)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (profit)5.2 ( )0.5 (margin)5.3 ( charged)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( independent)5.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(third)12.2 ( parties)12.2 (.)12.2 ( such)12.2 ( profit)12.2 ( )0.5 (margin)12.2 ( )0.5 (is)12.2 ( )0.5 (considered)12.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw t* [(reasonable)14.2 ( )0.6 (by)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.3 ( )0.5 (as)14.2 ( )0.6 (following)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (above principle;)tj et endstream endobj 872 0 obj <> endobj 873 0 obj <> endobj 874 0 obj <> endobj 875 0 obj <> endobj 876 0 obj <> endobj 877 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 878 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 879 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 880 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 881 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 882 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (5)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.101 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 274.9606 652.4117 tm [(\()73.2 (b)73.2 (\))73.2 ( )-48.4 (supporting)14.1 ( services)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( ancillary)14.1 ( production)73.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.701 -1.5 td (services:)tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(\()14.2 (i)14.2 (\))14.2 ( )-441.3 (electricity)14.2 ( )0.5 (supply)14.2 (:)14.2 ( )0.5 (according)14.3 ( to)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (provisions)14.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 1.701 -1.5 td [(of)14.1 ( relevant)14 ( national)14.1 ( laws)14 ( and)14 ( regulations)14.1 (,)14 ( and)17.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0 -1.5 td [(based)13.5 ( on)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( benchmark)13.6 ( electricity)13.6 ( price)13.5 ( set)26.2 ( )]tj t* [(up)13.7 ( by)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( national)13.7 ( development)13.6 ( and)13.7 ( reform)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.076 tw t* (commission, local governments will determine )tj 0.101 tc 0.078 tw t* [(their)13.8 ( respective)13.7 ( local)13.8 ( electricity)13.8 ( prices)13.7 ( in)73.2 ( )]tj 0.127 tc t* [(consideration)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( their)13.5 ( respective)13.5 ( actual)99.3 ( )]tj 0.052 tc t* [(conditions)13.6 (.)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( price)13.6 ( for)13.6 ( electricity)13.6 ( supply)13.5 ( of)24.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(the)13.2 ( company)13.2 ( is)13.2 ( )0.5 (determined)13.2 ( with)13.2 ( reference)13.2 ( to)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the ongrid electricity prices and electricity sales )tj 0.082 tw t* (prices proposed to be executed by enterprises )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(set)7.2 ( )0.5 (out)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (notices)7.2 ( )0.5 (issued)7.2 ( )0.5 (by)7.3 ( the)7.2 ( bureau)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(commodity)14.2 ( )0.6 (price)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.3 ( )0.6 (each)14.2 ( )0.6 (province)14.3 ( )0.6 (published)35.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(on)3.2 ( )0.5 (their)3.2 ( )0.5 (websites)3.2 ( )0.5 (according)3.2 ( to)3.1 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (above)3.2 ( )0.5 (local)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (electricity prices from time to time;)tj et endstream endobj 883 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (5)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.052 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 291.9685 652.4117 tm [(\()24.2 (i)24.2 (i)24.2 (i)24.3 (\))24.2 ( )68.1 (other)13.7 ( products)13.8 (:)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( price)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( determined)13.8 ( with)24.2 ( )]tj 0.109 tc 0.077 tw 1.701 -1.5 td [(r)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)14.5 ( t)0.5 (o)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)81.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw 0 -1.5 td [(comparable local )0.5 (market )0.5 (price. the )0.5 (contractual )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(price refers to a mutually agreed price set by all)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(relevant)13.8 ( parties)13.8 ( for)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( provision)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( products)13.7 (.)17.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.077 tw t* [(s)0.5 (uc)0.5 (h)14.4 ( pr)0.5 (i)0.5 (ce)14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)14.3 ( e)0.5 (qu)0.5 (i)0.5 (va)0.5 (l)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)14.4 ( to)14.4 ( r)0.5 (ea)0.5 (s)0.5 (on)0.5 (ab)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (st)0.5 (s)32.2 ( )]tj 0.113 tc 0.078 tw t* [(incurred)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( providing)14 ( such)14.1 ( products)14.1 ( plus)85.2 ( )]tj 0.077 tc t* [(reasonable)14.1 ( profit)14.1 (.)14.2 ( reasonable)14.2 ( costs)14.1 ( mainly)49.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(comprise)13.6 ( expenses)13.6 ( for)13.7 ( raw)13.7 ( materials)13.7 (,)13.6 ( labour)28.2 ( )]tj 0.129 tc t* [(costs)14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (manufacturing)14.1 ( )0.5 (fees)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( )0.5 (etc)14.2 (.)14.2 ( the)101.2 ( )]tj 0.082 tc t* [(reasonable)14.1 ( profit)14.1 ( \()14.2 (which)14.1 ( shall)14.2 ( be)14.2 ( not)14.1 ( more)54.2 ( )]tj 0.085 tc t* [(than)13.6 ( 5)13.6 (%)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( such)13.5 ( costs)13.6 (\))13.6 ( for)13.6 ( other)13.6 ( products)57.2 ( )]tj 0.119 tc t* [(provided)14.2 ( by)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.1 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)14.2 ( is)91.2 ( )]tj 0.076 tc t* [(arrived)13.5 ( at)13.5 ( through)13.5 ( arm)13.5 (\222)13.5 (s)13.6 ( length)13.5 ( negotiation)48.2 ( )]tj 0.098 tc t* [(between)14 ( the)14 ( company)14 ( and)14 ( chinalco)14 ( after)70.2 ( )]tj 0.081 tc t* [(taking)13.8 ( comprehensive)13.9 ( consideration)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)53.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.05 tw t* (normal profit margin of such products provided )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(by)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (company)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( chinalco)11.2 (,)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( )0.5 (is)11.2 ( not)11.2 ( )0.5 (lower)11.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(than)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (profit)5.2 ( )0.5 (margin)5.3 ( charged)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( independent)5.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(third)12.2 ( parties)12.2 (.)12.2 ( such)12.2 ( profit)12.2 ( )0.5 (margin)12.2 ( )0.5 (is)12.2 ( )0.5 (considered)12.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw t* [(reasonable)14.2 ( )0.6 (by)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.3 ( )0.5 (as)14.2 ( )0.6 (following)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)28.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc t* [(above)13.5 ( principle)13.5 (.)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( comparable)13.5 ( local)13.5 ( market)20.2 ( )]tj 0.108 tc t* [(prices)13.5 ( refer)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( prices)13.6 ( arrived)13.5 ( at)13.5 ( with)80.2 ( )]tj 0.07 tc t* [(reference)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( those)13.6 ( charged)13.6 ( or)13.6 ( quoted)13.6 ( by)13.6 ( at)42.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(least)14.1 ( two)14.1 ( independent)14.1 ( third)14.1 ( parties)14.1 ( providing)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.037 tw t* (products with comparable scale in areas where )tj 0.076 tc 0.078 tw t* [(such)14.1 ( products)14.1 ( were)14.1 ( provided)14.1 ( under)14.1 ( normal)48.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (trading conditions around that time.)tj et endstream endobj 884 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (5)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.08 tw 10 0 0 10 260.7874 652.4117 tm [(\(2\) )164.1 (production supplies and ancillary services provided by )]tj 0 tw 1.417 -1.5 td (the company to chinalco:)tj 0.255 tw 0 -3 td (\(a\) products:)tj 0.155 tc 0.078 tw 1.701 -3 td [(\()127.2 (i)127.2 (\))127.2 ( )-328.4 (alumina)13.5 ( products)13.5 (:)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( selling)13.5 ( price)13.5 ( is)127.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.083 tw 1.701 -1.5 td [(determined )0.5 (according )0.5 (to )0.5 (a )0.5 (method where )0.5 (both )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the alumina spot market price and the weighted)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw t* [(average)14 ( price)14 ( of)13.9 ( settlement)14 ( price)14 ( for)13.9 ( three)13.9 (-)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.041 tw t* (month aluminum ingot futures on the shanghai )tj 0.091 tc 0.078 tw t* [(futures)14.3 ( )0.6 (exchange)14.3 ( )0.6 (weighted)14.3 ( )0.6 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (proportion)14.4 (.)63.1 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(the)14 ( company)14 ( will)14 ( consider)14 ( the)14 ( geographical)32.2 ( )]tj 0.086 tc t* [(location)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( customers)13.8 (,)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( seasonality)58.1 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(demands)14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.1 ( transportation)14.2 ( costs)14.2 (,)14.1 ( and)14.2 ( other)21.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc t* [(relevant)13.9 ( factors)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( determine)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( proportion)33.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(of)14.3 ( )0.5 (weight)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (be)14.2 ( )0.6 (al)0.5 (located)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (aforementioned)32.2 ( )]tj t* [(alumina)14.2 ( spot)14.1 ( )0.5 (market)14.2 ( price)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (weighted)32.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc t* [(average)14 ( price)14 ( of)13.9 ( settlement)14 ( price)14 ( for)13.9 ( three)13.9 (-)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.041 tw t* (month aluminum ingot futures on the shanghai )tj 0 tw t* (futures exchange;)tj 0.091 tc 0.078 tw -1.701 -3 td [(\()63.2 (i)63.2 (i)63.2 (\))63.2 ( )-142.6 (electrolytic)14 ( aluminum)14 ( products)14 ( \()14 (aluminum)63.2 ( )]tj 0.126 tc 1.701 -1.5 td [(ingots)13.5 (\))13.5 (:)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( trading)13.5 ( price)13.5 ( is)13.5 ( determined)98.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.014 tw t* [(according )0.6 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (prices )0.6 (of )0.5 (futures )0.6 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (current )]tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw t* [(month)14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( weekly)14.1 ( )0.5 (or)14.2 ( monthly)14.1 ( )0.5 (average)14.2 ( spot)38.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(m)0.5 (ar)0.5 (k)0.5 (et)3.3 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (ic)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)3.2 ( q)0.5 (u)0.5 (o)0.5 (te)0.5 (d)3.2 ( )0.5 (on)3.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)3.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (an)0.5 (g)0.5 (ha)0.5 (i)3.2 ( )0.5 (fu)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (re)0.5 (s)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (exchange;)tj et endstream endobj 885 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (5)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.135 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 274.9606 652.4117 tm [(\()107.2 (c)107.2 (\))107.2 ( )-70.4 (ancillary)13.8 ( production)13.8 ( services)13.8 (:)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( price)13.8 ( is)107.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.005 tw 1.701 -1.5 td (determined with reference to the contractual price, )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(which)11.2 ( refers)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)11.2 ( mutually)11.2 ( agreed)11.2 ( )0.5 (price)11.3 ( set)11.2 ( )0.5 (by)11.2 ( )0.5 (all)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.064 tw t* (relevant parties for the provision of services. such )tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw t* [(price)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( equivalent)13.8 ( to)13.7 ( reasonable)13.8 ( costs)13.8 ( incurred)33.1 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(in)13.8 ( providing)13.8 ( such)13.8 ( services)13.8 ( plus)13.8 ( reasonable)13.8 ( profit)13.7 (.)16.2 ( )]tj 0.097 tc t* [(reasonable)13.7 ( costs)13.7 ( mainly)13.7 ( comprise)13.7 ( expenses)69.2 ( )]tj 0.076 tc t* [(for)14.1 ( raw)14.1 ( materials)14.1 (,)14.1 ( labour)14.1 ( costs)14.1 (,)14.1 ( manufacturing)48.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(fees)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (other)4.2 ( )0.5 (indirect)4.2 ( )0.5 (costs)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( etc)4.3 (.)4.1 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (reasonable)4.2 ( )]tj 0.118 tc 0.078 tw t* [(profit)14.2 ( \()14.1 (which)14.2 ( shall)14.1 ( be)14.1 ( not)14.2 ( more)14.2 ( than)14.1 ( 5)14.2 (%)14.1 ( of)90.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.077 tw t* [(s)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)14.3 ( co)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 (\))14.4 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (ci)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (du)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( s)0.5 (er)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)28.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw t* [(provided)13.8 ( by)13.8 ( chinalco)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( arrived)33.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(at)13.6 ( through)13.6 ( arm)13.6 (\222)13.6 (s)13.6 ( length)13.6 ( negotiation)13.6 ( between)13.6 ( the)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.05 tw t* (company and chinalco after taking comprehensive )tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(consideration)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.3 ( the)13.2 ( normal)13.3 ( profit)13.2 ( margin)13.3 ( of)13.2 ( )0.5 (such)13.2 ( )]tj 0.066 tc 0.077 tw t* [(se)0.5 (r)0.5 (vi)0.5 (ce)0.5 (s)14.3 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (ov)0.5 (id)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( by)14.4 ( c)0.5 (hi)0.5 (na)0.5 (lc)0.5 (o)14.4 ( to)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( co)0.5 (mp)0.5 (an)0.5 (y)14.3 (,)38.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc t* [(a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.4 ( i)0.6 (s)14.4 ( n)0.6 (o)0.5 (t)14.5 ( h)0.5 (i)0.6 (g)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.6 (f)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)14.4 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (g)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)14.4 ( c)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (g)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)25.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw t* [(to)14 ( independent)14.1 ( third)14.1 ( parties)14.1 (.)14 ( such)14 ( profit)14.1 ( margin)30.2 ( )]tj 0.094 tc t* [(is)13.5 ( considered)13.5 ( reasonable)13.5 ( by)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 ( as)66.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (following the above principle.)tj et endstream endobj 886 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (5)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 652.4117 tm (price determination:)tj 0.08 tw 14.173 0 td [(\(1\) )164.1 (production supplies and ancillary services provided by )]tj 0 tw 1.417 -1.5 td (chinalco to the company:)tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(\()22.2 (a)22.2 (\))22.2 ( )-156.4 (s)0.5 (uppl)0.5 (ie)0.5 (s)14.3 (:)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (ice)14.4 ( is)14.3 ( d)0.5 (ete)0.5 (rmi)0.5 (ned)14.4 ( w)0.5 (it)0.5 (h)14.3 ( re)0.5 (fer)0.5 (enc)0.5 (e)22.1 ( )]tj 0.118 tc 0.078 tw 1.701 -1.5 td [(to)14 ( the)14.1 ( comparable)14.1 ( local)14.1 ( market)14.1 ( prices)14 (.)14.1 ( the)90.2 ( )]tj 0.111 tc 0 -1.5 td [(comparable)14.1 ( local)14.1 ( market)14.1 ( prices)14.1 ( refer)14.1 ( to)14.2 ( the)83.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.077 tw t* [(r)0.5 (e)0.6 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)14.5 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)14.5 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 ( c)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.5 ( q)0.5 (u)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw t* (by at least two independent third parties providing )tj 0.078 tc 0.078 tw t* [(products)14 ( or)14 ( services)14 ( with)13.9 ( comparable)13.9 ( scale)13.9 ( in)50.2 ( )]tj 0.097 tc t* [(areas)13.8 ( where)13.7 ( such)13.8 ( products)13.7 ( or)13.8 ( services)13.7 ( were)69.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(provided)13.7 ( under)13.6 ( normal)13.6 ( trading)13.6 ( conditions)13.6 ( around)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (that time;)tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw -1.701 -3 td [(\()25.2 (b)25.2 (\))25.2 ( )-96.4 (storage)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( transportation)13.7 ( services)13.6 (:)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( price)13.7 ( is)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.005 tw 1.701 -1.5 td (determined with reference to the contractual price, )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(which)11.2 ( refers)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)11.2 ( mutually)11.2 ( agreed)11.2 ( )0.5 (price)11.3 ( set)11.2 ( )0.5 (by)11.2 ( )0.5 (all)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.064 tw t* (relevant parties for the provision of services. such )tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw t* [(price)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( equivalent)13.8 ( to)13.7 ( reasonable)13.8 ( costs)13.8 ( incurred)33.1 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(in)13.8 ( providing)13.8 ( such)13.8 ( services)13.8 ( plus)13.8 ( reasonable)13.8 ( profit)13.7 (.)16.2 ( )]tj 0.082 tc 0.077 tw t* [(r)0.5 (e)0.5 (as)0.5 (o)0.5 (na)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (ts)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (nl)0.5 (y)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (mp)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (se)14.4 ( f)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)14.3 ( co)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.3 (,)54.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(transportation)13.7 ( facility)13.8 ( fees)13.8 (,)13.7 ( relevant)13.7 ( labour)13.8 ( costs)22.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(and)5.2 ( )0.5 (etc)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (reasonable)5.2 ( )0.5 (profit)5.3 ( \()5.2 (which)5.2 ( shall)5.3 ( be)5.2 ( not)5.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(more)14 ( than)14 ( 5)14 (%)14 ( of)13.9 ( such)14 ( costs)14 (\))14 ( for)13.9 ( the)14 ( storage)14 ( and)14.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc t* [(transportation)13.9 ( services)13.8 ( provided)13.9 ( by)13.9 ( chinalco)13.8 ( to)37.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc t* [(the)14.1 ( company)14.1 ( is)14.1 ( arrived)14.2 ( at)14.1 ( through)14.1 ( arm)14.1 (\222)14.1 (s)14.2 ( length)34.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.077 tw t* [(ne)0.5 (goti)0.5 (ati)0.5 (on)14.4 ( b)0.5 (etw)0.5 (een)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( co)0.5 (mpa)0.5 (ny)14.3 ( and)14.4 ( chi)0.5 (nal)0.5 (co)29.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(after)13.5 ( taking)13.5 ( comprehensive)13.6 ( consideration)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)27.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc t* [(normal)14.2 ( profit)14.1 ( margin)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( such)14.1 ( services)14.2 ( provided)41.2 ( )]tj 0.071 tc t* [(by)13.4 ( chinalco)13.4 ( to)13.4 ( the)13.4 ( company)13.5 (,)13.4 ( and)13.5 ( is)13.5 ( not)13.4 ( higher)43.2 ( )]tj 0.074 tc t* [(than)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( profit)13.8 ( margin)13.8 ( charged)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( independent)46.3 ( )]tj 0.077 tc t* [(third)13.6 ( parties)13.6 (.)13.6 ( such)13.6 ( profit)13.7 ( margin)13.6 ( is)13.7 ( considered)49.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.016 tw t* (reasonable by the company as following the above )tj -0.028 tw t* (reasons;)tj et endstream endobj 887 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 888 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 889 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 890 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 891 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 892 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (5)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 652.4117 tm (nature of transaction:)tj 0.08 tw 14.173 0 td [(\(a\) )108.1 (production supplies and ancillary services provided by )]tj 0 tw 1.417 -1.5 td (chinalco to the company)tj 0.043 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(\()15.2 (i)15.2 (\))15.2 ( )-441.4 (supplies)14.3 (:)14.3 ( carbon)14.3 ( products)14.3 (,)14.3 ( cement)14.3 (,)14.3 ( coal)14.3 (,)14.3 ( oxygen)14.3 (,)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw 1.701 -1.5 td (bottled water, steam, fire brick, aluminum fluoride, )tj 0.018 tw 0 -1.5 td (cryolite, lubricant, resin, clinker, aluminum profiles, )tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw t* [(copper)13.7 (,)13.8 ( zinc)13.7 ( ingot)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( other)13.7 ( relevant)13.8 ( or)13.8 ( similar)39.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (supplies;)tj 0.104 tc 0.078 tw -1.701 -3 td [(\()76.2 (i)76.2 (i)76.2 (\))76.2 ( )-129.6 (storage)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( )0.5 (transportation)14.1 ( )0.5 (services)14.2 (:)14.2 ( )0.5 (vehicle)76.2 ( )]tj 0.086 tc 1.701 -1.5 td [(transportation)14.1 (,)14.1 ( loading)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( unloading)14.1 (,)14.1 ( railway)58.2 ( )]tj 0.115 tc t* [(transportation)14.1 ( and)14 ( other)14.1 ( relevant)14.1 ( or)14 ( similar)87.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (services;)tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw -1.701 -3 td [(\()41.2 (i)41.2 (i)41.2 (i)41.3 (\))41.1 ( )85.2 (ancillary)14.2 ( production)14.2 ( services)14.1 (:)14.2 ( communications)14.1 (,)41.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc 1.701 -1.5 td [(testing)14.1 (,)14 ( processing)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( fabrication)14 (,)14.1 ( engineering)33.2 ( )]tj 0.082 tc t* [(design)13.5 (,)13.5 ( repair)13.6 (,)13.5 ( environmental)13.5 ( protection)13.5 (,)13.6 ( road)54.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (maintenance and other relevant or similar services)tj 0.08 tw -3.118 -3 td [(\(b\) )164.1 (production supplies and ancillary services provided by )]tj 0 tw 1.417 -1.5 td (the company to chinalco)tj 0.147 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(\()119.2 (i)119.2 (\))119.2 ( )-336.4 (products)13.6 (:)13.5 ( electrolytic)13.5 ( aluminum)13.6 ( products)119.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw 1.701 -1.5 td [(\(aluminum ingots\) and alumina products, zinc ingot,)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.081 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(slag)13.4 (,)13.5 ( petroleum)13.5 ( coke)13.4 ( other)13.5 ( relevant)13.4 ( or)13.5 ( similar)53.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (supplies;)tj 0.101 tc 0.078 tw -1.701 -3 td [(\()73.2 (i)73.2 (i)73.2 (\))73.2 ( )-132.6 (supporting)14.1 ( services)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( ancillary)14.1 ( production)73.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 1.701 -1.5 td [(services)14.2 (:)14.2 ( )0.5 (water)14.3 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (electricity)14.1 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (gas)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( heat)14.2 ( supply)14.2 (,)23.2 ( )]tj 0.127 tc t* [(measurement)13.5 (,)13.5 ( spare)13.5 ( parts)13.5 (,)13.5 ( repair)13.5 (,)13.5 ( testing)13.5 (,)99.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.089 tw t* (transportation, steam and other relevant or similar )tj -0.028 tw t* (services)tj et endstream endobj 893 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (4)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 652.4117 tm (price determination:)tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 14.173 0 td [(the)9.2 ( prices)9.2 ( in)9.2 ( respect)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.1 ( )0.5 (relevant)9.2 ( )0.5 (services)9.2 ( )0.5 (under)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.5 td (comprehensive social and logistics services agreement )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(will)1.2 ( )0.5 (be)1.3 ( determined)1.2 ( with)1.2 ( )0.5 (reference)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )0.5 (comparable)1.2 ( )0.5 (market)1.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(prices)13.8 (.)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( comparable)13.8 ( local)13.9 ( market)13.8 ( prices)13.8 ( refer)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( the)18.2 ( )]tj 0.077 tc t* [(prices)14 ( arrived)14.1 ( at)14.1 ( with)14.1 ( reference)14 ( to)14.1 ( those)14.1 ( charged)14.1 ( or)49.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(quoted by at least two independent third parties providing)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.075 tc 0.077 tw t* [(s)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( w)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)14.4 ( s)0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( a)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)14.5 ( w)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.5 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)47.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(services)12.2 ( were)12.2 ( )0.5 (provided)12.2 ( )0.5 (under)12.2 ( )0.5 (normal)12.2 ( trading)12.2 ( conditions)12.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (around that time.)tj -14.173 -3 td (payment term:)tj 14.173 0 td (monthly payment)tj 0.049 tw -14.173 -2.873 td (for more detailed information on this continuing connected transaction, \ please refer to )tj 0.081 tw t* (the announcements dated 17 september 2018 and the supplemental circular \ dated 26 )tj 0 tw t* (november 2018 of the company.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 410.6817 tm [(\(b\) )-742.5 (general agreement on mutual provision of production supplies and )]tj 2.465 -1.565 td (ancillary services)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 119.0551 362.6817 tm (date of initial agreement:)tj 14.173 0 td (5 november 2001)tj -14.173 -3 td (date of supplemental )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (agreement:)tj 0 tw 13.181 1.5 td (17 september 2018, 3 june 2019)tj -0.028 tw -14.173 -4.5 td (parties:)tj 0.013 tw 14.173 0 td (chinalco as provider and recipient \(for itself and on behalf )tj 0 tw t* (of its subsidiaries\))tj 0.092 tw 0 -3 td [(the )0.5 (company as )0.5 (provider and )0.5 (recipient )0.5 (\(for )0.5 (itself and )0.5 (on )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (behalf of its subsidiaries\))tj -0.028 tw -14.173 -3 td (term:)tj 0 tw 14.173 0 td (three years from 1 january 2019 to 31 december 2021)tj et endstream endobj 894 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (4)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (further information on the continuing connected )tj 0 -1.333 td (transactions of this year)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(1. )-694.2 (continuing connected transactions)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 564.7466 tm [(\(a\) )-687.5 (comprehensive social and logistics services agreement)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 119.0551 534.7467 tm (date of initial agreement:)tj 14.173 0 td (5 november 2001)tj -14.173 -3 td (date of supplemental )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (agreement:)tj 0 tw 13.181 1.5 td (17 september 2018)tj -0.028 tw -14.173 -4.5 td (parties:)tj 0.09 tc 0.078 tw 14.173 0 td [(chinalco)13.4 ( as)13.5 ( provider)13.5 ( \()13.5 (for)13.5 ( itself)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( on)13.4 ( behalf)13.4 ( of)13.5 ( its)62.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (subsidiaries\))tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -3 td [(the)5.2 ( company)5.2 ( )0.5 (as)5.2 ( recipient)5.2 ( )0.5 (\()5.2 (for)5.2 ( itself)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (on)5.2 ( )0.5 (behalf)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( its)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (subsidiaries\))tj -14.173 -3 td (term:)tj 0 tw 14.173 0 td (three years from 1 january 2019 to 31 december 2021)tj -14.173 -3 td (nature of transaction:)tj 0.076 tc 0.077 tw 14.173 0 td [(\()48.2 (i)48.2 (\))48.2 ( )-1542.2 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (ce)0.5 (s)14.4 (:)14.4 ( p)0.5 (u)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (ty)14.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( f)0.6 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (h)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)48.2 ( )]tj 0.145 tc 0.078 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(services)14.1 (,)14.1 ( education)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( training)14.2 (,)14.1 ( schools)14.1 (,)117.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(hospitals)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( health)13.7 ( facilities)13.7 (,)13.7 ( cultural)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( sports)22.2 ( )]tj 0.14 tc t* [(undertakings)13.9 (,)14 ( newspapers)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( magazines)13.9 (,)112.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(broadcasting)5.3 (,)5.1 ( )0.5 (printing)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( other)5.2 ( )0.5 (relevant)5.2 ( )0.5 (or)5.3 ( similar)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (services; and)tj 0.144 tc 0.077 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()116.2 (i)116.2 (i)116.2 (\))116.2 ( )-1224.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (gi)0.5 (st)0.5 (i)0.5 (cs)14.4 ( s)0.5 (er)0.5 (v)0.5 (ic)0.5 (es)14.4 (:)14.4 ( pr)0.5 (op)0.5 (e)0.5 (rt)0.5 (y)14.3 ( ma)0.5 (na)0.5 (g)0.5 (em)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)14.4 (,)116.2 ( )]tj 0.091 tc 0.078 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(environmental)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( hygiene)13.8 ( service)13.8 (,)13.7 ( greenery)13.7 (,)63.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(nurseries)14 (,)14.1 ( kindergartens)14.1 (,)14 ( sanatoriums)14.1 (,)14 ( canteens)14.1 (,)28.2 ( )]tj 0.09 tc t* [(hotels)13.9 (,)13.9 ( hostels)13.9 (,)13.9 ( offices)14 (,)13.9 ( public)13.9 ( transportation)13.9 (,)62.2 ( )]tj 0.089 tc 0.077 tw t* [(r)0.5 (et)0.5 (ir)0.5 (em)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)14.3 ( m)0.5 (an)0.5 (ag)0.5 (em)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( ot)0.5 (he)0.5 (r)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (le)0.5 (va)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( or)61.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (similar services.)tj et endstream endobj 895 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (4)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.056 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 90.7087 658.9977 tm [(1)28.2 (.)28.2 ( )-2241.7 (the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( has)13.8 ( adopted)13.8 ( effective)13.8 ( internal)13.8 ( control)13.8 ( policies)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( daily)13.9 ( monitor)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( continuing)13.8 ( connected)28.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 3.543 -1.375 td [(transactions)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.7 (.)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( audit)13.8 ( committee)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( continuously)13.7 ( conducts)13.7 ( strict)13.7 ( review)13.7 ( on)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.375 td (the continuing connected transactions to ensure the completeness and eff\ ectiveness of the internal control )tj 0.092 tw t* [(measures )0.5 (regarding the )0.5 (continuing )0.5 (connected )0.5 (transactions. )0.5 (the )0.5 (independent non-executive )0.5 (directors of )0.5 (the )]tj 0 tw t* (company have reviewed the above transactions and confirmed:)tj 0 -3.25 td [(\(i\) )-2375.9 (the transactions have been entered into in the ordinary and usual course\ of business of the group;)]tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.75 td [(\()31.2 (i)31.2 (i)31.2 (\))31.2 ( )-2017.1 (the)14.1 ( terms)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( transactions)14.1 ( are)14.1 ( fair)14.1 ( and)14 ( reasonable)14.1 (,)14 ( and)14.1 ( are)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( interest)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 (\222)14 (s)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (shareholders as a whole;)tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw -3.543 -3.25 td [(\()40.2 (i)40.2 (i)40.2 (i)40.2 (\))40.2 ( )-1758.3 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (transactions)14.3 ( )0.5 (have)14.3 ( )0.6 (been)14.3 ( )0.5 (entered)14.2 ( )0.6 (into)14.3 ( )0.6 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (normal)14.3 ( )0.6 (commercial)14.3 ( )0.5 (terms)14.3 ( )0.5 (or)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (where)14.3 ( )0.5 (there)14.2 ( )0.6 (are)14.3 ( )0.6 (not)40.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 3.543 -1.375 td [(sufficient)1.2 ( )0.5 (comparable)1.2 ( transactions)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )0.5 (judge)1.2 ( )0.5 (whether)1.3 ( they)1.2 ( )0.5 (are)1.2 ( )0.5 (on)1.2 ( )0.5 (normal)1.2 ( )0.5 (commercial)1.2 ( )0.5 (terms)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (they)1.2 ( )0.5 (are)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.375 td (on terms no less favourable than those available to or offered to indepe\ ndent third parties; and)tj 0.072 tc 0.077 tw -3.543 -2.75 td [(\()44.2 (i)44.2 (v)44.2 (\))44.2 ( )-1727.1 (th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( tr)0.5 (ans)0.5 (acti)0.5 (ons)14.4 ( have)14.4 ( b)0.5 (een)14.4 ( u)0.5 (nde)0.5 (rta)0.5 (ken)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( acc)0.5 (orda)0.5 (nce)14.4 ( w)0.5 (it)0.5 (h)14.3 ( the)14.4 ( t)0.5 (erm)0.5 (s)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( r)0.5 (ele)0.5 (van)0.5 (t)14.3 ( agr)0.5 (eem)0.5 (ents)44.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (governing such transactions.)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw -7.087 -3.25 td [(2)16.2 (.)16.2 ( )-2253.7 (pursuant)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (rule)14.2 ( )0.6 (1)14.2 (4)14.3 (a)14.3 (.)14.2 (5)14.3 (6)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (hong)14.2 ( )0.6 (kong)14.3 ( )0.5 (listing)14.2 ( )0.6 (rules)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (board)14.3 ( )0.5 (engaged)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (auditor)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (company)16.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 3.543 -1.375 td [(to)4.2 ( conduct)4.2 ( )0.5 (a)4.2 ( limited)4.2 ( assurance)4.3 ( engagement)4.3 ( on)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( )0.5 (above)4.2 ( continuing)4.2 ( )0.5 (connected)4.2 ( transactions)4.2 ( )0.5 (in)4.2 ( )0.5 (accordance)4.1 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(with)13.9 ( hong)13.8 ( kong)13.9 ( standard)13.9 ( on)13.8 ( assurance)13.8 ( engagements)13.9 ( 3)13.9 (0)13.8 (0)13.9 (0)13.9 ( \223)13.8 (assurance)13.9 ( engagements)13.9 ( other)13.9 ( than)13.8 ( audits)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.061 tw t* (or reviews of historical financial information\224 and with reference to\ practice note 740 \223auditor\222s letter on )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(c)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)2.2 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (n)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)2.2 ( t)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.6 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)2.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)2.2 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)2.2 ( k)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)2.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)2.2 ( r)0.5 (u)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)2.2 (\224)2.2 ( i)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)2.2 ( b)0.5 (y)2.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)2.3 ( h)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)2.2 ( k)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)2.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)2.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.046 tw t* (of certified public accountants. the auditor has reported the results of\ their procedures to the board stating )tj -0.028 tw t* (that:)tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3.25 td [(a)23.2 (.)23.2 ( )-2303.7 (nothi)0.5 (ng)14.3 ( has)14.3 ( come)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( audi)0.5 (tor)14.3 (\222)14.3 (s)14.3 ( att)0.5 (ention)14.4 ( th)0.5 (at)14.3 ( causes)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( audi)0.5 (tor)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( beli)0.5 (eve)14.3 ( that)14.3 ( the)14.4 ( di)0.5 (sclose)0.5 (d)23.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (continuing connected transactions have not been approved by the company\222\ s board of directors.)tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw -3.543 -2.75 td [(b)3.2 (.)3.2 ( )-2255.7 (for)3.2 ( )0.5 (transactions)3.2 ( )0.5 (involving)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (provision)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (goods)3.2 ( )0.5 (or)3.2 ( )0.5 (services)3.2 ( )0.5 (by)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (group)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (nothing)3.2 ( )0.5 (has)3.2 ( )0.5 (come)3.2 ( to)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 3.543 -1.375 td [(auditor)12.2 (\222)12.2 (s)12.2 ( )0.5 (attention)12.2 ( )0.5 (that)12.2 ( )0.5 (causes)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (auditor)12.2 ( to)12.2 ( )0.5 (believe)12.2 ( that)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (transactions)12.2 ( were)12.2 ( )0.5 (not)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (in)12.2 ( all)12.2 ( )0.5 (material)12.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.375 td (respects, in accordance with the pricing policies of the company.)tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw -3.543 -2.75 td [(c)6.2 (.)6.2 ( )-2311.7 (nothing)6.2 ( has)6.2 ( )0.5 (come)6.2 ( to)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( auditor)6.2 (\222)6.2 (s)6.2 ( )0.5 (attention)6.2 ( that)6.2 ( )0.5 (causes)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( auditor)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( )0.5 (believe)6.2 ( that)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (transactions)6.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw 3.543 -1.375 td (were not entered into, in all material respects, in accordance with the \ relevant agreements governing )tj 0 tw t* (such transactions.)tj 0.002 tw -3.543 -2.75 td [(d. )-2345.7 (with respect to the aggregate amount of each of the continuing connected\ transactions set out above, )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 3.543 -1.375 td [(n)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)9.2 ( h)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)9.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)9.2 ( t)0.5 (o)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)9.2 ( a)0.5 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)9.3 (\222)9.1 (s)9.3 ( a)0.5 (t)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)9.2 ( c)0.5 (a)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)9.2 ( b)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)9.2 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)9.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.058 tw t* (connected transactions have exceeded the maximum aggregate annual cap ma\ de by the company in )tj 0 tw t* (respect of each of the disclosed continuing connected transactions.)tj et endstream endobj 896 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (4)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 327.469 652.4117 tm (aggregated )tj -0.972 -1.5 td (consideration )tj 0 tw -2.724 -1.5 td (\(for the year ended )tj 0.055 -1.5 td (31 december 2019\))tj 13.952 4.5 td (percentage of )tj -1.444 -1.5 td (turnover \(for the )tj 2.805 -1.5 td (year ended )tj -3.974 -1.5 td (31 december 2019\))tj 13.536 1.5 td (annual cap for )tj 0.58 -1.5 td (the year 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7 0 2.6795 10 315.1605 592.4117 tm (\(in rmb million\))tj 22.677 0 td (\(in rmb million\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 588.2714 cm 0 0 m 232.441 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 7 0 0 10 62.3622 589.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8031 588.2714 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 7 0 2.6795 10 294.8031 589.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 588.2714 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 2.6795 10 374.1732 589.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 588.2714 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 2.6795 10 453.5433 589.0414 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 7 0 0 10 62.3622 559.0414 tm (sales of goods or services:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -3 td [(\(b\) )-2437.1 (general agreement on mutual provision of production )]tj 5.467 -1.5 td (supplies and ancillary services \(counterparty: chinalco\) )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (note)tj 35.071 0 td (14,300)tj 11.478 0 td (7.52%)tj 11.199 0 td (28,400)tj 0 tw -63.215 -3 td [(\(f\) )-2548.1 (fixed assets leases framework agreement \(counterparty: )]tj -0.028 tw 5.467 -1.5 td (chinalco\))tj 37.128 0 td (53)tj 9.421 0 td (0.03%)tj 12.672 0 td (100)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 449.9009 cm 0 0 m 232.441 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 62.3622 450.6709 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 449.9009 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 294.8032 450.6709 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 449.9009 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 374.1732 450.6709 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 449.9009 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 453.5433 450.6709 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5412 425.9409 tm (note:)tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 8 83.034 425.9409 tm [( )-654.3 (as considered and approved at the 2018 second extraordinary general meet\ ing of the company held on 11 december)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.056 tw 0.959 -1.375 td (2018, the annual caps for the expenditure transactions under general agr\ eement on mutual provision of production )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -1.375 td [(s)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)4.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)4.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)4.2 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)4.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (w)0.5 (e)0.5 (en)4.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)4.2 ( g)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (up)4.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)4.2 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)4.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)4.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)4.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)4.2 ( y)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)4.2 ( f)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)4.2 ( )0.5 (2)4.2 (0)4.2 (1)4.2 (9)4.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)4.1 ( )0.5 (2)4.2 (0)4.2 (2)4.2 (1)4.2 ( a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)4.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(to)3.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)3.2 (8)3.2 (,)3.2 (6)3.2 (0)3.2 (0)3.2 ( )0.5 (million)3.2 (,)3.3 ( rmb)3.2 (9)3.2 (,)3.2 (3)3.2 (0)3.2 (0)3.2 ( )0.5 (million)3.3 ( and)3.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)3.2 (1)3.2 (0)3.3 (,)3.2 (0)3.2 (0)3.2 (0)3.2 ( )0.5 (million)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (respectively)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.3 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (annual)3.2 ( )0.5 (caps)3.2 ( )0.5 (for)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( revenue)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.056 tw t* (transactions thereunder for the three years from 2019 to 2021 amounted t\ o rmb17,700 million, rmb19,100 million )tj 0.075 tw t* (and rmb20,700 million, respectively. at the end of the year 2018, yunnan\ metallurgical group co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0dae06cc04370696>tj t* <0dab0fa00670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.016 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf (yunnan metallurgical group)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\) become a subsidiary of chinalco and the transactions in relation \ )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(to)13.6 ( mutual)13.6 ( provision)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( production)13.6 ( supplies)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( ancillary)13.6 ( services)13.6 ( between)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.6 ( and)13.7 ( yunnan)13.6 ( metallurgical)25.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc t* [(group)14 ( constituted)14 ( connected)14 ( transactions)14 (.)14 ( based)14 ( on)14 ( the)14 ( above)14 (,)14 ( as)14 ( considered)14 ( and)14 ( approved)14 ( at)14 ( the)14 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)13.9 (8)14 ( annual)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (general meeting of the company on 25 june 2019, the annual caps for the \ expenditure transactions under general )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(a)0.5 (g)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)2.2 ( o)0.6 (n)2.2 ( m)0.5 (u)0.6 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)2.3 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)2.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)2.2 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)2.2 ( s)0.5 (u)0.6 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)2.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)2.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)2.2 ( b)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (w)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)2.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)2.2 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( c)0.6 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)2.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.061 tw t* (the three years from 2019 to 2021 were revised to rmb14,100 million, rmb\ 15,300 million and rmb17,500 million, )tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(respectively)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (annual)13.2 ( caps)13.2 ( for)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (revenue)13.2 ( transactions)13.2 ( )0.5 (thereunder)13.2 ( for)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (three)13.2 ( )0.5 (years)13.2 ( )0.5 (from)13.2 ( )0.5 (2)13.2 (0)13.2 (1)13.2 (9)13.2 ( to)13.2 ( )0.5 (2)13.2 (0)13.2 (2)13.2 (1)13.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(were)13.7 ( revised)13.7 ( to)13.6 ( rmb)13.7 (2)13.7 (8)13.6 (,)13.7 (4)13.7 (0)13.6 (0)13.7 ( million)13.6 (,)13.7 ( rmb)13.6 (3)13.7 (0)13.7 (,)13.6 (8)13.7 (0)13.7 (0)13.6 ( million)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( rmb)13.6 (3)13.7 (3)13.7 (,)13.6 (5)13.7 (0)13.7 (0)13.6 ( million)13.7 (,)13.6 ( respectively)13.7 (.)13.6 ( for)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( details)13.6 ( of)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw t* (aforesaid revisions to the caps for the continuing connected transaction\ s, please refer to announcements dated 28 )tj 0 tw t* (march 2019 and 3 june 2019 and the supplemental circular dated 10 june 2\ 019 published by the company.)tj et endstream endobj 897 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 898 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 899 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 900 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 901 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 902 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (4)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 327.469 652.4117 tm (aggregated )tj -0.972 -1.5 td (consideration )tj 0 tw -2.724 -1.5 td (\(for the year ended )tj 0.055 -1.5 td (31 december 2019\))tj 13.952 4.5 td (percentage of )tj -1.444 -1.5 td (turnover \(for the )tj 2.805 -1.5 td (year ended )tj -3.974 -1.5 td (31 december 2019\))tj 13.536 1.5 td (annual cap for )tj 0.58 -1.5 td (the year 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7 0 2.6795 10 315.1605 592.4117 tm (\(in rmb million\))tj 22.677 0 td (\(in rmb million\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 588.2714 cm 0 0 m 232.441 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 7 0 0 10 62.3622 589.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8031 588.2714 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 7 0 2.6795 10 294.8031 589.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 588.2714 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 2.6795 10 374.1732 589.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 588.2714 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 2.6795 10 453.5433 589.0414 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 7 0 0 10 62.3622 559.0414 tm [(\(d\) )-2382.1 (provision of engineering, construction and supervisory )]tj 5.467 -1.5 td (services agreement \(counterparty: chinalco\))tj -0.028 tw 35.655 0 td (2,950)tj 10.895 0 td (1.55%)tj 11.783 0 td (9,500)tj 0 tw -63.798 -3 td [(\(e\) )-2493.1 (land use rights leasing agreement \(counterparty: chinalco\))]tj -0.028 tw 42.011 0 td (437)tj 10.005 0 td (0.23%)tj 12.672 0 td (500)tj 0 tw -64.688 -3 td [(\(f\) )-2548.1 (fixed assets leases framework contract \(counterparty: )]tj -0.028 tw 5.467 -1.5 td (chinalco\))tj 37.128 0 td (62)tj 9.421 0 td (0.03%)tj 12.672 0 td (200)tj 0.027 tc 0 tw -64.688 -3 td [(\()-0.8 (g)-0.8 (\))-0.8 ( )-2383.1 (financial services agreement \(counterparty: chinalco finance)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 5.467 -1.5 td (co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295125909cc0a1503de08220baa038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\)\) )tj 0 tw -1.417 -1.5 td (daily cap of deposit balance \(including accrued interests\))tj -0.028 tw 37.072 0 td (3,285)tj 10.895 0 td (1.73%)tj 0 tw 5.144 1.5 td (daily cap of deposit )tj 2.165 -1.5 td (balance 12,000)tj -55.275 -4.5 td (daily cap of loan balance \(including accrued interests\))tj -0.028 tw 37.072 0 td (2,065)tj 10.895 0 td (1.09%)tj 0 tw 6.672 1.5 td (daily cap of loan )tj 0.636 -1.5 td (balance 15,000)tj -55.275 -3 td (other financial services)tj 0 tc 39.185 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10.255 0 td (0%)tj 11.783 0 td (50)tj 0 tw -65.272 -3 td [(\(h\) )-2382.1 (finance lease agreement \(counterparty: chinalco finance )]tj 5.467 -1.5 td (lease co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295125913440f1f09610f2303de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\)\))tj 35.655 0 td (1,418)tj 10.895 0 td (0.75%)tj 11.199 0 td (10,000)tj 0 tw -63.215 -3 td [(\(i\) )-2826.1 (factoring cooperation agreement \(counterparty: chinalco )]tj 5.467 -1.5 td (commercial factoring \(tianjin\) co., ltd.*\()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw [<029512590a200e3806ad0b23>502.6 <0080>104.2 <02c2>]tj 0 -1.5 td [<0775>104.2 <0081>502.6 <03de082202ae0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf (\)\))tj 36.544 0 td (158)tj 10.005 0 td (0.08%)tj 11.783 0 td (3,000)tj 0 tw -63.798 -3 td [(\(j\) )-2604.1 (labor and engineering services framework agreement )]tj 5.467 -1.5 td (\(counterparty: chalco steering intelligent technology co., )tj t* (ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590d5605df0c7d099007c504a603de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\)\))tj 37.128 0 td (36)tj 9.421 0 td (0.02%)tj 12.672 0 td (100)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3623 164.9009 cm 0 0 m 232.441 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 62.3623 165.6709 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8033 164.9009 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 294.8033 165.6709 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1734 164.9009 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 374.1734 165.6709 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 164.9009 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 453.5434 165.6709 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 903 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.013 tc 0.003 tw 16 0 0 16 305.6542 721.6899 tm [(c)-15.1 (on)0.5 (n)3.1 (e)9.7 (c)-15.4 (t)-11.9 (e)1.7 (d)-3 ( t)62.3 (r)-7.4 (a)9.4 (ns)-2.9 (a)19 (c)-15.4 (t)-22 (ions)-2.9 ( \()14.5 (c)-15.1 (on)-20.5 (t)-22 (i)-1.1 (n)2.7 (u)5.2 (e)1.7 (d)8.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 904 0 obj <> endobj 905 0 obj <> endobj 906 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �cq��n &0�r���r[� �c����l�fh�3��ai��>����~r������/ʋ�mt���_��c���e8�v����?(9��ó�θb��k��^���э�ww�~pd�������x*[���&,k��s|.�j�2?fmg� ��� ���n����r��{�d�ea�x�yy�yo�yll���&1&e��qֈ�y#�f�y9{��)����o�����s ξu���g=��i!6x�$�j����{az[�]���x߬�pu�د���| endstream endobj 907 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 908 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (4)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.045 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2118 tm (details of significant related party transactions of the group for the y\ ear ended 31 december 2019 )tj 0.042 tw 0 -1.5 td (are set out in note 35 to the financial statements. certain related part\ y transactions also constitute )tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw t* [(connected)13.4 ( transactions)13.5 ( or)13.4 ( continuing)13.5 ( connected)13.4 ( transactions)13.5 ( under)13.5 ( chapter)13.4 ( 1)13.5 (4)13.5 (a)13.4 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( hong)30.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(kong)1.2 ( )0.5 (listing)1.2 ( rules)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( company)1.2 ( )0.5 (confirms)1.2 ( that)1.2 ( such)1.2 ( )0.5 (related)1.2 ( )0.5 (party)1.3 ( transactions)1.2 ( )0.5 (have)1.2 ( )0.5 (complied)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw t* (with applicable disclosure requirements in accordance with chapter 14a o\ f the hong kong listing )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(rules)10.2 (.)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (details)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( non)10.2 (-)10.2 (exempted)10.2 ( )0.5 (one)10.2 (-)10.2 (off)10.2 ( )0.5 (connected)10.2 ( )0.5 (transactions)10.2 (,)10.1 ( )0.5 (major)10.2 ( )0.5 (exempted)10.2 ( )0.5 (one)10.2 (-)10.2 (off)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.07 tw t* (connected transaction and non-exempted continuing connected transactions\ under chapter 14a of )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* (the hong kong listing rules undertaken by the group during the reporting\ period are set out below.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 517.2118 tm (non-exempted continuing connected transactions)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.065 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 487.2118 tm [(set)13.6 ( out)13.6 ( below)13.5 ( are)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( annual)13.6 ( caps)13.6 ( for)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( continuing)13.6 ( connected)13.6 ( transactions)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( actual)37.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(transaction)13.9 ( amounts)13.9 ( incurred)13.9 ( by)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( group)13.8 ( in)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (9)13.9 (.)13.9 ( for)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( year)13.9 ( ended)13.8 ( 3)13.9 (1)13.9 ( december)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (9)13.9 (,)13.9 ( the)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (continuing connected transactions of the group were calculated on an agg\ regated basis as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 327.469 427.2118 tm (aggregated )tj -0.972 -1.5 td (consideration )tj 0 tw -2.724 -1.5 td (\(for the year ended )tj 0.055 -1.5 td (31 december 2019\))tj 13.952 4.5 td (percentage of )tj -1.444 -1.5 td (turnover \(for the )tj 2.805 -1.5 td (year ended )tj -3.974 -1.5 td (31 december 2019\))tj 13.536 1.5 td (annual cap for )tj 0.58 -1.5 td (the year 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7 0 2.6795 10 315.1605 367.2118 tm (\(in rmb million\))tj 22.677 0 td (\(in rmb million\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 363.0614 cm 0 0 m 232.441 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 7 0 0 10 62.3622 363.8314 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8031 363.0614 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 7 0 2.6795 10 294.8031 363.8314 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 363.0614 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 2.6795 10 374.1732 363.8314 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 363.0614 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 2.6795 10 453.5433 363.8314 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 7 0 0 10 62.3622 333.8314 tm (purchases of goods or services:)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -3 td [(\(a\) )-2437.1 (comprehensive social and logistics services agreement )]tj 5.467 -1.5 td (\(counterparty: chinalco\))tj -0.028 tw 36.544 0 td (309)tj 10.005 0 td (0.16%)tj 12.672 0 td (500)tj 0 tw -64.688 -3 td [(\(b\) )-2437.1 (general agreement on mutual provision of production )]tj 5.467 -1.5 td (supplies and ancillary services )tj -0.028 tw 4.081 0 0 5.83 204.8772 247.1614 tm (\(note\))tj 0 tw 7 0 0 10 216.6704 243.8314 tm ( \(counterparty: )tj -0.028 tw -16.577 -1.5 td (chinalco\))tj 35.655 0 td (8,903)tj 10.895 0 td (4.68%)tj 11.199 0 td (14,100)tj 0 tw -63.215 -3 td [(\(c\) )-2437.1 (mineral supply agreement \(counterparty: chinalco\))]tj -0.028 tw 42.595 0 td (22)tj 9.421 0 td (0.01%)tj 12.672 0 td (360)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3623 194.681 cm 0 0 m 232.441 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 62.3623 195.451 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 194.681 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 294.8032 195.451 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 194.681 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 374.1733 195.451 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 194.681 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 453.5434 195.451 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 909 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3796 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.015 tc 0.005 tw 20 0 0 20 62.3622 722.3699 tm [(c)-15.7 (onn)2.5 (e)9.2 (c)-16.2 (t)-12.6 (e)1.1 (d)-5 ( t)62.3 (r)-8.1 (a)8.8 (ns)-3.6 (a)18.5 (c)-16.1 (t)-22.8 (ions)]tj et endstream endobj 910 0 obj <> endobj 911 0 obj <> endobj 912 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �cq�6 ] 9�����t��1�{��o�k3���蓐e~j�[�=�w7�=��(��|sa��6,/@i��xʩ��sr�.�֌3��v�<�y�-�on��� ��s��ݬ�� �� ��t襷����cڮu�~�qο�s�e��9 \l/���ld�z c����}jf��;&�`�2&��$l���$ltyd�䩂�j�*z��e�c�c�s�s�kbjl�ed�t�5�t�$4�2<�� �ɛs4��%q.a"�����l���f� ��} endstream endobj 913 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 914 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (4)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.022 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm (for details of the aforesaid matter, please refer to the announcements o\ f the company dated )tj 0.024 tw 0 -1.5 td (28 may 2019, the circular dated 25 october 2019 and the announcement dat\ ed 10 december )tj -0.028 tw t* (2019.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 592.2117 tm [(11. )-110.4 (significant subsequent events)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 562.2117 tm [(for)14.1 ( other)14.1 ( significant)14.1 ( events)14.1 ( after)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( reporting)14.1 ( period)14.1 (,)14.1 ( please)14.1 ( refer)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( relevant)14.1 ( disclosures)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (made in note 43 to the financial statements.)tj et endstream endobj 915 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.016 tc 0.006 tw 16 0 0 16 344.7231 721.6899 tm [(s)-7.6 (ign)-3.5 (i)-32.2 (\037)-1 (c)7.7 (a)6.4 (n)-23.5 (t)-6 ( e)-20.5 (v)-1.4 (en)-23.5 (t)-31.2 (s)-5.9 ( \()11.5 (c)-18.2 (o)-2.8 (n)-23.5 (t)-25 (i)-4 (nu)2.2 (e)-1.3 (d)5.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 916 0 obj <> endobj 917 0 obj <> endobj 918 0 obj <>stream h�\�mn� ���b��"��ɛh�r�&��q���qj��; ߾�r�0üg��s����0�g�zgn�5�3^z'� ��̷y����"#q�l3��f�5d�8�a��';�q%��`1��_�fys��t3�pu`�#��ֿ�b�d���z?/k��e|.a��oƌ'� ����9� �z%���şe��|�a��d�y.%�}%�&os�w̻�{昳}llq�\�/c\�[d�l�-�62ke�jŭ"��~����w:�v쩢�bo={��$�l���8��n��6����zs�cu{���g��]� 0@ �] endstream endobj 919 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 920 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (4)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 90.7087 652.7466 tm (carrying out capital preservation and appreciation businesses )tj 0 -1.333 td (by the company by utilizing daily reserve fund)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.052 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm [(on)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (9)13.6 ( april)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.6 (1)13.7 (9)13.6 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( resolution)13.6 ( on)13.7 ( proposed)13.6 ( utilisation)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( daily)13.7 ( reserve)13.7 ( fund)13.6 ( to)13.7 ( carry)24.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.5 td [(out)7.2 ( )0.5 (capital)7.3 ( preservation)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (appreciation)7.2 ( )0.5 (businesses)7.2 ( by)7.2 ( the)7.2 ( company)7.2 ( was)7.2 ( considered)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(approved)9.2 ( )0.5 (at)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (4)9.2 (2)9.2 (nd)9.2 ( meeting)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.1 ( )0.5 (sixth)9.2 ( session)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( board)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( company)9.1 (,)9.3 ( pursuant)9.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw t* [(to)13.9 ( which)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( was)13.9 ( approved)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( conduct)13.9 ( capital)13.9 ( preservation)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( appreciation)40.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(b)0.5 (u)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)4.2 ( b)0.6 (y)4.2 ( u)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (z)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)4.2 ( d)0.6 (a)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)4.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)4.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)4.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)4.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (y)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)4.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)4.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (u)0.6 (t)4.2 ( n)0.6 (o)0.5 (t)4.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)4.2 ( t)0.6 (o)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw t* (structural deposits, monetary funds, treasury bonds buy-back and other l\ ow risks businesses, )tj 0.092 tw 0 -1.5 td [(for a )0.5 (term )0.5 (of )0.5 (not )0.5 (exceeding )0.5 (90 days. )0.5 (the balance )0.5 (of )0.5 (the funds used )0.5 (for capital preservation )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(and appreciation business by the company at any time shall not exceed rm\ b5 billion and may)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (be used within the limit on a rolling basis.)tj 0.058 tw 0 -3 td (for details of the above matter, please refer to the announcement of the\ company dated 29 )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (april 2019.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 90.7087 402.7466 tm (amendments to the articles of association and the rules of )tj 0 -1.333 td (procedures for shareholders\222 meeting, the board meeting and )tj 0 -1.333 td (the supervisory committee meeting by the company)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 332.7466 tm [(on)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (8)14 ( may)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (0)14 (1)14.1 (9)14 (,)14 ( the)14 ( resolution)14.1 ( in)14 ( relation)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( the)14 ( proposed)14.1 ( amendments)14 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( articles)21.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0 -1.5 td [(of)13.9 ( association)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( aluminum)13.9 ( corporation)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( china)13.8 ( limited)13.8 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( rules)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( procedures)13.9 ( for)37.2 ( )]tj 0.088 tc t* [(shareholders)14 (\222)14.1 ( meeting)14 ( of)14 ( aluminum)14.1 ( corporation)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( china)14 ( limited)14 ( and)14.1 ( the)14 ( rules)14.1 ( of)60.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw t* [(procedures )0.5 (for the )0.5 (board meeting of aluminum corporation of )0.5 (china limited was )0.5 (considered )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)14.2 ( )0.6 (approved)14.2 ( )0.6 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (4)14.3 (3)14.2 (rd)14.3 ( )0.6 (meeting)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (sixth)14.3 ( )0.6 (session)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (board)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.3 (.)14.3 ( )0.6 (on)22.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc t* [(the)14 ( same)13.9 ( day)14 (,)14 ( the)14 ( resolution)14 ( in)14 ( relation)14 ( to)14 ( the)13.9 ( proposed)14 ( amendments)14 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( rules)14 ( of)35.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc t* [(procedures)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( supervisory)13.8 ( committee)13.8 ( meeting)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( aluminum)13.8 ( corporation)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( china)36.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc t* [(limited)14.1 ( was)14.1 ( considered)14 ( and)14 ( approved)14 ( at)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (0)14 (th)14.1 ( meeting)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( sixth)14 ( session)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.03 tw t* (supervisory committee of the company. on 10 december 2019, the resolutio\ n in relation to )tj 0.091 tw t* (the proposed amendments to the articles of association of aluminum corpo\ ration of china )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(limited, the rules of procedures for shareholders\222 meeting of aluminu\ m corporation of china)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(l)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)9.2 (,)9.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)9.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)9.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)9.2 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (oc)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)9.2 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)9.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (o)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)9.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)9.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)9.2 ( a)0.5 (l)0.6 (um)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)9.2 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)9.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)9.2 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)9.2 ( )]tj t* [(limited)9.2 ( and)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (rules)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( procedures)9.2 ( for)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (supervisory)9.2 ( )0.5 (committee)9.2 ( meeting)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( aluminum)9.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(corporation)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( china)12.2 ( )0.5 (limited)12.2 ( )0.5 (was)12.2 ( considered)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( approved)12.2 ( at)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (2)12.2 (0)12.2 (1)12.2 (9)12.2 ( third)12.2 ( )0.5 (extraordinary)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (general meeting of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 921 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.016 tc 0.006 tw 16 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(s)-7.6 (ign)-3.5 (i)-32.2 (\037)-1 (c)7.7 (a)6.4 (n)-23.5 (t)-6 ( e)-20.5 (v)-1.4 (en)-23.5 (t)-31.2 (s)-5.9 ( \()11.5 (c)-18.2 (o)-2.8 (n)-23.5 (t)-25 (i)-4 (nu)2.2 (e)-1.3 (d)5.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 922 0 obj <> endobj 923 0 obj <> endobj 924 0 obj <>stream h�\�mn� ���b��"��ɛh�r�&��q���qj��; ߾�r�0üg��s����0�g�zgn�5�3^z'� ��̷y����"#q�l3��f�5d�8�a��';�q%��`1��_�fys��t3�pu`�#��ֿ�b�d���z?/k��e|.a��oƌ'� ����9� �z%���şe��|�a��d�y.%�}%�&os�w̻�{昳}llq�\�/c\�[d�l�-�62ke�jŭ"��~����w:�v쩢�bo={��$�l���8��n��6����zs�cu{���g��]� 0@ �] endstream endobj 925 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 926 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (4)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 90.7087 652.7466 tm (change of accounting policies)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(on)14.2 ( 2)14.2 (9)14.2 ( )0.5 (april)14.1 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (9)14.2 (,)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( resolution)14.2 ( on)14.2 ( )0.5 (proposed)14.2 ( application)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( )0.5 (new)14.2 ( lease)14.2 ( standards)14.1 ( )0.5 (by)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0 -1.5 td [(company)13.6 ( was)13.6 ( considered)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( approved)13.7 ( at)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( 4)13.6 (2)13.7 (nd)13.6 ( meeting)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( sixth)13.6 ( session)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(board)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 (,)13.6 ( pursuant)13.5 ( to)13.6 ( which)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( board)13.6 ( approved)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( adopt)13.6 ( the)19.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(new)8.2 ( lease)8.2 ( standards)8.2 ( from)8.2 ( 1)8.2 ( )0.5 (january)8.2 ( 2)8.2 (0)8.2 (1)8.2 (9)8.2 ( )0.5 (in)8.2 ( )0.5 (accordance)8.2 ( )0.5 (with)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( relevant)8.2 ( )0.5 (requirements)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(the)5.2 ( international)5.2 ( )0.5 (financial)5.2 ( )0.5 (reporting)5.2 ( )0.5 (standard)5.2 ( no)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (1)5.2 (6)5.2 ( )0.5 (-)5.2 ( )0.5 (leases)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( accounting)5.2 ( standard)5.2 ( )0.5 (for)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (business enterprises no. 21 - leases.)tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)14 ( new)14.1 ( lease)14.1 ( standards)14.1 ( stipulate)14.1 ( that)14 (,)14.1 ( at)14 ( the)14.1 ( commencement)14.1 ( date)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( leasing)14 ( period)14.1 (,)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td (the lessee shall recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for\ leases. meanwhile, the )tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(company)14.1 ( shall)14.1 ( recognize)14.1 ( right)14.1 (-)14.2 (of)14.1 (-)14.2 (use)14.1 ( assets)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( lease)14.1 ( liabilities)14.1 ( according)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( present)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw t* (value of future minimum lease payments payable \(other than short-term l\ eases and low-value )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(asset leases for which the simplified approach is elected\) for all leas\ ed assets since 1 january)-0.9 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(2)4.2 (0)4.2 (1)4.2 (9)4.2 (,)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( )0.5 (separately)4.2 ( recognize)4.2 ( depreciation)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( will)4.2 ( )0.5 (not)4.2 ( )0.5 (recognise)4.2 ( )0.5 (financing)4.2 ( costs)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (with)4.2 ( no)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (comparable period information adjusted.)tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.6 ( change)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( lease)13.6 ( standards)13.6 ( increases)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( total)13.6 ( assets)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( liabilities)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.5 (,)26.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td [(resulting)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( )0.5 (an)13.2 ( increase)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( r)0.5 (mb)13.2 (6)13.2 (,)13.2 (9)13.2 (2)13.2 (9)13.2 ( mil)0.5 (lion)13.2 ( i)0.5 (n)13.2 ( total)13.2 ( )0.5 (assets)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( liabi)0.5 (lities)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )0.5 (company)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.073 tw t* (respectively, and an increase of about 1.2 percentage points in gearing \ ratio as of 1 january )tj 0.066 tc 0.077 tw t* [(2)14.4 (0)14.5 (1)14.4 (9)14.5 ( a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.5 ( w)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( 3)14.4 (1)14.5 ( d)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (b)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.5 (1)14.4 (8)14.5 (.)14.4 ( i)0.5 (t)14.5 ( i)0.5 (s)14.5 ( e)0.5 (x)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (h)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)0.5 (e)14.4 ( i)0.6 (n)38.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(accounting)4.2 ( )0.5 (policies)4.2 ( will)4.2 ( )0.5 (not)4.2 ( have)4.2 ( a)4.2 ( )0.5 (material)4.2 ( impact)4.2 ( )0.5 (on)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (equity)4.2 ( attributable)4.2 ( )0.5 (to)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( owners)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (and net profits of the company.)tj 0.06 tw 0 -3 td (for details of the aforesaid matter, please refer to the announcement of\ the company dated )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (29 april 2019.)tj et endstream endobj 927 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 928 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 929 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 930 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 931 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 932 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (4)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(10. )-110.4 (explanation of other significant events)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.89 -2.333 td (capital contribution to shanxi zhongrun and investment in )tj 0 -1.333 td (construction of phase i of aluminum recycle industrial base )tj 0 -1.333 td (project in shanxi lvliang - 500,000 tonnes of alloy aluminum )tj t* (project by the company)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 527.7467 tm [(on)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (8)14.1 ( march)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (0)14.1 (1)14 (9)14.1 (,)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( resolution)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( relation)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( proposed)14.2 ( capital)14.1 ( contribution)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( shanxi)20.2 ( )]tj 0.091 tc 0 -1.5 td [(chalco)13.6 ( china)13.5 ( resources)13.5 ( co)13.5 (.)13.5 (,)13.5 ( ltd)13.5 (.)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( investment)13.6 ( in)13.5 ( phase)13.6 ( i)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( aluminum)13.6 ( recycle)63.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0 -1.5 td [(industrial)13.4 ( base)13.5 ( project)13.5 ( in)13.4 ( shanxi)13.4 ( lvliang)13.4 ( -)13.5 ( 5)13.5 (0)13.4 (0)13.5 (,)13.5 (0)13.4 (0)13.5 (0)13.4 ( tonnes)13.4 ( of)13.5 ( alloy)13.4 ( aluminum)13.5 ( project)13.5 ( by)26.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc t* [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.5 (was)14.2 ( )0.5 (considered)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (approved)14.2 ( )0.5 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (4)14.2 (1)14.3 (st)14.3 ( )0.5 (meeting)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (sixth)14.2 ( )0.5 (session)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)30.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(the)11.2 ( )0.5 (board)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( company)11.2 (,)11.2 ( pursuant)11.2 ( to)11.2 ( )0.5 (which)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( board)11.2 ( )0.5 (approved)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (company)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( other)11.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(sh)0.5 (areh)0.5 (old)0.5 (ers)10.2 ( )0.5 (to)10.2 ( )0.5 (make)10.2 ( )0.5 (ca)0.5 (pita)0.5 (l)10.2 ( c)0.5 (ont)0.5 (rib)0.5 (uti)0.5 (on)10.2 ( i)0.5 (n)10.2 ( c)0.5 (ash)10.2 ( )0.5 (to)10.2 ( s)0.5 (han)0.5 (xi)10.2 ( )0.5 (zhon)0.5 (grun)10.2 ( )0.5 (in)10.2 ( )0.5 (pro)0.5 (por)0.5 (tio)0.5 (n)10.2 ( t)0.5 (o)10.1 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (eir)10.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(respective)13.5 ( shareholdings)13.6 (.)13.5 ( upon)13.5 ( completion)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( capital)13.6 ( contribution)13.6 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( paid)13.5 (-)13.6 (in)13.6 ( capital)23.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(received)7.2 ( )0.5 (by)7.2 ( )0.5 (shanxi)7.3 ( zhongrun)7.2 ( and)7.2 ( )0.5 (contributed)7.2 ( )0.5 (by)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (company)7.2 ( was)7.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)7.2 (1)7.2 (,)7.2 (6)7.2 (4)7.2 (1)7.2 (,)7.2 (7)7.2 (5)7.2 (0)7.2 (,)7.2 (0)7.3 (0)7.2 (0)7.2 ( and)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (rmb656,700,000, respectively.)tj 0.026 tc 0 -3 td [(shanxi zhongrun, a controlled subsidiary of the company, was held as to \ 40% equity interests)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(by)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (company)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (shanxi)11.2 ( zhongrun)11.2 ( undertakes)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (construction)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )0.5 (operation)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.014 tw t* [(recycle industrial base project )0.5 (in shanxi lvliang. the total investment in )0.5 (phase i of the project )]tj 0 tw t* (- 500,000 tonnes of alloy aluminum project amounted to rmb4,104,380,000,\ 40% of which or )tj t* (rmb1,641,750,000 was used as the capital of the project.)tj 0.001 tw 0 -3 td [(for )0.5 (details )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (aforesaid )0.5 (matter, )0.5 (please )0.5 (refer )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (announcement )0.5 (dated )0.5 (28 march 2019 )0.5 (of )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the company.)tj et endstream endobj 933 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (3)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(in)6.2 ( )0.5 (august)6.2 ( )0.5 (2)6.2 (0)6.2 (1)6.2 (8)6.2 (,)6.2 ( chalco)6.2 ( trading)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (a)6.1 ( )0.5 (wholly)6.2 (-)6.2 (owned)6.1 ( )0.5 (subsidiary)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( company)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (entered)6.1 ( )0.5 (into)6.2 ( a)6.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -1.5 td [(guarantee)1.2 ( )0.5 (contract)1.2 ( )0.5 (with)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (dalian)1.2 ( commodity)1.2 ( )0.5 (exchange)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (pursuant)1.2 ( to)1.2 ( )0.5 (which)1.2 ( )0.5 (chalco)1.2 ( )0.5 (trading)1.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(would)13.6 ( provide)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( guarantee)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( rmb)13.6 (1)13.6 (,)13.6 (0)13.6 (0)13.6 (0)13.6 ( million)13.6 ( for)13.6 ( its)13.6 ( controlled)13.6 ( subsidiary)13.6 ( chalco)13.6 ( inner)21.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(mongolian)13.7 ( international)13.7 ( trading)13.7 ( co)13.7 (.)13.7 (,)13.8 ( ltd)13.7 (.)13.7 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.029 tc -0.029 tw 20.739 0 td <0295125902ab1086031a0a3710e70d7105f803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.043 tc 0.078 tw [(inner)13.8 ( mongolian)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -20.739 -1.5 td (trading)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.038 tw (\224\). as of 31 december 2019, the balance of guarantee provided by cha\ lco trading to )tj 0 tw t* (inner mongolian trading amounted to rmb390 million.)tj 0.076 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(for)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( financing)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( boffa)13.9 ( mining)13.9 ( project)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( guinea)13.9 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( provided)13.9 ( financing)48.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0 -1.5 td [(guarantee)14.2 ( )0.5 (for)14.3 ( )0.5 (its)14.3 ( )0.5 (subsidiary)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (chalco)14.2 ( )0.5 (energy)14.2 ( )0.5 (holdings)14.2 ( )0.6 (limited)14.2 (*)14.3 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.037 tc -0.037 tw 31.501 0 td <02950a3712590e3809900e550a9b067003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw (\) )tj -31.501 -1.5 td (\(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.005 tw (chalco energy holdings)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\). as of 31 december 2019, the balance of guarantee provided by )tj 0 tw t* (the company to chalco energy holdings amounted to rmb2,200 million.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 472.2117 tm [(7. )-694.2 (entrusted asset management and short-term )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (investments)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 422.2117 tm [(details )0.5 (of significant short-term )0.5 (investments )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (group )0.5 (for )0.5 (the year subject )0.5 (to disclosure )]tj 0 tw t* (are set out in note 14 to the financial statements.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 372.2117 tm [(8. )-694.2 (performance of undertakings)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7086 342.2117 tm (in 2019, the company had no undertaking required to be performed.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 307.2117 tm [(9. )-694.2 (punishments and rectifications involved )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (by listed companies and their directors, )tj 0 -1.333 td (supervisors, senior management, shareholders, )tj 0 -1.333 td (and de facto controllers)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.064 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 217.2117 tm (in 2019, the company and its directors, supervisors, senior management, \ shareholders, and )tj 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td (de facto controllers were not under any investigation, administrative pu\ nishment, and public )tj 0 tw t* (criticism from the csrc and public censures from stock exchanges.)tj et endstream endobj 934 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (3)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.092 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(in )0.5 (february 2015, )0.5 (the company )0.5 (entered )0.5 (into a )0.5 (guarantee )0.5 (contract with the )0.5 (kunming )0.5 (branch )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td [(of)13.2 ( )0.5 (pi)0.5 (ng)13.2 ( )0.5 (an)13.2 ( )0.5 (bank)13.3 (,)13.2 ( pu)0.5 (rsu)0.5 (ant)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( )0.5 (wh)0.5 (ich)13.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)13.2 ( c)0.5 (ompa)0.5 (ny)13.2 ( )0.5 (wou)0.5 (ld)13.2 ( )0.5 (pro)0.5 (vid)0.5 (e)13.2 ( g)0.5 (uara)0.5 (nte)0.5 (e)13.2 ( i)0.5 (n)13.2 ( r)0.5 (esp)0.5 (ect)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (a)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.018 tw t* (loan of up to rmb1,000 million in total in proportion to its 60% shareho\ lding for its controlled )tj 0.012 tw t* (subsidiary guizhou huajin. the guarantee period was two years from the d\ ate of expiry of the )tj 0.088 tw t* [(term )0.5 (for repayment )0.5 (of each )0.5 (loan under the principal contract. as )0.5 (of 31 )0.5 (december 2019, )0.5 (the )]tj 0 tw t* (balance of guarantee provided by the company to guizhou huajin amounted \ to rmb6 million.)tj 0.03 tw 0 -3 td (in march 2017, baotou aluminum, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company\ , entered into a )tj 0.04 tw 0 -1.5 td (maximum financial guarantee agreement \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 19.585 0 td [<0090>64.2 <0bf009f7155806ad15c703a5039d>64.2 <0091>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.04 tw 8.737 0 td (\) with baotou branch of shanghai )tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw -28.321 -1.5 td [(pudong)12.2 ( development)12.2 ( bank)12.2 (,)12.2 ( pursuant)12.2 ( )0.5 (to)12.2 ( )0.5 (which)12.2 ( baotou)12.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)12.2 ( would)12.2 ( )0.5 (provide)12.2 ( )0.5 (guarantee)12.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(in)13.5 ( respect)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( financing)13.5 ( up)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( rmb)13.5 (2)13.4 (,)13.5 (0)13.5 (0)13.5 (0)13.4 ( million)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( total)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( its)13.5 ( controlled)13.5 ( subsidiary)13.5 ( inner)24.3 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(mongolia huayun. the guarantee period was two years from the date of exp\ iry of the term for)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw t* (repayment of each loan under the principal contract. as of 31 december 2\ 019, the balance of )tj 0.089 tw t* (guarantee provided by baotou aluminum to inner mongolia huayun amounted \ to rmb1,250 )tj -0.028 tw t* (million.)tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(in)14.3 ( )0.5 (april)14.3 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (8)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (shandong)14.3 ( )0.5 (huayu)14.2 (,)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( )0.5 (controlled)14.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiary)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (entered)14.2 ( )0.5 (into)14.3 ( )0.5 (a)34.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td [(guarantee)13.2 ( contract)13.2 ( )0.5 (with)13.2 ( )0.5 (linyi)13.2 ( )0.5 (luozhuang)13.2 ( sub)13.1 (-)13.2 (branch)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( china)13.2 ( minsheng)13.2 ( )0.5 (bank)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (pursuant)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.09 tw t* (which shandong huayu would provide guarantee in respect of a loan of rmb\ 100 million for )tj 0 tw t* (its controlled subsidiary shandong yixing carbon new materials co., ltd.\ \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0286060704e51333078d096f0e2d04bf08d8>tj t* <03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.015 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf (yixing carbon)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\). as of 31 december 2019, the balance of guarantee provided by )tj 0 tw t* (shandong huayu to yixing carbon amounted to rmb17.0 million.)tj 0.024 tw 0 -3 td (in october 2018, chalco logistics, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the comp\ any, entered into a )tj 0.074 tw 0 -1.5 td (guarantee contract with the shanghai futures exchange, pursuant to which\ chalco logistics )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(would)10.2 ( provide)10.2 ( guarantee)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( rmb)10.2 (1)10.2 (,)10.2 (0)10.2 (0)10.2 (0)10.2 ( million)10.2 ( )0.5 (for)10.2 ( )0.5 (its)10.2 ( )0.5 (controlled)10.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiary)10.2 ( )0.5 (chalco)10.2 ( )0.5 (logistics)10.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw t* [(group)13.6 ( central)13.6 ( international)13.7 ( port)13.7 ( co)13.6 (.)13.7 (,)13.6 ( ltd)13.6 (.)13.6 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.051 tc -0.051 tw 21.873 0 td <02951259064a07740dab0fa002950bc50a3710e70bd40ca503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.065 tc -0.065 tw [(central)37.3 ( )]tj 0.033 tc -0.033 tw -21.873 -1.5 td (port)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.087 tw 2.128 0 td [(\224)5.2 (\))5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (as)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (3)5.2 (1)5.2 ( )0.5 (december)5.3 ( 2)5.2 (0)5.2 (1)5.2 (9)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( balance)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (guarantee)5.2 ( )0.5 (provided)5.2 ( by)5.2 ( chalco)5.3 ( logistics)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -2.128 -1.5 td (central port amounted to rmb1,000 million.)tj et endstream endobj 935 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (3)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.694 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (4. sub-contracting)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (in 2019, the company had no sub-contracting arrangement required to be d\ isclosed.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 587.7466 tm [(5. )-694.2 (charge and pledges)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 557.7467 tm [(as)13.9 ( at)13.9 ( 3)13.9 (1)13.9 ( december)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (9)13.9 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( group)13.9 ( charged)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( pledged)13.9 ( assets)13.9 ( with)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( total)13.9 ( amount)13.9 ( of)26.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc 0 -1.5 td [(rmb)13.9 (7)14 (,)13.9 (2)13.9 (8)13.9 (3)14 ( million)13.9 (,)14 ( including)13.9 ( property)14 (,)13.9 ( plant)14 ( and)14 ( equipment)14 (,)13.9 ( land)13.9 ( use)13.9 ( rights)13.9 (,)14 ( intangible)39.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.02 tw t* (assets, investment in associates, and trade and notes receivables for ba\ nk borrowings. in the )tj 0.033 tw 0 -1.5 td (meantime, the group also obtained certain bank borrowings by pledging it\ s contractual rights )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.5 td [(to)6.2 ( charge)6.2 ( )0.5 (users)6.2 ( for)6.2 ( )0.5 (electricity)6.2 ( generated)6.2 ( and)6.2 ( investment)6.2 ( )0.5 (in)6.2 ( a)6.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiary)6.2 (.)6.2 ( )0.5 (for)6.2 ( )0.5 (details)6.2 (,)6.1 ( )0.5 (please)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (refer to note 24 to the financial statements.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.694 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 447.7466 tm (6. guarantees)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.045 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 417.7466 tm (on 25 december 2016, ningxia energy, a controlled subsidiary of the comp\ any, entered into )tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(a)13.6 ( guarantee)13.6 ( contract)13.6 ( with)13.7 ( china)13.6 ( construction)13.6 ( bank)13.6 ( yinchuan)13.6 ( xicheng)13.6 ( branch)13.6 (,)13.6 ( providing)13.6 ( a)19.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(third)7.2 (-)7.2 (party)7.2 ( )0.5 (joint)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (several)7.2 ( )0.5 (liability)7.2 ( )0.5 (for)7.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)7.2 (3)7.2 (5)7.2 ( )0.5 (million)7.2 ( )0.5 (out)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)7.2 (7)7.2 (0)7.2 ( million)7.2 (,)7.2 ( the)7.2 ( )0.5 (aggregate)7.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.038 tw t* (amount of project loan of ningxia tian jing shen zhou wind power co., lt\ d. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0fb9088002c20b0b095a03c8082c>tj t* <02620cef0f6503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.008 tw [(\) )0.5 (\(50% )0.6 (of )0.5 (its )0.6 (equity )0.5 (interest )0.5 (was )0.6 (previously )0.6 (held )0.5 (by )0.5 (ningxia )0.5 (energy, )0.6 (which )0.6 (was )]tj 0.074 tw t* (fully transferred to ningxia yinxing energy co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0fb9088010d5074b09900e550670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.074 tw (\), a controlled )tj 0.017 tw t* (subsidiary of ningxia energy, in 2014\) with a loan term of 14 years. as\ of 31 december 2019, )tj 0 tw t* (the balance of the guarantee provided by ningxia energy amounted to rmb1\ 2 million.)tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -3 td [(as)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (3)5.2 (1)5.2 ( )0.5 (december)5.2 ( )0.5 (2)5.2 (0)5.2 (1)5.2 (9)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (balance)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (guarantee)5.2 ( mutually)5.2 ( )0.5 (provided)5.2 ( between)5.2 ( ningxia)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.068 tw 0 -1.5 td (energy, a controlled subsidiary of the company, and its subsidiaries amo\ unted to rmb2,755 )tj -0.028 tw t* (million.)tj 0.062 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(i)0.6 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.5 (o)0.6 (b)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( 2)14.5 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (6)14.5 (,)14.4 ( c)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (c)0.6 (o)14.4 ( h)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)14.4 ( k)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.4 ( i)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)14.5 ( c)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)14.4 ( s)0.6 (u)0.5 (b)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (v)0.6 (i)0.5 (d)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.5 ( g)0.5 (u)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (e)14.5 ( f)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)34.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.042 tw 0 -1.5 td (senior perpetual bonds of usd500 million issued by chalco hong kong inve\ stment company )tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(limited)13.8 (.)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( september)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (8)13.8 (,)13.9 ( chalco)13.8 ( hong)13.8 ( kong)13.8 ( provided)13.8 ( guarantee)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( senior)13.9 ( perpetual)27.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.002 tw t* (bonds of usd400 million issued by chalco hong kong investment company li\ mited. as of 31 )tj 0.064 tw t* (december 2019, the balance of the guarantee provided by chalco hong kong\ and its certain )tj 0 tw t* (subsidiaries amounted to usd900 million \(equivalent to approximately rm\ b6,327 million\).)tj et endstream endobj 936 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.016 tc 0.006 tw 16 0 0 16 344.7231 721.6899 tm [(s)-7.6 (ign)-3.5 (i)-32.2 (\037)-1 (c)7.7 (a)6.4 (n)-23.5 (t)-6 ( e)-20.5 (v)-1.4 (en)-23.5 (t)-31.2 (s)-5.9 ( \()11.5 (c)-18.2 (o)-2.8 (n)-23.5 (t)-25 (i)-4 (nu)2.2 (e)-1.3 (d)5.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 937 0 obj <> endobj 938 0 obj <> endobj 939 0 obj <>stream h�\�mn� ���b��"��ɛh�r�&��q���qj��; ߾�r�0üg��s����0�g�zgn�5�3^z'� ��̷y����"#q�l3��f�5d�8�a��';�q%��`1��_�fys��t3�pu`�#��ֿ�b�d���z?/k��e|.a��oƌ'� ����9� �z%���şe��|�a��d�y.%�}%�&os�w̻�{昳}llq�\�/c\�[d�l�-�62ke�jŭ"��~����w:�v쩢�bo={��$�l���8��n��6����zs�cu{���g��]� 0@ �] endstream endobj 940 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 941 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (3)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7467 tm [(1. )-694.2 (corporate governance)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.025 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(the company has strictly complied with the requirements of the company l\ aw, the securities)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.034 tw 0 -1.5 td (law of the people\222s republic of china, relevant provisions of the csr\ c, rules governing the )tj 0.02 tw t* (listing of stocks on shanghai stock exchange and the hong kong listing r\ ules and seriously )tj 0.022 tw t* (performed its governance obligations in line with the relevant requireme\ nts of the csrc. the )tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(company)13.2 ( )0.5 (has)13.2 ( )0.5 (also)13.2 ( strictly)13.2 ( )0.5 (complied)13.2 ( with)13.2 ( )0.5 (requirements)13.2 ( on)13.2 ( )0.5 (corporate)13.2 ( )0.5 (governance)13.2 ( )0.5 (under)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (hong kong listing rules.)tj 0.082 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)14.2 ( )0.6 (company)14.2 ( )0.6 (will)14.3 ( )0.6 (continue)14.3 ( )0.6 (to)14.3 ( )0.6 (strictly)14.2 ( )0.6 (comply)14.3 ( )0.5 (with)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.6 (requirements)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.6 (relevant)54.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0 -1.5 td [(regulatory)13.5 ( bodies)13.4 ( including)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( csrc)13.5 (,)13.4 ( beijing)13.5 ( securities)13.4 ( regulatory)13.4 ( bureau)13.5 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( shanghai)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw 0 -1.5 td (stock exchange and the hong kong stock exchange. the company will contin\ ue to enhance )tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw t* [(i)0.5 (ts)14.4 ( co)0.5 (rp)0.5 (or)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)14.3 ( gov)0.5 (e)0.5 (rn)0.5 (an)0.5 (ce)14.4 ( me)0.5 (as)0.5 (ur)0.5 (es)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (pl)0.5 (ia)0.5 (nc)0.5 (e)14.4 ( w)0.5 (i)0.5 (th)14.4 ( re)0.5 (gu)0.5 (l)0.5 (at)0.5 (io)0.5 (ns)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.3 ( t)0.5 (a)0.5 (ke)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (it)0.5 (ia)0.5 (t)0.5 (iv)0.5 (es)14.4 ( to)23.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw t* [(further)14.1 ( enhance)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( corporate)14.1 ( governance)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( internal)14.1 ( control)14.2 ( system)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 (.)30.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.033 tw t* (aiming at protecting the interest of shareholders of the company, the co\ mpany will maintain )tj 0.01 tw t* (consistent, stable and sound developments and contribute to the society \ and its shareholders )tj 0.074 tw t* (by means of its satisfactory performance results. the company will also \ continue to comply )tj 0 tw t* (with the requirements on corporate governance under the hong kong listin\ g rules.)tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(since)14 ( its)14 ( incorporation)14 (,)14 ( the)14 ( company)14 ( has)13.9 ( completely)14 ( separated)14 ( its)14.1 ( business)14 (,)14 ( staff)14 (,)14 ( assets)14 (,)14.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -1.5 td [(organization)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( )0.5 (finance)2.2 ( from)2.2 ( )0.5 (its)2.2 ( controlling)2.2 ( shareholder)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( company)2.2 ( )0.5 (has)2.2 ( its)2.2 ( )0.5 (independent)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (and complete business and its own operations.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.694 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 302.7466 tm (2. acquisitions)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 272.7466 tm (in 2019, the company had no material acquisition required to be disclose\ d.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 237.7467 tm [(3. )-694.2 (trust arrangement)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7087 207.7466 tm (in 2019, the company had no trust arrangement required to be disclosed.)tj et endstream endobj 942 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3796 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.018 tc 0.008 tw 20 0 0 20 62.3622 722.3699 tm [(s)-8.1 (ign)-4 (i)-32.9 (\037)-1.5 (c)7.2 (a)5.8 (n)-24.2 (t)-8 ( e)-21.2 (v)-2 (en)-24.2 (t)-31.9 (s)]tj et endstream endobj 943 0 obj <> endobj 944 0 obj <> endobj 945 0 obj <>stream h�\�ۊ� ��}��l/�i���n ����ht�6f����逸 �|��/��o�scm��'�b��x�q�n^!�x5��[�f�{�v5v�q��pl�01)�pq~�փ�z\3��5zc���:�k��͹�(��a�@�t�x�mmu� i�:>��my�/�&�����^�ɂf �b�fh��z�˲~pߝg��psqa�x3�-rn���!1&���e֔��h��_�~qe�"3���9���*j�}�}d�y��o�b���'u�,jߒ������s�r��~%ٌg endstream endobj 946 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 947 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 948 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 949 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 950 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 951 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 952 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (3)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (compliance and exemption of corporate )tj 0.025 tc 0 -1.3 td [(governance obligations imposed by new york stock)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (exchange)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 584.7467 tm [(based)14.1 ( on)14 ( its)14 ( listing)14 ( rules)14 (,)14 ( new)14 ( york)14 ( stock)14 ( exchange)14 ( \()14 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.055 tw 27.781 0 td (nyse)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.078 tw 2.929 0 td [(\224)14 (\))14 ( imposed)14 ( a)14 ( series)14 ( of)14 ( corporate)27.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw -30.71 -1.45 td [(governance)1.2 ( )0.5 (standards)1.2 ( for)1.2 ( )0.5 (companies)1.2 ( )0.5 (listed)1.2 ( )0.5 (on)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (nyse)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (however)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (nyse)1.2 ( )0.5 (has)1.2 ( )0.5 (granted)1.3 ( permission)1.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw 0 -1.45 td [(to listed companies )0.5 (of )0.5 (foreign )0.5 (issuers to )0.5 (follow )0.5 (their respective \223home )0.5 (country\224 practice )0.5 (and )0.5 (has )]tj 0.02 tw t* [(granted waivers for compliance )0.5 (with corporate )0.5 (governance standards under nyse listing rules. one )]tj 0.056 tw t* (of the conditions for such waiver is for the listed company to disclose \ in its annual report how the )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.45 td [(corporate)14 ( governance)14 ( practices)14 ( in)14.1 ( its)14 ( \223)14.1 (home)14 ( country)14 (\224)14.1 ( differ)14.1 ( from)14.1 ( those)14 ( followed)14.1 ( by)14.1 ( companies)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.45 td (under nyse listing standards.)tj 0.073 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( had)13.9 ( compared)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( corporate)13.9 ( governance)13.9 ( standards)13.9 ( generally)13.9 ( adopted)14 ( by)13.9 ( the)45.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.018 tw 0 -1.5 td [(companies )0.5 (incorporated in )0.5 (the prc \(including )0.5 (the company\) )0.5 (and the )0.5 (standards developed )0.5 (by nyse, )]tj 0 tw t* (as follows:)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 402.7466 tm (independent directors constituting the majority)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.066 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 372.7466 tm [(ny)0.5 (se)14.3 ( requ)0.5 (ires)14.3 ( th)0.5 (at)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( boa)0.5 (rd)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( lis)0.5 (ted)14.3 ( comp)0.5 (any)14.3 ( must)14.4 ( co)0.5 (mpri)0.5 (se)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( major)0.5 (ity)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( i)0.5 (ndepe)0.5 (ndent)38.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.065 tw t* (directors. there is no identical corporate governance requirement in the\ prc. during the reporting )tj 0.047 tw t* (period, the board of the company comprises three independent directors a\ nd six non-independent )tj 0.037 tw t* (directors, which is in compliance with the requirement by the prc securi\ ties regulatory authorities )tj 0 tw t* (that the board of a listed company shall comprise at least one-third of \ independent directors.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 277.7466 tm (corporate governance committee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 247.7466 tm [(n)0.6 (y)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)1.2 ( r)0.6 (e)0.6 (q)0.5 (u)0.6 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)1.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)1.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (a)0.6 (b)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (h)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (p)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)1.3 ( g)0.6 (o)0.5 (v)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)1.2 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (e)1.3 ( u)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (o)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (d)1.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(which)13.5 ( comprises)13.5 ( entirely)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( independent)13.5 ( directors)13.5 (.)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( corporate)13.5 ( governance)13.5 ( committee)13.6 ( shall)17.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc t* [(be)13.8 ( co)13.8 (-)13.8 (established)13.7 ( with)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( nomination)13.8 ( committee)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( have)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( written)13.8 ( articles)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( association)13.7 (.)31.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(the)13.1 ( )0.5 (corporate)13.2 ( governance)13.2 ( )0.5 (committee)13.3 ( is)13.2 ( )0.5 (responsible)13.2 ( \()13.2 (i)13.2 (\))13.2 ( )0.5 (for)13.2 ( )0.5 (recommending)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( board)13.2 ( )0.5 (a)13.2 ( set)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.045 tw t* (corporate governance guidelines applicable to the corporation; and \(ii\)\ for supervising the operation )tj 0.084 tw t* (of the board and the management. the corporate governance committee shal\ l also be subject to )tj 0 tw t* (evaluation annually.)tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -3 td [(l)0.5 (i)0.5 (k)0.6 (e)7.2 ( m)0.6 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)7.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)7.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)7.3 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)7.2 ( i)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)7.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)7.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.6 (c)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)7.2 ( b)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)7.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)7.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(governance)14.2 ( measures)14.2 ( )-0.6 (are)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( )-0.6 (critical)14.2 ( )-0.6 (importance)14.2 ( )-0.6 (and)14.2 ( should)14.2 ( )-0.6 (be)14.2 ( implemented)14.2 ( by)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )-0.6 (board)14.2 (.)14.2 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (company accordingly does not separately maintain a corporate governance \ committee.)tj et endstream endobj 953 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 122.5489 721.6899 tm [(re)8.5 (p)1.7 (o)4.6 (r)-48.7 (t o)3.2 (n c)-12.1 (o)4.6 (r)-7.4 (p)1.7 (o)4.6 (r)-4.4 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e g)8 (o)0.6 (v)4.6 (e)6.4 (r)-13.5 (n)9.2 (a)12.4 (n)11.3 (c)14.7 (e a)12.4 (n)1.9 (d i)6.3 (n)-17.5 (t)-8.9 (e)6.4 (r)-13.4 (n)9.2 (a)10.9 (l c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-16.5 (r)-6.9 (ol \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.3 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 954 0 obj <> endobj 955 0 obj <> endobj 956 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �ci��q !0�r���r[��c�����d�fh�3��y����s����0�������k0g��nm2���o��7c�ub��2�84�uyb�a��xx��w*y c�.��u�v�������n�� ,vd����v@h�l�xz��em�����#dq��b�hq��к �2�qay�q)t��z���ܙ�6�2��4�@��1����cd �zx3kn�9�,2u���e[��ȅs��y| �)j�� |`> ӡj-5k�y˾�����_��f]�!��sk���ws �z�9����;��?z �w����� endstream endobj 957 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 958 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (3)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (auditors\222 remuneration)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 623.7467 tm [(upon)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (approval)14.3 ( )0.5 (at)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.3 (0)14.2 (1)14.3 (8)14.2 ( )0.5 (annual)14.3 ( )0.5 (general)14.3 ( )0.5 (meeting)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.6 (held)14.3 ( )0.5 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.3 (5)14.2 ( )0.5 (june)14.2 ( )0.6 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (1)14.2 (9)14.3 (,)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.45 td (ernst & young hua ming llp and ernst & young were re-appointed by the co\ mpany as the 2019 )tj 0.063 tc 0.077 tw t* [(d)0.5 (om)0.5 (es)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (te)0.5 (r)0.5 (na)0.5 (t)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)0.5 (al)14.4 ( a)0.5 (u)0.5 (di)0.5 (to)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (ny)14.4 (.)14.3 ( e)0.5 (r)0.5 (ns)0.5 (t)14.4 ( &)14.4 ( y)0.5 (ou)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( h)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)14.3 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( l)0.5 (lp)14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( m)0.5 (ai)0.5 (n)0.5 (ly)35.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(responsible)11.2 ( for)11.2 ( domestic)11.2 ( and)11.3 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (united)11.3 ( states)11.3 ( annual)11.2 ( )0.5 (report)11.3 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (company)11.2 (;)11.2 ( ernst)11.2 ( &)11.3 ( young)11.2 ( )0.5 (is)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.018 tw t* (mainly responsible for hong kong annual report of the company. ernst & y\ oung is a certified public )tj 0 tw t* (accountant firm registered in the hong kong institute of certified publi\ c accountant.)tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.9 td [(in)14.2 ( 2)14.2 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (9)14.2 (,)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( total)14.2 ( )0.5 (remuneration)14.2 ( for)14.2 ( audit)14.2 ( )0.5 (services)14.2 ( provided)14.2 ( by)14.2 ( ernst)14.2 ( &)14.2 ( )0.5 (young)14.2 ( hua)14.2 ( ming)14.2 ( )0.5 (llp)37.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.45 td [(a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.5 ( e)0.6 (r)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)14.4 ( &)14.4 ( y)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( g)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)14.4 ( w)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)14.4 ( r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)14.4 (2)14.4 (5)14.5 (.)14.4 (4)14.4 (4)14.4 ( m)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 (,)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 (:)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( o)0.5 (v)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)14.5 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)24.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.45 td [(rmb)12.2 (2)12.2 (2)12.2 (.)12.2 (7)12.2 (2)12.2 ( million)12.2 ( for)12.2 ( )0.5 (domestic)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( )0.5 (overseas)12.2 ( audit)12.2 ( )0.5 (services)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( )0.5 (annual)12.3 ( report)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.1 ( )0.5 (internal)12.2 ( )0.5 (control)12.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(audit)13.5 ( services)13.4 ( and)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( remuneration)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( rmb)13.5 (2)13.5 (.)13.5 (7)13.5 (2)13.4 ( million)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( audit)13.5 ( services)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( other)13.5 ( projects)13.5 (.)13.5 ( in)20.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.077 tw t* [(ad)0.5 (diti)0.5 (on)14.3 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( re)0.5 (mune)0.5 (rat)0.5 (ion)14.3 ( f)0.5 (or)14.3 ( non)14.4 (-)14.3 (aud)0.5 (it)14.3 ( s)0.5 (ervi)0.5 (ces)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (ovi)0.5 (ded)14.3 ( by)14.4 ( e)0.5 (rns)0.5 (t)14.3 ( &)14.3 ( yo)0.5 (ung)14.3 ( hu)0.5 (a)14.3 ( mi)0.5 (ng)14.3 ( llp)14.4 ( a)0.5 (nd)16.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(ernst)7.2 ( )0.5 (&)7.2 ( )0.5 (young)7.1 ( )0.5 (to)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (group)7.2 ( was)7.1 ( )0.5 (rmb)7.2 (2)7.2 (.)7.2 (3)7.2 (9)7.2 ( million)7.2 ( in)7.2 ( 2)7.2 (0)7.2 (1)7.2 (9)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (mainly)7.2 ( including)7.3 (:)7.2 ( issuance)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (comfort)7.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw t* [(letters)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( reasonableness)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( parameters)13.8 ( assumptions)13.8 ( under)13.8 ( income)13.8 ( method)13.8 ( in)13.9 ( the)41.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(valuation)4.2 ( reports)4.2 ( for)4.2 ( )0.5 (disposal)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( 6)4.2 (0)4.2 (%)4.2 ( )0.5 (equity)4.2 ( interest)4.2 ( )0.5 (in)4.2 ( )0.5 (ningxia)4.2 ( )0.5 (fenghao)4.2 ( )0.5 (electricity)4.2 ( )0.5 (allocation)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw t* (sales co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0fb90880152e060009e30a2f0f6503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.026 tw (\) by chalco energy and the company\222s capital contribution )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* (to china rare metals and rare earths company ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.027 tw <02950a370cfd03de0cfd027a0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw [(\) by gallium assets,)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.02 tc t* [(issuance of capital verification report for the additional share capital\ in respect of acquisition of assets)-7.8 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(b)0.5 (y)3.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)3.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)3.2 ( b)0.5 (y)3.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (ss)0.5 (u)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)3.2 ( )0.5 (sh)0.5 (a)0.5 (re)0.5 (s)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (ro)0.5 (v)0.5 (is)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)3.3 ( o)0.5 (f)3.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (n)0.5 (su)0.5 (l)0.5 (t)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)3.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (er)0.5 (vi)0.5 (c)0.5 (es)3.3 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)3.2 ( )0.5 (zh)0.5 (o)0.5 (ng)0.5 (z)0.5 (ho)0.5 (u)3.2 ( )0.5 (al)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (in)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)3.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (its subsidiaries and acting as a consultant for the revision of the comp\ any\222s accounting manual.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 314.2466 tm (directors\222 and auditors\222 acknowledgment)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 285.2466 tm [(all)13.2 ( )0.5 (directors)13.2 ( )0.5 (acknowledged)13.2 ( )0.5 (their)13.2 ( responsibility)13.2 ( for)13.2 ( )0.5 (preparing)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( accounts)13.2 ( for)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (year)13.2 ( )0.5 (ended)13.2 ( )0.5 (3)13.2 (1)13.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.059 tw t* [(december )0.5 (2019. auditor\222s reporting responsibilities )0.5 (are set )0.5 (out in )0.5 (the )0.5 (independent auditor\222s report )]tj 0 tw t* (on page 182 to 184.)tj et endstream endobj 959 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(re)8.5 (p)1.7 (o)4.6 (r)-48.7 (t o)3.2 (n c)-12.1 (o)4.6 (r)-7.4 (p)1.7 (o)4.6 (r)-4.4 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e g)8 (o)0.6 (v)4.6 (e)6.4 (r)-13.5 (n)9.2 (a)12.4 (n)11.3 (c)14.7 (e a)12.4 (n)1.9 (d i)6.3 (n)-17.5 (t)-8.9 (e)6.4 (r)-13.4 (n)9.2 (a)10.9 (l c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-16.5 (r)-6.9 (ol \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.3 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 960 0 obj <> endobj 961 0 obj <> endobj 962 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �ci��q !0�r���r[��c�����d�fh�3��y����s����0�������k0g��nm2���o��7c�ub��2�84�uyb�a��xx��w*y c�.��u�v�������n�� ,vd����v@h�l�xz��em�����#dq��b�hq��к �2�qay�q)t��z���ܙ�6�2��4�@��1����cd �zx3kn�9�,2u���e[��ȅs��y| �)j�� |`> ӡj-5k�y˾�����_��f]�!��sk���ws �z�9����;��?z �w����� endstream endobj 963 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 964 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (3)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(3)27.2 (.)27.2 ( )-1534.1 (while)14.2 ( )0.6 (enhancing)14.3 ( )0.5 (establishment)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (internal)14.2 ( )0.6 (control)14.2 ( )0.6 (institution)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.6 (personnel)14.3 ( )0.5 (training)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)27.1 ( )]tj 2.835 -1.5 td [(company)14.3 ( )0.5 (streamlined)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (setting)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (internal)14.2 ( )0.6 (control)14.2 ( )0.6 (institution)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (personnel)14.2 ( )0.6 (allocation)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.09 tw 0 -1.5 td (concrete work implementation of the internal audit department and affili\ ated enterprises of )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(the)9.2 ( )0.5 (company)9.2 (,)9.2 ( supervised)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (self)9.2 (-)9.2 (assessment)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (internal)9.2 ( control)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (implemented)9.2 ( )0.5 (internal)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (control mentoring program.)tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(4)15.2 (.)15.2 ( )-1546.1 (further)13.5 ( efforts)13.5 ( were)13.5 ( exerted)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( promote)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( inclusion)13.5 ( of)13.4 ( risk)13.5 ( management)13.5 ( into)13.5 ( enterprise)15.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.028 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (operation management and innovation in respect of risk management though\ ts and methods. )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(the company further intensified the prevention and control of major risk\ s including safety and)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (environmental risks, market price risks and cash flow risks, and prepare\ d effective measures.)tj 0.086 tw -2.835 -3 td (the audit committee conducts two reviews over the risk management and in\ ternal control of the )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(company on an annual basis. on 27 march 2019, at the 23th meeting of the\ audit committee under)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw t* (the sixth session of the board of the company, the audit committee revie\ wed the implementation )tj 0.019 tw t* (of risk management and internal control of the company in 2018 and its r\ esults as well as the work )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(plan)1.2 ( )0.5 (for)1.3 ( 2)1.2 (0)1.2 (1)1.2 (9)1.3 (,)1.1 ( )0.5 (approved)1.2 ( )0.5 (resolutions)1.2 ( )0.5 (including)1.2 ( the)1.3 ( 2)1.2 (0)1.3 (1)1.2 (8)1.2 ( work)1.2 ( report)1.2 ( )0.5 (on)1.2 ( )0.5 (internal)1.2 ( )0.5 (control)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (2)1.2 (0)1.2 (1)1.2 (8)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.052 tw t* (assessment report on internal control, the 2018 auditing report on inter\ nal control and the 2019 )tj 0.026 tw t* (comprehensive risk management report. on 27 august 2019, completion cond\ ition of the internal )tj 0.022 tw t* (control assessment of the company for the first half year of 2019 and th\ e work arrangement of the )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(second)10.2 ( half)10.2 ( year)10.2 ( were)10.2 ( discussed)10.2 ( )0.5 (at)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( first)10.2 ( meeting)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( audit)10.2 ( committee)10.2 ( under)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( seventh)10.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(session)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( board)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 (,)13.9 ( and)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( audit)13.8 ( committee)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( board)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.077 tw t* [(reported )0.6 (to )0.5 (the )0.6 (board )0.5 (for )0.6 (the )0.5 (aforesaid )0.5 (matters. )0.5 (on )0.6 (28 )0.5 (march )0.6 (2019, )0.5 (the )0.6 (2018 )0.5 (assessment )0.6 (report )]tj 0.026 tw t* (on internal control, the 2018 auditing report on internal control and th\ e 2019 comprehensive risk )tj 0 tw t* [(management report were also considered and approved at the 41th meeting)0.5 ( of the sixth )0.5 (session of )]tj t* (the board of the company.)tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(on)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (6)13.9 ( march)13.9 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.9 (2)13.8 (0)13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (9)13.8 ( work)13.8 ( report)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( internal)13.8 ( control)13.8 (,)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (9)13.9 ( assessment)13.9 ( report)13.9 ( on)17.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(internal)11.2 ( )0.5 (control)11.3 (,)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (9)11.2 ( auditing)11.3 ( report)11.2 ( )0.5 (on)11.2 ( internal)11.2 ( )0.5 (control)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( 2)11.2 (0)11.2 (2)11.2 (0)11.2 ( )0.5 (comprehensive)11.2 ( risk)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.061 tw t* [(management )0.5 (report )0.5 (was )0.5 (considered and )0.5 (approved )0.5 (at )0.5 (the fifth meeting of )0.5 (the )0.5 (auditing )0.5 (committee )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)5.2 ( )0.5 (session)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( board)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (such)5.2 ( reports)5.2 ( )0.5 (were)5.2 ( )0.5 (considered)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (approved)5.3 ( at)5.3 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* [(meet)0.5 (ing of)0.5 ( the )0.5 (seventh )0.5 (sessio)0.5 (n of t)0.5 (he boar)0.5 (d held )0.5 (on 26 m)0.5 (arch 2)0.5 (020. ac)0.5 (cordin)0.5 (g to su)0.5 (ch repo)0.5 (rts, t)0.5 (he )]tj t* [(board of the comp)0.5 (an)0.5 (y concluded that in 2019, the company\222s ri)0.5 (sk management and internal contr)0.5 (ol )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(systems)6.3 ( were)6.2 ( effectively)6.2 ( )0.5 (implemented)6.2 (,)6.2 ( and)6.2 ( its)6.2 ( internal)6.2 ( )0.5 (control)6.3 ( objectives)6.1 ( )0.5 (were)6.2 ( achieved)6.2 ( )0.5 (without)6.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(major)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (important)5.3 ( defects)5.3 ( in)5.2 ( )0.5 (2)5.2 (0)5.2 (1)5.2 (9)5.2 (;)5.2 ( )0.5 (there)5.2 ( )0.5 (were)5.2 ( )0.5 (no)5.2 ( material)5.2 ( )0.5 (or)5.2 ( significant)5.2 ( )0.5 (defects)5.2 ( )0.5 (in)5.2 ( the)5.3 ( internal)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.09 tw t* [(control )0.5 (over the )0.5 (financial report and non-financial reports of the )0.5 (company and )0.5 (ernst & )0.5 (young hua )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw t* [(m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( l)0.5 (l)0.5 (p)14.4 (,)14.4 ( a)0.5 (u)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 (,)14.4 ( al)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 ( h)0.5 (a)0.5 (d)14.3 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( e)0.5 (f)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (internal control over financial report in all material aspects.)tj et endstream endobj 965 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (3)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (risk management and internal control)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.041 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm (the objectives of risk management and internal control are to give a rea\ sonable assurance that the )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.5 td [(company)6.2 (\222)6.1 (s)6.2 ( )0.5 (operation)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( management)6.3 ( is)6.2 ( lawful)6.1 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )0.5 (compliant)6.2 (,)6.2 ( that)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( assets)6.2 ( )0.5 (are)6.2 ( )0.5 (safe)6.1 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )0.5 (that)6.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)11.3 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)11.2 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)11.2 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)11.3 ( t)0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)11.2 (;)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)11.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( o)0.5 (p)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)11.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw t* [(effici)0.5 (ency)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( effec)0.5 (tiveness)14.3 (;)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( fa)0.5 (cilitate)14.4 ( the)14.3 ( achievemen)0.5 (t)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( company)14.3 (\222)14.3 (s)14.3 ( developm)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)23.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(strategy)13.6 (.)13.6 ( internal)13.7 ( control)13.7 ( has)13.6 ( its)13.6 ( inherent)13.6 ( limitations)13.6 (,)13.7 ( so)13.6 ( it)13.6 ( only)13.6 ( provides)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( reasonable)13.6 ( guarantee)15.3 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(f)0.5 (or)1.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)1.1 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (chi)0.5 (ev)0.5 (em)0.5 (ent)1.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)1.2 ( t)0.5 (he)1.2 ( )0.5 (ab)0.5 (ove)1.2 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (oal)0.5 (s)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (in)1.2 ( )0.5 (ad)0.5 (dit)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (gi)0.5 (ven)1.2 ( )0.5 (in)0.5 (ap)0.5 (pl)0.5 (ica)0.5 (bi)0.5 (li)0.5 (ty)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (nte)0.5 (rn)0.5 (al)1.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (nt)0.5 (rol)1.3 ( d)0.5 (ue)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.089 tw t* (contingent changes or deterioration in the compliance of control policie\ s and relevant procedures, )tj 0.029 tw t* [(projections )0.6 (on )0.5 (the )0.5 (effectiveness )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (internal )0.5 (control )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (future )0.5 (over )0.5 (the )0.5 (assessment )0.5 (results )0.5 (of )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the internal control are subject to certain risks.)tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.8 ( responsibilities)13.8 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( board)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.8 ( include)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( establishment)13.8 ( of)13.7 ( complete)13.8 ( risk)31.2 ( )]tj 0.071 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)14.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( i)0.6 (nt)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( i)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( e)0.5 (f)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)14.4 ( i)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 (.)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( s)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (mm)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)43.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(established)1.2 ( )0.5 (under)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (board)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (audit)1.3 ( committee)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (company)1.2 ( )0.5 (has)1.2 ( )0.5 (supervised)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (inspected)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0.001 tw t* [(establishment, )0.6 (comprehensiveness )0.5 (and )0.6 (implementation )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (risk )0.5 (management )0.6 (and )0.5 (internal )0.5 (control)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw t* [(system)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( )-0.6 (the)14.3 ( company)14.3 (,)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( regularly)14.2 ( discussed)14.2 ( with)14.2 ( the)14.3 ( )-0.6 (management)14.3 ( on)14.3 ( )-0.6 (the)14.3 ( implementation)21.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(o)0.5 (f)2.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)2.2 ( r)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (k)2.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)2.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)2.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (l)2.2 ( i)0.5 (n)2.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)2.3 ( t)0.5 (o)2.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)2.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)2.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)2.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)2.2 ( h)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)2.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(an)9.2 ( )0.5 (effective)9.2 ( )0.5 (risk)9.2 ( )0.5 (management)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( internal)9.2 ( )0.5 (control)9.2 ( )0.5 (system)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (supervisory)9.2 ( )0.5 (committee)9.2 ( )0.5 (conducts)9.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(supervision)3.2 ( on)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (establishment)3.2 ( and)3.2 ( )0.5 (implementation)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (risk)3.2 ( management)3.3 ( and)3.2 ( )0.5 (internal)3.2 ( )0.5 (control)3.3 ( by)3.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)6.2 ( b)0.6 (o)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (d)6.2 (.)6.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)6.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)6.2 ( i)0.6 (s)6.2 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (b)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)6.2 ( f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)6.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)6.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)6.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 (a)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)0.6 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (p)6.2 ( o)0.6 (f)6.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)6.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)6.3 ( o)0.5 (p)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.045 tw t* (of the risk management and internal control of the company. the internal\ audit department of the )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (y)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)14.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (t)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)14.3 ( o)0.6 (f)14.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.2 ( c)0.6 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (s)14.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (b)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)14.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)14.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.6 (k)14.2 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (g)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (internal control of the company and carries out the specific implementat\ ion work.)tj 0.052 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (9)14.3 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( e)0.5 (ff)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (ts)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)14.3 ( by)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (p)0.5 (an)0.5 (y)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( r)0.5 (es)0.5 (p)0.5 (ec)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( r)0.5 (i)0.5 (sk)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (na)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (me)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (te)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.5 (al)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (nt)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (mainly include:)tj 0.027 tc 0 -3 td [(1)-0.8 (.)-0.8 ( )-1640.1 (the company further improved the risk prevention systems \(including int\ ernal control system\))-0.8 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( head)2.2 ( )0.5 (office)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )0.5 (subsidiaries)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( the)2.3 ( company)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (implemented)2.2 ( )0.5 (supervision)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( )0.5 (guidance)2.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(for)13.7 ( companies)13.7 ( with)13.7 ( an)13.7 ( incomplete)13.7 ( system)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( improved)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( risk)13.7 ( prevention)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( control)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.049 tw t* [(systems of )0.5 (enterprises, so )0.5 (as to proactively facilitate the full coverage of )0.5 (risk prevention )0.5 (and )]tj 0 tw t* (control systems \(including internal control system\).)tj 0.098 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(2)70.2 (.)70.2 ( )-1491 (the)13.8 ( internal)13.8 ( audit)13.8 ( department)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( randomly)13.8 ( carried)13.8 ( out)13.8 ( independent)70.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (unannounced inspection on internal control for the company\222s subsidia\ ries, arranged mutual )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(inspection)9.2 ( )0.5 (on)9.2 ( )0.5 (internal)9.2 ( )0.5 (control)9.2 ( )0.5 (for)9.2 ( subsidiaries)9.2 (,)9.2 ( and)9.2 ( )0.5 (communicated)9.2 ( )0.5 (with)9.2 ( companies)9.2 ( in)9.2 ( terms)9.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.9 ( internal)14 ( control)14 ( issues)14 ( and)14 ( defects)13.9 ( discovered)13.9 ( in)14 ( the)13.9 ( inspections)14 ( and)13.9 ( urged)14 ( them)14 ( to)34.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (proactively conduct rectification, guaranteeing the effectiveness of int\ ernal control.)tj et endstream endobj 966 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (3)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.058 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(the)13.8 ( supervisory)13.7 ( committee)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( reviews)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( supervises)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( work)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( information)30.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -1.5 td [(disclosure)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( company)4.2 ( )0.5 (on)4.2 ( )0.5 (a)4.2 ( regular)4.2 ( )0.5 (or)4.2 ( )0.5 (occasional)4.3 ( basis)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (board)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (company)4.2 ( conducts)4.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(self)13.5 (-)13.5 (assessment)13.4 ( on)13.5 ( annul)13.5 ( information)13.5 ( disclosure)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( includes)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( assessment)13.4 ( results)13.5 ( in)13.4 ( the)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (assessment report on internal control of the company.)tj 0.017 tw 0 -3 td [(in )0.5 (2020, the )0.5 (company will continue to )0.5 (implement )0.5 (its )0.5 (corporate )0.5 (governance in )0.5 (accordance with laws )]tj 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td (and regulations, further improve the corporate governance systems of the\ company, continuously )tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(improve)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( level)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( corporate)13.7 ( governance)13.7 (,)13.8 ( continue)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( strengthen)13.7 ( internal)13.7 ( control)13.7 (,)13.7 ( with)13.7 ( the)35.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(g)0.5 (o)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)11.2 ( o)0.6 (f)11.2 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)11.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)11.2 ( s)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (h)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (d)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)11.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)11.2 (\222)11.2 (s)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (continuous, stable and healthy development.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 487.2117 tm (meetings of the management)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.065 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 457.2117 tm [(the)13.7 ( management)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( is)13.7 ( responsible)13.7 ( for)13.7 ( implementation)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( daily)13.7 ( production)13.7 ( and)37.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc t* [(operation)14 ( management)14 ( and)14 ( strategy)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)14 ( company)14 (,)13.9 ( implementation)14 ( of)14 ( board)14 ( resolutions)14 (,)14 ( and)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw t* (reporting to the board. its main functions include: presiding over the d\ aily production and operation )tj 0.061 tc 0.077 tw t* [(m)0.5 (an)0.5 (ag)0.5 (e)0.5 (me)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (p)0.5 (an)0.5 (y)14.3 (;)14.4 ( o)0.5 (rg)0.5 (a)0.5 (ni)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( i)0.5 (mp)0.5 (l)0.5 (em)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( b)0.5 (oa)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)14.3 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (so)0.5 (l)0.5 (ut)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.3 ( c)0.5 (or)0.5 (p)0.5 (or)0.5 (a)0.5 (te)33.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* [(development )0.5 (strategies, )0.5 (and )0.5 (annual )0.5 (business plans, investment )0.5 (plans, )0.5 (financial )0.5 (budget )0.5 (plans, )0.5 (etc.; )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(formulating)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( organising)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( implement)13.8 ( performance)13.8 ( appraisal)13.8 ( and)13.9 ( salary)13.8 ( incentives)13.8 ( within)13.8 ( the)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (scope authorized by the board.)tj 0.07 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( p)0.5 (ri)0.5 (nc)0.5 (i)0.5 (pl)0.5 (e)14.3 (,)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (p)0.5 (an)0.5 (y)14.3 ( h)0.5 (ol)0.5 (ds)14.4 ( we)0.5 (ek)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.3 ( p)0.5 (re)0.5 (si)0.5 (de)0.5 (nt)0.5 (i)0.5 (al)14.4 ( m)0.5 (ee)0.5 (ti)0.5 (ng)0.5 (s)14.3 ( c)0.5 (ha)0.5 (ir)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( b)0.5 (y)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( pr)0.5 (e)0.5 (si)0.5 (de)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)42.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.069 tw 0 -1.5 td (attended by management of the company, and presidential office meeting c\ haired by other senior )tj 0.07 tw t* (management in charge of different businesses of the company and attended\ by heads of relevant )tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(business)13.5 ( departments)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( discuss)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( make)13.5 ( decisions)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( organization)13.5 ( and)13.6 ( implementation)26.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(o)0.5 (f)13.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13.2 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (te)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)13.2 ( )0.5 (du)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)13.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13.2 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (oc)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)13.2 ( o)0.5 (f)13.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)13.2 ( )0.5 (pr)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (uc)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)13.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (nd)13.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (pe)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)13.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (mp)0.5 (a)0.5 (ny)13.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)13.2 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (na)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (ia)0.5 (l)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.068 tw t* (management. in addition, the company organised annual and mid-year work \ conferences after the )tj 0.073 tw t* [(end )0.5 (of the )0.5 (previous )0.5 (year and )0.5 (the end )0.5 (of )0.5 (the semi-annual period, respectively. )0.5 (the )0.5 (management of )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(the company, including managers of branches \(subsidiaries\) and heads o\ f headquarter departments,)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.077 tw t* [(at)0.5 (ten)0.5 (ded)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( m)0.5 (eet)0.5 (ing)0.5 (s)14.3 ( to)14.4 ( d)0.5 (isc)0.5 (uss)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( b)0.5 (usi)0.5 (nes)0.5 (s)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( s)0.5 (egm)0.5 (ents)14.4 ( of)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( co)0.5 (mpa)0.5 (ny)14.3 (,)14.4 ( s)0.5 (umm)0.5 (ari)0.5 (ze)14.4 ( and)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(deploy )0.5 (annual and )0.5 (semi-annual )0.5 (work. the )0.5 (meetings )0.5 (have )0.5 (facilitated )0.5 (the )0.5 (organization, coordination, )]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(communication)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( supervision)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( commencement)13.9 ( and)13.8 ( implementation)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.8 (\222)13.9 (s)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (various operations.)tj 0.006 tw 0 -3 td (in 2019, the management of the company performed its duties with due dil\ igence, and ensured the )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -1.5 td [(effective)1.2 ( implementation)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (company)1.2 (\222)1.2 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (business)1.3 ( strategy)1.2 ( and)1.1 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (smooth)1.2 ( )0.5 (development)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.3 ( its)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (various businesses, and achieved good results.)tj et endstream endobj 967 0 obj <> endobj 968 0 obj <> endobj 969 0 obj <> endobj 970 0 obj <> endobj 971 0 obj <> endobj 972 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 973 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 974 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/shading<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 975 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/shading<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 976 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 977 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (3)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (information disclosure)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.002 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm (the company has always been upholding the high sense of responsibility t\ o investors and discloses )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (information in a true, accurate, complete, timely and fair manner in str\ ict accordance with the listing )tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(rules)13.1 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (shanghai)13.2 ( )0.5 (stock)13.2 ( )0.5 (exchange)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (hong)13.2 ( )0.5 (kong)13.2 ( stock)13.2 ( )0.5 (exchange)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( the)13.1 ( )0.5 (new)13.2 ( )0.5 (york)13.2 ( )0.5 (stock)13.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(exchange)14.2 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )0.6 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (1)14.2 (9)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.3 ( )0.5 (disclosed)14.3 ( )0.5 (a)14.3 ( )0.5 (total)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (1)14.3 (9)14.3 (5)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.3 (-)14.3 (share)14.3 ( )0.5 (announcements)14.2 ( )0.6 (and)14.2 ( )0.6 (related)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.038 tw t* (documents \(including periodic reports\) on the shanghai stock exchange,\ and a total of 287 h-share )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(chinese)14 ( and)14.1 ( english)14.1 ( announcements)14 ( and)14.1 ( relevant)14 ( documents)14.1 ( \()14.1 (including)14.1 ( periodic)14.1 ( reports)14 (\))14.1 ( on)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc t* [(hong)13.8 ( kong)13.7 ( stock)13.8 ( exchange)13.8 (.)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( new)13.8 ( york)13.8 ( stock)13.8 ( exchange)13.8 (,)13.8 ( it)13.8 ( disclosed)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( total)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( 1)13.8 (1)13.7 (9)13.8 ( u)13.8 (.)13.8 (s)13.8 (.)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw t* [(stock )0.5 (report )0.5 (20-f and )0.5 (6-k )0.5 (announcements. )0.5 (in )0.5 (2019, the )0.5 (company )0.5 (obtained )0.5 (a grade a evaluation of )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (information disclosure from the shanghai stock exchange.)tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -3 td [(the)7.2 ( )0.5 (company)7.2 ( )0.5 (attaches)7.2 ( )0.5 (consistent)7.2 ( )0.5 (importance)7.2 ( )0.5 (to)7.2 ( )0.5 (information)7.2 ( disclosure)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (cautiously)7.2 ( cope)7.2 ( )0.5 (with)7.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the pr)0.5 (oposed i)0.5 (nforma)0.5 (tion di)0.5 (sclosur)0.5 (e,)0.5 ( especia)0.5 (lly sen)0.5 (sitive )0.5 (inform)0.5 (ation t)0.5 (ha)0.5 (t is l)0.5 (ikely)0.5 ( t)0.5 (o cause p)0.5 (rice an)0.5 (d)-0.9 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(marke)0.5 (t)7.2 ( f)0.5 (luctuat)0.5 (ion)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (enabli)0.5 (ng)7.2 ( i)0.5 (nvestors)7.2 ( )0.5 (to)7.2 ( )0.5 (obtai)0.5 (n)7.2 ( i)0.5 (nforma)0.5 (tion)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (company)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)7.2 ( )0.5 (timel)0.5 (y)7.2 (,)7.2 ( a)0.5 (ccurate)7.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(and fair manner to minimize investors\222 investment risks. the company \ has formulated management)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(measures)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( information)13.2 ( )0.5 (disclosure)13.2 ( of)13.3 ( aluminum)13.2 ( )0.5 (corporation)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( china)13.2 ( )0.5 (limited)13.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 38.925 0 td [<0090>64.2 <02950a3712590e380670038503de>]tj 0.034 tc -0.034 tw -38.925 -1.5 td [<0822>0.5 <02ae>0.5 <0321>0.5 <06a6>0.5 <08b9>0.5 <05de>0.6 <16a3>0.5 <104d>0.5 <0b23>0.5 <0553>0.5 <0713>64.5 <0091>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 11.952 0 td [(\))13.5 ( and)13.5 ( rules)13.5 ( governing)13.6 ( inside)13.5 ( information)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( persons)13.6 ( with)13.5 ( knowledge)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.075 tw -11.952 -1.5 td [(thereof )0.5 (of aluminum )0.5 (corporation )0.5 (of )0.5 (china )0.5 (limited )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 24.535 0 td [<0090>64.2 <02950a3712590e380670038503de082202ae032102ab0fc706a608b902bf065d0a8b025b104d0b230553>]tj -0.036 tc 0.036 tw -24.535 -1.5 td <07130091>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.063 tw 1.606 0 td (\), and such measures strictly specify the process of information screen\ ing, review, release and )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw -1.606 -1.5 td [(u)0.5 (s)0.6 (a)0.5 (g)0.6 (e)7.2 (,)7.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)7.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)7.2 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)7.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.6 (n)7.1 ( )0.5 (p)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)7.3 ( w)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (h)7.2 ( )0.5 (k)0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.6 (w)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (g)0.6 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)7.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (f)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)7.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)7.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (g)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (and filing, confidentiality and punishment.)tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.5 ( general)13.4 ( approval)13.4 ( flow)13.4 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( proposed)13.5 ( information)13.5 ( disclosure)13.4 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 ( are)13.4 ( in)13.5 ( due)30.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.5 td [(or)0.5 (d)0.5 (er)8.2 ( o)0.5 (f)8.2 ( t)0.5 (he)8.3 ( bo)0.5 (ar)0.5 (d)8.2 ( o)0.5 (ff)0.5 (ic)0.5 (e)8.2 (,)8.2 ( r)0.5 (es)0.5 (po)0.5 (ns)0.5 (ib)0.5 (le)8.2 ( )0.5 (pe)0.5 (rs)0.5 (on)0.5 (ne)0.5 (l)8.2 ( o)0.5 (f)8.2 ( b)0.5 (us)0.5 (in)0.5 (ess)8.2 ( )0.5 (un)0.5 (it)0.5 (s)8.2 ( r)0.5 (el)0.5 (a)0.5 (te)0.5 (d)8.1 ( )0.5 (to)8.3 ( t)0.5 (he)8.2 ( )0.5 (ann)0.5 (ou)0.5 (nc)0.5 (em)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(representative)14 ( for)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14 (\222)14.1 (s)14.1 ( securities)14.1 ( related)14.1 ( affairs)14 (,)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 ( secretary)14.1 ( \()14.1 (secretary)14.1 ( to)15.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( b)0.5 (oa)0.5 (rd)14.4 (\))14.3 (,)14.3 ( p)0.5 (re)0.5 (si)0.5 (de)0.5 (nt)14.4 (,)14.3 ( ch)0.5 (ai)0.5 (rm)0.5 (an)14.4 ( and)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( b)0.5 (oa)0.5 (rd)14.3 ( \()14.4 (as)14.4 ( au)0.5 (tho)0.5 (ri)0.5 (z)0.5 (ed)14.3 (\))14.4 (.)14.3 ( u)0.5 (po)0.5 (n)14.3 ( ap)0.5 (pr)0.5 (ov)0.5 (al)14.4 (,)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( i)0.5 (nf)0.5 (or)0.5 (ma)0.5 (ti)0.5 (on)26.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc t* [(m)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (p)0.5 (t)14.5 ( w)0.6 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)14.5 ( n)0.6 (o)0.5 (t)14.4 ( b)0.5 (e)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (l)14.4 ( e)0.5 (x)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( b)0.5 (y)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)14.4 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.5 (\222)14.4 (s)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (u)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (related affairs and the company secretary \(secretary to the board\).)tj 0.076 tw 0 -3 td (chairman of the company takes primary responsibility for information dis\ closure; the board of the )tj 0.061 tw 0 -1.5 td (company is the management organ of information disclosure; the company s\ ecretary \(secretary to )tj 0.009 tw t* (the board\) is in charge of work regarding information disclosure manage\ ment in the ordinary course )tj 0.061 tw t* (of business of the company; and office of the board is the routine execu\ tive organ of information )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (disclosure of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 978 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (2)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(through)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( above)5.2 ( )0.5 (work)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( results)5.2 ( )0.5 (in)5.2 ( )0.5 (structural)5.2 ( )0.5 (adjustment)5.2 (,)5.2 ( transformation)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (upgrading)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (cost)5.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(reduction and efficiency enhancement as well as reform of mechanisms car\ ried out by the company)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.009 tw t* (in recent years and the strengthening of the cost competitiveness and th\ e continuous improvement )tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)14 ( results)14 ( of)13.9 ( the)14 ( company)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( recent)14 ( years)13.9 ( have)14 ( been)13.9 ( generally)13.9 ( recognized)13.9 ( by)14 ( investors)13.9 (.)14 ( the)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.039 tw t* (company\222s position in the capital market has been further boosted. in\ february 2019, the a shares )tj 0.009 tw t* (of the company were added to the msci china a onshore index. in june 201\ 9, the a shares of the )tj 0.024 tw t* (company were included in the ftse global equity index series. in additio\ n, the company has been )tj 0 tw t* (awarded various honors in the capital market, including:)tj et /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc emc q 314.332 481.169 m 314.332 450.107 339.512 424.926 370.575 424.926 c 370.575 424.926 l 401.636 424.926 426.817 450.107 426.817 481.169 c 426.817 481.169 l 426.817 512.23 401.636 537.412 370.575 537.412 c 370.575 537.412 l 339.512 537.412 314.332 512.23 314.332 481.169 c 322.84 481.169 m 322.84 507.489 344.254 528.903 370.575 528.903 c 370.575 528.903 l 396.894 528.903 418.308 507.489 418.308 481.169 c 418.308 481.169 l 418.308 454.848 396.894 433.435 370.575 433.435 c 370.575 433.435 l 344.254 433.435 322.84 454.848 322.84 481.169 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 42.6914737 -110.0638735 -110.0638735 -42.6914737 350.8961777 533.5814072 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 322.84 481.169 m 322.84 454.848 344.254 433.435 370.575 433.435 c 370.575 433.435 l 396.894 433.435 418.308 454.848 418.308 481.169 c 418.308 481.169 l 418.308 507.489 396.894 528.903 370.575 528.903 c 370.575 528.903 l 344.254 528.903 322.84 507.489 322.84 481.169 c 325.677 481.169 m 325.677 505.925 345.816 526.066 370.575 526.066 c 370.575 526.066 l 395.331 526.066 415.471 505.925 415.471 481.169 c 415.471 481.169 l 415.471 456.412 395.331 436.271 370.575 436.271 c 370.575 436.271 l 345.816 436.271 325.677 456.412 325.677 481.169 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 36.2328267 -93.4128072 -93.4128072 -36.2328267 353.8729112 525.6520924 cm bx /sh1 sh ex q q q 325.677 481.169 m 325.677 456.412 345.816 436.271 370.575 436.271 c 370.575 436.271 l 395.331 436.271 415.471 456.412 415.471 481.169 c 415.471 481.169 l 415.471 505.925 395.331 526.066 370.575 526.066 c 370.575 526.066 l 345.816 526.066 325.677 505.925 325.677 481.169 c 328.511 481.169 m 328.511 504.362 347.381 523.23 370.575 523.23 c 370.575 523.23 l 393.766 523.23 412.636 504.362 412.636 481.169 c 412.636 481.169 l 412.636 457.976 393.766 439.107 370.575 439.107 c 370.575 439.107 l 347.381 439.107 328.511 457.976 328.511 481.169 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 40.2965864 -117.3500996 -117.3500996 -40.2965864 362.0206297 534.7133202 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 370.575 453.368 m 363.1 453.368 328.511 457.976 328.511 481.169 c 328.511 481.169 l 328.511 457.976 347.381 439.107 370.575 439.107 c 370.575 439.107 l 393.766 439.107 412.636 457.976 412.636 481.169 c 412.636 481.169 l 412.636 457.976 378.048 453.368 370.575 453.368 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 71.0412275 -141.5821646 -141.5821646 -71.0412275 369.40692 506.8992204 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 328.511 481.169 m 328.511 457.976 363.1 453.368 370.575 453.368 c 370.575 453.368 l 378.048 453.368 412.636 457.976 412.636 481.169 c 412.636 481.169 l 412.636 504.362 393.766 523.23 370.575 523.23 c 370.575 523.23 l 347.381 523.23 328.511 504.362 328.511 481.169 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 71.0412275 -141.5821646 -141.5821646 -71.0412275 369.40692 506.8992204 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q q 214.005 466.51 m 214.005 439.718 235.723 418 262.515 418 c 262.515 418 l 289.307 418 311.025 439.718 311.025 466.51 c 311.025 466.51 l 311.025 493.301 289.307 515.02 262.515 515.02 c 262.515 515.02 l 235.723 515.02 214.005 493.301 214.005 466.51 c 221.343 466.51 m 221.343 489.211 239.813 507.68 262.515 507.68 c 262.515 507.68 l 285.217 507.68 303.687 489.211 303.687 466.51 c 303.687 466.51 l 303.687 443.807 285.217 425.338 262.515 425.338 c 262.515 425.338 l 239.813 425.338 221.343 443.807 221.343 466.51 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 36.8219671 -94.931694 -94.931694 -36.8219671 245.5423281 511.7160111 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 221.343 466.51 m 221.343 443.807 239.813 425.338 262.515 425.338 c 262.515 425.338 l 285.217 425.338 303.687 443.807 303.687 466.51 c 303.687 466.51 l 303.687 489.211 285.217 507.68 262.515 507.68 c 262.515 507.68 l 239.813 507.68 221.343 489.211 221.343 466.51 c 223.79 466.51 m 223.79 487.862 241.162 505.234 262.515 505.234 c 262.515 505.234 l 283.868 505.234 301.24 487.862 301.24 466.51 c 301.24 466.51 l 301.24 445.156 283.868 427.785 262.515 427.785 c 262.515 427.785 l 241.162 427.785 223.79 445.156 223.79 466.51 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 31.2513381 -80.569859 -80.569859 -31.2513381 248.1100261 504.8768523 cm bx /sh5 sh ex q q q 223.79 466.51 m 223.79 445.156 241.162 427.785 262.515 427.785 c 262.515 427.785 l 283.868 427.785 301.24 445.156 301.24 466.51 c 301.24 466.51 l 301.24 487.862 283.868 505.234 262.515 505.234 c 262.515 505.234 l 241.162 505.234 223.79 487.862 223.79 466.51 c 226.236 466.51 m 226.236 486.513 242.51 502.788 262.515 502.788 c 262.515 502.788 l 282.52 502.788 298.794 486.513 298.794 466.51 c 298.794 466.51 l 298.794 446.505 282.52 430.231 262.515 430.231 c 262.515 430.231 l 242.51 430.231 226.236 446.505 226.236 466.51 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 34.7563686 -101.2157364 -101.2157364 -34.7563686 255.1372977 512.6922856 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 262.515 442.531 m 256.068 442.531 226.236 446.505 226.236 466.51 c 226.236 466.51 l 226.236 446.505 242.51 430.231 262.515 430.231 c 262.515 430.231 l 282.52 430.231 298.794 446.505 298.794 466.51 c 298.794 466.51 l 298.794 446.505 268.961 442.531 262.515 442.531 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 61.274058 -122.1168659 -122.1168659 -61.274058 261.5083045 488.7022587 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 226.236 466.51 m 226.236 446.505 256.068 442.531 262.515 442.531 c 262.515 442.531 l 268.961 442.531 298.794 446.505 298.794 466.51 c 298.794 466.51 l 298.794 486.513 282.52 502.788 262.515 502.788 c 262.515 502.788 l 242.51 502.788 226.236 486.513 226.236 466.51 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 61.274058 -122.1168659 -122.1168659 -61.274058 261.5083045 488.7022587 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q q 157.117 367.715 m 157.117 336.769 182.203 311.684 213.15 311.684 c 213.15 311.684 l 244.094 311.684 269.181 336.769 269.181 367.715 c 269.181 367.715 l 269.181 398.66 244.094 423.747 213.15 423.747 c 213.15 423.747 l 182.203 423.747 157.117 398.66 157.117 367.715 c 165.595 367.715 m 165.595 393.937 186.927 415.27 213.15 415.27 c 213.15 415.27 l 239.371 415.27 260.704 393.937 260.704 367.715 c 260.704 367.715 l 260.704 341.492 239.371 320.161 213.15 320.161 c 213.15 320.161 l 186.927 320.161 165.595 341.492 165.595 367.715 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 42.5310832 -109.6506317 -109.6506317 -42.5310832 193.544852 419.9303536 cm bx /sh6 sh ex q q q 165.595 367.715 m 165.595 341.492 186.927 320.161 213.15 320.161 c 213.15 320.161 l 239.371 320.161 260.704 341.492 260.704 367.715 c 260.704 367.715 l 260.704 393.937 239.371 415.27 213.15 415.27 c 213.15 415.27 l 186.927 415.27 165.595 393.937 165.595 367.715 c 168.42 367.715 m 168.42 392.378 188.485 412.444 213.15 412.444 c 213.15 412.444 l 237.813 412.444 257.878 392.378 257.878 367.715 c 257.878 367.715 l 257.878 343.052 237.813 322.986 213.15 322.986 c 213.15 322.986 l 188.485 322.986 168.42 343.052 168.42 367.715 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 36.0967499 -93.0619032 -93.0619032 -36.0967499 196.5106845 412.030765 cm bx /sh7 sh ex q q q 168.42 367.715 m 168.42 343.052 188.485 322.986 213.15 322.986 c 213.15 322.986 l 237.813 322.986 257.878 343.052 257.878 367.715 c 257.878 367.715 l 257.878 392.378 237.813 412.444 213.15 412.444 c 213.15 412.444 l 188.485 412.444 168.42 392.378 168.42 367.715 c 171.245 367.715 m 171.245 390.821 190.043 409.618 213.15 409.618 c 213.15 409.618 l 236.255 409.618 255.053 390.821 255.053 367.715 c 255.053 367.715 l 255.053 344.609 236.255 325.811 213.15 325.811 c 213.15 325.811 l 190.043 325.811 171.245 344.609 171.245 367.715 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 40.1451962 -116.9098493 -116.9098493 -40.1451962 204.6275165 421.0579917 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 213.15 340.019 m 205.703 340.019 171.245 344.609 171.245 367.715 c 171.245 367.715 l 171.245 344.609 190.043 325.811 213.15 325.811 c 213.15 325.811 l 236.255 325.811 255.053 344.609 255.053 367.715 c 255.053 367.715 l 255.053 344.609 220.595 340.019 213.15 340.019 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 70.7743719 -141.049858 -141.049858 -70.7743719 211.9860502 393.3489333 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 171.245 367.715 m 171.245 344.609 205.703 340.019 213.15 340.019 c 213.15 340.019 l 220.595 340.019 255.053 344.609 255.053 367.715 c 255.053 367.715 l 255.053 390.821 236.255 409.618 213.15 409.618 c 213.15 409.618 l 190.043 409.618 171.245 390.821 171.245 367.715 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 70.7743719 -141.049858 -141.049858 -70.7743719 211.9860502 393.3489333 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q q 260.849 311.081 m 260.849 283.797 282.965 261.68 310.25 261.68 c 310.25 261.68 l 337.532 261.68 359.649 283.797 359.649 311.081 c 359.649 311.081 l 359.649 338.363 337.532 360.48 310.25 360.48 c 310.25 360.48 l 282.965 360.48 260.849 338.363 260.849 311.081 c 268.322 311.081 m 268.322 334.199 287.132 353.008 310.25 353.008 c 310.25 353.008 l 333.368 353.008 352.176 334.199 352.176 311.081 c 352.176 311.081 l 352.176 287.962 333.368 269.154 310.25 269.154 c 310.25 269.154 l 287.132 269.154 268.322 287.962 268.322 311.081 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 37.4974613 -96.6732061 -96.6732061 -37.4974613 292.9655708 357.1159005 cm bx /sh8 sh ex q q q 268.322 311.081 m 268.322 287.962 287.132 269.154 310.25 269.154 c 310.25 269.154 l 333.368 269.154 352.176 287.962 352.176 311.081 c 352.176 311.081 l 352.176 334.199 333.368 353.008 310.25 353.008 c 310.25 353.008 l 287.132 353.008 268.322 334.199 268.322 311.081 c 270.814 311.081 m 270.814 332.825 288.505 350.515 310.25 350.515 c 310.25 350.515 l 331.994 350.515 349.685 332.825 349.685 311.081 c 349.685 311.081 l 349.685 289.336 331.994 271.644 310.25 271.644 c 310.25 271.644 l 288.505 271.644 270.814 289.336 270.814 311.081 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 31.8246708 -82.0479125 -82.0479125 -31.8246708 295.5800794 350.1518676 cm bx /sh9 sh ex q q q 270.814 311.081 m 270.814 289.336 288.505 271.644 310.25 271.644 c 310.25 271.644 l 331.994 271.644 349.685 289.336 349.685 311.081 c 349.685 311.081 l 349.685 332.825 331.994 350.515 310.25 350.515 c 310.25 350.515 l 288.505 350.515 270.814 332.825 270.814 311.081 c 273.305 311.081 m 273.305 331.452 289.877 348.025 310.25 348.025 c 310.25 348.025 l 330.62 348.025 347.193 331.452 347.193 311.081 c 347.193 311.081 l 347.193 290.709 330.62 274.136 310.25 274.136 c 310.25 274.136 l 289.877 274.136 273.305 290.709 273.305 311.081 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 35.3940411 -103.0728169 -103.0728169 -35.3940411 302.7362251 358.1104657 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 310.25 286.662 m 303.683 286.662 273.305 290.709 273.305 311.081 c 273.305 311.081 l 273.305 290.709 289.877 274.136 310.25 274.136 c 310.25 274.136 l 330.62 274.136 347.193 290.709 347.193 311.081 c 347.193 311.081 l 347.193 290.709 316.814 286.662 310.25 286.662 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 62.3981119 -124.3571797 -124.3571797 -62.3981119 309.223999 333.6802725 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 273.305 311.081 m 273.305 290.709 303.683 286.662 310.25 286.662 c 310.25 286.662 l 316.814 286.662 347.193 290.709 347.193 311.081 c 347.193 311.081 l 347.193 331.452 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339.208 l 371.913 339.208 356.179 354.944 356.179 374.285 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 33.6047031 -97.8622888 -97.8622888 -33.6047031 384.121453 418.9377732 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 391.255 351.102 m 385.022 351.102 356.179 354.944 356.179 374.285 c 356.179 374.285 l 356.179 354.944 371.913 339.208 391.255 339.208 c 391.255 339.208 l 410.597 339.208 426.332 354.944 426.332 374.285 c 426.332 374.285 l 426.332 354.944 397.489 351.102 391.255 351.102 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 59.243682 -118.0705189 -118.0705189 -59.243682 390.2810334 395.74229 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 356.179 374.285 m 356.179 354.944 385.022 351.102 391.255 351.102 c 391.255 351.102 l 397.489 351.102 426.332 354.944 426.332 374.285 c 426.332 374.285 l 426.332 393.626 410.597 409.362 391.255 409.362 c 391.255 409.362 l 371.913 409.362 356.179 393.626 356.179 374.285 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 59.243682 -118.0705189 -118.0705189 -59.243682 390.2810334 395.74229 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q bt /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.016 tc 8.0046 0 0 8.0046 335.046 488.8345 tm (ranking 924th in the )tj -0.045 tc 0.045 tw 0.247 -1.2 td (fo)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.107 0 td (r)tj -0.015 tc 0.318 0 td (bes 20)tj -0.055 tc 0.055 tw 2.837 0 td (19)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw 1.042 0 td ( global )tj -3.745 -1.2 td (2,000 list)tj 0.015 tw 4.166 0 td (ed)tj 0 tc 0 tw ( )tj -0.03 tc 0.03 tw -3.995 -1.2 td (co)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.233 0 td (m)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.818 0 td (panies)tj -0.135 tc 0.135 tw -17.337 1.812 td (to)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 1.017 0 td (p )tj -0.07 tc 0.07 tw 0.804 0 td (10)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw 1.027 0 td (0 hong k)tj 0.015 tw 4.009 0 td (ong )tj -6.992 -1.2 td (list)tj 0 tw 1.476 0 td (ed en)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw (te)tj 0.015 tc -0.015 tw 3.322 0 td (rp)tj 0 tc 0 tw 0.889 0 td (r)tj -0.015 tc (ises in )tj -0.03 tc 0.03 tw -4.686 -1.2 td (co)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 1.233 0 td (mp)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw (re)tj 0 tc 0 tw 2.198 0 td (h)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.541 0 td (ensiv)tj 2.234 0 td (e )tj -4.653 -1.2 td (str)tj 1.213 0 td (engt)tj 0 tc 0 tw (h)tj -0.016 tc -9.86 -8.918 td (ranking 52nd in the)tj 0 tc 8.599 0 td ( )tj -0.045 tc 0.045 tw -8.96 -1.2 td (fo)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.107 0 td (r)tj -0.015 tc 0.358 0 td (tune 20)tj -0.055 tc 0.055 tw 3.156 0 td (19)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.042 0 td ( )tj -0.135 tc 0.135 tw 0.213 0 td (to)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw 1.017 0 td (p 500 )tj -6.605 -1.2 td (chinese ent)tj 0.015 tw 5.262 0 td (er)tj 0.889 0 td (pr)tj 0.874 0 td (ises)tj 0 tw 16.013 3.691 td (golden bauhinia )tj 0.015 tw 0.334 -1.2 td (best )tj -0.03 tc 0.03 tw 2.204 0 td (co)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.233 0 td (r)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.348 0 td (porat)tj 2.174 0 td (e )tj -5.856 -1.2 td (go)tj -0.04 tc 0.04 tw 1.289 0 td (ve)tj 0.01 tc -0.01 tw 1.001 0 td (rn)tj 0 tc 0 tw 0.884 0 td (a)tj -0.015 tc 0.541 0 td (nce in )tj 0.015 tw -4.433 -1.2 td (list)tj 0 tw 1.476 0 td (ed c)tj 0.015 tw 2.037 0 td (ompanies)tj -0.135 tc 0.135 tw -12.874 -4.932 td (to)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 1.017 0 td (p )tj -0.07 tc 0.07 tw 0.804 0 td (10)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw 1.027 0 td (0 list)tj 0.015 tw 2.28 0 td (ed )tj 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52.1778899 -0 366.0968712 589.971945 cm bx /sh1 sh ex q q q 201.889 589.972 m 201.889 589.974 l 213.183 616.435 l 201.889 642.41 l 201.889 642.412 l 296.652 642.412 l 307.946 616.435 l 296.652 589.972 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 52.439622 52.1778899 -0 254.9172618 589.971945 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 90.708 589.972 m 102.004 616.435 l 90.708 642.412 l 185.472 642.412 l 196.767 616.435 l 185.472 589.972 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 52.439622 52.1778899 -0 143.7378154 589.971945 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q q 96.217 576.161 m 93.188 576.161 90.708 573.67 90.708 570.624 c 90.708 570.624 l 90.708 360.547 l 90.708 357.503 93.188 355.011 96.217 355.011 c 96.217 355.011 l 191.258 355.011 l 194.287 355.011 196.767 357.503 196.767 360.547 c 196.767 360.547 l 196.767 570.624 l 196.767 573.67 194.287 576.161 191.258 576.161 c 191.258 576.161 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 221.1494989 220.0457165 -0 143.7378154 355.0112305 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q q 207.397 576.161 m 204.367 576.161 201.888 573.67 201.888 570.624 c 201.888 570.624 l 201.888 360.547 l 201.888 357.503 204.367 355.011 207.397 355.011 c 207.397 355.011 l 302.438 355.011 l 305.467 355.011 307.946 357.503 307.946 360.547 c 307.946 360.547 l 307.946 570.624 l 307.946 573.67 305.467 576.161 302.438 576.161 c 302.438 576.161 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 221.1494989 220.0457165 -0 254.9172618 355.0112305 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 318.577 576.161 m 315.546 576.161 313.068 573.67 313.068 570.624 c 313.068 570.624 l 313.068 360.547 l 313.068 357.503 315.546 355.011 318.577 355.011 c 318.577 355.011 l 413.617 355.011 l 416.647 355.011 419.125 357.503 419.125 360.547 c 419.125 360.547 l 419.125 570.624 l 419.125 573.67 416.647 576.161 413.617 576.161 c 413.617 576.161 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 221.1494989 220.0457165 -0 366.0968712 355.0112305 cm bx /sh1 sh ex q q q 429.756 576.161 m 426.725 576.161 424.246 573.67 424.246 570.624 c 424.246 570.624 l 424.246 360.547 l 424.246 357.503 426.725 355.011 429.756 355.011 c 429.756 355.011 l 524.796 355.011 l 527.826 355.011 530.305 357.503 530.305 360.547 c 530.305 360.547 l 530.305 570.624 l 530.305 573.67 527.826 576.161 524.796 576.161 c 524.796 576.161 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 221.1494989 220.0457165 -0 477.2755763 355.0112305 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 90.708 355.009 444.424 287.402 re w n bt 0 0 0 0 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 8.745 0 0 8.7889 208.997 468.7134 tm (t)tj -0.015 tc 0.521 0 td (he compan)tj 4.959 0 td (y carried out )tj -5.48 -1.2 td (annual and interim )tj 0.015 tw 0 -1.2 td (roadsho)tj 0 tw 3.432 0 td (ws in b)tj 0.015 tw 3.209 0 td (eijing)tj 2.264 0 td (, )tj 0 tw -8.905 -1.2 td (shanghai, shenzhen, )tj t* (hong k)tj 0.015 tw 3.169 0 td (ong)tj 0 tw 1.643 0 td (, singapore )tj -4.812 -1.2 td (and europe, respectiv)tj 0.015 tw 9.335 0 td (ely)tj 1.158 0 td (, )tj 0 tw -10.493 -1.2 td (during whic)tj 4.953 0 td (h a tot)tj 2.749 0 td (al of 90 )tj 0 tc -7.702 -1.2 td (i)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 0.207 0 td (nv)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw (estor meetings w)tj 0.015 tw 8.561 0 td (ere )tj 0 tw -8.768 -1.2 td (held with about 285 )tj 0 tc t* (i)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 0.207 0 td (nv)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw (estors.)tj 0 tc 0 tw -0.207 20.915 td (t)tj -0.015 tc 0.521 0 td (he compan)tj 4.959 0 td (y held 4 )tj -5.48 -1.2 td (annual, half-y)tj 5.605 0 td (ear and )tj -5.605 -1.2 td (quarterly results present)tj 0.015 tw 10.48 0 td (a-)tj 0 tw -10.48 -1.2 td (tions, at)tj 3.371 0 td (tracting 1)tj 0.015 tw 3.967 0 td (91 )tj 0 tc 0 tw -7.338 -1.2 td (i)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 0.207 0 td (nv)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw (estment instit)tj 0.015 tw 6.918 0 td (utions )tj 0 tw -7.125 -1.2 td (and 284 i)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw (nv)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw (estors and )tj 0.015 tw 0 -1.2 td (analy)tj 2.183 0 td (sts.)tj /t1_2 1 tf 11.678 14.208 td (cor)tj 1.582 0 td (por)tj 1.546 0 td (at)tj 0.895 0 td (e )tj -4.023 -1.2 td (resea)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw (rch)tj 0 tc -0.095 tw 4.175 0 td ( a)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.87 0 td (ctivities)tj 0 tw 7.936 1.25 td (sse e-int)tj 0.015 tw 4.29 0 td (er)tj 0.895 0 td (activ)tj 2.184 0 td (e )tj -7.369 -1.2 td (communications)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -14.008 -5.858 td (in j)tj 1.532 0 td (une 20)tj 0 tc 2.893 0 td (1)tj -0.015 tc 0.491 0 td (9, 24 )tj 0 tc -4.916 -1.2 td (w)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.798 0 td (ell-kno)tj 0 tw 2.765 0 td (wn domestic and )tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw -3.563 -1.2 td (ov)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw (erseas i)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw (nv)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw (estment )tj 0 -1.2 td (instit)tj 0 tw 2.051 0 td (utions and 26 )tj 0 tc -2.051 -1.2 td (i)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 0.207 0 td (nv)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw (estors and analy)tj 0.015 tw 7.95 0 td (sts )tj 0 tw -8.157 -1.2 td (carried out researc)tj 7.934 0 td (hes on )tj 0.015 tw -7.934 -1.2 td (zun)tj 1.603 0 td (yi )tj 0.93 0 td (aluminum)tj 0 tw -2.654 -2.787 td (in no)tj 0 tc 2.295 0 td (v)tj -0.015 tc 0.465 0 td (ember 20)tj 0 tc 4.085 0 td (1)tj -0.015 tc 0.491 0 td (9, a team )tj 0.015 tw -7.336 -1.2 td (of )tj -0.09 tc 0.09 tw 1.122 0 td (10)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw 1.007 0 td ( in)tj 0 tc 0.991 0 td (v)tj -0.015 tc 0.465 0 td (estors from )tj -3.585 -1.2 td (morgan st)tj 0.015 tw 4.552 0 td (anle)tj 0 tw 1.754 0 td (y conduct-)tj -6.306 -1.2 td (ed researc)tj 4.468 0 td (hes on chalco )tj 0.015 tw -4.468 -1.2 td (shandong)tj 0 tw 12.825 14.787 td (in 20)tj 0 tc 2.074 0 td (1)tj -0.015 tc 0.491 0 td (9, the compan)tj 0.015 tw 6.344 0 td (y )tj -8.909 -1.2 td (answ)tj 0 tw 2.309 0 td (ered 36 questions )tj 0.015 tw -2.309 -1.2 td (raised )tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 2.84 0 td (by)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw 1.006 0 td ( in)tj 0 tc 0.991 0 td (v)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.465 0 td (estors )tj 0 tw -5.302 -1.2 td (through the e-interactiv)tj 0.015 tw 10.011 0 td (e )tj -10.011 -1.2 td (platf)tj 0 tw 1.849 0 td (orm of shanghai )tj 0.015 tw -1.849 -1.2 td (stoc)tj 0 tw 1.89 0 td (k ex)tj 0 tc 1.809 0 td (c)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.435 0 td (hange.)tj -4.023 -2.354 td (on )tj -0.05 tc 0.05 tw 1.567 0 td (18)tj 0 tc -0.015 tw 1.047 0 td ( j)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw 0.728 0 td (uly 20)tj 0 tc 2.503 0 td (1)tj -0.015 tc 0.491 0 td (9, the )tj 0.015 tw -6.336 -1.2 td (compan)tj 0 tw 3.614 0 td (y participated in )tj 0.015 tw -3.614 -1.2 td (the )tj 1.613 0 td (\223i)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw (nv)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw (estors open da)tj 0.015 tw 8.118 0 td (y )tj -9.731 -1.2 td (organiz)tj 3.042 0 td (ed )tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 1.345 0 td (by)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw 1.006 0 td ( listed )tj -5.393 -1.2 td (companies in b)tj 6.606 0 td (eijing f)tj 0.015 tw 2.805 0 td (or )tj -9.411 -1.2 td (20)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.007 0 td (1)tj -0.015 tc 0.491 0 td (9\224 and immediately )tj 0.015 tw -1.498 -1.2 td (answ)tj 2.309 0 td (ered )tj -0.085 tc 0.085 tw 2.204 0 td (17)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw 1.012 0 td ( questions )tj 0.015 tw -5.525 -1.2 td (raised )tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 2.84 0 td (by)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw 1.006 0 td ( in)tj 0 tc 0.991 0 td (v)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.465 0 td (estors )tj 0 tw -5.302 -1.2 td (through the sse )tj 0.015 tw 0 -1.2 td (e-interactiv)tj 0 tw 4.744 0 td (e platf)tj 0.015 tw 2.653 0 td (orm.)tj /t1_2 1 tf 0 tw -44.222 26.053 td (routine in)tj 0 tc 4.72 0 td (v)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.521 0 td (est)tj 1.38 0 td (ors )tj -6.621 -1.2 td (reception)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw -1.449 -5.477 td (t)tj -0.015 tc 0.521 0 td (he compan)tj 4.959 0 td (y receiv)tj 0.015 tw 3.305 0 td (ed )tj 0 tw -8.785 -1.2 td (224 visits from 42 )tj 0.015 tw 0 -1.2 td (batc)tj 0 tw 1.779 0 td (hes of domestic and )tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw -1.779 -1.2 td (ov)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw (erseas instit)tj 0.015 tw 6.155 0 td (utional )tj 0 tc 0 tw -6.155 -1.2 td (i)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 0.207 0 td (nv)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw (estors and analy)tj 0.015 tw 7.95 0 td (sts; )tj 0 tw -8.157 -1.2 td (and held 6 telephone )tj 0 -1.2 td (meetings with )tj -0.085 tc 0.085 tw (17)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.47 0 td ( )tj -0.015 tc -7.47 -1.2 td (participants and )tj 0.015 tw 0 -1.2 td (answ)tj 0 tw 2.309 0 td (ered appro)tj 0.015 tw 4.61 0 td (ximately )tj -6.919 -1.2 td (90)tj 0 tw 1.102 0 td (0 telephone calls from )tj 0 tc -1.102 -1.2 td (i)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 0.207 0 td (nv)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw (estors and analy)tj 0.015 tw 7.95 0 td (sts.)tj 0 tc 0 tw -8.157 -1.904 td (t)tj -0.015 tc 0.521 0 td (he compan)tj 4.959 0 td (y participated )tj 0.015 tw -5.48 -1.2 td (in )tj -0.09 tc 0.09 tw 1.011 0 td (10)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw 1.007 0 td ( large-scale in)tj 0 tc 5.812 0 td (v)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.465 0 td (estor )tj 0 tw -8.295 -1.2 td (summits, during whic)tj 9.263 0 td (h a )tj 0.015 tw -9.263 -1.2 td (tot)tj 0 tw 1.197 0 td (al of 45 in)tj 0 tc 4.15 0 td (v)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.465 0 td (estor )tj 0 tw -5.812 -1.2 td (meetings w)tj 5.109 0 td (ere held with )tj 0 tc -5.109 -1.2 td (1)tj -0.015 tc 0.491 0 td (27 in)tj 0 tc 2.073 0 td (v)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.465 0 td (estors.)tj /t1_2 1 tf 11.218 27.376 td (results )tj 0 -1.2 td (pr)tj 0.94 0 td (esentations )tj 0 tw -0.94 -1.2 td (and roadsho)tj 0.015 tw 6.038 0 td (ws)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw -21.103 -5.057 td (\225)tj 0 -13.818 td (\225)tj 12.178 tc -12.178 tw 12.776 13.621 td (\225\225)tj 0 tc 0 tw 25.392 0 td (\225)tj 0 -8.409 td (\225)tj -12.713 -1.574 td (\225)tj -12.678 -0.111 td (\225)tj et q endstream endobj 1033 0 obj <> endobj 1034 0 obj <> endobj 1035 0 obj <> endobj 1036 0 obj <> endobj 1037 0 obj <> endobj 1038 0 obj <>stream b̲a̲a˲@˱?ʱ>ʰ=ʰ<ɰ;ɯ;ȯ:ȯ9ȯ8ǯ7ǭ6ƭ6ƭ5ƭ4ŭ3ū2ī1ī0ê0ê/é.©-¨,�� ��*��*��)��(��'��&��%��%��$��#��"��!�� ���������������������������������������������� �� endstream endobj 1039 0 obj <>stream ������������������������������������������������ ��!��"��#��#��$��%��&��'��'��(��)��*�� ��,¨,©-é.ê/ê0ī0ī1ū2ŭ3ƭ4ƭ4ƭ5ǭ6ǯ7ȯ8ȯ8ȯ9ɯ:ɰ;ʰ<ʰ=ʱ=˱>˲?̲@̲ endstream endobj 1040 0 obj <> endobj 1041 0 obj <>stream {�{�{�z�z�y�y�x�x�x�w�w�v�v�v�u�u�t�t�t�s�s�r�r�q�q�q�p�p�o �o �o �n �n �m �m �l �l �l �k �k �j �j�j�i�i�h�h�g�g�g�f�f�e�e�e�d�d�c�c�c�b�b�a� endstream endobj 1042 0 obj <>stream a�b�b�c�c�c�d�d�e�e�e�f�f�g�g�g�h�h�i�i�j�j�j �k �k �l �l �l �m �m �n �n �o �o �o �p�p�q�q�q�r�r�s�s�t�t�t�u�u�v�v�v�w�w�x�x�x�y�y�z�z�{�{�{� endstream endobj 1043 0 obj <> 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0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(disclosure)13.7 (,)13.6 ( dealing)13.6 ( with)13.6 ( investor)13.7 ( relations)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( helping)13.7 ( maintain)13.7 ( smooth)13.6 ( communications)13.6 ( among)16.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(the)13.5 ( management)13.5 (,)13.4 ( directors)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( shareholders)13.5 (.)13.4 ( during)13.4 ( the)13.4 ( reporting)13.5 ( period)13.5 (,)13.4 ( mr)13.5 (.)13.4 ( zhang)13.4 ( zhankui)13.5 (,)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw t* (the company secretary \(secretary to the board\) resigned on 20 february\ 2019, and mr. wang jun )tj 0.07 tw t* (was appointed as the company secretary \(secretary to the board\) at the\ 38th meeting of the sixth )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(session)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (board)5.2 ( of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (company)5.2 ( on)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (same)5.2 ( )0.5 (day)5.2 (.)5.2 ( mr)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (wang)5.2 ( )0.5 (jun)5.2 ( is)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( full)5.2 (-)5.2 (time)5.2 ( )0.5 (employee)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (participated)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( qualification)14.2 ( )0.5 (training)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.5 (secretary)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (board)14.2 ( )0.5 (held)14.2 ( by)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)15.1 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(shanghai stock exchange in march 2019 and obtained the qualification cer\ tificate of secretary to the)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.018 tw 0 -1.5 td (board. mr. wang jun was also a joint member of the hong kong institute o\ f chartered secretaries. )tj 0 tw t* (in 2019, mr. wang jun has completed no less than 15 hours of relevant pr\ ofessional training.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 437.7466 tm (investor relations)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.078 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 407.7466 tm [(the)14.2 ( company)14.1 ( has)14.2 ( established)14.1 ( a)14.2 ( designated)14.1 ( department)14.1 ( for)14.2 ( investor)14.1 ( relationship)14.2 (,)14.1 ( which)14.2 ( is)50.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(responsible)10.2 ( )0.5 (for)10.2 ( matters)10.2 ( )0.5 (concerning)10.2 ( )0.5 (investor)10.2 ( relationship)10.2 (.)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (company)10.2 (\222)10.2 (s)10.2 ( )0.5 (management)10.2 ( )0.5 (maintains)10.2 ( )]tj 0.08 tc 0.078 tw t* [(close)13.9 ( communications)13.9 ( with)13.9 ( investors)13.9 (,)13.9 ( analysts)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( media)13.9 ( by)13.8 ( various)13.8 ( means)13.9 ( including)52.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(roadshows)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (meetings)6.2 (,)6.2 ( individual)6.2 ( )0.5 (interviews)6.1 (,)6.3 ( group)6.2 ( )0.5 (visits)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( company)6.2 ( and)6.2 ( )0.5 (corporate)6.1 ( )0.5 (research)6.1 (,)6.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(thereby)13.5 ( further)13.5 ( increasing)13.5 ( their)13.5 ( recognition)13.4 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 (,)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( making)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 ( obtain)13.5 ( a)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (recognition from investors and maintaining its image in the capital mark\ et.)tj et endstream endobj 1059 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (2)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (extraordinary general meeting)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.081 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm [(according )0.6 (to )0.5 (the )0.6 (articles )0.6 (of )0.5 (association )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (company, )0.6 (a )0.5 (single )0.6 (shareholder )0.6 (or )0.5 (any )0.6 (two )0.5 (or )0.5 (more )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -1.5 td [(shareholders)1.2 ( )0.5 (together)1.2 ( )0.5 (holding)1.2 ( )0.5 (more)1.2 ( than)1.2 ( )0.5 (1)1.2 (0)1.2 (%)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( company)1.2 (\222)1.2 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (issued)1.2 ( )0.5 (shares)1.2 ( )0.5 (is)1.2 ( )0.5 (\()1.2 (are)1.2 (\))1.2 ( )0.5 (entitled)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.067 tw t* (request an extraordinary general meeting or class general meeting to be \ convened. such requests )tj 0.045 tc 0.077 tw t* [(m)0.5 (us)0.5 (t)14.4 ( sp)0.5 (e)0.5 (ci)0.5 (f)0.5 (y)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( r)0.5 (es)0.5 (o)0.5 (lu)0.5 (t)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (et)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( w)0.5 (ri)0.5 (t)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.4 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( m)0.5 (us)0.5 (t)14.4 ( b)0.5 (e)14.3 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (bm)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (te)0.5 (d)14.4 ( to)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (nv)0.5 (e)0.5 (ne)0.5 (r)14.4 (,)17.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(the)13.2 ( )0.5 (contact)13.2 ( )0.5 (information)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( whom)13.2 ( is)13.2 ( set)13.3 ( out)13.3 ( in)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (section)13.2 ( )0.5 (entitled)13.2 ( )0.5 (\223)13.2 (inquiry)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( board)13.2 (\224)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( )0.5 (this)13.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(chapter)13.6 (.)13.5 ( shareholders)13.6 ( should)13.6 ( follow)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( rules)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( procedures)13.6 ( for)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( shareholders)13.5 (\222)13.6 ( meeting)13.6 ( of)22.2 ( )]tj 0.023 tc 0 tw t* [(aluminum corporation of china limited set out in the \223ipo release\224\ under the section of \223investors)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (relations\224 on the website of the company.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 482.7466 tm (proposals at the general meeting)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.081 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 452.7466 tm [(according )0.6 (to )0.5 (the )0.6 (articles )0.6 (of )0.5 (association )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (company, )0.6 (a )0.5 (single )0.6 (shareholder )0.6 (or )0.5 (any )0.6 (two )0.5 (or )0.5 (more )]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(shareholders)13.9 ( together)14 ( holding)13.9 ( more)14 ( than)14 ( 3)13.9 (%)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( company)13.9 (\222)13.9 (s)14 ( issued)13.9 ( shares)13.9 ( is)13.9 ( \()14 (are)14 (\))13.9 ( entitled)27.1 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(to)14.1 ( submit)14 ( additional)14.1 ( proposals)14 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( convener)14 ( by)14.1 ( written)14 ( request)14 ( ten)14 ( working)14.1 ( days)14 ( prior)14 ( to)14.1 ( the)15.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.038 tw t* (relevant general meeting. the contact information of the convener is set\ out in the section entitled )tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(\223)14.1 (inquiry)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( board)14.1 (\224)14 ( in)14.1 ( this)14.1 ( chapter)14.1 (.)14.1 ( shareholders)14.1 ( should)14.1 ( follow)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( rules)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( procedures)14.1 ( for)22.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc t* [(the)14.1 ( shareholders)14.1 (\222)14.1 ( meeting)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( aluminum)14.1 ( corporation)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( china)14.1 ( limited)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( set)14.2 ( out)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( \223)14.2 (listing)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (announcements\224 under the section of \223investors relations\224 on th\ e website of the company.)tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (9)14.3 (,)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( ac)0.5 (c)0.5 (or)0.5 (d)0.5 (a)0.5 (nc)0.5 (e)14.4 ( w)0.5 (it)0.5 (h)14.4 ( r)0.5 (el)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (an)0.5 (t)14.4 ( r)0.5 (eq)0.5 (u)0.5 (ir)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.3 (,)14.4 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (na)0.5 (l)0.5 (co)14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( c)0.5 (on)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (ol)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (ar)0.5 (e)0.5 (ho)0.5 (l)0.5 (d)0.5 (er)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)20.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(company)13.5 (,)13.6 ( issued)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( written)13.5 ( letter)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( convener)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( general)13.6 ( meeting)13.5 ( \()13.5 (being)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( board)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.037 tw t* (company\) to propose an interim proposal before the 2019 first extraordi\ nary general meeting, 2019 )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(second)8.1 ( )0.5 (extraordinary)8.2 ( general)8.2 ( meeting)8.2 (,)8.2 ( 2)8.2 (0)8.2 (1)8.2 (8)8.2 ( )0.5 (annual)8.2 ( )0.5 (general)8.2 ( )0.5 (meeting)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( )0.5 (2)8.2 (0)8.2 (1)8.2 (9)8.2 ( third)8.2 ( )0.5 (extraordinary)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (general meeting, and all of the interim proposals were considered and ap\ proved.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 237.7467 tm (inquiry to the board)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 207.7466 tm [(for)13.5 ( any)13.5 ( inquiry)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( board)13.5 (,)13.5 ( please)13.5 ( contact)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( board)13.4 ( office)13.5 ( at)13.5 ( 1)13.5 (2)13.4 (b)13.5 (/)13.5 (f)13.5 (,)13.5 ( chalco)13.5 ( building)13.5 (,)13.4 ( no)13.4 (.)13.5 ( 6)13.5 (2)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (north xizhimen street, haidian district, beijing \(email: ir@chalco.com.\ cn\).)tj et endstream endobj 1060 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1061 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1062 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1063 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1064 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1065 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (2)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(duties)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( occupational)13.8 ( health)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( safety)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( environment)13.7 ( committee)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( board)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(company)10.2 ( mainly)10.2 ( include)10.2 ( )0.5 (considering)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( company)10.2 (\222)10.2 (s)10.2 ( )0.5 (annual)10.2 ( planning)10.2 ( )0.5 (on)10.2 ( health)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (environmental)10.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(protection)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( safety)13.6 (,)13.7 ( supervision)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 (\222)13.6 (s)13.7 ( effective)13.7 ( implementation)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( planning)26.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(on)13.9 ( health)13.9 (,)14 ( environmental)14 ( protection)14 ( and)14 ( safety)14 ( initiatives)14 (,)14 ( inquiring)14 ( into)14 ( serious)14 ( incidents)14 ( and)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.003 tw t* (inspecting and supervising over the handling of such incidents, as well \ as making recommendations )tj 0 tw t* (to the board on major decisions on health, environmental protection and \ safety etc..)tj 0.061 tw 0 -3 td (no meeting was held formally by the occupational health and safety and e\ nvironment committee )tj 0.073 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(in)14 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)14 (9)13.9 (.)13.9 ( however)13.9 (,)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( daily)13.9 ( operation)14 ( of)14 ( the)13.9 ( board)13.9 (,)14 ( the)13.9 ( members)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( committee)14 ( had)45.1 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(fully)13.8 ( communicated)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( exchanged)13.9 ( views)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( recommendations)13.8 ( on)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.8 (\222)13.9 (s)13.8 ( safety)13.8 ( and)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.07 tw t* (environmental protection issues. the work of the committee was carried o\ ut in an orderly manner )tj 0 tw t* (in accordance with its working rules.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 457.2117 tm (supervisory committee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.063 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 427.2117 tm [(during)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( reporting)13.7 ( period)13.7 (,)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( composition)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( work)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( supervisory)13.8 ( committee)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (company is set out in the section \223report of the supervisory committe\ e\224 of this annual report.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 377.2117 tm (general meeting)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.067 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 347.2117 tm (general meeting is the highest authority of the company. it provides a g\ ood opportunity for direct )tj 0.053 tc 0.077 tw t* [(communi)0.5 (cations)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( bui)0.5 (lding)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( sou)0.5 (nd)14.3 ( rel)0.5 (ationship)14.3 ( between)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( shareholders)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( c)0.5 (ompany)14.3 (,)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.091 tw t* (the board and senior management. the company attaches great importance t\ o general meetings. )tj 0.042 tw t* (during the reporting period, the company convened a total of four genera\ l meetings, including one )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(a)0.5 (n)0.6 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)2.3 ( g)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)2.2 ( m)0.6 (e)0.5 (e)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)2.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)2.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (e)2.1 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (x)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (y)2.2 ( g)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)2.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (s)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)2.2 ( )0.5 (2)2.2 (0)2.2 (1)2.2 (9)2.2 ( f)0.6 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)2.2 ( e)0.6 (x)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)2.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(general)13.7 ( meeting)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.6 ( held)13.6 ( on)13.7 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.7 ( february)13.7 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.7 (1)13.6 (9)13.6 (,)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.6 (1)13.6 (9)13.7 ( second)13.7 ( extraordinary)13.6 ( general)19.1 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.077 tw t* [(meeting)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( company)14.3 ( held)14.3 ( on)14.3 ( 2)14.3 (9)14.3 ( apr)0.5 (il)14.3 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.3 (1)14.3 (9)14.3 (,)14.3 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.3 (1)14.3 (8)14.3 ( annual)14.3 ( general)14.3 ( meeting)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( company)25.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(held)14 ( on)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (5)14 ( june)14 ( 2)13.9 (0)14 (1)13.9 (9)14 ( and)13.9 ( 2)14 (0)13.9 (1)14 (9)13.9 ( third)14 ( extraordinary)13.9 ( general)14 ( meeting)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( held)13.9 ( on)13.9 ( 1)13.9 (0)16.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(december 2019. the meetings mentioned above were held in the conference \ room at headquarters)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (of the company, no. 62, north xizhimen street, haidian district, beijing\ .)tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(a)14 ( total)14 ( of)14 ( 3)14 (4)14 ( resolutions)14 ( \()14 (including)14 ( those)14 ( voted)13.9 ( separately)14 (\))14 ( were)13.9 ( considered)13.9 ( and)14 ( approved)13.9 ( at)31.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (b)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.6 (e)14.4 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (r)14.4 ( g)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.6 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.6 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)14.5 ( o)0.6 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( b)0.5 (o)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (d)14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (n)0.6 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)18.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(supervisory)13.2 ( committee)13.2 (,)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )0.5 (audited)13.2 ( financial)13.3 ( report)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (annual)13.3 ( proposal)13.2 ( )0.5 (for)13.2 ( profit)13.2 ( )0.5 (allocation)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (annual)13.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw t* [(financing)13.5 ( plan)13.5 (,)13.4 ( issue)13.5 ( of)13.4 ( debt)13.5 ( financing)13.4 ( instruments)13.5 (,)13.4 ( re)13.5 (-)13.5 (appointment)13.5 ( of)13.4 ( auditors)13.5 (,)13.4 ( provision)13.4 ( of)37.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(guarantees)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (connected)14.3 ( )0.5 (transactions)14.3 ( )0.5 (involving)14.3 ( )0.5 (acquisition)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (disposal)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (assets)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.6 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (electi)0.5 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.002 tw t* (directors, etc. the convening, holding and voting procedures for each ge\ neral meeting are legal and )tj 0 tw t* (valid, and all the resolutions submitted at the general meetings were pa\ ssed.)tj et endstream endobj 1066 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (2)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (development and planning committee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm (during the reporting period, the development and planning committee of t\ he sixth session of the )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(board)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.3 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (company)5.2 ( )0.5 (consists)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( two)5.2 ( )0.5 (executive)5.2 ( )0.5 (directors)5.2 ( )0.5 (namely)5.2 ( )0.5 (mr)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (yu)5.2 ( )0.5 (dehui)5.3 ( \()5.2 (resigned)5.2 ( )0.5 (on)5.2 ( )0.5 (2)5.2 (1)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.088 tw t* (february 2019\) and mr. jiang yinggang, one non-executive director namel\ y mr. ao hong and one )tj 0.039 tw t* [(independent )0.6 (non-executive )0.5 (director )0.5 (namely )0.5 (mr. )0.6 (hu )0.5 (shihai. )0.6 (mr. )0.6 (yu )0.5 (dehui )0.6 (serves )0.5 (as )0.6 (the )0.5 (chairman )0.5 (of )]tj 0.073 tw t* (the committee. on 25 june 2019, as considered and approved at the first \ meeting of the seventh )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(session)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( board)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( company)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (development)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (planning)8.2 ( )0.5 (committee)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)8.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(session of the board of the company consists of three independent non-ex\ ecutive directors namely)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(mr)13.6 (.)13.6 ( lu)13.6 ( dongliang)13.7 (,)13.6 ( mr)13.7 (.)13.6 ( he)13.6 ( zhihui)13.7 (,)13.6 ( mr)13.7 (.)13.6 ( zhu)13.6 ( runzhou)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( one)13.6 ( independent)13.6 ( non)13.6 (-)13.7 (executive)13.6 ( director)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (namely mr. hu shihai. mr. lu dongliang serves as the chairman of the com\ mittee.)tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(duties)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( development)13.9 ( and)14 ( planning)14 ( committee)14 ( include)14 ( reviewing)14 ( and)14 ( evaluation)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)34.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -1.5 td [(company)2.2 (\222)2.2 (s)2.2 ( long)2.2 (-)2.2 (term)2.2 ( development)2.2 ( )0.5 (strategy)2.2 (,)2.2 ( financial)2.3 ( budget)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (investment)2.2 (,)2.2 ( business)2.2 ( )0.5 (operation)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (strategic plan of annual investment returns.)tj 0.069 tw 0 -3 td (in 2019, the development and planning committee of the board held one me\ eting attended by all )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(me)0.5 (mbe)0.5 (rs)11.2 ( o)0.5 (f)11.2 ( t)0.5 (he)11.2 ( )0.5 (comm)0.5 (it)0.5 (tee)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (at)11.2 ( )0.5 (whi)0.5 (ch)11.2 ( )0.5 (con)0.5 (sid)0.5 (ere)0.5 (d)11.2 ( an)0.5 (d)11.2 ( ap)0.5 (pro)0.5 (ved)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (pr)0.5 (odu)0.5 (ctio)0.5 (n)11.2 ( g)0.5 (uid)0.5 (anc)0.5 (e)11.1 ( )0.5 (pl)0.5 (an)11.2 ( )0.5 (for)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.085 tw t* (2019, the capital expenditure plan for 2019 and the operating plan for 2\ 019, and submitted to the )tj 0 tw t* (board for consideration.)tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -3 td [(minutes)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.1 ( )0.5 (each)2.2 ( meeting)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (development)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( planning)2.2 ( )0.5 (committee)2.2 ( )0.5 (are)2.2 ( recorded)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (then)2.2 ( )0.5 (signed)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.046 tw 0 -1.5 td (and confirmed by all members of the committee, and such minutes are file\ d and kept in reserve in )tj 0 tw t* (accordance with relevant requirements.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 272.7466 tm (occupational health and safety and environment )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.333 td (committee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 222.7466 tm [(during)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( reporting)14.2 ( )0.5 (period)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( occupational)14.2 ( )0.5 (health)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( safety)14.3 ( and)14.2 ( )0.5 (environment)14.2 ( )0.5 (committee)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.046 tw 0 -1.5 td (the sixth session of the board of the company consists of two executive \ directors, namely mr. lu )tj 0 tw t* (dongliang and mr. jiang yinggang and one non-executive director, namely \ mr. wang jun. mr. jiang )tj 0.039 tw t* (yinggang serves as the chairman of the committee. on 25 june 2019, as co\ nsidered and approved )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(at)9.2 ( the)9.1 ( )0.5 (first)9.2 ( meeting)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)9.3 ( session)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( board)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (company)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (mr)9.3 (.)9.2 ( lu)9.2 ( dongliang)9.1 (,)9.3 ( mr)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.09 tw t* (jiang yinggang and mr. wang jun were re-appointed as the members of the \ occupational health )tj 0.067 tw t* (and safety and environment committee of the seventh session of the board\ of the company. mr. )tj 0 tw t* (jiang yinggang serves as the chairman of the committee.)tj et endstream endobj 1067 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (2)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.065 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(d)0.5 (ut)0.5 (i)0.5 (es)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( no)0.5 (m)0.5 (in)0.5 (a)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.3 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (mm)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (te)0.5 (e)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (mp)0.5 (a)0.5 (ny)14.4 ( m)0.5 (ai)0.5 (n)0.5 (ly)14.4 ( i)0.5 (nc)0.5 (l)0.5 (ud)0.5 (e)14.4 (:)14.3 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( st)0.5 (u)0.5 (dy)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( s)0.5 (el)0.5 (e)0.5 (ct)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)37.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 0 -1.5 td [(standards)3.2 ( and)3.2 ( )0.5 (procedures)3.2 ( )0.5 (for)3.3 ( directors)3.2 (,)3.3 ( senior)3.2 ( )0.5 (management)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( )0.5 (members)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.3 ( special)3.2 ( )0.5 (committees)3.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(under)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (board)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( provide)13.2 ( )0.5 (suggestions)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( board)13.2 (;)13.2 ( to)13.2 ( )0.5 (review)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (qualification)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (candidates)13.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc 0.077 tw t* [(f)0.5 (or)14.4 ( d)0.5 (ir)0.5 (ec)0.5 (t)0.5 (or)0.5 (s)14.3 (,)14.4 ( se)0.5 (n)0.5 (io)0.5 (r)14.3 ( ma)0.5 (na)0.5 (ge)0.5 (m)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( m)0.5 (em)0.5 (be)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( s)0.5 (p)0.5 (ec)0.5 (ia)0.5 (l)14.4 ( co)0.5 (mm)0.5 (i)0.5 (tt)0.5 (ee)0.5 (s)14.4 ( un)0.5 (de)0.5 (r)14.3 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( b)0.5 (o)0.5 (ar)0.5 (d)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)36.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(provide)3.2 ( )0.5 (advices)3.2 ( )0.5 (on)3.2 ( )0.5 (inspection)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( )0.5 (appointment)3.2 (;)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (assess)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (independence)3.2 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (independent)3.3 ( non)3.2 (-)]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw t* (executive directors. at the same time, in accordance with the relevant p\ rovisions of the \223detailed )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(i)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 ( )0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 ( )0.6 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (b)0.6 (o)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.6 (f)0.5 ( )0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)0.6 (\224)0.5 (,)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.6 (n)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(committee)13.5 ( under)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( board)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( directors)13.6 ( shall)13.6 ( review)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( structure)13.5 (,)13.5 ( number)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( composition)13.5 ( of)15.1 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(the)12.2 ( board)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( directors)12.2 ( at)12.2 ( least)12.2 ( once)12.2 ( a)12.2 ( )0.5 (year)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( consider)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( diversity)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( members)12.3 ( of)12.3 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (board)12.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.6 ( directors)13.6 ( from)13.6 ( various)13.6 ( aspects)13.6 ( \()13.6 (including)13.6 ( but)13.6 ( not)13.6 ( limited)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( gender)13.6 (,)13.6 ( age)13.6 (,)13.6 ( professional)13.6 ( ability)13.6 (,)18.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(educational)2.2 ( )0.5 (background)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( )0.5 (experience)2.2 (,)2.2 ( etc)2.2 (.)2.2 (\))2.2 ( )0.5 (based)2.2 ( on)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( business)2.2 ( )0.5 (model)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( )0.5 (specific)2.2 ( )0.5 (needs)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the company.)tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -3 td [(according)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( relevant)1.2 ( )0.5 (provisions)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.3 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (articles)1.2 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (association)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (rules)1.2 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (procedure)1.2 ( )0.5 (for)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the )0.5 (board )0.5 (of )0.5 (directors )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company, )0.5 (the )0.5 (candidates )0.5 (for )0.5 (the company\222s directors )0.5 (\(other )0.5 (than )0.5 (the )]tj 0.033 tw t* (candidates for the company\222s independent directors\) shall be nominat\ ed by the board of directors, )tj 0.023 tw t* (the supervisory committee and shareholders who alone or together hold 3%\ or more of the shares )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(of)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( company)4.2 ( )0.5 (carrying)4.2 ( voting)4.2 ( )0.5 (rights)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( shall)4.2 ( )0.5 (be)4.2 ( decided)4.2 ( )0.5 (through)4.2 ( )0.5 (election)4.2 ( by)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( )0.5 (shareholders)4.2 (\222)4.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(general)9.2 ( meeting)9.2 (;)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( candidates)9.2 ( )0.5 (for)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (company)9.2 (\222)9.2 (s)9.2 ( independent)9.2 ( )0.5 (directors)9.2 ( )0.5 (shall)9.3 ( be)9.2 ( )0.5 (nominated)9.2 ( )0.5 (by)9.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(the)0.5 ( boar)0.5 (d of )0.5 (dir)0.5 (ector)0.5 (s, th)0.5 (e sup)0.5 (ervis)0.5 (ory c)0.5 (ommi)0.5 (ttee)0.5 ( and s)0.5 (hareh)0.5 (olde)0.5 (rs wh)0.5 (o alo)0.5 (ne or)0.5 ( toget)0.5 (her )0.5 (hold )0.5 (1%)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.061 tw t* (or more of the shares of the company carrying voting rights and shall be\ decided through election )tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw t* [(by)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( shareholders)14.1 (\222)14.1 ( general)14.1 ( meeting)14.1 (;)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( candidates)14.1 ( for)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 (\222)14.1 (s)14.2 ( senior)14.2 ( management)31.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(shall)13.6 ( be)13.6 ( nominated)13.6 ( by)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( chairman)13.7 ( or)13.6 ( president)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( appointed)13.6 ( by)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( board)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( directors)13.6 (.)13.6 ( the)21.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw t* [(nomination )0.5 (committee )0.5 (under )0.5 (the )0.5 (board )0.5 (of )0.5 (directors )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (company )0.6 (shall )0.5 (review )0.5 (the )0.5 (resumes )0.5 (and )]tj 0.062 tw t* (qualifications of candidates for directors and senior management, and ma\ kes recommendations to )tj 0.038 tw t* (the board of directors. in 2019, nominations of candidates for directors\ and senior management of )tj 0 tw t* (the company have been implemented in accordance with the aforementioned \ nomination policies.)tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(in)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (9)14.2 (,)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (nomination)14.2 ( )0.5 (committee)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( board)14.2 ( held)14.2 ( 5)14.2 ( )0.5 (meetings)14.2 ( )0.5 (which)14.2 ( )0.5 (were)14.2 ( )0.5 (attended)14.2 ( )0.5 (by)14.2 ( )0.5 (all)25.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0 -1.5 td [(members)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( committee)14 (,)13.9 ( at)13.9 ( which)13.9 ( five)14 ( resolutions)13.9 ( were)13.9 ( approved)13.9 (,)14 ( including)13.9 ( nomination)13.9 ( of)26.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc t* [(candidates)14.1 ( for)14.1 ( senior)14.1 ( management)14.1 (,)14.1 ( nomination)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( candidates)14.1 ( for)14.2 ( directors)14.1 ( and)14.2 ( members)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (board committees, which recommended such candidates to the board for con\ sideration.)tj 0.005 tw 0 -3 td [(minutes )0.5 (of )0.5 (each )0.5 (meeting )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (nomination )0.5 (committee )0.5 (are )0.5 (recorded, )0.5 (then )0.5 (signed )0.5 (and )0.5 (confirmed )0.5 (by )]tj 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td (all members of the committee, and such minutes are filed and kept in res\ erve in accordance with )tj 0 tw t* (relevant requirements.)tj et endstream endobj 1068 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (2)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(duties)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( remuneration)13.9 ( committee)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.9 ( include)13.8 (:)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( prepare)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( remuneration)27.2 ( )]tj 0.089 tc 0 -1.5 td [(management)13.9 ( scheme)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( remuneration)13.8 ( proposal)13.9 ( for)13.9 ( directors)13.9 (,)13.8 ( employee)13.8 ( representative)61.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(supervisors)3.2 ( and)3.2 ( )0.5 (senior)3.2 ( )0.5 (management)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( provide)3.2 ( suggestions)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (board)3.2 (;)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (prepare)3.2 ( )0.5 (measures)3.2 ( )]tj 0.071 tc 0.078 tw t* [(on)13.7 ( performance)13.7 ( evaluation)13.7 (,)13.7 ( performance)13.7 ( assessment)13.7 ( procedures)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( relevant)13.7 ( rewards)13.7 ( and)43.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc t* [(punishments)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( senior)13.8 ( management)13.8 (,)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( provide)13.8 ( suggestions)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( board)13.8 (;)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( monitor)13.7 ( the)44.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc t* [(implementation)14.1 ( of)14 ( the)14.1 ( remuneration)14.1 ( system)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 (;)14 ( to)14.1 ( review)14.1 ( senior)14.1 ( management)14.1 (\222)14.1 (s)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (fulfilment of duties and conduct performance assessment.)tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 0 -3 td [(in)6.1 ( )0.5 (2)6.2 (0)6.2 (1)6.2 (9)6.2 (,)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( remuneration)6.2 ( )0.5 (committee)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (board)6.2 ( )0.5 (held)6.2 ( )0.5 (one)6.2 ( meeting)6.2 ( which)6.2 ( was)6.2 ( )0.5 (attended)6.1 ( )0.5 (by)6.2 ( all)6.3 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(members)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( committee)13.6 (,)13.6 ( at)13.6 ( which)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( proposal)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( formulating)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( remuneration)13.6 ( standards)16.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(for)4.2 ( )0.5 (directors)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( )0.5 (senior)4.2 ( )0.5 (management)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( company)4.2 ( for)4.2 ( )0.5 (2)4.2 (0)4.2 (1)4.2 (9)4.2 ( was)4.2 ( )0.5 (considered)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.077 tw t* [(a)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 (,)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( s)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (d)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (p)0.6 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( w)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (b)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( b)0.6 (o)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)14.5 ( f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (w)14.4 (.)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.008 tw t* [(board )0.5 (of the company )0.5 (adopted )0.5 (the )0.5 (remuneration )0.5 (standard )0.5 (proposal submitted by )0.5 (the )0.5 (remuneration )]tj -0.028 tw t* (committee.)tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(all)13.9 ( members)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( remuneration)13.9 ( committee)13.9 ( have)13.9 ( carefully)13.9 ( studied)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( remuneration)13.9 ( plan)42.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0 -1.5 td [(on)14.1 ( )0.5 (directors)14.1 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( senior)14.2 ( management)14.1 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( are)14.1 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (view)14.2 ( that)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (remuneration)14.1 ( )0.5 (plan)26.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(made)13.2 ( )0.5 (by)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( company)13.3 ( is)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( )0.5 (line)13.2 ( )0.5 (with)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( remuneration)13.2 ( )0.5 (policy)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( the)13.3 ( company)13.1 ( )0.5 (with)13.1 ( )0.5 (reference)13.2 ( to)13.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.9 ( remuneration)13.9 ( for)14 ( same)14 ( positions)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( comparable)13.9 ( enterprises)13.9 ( \()14 (in)13.9 ( terms)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( size)13.9 (,)14 ( industry)26.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.077 tw t* [(a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( n)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (u)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)14.4 (\))14.5 (.)14.4 ( m)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (w)0.6 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.6 (e)14.4 (,)14.5 ( i)0.5 (t)14.5 ( i)0.5 (s)14.5 ( a)0.5 (l)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)14.5 ( b)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( o)0.6 (n)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (n)0.5 (u)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( o)0.5 (p)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)14.4 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (u)0.5 (l)0.6 (t)0.6 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.5 (,)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)29.2 ( )]tj 0.076 tc 0.078 tw t* [(performance)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( directors)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( supervisors)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( performance)13.8 ( appraisal)13.8 ( results)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( senior)48.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw t* (management and is fair and reasonable. they agreed to submit the remuner\ ation plan on directors, )tj 0 tw t* (employees\222 representative supervisors and senior management to the bo\ ard.)tj 0.02 tw 0 -3 td (minutes of each meeting of the remuneration committee are recorded, then\ signed and confirmed )tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td [(by)12.2 ( all)12.2 ( members)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( committee)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( )0.5 (such)12.2 ( minutes)12.2 ( are)12.1 ( )0.5 (filed)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( )0.5 (kept)12.2 ( in)12.2 ( )0.5 (reserve)12.2 ( in)12.2 ( )0.5 (accordance)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (with relevant requirements.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 232.2117 tm (nomination committee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 202.2117 tm [(during)13.2 ( the)13.1 ( )0.5 (reporting)13.2 ( )0.5 (period)13.2 (,)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )0.5 (nomination)13.2 ( committee)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( sixth)13.1 ( )0.5 (session)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( board)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.052 tw t* (company consists of one executive director namely mr. yu dehui \(resigne\ d on 21 february 2019\), )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(one)9.1 ( )0.5 (non)9.2 (-)9.2 (executive)9.2 ( )0.5 (director)9.2 ( )0.5 (namely)9.2 ( mr)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (ao)9.2 ( hong)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (three)9.2 ( )0.5 (independent)9.2 ( non)9.2 (-)9.2 (executive)9.2 ( directors)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )]tj 0.019 tc 0 tw t* [(namely ms. chen lijie, mr. hu shihai and mr. lie-a-cheong tai chong, dav\ id. mr. yu dehui serves as)-8.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw t* (the chairman of the committee. on 25 june 2019, as considered and approv\ ed at the first meeting )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(of)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( seventh)8.2 ( )0.5 (session)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (board)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.3 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (company)8.2 (,)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( nomination)8.2 ( committee)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw t* [(session )0.6 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (board )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.6 (consists )0.5 (of )0.5 (two )0.5 (executive )0.5 (directors )0.5 (namely )0.6 (mr. )0.5 (lu )0.5 (dongliang )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(and)4.2 ( )0.5 (mr)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )0.5 (he)4.2 ( zhihui)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( )0.5 (three)4.2 ( independent)4.2 ( non)4.2 (-)4.2 (executive)4.1 ( )0.5 (directors)4.2 ( )0.5 (namely)4.2 ( ms)4.2 (.)4.1 ( )0.5 (chen)4.2 ( )0.5 (lijie)4.2 (,)4.2 ( mr)4.2 (.)4.3 ( hu)4.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(shihai)14 ( and)14.1 ( mr)14.1 (.)14 ( lie)14 (-)14 (a)14.1 (-)14 (cheong)14 ( tai)14.1 ( chong)14.1 (,)14 ( david)14.1 (.)14 ( mr)14 (.)14.1 ( lu)14 ( dongliang)14.1 ( serves)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( the)14 ( chairman)14 ( of)14.1 ( the)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (committee.)tj et endstream endobj 1069 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (2)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(the)13.7 ( audit)13.7 ( committee)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( management)13.7 ( discussed)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( risk)13.7 ( management)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( internal)13.7 ( control)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.09 tw 0 -1.5 td (systems of the company, so as to make sure that effective risk managemen\ t and internal control )tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(systems)14.2 ( have)14.2 ( been)14.2 ( established)14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (which)14.2 ( included)14.2 ( considering)14.2 ( whether)14.2 ( or)14.2 ( not)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (company)14.1 ( )0.5 (had)26.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(sufficient)10.2 ( resources)10.2 ( )0.5 (with)10.2 ( )0.5 (qualified)10.2 ( )0.5 (and)10.1 ( )0.5 (experienced)10.2 ( staff)10.1 ( )0.5 (to)10.1 ( )0.5 (perform)10.2 ( )0.5 (accounting)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (internal)10.2 ( )0.5 (auditing)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw t* (and financial reporting duties, and whether or not relevant staff were w\ ell trained and the relevant )tj 0.001 tw t* [(budget was )0.5 (sufficient. )0.5 (the audit committee is of the )0.5 (view that the company had )0.5 (complied with )0.5 (the )]tj 0 tw t* (requirements of the above corporate risk management and internal control\ systems during 2019.)tj 0.059 tw 0 -3 td (in 2019, the audit committee of the board of the company held 8 meetings\ which were attended )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(by)14.1 ( all)14.1 ( members)14 ( of)14.1 ( the)14 ( committee)14.1 ( \()14 (included)14 ( attendance)14.1 ( by)14 ( proxy)14.1 (\))14 (,)14.1 ( at)14 ( which)14 ( 3)14.1 (6)14.1 ( proposals)14.1 ( were)25.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(considered)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( )0.5 (approved)10.2 (.)10.2 ( )0.5 (all)10.2 ( meetings)10.2 ( were)10.2 ( )0.5 (convened)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( held)10.2 ( in)10.2 ( accordance)10.2 ( with)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (relevant)10.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(provisions)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (\223)5.2 (working)5.2 ( )0.5 (rules)5.2 ( of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (audit)5.2 ( )0.5 (committee)5.3 ( of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (board)5.2 ( of)5.2 ( )0.5 (directors)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)5.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(c)0.5 (orp)0.5 (or)0.5 (at)0.5 (ion)1.3 ( of)1.3 ( c)0.5 (hi)0.5 (na)1.2 ( )0.5 (li)0.5 (mi)0.5 (te)0.5 (d)1.2 (\224)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (at)1.2 ( )0.5 (wh)0.5 (ic)0.5 (h)1.2 ( t)0.5 (he)1.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (om)0.5 (pan)0.5 (y)1.2 (\222)1.2 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (per)0.5 (io)0.5 (di)0.5 (c)1.2 ( )0.5 (fi)0.5 (nan)0.5 (ci)0.5 (al)1.2 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (po)0.5 (rts)1.3 (,)1.2 ( i)0.5 (nt)0.5 (er)0.5 (na)0.5 (l)1.2 ( c)0.5 (on)0.5 (tro)0.5 (l)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(r)0.5 (isk)11.2 ( )0.5 (as)0.5 (se)0.5 (ss)0.5 (men)0.5 (t)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (in)0.5 (ter)0.5 (na)0.5 (l)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )0.5 (ex)0.5 (te)0.5 (rn)0.5 (al)11.2 ( )0.5 (aud)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)11.2 ( w)0.5 (or)0.5 (k)11.2 (,)11.2 ( a)0.5 (nti)11.3 (-)11.2 (fr)0.5 (aud)11.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (ork)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (la)0.5 (te)0.5 (d)11.2 (-)11.2 (pa)0.5 (rt)0.5 (y)11.2 ( t)0.5 (ra)0.5 (nsa)0.5 (ct)0.5 (io)0.5 (ns)11.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(other)12.3 ( relevant)12.2 ( important)12.2 ( )0.5 (matters)12.2 ( )0.5 (were)12.1 ( )0.5 (reviewed)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( )0.5 (considered)12.2 (.)12.2 ( all)12.2 ( members)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (committee)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw t* [(had )0.5 (performed )0.5 (their )0.5 (duties )0.5 (diligently and )0.5 (earnestly, )0.5 (and )0.5 (provided )0.5 (their )0.5 (views )0.5 (and )0.5 (recommendations )]tj 0.047 tw t* [(on )0.5 (the )0.5 (company\222s )0.5 (financial )0.5 (reporting, )0.5 (internal )0.5 (control, )0.6 (risk )0.5 (management, )0.6 (auditing, )0.6 (and )0.5 (related-party )]tj 0 tw t* (transactions on an independent, objective, and fair basis.)tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -3 td [(minutes)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( each)4.3 ( meeting)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( audit)4.2 ( committee)4.2 ( are)4.1 ( )0.5 (recorded)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (then)4.2 ( signed)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( confirmed)4.2 ( by)4.2 ( )0.5 (all)4.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(members)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( committee)13.8 (,)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( such)13.8 ( minutes)13.8 ( are)13.8 ( filed)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( kept)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( reserve)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( accordance)13.8 ( with)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (relevant requirements.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 307.2117 tm (remuneration committee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.064 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 277.2117 tm [(during )0.5 (the )0.5 (reporting )0.5 (period, )0.5 (the )0.5 (remuneration )0.5 (committee )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (sixth )0.5 (session )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (board )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )]tj 0.08 tw t* (company consists of two independent non-executive directors namely mr. h\ u shihai and mr. lie-)tj 0.091 tw t* (a-cheong tai chong, david. mr. hu shihai serves as the chairman of the c\ ommittee. on 25 june )tj 0.079 tw t* (2019, as considered and approved at the first meeting of the seventh ses\ sion of the board of the )tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(company)13.7 (,)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( remuneration)13.6 ( committee)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( seventh)13.7 ( session)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( board)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( company)26.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(consists)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( one)10.2 ( )0.5 (non)10.2 (-)10.2 (executive)10.2 ( )0.5 (director)10.2 ( )0.5 (namely)10.2 ( )0.5 (mr)10.2 (.)10.2 ( ao)10.2 ( )0.5 (hong)10.2 ( )0.5 (and)10.1 ( )0.5 (two)10.2 ( )0.5 (independent)10.2 ( )0.5 (non)10.2 (-)10.1 (executive)10.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(d)0.5 (i)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.6 (m)0.5 (r)0.6 (.)0.5 ( )0.5 (h)0.6 (u)0.5 ( )0.5 (s)0.6 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 ( )0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (m)0.6 (r)0.5 (.)0.5 ( )0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.6 (-)0.5 (a)0.5 (-)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.6 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.6 (,)0.5 ( )0.5 (d)0.6 (a)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (d)0.5 (,)0.5 ( )0.6 (a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 ( )0.6 (w)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 ( )0.6 (m)0.5 (r)0.5 (.)0.6 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (u)0.6 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.6 (i)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (i)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (serves as the chairman of the committee.)tj et endstream endobj 1070 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1071 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1072 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1073 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1074 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1075 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (2)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.075 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(\()47.2 (e)47.2 (\))47.2 ( )-1208.3 (review)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)14 ( compliance)14 ( of)14 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( with)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( corporate)13.9 ( governance)13.9 ( code)14 ( and)47.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.049 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (corporate governance report under appendix 14 of the hong kong listing r\ ules. the board )tj 0.047 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(h)0.5 (a)0.6 (d)14.4 ( s)0.6 (u)0.5 (p)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)14.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.6 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (w)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( i)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)14.4 ( o)0.6 (f)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (p)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)14.4 ( g)0.6 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (e)14.5 ( p)0.5 (o)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)19.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(the)1.2 ( )0.5 (company)1.2 (,)1.2 ( updated)1.2 ( and)1.2 ( )0.5 (prepared)1.2 ( )0.5 (documents)1.2 ( related)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (internal)1.2 ( )0.5 (control)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.3 ( group)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (as well as analyzed the compliance of the company with the cg code in 20\ 19. it convened )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(four)7.2 ( general)7.3 ( meetings)7.2 ( and)7.2 ( )0.5 (twelve)7.2 ( )0.5 (board)7.2 ( )0.5 (meetings)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (completed)7.3 ( the)7.2 ( )0.5 (relevant)7.2 ( )0.5 (trainings)7.2 ( of)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.079 tw t* (the directors and supervisors. the board also supervised and inspected t\ he implementation )tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( board)13.7 (\222)13.7 (s)13.7 ( resolutions)13.7 ( by)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( management)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( further)13.6 ( enhance)13.7 ( initiatives)13.6 ( such)13.7 ( as)13.6 ( the)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (management of the investor relations.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 502.2117 tm (audit committee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.008 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 472.2117 tm (the audit committee has been established under the board, and the duties\ of which mainly include )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(reviewing the financial reports, audits of financial reports, internal c\ ontrol system, risk management,)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)14.4 ( g)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (ce)14.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( p)0.5 (os)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (io)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (an)0.5 (y)14.4 (,)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (ns)0.5 (i)0.6 (d)0.5 (er)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)32.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(independent auditors and approving audit and audit-related services, and\ supervising the company\222s)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (internal financial reporting procedures and management policies.)tj 0.073 tw 0 -3 td (pursuant to rule 3.21 of the hong kong listing rules, the audit committe\ e of the company shall )tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(comprise)13.5 ( of)13.4 ( at)13.5 ( least)13.5 ( three)13.5 ( members)13.5 (.)13.4 ( during)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( reporting)13.4 ( period)13.5 (,)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( audit)13.5 ( committee)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw t* (sixth session of the board of the company consists of three independent \ non-executive directors, )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(namely)4.2 ( ms)4.2 (.)4.1 ( )0.5 (chen)4.2 ( )0.5 (lijie)4.2 (,)4.2 ( mr)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )0.5 (hu)4.2 ( )0.5 (shihai)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( )0.5 (mr)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )0.5 (lie)4.2 (-)4.2 (a)4.2 (-)4.2 (cheong)4.1 ( )0.5 (tai)4.2 ( )0.5 (chong)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (david)4.2 (,)4.3 ( among)4.2 ( )0.5 (which)4.1 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (mr)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(lie)13.7 (-)13.6 (a)13.6 (-)13.6 (cheong)13.6 ( tai)13.6 ( chong)13.6 (,)13.7 ( david)13.6 ( serves)13.6 ( as)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( chairman)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( committee)13.6 (.)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (5)13.6 ( june)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.6 (1)13.6 (9)13.6 (,)13.6 ( as)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.039 tw t* [(considered and approved at )0.5 (the first )0.5 (meeting of )0.5 (the seventh session of the )0.5 (board of the company, )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(such)9.2 ( )0.5 (three)9.2 ( )0.5 (independent)9.3 ( non)9.2 (-)9.2 (executive)9.2 ( )0.5 (directors)9.2 ( )0.5 (were)9.2 ( )0.5 (re)9.2 (-)9.2 (appointed)9.2 ( as)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( members)9.3 ( of)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( audit)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.074 tw t* (committee of the seventh session of the board of the company, among whic\ h, mr. lie-a-cheong )tj 0 tw t* (tai chong was re-appointed the chairman of the committee.)tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)14.1 ( company)14.1 ( has)14.1 ( established)14.1 ( work)14.1 ( procedures)14.1 ( for)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( audit)14.1 ( committee)14.1 ( for)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( performance)29.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0 -1.5 td [(of)13.8 ( its)13.8 ( supervisory)13.8 ( role)13.9 ( in)13.8 ( auditing)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( annual)13.9 ( report)13.8 (.)13.9 ( before)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( external)13.9 ( auditors)13.9 ( commenced)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw t* [(their )0.5 (annual )0.5 (audit, the )0.5 (audit )0.5 (committee )0.5 (reviewed )0.5 (the )0.5 (company\222s )0.5 (financial )0.5 (position )0.5 (and )0.5 (negotiated )]tj t* (with the external auditors about audit timetable for the year. throughou\ t the audit by the external )tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(auditors)13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( audit)13.8 ( committee)13.8 ( maintained)13.8 ( communications)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( them)13.8 ( at)13.8 ( all)13.9 ( time)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( ensured)27.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(completion)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( audit)8.2 ( within)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (designated)8.2 ( )0.5 (timeframe)8.2 (.)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (audit)8.2 ( )0.5 (committee)8.2 ( )0.5 (further)8.2 ( )0.5 (reviewed)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(f)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)6.3 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (p)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (t)6.2 ( o)0.6 (f)6.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)6.2 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (y)6.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (f)0.6 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)6.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)6.2 ( e)0.6 (x)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)6.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (u)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (s)6.2 ( i)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.6 (u)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)6.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (i)0.6 (r)6.2 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (y)6.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (u)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)6.2 ( o)0.6 (p)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.039 tw t* (and passed a written resolution to submit the audited financial report t\ o the board of the company )tj 0 tw t* (for review.)tj et endstream endobj 1076 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (1)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.061 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm (with relevance to their roles and duties to develop and refresh their kn\ owledge and skill to ensure )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 0 -1.5 td [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)3.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (y)3.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.6 (e)3.2 ( t)0.6 (o)3.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)3.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)3.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (b)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)3.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)3.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)3.3 ( b)0.6 (o)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)3.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)3.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.6 (e)3.2 ( i)0.6 (n)0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)3.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (necessary. the detailed trainings received by the directors of the compa\ ny in 2019 is as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -3 td (name of director)tj -0.028 tw 24.378 0 td (training)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 5.83 0 1.5621 5.83 347.8153 600.5416 tm ( \(note\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 593.1826 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 10 0 0 10 62.3622 594.2025 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 593.1825 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 594.2025 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -24.378 -3 td (yu dehui \(resigned\))tj 0 tc 24.378 0 td (b)tj 0.028 tc -24.378 -1.5 td (ao hong)tj 0 tc 24.378 0 td (b)tj 0.028 tc -24.378 -1.5 td (lu dongliang)tj 24.378 0 td (a, b)tj -24.378 -1.5 td (he zhihui)tj 24.378 0 td (a, b)tj -24.378 -1.5 td (zhu runzhou)tj 0 tc 24.378 0 td (b)tj 0.028 tc -24.378 -1.5 td (jiang yinggang)tj 0 tc 24.378 0 td (b)tj 0.028 tc -24.378 -1.5 td (wang jun)tj 24.378 0 td (a, b)tj -24.378 -1.5 td (chen lijie)tj 24.378 0 td (a, b)tj -24.378 -1.5 td (hu shihai)tj 24.378 0 td (a, b)tj -24.378 -1.5 td (lie-a-cheong tai chong, david)tj 24.378 0 td (a, b, c)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 425.0521 cm 0 0 m 243.78 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 62.3622 425.8221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 306.1417 425.0521 cm 0 0 m 226.772 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 306.1417 425.8221 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5412 401.0921 tm (note:)tj 0 tw 8 0 0 8 62.3622 375.0921 tm [(a. )-2236.7 (training for directors, supervisors and senior management organised by t\ he securities regulatory authorities)]tj 0 -2.75 td [(b. )-2236.7 (self-study on the domestic and foreign securities laws and regulations)]tj t* [(c. )-2236.7 (participation in trainings organized by other domestic and foreign insti\ tutions)]tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 296.0921 tm (functions of corporate governance of the board)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.091 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 266.0921 tm [(the)14 ( followings)14.1 ( are)14.1 ( corporate)14 ( governance)14 ( functions)14.1 ( performed)14.1 ( by)14 ( the)14 ( board)14 ( which)14.1 ( were)63.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (implemented by the special committees thereof:)tj 0 -3 td [(\(a\) )-1389.2 (formulation and review of the policies and practice on corporate governa\ nce of the company;)]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(\()26.2 (b)26.2 (\))26.2 ( )-1229.2 (review)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( supervision)13.6 ( on)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( training)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( continuous)13.7 ( professional)13.6 ( development)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (directors and senior management;)tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()1.2 (c)1.2 (\))1.2 ( )-1297.2 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.6 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (w)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)1.2 ( s)0.6 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)1.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (n)1.3 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)1.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)1.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)1.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.6 (w)0.5 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)1.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (g)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (y)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (requirements of the company;)tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()23.2 (d)23.2 (\))23.2 ( )-1233.3 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 (,)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (w)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (pe)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( e)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (y)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (or)0.5 (s)14.4 ( w)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (applicable code of conduct and compliance manual; and)tj et endstream endobj 1077 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (1)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (implementation of shareholders\222 resolutions by )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.333 td (directors)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 602.7467 tm [(during)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( year)13.6 (,)13.7 ( all)13.7 ( board)13.7 ( members)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( implemented)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( shareholders)13.7 (\222)13.7 ( resolutions)14.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0 -1.5 td [(and)13.8 ( completed)13.8 ( all)13.8 ( matters)13.8 ( delegated)13.8 ( by)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( general)13.8 ( meetings)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( accordance)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( provisions)13.8 ( of)20.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(the)12.2 ( relevant)12.2 ( laws)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( regulations)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (articles)12.2 ( of)12.1 ( )0.5 (association)12.2 (.)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( chairman)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (company)12.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw t* [(reported)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( production)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( operation)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 (,)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( progress)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( completion)13.8 ( of)37.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.066 tw t* (significant matters decided by general meetings to the shareholders at t\ he general meeting of the )tj -0.028 tw t* (company.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 492.7466 tm (director\222s receipt of the company\222s information )tj 0 -1.333 td (and training)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.067 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 442.7466 tm [(the)14 ( company)14 (\222)14 (s)13.9 ( board)14 ( office)13.9 ( offered)13.9 ( comprehensive)14 ( services)14 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( directors)14 ( and)14 ( provided)39.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0 -1.5 td [(all)13.9 ( directors)13.9 ( with)13.9 ( sufficient)13.8 ( information)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( timely)13.9 ( manner)13.9 (.)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( board)13.9 ( office)13.9 ( sent)13.9 ( directors)13.9 (\222)32.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(newsletter)6.3 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.593 0 td [<0090>64.2 <0ee8052b0bb709c3>64.2 <0091>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 5.653 0 td [(\))6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (directors)6.2 ( )0.5 (every)6.1 ( )0.5 (month)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( inform)6.1 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (directors)6.2 ( )0.5 (about)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (industry)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw -11.246 -1.5 td [(the)8.2 ( )0.5 (current)8.2 ( development)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (company)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (latest)8.3 ( information)8.2 (.)8.2 ( it)8.2 ( organises)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (company)8.2 (\222)8.2 (s)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.053 tw t* [(external )0.5 (directors )0.5 (to )0.5 (conduct on-site )0.5 (surveys )0.5 (of )0.5 (subsidiaries )0.5 (twice )0.5 (a year, )0.5 (enables )0.5 (them be familiar )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(with)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (production)11.2 ( )0.5 (process)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (enterprise)11.2 (,)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( understand)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( production)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )0.5 (operation)11.3 ( and)11.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(management)14.1 ( status)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( enterprise)14.1 (,)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( progress)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( company)14.2 (\222)14.1 (s)14.1 ( major)14.1 ( investment)36.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(projects)13.8 (.)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( board)13.8 ( office)13.8 ( also)13.8 ( checked)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( latest)13.8 ( amendments)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( laws)13.7 (,)13.8 ( regulations)13.8 ( and)32.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(regulatory)13.5 ( rules)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( securities)13.5 ( at)13.5 ( any)13.5 ( time)13.5 ( to)13.6 ( ensure)13.5 ( that)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( directors)13.6 (,)13.5 ( supervisors)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( senior)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.01 tw t* (management of the company are able to fulfill their duties in accordance\ with laws and regulations. )tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw t* [(it)13.6 ( organises)13.6 ( directors)13.5 (,)13.6 ( supervisors)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( senior)13.6 ( management)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( participate)13.6 ( in)33.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc t* [(relevant)13.7 ( securities)13.6 ( business)13.7 ( training)13.7 ( to)13.6 ( ensure)13.7 ( that)13.7 ( they)13.7 ( obtain)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( corresponding)13.7 ( qualifications)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.034 tw t* (and complete the annual training plan as required by regulatory authorit\ ies. in 2019, all directors of )tj 0.084 tw t* (the company have participated in or educated themselves about continuous\ professional trainings )tj et endstream endobj 1078 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (1)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.002 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm (the management of the company reports to the board on the company\222s p\ roduction and operation, )tj 0.066 tw 0 -1.5 td (the implementation of matters authorized by general meetings and the boa\ rd, and the progress of )tj 0.015 tw t* [(major )0.6 (contracts )0.5 (and )0.5 (capital )0.6 (operation )0.5 (projects )0.6 (signed )0.5 (by )0.5 (the )0.5 (company. )0.6 (the )0.5 (board )0.5 (also )0.5 (oversees )0.5 (the )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(management)1.2 (\222)1.2 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (work)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )0.5 (ensure)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (board)1.2 ( can)1.2 ( keep)1.2 ( )0.5 (abreast)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (company)1.2 (\222)1.2 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (actual)1.2 ( )0.5 (situation)1.2 ( )0.5 (in)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (timely manner and thus guarantee the interests of the company and its sh\ areholders as a whole.)tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -3 td [(the)1.2 ( )0.5 (total)1.3 ( pretax)1.2 ( )0.5 (remuneration)1.2 ( )0.5 (received)1.2 ( by)1.2 ( )0.5 (directors)1.2 ( )0.5 (from)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (company)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (including)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.3 ( basic)1.2 ( )0.5 (salary)1.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td [(a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)13.2 ( p)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)13.2 (-)13.2 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)13.2 ( s)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (y)13.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)13.2 ( )0.5 (2)13.2 (0)13.2 (1)13.2 (9)13.2 ( a)0.6 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)13.2 ( t)0.6 (o)13.2 ( r)0.6 (m)0.5 (b)13.2 (3)13.2 (.)13.2 (6)13.2 (4)13.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (m)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)13.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (h)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)0.6 (h)13.1 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)13.3 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.077 tw t* [(no)0.5 (n)14.4 (-)14.3 (e)0.5 (xe)0.5 (cu)0.5 (ti)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)14.3 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (re)0.5 (ct)0.5 (or)0.5 (s)14.3 ( ar)0.5 (e)14.3 ( o)0.5 (nl)0.5 (y)14.4 ( en)0.5 (ti)0.5 (t)0.5 (le)0.5 (d)14.3 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( re)0.5 (ce)0.5 (iv)0.5 (e)14.4 ( di)0.5 (re)0.5 (ct)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)14.3 (\222)14.4 (s)14.3 ( f)0.5 (e)0.5 (es)14.4 ( bu)0.5 (t)14.3 ( n)0.5 (o)14.3 ( ot)0.5 (he)0.5 (r)14.3 ( r)0.5 (em)0.5 (u)0.5 (ne)0.5 (ra)0.5 (t)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)14.3 (.)24.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(the)3.2 ( )0.5 (remuneration)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (each)3.2 ( director)3.2 ( )0.5 (for)3.3 ( the)3.2 ( year)3.2 ( )0.5 (is)3.2 ( )0.5 (set)3.2 ( )0.5 (out)3.2 ( )0.5 (in)3.2 ( note)3.2 ( 3)3.2 (0)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (consolidated)3.2 ( )0.5 (financial)3.2 ( )]tj t* [(statements)3.2 (.)3.2 ( )0.5 (as)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (3)3.2 (1)3.2 ( december)3.2 ( )0.5 (2)3.2 (0)3.2 (1)3.2 (9)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (no)3.2 ( )0.5 (share)3.2 ( )0.5 (appreciation)3.2 ( )0.5 (rights)3.3 ( scheme)3.2 ( )0.5 (had)3.2 ( been)3.2 ( adopted)3.2 ( )0.5 (by)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the company.)tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -3 td [(other)12.2 ( )0.5 (than)12.1 ( )0.5 (their)12.2 ( )0.5 (appointments)12.2 ( )0.5 (in)12.1 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (company)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (none)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (directors)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)12.1 ( )0.5 (or)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (senior)12.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -1.5 td [(management)1.2 ( had)1.3 ( any)1.2 ( )0.5 (financial)1.3 (,)1.2 ( business)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (family)1.2 ( )0.5 (or)1.2 ( )0.5 (other)1.2 ( )0.5 (significant)1.2 ( relationships)1.2 ( )0.5 (with)1.2 ( each)1.2 ( )0.5 (other)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.077 tw t* [(o)0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)14.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)14.4 ( s)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.5 (,)14.4 ( n)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)14.5 ( o)0.6 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( d)0.6 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( s)0.5 (u)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( h)0.5 (a)0.6 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)18.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(significant)13.2 ( )0.5 (personal)13.2 ( )0.5 (interest)13.3 (,)13.2 ( directly)13.2 ( or)13.2 ( )0.5 (indirectly)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)13.2 ( any)13.2 ( )0.5 (transaction)13.2 (,)13.2 ( arrangement)13.2 ( )0.5 (or)13.2 ( )0.5 (contract)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (significance entered into by the company or any of its subsidiaries duri\ ng 2019.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 367.2117 tm (chairman and chief executive president)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 337.2117 tm [(in)1.2 ( order)1.3 ( to)1.2 ( )0.5 (ensure)1.3 ( a)1.2 ( )0.5 (balance)1.3 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (power)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (authority)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (avoid)1.2 ( )0.5 (undue)1.2 ( concentration)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (power)1.3 (,)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)14.4 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)14.4 ( t)0.5 (w)0.6 (o)14.4 ( e)0.5 (x)0.5 (p)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)14.4 ( p)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( w)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)14.4 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)22.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(acted)14 ( by)14 ( different)14 ( individuals)14 ( with)13.9 ( clear)14 ( and)14 ( definite)13.9 ( scope)14 ( of)14 ( official)14 ( duty)14 (.)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)14 (1)13.9 (9)14 (,)13.9 ( the)14 ( position)14.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw t* [(of)14.3 ( chairman)14.2 ( of)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( company)14.3 ( has)14.3 ( been)14.3 ( served)14.3 ( by)14.3 ( mr)14.2 (.)14.3 ( yu)14.3 ( dehui)14.3 ( \()14.3 (resigned)14.3 ( on)14.3 ( 2)14.3 (1)14.3 ( february)14.3 ( 2)14.2 (0)14.3 (1)14.3 (9)14.3 (\))21.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(and)1.2 ( )0.5 (mr)1.3 (.)1.1 ( )0.5 (lu)1.2 ( )0.5 (dongliang)1.2 ( \()1.3 (elected)1.3 ( as)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (chairman)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (sixth)1.2 ( )0.5 (session)1.2 ( of)1.3 ( the)1.2 ( board)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (company)1.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw t* [(o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( 2)14.5 (1)14.4 ( f)0.6 (e)0.5 (b)0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.4 (1)14.5 (9)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)14.5 (-)14.4 (a)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( c)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( b)0.6 (o)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)14.5 ( o)0.6 (f)23.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( on)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (5)13.7 ( june)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (9)13.7 (\))13.7 (,)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( position)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( president)13.7 ( has)13.7 ( been)13.7 ( served)13.8 ( by)13.7 ( mr)13.7 (.)13.7 ( lu)13.7 ( dongliang)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (\(appointed on 13 february 2018 and resigned on 21 february 2019\) and m\ r. he zhihui \(appointed on )tj t* (21 february 2019\).)tj 0.056 tw 0 -3 td (as a legal representative of the company, the chairman presides over the\ board, aiming to ensure )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -1.5 td [(that)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( board)1.2 ( )0.5 (is)1.2 ( )0.5 (acting)1.2 ( )0.5 (in)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (best)1.2 ( )0.5 (interests)1.2 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (company)1.2 (,)1.3 ( operates)1.2 ( )0.5 (effectively)1.2 (,)1.2 ( duly)1.2 ( performs)1.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0.077 tw t* [(i)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (b)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 ( i)0.6 (n)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( s)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (n)0.6 (i)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (p)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( w)0.6 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)30.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(as)14.3 ( )0.5 (director)14.2 (\222)14.3 (s)14.2 ( )0.5 (access)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( accurate)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (timely)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (clear)14.2 ( )0.5 (information)14.2 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (on)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (other)14.3 ( )0.5 (hand)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (president)15.3 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(heads)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( management)13.2 ( and)13.2 ( is)13.2 ( responsible)13.2 ( for)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( daily)13.1 ( )0.5 (operation)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (company)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (including)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.033 tw t* (implementation of policies adopted by the board and decision-making matt\ ers, and reporting to the )tj 0 tw t* (board in respect of the overall operation of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 1079 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (1)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5412 658.9977 tm (note 5)tj 0 tc (:)tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 8 0 0 8 90.1508 658.9977 tm [( )-1443.4 (mr)3.2 (.)3.3 ( zhu)3.2 ( )0.5 (runzhou)3.2 ( )0.5 (didn)3.2 (\222)3.2 (t)3.2 ( )0.5 (attend)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.3 ( 4)3.2 (th)3.2 ( )0.5 (meeting)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( seven)3.3 ( session)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.3 ( board)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (company)3.3 ( held)3.2 ( )0.5 (on)3.2 ( )0.5 (2)3.2 (1)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.006 tw 1.841 -1.312 td (november 2019 and the 5th meeting of the seven session of the board on 1\ 0 december 2019 due to other major )tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.312 td [(business)14.1 ( affairs)14.1 (.)14.1 ( for)14.2 ( such)14.1 ( two)14.1 ( meetings)14.2 (,)14.1 ( mr)14.2 (.)14.1 ( zhu)14.1 ( runzhou)14.1 ( entrusted)14.2 ( mr)14.2 (.)14.1 ( jiang)14.1 ( yinggang)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( his)14.1 ( alternate)14.1 ( to)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (attend the meetings and vote according to his expressed intention.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5412 606.4977 tm (note 6:)tj 0.085 tw 8 0 0 8 90.1508 606.4977 tm [( )-1450.4 (mr. ao hong didn\222t attend the 41st meeting of the six session of the \ board of the company held on 28 march )]tj 0.054 tw 1.841 -1.312 td (2019, the 42nd meeting of the six session of the board held on 29 april \ 2019 and the 1st meeting of the seven )tj 0.031 tw t* (session of the board held on 25 june 2019 due to other major business af\ fairs. for such three meetings, mr. ao )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(hong)5.3 ( entrusted)5.2 ( )0.5 (mr)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (lu)5.2 ( dongliang)5.2 ( )0.5 (as)5.2 ( )0.5 (his)5.2 ( )0.5 (alternate)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( attend)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (meetings)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (vote)5.3 ( according)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( )0.5 (his)5.2 ( )0.5 (expressed)5.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(inte)0.5 (ntion)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (mr)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (ao)9.2 ( h)0.5 (ong)9.2 ( d)0.5 (idn)9.2 (\222)9.2 (t)9.2 ( )0.5 (attend)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (3)9.2 (rd)9.2 ( m)0.5 (eeting)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (seven)9.2 ( )0.5 (session)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( b)0.5 (oard)9.2 ( o)0.5 (f)9.2 ( t)0.5 (he)9.2 ( com)0.5 (pany)9.2 ( h)0.5 (eld)9.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(on)14 ( 2)14 (9)14 ( october)14 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (9)14 ( due)14 ( to)14 ( other)14 ( major)14 ( business)14 ( affairs)14 (,)14 ( and)14 ( he)14 ( entrusted)14 ( mr)14 (.)14 ( he)14 ( zhihui)14 ( as)14 ( his)14 ( alternate)14 ( to)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.044 tw t* (attend the meeting and vote according to his expressed intention. mr. ao\ hong didn\222t attend the 4th meeting of )tj 0.077 tw t* (the seven session of the board of the company held on 21 november 2019 a\ nd the fifth meeting of the seven )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(session)9.1 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( the)9.3 ( board)9.2 ( )0.5 (held)9.2 ( on)9.2 ( )0.5 (1)9.2 (0)9.2 ( december)9.2 ( )0.5 (2)9.2 (0)9.2 (1)9.2 (9)9.2 ( )0.5 (due)9.2 ( to)9.2 ( )0.5 (other)9.2 ( )0.5 (major)9.2 ( )0.5 (business)9.2 ( )0.5 (affairs)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (for)9.2 ( )0.5 (such)9.2 ( )0.5 (two)9.2 ( )0.5 (meetings)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.081 tw t* (mr. ao hong entrusted mr. he zhihui and mr. lu dongliang as his respecti\ ve alternate to attend the meetings. )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(however)13.9 (,)14 ( only)13.9 ( one)14 ( resolution)13.9 ( in)14 ( relation)14 ( to)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( connected)13.9 ( transaction)13.9 ( between)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( chinalco)13.9 ( was)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.073 tw t* (considered at each of such two meetings, for which mr. ao hong, as a rel\ ated director who also has served in )tj 0 tw t* (chinalco, should have abstained from voting on the resolution.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5412 459.4977 tm (note 7:)tj 0.026 tc 8 0 0 8 90.1508 459.4977 tm [( )-1537.4 (ms. chen lijie didn\222t attend the 38th meeting of the six session of t\ he board of the company held on 20 february)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.05 tw 1.841 -1.312 td [(2019 )0.5 (and )0.6 (the )0.6 (42nd )0.5 (meeting )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (six )0.5 (session )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (board )0.6 (held )0.6 (on )0.5 (29 )0.6 (april )0.6 (2019 )0.5 (due )0.6 (to )0.6 (other )0.5 (major )0.5 (affairs. )0.6 (for )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(such)12.2 ( )0.5 (two)12.2 ( )0.5 (meetings)12.2 (,)12.2 ( ms)12.2 (.)12.2 ( chen)12.2 ( )0.5 (lijie)12.2 ( entrusted)12.2 ( )0.5 (mr)12.2 (.)12.2 ( )0.5 (hu)12.2 ( )0.5 (shihai)12.2 ( )0.5 (as)12.2 ( her)12.2 ( )0.5 (alternate)12.2 ( )0.5 (to)12.2 ( attend)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( meetings)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( )0.5 (vote)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.022 tw t* [(according )0.5 (to )0.5 (her )0.5 (expressed )0.5 (intention. )0.5 (ms. )0.5 (chen )0.6 (lijie )0.5 (didn\222t )0.5 (attend )0.5 (the )0.5 (2019 )0.6 (first )0.5 (extraordinary )0.5 (general )0.5 (meeting )0.5 (of )]tj 0.003 tw t* (the company held on 20 february 2019 and the 2019 second extraordinary g\ eneral meeting held on 29 april 2019 )tj 0 tw t* (due to other major affairs.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5412 385.9977 tm (note 8:)tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 90.1508 385.9977 tm [( )-1435.4 (mr)13.6 (.)13.6 ( lie)13.6 (-)13.6 (a)13.6 (-)13.6 (cheong)13.6 ( tai)13.7 ( chong)13.6 (,)13.6 ( david)13.6 ( didn)13.6 (\222)13.6 (t)13.6 ( attend)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (nd)13.6 ( meeting)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( seven)13.6 ( session)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( board)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)22.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.063 tw 1.841 -1.312 td (company held on 27 august 2019 due to other major affairs, and he entrus\ ted mr. hu shihai as his alternate to )tj 0 tw t* (attend the meeting and vote according to his expressed intention.)tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 335.9977 tm [(in)12.2 ( )0.5 (2)12.2 (0)12.2 (1)12.2 (9)12.2 (,)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( independent)12.2 ( )0.5 (non)12.2 (-)12.2 (executive)12.2 ( directors)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (company)12.1 ( )0.5 (did)12.2 ( not)12.2 ( raise)12.2 ( any)12.2 ( objection)12.2 ( )0.5 (or)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.45 td (abstain from the proposals proposed by the company for review by the boa\ rd.)tj 0.072 tw 0 -2.9 td (the company generally formulates the plans for the board and general mee\ tings and major topics )tj 0.068 tw 0 -1.45 td (of the meetings earlier for half a year, and informs them to all directo\ rs to facilitate the directors\222 )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(schedule)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( ensure)13.7 ( that)13.7 ( each)13.7 ( director)13.7 ( has)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( opportunity)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( raise)13.8 ( matters)13.7 ( for)13.7 ( discussion)13.7 ( and)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.023 tw t* (being included in the agenda of the board meetings; for the matters whic\ h are required temporarily )tj 0.07 tw t* (for consideration by the board, the company also communicates and report\ s with the directors in )tj 0.069 tw t* (advance and arranges the time reasonably so that the directors have suff\ icient time to review the )tj 0 tw t* (proposals and make decisions.)tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.9 td [(the)14 ( chairman)14.1 ( was)14 ( responsible)14.1 ( for)14 ( ensuring)14.1 ( that)14 ( the)14 ( directors)14.1 ( perform)14 ( their)14 ( requisite)14 ( duties)14.1 ( and)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.044 tw 0 -1.45 td [(obligations, )0.5 (and maintaining effective operation of the board, as )0.5 (well as ensuring )0.5 (timely discussion )]tj 0.091 tw t* (and consideration of all significant matters of the company needed to be\ reported to directors or )tj 0.016 tw t* (submitted to the board. the chairman has separately discussed with the n\ on-executive directors to )tj 0.05 tw t* (fully understand their opinions and advices on the operation and develop\ ment of the company and )tj 0 tw t* (the work of the board.)tj et endstream endobj 1080 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1081 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1082 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1083 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1084 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1085 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (1)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(in)14 ( addition)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( above)13.9 ( board)13.9 ( meetings)14 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( board)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( convened)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( organised)13.9 ( 4)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (general meetings in 2019, including 1 annual general meeting and 3 extra\ ordinary general meetings. )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(a)9.2 ( )0.5 (total)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (3)9.2 (4)9.2 ( )0.5 (proposals)9.2 ( \()9.2 (including)9.2 ( )0.5 (those)9.2 ( voted)9.2 ( separately)9.2 (\))9.2 ( were)9.2 ( )0.5 (considered)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( approved)9.2 (.)9.2 ( please)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (refer to the \223general meeting\224 in this section for details about t\ he general meetings.)tj 0 -3 td (in 2019, attendances of all directors at the board meetings and general \ meetings were as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 5.5 0 0 10 62.3622 507.2116 tm (name of director)tj -0.028 tw 4.95 0 0 9 173.4465 552.0847 tm (required )tj -1.112 -1.667 td (attendance )tj 0 tw 0.194 -1.667 td (at physical )tj -0.028 tw 0.751 -1.667 td (meetings)tj 9.462 1.667 td (actual )tj -2.39 -1.667 td (attendance)tj 7.851 5 td (attendance )tj 0 tw 2.472 -1.667 td (rate of )tj -0.028 tw -0.806 -1.667 td (physical )tj -0.555 -1.667 td (meetings)tj 10.474 5 td (required )tj 0 tw -2.418 -1.667 td (attendance at )tj -0.032 tc 0.032 tw -1.816 -1.667 td (telecommunication )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.068 -1.667 td (meetings)tj 8.889 1.667 td (actual )tj -2.39 -1.667 td (attendance)tj 10.142 5 td (attendance )tj 0 tw 2.472 -1.667 td (rate of )tj -0.032 tc 0.032 tw -5.429 -1.667 td (telecommunication )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.068 -1.667 td (meetings)tj 8.183 5 td (required )tj 0 tw -1.112 -1.667 td (attendance )tj 0.555 -1.667 td (at general )tj -0.028 tw 0.391 -1.667 td (meetings)tj 8.889 1.667 td (actual )tj -2.39 -1.667 td (attendance)tj 7.279 5 td (attendance )tj 0 tw 2.472 -1.667 td (rate of )tj -0.028 tw -0.445 -1.667 td (general )tj -0.916 -1.667 td (meetings)tj /t1_0 1 tf 5.5 0 2.6795 10 266.5996 492.2116 tm (\(%\))tj 45.87 0 td (\(%\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 488.1826 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 5.5 0 0 10 62.3622 489.2026 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 161.5748 488.1826 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 4.95 0 0 9 192.5632 489.0756 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 201.2598 488.1826 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 4.95 0 0 9 232.2482 489.0756 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 240.9449 488.1826 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 4.95 0 0 9 271.9332 489.0756 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 280.6299 488.1826 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 4.95 0 0 9 322.9568 489.0756 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 331.6535 488.1826 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt 4.95 0 0 9 359.8072 489.0756 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5039 488.1826 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 4.95 0 0 9 410.8308 489.0756 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5275 488.1826 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 4.95 0 0 9 450.5159 489.0756 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 488.1826 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt 4.95 0 0 9 487.3663 489.0756 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 496.0629 488.1826 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt 4.95 0 0 9 524.2167 489.0756 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 5.5 0 0 10 62.3622 459.202 tm (yu dehui \(resigned\) )tj 3.2065 0 1.5621 5.83 114.3434 462.532 tm (note 1)tj 0 tc 4.95 0 0 9 192.8383 459.075 tm (2)tj 8.017 -0 td (1)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.433 0 td (50)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.892 -0 td (0)tj 7.445 -0 td (0)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9.141 0 td (n/a)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.184 -0 td (1)tj 7.445 -0 td (0)tj 7.445 0 td (0)tj 0.028 tc 5.5 0 0 10 62.3621 444.2015 tm (lu dongliang )tj 3.2065 0 1.5621 5.83 97.3782 447.5315 tm (note 2)tj 0 tc 4.95 0 0 9 192.8383 444.0745 tm (9)tj 8.017 -0 td (7)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.96 0 td (77.78)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.365 -0 td (3)tj 7.445 -0 td (3)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9.14 0 td (100)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.185 -0 td (4)tj 7.445 -0 td (4)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.277 0 td (100)tj 0 tw 5.5 0 0 10 62.3621 429.2009 tm (he zhihui )tj 3.2065 0 1.5621 5.83 88.0535 432.5309 tm (note 3)tj 0 tc 4.95 0 0 9 192.8383 429.0739 tm (6)tj 8.017 -0 td (5)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.96 0 td (83.33)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.365 -0 td (1)tj 7.445 -0 td (1)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9.14 0 td (100)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.185 -0 td (2)tj 7.445 -0 td (2)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.277 0 td (100)tj 0 tw 5.5 0 0 10 62.3621 414.2004 tm (jiang yinggang )tj 3.2065 0 1.5621 5.83 102.5735 417.5304 tm (note 4)tj 0 tc 4.95 0 0 9 192.8383 414.0734 tm (9)tj 8.017 0 td (8)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.96 0 td (88.89)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.365 0 td (3)tj 7.445 0 td (3)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9.14 0 td (100)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.185 0 td (4)tj 7.445 0 td (4)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.277 0 td (100)tj 0 tw 5.5 0 0 10 62.3621 399.2004 tm (zhu runzhou )tj 3.2065 0 1.5621 5.83 97.2309 402.5304 tm (note 5)tj 0 tc 4.95 0 0 9 192.8383 399.0734 tm (9)tj 8.017 0 td (7)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.96 0 td (77.78)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.365 0 td (3)tj 7.445 0 td (3)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9.14 0 td (100)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.185 0 td (4)tj 7.445 0 td (3)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.861 0 td (75)tj 0 tw 5.5 0 0 10 62.3621 384.2004 tm (ao hong )tj 3.2065 0 1.5621 5.83 85.9163 387.5304 tm (note 6)tj 0 tc 4.95 0 0 9 192.8383 384.0734 tm (9)tj 8.017 0 td (3)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.433 0 td (30)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.892 0 td (3)tj 7.445 0 td (3)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9.14 0 td (100)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.185 0 td (4)tj 7.445 0 td (1)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.861 0 td (25)tj 0 tw 5.5 0 0 10 62.3621 369.2004 tm (wang jun)tj 0 tc 4.95 0 0 9 192.8383 369.0734 tm (9)tj 8.017 0 td (9)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.85 0 td (100)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.475 0 td (3)tj 7.445 0 td (3)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9.14 0 td (100)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.185 0 td (4)tj 7.445 0 td (4)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.277 0 td (100)tj 0 tw 5.5 0 0 10 62.3621 354.2004 tm (chen lijie )tj 3.2065 0 1.5621 5.83 89.1249 357.5304 tm (note 7)tj 0 tc 4.95 0 0 9 192.8383 354.0734 tm (9)tj 8.017 0 td (7)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.96 0 td (77.78)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.365 0 td (3)tj 7.445 0 td (3)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9.14 0 td (100)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.185 0 td (4)tj 7.445 0 td (2)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.861 0 td (50)tj 0 tw 5.5 0 0 10 62.3621 339.2004 tm (hu shihai)tj 0 tc 4.95 0 0 9 192.8383 339.0734 tm (9)tj 8.017 0 td (9)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.85 0 td (100)tj 0 tc 0 tw 11.475 0 td (3)tj 7.445 0 td (3)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9.14 0 td (100)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.185 0 td (4)tj 7.445 0 td (4)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.277 0 td (100)tj 0 tw 5.5 0 0 10 62.3621 324.2004 tm (lie-a-cheong tai chong, david )tj 3.2065 0 1.5621 5.83 143.6967 327.5304 tm (note 8)tj 0 tc 4.95 0 0 9 192.8383 324.0734 tm (9)tj 8.017 0 td (8)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.96 0 td (88.89)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.365 0 td (3)tj 7.445 0 td (3)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9.14 0 td (100)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.185 0 td (4)tj 7.445 0 td (4)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6.277 0 td (100)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3621 320.05 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 5.5 0 0 10 62.3621 320.82 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 161.5747 320.05 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 5.5 0 0 10 192.2267 320.82 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 201.2597 320.05 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 5.5 0 0 10 231.9117 320.82 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 240.9448 320.05 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 5.5 0 0 10 271.5967 320.82 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 280.6298 320.05 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 5.5 0 0 10 322.6204 320.82 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 331.6534 320.05 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt 5.5 0 0 10 359.4708 320.82 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 368.5038 320.05 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 5.5 0 0 10 410.4944 320.82 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5274 320.05 cm 0 0 m 39.685 0 l s q bt 5.5 0 0 10 450.1794 320.82 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2125 320.05 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt 5.5 0 0 10 487.0298 320.82 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 496.0629 320.05 cm 0 0 m 36.85 0 l s q bt 5.5 0 0 10 523.8802 320.82 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5411 296.09 tm (note 1:)tj 0.024 tw 8 0 0 8 90.1507 296.09 tm [( )-1511.4 (mr. yu dehui resigned as the chairman and the executive director of the \ company on 21 february 2019, and the )]tj 0.075 tw 1.841 -1.375 td (company held a total of two board meetings and 1 general meeting from 1 \ january 2019 up to his resignation. )tj 0.041 tw 0 -1.375 td (mr. yu dehui didn\222t attend the 37th meeting of the six session of the\ board of the company held on 22 january )tj 0.078 tw t* (2019 due to other major business affairs, and he entrusted mr. ao hong a\ s his alternate to attend the meeting )tj 0 tw t* (and vote according to his expressed intention.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5411 230.09 tm (note 2:)tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 8 0 0 8 90.1507 230.09 tm [( )-1443.4 (mr)3.2 (.)3.3 ( lu)3.2 ( )0.5 (dongliang)3.1 ( )0.5 (didn)3.2 (\222)3.2 (t)3.3 ( attend)3.1 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (3)3.2 (rd)3.2 ( )0.5 (meeting)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (seven)3.2 ( session)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (board)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( company)3.1 ( )0.5 (held)3.2 ( )0.5 (on)3.2 ( )0.5 (2)3.2 (9)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw 1.841 -1.375 td (october 2019 and the 4th meeting of the seven session of the board on 21\ november 2019 due to other major )tj 0.029 tw t* [(business )0.5 (affairs. )0.5 (for )0.5 (such )0.5 (two )0.5 (meetings, )0.5 (mr. )0.5 (lu )0.5 (dongliang )0.5 (entrusted )0.5 (mr. )0.6 (he )0.5 (zhihui )0.5 (as )0.5 (his )0.5 (alternate )0.5 (to )0.5 (attend )0.6 (the )]tj 0 tw t* (meetings and vote according to his expressed intention.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5411 175.09 tm (note 3:)tj 0.057 tw 8 0 0 8 90.1507 175.09 tm [( )-1478.4 (mr. he zhihui has been serving as an executive director of the company s\ ince 29 april 2019, and the company )]tj 0.072 tw 1.841 -1.375 td (held 7 board meetings and 2 general meetings from the date of his appoin\ tment up to 31 december 2019. mr. )tj 0.07 tw t* (he zhihui didn\222t attend the 42rd meeting of the six session of the bo\ ard of the company held on 29 april 2019 )tj 0.002 tw t* (due to other major business affairs, and he entrusted mr. lu dongliang a\ s his alternate to attend the meeting and )tj 0 tw t* (vote according to his expressed intention.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5411 109.09 tm (note 4:)tj 0.053 tw 8 0 0 8 90.1507 109.09 tm [( )-1482.4 (mr. jiang yinggang didn\222t attend the 3rd meeting of the seven session\ of the board of the company held on 29 )]tj 0.073 tw 1.841 -1.375 td (october 2019 due to other major business affairs, and he entrusted mr. z\ hu runzhou as his alternate to attend )tj 0 tw t* (the meeting and vote according to his expressed intention.)tj et endstream endobj 1086 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (1)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.067 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(in)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (9)13.6 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( board)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( held)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( total)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( twelve)13.6 ( meetings)13.6 ( \()13.6 (including)13.7 ( nine)13.7 ( physical)39.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(meetings)5.2 ( and)5.2 ( )0.5 (three)5.2 ( )0.5 (telecommunication)5.2 ( meetings)5.2 (\))5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( reviewed)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (approved)5.3 ( 5)5.2 (1)5.2 ( )0.5 (proposals)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(content)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (proposals)6.2 ( mainly)6.2 ( involved)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (company)6.2 (\222)6.2 (s)6.2 ( periodic)6.2 ( reports)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (annual)6.2 ( )0.5 (corporate)6.2 ( )0.5 (social)6.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(re)0.5 (sp)0.5 (on)0.5 (si)0.5 (bil)0.5 (i)0.5 (ty)5.2 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (po)0.5 (rt)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (nu)0.5 (al)5.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (nte)0.5 (rn)0.5 (al)5.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (ont)0.5 (ro)0.5 (l)5.2 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (por)0.5 (t)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (nua)0.5 (l)5.2 ( )0.5 (pr)0.5 (ofi)0.5 (t)5.2 ( )0.5 (di)0.5 (st)0.5 (ri)0.5 (bu)0.5 (ti)0.5 (on)5.2 ( )0.5 (pl)0.5 (an)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (rod)0.5 (uc)0.5 (ti)0.5 (on)5.2 ( )0.5 (pl)0.5 (an)5.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)14 ( financial)14 ( budget)14 (,)14 ( issuance)13.9 ( of)14 ( debt)14 ( financing)14 ( instruments)14 (,)13.9 ( providing)14 ( guarantees)13.9 ( for)14 ( affiliated)17.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(companies)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (annual)8.2 ( target)8.2 ( remuneration)8.2 ( for)8.2 ( directors)8.2 (,)8.1 ( )0.5 (supervisors)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (senior)8.2 ( )0.5 (management)8.3 ( of)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(company)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (reappoi)0.5 (ntment)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (an)14.3 ( )0.5 (accounting)14.2 ( )0.6 (firm)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (nomination)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (candidates)14.3 ( )0.5 (for)14.3 ( )0.5 (directors)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)27.1 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(seventh)13.9 ( session)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( board)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.8 (,)13.9 ( election)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( chairman)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( seventh)13.8 ( session)13.8 ( of)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.088 tw t* (the board of the company and members of the respective professional comm\ ittees of the board, )tj 0.084 tw t* (appointment and dismissal of senior management, changes in the company\222\ s accounting policies, )tj 0.012 tw t* (amendments to the articles of association and the rules of procedures fo\ r the general meeting, the )tj 0.004 tw t* (board meeting and the supervisory committee meeting, related-party trans\ actions and acquisitions, )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* (disposal of equity or assets, and other capital operations. the details \ of the meetings are as follows:)tj et /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc emc 0.3 0.12 0 0 k /gs1 gs 105.508 207.568 412.605 254.843 re f q 105.508 207.563 412.605 254.848 re w n 0 0 0 0 k 0.831 w q 1 0 0 1 204.558 462.4116 cm 0 0 m 0 -254.794 l 313.555 -20.055 m -98.407 -20.055 l 313.555 -39.465 m -98.407 -39.465 l 313.555 -58.865 m -98.407 -58.865 l 313.555 -78.266 m -98.407 -78.266 l 313.555 -97.665 m -98.407 -97.665 l 313.555 -117.065 m -98.407 -117.065 l 313.555 -136.465 m -98.407 -136.465 l 313.555 -155.866 m -98.407 -155.866 l 313.555 -175.265 m -98.407 -175.265 l 313.555 -194.665 m -98.407 -194.665 l 313.555 -214.065 m -98.407 -214.065 l 313.555 -233.465 m -98.407 -233.465 l 200.188 0 m 200.188 -254.848 l s q q bt 0 0 0 1 k /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 8.3055 0 0 8.3055 209.6834 427.0537 tm (t)tj 0.536 0 td (he 37th meeting of the sixth session of the b)tj 20.099 0 td (oard)tj -20.635 -2.3 td (t)tj 0.536 0 td (he 38th meeting of the sixth session of the b)tj 20.099 0 td (oard)tj -20.635 -2.3 td (t)tj 0.536 0 td (he 39th meeting of the sixth session of the b)tj 20.099 0 td (oard)tj -20.635 -2.3 td (t)tj 0.536 0 td (he 40th meeting of the sixth session of the b)tj 20.099 0 td (oard)tj -20.635 -2.3 td (t)tj 0.536 0 td (he 41th meeting of the sixth session of the b)tj 20.099 0 td (oard)tj -20.635 -2.3 td (t)tj 0.536 0 td (he 42th meeting of the sixth session of the b)tj 20.099 0 td (oard)tj -20.635 -2.3 td (t)tj 0.536 0 td (he 43th meeting of the sixth session of the b)tj 20.099 0 td (oard)tj -21.032 -2.3 td (t)tj 0.536 0 td (he 1st meeting of the s)tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw (ev)tj 0 tc 0 tw (enth session of the )tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw (bo)tj 0 tc 0 tw 21.449 0 td (ard)tj -22.124 -2.3 td (t)tj 0.536 0 td (he 2nd meeting of the s)tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw (ev)tj 0 tc 0 tw (enth session of the b)tj 21.172 0 td (oard)tj -21.596 -2.3 td (t)tj 0.536 0 td (he 3rd meeting of the s)tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw (ev)tj 0 tc 0 tw (enth session of the b)tj 20.949 0 td (oard)tj -21.485 -2.3 td (t)tj 0.536 0 td (he 4th meeting of the s)tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw (ev)tj 0 tc 0 tw (enth session of the b)tj 20.949 0 td (oard)tj -21.485 -2.3 td (t)tj 0.536 0 td (he 5th meeting of the s)tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw (ev)tj 0 tc 0 tw (enth session of the b)tj 20.949 0 td (oard)tj -31.343 27.899 td (date of meeting)tj 36.937 0 td (t)tj 0.441 0 td (ype of meeting)tj -17.556 0 td 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department)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( )0.5 (branch)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (y)14.5 (;)14.4 ( a)0.5 (p)0.6 (p)0.5 (o)0.6 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.4 ( d)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( s)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.6 (r)14.4 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.5 (;)14.5 ( f)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (m)0.6 (u)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( b)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.6 (c)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (g)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.6 (t)34.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.063 tw t* [(system of )0.5 (the company; formulation the share )0.5 (incentive plan; )0.5 (deciding on the )0.5 (company\222s external )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(i)0.5 (n)0.5 (ve)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (m)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (ur)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (as)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (r)5.2 ( s)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (se)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (qu)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)5.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)5.2 ( )0.5 (ot)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)5.2 ( )0.5 (ca)0.5 (p)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (al)5.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (er)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)5.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (ns)5.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (hi)0.5 (n)5.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)5.3 ( s)0.5 (c)0.5 (op)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( authorization)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( general)13.6 ( meeting)13.6 (,)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( organizing)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( convening)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( general)13.6 ( meeting)13.6 ( and)26.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(implementing)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( resolutions)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( general)14.1 ( )0.5 (meeting)14.1 (,)14.2 ( etc)14.2 (.)14.1 (.)14.2 ( details)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( functions)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (board)14.1 ( are)14.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc t* [(set)13.9 ( out)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( articles)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( association)13.9 (.)13.9 ( please)13.9 ( refer)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( \223)13.9 (articles)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( association)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( aluminum)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.002 tw t* (corporation of china limited\224 and the \223rules of procedures for the\ board of directors of aluminum )tj 0.021 tw t* (corporation of china limited\224 under \223listing announcements\224 on \ the page of \223investor relations\224 )tj 0 tw t* (on the website of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 1093 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (1)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (non-executive directors:)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm (mr. ao hong)tj 9.921 0 td (\(re-appointed on 25 june 2019\))tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. wang jun)tj 9.921 0 td (\(re-appointed on 25 june 2019\))tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 559.0165 tm (independent non-executive directors:)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 62.3622 529.0166 tm (ms. chen lijie)tj 9.921 0 td (\(re-appointed on 25 june 2019\))tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. hu shihai)tj 9.921 0 td (\(re-appointed on 25 june 2019\))tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. lie-a-cheong )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (tai chong, david)tj 8.929 1.5 td (\(re-appointed on 25 june 2019\))tj 0.005 tw -9.921 -4.373 td (the term of the seventh session of the board of the company shall be exp\ ired until the directors of )tj 0.03 tw 0 -1.5 td (the eighth session of the board are elected at the 2021 annual general m\ eeting of the company by )tj t* (the end of june 2022. however, given that ms. chen lijie, mr. hu shihai \ and mr. lie-a-cheong tai )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(c)0.5 (ho)0.5 (ng)0.5 (, )0.5 (da)0.5 (vi)0.5 (d,)0.5 ( w)0.5 (e)0.5 (re)0.5 ( el)0.5 (e)0.5 (ct)0.5 (ed)0.5 ( a)0.5 (s )0.5 (th)0.5 (e )0.5 (in)0.5 (de)0.5 (pe)0.5 (nd)0.5 (en)0.5 (t )0.5 (n)0.5 (on)0.5 (-e)0.5 (xe)0.5 (cut)0.5 (i)0.5 (ve)0.5 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (re)0.5 (ct)0.5 (or)0.5 (s )0.5 (of)0.5 ( t)0.5 (he)0.5 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (pa)0.5 (n)0.5 (y )0.5 (in)0.5 ( f)0.5 (eb)0.5 (ru)0.5 (ar)0.5 (y)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.018 tw t* [(2015, )0.5 (june )0.5 (2015 )0.5 (and december )0.5 (2015, )0.5 (respectively, )0.5 (according )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (relevant )0.5 (requirements )0.5 (that )0.5 (the )]tj 0.05 tw t* (term of independent directors shall not exceed six years, the term of th\ e above three independent )tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(non)14 (-)14 (executive)14 ( directors)14 ( will)14 ( expire)13.9 ( successively)14 ( in)14 ( 2)14 (0)14 (2)14 (1)14 (,)14 ( and)14 ( then)14 ( the)14 ( company)14 ( will)14 ( elect)14 ( new)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (independent non-executive directors.)tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.5 ( board)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.5 ( confirmed)13.6 ( that)13.6 ( it)13.5 ( has)13.6 ( received)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( annual)13.5 ( written)13.5 ( confirmation)13.6 ( of)32.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td [(independence)13.2 ( )0.5 (from)13.2 ( )0.5 (each)13.1 ( )0.5 (independent)13.2 ( )0.5 (non)13.2 (-)13.2 (executive)13.2 ( director)13.2 ( pursuant)13.2 ( to)13.2 ( rule)13.2 ( )0.5 (3)13.2 (.)13.1 (1)13.2 (3)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (hong)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.067 tw t* (kong listing rules, and after careful consultation, it considered that m\ s. chen lijie, mr. hu shihai )tj 0 tw t* (and mr. lie-a-cheong tai chong, david were all independent.)tj et endstream endobj 1094 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (1)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (securities dealings by the directors, supervisors )tj 0 -1.333 td (and relevant employees)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 602.7467 tm [(the)7.2 ( )0.5 (board)7.2 ( )0.5 (has)7.2 ( )0.5 (formulated)7.3 ( written)7.2 ( )0.5 (guidelines)7.2 ( )0.5 (on)7.2 ( )0.5 (securities)7.2 ( )0.5 (dealings)7.2 ( )0.5 (by)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (directors)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.071 tw 0 -1.5 td (and relevant employees of the company, the terms of which are more strin\ gent than the required )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(standards)6.2 ( set)6.2 ( )0.5 (out)6.2 ( )0.5 (in)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (model)6.2 ( code)6.2 ( )0.5 (under)6.2 ( appendix)6.2 ( )0.5 (1)6.2 (0)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (hong)6.1 ( )0.5 (kong)6.2 ( )0.5 (listing)6.2 ( rules)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.09 tw t* (rules governing listing of securities of the shanghai stock exchange. af\ ter a specific enquiry by )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(the)3.2 ( )0.5 (company)3.2 (,)3.3 ( all)3.2 ( )0.5 (directors)3.2 (,)3.2 ( supervisors)3.2 ( and)3.2 ( relevant)3.2 ( )0.5 (employees)3.2 ( )0.5 (have)3.2 ( )0.5 (confirmed)3.2 ( )0.5 (their)3.2 ( )0.5 (compliance)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (with the required standards set out in the written guidelines.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 492.7466 tm (the board)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.049 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 462.7466 tm [(a)0.5 (c)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( b)0.5 (o)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)14.4 ( of)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.6 (f)14.4 ( n)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (s)14.4 (.)21.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.005 tw t* (during the reporting period, the term of the sixth session of the board \ of the company had expired. )tj 0.038 tw t* (as considered and approved at the 43th meeting of the sixth session of t\ he board of the company )tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(held)13.9 ( on)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (8)13.9 ( may)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (9)14 ( and)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (8)13.9 ( annual)13.9 ( general)13.9 ( meeting)13.9 ( held)13.9 ( on)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (5)13.9 ( june)14 ( 2)13.9 (0)14 (1)13.9 (9)13.9 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( seventh)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.022 tw t* (session of the board of the company was elected. as of the date of this \ report, the composition of )tj 0 tw t* (the seventh session of board of the company is as follows:)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 352.7466 tm (executive directors:)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 62.3622 322.7466 tm (mr. lu dongliang)tj 9.921 0 td (\(chairman, re-appointed on 25 june 2019\))tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. he zhihui)tj 9.921 0 td (\(re-appointed on 25 june 2019\))tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. jiang yinggang)tj 9.921 0 td (\(re-appointed on 25 june 2019\))tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. zhu runzhou)tj 9.921 0 td (\(re-appointed on 25 june 2019\))tj et endstream endobj 1095 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 122.5489 721.6899 tm [(re)8.5 (p)1.7 (o)4.6 (r)-48.7 (t o)3.2 (n c)-12.1 (o)4.6 (r)-7.4 (p)1.7 (o)4.6 (r)-4.4 (a)-9.4 (t)-8.9 (e g)8 (o)0.6 (v)4.6 (e)6.4 (r)-13.5 (n)9.2 (a)12.4 (n)11.3 (c)14.7 (e a)12.4 (n)1.9 (d i)6.3 (n)-17.5 (t)-8.9 (e)6.4 (r)-13.4 (n)9.2 (a)10.9 (l c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-16.5 (r)-6.9 (ol \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.3 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1096 0 obj <> endobj 1097 0 obj <> endobj 1098 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �ci��q !0�r���r[��c�����d�fh�3��y����s����0�������k0g��nm2���o��7c�ub��2�84�uyb�a��xx��w*y c�.��u�v�������n�� ,vd����v@h�l�xz��em�����#dq��b�hq��к �2�qay�q)t��z���ܙ�6�2��4�@��1����cd �zx3kn�9�,2u���e[��ȅs��y| �)j�� |`> ӡj-5k�y˾�����_��f]�!��sk���ws �z�9����;��?z �w����� endstream endobj 1099 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 1100 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1101 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1102 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1103 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1104 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1105 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (1)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7467 tm (code on corporate governance)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.052 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (articles)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (association)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (rules)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (procedures)14.2 ( )0.5 (for)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (shareholders)14.3 (\222)14.2 ( )0.5 (meeting)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (rules)24.2 ( )]tj 0 -1.5 td [(of)14.1 ( procedures)14 ( for)14.1 ( the)14 ( board)14.1 ( meeting)14.1 (,)14 ( the)14.1 ( rules)14 ( of)14.1 ( procedures)14.1 ( for)14 ( the)14.1 ( supervisory)14.1 ( committee)24.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc t* [(meeting)13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( detailed)13.8 ( implementation)13.8 ( rules)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( special)13.8 ( committees)13.8 ( under)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( board)13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)34.2 ( )]tj t* [(detailed)14 ( implementation)13.9 ( rules)13.9 ( for)14 ( independent)14 ( directors)14 (,)13.9 ( the)14 ( code)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( conduct)13.9 ( for)14 ( securities)34.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(dealings)14 ( by)14 ( directors)14 (,)14.1 ( supervisors)14 ( and)14.1 ( specific)14.1 ( employees)14 ( and)14 ( other)14 ( relevant)14 ( systems)14 ( of)14 ( the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(company)11.2 ( )0.5 (constitute)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( corporate)11.3 ( governance)11.2 ( )0.5 (documents)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (company)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (after)11.2 ( )0.5 (reviewed)11.2 ( such)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.007 tw t* (corporate governance documents, the board believed that the company had \ fully complied with the )tj 0.071 tw t* (cg code and the internal control guidelines in 2019, and the implementat\ ion of the company are )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (more stringent than them in some areas:)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(1)18.2 (.)18.2 ( )-1543 (the)13.6 ( company)13.7 ( had)13.6 ( appointed)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( sufficient)13.7 ( number)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( non)13.7 (-)13.6 (executive)13.6 ( directors)13.6 ( \()13.7 (independent)18.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(non)14 (-)13.9 (executive)13.9 ( directors)14 (\))13.9 (,)14 ( the)13.9 ( board)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( company)14 ( has)14 ( five)14 ( non)14 (-)13.9 (executive)13.9 ( directors)14 (,)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td (representing more than half of the board; the board of the company has t\ hree independent )tj 0 tw t* (non-executive directors, representing one third of the board.)tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(2)38.2 (.)38.2 ( )-1523.1 (in)13.7 ( addition)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( audit)13.7 ( committee)13.6 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( remuneration)13.7 ( committee)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( nomination)38.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (committee, the company has also established the development and planning\ committee and )tj 0 tw t* (occupational health and safety and environment committee.)tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(3)23.2 (.)23.2 ( )-1538.1 (all)13.5 ( members)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( audit)13.6 ( committee)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( independent)13.5 ( non)13.5 (-)13.5 (executive)13.5 ( directors)13.5 (,)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( whom)23.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(mr)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )0.5 (lie)7.2 (-)7.2 (a)7.2 (-)7.2 (cheong)7.2 ( )0.5 (tai)7.3 ( chong)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (david)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (chairman)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (such)7.2 ( )0.5 (committee)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (possesses)7.3 ( extensive)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.022 tw t* [(professional )0.5 (experience )0.5 (in )0.5 (finance, )0.5 (auditing )0.5 (and )0.5 (business )0.5 (operation )0.5 (and )0.5 (is )0.5 (the )0.5 (financial expert )]tj 0 tw t* (of the board of the company.)tj 0.058 tw -2.835 -3 td (the board of the company has reviewed its corporate governance documents\ and internal control )tj 0.059 tw t* (guidelines, and is of the view that, the company has complied with the c\ ode provisions in the cg )tj 0 tw t* (code and internal control guidelines for the year ended 31 december 2019\ .)tj et endstream endobj 1106 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3796 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 20 0 0 20 62.3622 722.3699 tm [(r)1.5 (e)9.9 (p)3 (o)6 (r)-47.7 (t o)4.6 (n c)-10.7 (o)6 (r)-6.1 (p)3 (o)6 (r)-3.1 (a)-8.1 (t)-7.5 (e g)9.6 (o)2 (v)6 (e)7.9 (r)-12.2 (n)10.7 (a)13.8 (n)12.6 (c)16.2 (e a)13.8 (n)3.3 (d i)7.8 (n)-16.2 (t)-7.6 (e)7.9 (r)-12.1 (n)10.7 (a)12.4 (l c)-10.7 (o)4.6 (n)-16.2 (t)-15.3 (r)-5.7 (o)1.7 (l)]tj et endstream endobj 1107 0 obj <> endobj 1108 0 obj <> endobj 1109 0 obj <>stream h�\��j� ��>����$ݍ,h����c?h���d 4f�{��w�e t~2����m��y���y�`4v{\�wg��� �q�vk���8��u 8uv����?ȹ��ó�ϸa��k��^���7���s?8� p@ӏƒ� �u�x�m;m~�-i�^|��j�2'�f����^�ɂv�d�ah�?yg�yt߃g����� ����d�ef���@���a�.�!��:j�]�]�}�}�6s�������"�#b>"�%�_"�1��3ש�[%�t������s ��r�b׌��d��tq�_�㒎 endstream endobj 1110 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 1111 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (0)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 90.7087 652.7466 tm [(\(iv\) )-27.6 (review of self-assessment report on internal control)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.029 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 622.7467 tm (during the reporting period, the supervisory committee listened to repor\ ting in respect )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( implementation)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( examination)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 (\222)13.7 (s)13.7 ( internal)13.7 ( control)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( fully)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw t* (performed its role of guidance and supervision. after reviewed the annua\ l assessment )tj 0.021 tc 0 tw t* [(r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (t)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (l)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.6 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (f)0.5 (t)0.6 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 ( )0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.6 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)-6.8 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(o)0.5 (f)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (rn)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)7.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (n)0.5 (tr)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.3 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)7.2 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)7.2 ( )0.5 (by)7.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)7.2 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (ec)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (rs)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)7.2 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (er)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (so)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)7.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (m)0.5 (mi)0.5 (t)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)7.2 ( i)0.5 (s)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.3 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(the)3.2 ( )0.5 (opinion)3.2 ( )0.5 (that)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (company)3.2 ( )0.5 (has)3.2 ( )0.5 (established)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (improved)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( )0.5 (implemented)3.2 ( )0.5 (effectively)3.2 ( )]tj 0.081 tc 0.078 tw t* [(sound)13.6 ( internal)13.6 ( control)13.5 ( systems)13.6 ( covering)13.5 ( all)13.6 ( procedures)13.6 ( in)13.5 ( accordance)13.5 ( with)13.6 ( the)53.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(r)0.5 (e)0.5 (q)0.6 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)8.2 ( o)0.6 (f)8.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)8.1 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)8.2 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (l)8.2 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)8.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)8.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)8.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)8.2 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)8.2 ( o)0.5 (f)8.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw 0 -1.5 td (internal control, and such systems played a better role in risk preventi\ on and control for )tj 0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)0.5 (\222)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.6 ( m)0.5 (a)0.6 (na)0.5 (g)0.6 (em)0.6 (e)0.5 (nt)0.6 (.)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.6 (ad)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw t* (internal control system shall be enhanced to be updated timely and synch\ ronously with )tj 0.068 tw t* [(the )0.5 (management systems )0.5 (in )0.5 (accordance with )0.5 (changes )0.5 (in management environment )0.5 (of )]tj 0 tw t* (the company.)tj 0.078 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(in)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.6 (2)13.6 (0)13.6 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( supervisory)13.7 ( committee)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( will)13.7 ( continue)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( diligently)50.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(p)0.5 (er)0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)14.4 ( i)0.5 (ts)14.4 ( du)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (es)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( ac)0.5 (c)0.5 (or)0.5 (d)0.5 (a)0.5 (nc)0.5 (e)14.4 ( w)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( p)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (e)0.5 (rs)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( r)0.5 (es)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (ns)0.5 (i)0.5 (b)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (it)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( c)0.5 (on)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (re)0.5 (d)14.4 ( b)0.5 (y)24.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14 ( company)13.9 ( law)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( other)13.9 ( relevant)13.9 ( laws)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( regulations)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( well)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( articles)14 ( of)15.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.073 tw t* (association of the company. the supervisory committee will perform dilig\ ently duties )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(as)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (permanent)5.2 ( )0.5 (supervision)5.2 ( )0.5 (body)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( further)5.2 ( )0.5 (strengthen)5.3 ( its)5.3 ( supervision)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.2 ( )0.5 (exercise)5.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(its)13.5 ( supervision)13.5 ( functions)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( operation)13.5 (,)13.5 ( financial)13.5 ( report)13.5 (,)13.5 ( internal)13.5 ( control)13.5 (,)13.5 ( information)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.074 tw t* [(disclosure )0.5 (and )0.5 (related-party )0.5 (transactions )0.5 (and )0.5 (so )0.5 (forth. )0.5 (the )0.5 (supervisory )0.5 (committee )0.5 (will )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(a)0.5 (l)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)6.2 ( b)0.5 (e)6.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (ns)0.5 (i)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)6.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)6.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)6.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (er)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)6.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (n)6.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)6.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (o)0.5 (ar)0.6 (d)6.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)6.2 ( i)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)6.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)6.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)6.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)6.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.073 tw t* [(management )0.5 (members of )0.5 (the company, )0.5 (so as )0.5 (to safeguard the legitimate )0.5 (interests of )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(the)4.2 ( shareholders)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (in)4.2 ( particular)4.2 (,)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( )0.5 (minority)4.2 ( )0.5 (shareholders)4.2 (,)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( )0.5 (company)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( )0.5 (all)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (its staff.)tj 22.807 -3 td (by order of the supervisory committee)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.474 -1.5 td (ye guohua)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.023 tc 10 0 2.6795 10 344.8005 202.7466 tm (chairman of the supervisory committee)tj 0.028 tc 10 0 0 10 62.3622 172.7466 tm (beijing, the prc)tj t* (26 march 2020)tj et endstream endobj 1112 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 224.8721 721.6899 tm [(re)8.5 (p)1.7 (o)4.6 (r)-48.7 (t o)-9.4 (f t)-18.5 (h)6.1 (e s)1 (u)7.7 (p)4.7 (e)6.5 (r)-40.2 (v)-14 (i)2.6 (s)-1.4 (o)4.6 (r)-43.2 (y c)-12.1 (o)1.2 (m)-1 (mi)-22 (t)-54.8 (t)-8.9 (e)7.7 (e \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)2 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1113 0 obj <> endobj 1114 0 obj <> endobj 1115 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 @��~l*zvh !����]4����f�}��g�u' |r�98$��x�n��= �� ��ـ�p ��ωm �3�}��o�j(��� �ʵ�* h>hq�� �g;\p���`1t� ��c����y��=� �p�`��b/�mz�$��*k��4�(�o����8ވ�,��1weu��*�8�u*t��zzo��� �hy�zm�x'�c� o�)�"k#s �����md ępɯ ��r?����ϲ~~>2��o�ga��b��fo-��8hv���a��f-����7��n�&<���b���#�}�w�>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 1117 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (0)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 90.7087 652.7466 tm [(\(ii\) )-360.6 (inspection of legal compliance of the company\222s )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (operations)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.067 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 602.7467 tm [(the)13.7 ( supervisory)13.6 ( committee)13.6 ( exercised)13.6 ( supervision)13.6 ( in)13.7 ( routine)13.6 ( work)13.6 ( over)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( legal)39.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)14.5 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( l)0.6 (e)0.5 (g)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (y)14.4 ( o)0.6 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 (\222)14.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.4 (.)14.4 ( i)0.6 (t)14.4 ( h)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)14.5 ( a)0.5 (l)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)33.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(exercised)14.1 ( supervision)14.1 ( over)14 ( the)14 ( work)14 ( performance)14 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 (\222)14.1 (s)14.1 ( directors)14.1 ( and)29.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(senior)12.2 ( )0.5 (management)12.2 (.)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (company)12.2 (\222)12.2 (s)12.2 ( operation)12.2 ( and)12.1 ( )0.5 (decision)12.2 (-)12.2 (making)12.2 ( )0.5 (procedures)12.2 ( )0.5 (have)12.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw t* [(complied)13.6 ( with)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 ( law)13.5 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( articles)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( association)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 ( and)31.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc t* [(corporate)14.2 ( )0.5 (regulations)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( )0.5 (systems)14.2 (.)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( directors)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (senior)14.2 ( management)14.3 ( of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)37.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0 -1.5 td [(company)13.7 ( performed)13.7 ( their)13.7 ( duties)13.7 ( diligently)13.7 (,)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( it)13.8 ( has)13.7 ( found)13.7 ( no)13.7 ( violation)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( laws)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td (and regulation and the articles of association, and no authorization bey\ ond prescribed )tj 0 tw t* (scope or damages to the interests of the company and the shareholders.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 90.7087 447.7466 tm [(\(iii\) )-54.8 (inspection of the company\222s financial activities)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.068 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 417.7466 tm [(each)13.8 ( supervisor)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( supervisory)13.8 ( committee)13.7 ( cautiously)13.8 ( reviewed)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( financial)40.2 ( )]tj 0.078 tc t* [(statements)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.6 ( for)13.6 ( each)13.6 ( period)13.6 (,)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( supervised)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( inspected)13.7 ( the)50.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc t* [(company)14 (\222)14.1 (s)14.1 ( implementation)14.1 ( of)14 ( relevant)14.1 ( financial)14.1 ( policies)14.1 ( and)14 ( legislation)14 ( as)14.1 ( well)14.1 ( as)31.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(details)14 ( on)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14 (\222)14.1 (s)14 ( assets)14 (,)14.1 ( financial)14.1 ( income)14 ( and)14 ( expenditure)14 (.)14.1 ( at)14 ( the)14 ( meetings)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.075 tw t* (of the supervisory committee held in march, april, august and october 20\ 19, each of )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)11.1 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)11.3 ( c)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (u)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)11.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (w)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)11.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)11.2 (\222)11.2 (s)11.2 ( 2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (8)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (n)0.6 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)11.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)11.2 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (t)11.2 (,)11.2 ( 2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (9)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.038 tw t* (interim report and quarterly report, and fully discussed segment of cost\ s and expenses )tj 0.022 tw t* [(and revenue, )0.5 (profit, gross profit )0.5 (margin and )0.5 (impact of )0.5 (changes )0.5 (in accounting standards. )]tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.6 ( supervisory)13.5 ( committee)13.6 ( is)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( opinion)13.6 ( that)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( operating)13.5 ( results)13.6 ( achieved)38.3 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(by)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.5 (were)14.2 ( )0.5 (true)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (financial)14.2 ( )0.5 (reports)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.5 (truly)14.2 ( )0.5 (reflected)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw t* (financial position and operating results of the company and the preparat\ ion and review )tj 0.08 tw t* (procedures for the reports were in compliance with the requirements of r\ elevant laws )tj 0.019 tw t* (and regulations, the articles of association of the company and the comp\ any\222s internal )tj 0.063 tw t* [(control )0.5 (system. information on )0.5 (all significant events )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (in 2019 )0.5 (has been )]tj 0.081 tw t* (disclosed under the principles of truthfulness, timeliness, accuracy, co\ mpleteness and )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(fairness)13.9 ( pursuant)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( relevant)13.9 ( regulations)13.8 (,)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( there)13.8 ( are)13.8 ( no)13.9 ( false)13.8 ( records)13.8 (,)13.9 ( misleading)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (statements or major omissions..)tj et endstream endobj 1118 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(re)8.5 (p)1.7 (o)4.6 (r)-48.7 (t o)-9.4 (f t)-18.5 (h)6.1 (e s)1 (u)7.7 (p)4.7 (e)6.5 (r)-40.2 (v)-14 (i)2.6 (s)-1.4 (o)4.6 (r)-43.2 (y c)-12.1 (o)1.2 (m)-1 (mi)-22 (t)-54.8 (t)-8.9 (e)7.7 (e \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)2 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1119 0 obj <> endobj 1120 0 obj <> endobj 1121 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 @��~l*zvh !����]4����f�}��g�u' |r�98$��x�n��= �� ��ـ�p ��ωm �3�}��o�j(��� �ʵ�* h>hq�� �g;\p���`1t� ��c����y��=� �p�`��b/�mz�$��*k��4�(�o����8ވ�,��1weu��*�8�u*t��zzo��� �hy�zm�x'�c� o�)�"k#s �����md ępɯ ��r?����ϲ~~>2��o�ga��b��fo-��8hv���a��f-����7��n�&<���b���#�}�w�>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 1123 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (0)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(iii. )-360.6 (performance of the supervisory committee)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.059 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm [(in )0.5 (2019, each )0.5 (member )0.5 (of )0.5 (the supervisory )0.5 (committee of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (effectively )0.5 (supervised )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the)14 ( company)13.9 (\222)14 (s)14 ( legal)14 ( and)13.9 ( compliance)14 ( operation)14 (,)14 ( financial)14.1 ( management)14 ( and)14 ( internal)14 ( control)16.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(etc)13.6 (.)13.6 ( by)13.6 ( attending)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( general)13.6 ( meeting)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( board)13.5 ( meeting)13.6 (,)13.5 ( convening)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( supervisory)19.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(committee meeting and proposing operation-related suggestion. the partic\ ulars are set out as)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (below:)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0 tw 15 0 0 15 90.7087 527.7466 tm [(\(i\) )-666.4 (supervision of implementation of meetings and )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (resolutions)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 477.7466 tm [(members)13.8 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( supervisory)13.7 ( committee)13.7 ( exercised)13.7 ( supervision)13.7 ( on)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( proposals)13.7 ( and)14.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(reports)14.1 ( submitted)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( board)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( general)14.1 ( meetings)14.1 ( for)14.1 ( consideration)14.1 ( by)14.1 ( way)14.1 ( of)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.033 tw t* (participating in or attending the general meetings and board meetings an\ d no objection )tj 0.021 tw t* (has been made. it also supervised the related-party transactions between\ the company )tj 0.079 tw t* (and the controlling shareholder chinalco. the supervisory committee is o\ f the opinion )tj 0.077 tc 0.078 tw t* [(that)13.8 ( these)13.8 ( related)13.8 (-)13.7 (party)13.7 ( transactions)13.7 ( were)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( line)13.8 ( with)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 (\222)13.7 (s)13.7 ( strategic)49.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw t* [(development )0.5 (plan and overall interests, and the terms of the transactions were fair \ )0.5 (and )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(reasonable)13.6 (,)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( transaction)13.5 ( review)13.5 ( procedures)13.6 ( had)13.5 ( complied)13.6 ( with)13.5 ( relevant)13.6 ( laws)13.5 (,)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw t* [(regulations )0.5 (and )0.6 (the )0.5 (articles )0.5 (of )0.5 (association. )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (disclosed )0.5 (timely )0.5 (and )0.5 (fully )0.5 (the )]tj 0.022 tw t* (related-party transactions and there is no behavior that was detrimental\ to the interests )tj 0.057 tw t* [(of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (and )0.5 (its )0.5 (shareholders. )0.5 (moreover, )0.5 (the )0.5 (supervisory )0.5 (committee )0.5 (exercised )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(supervision)10.3 ( on)10.2 ( )0.5 (implementation)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (general)10.2 ( meetings)10.1 (\222)10.2 ( )0.5 (resolutions)10.2 ( by)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (board)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (all)10.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(directors)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( management)14.2 (.)14.1 ( when)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( directors)14.1 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( senior)14.1 ( management)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( the)20.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(company)13.6 ( exercised)13.7 ( their)13.6 ( functions)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( powers)13.6 (,)13.7 ( no)13.7 ( violations)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( laws)13.7 (,)13.6 ( regulations)13.7 (,)28.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(and)14.3 ( )0.6 (good)14.3 ( )0.6 (faith)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.6 (diligence)14.3 ( )0.6 (obl)0.5 (igation)14.3 ( )0.5 (are)14.3 ( )0.6 (found)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.6 (they)14.3 ( )0.5 (strictly)14.3 ( )0.6 (implemented)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (resolutions passed at the general meetings.)tj et endstream endobj 1124 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (0)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.064 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(4)36.2 (.)36.2 ( )-1525.1 (the)13.7 ( twentieth)13.8 ( meeting)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( sixth)13.7 ( session)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( supervisory)13.7 ( committee)13.8 ( of)13.7 ( the)36.2 ( )]tj 0.083 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(company)13.8 ( was)13.8 ( held)13.8 ( by)13.8 ( means)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( telecommunications)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (8)13.8 ( may)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.9 (9)13.8 (,)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( all)55.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0 -1.5 td [(three)14 ( supervisors)14.1 ( attending)14 ( the)14 ( meeting)14 (.)14 ( the)14 ( meeting)14.1 ( considered)14 ( and)14 ( approved)14 ( the)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.059 tw t* (resolution in relation to nomination of candidates for the shareholder r\ epresentative )tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw t* [(supervisor)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( seventh)13.6 ( session)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( supervisory)13.6 ( committee)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)28.2 ( )]tj t* [(and)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( resolution)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( relation)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( amendments)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( rules)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( procedures)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( the)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (supervisory committee meeting of aluminum corporation of china limited.)tj 0.001 tw -2.835 -3 td [(5. )-1638 (the first meeting of the seventh session of the supervisory committee of\ the company )]tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(was)14.2 ( )0.5 (held)14.2 ( on)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (5)14.2 ( june)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (9)14.2 (,)14.2 ( with)14.2 ( )0.5 (all)14.2 ( )0.5 (three)14.2 ( supervisors)14.2 ( )0.5 (attending)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( meeting)14.2 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)33.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(meeting considered and approved the resolution in relation to election o\ f the chairman)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (of the seventh session of the supervisory committee of the company.)tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(6)32.2 (.)32.2 ( )-1529 (the)14.1 ( second)14 ( meeting)14 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( seventh)14 ( session)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( supervisory)14 ( committee)14 ( of)14 ( the)32.2 ( )]tj 0.073 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(company)14.1 ( )0.5 (was)14.2 ( held)14.2 ( on)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.1 (7)14.2 ( )0.5 (august)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.2 (1)14.1 (9)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (with)14.2 ( all)14.2 ( three)14.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)14.2 ( attending)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)45.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.063 tw t* (meeting. the meeting considered and approved the resolution in relation \ to the 2019 )tj 0 tw t* (interim report of the company.)tj 0.077 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(7)49.2 (.)49.2 ( )-1512.1 (the)13.9 ( third)14 ( meeting)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)13.9 ( seventh)13.9 ( session)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( supervisory)13.9 ( committee)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)49.2 ( )]tj 0.066 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(company)14 ( was)14 ( held)14 ( on)14 ( 2)13.9 (8)14 ( october)14 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (9)14 (,)13.9 ( with)14 ( all)14 ( three)14 ( supervisors)14 ( attending)14 ( the)38.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.063 tw t* (meeting. the meeting considered and approved the resolution in relation \ to the 2019 )tj 0 tw t* (third quarterly report of the company.)tj 0.043 tw -2.835 -3 td [(all )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (above-mentioned )0.5 (meetings )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (supervisory )0.5 (committee )0.5 (were )0.5 (in )0.5 (accordance )0.5 (with )]tj 0.024 tc 0 tw t* (the relevant provisions of the company law of the people\222s republic o\ f china \(the \223)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.024 tw [(company)-3.8 ( )]tj 0.026 tc -0.026 tw t* [(l)0.5 (a)0.5 (w)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 2.077 0 td [(\224)0.5 (\))0.5 (,)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( )0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.6 (ed)0.6 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)0.5 ( )0.6 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (e)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -2.077 -1.5 td (meeting of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 1125 0 obj <> endobj 1126 0 obj <> endobj 1127 0 obj <> endobj 1128 0 obj <> endobj 1129 0 obj <> endobj 1130 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1131 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1132 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1133 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1134 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1135 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (0)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.083 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(as)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( date)14 ( of)13.9 ( this)13.9 ( report)13.9 (,)14 ( the)13.9 ( seventh)14 ( session)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( supervisory)13.9 ( committee)14 ( of)55.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc 0 -1.5 td [(the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( consisted)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( five)13.7 ( supervisors)13.7 (,)13.6 ( including)13.6 ( three)13.6 ( shareholder)13.7 ( representative)35.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.005 tw t* (supervisors, namely mr. ye guohua, mr. ou xiaowu and ms. shan shulan, an\ d two employee )tj 0 tw t* (representative supervisors, namely mr. guan xiaoguang and mr. yue xuguan\ g.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 577.2117 tm [(ii. )-666.4 (convening of meetings)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 547.2117 tm [(in)9.2 ( 2)9.2 (0)9.2 (1)9.2 (9)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (7)9.2 ( )0.5 (meetings)9.2 ( were)9.2 ( )0.5 (held)9.3 ( by)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (supervisory)9.2 ( committee)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (company)9.1 (,)9.3 ( of)9.2 ( which)9.2 ( 5)9.2 ( )]tj 0.023 tc 0 tw t* [(were onsite meeting, and 2 were telecommunication meetings. the particul\ ars of which are as)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (follows:)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(1)18.2 (.)18.2 ( )-1543 (the)13.5 ( seventeenth)13.6 ( meeting)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( sixth)13.5 ( session)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( supervisory)13.6 ( committee)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)18.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(company)14.3 ( )0.5 (was)14.3 ( )0.5 (held)14.3 ( )0.5 (by)14.3 ( )0.5 (means)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (telecommunications)14.3 ( )0.5 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.3 (2)14.3 ( )0.5 (january)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.3 (0)14.3 (1)14.2 (9)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (with)14.3 ( )0.5 (all)31.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0 -1.5 td [(three)14 ( supervisors)14.1 ( attending)14 ( the)14 ( meeting)14 (.)14 ( the)14 ( meeting)14.1 ( considered)14 ( and)14 ( approved)14 ( the)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (resolution in relation to the proposed change of accounting policies of \ the company.)tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(2)29.2 (.)29.2 ( )-1532 (the)14 ( eighteenth)14 ( meeting)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( sixth)14 ( session)14 ( of)14 ( the)13.9 ( supervisory)14 ( committee)14 ( of)14 ( the)29.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(company was held on 28 march 2019, with all three supervisors attending \ the meeting.)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.5 ( meeting)13.6 ( considered)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( approved)13.5 ( four)13.6 ( resolutions)13.5 (,)13.5 ( including)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.5 (1)13.5 (8)13.5 ( financial)17.3 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(report)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( 2)2.2 (0)2.2 (1)2.2 (8)2.2 ( )0.5 (report)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (supervisory)2.2 ( )0.5 (committee)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( 2)2.2 (0)2.2 (1)2.2 (8)2.2 ( )0.5 (assessment)2.2 ( report)2.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(on)13.7 ( internal)13.7 ( control)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( draft)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( board)13.7 (\222)13.8 (s)13.7 ( evaluation)13.7 ( on)13.7 ( internal)13.7 ( control)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)17.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(company)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( 2)4.2 (0)4.2 (1)4.2 (8)4.2 ( )0.5 (social)4.3 ( responsibilities)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( environmental)4.2 (,)4.2 ( social)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.1 ( )0.5 (governance)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.012 tw t* [(report, and considered the report of changes in list of )0.5 (related parties in the )0.5 (second half )]tj 0 tw t* (of 2018.)tj 0.084 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(3)56.2 (.)56.2 ( )-1505.1 (the)13.7 ( nineteenth)13.7 ( meeting)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( sixth)13.8 ( session)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( supervisory)13.8 ( committee)13.8 ( of)56.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(the)14 ( company)13.9 ( was)13.9 ( held)13.9 ( on)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (9)13.9 ( april)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)14 (1)13.9 (9)13.9 (,)13.9 ( with)13.9 ( all)14 ( three)13.9 ( supervisors)13.9 ( attending)13.9 ( the)34.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.063 tw t* (meeting. the meeting considered and approved the resolution in relation \ to the 2019 )tj 0.056 tc 0.077 tw t* [(f)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)14.4 ( q)0.5 (u)0.5 (ar)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( i)0.6 (n)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (implementation of new lease standard of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 1136 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 224.8721 721.6899 tm [(re)8.5 (p)1.7 (o)4.6 (r)-48.7 (t o)-9.4 (f t)-18.5 (h)6.1 (e s)1 (u)7.7 (p)4.7 (e)6.5 (r)-40.2 (v)-14 (i)2.6 (s)-1.4 (o)4.6 (r)-43.2 (y c)-12.1 (o)1.2 (m)-1 (mi)-22 (t)-54.8 (t)-8.9 (e)7.7 (e \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)2 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1137 0 obj <> endobj 1138 0 obj <> endobj 1139 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 @��~l*zvh !����]4����f�}��g�u' |r�98$��x�n��= �� ��ـ�p ��ωm �3�}��o�j(��� �ʵ�* h>hq�� �g;\p���`1t� ��c����y��=� �p�`��b/�mz�$��*k��4�(�o����8ވ�,��1weu��*�8�u*t��zzo��� �hy�zm�x'�c� o�)�"k#s �����md ępɯ ��r?����ϲ~~>2��o�ga��b��fo-��8hv���a��f-����7��n�&<���b���#�}�w�>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 1141 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (0)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2118 tm (dear shareholders,)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tc 0 -3 td [(since 2019, the supervisory committee of the company actively performed \ its powers and duties as)-3.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.025 tw 0 -1.5 td [(prescribed in the article of association )0.5 (and the rules )0.5 (of procedures for )0.5 (the supervisory committee )]tj 0.052 tw t* [(meeting. )0.5 (focusing on )0.5 (supervision )0.5 (of )0.5 (significant )0.5 (decisions, )0.5 (regular financial statements, behavior )0.5 (of )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(directors)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( senior)6.2 ( management)6.2 ( )0.5 (as)6.2 ( )0.5 (well)6.2 ( as)6.2 ( operation)6.2 ( )0.5 (condition)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (company)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (it)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.081 tw t* (continually standardized supervision behaviour, improved supervision eff\ iciency through convening )tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(regular)13.7 ( or)13.7 ( irregular)13.7 ( meetings)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( other)13.7 ( means)13.6 (.)13.7 ( such)13.7 ( measures)13.7 ( facilitated)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( transparency)13.6 ( and)19.2 ( )]tj t* [(standard)13.9 ( operation)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)14 (,)14 ( maintained)13.9 ( a)14 ( positive)13.9 ( image)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( capital)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (market and safeguarded the interests of investors. the specific works ar\ e reported as follows:)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 487.2118 tm [(i. )-972.2 (change of the supervisors)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 457.2118 tm (during the reporting period, the sixth session of the supervisory commit\ tee of the company )tj 0.085 tc 0.078 tw t* [(consisted)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( three)13.8 ( supervisors)13.8 (,)13.8 ( among)13.8 ( which)13.8 (,)13.8 ( mr)13.8 (.)13.8 ( ye)13.8 ( guohua)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( ms)13.8 (.)13.8 ( shan)13.8 ( shulan)57.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc t* [(were)13.7 ( shareholder)13.7 ( representative)13.7 ( supervisors)13.7 (,)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( mr)13.7 (.)13.7 ( wu)13.7 ( zuoming)13.6 ( was)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( employee)37.3 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(representative)13.7 ( supervisor)13.6 (.)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( term)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( sixth)13.6 ( session)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( supervisory)13.6 ( committee)13.6 ( of)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.048 tw t* (the company was expired in june 2019, as elected and approved at the 201\ 8 annual general )tj 0.092 tw t* [(meeting of the )0.5 (company )0.5 (held )0.5 (on 25 )0.5 (june )0.5 (2019, mr. ye )0.5 (guohua and )0.5 (ms. )0.5 (shan shulan were )]tj 0.077 tw t* (re-appointed as as the shareholder representative supervisors of the sev\ enth session of the )tj 0.019 tc 0 tw t* [(supervisory committee of the company; at the same time, mr. guan xiaogua\ ng was elected as)-8.8 ( )]tj 0.027 tc t* [(the employee representative supervisor of the seventh session of the sup\ ervisory committee)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.052 tw t* (of the company at the employees\222 representatives meeting of the compa\ ny. mr. ye guohua )tj 0.005 tw t* [(was )0.5 (elected )0.5 (as )0.5 (the )0.5 (chairman )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (seventh )0.5 (session )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (supervisory )0.6 (committee )0.5 (at )0.5 (the )0.6 (first )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(meeting)3.3 ( of)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)3.2 ( )0.5 (session)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (supervisory)3.3 ( committee)3.2 ( of)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (company)3.2 ( )0.5 (held)3.2 ( )0.5 (on)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (same day.)tj 0.076 tw 0 -3 td [(the )0.5 (amendments )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (articles )0.5 (of )0.5 (association and )0.5 (rules of procedures for the supervisory )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.5 td [(committee)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( company)12.2 ( were)12.2 ( considered)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( )0.5 (approved)12.2 ( )0.5 (at)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( 2)12.2 (0)12.2 (1)12.2 (9)12.2 ( )0.5 (third)12.2 ( )0.5 (extraordinary)12.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(general)13.6 ( meeting)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( held)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( 1)13.6 (0)13.6 ( december)13.7 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.7 (1)13.6 (9)13.6 (,)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( composition)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)19.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc t* [(supervisory)14 ( committee)14 ( of)14 ( the)14.1 ( company)14 ( was)14.1 ( increased)14 ( to)14 ( five)14 ( supervisors)14.1 ( from)14.1 ( three)41.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc t* [(supervisors)14.2 (,)14.1 ( which)14.1 ( shall)14.1 ( comprise)14.2 ( three)14.2 ( shareholder)14.2 ( representative)14.1 ( supervisors)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( two)25.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(employee)14.2 ( representative)14.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)14.2 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (at)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.1 ( )0.5 (same)14.2 ( )0.5 (time)14.2 (,)14.2 ( mr)14.1 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (ou)14.1 ( )0.5 (xiaowu)14.2 ( )0.5 (was)14.2 ( elected)14.2 ( as)14.2 ( a)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (shareholder representative supervisor of the seventh session of the supe\ rvisory committee )tj 0.057 tc 0.077 tw t* [(o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (t)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (b)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.6 (e)14.4 ( e)0.6 (x)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (y)14.4 ( g)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 (.)14.5 ( o)0.5 (n)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( s)0.5 (a)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)14.4 ( d)0.5 (a)0.5 (y)14.5 (,)14.4 ( m)0.5 (r)14.4 (.)14.4 ( y)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)29.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(xuguang was elected as an employee representative supervisor of the seve\ nth session of the)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (supervisory committee of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 1142 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3796 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 20 0 0 20 62.3622 722.3699 tm [(r)1.5 (e)9.9 (p)3 (o)6 (r)-47.7 (t o)-8.1 (f t)-17.3 (h)7.5 (e s)2.5 (u)9.2 (p)6.1 (e)8 (r)-39.1 (v)-12.8 (i)4 (so)6 (r)-42.1 (y c)-10.7 (o)2.6 (mm)1.4 (i)-20.8 (t)-53.8 (t)-7.6 (e)9.1 (e)]tj et endstream endobj 1143 0 obj <> endobj 1144 0 obj <> endobj 1145 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �ci��u &0z 9�e{��v���'=��'y��l�ly�[rv�n��&���`k�����8�h.x��z�:;�wi�}tf��>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 1147 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (0)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (code on corporate governance)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.019 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm [(the )0.5 (articles )0.5 (of )0.5 (association )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company, )0.5 (the )0.5 (rules )0.5 (of )0.5 (procedures )0.5 (for )0.5 (the )0.5 (shareholders\222 )0.5 (meeting )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(of)13.6 ( aluminum)13.6 ( corporation)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( china)13.6 ( limited)13.7 ( \()13.6 (the)13.6 ( \223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 24.676 0 td [(rules)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( procedures)13.6 ( for)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( shareholders)13.6 (\222)29.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc -0.053 tw -24.676 -1.5 td (meeting)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.078 tw 4.305 0 td [(\224)13.5 (\))13.5 (,)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( rules)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( procedures)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( board)13.6 ( meeting)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( aluminum)13.5 ( corporation)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( china)25.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw -4.305 -1.5 td [(l)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (te)0.5 (d)14.4 ( \()14.4 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( \223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.976 0 td [(r)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (es)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( p)0.5 (ro)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (es)14.4 ( fo)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( b)0.5 (o)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)14.4 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 22.667 0 td [(\224)14.4 (\))14.4 (,)14.3 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( r)0.5 (ul)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (du)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)23.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw -29.643 -1.5 td [(supervisory)14 ( committee)14 ( meeting)14 (,)14.1 ( the)14 ( detailed)14.1 ( implementation)14 ( rules)14 ( for)14 ( the)14 ( special)14 ( committees)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (under the board, the code of conduct for securities dealings by director\ s, supervisors and specific )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(employees)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( other)13.6 ( relevant)13.6 ( systems)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( constitute)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( framework)13.6 ( for)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( codes)14.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc t* [(on)14.1 ( corporate)14.1 ( governance)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14 (.)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( board)14 ( has)14.1 ( reviewed)14 ( its)14.1 ( corporate)14 ( governance)33.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0 -1.5 td [(documents)14 ( and)13.9 ( is)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)13.9 ( view)14 ( that)14 ( such)13.9 ( documents)14 ( have)14 ( incorporated)13.9 ( the)14 ( principles)14 ( and)13.9 ( code)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.035 tw 0 -1.5 td [(provisions )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (code )0.5 (on )0.5 (corporate )0.5 (governance \(the )0.5 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf [(cg )0.5 (code)]tj /t1_0 1 tf [(\224\) )0.5 (as set )0.5 (out )0.5 (in )0.5 (appendix 14 )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )]tj 0.032 tw t* (hong kong listing rules and the guidelines of the shanghai stock exchang\ e for internal control of )tj 0 tw t* (listed companies \(the \223)tj /t1_1 1 tf (internal control guidelines)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw (\224\).)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 422.7466 tm (audit committee)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.027 tc 10 0 0 10 62.3622 392.7466 tm [(the written terms of reference in relation to the authorities and duties\ of the audit committee were)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw t* (prepared and adopted in accordance with and with reference to \223a guid\ e for the formation of an )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(audit)2.1 ( )0.5 (committee)2.2 ( \223)2.2 (published)2.2 ( )0.5 (by)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (hong)2.2 ( )0.5 (kong)2.2 ( )0.5 (institute)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( certified)2.2 ( )0.5 (public)2.2 ( )0.5 (accountants)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( )0.5 (rule)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (10a-3 of u.s. securities and exchange commission.)tj 0.069 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( y)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)14.4 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( 3)14.4 (1)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( 2)14.3 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (9)14.4 ( h)0.5 (av)0.5 (e)14.4 ( b)0.5 (e)0.5 (en)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (reviewed by the audit committee of the company.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 267.7466 tm (auditors)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 237.7466 tm [(t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)11.2 ( f)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)11.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)11.2 ( i)0.6 (n)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (t)11.2 ( h)0.6 (a)0.5 (v)0.6 (e)11.2 ( b)0.6 (e)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)11.2 ( a)0.5 (u)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)11.2 ( b)0.6 (y)11.2 ( e)0.6 (r)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)11.2 ( )0.5 (&)11.2 ( y)0.6 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)11.3 ( &)11.2 ( )0.5 (y)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)11.2 ( w)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( au)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (to)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 ( f)0.5 (or)14.4 ( i)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.4 (1)14.3 (9)14.4 ( h)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( ko)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( a)0.5 (nn)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.3 ( re)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)14.3 (,)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( i)0.5 (t)14.3 ( w)0.5 (as)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (u)0.5 (di)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)15.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.074 tw t* (of the company for its 2012 to 2018 hong kong annual reports. for furthe\ r details of the auditors )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(of)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( company)4.2 (,)4.2 ( please)4.2 ( )0.5 (refer)4.2 ( )0.5 (to)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( section)4.2 ( headed)4.2 ( )0.5 (\223)4.2 (auditors)4.2 (\222)4.2 ( )0.5 (remuneration)4.1 (\224)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( \223)4.2 (report)4.3 ( on)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (corporate governance and internal control\224 in this annual report.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 34.381 -3 td (lu dongliang)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 416.256 132.7467 tm (chairman)tj 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 102.7467 tm (beijing, the prc)tj t* (26 march 2020)tj et endstream endobj 1148 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 334.3582 721.6899 tm [(re)8.5 (p)1.7 (o)4.6 (r)-48.7 (t o)-9.4 (f t)-18.5 (h)6.1 (e b)-1.5 (o)6.3 (a)12.9 (r)-8.4 (d \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.3 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1149 0 obj <> endobj 1150 0 obj <> endobj 1151 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ����l/*-�ji�z��4����f����g�u'-�k��!:�ϵ�g��������8�7�.x��jr0�����c�td��2�8զuyb�a�i� ���x���޼a�� ��������hg����`g������ ��y�p�ߍ��!�a�h2z48�v�o�uӫ�<ӫz�ϟ�%����֫2��ql�x/�g>�wi`2�[�-q&���i`2�;�s&�1��9�h嬕�v�z�i��|�b�b�,8�bt �-d�`�b��p�� �4)x�w߼�ֆq��r7{�����e�~s;� endstream endobj 1152 0 obj <> endobj 1153 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 1154 0 obj <>stream h�tt xw��$��#1ٚ�3�uq}���'(�`q�� dc�i-آeb�⫖z��붺*�*tqe*u?_���j�lzc���}�����w�=��s�9����1��q|ȓ�%��m03y�gջ�i^��o�y/%��v�b�e��g������9xaxzf6gli�2�b��'ȑi2h@n����'nff�ӓy&.�be�,�<�.��h�vv��2���@�c-,��^|#��7be�f=kjf��cfs�ukӵ]��̚�ys�o�v�-���rz=����2�&�hn�fg�‘\���b��x=c43�t�i� db�t�vfk�3��v^h0u��b�6� |�[�rv�0� a8f�z�h�uvc����fm�?i2�c�7 �����ynzrd����x�2�ѳ å�a�7���05� �a��x��ɰ��2 �(���q�n� .�w�wd��l�m���]�w��x�x > �̐��o�3�b�h�a�ky��r�dpѡ�����:o_ύ�v�i^�j��n�>�}�m����j�&� �1�v��j4�h��d ����*��ȕs����/)�3���h��3�ж�w"�a�4(g�bi= b(t�a~p�w@$�rf��m�c��/�;qo���h��{�� ���e� �ښo: x *8�c����g�|�!�ar�|��8$�^hɏd:#�p(�!�d�㌜l��di�eҋc?�>��lnk��4����u|tzd�7hn{z�ˡ��w�(w�h�u [�ar�0�`^�q� �����s��<�.�2iyk@�p�[�x~����?�� 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prش�'@d�q�bp�wlh����i�<�.�#r�'�k$��r�������u��db��d�a;wl� �2����9 ��$�t>��*��e$���*� �r��̫bײ���� 0�� endstream endobj 1155 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (0)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(in)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.8 (1)13.7 (9)13.7 (,)13.7 ( sales)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( five)13.7 ( largest)13.7 ( customers)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( amounted)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( rmb)13.7 (2)13.8 (0)13.7 (,)13.7 (7)13.7 (5)13.7 (0)13.8 (.)13.7 (2)13.7 (1)20.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(mil)0.5 (lion)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (accounted)9.2 ( )0.5 (for)9.2 ( )0.5 (1)9.2 (0)9.2 (.)9.2 (9)9.2 (2)9.2 (%)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( th)0.5 (e)9.2 ( com)0.5 (pany)9.2 (\222)9.2 (s)9.2 ( t)0.5 (otal)9.2 ( )0.5 (annual)9.2 ( )0.5 (sales)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (among)9.2 ( )0.5 (which)9.3 ( sale)0.5 (s)9.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(to)11.2 ( )0.5 (related)11.2 ( )0.5 (parties)11.3 ( were)11.2 ( rmb)11.2 (4)11.2 (,)11.2 (2)11.2 (7)11.2 (8)11.2 (.)11.2 (7)11.2 (7)11.2 ( )0.5 (million)11.2 (,)11.2 ( accounting)11.2 ( )0.5 (for)11.2 ( 2)11.2 (.)11.2 (2)11.2 (5)11.2 (%)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (company)11.2 (\222)11.2 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (total)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (annual sales.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.694 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 577.2117 tm (2. suppliers)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.076 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 547.2117 tm [(the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( always)13.7 ( insists)13.7 ( on)13.7 ( cooperating)13.7 ( with)13.7 ( its)13.7 ( suppliers)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( spirit)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( mutual)48.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(b)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.6 (e)0.5 (f)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)2.3 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)2.2 (-)2.2 (w)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)2.2 ( s)0.6 (t)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (l)0.6 (y)2.2 ( s)0.6 (e)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)2.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (g)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)2.2 ( s)0.6 (u)0.5 (p)0.6 (p)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (t)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (v)0.6 (o)0.5 (i)0.6 (d)0.6 (s)2.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.6 (i)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.6 (z)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)2.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.6 ( risks)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( negative)13.6 ( impacts)13.6 ( caused)13.6 ( from)13.7 ( non)13.6 (-)13.6 (performing)13.6 ( suppliers)13.6 ( by)13.6 ( assessing)13.6 ( the)33.3 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(environmental)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( social)13.7 ( impact)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( suppliers)13.7 (,)13.6 ( formulating)13.7 ( strict)13.7 ( supplier)13.7 ( access)13.7 ( rules)13.7 (,)13.7 ( and)16.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(improving)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.3 ( supplier)5.2 ( )0.5 (evaluation)5.2 ( system)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (thus)5.2 ( )0.5 (establishes)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.3 ( maintains)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( )0.5 (sustainable)5.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(su)0.5 (pp)0.5 (ly)13.2 ( )0.5 (ch)0.5 (ain)13.2 ( )0.5 (sy)0.5 (st)0.5 (em)13.2 (.)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (mp)0.5 (any)13.2 ( )0.5 (ha)0.5 (s)13.2 ( f)0.5 (or)0.5 (mul)0.5 (at)0.5 (ed)13.2 ( )0.5 (in)0.5 (te)0.5 (rna)0.5 (l)13.2 ( )0.5 (man)0.5 (ag)0.5 (eme)0.5 (nt)13.2 ( )0.5 (sy)0.5 (st)0.5 (ems)13.2 ( )0.5 (su)0.5 (ch)13.2 ( )0.5 (as)13.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(the)7.2 ( )0.5 (\223)7.2 (administrative)7.2 ( )0.5 (measures)7.3 ( for)7.2 ( )0.5 (procurement)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.3 ( aluminum)7.2 ( )0.5 (corporation)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( china)7.3 ( limited)7.2 (\224)7.2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw t* (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.069 tc -0.069 tw -0.039 0 td [<0090>64 <02950a3712590e380670038503de082202ae03210aae1485104d0b23136c062c>64 <0091>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.083 tc 0.078 tw 18.728 0 td [(\))14 (,)14.1 ( the)14 ( \223)14.1 (administrative)14 ( measures)14 ( for)14.1 ( suppliers)14 ( of)55.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc -18.689 -1.5 td [(aluminum)13.7 ( corporation)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( china)13.7 ( limited)13.8 (\224)13.8 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.032 tc -0.032 tw 20.424 0 td [<0090>63.8 <02950a3712590e380670038503de082202ae0321053613d00a20104d0b23136c062c>63.8 <0091>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 19.099 0 td [(\))13.8 (,)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( the)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.072 tw -39.522 -1.5 td (\223regulations on management of the operational mode of major procureme\ nts of aluminum )tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw t* [(corporation)14.1 ( of)14 ( china)14 ( limited)14 (\224)14.1 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.048 tc -0.048 tw 15.598 0 td [<0090>64 <02950a3712590e380670038503de082202ae0321082014c30aae14850f360411117c03cc104d0b230b9d059b>64 <0091>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 24.638 0 td [(\))14 (,)14 ( which)34.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw -40.236 -1.5 td [(pr)0.5 (ovi)0.5 (de)6.2 ( c)0.5 (omp)0.5 (reh)0.5 (ensi)0.5 (ve)6.2 ( )0.5 (ma)0.5 (nagem)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)6.2 ( i)0.5 (n)6.2 ( qu)0.5 (ali)0.5 (ty)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (pro)0.5 (cur)0.5 (eme)0.5 (nt)6.2 (,)6.2 ( l)0.5 (ogi)0.5 (sti)0.5 (cs)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (ser)0.5 (vic)0.5 (es)6.2 ( o)0.5 (f)6.2 ( p)0.5 (rod)0.5 (uct)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(and)1.2 ( )0.5 (selection)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (supervision)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (evaluation)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (suppliers)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (at)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (same)1.2 ( )0.5 (time)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (company)1.2 ( )0.5 (also)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.066 tw t* (puts great importance on a long-term and stable cooperation relationship\ with suppliers, and )tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(strengthened)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( relationship)14.1 ( and)14 ( communication)14 ( with)14.1 ( suppliers)14.1 ( by)14.1 ( various)14.1 ( ways)14.1 ( such)14.1 ( as)18.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(holding)5.2 ( annual)5.2 ( meetings)5.2 ( with)5.2 ( )0.5 (suppliers)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (summary)5.2 ( of)5.2 ( procurement)5.2 ( )0.5 (work)5.2 ( and)5.2 ( )0.5 (participation)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (commodity trade meeting with a view to consolidate the cooperation with \ excellent suppliers.)tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(in)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.6 (1)13.5 (9)13.6 (,)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( procurement)13.6 ( amounts)13.5 ( from)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( top)13.5 ( five)13.5 ( suppliers)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( amounted)17.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(t)0.5 (o)5.2 ( )0.5 (rm)0.5 (b)5.2 (1)5.2 (6)5.2 (,)5.2 (1)5.2 (8)5.2 (1)5.2 (.)5.3 (2)5.2 (1)5.2 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (co)0.5 (u)0.5 (nt)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)5.2 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)5.2 ( )0.5 (1)5.2 (1)5.2 (.)5.2 (5)5.2 (2)5.2 (%)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)5.2 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 (ta)0.5 (l)5.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (oc)0.5 (u)0.5 (re)0.5 (m)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (m)0.5 (ou)0.5 (n)0.5 (ts)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (m)0.5 (on)0.5 (g)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.062 tw t* [(which )0.5 (procurement )0.5 (from related parties )0.5 (were )0.5 (rmb3,507.61 )0.5 (million, )0.5 (accounting )0.5 (for 2.50% )0.5 (of )]tj 0 tw t* (the company\222s total annual procurement amounts.)tj et endstream endobj 1156 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(re)8.5 (p)1.7 (o)4.6 (r)-48.7 (t o)-9.4 (f t)-18.5 (h)6.1 (e b)-1.5 (o)6.3 (a)12.9 (r)-8.4 (d \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.3 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1157 0 obj <> endobj 1158 0 obj <> endobj 1159 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ����l/*-�ji�z��4����f����g�u'-�k��!:�ϵ�g��������8�7�.x��jr0�����c�td��2�8զuyb�a�i� ���x���޼a�� ��������hg����`g������ ��y�p�ߍ��!�a�h2z48�v�o�uӫ�<ӫz�ϟ�%����֫2��ql�x/�g>�wi`2�[�-q&���i`2�;�s&�1��9�h嬕�v�z�i��|�b�b�,8�bt �-d�`�b��p�� �4)x�w߼�ֆq��r7{�����e�~s;� endstream endobj 1160 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 1161 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 553.2525 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (0)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(t)0.5 (ha)0.5 (t)9.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (rs)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)9.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (ho)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)9.2 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (us)0.5 (t)0.5 (ri)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)9.2 ( )0.5 (li)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)9.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)9.2 ( h)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)9.2 ( e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (ab)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (sh)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)9.1 ( )0.5 (v)0.5 (ar)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (us)9.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (om)0.5 (m)0.5 (u)0.5 (ni)0.5 (c)0.5 (at)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)9.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td [(channels)13.2 ( with)13.2 ( customers)13.2 ( to)13.2 ( understand)13.2 ( customers)13.2 (\222)13.2 ( needs)13.2 ( by)13.2 ( diversified)13.2 ( online)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( offline)13.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw t* [(communication)14 ( channels)14 ( to)14.1 ( promote)14 ( our)14 ( products)14 ( and)14 ( consolidate)14 ( our)14 ( cooperation)14 (.)14 ( the)30.3 ( )]tj 0.064 tc t* [(company)13.8 ( has)13.9 ( soundly)13.9 ( established)13.8 ( a)13.9 ( pre)13.8 (-)13.9 (sale)13.9 (,)13.9 ( sale)13.8 ( and)13.9 ( after)13.9 (-)13.9 (sales)13.9 ( service)13.8 ( management)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw t* (system, and provided consumers well-established channels for complaints \ and feedback. the )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)11.2 ( a)0.6 (l)0.5 (s)0.6 (o)11.2 ( i)0.6 (n)0.5 (v)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (g)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)11.2 ( c)0.6 (u)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)11.2 ( s)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (f)0.5 (a)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)11.2 ( i)0.6 (n)11.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (m)11.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)11.2 ( )0.5 (q)0.6 (u)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)11.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (e)11.2 ( w)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (h)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.087 tw t* (the iso9001 management system, fully understands and respects customers\222\ feedback and )tj 0.02 tw t* (opinions, and at the same time formulate effective solutions so to const\ antly improve service )tj 0 tw t* (levels and customers\222 satisfaction.)tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 0 -3 td [(the)2.2 ( company)2.2 (\222)2.2 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (major)2.2 ( )0.5 (customers)2.2 ( are)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (in)2.2 ( respect)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( alumina)2.2 (,)2.2 ( domestic)2.2 ( )0.5 (electrolytic)2.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)2.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(enterprises)5.3 ( and)5.2 ( )0.5 (in)5.3 ( respect)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (primary)5.2 ( aluminum)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (domestic)5.2 ( aluminum)5.3 ( fabrication)5.2 ( )0.5 (enterprises)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (and distributors.)tj 0.092 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( sells)13.7 ( alumina)13.7 ( products)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( customers)13.7 ( mainly)13.8 ( through)13.7 ( long)13.7 (-)13.7 (term)13.8 ( sales)64.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0 -1.5 td [(agreements)14 ( and)14.1 ( spot)14 ( market)14.1 ( sales)14.1 (.)14 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 ( sells)14.1 ( self)14.1 (-)14.1 (produced)14.1 ( alumina)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( certain)19.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(alumina)13.7 ( products)13.8 ( sourced)13.8 ( from)13.8 ( external)13.8 ( suppliers)13.8 ( under)13.7 ( spot)13.8 ( contracts)13.8 ( signed)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( third)23.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(parties)7.2 ( and)7.2 ( )0.5 (long)7.2 (-)7.2 (term)7.2 ( )0.5 (sales)7.2 ( agreements)7.2 ( )0.5 (with)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)7.2 ( )0.5 (term)7.2 ( )0.5 (ranging)7.2 ( )0.5 (from)7.2 ( )0.5 (one)7.2 ( to)7.2 ( )0.5 (three)7.2 ( )0.5 (years)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )0.5 (such)7.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw t* [(long)14.2 (-)14.2 (term)14.2 ( sales)14.2 ( agreements)14.2 ( usually)14.1 ( )0.5 (specify)14.1 ( )0.5 (annual)14.2 ( or)14.2 ( monthly)14.2 ( sales)14.2 ( quantities)14.2 (,)14.2 ( pricing)37.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.044 tw t* [(mechanisms, )0.6 (payment )0.5 (terms, )0.5 (place )0.6 (of )0.5 (delivery )0.5 (and )0.6 (the )0.5 (delivery )0.5 (method )0.6 (for )0.5 (the )0.6 (alumina )0.6 (sold. )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(the)13.2 ( selling)13.2 ( prices)13.2 ( )0.5 (for)13.2 ( alumina)13.2 ( sold)13.2 ( on)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.1 ( )0.5 (spot)13.2 ( market)13.2 ( )0.5 (are)13.2 ( determi)0.5 (ned)13.2 ( )0.5 (by)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( company)13.2 ( )0.5 (by)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.011 tw t* [(taking )0.5 (into )0.5 (account )0.5 (\(i\) )0.5 (domestic and )0.5 (international )0.5 (situation )0.5 (of )0.5 (supply )0.5 (and )0.5 (demand; )0.5 (\(ii\) )0.5 (cif )0.5 (price )]tj 0.087 tw 10.1 0 0 10.1 90.7087 327.0617 tm (of imported alumina arrived at chinese ports and import related expenses\ ; \(iii\) international )tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 312.0617 tm [(and)14.1 ( domestic)14.1 ( transportation)14.1 ( costs)14.2 (;)14.1 ( \()14.2 (iv)14.1 (\))14.2 ( the)14.2 ( impacts)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( national)14.2 ( policy)14.1 ( on)14.1 ( raw)14.1 ( materials)38.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.049 tw t* (required for alumina enterprises; and \(v\) the company\222s short- and \ medium-term forecast for )tj 0 tw t* (alumina prices.)tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)14.2 ( company)14.2 ( sells)14.2 ( primary)14.2 ( aluminum)14.2 ( products)14.1 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( customers)14.2 ( mainly)14.2 ( through)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( following)14.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0 -1.5 td [(three)13.4 ( ways)13.5 (:)13.5 ( \()13.4 (i)13.5 (\))13.5 ( sales)13.5 ( agreements)13.5 (,)13.5 ( which)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( entered)13.5 ( into)13.5 ( between)13.4 ( the)13.4 ( company)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( its)29.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc t* [(customers)13.7 ( that)13.7 ( have)13.7 ( longstanding)13.7 ( business)13.7 ( relationship)13.7 ( with)13.7 ( it)13.7 (,)13.7 ( generally)13.7 ( with)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( term)13.7 ( of)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (one year and selling prices determined based on the prices quoted on the\ shanghai futures )tj 0.054 tc t* [(exchange)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( prevailing)13.8 ( market)13.8 ( prices)13.8 (;)13.8 ( \()13.8 (ii)13.8 (\))13.8 ( futures)13.8 ( contracts)13.7 ( ranging)13.8 ( from)13.8 ( one)13.8 ( to)13.7 ( twelve)26.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc t* [(months)14.2 ( )0.5 (on)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (shanghai)14.2 ( )0.5 (futures)14.2 ( )0.5 (exchange)14.2 (;)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (\()14.2 (iii)14.2 (\))14.2 ( )0.5 (spot)14.2 ( )0.5 (market)14.2 ( )0.5 (sales)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (with)14.2 ( selling)14.2 ( )0.5 (prices)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (determined by reference to such factors as market spot prices and transp\ ortation costs.)tj et endstream endobj 1162 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1163 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1164 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1165 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1166 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1167 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 20.3391 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (0)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.085 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( keeps)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( close)13.7 ( touch)13.7 ( with)13.7 ( employees)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( provides)13.7 ( them)13.6 ( with)13.7 ( fair)13.7 ( working)57.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0 -1.5 td [(environment)13.7 (.)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( addition)13.6 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( emphasizes)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( professional)13.7 ( development)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( employees)14.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(and)13.7 ( provides)13.6 ( them)13.7 ( with)13.6 ( various)13.7 ( training)13.7 ( opportunities)13.6 ( including)13.7 ( internal)13.6 ( trainings)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( courses)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.056 tw t* (offered by professional organizations, so as to keep them abreast of the\ latest development in the )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(market)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (industry)9.2 ( and)9.2 ( )0.5 (various)9.1 ( )0.5 (businesses)9.2 (.)9.2 ( for)9.2 ( )0.5 (details)9.2 ( on)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (trainings)9.2 ( )0.5 (attended)9.2 ( by)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (employees)9.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (company)3.1 ( )0.5 (in)3.2 ( )0.5 (2)3.2 (0)3.2 (1)3.2 (9)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (please)3.2 ( refer)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (2)3.2 (0)3.2 (1)3.2 (9)3.2 ( social)3.2 ( )0.5 (responsibility)3.1 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( )0.5 (environmental)3.3 (,)3.2 ( social)3.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)14 ( governance)14 ( report)14 ( of)14 ( aluminum)14 ( corporation)14 ( of)14.1 ( china)14 ( limited)14 ( separately)14 ( disclosed)14 ( by)14 ( the)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (company.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 517.2117 tm (repurchase, sale and redemption of the company\222s )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.333 td (shares)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 467.2117 tm [(the)9.2 ( company)9.2 ( did)9.2 ( )0.5 (not)9.2 ( )0.5 (redeem)9.2 ( any)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (its)9.2 ( )0.5 (shares)9.2 ( during)9.2 ( )0.5 (2)9.2 (0)9.2 (1)9.2 (9)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (neither)9.1 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( company)9.2 ( )0.5 (nor)9.2 ( )0.5 (any)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( its)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (subsidiaries purchased or sold any of its listed securities during 2019.\ )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 417.2117 tm (management contracts)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 387.2117 tm [(no)1.2 ( )0.5 (contract)1.2 ( )0.5 (concerning)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (management)1.2 ( )0.5 (or)1.2 ( )0.5 (administration)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (whole)1.2 ( or)1.2 ( any)1.2 ( substantial)1.2 ( )0.5 (part)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the business of the company was entered into or subsisted during the yea\ r.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 337.2117 tm (major customers and suppliers)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td [(1. )-694.2 (major customers)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.07 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 272.2117 tm [(the)13.5 ( company)13.6 ( attaches)13.5 ( great)13.6 ( importance)13.5 ( to)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( relationship)13.6 ( with)13.6 ( customers)13.6 (,)13.6 ( provides)42.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(c)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( w)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (h)14.3 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( h)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (h)14.4 ( q)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)14.4 (.)14.4 ( wh)0.6 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)14.4 ( i)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( q)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( o)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)23.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(products)13.6 (,)13.6 ( we)13.6 ( also)13.6 ( deepen)13.6 ( our)13.6 ( communication)13.6 ( with)13.6 ( customers)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( learn)13.6 ( more)13.6 ( about)13.6 ( market)14.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(demands)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( provide)13.8 ( customized)13.8 ( comprehensive)13.8 ( solution)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( customers)13.8 (,)13.8 ( so)13.8 ( as)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( create)21.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(more)14.2 ( )0.5 (value)14.2 ( )0.5 (for)14.3 ( )0.5 (them)14.3 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.5 (always)14.2 ( )0.6 (puts)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (product)14.2 ( )0.5 (quality)14.2 ( )0.5 (first)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (for)14.3 ( )0.5 (which)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)32.2 ( )]tj 0.079 tc t* [(\223)14 (administrative)14 ( measures)14 ( for)14 ( product)14 ( quality)14 (\224)14 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.065 tc -0.065 tw 24.993 0 td [<0090>64 <0b2a06dc122f0d8e104d0b23136c062c>63.9 <0091>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.079 tc 0.078 tw 10.137 0 td [(\))14 ( is)14 ( formulated)14 ( to)51.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw -35.13 -1.5 td [(guarantee)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (high)5.2 ( )0.5 (quality)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.3 ( our)5.2 ( )0.5 (reliable)5.2 ( products)5.2 ( through)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.3 ( quality)5.2 ( )0.5 (management)5.2 ( )0.5 (system)5.2 ( )]tj et endstream endobj 1168 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(9)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.073 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(s)0.5 (ave)14.4 ( as)14.4 ( di)0.5 (scl)0.5 (os)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( abo)0.5 (ve)14.4 (,)14.3 ( a)0.5 (s)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( 3)14.3 (1)14.4 ( de)0.5 (ce)0.5 (mb)0.5 (er)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.3 (1)14.4 (9)14.3 (,)14.4 ( non)0.5 (e)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (re)0.5 (ct)0.5 (ors)14.4 (,)14.3 ( c)0.5 (hi)0.5 (ef)14.4 ( e)0.5 (xe)0.5 (cu)0.5 (ti)0.5 (ve)14.4 (,)45.1 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(supervisors)14.1 ( or)14.1 ( their)14.1 ( respective)14.1 ( associates)14.1 ( had)14.1 ( any)14.1 ( interests)14 ( or)14.1 ( short)14.1 ( positions)14.1 ( in)14 ( the)14.1 ( shares)14.1 (,)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.02 tw t* (underlying shares or debentures of the company or its associated corpora\ tions \(within the meaning )tj 0.053 tc 0.077 tw t* [(o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( s)0.5 (fo)14.4 (\))14.4 (,)14.3 ( w)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (ch)14.4 ( w)0.5 (e)0.5 (re)14.4 ( \()14.4 (a)14.4 (\))14.3 ( re)0.5 (q)0.5 (ui)0.5 (r)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( b)0.5 (e)14.3 ( n)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (if)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (mp)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( h)0.5 (on)0.5 (g)14.4 ( k)0.5 (on)0.5 (g)14.3 ( st)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (k)25.1 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(exchange)14.2 ( pursuant)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( divisions)14.2 ( )0.5 (7)14.1 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( 8)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( part)14.2 ( xv)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (sfo)14.2 (;)14.2 ( or)14.2 ( \()14.2 (b)14.1 (\))14.2 ( required)14.1 ( )0.5 (to)14.1 ( )0.5 (be)14.2 ( recorded)14.1 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(the)4.2 ( register)4.2 ( kept)4.2 ( )0.5 (by)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (company)4.2 ( pursuant)4.2 ( )0.5 (to)4.2 ( )0.5 (section)4.2 ( )0.5 (3)4.2 (5)4.2 (2)4.2 ( of)4.3 ( the)4.2 ( sfo)4.2 (;)4.2 ( )0.5 (\()4.1 (c)4.2 (\))4.2 ( )0.5 (required)4.2 ( )0.5 (to)4.2 ( )0.5 (be)4.2 ( )0.5 (notified)4.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( hong)13.6 ( kong)13.7 ( stock)13.7 ( exchange)13.7 ( pursuant)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( model)13.7 ( code)13.7 ( for)13.7 ( securities)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (transactions by directors of listed issuers \(the \223)tj /t1_1 1 tf (model code)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw (\224\).)tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(during)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( year)14 ( ended)14 ( 3)14 (1)14.1 ( december)14.1 ( 2)14 (0)14.1 (1)14 (9)14 (,)14.1 ( none)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( directors)14.1 (,)14 ( chief)14 ( executive)14.1 (,)14 ( supervisors)14.1 (,)19.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.05 tw 0 -1.5 td (senior management or their respective spouses or children under the age \ of eighteen was granted )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(any right to acquire shares, underlying shares or debentures of the comp\ any or any of its associated)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (corporations \(within the meaning of the sfo\).)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 442.2117 tm (interests of directors and supervisors in )tj 0 -1.333 td (transactions, arrangements or contracts)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.058 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 392.2117 tm (for the year ended 31 december 2019, none of the directors or supervisor\ s or entities connected )tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(to)13.6 ( such)13.7 ( directors)13.7 ( or)13.7 ( supervisors)13.7 ( was)13.7 ( materially)13.7 ( interested)13.7 (,)13.7 ( either)13.7 ( directly)13.7 ( or)13.6 ( indirectly)13.6 (,)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( any)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.009 tw t* (transaction, arrangement or contract of significance to which the compan\ y or any of its subsidiaries )tj 0 tw t* (was a party.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 312.2117 tm (employees and pension schemes)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 282.2117 tm [(as)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.3 ( 3)5.2 (1)5.2 ( )0.5 (december)5.2 ( 2)5.3 (0)5.2 (1)5.2 (9)5.2 (,)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (group)5.2 ( )0.5 (had)5.2 ( )0.5 (6)5.2 (5)5.2 (,)5.2 (5)5.2 (0)5.2 (7)5.2 ( employees)5.3 (.)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (remuneration)5.2 ( of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (employees)5.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0.077 tw t* [(i)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (d)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( s)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.5 ( b)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 (,)14.4 ( s)0.5 (u)0.6 (b)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( a)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)0.6 (o)0.5 (w)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.5 ( m)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( c)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)14.5 (,)14.4 ( h)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)14.4 ( s)0.5 (u)0.6 (b)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 (,)44.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (maternity, unemployment, occupational injury, retirement pension and oth\ er benefits.)tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 0 -3 td [(in)6.2 ( )0.5 (accordance)6.2 ( with)6.2 ( applicable)6.2 ( prc)6.2 ( regulations)6.2 (,)6.2 ( the)6.1 ( )0.5 (company)6.2 ( )0.5 (has)6.2 ( currently)6.2 ( )0.5 (enrolled)6.2 ( )0.5 (in)6.2 ( a)6.2 ( )0.5 (series)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.066 tw 0 -1.5 td [(pension )0.5 (schemes )0.6 (regulated )0.5 (by )0.6 (various )0.5 (provincial )0.5 (and )0.5 (municipal )0.5 (governments, )0.6 (under )0.5 (which )0.6 (each )0.5 (of )]tj 0.062 tw t* (the company and its subsidiaries is required to contribute a percentage \ of its employees\222 salaries, )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(bonuses)11.2 ( and)11.1 ( )0.5 (various)11.2 ( )0.5 (allowances)11.1 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (pension)11.2 ( fund)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (as)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( state)11.2 ( adjusted)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (social)11.2 ( insurance)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.038 tw t* (rate, the percentage of the contribution in the employees\222 remunerati\ on is adjusted to around 16% )tj 0 tw t* (from around 20% from 1 may 2019.)tj et endstream endobj 1169 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(9)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (directors\222 and supervisors\222 service contracts and )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.333 td (remuneration)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.063 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 602.7467 tm (pursuant to articles 108 and 150 of the articles of association of the c\ ompany, the term of office )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)9.2 ( a)9.3 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (or)9.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (r)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)9.2 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (vi)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)9.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (s)9.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)9.2 ( y)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)9.2 (,)9.2 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (b)0.5 (j)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)9.2 ( t)0.5 (o)9.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)9.2 (-)9.2 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (ec)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (ch)9.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (to)0.5 (r)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)9.2 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (vi)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.038 tw t* (has therefore entered into a service contract with the company, but such\ service contracts are not )tj 0.012 tw t* [(terminable by )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (within one )0.5 (year without )0.5 (payment )0.5 (of )0.5 (compensation )0.5 (\(other )0.5 (than )0.5 (statutory )]tj 0.077 tw t* (compensation\). details of the directors\222 and supervisors\222 remuner\ ations and remunerations of the )tj 0.076 tw t* (five highest paid individuals are set out in note 30 to the financial st\ atements. for the year ended )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(3)14.3 (1)14.3 ( )0.5 (december)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.3 (0)14.3 (1)14.3 (9)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (there)14.3 ( )0.5 (were)14.3 ( )0.5 (no)14.3 ( )0.5 (arrangements)14.3 ( )0.6 (under)14.3 ( )0.5 (which)14.2 ( )0.6 (any)14.3 ( )0.6 (director)14.3 ( )0.5 (or)14.3 ( )0.5 (supervisor)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (company had waived or agreed to waive any remuneration.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 462.7466 tm (permitted indemnity provisions)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.05 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 432.7466 tm (as at 31 december 2019, all directors, supervisors and other senior mana\ gement of the company )tj 0 tw t* (were covered under the liability insurance purchased by the company for \ them.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 382.7466 tm (interests of directors, chief executive and )tj 0 -1.333 td (supervisors in shares of the company and its )tj 0 -1.333 td (associated corporations)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 312.7466 tm [(as)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( 3)4.2 (1)4.2 ( )0.5 (december)4.2 ( 2)4.2 (0)4.2 (1)4.2 (9)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( following)4.2 ( )0.5 (director)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( company)4.2 ( was)4.2 ( )0.5 (interested)4.2 ( )0.5 (in)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (shares)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the company:)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 8 0 0 10 62.3622 222.7466 tm (name)tj 0 tw 6.732 1.5 td (position in the )tj -0.028 tw t* (company)tj 0 tw 15.934 4.5 td (number of a )tj -0.113 -1.5 td (shares of the )tj -2.112 -1.5 td (company held as )tj -0.417 -1.5 td (personal interests)tj -0.028 tw 10.731 0 td (capacity)tj 0 tw 10.598 4.5 td (percentage in )tj -1.334 -1.5 td (relevant class of )tj 1.918 -1.5 td (issued share )tj -0.028 tw 2.917 -1.5 td (capital)tj 0 tw 6.42 3 td (percentage in )tj 0.973 -1.5 td (total issued )tj -0.529 -1.5 td (share capital)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 218.5963 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 0 tc 8 0 0 10 62.3622 219.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 218.5963 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 116.2205 219.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.433 218.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 215.433 219.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 300.4724 218.5963 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 300.4724 219.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 218.5963 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 442.9812 219.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 218.5963 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 522.3513 219.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -57.499 -3 td (jiang )tj t* (yinggang)tj 0 tw 6.732 1.5 td (executive director and )tj 1.134 -1.5 td (senior vice president)tj -0.028 tw 17.992 1.5 td (10,000)tj 4.898 0 td (beneficial )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (owner)tj 11.049 1.5 td (0.000091%)tj 9.921 0 td (0.000067%)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 170.2159 cm 0 0 m 53.858 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8 0 0 10 62.3622 170.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 116.2205 170.2159 cm 0 0 m 99.213 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 116.2205 170.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.433 170.2159 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 215.433 170.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 300.4724 170.2159 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 300.4724 170.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 170.2159 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 442.9812 170.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 170.2159 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 8 0 0 10 522.3513 170.9859 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1170 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(9)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (non-executive directors)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm (mr. ao hong)tj 9.921 0 td (re-appointed on 25 june 2019)tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. wang jun)tj 9.921 0 td (re-appointed on 25 june 2019)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 559.0165 tm (independent non-executive directors)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 62.3622 529.0166 tm (ms. chen lijie)tj 9.921 0 td (re-appointed on 25 june 2019)tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. hu shihai)tj 9.921 0 td (re-appointed on 25 june 2019)tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. lie-a-cheong)tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (tai chong, david)tj 8.929 1.5 td (re-appointed on 25 june 2019)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 420.2866 tm (supervisors)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 390.2866 tm (mr. ye guohua)tj 9.921 0 td (re-appointed on 25 june 2019)tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. ou xiaowu)tj 9.921 0 td (appointed on 10 december 2019)tj -9.921 -3 td (ms. shan shulan)tj 9.921 0 td (re-appointed on 25 june 2019)tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. guan xiaoguang)tj 9.921 0 td (appointed on 25 june 2019)tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. yue xuguang)tj 9.921 0 td (appointed on 10 december 2019)tj -9.921 -2.873 td (profiles of the current directors and supervisors are set out on pages 1\ 7 to 24.)tj et endstream endobj 1171 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(9)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (litigation and contingent liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.444 tw 0 -2.333 td (\(a\) litigation)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.075 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 587.7467 tm [(there)14 ( was)14.1 ( no)14 ( significant)14.1 ( litigation)14.1 ( pending)14 ( during)14 ( the)14.1 ( year)14.1 ( which)14 ( was)14.1 ( required)14.1 ( to)14 ( be)47.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (disclosed.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 537.7466 tm [(\(b\) )-388.4 (contingent liabilities)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 507.7466 tm [(as)14.1 ( at)14.1 ( 3)14 (1)14.1 ( december)14 ( 2)14 (0)14.1 (1)14 (9)14.1 (,)14 ( the)14 ( group)14.1 ( was)14 ( sued)14.1 ( by)14 ( its)14.1 ( counterparties)14.1 ( with)14.1 ( an)14 ( amount)14.1 ( of)33.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* [(approximately rmb590,967,000 involved )0.5 (in the case. both )0.5 (parties had disputes over the work )]tj 0 tw t* (quantity and settlement amount of the projects in the prc mainland.)tj 0.084 tw 0 -3 td (during the lawsuit, local courts rules that bank deposits of two subsidi\ aries with an amount )tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(of)13.5 ( rmb)13.6 (2)13.5 (1)13.6 (4)13.6 (,)13.5 (5)13.6 (3)13.6 (6)13.5 (,)13.6 (0)13.5 (0)13.6 (0)13.6 ( or)13.5 ( assets)13.5 ( with)13.5 ( an)13.6 ( equivalent)13.6 ( amount)13.6 ( will)13.5 ( be)13.6 ( frozen)13.5 (,)13.6 ( as)13.6 ( at)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( date)33.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc t* [(of)14.2 ( )0.5 (this)14.2 ( )0.5 (report)14.2 (,)14.2 ( local)14.2 ( )0.5 (courts)14.2 ( )0.5 (have)14.3 ( frozen)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( balance)14.3 ( in)14.2 ( bank)14.2 ( )0.5 (accounts)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (approximately)41.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(rmb)4.2 (6)4.2 (0)4.2 (,)4.2 (8)4.2 (0)4.2 (0)4.2 (,)4.2 (0)4.2 (0)4.2 (0)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( )0.5 (properties)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )0.5 (approximately)4.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)4.2 (4)4.2 (5)4.2 (,)4.2 (6)4.2 (8)4.2 (0)4.2 (,)4.2 (0)4.2 (0)4.2 (0)4.2 (.)4.2 ( based)4.2 ( )0.5 (on)4.3 ( the)4.2 ( )0.5 (opinions)4.1 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (the legal advisor of the group, the group is of opinion that it can cond\ uct effective defense )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(against)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (accusation)9.2 (.)9.2 ( therefore)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (group)9.2 ( )0.5 (did)9.2 ( )0.5 (not)9.2 ( make)9.2 ( expected)9.2 ( liabilities)9.2 ( )0.5 (on)9.2 ( claims)9.2 ( )0.5 (or)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (interest penalty.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 322.7466 tm (directors and supervisors)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 62.3622 292.7466 tm (as of the date of this report, the board and supervisory committee of th\ e company comprise:)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 257.7466 tm (executive directors)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 62.3622 227.7466 tm (mr. lu dongliang)tj 9.921 0 td (re-appointed on 25 june 2019)tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. he zhihui)tj 9.921 0 td (re-appointed on 25 june 2019)tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. jiang yinggang)tj 9.921 0 td (re-appointed on 25 june 2019)tj -9.921 -3 td (mr. zhu runzhou)tj 9.921 0 td (re-appointed on 25 june 2019)tj et endstream endobj 1172 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1173 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1174 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1175 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1176 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1177 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(9)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (use of proceeds)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm (the company has no use of proceeds in 2019.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 587.7466 tm (use of fund other than proceeds)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.086 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 557.7467 tm (the boffa bauxite project in guinea with an annual capacity of 12 millio\ n tonnes: total investment )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(in)9.2 ( project)9.2 ( )0.5 (construction)9.2 ( )0.5 (amounted)9.2 ( to)9.2 ( )0.5 (approximately)9.2 ( rmb)9.2 (3)9.2 (.)9.2 (0)9.2 (8)9.2 (8)9.2 ( )0.5 (billion)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (by)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (end)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (2)9.2 (0)9.2 (1)9.2 (9)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (an)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw t* (aggregate of approximately rmb1.872 billion of capital expenditure had b\ een incurred. the quarry )tj 0.071 tw 0 -1.5 td (of mine had been put into operation successfully at the end of 2019 and \ the first batch of bauxite )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (had been shipped to the prc in february 2020.)tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -3 td [(guangxi)1.2 ( )0.5 (huasheng)1.2 (\222)1.2 (s)1.2 ( alumina)1.3 ( project)1.2 ( )0.5 (with)1.2 ( )0.5 (an)1.2 ( )0.5 (annual)1.3 ( capacity)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (2)1.2 ( million)1.2 ( )0.5 (tonnes)1.2 (:)1.3 ( total)1.2 ( )0.5 (investment)1.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(i)0.5 (n)14.2 ( p)0.5 (ro)0.5 (je)0.5 (ct)14.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (on)0.5 (str)0.5 (uc)0.5 (ti)0.5 (on)14.3 ( a)0.5 (mo)0.5 (un)0.5 (ted)14.3 ( t)0.5 (o)14.2 ( )0.5 (rm)0.5 (b)14.2 (5)14.2 (,)14.2 (8)14.2 (0)14.2 (5)14.2 ( )0.5 (mi)0.5 (l)0.5 (li)0.5 (on)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (nd)14.2 ( )0.5 (by)14.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)14.2 ( )0.5 (en)0.5 (d)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (9)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (ggr)0.5 (eg)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(rmb3)0.5 (,912 mi)0.5 (llion)0.5 ( of capita)0.5 (l expend)0.5 (iture h)0.5 (ad been i)0.5 (nc)0.5 (urred. t)0.5 (he proje)0.5 (ct is exp)0.5 (ected to b)0.5 (e complet)0.5 (ed)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (and put into operation in june 2020.)tj 0.069 tw 0 -3 td (ningxia energy\222s 200 mw wind power project in alxa left banner: total\ investment in the project )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 0 -1.5 td [(amounted)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)3.2 (1)3.2 (,)3.2 (4)3.2 (4)3.2 (6)3.2 ( )0.5 (million)3.2 (.)3.2 ( by)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (end)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (2)3.2 (0)3.2 (1)3.2 (9)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (an)3.2 ( )0.5 (aggregate)3.3 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)3.2 (1)3.2 (,)3.2 (2)3.2 (5)3.2 (3)3.2 ( )0.5 (million)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.3 ( capital)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw t* (expenditure had been incurred. the project had been connected to the gri\ d for power generation at )tj 0 tw t* (the end of 2019.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 312.7466 tm (pre-emptive rights)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.016 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 282.7466 tm (pursuant to the articles of association of the company and the prc laws,\ there are no pre-emptive )tj 0 tw t* (rights that require the company to offer new shares to its existing shar\ eholders on a pro-rata basis.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 232.7467 tm (donations)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.059 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 202.7466 tm (the group had contributed approximately rmb25,553,800 for poverty allevi\ ations and donations in )tj 0 tw t* (2019 \(2018: approximately rmb23,684,000\).)tj et endstream endobj 1178 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(9)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 62.3622 652.4117 tm (name)tj 15.388 0 td (abbreviation)tj 8.099 0 td (code)tj 0 tw 7.289 0 td (issue date)tj 7.289 0 td (maturity date)tj -0.028 tw 9.878 0 td (balance)tj 8.119 0 td (rate)tj 4.276 0 td (exchange)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7 0 2.6795 10 391.2946 637.4117 tm (\(rmb\222100 )tj 1.909 -1.5 td (million\))tj 7.655 1.5 td (\(%\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 62.3622 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 170.0787 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 170.0787 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 226.7716 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 277.7953 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 328.8189 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 385.5118 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 420.9156 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 466.27 619.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 618.2714 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 476.2205 619.0414 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -59.123 -1.5 td (2019 corporate bonds )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (\(tranche 1\) publicly issued )tj 0 -1.5 td (by aluminum corporation of )tj t* (china limited)tj 14.173 4.5 td (19 chalco 01)tj -0.028 tw 8.099 0 td (155166)tj 7.289 0 td (2019.01.22)tj 7.289 0 td (2022.01.23)tj 12.628 0 td (20)tj 5.59 0 td (3.80)tj 4.054 0 td (shanghai )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (stock )tj t* (exchange)tj 0 tw -61.552 -4.5 td (2019 corporate bonds \(tranche )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (2\) \(type 2\) publicly issued )tj t* (by aluminum corporation of )tj t* (china limited)tj 14.173 4.5 td (19 chalco g3)tj -0.028 tw 8.099 0 td (155594)tj 7.289 0 td (2019.08.08)tj 7.289 0 td (2029.08.09)tj 12.628 0 td (20)tj 5.59 0 td (4.55)tj 4.054 0 td (shanghai )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (stock )tj t* (exchange)tj 0 tw -61.552 -4.5 td (2019 corporate bonds \(tranche )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (3\) \(type 1\) publicly issued )tj t* (by aluminum corporation of )tj t* (china limited)tj 14.173 4.5 td (19 chalco g4)tj -0.028 tw 8.099 0 td (155677)tj 7.289 0 td (2019.09.04)tj 7.289 0 td (2022.09.05)tj 12.628 0 td (10)tj 5.59 0 td (3.50)tj 4.054 0 td (shanghai )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (stock )tj t* (exchange)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 404.8909 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 62.3622 405.6609 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 170.0787 404.8909 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 170.0787 405.6609 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7716 404.8909 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 226.7716 405.6609 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 404.8909 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 277.7953 405.6609 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 404.8909 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 328.8189 405.6609 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 385.5118 404.8909 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 420.9156 405.6609 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 404.8909 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 466.27 405.6609 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 404.8909 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 476.2205 405.6609 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 371.9309 tm (reserves)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 341.9309 tm [(movements)11.2 ( in)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (reserves)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( group)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (company)11.2 ( during)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (year)11.2 ( )0.5 (are)11.2 ( )0.5 (set)11.2 ( )0.5 (out)11.2 ( )0.5 (in)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw t* [(consolidated)14.1 ( )0.5 (statement)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( changes)14.2 ( in)14.2 ( equity)14.1 ( )0.5 (on)14.1 ( page)14.2 ( 1)14.2 (9)14.2 (1)14.1 ( )0.5 (to)14.1 ( )0.5 (1)14.1 (9)14.2 (2)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( note)14.2 ( 1)14.2 (7)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( financial)30.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (statements, respectively.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 276.9309 tm (property, plant and equipment)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.002 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 246.9309 tm (details of the movements in property, plant and equipment of the group a\ re set out in note 6 to the )tj 0 tw t* (financial statements.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 196.9309 tm (distributable reserves)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.053 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 166.9309 tm (pursuant to article 189 of the articles of association of the company, w\ here there are differences )tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw t* [(between)14 ( the)14 ( prc)14 ( accounting)14.1 ( standards)14 ( and)14 ( the)14 ( international)14 ( financial)14 ( report)14.1 ( standards)14 (,)14 ( the)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.077 tw t* (distributable reserves for the relevant period shall be the lesser of th\ e amounts shown in the two )tj 0.015 tw t* [(different )0.5 (financial )0.5 (statements. )0.6 (as )0.5 (such, )0.5 (as )0.5 (of )0.5 (31 )0.6 (december )0.5 (2019, )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (had )0.5 (no )0.5 (distributable )]tj -0.028 tw t* (reserves.)tj et endstream endobj 1179 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(9)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (share capital)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm (the total share capital of the company was 17,022,672,951 shares as at 3\ 1 december 2019.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 587.7466 tm (corporate bonds)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 557.7467 tm [(in)2.2 ( )0.5 (order)2.2 ( )0.5 (to)2.2 ( replace)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (company)2.2 (\222)2.2 (s)2.2 ( debts)2.2 ( )0.5 (due)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )0.5 (provide)2.2 ( additional)2.2 ( )0.5 (liquidity)2.3 (,)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( corporate)2.2 ( bonds)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (issued by the company as of 31 december 2019 are as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 62.3622 512.7467 tm (name)tj 15.388 0 td (abbreviation)tj 8.099 0 td (code)tj 0 tw 7.289 0 td (issue date)tj 7.289 0 td (maturity date)tj -0.028 tw 9.878 0 td (balance)tj 8.119 0 td (rate)tj 4.276 0 td (exchange)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7 0 2.6795 10 391.2946 497.7467 tm (\(rmb\222100 )tj 1.909 -1.5 td (million\))tj 7.655 1.5 td (\(%\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 62.3622 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 170.0788 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 170.0788 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 226.7717 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 277.7953 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 328.8189 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 385.5118 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 420.9156 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 466.27 479.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 478.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 476.2205 479.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -59.123 -3 td (2016 corporate bonds \(tranche )tj t* (1\) privately issued by aluminum )tj t* (corporation of china limited)tj 15.388 3 td (16 chalco 01)tj -0.028 tw 8.099 0 td (135890)tj 7.289 0 td (2016.09.23)tj 7.289 0 td (2019.09.23)tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.212 0 td (0)tj 6.535 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.525 0 td (shanghai )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (stock )tj t* (exchange)tj 0 tw -61.552 -3 td (2018 corporate bonds \(tranche )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (1\) \(type 1\) publicly issued )tj t* (by aluminum corporation of )tj t* (china limited)tj 14.173 4.5 td (18 chalco 01)tj -0.028 tw 8.099 0 td (143804)tj 7.289 0 td (2018.09.14)tj 7.289 0 td (2021.09.18)tj 12.628 0 td (11)tj 5.59 0 td (4.55)tj 4.054 0 td (shanghai )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (stock )tj t* (exchange)tj 0 tw -61.552 -4.5 td (2018 corporate bonds \(tranche )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (1\) \(type 2\) publicly issued )tj t* (by aluminum corporation of )tj t* (china limited)tj 14.173 4.5 td (18 chalco 02)tj -0.028 tw 8.099 0 td (143805)tj 7.289 0 td (2018.09.14)tj 7.289 0 td (2023.09.18)tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.212 0 td (9)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.006 0 td (4.99)tj 4.054 0 td (shanghai )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (stock )tj t* (exchange)tj 0 tw -61.552 -4.5 td (2018 corporate bonds \(tranche )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (2\) \(type 1\) publicly issued )tj t* (by aluminum corporation of )tj t* (china limited)tj 14.173 4.5 td (18 chalco 03)tj -0.028 tw 8.099 0 td (155032)tj 7.289 0 td (2018.11.14)tj 7.289 0 td (2021.11.16)tj 12.628 0 td (14)tj 5.59 0 td (4.19)tj 4.054 0 td (shanghai )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (stock )tj t* (exchange)tj 0 tw -61.552 -4.5 td (2018 corporate bonds \(tranche )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (2\) \(type 2\) publicly issued )tj t* (by aluminum corporation of )tj t* (china limited)tj 14.173 4.5 td (18 chalco 04)tj -0.028 tw 8.099 0 td (155033)tj 7.289 0 td (2018.11.14)tj 7.289 0 td (2023.11.16)tj 12.628 0 td (16)tj 5.59 0 td (4.50)tj 4.054 0 td (shanghai )tj 1.215 -1.5 td (stock )tj t* (exchange)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 115.3372 cm 0 0 m 107.717 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 62.3622 116.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 170.0788 115.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 170.0788 116.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 226.7717 115.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 226.7717 116.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 115.3372 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 277.7953 116.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 328.8189 115.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 328.8189 116.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 385.5118 115.3372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 420.9156 116.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 430.8661 115.3372 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 466.27 116.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 115.3372 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 476.2205 116.3572 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1180 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(9)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(2. )-1639.1 (dividend distribution policies of the company are to be specified as fol\ lows:)]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 2.835 -3 td [(\()27.2 (1)27.2 (\))27.2 ( )-1228.3 (dividend)13.8 ( shall)13.8 ( be)13.8 ( distributed)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( following)13.8 ( manner)13.8 (:)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( may)13.8 ( distribute)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(dividends )0.5 (in )0.5 (cash, )0.5 (in )0.5 (shares or )0.5 (in )0.5 (a )0.5 (combination )0.5 (of )0.5 (both )0.5 (cash )0.5 (and )0.5 (shares. )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.5 td [(shall)6.2 ( give)6.2 ( )0.5 (priority)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( dividend)6.2 ( distribution)6.1 ( )0.5 (in)6.2 ( cash)6.2 (.)6.2 ( )0.5 (subject)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( conditions)6.2 (,)6.2 ( interim)6.3 ( profit)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (distribution may be made by the company;)tj 0.089 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()61.2 (2)61.2 (\))61.2 ( )-1194.2 (specific)13.8 ( conditions)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( proportions)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( cash)13.8 ( dividend)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 (:)13.7 ( save)13.8 ( in)61.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.077 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(e)0.5 (x)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( c)0.6 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 (,)14.4 ( i)0.6 (f)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)14.4 (\222)14.4 (s)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)14.4 ( f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( y)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( i)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)14.4 ( c)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.089 tw t* (undistributed profit are positive, the company may distribute dividend i\ n cash and the )tj 0.027 tw t* (profit to be distributed in cash per annum will not be less than 10% of \ the distributable )tj 0.074 tw t* (profit realized for that year, or that the total profit to be distribute\ d in cash in the past )tj 0.039 tw t* [(three )0.5 (years )0.5 (will )0.5 (not )0.5 (be )0.5 (less )0.5 (than )0.6 (30% )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (average )0.5 (annual )0.5 (distributable )0.5 (profit )0.5 (realized )]tj 0 tw t* (in the past three years;)tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw -5.669 -3 td [(as)14.1 ( at)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( reporting)14.1 ( period)14.2 (,)14.1 ( if)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( company)14.2 (\222)14.1 (s)14.2 ( distributable)14.2 ( profit)14.2 ( is)14.1 ( positive)14.1 (,)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( has)30.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.033 tw t* (distributed no less than 30% of the net profit of the parent company in \ the corresponding year and )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(a)0.5 (l)0.5 (l )0.5 (a)0.5 (do)0.5 (p)0.5 (t)0.5 (ed)0.5 ( )0.5 (di)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (de)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (st)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (bu)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)0.5 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n )0.5 (c)0.5 (as)0.5 (h)0.5 (. )0.5 (i)0.5 (n )0.5 (r)0.5 (ec)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t )0.5 (y)0.5 (ea)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)0.5 (, )0.5 (a)0.5 (s )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)0.5 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (an)0.5 (y)0.5 (\222)0.5 (s )0.5 (c)0.5 (um)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (at)0.5 (i)0.5 (ve)0.5 ( )0.5 (u)0.5 (nd)0.5 (i)0.5 (st)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (bu)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.012 tw t* [(profit )0.5 (was negative, )0.5 (the company\222s )0.5 (profit )0.5 (was used in )0.5 (making up )0.5 (losses and )0.5 (conducted no dividend )]tj 0 tw t* (distribution in cash.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs -0.028 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 337.2117 tm (dividend)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.085 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 307.2117 tm (the board did not recommend any distribution or payment of final dividen\ d for the year ended 31 )tj 0 tw t* (december 2019.)tj 0 -3 td (total dividends paid during 2019 and 2018 are as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 351.496 245.942 90.709 -15 re 351.496 230.942 90.709 -3.38 re 351.496 227.561 90.709 -15 re 351.496 212.561 90.709 -15 re 351.496 197.561 90.709 -30 re 351.496 167.561 90.709 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 413.4615 232.2117 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.071 0 td (2018)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 228.0613 cm 0 0 m 289.134 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 228.8313 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 228.0613 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4961 228.8313 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 228.0613 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2047 228.8313 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -37.984 -3 td (total dividends paid: )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 160.8212 198.8313 tm (\(rmb million\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 422.6394 198.8313 tm (nil)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.239 0 td (nil)tj 0 tw -45.267 -1.5 td (percentage to profits attributable to holders )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (of the interests of the company: )tj -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 227.7003 168.8313 tm (\(%\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 422.6394 168.8313 tm (nil)tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.239 0 td (nil)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 164.6809 cm 0 0 m 289.134 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 165.4509 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 351.4961 164.6809 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 351.4961 165.4509 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 442.2047 164.6809 cm 0 0 m 90.709 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 442.2047 165.4509 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1181 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(9)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5412 658.9977 tm (note 3:)tj 0.03 tc 0.092 tw 8 0 0 8 90.1508 658.9977 tm [( )-1441.4 (i)-13.8 (n 2019, t)-13.8 (h)-13.7 (e g)-13.8 (r)-13.8 (o)-13.8 (u)-13.7 (p\222s c)-13.8 (o)]tj 0 tc 0 tw 4.664 0 0 4.664 200.9164 659.3337 tm (2)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 203.6489 658.9977 tm [( emissions)14.1 ( equivalent)14.1 ( was)14.2 ( calculated)14.1 ( based)14.1 ( on)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( total)14.1 ( energy)14.1 ( consumption)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( oil)14.2 (,)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw -12.346 -1.375 td [(natural )0.6 (gas, )0.5 (coal, )0.5 (and )0.6 (purchased )0.5 (electricity, )0.5 (and )0.5 (the )0.5 (data )0.6 (for )0.5 (2018 )0.5 (were )0.5 (restated )0.5 (according )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (same )0.5 (standard )]tj 0 tw 0 -1.375 td (and calculation method.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5412 614.9977 tm (note 4:)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 90.1508 614.9977 tm [( )-1439.4 (the)14.1 ( amount)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( industrial)14.1 ( wastewater)14.1 ( discharged)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( compliance)14.1 ( with)14.1 ( relevant)14.1 ( standards)14.1 ( does)14.2 ( not)14.1 ( include)14.1 ( the)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 1.841 -1.375 td (amount of ningxia energy.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5412 581.9977 tm (note 5: )tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 104.8819 581.9977 tm [(the)14 ( scope)14 ( of)14 ( general)14 ( industrial)14 ( solid)14 ( waste)14 ( statistics)13.9 ( has)14 ( expanded)14 ( from)14.1 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (8)14 ( \()13.9 (added)14 ( coal)14 ( gangue)14 (,)14 ( smelting)18.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(waste)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (other)14.3 ( )0.5 (types)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (solid)14.3 ( )0.5 (waste)14.2 (,)14.3 ( etc)14.2 (.)14.3 (\))14.2 (,)14.3 ( and)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (implementation)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (ultra)14.3 (-)14.2 (low)14.2 ( )0.5 (emissions)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (increased)14.2 ( )0.5 (use)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (desulfurizers, etc. resulted in the increase in the general industrial s\ olid waste generated in 2019.)tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 529.9977 tm [(for)14.2 ( )0.5 (further)14.2 ( information)14.2 ( on)14.1 ( )0.5 (social)14.2 ( )0.5 (responsibilities)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( )0.5 (environmental)14.1 ( )0.5 (protection)14.1 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( company)14.2 (,)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw 0 -1.5 td (please refer to the 2019 social responsibility and environmental, social\ and governance report of )tj 0 tw t* (aluminum corporation of china limited separately disclosed by the compan\ y.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 464.9977 tm (financial summary)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 434.9977 tm [(the)14 ( results)14 ( of)14.1 ( the)14 ( group)14 ( for)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( year)14 ( ended)14 ( 3)14.1 (1)14 ( december)14 ( 2)14.1 (0)14 (1)14 (9)14.1 ( are)14 ( set)14 ( out)14 ( in)14 ( the)14 ( consolidated)18.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(statement)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( comprehensive)13.9 ( income)13.9 ( on)13.9 ( pages)13.8 ( 1)13.9 (8)13.8 (8)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( 1)13.8 (9)13.9 (0)13.8 (.)13.9 ( a)13.8 ( five)13.8 (-)13.9 (year)13.9 ( financial)13.8 ( summary)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (group is set out on pages 8 to 13.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 369.9977 tm (dividend and dividend policy)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td (dividend policy)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 62.3622 304.9977 tm [(1. )-1639.1 (the basic principles of profit distribution policy of the company are as\ follows:)]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 2.835 -3 td [(\()14.2 (1)14.2 (\))14.2 ( )-1241.2 (taking)14 ( full)14 ( account)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( return)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( investors)14 ( and)13.9 ( distributing)13.9 ( dividend)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( shareholders)14 ( in)14.3 ( )]tj 2.835 -1.5 td [(proportion)13.6 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( distributable)13.6 ( dividend)13.6 ( realized)13.7 ( for)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( year)13.7 ( concerned)13.6 ( on)13.7 ( an)13.6 ( annual)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (basis;)tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\()9.2 (2)9.2 (\))9.2 ( )-1241.2 (maintaining)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (continuity)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( stability)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( company)9.2 (\222)9.2 (s)9.2 ( dividend)9.2 ( distribution)9.2 ( policy)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.071 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (while at the same time take care of the interest of the company in the l\ ong term, the )tj 0.052 tw t* (interest of the shareholders as a whole, as well as the sustainable deve\ lopment of the )tj -0.028 tw t* (company;)tj 0 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\(3\) )-1333.2 (giving priority to dividend distribution in cash.)]tj et endstream endobj 1182 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1183 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1184 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/properties<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1185 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1186 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1187 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(9)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 9.5 0 0 10 62.3622 652.4117 tm (performance indicators)tj -0.028 tw 19.097 0 td (unit)tj 12.612 0 td (2017)tj 7.46 0 td (2018)tj 7.46 0 td (2019)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 648.2713 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 9.5 0 0 10 62.3622 649.0413 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1102 648.2712 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 9.5 0 0 10 243.7795 649.0413 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 648.2712 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9.5 0 0 10 379.7016 649.0413 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 391.1811 648.2712 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9.5 0 0 10 450.5677 649.0413 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 648.2712 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9.5 0 0 10 521.4339 649.0413 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -47.279 -3 td (the amount of red mud generated)tj 18.052 0 td (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 10.833 0 td (2,105.30)tj 7.46 0 td (2,344.97)tj 7.46 0 td (2,181.04)tj 0 tw -43.804 -1.5 td (the amount of red mud utilised)tj 18.052 0 td (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 11.722 0 td (209.80)tj 7.46 0 td (193.09)tj 7.46 0 td (449.18)tj 0 tw -44.694 -1.5 td (the amount of fly ash generated)tj 18.052 0 td (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 11.722 0 td (356.30)tj 7.46 0 td (494.56)tj 7.46 0 td (505.92)tj 0 tw -44.694 -1.5 td (the amount of fly ash utilised)tj 18.052 0 td (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 11.722 0 td (245.20)tj 7.46 0 td (328.00)tj 7.46 0 td (358.63)tj 0 tw -44.694 -1.5 td (the amount of slag generated)tj 18.052 0 td (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 12.306 0 td (87.20)tj 6.876 0 td (141.16)tj 7.46 0 td (170.99)tj 0 tw -44.694 -1.5 td (the amount of slag utilised)tj 18.052 0 td (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 12.306 0 td (61.30)tj 6.876 0 td (101.18)tj 7.46 0 td (143.94)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -45.738 -3 td (hazardous wastes)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.044 -1.5 td (the amount of disposal of waste oil )tj 1.044 -1.5 td (\(including machine oil and mineral )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (oil\))tj 17.008 0 td (tonnes)tj 10.833 0 td (1,113.00)tj 8.349 0 td (938.00)tj 6.57 0 td (1,667.00)tj 0.008 tc 0 tw -43.804 -1.5 td (the amount of disposal of waste oil )tj 1.044 -1.5 td (per rmb10,000 of production value)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 17.008 1.5 td (tonne/)tj t* (rmb10,000)tj 11.138 0 td (0.00012)tj 7.46 0 td (0.00009)tj 7.46 0 td (0.00018)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -45.154 -3 td (use of resources)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.044 -1.5 td (comprehensive energy consumption)tj 18.052 0 td (10 ktce)tj -0.028 tw 10.833 0 td (1,876.60)tj 7.46 0 td (2,039.21)tj 7.46 0 td (1,956.27)tj 0 tw -43.804 -1.5 td (comprehensive energy consumption )tj 1.044 -1.5 td (per rmb10,000 of production )tj -0.028 tw t* (value)tj 17.008 0 td (tce/rmb10,000)tj 12.89 0 td (2.03)tj 7.46 0 td (2.01)tj 7.46 0 td (2.10)tj 0 tw -45.861 -1.5 td (the amount of purchased electricity)tj 18.052 0 td (100 million kwh)tj -0.028 tw 11.722 0 td (349.30)tj 7.46 0 td (398.84)tj 7.46 0 td (389.26)tj 0 tw -44.694 -1.5 td (total coal consumption)tj 18.052 0 td (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 10.833 0 td (1,292.20)tj 7.46 0 td (1,495.95)tj 7.46 0 td (1,368.33)tj 0 tw -43.804 -3 td (total water consumption)tj 18.052 1.5 td (100 million )tj -0.028 tw t* (tonnes)tj 12.306 0 td (26.68)tj 7.46 0 td (26.15)tj 7.46 0 td (30.01)tj 0 tw -45.277 -1.5 td [(in which: ci )306 (rculating water )]tj -0.028 tw 5.391 -1.5 td (consumption)tj 0 tw 12.662 1.5 td (100 million )tj -0.028 tw t* (tonnes)tj 12.306 0 td (25.69)tj 7.46 0 td (25.22)tj 7.46 0 td (28.98)tj 0 tw -40.652 -1.5 td (total fresh water )tj -0.028 tw 1.044 -1.5 td (consumption)tj 0 tw 12.383 1.5 td (100 million )tj -0.028 tw t* (tonnes)tj 12.89 0 td (0.99)tj 7.46 0 td (0.93)tj 7.46 0 td (1.03)tj 0 tw -45.861 -1.5 td (water consumption per rmb10,000 )tj 1.044 -1.5 td (of production value)tj -0.028 tw 17.008 1.5 td (tonne/)tj t* (rmb10,000)tj 11.722 0 td (290.38)tj 7.46 0 td (257.38)tj 7.46 0 td (322.60)tj 0 tw -44.694 -1.5 td (the amount of packaging material )tj -0.028 tw 1.044 -1.5 td (used)tj 0 tw 17.008 0 td (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 12.89 0 td (1.08)tj 7.46 0 td (1.23)tj 7.46 0 td (1.37)tj et q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 164.8908 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 9.5 0 0 10 62.3622 165.6608 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1102 164.8908 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 9.5 0 0 10 243.7795 165.6608 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 164.8908 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9.5 0 0 10 379.7016 165.6608 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 391.1811 164.8908 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9.5 0 0 10 450.5677 165.6608 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 164.8908 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9.5 0 0 10 521.4339 165.6608 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5412 140.9308 tm (note 1:)tj 0.048 tw 8 0 0 8 90.1508 140.9308 tm [( )-1487.4 (the increase in so)]tj 0 tc 0 tw 4.664 0 0 4.664 177.1774 138.2668 tm (2)tj 0.028 tc 0.048 tw 8 0 0 8 179.9003 140.9308 tm ( emissions in 2019 was due to the full-process monitoring of emissions d\ ata from the online )tj 0.077 tw -9.377 -1.375 td (automatic detection system of flue gas purification of four electrolytic\ aluminum companies and the increase in )tj 0 tw 0 -1.375 td (sulfur content of coal by some power generation companies.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 61.5412 96.9308 tm (note 2:)tj 0.019 tw 8 0 0 8 90.1508 96.9308 tm [( )-1516.4 (pm emission: those for 2017 and 2018 represented the pm data, and that f\ or 2019 represented the pm and dust )]tj 0 tw 1.841 -1.375 td (data. the statistical data of pm and dust for 2018 was 8,588 tonnes.)tj et endstream endobj 1188 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(8)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 198.3003 657.2117 tm (chalco\222s emissions table for 2017\2262019)tj 9.5 0 0 10 62.3622 627.2117 tm (performance indicators)tj -0.028 tw 19.097 0 td (unit)tj 12.612 0 td (2017)tj 7.46 0 td (2018)tj 7.46 0 td (2019)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 62.3622 623.0612 cm 0 0 m 175.748 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 9.5 0 0 10 62.3622 623.8312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1102 623.0612 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 9.5 0 0 10 243.7795 623.8312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 623.0612 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9.5 0 0 10 379.7016 623.8312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 391.1811 623.0612 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9.5 0 0 10 450.5678 623.8312 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 462.0472 623.0612 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9.5 0 0 10 521.4339 623.8312 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -48.323 -3 td (basic information)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.044 -1.5 td (total value of industrial production)tj -0.028 tw 18.052 0 td (rmb10,000)tj 9.359 0 td (9,206,729.2)tj 6.876 0 td (10,162,954.9)tj 7.46 0 td (9,302,483.23)tj /t1_1 1 tf -42.791 -3 td (emissions)tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (air emissions)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.044 -1.5 td (the amount of so)tj 0 tc 5.5385 0 0 5.83 154.1237 515.5012 tm (2)tj 0.028 tc 9.5 0 0 10 157.3571 518.8312 tm ( emission )tj -0.028 tw 5.5385 0 1.5621 5.83 202.6908 522.1611 tm (\(note1\))tj 0 tw 9.5 0 0 10 243.7795 518.8312 tm (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 368.0525 518.8312 tm (4.27)tj 7.087 0 td (4.44)tj 9.5 0 0 10 507.9648 518.8312 tm (4.73)tj 0 tw -45.861 -1.5 td (the amount of no)tj 0 tc 5.5385 0 0 5.83 155.1781 500.5012 tm (x)tj 0.028 tc 9.5 0 0 10 158.7161 503.8311 tm ( emission)tj 8.954 0 td (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 368.0525 503.8311 tm (1.46)tj 7.087 0 td (1.62)tj 9.5 0 0 10 507.9648 503.8311 tm (1.33)tj 0 tw -45.861 -1.5 td (the amount of pm emission )tj -0.028 tw 5.5385 0 1.5621 5.83 201.0343 492.1611 tm (\(note2\))tj 0 tw 9.5 0 0 10 243.7795 488.8311 tm (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 368.0525 488.8311 tm (0.24)tj 7.087 0 td (0.22)tj 9.5 0 0 10 507.9648 488.8311 tm (0.57)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -46.906 -3 td (ghg emissions)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.044 -1.5 td (the amount of carbon dioxide )tj 1.044 -1.5 td (emission \(in co)tj 0 tc 5.5385 0 0 5.83 153.2166 425.5012 tm (2)tj 0.028 tc 9.5 0 0 10 156.45 428.8311 tm ( equivalent\) )tj -0.028 tw 5.5385 0 1.5621 5.83 210.499 432.1611 tm (\(note3\))tj 0 tw 9.5 0 0 10 243.7795 428.8311 tm (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 11.416 0 td (6,862.3)tj 6.876 0 td (6,478.04)tj 7.46 0 td (6,138.16)tj 0 tw -43.804 -1.5 td (the amount of carbon dioxide )tj 1.044 -1.5 td (emission \(in co)tj 0 tc 5.5385 0 0 5.83 153.2166 395.5012 tm (2)tj 0.028 tc 9.5 0 0 10 156.45 398.8311 tm ( equivalent\) per )tj -7.815 -1.5 td (rmb10,000 of production value)tj -0.028 tw 17.008 1.5 td (tonne/)tj t* (rmb10,000)tj 12.89 0 td (7.47)tj 7.46 0 td (6.37)tj 7.46 0 td (6.60)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -46.906 -3 td (wastewater discharge)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.044 -1.5 td (the amount of industrial wastewater )tj 1.044 -1.5 td (discharged in compliance with )tj t* (relevant standards )tj 5.5385 0 1.5621 5.83 166.8608 312.1611 tm (\(note 4\))tj 9.5 0 0 10 243.7795 308.8311 tm (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 356.3765 308.8311 tm (173.74)tj 7.087 0 td (241.38)tj 7.087 0 td (192.02)tj 0 tw 9.5 0 0 10 72.2834 293.8311 tm (the amount of ammonia nitrogen )tj -0.028 tw 1.044 -1.5 td (discharged)tj 17.008 0 td (tonnes)tj 12.306 0 td (44.00)tj 7.46 0 td (22.00)tj 8.043 0 td (7.00)tj 0.025 tc 0 tw -45.861 -1.5 td (the amount of wastewater circulated)tj 0.028 tc 18.052 0 td (100 million )tj -0.028 tw t* (tonnes)tj 12.306 1.5 td (25.69)tj 7.46 0 td (25.22)tj 7.46 0 td (28.98)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -46.322 -4.5 td (general industrial solid wastes)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.044 -1.5 td (the amount of general industrial )tj 1.044 -1.5 td (solid wastes generated )tj -0.028 tw 5.5385 0 1.5621 5.83 188.513 192.1611 tm (\(note5\))tj 0 tw 9.5 0 0 10 243.7795 188.8311 tm (10,000 tonnes)tj -0.028 tw 10.833 0 td (3,316.08)tj 7.46 0 td (3,811.47)tj 7.46 0 td (3,945.30)tj 0 tw -43.804 -1.5 td (the amount of general industrial )tj 1.044 -1.5 td (solid wastes generated per )tj t* (rmb10,000 of production value)tj -0.028 tw 17.008 1.5 td (tonne/)tj t* (rmb10,000)tj 13.474 0 td (3.6)tj 7.46 0 td (3.7)tj 7.174 0 td (4.24)tj et endstream endobj 1189 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(8)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.003 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm (besides the above measures on the treatment of pollutants, the company a\ lso vigorously promoted )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the)13.9 ( construction)13.9 ( of)14 ( green)13.9 ( mine)13.9 ( sites)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( green)13.9 ( factories)13.9 (.)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (9)13.9 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( formulated)13.9 ( the)16.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(incentive)2.2 ( )0.5 (measures)2.2 ( on)2.2 ( strengthening)2.2 ( mine)2.2 ( )0.5 (sites)2.2 ( )0.5 (management)2.2 ( )0.5 (in)2.2 ( 2)2.2 (0)2.2 (1)2.2 (9)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (construction)2.2 ( )0.5 (plan)2.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(on green mine sites for bauxite. it completed reclamation of 12,000 mu o\ f land throughout the year)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.05 tw t* (and reclaimed a total of 78,500 mu of land, representing a reclamation r\ ate of over 86%. as at the )tj 0.059 tw t* (end of 2019, seven mine sites of the group included listed in the list o\ f national green mine sites. )tj 0.068 tw t* (qinghai branch of the company and zunyi aluminum were rated as provincia\ l green factories, and )tj 0 tw t* (chalco shangdong and )tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <0173>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 12.062 0 td (uangxi branch were rated as national green factories.)tj et /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc q 79.2 381.101 201.6 155.04 re w n q /gs1 gs 201.600006 0 0 155.0399991 79.1999969 381.1016635 cm /im0 do q emc /placedgraphic /mc1 bdc emc q q 299.085 458.442 232.38 77.4 re w n q /gs1 gs 232.4639869 0 0 77.5440163 299.0735168 458.3696952 cm /im1 do q q q 299.085 381.101 232.38 77.341 re w n q /gs1 gs 232.4640241 0 0 77.4240024 299.0735168 381.0897153 cm /im2 do q q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 72.6149 352.3717 tm (land after implementing mine reclamation)tj 26.542 0 td (building a garden-style factory)tj et endstream endobj 1190 0 obj <>stream ����adobed��     '$''''$25552;;;;;;;;;;   ####''',,,   ####''',,,   ####''',,,����d�""���  y!1a"qq2ar�#$brb���4d���cds��� %&'()*356789:efghijstuvwxyzcefghijtuvwxyz�����������������������������������������������������������������������p/!1aq"aq2��b���r���#34c� $%&'()*56789:defghijrstuvwxyzbcdefghijstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������?�������j���mq��=f�"�ȡw�r�j�_m�g)\j m���j�*��$���fz,� �mz�\ ҥj�p]j��j��ew$¹�ڥj�*')r.pa�fn� � ��j�*t�as4�q�gµ٥j�*%a��u� �sʔҥj�n���g��k-*t�r�kߨפ���h�j�*u����q5�үҥj�zomp&���1�e�4�r�d�������؊sj�*ubi��zo�\. �pe*t�r�u �'�5s����] �ir�j��x��h�đ�4a��ɩ���*t� n�ğ��r7>�����hk�t�r�ٮ�-�{��7�i���i��\�ir�j���ޙ�.��o�o-d��aʹ�ҥj�&z���隐�g�l�$/ed-,��ҥj�\��zf���ͷ����b�����t��t�r�y0�m隐oy���,ul�,õ(4�r�p �>ޙ� sϸ�k�wf��xwe*t�u���ol��<}3t���t�r��<}3q�ϛol�a�&�r�j�*�k��7�jygh�f���m(�4�r�e�[�l�r�珦hz�j)j�*tsy��zf��>ޙ��3]�sj�*u����bg���t�d��� h1^aj�*�æ��t�\t��ڕ*t�� ��cws�@�]�j�*5v��*ys�\�\�t�r�ud���ޮ�e!�w)r�j�m�l�(��5ٔ�n,cjdij�*tas����t�te��f��`ҥj�h�v�(peqkj 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endstream endobj 1197 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(8)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(the)13.6 ( hazardous)13.5 ( waste)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 ( mainly)13.5 ( includes)13.5 ( aluminum)13.5 ( ash)13.5 (,)13.5 ( carbon)13.5 ( slag)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( slag)13.5 ( from)14.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0 -1.5 td [(delining)14.1 ( \()14 (waste)14 ( spent)14 ( potlining)14 ( and)14.1 ( waste)14 ( cathodes)14 (\))14.1 ( produced)14.1 ( during)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( electrolytic)14 ( aluminum)19.2 ( )]tj 0.073 tc 0.077 tw t* [(product)0.5 (ion)14.3 ( process)14.3 (.)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( company)14.3 ( has)14.3 ( classif)0.5 (ied)14.3 ( h)0.5 (azardous)14.3 ( wastes)14.3 ( for)14.3 ( dispo)0.5 (sal)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( st)0.5 (ored)45.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw t* [(hazardous)14.2 ( )0.6 (wastes)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (general)14.3 ( )0.5 (industrial)14.3 ( )0.5 (solid)14.2 ( )0.6 (wastes)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (different)14.3 ( )0.5 (places)14.3 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (places)14.3 ( )0.6 (where)28.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(the)4.2 ( )0.5 (hazardous)4.2 ( wastes)4.2 ( are)4.2 ( stored)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( company)4.2 ( )0.5 (has)4.2 ( taken)4.2 ( )0.5 (measures)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (such)4.2 ( )0.5 (as)4.2 ( )0.5 (rain)4.2 ( prevention)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(seepage)13.9 ( prevention)13.9 (,)14 ( and)13.9 ( posted)13.9 ( waste)14 ( storage)14 ( signs)14 (.)13.9 ( the)14 ( disposal)14 ( of)14 ( hazardous)14 ( wastes)13.9 ( in)14 ( the)21.1 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(available)14.2 ( )0.6 (landfills)14.3 ( )0.5 (for)14.3 ( )0.5 (hazardous)14.2 ( )0.6 (wastes)14.3 ( )0.5 (have)14.3 ( )0.5 (been)14.3 ( )0.5 (carried)14.2 ( )0.5 (out)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )0.6 (compliance)14.3 ( )0.5 (with)14.3 ( )0.5 (relevant)14.3 ( )0.5 (laws)19.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(and)11.1 ( )0.5 (regulations)11.2 (;)11.2 ( )0.5 (harmless)11.2 ( treatment)11.2 ( has)11.2 ( been)11.2 ( )0.5 (carried)11.2 ( )0.5 (out)11.2 ( in)11.3 ( available)11.3 ( process)11.2 ( lines)11.2 ( )0.5 (for)11.2 ( harmless)11.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.4 (;)14.5 ( i)0.6 (f)14.5 ( n)0.6 (e)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( h)0.6 (a)0.5 (z)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (d)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (s)14.5 ( w)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)14.4 ( l)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.6 (f)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.6 (l)0.5 (s)14.5 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)14.5 ( h)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (m)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)14.4 ( t)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.4 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)14.4 ( l)0.6 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 ( a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)35.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc t* [(ava)0.5 (ila)0.5 (ble)14.4 (,)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( co)0.5 (mpan)0.5 (y)14.3 ( wi)0.5 (ll)14.3 ( re)0.5 (gula)0.5 (rl)0.5 (y)14.3 ( t)0.5 (ran)0.5 (sfer)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( ha)0.5 (zar)0.5 (dous)14.3 ( w)0.5 (astes)14.4 ( to)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( qua)0.5 (lif)0.5 (ied)14.4 ( t)0.5 (hir)0.5 (d)14.3 ( part)0.5 (y)14.3 (,)30.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)14.1 ( hand)14.1 ( in)14 ( the)14 ( duplicate)14.1 ( forms)14.1 ( for)14 ( the)14 ( transfer)14.1 ( of)14 ( hazardous)14.1 ( wastes)14 ( to)14 ( make)14.1 ( sure)14 ( the)14.1 ( transfer)16.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(record)6.2 ( )0.5 (is)6.2 ( properly)6.2 ( registered)6.2 ( and)6.2 ( )0.5 (hazardous)6.2 ( wastes)6.2 ( )0.5 (are)6.2 ( appropriately)6.2 ( transferred)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )0.5 (disposed)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.077 tw t* [(i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( a)0.5 (c)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)14.4 ( w)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 (.)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)0.6 (de)0.6 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( h)0.5 (a)0.5 (z)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (d)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)14.4 ( w)0.5 (a)0.6 (st)0.6 (e)17.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(generation)13.9 (,)13.9 ( baotou)13.9 ( aluminum)13.9 (,)13.8 ( a)13.9 ( subsidiary)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 (,)13.8 ( developed)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( first)13.9 ( test)13.9 ( line)13.8 ( on)13.9 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.072 tw t* (reclamation of electrolytic waste cathodes both at home and abroad with \ a designed test capacity )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(of)1.2 ( )0.5 (4)1.2 (,)1.2 (0)1.2 (0)1.2 (0)1.2 ( )0.5 (tonnes)1.2 ( )0.5 (per)1.2 ( )0.5 (year)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (it)1.3 ( completed)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (trial)1.3 ( )0.5 (run)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (commenced)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (preheating)1.2 ( )0.5 (at)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (end)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(october 2019 )0.5 (and )0.5 (started )0.5 (harmless )0.5 (resource )0.5 (use )0.5 (with )0.5 (waste cathodes )0.5 (in december. in )0.5 (2019, )0.5 (the )]tj 0.008 tw t* (company generated and safely disposed of 1,667 tonnes of oily hazardous \ waste oil, generated and )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(safely)6.2 ( disposed)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( 1)6.2 (9)6.2 (,)6.2 (0)6.2 (0)6.2 (7)6.2 ( )0.5 (tonnes)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( aluminum)6.2 ( ash)6.2 (,)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( which)6.2 ( 1)6.2 (1)6.2 (,)6.2 (5)6.2 (6)6.2 (2)6.2 ( )0.5 (tonnes)6.2 ( )0.5 (were)6.2 ( reused)6.2 (;)6.2 ( )0.5 (4)6.2 (5)6.2 (,)6.2 (4)6.1 (0)6.3 (0)6.1 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(tonnes)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( carbon)13.8 ( slag)13.8 (,)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( which)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (6)13.8 (,)13.9 (7)13.8 (5)13.8 (6)13.8 ( tonnes)13.8 ( were)13.8 ( reused)13.8 (;)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.9 (,)13.8 (8)13.8 (3)13.9 (7)13.8 ( tonnes)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( waste)13.9 ( spent)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (potlining, of which 10,108 tonnes were reused.)tj et endstream endobj 1198 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(8)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.039 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm (in 2019, based on the regional conditions and environmental protection f\ acilities of its subsidiaries, )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the)14 ( company)13.9 ( specified)14 ( the)13.9 ( management)14 ( concepts)13.9 ( on)14 ( environmental)14 ( protection)14 ( with)14 ( a)14 (,)14 ( b)14 ( and)13.9 ( c)15.3 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(categories)13.8 (.)13.7 ( it)13.8 ( formulated)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( leading)13.7 ( implementation)13.8 ( plan)13.7 ( on)13.8 ( \223)13.7 (one)13.7 ( enterprise)13.7 ( with)13.8 ( one)13.8 ( policy)13.7 (\224)23.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(and)14.3 ( )0.5 (conducted)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (weekly)14.3 ( )0.6 (reporting)14.3 ( )0.6 (system)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (urge)14.3 ( )0.5 (enterprises)14.2 ( )0.6 (conducting)14.3 ( )0.5 (transformation)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (environmental protection.)tj 0.073 tw 0 -3 td [(with )0.5 (regard )0.5 (to waste gas )0.5 (treatment: )0.5 (the )0.5 (company\222s )0.5 (four companies including chinalco shandong, )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(zhengzhou)13.8 ( institute)13.8 (,)13.8 ( chinalco)13.8 ( mining)13.8 ( and)13.9 ( zhongzhou)13.8 ( aluminum)13.8 (,)13.9 ( which)13.8 ( are)13.8 ( located)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( \223)13.8 (2)13.9 ( )21.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(2)13.6 (6)13.6 (\224)13.6 ( cities)13.6 (,)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( three)13.6 ( companies)13.6 ( including)13.6 ( shanxi)13.6 ( new)13.6 ( materials)13.6 (,)13.7 ( shanxi)13.6 ( huaxing)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( xinghua)26.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(technology)13.5 ( in)13.6 ( fenwei)13.6 ( plain)13.5 ( have)13.5 ( achieved)13.5 ( ultra)13.5 (-)13.5 (low)13.6 ( emission)13.5 ( transformation)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( thermal)13.5 ( power)22.2 ( )]tj 0.071 tc t* [(boiler)13.8 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( ultra)13.9 (-)13.8 (low)13.9 ( emission)13.9 ( transformation)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( dust)13.9 ( removal)13.9 ( for)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( clinker)13.9 ( firing)13.9 ( kiln)13.9 (,)13.9 ( and)43.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(completed)14.2 ( )0.5 (substantially)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (ultra)14.2 (-)14.2 (low)14.2 ( )0.5 (emission)14.2 ( )0.5 (transformation)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( d)0.5 (us)0.5 (t)14.2 ( removal)14.2 ( )0.5 (for)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (hydroxide roaster.)tj 0.071 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(with)14.2 ( )0.5 (regard)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.5 (waste)14.3 ( water)14.2 ( )0.5 (reduction)14.2 (:)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.5 (has)14.2 ( )0.5 (continuously)14.2 ( )0.5 (promoted)14.2 ( )0.5 (circulating)43.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.5 td [(utilization)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (water)7.2 ( )0.5 (resources)7.2 ( )0.5 (project)7.2 ( and)7.2 ( )0.5 (improved)7.2 ( )0.5 (both)7.2 ( )0.5 (gradient)7.2 ( )0.5 (utilization)7.2 ( )0.5 (\()7.2 (step)7.2 (-)7.2 (wise)7.2 ( )0.5 (utilization)7.2 (\))7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.044 tw t* (of water and the reuse rate, and has achieved both economic benefits and\ environmental benefits. )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(the)11.2 ( )0.5 (water)11.2 ( that)11.2 ( )0.5 (can)11.2 (\222)11.2 (t)11.2 ( )0.5 (be)11.2 ( reused)11.2 ( will)11.2 ( )0.5 (be)11.3 ( discharged)11.2 ( )0.5 (strictly)11.2 ( )0.5 (according)11.3 ( to)11.2 ( )0.5 (national)11.2 ( )0.5 (requirements)11.2 ( for)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.067 tw t* (wastewater treatment. in 2019, the group\222s total water consumption wa\ s 3,001 million tonnes, of )tj 0.018 tw t* (which the fresh water consumption was only 103 million tonnes, the circu\ lating water consumption )tj 0 tw t* (reached 2,898 million tonnes, and the recycling utilization rate was 96.\ 57%.)tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(with)13.8 ( regard)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( disposal)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( solid)13.8 ( waste)13.8 ( :)13.8 ( solid)13.8 ( waste)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( is)13.8 ( mainly)13.8 ( from)13.8 ( red)13.8 ( mud)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.027 tw 0 -1.5 td [(produced in alumina )0.5 (production and )0.5 (packaging materials used )0.5 (in transportation )0.5 (of raw materials. )0.5 (as )]tj 0.003 tw t* (a result, the company has been devoted to enhancing the development and \ use of red mud and the )tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(recycling)1.2 ( and)1.2 ( )0.5 (reusing)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.3 ( packaging)1.2 ( )0.5 (materials)1.3 ( in)1.2 ( )0.5 (recent)1.2 ( )0.5 (years)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (for)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (problem)1.3 ( on)1.2 ( )0.5 (use)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (red)1.2 ( )0.5 (mud)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( focused)13.7 ( on)13.7 ( two)13.7 ( sets)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( technical)13.7 ( breakthroughs)13.7 ( on)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( comprehensive)13.7 ( use)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( red)14.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(mud in 2019 and completed the formulation of the plan on test expansion \ and the design of the test)-0.8 ( )]tj t* [(line and established the pilot test line. it will conduct the pilot test\ based on the test plan in the first)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(half)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (2)13.2 (0)13.2 (2)13.2 (0)13.2 (.)13.2 ( )0.5 (with)13.2 ( )0.5 (regard)13.2 ( to)13.2 ( recycling)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( )0.5 (packaging)13.2 ( )0.5 (materials)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( company)13.2 ( recycled)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( reused)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.028 tw t* (1,897.2 tonnes of recyclable bags and 14,597.0 tonnes of container bags \ in 2019, which effectively )tj 0 tw t* (saved resources and reduced the generation of waste.)tj et endstream endobj 1199 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1200 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1201 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/properties<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1202 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/shading<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1203 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/properties<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1204 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(8)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc emc q 73.56 506.741 212.881 159.36 re w n q /gs1 gs 212.9040054 0 0 159.5039951 73.5478973 506.729701 cm /im0 do q /placedgraphic /mc1 bdc emc q q 301.396 506.741 227.76 159.601 re w n q /gs1 gs 227.7840266 0 0 159.74401 301.3835449 506.6097878 cm /im1 do q q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 85.5298 483.0117 tm (home of old cadres in chaya county, )tj 0.292 -1.5 td (changdu, tibet supported by chalco)tj 21.735 1.5 td (chalco new village project of the company )tj 2.695 -1.5 td (in chaya county, changdu, tibet)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.064 tc 0.078 tw -27.039 -4.373 td [(with)13.6 ( regard)13.7 ( to)13.6 ( environmental)13.7 ( protection)13.7 (,)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( operates)13.7 ( in)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( non)13.7 (-)13.7 (ferrous)13.7 ( metal)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.037 tw 0 -1.5 td (industry with high pollution and its business involves mining, productio\ n of alumina and electrolytic )tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(aluminum)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (power)14.2 ( )0.5 (generation)14.2 (,)14.2 ( etc)14.2 (.)14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (its)14.2 ( pollution)14.1 ( )0.5 (discharge)14.2 ( )0.5 (has)14.2 ( )0.5 (been)14.2 ( )0.5 (drawing)14.2 ( close)14.2 ( attention)14.2 ( of)26.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(t)0.5 (he)8.2 ( e)0.5 (nvi)0.5 (ro)0.5 (nme)0.5 (nt)0.5 (al)8.2 ( )0.5 (pro)0.5 (te)0.5 (cti)0.5 (on)8.2 ( )0.5 (aut)0.5 (ho)0.5 (ri)0.5 (tie)0.5 (s)8.2 (.)8.2 ( a)0.5 (cco)0.5 (rd)0.5 (ing)8.2 ( )0.5 (to)8.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)8.2 ( l)0.5 (ist)8.3 ( of)8.2 ( )0.5 (ke)0.5 (y)8.2 ( d)0.5 (isc)0.5 (har)0.5 (ge)8.2 ( )0.5 (uni)0.5 (ts)8.2 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (lea)0.5 (se)0.5 (d)8.2 ( by)8.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14 ( national)14 ( environmental)14 ( protection)14 ( departments)14 (,)13.9 ( a)14 ( number)14 ( of)14 ( subordinate)14 ( enterprises)14 ( under)20.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)6.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)6.2 ( a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)6.2 ( l)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)6.2 ( a)0.5 (s)6.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)6.1 ( )0.5 (k)0.5 (e)0.5 (y)6.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)6.1 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)6.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)6.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (g)0.5 (e)6.2 ( i)0.6 (n)6.2 ( a)0.5 (i)0.6 (r)6.2 (,)6.2 ( w)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)6.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)6.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)6.2 (,)6.2 ( a)0.6 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)6.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(which)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (3)13.5 ( enterprises)13.5 ( were)13.5 ( included)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( key)13.5 ( monitoring)13.5 ( entities)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( discharge)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( atmosphere)13.5 (,)16.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(3)8.2 ( )0.5 (enterprises)8.2 ( were)8.2 ( included)8.2 ( )0.5 (in)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( key)8.2 ( monitoring)8.2 ( )0.5 (entities)8.2 ( for)8.2 ( discharge)8.2 ( )0.5 (in)8.2 ( )0.5 (water)8.2 ( )0.5 (environment)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (9)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (enterprises were included in the key monitoring entities for soil enviro\ nment pollution.)tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(as)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( leading)13.7 ( enterprise)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( prc)13.6 ( non)13.6 (-)13.7 (ferrous)13.6 ( metal)13.7 ( industry)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( state)13.7 (-)13.7 (controlled)13.6 ( company)26.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0 -1.5 td [(listed)13.5 ( on)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( stock)13.5 ( exchanges)13.4 ( in)13.4 ( china)13.5 (,)13.5 ( hong)13.5 ( kong)13.4 ( and)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( usa)13.5 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 ( always)13.5 ( attaches)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.069 tw t* (great importance to the protection of the environment, makes effort into\ energy management and )tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(emission)12.2 ( )0.5 (reduction)12.2 (,)12.1 ( )0.5 (strictly)12.2 ( complies)12.2 ( )0.5 (with)12.2 ( )0.5 (related)12.2 ( national)12.3 ( laws)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( regulations)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (local)12.2 ( policies)12.2 ( as)12.1 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(well)10.2 ( as)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (internal)10.2 ( )0.5 (rules)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( regulations)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( company)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (improves)10.2 ( environmental)10.2 ( )0.5 (management)10.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(systems)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (increases)8.2 ( )0.5 (investment)8.2 ( in)8.2 ( environmental)8.2 ( )0.5 (protection)8.2 (,)8.2 ( carries)8.2 ( out)8.2 ( )0.5 (new)8.2 (-)8.2 (tech)8.2 ( transformation)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(strengthens)13.8 ( elimination)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( hidden)13.8 ( hazards)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( environmental)13.9 ( protection)13.9 (,)13.9 ( recyclable)13.9 ( use)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( water)20.2 ( )]tj 0.074 tc t* [(resources)13.9 (,)13.8 ( construction)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( green)13.8 ( mines)13.8 ( as)13.8 ( well)13.8 ( as)13.8 ( disposal)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( hazardous)13.8 ( wastes)13.9 (,)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( fully)46.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.086 tw t* (implements measures such as energy saving and emission reduction, recycl\ able use, and ecology )tj 0.065 tc 0.077 tw t* [(p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)14.4 (,)14.5 ( s)0.6 (o)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)14.5 ( t)0.5 (o)14.5 ( i)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)14.4 ( e)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (g)0.5 (y)14.4 ( e)0.6 (f)0.5 (f)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)0.6 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (y)14.5 (,)14.4 ( f)0.5 (a)0.6 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)14.4 ( 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endobj 1210 0 obj <>stream acrobat distiller 20.0 (windows) adobe illustrator cc 2014 (windows) 2020-02-29t05:22:31 08:00 2020-02-29t05:22:31 08:00 2020-02-29t05:22:31 08:00 application/postscript microsoft word - ar2020-02-007 chalco c139-276.docx dtph01 xmp.did:44dba172-0e72-2d4b-94d1-368cb7ac6cfd xmp.iid:44dba172-0e72-2d4b-94d1-368cb7ac6cfd uuid:00a95c78-104d-40f4-9dfe-aab6518ca6b9 uuid:3e8803b2-dff4-4119-bfe8-a1295285ef20 uuid:00a95c78-104d-40f4-9dfe-aab6518ca6b9 uuid:00a95c78-104d-40f4-9dfe-aab6518ca6b9 saved xmp.iid:44dba172-0e72-2d4b-94d1-368cb7ac6cfd 2020-02-29t05:22:31 08:00 adobe illustrator cc 2014 (windows) / 1 false false 209.980379 297.038889 millimeters cyan magenta yellow black 預設色票群組 0 endstream endobj 1211 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(8)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.071 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm (the partner assistance and poverty alleviation targets of the company in\ clude changdu city, tibet )tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.45 td [(autonomous)12.2 ( region)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (haiyan)12.2 ( county)12.2 (,)12.1 ( )0.5 (qinghai)12.2 ( province)12.2 ( and)12.1 ( )0.5 (yangxin)12.2 ( county)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (hubei)12.3 ( province)12.2 (.)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(company)10.2 ( )0.5 (provided)10.2 ( selfless)10.2 ( assistance)10.2 ( and)10.3 ( full)10.1 ( )0.5 (support)10.2 ( )0.5 (with)10.2 ( )0.5 (talents)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (capitals)10.2 ( )0.5 (and)10.2 ( substances)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw t* [(gradually)13.5 ( established)13.5 ( assistance)13.5 ( guarantee)13.5 (,)13.5 ( special)13.6 ( supports)13.5 (,)13.5 ( industrial)13.6 ( development)13.5 (,)13.5 ( partner)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw t* (assistance, talent cultivation, clear guarantee on project responsibilit\ ies and quality, communication )tj 0.022 tw t* [(and promotion of )0.5 (products and culture and various mechanisms, thereby improving local )0.5 (livelihoods )]tj 0.082 tw t* (and promoting local development. various branches and subsidiaries of th\ e company also actively )tj 0.038 tw t* (participated in local welfare activities, making contributions to our so\ ciety through targeted poverty )tj 0 tw t* (alleviation and donations to cultural and sports undertakings.)tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.9 td [(in)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (9)13.8 (,)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( its)13.7 ( subsidiaries)13.8 ( spent)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( total)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( approximately)13.9 ( rmb)13.8 (2)13.8 (5)13.8 (,)13.8 (5)13.8 (5)13.8 (3)13.8 (,)13.8 (8)13.8 (0)13.8 (0)13.8 ( for)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.003 tw 0 -1.45 td (targeted aid, poverty alleviation and other donations, increased by rmb1\ ,869,800 as compared with )tj 0 tw t* (rmb23,684,000 in 2018.)tj et /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc emc 0.4 0.2 0.15 0.51 k /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 437.0593 301.7904 cm 0 0 m -3.559 0.974 l 1.294 -7.462 l 6.148 0.974 l 2.589 0 l f q q 91.238 219.099 412.8 249.813 re w n q 1 0 0 1 439.9129 367.2305 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 439.9129 361.1252 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 439.9129 355.0208 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.56 -1.559 -1.56 c -2.421 -1.56 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.86 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.86 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 439.9129 348.9154 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 439.9129 342.8101 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 439.9129 336.7047 cm 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-2.42 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 254.2896 336.7047 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 254.2896 330.5994 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 254.2896 324.4941 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 254.2896 318.3897 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.56 -1.559 -1.56 c -2.42 -1.56 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.86 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.86 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 254.2896 312.2844 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 254.2896 306.179 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q q 111.227 420.221 m 111.227 393.33 133.027 371.53 159.918 371.53 c 159.918 371.53 l 186.809 371.53 208.61 393.33 208.61 420.221 c 208.61 420.221 l 208.61 447.113 186.809 468.912 159.918 468.912 c 159.918 468.912 l 133.027 468.912 111.227 447.113 111.227 420.221 c 116.315 420.222 m 116.315 444.264 135.875 463.825 159.918 463.825 c 159.918 463.825 l 183.962 463.825 203.521 444.264 203.521 420.222 c 203.521 420.222 l 203.521 396.178 183.962 376.618 159.918 376.618 c 159.918 376.618 l 135.875 376.618 116.315 396.178 116.315 420.222 c w n q 0 g 36.9592667 -95.2855907 -95.2855907 -36.9592667 142.8823654 465.5962552 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 116.315 420.222 m 116.315 396.178 135.875 376.618 159.918 376.618 c 159.918 376.618 l 183.962 376.618 203.521 396.178 203.521 420.222 c 203.521 420.222 l 203.521 444.264 183.962 463.825 159.918 463.825 c 159.918 463.825 l 135.875 463.825 116.315 444.264 116.315 420.222 c 118.905 420.222 m 118.905 442.836 137.304 461.234 159.918 461.234 c 159.918 461.234 l 182.533 461.234 200.931 442.836 200.931 420.222 c 200.931 420.222 l 200.931 397.607 182.533 379.209 159.918 379.209 c 159.918 379.209 l 137.304 379.209 118.905 397.607 118.905 420.222 c w n q 0 g 33.0975091 -85.3295068 -85.3295068 -33.0975091 144.6623494 460.8550887 cm bx /sh1 sh ex q q q 118.905 420.222 m 118.905 397.607 137.304 379.209 159.918 379.209 c 159.918 379.209 l 182.533 379.209 200.931 397.607 200.931 420.222 c 200.931 420.222 l 200.931 442.836 182.533 461.234 159.918 461.234 c 159.918 461.234 l 137.304 461.234 118.905 442.836 118.905 420.222 c 123.236 407.952 m 120.7 411.269 119.129 415.292 119.129 420.16 c 119.129 420.16 l 119.129 442.65 137.427 460.948 159.918 460.948 c 159.918 460.948 l 182.409 460.948 200.707 442.65 200.707 420.16 c 200.707 420.16 l 200.707 415.292 199.137 411.268 196.6 407.952 c 196.6 407.952 l 191.479 392.599 176.971 381.502 159.918 381.502 c 159.918 381.502 l 142.866 381.502 128.357 392.6 123.236 407.952 c w n q 0 g 36.8096293 -107.1953529 -107.1953529 -36.8096293 152.1047763 469.1322546 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 159.918 393.2 m 154.239 393.2 132.416 395.944 123.236 407.952 c 123.236 407.952 l 128.357 392.6 142.866 381.502 159.918 381.502 c 159.918 381.502 l 176.971 381.502 191.479 392.599 196.6 407.952 c 196.6 407.952 l 187.421 395.944 165.598 393.2 159.918 393.2 c w n q 0 g 65.2908222 -130.1222894 -130.1222894 -65.2908222 158.8453753 443.8070199 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 119.129 420.16 m 119.129 415.292 120.7 411.269 123.236 407.952 c 123.236 407.952 l 121.955 411.79 121.262 415.896 121.262 420.16 c 121.262 420.16 l 121.262 441.475 138.603 458.816 159.918 458.816 c 159.918 458.816 l 181.234 458.816 198.575 441.475 198.575 420.16 c 198.575 420.16 l 198.575 415.896 197.881 411.79 196.6 407.952 c 196.6 407.952 l 199.137 411.268 200.707 415.292 200.707 420.16 c 200.707 420.16 l 200.707 442.65 182.409 460.948 159.918 460.948 c 159.918 460.948 l 137.427 460.948 119.129 442.65 119.129 420.16 c w n q 0 g 36.8096293 -107.1953529 -107.1953529 -36.8096293 152.1047763 469.1322546 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q q 121.262 420.16 m 121.262 415.896 121.955 411.79 123.236 407.952 c 123.236 407.952 l 132.416 395.944 154.239 393.2 159.918 393.2 c 159.918 393.2 l 165.598 393.2 187.421 395.944 196.6 407.952 c 196.6 407.952 l 197.881 411.79 198.575 415.896 198.575 420.16 c 198.575 420.16 l 198.575 441.475 181.234 458.816 159.918 458.816 c 159.918 458.816 l 138.603 458.816 121.262 441.475 121.262 420.16 c w n q 0 g 65.2908222 -130.1222894 -130.1222894 -65.2908222 158.8453753 443.8070199 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q bt 0 0 0 1 k /t1_1 1 tf -0.015 tc 7.7332 0 0 7.7332 126.9269 426.2975 tm (changdu cit)tj -0.07 tc 0.07 tw (y,)tj 0 tc 0 tw 6.418 0 td ( )tj 0.005 tc -0.005 tw 0.083 0 td (ti)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.879 0 td (bet )tj 0 tw -7.713 -1.2 td (autonomous r)tj 0.015 tw 6.91 0 td (egion )tj -5.745 -1.2 td (rmb1)tj 2.739 0 td (4,40)tj 1.926 0 td (0,)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw (000)tj et q 204.039 371.345 m 204.039 344.454 225.839 322.654 252.731 322.654 c 252.731 322.654 l 279.622 322.654 301.422 344.454 301.422 371.345 c 301.422 371.345 l 301.422 398.237 279.622 420.036 252.731 420.036 c 252.731 420.036 l 225.839 420.036 204.039 398.237 204.039 371.345 c 209.127 371.345 m 209.127 395.389 228.687 414.949 252.731 414.949 c 252.731 414.949 l 276.772 414.949 296.334 395.389 296.334 371.345 c 296.334 371.345 l 296.334 347.302 276.772 327.742 252.731 327.742 c 252.731 327.742 l 228.687 327.742 209.127 347.302 209.127 371.345 c w n q 0 g 36.9592667 -95.2855907 -95.2855907 -36.9592667 235.6941975 416.7208875 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 209.127 371.345 m 209.127 347.302 228.687 327.742 252.731 327.742 c 252.731 327.742 l 276.772 327.742 296.334 347.302 296.334 371.345 c 296.334 371.345 l 296.334 395.389 276.772 414.949 252.731 414.949 c 252.731 414.949 l 228.687 414.949 209.127 395.389 209.127 371.345 c 211.718 371.345 m 211.718 393.961 230.116 412.358 252.731 412.358 c 252.731 412.358 l 275.344 412.358 293.743 393.961 293.743 371.345 c 293.743 371.345 l 293.743 348.731 275.344 330.332 252.731 330.332 c 252.731 330.332 l 230.116 330.332 211.718 348.731 211.718 371.345 c w n q 0 g 33.0975091 -85.3295068 -85.3295068 -33.0975091 237.473798 411.9796915 cm bx /sh5 sh ex q q q 211.718 371.345 m 211.718 348.731 230.116 330.332 252.731 330.332 c 252.731 330.332 l 275.344 330.332 293.743 348.731 293.743 371.345 c 293.743 371.345 l 293.743 393.961 275.344 412.358 252.731 412.358 c 252.731 412.358 l 230.116 412.358 211.718 393.961 211.718 371.345 c 216.047 359.077 m 213.512 362.393 211.942 366.417 211.942 371.283 c 211.942 371.283 l 211.942 393.774 230.24 412.072 252.731 412.072 c 252.731 412.072 l 275.222 412.072 293.519 393.774 293.519 371.283 c 293.519 371.283 l 293.519 366.417 291.948 362.393 289.413 359.077 c 289.413 359.077 l 284.29 343.724 269.782 332.626 252.731 332.626 c 252.731 332.626 l 235.678 332.626 221.17 343.724 216.047 359.077 c w n q 0 g 36.8096293 -107.1953529 -107.1953529 -36.8096293 244.9169772 420.2569017 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 252.731 344.325 m 247.052 344.325 225.228 347.069 216.047 359.077 c 216.047 359.077 l 221.17 343.724 235.678 332.626 252.731 332.626 c 252.731 332.626 l 269.782 332.626 284.29 343.724 289.413 359.077 c 289.413 359.077 l 280.232 347.069 258.41 344.325 252.731 344.325 c w n q 0 g 65.2908222 -130.1222894 -130.1222894 -65.2908222 251.6574139 394.9316227 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 211.942 371.283 m 211.942 366.417 213.512 362.393 216.047 359.077 c 216.047 359.077 l 214.767 362.915 214.073 367.021 214.073 371.283 c 214.073 371.283 l 214.073 392.6 231.415 409.941 252.731 409.941 c 252.731 409.941 l 274.046 409.941 291.388 392.6 291.388 371.283 c 291.388 371.283 l 291.388 367.021 290.694 362.915 289.413 359.077 c 289.413 359.077 l 291.948 362.393 293.519 366.417 293.519 371.283 c 293.519 371.283 l 293.519 393.774 275.222 412.072 252.731 412.072 c 252.731 412.072 l 230.24 412.072 211.942 393.774 211.942 371.283 c w n q 0 g 36.8096293 -107.1953529 -107.1953529 -36.8096293 244.9169772 420.2569017 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q q 214.073 371.283 m 214.073 367.021 214.767 362.915 216.047 359.077 c 216.047 359.077 l 225.228 347.069 247.052 344.325 252.731 344.325 c 252.731 344.325 l 258.41 344.325 280.232 347.069 289.413 359.077 c 289.413 359.077 l 290.694 362.915 291.388 367.021 291.388 371.283 c 291.388 371.283 l 291.388 392.6 274.046 409.941 252.731 409.941 c 252.731 409.941 l 231.415 409.941 214.073 392.6 214.073 371.283 c w n q 0 g 65.2908222 -130.1222894 -130.1222894 -65.2908222 251.6574139 394.9316227 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q bt -0.015 tc 0 tw 7.7332 0 0 7.7332 226.9925 377.4214 tm (haiyan county)tj 0.015 tw 6.696 0 td (, )tj -7.135 -1.2 td (qinghai )tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 3.881 0 td (pr)tj 0 tc 0 tw 0.95 0 td (o)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.581 0 td (vince )tj -4.826 -1.2 td (rmb3,50)tj 4.159 0 td (0,0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 1.385 0 td (00)tj et q 389.663 371.345 m 389.663 344.454 411.463 322.654 438.354 322.654 c 438.354 322.654 l 465.245 322.654 487.045 344.454 487.045 371.345 c 487.045 371.345 l 487.045 398.237 465.245 420.036 438.354 420.036 c 438.354 420.036 l 411.463 420.036 389.663 398.237 389.663 371.345 c 394.75 371.345 m 394.75 395.389 414.31 414.949 438.354 414.949 c 438.354 414.949 l 462.397 414.949 481.957 395.389 481.957 371.345 c 481.957 371.345 l 481.957 347.302 462.397 327.742 438.354 327.742 c 438.354 327.742 l 414.31 327.742 394.75 347.302 394.75 371.345 c w n q 0 g 36.9592667 -95.2855907 -95.2855907 -36.9592667 421.3175078 416.7208875 cm bx /sh6 sh ex q q q 394.75 371.345 m 394.75 347.302 414.31 327.742 438.354 327.742 c 438.354 327.742 l 462.397 327.742 481.957 347.302 481.957 371.345 c 481.957 371.345 l 481.957 395.389 462.397 414.949 438.354 414.949 c 438.354 414.949 l 414.31 414.949 394.75 395.389 394.75 371.345 c 397.341 371.345 m 397.341 393.961 415.739 412.358 438.354 412.358 c 438.354 412.358 l 460.968 412.358 479.367 393.961 479.367 371.345 c 479.367 371.345 l 479.367 348.731 460.968 330.332 438.354 330.332 c 438.354 330.332 l 415.739 330.332 397.341 348.731 397.341 371.345 c w n q 0 g 33.0975091 -85.3295068 -85.3295068 -33.0975091 423.0980818 411.9796915 cm bx /sh7 sh ex q q q 397.341 371.345 m 397.341 348.731 415.739 330.332 438.354 330.332 c 438.354 330.332 l 460.968 330.332 479.367 348.731 479.367 371.345 c 479.367 371.345 l 479.367 393.961 460.968 412.358 438.354 412.358 c 438.354 412.358 l 415.739 412.358 397.341 393.961 397.341 371.345 c 401.671 359.077 m 399.136 362.393 397.565 366.417 397.565 371.283 c 397.565 371.283 l 397.565 393.774 415.863 412.072 438.354 412.072 c 438.354 412.072 l 460.845 412.072 479.142 393.774 479.142 371.283 c 479.142 371.283 l 479.142 366.417 477.572 362.393 475.036 359.077 c 475.036 359.077 l 469.914 343.724 455.406 332.626 438.354 332.626 c 438.354 332.626 l 421.301 332.626 406.793 343.723 401.671 359.077 c w n q 0 g 36.8096293 -107.1953529 -107.1953529 -36.8096293 430.5403023 420.2569017 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 438.354 344.325 m 432.675 344.325 410.852 347.069 401.671 359.077 c 401.671 359.077 l 406.793 343.723 421.301 332.626 438.354 332.626 c 438.354 332.626 l 455.406 332.626 469.914 343.724 475.036 359.077 c 475.036 359.077 l 465.856 347.069 444.034 344.325 438.354 344.325 c w n q 0 g 65.2908222 -130.1222894 -130.1222894 -65.2908222 437.2806947 394.9316227 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 397.565 371.283 m 397.565 366.417 399.136 362.393 401.671 359.077 c 401.671 359.077 l 400.39 362.915 399.696 367.021 399.696 371.283 c 399.696 371.283 l 399.696 392.6 417.038 409.941 438.354 409.941 c 438.354 409.941 l 459.67 409.941 477.011 392.6 477.011 371.283 c 477.011 371.283 l 477.011 367.021 476.317 362.915 475.036 359.077 c 475.036 359.077 l 477.572 362.393 479.142 366.417 479.142 371.283 c 479.142 371.283 l 479.142 393.774 460.845 412.072 438.354 412.072 c 438.354 412.072 l 415.863 412.072 397.565 393.774 397.565 371.283 c w n q 0 g 36.8096293 -107.1953529 -107.1953529 -36.8096293 430.5403023 420.2569017 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q q 399.696 371.283 m 399.696 367.021 400.39 362.915 401.671 359.077 c 401.671 359.077 l 410.852 347.069 432.675 344.325 438.354 344.325 c 438.354 344.325 l 444.034 344.325 465.856 347.069 475.036 359.077 c 475.036 359.077 l 476.317 362.915 477.011 367.021 477.011 371.283 c 477.011 371.283 l 477.011 392.6 459.67 409.941 438.354 409.941 c 438.354 409.941 l 417.038 409.941 399.696 392.6 399.696 371.283 c w n q 0 g 65.2908222 -130.1222894 -130.1222894 -65.2908222 437.2806947 394.9316227 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q bt -0.015 tc 0 tw 7.7332 0 0 7.7332 415.0797 377.4219 tm (other po)tj 0.015 tw 4.032 0 td (ver)tj 1.431 0 td (ty )tj 0 tw -5.663 -1.2 td (alleviation and )tj 0.015 tw 1.068 -1.2 td (donations)tj 0 tc 0 tw ( )tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw -1 -1.2 td (rmb6,653,80)tj 0 tc 0 tw 6.045 0 td (0)tj et q 118.12 287.185 m 112.062 287.185 107.105 282.227 107.105 276.169 c 107.105 276.169 l 107.105 235.596 l 107.105 229.537 112.062 224.579 118.12 224.579 c 118.12 224.579 l 477.156 224.579 l 483.214 224.579 488.172 229.537 488.172 235.596 c 488.172 235.596 l 488.172 276.169 l 488.172 282.227 483.214 287.185 477.156 287.185 c 477.156 287.185 l h w n q 0 g 0 -79.9926524 -79.9926524 -0 297.6379292 304.4989878 cm bx /sh8 sh ex q q q 121.041 284.588 m 114.982 284.588 110.025 279.63 110.025 273.572 c 110.025 273.572 l 110.025 238.193 l 110.025 232.133 114.982 227.177 121.041 227.177 c 121.041 227.177 l 474.234 227.177 l 480.294 227.177 485.25 232.133 485.25 238.193 c 485.25 238.193 l 485.25 273.572 l 485.25 279.63 480.294 284.588 474.234 284.588 c 474.234 284.588 l h w n q 0 g 0 -73.354978 -73.354978 -0 297.6379292 300.4651657 cm bx /sh9 sh ex q q q 139.719 281.99 m 133.933 281.99 129.199 277.256 129.199 271.47 c 129.199 271.47 l 129.199 240.295 l 129.199 234.508 133.933 229.774 139.719 229.774 c 139.719 229.774 l 455.558 229.774 l 461.344 229.774 466.078 234.508 466.078 240.295 c 466.078 240.295 l 466.078 271.47 l 466.078 277.256 461.344 281.99 455.558 281.99 c 455.558 281.99 l h w n q 0 g 0 -240.903924 -234.9213205 -0 310.2487966 315.252936 cm bx /sh10 sh ex q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf -0.015 tc 8.6998 0 0 8.6998 185.8632 264.0255 tm (in 20)tj 0 tc 2.537 0 td (1)tj -0.015 tc 0.607 0 td (9, the compan)tj 7.543 0 td (y and its subsidiaries spent a )tj -11.146 -1.2 td (total of appr)tj 0 tc 6.45 0 td (o)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.622 0 td (ximatel)tj 0 tw 3.818 0 td (y rmb25,553,80)tj 0.015 tw 8.553 0 td (0 )tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 0.97 0 td (fo)tj -0.015 tc 0 tw 1.061 0 td (r targeted )tj -19.462 -1.2 td (aid, po)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 3.486 0 td (ve)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.172 0 td (r)tj -0.015 tc 0.449 0 td (ty alle)tj 3.151 0 td (viation and other donations)tj et q 296.852 420.221 m 296.852 393.33 318.651 371.53 345.542 371.53 c 345.542 371.53 l 372.434 371.53 394.233 393.33 394.233 420.221 c 394.233 420.221 l 394.233 447.113 372.434 468.912 345.542 468.912 c 345.542 468.912 l 318.651 468.912 296.852 447.113 296.852 420.221 c 301.938 420.222 m 301.938 444.264 321.499 463.825 345.542 463.825 c 345.542 463.825 l 369.584 463.825 389.146 444.264 389.146 420.222 c 389.146 420.222 l 389.146 396.178 369.584 376.618 345.542 376.618 c 345.542 376.618 l 321.499 376.618 301.938 396.178 301.938 420.222 c w n q 0 g 36.9592667 -95.2855907 -95.2855907 -36.9592667 328.5058527 465.5962552 cm bx /sh11 sh ex q q q 301.938 420.222 m 301.938 396.178 321.499 376.618 345.542 376.618 c 345.542 376.618 l 369.584 376.618 389.146 396.178 389.146 420.222 c 389.146 420.222 l 389.146 444.264 369.584 463.825 345.542 463.825 c 345.542 463.825 l 321.499 463.825 301.938 444.264 301.938 420.222 c 304.529 420.222 m 304.529 442.836 322.927 461.234 345.542 461.234 c 345.542 461.234 l 368.157 461.234 386.555 442.836 386.555 420.222 c 386.555 420.222 l 386.555 397.607 368.157 379.209 345.542 379.209 c 345.542 379.209 l 322.927 379.209 304.529 397.607 304.529 420.222 c w n q 0 g 33.0975091 -85.3295068 -85.3295068 -33.0975091 330.2854532 460.8550887 cm bx /sh12 sh ex q q q 304.529 420.222 m 304.529 397.607 322.927 379.209 345.542 379.209 c 345.542 379.209 l 368.157 379.209 386.555 397.607 386.555 420.222 c 386.555 420.222 l 386.555 442.836 368.157 461.234 345.542 461.234 c 345.542 461.234 l 322.927 461.234 304.529 442.836 304.529 420.222 c 308.859 407.952 m 306.324 411.269 304.753 415.292 304.753 420.16 c 304.753 420.16 l 304.753 442.65 323.051 460.948 345.542 460.948 c 345.542 460.948 l 368.033 460.948 386.33 442.65 386.33 420.16 c 386.33 420.16 l 386.33 415.292 384.76 411.268 382.225 407.952 c 382.225 407.952 l 377.103 392.6 362.594 381.502 345.542 381.502 c 345.542 381.502 l 328.489 381.502 313.981 392.6 308.859 407.952 c w n q 0 g 36.8096293 -107.1953529 -107.1953529 -36.8096293 337.7286324 469.1322546 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 345.542 393.2 m 339.863 393.2 318.039 395.944 308.859 407.952 c 308.859 407.952 l 313.981 392.6 328.489 381.502 345.542 381.502 c 345.542 381.502 l 362.594 381.502 377.103 392.6 382.225 407.952 c 382.225 407.952 l 373.044 395.944 351.221 393.2 345.542 393.2 c w n q 0 g 65.2908222 -130.1222894 -130.1222894 -65.2908222 344.4690543 443.8070199 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 304.753 420.16 m 304.753 415.292 306.324 411.269 308.859 407.952 c 308.859 407.952 l 307.579 411.79 306.885 415.896 306.885 420.16 c 306.885 420.16 l 306.885 441.475 324.227 458.816 345.542 458.816 c 345.542 458.816 l 366.858 458.816 384.199 441.475 384.199 420.16 c 384.199 420.16 l 384.199 415.896 383.505 411.79 382.225 407.952 c 382.225 407.952 l 384.76 411.268 386.33 415.292 386.33 420.16 c 386.33 420.16 l 386.33 442.65 368.033 460.948 345.542 460.948 c 345.542 460.948 l 323.051 460.948 304.753 442.65 304.753 420.16 c w n q 0 g 36.8096293 -107.1953529 -107.1953529 -36.8096293 337.7286324 469.1322546 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q q 306.885 420.16 m 306.885 415.896 307.579 411.79 308.859 407.952 c 308.859 407.952 l 318.039 395.944 339.863 393.2 345.542 393.2 c 345.542 393.2 l 351.221 393.2 373.044 395.944 382.225 407.952 c 382.225 407.952 l 383.505 411.79 384.199 415.896 384.199 420.16 c 384.199 420.16 l 384.199 441.475 366.858 458.816 345.542 458.816 c 345.542 458.816 l 324.227 458.816 306.885 441.475 306.885 420.16 c w n q 0 g 65.2908222 -130.1222894 -130.1222894 -65.2908222 344.4690543 443.8070199 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q bt 0 0 0 1 k /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 7.7332 0 0 7.7332 315.5624 426.2971 tm (y)tj -0.015 tc 0.557 0 td (angxing count)tj -0.07 tc 0.07 tw (y,)tj 0 tc 0 tw 7.499 0 td ( )tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw -7.489 -1.2 td (hubei )tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 2.966 0 td (pr)tj -0.03 tc 0.03 tw 0.95 0 td (ov)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.122 0 td (i)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 0.263 0 td (nce )tj -5.193 -1.2 td (rmb1,0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 3.618 0 td (00)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw 1.122 0 td (,0)tj 0.025 tc -0.025 tw 0.844 0 td (00)tj et q 91.238 219.099 412.8 249.813 re w n 0.4 0.2 0.15 0.51 k q 1 0 0 1 158.6242 301.7904 cm 0 0 m -3.559 0.974 l 1.294 -7.462 l 6.147 0.974 l 2.588 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 161.4777 367.2305 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.119 -0.861 -3.119 0 c -3.119 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 161.4777 361.1252 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.86 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.119 -0.86 -3.119 0 c -3.119 0.861 -2.42 1.56 -1.559 1.56 c -0.698 1.56 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 161.4777 355.0208 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.56 -1.559 -1.56 c -2.42 -1.56 -3.119 -0.861 -3.119 0 c -3.119 0.86 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.86 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 161.4777 348.9154 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.119 -0.861 -3.119 0 c -3.119 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 161.4777 342.8101 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.119 -0.861 -3.119 0 c -3.119 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 161.4777 336.7047 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.119 -0.861 -3.119 0 c -3.119 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 161.4777 330.5994 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.119 -0.861 -3.119 0 c -3.119 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 161.4777 324.4941 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.119 -0.861 -3.119 0 c -3.119 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 161.4777 318.3897 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.56 -1.559 -1.56 c -2.42 -1.56 -3.119 -0.861 -3.119 0 c -3.119 0.86 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.86 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 161.4777 312.2844 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.119 -0.861 -3.119 0 c -3.119 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 161.4777 306.179 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.42 -1.559 -3.119 -0.861 -3.119 0 c -3.119 0.861 -2.42 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 343.9161 301.7904 cm 0 0 m -3.559 0.974 l 1.294 -7.462 l 6.147 0.974 l 2.589 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 346.7697 367.2305 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 346.7697 361.1252 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.86 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.86 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.56 -1.559 1.56 c -0.698 1.56 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 346.7697 355.0208 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.56 -1.559 -1.56 c -2.421 -1.56 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.86 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.86 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 346.7697 348.9154 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 346.7697 342.8101 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 346.7697 336.7047 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 346.7697 330.5994 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 346.7697 324.4941 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 346.7697 318.3897 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.56 -1.559 -1.56 c -2.421 -1.56 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.86 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.86 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 346.7697 312.2844 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 346.7697 306.179 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.861 -0.698 -1.559 -1.559 -1.559 c -2.421 -1.559 -3.118 -0.861 -3.118 0 c -3.118 0.861 -2.421 1.559 -1.559 1.559 c -0.698 1.559 0 0.861 0 0 c f q q bt /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 190.0984 tm [(in)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (2)13.7 (0)13.7 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( its)13.7 ( subsidiaries)13.7 ( budgets)13.7 ( approximately)13.7 ( rmb)13.7 (2)13.7 (6)13.8 (.)13.6 (5)13.8 (6)13.7 (5)13.7 (9)13.7 ( million)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( target)18.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc t* [(assistance)13.8 (,)13.9 ( poverty)13.8 ( alleviation)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( other)13.9 ( donations)13.8 (,)13.8 ( including)13.9 ( continuing)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( arrange)13.8 ( assistance)25.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc t* [(and)14.2 ( )0.6 (poverty)14.2 ( )0.5 (alleviation)14.3 ( )0.5 (funds)14.3 ( for)14.3 ( )0.5 (three)14.3 ( )0.5 (partner)14.2 ( )0.5 (assistance)14.2 ( )0.5 (regions)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (namely)14.3 ( )0.5 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build)13.9 ( a)14 ( learning)13.9 ( team)13.9 (.)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)14 (9)13.9 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)14 ( arranged)13.9 ( 7)13.9 (1)13.9 ( leaders)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( participate)24.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(in)14.2 ( )0.5 (trainings)14.2 ( on)14.1 ( )0.5 (enhancing)14.2 ( )0.5 (their)14.2 ( ability)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.5 (perform)14.2 ( )0.5 (duties)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( two)14.2 ( )0.5 (sessions)14.2 (,)14.2 ( continuously)14.2 ( improving)14.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(their)9.1 ( )0.5 (management)9.2 ( level)9.2 (.)9.2 ( meanwhile)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (it)9.2 ( )0.5 (made)9.2 ( )0.5 (great)9.2 ( )0.5 (efforts)9.2 ( )0.5 (in)9.2 ( )0.5 (fostering)9.2 ( young)9.2 ( reserve)9.2 ( )0.5 (cadres)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw t* [(implemented)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (\223)14.2 (blade)14.2 ( )0.5 (program)14.2 (\224)14.3 ( and)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (\223)14.2 (leap)14.2 ( program)14.2 (\224)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (which)14.2 ( specifically)14.2 ( )0.5 (enhanced)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)30.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.02 tw t* (quality and ability of young reserve cadres and achieved outstanding res\ ults. the company not only )tj 0.042 tw t* (develops clear paths for the career development of talents but also enco\ urages them to constantly )tj 0.087 tw t* [(realize )0.5 (growth and progress )0.5 (through performance )0.5 (appraisal and )0.5 (promotions )0.5 (and thus )0.5 (cultivate and )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(create)14.2 ( a)14.1 ( well)14.2 (-)14.1 (structured)14.2 (,)14.1 ( professional)14.1 (,)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( innovative)14.1 ( talent)14.1 ( )0.5 (pool)14.2 (,)14.1 ( contributing)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( company)14.2 (\222)14.1 (s)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (continuous and healthy growth.)tj et /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc emc q 78.6 314.141 202.801 145.44 re w n q /gs1 gs 202.824002 0 0 145.5840337 78.5879288 314.0097011 cm /im0 do q /placedgraphic /mc1 bdc emc q q 311.325 314.141 207.9 147.001 re w n q /gs1 gs 207.9840233 0 0 147.144032 311.3135681 314.0097308 cm /im1 do q q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 87.0658 285.4117 tm (chalco\222s training for enhancement of )tj 4.014 -1.5 td (financial basic ability)tj 20.361 1.5 td (chalco\222s training for full-time and )tj -0.862 -1.5 td (part-time internal auditing personnel)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.043 tc 0.078 tw -25.984 -2.873 td [(dedicated)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( business)13.5 ( development)13.6 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( has)13.6 ( also)13.6 ( been)13.6 ( making)13.5 ( contributions)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( social)15.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.048 tw t* (progress and fulfilling its social responsibilities by keeping close eye\ s on and providing supports to )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(public)11.3 ( welfare)11.2 ( programs)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (company)11.2 ( has)11.2 ( shown)11.2 ( )0.5 (unwavering)11.2 ( )0.5 (support)11.2 ( )0.5 (for)11.3 ( the)11.2 ( national)11.2 ( )0.5 (policy)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw t* [(targeted )0.6 (poverty )0.5 (alleviation )0.5 (and )0.6 (made )0.5 (efforts )0.5 (to )0.6 (lift )0.5 (people )0.5 (out )0.5 (of )0.5 (poverty )0.5 (and )0.5 (to )0.5 (tackle )0.5 (hard )0.6 (issues. )]tj 0.066 tw t* (leveraging advantages particular to the company, it formulates appropria\ te aid programs that fully )tj 0 tw t* (involve all departments and staff, to ensure the effective advance of po\ verty alleviation.)tj et endstream endobj 1237 0 obj <>stream ����adobed��     '$''''$25552;;;;;;;;;;   %%#(((((#,0000,7;;;7;;;;;;;;;;   %%#(((((#,0000,7;;;7;;;;;;;;;;   %%#(((((#,0000,7;;;7;;;;;;;;;;��'���l""���   u!1aqa"2bq��#��3rbr����csc����� $%&'()*456789:defghijtuvwxyzdefghijstuvwxyz�������������������������������������������������������������������� y!1aqaq"2br������#br�� 3���$%&'()*456789:cdefghijstuvwxyzcdefghijstuvwxyz������������������������������������������������������������������������?��tju"`�yy@�q�&|;�wazque�*@e���)�ųc��x!�q��e�֭�|���պ�*$v�����5j�h��pmxejֆ�ڲ�jը e�-@��� �7yyx(u�v�y@htjb�2�x 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endstream endobj 1242 0 obj <>stream 2020-02-29t05:16:03 08:00 adobe illustrator cc 2014 (windows) 2020-02-29t05:16:03 08:00 2020-02-29t05:16:03 08:00 acrobat distiller 20.0 (windows) application/postscript microsoft word - ar2020-02-007 chalco c139-276.docx dtph01 xmp.did:a899d4fd-b2e4-4547-96df-fa9c34e0bb46 xmp.iid:a899d4fd-b2e4-4547-96df-fa9c34e0bb46 uuid:50dc3117-3362-49b6-9037-5572d83573ee uuid:2f1f76cb-ac30-4add-8808-938ffb753aa6 uuid:50dc3117-3362-49b6-9037-5572d83573ee uuid:50dc3117-3362-49b6-9037-5572d83573ee saved xmp.iid:a899d4fd-b2e4-4547-96df-fa9c34e0bb46 2020-02-29t05:16:03 08:00 adobe illustrator cc 2014 (windows) / 1 false false 209.980379 297.038889 millimeters cyan magenta yellow black 預設色票群組 0 endstream endobj 1243 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(8)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(in)12.2 ( )0.5 (all)12.2 ( )0.5 (production)12.2 ( )0.5 (processes)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( focus)12.2 ( )0.5 (on)12.2 ( )0.5 (grass)12.2 (-)12.2 (roots)12.2 ( )0.5 (safety)12.2 ( )0.5 (management)12.2 (.)12.2 ( in)12.2 ( 2)12.2 (0)12.2 (1)12.2 (9)12.2 (,)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( company)12.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.5 td [(also)8.2 ( )0.5 (formulated)8.2 ( )0.5 (six)8.2 ( methods)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( )0.5 (measures)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (covering)8.2 ( radioactive)8.2 ( )0.5 (source)8.2 ( management)8.2 (,)8.2 ( hazardous)8.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(waste)14.1 ( management)14.1 (,)14.1 ( standard)14.1 ( guidelines)14.1 ( on)14.1 ( \223)14.1 (two)14.2 ( strict)14.1 ( controls)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( two)14 ( inspections)14.1 ( with)14.1 ( strict)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw t* (supervision\224, measures on enhancing safety monitoring and management \ as well as safety liability )tj 0.018 tw t* (period margin management for coal enterprises. all enterprises have impr\ oved the setting of safety )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.9 ( environmental)13.9 ( protection)13.9 ( agencies)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( staff)13.8 ( allocation)13.9 (.)13.8 ( while)13.9 ( intensifying)13.9 ( safety)13.9 ( production)15.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(management)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (company)5.2 ( )0.5 (further)5.2 ( raised)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.3 ( safety)5.2 ( )0.5 (awareness)5.2 ( of)5.2 ( )0.5 (all)5.2 ( )0.5 (staff)5.2 (.)5.2 ( it)5.2 ( )0.5 (organized)5.2 ( )0.5 (trainings)5.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw t* [(at)14.1 ( )0.5 (different)14.2 ( levels)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( enhance)14.1 ( )0.5 (safety)14.2 ( concepts)14.1 (,)14.2 ( consolidate)14.2 ( safety)14.2 ( awareness)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( )0.5 (prevention)33.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.041 tw t* (knowledge and regulate standard operation. in 2019, the company arranged\ the staff to participate )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(in the \223knowledge contest on safety and emergency law popularization\224\ organized by the ministry)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)14.2 ( )0.5 (national)14.2 ( )0.5 (emergency)14.2 ( )0.5 (management)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (national)14.2 ( )0.5 (office)14.3 ( for)14.2 ( law)14.2 ( )0.5 (popularization)14.3 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 41.573 0 td <0c77062c136c>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw [(\) a)-13.6 (n)-13.7 (d )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw -41.573 -1.5 td [(attended)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (national)2.2 ( finals)2.2 (.)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( company)2.2 ( was)2.2 ( )0.5 (awarded)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (outstanding)2.2 ( )0.5 (organization)2.2 ( )0.5 (award)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.052 tw t* (the safety and emergency knowledge of the staff were generally enhanced.\ at the same time, the )tj 0.043 tw t* [(company )0.5 (has )0.6 (established )0.6 (the )0.5 (system )0.6 (of )0.5 (occupational )0.6 (health )0.5 (management )0.5 (and )0.5 (gradually )0.6 (carried )0.5 (out )]tj 0.059 tw t* (occupational health and safety measures to guarantee employees\222 physi\ cal health. meanwhile, the )tj 0.08 tw t* [(company )0.5 (provides )0.5 (regular )0.6 (physical )0.5 (examinations )0.5 (for )0.6 (employees )0.5 (and )0.6 (sets )0.5 (up )0.5 (employee )0.5 (health )0.6 (files )]tj 0.033 tw t* (to ensure good occupational health management. the company also provides\ employees with safe )tj 0 tw t* (and comfortable working conditions and protective equipment.)tj 0.025 tc 0 -3 td [(the company consistently insists on \223people oriented\224 concepts and\ considers human resources as)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw 0 -1.5 td (the most important resources of the company. it established a harmonious\ and stable employment )tj 0.017 tw t* (relationship with the staff to achieve the common growth of staff and th\ e enterprise. the company )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(strictly)13.6 ( abides)13.6 ( by)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( labour)13.6 ( law)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( people)13.7 (\222)13.6 (s)13.6 ( republic)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( china)13.6 (,)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( labour)13.6 ( contract)13.6 ( law)25.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc t* [(of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( people)13.7 (\222)13.7 (s)13.8 ( republic)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( china)13.8 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( labour)13.7 ( dispute)13.7 ( mediation)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( arbitration)13.7 ( law)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)37.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(p)0.5 (e)0.5 (o)0.5 (pl)0.5 (e)1.2 (\222)1.2 (s)1.3 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (ub)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)1.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)1.2 ( )0.5 (ch)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)1.2 ( o)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)1.2 ( )0.5 (la)0.5 (w)0.5 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)1.2 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (g)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (at)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)1.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (ab)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)1.2 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (et)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (pl)0.5 (o)0.5 (y)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.037 tw t* [(systems and )0.5 (regulations within the )0.5 (company to safeguard the legitimate interests of the )0.5 (staff. the )]tj 0.086 tw t* (company always upholds the principle of respecting employees and equal e\ mployment. it follows )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(a)14.2 ( )0.5 (no)0.5 (n)14.2 (-)14.2 (d)0.5 (is)0.5 (c)0.5 (ri)0.5 (m)0.5 (in)0.5 (at)0.5 (o)0.5 (ry)14.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (bo)0.5 (ur)14.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (ol)0.5 (i)0.5 (cy)14.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (y)14.2 ( t)0.5 (r)0.5 (ea)0.5 (t)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.2 ( )0.5 (al)0.5 (l)14.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (mp)0.5 (lo)0.5 (y)0.5 (ee)0.5 (s)14.2 ( )0.5 (fa)0.5 (i)0.5 (rl)0.5 (y)14.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)14.2 ( )0.5 (eq)0.5 (ua)0.5 (l)0.5 (ly)14.3 ( r)0.5 (eg)0.5 (a)0.5 (rd)0.5 (l)0.5 (es)0.5 (s)14.2 ( o)0.5 (f)14.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)0.5 (ir)14.3 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(nationality, race, gender, religious beliefs and cultural background, an\ d insists on equal pay for equal)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(work)7.2 (.)7.2 ( the)7.2 ( )0.5 (company)7.2 ( )0.5 (insists)7.2 ( )0.5 (on)7.2 ( ensuring)7.2 ( equal)7.2 ( )0.5 (employment)7.2 ( )0.5 (opportunities)7.2 ( to)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (disabled)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (women)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.037 tw t* (and other disadvantaged groups. moreover, the company strives to create \ jobs for the community, )tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.5 ( aligns)13.5 ( its)13.5 ( development)13.6 ( with)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( stability)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( employment)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( protection)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( employees)13.6 (\222)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (interests. through continuous improvement in labour employment and incom\ e distribution systems, )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14 ( company)14.1 ( aims)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( strengthen)14.1 ( employment)14.1 ( management)14 (,)14.1 ( regulate)14 ( employment)14.1 ( activities)14.1 ( and)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (determine reasonable distribution of income.)tj et endstream endobj 1244 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(8)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc emc q 105.637 423.702 384 242.439 re w n 0.851 0.851 0.851 rg /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 211.6678 423.7017 cm 0 0 m -96.06 0 l -101.566 0 -106.03 4.464 -106.03 9.97 c -106.03 232.47 l -106.03 237.976 -101.566 242.44 -96.06 242.44 c 0 242.44 l 5.506 242.44 9.97 237.976 9.97 232.47 c 9.97 9.97 l 9.97 4.464 5.506 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 345.6678 414.6216 cm 0 0 m -96.06 0 l -101.566 0 -106.03 4.464 -106.03 9.97 c -106.03 241.55 l -106.03 247.056 -101.566 251.52 -96.06 251.52 c 0 251.52 l 5.506 251.52 9.97 247.056 9.97 241.55 c 9.97 9.97 l 9.97 4.464 5.506 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 479.6678 414.6216 cm 0 0 m -96.06 0 l -101.566 0 -106.03 4.464 -106.03 9.97 c -106.03 241.55 l -106.03 247.056 -101.566 251.52 -96.06 251.52 c 0 251.52 l 5.506 251.52 9.97 247.056 9.97 241.55 c 9.97 9.97 l 9.97 4.464 5.506 0 0 0 c f q q bt 0 0 0 rg /gs1 gs /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 130.5729 635.0353 tm <00240050004e00510042004f005a0001004d004600570046004d>tj 12.317 0.983 td <0025004a0057004a0054004a0050004f00540010002300530042004f00440049004600540001>tj -0.473 -1.2 td <0042004f004500010034005600430054004a0045004a00420053004a004600540001004d004600570046004d>tj 12 0 0 12 391.6238 635.0348 tm <002600590046004400560055004a005700460001004d004600570046004d>tj et q 105.637 423.702 384 242.439 re w n 1 1 1 rg q 1 0 0 1 206.1328 499.3947 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.836 -91.323 6.334 c -91.323 45 l -91.323 48.498 -88.487 51.334 -84.99 51.334 c 0 51.334 l 3.497 51.334 6.333 48.498 6.333 45 c 6.333 6.334 l 6.333 2.836 3.497 0 0 0 c f q 0.239 0.294 0.373 rg 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 206.1328 499.3947 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.836 -91.323 6.334 c -91.323 45 l -91.323 48.498 -88.487 51.334 -84.99 51.334 c 0 51.334 l 3.497 51.334 6.333 48.498 6.333 45 c 6.333 6.334 l 6.333 2.836 3.497 0 0 0 c h s q q 1 0 0 1 340.1328 499.3947 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.836 -91.323 6.334 c -91.323 45 l -91.323 48.498 -88.487 51.334 -84.99 51.334 c 0 51.334 l 3.497 51.334 6.333 48.498 6.333 45 c 6.333 6.334 l 6.333 2.836 3.497 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 340.1328 499.3947 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.836 -91.323 6.334 c -91.323 45 l -91.323 48.498 -88.487 51.334 -84.99 51.334 c 0 51.334 l 3.497 51.334 6.333 48.498 6.333 45 c 6.333 6.334 l 6.333 2.836 3.497 0 0 0 c h s q q 1 0 0 1 340.1328 424.1217 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.835 -91.323 6.333 c -91.323 55.8 l -91.323 59.298 -88.487 62.133 -84.99 62.133 c 0 62.133 l 3.497 62.133 6.333 59.298 6.333 55.8 c 6.333 6.333 l 6.333 2.835 3.497 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 340.1328 424.1217 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.835 -91.323 6.333 c -91.323 55.8 l -91.323 59.298 -88.487 62.133 -84.99 62.133 c 0 62.133 l 3.497 62.133 6.333 59.298 6.333 55.8 c 6.333 6.333 l 6.333 2.835 3.497 0 0 0 c h s q q 1 0 0 1 340.1328 563.8687 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.835 -91.323 6.333 c -91.323 45 l -91.323 48.497 -88.487 51.333 -84.99 51.333 c 0 51.333 l 3.497 51.333 6.333 48.497 6.333 45 c 6.333 6.333 l 6.333 2.835 3.497 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 340.1328 563.8687 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.835 -91.323 6.333 c -91.323 45 l -91.323 48.497 -88.487 51.333 -84.99 51.333 c 0 51.333 l 3.497 51.333 6.333 48.497 6.333 45 c 6.333 6.333 l 6.333 2.835 3.497 0 0 0 c h s q q 1 0 0 1 474.1328 499.3947 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.836 -91.323 6.334 c -91.323 45 l -91.323 48.498 -88.487 51.334 -84.99 51.334 c 0 51.334 l 3.497 51.334 6.333 48.498 6.333 45 c 6.333 6.334 l 6.333 2.836 3.497 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 474.1328 499.3947 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.836 -91.323 6.334 c -91.323 45 l -91.323 48.498 -88.487 51.334 -84.99 51.334 c 0 51.334 l 3.497 51.334 6.333 48.498 6.333 45 c 6.333 6.334 l 6.333 2.836 3.497 0 0 0 c h s q q 1 0 0 1 474.1328 424.1217 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.835 -91.323 6.333 c -91.323 55.8 l -91.323 59.298 -88.487 62.133 -84.99 62.133 c 0 62.133 l 3.497 62.133 6.333 59.298 6.333 55.8 c 6.333 6.333 l 6.333 2.835 3.497 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 474.1328 424.1217 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.835 -91.323 6.333 c -91.323 55.8 l -91.323 59.298 -88.487 62.133 -84.99 62.133 c 0 62.133 l 3.497 62.133 6.333 59.298 6.333 55.8 c 6.333 6.333 l 6.333 2.835 3.497 0 0 0 c h s q q 1 0 0 1 474.1328 563.8687 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.835 -91.323 6.333 c -91.323 45 l -91.323 48.497 -88.487 51.333 -84.99 51.333 c 0 51.333 l 3.497 51.333 6.333 48.497 6.333 45 c 6.333 6.333 l 6.333 2.835 3.497 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 474.1328 563.8687 cm 0 0 m -84.99 0 l -88.487 0 -91.323 2.835 -91.323 6.333 c -91.323 45 l -91.323 48.497 -88.487 51.333 -84.99 51.333 c 0 51.333 l 3.497 51.333 6.333 48.497 6.333 45 c 6.333 6.333 l 6.333 2.835 3.497 0 0 0 c h s q q bt 0.267 0.329 0.416 rg 8 0 0 8 125.8502 527.1297 tm <003400500044004a0042004d000100330046005400510050004f0054004a0043004a004d004a0055005a0001>tj 0.334 -1.2 td <003800500053004c004a004f0048000100240050004e004e004a0055005500460046>tj 17.749 9.848 td <00290046004200450001005000470001003400500044004a0042004d0001>tj -0.389 -1.2 td <00330046005400510050004f0054004a0043004a004d004a0055005a0001005000470001>tj 0.75 -1.2 td <002600420044004900010025004a0057004a0054004a0050004f>tj 1.528 -5.566 td <003400500044004a0042004d>tj <0001>tj -1.722 -1.2 td <00330046005400510050004f0054004a0043004a004d004a0055005a>tj <0001>tj 1.917 -1.2 td <003000470047004a0044>tj <0046>tj -3.418 -5.816 td <003400500044004a0042004d000100330046005400510050004f0054004a0043004a004d004a0055005a0001>tj 0.138 -1.2 td <002d0046004200450046005300540049004a00510001003500460042004e0001005000470001>tj 1.361 -1.2 td <002300530042004f004400490046005400010042004f00450001>tj 0.501 -1.2 td <0034005600430054004a0045004a00420053004a00460054>tj 15.306 19.793 td <00270056004d004d000e0055004a004e004600100051004200530055000e0055004a004e00460001>tj -0.446 -1.2 td <004d004a0042004a00540050004f000100510046005300540050004f004f0046004d00010047005000530001>tj 0.306 -1.2 td <005400500044004a0042004d000100530046005400510050004f0054004a0043004a004d004a0055>tj <005a>tj 2.251 -5.059 td <00270056004d004d000e0055004a004e0046>tj <0001>tj -1.002 -1.2 td <004e0042004f004200480046004e0046004f00550001>tj 0 -1.2 td <00510046005300540050004f004f0046004d00010047005000530001>tj -1.249 -1.2 td <005400500044004a0042004d000100530046005400510050004f0054004a0043004a004d004a0055>tj <005a>tj -0.806 -3.859 td <00270056004d004d000e0055004a004e00460001004e0042004f004200480046004e0046004f00550001>tj 0.638 -1.2 td <00510046005300540050004f004f0046004d00010047005000530001005400500044004a0042004d0001>tj 0.472 -1.2 td <00530046005400510050004f0054004a0043004a004d004a0055005a00010042004f00450001>tj -1.555 -1.2 td <00470056004d004d000e0055004a004e004600100051004200530055000e0055004a004e00460001004d004a0042004a00540050004f0001>tj 2.499 -1.2 td <00510046005300540050004f004f0046004d00010047005000530001>tj -1.249 -1.2 td <005400500044004a0042004d000100530046005400510050004f0054004a0043004a004d004a0055>tj <005a>tj et q 105.637 423.702 384 242.439 re w n 0.239 0.294 0.373 rg q 1 0 0 1 212.4658 525.0616 cm 0 0 m 36.344 64.473 l 0 0 m 36.344 -64.473 l 0 0 m 36.344 0 l 134 0 m 170.344 0 l 134 66.973 m 170.344 66.973 l 134 -64.473 m 170.344 -64.473 l s q q bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.065 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 393.7016 tm [(the)14.2 ( company)14.1 ( always)14.1 ( fulfilled)14.1 ( its)14.1 ( social)14.1 ( responsibilities)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( a)14.1 ( proactive)14.1 ( and)14.2 ( voluntary)14.1 ( manner)14.1 (,)37.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0 -1.5 td [(and)13.7 ( made)13.7 ( huge)13.7 ( efforts)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( guarantee)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( employees)13.7 (\222)13.7 ( interests)13.7 (,)13.7 ( environmental)13.8 ( protection)13.7 (,)13.7 ( poverty)17.1 ( )]tj 0.064 tc t* [(alleviation)14 ( and)14 ( public)14 ( welfare)14 (.)13.9 ( the)14 ( company)14 ( always)14 ( regards)14 ( employees)14 ( as)14 ( its)14 ( most)14 ( valuable)36.2 ( )]tj 0.076 tc t* [(resources)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( assets)13.5 (.)13.5 ( it)13.5 ( is)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 (\222)13.6 (s)13.5 ( belief)13.5 ( that)13.6 ( protecting)13.5 ( employees)13.6 (\222)13.5 ( interests)13.5 ( and)48.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.077 tw t* [(enh)0.5 (ancing)14.4 ( emplo)0.5 (yees)14.3 (\222)14.4 ( we)0.5 (ll)14.3 (-)14.4 (being)14.4 ( w)0.5 (ill)14.4 ( pa)0.5 (ve)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( wa)0.5 (y)14.3 ( f)0.5 (or)14.3 ( ful)0.5 (fil)0.5 (ling)14.4 ( i)0.5 (ts)14.3 ( soci)0.5 (al)14.3 ( res)0.5 (ponsi)0.5 (bil)0.5 (itie)0.5 (s)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)29.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(achieving sustainable development. furthermore, the company insists on p\ eople oriented concepts,)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw t* [(respecting)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( employees)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( providing)13.6 ( them)13.6 ( with)13.5 ( opportunities)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( make)13.6 ( achievements)13.6 (,)13.6 ( and)30.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (creating a \223sunny, honest, simple and inclusive\224 work atmosphere.)tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.6 ( company)13.7 ( always)13.6 ( prioritizes)13.7 ( employees)13.7 (\222)13.6 ( safety)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( health)13.7 (,)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( strictly)13.6 ( comply)13.7 ( with)13.6 ( and)39.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.058 tw 0 -1.5 td (implements the production safety law of the people\222s republic of chin\ a, the law of the people\222s )tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(republic)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( china)13.5 ( on)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( prevention)13.4 ( and)13.5 ( control)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( occupational)13.5 ( diseases)13.5 ( and)13.4 ( other)13.5 ( relevant)27.2 ( )]tj 0.071 tc t* [(national)14.2 ( laws)14.1 ( and)14.2 ( regulations)14.1 (,)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( as)14.2 ( early)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( )0.5 (2)14.1 (0)14.2 (0)14.1 (4)14.2 (,)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 ( passed)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (accreditation)43.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.077 tw t* [(i)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)14.3 (1)14.4 (4)14.4 (0)14.3 (0)14.4 (4)14.4 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (vi)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (nm)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (al)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (ag)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)14.4 ( s)0.5 (y)0.5 (st)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)14.4 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( o)0.5 (cc)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (at)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (al)14.4 ( h)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (lt)0.5 (h)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( sa)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)14.3 ( sy)0.5 (s)0.5 (te)0.5 (m)29.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc t* [(of)14.3 ( ohsas)14.3 (1)14.3 (8)14.3 (0)14.3 (0)14.3 (1)14.3 (.)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( company)14.3 ( attaches)14.3 ( great)14.3 ( importance)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( safety)14.3 ( production)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( considers)14.3 ( i)0.5 (t)17.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)6.2 ( h)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)6.2 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)6.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)6.2 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)6.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)6.2 ( )0.5 (op)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)6.2 (.)6.2 ( i)0.5 (t)6.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (uo)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)6.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (tr)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)6.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)6.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (st)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)6.2 ( o)0.5 (f)6.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(safety)10.2 ( production)10.2 ( systems)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( basic)10.2 ( )0.5 (management)10.2 (.)10.2 ( based)10.2 ( on)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( company)10.2 (\222)10.2 (s)10.2 ( )0.5 (operation)10.2 ( situation)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(it)13.7 ( formulated)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( safety)13.7 ( production)13.7 ( management)13.7 ( measures)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( aluminum)13.7 ( corporation)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( china)23.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(limited)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( safety)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( environmental)13.6 ( protection)13.6 ( responsibility)13.6 ( rules)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( headquarters)13.7 ( of)28.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(aluminum)4.2 ( corporation)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( china)4.2 ( limited)4.2 ( to)4.2 ( )0.5 (strictly)4.2 ( ensure)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (implementation)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.3 ( safety)4.1 ( )0.5 (measures)4.2 ( )]tj et endstream endobj 1245 0 obj <> endobj 1246 0 obj <>stream application/postscript mobile edwintong adobe illustrator cc 2017 (windows) 2020-03-05t20:36:49 08:00 2020-03-05t20:36:49 08:00 2020-03-05t20:36:49 08:00 uuid:c1bcce1871b8db11993190fcd52b4e9f xmp.did:d1f8ab55-e343-b342-9e4d-b06f8ce4afbf xmp.iid:d1f8ab55-e343-b342-9e4d-b06f8ce4afbf proof:pdf uuid:4ba69bb6-3038-4d84-b7af-dac0a974d39d xmp.did:79425e88-2d27-164b-9ab2-aac56a65f45e uuid:c1bcce1871b8db11993190fcd52b4e9f proof:pdf saved xmp.iid:d1f8ab55-e343-b342-9e4d-b06f8ce4afbf 2020-03-05t20:36:49 08:00 adobe illustrator cc 2017 (windows) / converted from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator converted from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator converted from application/postscript to application/vnd.adobe.illustrator mobile 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0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(8)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (social responsibility and environment protection)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm [(the)5.2 ( )0.5 (company)5.2 ( )0.5 (adheres)5.3 ( to)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (social)5.2 ( )0.5 (responsibility)5.2 ( )0.5 (view)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (\223)5.2 (turning)5.2 ( )0.5 (stone)5.2 ( into)5.2 ( gold)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (benefiting)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw 0 -1.5 td (mankind\224, and voluntarily integrates social responsibilities into man\ agement, integrates sustainable )tj 0.09 tw t* (development into its own long-term development goals, maintains competit\ iveness for successful )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(development)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( enterprise)13.6 (,)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( shoulders)13.6 ( its)13.6 ( responsibilities)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( employees)13.6 (,)13.6 ( customers)13.6 (,)13.6 ( society)13.6 (,)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (environment and other stakeholders.)tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(in)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)14 (1)13.9 (9)13.9 (,)13.9 ( in)14 ( order)14 ( to)13.9 ( further)13.9 ( improve)13.9 ( the)14 ( level)14 ( of)13.9 ( social)13.9 ( responsibility)13.9 ( management)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( promote)19.1 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0 -1.5 td [(building)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( world)13.9 (-)13.9 (class)13.9 ( aluminum)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( with)14 ( global)13.9 ( competitiveness)13.9 (,)13.9 ( on)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( basis)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( its)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw 0 -1.5 td (existing leadership group for social responsibilities, the company estab\ lished a social responsibility )tj 0.086 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(working)14.1 ( committee)14.2 ( \()14.1 (hereinafter)14.2 ( referred)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( \223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.086 tw 28.023 0 td (committee)tj 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(i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( r)0.5 (es)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (si)0.5 (b)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (ty)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (in)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (rp)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (at)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)17.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(china)14.1 ( limited)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( accordance)14.1 ( with)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( guides)14.1 ( to)14.2 ( social)14.2 ( responsibility)14.1 ( \()14.1 (gb)14.2 (/)14.1 (t)14.1 (3)14.1 (6)14.1 (0)14.1 (0)14.2 (0)14.1 (\))14.1 (,)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( guiding)22.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(opinions)6.2 ( on)6.2 ( state)6.2 (-)6.2 (owned)6.2 ( enterprises)6.2 ( )0.5 (to)6.2 ( better)6.2 ( )0.5 (perform)6.2 ( social)6.2 ( )0.5 (responsibility)6.1 ( )0.5 (promulgated)6.2 ( )0.5 (by)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.1 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(state)14.2 (-)14.2 (owned)14.2 ( )0.5 (assets)14.2 ( )0.5 (supervision)14.3 ( and)14.2 ( )0.5 (administration)14.2 ( commission)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (state)14.2 ( )0.5 (council)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)27.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(administrative)11.3 ( measures)11.2 ( for)11.2 ( )0.5 (social)11.2 ( )0.5 (responsibility)11.2 ( )0.5 (\()11.2 (2)11.2 (0)11.2 (1)11.2 (9)11.2 ( )0.5 (revision)11.2 (\))11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( chinalco)11.2 ( )0.5 (for)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (purpose)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(further)13.7 ( promoting)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 (\222)13.7 (s)13.7 ( fulfillment)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( social)13.7 ( responsibility)13.7 (.)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( implementation)13.7 ( rules)25.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(clarified)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( specific)14 ( scope)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 (\222)14 (s)14.1 ( social)14.1 ( responsibility)14 (,)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( specified)14 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 (\222)14 (s)15.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(major)2.2 ( )0.5 (stakeholders)2.2 ( including)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (government)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (shareholders)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (employees)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (suppliers)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )0.5 (customers)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the environment, communities, corporations \(non-governmental organizati\ ons\), etc.)tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -3 td [(th)0.5 (e)9.2 ( m)0.5 (ai)0.5 (n)9.2 ( d)0.5 (ut)0.5 (ie)0.5 (s)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( t)0.5 (he)9.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (om)0.5 (mi)0.5 (tte)0.5 (e)9.2 ( )0.5 (in)0.5 (cl)0.5 (ude)9.2 (:)9.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (ns)0.5 (id)0.5 (er)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)9.2 ( t)0.5 (he)9.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (mpa)0.5 (ny)9.3 (\222)9.1 (s)9.3 ( s)0.5 (oci)0.5 (al)9.3 ( r)0.5 (esp)0.5 (on)0.5 (si)0.5 (bi)0.5 (li)0.5 (ty)9.2 ( )0.5 (wo)0.5 (rk)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw 0 -1.5 td (development plan and major projects, considering the company\222s social\ responsibility management )tj 0.092 tc 0.078 tw t* [(related)13.9 ( policies)14 ( and)14 ( systems)13.9 (,)14 ( considering)14 ( and)14 ( determining)14 ( the)13.9 ( company)14 (\222)13.9 (s)14 ( annual)14 ( social)64.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(responsibility)14.1 ( )0.5 (work)14.2 ( plan)14.1 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( project)14.2 ( adjustment)14.2 ( )0.5 (proposal)14.2 (,)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( )0.5 (considering)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( determining)14.2 ( the)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.022 tw t* (company\222s annual social responsibility report and other special repor\ ts and other matters related to )tj 0 tw t* (the company\222s social responsibility work.)tj et endstream endobj 1265 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(7)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.069 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(to)14.3 ( )0.5 (cope)14.3 ( )0.6 (with)14.3 ( )0.5 (such)14.3 ( )0.5 (risks)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.3 ( )0.5 (makes)14.3 ( )0.6 (its)14.3 ( )0.6 (approval)14.3 ( )0.6 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (decision)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (investment)41.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(pro)0.5 (jects)14.4 ( ba)0.5 (sed)14.3 ( on)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (incip)0.5 (le)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( act)0.5 (ing)14.3 ( wit)0.5 (hin)14.3 ( cap)0.5 (acity)14.4 (;)14.3 ( c)0.5 (onduct)0.5 (s)14.3 ( centra)0.5 (liz)0.5 (ed)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( unif)0.5 (ied)17.2 ( )400 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(management)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( control)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (funds)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( leverages)9.2 ( )0.5 (well)9.3 ( on)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (advantages)9.2 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (\223)9.2 (capital)9.2 ( )0.5 (pool)9.2 ( )9.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw t* [(notes pool\224. it will also strengthen )0.5 (budget management )0.5 (and manage )0.5 (funds from )0.5 (the source )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(to)5.2 ( )0.5 (avoid)5.2 ( )0.5 (large)5.2 (-)5.2 (amount)5.2 ( or)5.2 ( )0.5 (accidental)5.2 ( )0.5 (expenditure)5.2 ( )0.5 (out)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.3 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (budget)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (we)5.2 ( )0.5 (continuously)5.2 ( )0.5 (carried)5.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(out)8.2 ( )0.5 (cash)8.2 ( )0.5 (flow)8.2 ( )0.5 (forecasting)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( analysis)8.3 (,)8.1 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( )0.5 (reasonably)8.2 ( )0.5 (control)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( level)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (liquidity)8.2 (;)8.2 ( )0.5 (further)8.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(strengthened)14.2 ( )0.5 (credit)14.2 ( )0.5 (management)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (prevent)14.3 ( )0.5 (credit)14.3 ( )0.5 (risks)14.3 (;)14.2 ( )0.5 (strictly)14.3 ( )0.5 (enforced)14.3 ( )0.5 (customer)14.2 ( )0.5 (credit)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (ratings and strengthened dynamic management of credit ratings.)tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw -2.835 -3 td [(4)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )-1547 (interest)5.3 ( rate)5.2 ( )0.5 (risks)5.2 (:)5.2 ( )0.5 (changes)5.2 ( in)5.2 ( interest)5.2 ( )0.5 (rates)5.2 ( )0.5 (will)5.2 ( )0.5 (reduce)5.2 ( asset)5.2 ( )0.5 (value)5.2 ( )0.5 (or)5.2 ( )0.5 (interest)5.2 ( income)5.2 ( )0.5 (or)5.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(increase)11.2 ( )0.5 (interest)11.2 ( )0.5 (expenses)11.2 ( )0.5 (arising)11.2 ( )0.5 (from)11.2 ( )0.5 (liabilities)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (which)11.3 ( may)11.2 ( )0.5 (in)11.1 ( )0.5 (turn)11.2 ( )0.5 (affect)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( company)11.2 (\222)11.2 (s)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (finance costs.)tj 0.025 tw 0 -3 td (to cope with this risk, the company will closely follow the internationa\ l situation and national )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 0 -1.5 td [(p)0.5 (o)0.6 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)0.6 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (y)11.2 ( c)0.6 (l)0.5 (o)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)11.3 ( a)0.5 (t)0.6 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.6 (n)11.2 ( t)0.6 (o)11.2 ( m)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (k)0.5 (e)0.6 (t)11.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (y)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.6 (s)11.1 (,)11.3 ( s)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)11.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.6 (e)11.2 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (c)0.6 (h)11.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.072 tw t* (of the interest rate market; optimize the financing structure, and enhan\ ce its ability to resist )tj 0 tw t* (financial risks.)tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw -2.835 -3 td [(5)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )-1547 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (k)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (n)11.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)11.3 ( o)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)11.2 (:)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 (y)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)11.3 ( m)0.5 (a)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)11.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (k)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.6 (n)11.2 ( s)0.6 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)11.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (u)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (y)11.2 (,)11.2 ( p)0.6 (u)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)11.2 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(safety)14 (,)14 ( labors)14 ( and)14.1 ( construction)14 ( safety)14 ( as)14 ( well)14.1 ( as)14 ( exchange)14 ( rate)14 ( risks)14.1 (.)14 ( due)14 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( social)31.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(instability)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( limited)14.1 ( medical)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( health)14.1 ( conditions)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( the)14 ( regions)14 ( where)14.1 ( the)14 ( company)14 (\222)14.1 (s)21.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.077 tw t* [(overseas)14.3 ( projects)14.3 ( ar)0.5 (e)14.3 ( located)14.3 (,)14.3 ( i)0.5 (t)14.3 ( may)14.3 ( in)0.5 (crease)14.3 ( risks)14.3 ( on)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( life)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( property)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( its)14.3 ( st)0.5 (aff)14.3 (.)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* (besides, uncertainties as to overseas project investment and operation s\ pringing from volatile )tj 0 tw t* (exchange rate may have negative implications on the company\222s busines\ s activities.)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(to)13.8 ( cope)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( this)13.8 ( risk)13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( will)13.8 ( fully)13.8 ( implement)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( guidelines)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( strengthening)16.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(the)5.3 ( prevention)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.3 ( control)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (overseas)5.2 ( )0.5 (security)5.3 ( risks)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (central)5.2 ( )0.5 (enterprises)5.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 38.081 0 td <15eb05f5030b0a760295032f>tj 0.032 tc -0.032 tw -38.081 -1.5 td <03860e380fa4032e03c4038c082c138805230a9b0659073812ac0e080508>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.046 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14 ( promulgated)14 ( by)14 ( the)14 ( state)14 (-)14 (owned)14 ( assets)14 ( supervision)14 ( and)18.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(a)0.5 (d)0.5 (mi)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (tr)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)12.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (om)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (te)0.5 (e)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)12.1 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)12.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (ci)0.5 (l)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (xp)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)12.1 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (nd)12.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (pr)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)12.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)12.2 ( r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (k)12.1 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (na)0.5 (g)0.5 (em)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)12.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(system)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (overseas)11.2 ( )0.5 (operating)11.2 ( )0.5 (enterprises)11.2 (;)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( )0.5 (strengthen)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (assessment)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (various)11.2 ( )0.5 (risks)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.068 tw t* (such as overseas politics and security to enhance the ability and level \ to effectively respond )tj 0.029 tw t* (to emergencies; establish and improve emergency response mechanisms for \ risks, formulate )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (te)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (es)6.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (st)6.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (j)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)6.2 ( r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (k)0.5 (s)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (mo)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)6.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (j)0.5 (or)6.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (k)0.5 (s)6.2 ( o)0.5 (n)6.2 ( )0.5 (a)6.2 ( m)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)6.2 ( b)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)6.2 (,)6.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)6.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (eg)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (check and deal with hidden risks.)tj et endstream endobj 1266 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(7)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.083 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(t)0.5 (o)14.5 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)14.5 ( w)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)14.5 ( s)0.5 (u)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)14.4 ( r)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (k)0.5 (s)14.5 (,)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.5 ( w)0.6 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (l)14.4 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (g)0.6 (u)0.5 (l)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)14.5 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (u)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)14.5 ( s)0.5 (c)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.5 ( o)0.5 (n)14.5 ( p)0.5 (o)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)55.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(environmental)13.8 ( hazards)13.8 (,)13.7 ( follow)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( urge)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( handling)13.8 ( of)13.7 ( significant)13.8 ( potential)13.7 ( environmental)14.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(hazards)14 ( and)13.9 ( carry)13.9 ( out)14 ( operation)13.9 ( management)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( maintenance)13.9 ( of)14 ( environmental)13.9 ( facilities)13.9 (.)15.2 ( )]tj 0.097 tc t* [(it)14 ( enhances)14.1 ( management)14.1 ( and)14 ( control)14.1 ( during)14.1 ( the)14 ( production)14 ( process)14 ( and)14.1 ( prohibits)69.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(uncontrolled)13.7 ( emission)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( ensure)13.6 ( emission)13.6 ( according)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( relevant)13.6 ( standards)13.7 (.)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)21.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(continues)9.2 ( to)9.2 ( )0.5 (advance)9.2 ( \223)9.2 (two)9.2 ( )0.5 (strict)9.2 ( )0.5 (controls)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (two)9.2 ( )0.5 (inspections)9.2 ( )0.5 (with)9.2 ( )0.5 (strict)9.2 ( supervision)9.2 (\224)9.2 ( and)9.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(emphasizes)13.6 ( grass)13.5 (-)13.5 (roots)13.5 ( and)13.6 ( on)13.5 (-)13.6 (site)13.5 ( safety)13.5 ( management)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( ensure)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( implementation)13.6 ( of)22.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc t* [(safety)13.8 ( management)13.9 ( systems)13.9 (.)13.8 ( for)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( outstanding)13.9 ( problems)13.9 ( in)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( operation)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( cahse)13.8 (,)30.3 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(the)13.2 ( )0.5 (company)13.3 ( will)13.2 ( correct)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( defects)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (strengthen)13.2 ( )0.5 (weak)13.2 ( points)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( promote)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( healthy)13.2 ( and)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.05 tw t* (efficient operation of the cahse system. during the prevention and contr\ ol of the epidemic, )tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.5 (fulfills)14.2 ( )0.5 (responsibilities)14.2 ( )0.5 (at)14.3 ( all)14.3 ( )0.5 (levels)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (strictly)14.2 ( )0.5 (screens)14.2 ( )0.5 (suspicious)14.2 ( )0.5 (groups)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)30.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc t* [(practically)13.8 ( carries)13.8 ( out)13.8 ( prevention)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( control)13.8 ( to)13.7 ( try)13.8 ( its)13.7 ( best)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( minimize)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( impact)13.8 ( of)13.7 ( the)18.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (epidemic on the production and operation of the company.)tj 0.019 tw -2.835 -3 td [(2. )-1620.1 (market change risk: with the global outbreak of the covid-19 epidemic, t\ he risk of triggering )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 2.835 -1.5 td [(a)4.2 ( g)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (b)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)4.2 ( )0.5 (ec)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)4.2 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)4.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)4.1 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (ci)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)4.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)4.1 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)4.2 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (se)0.5 (d)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (xa)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (b)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)4.2 ( )0.5 (a)4.2 ( t)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (b)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (ce)4.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (prices of commodity market, including electrolytic aluminum. in particul\ ar, the spread of the )tj 0.051 tw t* (covid-19 epidemic has an increasingly impact on global supply chains, in\ dustrial production, )tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw t* [(terminal)13.5 ( consumption)13.4 (,)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( investment)13.5 (,)13.5 ( resulting)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( logistics)13.5 ( disturbance)13.5 (,)13.5 ( reduction)13.5 ( or)41.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0.077 tw t* [(su)0.5 (spe)0.5 (nsi)0.5 (on)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (odu)0.5 (ct)0.5 (ion)14.4 ( by)14.3 ( i)0.5 (ndu)0.5 (str)0.5 (ia)0.5 (l)14.3 ( en)0.5 (te)0.5 (rpr)0.5 (ise)0.5 (s)14.3 (,)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.3 ( i)0.5 (nc)0.5 (rea)0.5 (sed)14.4 ( e)0.5 (le)0.5 (ctr)0.5 (ol)0.5 (yti)0.5 (c)14.3 ( al)0.5 (um)0.5 (inu)0.5 (m)31.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(i)0.5 (nv)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 (o)0.5 (ry)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (wh)0.5 (i)0.5 (ch)6.2 ( )0.5 (ha)0.5 (s)6.2 ( a)6.2 ( )0.5 (po)0.5 (t)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)0.5 (ia)0.5 (l)6.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (mp)0.5 (ac)0.5 (t)6.2 ( o)0.5 (n)6.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)6.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ny)6.2 (\222)6.2 (s)6.2 ( )0.5 (fi)0.5 (n)0.5 (an)0.5 (c)0.5 (ia)0.5 (l)6.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (nd)0.5 (i)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)6.2 ( a)0.5 (nd)6.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (pe)0.5 (ra)0.5 (t)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (performance.)tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -3 td [(to)10.2 ( )0.5 (cope)10.2 ( )0.5 (with)10.2 ( such)10.2 ( risks)10.2 (,)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (company)10.2 ( fully)10.2 ( )0.5 (leverages)10.2 ( on)10.2 ( )0.5 (its)10.2 ( )0.5 (voice)10.2 ( in)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( aluminum)10.2 ( market)10.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(and)14.3 ( )0.5 (market)14.3 ( )0.5 (influence)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (closely)14.3 ( )0.5 (follows)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (market)14.3 ( )0.5 (changes)14.2 ( )0.6 (and)14.2 ( )0.6 (trends)14.3 ( )0.5 (as)14.3 ( )0.5 (affected)14.2 ( )0.6 (by)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(epidemic)8.2 (,)8.2 ( controls)8.2 ( procurement)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( sales)8.2 ( paces)8.2 ( )0.5 (in)8.3 ( market)8.2 ( fluctuations)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( flexibly)8.2 ( )0.5 (adjusts)8.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(the)13.2 ( )0.5 (products)13.2 ( structure)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( )0.5 (marketing)13.2 ( )0.5 (strategies)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( )0.5 (enhance)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.1 ( )0.5 (market)13.2 ( risks)13.2 ( )0.5 (management)13.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.7 ( control)13.7 ( ability)13.7 (.)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( adopts)13.6 ( flexible)13.7 ( procurement)13.7 ( strategies)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( adjusts)13.7 ( the)25.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(inventory)1.2 ( appropriately)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( )0.5 (effectively)1.2 ( )0.5 (reduce)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (procurement)1.2 ( )0.5 (cost)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (it)1.2 ( )0.5 (also)1.2 ( actively)1.2 ( )0.5 (conducts)1.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(futures)3.2 ( )0.5 (hedging)3.2 ( )0.5 (businesses)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( )0.5 (enhances)3.2 ( )0.5 (profitability)3.2 ( )0.5 (from)3.3 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (interaction)3.2 ( )0.5 (between)3.2 ( )0.5 (futures)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.091 tw t* (and spot commodities to effectively respond to market price risks with f\ utures hedging and )tj 0 tw t* (other instruments.)tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(3)19.2 (.)19.2 ( )-1542.1 (cash)13.8 ( flow)13.8 ( risks)13.7 (:)13.7 ( due)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( higher)13.8 ( demands)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( capital)13.8 ( expenditures)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.7 (,)13.8 ( it)13.7 ( has)19.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(higher)14.1 ( requirements)14.1 ( on)14 ( capital)14 ( turnover)14.1 (,)14 ( which)14 ( may)14 ( have)14 ( an)14.1 ( impact)14 ( on)14 ( the)14 ( liquidity)14.1 ( to)14 ( a)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (certain extent.)tj et endstream endobj 1267 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(7)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(for)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (development)2.2 ( trends)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.3 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)2.2 ( )0.5 (industry)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (despite)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( slower)2.2 ( consumption)2.2 ( growth)2.2 ( in)2.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.5 td [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)8.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)8.2 ( o)0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)8.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)8.3 ( i)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)8.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)8.2 ( w)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)8.2 ( c)0.6 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)8.2 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (u)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)8.2 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)8.2 ( d)0.5 (e)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (p)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)8.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(philosophy)14 ( of)14.1 ( green)14 (,)14 ( environmental)14 ( protection)14 ( and)14 ( energy)14 ( conservation)14 (,)14 ( automobile)14 ( lightweight)14 (,)14.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc t* [(packaging)14.1 ( aluminum)14.1 (,)14.1 ( building)14 ( templates)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( other)14.1 ( new)14 ( applications)14.1 ( consistently)14.1 ( expand)14.1 ( the)35.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc t* [(consumption)14.1 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( aluminum)14.2 (.)14.2 ( in)14.1 ( )0.5 (addition)14.1 (,)14.2 ( aluminum)14.2 ( is)14.2 ( increasingly)14.1 ( )0.5 (applied)14.1 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( high)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( )0.5 (new)14.2 (-)14.1 (tech)29.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(industries)9.2 ( and)9.2 ( )0.5 (high)9.2 (-)9.3 (end)9.2 ( )0.5 (manufacturing)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( aluminum)9.2 ( )0.5 (consumption)9.2 ( )0.5 (will)9.2 ( )0.5 (continue)9.2 ( )0.5 (to)9.2 ( grow)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (on)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.051 tw t* (other hand, there is still a wide gap in the per capita aluminum consump\ tion in china as compared )tj 0.073 tc 0.078 tw t* [(with)14 ( developed)14 ( countries)14 ( and)14 ( aluminum)14 ( products)14 ( have)14 ( tremendous)14 ( application)14 ( and)14 ( market)45.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (potential.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 502.2117 tm (business review)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.086 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 472.2117 tm (statements about the business review and future business development of \ the group are set out )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(in)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( section)14.1 ( headed)14.2 ( \223)14.1 (chairman)14.1 (\222)14.1 (s)14.1 ( statement)14.1 (\224)14.1 (.)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( section)14.1 ( headed)14.1 ( \223)14.1 (management)14.1 (\222)14.1 (s)14.1 ( discussion)14.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw t* [(a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( p)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( op)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)14.4 (\224)14.4 ( g)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( f)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (nc)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)21.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(and)5.2 ( )0.5 (operational)5.2 ( )0.5 (conditions)5.2 ( of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (group)5.2 ( )0.5 (using)5.2 ( )0.5 (financial)5.3 ( key)5.2 ( )0.5 (indicators)5.2 (.)5.2 ( details)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (compliance)5.2 ( )0.5 (with)5.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(relevant)8.2 ( )0.5 (laws)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( )0.5 (regulations)8.2 ( that)8.2 ( have)8.2 ( )0.5 (a)8.2 ( significant)8.2 ( )0.5 (impact)8.2 ( on)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (group)8.2 ( are)8.2 ( set)8.2 ( )0.5 (out)8.2 ( )0.5 (in)8.2 ( sections)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (headed \223report of the board\224 and \223report on corporate governanc\ e and internal control\224.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 362.2117 tm (potential risks)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 332.2117 tm [(in)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (production)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( operation)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (company)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( constantly)3.2 ( )0.5 (changing)3.2 ( )0.5 (macroeconomy)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (market)3.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(environment)14 (,)14.1 ( social)14.1 ( environment)14 ( and)14.1 ( other)14 ( risk)14.1 ( factors)14.1 (,)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( well)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( epidemic)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( corona)14 ( virus)16.2 ( )]tj 0.076 tc t* [(disease)14.2 ( )0.5 (\()14.2 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.076 tw 5.295 0 td (epidemic)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.078 tw 4.981 0 td [(\224)14.2 (\))14.2 ( )0.5 (that)14.3 ( broke)14.2 ( )0.5 (out)14.2 ( )0.5 (may)14.2 ( cause)14.2 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( )0.5 (adverse)14.2 ( )0.5 (impact)14.2 ( )0.5 (on)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (operational)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)48.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc -10.276 -1.5 td [(financial)13.8 ( conditions)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.7 (.)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( main)13.7 ( risks)13.7 ( that)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( may)13.7 ( face)13.7 ( include)13.7 (:)13.7 ( safety)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.091 tw t* (and environmental risks, market change risks, cash flow risks, interest \ rate risks and international )tj 0 tw t* (operation risks. the details are as follows:)tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(1)37.2 (.)37.2 ( )-1524 (safety)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( environmental)13.5 ( risks)13.5 (:)13.5 ( with)13.5 ( more)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( more)13.5 ( stringent)13.4 ( national)13.5 ( environmental)37.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(protection)13.7 ( standards)13.7 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( has)13.7 ( faced)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( increasing)13.7 ( pressure)13.7 ( on)13.7 ( environmental)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.071 tw 0 -1.5 td (protection, and it still has weak points in safety production, where saf\ ety and environmental )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(protection)9.2 ( risks)9.2 ( exist)9.2 (.)9.2 ( during)9.1 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( epidemic)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (there)9.2 ( )0.5 (is)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)9.2 ( )0.5 (risk)9.2 ( that)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (normal)9.3 ( operation)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (company may be affected as a result of infection of our employees.)tj et endstream endobj 1268 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(7)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.072 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(f)0.5 (or)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (um)0.5 (i)0.5 (na)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (du)0.5 (s)0.5 (tr)0.5 (y)14.4 (,)14.3 ( as)14.4 ( a)0.5 (ff)0.5 (e)0.5 (ct)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( b)0.5 (y)14.4 ( c)0.5 (hi)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)14.3 (\222)14.4 (s)14.4 ( st)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (ct)14.4 ( c)0.5 (on)0.5 (t)0.5 (ro)0.5 (l)14.4 ( o)0.5 (n)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( ad)0.5 (d)0.5 (it)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (na)0.5 (l)14.4 ( ca)0.5 (p)0.5 (ac)0.5 (i)0.5 (ty)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)44.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 0 -1.5 td [(electrolytic)6.2 ( aluminum)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (growth)6.2 ( )0.5 (in)6.2 ( )0.5 (output)6.2 ( of)6.3 ( electrolytic)6.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)6.2 ( )0.5 (is)6.2 ( )0.5 (restricted)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )0.5 (in)6.2 ( )0.5 (turn)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.063 tw t* [(alumina )0.6 (output )0.5 (growth )0.6 (slowed )0.5 (down. )0.5 (in )0.6 (2019, )0.5 (china )0.6 (witnessed )0.5 (both )0.5 (alumina )0.5 (output )0.6 (reduction )0.5 (and )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(new)9.2 ( capacity)9.2 ( )0.5 (putting)9.2 ( )0.5 (into)9.2 ( )0.5 (operation)9.2 ( with)9.2 ( output)9.2 ( )0.5 (increase)9.2 ( )0.5 (in)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (south)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.3 ( decrease)9.1 ( )0.5 (in)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (north)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(additional)13.8 ( alumina)13.8 ( capacity)13.8 ( mainly)13.8 ( came)13.8 ( from)13.8 ( shanxi)13.8 (,)13.9 ( guizhou)13.8 ( and)13.9 ( guangxi)13.9 ( regions)13.8 (.)13.8 ( shandong)21.1 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(and)2.2 ( shanxi)2.2 ( remained)2.2 ( main)2.2 ( )0.5 (regions)2.2 ( )0.5 (with)2.2 ( alumina)2.2 ( )0.5 (output)2.3 ( growth)2.2 (.)2.2 ( shandong)2.3 ( and)2.2 ( southwest)2.2 ( regions)2.2 ( )]tj t* [(saw)2.2 ( )0.5 (more)2.2 ( resumption)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( production)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( new)2.2 ( )0.5 (capacity)2.2 ( )0.5 (putting)2.2 ( into)2.2 ( operation)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )0.5 (however)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (under)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.045 tw t* (unfavorable operation environment, certain alumina enterprises in the no\ rth regions such as henan )tj 0.044 tc 0.077 tw t* [(a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (an)0.5 (x)0.5 (i)14.4 ( r)0.5 (ec)0.5 (o)0.5 (rd)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( ou)0.5 (t)0.5 (pu)0.5 (t)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (du)0.5 (c)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( as)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (su)0.5 (l)0.5 (t)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (v)0.5 (ir)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (me)0.5 (n)0.5 (ta)0.5 (l)14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)0.5 (su)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.3 (,)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)0.5 (es)14.4 ( s)0.5 (u)0.5 (pp)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( c)0.5 (os)0.5 (t)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.025 tw t* (reasons. bauxite is a raw material for alumina production and enterprise\ s with high-quality and low-)tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(cost)5.2 ( )0.5 (bauxite)5.2 ( )0.5 (resources)5.2 ( )0.5 (will)5.2 ( )0.5 (enjoy)5.2 ( )0.5 (competition)5.2 ( advantages)5.2 ( in)5.2 ( )0.5 (alumina)5.2 ( )0.5 (cost)5.2 ( )0.5 (in)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (future)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (as)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* [(end of dece)0.5 (mber 2019, the alumi)0.5 (na capacity reached 87.15 m)0.5 (illion ton)0.5 (ne)0.5 (s per year, represent)0.5 (ing an )]tj t* (increase of 3.80 million tonnes per year as compared with the end of 201\ 8.)tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(for)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( electrolytic)13.9 ( aluminum)14 ( industry)13.9 (,)13.9 ( since)14 ( 2)13.9 (0)14 (1)13.9 (7)13.9 (,)14 ( china)13.9 ( has)13.9 ( been)14 ( advancing)13.9 ( the)14 ( supply)13.9 (-)14 (side)28.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(structural)14.3 ( reform)14.2 ( on)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( electrolytic)14.2 ( aluminum)14.2 ( industry)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( eliminate)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( rectify)14.2 ( illegal)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( )-0.6 (illicit)20.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(electrolytic)2.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)2.2 ( capacity)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )0.5 (then)2.2 (,)2.2 ( it)2.3 ( also)2.3 ( strictly)2.2 ( )0.5 (controlled)2.2 ( )0.5 (new)2.2 ( )0.5 (capacities)2.2 ( )0.5 (by)2.2 ( )0.5 (setting)2.2 ( )0.5 (an)2.2 ( )0.5 (upper)2.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(limit on the capacity. therefore, the electrolytic aluminum projects can\ merely be conducted with an)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.034 tw t* (equivalent or less capacity replaced. it is expected to see little new c\ apacity in the following years. )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(in)6.2 ( terms)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( )0.5 (consumption)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (with)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( expanding)6.2 ( application)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( )0.5 (electrolytic)6.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (demand)6.2 ( is)6.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(increasing)8.2 ( )0.5 (continuously)8.2 (.)8.1 ( )0.5 (it)8.2 ( is)8.2 ( )0.5 (expected)8.2 ( to)8.2 ( )0.5 (gradually)8.2 ( )0.5 (improved)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (supply)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( demand)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( it)8.2 ( )0.5 (may)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.048 tw t* (show tight balance in supply and demand or short supply in the following\ 2\2263 years. as of the end )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(of)2.3 ( 2)2.2 (0)2.2 (1)2.2 (9)2.2 (,)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (total)2.2 ( electrolytic)2.2 ( aluminum)2.3 ( capacity)2.2 ( )0.5 (reached)2.2 ( )0.5 (4)2.2 (1)2.2 ( million)2.2 ( tonnes)2.2 ( )0.5 (in)2.2 ( )0.5 (china)2.2 (,)2.2 ( representing)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.053 tw t* (a slight increase of 0.7% as compared with that of the previous year. ne\ w capacities mainly came )tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw t* [(from)13.9 ( inner)13.9 ( mongolia)13.9 (,)13.9 ( yunnan)13.8 (,)13.9 ( guangxi)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( other)13.9 ( regions)13.9 ( with)13.9 ( cost)13.9 ( advantages)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( abundant)31.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(power)2.2 ( )0.5 (resources)2.2 (.)2.2 ( in)2.2 ( terms)2.2 ( of)2.3 ( the)2.2 ( capacity)2.2 ( layout)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (shandong)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )0.5 (xinjiang)2.2 ( )0.5 (remained)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( two)2.2 ( )0.5 (major)2.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw t* [(d)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.6 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( e)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.4 (.)14.4 ( a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( p)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.5 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( k)0.6 (e)0.5 (y)14.4 ( f)0.6 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.5 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw t* (competitiveness of electrolytic aluminum enterprises, those located in c\ oal bases and regions with )tj 0.092 tw t* [(abundant water )0.5 (and )0.5 (power )0.5 (resources )0.5 (and )0.5 (equipped with self-owned )0.5 (supporting )0.5 (network of )0.5 (plants )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(enjoy)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( highest)11.2 ( competitiveness)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (electrolytic)11.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)11.2 ( enterprises)11.2 ( )0.5 (with)11.2 ( bargaining)11.2 ( )0.5 (power)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(direct)2.2 ( )0.5 (power)2.2 ( supply)2.2 ( )0.5 (from)2.2 ( )0.5 (plants)2.2 ( )0.5 (also)2.2 ( )0.5 (enjoy)2.2 ( comparative)2.2 ( competition)2.2 ( advantages)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )0.5 (enterprises)2.2 ( )0.5 (with)2.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(reasonable)3.2 ( )0.5 (layout)3.2 (,)3.2 ( operation)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( )0.5 (environment)3.2 ( )0.5 (compliance)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (technical)3.2 ( )0.5 (progress)3.2 (,)3.2 ( active)3.2 ( )0.5 (performance)3.2 ( )]tj 0.075 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.7 ( social)13.7 ( responsibilities)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( high)13.7 ( integration)13.7 ( will)13.7 ( have)13.7 ( more)13.7 ( development)13.7 ( advantages)13.7 ( and)47.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (development potential.)tj et endstream endobj 1269 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1270 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1271 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1272 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1273 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1274 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(7)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (industry landscape and trends)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.045 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm [(china)13.7 ( is)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( biggest)13.7 ( producer)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( consumer)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( alumina)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( electrolytic)13.7 ( aluminum)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( world)13.7 (.)17.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0 -1.5 td [(in)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.9 (1)13.8 (9)13.9 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( domestic)13.8 ( output)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( alumina)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( electrolytic)13.8 ( aluminum)13.9 ( were)13.9 ( 7)13.9 (1)13.8 (.)13.9 (5)13.9 (5)13.8 ( million)13.8 ( tonnes)28.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.077 tw t* [(a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( 3)14.4 (5)14.4 (.)14.4 (9)14.4 (3)14.4 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.6 (o)0.5 (nn)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( a)0.5 (c)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( 5)14.4 (4)14.4 (.)14.4 (4)14.4 (5)14.3 (%)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( 5)14.4 (6)14.4 (.)14.4 (3)14.4 (3)14.4 (%)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( g)0.6 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (ba)0.6 (l)14.4 ( o)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (p)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)32.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)14.1 ( electrolytic)14.1 ( aluminum)14.1 (.)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( domestic)14.2 ( consumption)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( alumina)14.1 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( electrolytic)14.2 ( aluminum)39.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(were)14.3 ( )0.5 (7)14.3 (2)14.3 (.)14.2 (9)14.3 (8)14.3 ( )0.5 (million)14.3 ( )0.5 (tonnes)14.2 ( )0.6 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (3)14.3 (6)14.2 (.)14.3 (5)14.3 (5)14.3 ( )0.5 (million)14.2 ( )0.6 (tonnes)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (representing)14.3 ( )0.5 (5)14.3 (6)14.3 (.)14.2 (2)14.3 (0)14.3 (%)14.2 ( )0.6 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (5)14.3 (6)14.3 (.)14.2 (1)14.3 (0)14.3 (%)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)32.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc t* [(global)13.6 ( consumption)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( alumina)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( electrolytic)13.6 ( aluminum)13.7 (,)13.6 ( respectively)13.6 (.)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( domestic)13.6 ( output)34.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw t* [(and)14.3 ( consumption)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( alumina)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( electrolytic)14.3 ( aluminum)14.3 ( were)14.3 ( over)14.3 ( half)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( global)14.3 ( output)14.3 ( and)21.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (consumption.)tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(due)14.3 ( to)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( slower)14.4 ( macro)14.4 (-)14.3 (economic)14.3 ( growt)0.5 (h)14.3 (,)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( gl)0.5 (obal)14.3 ( trade)14.3 ( protect)0.5 (ionism)14.3 (,)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( sino)14.4 (-)14.2 (u)14.4 (.)14.3 (s)14.3 (.)14.3 ( trade)22.2 ( )]tj 0.082 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(frictions)14.1 (,)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( sluggish)14 ( downstream)14.1 ( aluminum)14.1 ( consumption)14.1 ( industries)14.1 ( such)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( automobile)54.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(manufacturing)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( property)13.6 ( development)13.6 ( as)13.6 ( well)13.6 ( as)13.6 ( other)13.6 ( factors)13.6 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( growth)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( domestic)23.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(aluminum)13.6 ( industrial)13.6 ( consumption)13.6 ( will)13.6 ( remain)13.6 ( weak)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( certain)13.6 ( period)13.6 (.)13.6 ( however)13.6 (,)13.7 ( thanks)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( the)22.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.077 tw t* [(s)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)14.4 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)14.4 ( co)0.6 (nt)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)14.4 ( o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( n)0.5 (e)0.5 (w)14.4 ( c)0.5 (a)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( e)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)14.3 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( n)0.5 (or)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (z)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.086 tw t* (competition order in the industry, the supply and demand is basically ba\ lanced. meanwhile, under )tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14.1 ( background)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( deepening)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14 ( supply)14 (-)14 (side)14 ( structural)14 ( reform)14.1 ( by)14 ( the)14 ( state)14.1 (,)14 ( the)14 ( aluminum)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.018 tw t* [(industry )0.5 (has entered )0.5 (into )0.5 (a new )0.5 (period )0.5 (with )0.5 (expanded high-quality supply. )0.5 (leveraging )0.5 (on )0.5 (innovation )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(to)5.3 ( optimize)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (industrial)5.2 ( )0.5 (layout)5.2 (,)5.2 ( adjusting)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (capacity)5.2 ( )0.5 (structure)5.2 ( and)5.2 ( )0.5 (developing)5.2 ( )0.5 (deep)5.2 (-)5.2 (processing)5.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(products)13.9 ( with)13.8 ( high)13.8 ( added)13.9 ( value)13.8 ( will)13.9 ( be)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( key)13.9 ( orientation)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( industrial)13.9 ( transformation)13.8 ( and)22.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(upgrading)2.2 (.)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( industry)2.2 ( )0.5 (has)2.2 ( shown)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( development)2.3 ( trends)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.3 ( transferring)2.2 ( )0.5 (towards)2.2 ( )0.5 (domestic)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (overseas regions with abundant resources and clean energy and extending \ into downstream high-)tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(end)6.2 ( industries)6.2 (.)6.2 ( in)6.2 ( terms)6.1 ( )0.5 (of)6.1 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (competition)6.2 ( )0.5 (landscape)6.2 ( )0.5 (in)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)6.3 ( industry)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (enterprises)6.2 ( )0.5 (with)6.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(complete)8.2 ( )0.5 (industrial)8.2 ( chain)8.2 ( with)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( integration)8.3 ( of)8.2 ( bauxite)8.2 (,)8.2 ( energy)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (alumina)8.2 (,)8.2 ( primary)8.2 ( aluminum)8.2 ( and)8.1 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(aluminum)3.3 ( alloy)3.3 ( products)3.3 ( production)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (technology)3.3 ( research)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( )0.5 (development)3.3 ( and)3.2 ( logistic)3.2 ( )0.5 (industries)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (are more competitive.)tj et endstream endobj 1275 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(7)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.018 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm (china is a great power aluminum industry and has been no. 1 in aluminum \ output and consumption )tj 0.088 tw 0 -1.5 td (for 18 consecutive years. in recent years, the chinese government has be\ en eliminating outdated )tj 0.053 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (ap)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (it)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (co)0.5 (u)0.5 (ra)0.5 (g)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( l)0.5 (ea)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( l)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)14.3 ( co)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (et)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (ve)14.4 ( c)0.5 (a)0.5 (pa)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (ti)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( ex)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (k)0.5 (et)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (r)0.5 (ou)0.5 (g)0.5 (h)25.1 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(a)0.5 (d)0.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)7.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)7.2 ( s)0.5 (u)0.6 (p)0.5 (pl)0.6 (y)7.2 (-)7.2 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.5 (ct)0.6 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)7.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)7.2 (.)7.2 ( m)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (w)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)7.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)7.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)7.2 ( )0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (w)7.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw t* (aluminum capacities by setting an upper limit on the capacity. new proje\ cts can only be conducted )tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw t* [(with)13.9 ( an)13.9 ( equivalent)13.9 ( or)13.8 ( less)13.8 ( capacity)13.9 ( replaced)13.9 (.)13.9 ( it)13.9 ( initiated)13.9 ( environmental)13.9 ( renovation)13.8 ( campaigns)32.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(and)13.6 ( controlled)13.6 ( total)13.7 ( emission)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( enabled)13.6 ( enterprises)13.6 ( with)13.6 ( illegal)13.7 ( emission)13.7 ( or)13.6 ( failing)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( satisfy)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.017 tw t* [(environmental )0.5 (standards )0.5 (voluntarily )0.5 (shut )0.5 (down )0.5 (capacities. )0.5 (all )0.6 (these )0.5 (efforts )0.5 (effectively )0.6 (improved )0.5 (the )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(market)11.2 ( supply)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( demand)11.2 ( and)11.3 ( facilitated)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( orderly)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )0.5 (healthy)11.2 ( )0.5 (development)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( aluminum)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (industry.)tj 0.073 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(i)0.5 (n)14.5 ( a)0.6 (d)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.6 (o)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( e)0.5 (x)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.5 ( o)0.6 (f)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)14.4 ( c)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (g)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( i)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (d)0.6 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)14.4 ( q)0.6 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)45.2 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(in)14.1 ( transportation)14.1 (,)14.2 ( construction)14.2 ( projects)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( )0.5 (other)14.1 ( traditional)14.2 ( industries)14.2 ( with)14.2 ( wide)14.1 ( aluminum)41.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(application)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (china)3.2 ( )0.5 (promoted)3.2 ( )0.5 (gradually)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.3 ( replacement)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (steel)3.3 ( with)3.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)3.2 ( )0.5 (for)3.2 ( )0.5 (main)3.2 ( )0.5 (structural)3.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(products)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( automobile)13.9 (,)13.9 ( high)13.9 (-)13.9 (speed)13.9 ( rails)14 (,)13.9 ( airplanes)14 (,)13.9 ( bridges)14 ( and)14 ( other)14 ( industries)14 ( leveraging)13.9 ( on)26.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(the)11.2 ( durability)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )0.5 (metal)11.3 ( stability)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( effectively)11.2 ( boost)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (stable)11.2 ( and)11.2 ( )0.5 (rapid)11.2 ( )0.5 (growth)11.2 ( in)11.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(aluminum)10.2 ( consumption)10.2 (.)10.1 ( )0.5 (it)10.2 ( expanded)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (application)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)10.2 ( products)10.2 ( in)10.2 ( furniture)10.2 (,)10.2 ( packages)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.012 tw t* (and other consumables sectors by means of the recyclability of aluminum.\ it also facilitated the use )tj 0.03 tw t* (of aluminum cables to save copper based on the conductivity and economic\ value of aluminum. on )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.8 ( other)13.9 ( hand)13.8 (,)13.8 ( it)13.8 ( actively)13.8 ( expanded)13.9 ( aluminum)13.9 ( application)13.9 ( in)13.8 ( emerging)13.8 ( industries)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( vigorously)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.005 tw t* (developed customized products. the rapid development of medium and thick\ plates for aviation and )tj 0 tw t* (aluminum automotive body sheet as well as the industrialization of alumi\ num-air batteries and nano-)tj t* (ceramic aluminum will gradually become new consumption drivers.)tj et endstream endobj 1276 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(7)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0.082 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2118 tm (the board hereby submits the report of the board together with the audit\ ed financial statements )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (for the year ended 31 december 2019.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 607.2118 tm (principal activities)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.014 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 577.2118 tm [(the )0.5 (group )0.5 (is )0.5 (a )0.5 (leading )0.6 (enterprise )0.5 (in )0.6 (non-ferrous )0.6 (metal )0.5 (industry )0.5 (in )0.6 (china. )0.5 (in )0.6 (terms )0.5 (of )0.5 (comprehensive )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(strength)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (group)7.2 ( ranked)7.2 ( )0.5 (among)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (top)7.2 ( )0.5 (enterprises)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( )0.5 (global)7.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)7.2 ( )0.5 (industry)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (group)7.2 ( is)7.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(currently)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( )0.5 (only)4.2 ( )0.5 (large)4.1 ( )0.5 (manufacturer)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( operator)4.2 ( )0.5 (in)4.2 ( aluminum)4.2 ( )0.5 (industry)4.2 ( )0.5 (in)4.2 ( china)4.2 ( with)4.2 ( )0.5 (integration)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.032 tw t* (of mining of bauxite, coal and other resources; production, sales and te\ chnical research of alumina, )tj 0.02 tc 0 tw t* [(primary aluminum and aluminum alloy products; international trading and \ logistics services, as well as)-7.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (electricity generation from coal and new energy.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 467.2118 tm (operation model)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 437.2118 tm [(the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( has)13.8 ( developed)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( complete)13.8 ( industrial)13.8 ( chain)13.9 ( with)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( integration)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( mining)13.8 ( of)26.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(bauxite)2.2 (,)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( production)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( alumina)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.3 ( production)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (electrolytic)2.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )0.5 (alloy)2.2 ( )0.5 (products)2.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw t* [(as)13.7 ( its)13.7 ( principal)13.7 ( businesses)13.7 (.)13.7 ( its)13.7 ( businesses)13.7 ( cover)13.7 ( mining)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( resources)13.7 (,)13.7 ( production)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( alumina)13.7 (,)32.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(electrolytic)12.2 ( aluminum)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( alloy)12.2 ( )0.5 (products)12.2 (,)12.1 ( )0.5 (high)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( )0.5 (new)12.2 ( technology)12.2 ( )0.5 (development)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( )0.5 (promotion)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(international)14.1 ( trade)14 (,)14.1 ( circulation)14.1 ( services)14 (,)14.1 ( energy)14 ( and)14 ( power)14 ( as)14.1 ( well)14 ( as)14.1 ( other)14 ( industries)14 (.)14 ( in)14.1 ( recent)16.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(years)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (due)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( market)14.2 ( price)14.2 ( fluctuation)14.2 ( )0.5 (in)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.1 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.2 ( )0.5 (industry)14.2 (,)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( consistently)22.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc t* [(explored)13.9 ( and)14 ( innovated)14 ( operation)13.9 ( models)14 ( and)14 ( adjusted)13.9 ( industrial)14 ( structures)14 (.)13.9 ( it)14 ( has)13.9 ( extended)34.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(businesses to the energy and power industry and vigorously expanded trad\ e and logistic businesses)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (to bolster its leadership in the industry and advance the stable results\ growth of the company.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 282.2118 tm (industry conditions)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.072 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 252.2118 tm [(aluminum)14 ( industry)14 ( is)14 ( an)14.1 ( important)14 ( fundamental)14 ( industry)14 ( in)14 ( china)14.1 (.)14 ( as)14.1 ( key)14.1 ( fundamental)14.1 ( raw)44.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.077 tw t* [(m)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (ia)0.5 (l)0.5 (s)14.3 (,)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (um)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (ar)0.5 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (lu)0.5 (m)0.5 (in)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.4 ( ar)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (lo)0.5 (s)0.5 (el)0.5 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (ss)0.5 (o)0.5 (ci)0.5 (a)0.5 (te)0.5 (d)14.4 ( w)0.5 (i)0.5 (th)14.4 ( e)0.5 (l)0.5 (ec)0.5 (t)0.5 (ro)0.5 (m)0.5 (ec)0.5 (h)0.5 (an)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (al)14.4 (,)14.4 ( p)0.5 (ow)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.3 (,)16.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(aerospace)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (shipbuilding)11.2 (,)11.2 ( automobile)11.2 ( )0.5 (manufacturing)11.2 (,)11.2 ( packaging)11.2 (,)11.2 ( construction)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (transportation)11.2 (,)11.2 ( daily)11.2 ( )]tj t* [(n)0.5 (e)0.6 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (t)0.5 (y)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)11.2 ( o)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)11.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.6 (u)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)11.2 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (d)0.6 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)11.2 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)11.2 ( e)0.5 (x)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)11.2 ( f)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.5 (u)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (with the domestic and overseas macro-economic fluctuations.)tj et endstream endobj 1277 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3796 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 20 0 0 20 379.2468 722.3699 tm [(r)1.5 (e)9.9 (p)3 (o)6 (r)-47.7 (t o)-8.1 (f t)-17.3 (h)7.5 (e bo)7.6 (a)14.5 (r)-7.2 (d)]tj et endstream endobj 1278 0 obj <> endobj 1279 0 obj <> endobj 1280 0 obj <>stream h�\�mk� ����9����=h�lyȡ4���$#���;겅 :����:�k��큿�e��a�f9\��i�nڰ������*��2n�~_=ν&�j���pxr� ���9�n� _���߬���� ��t�e��ì����)�k��h�w�s�e��ɍ\�v��3!�ĕf�шyzh��f�=8&�p8�(0q�)0q%��yd �e�2p�� \'���_�ѥ��pw��7�~�jr��΂u�0<�"7�%�b/b���o����d� |� endstream endobj 1281 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 1282 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(7)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 655.8722 tm (cash flows from operating activities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.058 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 625.8722 tm [(f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( y)0.5 (ea)0.5 (r)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (9)14.4 (,)14.3 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (ou)0.5 (p)14.4 (\222)14.4 (s)14.4 ( c)0.5 (a)0.5 (sh)14.4 ( f)0.5 (lo)0.5 (w)0.5 (s)14.4 ( g)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (ra)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( f)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)14.4 ( o)0.5 (p)0.5 (er)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( a)0.5 (c)0.5 (ti)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( w)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.3 ( n)0.5 (et)14.4 ( ca)0.5 (s)0.5 (h)30.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw 0 -1.5 td (inflows amounting to rmb12,473 million, representing a decrease of rmb55\ 9 million as compared )tj 0.025 tw t* (to net cash inflows of rmb13,032 for the same period last year, mainly d\ ue to the increase in cash )tj 0 tw t* (outflows resulted from the increased purchase of imported bauxite.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 547.8722 tm (cash flows from investing activities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 517.8722 tm [(for)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( year)13.5 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.5 (1)13.5 (9)13.6 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.6 (\222)13.5 (s)13.5 ( cash)13.6 ( flows)13.6 ( generated)13.6 ( from)13.5 ( investing)13.5 ( activities)13.5 ( were)13.6 ( net)13.5 ( cash)31.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc t* [(outflows)13.7 ( amounting)13.6 ( to)13.7 ( rmb)13.6 (1)13.6 (3)13.7 (,)13.6 (3)13.6 (9)13.6 (2)13.6 ( million)13.6 (,)13.6 ( representing)13.6 ( an)13.6 ( increase)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( rmb)13.7 (7)13.6 (,)13.6 (8)13.6 (6)13.6 (3)13.7 ( million)13.6 ( as)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.025 tw t* (compared to net cash outflows of rmb5,529 million for the same period of\ last year, mainly due to )tj 0.078 tw t* (the structured deposits purchased by the group for increasing the return\ on its existing cash, and )tj 0 tw t* (the increase in investment in project construction.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 424.8722 tm (cash flows from financing activities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.041 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 394.8722 tm (for the year 2019, the group\222s cash outflows generated from financing\ activities were rmb10,474 )tj 0.092 tw t* [(million, representing )0.5 (a decrease of rmb5,807 )0.5 (million )0.5 (net )0.5 (cash )0.5 (outflows of rmb16,281 )0.5 (million for )]tj 0.086 tw t* (the same period of last year, mainly attributable to the year-on-year de\ crease in net repayment of )tj 0 tw t* (debts by the company during the year.)tj et endstream endobj 1283 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 62.3622 739.6899 tm [(m)4.4 (a)12.4 (n)9.2 (a)15.4 (g)9 (e)4.2 (m)3.7 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-43.3 (\222)38 (s d)5.9 (i)2.6 (s)6.6 (c)18.8 (u)4.7 (s)-9 (si)3.1 (o)3.2 (n a)12.4 (n)1.9 (d a)-23.6 (n)9.1 (a)11 (l)-16.5 (y)-8.5 (si)2.6 (s o)-9.4 (f f)-28.2 (i)1.9 (n)9.3 (a)12.4 (n)11.2 (c)15.7 (i)9.7 (a)10.9 (l p)3.6 (o)-1.9 (si)-22.1 (t)-19 (i)3.1 (o)3.2 (n a)12.4 (n)1.9 (d re)1.1 (s)3.6 (u)3.2 (l)-22 (t)-25 (s )]tj 0 tc ( )tj -0.013 tc 0.003 tw 0 -1.125 td [(o)-12.4 (f)-3 ( o)2 (p)1.7 (e)3.4 (r)-7.4 (a)-12.4 (t)-22 (ions)-2.9 ( \()14.5 (c)-15.1 (on)-20.5 (t)-22 (i)-1.1 (n)2.7 (u)5.2 (e)1.7 (d)8.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1284 0 obj <> endobj 1285 0 obj <> endobj 1286 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �c�o��i 9�e{��v���'=��'e��ɩ�a9��c��yf�a4 ̲� 0��`@^��;����f��ֿz/" n�i��v�(�bf�9�a�o�v��fdo�b��u>}u�ff�����2�e)-t�����2zö���~^��w�s� �u���-l�5zwq�8jy�q������v��wd���8� ��| ιs�}�2n�;��yo����h|ff�"�z��r�yq~e��w�_q~e�uɯs-e��f����yu�1�(�q'�1�)r���m��&7�>�|4�h����gs]mus�m�$_/�~��|-��cs ۻ>�����������k��o� 0�w� endstream endobj 1287 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 1288 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(7)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 655.8722 tm (capital expenditures, capital commitments and investment )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.565 td (undertakings)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.084 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 607.8722 tm [(as)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( 3)13.9 (1)13.8 ( december)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.8 (1)13.9 (9)13.8 (,)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.9 (\222)13.9 (s)13.8 ( project)13.9 ( investment)13.9 ( expenditures)13.9 ( \()13.8 (excluding)13.8 ( equity)56.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.006 tw 0 -1.5 td (investments\) amounted to rmb10.99 billion, which mainly consisted of in\ vestments in construction )tj 0.034 tw t* (of transformation and upgrading projects, energy saving and consumption \ reduction, environmental )tj 0 tw t* (governance, resources acquisition and technological research and develop\ ment.)tj 0.022 tc 0 -3 td [(as of 31 december 2019, the group\222s contracted but not provided capit\ al commitment to fixed asset)-5.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 -1.5 td (investment amounted to rmb4,042 million.)tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -3 td [(as)13.3 ( of)13.2 ( 3)13.2 (1)13.2 ( )0.5 (december)13.2 ( )0.5 (2)13.2 (0)13.2 (1)13.2 (9)13.2 (,)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( )0.5 (group)13.2 (\222)13.2 (s)13.2 ( )0.5 (investment)13.2 ( )0.5 (undertakings)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( )0.5 (joint)13.2 ( )0.5 (ventures)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( associates)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.022 tw 0 -1.5 td (amounted to rmb444 million, comprised of the capital contributions of rm\ b400 million to chinalco )tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(overseas)13.8 ( development)13.9 ( co)13.8 (.)13.9 (,)13.8 ( ltd)13.8 (.)13.9 (*)13.8 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.049 tc -0.049 tw 17.94 0 td <02951259090e032e0cef089d03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.063 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.8 (,)13.9 ( rmb)13.9 (1)13.8 (0)13.9 (.)13.8 (0)13.9 ( million)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( loudi)13.9 ( zhongyu)35.2 ( )]tj 0.074 tc -17.94 -1.5 td [(new)13.9 ( materials)13.9 ( co)13.9 (.)13.9 (,)13.9 ( ltd)13.9 (.)13.8 (*)13.9 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.06 tc -0.06 tw 13.78 0 td <0a4705b5029507c30e2d04bf08d803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.074 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.9 (,)13.9 ( rmb)13.9 (2)13.9 (8)13.9 (.)13.8 (0)13.9 ( million)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( shanxi)13.9 ( qinlv)13.9 ( taiyue)46.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc -13.78 -1.5 td [(new)14 ( materials)13.9 ( co)13.9 (.)14 (,)13.9 ( ltd)13.9 (.)13.9 (*)14 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.032 tc -0.032 tw 13.051 0 td <0286041304ce125902c413cb0e2d04bf08d803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.046 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.9 ( and)13.9 ( rmb)13.9 (6)13.9 (.)13.9 (0)13.9 ( million)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( chalco)13.9 ( tendering)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -13.051 -1.5 td (company limited* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295125905dd117a03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw (\), respectively.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 379.8722 tm (cash and cash equivalents)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 62.3622 349.8722 tm (as of 31 december 2019, the group\222s cash and cash equivalents amounte\ d to rmb7,759 million.)tj et endstream endobj 1289 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 78.9837 739.6899 tm [(m)4.4 (a)12.4 (n)9.2 (a)15.4 (g)9 (e)4.2 (m)3.7 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-43.3 (\222)38 (s d)5.9 (i)2.6 (s)6.6 (c)18.8 (u)4.7 (s)-9 (si)3.1 (o)3.2 (n a)12.4 (n)1.9 (d a)-23.6 (n)9.1 (a)11 (l)-16.5 (y)-8.5 (si)2.6 (s o)-9.4 (f f)-28.2 (i)1.9 (n)9.3 (a)12.4 (n)11.2 (c)15.7 (i)9.7 (a)10.9 (l p)3.6 (o)-1.9 (si)-22.1 (t)-19 (i)3.1 (o)3.2 (n a)12.4 (n)1.9 (d re)1.1 (s)3.6 (u)3.2 (l)-22 (t)-25 (s )]tj 0 tc 28.366 0 td ( )tj -0.013 tc 0.003 tw -9.99 -1.125 td [(o)-12.4 (f)-3 ( o)2 (p)1.7 (e)3.4 (r)-7.4 (a)-12.4 (t)-22 (ions)-2.9 ( \()14.5 (c)-15.1 (on)-20.5 (t)-22 (i)-1.1 (n)2.7 (u)5.2 (e)1.7 (d)8.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1290 0 obj <> endobj 1291 0 obj <> endobj 1292 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �c�o��i 9�e{��v���'=��'e��ɩ�a9��c��yf�a4 ̲� 0��`@^��;����f��ֿz/" n�i��v�(�bf�9�a�o�v��fdo�b��u>}u�ff�����2�e)-t�����2zö���~^��w�s� �u���-l�5zwq�8jy�q������v��wd���8� ��| ιs�}�2n�;��yo����h|ff�"�z��r�yq~e��w�_q~e�uɯs-e��f����yu�1�(�q'�1�)r���m��&7�>�|4�h����gs]mus�m�$_/�~��|-��cs ۻ>�����������k��o� 0�w� endstream endobj 1293 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 1294 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1295 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1296 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1297 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1298 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1299 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(7)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 655.8722 tm (measurement of fair value)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 625.8722 tm [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)1.2 ( g)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)1.2 ( )0.5 (st)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (tl)0.6 (y)1.1 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (ab)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (ed)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (pr)0.5 (o)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (du)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (or)1.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (og)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (su)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)1.2 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (c)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (su)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)1.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 0 -1.5 td [(value)4.2 ( )0.5 (in)4.2 ( accordance)4.2 ( )0.5 (with)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( requirements)4.2 ( )0.5 (on)4.2 ( fair)4.2 ( value)4.1 ( )0.5 (under)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (relevant)4.2 ( )0.5 (accounting)4.2 ( )0.5 (standards)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.077 tw t* [(an)0.5 (d)14.3 ( took)14.4 ( r)0.5 (espo)0.5 (nsi)0.5 (bil)0.5 (ity)14.4 ( f)0.5 (or)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( tru)0.5 (thf)0.5 (ulne)0.5 (ss)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( me)0.5 (asur)0.5 (emen)0.5 (t)14.3 ( and)14.4 ( d)0.5 (iscl)0.5 (osu)0.5 (re)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( f)0.5 (air)14.4 ( v)0.5 (alu)0.5 (e)14.3 (.)14.3 ( at)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.089 tw t* (present, except for financial assets for trading purpose and financial l\ iabilities for trading purpose, )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(i)0.5 (n)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (st)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)8.2 ( )0.5 (in)8.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (er)8.3 ( e)0.5 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)8.1 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (um)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)8.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)8.2 ( )0.5 (n)0.5 (ot)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)8.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (ce)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)8.2 ( w)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)8.2 ( a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)8.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (ea)0.5 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)8.2 ( a)0.5 (t)8.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (a)0.5 (ir)8.3 ( v)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (others are stated at historical cost.)tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(as)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( 3)13.5 (1)13.5 ( december)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.5 (1)13.5 (9)13.5 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.5 (\222)13.5 (s)13.5 ( financial)13.5 ( assets)13.5 ( held)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( trading)13.5 ( purpose)13.4 ( increased)13.5 ( by)33.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0 -1.5 td [(rmb)13.7 (3)13.6 (,)13.7 (4)13.6 (8)13.7 (7)13.6 ( million)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( compared)13.6 ( with)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( end)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( previous)13.6 ( year)13.6 (,)13.7 ( which)13.7 ( was)13.6 ( mainly)13.7 ( due)13.7 ( to)37.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.074 tw t* (additional bank wealth management products of rmb3,500 million. the grou\ p\222s financial liabilities )tj 0.036 tw t* (held for trading purpose decreased by rmb0.961 million as compared with \ the end of the previous )tj -0.028 tw t* (year.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 427.8722 tm (provision for inventories impairment)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 397.8722 tm [(as)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (3)8.2 (1)8.2 ( )0.5 (december)8.2 ( )0.5 (2)8.2 (0)8.2 (1)8.2 (9)8.2 (,)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (group)8.3 ( assessed)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( net)8.2 ( )0.5 (realisable)8.2 ( value)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( its)8.2 ( )0.5 (inventories)8.2 (.)8.2 ( for)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(inventories)1.2 ( )0.5 (relevant)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.3 ( aluminum)1.2 ( )0.5 (products)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (assessment)1.3 ( was)1.2 ( )0.5 (made)1.2 ( )0.5 (on)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (net)1.2 ( )0.5 (realisable)1.2 ( )0.5 (value)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.041 tw t* (of its inventories on the basis of the estimated selling price of the fi\ nished goods available for sale )tj 0.012 tw t* (with comprehensive consideration of the coordination scheme of the produ\ ction and sales between )tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(alumina)14.1 ( enterprises)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( electrolytic)14.1 ( aluminum)14 ( enterprises)14 ( within)14 ( the)14.1 ( group)14.1 (,)14 ( and)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( factors)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.008 tw t* (including the financial budget, turnover period of inventory, the purpos\ e of the company to hold the )tj 0.082 tw t* (inventories and the influence of events subsequent to the balance sheet \ date. for the inventories )tj 0 tw t* (held by the energy segment, the group unanimously calculated with the mo\ st recent market price.)tj 0.046 tw 0 -3 td [(as of )0.5 (31 december )0.5 (2019, the balance of provision )0.5 (for impairment of inventories held )0.5 (by the group )]tj 0.059 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(w)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)14.4 ( r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)14.4 (5)14.4 (6)14.4 (0)14.4 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 (,)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)14.4 (2)14.4 (5)14.4 (1)14.4 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( as)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( w)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)14.4 ( r)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)14.4 (8)14.4 (1)14.4 (1)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (million as of the end of 2018.)tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)14 ( company)14 ( has)14 ( always)14 ( adopted)14 ( the)14 ( same)14 ( approach)14 ( to)13.9 ( determine)14 ( the)14 ( net)14 ( realisable)14 ( value)14 ( of)23.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0 -1.5 td [(its)13.6 ( inventories)13.6 ( and)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( provision)13.7 ( for)13.6 ( inventory)13.7 ( impairment)13.7 ( on)13.6 ( a)13.7 ( consistent)13.7 ( basis)13.6 ( for)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( relevant)15.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (accounting policy.)tj et endstream endobj 1300 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(6)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (structure of assets and liabilities)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 619.7466 tm (current assets and liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.001 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 589.7467 tm [(as )0.5 (of )0.5 (31 )0.6 (december )0.5 (2019, )0.5 (the )0.6 (group\222s )0.5 (current )0.5 (assets )0.5 (amounted )0.5 (to )0.5 (rmb48,714 )0.5 (million, )0.5 (representing )]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(a)14.1 ( decrease)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (1)14.1 (0)14.2 (,)14.1 (1)14.1 (8)14.2 (8)14.1 ( million)14.1 ( from)14.2 ( rmb)14.2 (5)14.1 (8)14.1 (,)14.2 (9)14.1 (0)14.1 (1)14.1 ( )0.5 (million)14.1 ( as)14.2 ( at)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( end)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( previous)14.2 ( year)14.2 (,)27.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc 0.077 tw t* [(p)0.5 (ri)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (ri)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.4 ( du)0.5 (e)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.3 ( th)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( g)0.5 (ro)0.5 (u)0.5 (p)14.3 ( en)0.5 (h)0.5 (an)0.5 (c)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( e)0.5 (f)0.5 (f)0.5 (ic)0.5 (i)0.5 (en)0.5 (c)0.5 (y)14.3 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( ut)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (za)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( w)0.5 (or)0.5 (k)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( c)0.5 (ap)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (al)14.4 (,)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (resulted in the decrease of inventories, and cash and cash equivalents.)tj 0.083 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(as)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (3)14.3 (1)14.2 ( )0.5 (december)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (1)14.2 (9)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (group)14.3 (\222)14.2 (s)14.3 ( )0.5 (current)14.2 ( )0.5 (liabilities)14.3 ( )0.5 (amounted)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (rmb)14.3 (6)14.2 (9)14.3 (,)14.2 (1)14.3 (7)14.2 (0)14.3 ( )0.5 (million)14.3 (,)55.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.008 tw 0 -1.5 td (representing a decrease of rmb5,667 million from rmb74,837 million as at\ the end of the previous )tj 0.034 tw 0 -1.5 td (year, mainly due to effort of the group to minimize the portion of short\ -term loans and borrowings, )tj 0 tw t* (in order to optimize the maturity profile of the interest bearing liabil\ ities of the group.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 436.7466 tm (non-current assets and liabilities)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.064 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 406.7466 tm [(as)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( 3)13.8 (1)13.7 ( december)13.8 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.8 (1)13.7 (9)13.8 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.7 (\222)13.8 (s)13.7 ( non)13.8 (-)13.7 (current)13.8 ( assets)13.7 ( amounted)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( rmb)13.7 (1)13.8 (5)13.7 (4)13.8 (,)13.7 (3)13.8 (5)13.7 (7)13.8 ( million)13.7 (,)36.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(representing)14.3 ( )0.5 (an)14.3 ( )0.6 (increase)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.6 (rmb)14.3 (1)14.3 (2)14.3 (,)14.3 (2)14.2 (9)14.3 (4)14.3 ( )0.6 (million)14.3 ( )0.6 (from)14.3 ( )0.5 (rm)0.5 (b)14.3 (1)14.3 (4)14.3 (2)14.2 (,)14.3 (0)14.3 (6)14.3 (3)14.3 ( )0.6 (million)14.3 ( )0.6 (as)14.3 ( )0.5 (at)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (end)14.3 ( )0.6 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(pre)0.5 (vio)0.5 (us)3.2 ( )0.5 (year)3.2 (.)3.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (is)3.2 ( )0.5 (was)3.2 ( )0.5 (mai)0.5 (nly)3.2 ( )0.5 (du)0.5 (e)3.2 ( t)0.5 (o)3.2 ( t)0.5 (he)3.2 ( )0.5 (addi)0.5 (tio)0.5 (nal)3.2 ( )0.5 (ri)0.5 (ght)3.2 (-)3.2 (of)3.3 (-)3.2 (use)3.2 ( )0.5 (ass)0.5 (ets)3.2 ( )0.5 (rec)0.5 (ogni)0.5 (sed)3.2 ( )0.5 (in)3.2 ( )0.5 (acc)0.5 (orda)0.5 (nce)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (with new lease standards and additions of investments to associates duri\ ng the year.)tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(as)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( 3)13.5 (1)13.6 ( december)13.5 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.5 (1)13.5 (9)13.6 (,)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( group)13.5 (\222)13.6 (s)13.5 ( non)13.6 (-)13.5 (current)13.5 ( liabilities)13.6 ( amounted)13.5 ( to)13.6 ( rmb)13.6 (6)13.5 (3)13.5 (,)13.6 (1)13.5 (7)13.5 (6)13.6 ( million)13.5 (,)29.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(r)0.5 (e)0.6 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 ( )0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.6 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.6 (b)0.5 (4)0.5 (,)0.6 (7)0.5 (1)0.5 (8)0.6 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.6 (b)0.5 (5)0.5 (8)0.5 (,)0.6 (4)0.5 (5)0.5 (8)0.6 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.6 (f)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.6 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (u)0.5 (s)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.006 tw t* (year. this was mainly due to the additional lease liabilities recognised\ in accordance with new lease )tj 0 tw t* (standards during the year.)tj 0.026 tc 0 -3 td [(as of 31 december 2019, the debt to asset ratio of the group was 65.17%,\ representing a decrease)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( 1)14.3 (.)14.4 (1)14.4 (6)14.4 ( p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)14.4 ( p)0.5 (o)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( f)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)14.4 ( 6)14.4 (6)14.4 (.)14.4 (3)14.4 (3)14.4 (%)14.4 ( a)0.6 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (8)14.4 (.)14.4 ( d)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( y)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)29.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(achieved)13.6 ( a)13.7 ( significant)13.7 ( decrease)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( debt)13.6 ( to)13.7 ( asset)13.7 ( ratio)13.7 ( mainly)13.6 ( through)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( increase)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( profits)13.7 (,)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (the reduction of trade and notes receivables and inventories, and thus o\ ffsetting the unfavourable )tj 0.01 tw t* (factors, including the increase in the debt to asset ratio resulting fro\ m implementation of new lease )tj -0.028 tw t* (standards.)tj et endstream endobj 1301 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(6)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (energy segment)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 619.7466 tm (revenue)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.084 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 589.7467 tm [(the)14.3 ( group)14.2 (\222)14.2 (s)14.3 ( revenue)14.3 ( )0.5 (from)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( energy)14.3 ( segment)14.3 ( for)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (year)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (9)14.2 ( )0.5 (was)14.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)14.2 (7)14.3 (,)14.2 (3)14.2 (4)14.2 (6)14.2 ( )0.5 (million)14.2 (,)56.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0 -1.5 td [(representing)13.6 ( an)13.6 ( increase)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( rmb)13.5 (1)13.6 (1)13.6 (1)13.6 ( million)13.6 ( from)13.5 ( rmb)13.5 (7)13.6 (,)13.6 (2)13.6 (3)13.6 (5)13.6 ( million)13.5 ( for)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( same)13.6 ( period)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)19.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (previous year.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 526.7466 tm (segment results)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.001 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 496.7466 tm [(the )0.6 (group\222s )0.5 (profit )0.5 (before )0.6 (income )0.6 (tax )0.5 (in )0.5 (the )0.6 (energy )0.5 (segment )0.5 (for )0.6 (the )0.5 (year )0.5 (2019 )0.6 (was )0.5 (rmb403 )0.5 (million, )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(representing)5.2 ( an)5.2 ( )0.5 (increase)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)5.2 (3)5.2 (7)5.2 (7)5.2 ( )0.5 (million)5.2 ( )0.5 (in)5.2 ( )0.5 (profit)5.2 ( )0.5 (before)5.3 ( income)5.2 ( )0.5 (tax)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)5.3 (2)5.2 (6)5.2 ( million)5.3 ( for)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw t* [(same )0.5 (period )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (previous )0.5 (year, )0.5 (mainly )0.5 (attributable )0.5 (to )0.5 (disposal )0.5 (of )0.5 (its )0.5 (interest )0.5 (in )0.5 (associates )0.5 (and )0.5 (an )]tj 0 tw t* (increase in share of profit from its associates.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 416.7466 tm (corporate and other operating segments)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 383.7466 tm (revenue)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 353.7466 tm (the group\222s revenue from corporate and other operating segments for t\ he year 2019 was rmb493 )tj 0.011 tw t* (million, representing a decrease of rmb174 million as compared with rmb6\ 67 million for the same )tj 0 tw t* (period of the previous year.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 290.7466 tm (segment results)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 260.7466 tm [(the)14 ( group)14.1 (\222)14 (s)14 ( loss)14 ( before)14.1 ( income)14 ( tax)14.1 ( from)14.1 ( corporate)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( other)14 ( operating)14 ( segments)14 ( for)14.1 ( the)14 ( year)21.3 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (9)13.9 ( was)14 ( rmb)14 (9)14 (8)14 (8)14 ( million)14 (,)14 ( representing)14 ( a)14 ( decrease)14 ( of)14 ( rmb)14 (2)14 (7)14 (9)14 ( million)13.9 ( in)14 ( loss)14 ( from)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( loss)13.9 ( of)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.005 tw t* (rmb1,267 million for the same period of the previous year. this was main\ ly due to the fact that the )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(investment)4.2 ( )0.5 (cost)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( associates)4.2 ( )0.5 (in)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.1 ( )0.5 (year)4.2 ( )0.5 (was)4.2 ( )0.5 (lower)4.2 ( )0.5 (than)4.2 ( share)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( net)4.2 ( assets)4.2 (\222)4.2 ( )0.5 (fair)4.2 ( value)4.2 (,)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (year-on-year decrease in interest expenses.)tj et endstream endobj 1302 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(6)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (primary aluminum segment)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 619.7466 tm (revenue)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 589.7467 tm [(the)13.6 ( group)13.7 (\222)13.7 (s)13.7 ( revenue)13.7 ( from)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( primary)13.7 ( aluminum)13.7 ( segment)13.7 ( for)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( year)13.7 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (9)13.7 ( was)13.7 ( rmb)13.7 (4)13.7 (9)13.6 (,)13.7 (0)13.7 (8)13.7 (9)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw 0 -1.5 td (million, representing a decrease of rmb4,713 million from rmb53,802 mill\ ion for the same period )tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( previous)14.2 ( year)14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (mainly)14.1 ( due)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( decrease)14.1 ( in)14.2 ( output)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( )0.5 (primary)14.2 ( aluminum)14.1 ( )0.5 (resulted)14.2 ( from)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (suspension of production of enterprises under transformation and upgradi\ ng.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 511.7466 tm (segment results)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 481.7466 tm [(the)13.5 ( group)13.5 (\222)13.5 (s)13.5 ( profit)13.5 ( before)13.5 ( income)13.5 ( tax)13.4 ( in)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( primary)13.5 ( aluminum)13.5 ( segment)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( year)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.5 (1)13.5 (9)13.5 ( was)22.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.077 tw t* [(rm)0.5 (b)14.3 (6)14.4 (8)14.3 (7)14.3 ( m)0.5 (il)0.5 (li)0.5 (on)14.3 (,)14.4 ( rep)0.5 (re)0.5 (sen)0.5 (tin)0.5 (g)14.3 ( an)14.4 ( im)0.5 (pro)0.5 (vem)0.5 (ent)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( r)0.5 (mb)14.4 (1)14.3 (,)14.3 (6)14.4 (1)14.3 (6)14.3 ( m)0.5 (il)0.5 (li)0.5 (on)14.3 ( a)0.5 (s)14.3 ( co)0.5 (mpa)0.5 (re)0.5 (d)14.3 ( to)14.4 ( l)0.5 (os)0.5 (s)14.3 ( be)0.5 (for)0.5 (e)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* (taxation of rmb929 million for the same period of the previous year. thi\ s was mainly attributable to )tj 0 tw t* (the decrease in price of the alumina and electricity.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 401.7466 tm (trading segment)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 368.7466 tm (revenue)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.068 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 338.7466 tm [(the)13.9 ( group)13.9 (\222)13.9 (s)14 ( revenue)13.9 ( from)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( trading)13.9 ( segment)13.9 ( for)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( year)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (9)13.9 ( was)13.9 ( rmb)13.9 (1)13.9 (5)13.9 (8)13.9 (,)13.9 (6)13.9 (8)13.9 (6)14 ( million)13.9 (,)40.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(representing)10.2 ( )0.5 (an)10.2 ( increase)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)10.3 (1)10.1 (6)10.2 (,)10.2 (6)10.2 (6)10.2 (8)10.2 ( )0.5 (million)10.2 ( from)10.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)10.2 (1)10.2 (4)10.2 (2)10.2 (,)10.2 (0)10.1 (1)10.2 (8)10.2 ( )0.5 (million)10.2 ( )0.5 (for)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( same)10.2 ( )0.5 (period)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw t* (the previous year, mainly attributable to the year-on-year increase in t\ rading volume of electrolytic )tj 0 tw t* (aluminum, alumina, and charred coal.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 260.7466 tm (segment results)tj /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 62.3622 230.7466 tm (the group\222s profit before income tax in the trading segment for the y\ ear 2019 was rmb953 million, )tj 0.025 tw t* [(representing )0.5 (an )0.5 (increase )0.5 (of )0.5 (rmb213 )0.5 (million )0.5 (as )0.5 (compared )0.5 (with )0.5 (rmb740 )0.5 (million )0.5 (for )0.5 (the )0.5 (same )0.5 (period )]tj 0 tw t* (of the previous year, mainly due to the increase in profit from expanded\ business volume of charred )tj t* (coal during the year.)tj et endstream endobj 1303 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(6)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (income tax expenses/benefits)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.058 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm (the group \222s income tax expenses for the year 2019 amounted to rmb626\ million, representing a )tj 0.032 tw 0 -1.5 td (decrease of rmb197 million from rmb823 million for the same period of th\ e previous year, mainly )tj 0.025 tc 0 tw t* [(due to the year-on-year decrease in deductible temporary differences for\ deferred income tax assets)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (unrecognized.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 542.7466 tm (alumina segment)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 509.7466 tm (revenue)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.071 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 479.7466 tm [(the)14.3 ( )0.5 (group)14.3 (\222)14.3 (s)14.3 ( )0.5 (revenue)14.3 ( )0.5 (from)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (alumina)14.3 ( )0.6 (segment)14.2 ( )0.6 (for)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (year)14.3 ( )0.6 (2)14.2 (0)14.3 (1)14.3 (9)14.3 ( )0.5 (was)14.3 ( )0.5 (rmb)14.3 (4)14.3 (3)14.3 (,)14.2 (9)14.3 (0)14.3 (0)14.3 ( )0.5 (million)14.3 (,)43.1 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(representing)14.1 ( a)14.1 ( )0.5 (decrease)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (2)14.2 (5)14.1 (1)14.2 ( million)14.2 ( from)14.2 ( rmb)14.2 (4)14.1 (4)14.2 (,)14.1 (1)14.1 (5)14.2 (1)14.2 ( million)14.1 ( )0.5 (for)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( same)14.2 ( period)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (previous year, mainly attributable to the year-on-year decrease in the p\ rice of alumina.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 62.3622 416.7466 tm (segment results)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.056 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 386.7466 tm [(the)14 ( group)14.1 (\222)14 (s)14 ( profit)14.1 ( before)14.1 ( income)14 ( tax)14 ( in)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( alumina)14 ( segment)14.1 ( for)14 ( the)14.1 ( year)14 ( 2)14 (0)14.1 (1)14 (9)14 ( was)14 ( rmb)14 (8)14.1 (4)14 (5)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.003 tw t* (million, representing a decrease of rmb2,651 million from rmb3,496 milli\ on for the same period of )tj 0 tw t* (the previous year, mainly due to the decrease in price of alumina.)tj et endstream endobj 1304 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1305 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1306 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1307 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1308 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1309 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(6)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(2)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )-1547.1 (administrative)4.2 ( )0.5 (expenses)4.2 (:)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (group)4.2 (\222)4.2 (s)4.2 ( administrative)4.2 ( )0.5 (expenses)4.2 ( )0.5 (for)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (year)4.2 ( 2)4.2 (0)4.2 (1)4.2 (9)4.2 ( )0.5 (amounted)4.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.015 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (to rmb3,957 million, basically flat with rmb3,959 million for the same p\ eriod of the previous )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (year.)tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(3)20.2 (.)20.2 ( )-1541 (finance)14.1 ( costs)14.1 (,)14.1 ( net)14.1 ( :)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( group)14 (\222)14.1 (s)14.1 ( finance)14.1 ( costs)14 ( for)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( year)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (0)14.1 (1)14 (9)14.1 ( amounted)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (4)14.1 (,)14.1 (6)14 (6)14.1 (0)20.2 ( )]tj 2.835 -1.5 td [(million)14 (,)14.1 ( representing)14 ( an)14 ( increase)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( rmb)14.1 (2)14 (7)14 (0)14.1 ( million)14 ( from)14.1 ( rmb)14 (4)14.1 (,)14 (3)14.1 (9)14 (0)14.1 ( million)14 ( for)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( same)20.2 ( )]tj 0.081 tc t* [(period)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)13.9 ( previous)13.9 ( year)13.9 (.)13.9 ( if)14 ( excluding)14 ( additional)13.9 ( finance)13.9 ( costs)14 ( of)13.9 ( rmb)13.9 (3)14 (3)13.9 (2)13.9 ( million)53.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw t* (recognized in accordance with the new leasing standards, the company ach\ ieved a decrease )tj 0.064 tw t* (of rmb62 million in its finance costs on a year-on-year basis by reducin\ g its interest-bearing )tj 0 tw t* (debts and optimizing its financing costs.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 487.2117 tm (research and development expenses)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.071 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 457.2117 tm (the group\222s research and development expenses for the year 2019 amoun\ ted to rmb941 million, )tj 0.058 tc 0.077 tw t* [(r)0.5 (ep)0.5 (res)0.5 (en)0.5 (ti)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( an)14.4 ( in)0.5 (cr)0.5 (ea)0.5 (se)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( rm)0.5 (b)14.3 (3)14.4 (1)14.3 (4)14.4 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (ll)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)14.3 ( f)0.5 (ro)0.5 (m)14.3 ( rm)0.5 (b)14.3 (6)14.4 (2)14.3 (7)14.4 ( m)0.5 (i)0.5 (ll)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)14.3 ( f)0.5 (or)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( s)0.5 (am)0.5 (e)14.3 ( p)0.5 (er)0.5 (io)0.5 (d)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)30.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(previous)1.3 ( year)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (this)1.2 ( )0.5 (was)1.2 ( )0.5 (mainly)1.2 ( )0.5 (due)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( increased)1.1 ( )0.5 (investments)1.2 ( in)1.2 ( )0.5 (research)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (development)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (bauxite utilization improvement and high-quality alumina.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 377.2117 tm (other gains, net)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 347.2117 tm [(the)13.7 ( group)13.7 (\222)13.6 (s)13.7 ( other)13.7 ( gains)13.6 ( for)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( year)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.6 (9)13.7 ( were)13.7 ( rmb)13.6 (1)13.7 (,)13.7 (2)13.6 (4)13.7 (7)13.7 ( million)13.6 (,)13.7 ( representing)13.6 ( an)13.7 ( increase)13.7 ( of)19.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw t* (rmb325 million as compared to rmb922 million for the same period of the \ previous year, mainly )tj 0 tw t* (due to the increase in gains from share of net assets from associates.)tj et endstream endobj 1310 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(6)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (revenue)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm [(the)13.5 ( group)13.5 (\222)13.4 (s)13.5 ( revenue)13.5 ( for)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( year)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.4 (1)13.5 (9)13.4 ( was)13.4 ( rmb)13.4 (1)13.5 (9)13.4 (0)13.5 (,)13.5 (0)13.4 (7)13.5 (4)13.4 ( million)13.5 (,)13.4 ( representing)13.4 ( an)13.5 ( increase)13.4 ( of)29.2 ( )]tj 0 -1.5 td [(rmb)14.3 (9)14.2 (,)14.1 (8)14.3 (3)14.2 (3)14.2 ( million)14.3 ( as)14.2 ( )0.5 (compared)14.3 ( with)14.2 ( rmb)14.2 (1)14.2 (8)14.2 (0)14.2 (,)14.2 (2)14.2 (4)14.2 (1)14.2 ( )0.5 (million)14.2 ( )0.5 (for)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (same)14.2 ( )0.5 (period)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (previous)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.064 tw t* (year. this was mainly attributable to the increase in revenue generated \ from the increased trading )tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(volume)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( electrolytic)13.8 ( aluminum)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( alumina)13.8 ( as)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( result)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( rising)13.8 ( market)13.8 ( influence)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (company.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 527.7466 tm (cost of sales)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.073 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 497.7466 tm (the group\222s cost of sales for the year 2019 was rmb177,946 million, r\ epresenting an increase of )tj 0 tw t* (rmb10,917 million as compared with rmb167,029 million for the same perio\ d of the previous year. )tj 0.027 tw t* (this was mainly affected by the increase in the company\222s trading vol\ ume of electrolytic aluminum )tj 0 tw t* (and alumina products.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 417.7466 tm (expenses for the period)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 387.7466 tm [(1)14.2 (.)14.2 ( )-1547 (selling)13.8 ( expenses)13.8 (:)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 (\222)13.9 (s)13.8 ( selling)13.8 ( expenses)13.9 ( for)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( year)13.9 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.9 (9)13.8 ( amounted)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( rmb)13.9 (1)13.8 (,)13.9 (6)13.8 (7)13.9 (3)14.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 2.835 -1.5 td [(million)13.9 (,)13.8 ( representing)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( decrease)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( rmb)13.8 (8)13.9 (2)13.8 (4)13.8 ( million)13.8 ( from)13.8 ( rmb)13.8 (2)13.8 (,)13.9 (4)13.8 (9)13.8 (7)13.8 ( million)13.8 ( for)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( same)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw t* (period of the previous year, mainly due to a year-on-year decrease in tr\ ansportation expenses )tj 0 tw t* (of products.)tj et endstream endobj 1311 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(6)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.072 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(primary)13.6 ( aluminum)13.7 ( segment)13.6 ( consists)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( procuring)13.6 ( alumina)13.6 (,)13.6 ( raw)13.6 ( supplemental)13.6 ( materials)13.6 ( and)44.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0 -1.5 td [(electricity)13.9 ( power)13.9 (,)13.9 ( smelting)13.9 ( alumina)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( produce)13.9 ( primary)13.9 ( aluminum)13.9 (,)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( selling)13.9 ( them)13.9 ( internally)13.8 ( to)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (the group\222s trading enterprises and externally to customers outside t\ he group. this segment also )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(includes the production and sales of carbon products, aluminum alloy pro\ ducts and other electrolytic)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (aluminum products.)tj 0.025 tw 0 -3 td [(trading )0.5 (segment )0.5 (is )0.5 (mainly engaged )0.5 (in the trading )0.5 (and )0.5 (logistics )0.5 (of )0.5 (alumina, )0.5 (primary aluminum, )0.5 (other )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(non-ferrous metal products, and crude fuels such as coal products, as we\ ll as raw and supplemental)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (materials to the internal manufacture enterprises and external customers\ .)tj 0.059 tw 0 -3 td (energy segment consists of coal, electricity generation from coal, wind \ power, photovoltaic power )tj 0.004 tw 0 -1.5 td (and new energy equipment production, etc. among its major products, coal\ s are sold to the internal )tj 0.058 tc 0.077 tw t* [(manu)0.5 (factur)0.5 (ers)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( the)14.4 ( g)0.5 (roup)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( exte)0.5 (rnal)14.4 ( cus)0.5 (tomer)0.5 (s)14.3 ( ou)0.5 (tsid)0.5 (e)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( g)0.5 (roup)14.3 (;)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.3 ( e)0.5 (lectr)0.5 (icit)0.5 (y)14.3 ( p)0.5 (ower)30.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw t* (generated by public power plants, wind power and photovoltaic power stat\ ions of the group is sold )tj 0 tw t* (to local grid companies.)tj 0.082 tw 0 -3 td (corporate and other operating segments include research and development \ and other activities of )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (other aluminum-related business of the corporation and the group.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 367.2117 tm (results of operations)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.055 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 337.2117 tm [(the )0.5 (group\222s )0.5 (net )0.5 (profit )0.6 (attributable )0.6 (to )0.5 (owners )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (parent )0.6 (for )0.5 (the )0.5 (year )0.6 (2019 )0.5 (was )0.5 (rmb851 )0.5 (million, )]tj 0.014 tw t* [(representing )0.5 (an increase of )0.5 (rmb144 )0.5 (million )0.5 (as )0.5 (compared to )0.5 (rmb707 )0.5 (million for )0.5 (the same )0.5 (period )0.5 (of )]tj 0 tw t* (last year.)tj et endstream endobj 1312 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 78.9837 739.6899 tm [(m)4.4 (a)12.4 (n)9.2 (a)15.4 (g)9 (e)4.2 (m)3.7 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-43.3 (\222)38 (s d)5.9 (i)2.6 (s)6.6 (c)18.8 (u)4.7 (s)-9 (si)3.1 (o)3.2 (n a)12.4 (n)1.9 (d a)-23.6 (n)9.1 (a)11 (l)-16.5 (y)-8.5 (si)2.6 (s o)-9.4 (f f)-28.2 (i)1.9 (n)9.3 (a)12.4 (n)11.2 (c)15.7 (i)9.7 (a)10.9 (l p)3.6 (o)-1.9 (si)-22.1 (t)-19 (i)3.1 (o)3.2 (n a)12.4 (n)1.9 (d re)1.1 (s)3.6 (u)3.2 (l)-22 (t)-25 (s )]tj 0 tc 28.366 0 td ( )tj -0.013 tc 0.003 tw -9.99 -1.125 td [(o)-12.4 (f)-3 ( o)2 (p)1.7 (e)3.4 (r)-7.4 (a)-12.4 (t)-22 (ions)-2.9 ( \()14.5 (c)-15.1 (on)-20.5 (t)-22 (i)-1.1 (n)2.7 (u)5.2 (e)1.7 (d)8.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1313 0 obj <> endobj 1314 0 obj <> endobj 1315 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �c�o��i 9�e{��v���'=��'e��ɩ�a9��c��yf�a4 ̲� 0��`@^��;����f��ֿz/" n�i��v�(�bf�9�a�o�v��fdo�b��u>}u�ff�����2�e)-t�����2zö���~^��w�s� �u���-l�5zwq�8jy�q������v��wd���8� ��| ιs�}�2n�;��yo����h|ff�"�z��r�yq~e��w�_q~e�uɯs-e��f����yu�1�(�q'�1�)r���m��&7�>�|4�h����gs]mus�m�$_/�~��|-��cs ۻ>�����������k��o� 0�w� endstream endobj 1316 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 1317 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(6)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7467 tm (development strategy and model)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm [(the)14 ( company)13.9 ( is)14 ( committed)14 ( to)14 ( sustaining)13.9 ( its)14 ( leadership)13.9 ( in)14 ( the)14 ( domestic)14 ( market)13.9 ( and)14 ( adheres)14 ( to)20.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0 -1.5 td [(the)13.7 ( development)13.8 ( concepts)13.8 ( featuring)13.8 ( innovation)13.8 (,)13.7 ( green)13.7 (,)13.8 ( coordination)13.8 (,)13.8 ( opening)13.7 ( up)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( sharing)13.8 (.)30.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(in)13.8 ( accordance)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( requirements)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( high)13.8 ( quality)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( green)13.8 ( development)13.8 (,)13.8 ( with)13.8 ( supply)13.8 (-)13.7 (side)26.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(structural)14.2 ( )0.5 (reform)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.6 (international)14.2 ( )0.6 (strategies)14.2 ( )0.5 (as)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (main)14.2 ( )0.5 (line)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (led)14.3 ( )0.5 (by)14.3 ( )0.5 (technological)14.3 ( )0.5 (innovation)14.2 (,)23.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( focuses)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( adjusting)13.8 ( structure)13.9 (,)13.8 ( reducing)13.8 ( costs)13.8 (,)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( increasing)13.8 ( efficiency)13.8 (,)13.8 ( strives)22.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(to)14.3 ( adjust)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (develop)14.2 ( )0.5 (its)14.3 ( )0.5 (principal)14.3 ( businesses)14.2 ( )0.5 (such)14.2 ( )0.5 (as)14.3 ( bauxite)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (alumina)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (electrolytic)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.2 (,)23.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(deep)7.2 ( )0.5 (processing)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (trade)7.2 ( and)7.2 ( )0.5 (logistics)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (comprehensively)7.2 ( )0.5 (coordinates)7.2 ( )0.5 (environmental)7.2 ( )0.5 (protection)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(resources)14 (,)14.1 ( energy)14 (,)14.1 ( logistics)14 ( and)14 ( other)14 ( factors)14.1 ( to)14.1 ( continuously)14 ( optimise)14 ( the)14 ( industrial)14 ( layout)14.1 ( and)17.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0 -1.5 td [(comprehensively)14.2 ( improve)14.1 ( )0.5 (its)14.2 ( comprehensive)14.1 ( competitiveness)14.1 (,)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( thus)14.2 ( consolidates)14.1 ( )0.5 (its)14.2 ( leading)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (position in the industry to build a leading global supplier of high-qual\ ity aluminum products, thereby )tj 0.017 tw t* (building itself as a top-notch enterprise in the aluminum industry with \ international competitiveness )tj 0 tw t* (in the world.)tj 0.078 tw 0 -3 td (the following discussions should be read together with the financial inf\ ormation of the group and )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (its notes included in this annual report and other sections.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 377.7466 tm (business segments)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 347.7466 tm [(the)3.2 ( )0.5 (group)3.2 ( )0.5 (principally)3.2 ( )0.5 (engages)3.2 ( )0.5 (in)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (mining)3.2 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (bauxite)3.3 (,)3.2 ( coal)3.3 ( and)3.2 ( other)3.3 ( resources)3.2 (;)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.3 ( production)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0.077 tw t* [(s)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.5 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.6 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)14.4 ( d)0.6 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.6 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( a)0.6 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)14.5 (,)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (m)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.5 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.6 (l)0.5 (o)0.6 (y)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 (;)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.052 tw t* (international trading, logistics services, as well as electricity genera\ tion from coal and new energy. )tj 0 tw t* (business segments comprise:)tj 0.055 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(a)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (g)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.4 ( p)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( b)0.6 (a)0.5 (u)0.5 (x)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.4 ( o)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( r)0.5 (a)0.5 (w)14.5 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)27.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(bauxite)13.5 ( into)13.5 ( alumina)13.5 (,)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( selling)13.5 ( alumina)13.4 ( both)13.5 ( internally)13.5 ( to)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( group)13.5 (\222)13.5 (s)13.5 ( electrolytic)13.5 ( aluminum)30.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(en)0.5 (te)0.5 (rp)0.5 (ri)0.5 (se)0.5 (s)5.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)5.2 ( )0.5 (tr)0.5 (ad)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)5.2 ( e)0.5 (nt)0.5 (er)0.5 (pr)0.5 (is)0.5 (es)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (nd)5.2 ( )0.5 (ex)0.5 (te)0.5 (rn)0.5 (al)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)5.2 ( t)0.5 (o)5.2 ( )0.5 (cu)0.5 (st)0.5 (ome)0.5 (rs)5.3 ( o)0.5 (ut)0.5 (si)0.5 (de)5.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)5.2 ( )0.5 (gr)0.5 (ou)0.5 (p)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (is)5.2 ( )0.5 (se)0.5 (gm)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (also includes the production and sales of refined alumina.)tj et endstream endobj 1318 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3796 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 20 0 0 20 62.3622 744.3699 tm [(m)6 (a)13.8 (n)10.7 (a)16.9 (g)10.4 (e)5.6 (m)5 (e)7.6 (n)-16.2 (t)-42.1 (\222)39.8 (s d)7.5 (i)4 (s)8 (c)20.2 (u)6 (s)-7.7 (s)1.6 (i)4.6 (o)4.6 (n a)13.8 (n)3.3 (d a)-22.2 (n)10.7 (a)12.4 (l)-15.2 (y)-7.1 (s)1.6 (i)4 (s o)-8.1 (f f)-26.9 (i)3.3 (n)10.7 (a)13.8 (n)12.5 (c)17.2 (i)11.1 (a)12.4 (l p)5.1 (o)-0.6 (s)1.6 (i)-20.9 (t)-17.8 (i)4.5 (o)4.6 (n )]tj -0.014 tc 0.004 tw 0 -1.1 td [(a)9.8 (n)-0.7 (d)-4 ( r)-2.5 (e)-1.5 (s)1 (u)0.5 (l)-24.8 (t)-27.9 (s)-4 ( o)-12.1 (f)-4 ( o)2.5 (p)2.1 (e)3.9 (r)-7.1 (a)-12.2 (t)-21.8 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)]tj et endstream endobj 1319 0 obj <> endobj 1320 0 obj <> endobj 1321 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0��y�9���ok� b�-x��������=���qj6��b23�du}�m?c��g�� ]o��i�{�p�[oe�����x�=�nd!�y���v�( �>��4�6g3^q �7o�������b�ܝ��� 1�%�b��ֽ�b���j��yم����ch�u�2z48�v�o� e�qbq �hͿ�trص�߭ej��8l�8$ �)���@,�%��d|a����d�'k����sj�)��{b�/)�̘3b�%��t̊8gή 折}$��3��$�)vs��m��be>�}�(�q䣸���9ŧq����a�����?}�>�n}.kϩ[���r��e��`w�& endstream endobj 1322 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 1323 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(6)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q q 0 0 595.276 841.89 re w n q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs2 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 14.1 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (6. )tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 2.01 0 td [(continue)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( promote)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( deep)13.7 ( integration)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( party)13.7 ( building)13.8 ( and)21.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.2 td (production and operation, and enhance development effectiveness)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 604.7467 tm [(the)2.2 ( company)2.2 ( )0.5 (will)2.2 ( )0.5 (transform)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (party)2.2 ( committee)2.2 (\222)2.2 (s)2.2 ( )0.5 (political)2.3 ( advantages)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (direction)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (overall)2.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(management)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (implementation)14.2 ( )0.5 (as)14.2 ( )0.5 (corporate)14.2 ( )0.5 (governance)14.2 ( advantages)14.2 ( )0.5 (with)14.2 ( )0.5 (separating)36.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(responsibilities)4.2 ( )0.5 (as)4.2 ( )0.5 (well)4.2 ( )0.5 (as)4.2 ( )0.5 (coordinating)4.2 ( operation)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (lead)4.2 ( )0.5 (its)4.2 ( first)4.2 (-)4.2 (class)4.2 ( )0.5 (development)4.2 ( )0.5 (with)4.2 ( )0.5 (first)4.2 (-)]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(class)8.2 ( party)8.2 ( )0.5 (building)8.2 (,)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( further)8.2 ( )0.5 (optimise)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (decision)8.2 (-)8.2 (making)8.2 ( )0.5 (mechanism)8.2 ( )0.5 (with)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (view)8.2 ( )0.5 (to)8.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(enhancing)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (initiative)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (creativity)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (crew)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (providing)5.2 ( )0.5 (powerful)5.2 ( )0.5 (guarantee)5.2 ( )0.5 (for)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (quality development of the company.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 37.581 -3 td (lu dongliang)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 487.7115 484.7466 tm (chairman)tj 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 454.7466 tm (beijing, the prc)tj t* (26 march 2020)tj et endstream endobj 1324 0 obj <> endobj 1325 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 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gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(3)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )-602.2 (adhere)4.2 ( to)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (strategy)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( )0.5 (strengthening)4.2 ( enterprise)4.2 ( )0.5 (by)4.2 ( )0.5 (quality)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 1.89 -1.267 td (to enhance the driving force of innovation)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.08 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 605.7467 tm [(the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( will)14 ( adhere)14 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( development)13.9 ( direction)13.9 ( of)14 ( refinement)14 (,)13.9 ( alloying)14 (,)13.9 ( high)52.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0 -1.4 td [(purification)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (materialization)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.6 (extend)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (industrial)14.3 ( )0.6 (chain)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (build)14.3 ( )0.6 (certain)14.3 ( )0.5 (high)14.2 (-)14.3 (end)37.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc t* [(production)13.7 ( capacities)13.7 ( such)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( aluminum)13.7 ( alloy)13.7 (,)13.7 ( high)13.7 (-)13.7 (purity)13.7 ( aluminum)13.7 (,)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( refined)13.7 ( alumina)13.7 (.)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.035 tw t* (the company will promote outstanding performance management, and continu\ ously improve )tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(quality)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( products)13.9 ( and)13.8 ( services)13.8 (,)13.9 ( vigorously)13.9 ( develop)13.8 ( green)13.8 (,)13.9 ( environmental)13.8 ( protection)13.8 (,)13.8 ( and)18.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(energy)12.2 (-)12.2 (saving)12.2 ( technologies)12.2 (,)12.1 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( )0.5 (introduce)12.1 ( )0.5 (intelligent)12.3 ( production)12.2 ( technology)12.2 (.)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( company)12.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(will)10.2 ( )0.5 (build)10.2 ( guangxi)10.2 ( )0.5 (huasheng)10.2 ( as)10.2 ( )0.5 (a)10.1 ( )0.5 (benchmarking)10.2 ( enterprise)10.2 ( )0.5 (for)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (intelligent)10.2 ( factory)10.2 ( )0.5 (in)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.4 td (aluminum industry.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.03 tc 0.09 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 474.7466 tm [(4)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )-602.2 (optimise)2.3 ( top)2.2 (-)2.2 (level)2.2 ( )0.5 (design)2.2 (,)2.2 ( improve)2.2 ( )0.5 (market)2.2 (-)2.2 (oriented)2.2 ( )0.5 (operating)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 1.89 -1.267 td (mechanism, and stimulate endogenous motivation)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.079 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 427.7466 tm [(t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 ( w)0.6 (i)0.5 (l)0.6 (l)14.4 ( f)0.6 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.6 (y)14.4 ( i)0.6 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.5 ( n)0.6 (e)0.5 (g)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)14.4 ( l)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.5 (,)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( e)0.5 (f)0.5 (f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)14.4 ( i)0.6 (n)51.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.051 tw 0 -1.4 td (classification and authorisation operations, guide enterprises to optimi\ se labour management )tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw t* [(to)13.5 ( continuously)13.5 ( enhance)13.5 ( business)13.5 ( management)13.5 ( capabilities)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( cost)13.5 ( competitiveness)13.5 (.)38.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(the)11.2 ( company)11.2 ( will)11.2 ( )0.5 (continue)11.2 ( )0.5 (to)11.2 ( )0.5 (deepen)11.2 ( differentiation)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )0.5 (dynamic)11.2 ( assessment)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (establish)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)11.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(diversified)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (precise)14.3 ( )0.5 (incentive)14.3 ( )0.5 (mechanism)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (performance)14.3 ( )0.5 (allocation)14.3 ( )0.5 (will)14.2 ( )0.5 (be)14.3 ( )0.5 (more)16.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.077 tw t* [(di)0.5 (re)0.5 (ct)0.5 (ed)14.3 ( t)0.5 (o)14.3 ( ke)0.5 (y)14.3 ( po)0.5 (si)0.5 (ti)0.5 (ons)14.4 (,)14.3 ( fr)0.5 (on)0.5 (t)14.3 (-)14.3 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (ne)14.3 ( e)0.5 (mpl)0.5 (oy)0.5 (ees)14.4 ( and)14.4 ( hi)0.5 (gh)14.3 (-)14.4 (ski)0.5 (ll)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( ta)0.5 (len)0.5 (ts)14.4 (.)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( co)0.5 (mp)0.5 (any)14.4 ( wi)0.5 (ll)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.043 tw t* [(explore )0.6 (incentive )0.5 (methods )0.6 (such )0.5 (as )0.6 (dividend )0.5 (incentives )0.5 (and )0.5 (excess )0.6 (profit )0.6 (sharing )0.5 (to )0.6 (stimulate )]tj 0 tw t* (innovation and vitality.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.095 tc 0.077 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 298.7466 tm [(5)67.2 (.)67.2 ( )-550.2 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (h)0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.6 (g)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (c)0.6 (h)14.4 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.6 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.5 ( t)0.6 (o)67.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 1.89 -1.133 td (enhance the core competitiveness of industrial development)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.094 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 255.7466 tm [(through)14.3 ( )0.5 (key)14.3 ( )0.5 (core)14.3 ( )0.5 (technology)14.3 ( )0.5 (breakthroughs)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (application)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.6 (promotion)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (key)66.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(technological)13.6 ( achievements)13.6 (,)13.6 ( new)13.6 ( product)13.6 ( development)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( application)13.6 (,)13.5 ( benchmarking)13.6 ( key)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* (core technical indicators, and reforms of technological innovation syste\ m and mechanism, the )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(company)3.2 ( )0.5 (will)3.2 ( )0.5 (invest)3.2 ( )0.5 (more)3.2 ( )0.5 (resources)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (break)3.2 ( )0.5 (through)3.2 ( )0.5 (those)3.2 ( )0.5 (key)3.2 ( )0.5 (core)3.1 ( )0.5 (technologies)3.2 ( urgently)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.092 tw t* [(required )0.5 (for )0.5 (the company, )0.5 (such as )0.5 (the industrialization demonstration )0.5 (of )0.5 (desulfurization and )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(decarbonization)13.7 ( technologies)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( alumina)13.7 ( production)13.7 ( process)13.8 (,)13.7 ( comprehensive)13.8 ( utilization)14.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc t* [(technology)14.2 ( )0.6 (for)14.3 ( )0.5 (red)14.2 ( )0.5 (mud)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (carbon)14.3 ( )0.5 (slag)14.2 (-)14.3 (free)14.3 ( )0.5 (anode)14.3 ( )0.5 (production)14.2 ( )0.6 (technology)14.3 ( )0.5 (demonstration)14.3 (,)39.2 ( )423 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(disposal)6.2 ( )0.5 (technology)6.1 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )0.5 (industrial)6.3 ( demonstration)6.2 ( )0.5 (for)6.2 ( )0.5 (three)6.2 ( types)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( wastes)6.2 ( )0.5 (generated)6.2 ( from)6.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(electrolytic)13.8 ( aluminum)13.9 (,)13.8 ( to)13.9 ( continuously)13.9 ( provide)13.9 ( its)13.9 ( supporting)13.8 ( for)13.9 ( high)13.9 (-)13.8 (quality)13.8 ( development)17.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( industry)13.8 (.)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( will)13.9 ( further)13.8 ( sort)13.9 ( out)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( evaluate)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( innovation)13.9 ( results)13.8 ( of)23.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(t)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (hn)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (g)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)5.2 ( )0.5 (de)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)5.2 ( )0.5 (to)5.3 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (ce)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)5.2 ( )0.5 (pr)0.6 (om)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)5.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)5.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)5.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)5.2 ( l)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)5.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.051 tw t* (important supporting role of technological innovation in improving the c\ ompany\222s quality and )tj -0.028 tw t* (efficiency.)tj et endstream endobj 1348 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.014 tc 0.004 tw 16 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(c)-9.6 (h)5.2 (a)7.4 (ir)-19.5 (m)2.7 (a)8.4 (n)-3.3 (\222)34 (s)-4 ( s)-34.8 (t)-21 (a)-13.4 (t)-12.9 (eme)2.2 (n)-21.5 (t)-4 ( \()13.4 (c)-16.1 (o)-0.8 (n)-21.5 (t)-23 (i)-2.1 (n)1.7 (u)4.2 (e)0.7 (d)7.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1349 0 obj <> endobj 1350 0 obj <> endobj 1351 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0��z�9&�ॱ�1�,�c��i�jy���o�mh�i>1�/�d����~��ݏ��3t�5���5���ui ����n=�ne�|^���v��*�>�9�~�ճ/�vћ7�{{�������|s��3�p�`��b/�{m�(�mc�~^6���8�4�y� n���[{euŵj�n�j����';i�t����j98���w̥pi�} lfu�pɯ'��o��̙p�,5s��k͜k���q��|��we� ���[�v�z�h�ur|'e������<��o�sk�8co�������耲x�_vi�m endstream endobj 1352 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 1353 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(5)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(1)12.2 (.)12.2 ( )-602.2 (unswervingly)12.2 ( )0.5 (implement)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( cost)12.2 (-)12.2 (leading)12.2 ( strategy)12.3 (,)12.1 ( )0.5 (carry)12.1 ( )0.5 (out)12.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw 1.89 -1.333 td [(the)14 ( activities)14 ( of)14.1 ( benchmarking)14.1 ( advanced)14.1 ( enterprises)14 ( in)14 ( all)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.333 td (elements, and continuously improve competitiveness)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.024 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7087 582.7467 tm [(the company will conduct its management enhancement activities of benchm\ arking first-class)-3.8 ( )]tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(enterprises)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (learning)14.3 ( )0.5 (first)14.2 (-)14.3 (class)14.2 ( )0.6 (enterprises)14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (establishing)14.2 ( )0.6 (its)14.3 ( )0.5 (presence)14.2 ( )0.5 (as)14.3 ( )0.5 (first)14.2 (-)14.3 (class)39.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(enterprise)12.2 ( in)12.2 ( all)12.2 ( )0.5 (levels)12.2 (,)12.2 ( all)12.2 ( )0.5 (industries)12.1 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (all)12.2 ( processes)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( all)12.2 ( )0.5 (elements)12.2 (.)12.2 ( )0.5 (through)12.2 ( )0.5 (establishing)12.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw t* [(standards)14.3 (,)14.3 ( benchmarking)14.3 (,)14.3 ( achieving)14.3 ( standards)14.3 (,)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( creating)14.3 ( standards)14.3 (,)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( company)14.2 ( will)23.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.07 tw t* (apply the concept of refined management and precise improvement into the\ entire business )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(process)10.1 (,)10.3 ( focusing)10.2 ( on)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (three)10.2 ( cost)10.2 ( )0.5 (reduction)10.2 ( )0.5 (points)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (\223)10.1 (human)10.2 ( )0.5 (resources)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (production)10.2 ( )0.5 (and)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw 0 -1.5 td (management\224, grasping the three efficiency points of \223market, tech\ nology and investment\224, )tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)11.2 ( t)0.5 (o)11.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (r)0.5 (y)11.2 ( o)0.5 (u)0.6 (t)11.2 ( \223)11.2 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.6 (e)11.2 ( i)0.5 (n)0.6 (c)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)11.1 (\224)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)11.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.8 ( cost)13.8 ( reduction)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( three)13.8 ( years)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( comprehensively)13.8 ( improve)13.8 ( cost)13.8 ( competitiveness)13.8 (.)13.8 ( the)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.011 tw t* (company will create conditions to support those enterprise with great de\ velopment potential, )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(strong)7.2 ( sense)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (reform)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (better)7.2 ( )0.5 (innovation)7.2 ( capability)7.2 ( )0.5 (to)7.2 ( )0.5 (build)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)7.2 ( )0.5 (demonstration)7.2 ( )0.5 (enterprise)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.042 tw t* (with first-class mechanism, first-class research and development and fir\ st-class management )tj 0 tw t* (to continuously improve its overall competitiveness.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.025 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 367.7466 tm [(2. )-669.2 (continue to optimise the layout and accelerate the shift of the )]tj 0 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (industry to advantageous areas)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.036 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 317.7466 tm (the company will accelerate the implementation of the \223coastal and ov\ erseas\224 development )tj 0.086 tc 0.078 tw t* [(strategy)13.8 (,)13.7 ( vigorously)13.7 ( promote)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( construction)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( bases)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( hydropower)13.7 ( aluminum)13.7 ( in)58.2 ( )]tj 0.077 tc 0.077 tw t* [(y)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (na)0.5 (n)14.4 (,)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (al)14.4 ( po)0.5 (w)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (nu)0.5 (m)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( m)0.5 (o)0.5 (ng)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)14.4 (,)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( al)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.3 ( p)0.5 (o)0.5 (we)0.5 (r)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( g)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (xi)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)49.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw t* [(realise)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( transfer)14 ( of)14.1 ( its)14 ( production)14.1 ( capacity)14 ( to)14.1 ( areas)14 ( with)14 ( resource)14.1 ( advantages)14.1 (,)14.1 ( clean)33.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(energy)13.8 ( advantages)13.7 (,)13.8 ( environmental)13.8 ( capacity)13.8 ( advantages)13.7 (,)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( coastal)13.8 ( port)13.8 ( advantages)13.8 (.)13.7 ( the)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.089 tw t* (company will manage those loss-making enterprises by one strategy for on\ e enterprise and )tj 0.038 tw t* [(implementing )0.5 (diversification )0.5 (policies )0.5 (with )0.5 (a )0.5 (view )0.5 (to )0.5 (control )0.6 (its )0.5 (losses )0.5 (and )0.5 (increase )0.5 (its )0.5 (profits. )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(the)3.2 ( )0.5 (company)3.2 ( )0.5 (will)3.2 ( )0.5 (accelerate)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (regional)3.3 ( integration)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (loss)3.2 (-)3.2 (making)3.2 ( enterprises)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (implement)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (integrated management, and improve survival and development capabilities\ .)tj et endstream endobj 1354 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(5)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.064 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(8)36.2 (.)36.2 ( )-580.2 (achieved)13.7 ( deep)13.7 ( integration)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( party)13.8 ( building)13.7 ( business)13.8 (,)13.7 ( and)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (continuously improved governance capabilities)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.06 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm [(the )0.5 (company )0.5 (strictly )0.5 (implemented )0.5 (the )0.5 (decision-making )0.5 (system )0.5 (of )0.5 (\223three )0.5 (important )0.5 (matters )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(and)13.6 ( one)13.6 ( big)13.7 ( concern)13.7 (\224)13.6 ( and)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( pre)13.6 (-)13.7 (procedures)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( party)13.6 ( committee)13.6 ( for)13.7 ( research)13.6 ( and)29.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(discussion)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (strengthened)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( standardized)7.2 ( )0.5 (construction)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( board)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (directors)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (holding)7.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(c)0.5 (om)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (ni)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (nu)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)6.2 ( t)0.5 (o)6.2 ( )0.5 (ca)0.5 (r)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)6.2 ( o)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)6.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)6.2 ( a)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (iv)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)6.2 ( o)0.5 (f)6.2 ( \223)6.2 (t)0.5 (w)0.5 (o)6.2 ( g)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (an)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)6.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)6.2 ( t)0.5 (w)0.5 (o)6.2 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (k)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)0.5 (s)6.2 (\224)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (\223)6.1 (t)0.5 (w)0.5 (o)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* [(improvements\224 of party members, and \223two benchmarking\224 of)0.5 ( party branch)0.5 (es. the company )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(realised)9.2 ( an)9.3 ( organic)9.1 ( )0.5 (unification)9.2 ( between)9.2 ( strengthening)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( )0.5 (party)9.1 (\222)9.3 (s)9.1 ( )0.5 (leadership)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (improving)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (corporate governance.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 477.7466 tm (dividends)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 447.7466 tm [(as)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 (\222)13.6 (s)13.6 ( profit)13.7 ( for)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( year)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.6 (1)13.6 (9)13.6 ( will)13.7 ( be)13.7 ( used)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( make)13.6 ( up)13.6 ( for)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( losses)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( previous)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.023 tw 0 -1.5 td (years, the board did not propose any final dividend for the year ended 3\ 1 december 2019 and such )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(proposal)10.3 ( is)10.2 ( subject)10.2 ( )0.5 (to)10.2 ( approval)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( )0.5 (shareholders)10.2 ( )0.5 (at)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( forthcoming)10.2 ( )0.5 (2)10.2 (0)10.2 (1)10.2 (9)10.2 ( annual)10.2 ( general)10.2 ( )0.5 (meeting)10.2 (.)10.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( will)14 ( publish)13.9 ( an)13.9 ( announcement)13.9 ( after)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( arrangement)14 ( of)13.9 ( such)13.9 ( general)14 ( meeting)13.9 ( is)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (determined.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 352.7466 tm (results)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 322.7466 tm [(for)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( year)13.8 ( ended)13.8 ( 3)13.9 (1)13.8 ( december)13.9 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.9 (1)13.8 (9)13.8 (,)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( group)13.8 ( recorded)13.9 ( revenue)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( rmb)13.9 (1)13.8 (9)13.9 (0)13.8 (,)13.9 (1)13.8 (0)13.8 (0)13.9 ( million)13.8 (,)34.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(representing)6.2 ( )0.5 (a)6.2 ( year)6.2 (-)6.2 (on)6.2 (-)6.2 (year)6.2 ( )0.5 (increase)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)6.2 (9)6.2 (,)6.2 (9)6.2 (0)6.2 (0)6.2 ( million)6.2 ( as)6.2 ( )0.5 (compared)6.2 ( to)6.2 ( )0.5 (rmb)6.2 (1)6.2 (8)6.2 (0)6.2 (,)6.2 (2)6.2 (0)6.2 (0)6.2 ( )0.5 (million)6.2 ( in)6.1 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(2)2.2 (0)2.2 (1)2.2 (8)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )0.5 (profit)2.2 ( attributable)2.2 ( to)2.2 ( )0.5 (owners)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( parent)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )0.5 (earnings)2.3 ( per)2.2 ( )0.5 (share)2.2 ( attributable)2.2 ( )0.5 (to)2.2 ( )0.5 (owners)2.1 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the parent were rmb851 million and rmb0.037 respectively.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 242.7467 tm (business outlook and prospects)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 212.7466 tm [(in)9.2 ( 2)9.2 (0)9.2 (2)9.2 (0)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (under)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (development)9.2 ( )0.5 (goal)9.3 ( of)9.2 ( building)9.2 ( )0.5 (a)9.2 ( world)9.2 (-)9.2 (class)9.2 ( aluminum)9.2 ( company)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( company)9.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(continues)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( uphold)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( high)13.7 (-)13.7 (quality)13.7 ( development)13.7 ( philosophy)13.7 (.)13.7 ( in)13.8 ( accordance)13.7 ( with)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( working)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.045 tw t* (principle of \223low cost, high quality, optimal mechanism and admirable\ performance\224, the company )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(will)14.2 ( focus)14.2 ( on)14.1 ( )0.5 (continuously)14.2 ( )0.5 (improving)14.2 ( )0.5 (cost)14.2 ( )0.5 (competitive)14.2 ( advantages)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (continue)14.2 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.5 (deepen)14.2 ( )0.5 (reform)25.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(and)4.2 ( )0.5 (innovation)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( accelerate)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( transformation)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( upgrading)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (and)4.2 ( achieve)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( high)4.2 (-)4.2 (quality)4.2 ( and)4.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(high)2.2 (-)2.1 (tech)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( products)2.1 ( )0.5 (through)2.2 ( )0.5 (industrial)2.3 ( layout)2.2 ( )0.5 (optimisation)2.2 (,)2.2 ( adjustment)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( products)2.1 ( )0.5 (structure)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(i)0.5 (mp)0.5 (l)0.5 (em)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)0.5 (at)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)1.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)1.2 ( )0.5 (re)0.5 (fi)0.5 (n)0.5 (ed)1.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (an)0.5 (ag)0.5 (e)0.5 (me)0.5 (nt)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)1.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (mp)0.5 (r)0.5 (eh)0.5 (e)0.5 (ns)0.5 (iv)0.5 (e)0.5 (ly)1.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (nh)0.5 (an)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)1.2 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (p)0.5 (et)0.5 (i)0.5 (ti)0.5 (v)0.5 (en)0.5 (es)0.5 (s)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (nn)0.5 (ov)0.5 (at)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* (control, influence and risk resistance ability. in 2020, the company wil\ l focus on the following tasks:)tj et endstream endobj 1355 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(5)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.078 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(6)50.2 (.)50.2 ( )-566.2 (optimised)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( improved)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( scientific)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( technological)50.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 1.89 -1.333 td [(innovation)14 ( system)14 (,)13.9 ( and)14 ( continuously)13.9 ( improved)14 ( the)14 ( scientific)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.333 td (and technological efficiency)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.016 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 582.7467 tm (the company integrated scientific research resources to apply technology\ to help enterprises )tj 0.084 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(reduce)13.8 ( costs)13.9 ( and)13.8 ( increase)13.9 ( efficiency)13.8 (,)13.9 ( and)13.8 ( cultivate)13.8 ( new)13.9 ( momentum)13.8 ( for)13.8 ( high)13.8 (-)13.9 (quality)56.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc 0.077 tw t* [(de)0.5 (vel)0.5 (opme)0.5 (nt)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( the)14.3 ( c)0.5 (omp)0.5 (any)14.3 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( c)0.5 (ompa)0.5 (ny)14.3 ( ha)0.5 (s)14.3 ( acc)0.5 (ele)0.5 (rat)0.5 (ed)14.3 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( dev)0.5 (elop)0.5 (men)0.5 (t)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( n)0.5 (ew)39.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw t* (products of aluminum alloy and fine alumina. the company has newly devel\ oped 11 types of )tj 0 tw t* [(fine alumina products \(of which 8 products have been industrialized\). \ )-487.4 (7)-18 ( )-109.7 (n)-31.9 (e)-32 (w)-18 ( )-109.7 (a)-31.9 (l)-31.9 (u)-32 (m)-31.9 (i)-31.9 (n)-31.9 (u)-31.9 (m)-18 ( )-109.7 (a)-32 (l)-31.9 (l)-31.9 (o)-31.9 (y )]tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(products)14.3 ( )0.5 (have)14.3 ( )0.6 (entered)14.2 ( )0.6 (industrial)14.3 ( )0.6 (production)14.3 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (electronic)14.3 ( )0.5 (surface)14.3 ( )0.5 (materials)14.3 ( )0.6 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (aluminum)31.2 ( )]tj 0.065 tc 0 -1.5 td [(profiles)14.1 ( for)14.1 ( forged)14.1 ( wheels)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( other)14.1 ( products)14.1 ( have)14.1 ( entered)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( medium)14.1 (-)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( high)14.1 (-)14.1 (end)37.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw t* (market. the company accelerated the application of certain major scienti\ fic and technological )tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(innovation)13.7 ( achievements)13.7 ( such)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( carbon)13.7 ( dross)13.8 (-)13.7 (free)13.7 ( anodizing)13.7 ( production)13.7 ( technology)13.7 ( and)24.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc t* [(the)13.9 ( \223)13.9 (fhest)13.9 ( technology)13.9 (\224)14 (,)14 ( etc)13.9 (.)14 (,)14 ( and)14 ( the)13.9 ( technological)14 ( advantages)13.9 ( had)14 ( been)13.9 ( transformed)32.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(into)13.6 ( economic)13.6 ( benefits)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( helped)13.6 ( enterprises)13.5 ( reduce)13.6 ( costs)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( increase)13.6 ( efficiency)13.6 (.)13.6 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(company)2.2 ( strengthened)2.2 ( )0.5 (its)2.2 ( )0.5 (standard)2.2 ( guidance)2.1 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( intellectual)2.2 ( )0.5 (property)2.2 ( protection)2.1 (,)2.3 ( organised)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* (66 technical standard formulation and revision projects, and took the le\ ad in implementing the )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(enterprises standard self-declaration publication in the non-ferrous ind\ ustry and among central)-0.7 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (enterprises. as of the end of 2019, the company had 1,300 valid patents.\ )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.09 tc 0.077 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 337.7466 tm [(7)62.2 (.)62.2 ( )-555.2 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (gt)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( s)0.5 (a)0.5 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)62.2 ( )]tj 0.087 tc 1.89 -1.333 td [(p)0.5 (r)0.5 (ot)0.5 (e)0.5 (ct)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( s)0.5 (y)0.5 (st)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (s)14.3 (,)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( c)0.5 (on)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (uo)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.5 (ly)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (mo)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( l)0.5 (ea)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)59.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.333 td (environmental protection)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 267.7466 tm [(the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( continued)13.9 ( to)13.9 ( promote)14 ( the)13.9 ( construction)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( cahse)13.9 ( system)13.9 (,)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( carried)27.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -1.5 td [(out)13.3 ( the)13.2 ( \223)13.2 (two)13.2 ( )0.5 (grasps)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (two)13.2 ( )0.5 (surveys)13.2 ( )0.5 (and)13.2 ( )0.5 (stringent)13.2 ( )0.5 (supervision)13.2 (\224)13.2 ( )0.5 (activities)13.2 ( at)13.2 ( )0.5 (all)13.2 ( )0.5 (levels)13.2 ( )0.5 (to)13.2 ( )0.5 (fully)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (implement the main responsibility, line responsibility and supervision r\ esponsibility of safety )tj 0.038 tc t* [(management)10.2 (.)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (company)10.2 ( )0.5 (established)10.2 ( )0.5 (a)10.2 ( comprehensive)10.2 ( evaluation)10.2 ( )0.5 (system)10.2 ( for)10.2 ( )0.5 (contractor)10.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(access)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( performance)13.8 (,)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( realised)13.7 ( a)13.8 ( full)13.8 ( coverage)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( safety)13.8 ( hard)13.7 ( constraint)13.8 ( terms)13.7 ( for)23.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(business)14 ( outsourcing)14 ( contracts)14 (.)14 ( in)14 ( accordance)14 ( with)14 ( the)13.9 ( principle)14 ( of)14 ( classified)14 ( governance)14 (,)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.018 tw t* (the company completed the rectification of 13 major historical environme\ ntal responsibilities, )tj 0.089 tw t* (implemented 54 water pollutant discharge treatment projects, and an aggr\ egation of 78,500 )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(mu)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.3 ( mine)5.2 ( )0.5 (land)5.2 ( )0.5 (was)5.2 ( )0.5 (reclaimed)5.2 ( with)5.3 ( a)5.2 ( )0.5 (reclamation)5.2 ( )0.5 (rate)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (more)5.2 ( than)5.2 ( )0.5 (8)5.2 (6)5.2 (%)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (which)5.3 ( seven)5.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw t* [(mines)13.7 ( were)13.7 ( selected)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( national)13.7 ( green)13.7 ( mines)13.7 ( directory)13.7 (.)13.7 ( qinghai)13.7 ( branch)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( zunyi)39.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.061 tw t* (aluminum were rated as provincial green factories, and chalco shandong w\ as recognised as )tj 0 tw t* (a national green factory.)tj et endstream endobj 1356 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(5)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.089 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4)61.2 (.)61.2 ( )-555.1 (strengthened)13.6 ( internal)13.6 ( collaboration)13.5 ( to)13.6 ( maximize)13.5 ( overall)61.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (benefits, and continuously improved industry leadership)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.017 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm (the company strengthened the coordination and cooperation between the op\ erating platform )tj 0.039 tw 0 -1.5 td (and entities and among the entities. the alumina enterprises in shandong\ , shanxi and henan )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(had)3.2 ( )0.5 (implemented)3.2 ( the)3.3 ( coordinated)3.2 ( )0.5 (supply)3.2 ( guarantee)3.2 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (domestic)3.2 ( )0.5 (ore)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.2 ( )0.5 (established)3.2 ( )0.5 (a)3.2 ( )0.5 (\223)3.2 (six)3.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(unifications)14 (\224)14 ( operating)13.9 ( mechanism)14 ( for)14 ( imported)14 ( ore)13.9 ( to)14 ( improve)14 ( the)14 ( guarantee)14 ( level)14 ( of)14 ( ore)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.064 tw t* (supply, reduce the cost of ore supply, and thus maximize the overall ben\ efits. the company )tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(also)14.1 ( continued)14.1 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( improve)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( operating)14.2 ( mechanisms)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( procurement)14.1 (,)14.2 ( marketing)14.2 ( and)22.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0 -1.5 td [(logistics)13.6 ( platforms)13.6 (,)13.6 ( coordinate)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( balance)13.6 ( resource)13.6 ( allocation)13.6 (,)13.5 ( strengthen)13.6 ( synergies)13.6 ( in)31.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0 -1.5 td [(the)14.3 ( )0.5 (business)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (purchasing)14.4 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (selling)14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.6 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (shipping)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.6 (reduce)14.3 ( )0.6 (internal)14.3 ( )0.6 (servi)0.5 (ce)14.3 ( )0.6 (costs)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.6 (inc)0.5 (rease)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (market-oriented operations externally, and its industry leadership was c\ ontinuously improved.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 447.7466 tm [(5)34.2 (.)34.2 ( )-582.2 (achieving)14.1 ( new)14.1 ( breakthroughs)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( management)14.1 ( reform)14.1 (,)14.1 ( and)34.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (continuously enhanced endogenous momentum)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.072 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 397.7466 tm [(the )0.5 (company implemented )0.5 (the classified )0.5 (authorisation )0.5 (and negative list management )0.5 (for )0.5 (10 )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* [(pilot companies in management reform. the approval matters reported by t\ he pilot companies)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.056 tw t* (reduced by 58%, which effectively improved the autonomy of operation and\ management of )tj 0.047 tw t* (enterprises. by establishing the performance assessment system of \2231 \ n 4\224, the company )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(further)3.3 ( deepened)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.3 ( classification)3.2 ( )0.5 (assessment)3.2 ( )0.5 (and)3.3 ( comprehensive)3.2 ( )0.5 (evaluation)3.2 (,)3.2 ( reduced)3.3 ( the)3.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(performance assessment indicators, and promoted the initiative and enthu\ siasm of production)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw t* [(enterprises )0.5 (in )0.5 (cost reduction and )0.5 (efficiency )0.5 (improvement. )0.5 (with )0.5 (funds )0.5 (and )0.5 (notes )0.5 (\223getting )0.5 (into )]tj 0.078 tw t* (the pool\224, the concentration rate of funds reached more than 98%, and\ the turnover rate of )tj 0 tw t* (funds increased from 7 times to 13 times, and effectively reduced the fi\ nance expenses.)tj et endstream endobj 1357 0 obj <> endobj 1358 0 obj <> endobj 1359 0 obj <> endobj 1360 0 obj <> endobj 1361 0 obj <> endobj 1362 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1363 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1364 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1365 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1366 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1367 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(5)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.084 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2)56.2 (.)56.2 ( )-560.2 (continuously)13.5 ( optimised)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( production)13.5 ( layout)13.6 (,)13.5 ( gradually)56.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.071 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (formed the industrial base and continuously strengthened the )tj 0 tw 0 -1.333 td (profit base)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 582.7467 tm [(guizhou)14.2 ( huaren)14.2 (,)14.2 ( inner)14.2 ( mongolia)14.2 ( )0.5 (huayun)14.2 ( )0.5 (new)14.2 ( materials)14.2 ( )0.5 (co)14.1 (.)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)14.2 (.)14.2 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.048 tc -0.048 tw 33.79 0 td <02ab1086031a0d360dae0e2d04bf08d803de0822>tj 0.055 tc -0.055 tw -33.79 -1.5 td <02ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.069 tc 0.078 tw [(inner)14 ( mongolia)14 ( huayun)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 16.541 0 td [(\224)14 (\))14 ( achieved)14 ( their)14 ( production)13.9 ( goals)14 ( and)14 ( standards)14 (.)14 ( the)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.075 tw -16.541 -1.5 td (industrial bases in guangxi, baotou and shanxi had gradually formed, sha\ nxi new material\222s )tj 0.059 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(p)0.5 (s)0.5 (eu)0.5 (d)0.5 (o)14.4 (-)14.3 (b)0.5 (o)0.5 (e)0.5 (h)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (te)14.4 ( pr)0.5 (o)0.5 (j)0.5 (e)0.5 (ct)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (or)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (of)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (s)14.4 ( i)0.5 (m)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (di)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.3 ( a)0.5 (f)0.5 (te)0.5 (r)14.4 ( b)0.5 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)31.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(profit)5.2 ( )0.5 (contribution)5.2 ( )0.5 (capacity)5.3 ( continued)5.2 ( to)5.2 ( )0.5 (enhance)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (construction)5.2 ( of)5.2 ( )0.5 (boffa)5.2 ( )0.5 (bauxite)5.2 ( )0.5 (project)5.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(in)14.2 ( guinea)14.1 ( was)14.1 ( sped)14.1 ( up)14.1 (,)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (first)14.1 ( ship)14.1 (\222)14.2 (s)14.1 ( bauxite)14.1 ( had)14.2 ( arrived)14.1 ( at)14.1 ( rizhao)14.1 ( port)14.2 (,)14.1 ( guangxi)32.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.089 tw 0 -1.5 td (huasheng\222s alumina project was constructed as scheduled, and the inte\ rnational layout was )tj 0 tw t* (further accelerated.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.147 tc 0.077 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 442.7466 tm [(3)119.2 (.)119.2 ( )-498.2 (a)0.5 (ppea)0.5 (red)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( res)0.5 (ult)0.5 (s)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( str)0.5 (uct)0.5 (ural)14.4 ( adju)0.5 (stm)0.5 (ent)14.3 ( an)0.5 (d)119.2 ( )]tj 0.127 tc 0.078 tw 1.89 -1.333 td [(transformation)14 ( and)14.1 ( upgrading)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( focused)14.1 ( on)14 ( green)99.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.333 td (development)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 372.7466 tm [(the)13.9 ( withdrawal)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( electrolytic)13.9 ( aluminum)14 ( production)13.9 ( capacity)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( two)13.9 ( companies)13.9 (,)13.9 ( shanxi)34.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(h)0.5 (ua)0.5 (sh)0.5 (e)0.5 (ng)9.2 ( )0.5 (al)0.5 (u)0.5 (mi)0.5 (n)0.5 (um)9.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)9.2 (.)9.2 (,)9.2 ( l)0.5 (td)9.2 (.)9.2 (*)9.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 15.857 0 td <028604130d360ecb12590e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw [(\) )0.5 (\(")]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.037 tc 0.083 tw [(s)0.5 (h)0.5 (an)0.5 (x)0.5 (i)9.2 ( h)0.5 (u)0.5 (as)0.5 (he)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 20.542 0 td [(")9.2 (\))9.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)9.2 ( s)0.5 (ha)0.5 (n)0.5 (do)0.5 (ng)9.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw -36.398 -1.5 td [(h)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.5 (yu)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)12.1 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (en)12.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)12.2 ( i)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (nt)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)12.2 (.)12.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (g)0.5 (h)12.1 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)12.2 ( t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (fe)0.5 (r)12.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)12.2 ( e)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (ol)0.5 (y)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)12.2 ( )0.5 (al)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)12.2 ( q)0.5 (u)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(shanxi)13.8 ( huasheng)13.7 ( resolved)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( costs)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( employee)13.7 ( resettlement)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( enterprise)13.7 ( shutdown)13.7 (,)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw t* (and properly resolved staff diversion and resettlement. the company inve\ sted a hydropower )tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw t* [(aluminum)13.5 ( project)13.5 ( by)13.5 ( further)13.5 ( acquiring)13.5 ( shares)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( yunnan)13.5 ( aluminum)13.6 ( co)13.6 (.)13.5 (,)13.5 ( ltd)13.5 (.)13.5 ( \()13.5 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.065 tw 40.227 0 td [(yunnan)37.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -40.227 -1.5 td (aluminum)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.01 tw [(\224\) )0.5 (issued )0.5 (non-publicly )0.6 (and )0.5 (increasing )0.5 (capital )0.5 (contribution )0.5 (in )0.5 (heqing )0.5 (yixin )0.5 (aluminum )]tj 0.067 tc 0.092 tw t* [(c)-14.1 (o., l)-14.2 (t)-14.1 (d. \(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.081 tc 0.078 tw [(yixin)13.7 ( aluminum)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 14.777 0 td [(\224)13.7 (\))13.8 ( under)13.7 ( yunnan)13.8 ( aluminum)13.7 ( to)13.8 ( actively)13.7 ( participate)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( the)53.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -14.777 -1.5 td (construction of green hydropower-aluminum bases.)tj et endstream endobj 1368 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(5)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.059 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(a)0.5 (c)0.5 (co)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (at)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (ti)0.5 (c)0.5 (s)14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( gl)0.5 (o)0.5 (b)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.3 ( ou)0.5 (t)0.5 (p)0.5 (ut)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (ns)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (pt)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (im)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (lu)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (um)14.4 ( fo)0.5 (r)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.4 (1)14.3 (9)31.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0 -1.45 td [(wer)0.5 (e)14.3 ( appro)0.5 (ximat)0.5 (ely)14.4 ( 6)14.3 (3)14.4 (.)14.3 (7)14.3 (8)14.3 ( mi)0.5 (lli)0.5 (on)14.3 ( tonne)0.5 (s)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( appr)0.5 (oxim)0.5 (atel)0.5 (y)14.3 ( 6)14.3 (5)14.3 (.)14.3 (1)14.3 (5)14.4 ( m)0.5 (ill)0.5 (ion)14.3 ( ton)0.5 (nes)14.3 (,)14.3 ( res)0.5 (pect)0.5 (ivel)0.5 (y)14.3 (,)23.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc t* [(r)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( y)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)14.4 (-)14.4 (on)14.4 (-)14.4 (y)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( 0)14.4 (.)14.4 (6)14.4 (%)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( 0)14.4 (.)14.4 (8)14.4 (%)14.4 (,)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.4 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( d)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)14.4 ( o)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (p)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)17.2 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw t* [(consumption of primary aluminum were approximately 35.93 million tonnes \ and approximately 36.55)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.061 tw t* (million tonnes, respectively, representing a year-on-year decrease of 1.\ 8% and 1.2%, respectively, )tj 0.008 tw t* (representing approximately 56.33% and 56.10% of global output and consum\ ption, respectively. as )tj 0.021 tc 0 tw t* [(of the end of december 2019, the capacity utilization rate of primary al\ uminum in the world \(inclusive)-6.8 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(of)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( )0.5 (prc)4.2 (\))4.2 ( was)4.2 ( approximately)4.2 ( )0.5 (8)4.2 (6)4.2 (%)4.2 (,)4.2 ( while)4.2 ( that)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.1 ( )0.5 (primary)4.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)4.2 ( )0.5 (enterprises)4.2 ( in)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( prc)4.2 ( )0.5 (was)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (approximately 88%, representing a decrease of 2 percentage points year o\ n year.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 506.7117 tm (business review)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.074 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 477.7117 tm [(in)13.7 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.7 (1)13.8 (9)13.7 (,)13.8 ( in)13.7 ( strict)13.7 ( compliance)13.8 ( with)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( working)13.8 ( principle)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( \223)13.7 (low)13.7 ( cost)13.8 (,)13.7 ( high)13.8 ( quality)13.7 (,)13.8 ( optimal)46.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(mechanism)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( admirable)13.8 ( performance)13.8 (\224)13.8 (,)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( continued)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( implement)13.8 ( its)13.8 ( reform)13.8 ( and)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw t* (innovation, promote transformation and upgrading and optimise the layout\ structure by its strategic )tj 0.024 tw t* (structure adjustment and market-oriented resource allocation, and thereb\ y improved its overall cost )tj 0 tw t* (efficiency and continuously enhanced quality and efficiency of its devel\ opment.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 385.7117 tm [(1)19.2 (.)19.2 ( )-597.2 (adhered)13.4 ( to)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( efficiency)13.5 ( priority)13.5 ( and)13.4 ( cost)13.5 (-)13.4 (leading)13.4 ( strategy)13.5 (,)19.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw 1.89 -1.3 td [(steadily)6.2 ( improved)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (quality)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( )0.5 (operations)6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )0.5 (continuously)6.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.3 td (enhanced the market influence.)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.086 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 317.7117 tm (the company adhered to the cost-leading strategy and further promoted th\ e special actions )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.45 td [(of)14 ( \223)13.9 (3)14 (3)13.9 (1)13.9 (9)14 (5)13.9 (8)13.9 (\224)14 (,)13.9 ( \223)14 (three)14 ( reductions)14 ( and)13.9 ( three)13.9 ( increases)14 (\224)13.9 (,)13.9 ( and)14 ( cost)13.9 ( reduction)13.9 ( in)14 ( three)14 ( years)14 ( to)14.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(increase)14.2 ( competitiveness)14.2 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (cost)14.2 ( competitiveness)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( alumina)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (electrolytic)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.026 tw t* (had improved continuously. alumina particle size and primary aluminum li\ quid quality reached )tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14.2 ( best)14.2 ( in)14.1 ( history)14.1 ( )0.5 (and)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( ratio)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( )0.5 (electrolytic)14.2 ( aluminum)14.1 ( )0.5 (with)14.1 ( primary)14.1 ( aluminum)14.2 ( contents)17.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc t* [(of)13.5 ( 9)13.5 (9)13.5 (.)13.5 (8)13.5 (5)13.5 (%)13.5 ( increased)13.6 ( by)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (9)13.5 (.)13.5 (5)13.5 ( percentage)13.6 ( points)13.5 ( year)13.5 ( on)13.5 ( year)13.5 (.)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( ratio)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( level)13.5 (-)13.6 (1)13.4 ( or)13.5 ( above)14.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(pre)13.5 (-)13.6 (baked)13.5 ( anode)13.5 ( was)13.6 ( 1)13.6 (6)13.5 (.)13.6 (2)13.5 ( percentage)13.6 ( points)13.5 ( higher)13.6 ( than)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( target)13.5 (.)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( average)13.5 ( life)13.5 ( of)28.2 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw t* [(electrolytic cells represents a year-on-year increase of 52 days. the re\ search and development)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( i)0.6 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (z)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)2.2 ( o)0.5 (f)2.3 ( h)0.6 (i)0.5 (g)0.6 (h)2.2 ( v)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (e)2.2 (-)2.2 (a)0.6 (d)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)2.2 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (d)0.5 (u)0.6 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)2.2 ( s)0.6 (u)0.5 (c)0.6 (h)2.2 ( a)0.6 (s)2.2 ( f)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (e)2.1 ( )0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (u)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)2.2 ( a)0.6 (l)0.5 (u)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (u)0.6 (m)2.2 ( a)0.6 (l)0.5 (l)0.6 (o)0.5 (y)0.6 (s)2.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(have)7.2 ( )0.5 (been)7.2 ( )0.5 (further)7.2 ( )0.5 (expanded)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (product)7.2 ( varieties)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (output)7.2 ( )0.5 (have)7.2 ( )0.5 (continued)7.2 ( )0.5 (to)7.3 ( grow)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(m)0.5 (ar)0.5 (ke)0.5 (t)8.2 ( s)0.5 (ha)0.5 (re)8.2 ( )0.5 (ha)0.5 (s)8.2 ( s)0.5 (te)0.5 (ad)0.5 (il)0.5 (y)8.2 ( )0.5 (in)0.5 (cr)0.5 (ea)0.5 (se)0.5 (d)8.2 (.)8.2 ( t)0.5 (he)8.2 ( )0.5 (op)0.5 (er)0.5 (at)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)8.2 ( p)0.5 (er)0.5 (f)0.5 (or)0.5 (ma)0.5 (nc)0.5 (e)8.2 ( o)0.5 (f)8.2 ( t)0.5 (he)8.2 ( )0.5 (co)0.5 (m)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ny)8.2 ( h)0.5 (ad)8.2 ( )0.5 (be)0.5 (en)8.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(fully)2.2 ( )0.5 (affirmed)2.2 ( by)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( capital)2.3 ( market)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.3 ( company)2.2 ( was)2.2 ( awarded)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )0.5 (highest)2.2 ( )0.5 (credit)2.2 ( rating)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw t* (\223a-\224in the global non-ferrous metal industry and won the \223golde\ n bauhinia\224 award of 2019 )tj 0 tw t* (best listed company in corporate governance.)tj et endstream endobj 1369 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(5)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(in)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( domestic)8.2 ( market)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (although)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (center)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( gravity)8.2 ( for)8.2 ( trend)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( domestic)8.2 ( aluminum)8.2 ( price)8.1 ( )0.5 (has)8.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(shifted)10.2 ( )0.5 (downwards)10.2 (,)10.1 ( )0.5 (due)10.2 ( to)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (supply)10.2 ( )0.5 (shortage)10.2 ( )0.5 (caused)10.2 ( )0.5 (by)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (decline)10.2 ( )0.5 (in)10.2 ( )0.5 (output)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)10.2 ( price)10.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(was)7.2 ( )0.5 (highly)7.2 ( )0.5 (stiffened)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( first)7.2 ( )0.5 (half)7.3 ( of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (year)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (domestic)7.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)7.2 ( )0.5 (price)7.2 ( )0.5 (first)7.3 ( fell)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (then)7.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw t* [(picked)14.1 ( up)14.2 (,)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( its)14.1 ( price)14.1 ( fluctuation)14.1 ( range)14.1 ( decreased)14.1 ( significantly)14.1 ( as)14.2 ( compared)14.1 ( to)14.2 ( that)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( 2)14.2 (0)14.1 (1)14.1 (8)14.1 (.)23.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(the)10.1 ( )0.5 (domestic)10.2 ( aluminum)10.2 ( )0.5 (price)10.2 ( )0.5 (at)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( beginning)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.1 ( )0.5 (year)10.2 ( continued)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (downward)10.2 ( trend)10.2 ( )0.5 (which)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.067 tw t* (started in the second half of 2018. the rapid decline in the price of ra\ w materials such as alumina )tj 0.06 tw t* [(has weakened the support for )0.5 (aluminum price at the cost )0.5 (end. as the )0.5 (spring festival had affected )]tj 0.043 tw t* (the consumption of domestic downstream processing enterprises, rapid acc\ umulation of aluminum )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(ingot)4.2 ( )0.5 (inventory)4.2 ( )0.5 (resulted)4.2 ( in)4.2 ( increasing)4.2 ( )0.5 (in)4.2 ( )0.5 (supply)4.2 ( )0.5 (pressure)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )0.5 (subsequently)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (with)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( relatively)4.2 ( )0.5 (strong)4.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(momentum)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( china)13.5 (\222)13.6 (s)13.5 ( economy)13.6 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( formal)13.6 ( implementation)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( tax)13.5 ( reduction)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( exemption)15.1 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(policy, and the rebound in the alumina price providing a substantial sup\ port for electrolytic aluminum)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw t* [(cost)13.9 (,)14 ( the)13.9 ( smm)14 ( price)14 ( of)14 ( aluminum)14 ( rapidly)14 ( moved)14 ( upward)14 (.)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( the)14 ( second)13.9 ( half)14 ( of)13.9 ( the)14 ( year)13.9 (,)14 ( the)34.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.01 tw t* (production of aluminum decreased as affected by weather, production acci\ dents and other reasons, )tj 0.029 tw t* [(resulting )0.6 (in )0.5 (a )0.5 (significant )0.5 (decrease )0.6 (in )0.5 (the )0.5 (output )0.5 (of )0.5 (electrolytic )0.5 (aluminum, )0.5 (and )0.5 (the )0.5 (price )0.5 (of )0.5 (aluminum )]tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw t* [(continued)14.2 ( )0.6 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (rise)14.3 ( )0.5 (accordingly)14.2 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.2 ( )0.6 (september)14.3 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (price)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (shfe)14.3 ( )0.5 (three)14.2 (-)14.3 (month)14.3 ( )0.5 (future)14.3 ( )0.5 (aluminum)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.067 tw t* (rushed to rmb14,585 per tonne, the peak during the year. then, such pric\ e had a pullback due to )tj 0.08 tw t* (the fading away of sentiment, but the consumption was stronger than expe\ cted at the end of the )tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(year)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (and)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (inventory)2.2 ( continued)2.2 ( )0.5 (to)2.2 ( )0.5 (fall)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )0.5 (supporting)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( slow)2.2 ( )0.5 (decline)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( aluminum)2.2 ( price)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )0.5 (in)2.2 ( 2)2.2 (0)2.2 (1)2.2 (9)2.2 (,)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw t* [(the )0.6 (average )0.5 (price )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.6 (shfe )0.6 (spot )0.5 (aluminum )0.5 (and )0.6 (three-month )0.6 (futures )0.5 (aluminum )0.6 (were )0.5 (rmb13,914 )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(per)1.2 ( )0.5 (tonne)1.2 ( and)1.2 ( rmb)1.2 (1)1.2 (3)1.2 (,)1.2 (8)1.2 (7)1.2 (7)1.2 ( )0.5 (per)1.3 ( tonne)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (respectively)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (representing)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)1.2 ( decrease)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (2)1.2 (.)1.2 (4)1.2 (%)1.2 ( )0.5 (and)1.2 ( )0.5 (3)1.2 (.)1.2 (5)1.2 (%)1.2 ( )0.5 (as)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (compared to that of 2018, respectively.)tj et /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc emc 0.175 0.132 0.128 0 k /gs1 gs 121.353 191.939 357.987 -0.718 re 121.353 207.86 357.987 -0.718 re 121.353 223.721 357.987 -0.718 re 121.353 239.642 357.987 -0.718 re 121.353 255.563 357.987 -0.718 re 121.353 271.484 357.987 -0.718 re 121.353 287.406 357.987 -0.718 re 121.353 303.327 357.987 -0.718 re f 121.352 175.299 357.987 0.718 re f q 82.448 134.032 430.38 208.38 re w n 0.732 0.463 0.102 0 k q 1 0 0 1 136.0171 230.1256 cm 0 0 m 29.867 5.926 l 29.747 5.866 l 59.555 16.4 l 59.195 16.221 l 89.063 42.316 l 89.122 42.376 89.242 42.436 89.362 42.496 c 119.169 54.527 l 119.528 54.707 119.947 54.647 120.247 54.407 c 150.054 30.705 l 149.455 30.944 l 179.322 29.867 l 178.604 29.628 l 208.411 51.534 l 208.471 51.594 208.531 51.594 208.591 51.654 c 238.458 66.199 l 238.937 66.378 239.476 66.258 239.835 65.839 c 269.642 27.593 l 268.804 28.012 l 298.671 25.857 l 298.192 25.797 l 328 37.469 l 328.598 37.708 329.197 37.409 329.436 36.87 c 329.676 36.272 329.376 35.673 328.838 35.433 c 299.03 23.762 l 298.851 23.702 298.671 23.642 298.552 23.702 c 268.684 25.857 l 268.325 25.857 268.086 26.036 267.846 26.276 c 238.039 64.523 l 239.416 64.164 l 209.549 49.619 l 209.728 49.739 l 179.921 27.832 l 179.741 27.713 179.442 27.593 179.203 27.653 c 149.336 28.73 l 149.096 28.73 148.917 28.79 148.677 28.969 c 118.87 52.672 l 120.007 52.492 l 90.2 40.461 l 90.499 40.641 l 60.632 14.544 l 60.512 14.484 60.393 14.365 60.273 14.365 c 30.466 3.831 l 30.406 3.771 30.346 3.771 y 0.479 -2.155 l -0.12 -2.274 -0.718 -1.915 -0.838 -1.317 c -0.958 -0.718 -0.599 -0.12 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 138.7102 229.0482 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.83 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.83 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 139.0698 229.0482 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.37 -2.394 l -4.37 -2.334 -4.43 -2.334 y -4.789 -2.035 l -4.849 -1.975 l -5.148 -1.616 l -5.208 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.567 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.208 1.556 c -5.148 1.616 l -4.849 1.975 l -4.789 2.035 l -4.43 2.334 l -4.37 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.275 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.147 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.789 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.395 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 168.5179 235.0336 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 168.8769 235.0336 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.89 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.789 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.148 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.148 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.789 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.275 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.147 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.789 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 198.3848 245.5083 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 198.744 245.5083 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.395 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.754 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.89 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.395 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.3 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.633 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.633 l -1.676 2.633 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.598 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.179 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.598 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.916 l -3.651 -1.916 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.916 l -2.035 -1.916 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 228.1921 271.6043 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 228.5512 271.6043 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.633 -1.736 -2.633 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.633 l -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.335 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.754 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.735 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.735 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 258.0592 283.6351 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.376 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.376 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 258.4183 283.6351 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.89 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.545 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 287.8665 259.9331 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.455 -2.454 -2.455 c -3.831 -2.455 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 288.2256 259.9331 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.395 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.754 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.395 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.3 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.633 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.633 l -1.676 2.633 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.598 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.179 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.598 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.735 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.735 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.916 l -3.651 -1.916 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.916 l -2.035 -1.916 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 317.6738 258.9156 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 318.0329 258.9156 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.395 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.754 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.395 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.3 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.545 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.633 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.633 l -1.676 2.633 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.598 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.179 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.598 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.735 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.735 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 347.5409 280.7622 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 347.9 280.7622 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.754 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.89 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.3 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.545 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.735 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.735 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 377.3481 295.3666 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 377.7073 295.3666 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.395 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.395 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.633 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.633 l -1.676 2.633 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.598 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.179 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.598 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.916 l -3.651 -1.916 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.916 l -2.035 -1.916 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 407.2153 257.0597 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 407.5745 257.0597 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.633 -1.736 -2.633 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.633 l -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.598 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.335 l -4.369 2.395 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.754 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.395 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.598 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.735 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.735 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 437.0226 254.9053 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.376 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.376 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 437.3817 254.9053 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.754 l -2.514 -2.814 l -3.352 -2.814 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.3 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.545 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.633 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.633 l -1.676 2.633 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.179 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.735 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.735 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 466.8299 266.6364 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 467.189 266.6364 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.078 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.335 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.754 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.078 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.735 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.735 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 135.9572 222.2249 cm 0 0 m 29.867 9.098 l 29.627 8.978 l 59.435 26.515 l 89.242 46.267 l 119.049 64.762 l 119.409 64.942 119.887 64.942 120.247 64.762 c 150.054 46.088 l 149.874 46.148 l 179.741 34.296 l 178.604 34.117 l 208.411 58.118 l 208.531 58.238 208.711 58.298 208.89 58.358 c 238.757 65.719 l 239.057 65.779 239.416 65.719 239.715 65.48 c 269.522 40.162 l 268.505 40.401 l 298.372 49.559 l 328 62.787 l 328.598 63.026 329.257 62.787 329.496 62.248 c 329.735 61.65 329.496 60.991 328.957 60.752 c 298.97 47.404 l 269.103 38.247 l 268.744 38.127 268.385 38.247 268.086 38.486 c 238.279 63.804 l 239.236 63.565 l 209.369 56.203 l 209.848 56.442 l 180.041 32.441 l 179.681 32.142 179.263 32.082 178.903 32.262 c 149.036 44.113 l 148.976 44.113 148.917 44.172 148.857 44.172 c 119.049 62.847 l 120.247 62.847 l 90.439 44.471 l 60.512 24.6 l 30.705 7.063 l 30.645 7.003 30.586 7.003 30.466 6.943 c 0.599 -2.155 l 0.06 -2.334 -0.599 -1.975 -0.778 -1.377 c -0.958 -0.838 -0.599 -0.18 0 0 c f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 138.7102 221.2074 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.83 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.83 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 139.0698 221.2074 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.37 -2.394 l -4.37 -2.334 -4.43 -2.334 y -4.789 -2.035 l -4.849 -1.975 l -5.148 -1.616 l -5.208 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.567 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.208 1.556 c -5.148 1.616 l -4.849 1.975 l -4.789 2.035 l -4.43 2.334 l -4.37 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.275 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.147 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.789 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.395 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 168.5179 230.2453 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 168.8769 230.2453 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.89 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.789 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.148 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.148 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.789 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.275 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.147 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.789 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 198.3848 247.8425 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 198.744 247.8425 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.754 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.89 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.3 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.545 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.735 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.735 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 228.1921 267.654 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.376 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.376 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 228.5512 267.654 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.754 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.735 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.735 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 258.0592 286.0291 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.376 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.376 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 258.4183 286.0291 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.633 -1.736 -2.633 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.89 -2.633 l -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.598 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.335 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.598 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 287.8665 267.4148 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 288.2256 267.4148 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.395 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.754 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.395 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.3 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.633 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.633 l -1.676 2.633 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.598 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.179 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.598 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.916 l -3.651 -1.916 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.916 l -2.035 -1.916 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 317.6738 255.5634 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 318.0329 255.5634 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.633 -1.736 -2.633 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.633 l -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.598 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.335 l -4.369 2.395 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.754 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.395 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.598 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.735 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.735 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 347.5409 279.5049 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 347.9 279.5049 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.633 -1.736 -2.633 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.89 -2.633 l -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.598 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.335 l -4.369 2.395 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.754 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.395 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.598 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.735 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.735 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 377.3481 286.9272 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 377.7073 286.9272 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.976 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.976 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.633 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.633 l -1.676 2.633 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.598 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.179 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.598 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.916 l -3.651 -1.916 l -3.472 -1.976 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.976 l -1.975 -1.916 l -2.035 -1.916 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 407.2153 261.6087 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 407.5745 261.6087 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.078 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.078 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.335 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 437.0226 270.7666 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.376 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.376 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 437.3817 270.7666 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.078 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.754 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.078 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.545 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.735 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.735 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 466.8299 284.054 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 467.189 284.054 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.078 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.078 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.335 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 135.9572 271.6642 cm 0 0 m 29.867 8.739 l 30.047 8.739 l 59.854 12.33 l 60.033 12.39 60.153 12.33 60.333 12.27 c 90.2 1.736 l 90.32 1.736 90.439 1.676 90.499 1.616 c 120.306 -20.53 l 119.947 -20.35 l 149.755 -28.73 l 148.976 -28.79 l 178.844 -15.323 l 179.203 -15.203 179.562 -15.203 179.861 -15.382 c 209.668 -32.86 l 209.01 -32.74 l 238.877 -30.226 l 239.116 -30.166 239.356 -30.226 239.595 -30.346 c 269.403 -48.841 l 268.325 -48.781 l 298.192 -33.518 l 298.252 -33.518 298.372 -33.458 298.551 -33.458 c 328.359 -29.448 l 328.957 -29.328 329.496 -29.747 329.556 -30.406 c 329.676 -31.004 329.257 -31.543 328.598 -31.603 c 298.791 -35.613 l 299.15 -35.493 l 269.283 -50.756 l 268.984 -50.936 268.565 -50.936 268.206 -50.756 c 238.398 -32.261 l 239.116 -32.381 l 209.249 -34.895 l 209.01 -34.955 208.771 -34.895 208.591 -34.775 c 178.784 -17.298 l 179.801 -17.358 l 149.934 -30.825 l 149.695 -30.944 149.395 -30.944 149.156 -30.885 c 119.349 -22.505 l 119.229 -22.445 119.109 -22.385 118.99 -22.325 c 89.182 -0.18 l 89.482 -0.299 l 59.614 10.235 l 60.093 10.175 l 30.286 6.584 l 30.466 6.584 l 0.599 -2.155 l 0 -2.334 -0.599 -1.975 -0.778 -1.377 c -0.958 -0.778 -0.599 -0.18 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 138.7102 270.5868 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.83 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.83 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 139.0698 270.5868 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.37 -2.394 l -4.37 -2.334 -4.43 -2.334 y -4.789 -2.035 l -4.849 -1.975 l -5.148 -1.616 l -5.208 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.567 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.208 1.556 c -5.148 1.616 l -4.849 1.975 l -4.789 2.035 l -4.43 2.335 l -4.37 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.275 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.147 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.789 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.395 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 168.5179 279.3257 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 168.8769 279.3257 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.395 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.89 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.395 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.789 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.148 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.3 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.148 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.789 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.633 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.275 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.633 l -1.676 2.633 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.598 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.179 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.598 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.147 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.789 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 198.3848 282.9764 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 198.744 282.9764 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.538 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.573 l -1.676 -2.633 -1.736 -2.633 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.89 -2.633 l -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.573 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.598 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.078 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.335 l -4.369 2.395 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.754 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.395 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.078 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.916 l -1.975 1.916 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.916 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.598 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.735 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.735 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 228.1921 272.4426 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 228.5512 272.4426 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.395 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.395 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.3 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.633 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.633 l -1.676 2.633 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.598 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.179 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.598 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.437 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.437 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.916 l -3.651 -1.916 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.916 l -2.035 -1.916 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 258.0592 250.2365 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 258.4183 250.2365 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.89 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 287.8665 241.857 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 288.2256 241.857 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.078 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.078 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 317.6738 255.3242 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 318.0329 255.3242 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.754 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.3 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.545 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.735 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.735 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 347.5409 237.8468 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 347.9 237.8468 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.89 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.437 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.437 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 377.3481 240.4205 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 377.7073 240.4205 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.633 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.633 l -1.676 2.633 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.437 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.437 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 407.2153 221.8658 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 407.5745 221.8658 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.121 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 437.0226 237.1285 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 437.3817 237.1285 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 466.8299 241.1387 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 467.189 241.1387 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.335 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q 0.605 0.668 0.126 0 k q 1 0 0 1 136.0771 266.2176 cm 0 0 m 29.867 5.088 l 59.674 9.457 l 59.854 9.517 59.973 9.517 60.153 9.457 c 90.02 1.077 l 90.2 1.017 90.319 0.958 90.439 0.838 c 120.246 -26.096 l 119.827 -25.857 l 149.635 -33.458 l 148.857 -33.518 l 178.724 -19.333 l 179.083 -19.213 179.502 -19.213 179.801 -19.393 c 209.608 -38.307 l 208.89 -38.187 l 238.757 -34.955 l 238.937 -34.895 239.116 -34.955 239.296 -35.015 c 269.103 -46.626 l 268.086 -46.746 l 297.953 -27.114 l 298.132 -26.934 298.372 -26.874 298.551 -26.874 c 328.359 -27.593 l 329.017 -27.653 329.496 -28.131 329.436 -28.73 c 329.436 -29.388 328.957 -29.867 328.359 -29.807 c 298.551 -29.089 l 299.15 -28.909 l 269.283 -48.542 l 268.983 -48.781 268.624 -48.781 268.265 -48.661 c 238.458 -37.05 l 238.997 -37.109 l 209.13 -40.342 l 208.89 -40.401 208.651 -40.342 208.411 -40.222 c 178.604 -21.308 l 179.681 -21.368 l 149.814 -35.553 l 149.575 -35.673 149.335 -35.673 149.036 -35.613 c 119.229 -28.012 l 119.049 -27.952 118.93 -27.892 118.81 -27.772 c 89.003 -0.838 l 89.422 -1.077 l 59.554 7.302 l 60.033 7.302 l 30.226 2.933 l 0.359 -2.155 l -0.24 -2.274 -0.838 -1.855 -0.898 -1.257 c -1.018 -0.659 -0.599 -0.06 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 138.7102 265.1401 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.83 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.83 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 139.0698 265.1401 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.37 -2.394 l -4.37 -2.334 -4.43 -2.334 y -4.789 -2.035 l -4.849 -1.975 l -5.148 -1.616 l -5.208 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.567 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.208 1.556 c -5.148 1.616 l -4.849 1.975 l -4.789 2.035 l -4.43 2.335 l -4.37 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.754 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.275 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.147 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.789 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.735 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.395 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.735 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 168.5179 270.2278 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 168.8769 270.2278 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.89 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.789 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.148 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.148 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.789 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.275 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.147 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.789 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 198.3848 274.597 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 198.744 274.597 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.633 -1.736 -2.633 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.89 -2.633 l -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.633 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.078 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.335 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.754 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.335 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.078 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.3 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.735 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.735 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 228.1921 266.2176 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 228.5512 266.2176 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.694 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.694 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 258.0592 239.3431 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 258.4183 239.3431 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.89 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 287.8665 231.6818 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 288.2256 231.6818 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 317.6738 245.8673 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 318.0329 245.8673 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.335 l -1.257 -2.335 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.754 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.694 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.335 -4.429 -2.335 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.3 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.633 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.633 l -1.676 2.633 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.179 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.735 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.735 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.659 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 347.5409 226.9533 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 347.9 226.9533 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.89 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.437 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.437 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 377.3481 230.2453 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 377.7073 230.2453 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 407.2153 218.5738 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 407.5745 218.5738 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.24 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.24 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.12 0.838 l -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 437.0226 238.2657 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 437.3817 238.2657 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.668 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.729 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.729 -0.838 l -4.729 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 466.8299 237.4876 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 467.189 237.4876 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.539 l -0.12 -0.838 l -0.18 -1.077 l -0.18 -1.137 -0.239 -1.137 v -0.419 -1.556 l -0.479 -1.556 -0.479 -1.616 y -0.778 -1.975 l -0.838 -2.035 l -1.197 -2.334 l -1.257 -2.334 -1.257 -2.394 v -1.676 -2.574 l -1.676 -2.634 -1.736 -2.634 y -2.215 -2.753 l -2.514 -2.813 l -3.352 -2.813 l -3.651 -2.693 l -3.891 -2.634 l -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.634 -3.95 -2.574 c -4.369 -2.394 l -4.369 -2.334 -4.429 -2.334 y -4.788 -2.035 l -4.848 -1.975 l -5.147 -1.616 l -5.207 -1.556 l -5.447 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.686 0 l -5.625 0.546 -5.5 1.077 -5.207 1.556 c -5.147 1.616 l -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.394 l -3.95 2.634 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -2.813 2.873 l -2.574 2.813 l -2.274 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.634 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.197 2.334 l -0.838 2.035 l -0.778 1.975 l -0.479 1.616 l -0.479 1.556 -0.419 1.556 v -0.239 1.137 l -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.137 -0.18 1.077 c -0.06 0.599 l 0 0.299 l h -0.778 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.676 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.215 1.975 l -2.667 2.122 -3.146 2.091 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.676 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.489 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.894 0.369 -4.939 -0.128 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.489 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.436 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.232 -2.035 l -2.394 -2.035 l -2.215 -1.975 l -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.436 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.778 0 l f q q bt 0 0 0 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-1.077 l -5.567 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.626 0.239 l -5.507 0.838 l -5.447 1.077 l -5.207 1.556 l -5.147 1.556 -5.147 1.616 y -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.334 -4.369 2.394 v -3.95 2.574 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -3.113 2.813 l -2.574 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.574 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.257 2.334 -1.197 2.334 y -0.838 2.035 l -0.466 1.633 -0.153 1.15 -0.06 0.599 c 0 0.299 l h -0.718 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.736 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.154 1.975 l -2.748 2.173 -3.015 2.13 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.736 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.249 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.549 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.912 0.265 -5.013 -0.005 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.549 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.249 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.064 -2.124 -2.62 -2.158 -2.214 -1.975 c -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.718 -0.239 l -0.718 0 l f q q bt 0 0 0 0.652 k 0 tc 0 tw 7.1825 0 0 8.9781 145.1146 147.5282 tm <00340029002700260001>tj 0 -1 td <00550049005300460046000e004e0050004f0055004900010047005600550056005300460054>tj et q 82.448 134.032 430.38 208.38 re w n 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 233.7585 145.4921 cm 0 0 m 19.153 0 l 19.812 0 20.29 -0.479 20.29 -1.077 c 20.29 -1.736 19.812 -2.215 19.153 -2.215 c 0 -2.215 l -0.599 -2.215 -1.077 -1.736 -1.077 -1.077 c -1.077 -0.479 -0.599 0 0 0 c f q 0.68 0.188 0.224 0 k q 1 0 0 1 245.7892 144.4147 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.785 0.398 0.353 0 k q 1 0 0 1 246.1483 144.4147 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.239 l -0.228 -2.678 -3.12 -3.667 -4.848 -1.975 c -5.147 -1.616 l -5.147 -1.556 -5.207 -1.556 v -5.387 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.626 0.239 l -5.507 0.838 l -5.447 1.077 l -5.207 1.556 l -5.147 1.556 -5.147 1.616 y -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.334 -4.369 2.394 v -3.95 2.574 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -3.112 2.813 l -2.574 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.574 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.257 2.334 -1.197 2.334 y -0.838 2.035 l -0.466 1.633 -0.154 1.15 -0.06 0.599 c 0 0.299 l h -0.718 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.736 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.155 1.975 l -2.748 2.173 -3.014 2.13 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.736 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.549 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.912 0.265 -5.013 -0.005 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.549 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.065 -2.124 -2.62 -2.158 -2.215 -1.975 c -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.718 -0.239 l -0.718 0 l f q q bt 7.1825 0 0 8.9781 255.0067 147.5282 tm <00340029002700260001>tj t* <0054005100500055>tj et q 82.448 134.032 430.38 208.38 re w n 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 304.8052 145.4921 cm 0 0 m 19.153 0 l 19.812 0 20.29 -0.479 20.29 -1.077 c 20.29 -1.736 19.812 -2.215 19.153 -2.215 c 0 -2.215 l -0.599 -2.215 -1.077 -1.736 -1.077 -1.077 c -1.077 -0.479 -0.599 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 316.8358 144.4147 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q 0.475 0.157 0.767 0 k q 1 0 0 1 317.195 144.4147 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.239 l -0.228 -2.678 -3.12 -3.667 -4.848 -1.975 c -5.147 -1.616 l -5.147 -1.556 -5.207 -1.556 v -5.387 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.626 0.239 l -5.566 0.539 l -5.507 0.838 l -5.447 1.077 l -5.207 1.556 l -5.147 1.556 -5.147 1.616 y -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.334 -4.369 2.394 v -3.95 2.574 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -3.112 2.813 l -2.574 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.574 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.257 2.334 -1.197 2.334 y -0.838 2.035 l -0.466 1.633 -0.154 1.15 -0.06 0.599 c 0 0.299 l h -0.718 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.736 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.155 1.975 l -2.748 2.173 -3.015 2.13 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.736 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.31 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.549 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.912 0.266 -5.013 -0.005 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.549 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.31 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.472 -1.975 l -3.066 -2.124 -2.62 -2.158 -2.215 -1.975 c -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.718 -0.239 l -0.718 0 l f q q bt -0.001 tc 0.001 tw 7.1825 0 0 8.9781 325.9935 147.5282 tm <002d002e00260001>tj t* <00550049005300460046000e004e0050004f005500490001004700560055005600530046>tj 0 tc 0 tw <0054>tj et q 82.448 134.032 430.38 208.38 re w n 0.605 0.668 0.126 0 k q 1 0 0 1 409.3102 145.4921 cm 0 0 m 19.153 0 l 19.812 0 20.29 -0.479 20.29 -1.077 c 20.29 -1.736 19.812 -2.215 19.153 -2.215 c 0 -2.215 l -0.599 -2.215 -1.077 -1.736 -1.077 -1.077 c -1.077 -0.479 -0.599 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 421.3409 144.4147 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.077 -2.454 -2.454 -2.454 c -3.831 -2.454 -4.908 -1.377 -4.908 0 c -4.908 1.377 -3.831 2.454 -2.454 2.454 c -1.077 2.454 0 1.377 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 421.7 144.4147 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.239 l -0.228 -2.678 -3.12 -3.667 -4.848 -1.975 c -5.147 -1.616 l -5.147 -1.556 -5.207 -1.556 v -5.387 -1.137 l -5.447 -1.077 l -5.507 -0.838 l -5.566 -0.599 l -5.626 -0.299 l -5.626 0.239 l -5.507 0.838 l -5.447 1.077 l -5.207 1.556 l -5.147 1.556 -5.147 1.616 y -4.848 1.975 l -4.788 2.035 l -4.429 2.334 l -4.369 2.334 -4.369 2.394 v -3.95 2.574 l -3.651 2.693 l -3.412 2.753 l -3.112 2.813 l -2.574 2.813 l -1.975 2.693 l -1.736 2.634 l -1.676 2.574 l -1.257 2.394 l -1.257 2.334 -1.197 2.334 y -0.838 2.035 l -0.466 1.633 -0.154 1.15 -0.06 0.599 c 0 0.299 l h -0.718 0.18 m -0.778 0.419 l -0.838 0.599 l -0.898 0.838 l -0.898 0.778 l -1.137 1.197 l -1.077 1.137 l -1.377 1.496 l -1.317 1.436 l -1.676 1.736 l -1.616 1.736 l -2.035 1.915 l -1.975 1.915 l -2.155 1.975 l -2.748 2.173 -3.015 2.13 -3.591 1.915 c -4.01 1.736 l -3.95 1.736 l -4.309 1.436 l -4.25 1.496 l -4.549 1.137 l -4.549 1.197 l -4.728 0.838 l -4.912 0.265 -5.013 -0.005 -4.788 -0.599 c -4.728 -0.838 l -4.728 -0.778 l -4.549 -1.197 l -4.549 -1.137 l -4.25 -1.496 l -4.309 -1.437 l -3.95 -1.736 l -4.01 -1.676 l -3.591 -1.915 l -3.651 -1.915 l -3.471 -1.975 l -3.065 -2.124 -2.62 -2.158 -2.215 -1.975 c -1.975 -1.915 l -2.035 -1.915 l -1.616 -1.676 l -1.676 -1.736 l -1.317 -1.437 l -1.377 -1.496 l -1.077 -1.137 l -1.137 -1.197 l -0.898 -0.778 l -0.898 -0.838 l -0.838 -0.658 l -0.778 -0.419 l -0.718 -0.239 l -0.718 0 l f q q bt -0.001 tc 0.001 tw 7.1825 0 0 8.9781 430.4985 142.1413 tm <002d002e00260001005400510050>tj 0 tc 0 tw <0055>tj et q 82.448 134.539 430.379 207.872 re w n 0.175 0.132 0.128 0 k q 1 0 0 1 82.4477 342.0526 cm 0 0 m 0 0.18 0.18 0.359 0.359 0.359 c 428.913 0.359 l 429.153 0.359 429.333 0.18 429.333 0 c 429.333 -207.095 l 429.333 -207.334 429.153 -207.514 428.913 -207.514 c 0.359 -207.514 l 0.18 -207.514 0 -207.334 0 -207.095 c h 0.778 -207.095 m 0.359 -206.736 l 428.913 -206.736 l 428.554 -207.095 l 428.554 0 l 428.913 -0.419 l 0.359 -0.419 l 0.778 0 l f q q bt 0 0 0 1 k 7.9606 0 0 7.9606 86.3981 312.904 tm <0033002e0023001000550050004f004f0046>tj et q 82.448 134.032 430.38 208.38 re w n bt 7.9606 0 0 7.9606 473.8926 314.1013 tm <003600340025001000550050004f004f0046>tj et q bt /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 81.3837 123.0316 tm [(s)12.2 (o)12.2 (u)12.2 (r)12.2 (c)12.2 (e)12.2 (:)12.2 ( )-269.4 (sh)0.5 (fe)12.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (ree)12.2 (-)12.2 (m)0.5 (on)0.5 (th)12.2 ( f)0.5 (ut)0.5 (ur)0.5 (e)12.2 ( p)0.5 (ric)0.5 (e)12.2 ( a)0.5 (nd)12.2 ( )0.5 (sh)0.5 (fe)12.2 ( )0.5 (spo)0.5 (t)12.2 ( p)0.5 (ri)0.5 (ce)12.2 ( )0.5 (are)12.2 ( )0.5 (ex)0.5 (tr)0.5 (act)0.5 (ed)12.2 ( )0.5 (fr)0.5 (om)12.2 ( )0.5 (sh)0.5 (ang)0.5 (hai)12.3 ( fu)0.5 (tu)0.5 (re)12.2 ( )0.5 (exc)0.5 (ha)0.5 (nge)12.2 ( )0.5 (\()12.2 (sh)0.5 (fe)12.2 (\))12.2 (;)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.62 -1.375 td (lme three-month future price and lme spot price are extracted from lond\ on metal exchange 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increase of 5.4% and 1.1%, respectively. the respective domestic\ output and consumption )tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)14.2 ( )0.6 (alumina)14.2 ( )0.5 (were)14.3 ( )0.5 (approximately)14.3 ( )0.5 (7)14.3 (1)14.2 (.)14.3 (5)14.2 (5)14.3 ( )0.5 (million)14.3 ( )0.5 (tonnes)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.6 (approximately)14.3 ( )0.5 (7)14.3 (2)14.2 (.)14.3 (9)14.2 (8)14.3 ( )0.5 (million)14.2 ( )0.6 (tonnes)14.2 (,)35.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(representing)12.2 ( a)12.2 ( )0.5 (year)12.2 (-)12.2 (on)12.2 (-)12.2 (year)12.2 ( )0.5 (decrease)12.1 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( 0)12.2 (.)12.2 (4)12.2 (%)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( a)12.3 ( year)12.2 (-)12.2 (on)12.2 (-)12.1 (year)12.2 ( )0.5 (increase)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )0.5 (0)12.2 (.)12.2 (4)12.1 (%)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (respectively)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )]tj t* [(representing)12.2 ( 5)12.2 (7)12.2 (.)12.2 (4)12.2 (3)12.2 (%)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( 5)12.2 (6)12.2 (.)12.2 (6)12.2 (2)12.2 (%)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )0.5 (global)12.3 ( output)12.2 ( and)12.1 ( )0.5 (consumption)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (respectively)12.2 (.)12.2 ( as)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (end)12.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.8 ( december)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.7 (1)13.8 (9)13.8 (,)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( alumina)13.7 ( capacity)13.7 ( utilization)13.7 ( rate)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( world)13.8 ( \()13.8 (inclusive)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( prc)13.8 (\))13.7 ( was)18.2 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(approx)0.5 (imately)0.5 ( 81%, whil)0.5 (e that of)0.5 ( the prc )0.5 (was approxi)0.5 (mately 8)0.5 (2.2%, repr)0.5 (esenting a)0.5 ( d)0.5 (ecrease of)0.5 ( 2.8)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (percentage points year on year.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 62.3622 502.2117 tm (primary aluminum market)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.062 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 472.2117 tm [(i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (0)14.4 (1)14.4 (9)14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( u)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (v)0.5 (o)0.5 (k)0.5 (e)14.4 ( u)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.6 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)14.4 ( t)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)14.4 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (m)14.5 ( t)0.5 (o)14.4 ( t)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (g)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)34.2 ( )]tj 0.082 tc 0.078 tw t* [(turbulence)13.9 ( in)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( global)13.9 ( macroeconomic)14 ( environment)13.9 (,)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( the)14 ( economic)13.9 ( growth)14 ( declined)54.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw t* (continuously. with intensifying trade frictions, the level and scope of \ tariff imposed by the united )tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(states)13.6 ( on)13.7 ( china)13.6 ( continued)13.6 ( to)13.7 ( expand)13.6 (.)13.6 ( as)13.6 ( affected)13.7 ( by)13.6 ( fluctuation)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( sino)13.6 (-)13.7 (us)13.7 ( trade)13.6 ( frictions)13.6 (,)13.7 ( the)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (global economic uncertainty had increased.)tj 0.005 tw 0 -3 td (in the international market, due to the continued economic downturn, for\ eign demand for aluminum )tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(was)13.8 ( stagnant)13.8 (,)13.8 ( but)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( supply)13.7 ( increased)13.8 ( continuously)13.8 ( due)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( ramp)13.8 (-)13.8 (up)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( new)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( resumed)38.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw t* [(capacity. )0.5 (such )0.5 (changes )0.5 (of )0.5 (supply )0.5 (and )0.5 (demand )0.5 (relationship )0.5 (accelerated )0.5 (the )0.5 (decline )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (aluminum )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(price)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )0.5 (at)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (same)7.2 ( )0.5 (time)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (united)7.2 ( )0.5 (states)7.2 ( )0.5 (announced)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (lifting)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (sanctions)7.2 ( )0.5 (on)7.2 ( rusal)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(hydro)11.2 ( alunorte)11.2 ( )0.5 (alumina)11.2 ( )0.5 (plant)11.2 ( )0.5 (announced)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( )0.5 (resumption)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (production)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.3 ( center)11.2 ( )0.5 (of)11.2 ( )0.5 (gravity)11.2 ( )0.5 (for)11.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(trend)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( )0.5 (international)14.2 ( aluminum)14.2 ( )0.5 (price)14.1 ( )0.5 (continued)14.1 ( )0.5 (to)14.1 ( )0.5 (move)14.1 ( )0.5 (downward)14.2 (.)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( international)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.2 ( )]tj t* [(price)13.5 ( fluctuated)13.6 ( violently)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( first)13.6 ( half)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( year)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( price)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( three)13.6 (-)13.6 (month)13.6 ( aluminum)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.007 tw t* [(futures at )0.5 (lme rapidly increased to usd1,951 per tonne in april, the peak in the ye\ ar; in the second )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(half)4.3 ( of)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( year)4.2 (,)4.2 ( with)4.2 ( sino)4.2 (-)4.2 (us)4.2 ( )0.5 (trade)4.2 ( )0.5 (frictions)4.2 ( )0.5 (continuously)4.2 ( escalated)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)4.2 ( price)4.2 ( declined)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.035 tw t* [(continuously to usd1,705 per tonne at the )0.5 (end of december, the lowest )0.5 (level in the year. in 2019, )]tj 0.033 tw t* (the average price of spot aluminum and three-month aluminum futures at l\ me were approximately )tj 0.05 tw t* [(usd1,791 )0.5 (per )0.5 (tonne and )0.5 (usd1,813 )0.5 (per tonne, )0.5 (respectively, )0.5 (representing )0.5 (a decrease )0.5 (of )0.5 (15.0% and )]tj 0 tw t* (14.2% over that of 2018, respectively.)tj et endstream endobj 1380 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(5)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm (alumina market)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 622.7467 tm [(in)13.9 ( 2)14 (0)13.9 (1)14 (9)13.9 (,)14 ( as)14 ( affected)13.9 ( by)13.9 ( some)14 ( factors)14 ( such)14 ( as)14 ( increasing)13.9 ( trade)13.9 ( barriers)14 ( and)14 ( rising)13.9 ( geopolitical)31.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw 0 -1.5 td (tensions, the global macro economy was weak, uncertain factors affecting\ global economic growth )tj 0.012 tw t* (were increased and downward pressure was continuously enlarged. china ha\ s continued to deepen )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(its)13.7 ( supply)13.7 (-)13.7 (side)13.6 ( reforms)13.7 (,)13.7 ( increased)13.7 ( countercyclical)13.7 ( adjustments)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( maintained)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( stable)13.7 ( overall)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (economic development momentum.)tj 0.098 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(in)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( international)13.7 ( market)13.6 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( growth)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( major)13.7 ( western)13.7 ( economies)13.7 ( had)13.7 ( slowed)13.7 ( down)70.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0 -1.5 td [(simultaneously)14.1 (.)14.1 ( most)14.1 ( emerging)14.1 ( economies)14.1 ( had)14.1 ( also)14.1 ( shown)14.1 ( signs)14 ( of)14.1 ( slowing)14.1 ( down)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( economic)17.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0 -1.5 td [(growth)13.8 (.)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( global)13.8 ( industrial)13.8 ( growth)13.9 ( has)13.9 ( been)13.8 ( slow)13.9 ( with)13.8 ( sluggish)13.9 ( trade)13.8 ( condition)13.9 (.)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.9 (1)13.8 (9)13.8 (,)13.9 ( the)21.1 ( )]tj 0.063 tc 0 -1.5 td [(highest)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( lowest)14.1 ( price)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( alumina)14.1 ( in)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( international)14.2 ( market)14.2 ( were)14.1 ( usd)14.1 (4)14.2 (1)14.1 (8)14.1 ( per)14.1 ( tonne)14.1 ( and)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.058 tw t* (usd275 per tonne, respectively, with the annual average price of usd333 \ per tonne, representing )tj 0 tw t* (a decrease of 29.6% as compared to that of 2018.)tj 0.047 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( d)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (c)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (k)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)14.4 (,)14.4 ( u)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (x)14.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.5 ( s)0.5 (e)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( s)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.5 (,)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)19.1 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(unswervingly)13.8 ( advanced)13.7 ( supply)13.7 (-)13.8 (side)13.8 ( structural)13.8 ( reform)13.8 (.)13.7 ( however)13.8 (,)13.7 ( due)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( accumulation)13.8 ( of)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.088 tw t* (increased production capacity of alumina over the years and the decline \ in demand resulting from )tj 0.09 tw t* (the decrease in electrolytic aluminum production, the gap between supply\ and demand in china\222s )tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(alumina)14.1 ( )0.5 (has)14.2 ( gradually)14.2 ( narrowed)14.2 (.)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (change)14.2 ( in)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (supply)14.2 ( and)14.1 ( )0.5 (demand)14.2 ( )0.5 (pattern)14.2 ( has)14.2 ( made)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw t* (alumina industry fail to benefit from the supply-side reform of the elec\ trolytic aluminum industry. in )tj 0.09 tw t* [(2019, )0.5 (the )0.5 (price )0.5 (of )0.5 (alumina )0.5 (in )0.5 (china )0.5 (fluctuated )0.5 (downward, )0.5 (and )0.5 (the )0.5 (price\222s )0.5 (center )0.5 (of )0.5 (gravity )0.5 (moved )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(d)0.5 (o)0.6 (w)0.5 (n)0.6 (w)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (d)11.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)11.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (a)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)11.2 ( )0.5 (y)0.5 (e)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)11.2 ( h)0.6 (i)0.5 (g)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)11.2 ( l)0.6 (o)0.5 (w)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)11.2 ( p)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)11.2 ( i)0.6 (n)11.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)11.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.6 (r)0.5 (k)0.6 (e)0.5 (t)11.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)11.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(rmb)13.5 (3)13.5 (,)13.5 (1)13.5 (3)13.5 (1)13.5 ( per)13.5 ( tonne)13.5 ( and)13.6 ( rmb)13.5 (2)13.5 (,)13.5 (4)13.5 (0)13.5 (8)13.5 ( per)13.6 ( tonne)13.5 (,)13.5 ( respectively)13.5 (,)13.5 ( with)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( annual)13.5 ( average)13.6 ( price)13.5 ( of)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (rmb2,696 per tonne, representing a year-on-year decrease of 9.9% year on\ year.)tj et /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc emc 0 0 0 0 k /gs1 gs 90.008 111.987 415.2 165.6 re f 0.175 0.132 0.128 0 k 123.068 173.007 353.64 -0.72 re 123.068 186.867 353.64 -0.72 re 123.068 200.727 353.64 -0.72 re 123.068 214.587 353.64 -0.72 re 123.068 228.447 353.64 -0.72 re 123.068 242.367 353.64 -0.72 re f 123.068 158.427 353.64 0.72 re f q 89.648 81.922 415.98 196.025 re w n 0.732 0.463 0.102 0 k q 1 0 0 1 138.0078 221.1269 cm 0 0 m 29.46 -4.26 l 58.92 -9.84 l 88.32 -13.68 l 87.54 -13.86 l 117 7.14 l 117.12 7.26 117.3 7.32 117.48 7.32 c 146.94 12.9 l 147.3 12.96 147.66 12.84 147.9 12.6 c 177.42 -19.02 l 177 -18.78 l 206.46 -29.28 l 205.86 -29.22 l 235.32 -23.34 l 264.9 -19.62 l 264.96 -19.56 265.02 -19.56 265.08 -19.56 c 294.54 -21.24 l 294.66 -21.3 294.72 -21.3 294.84 -21.36 c 324.3 -31.8 l 324.9 -31.98 325.2 -32.64 324.96 -33.18 c 324.78 -33.78 324.12 -34.08 323.58 -33.84 c 294.12 -23.4 l 294.42 -23.46 l 264.96 -21.78 l 265.14 -21.78 l 235.8 -25.5 l 206.34 -31.38 l 206.1 -31.44 205.92 -31.44 205.74 -31.32 c 176.28 -20.82 l 176.1 -20.76 175.92 -20.7 175.8 -20.58 c 146.28 11.04 l 147.3 10.74 l 117.84 5.16 l 118.32 5.34 l 88.86 -15.66 l 88.62 -15.84 88.32 -15.9 88.08 -15.84 c 58.56 -12 l 29.1 -6.42 l -0.36 -2.16 l -0.96 -2.1 -1.38 -1.5 -1.26 -0.9 c -1.2 -0.3 -0.6 0.12 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 140.2876 220.1069 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 140.6479 220.1069 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.52 -0.84 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.12 0.84 l -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 169.748 215.787 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 170.1079 215.787 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.52 -0.84 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.12 0.84 l -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 199.2078 210.267 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 199.5678 210.267 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 228.6678 206.3671 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 229.0278 206.3671 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.52 -0.84 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 258.1278 227.3671 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 258.4878 227.3671 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.52 -0.84 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.12 0.84 l -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 287.5878 233.0068 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 287.9478 233.0068 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 317.0478 201.3871 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 317.4078 201.3871 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 346.5078 190.8271 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 346.8678 190.8271 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 375.9678 196.767 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 376.3278 196.767 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 405.4278 200.4872 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 405.7878 200.4872 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.52 -0.84 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.12 0.84 l -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 434.8878 198.747 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 435.2478 198.747 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.52 -0.84 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 464.3478 188.3671 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 464.7078 188.3671 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.52 -0.84 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q q 123.068 158.067 354.36 83.939 re w n 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 137.8877 233.0068 cm 0 0 m 29.46 -1.2 l 29.04 -1.32 l 58.5 9.42 l 58.74 9.54 58.98 9.54 59.22 9.48 c 88.68 -0.66 l 118.2 -12 l 147.72 -25.68 l 147.78 -25.74 147.84 -25.74 147.9 -25.8 c 177.42 -46.56 l 176.88 -46.38 l 206.34 -49.98 l 235.8 -52.92 l 235.98 -52.92 l 265.44 -61.26 l 265.14 -61.2 l 294.6 -61.2 l 324.06 -61.8 l 324.72 -61.86 325.2 -62.34 325.14 -62.94 c 325.14 -63.6 324.66 -64.08 324.06 -64.02 c 294.6 -63.42 l 265.14 -63.42 l 264.84 -63.42 l 235.38 -55.08 l 235.56 -55.08 l 206.1 -52.14 l 176.64 -48.54 l 176.46 -48.54 176.28 -48.48 176.1 -48.36 c 146.58 -27.6 l 146.76 -27.72 l 117.36 -14.04 l 87.96 -2.76 l 58.5 7.38 l 59.22 7.38 l 29.76 -3.36 l 29.64 -3.42 29.52 -3.48 29.34 -3.42 c -0.12 -2.22 l -0.72 -2.22 -1.2 -1.68 -1.2 -1.08 c -1.14 -0.48 -0.6 0 0 0 c f q q q 89.648 81.922 415.98 196.025 re w n 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 140.2876 231.9272 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 140.6479 231.9272 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.12 0.84 l -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 169.748 230.727 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 170.1079 230.727 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 199.2078 241.4071 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 199.5678 241.4071 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.52 -0.84 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 228.6678 231.3271 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 229.0278 231.3271 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.52 -0.84 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 258.1278 220.0468 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 258.4878 220.0468 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.52 -0.84 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.12 0.84 l -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 287.5878 206.3671 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 287.9478 206.3671 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.52 -0.84 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 317.0478 185.5468 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 317.4078 185.5468 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 346.5078 182.0068 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 346.8678 182.0068 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 375.9678 179.0068 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 376.3278 179.0068 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 405.4278 170.727 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 405.7878 170.727 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.12 0.84 l -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 434.8878 170.727 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 435.2478 170.727 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.12 0.84 l -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q 1 0 0 1 464.3478 170.127 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 464.7078 170.127 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.54 l -0.12 -0.84 l -0.18 -1.08 l -0.18 -1.14 -0.24 -1.14 v -0.42 -1.56 l -0.48 -1.56 -0.48 -1.62 y -0.78 -1.98 l -0.84 -2.04 l -1.2 -2.34 l -1.26 -2.34 -1.26 -2.4 v -1.68 -2.58 l -1.68 -2.64 -1.74 -2.64 y -2.22 -2.76 l -2.52 -2.82 l -3.36 -2.82 l -3.66 -2.7 l -3.9 -2.64 l -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.64 -3.96 -2.58 c -4.38 -2.4 l -4.38 -2.34 -4.44 -2.34 y -4.8 -2.04 l -4.86 -1.98 l -5.16 -1.62 l -5.22 -1.56 l -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.14 -5.46 -1.08 y -5.58 -0.6 l -5.911 0.432 -5.347 1.742 -4.44 2.34 c -4.38 2.4 l -3.96 2.64 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -2.82 2.88 l -2.58 2.82 l -2.28 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.64 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.2 2.34 l -0.84 2.04 l -0.78 1.98 l -0.48 1.62 l -0.48 1.56 -0.42 1.56 v -0.24 1.14 l -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.14 -0.18 1.08 c -0.06 0.6 l 0 0.3 l h -0.78 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.68 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.22 1.98 l -2.674 2.127 -3.154 2.096 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.68 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.5 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.906 0.37 -4.951 -0.128 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.5 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.24 -2.04 l -2.4 -2.04 l -2.22 -1.98 l -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.78 0 l f q q bt 0 0 0 0.652 k /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 9 0 0 9 485.0478 156.207 tm <001300170011>tj 0 3.3 td <001400120011>tj 0 3.3 td <001400170011>tj 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19.86 -2.22 19.2 -2.22 c 0 -2.22 l -0.6 -2.22 -1.08 -1.74 -1.08 -1.08 c -1.08 -0.48 -0.6 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 201.1878 126.447 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 201.5478 126.447 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.24 l -0.229 -2.685 -3.128 -3.676 -4.86 -1.98 c -5.16 -1.62 l -5.16 -1.56 -5.22 -1.56 v -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.08 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.64 -0.3 l -5.64 0.24 l -5.52 0.84 l -5.46 1.08 l -5.22 1.56 l -5.16 1.56 -5.16 1.62 y -4.86 1.98 l -4.8 2.04 l -4.44 2.34 l -4.38 2.34 -4.38 2.4 v -3.96 2.58 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -3.12 2.82 l -2.58 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.58 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.26 2.34 -1.2 2.34 y -0.84 2.04 l -0.467 1.637 -0.154 1.153 -0.06 0.6 c 0 0.3 l h -0.72 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.74 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.16 1.98 l -2.755 2.178 -3.021 2.135 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.74 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.56 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.924 0.266 -5.025 -0.005 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.56 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.071 -2.129 -2.626 -2.163 -2.22 -1.98 c -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.72 -0.24 l -0.72 0 l f q q bt 9 0 0 9 210.3678 124.167 tm <00250050004e004600540055004a004400010054005100500055000100510053004a00440046>tj et q 89.648 81.922 415.98 196.025 re w n 0.312 0.811 0.665 0.001 k q 1 0 0 1 307.3278 127.527 cm 0 0 m 19.2 0 l 19.86 0 20.34 -0.48 20.34 -1.08 c 20.34 -1.74 19.86 -2.22 19.2 -2.22 c 0 -2.22 l -0.6 -2.22 -1.08 -1.74 -1.08 -1.08 c -1.08 -0.48 -0.6 0 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 319.3878 126.447 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.38 -1.08 -2.46 -2.46 -2.46 c -3.84 -2.46 -4.92 -1.38 -4.92 0 c -4.92 1.38 -3.84 2.46 -2.46 2.46 c -1.08 2.46 0 1.38 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 319.7478 126.447 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.24 l -0.229 -2.685 -3.128 -3.676 -4.86 -1.98 c -5.16 -1.62 l -5.16 -1.56 -5.22 -1.56 v -5.4 -1.14 l -5.46 -1.08 l -5.58 -0.6 l -5.64 -0.3 l -5.64 0.24 l -5.52 0.84 l -5.46 1.08 l -5.22 1.56 l -5.16 1.56 -5.16 1.62 y -4.86 1.98 l -4.8 2.04 l -4.44 2.34 l -4.38 2.34 -4.38 2.4 v -3.96 2.58 l -3.66 2.7 l -3.42 2.76 l -3.12 2.82 l -2.58 2.82 l -1.98 2.7 l -1.74 2.64 l -1.68 2.58 l -1.26 2.4 l -1.26 2.34 -1.2 2.34 y -0.84 2.04 l -0.467 1.637 -0.154 1.153 -0.06 0.6 c 0 0.3 l h -0.72 0.18 m -0.78 0.42 l -0.84 0.6 l -0.9 0.84 l -0.9 0.78 l -1.14 1.2 l -1.08 1.14 l -1.38 1.5 l -1.32 1.44 l -1.68 1.74 l -1.62 1.74 l -2.04 1.92 l -1.98 1.92 l -2.16 1.98 l -2.755 2.178 -3.022 2.135 -3.6 1.92 c -4.02 1.74 l -3.96 1.74 l -4.32 1.44 l -4.26 1.5 l -4.56 1.14 l -4.56 1.2 l -4.74 0.84 l -4.924 0.266 -5.025 -0.005 -4.8 -0.6 c -4.74 -0.84 l -4.74 -0.78 l -4.56 -1.2 l -4.56 -1.14 l -4.26 -1.5 l -4.32 -1.44 l -3.96 -1.74 l -4.02 -1.68 l -3.6 -1.92 l -3.66 -1.92 l -3.48 -1.98 l -3.071 -2.129 -2.626 -2.163 -2.22 -1.98 c -1.98 -1.92 l -2.04 -1.92 l -1.62 -1.68 l -1.68 -1.74 l -1.32 -1.44 l -1.38 -1.5 l -1.08 -1.14 l -1.14 -1.2 l -0.9 -0.78 l -0.9 -0.84 l -0.84 -0.66 l -0.78 -0.42 l -0.72 -0.24 l -0.72 0 l f q q bt 9 0 0 9 328.5668 124.167 tm <002a004e00510050005300550001002700300023000100510053004a00440046>tj et q 89.648 82.607 415.98 195.34 re w n 0.175 0.132 0.128 0 k q 1 0 0 1 89.6479 277.5869 cm 0 0 m 0 0.18 0.18 0.36 0.36 0.36 c 415.56 0.36 l 415.8 0.36 415.98 0.18 415.98 0 c 415.98 -165.6 l 415.98 -165.84 415.8 -166.02 415.56 -166.02 c 0.36 -166.02 l 0.18 -166.02 0 -165.84 0 -165.6 c h 0.78 -165.6 m 0.36 -165.24 l 415.56 -165.24 l 415.2 -165.6 l 415.2 0 l 415.56 -0.42 l 0.36 -0.42 l 0.78 0 l f q q bt 0 0 0 1 k 7.98 0 0 7.98 93.6078 254.0071 tm <0033002e0023001000550050004f004f0046>tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -20.029 td (source: )tj 4.511 0 td (domestic spot price is approximately the average prices from aladdiny.co\ m, )tj -4.511 -1.2 td ( )tj 4.511 0 td (baiinfo.com and atk.com; import fob price is from platts)tj /c0_0 1 tf 41.414 20.702 td <003600340005001000550050004f004f0046>tj et endstream endobj 1381 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.014 tc 0.004 tw 16 0 0 16 319.1346 721.6899 tm [(c)-9.6 (h)5.2 (a)7.4 (ir)-19.5 (m)2.7 (a)8.4 (n)-3.3 (\222)34 (s)-4 ( s)-34.8 (t)-21 (a)-13.4 (t)-12.9 (eme)2.2 (n)-21.5 (t)-4 ( \()13.4 (c)-16.1 (o)-0.8 (n)-21.5 (t)-23 (i)-2.1 (n)1.7 (u)4.2 (e)0.7 (d)7.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1382 0 obj <> endobj 1383 0 obj <> endobj 1384 0 obj <>stream 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5���)��9p�;(;[���<��vm��ws�����(á�� l���߆{yg|���h��7��q�\bq���l��a #\���u��c����į���]���s���t�j�ggr�0��� endstream endobj 1392 0 obj [1374 0 r] endobj 1393 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1394 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1395 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1396 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/shading<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1397 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1398 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(5)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2118 tm (dear shareholders,)tj 0.041 tw 0 -3 td (i hereby present the annual report of the group for the financial year e\ nded 31 december 2019 for )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(shareholders)10.2 (\222)10.2 ( )0.5 (review)10.2 (.)10.2 ( )0.5 (on)10.2 ( )0.5 (behalf)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( board)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( all)10.2 ( )0.5 (employees)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (company)10.2 (,)10.1 ( )0.5 (i)10.2 ( )0.5 (would)10.2 ( )0.5 (like)10.2 ( )0.5 (to)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (express our sincere gratitude to all shareholders for your care for and \ support for the company.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 562.2118 tm (product market reviews)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td (bauxite market)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.06 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 497.2118 tm (in 2019, as affected by some factors such as environmental protection an\ d alumina cost pressure, )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(certain)13.8 ( alumina)13.8 ( companies)13.8 ( in)13.8 ( shanxi)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( henan)13.8 ( carried)13.8 ( out)13.8 ( their)13.8 ( production)13.8 ( line)13.8 ( transformation)13.8 (.)14.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc t* [(they)13.8 ( converted)13.8 ( domestic)13.7 ( bauxite)13.8 ( production)13.8 ( lines)13.8 ( to)13.8 ( imported)13.8 ( bauxite)13.8 ( production)13.8 ( lines)13.8 (,)13.8 ( which)24.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.077 tw t* [(r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (u)0.5 (l)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.5 ( a)14.4 ( s)0.5 (i)0.6 (g)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (f)0.5 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.4 ( i)0.6 (n)14.4 ( d)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)14.4 ( o)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.6 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)14.4 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( h)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)14.5 (,)25.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.045 tw t* [(shanxi )0.5 (and other regions )0.5 (and continuous drop )0.5 (in )0.5 (price of domestic )0.5 (ore. )0.5 (at the )0.5 (same )0.5 (time, )0.5 (with the )]tj 0.082 tw t* (increasing number of alumina enterprises using imported bauxite, the amo\ unt of imported bauxite )tj 0 tw t* (has increased substantially.)tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -3 td [(c)0.5 (h)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)7.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.6 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)7.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)7.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (a)0.6 (u)0.5 (x)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)7.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)7.2 (,)7.2 ( n)0.6 (a)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (u)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 (i)0.6 (a)7.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)7.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)7.2 (.)7.3 ( d)0.6 (u)0.5 (e)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw 0 -1.5 td (to the seasonality of bauxite output in guinea, its supply and price had\ shown a trend of picking up )tj 0.068 tw t* (first and then falling. due to the relatively lower consumption in domes\ tic ore, alumina companies )tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(using)14 ( domestic)14 ( ore)14.1 ( still)14.1 ( retained)14 ( part)14 ( of)14.1 ( their)14 ( production)14 ( capacity)14 (,)14 ( making)14 ( a)14 ( mutual)14 ( restriction)26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.016 tw t* [(between )0.5 (domestic )0.5 (ore )0.5 (and )0.5 (imported )0.5 (ore, )0.5 (and )0.5 (thereby )0.5 (the )0.5 (price )0.5 (of )0.5 (bauxite )0.5 (was )0.5 (relatively )0.5 (stable with )]tj 0 tw t* (a decline.)tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(total)13.7 ( imports)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( bauxite)13.8 ( were)13.7 ( 1)13.8 (0)13.8 (0)13.7 (.)13.8 (6)13.8 (6)13.7 ( million)13.8 ( tonnes)13.8 ( in)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (9)13.7 (,)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( which)13.7 ( imports)13.7 ( from)13.7 ( guinea)40.2 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(accounted for 44%. the cif price of imported bauxite basically fluctuate\ d at the range of usd48\22661)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (per tonne, representing a slight increase as compared with that of last \ year.)tj et endstream endobj 1399 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3796 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.018 tc 0.008 tw 20 0 0 20 62.3622 722.3699 tm [(c)-12.1 (h)2.7 (a)4.8 (i)-2.3 (r)-22.2 (ma)5.8 (n)-5.7 (\222)31.8 (s)-8 ( s)-37.4 (t)-23.7 (a)-16.1 (t)-15.6 (e)-2.4 (m)-3.1 (en)-24.2 (t)]tj et endstream endobj 1400 0 obj <> endobj 1401 0 obj <> endobj 1402 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �cq�6k&0�r���[� �c����l�f��3�'���؜�=�7�= �(��ts�ǫ6,/@i��xʱ����]f�cc�� ����w ������w��is���خ��7kpd�!���5z��[7"�(�4���/��u|-���< #'���$��\���v �v�ш�|�d� �;�d����md l����oyd �e�2�!�!p�� |j| 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0 1 327.0175 507.8827 cm 0 0 m 0 50.475 l -2.067 50.475 l -2.067 0 l -4.907 0.778 l -1.033 -5.957 l 2.841 0.778 l h f q q 1 0 0 1 327.0175 407.7159 cm 0 0 m 0 50.475 l -2.067 50.475 l -2.067 0 l -4.907 0.778 l -1.033 -5.957 l 2.841 0.778 l h f q q 199.035 597.946 m 194.475 597.946 190.744 594.216 190.744 589.656 c 190.744 589.656 l 190.744 556.272 l 190.744 551.712 194.475 547.98 199.035 547.98 c 199.035 547.98 l 452.932 547.98 l 457.452 547.98 461.159 551.646 461.224 556.151 c 461.224 556.151 l 461.224 589.775 l 461.159 594.282 457.452 597.946 452.932 597.946 c 452.932 597.946 l h w n q 0 g 0 -63.8424824 -63.8424824 -0 325.9842303 611.7651699 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 201.109 595.874 m 196.548 595.874 192.818 592.142 192.818 587.582 c 192.818 587.582 l 192.818 558.345 l 192.818 553.784 196.548 550.053 201.109 550.053 c 201.109 550.053 l 450.859 550.053 l 455.42 550.053 459.15 553.784 459.15 558.345 c 459.15 558.345 l 459.15 587.582 l 459.15 592.142 455.42 595.874 450.859 595.874 c 450.859 595.874 l h w n q 0 g 0 -58.545078 -58.545078 -0 325.9842303 608.5455258 cm bx /sh1 sh ex q q q 203.182 593.801 m 198.622 593.801 194.891 590.07 194.891 585.509 c 194.891 585.509 l 194.891 560.417 l 194.891 555.858 198.622 552.127 203.182 552.127 c 203.182 552.127 l 448.788 552.127 l 453.348 552.127 457.078 555.858 457.078 560.417 c 457.078 560.417 l 457.078 585.509 l 457.078 590.07 453.348 593.801 448.788 593.801 c 448.788 593.801 l h w n q 0 g 0 -187.4917341 -187.4917341 -0 335.799395 620.3478824 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 199.035 497.78 m 194.475 497.78 190.744 494.05 190.744 489.489 c 190.744 489.489 l 190.744 456.106 l 190.744 451.545 194.475 447.814 199.035 447.814 c 199.035 447.814 l 452.932 447.814 l 457.452 447.814 461.159 451.48 461.224 455.986 c 461.224 455.986 l 461.224 489.609 l 461.159 494.115 457.452 497.78 452.932 497.78 c 452.932 497.78 l h w n q 0 g 0 -63.8424824 -63.8424824 -0 325.9842303 511.5986817 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 201.109 495.707 m 196.548 495.707 192.818 491.976 192.818 487.416 c 192.818 487.416 l 192.818 458.179 l 192.818 453.619 196.548 449.887 201.109 449.887 c 201.109 449.887 l 450.859 449.887 l 455.42 449.887 459.15 453.619 459.15 458.179 c 459.15 458.179 l 459.15 487.416 l 459.15 491.976 455.42 495.707 450.859 495.707 c 450.859 495.707 l h w n q 0 g 0 -58.545078 -58.545078 -0 325.9842303 508.3790599 cm bx /sh1 sh ex q q q 203.182 493.635 m 198.622 493.635 194.891 489.903 194.891 485.343 c 194.891 485.343 l 194.891 460.251 l 194.891 455.691 198.622 451.961 203.182 451.961 c 203.182 451.961 l 448.788 451.961 l 453.348 451.961 457.078 455.691 457.078 460.251 c 457.078 460.251 l 457.078 485.343 l 457.078 489.903 453.348 493.635 448.788 493.635 c 448.788 493.635 l h w n q 0 g 0 -187.4917341 -187.4917341 -0 335.799395 520.1814389 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q q 199.035 397.615 m 194.475 397.615 190.744 393.882 190.744 389.322 c 190.744 389.322 l 190.744 355.94 l 190.744 353.952 191.453 352.12 192.632 350.688 c 192.632 350.688 l 459.337 350.688 l 460.491 352.092 461.196 353.878 461.224 355.82 c 461.224 355.82 l 461.224 389.442 l 461.159 393.948 457.452 397.615 452.932 397.615 c 452.932 397.615 l h w n q 0 g 0 -63.8424824 -63.8424824 -0 325.9842303 411.4321489 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 201.109 395.541 m 196.548 395.541 192.818 391.81 192.818 387.25 c 192.818 387.25 l 192.818 358.012 l 192.818 354.848 194.613 352.085 197.235 350.688 c 197.235 350.688 l 454.733 350.688 l 457.355 352.085 459.15 354.848 459.15 358.012 c 459.15 358.012 l 459.15 387.25 l 459.15 391.81 455.42 395.541 450.859 395.541 c 450.859 395.541 l h w n q 0 g 0 -58.545078 -58.545078 -0 325.9842303 408.2131965 cm bx /sh1 sh ex q q q 203.182 393.467 m 198.622 393.467 194.891 389.736 194.891 385.177 c 194.891 385.177 l 194.891 360.085 l 194.891 355.526 198.622 351.794 203.182 351.794 c 203.182 351.794 l 448.788 351.794 l 453.348 351.794 457.078 355.526 457.078 360.085 c 457.078 360.085 l 457.078 385.177 l 457.078 389.736 453.348 393.467 448.788 393.467 c 448.788 393.467 l h w n q 0 g 0 -187.4917341 -187.4917341 -0 335.799395 420.0154416 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10.5299 0 0 17.5498 232.4106 575.0371 tm (stat)tj 1.981 0 td (e-o)tj 1.48 0 td (wned )tj 2.865 0 td (assets supervision and )tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw -8.966 -1 td (ad)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.313 0 td (ministr)tj 3.369 0 td (ation commission of the stat)tj 13.982 0 td (e council)tj 13.1623 0 0 17.5498 226.1944 467.4303 tm (aluminum cor)tj 6.904 0 td (por)tj 1.591 0 td (ation of china)tj 0.4 0.2 0.15 0.51 k -0.06 tc 0.06 tw 17.5498 0 0 17.5498 343.0808 522.8804 tm (10)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.072 0 td (0%)tj -1.072 -5.707 td (32.06%)tj 0 0 0 0 k 12.2849 0 0 17.5498 209.0767 366.8746 tm (aluminum cor)tj 6.904 0 td (por)tj 1.591 0 td (ation of china limit)tj 9.371 0 td (ed)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 89.6824 320.6879 tm (note:)tj 0.063 tw 10 0 0 10 116.5484 320.6879 tm [( )-1299 (the controlling shareholder of the company is chinalco, and the actual c\ ontroller of )]tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 1.668 -1.5 td [(the company is the state-owned assets supervision and administration com\ mission)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.074 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(of)13.9 ( the)14 ( state)14 ( council)13.9 (.)14 ( as)14 ( at)14 ( 3)14 (1)13.9 ( december)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (0)14 (1)14 (9)14 (,)13.9 ( chalco)14 ( directly)13.9 ( holds)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (9)14 (.)14 (6)13.9 (7)14 (%)46.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(equity)14.2 ( interest)14.2 ( in)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( holds)14.2 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( )0.5 (aggregate)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( )0.5 (5)14.2 (,)14.1 (4)14.2 (5)14.2 (8)14.2 (,)14.1 (1)14.2 (7)14.2 (1)14.2 (,)14.1 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (9)14.2 ( shares)26.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc t* [(in)14 ( the)14 ( company)14 ( together)14 ( with)13.9 ( its)14 ( subsidiaries)14 (,)13.9 ( including)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (3)14 (8)14 (,)14 (3)13.9 (7)14 (7)14 (,)13.9 (7)14 (9)14 (5)14 ( a)14 ( shares)36.2 ( )]tj 0.058 tc t* [(held)14.2 ( )0.5 (by)14.3 ( )0.5 (baotou)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.3 ( group)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (7)14.2 (,)14.3 (1)14.2 (4)14.2 (0)14.2 (,)14.3 (2)14.2 (5)14.2 (4)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.3 ( shares)14.2 ( )0.5 (held)14.2 ( )0.5 (by)14.3 ( shanxi)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)30.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc t* [(and)13.6 ( 1)13.5 (6)13.5 (2)13.5 (,)13.5 (2)13.6 (7)13.5 (6)13.5 (,)13.5 (0)13.6 (0)13.5 (0)13.5 ( h)13.5 ( shares)13.6 ( held)13.6 ( by)13.5 ( chinalco)13.5 ( overseas)13.6 ( holdings)13.5 (,)13.5 ( accounting)13.5 ( for)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (approximately 32.06% of the total issued share capital of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 1405 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 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representative:)tj 17.575 0 td (yao lin)tj -17.575 -3 td (registered capital:)tj 17.575 0 td (rmb25.2 billion)tj -17.575 -3 td (date of incorporation:)tj 17.575 0 td (21 february 2001)tj -17.575 -3 td (principal operating or managing )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (activities:)tj 0.034 tw 16.583 1.5 td (bauxite mining \(limited to the bauxite mining at guizhou )tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(maochang)13.9 ( mine)13.9 (\))13.9 (;)13.9 ( deployment)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( personnel)13.9 ( necessary)22.2 ( )]tj 0.08 tc t* [(for)13.6 ( overseas)13.6 ( engineering)13.7 ( projects)13.7 ( commensurating)52.2 ( )]tj 0.075 tc 0.077 tw t* [(with)14.3 ( its)14.3 ( capacity)14.3 (,)14.3 ( scale)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( performance)14.3 (;)14.3 ( operati)0.5 (on)47.3 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.7 ( management)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( state)13.8 (-)13.8 (owned)13.8 ( assets)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( equities)13.7 (;)21.3 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(production)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( sales)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( aluminum)13.5 (,)13.5 ( copper)13.5 (,)13.6 ( rare)13.5 ( earth)26.2 ( )]tj 0.101 tc t* [(and)13.8 ( related)13.8 ( non)13.8 (-)13.8 (ferrous)13.9 ( metals)13.8 ( mineral)13.8 ( products)13.8 (,)73.3 ( )]tj 0.088 tc t* [(smelted)13.8 ( products)13.8 (,)13.8 ( processed)13.7 ( products)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( carbon)60.2 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw t* [(products; exploration design, general project contracting,)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(construction)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( )0.5 (installation)2.2 (;)2.2 ( equipment)2.2 ( )0.5 (manufacturing)2.3 (;)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.038 tw t* (technological development and technical service; import )tj 0 tw t* (and export businesses.)tj et endstream endobj 1414 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 62.3622 739.6899 tm [(p)6 (a)12.9 (r)-48.7 (t)-19 (i)11.2 (c)18.8 (u)3.3 (l)8.3 (a)12.9 (r)-14.5 (s a)12.5 (n)1.9 (d c)-5.6 (h)9.2 (a)12.4 (n)5.8 (g)9 (e)1.1 (s o)-9.4 (f s)-1 (h)9.2 (a)12.9 (r)-3.9 (e)4.4 (h)3.1 (ol)0.5 (d)5.9 (i)1.9 (n)5.8 (g s)-30.8 (t)-16.5 (r)-9.5 (u)13.3 (c)-12.4 (t)-15.4 (u)5.7 (r)-3.9 (e)3.6 (, a)12.4 (n)1.9 (d d)6 (e)-14.9 (t)-17 (a)11.4 (i)1.6 (l)2.1 (s o)-9.4 (f )]tj 0 -1.125 td [(s)1 (u)7.7 (b)-1.9 (s)-29.1 (t)-17 (a)12.4 (n)-17.4 (t)-19 (i)9.7 (a)10.9 (l s)-1 (h)9.2 (a)12.9 (r)-3.8 (e)4.4 (h)3.1 (old)9 (e)6.4 (r)-14.5 (s \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1415 0 obj <> endobj 1416 0 obj <> endobj 1417 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �ci�%v !0�r�����t��1nz��o�j3$��%�a9���� �l��dzxd?8`����<�epb�i;�嶋3v^$xܮ�c��i��l>�p^�*��t��hނ�0��|��ۍlګ�?0�[d*�jz��k�_�d˶���ay�x��z�y��x�lf����(s\�,o�*��;�r.;�� ��(9m1 ����q�\#珑1 ��9r�} �spna9jrɯs��9�gqu0ċykfm̞�<{*�t��s���'f��r��&��4;hr�쀁.�vst�8qy�����#��"ά�28��?y�u�_|"�= endstream endobj 1418 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 1419 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.058 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(as)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( 3)13.7 (1)13.7 ( december)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (9)13.7 (,)13.7 ( particulars)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( shareholdings)13.7 ( held)13.7 ( by)13.7 ( top)13.7 ( ten)13.6 ( shareholders)13.7 ( not)30.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (subject to trading moratorium are set out as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7 0 0 10 90.7086 552.2117 tm (name of shareholder \(full name\))tj 34.352 6 td (number of )tj -1.808 -1.5 td (shares held as )tj 0.751 -1.5 td (at the end of )tj -0.222 -1.5 td (the reporting )tj -0.028 tw 3.418 -1.5 td (period)tj 0 tw 9.81 1.5 td (nature of )tj -0.028 tw -1.75 -1.5 td (shareholders)tj 0 tw 10.922 1.5 td (percentage of )tj -0.028 tw 0.362 -1.5 td (shareholding)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7 0 2.6795 10 514.9366 537.2117 tm (\(%\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 533.1826 cm 0 0 m 204.094 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 90.7086 534.2026 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8031 533.1826 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 294.8031 534.2026 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 533.1826 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 374.1732 534.2026 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 533.1826 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 453.5433 534.2026 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -51.834 -3 td (aluminum corporation of china )tj 4.081 0 1.5621 5.83 195.5364 507.5326 tm (note 1)tj -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 321.4108 504.2026 tm (5,050,376,970)tj 0 tw 13.982 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 12.81 0 td (29.67)tj 0 tw -59.749 -1.5 td (hong kong securities clearing company limited )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 1.012 -1.5 td (\(h shares\) )tj 4.081 0 1.5621 5.83 132.7904 477.5326 tm (note 2)tj -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 321.4108 474.2026 tm (3,932,433,595)tj 0 tw 13.927 0 td (h shares)tj -0.028 tw 12.865 0 td (23.10)tj 0 tw -59.749 -1.5 td (china securities finance corporation limited)tj -0.028 tw 33.847 0 td (448,284,993)tj 0 tw 13.092 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 13.394 0 td (2.63)tj 0 tw -60.333 -1.5 td (baotou aluminum \(group\) co., ltd.)tj -0.028 tw 33.847 0 td (238,377,795)tj 0 tw 13.092 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 13.394 0 td (1.40)tj 0 tw -60.333 -1.5 td (hong kong securities clearing company limited \(a shares\))tj -0.028 tw 33.847 0 td (164,474,173)tj 0 tw 13.092 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 13.394 0 td (0.97)tj 0 tw -60.333 -1.5 td (central huijin investment ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295032f0dd206960f1f0b2a104d0b2303de08220baa038202ae>tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.012 -1.5 td <0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.028 0 td (\))tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 31.807 0 td (137,295,400)tj 0 tw 13.092 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 13.394 0 td (0.81)tj 0 tw -60.333 -1.5 td (china cinda asset management co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a3706a60f3a0f1f0b2a104d0b23>tj 1.012 -1.5 td <0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 32.835 0 td (133,385,331)tj 0 tw 13.092 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 13.394 0 td (0.78)tj 0 tw -60.333 -1.5 td (wu xiaofeng \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <044e12c8125c>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 34.431 0 td (89,400,000)tj 0 tw 12.508 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 13.394 0 td (0.53)tj 0 tw -60.333 -1.5 td (guangdong finance trust co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <113f06070ebd09cc06a609c403de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw (\) \226 )tj 1.012 -1.5 td (yuecai trust \225 yuezhong no. 3 collective fund trust plan )tj 0 tc t* (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td <0ebd09cc06a609c4>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\225)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.639 0 td <0ebd0295>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (3)tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.639 0 td <0eee0dab03a50f1f069606a609c408070ce5>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 25.834 0 td (65,440,000)tj 0 tw 12.508 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 13.394 0 td (0.38)tj 0 tw -60.333 -1.5 td (chen lanqin \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0bd316860cde>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 34.431 0 td (55,401,459)tj 0 tw 12.508 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 13.394 0 td (0.33)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 290.0522 cm 0 0 m 204.094 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 290.8222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 290.0522 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 294.8032 290.8222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 290.0522 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 374.1732 290.8222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 290.0522 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 453.5433 290.8222 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8877 266.0922 tm (note 1:)tj 0.046 tw 8 0 0 8 118.4973 266.0922 tm [( )-1489.4 (the number of shares held by chinalco doesn\222t include the a shares of\ the company indirectly held by it )]tj 0.035 tw 1.841 -1.375 td (through its subsidiaries baotou aluminum group and shanxi aluminum and t\ he h shares of the company )tj 0.011 tw 0 -1.375 td (indirectly held by it through its subsidiary chinalco overseas holdings.\ as of 31 december 2019, chinalco )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(together)14.2 ( )0.5 (with)14.1 ( )0.5 (its)14.2 ( subsidiaries)14.1 ( )0.5 (held)14.1 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( aggregate)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( 5)14.2 (,)14.1 (4)14.2 (5)14.1 (8)14.2 (,)14.2 (1)14.1 (7)14.2 (1)14.2 (,)14.1 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (9)14.1 ( )0.5 (shares)14.1 (,)14.2 ( among)14.2 ( which)14.1 ( )0.5 (5)14.1 (,)14.2 (2)14.2 (9)14.1 (5)14.2 (,)14.2 (8)14.1 (9)14.2 (5)14.1 (,)14.2 (0)14.2 (1)14.1 (9)15.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(shares)5.2 ( )0.5 (were)5.3 ( a)5.2 ( )0.5 (shares)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (1)5.2 (6)5.2 (2)5.2 (,)5.2 (2)5.2 (7)5.2 (6)5.2 (,)5.2 (0)5.2 (0)5.2 (0)5.3 ( shares)5.2 ( )0.5 (were)5.2 ( )0.5 (h)5.2 ( shares)5.2 (,)5.3 ( accounting)5.2 ( )0.5 (for)5.3 ( approximately)5.2 ( )0.5 (3)5.2 (2)5.2 (.)5.2 (0)5.2 (6)5.2 (%)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the total share capital of the company.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8877 189.0922 tm (note 2:)tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 8 0 0 8 118.4973 189.0922 tm [( )-1443.4 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (3)13.2 (,)13.2 (9)13.2 (3)13.2 (2)13.2 (,)13.2 (4)13.2 (3)13.2 (3)13.2 (,)13.2 (5)13.2 (9)13.2 (5)13.2 ( h)13.2 ( )0.5 (shares)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (company)13.1 ( )0.5 (held)13.3 ( by)13.2 ( hong)13.2 ( kong)13.2 ( securities)13.2 ( )0.5 (clearing)13.2 ( )0.5 (company)13.2 ( limited)13.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 1.841 -1.375 td (include 162,276,000 h shares it holds on behalf of chinalco overseas hol\ dings, a subsidiary of chinalco.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8877 156.0922 tm (note 3:)tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 118.4973 156.0922 tm [( )-1441.4 (huarong)13.6 ( ruitong)13.5 ( equity)13.6 ( investment)13.6 ( management)13.6 ( co)13.6 (.)13.5 (,)13.6 ( ltd)13.5 (.)13.6 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.031 tc -0.031 tw 31.449 0 td [<0d36>0.6 <1344>0.5 <0e7f>0.6 <0bb7>0.5 <0670>0.5 <16c6>0.6 <04b3>0.5 <0f1f>0.6 <104d>0.5 <0b23>0.6 <03de>0.5 <0822>0.6 <02ae>0.5 <0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 14.426 0 td [(\))13.6 (,)13.5 ( china)13.6 ( life)16.3 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw -44.034 -1.375 td [(insurance)4.2 ( company)4.2 ( limited)4.2 ( )]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 13.309 0 td [<0080>104.2 <02950a37025b0faa06ad13880670038503de082202ae0321>104.2 <0081>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.032 tc 0.088 tw 13.679 0 td [(,)4.2 ( )0.5 (shenzhen)4.2 ( zhaoping)4.2 ( )0.5 (chalco)4.2 ( investment)4.2 ( center)4.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc -0.042 tw -26.988 -1.375 td [(l)0.6 (l)0.5 (p)14.2 ( )]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.729 0 td [<0080>104.2 <0b0903ad033905dd033b0295125904b30f1f029502d0>502.6 <0080>104.2 <03de082203a50fab>104.2 <0081>606.6 <0081>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 17.605 0 td [( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)14.2 ( c)0.6 (h)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)14.2 ( c)0.6 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (a)14.3 ( a)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (t)14.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (g)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (t)14.2 ( c)0.6 (o)14.2 (.)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (l)0.6 (t)0.5 (d)14.2 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 23.46 0 td <02950a3706a60f3a0f1f0b2a104d>tj -42.794 -1.375 td <0b230670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.03 tc 0.09 tw [(\))2.2 ( are)2.1 ( )0.5 (counterparties)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( company)2.2 ( )0.5 (for)2.2 ( )0.5 (acquisition)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (assets)2.2 ( )0.5 (by)2.2 ( )0.5 (issuance)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (shares)2.2 (.)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(shares)14.2 ( )0.6 (subject)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.5 (trading)14.3 ( )0.5 (moratorium)14.3 ( )0.5 (held)14.3 ( )0.5 (by)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (aforesaid)14.3 ( )0.5 (shareholders)14.3 ( )0.5 (had)14.3 ( )0.5 (become)14.2 ( )0.5 (unlocked)14.2 ( )0.5 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (6)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (february 2020 and are listed and tradable on the shanghai stock exchange\ .)tj et endstream endobj 1420 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(6. )-694.2 (particulars of shareholdings held by top ten )]tj -0.028 tw 1.89 -1.333 td (shareholders)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm [(as)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.3 ( 3)5.2 (1)5.3 ( december)5.2 ( 2)5.2 (0)5.3 (1)5.2 (9)5.2 (,)5.2 ( particulars)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (shareholdings)5.2 ( )0.5 (held)5.2 ( by)5.2 ( )0.5 (top)5.2 ( )0.5 (ten)5.3 ( shareholders)5.2 ( )0.5 (are)5.2 ( set)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (out as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7 0 0 10 90.7086 497.7467 tm (name of shareholder \(full name\))tj 25.443 6 td (number of )tj -1.808 -1.5 td (shares held as )tj 0.751 -1.5 td (at the end of )tj -0.222 -1.5 td (the reporting )tj -0.028 tw 3.418 -1.5 td (period)tj 0 tw 9.806 1.5 td (class of )tj -0.028 tw 0.667 -1.5 td (shares)tj 0 tw 6.889 1.5 td (percentage of )tj -0.028 tw 0.362 -1.5 td (shareholding)tj 0 tw 11.724 6 td (number of )tj -1.863 -1.5 td (shares subject )tj 2.223 -1.5 td (to trading )tj -0.028 tw -0.999 -1.5 td (moratorium )tj 3.833 -1.5 td (held)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7 0 2.6795 10 441.2358 482.7467 tm (\(%\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 478.7176 cm 0 0 m 147.402 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 90.7086 479.7376 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1102 478.7176 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 238.1102 479.7376 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 311.811 478.7176 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 311.811 479.7376 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 385.5118 478.7176 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 385.5118 479.7376 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2126 478.7176 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 459.2126 479.7376 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -52.643 -3 td (aluminum corporation of china )tj 4.081 0 1.5621 5.83 195.5364 453.0676 tm (note 1)tj -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 259.0485 449.7376 tm (5,050,376,970)tj 0 tw 13.172 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 12 0 td (29.67)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.642 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -61.862 -1.5 td (hong kong securities clearing company )tj 1.012 -1.5 td (limited \(h shares\) )tj 4.081 0 1.5621 5.83 159.6308 423.0676 tm (note 2)tj -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 259.0485 419.7376 tm (3,932,433,595)tj 0 tw 13.117 0 td (h shares)tj -0.028 tw 12.055 0 td (23.10)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.642 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -61.862 -1.5 td (huarong ruitong equity investment )tj 1.012 -1.5 td (management co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0d3613440e7f0bb7067016c604b30f1f>tj t* <104d0b2303de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\) )tj 0 tw 4.081 0 1.5621 5.83 144.6457 378.0676 tm (note 3)tj -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 265.2757 374.7376 tm (841,600,264)tj 0 tw 12.282 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 12.584 0 td (4.94)tj 6.72 0 td (841,600,264)tj 0 tw -56.524 -1.5 td (china life insurance company limited \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02953d64>tj 1.012 -1.5 td <025b40dd06ad475e0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\) )tj 0 tw 4.081 0 1.5621 5.83 173.4241 348.0676 tm (note 3)tj -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 265.2757 344.7376 tm (671,882,629)tj 0 tw 12.282 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 12.584 0 td (3.95)tj 6.72 0 td (671,882,629)tj 0.026 tc 0 tw -56.524 -1.5 td (china securities finance corporation limited)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 24.938 0 td (448,284,993)tj 0 tw 12.282 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 12.584 0 td (2.63)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.058 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -61.862 -1.5 td (shenzhen zhaoping chalco investment )tj 1.012 -1.5 td (center llp )tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 5.083 0 td [<0080>104.2 <0b0903ad033905dd033b0295125904b30f1f029502d0>502.6 <0080>104.2 <03de0822>]tj -0.579 tc 0.579 tw -5.083 -1.5 td [<03a5>-606.8 <0fab>-502.8 <00810081>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 2.898 0 td ( )tj 0.028 tc 4.081 0 1.5621 5.83 119.6263 288.0676 tm (note 3)tj -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 265.2757 284.7376 tm (252,392,929)tj 0 tw 12.282 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 12.584 0 td (1.48)tj 6.72 0 td (252,392,929)tj 0 tw -56.524 -1.5 td (baotou aluminum \(group\) co., ltd.)tj -0.028 tw 24.938 0 td (238,377,795)tj 0 tw 12.282 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 12.584 0 td (1.40)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.058 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -61.862 -1.5 td (china cinda asset management co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc <0295>tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.5 td <0a3706a60f3a0f1f0b2a104d0b230670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\) )tj 0 tw 4.081 0 1.5621 5.83 195.0079 243.0676 tm (note 3)tj -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 265.2757 239.7376 tm (217,589,200)tj 0 tw 12.282 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 12.584 0 td (1.28)tj 7.304 0 td (84,203,869)tj 0 tw -57.108 -1.5 td (hong kong securities clearing company )tj 1.012 -1.5 td (limited \(a shares\))tj -0.028 tw 23.926 0 td (164,474,173)tj 0 tw 12.282 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 12.584 0 td (0.97)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.058 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -61.862 -1.5 td (central huijin investment ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295032f0dd206960f1f0b2a>tj 1.012 -1.5 td <104d0b2303de08220baa038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 23.926 0 td (137,295,400)tj 0 tw 12.282 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 12.584 0 td (0.81)tj 0 tc 0 tw 12.058 0 td (\226)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 175.5872 cm 0 0 m 147.402 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7086 176.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 238.1102 175.5872 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 238.1102 176.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 311.8109 175.5872 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 311.8109 176.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 385.5117 175.5872 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 385.5117 176.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 459.2125 175.5872 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 459.2125 176.3572 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1421 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1422 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1423 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/shading<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1424 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1425 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1426 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 0 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8876 658.9977 tm (note 3:)tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 118.4973 658.9977 tm [( )-1435.4 (these)13.5 ( interests)13.5 ( were)13.5 ( held)13.5 ( directly)13.5 ( by)13.5 ( various)13.5 ( corporations)13.6 ( controlled)13.5 ( by)13.5 ( blackrock)13.5 (,)13.6 ( inc)13.5 (.)13.6 (.)13.5 ( among)13.5 ( the)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.081 tw 1.841 -1.375 td (aggregate interests in the long position in h shares, 518,000 h shares w\ ere held as derivatives. among )tj 0 tw 0 -1.375 td (the aggregate interests in the short position in h shares, 654,000 h sha\ res were held as derivatives.)tj 0.061 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 606.9977 tm (save as disclosed above and so far as the directors are aware, as of 31 \ december 2019, no )tj 0.05 tw 0 -1.5 td (other person \(other than the directors, supervisors and chief executive\ of the company\) had )tj 0.04 tw t* (any interest or short position in the shares or underlying shares of the\ company \(as the case )tj 0.007 tw t* (may be\) which would fall to be disclosed to the company and the hong ko\ ng stock exchange )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(under the provisions of divisions 2 and 3 of part xv of the sfo and as r\ ecorded in the register)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.015 tw t* (required to be kept under section 336 of the sfo, or was otherwise a sub\ stantial shareholder )tj 0 tw t* (of the company.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 15 0 0 15 62.3622 481.9977 tm [(5. )-694.2 (number of shareholders)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 392.6822 451.9977 tm (unit: number of shareholders)tj 10 0 0 10 90.7086 421.9977 tm (total number of shareholders as of 31 december 2019 )tj 40.44 0 td (449,280)tj et endstream endobj 1427 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4. )-694.2 (substantial shareholders with shareholding of )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (5% or more)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 602.7467 tm [(so)14 ( far)14 ( as)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( directors)13.9 ( are)14 ( aware)13.9 (,)14 ( as)13.9 ( of)14 ( 3)13.9 (1)13.9 ( december)14 ( 2)14 (0)13.9 (1)13.9 (9)14 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( following)13.9 ( persons)13.9 ( \()13.9 (other)20.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.5 td [(than)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (directors)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)7.2 ( and)7.2 ( )0.5 (chief)7.2 ( )0.5 (executive)7.2 ( of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (company)7.2 (\))7.2 ( )0.5 (had)7.3 ( interests)7.1 ( )0.5 (or)7.2 ( short)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.034 tw t* (positions in the shares or underlying shares of the company which would \ fall to be disclosed )tj 0.06 tw t* (under the provisions of divisions 2 and 3 of part xv of the securities a\ nd futures ordinance )tj 0.03 tc -0.03 tw t* (\(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.044 tc -0.044 tw (sfo)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.078 tw 3.015 0 td [(\224)13.6 (\))13.7 ( of)13.7 ( hong)13.6 ( kong)13.7 (,)13.6 ( or)13.6 ( which)13.6 ( were)13.7 ( recorded)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( register)13.6 ( required)13.7 ( to)13.6 ( be)13.6 ( kept)13.7 ( by)13.6 ( the)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw -3.015 -1.5 td (company pursuant to section 336 of the sfo, or as otherwise notified to \ the company and )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (the hong kong stock exchange.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6 0 0 10 90.7086 437.7466 tm (name of substantial shareholder)tj 20.315 1.5 td (class of )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (shares)tj 0 tw 12.147 1.5 td (number of )tj -0.391 -1.5 td (shares held)tj -0.028 tw 7.614 0 td (capacity)tj 18.037 4.5 td (percentage )tj 0 tw -1.696 -1.5 td (in the relevant )tj 0.002 -1.5 td (class of issued )tj 0.888 -1.5 td (share capital)tj -0.028 tw 10.255 3 td (percentage )tj 0 tw -1.528 -1.5 td (in total issued )tj 0.722 -1.5 td (share capital)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 433.5962 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt 0 tc 6 0 0 10 90.7086 434.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 204.0945 433.5962 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 206.9291 434.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4488 433.5962 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 319.48 434.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 323.1496 433.5962 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 323.1496 434.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 433.5962 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 472.5509 434.3662 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 433.5962 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 529.2438 434.3662 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -73.089 -3 td (aluminum corporation of china)tj 20.315 0 td (a shares)tj -0.028 tw 7.393 0 td (5,295,895,019\(l\) )tj 0 tw 3.498 0 1.5621 5.83 305.8984 407.6962 tm (note 1)tj 6 0 0 10 328.8189 404.3662 tm (beneficial owner and interests )tj 1.228 -1.5 td (of controlled corporation)tj -0.028 tw 17.557 1.5 td (40.49%\(l\))tj 9.449 0 td (31.11%\(l\))tj 0 tw -47.605 -3 td (h shares)tj -0.028 tw 8.283 0 td (162,276,000\(l\) )tj 0 tw 3.498 0 1.5621 5.83 305.8984 377.6962 tm (note 1)tj 6 0 0 10 328.8189 374.3662 tm (interests of controlled )tj -0.028 tw 1.228 -1.5 td (corporation)tj 18.141 1.5 td (4.11%\(l\))tj 9.449 0 td (0.95%\(l\))tj 0 tw -68.503 -3 td (the capital group companies, inc.)tj 20.315 0 td (h shares)tj -0.028 tw 8.283 0 td (275,175,500\(l\) )tj 0 tw 3.498 0 1.5621 5.83 305.8984 347.6962 tm (note 2)tj 6 0 0 10 328.8189 344.3662 tm (interests of controlled )tj -0.028 tw 1.228 -1.5 td (corporation)tj 18.141 1.5 td (6.98%\(l\))tj 9.449 0 td (1.62%\(l\))tj 0 tw -68.503 -3 td (blackrock, inc.)tj 20.315 0 td (h shares)tj -0.028 tw 8.283 0 td (235,885,726\(l\) )tj 0 tw 3.498 0 1.5621 5.83 305.8984 317.6962 tm (note 3)tj 6 0 0 10 328.8189 314.3662 tm (interests of controlled )tj -0.028 tw 1.228 -1.5 td (corporation)tj 18.141 1.5 td (5.98%\(l\))tj 9.449 0 td (1.39%\(l\))tj -38.793 -3 td (1,432,000\(s\) )tj 0 tw 3.498 0 1.5621 5.83 305.8984 287.6962 tm (note 3)tj 6 0 0 10 328.8189 284.3662 tm (interests of controlled )tj -0.028 tw 1.228 -1.5 td (corporation)tj 18.086 0 td (0.04%\(s\))tj 9.449 0 td (0.01%\(s\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 265.2158 cm 0 0 m 113.386 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 265.9858 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 204.0945 265.2158 cm 0 0 m 45.354 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 204.0945 265.9858 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 249.4489 265.2158 cm 0 0 m 73.701 0 l s q bt 10 0 2.6795 10 249.4489 265.9858 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 323.1497 265.2158 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 323.1497 265.9858 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 419.5276 265.2158 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 419.5276 265.9858 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 265.2158 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 476.2205 265.9858 tm ( )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw -38.551 -2.873 td [(the)5.2 ( )0.5 (letter)5.2 ( )0.5 (\()5.2 (l)5.2 (\))5.2 ( )0.5 (denotes)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( )0.5 (long)5.2 ( )0.5 (position)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( letter)5.2 ( )0.5 (\()5.2 (s)5.2 (\))5.2 ( )0.5 (denotes)5.2 ( )0.5 (a)5.2 ( )0.5 (short)5.2 ( )0.5 (position)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( letter)5.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(\()2.2 (p)2.2 (\))2.2 ( )0.5 (denotes)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)2.2 ( lending)2.2 ( pool)2.2 (.)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )0.5 (information)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( h)2.2 ( )0.5 (shareholders)2.2 ( )0.5 (is)2.2 ( based)2.2 ( on)2.2 ( the)2.2 ( disclosure)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (interests system of the hong kong stock exchange.)tj 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8877 181.2559 tm (note 1:)tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 118.4974 181.2559 tm [( )-1438.4 (these)14.2 ( interests)14.2 ( included)14.1 ( )0.5 (5)14.2 (,)14.1 (0)14.2 (5)14.2 (0)14.2 (,)14.1 (3)14.2 (7)14.2 (6)14.2 (,)14.2 (9)14.1 (7)14.2 (0)14.2 ( a)14.2 ( shares)14.2 ( )0.5 (directly)14.2 ( held)14.2 ( by)14.2 ( chinalco)14.1 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( an)14.2 ( aggregate)14.2 ( )0.5 (interest)19.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 1.841 -1.375 td [(of)8.2 ( )0.5 (2)8.2 (4)8.2 (5)8.2 (,)8.2 (5)8.1 (1)8.3 (8)8.1 (,)8.2 (0)8.2 (4)8.2 (9)8.2 ( )0.5 (a)8.2 ( shares)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( )0.5 (1)8.2 (6)8.1 (2)8.2 (,)8.2 (2)8.2 (7)8.2 (6)8.2 (,)8.2 (0)8.2 (0)8.2 (0)8.2 ( )0.5 (h)8.2 ( shares)8.2 ( )0.5 (held)8.2 ( )0.5 (by)8.2 ( various)8.3 ( controlled)8.2 ( subsidiaries)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (chinalco)8.2 (,)8.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.375 td [(comprising)14 ( 2)13.9 (3)14.1 (8)13.9 (,)14 (3)14 (7)14 (7)14 (,)14 (7)14 (9)14 (5)14 ( a)14 ( shares)14 ( held)14 ( by)14 ( baotou)14 ( aluminum)14 ( \()14 (group)14 (\))14 ( co)14 (.)14 (,)14 ( ltd)14 (.)14 ( \()14 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 40.35 0 td [(baotou)14 ( aluminum)31.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc -0.067 tw -40.35 -1.375 td (group)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.078 tw 3.32 0 td [(\224)14.1 (\))14 (,)14.1 ( 7)14.1 (,)14 (1)14.1 (4)14 (0)14.1 (,)14.1 (2)14 (5)14.1 (4)14 ( a)14.1 ( shares)14.1 ( held)14.1 ( by)14 ( chinalco)14.1 ( shanxi)14.1 ( aluminum)14 ( co)14.1 (.)14 (,)14.1 ( ltd)14.1 (.)14 (*)14.1 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.053 tc -0.053 tw 35.833 0 td <029512590286041312590e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw (\) )tj 0.042 tc -0.042 tw -39.153 -1.375 td [(\()0.5 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.055 tc 0.078 tw 0.917 0 td [(shanxi)13.6 ( aluminum)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.436 0 td [(\224)13.5 (\))13.6 ( and)13.5 ( 1)13.5 (6)13.5 (2)13.6 (,)13.5 (2)13.5 (7)13.5 (6)13.6 (,)13.5 (0)13.5 (0)13.5 (0)13.6 ( h)13.6 ( shares)13.5 ( held)13.5 ( by)13.5 ( aluminum)13.6 ( corporation)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( china)13.5 ( overseas)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -10.353 -1.375 td (holdings limited* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02951259090e032e0a9b067003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf (chinalco overseas holdings)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw (\224\).)tj 0 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8877 104.2559 tm (note 2:)tj 0.058 tw 8 0 0 8 118.4973 104.2559 tm [( )-1477.4 (these interests were held directly )0.5 (by capital research and management company which was controlled )]tj 0 tw 1.841 -1.375 td (by the capital group companies, inc..)tj et endstream endobj 1428 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 90.7087 652.7466 tm [(\(2\) )-388.4 (changes in total number of shares and the shareholding )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (structure of the company)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.054 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 119.0551 602.7467 tm [(on)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (5)13.7 ( february)13.7 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.7 (1)13.7 (9)13.7 (,)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( registration)13.7 ( procedure)13.7 ( for)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( additional)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( shares)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)26.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 0 -1.5 td [(company)3.2 ( )0.5 (arising)3.2 ( )0.5 (from)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (acquisition)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (assets)3.2 ( )0.5 (by)3.2 ( )0.5 (issuance)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.3 ( shares)3.2 ( was)3.2 ( completed)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw t* (with shanghai branch of china securities depository and clearing corpora\ tion limited, )tj 0.068 tw t* (and the total share capital of the company was increased from 14,903,798\ ,236 shares )tj 0.02 tc 0 tw t* [(to 17,022,672,951 shares. the change in the share capital structure of t\ he company is as)-7.7 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (follows:)tj et /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc emc q 123.772 487.094 m 121.178 487.094 119.055 484.971 119.055 482.377 c 119.055 482.377 l 119.055 376.056 l 119.055 373.461 121.178 371.338 123.772 371.338 c 123.772 371.338 l 318.474 371.338 l 321.069 371.338 323.191 373.461 323.191 376.056 c 323.191 376.056 l 323.191 482.377 l 323.191 484.971 321.069 487.094 318.474 487.094 c 318.474 487.094 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 82.7020618 0 0 -83.8157161 221.1226961 429.2161255 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 126.114 484.719 m 123.521 484.719 121.397 482.597 121.397 480.002 c 121.397 480.002 l 121.397 378.43 l 121.397 375.836 123.521 373.713 126.114 373.713 c 126.114 373.713 l 316.131 373.713 l 318.726 373.713 320.848 375.836 320.848 378.43 c 320.848 378.43 l 320.848 480.002 l 320.848 482.597 318.726 484.719 316.131 484.719 c 316.131 484.719 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 264.4037923 264.4037923 -0 221.1226961 357.3784961 cm bx /sh1 sh ex q q q 173.228 503.691 m 170.617 503.691 168.479 501.555 168.479 498.943 c 168.479 498.943 l 168.479 477.449 l 168.479 474.838 170.617 472.701 173.228 472.701 c 173.228 472.701 l 275.688 472.701 l 278.301 472.701 280.437 474.838 280.437 477.449 c 280.437 477.449 l 280.437 498.943 l 280.437 501.555 278.301 503.691 275.688 503.691 c 275.688 503.691 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -39.5972871 -39.5972871 -0 224.4579781 512.2621764 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 174.415 502.504 m 171.804 502.504 169.667 500.368 169.667 497.756 c 169.667 497.756 l 169.667 478.637 l 169.667 476.025 171.804 473.888 174.415 473.888 c 174.415 473.888 l 274.501 473.888 l 277.113 473.888 279.249 476.025 279.249 478.637 c 279.249 478.637 l 279.249 497.756 l 279.249 500.368 277.113 502.504 274.501 502.504 c 274.501 502.504 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -36.5632943 -36.5632943 -0 224.4579781 510.4182593 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q q 128.328 460.797 m 127.022 460.797 125.954 459.729 125.954 458.423 c 125.954 458.423 l 125.954 442.561 l 125.954 441.256 127.022 440.187 128.328 440.187 c 128.328 440.187 l 165.739 440.187 l 167.044 440.187 168.113 441.256 168.113 442.561 c 168.113 442.561 l 168.113 458.423 l 168.113 459.729 167.044 460.797 165.739 460.797 c 165.739 460.797 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -26.3340068 -26.3340068 -0 147.0335515 466.4971576 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 127.93 433.823 m 126.843 433.823 125.954 432.934 125.954 431.847 c 125.954 431.847 l 125.954 421.516 l 125.954 420.429 126.843 419.539 127.93 419.539 c 127.93 419.539 l 166.136 419.539 l 167.224 419.539 168.113 420.429 168.113 421.516 c 168.113 421.516 l 168.113 431.847 l 168.113 432.934 167.224 433.823 166.136 433.823 c 166.136 433.823 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 147.0335515 437.7740991 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 127.93 416.182 m 126.843 416.182 125.954 415.292 125.954 414.204 c 125.954 414.204 l 125.954 403.873 l 125.954 402.786 126.843 401.896 127.93 401.896 c 127.93 401.896 l 166.136 401.896 l 167.224 401.896 168.113 402.786 168.113 403.873 c 168.113 403.873 l 168.113 414.204 l 168.113 415.292 167.224 416.182 166.136 416.182 c 166.136 416.182 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 147.0335515 420.1316435 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 127.93 398.538 m 126.843 398.538 125.954 397.649 125.954 396.562 c 125.954 396.562 l 125.954 386.23 l 125.954 385.143 126.843 384.254 127.93 384.254 c 127.93 384.254 l 166.136 384.254 l 167.224 384.254 168.113 385.143 168.113 386.23 c 168.113 386.23 l 168.113 396.562 l 168.113 397.649 167.224 398.538 166.136 398.538 c 166.136 398.538 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 147.0335515 402.4892902 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 178.711 460.797 m 176.953 460.797 175.515 459.359 175.515 457.602 c 175.515 457.602 l 175.515 443.382 l 175.515 441.625 176.953 440.187 178.711 440.187 c 178.711 440.187 l 248.678 440.187 l 250.436 440.187 251.874 441.625 251.874 443.382 c 251.874 443.382 l 251.874 457.602 l 251.874 459.359 250.436 460.797 248.678 460.797 c 248.678 460.797 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -26.3340068 -26.3340068 -0 213.6949597 466.4971576 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 178.176 433.823 m 176.713 433.823 175.515 432.626 175.515 431.163 c 175.515 431.163 l 175.515 422.199 l 175.515 420.736 176.713 419.539 178.176 419.539 c 178.176 419.539 l 249.214 419.539 l 250.676 419.539 251.874 420.736 251.874 422.199 c 251.874 422.199 l 251.874 431.163 l 251.874 432.626 250.676 433.823 249.214 433.823 c 249.214 433.823 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 213.6949597 437.7740991 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 178.176 416.182 m 176.713 416.182 175.515 414.985 175.515 413.521 c 175.515 413.521 l 175.515 404.556 l 175.515 403.093 176.713 401.896 178.176 401.896 c 178.176 401.896 l 249.214 401.896 l 250.676 401.896 251.874 403.093 251.874 404.556 c 251.874 404.556 l 251.874 413.521 l 251.874 414.985 250.676 416.182 249.214 416.182 c 249.214 416.182 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 213.6949597 420.1316435 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 178.176 398.538 m 176.713 398.538 175.515 397.342 175.515 395.879 c 175.515 395.879 l 175.515 386.914 l 175.515 385.451 176.713 384.254 178.176 384.254 c 178.176 384.254 l 249.214 384.254 l 250.676 384.254 251.874 385.451 251.874 386.914 c 251.874 386.914 l 251.874 395.879 l 251.874 397.342 250.676 398.538 249.214 398.538 c 249.214 398.538 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 213.6949597 402.4892902 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 260.151 460.797 m 258.607 460.797 257.344 459.534 257.344 457.99 c 257.344 457.99 l 257.344 442.994 l 257.344 441.451 258.607 440.187 260.151 440.187 c 260.151 440.187 l 313.484 440.187 l 315.028 440.187 316.292 441.451 316.292 442.994 c 316.292 442.994 l 316.292 457.99 l 316.292 459.534 315.028 460.797 313.484 460.797 c 313.484 460.797 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -26.3340068 -26.3340068 -0 286.8180463 466.4971576 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 259.681 433.823 m 258.396 433.823 257.344 432.772 257.344 431.486 c 257.344 431.486 l 257.344 421.876 l 257.344 420.591 258.396 419.539 259.681 419.539 c 259.681 419.539 l 313.954 419.539 l 315.24 419.539 316.292 420.591 316.292 421.876 c 316.292 421.876 l 316.292 431.486 l 316.292 432.772 315.24 433.823 313.954 433.823 c 313.954 433.823 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 286.8180463 437.7740991 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 259.681 416.182 m 258.396 416.182 257.344 415.129 257.344 413.843 c 257.344 413.843 l 257.344 404.234 l 257.344 402.948 258.396 401.896 259.681 401.896 c 259.681 401.896 l 313.954 401.896 l 315.24 401.896 316.292 402.948 316.292 404.234 c 316.292 404.234 l 316.292 413.843 l 316.292 415.129 315.24 416.182 313.954 416.182 c 313.954 416.182 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 286.8180463 420.1316435 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 259.681 398.538 m 258.396 398.538 257.344 397.487 257.344 396.202 c 257.344 396.202 l 257.344 386.591 l 257.344 385.305 258.396 384.254 259.681 384.254 c 259.681 384.254 l 313.954 384.254 l 315.24 384.254 316.292 385.305 316.292 386.591 c 316.292 386.591 l 316.292 396.202 l 316.292 397.487 315.24 398.538 313.954 398.538 c 313.954 398.538 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 286.8180463 402.4892902 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q bt /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10.0511 0 0 10.0511 198.9274 489.6948 tm (bef)tj 1.536 0 td (or)tj 0.97 0 td (e the )tj -4.642 -1 td (additional issuance )tj 8.3759 0 0 8.3759 128.1974 451.6324 tm (class of )tj 0.459 -1 td (shar)tj 2.026 0 td (es)tj /t1_2 1 tf 4.191 -2.331 td (1)tj 0.481 0 td (0,959,832,268)tj -0.241 -2.174 td (3,943,965,968)tj -0.159 -2.056 td (1)tj 0.506 0 td (4,903,798,236)tj -0.075 tc 0.075 tw 10.868 0 td (10)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.057 0 td (0)tj -1.501 2.056 td (26.46)tj 0 2.174 td (73.54)tj -17.41 -2.174 td (h shares)tj 0.028 2.174 td (a shares)tj -0.115 tc 0.115 tw 0.909 -4.23 td (to)tj 0.02 tc -0.02 tw 0.997 0 td (ta)tj 0 tc 0 tw 0.853 0 td (l)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.04 tc 0.04 tw 5.0255 0 0 8.3759 264.1948 451.6324 tm (pe)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.127 0 td (r)tj 0.369 0 td (centag)tj 3.203 0 td (e in t)tj 2.37 0 td (otal )tj -8.076 -1 td (issued shar)tj 5.36 0 td (e capital \(%\))tj 8.3759 0 0 8.3759 189.2248 451.6324 tm (number of )tj -0.609 -1 td (shar)tj 2.026 0 td (es \(shar)tj 3.693 0 td (e\))tj et q 333.473 487.094 m 330.878 487.094 328.756 484.971 328.756 482.377 c 328.756 482.377 l 328.756 376.056 l 328.756 373.461 330.878 371.338 333.473 371.338 c 333.473 371.338 l 528.175 371.338 l 530.769 371.338 532.891 373.461 532.891 376.056 c 532.891 376.056 l 532.891 482.377 l 532.891 484.971 530.769 487.094 528.175 487.094 c 528.175 487.094 l h w n q 0 g 82.7020618 0 0 -83.8157161 430.8236318 429.2161255 cm bx /sh5 sh ex q q q 335.815 484.719 m 333.22 484.719 331.098 482.597 331.098 480.002 c 331.098 480.002 l 331.098 378.43 l 331.098 375.836 333.22 373.713 335.815 373.713 c 335.815 373.713 l 525.832 373.713 l 528.426 373.713 530.548 375.836 530.548 378.43 c 530.548 378.43 l 530.548 480.002 l 530.548 482.597 528.426 484.719 525.832 484.719 c 525.832 484.719 l h w n q 0 g 0 264.4037923 264.4037923 -0 430.8236318 357.3784961 cm bx /sh6 sh ex q q q 382.928 503.691 m 380.318 503.691 378.18 501.555 378.18 498.943 c 378.18 498.943 l 378.18 477.449 l 378.18 474.838 380.318 472.701 382.928 472.701 c 382.928 472.701 l 485.389 472.701 l 488.001 472.701 490.137 474.838 490.137 477.449 c 490.137 477.449 l 490.137 498.943 l 490.137 501.555 488.001 503.691 485.389 503.691 c 485.389 503.691 l h w n q 0 g 0 -39.5972871 -39.5972871 -0 434.1589012 512.2621764 cm bx /sh2 sh ex q q q 384.116 502.504 m 381.504 502.504 379.367 500.368 379.367 497.756 c 379.367 497.756 l 379.367 478.637 l 379.367 476.025 381.504 473.888 384.116 473.888 c 384.116 473.888 l 484.202 473.888 l 486.813 473.888 488.949 476.025 488.949 478.637 c 488.949 478.637 l 488.949 497.756 l 488.949 500.368 486.813 502.504 484.202 502.504 c 484.202 502.504 l h w n q 0 g 0 -36.5632943 -36.5632943 -0 434.1589012 510.4182593 cm bx /sh3 sh ex q q q 338.029 460.797 m 336.723 460.797 335.654 459.729 335.654 458.423 c 335.654 458.423 l 335.654 442.561 l 335.654 441.256 336.723 440.187 338.029 440.187 c 338.029 440.187 l 375.439 440.187 l 376.745 440.187 377.814 441.256 377.814 442.561 c 377.814 442.561 l 377.814 458.423 l 377.814 459.729 376.745 460.797 375.439 460.797 c 375.439 460.797 l h w n q 0 g 0 -26.3340068 -26.3340068 -0 356.7339889 466.4971576 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 337.631 433.823 m 336.544 433.823 335.654 432.934 335.654 431.847 c 335.654 431.847 l 335.654 421.516 l 335.654 420.429 336.544 419.539 337.631 419.539 c 337.631 419.539 l 375.836 419.539 l 376.924 419.539 377.814 420.429 377.814 421.516 c 377.814 421.516 l 377.814 431.847 l 377.814 432.934 376.924 433.823 375.836 433.823 c 375.836 433.823 l h w n q 0 g 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 356.7339889 437.7740991 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 337.631 416.182 m 336.544 416.182 335.654 415.292 335.654 414.204 c 335.654 414.204 l 335.654 403.873 l 335.654 402.786 336.544 401.896 337.631 401.896 c 337.631 401.896 l 375.836 401.896 l 376.924 401.896 377.814 402.786 377.814 403.873 c 377.814 403.873 l 377.814 414.204 l 377.814 415.292 376.924 416.182 375.836 416.182 c 375.836 416.182 l h w n q 0 g 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 356.7339889 420.1316435 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 337.631 398.538 m 336.544 398.538 335.654 397.649 335.654 396.562 c 335.654 396.562 l 335.654 386.23 l 335.654 385.143 336.544 384.254 337.631 384.254 c 337.631 384.254 l 375.836 384.254 l 376.924 384.254 377.814 385.143 377.814 386.23 c 377.814 386.23 l 377.814 396.562 l 377.814 397.649 376.924 398.538 375.836 398.538 c 375.836 398.538 l h w n q 0 g 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 356.7339889 402.4892902 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 388.411 460.797 m 386.654 460.797 385.216 459.359 385.216 457.602 c 385.216 457.602 l 385.216 443.382 l 385.216 441.625 386.654 440.187 388.411 440.187 c 388.411 440.187 l 458.379 440.187 l 460.136 440.187 461.574 441.625 461.574 443.382 c 461.574 443.382 l 461.574 457.602 l 461.574 459.359 460.136 460.797 458.379 460.797 c 458.379 460.797 l h w n q 0 g 0 -26.3340068 -26.3340068 -0 423.3950519 466.4971576 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 387.877 433.823 m 386.413 433.823 385.216 432.626 385.216 431.163 c 385.216 431.163 l 385.216 422.199 l 385.216 420.736 386.413 419.539 387.877 419.539 c 387.877 419.539 l 458.914 419.539 l 460.377 419.539 461.574 420.736 461.574 422.199 c 461.574 422.199 l 461.574 431.163 l 461.574 432.626 460.377 433.823 458.914 433.823 c 458.914 433.823 l h w n q 0 g 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 423.3950519 437.7740991 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 387.877 416.182 m 386.413 416.182 385.216 414.985 385.216 413.521 c 385.216 413.521 l 385.216 404.556 l 385.216 403.093 386.413 401.896 387.877 401.896 c 387.877 401.896 l 458.914 401.896 l 460.377 401.896 461.574 403.093 461.574 404.556 c 461.574 404.556 l 461.574 413.521 l 461.574 414.985 460.377 416.182 458.914 416.182 c 458.914 416.182 l h w n q 0 g 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 423.3950519 420.1316435 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 387.877 398.538 m 386.413 398.538 385.216 397.342 385.216 395.879 c 385.216 395.879 l 385.216 386.914 l 385.216 385.451 386.413 384.254 387.877 384.254 c 387.877 384.254 l 458.914 384.254 l 460.377 384.254 461.574 385.451 461.574 386.914 c 461.574 386.914 l 461.574 395.879 l 461.574 397.342 460.377 398.538 458.914 398.538 c 458.914 398.538 l h w n q 0 g 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 423.3950519 402.4892902 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 469.852 460.797 m 468.308 460.797 467.044 459.534 467.044 457.99 c 467.044 457.99 l 467.044 442.994 l 467.044 441.451 468.308 440.187 469.852 440.187 c 469.852 440.187 l 523.184 440.187 l 524.729 440.187 525.992 441.451 525.992 442.994 c 525.992 442.994 l 525.992 457.99 l 525.992 459.534 524.729 460.797 523.184 460.797 c 523.184 460.797 l h w n q 0 g 0 -26.3340068 -26.3340068 -0 496.5181513 466.4971576 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 469.382 433.823 m 468.096 433.823 467.044 432.772 467.044 431.486 c 467.044 431.486 l 467.044 421.876 l 467.044 420.591 468.096 419.539 469.382 419.539 c 469.382 419.539 l 523.655 419.539 l 524.94 419.539 525.992 420.591 525.992 421.876 c 525.992 421.876 l 525.992 431.486 l 525.992 432.772 524.94 433.823 523.655 433.823 c 523.655 433.823 l h w n q 0 g 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 496.5181513 437.7740991 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 469.382 416.182 m 468.096 416.182 467.044 415.129 467.044 413.843 c 467.044 413.843 l 467.044 404.234 l 467.044 402.948 468.096 401.896 469.382 401.896 c 469.382 401.896 l 523.655 401.896 l 524.94 401.896 525.992 402.948 525.992 404.234 c 525.992 404.234 l 525.992 413.843 l 525.992 415.129 524.94 416.182 523.655 416.182 c 523.655 416.182 l h w n q 0 g 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 496.5181513 420.1316435 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q q 469.382 398.538 m 468.096 398.538 467.044 397.487 467.044 396.202 c 467.044 396.202 l 467.044 386.591 l 467.044 385.305 468.096 384.254 469.382 384.254 c 469.382 384.254 l 523.655 384.254 l 524.94 384.254 525.992 385.305 525.992 386.591 c 525.992 386.591 l 525.992 396.202 l 525.992 397.487 524.94 398.538 523.655 398.538 c 523.655 398.538 l h w n q 0 g 0 -18.2517869 -18.2517869 -0 496.5181513 402.4892902 cm bx /sh4 sh ex q q bt 10.0511 0 0 10.0511 412.2359 489.6948 tm (af)tj 1.03 0 td (t)tj 0.369 0 td (er the )tj -3.755 -1 td (additional issuance)tj 8.3759 0 0 8.3759 337.8975 451.6324 tm (class of )tj 0.46 -1 td (shar)tj 2.026 0 td (es)tj /t1_2 1 tf 4.178 -2.331 td (1)tj 0.506 0 td (3,078,706,983)tj -0.253 -2.174 td (3,943,965,968)tj -0.07 tc 0.07 tw -0.044 -2.056 td (17)tj 0 tc 0 tw 0.832 0 td (,022,672,951)tj -0.075 tc 0.075 tw 10.427 0 td 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587.7467 tm (on 18 december 2018, the company received the reply on approving the acq\ uisition )tj 0.001 tw 0 -1.5 td (of assets by aluminum corporation of china limited* by issuance of share\ s to huarong )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(ruitong)4.2 ( equity)4.2 ( )0.5 (investment)4.2 ( management)4.2 ( )0.5 (co)4.1 (.)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)4.1 (.)4.3 ( and)4.2 ( certain)4.2 ( other)4.2 ( )0.5 (companies)4.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 39.358 0 td <15eb05f5>tj 0.054 tc -0.054 tw -39.358 -1.5 td <08e8085802950a3712590e380670038503de082202ae032103a30d3613440e7f0bb7067016c604b30f1f104d0b2303de082202ae03210d030cef04110670038514850d6f0f1f0b2a065904ad1527>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw (\) )tj 0.006 tw t* (\(zhen jian xu ke [2018] no. 2064\) issued by the csrc, pursuant to whic\ h the company )tj 0.058 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(was)14.2 ( )0.6 (approved)14.2 ( )0.6 (to)14.3 ( )0.5 (issue)14.2 ( )0.5 (an)14.2 ( )0.5 (aggregate)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.3 (,)14.2 (1)14.3 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( investors)13.2 (.)13.1 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(the)10.2 ( issue)10.2 ( )0.5 (price)10.2 ( )0.5 (for)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (acquisition)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( )0.5 (assets)10.2 ( )0.5 (by)10.2 ( way)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (issuance)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( shares)10.2 ( is)10.2 ( )0.5 (fixed)10.1 ( )0.5 (at)10.2 ( )]tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(rmb)14.1 (6)14.2 (.)14.2 (0)14.1 (0)14.2 ( per)14.1 ( )0.5 (share)14.1 ( )0.5 (which)14.1 ( is)14.2 ( not)14.2 ( less)14.2 ( than)14.2 ( 9)14.2 (0)14.2 (%)14.1 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( )0.5 (average)14.1 ( )0.5 (trading)14.2 ( price)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.028 tw t* (shares of the company for the last 60 trading days prior to the pricing \ benchmark date, )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(i)13.8 (.)13.9 (e)13.8 (.)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( date)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( announcement)13.9 ( on)13.8 ( resolutions)13.9 ( passed)13.9 ( at)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( 1)13.9 (9)13.8 (th)13.8 ( meeting)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)15.3 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(sixth)10.2 ( )0.5 (session)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( board)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( company)10.2 (.)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (registration)10.2 ( )0.5 (procedure)10.2 ( )0.5 (regarding)10.1 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(additional)13.2 ( )0.5 (shares)13.2 ( )0.5 (issued)13.2 ( under)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (issuance)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( shares)13.2 ( )0.5 (was)13.2 ( completed)13.2 ( with)13.2 ( )0.5 (shanghai)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.039 tw t* (branch of china securities depository and clearing corporation limited o\ n 25 february )tj -0.028 tw t* (2019.)tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(in)13.7 ( addition)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( additional)13.7 ( issuance)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( a)13.6 ( shares)13.7 ( above)13.7 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.7 ( had)13.7 ( no)13.7 ( new)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (share issuance in the past three years.)tj et endstream endobj 1446 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(as)13.4 ( at)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( date)13.4 ( of)13.4 ( this)13.4 ( annual)13.5 ( report)13.5 (,)13.4 ( particulars)13.5 ( of)13.4 ( shares)13.5 ( of)13.4 ( the)13.4 ( company)13.5 ( are)13.5 ( set)13.4 ( out)13.4 ( as)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.5 td (follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 625.942 85.039 -15 re 447.874 625.942 85.039 -15 re 362.835 610.942 85.039 -15 re 447.874 610.942 85.039 -15 re 362.835 595.942 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 595.942 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 592.561 85.039 -15 re 447.874 592.561 85.039 -15 re 362.835 577.561 85.039 -15 re 447.874 577.561 85.039 -15 re 362.835 562.561 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 562.561 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 559.552 85.039 -15 re 447.874 559.552 85.039 -15 re 362.835 544.552 85.039 -15 re 447.874 544.552 85.039 -15 re 362.835 529.552 85.039 -15 re 447.874 529.552 85.039 -15 re 362.835 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-35.717 -3 td (shares subject to trading moratorium)tj 0 tc 34.594 0 td (0)tj 8.504 0 td (0)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 559.8022 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 90.7086 560.8221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 559.8021 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8346 560.8221 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 559.8021 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 560.8221 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (shares not subject to trading moratorium)tj /t1_0 1 tf 1.417 -1.5 td (1.rmb denominated ordinary shares)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 26.421 0 td (13,078,706,983)tj 13.202 0 td (76.83)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.623 -1.5 td (2.overseas listed foreign invested shares)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.005 0 td (3,943,965,968)tj 12.618 0 td (23.17)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 496.7931 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 497.8131 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 496.7931 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 497.8131 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 496.7931 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 497.8131 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (total tradable shares not subject to trading moratorium)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.838 0 td (17,022,672,951)tj 14.092 0 td (100)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 463.784 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 464.804 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 463.784 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 464.804 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 463.784 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 464.804 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (total shares)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.838 0 td (17,022,672,951)tj 14.092 0 td (100)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 430.6536 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 431.4236 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 430.6536 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 431.4236 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 430.6536 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 431.4236 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 90.7087 397.6936 tm (approval of changes in shares)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 367.6936 tm [(the)13.4 ( company)13.4 ( received)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( reply)13.5 ( on)13.5 ( approving)13.5 ( the)13.4 ( acquisition)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( assets)13.4 ( by)13.4 ( aluminum)34.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(corporation)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (china)3.2 ( limited)3.2 (*)3.2 ( )0.5 (by)3.2 ( issuance)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (shares)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (huarong)3.2 ( )0.5 (ruitong)3.2 ( )0.5 (equity)3.2 ( investment)3.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(management)13.8 ( co)13.8 (.)13.8 (,)13.8 ( ltd)13.8 (.)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( certain)13.8 ( other)13.9 ( companies)13.8 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.032 tc -0.032 tw 26.705 0 td <15eb05f508e8085802950a3712590e380670038503de082202ae032103a30d361344>tj 0.054 tc -0.054 tw -26.705 -1.5 td <0e7f0bb7067016c604b30f1f104d0b2303de082202ae03210d030cef04110670038514850d6f0f1f0b2a065904ad1527>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw [(\) \(z)-14.2 (h)-14.3 (e)-14.3 (n)-14.2 (g j)-14.3 (i)-14.2 (a)-14.3 (n x)-14.3 (u k)-14.2 (e [2018] n)-14.3 (o. 2064\))26.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* [(i)0.5 (ssu)0.5 (ed )0.5 (by c)0.5 (hi)0.5 (na )0.5 (sec)0.5 (uri)0.5 (ti)0.5 (es)0.5 ( re)0.5 (gul)0.5 (at)0.5 (ory)0.5 ( co)0.5 (mmi)0.5 (ss)0.5 (ion)0.5 ( \(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 25.08 0 td [(cs)0.5 (rc)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw 2.778 0 td [(\224\))0.5 ( on)0.5 ( 18)0.5 ( d)0.5 (ece)0.5 (mbe)0.5 (r 2)0.5 (018)0.5 (, p)0.5 (urs)0.5 (uan)0.5 (t )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw -27.858 -1.5 td [(t)0.5 (o)2.1 ( )0.5 (wh)0.5 (i)0.5 (ch)2.2 ( t)0.5 (he)2.3 ( co)0.5 (mp)0.5 (an)0.5 (y)2.2 ( w)0.5 (as)2.2 ( )0.5 (ap)0.5 (pro)0.5 (ve)0.5 (d)2.2 ( t)0.5 (o)2.2 ( i)0.5 (ss)0.5 (ue)2.2 ( )0.5 (an)2.2 ( )0.5 (ag)0.5 (gr)0.5 (ega)0.5 (te)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )0.5 (2)2.2 (,)2.2 (1)2.2 (1)2.2 (8)2.2 (,)2.2 (8)2.2 (7)2.2 (4)2.2 (,)2.2 (7)2.2 (1)2.2 (5)2.2 ( a)2.2 ( )0.5 (sh)0.5 (ar)0.5 (es)2.2 ( )0.5 (to)2.2 ( )0.5 (8)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (investors, including huarong ruitong equity investment management co., l\ td..)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 15 0 0 15 90.7087 242.6936 tm (transfer of changes in shareholding)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0.072 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 212.6936 tm (on 25 february 2019, the registration procedure for the additional a sha\ res of the company )tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(a)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)12.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)12.2 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)12.2 ( a)0.6 (c)0.5 (q)0.5 (u)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)12.2 ( o)0.6 (f)12.2 ( a)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (s)12.2 ( b)0.5 (y)12.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 (u)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)12.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)12.2 ( s)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)12.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)12.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)12.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)12.2 ( s)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (i)12.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.077 tw t* [(b)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (ch)14.5 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)14.4 ( s)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( c)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( l)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (ed)14.4 (.)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (al)14.4 ( s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)27.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (capital of the company was increased from 14,903,798,236 shares to 17,02\ 2,672,951 shares.)tj et endstream endobj 1447 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1448 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1449 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1450 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1451 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1452 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(4)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2. )-694.2 (changes in shareholding and shareholders)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 622.7467 tm [(on)13.9 ( 2)13.9 (5)13.8 ( february)13.8 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (9)13.9 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.9 ( completed)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( registration)13.8 ( procedure)13.9 ( with)13.9 ( shanghai)25.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(b)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (nc)0.5 (h)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (in)0.5 (a)14.4 ( s)0.5 (ec)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)14.4 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (si)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( c)0.5 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (rp)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( l)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (te)0.5 (d)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (pe)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)21.2 ( )]tj 0.023 tc 0 tw t* [(a)0.5 (d)0.6 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)0.5 ( )0.6 (s)0.5 (h)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 ( )0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)0.5 ( )0.6 (f)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 ( )0.6 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)0.5 ( )0.6 (a)0.5 (c)0.6 (q)0.5 (u)0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 ( )0.5 (o)0.6 (f)0.5 ( )0.6 (a)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (t)0.5 (s)0.6 ( )0.5 (b)0.6 (y)0.5 ( )0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.5 (u)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)0.5 ( )0.6 (s)0.5 (h)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (,)0.5 ( )0.6 (u)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 ( )0.6 (w)0.5 (h)0.6 (i)0.6 (c)0.5 (h)0.6 ( )0.5 (i)0.6 (t)0.5 ( )0.6 (i)0.5 (s)0.6 (s)0.6 (u)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.054 tc 0.078 tw t* [(2)13.5 (,)13.6 (1)13.5 (1)13.5 (8)13.6 (,)13.5 (8)13.6 (7)13.5 (4)13.6 (,)13.5 (7)13.5 (1)13.6 (5)13.5 ( additional)13.6 ( a)13.5 ( shares)13.6 (,)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( total)13.6 ( share)13.6 ( capital)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 ( increased)26.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.092 tw t* [(t)-14 (o 17,022,672,951 s)-14 (h)-13.9 (a)-14 (r)-14 (e)-13.9 (s f)-14 (r)-14 (o)-13.9 (m 14,903,798,236 s)-14 (h)-14 (a)-14 (r)-13.9 (e)-14 (s. s)-13.9 (u)-14 (b)-14 (j)-13.9 (e)-14 (c)-14 (t t)-13.9 (o t)-14 (r)-14 (a)-13.9 (d)-14 (i)-14 (n)-13.9 (g m)-14 (o)-14 (r)-13.9 (a)-14 (t)-14 (o)-13.9 (r)-14 (i)-14 (u)-13.9 (m, t)-13.9 (h)-14 (e)4.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(additional)13.6 ( shares)13.7 ( issued)13.6 ( shall)13.7 ( not)13.6 ( be)13.6 ( transferred)13.6 ( within)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( lock)13.7 (-)13.6 (up)13.6 ( period)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( 1)13.7 (2)13.6 ( months)27.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(from)1.3 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (completion)1.3 ( date)1.2 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( issuance)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (on)1.2 ( )0.5 (2)1.2 (6)1.2 ( )0.5 (february)1.2 ( )0.5 (2)1.2 (0)1.2 (2)1.2 (0)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( lock)1.2 (-)1.2 (up)1.2 ( )0.5 (period)1.2 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (such)1.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw t* [(additional)13.6 ( shares)13.5 ( issued)13.6 ( was)13.6 ( released)13.5 (,)13.6 ( and)13.5 ( all)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( shares)13.6 ( were)13.5 ( tradable)13.6 ( on)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( market)13.6 (.)32.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0 -1.5 td [(for)14 ( details)14 (,)14 ( please)14 ( refer)14.1 ( to)14 ( the)14 ( relevant)14 ( announcements)14 ( published)14 ( by)14 ( the)14 ( company)14 ( on)14 ( 2)14 (6)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (february 2019 and 20 february 2020, respectively.)tj 0 -3 td (as at 31 december 2019, particulars of shares of the company are set out\ as follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 441.477 85.039 -15 re 447.874 441.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 426.477 85.039 -15 re 447.874 426.477 85.039 -15 re 362.835 411.477 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 411.477 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 408.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 408.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 393.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 393.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 378.096 85.039 -15 re 447.874 378.096 85.039 -15 re 362.835 363.096 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 363.096 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 360.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 360.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 345.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 345.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 330.087 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 330.087 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 327.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 327.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 312.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 312.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 297.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 297.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 282.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 282.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 267.078 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 267.078 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 264.069 85.039 -15 re 447.874 264.069 85.039 -15 re 362.835 249.069 85.039 -15 re 447.874 249.069 85.039 -15 re 362.835 234.069 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 234.069 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 231.06 85.039 -15 re 447.874 231.06 85.039 -15 re 362.835 216.06 85.039 -15 re 447.874 216.06 85.039 -15 re 362.835 201.06 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 201.06 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 408.0249 427.7467 tm (shares )tj 6.337 0 td (percentage )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 393.683 412.7467 tm (\(number\))tj 11.643 0 td (\(%\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 408.5963 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 409.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 408.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8346 409.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 408.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 409.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (shares subject to trading moratorium)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -1.5 td [(1. )-1639 (rmb denominated ordinary shares )]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.422 0 td (2,118,874,715)tj 12.618 0 td (12.45)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 360.3372 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 361.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 360.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 361.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 360.3372 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 361.3572 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (total shares subject to trading moratorium)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.422 0 td (2,118,874,715)tj 12.618 0 td (12.45)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 327.3282 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 328.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 327.3282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 328.3482 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 327.3282 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 328.3482 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (shares not subject to trading moratorium)tj /t1_0 1 tf t* [(1. )-1639 (rmb denominated ordinary shares)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.838 0 td (10,959,832,268)tj 13.202 0 td (64.38)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td [(2. )-1639 (overseas listed foreign invested shares)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 28.422 0 td (3,943,965,968)tj 12.618 0 td (23.17)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 264.3191 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 265.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 264.3191 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 265.3391 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 264.3191 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 265.3391 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (total tradable shares not subject to trading moratorium)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.838 0 td (14,903,798,236)tj 13.202 0 td (87.55)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 231.3101 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 232.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 231.3101 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 232.3301 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 231.3101 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 232.3301 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (total shares)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 27.838 0 td (17,022,672,951)tj 14.092 0 td (100)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 198.1797 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 198.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 198.1797 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 198.9497 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 198.1797 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 198.9497 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1453 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7467 tm [(1. )-694.2 (share capital structure)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.035 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 622.7467 tm (chinalco is the single largest shareholder of the company, which directl\ y held 29.67% equity )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(interest)14 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( together)14 ( with)13.9 ( its)13.9 ( subsidiaries)13.9 ( held)13.9 ( an)14 ( aggregate)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( 3)13.9 (2)14 (.)13.9 (0)13.9 (6)13.9 (%)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw t* (equity interest of the company as of 31 december 2019. as of 31 december\ 2019, chinalco )tj 0 tw t* (was the controlling shareholder of the company.)tj 0 -3 td (as of 31 december 2019, the share capital structure of the company was a\ s follows:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 362.835 531.477 170.079 -15 re 362.835 516.477 170.079 -3.009 re 362.835 513.468 85.039 -45 re 447.874 513.468 85.039 -45 re 362.835 468.468 85.039 -15 re 447.874 468.468 85.039 -15 re 362.835 453.468 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 453.468 85.039 -3.38 re 362.835 450.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 450.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 435.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 435.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 420.087 85.039 -15 re 447.874 420.087 85.039 -15 re 362.835 405.087 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 405.087 85.039 -3.009 re 362.835 402.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 402.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 387.078 85.039 -15 re 447.874 387.078 85.039 -15 re 362.835 372.078 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 372.078 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 387.7154 517.7467 tm (as of 31 december 2019)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 513.7175 cm 0 0 m 170.079 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 362.8346 514.7375 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 2.604 -3 td (number of )tj -0.028 tw 2.082 -1.5 td (shares)tj 0 tw 4.808 3 td (percentage to )tj 1.084 -1.5 td (total issued )tj -0.529 -1.5 td (share capital)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 387.011 454.7375 tm (\(in million\))tj -0.028 tw 12.31 0 td (\(%\))tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 450.5872 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 90.7086 451.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8346 450.5872 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 2.6795 10 362.8346 451.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 450.5872 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 2.6795 10 447.874 451.3571 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7087 421.3571 tm (holders of a shares)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 30.479 0 td (13,078.71)tj 10.561 0 td (76.83)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (holders of h shares)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 31.063 0 td (3,943.97)tj 9.977 0 td (23.17)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 402.3281 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 403.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 402.3281 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 403.3481 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 402.3281 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 403.3481 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -35.717 -3 td (total)tj /t1_1 1 tf 30.479 0 td (17,022.67)tj 11.451 0 td (100)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 369.1977 cm 0 0 m 272.126 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 369.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 369.1977 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 362.8347 369.9677 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 369.1977 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 369.9677 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.082 tw -35.717 -2.873 td (according to the publicly available information and to the best knowledg\ e of the company\222s )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(directors)13.7 (,)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( date)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( this)13.7 ( annual)13.7 ( report)13.6 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( share)13.6 ( capital)13.7 ( structure)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.077 tw t* (can maintain a sufficient public float and is in compliance with the req\ uirement of the rules )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(governing)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( listing)14.1 ( of)14 ( securities)14 ( on)14.1 ( the)14 ( stock)14.1 ( exchange)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( hong)14.1 ( kong)14 ( limited)14.1 ( \()14.1 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.044 tw 41.534 0 td [(hong)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -41.534 -1.5 td (kong listing rules)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw (\224\).)tj et endstream endobj 1454 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3796 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 20 0 0 20 98.3321 744.3699 tm [(p)7.6 (a)14.4 (r)-47.7 (t)-17.8 (i)12.8 (c)20.1 (u)4.6 (l)9.7 (a)14.4 (r)-13.3 (s a)13.8 (n)3.4 (d c)-4.1 (h)10.7 (a)13.8 (n)7.3 (g)10.4 (e)2.5 (s o)-8 (f s)0.5 (h)10.7 (a)14.4 (r)-2.6 (e)5.9 (h)4.4 (o)1.7 (l)1.8 (d)7.2 (i)3.2 (n)7.3 (g s)-29.4 (t)-15.3 (r)-8.2 (u)14.7 (c)-11.2 (t)-14.3 (u)7.2 (r)-2.6 (e)5.1 (, a)13.8 (n)3.3 (d )]tj 7.962 -1.1 td [(d)7.6 (e)-13.7 (t)-15.7 (a)12.8 (i)3.1 (l)3.5 (s o)-8.1 (f s)2.5 (u)9.2 (b)-0.6 (s)-27.9 (t)-15.7 (a)13.8 (n)-16.2 (t)-17.8 (i)11.1 (a)12.4 (l s)0.5 (h)10.7 (a)14.4 (r)-2.6 (e)5.9 (h)4.4 (o)1.7 (l)1.7 (d)10.4 (e)7.9 (r)-13.2 (s)]tj et endstream endobj 1455 0 obj <> endobj 1456 0 obj <> endobj 1457 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ce�j�jib��a4����f�=���q�i��e�l}�$e�\�n��=�� �λ��p�጗ϋm ������m��pq=���o��|pr�� on8�j%o�a����zi} �{�l�(�ak�^�����r���i^s͟�s�rߊ;8cc16��*��) ?�)z�/��rvn�wu��x��@\ �ļdž)�wę�3�g��x�� s n�sf��e#}4�љpƭ�5�6�{�=�a��,>5��g�#�i�><7���# {0���#(�n��f�{��v���o��x�c����q� zӡ� endstream endobj 1458 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 1459 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 90.7087 652.7466 tm (by education background)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 622.7467 tm (category)tj 37.736 0 td (headcounts)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 618.7176 cm 0 0 m 357.165 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 619.7375 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 618.7175 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 619.7375 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (post-graduates and above)tj -0.028 tw 41.93 0 td (752)tj 0 tw -41.93 -1.5 td (university graduates)tj -0.028 tw 40.457 0 td (13,969)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td (technical institute graduates)tj -0.028 tw 40.457 0 td (13,877)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td (secondary/technical school graduates or below)tj -0.028 tw 40.457 0 td (36,909)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 540.7084 cm 0 0 m 357.165 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 541.7284 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 540.7084 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 541.7284 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -35.717 -3 td (total)tj 40.457 0 td (65,507)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 507.578 cm 0 0 m 357.165 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 508.348 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 507.578 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 508.348 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -31.393 -2.873 td (composition by function)tj 22.821 0 td (by education background)tj et /placedgraphic /mc0 bdc emc 0 0 0 0.4 k 0.883 w 1 j /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 152.7531 406.0523 cm 0 0 m 34.375 0 l 33.933 -6.845 l s q q 102.633 323.696 188.749 136.658 re w n 0.522 0.187 0.849 0 k q 1 0 0 1 154.1663 410.5259 cm 0 0 m 0 1.377 -1.127 2.504 -2.504 2.504 c -32.447 2.504 l -33.824 2.504 -34.951 1.377 -34.951 0 c -34.951 -8.947 l -34.951 -10.324 -33.824 -11.451 -32.447 -11.451 c -2.504 -11.451 l -1.127 -11.451 0 -10.324 0 -8.947 c h f q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 150.276 406.0523 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.456 -0.37 -0.826 -0.826 -0.826 c -1.282 -0.826 -1.653 -0.456 -1.653 0 c -1.653 0.456 -1.282 0.826 -0.826 0.826 c -0.37 0.826 0 0.456 0 0 c 1.193 0 m 1.193 1.116 0.289 2.02 -0.826 2.02 c -1.942 2.02 -2.846 1.116 -2.846 0 c -2.846 -1.116 -1.942 -2.02 -0.826 -2.02 c 0.289 -2.02 1.193 -1.116 1.193 0 c f q q bt 0 0 0 0 k /t1_2 1 tf -0.15 tc 0.15 tw 4.2396 0 0 5.2994 121.9124 407.1444 tm (te)tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw 1.017 0 td (ch)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.091 0 td (nolog)tj 2.702 0 td (y)tj -4.81 -1 td (personnel)tj et q 102.633 323.696 188.749 136.658 re w n q 1 0 0 1 144.267 374.6526 cm 0 0 m 29.368 0 l 34.176 10.157 l s q q q 102.633 329.156 188.749 131.198 re w n 0.055 0.502 0.705 0 k q 1 0 0 1 145.6803 379.1263 cm 0 0 m 0 1.377 -1.127 2.504 -2.504 2.504 c -40.543 2.504 l -41.921 2.504 -43.047 1.377 -43.047 0 c -43.047 -8.947 l -43.047 -10.324 -41.921 -11.45 -40.543 -11.45 c -2.504 -11.45 l -1.127 -11.45 0 -10.324 0 -8.947 c h f q q q 102.633 323.696 188.749 136.658 re w n q 1 0 0 1 141.79 374.6526 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.456 -0.37 -0.826 -0.826 -0.826 c -1.283 -0.826 -1.653 -0.456 -1.653 0 c -1.653 0.457 -1.283 0.827 -0.826 0.827 c -0.37 0.827 0 0.457 0 0 c 1.193 0 m 1.193 1.116 0.289 2.02 -0.826 2.02 c -1.942 2.02 -2.846 1.116 -2.846 0 c -2.846 -1.115 -1.942 -2.02 -0.826 -2.02 c 0.289 -2.02 1.193 -1.115 1.193 0 c f q q bt 4.2396 0 0 5.2994 106.5827 375.7448 tm (a)tj 0.702 0 td (dministr)tj 3.98 0 td (ation)tj -4.682 -1 td (personnel)tj et q 102.633 323.696 188.749 136.658 re w n q 1 0 0 1 199.5286 407.3312 cm 0 0 m 8.871 14.606 l 33.534 14.451 l s q 0.712 0.161 0.194 0 k q 1 0 0 1 230.3661 426.1588 cm 0 0 m 0 1.377 1.127 2.504 2.504 2.504 c 45.331 2.504 l 46.708 2.504 47.834 1.377 47.834 0 c 47.834 -8.947 l 47.834 -10.324 46.708 -11.451 45.331 -11.451 c 2.504 -11.451 l 1.127 -11.451 0 -10.324 0 -8.947 c h f q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 235.0826 422.5115 cm 0 0 m 0.457 0 0.826 -0.37 0.826 -0.826 c 0.826 -1.283 0.457 -1.653 0 -1.653 c -0.456 -1.653 -0.826 -1.283 -0.826 -0.826 c -0.826 -0.37 -0.456 0 0 0 c 0 -2.846 m 1.116 -2.846 2.02 -1.942 2.02 -0.826 c 2.02 0.289 1.116 1.193 0 1.193 c -1.116 1.193 -2.02 0.289 -2.02 -0.826 c -2.02 -1.942 -1.116 -2.846 0 -2.846 c f q q 1 0 0 1 196.3587 408.1346 cm 0 0 m -0.077 21.595 l -16.349 21.75 l s q 0.323 0.781 0.617 0 k q 1 0 0 1 182.7069 425.508 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.377 -1.127 -2.504 -2.504 -2.504 c -45.331 -2.504 l -46.708 -2.504 -47.834 -1.377 -47.834 0 c -47.834 8.947 l -47.834 10.324 -46.708 11.451 -45.331 11.451 c -2.504 11.451 l -1.127 11.451 0 10.324 0 8.947 c h f q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 180.0099 429.9816 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.116 -0.904 -2.02 -2.02 -2.02 c -3.135 -2.02 -4.039 -1.116 -4.039 0 c -4.039 1.115 -3.135 2.02 -2.02 2.02 c -0.904 2.02 0 1.115 0 0 c f q 0.323 0.781 0.617 0 k q 1 0 0 1 178.8166 429.9816 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.457 -0.37 -0.826 -0.826 -0.826 c -1.282 -0.826 -1.653 -0.457 -1.653 0 c -1.653 0.456 -1.282 0.826 -0.826 0.826 c -0.37 0.826 0 0.456 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 225.5944 353.2531 cm 0 0 m 8.871 14.606 l 33.534 14.451 l s q 0.586 0.649 0.111 0 k q 1 0 0 1 256.4319 372.0807 cm 0 0 m 0 1.377 1.127 2.504 2.504 2.504 c 32.447 2.504 l 33.824 2.504 34.951 1.377 34.951 0 c 34.951 -8.947 l 34.951 -10.324 33.824 -11.451 32.447 -11.451 c 2.504 -11.451 l 1.127 -11.451 0 -10.324 0 -8.947 c h f q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 261.1484 368.4329 cm 0 0 m 0.456 0 0.826 -0.369 0.826 -0.826 c 0.826 -1.282 0.456 -1.652 0 -1.652 c -0.456 -1.652 -0.826 -1.282 -0.826 -0.826 c -0.826 -0.369 -0.456 0 0 0 c 0 -2.846 m 1.115 -2.846 2.02 -1.941 2.02 -0.826 c 2.02 0.29 1.115 1.194 0 1.194 c -1.116 1.194 -2.02 0.29 -2.02 -0.826 c -2.02 -1.941 -1.116 -2.846 0 -2.846 c f q q bt 4.2396 0 0 5.2994 266.019 368.6992 tm (pr)tj 0.975 0 td (oduction)tj ( )tj -0.975 -1 td (personnel)tj et q 102.633 323.696 188.749 136.658 re w n 0.712 0.161 0.194 0 k q 1 0 0 1 201.7257 369.6619 cm 0 0 m -3.53 40.351 l -2.416 40.449 -1.119 40.505 0 40.505 c h f q 0.323 0.781 0.617 0 k q 1 0 0 1 201.7257 369.6619 cm 0 0 m -7.034 39.89 l -5.866 40.096 -4.712 40.248 -3.53 40.351 c h f q 0.522 0.187 0.849 0 k q 1 0 0 1 201.7257 369.6619 cm 0 0 m -28.642 28.642 l -22.425 34.858 -15.692 38.364 -7.034 39.89 c h f q 0.055 0.502 0.705 0 k q 1 0 0 1 201.7257 369.6619 cm 0 0 m -40.111 -5.637 l -41.951 7.455 -37.99 19.293 -28.642 28.642 c h f q 0.586 0.649 0.111 0 k q 1 0 0 1 201.7257 369.6619 cm 0 0 m 0 40.505 l 22.37 40.505 40.505 22.37 40.505 0 c 40.505 -22.371 22.37 -40.505 0 -40.505 c -20.402 -40.505 -37.272 -25.841 -40.111 -5.637 c h f q q bt 4.2396 0 0 5.2994 239.9532 422.7774 tm (sales )tj 0 -1 td (personnel)tj 5.2994 0 0 5.2994 261.234 420.1277 tm (1)tj 0.506 0 td (.25%)tj -10.157 -10.323 td (72.8%)tj et q 102.633 323.696 188.749 136.658 re w n bt 0 0 0 1 k 5.2994 0 0 5.2994 175.7999 455.9554 tm (cat)tj 1.592 0 td (eg)tj 1.147 0 td (ory )tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw (by)tj 0 tc 0 tw 2.981 0 td ( function)tj et q bt 5.2994 0 0 5.2994 170.194 376.2429 tm (14.78)tj (%)tj 4.2396 0 0 5.2994 138.0827 431.0733 tm (finance)tj t* (personnel)tj 5.2994 0 0 5.2994 179.6164 394.1285 tm (9.84%)tj -3.822 6.471 td (1)tj 0.506 0 td (.33%)tj et /placedgraphic /mc1 bdc emc 0.895 w q 1 0 0 1 448.8484 392.4769 cm 0 0 m 34.567 0 l 0 -37.286 m 34.567 -37.286 l s q q 305.809 323.696 227.104 136.667 re w n 0.712 0.161 0.194 0 k q 1 0 0 1 532.9132 350.2615 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.177 -0.962 -2.139 -2.139 -2.139 c -49.604 -2.139 l -50.78 -2.139 -51.742 -1.177 -51.742 0 c -51.742 9.859 l -51.742 11.036 -50.78 11.998 -49.604 11.998 c -2.139 11.998 l -0.962 11.998 0 11.036 0 9.859 c h f q q q 305.809 327.435 227.104 132.927 re w n q 1 0 0 1 419.1932 406.6908 cm 0 0 m 0 16.324 l 14.138 16.324 l -24.035 -33.139 m -24.114 -16.075 l -48.483 -15.919 l s q 0.323 0.781 0.617 0 k q 1 0 0 1 373.4428 386.3388 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.395 -1.141 -2.536 -2.536 -2.536 c -65.097 -2.536 l -66.492 -2.536 -67.634 -1.395 -67.634 0 c -67.634 9.065 l -67.634 10.46 -66.492 11.601 -65.097 11.601 c -2.536 11.601 l -1.141 11.601 0 10.46 0 9.065 c h f q q q 305.809 323.696 227.104 136.667 re w n 0.586 0.649 0.111 0 k q 1 0 0 1 500.6617 418.4822 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.395 -1.141 -2.537 -2.536 -2.537 c -65.097 -2.537 l -66.492 -2.537 -67.634 -1.395 -67.634 0 c -67.634 9.065 l -67.634 10.46 -66.492 11.601 -65.097 11.601 c -2.536 11.601 l -1.141 11.601 0 10.46 0 9.065 c h f q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 435.735 423.2849 cm 0 0 m 0 1.13 0.916 2.046 2.046 2.046 c 3.176 2.046 4.092 1.13 4.092 0 c 4.092 -1.13 3.176 -2.046 2.046 -2.046 c 0.916 -2.046 0 -1.13 0 0 c f q 0.586 0.649 0.111 0 k q 1 0 0 1 436.944 423.2849 cm 0 0 m 0 0.462 0.375 0.837 0.837 0.837 c 1.299 0.837 1.674 0.462 1.674 0 c 1.674 -0.462 1.299 -0.837 0.837 -0.837 c 0.375 -0.837 0 -0.462 0 0 c f q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 483.9029 355.1911 cm 0 0 m 0 1.13 0.916 2.046 2.046 2.046 c 3.176 2.046 4.092 1.13 4.092 0 c 4.092 -1.13 3.176 -2.046 2.046 -2.046 c 0.916 -2.046 0 -1.13 0 0 c f q 0.712 0.161 0.194 0 k q 1 0 0 1 485.1118 355.1911 cm 0 0 m 0 0.463 0.375 0.837 0.837 0.837 c 1.3 0.837 1.674 0.463 1.674 0 c 1.674 -0.463 1.3 -0.837 0.837 -0.837 c 0.375 -0.837 0 -0.463 0 0 c f q 0 0 0 0 k q 1 0 0 1 370.7104 390.8711 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.13 -0.916 -2.046 -2.046 -2.046 c -3.176 -2.046 -4.092 -1.13 -4.092 0 c -4.092 1.13 -3.176 2.046 -2.046 2.046 c -0.916 2.046 0 1.13 0 0 c f q 0.323 0.781 0.617 0 k q 1 0 0 1 369.5015 390.8711 cm 0 0 m 0 -0.463 -0.375 -0.837 -0.837 -0.837 c -1.299 -0.837 -1.674 -0.463 -1.674 0 c -1.674 0.462 -1.299 0.837 -0.837 0.837 c -0.375 0.837 0 0.462 0 0 c f q q q 305.809 327.435 227.104 132.927 re w n 0.586 0.649 0.111 0 k q 1 0 0 1 421.1583 368.4807 cm 0 0 m -3.576 40.881 l -2.538 40.972 -1.042 41.037 0 41.037 c h f q 0.323 0.781 0.617 0 k q 1 0 0 1 421.1583 368.4807 cm 0 0 m 18.63 -36.564 l -1.563 -46.853 -26.275 -38.824 -36.564 -18.63 c -46.853 1.564 -38.824 26.275 -18.63 36.564 c -13.521 39.168 -9.288 40.381 -3.576 40.881 c h f q q q 305.809 323.696 227.104 136.667 re w n 0.712 0.161 0.194 0 k q 1 0 0 1 421.1583 368.4807 cm 0 0 m 39.818 9.928 l 44.462 -8.699 35.735 -27.849 18.63 -36.564 c h f q 0.055 0.502 0.705 0 k q 1 0 0 1 421.1583 368.4807 cm 0 0 m 0 41.037 l 19.31 41.037 35.147 28.664 39.818 9.928 c h f q q bt /t1_3 1 tf 5.369 0 0 5.369 429.3465 389.6957 tm (21)tj 1.062 0 td (.32%)tj 9.002 5.966 td (1)tj 0.506 0 td (.15%)tj -9.535 -12.393 td (21)tj 1.062 0 td (.1)tj 0.814 0 td (8%)tj et q 305.809 323.696 227.104 136.667 re w n bt 0 0 0 1 k 5.369 0 0 5.369 377.057 455.9065 tm (cat)tj 1.592 0 td (eg)tj 1.147 0 td (ory )tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw (by)tj 0 tc 0 tw 2.981 0 td ( education bac)tj -0.035 tc 0.035 tw 6.926 0 td (kg)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.132 0 td (r)tj 0.364 0 td (ound)tj et q bt 5.369 0 0 5.369 390.9582 367.3612 tm (56.34%)tj -0.04 tc 0.04 tw 4.2952 0 0 5.369 443.6319 423.2849 tm (po)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.182 0 td (st-g)tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw (ra)tj 0 tc 0 tw 2.758 0 td (duat)tj 2.147 0 td (es )tj -6.087 -1 td (and ab)tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw (ove)tj -0.15 tc 0.15 tw 11.214 -11.473 td (te)tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw 1.017 0 td (ch)tj 0 tc 0 tw 1.091 0 td (nical insti)tj -0.015 tc 0.015 tw (tu)tj -0.02 tc 0.02 tw 5.542 0 td (te)tj 0 tc 0 tw 0.925 0 td ( )tj -8.575 -1 td (gr)tj 0.98 0 td (aduat)tj 2.703 0 td (es)tj -46.23 7.645 td (secondary/t)tj 5.87 0 td (ec)tj 1.036 0 td (hnical sc)tj 4.092 0 td (hool)tj -7.109 -1 td (gr)tj 0.98 0 td (aduat)tj 2.703 0 td (es or belo)tj 4.648 0 td (w)tj et q 305.809 323.696 227.104 136.667 re w n 0.055 0.502 0.705 0 k q 1 0 0 1 519.0433 387.392 cm 0 0 m 0 -1.091 -0.893 -1.984 -1.983 -1.984 c -34.006 -1.984 l -35.097 -1.984 -35.99 -1.091 -35.99 0 c -35.99 10.17 l -35.99 11.261 -35.097 12.154 -34.006 12.154 c -1.983 12.154 l -0.893 12.154 0 11.261 0 10.17 c h f q 0 0 0 0 k q 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yellow black 預設色票群組 0 白色 cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 黑色 cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 cmyk 紅色 cmyk process 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 0.000000 cmyk 黃色 cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000 cmyk 綠色 cmyk process 100.000000 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000 cmyk 青色 cmyk process 100.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 cmyk 藍色 cmyk process 100.000000 100.000000 0.000000 0.000000 cmyk 洋紅色 cmyk process 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000 0.000000 c=15 m=100 y=90 k=10 cmyk process 15.000000 100.000000 90.000000 10.000000 c=0 m=90 y=85 k=0 cmyk process 0.000000 90.000000 85.000000 0.000000 c=0 m=80 y=95 k=0 cmyk process 0.000000 80.000000 95.000000 0.000000 c=0 m=50 y=100 k=0 cmyk process 0.000000 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000 c=0 m=35 y=85 k=0 cmyk process 0.000000 35.000000 85.000000 0.000000 c=5 m=0 y=90 k=0 cmyk process 5.000000 0.000000 90.000000 0.000000 c=20 m=0 y=100 k=0 cmyk process 20.000000 0.000000 100.000000 0.000000 c=50 m=0 y=100 k=0 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k=70 cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 69.999700 c=0 m=0 y=0 k=60 cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 59.999100 c=0 m=0 y=0 k=50 cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 50.000000 c=0 m=0 y=0 k=40 cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 39.999400 c=0 m=0 y=0 k=30 cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 29.998800 c=0 m=0 y=0 k=20 cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 19.999700 c=0 m=0 y=0 k=10 cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.999100 c=0 m=0 y=0 k=5 cmyk process 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4.998800 明亮 1 c=0 m=100 y=100 k=0 cmyk process 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 0.000000 c=0 m=75 y=100 k=0 cmyk process 0.000000 75.000000 100.000000 0.000000 c=0 m=10 y=95 k=0 cmyk process 0.000000 10.000000 95.000000 0.000000 c=85 m=10 y=100 k=0 cmyk process 85.000000 10.000000 100.000000 0.000000 c=100 m=90 y=0 k=0 cmyk process 100.000000 90.000000 0.000000 0.000000 c=60 m=90 y=0 k=0 cmyk process 60.000000 90.000000 0.003100 0.003100 adobe pdf library 10.01 endstream endobj 1467 0 obj <> endobj 1468 0 obj <> endobj 1469 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(on)13.8 ( 2)13.7 (8)13.8 ( may)13.8 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.8 (1)13.7 (9)13.8 (,)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( considered)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( approved)13.8 ( at)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.8 (th)13.8 ( meeting)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( sixth)13.8 ( session)13.8 ( of)15.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( s)0.5 (up)0.5 (er)0.5 (v)0.5 (is)0.5 (o)0.5 (ry)14.4 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (m)0.5 (it)0.5 (t)0.5 (ee)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (p)0.5 (an)0.5 (y)14.4 (,)14.3 ( m)0.5 (r)14.4 (.)14.3 ( y)0.5 (e)14.4 ( g)0.5 (uo)0.5 (hu)0.5 (a)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.3 ( ms)14.4 (.)14.4 ( sh)0.5 (an)14.4 ( s)0.5 (hu)0.5 (l)0.5 (an)14.4 ( w)0.5 (er)0.5 (e)27.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(nominated)5.2 ( )0.5 (as)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.3 ( candidates)5.2 ( )0.5 (for)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( shareholder)5.2 ( )0.5 (representative)5.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.3 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)5.2 ( )]tj t* [(session)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (supervisory)5.2 ( )0.5 (committee)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.3 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (company)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (on)5.2 ( )0.5 (2)5.2 (5)5.2 ( )0.5 (june)5.2 ( )0.5 (2)5.2 (0)5.2 (1)5.2 (9)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (such)5.2 ( )0.5 (candidates)5.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(were)14.1 ( all)14 ( elected)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( shareholder)14 ( representative)14.1 ( supervisors)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( seventh)14 ( session)14.1 ( of)20.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(the)13.5 ( supervisory)13.6 ( committee)13.6 ( at)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.6 (1)13.6 (8)13.6 ( annual)13.6 ( general)13.6 ( meeting)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 (.)13.6 ( on)13.5 ( the)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw t* (same day, mr. ye guohua was elected as the chairman of the supervisory c\ ommittee of the )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(company)10.2 ( at)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (first)10.2 ( )0.5 (meeting)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( seventh)10.2 ( session)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (supervisory)10.2 ( )0.5 (committee)10.1 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (company.)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 502.2117 tm [(6. )-694.2 (employees of the company)]tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.008 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 472.2117 tm (as of 31 december 2019, the group had 65,507 employees. the structure of\ employees is as )tj -0.028 tw t* (follows:)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0 tw 15 0 0 15 90.7087 422.2117 tm (composition by function)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 392.2117 tm (category)tj 37.736 0 td (headcounts)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 388.1826 cm 0 0 m 357.165 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 389.2026 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 388.1826 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 389.2026 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (production personnel)tj -0.028 tw 40.457 0 td (47,692)tj 0 tw -40.457 -1.5 td (sales personnel)tj -0.028 tw 41.93 0 td (819)tj 0 tw -41.93 -1.5 td (technology personnel)tj -0.028 tw 41.04 0 td (6,445)tj 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (finance personnel)tj -0.028 tw 41.93 0 td (869)tj 0 tw -41.93 -1.5 td (administration personnel)tj -0.028 tw 41.04 0 td (9,682)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 295.1736 cm 0 0 m 357.165 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 296.1936 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 295.1736 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 296.1936 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -35.717 -3 td (total)tj 40.457 0 td (65,507)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 262.0432 cm 0 0 m 357.165 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 262.8132 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 262.0432 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 262.8132 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1470 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 84.9673 721.6899 tm [(d)5.8 (i)4.3 (r)-3.8 (e)12.7 (c)-12.4 (t)-12 (o)4.6 (r)-14.5 (s)-8.6 (, s)1.1 (u)7.6 (p)4.8 (e)6.4 (r)-40.2 (v)-14 (i)2.6 (s)-1.4 (o)4.6 (r)-14.4 (s)-8.6 (, s)-4.6 (e)6.2 (n)2.5 (i)3.1 (o)4.7 (r m)4.4 (a)12.4 (n)9.2 (a)15.4 (g)9 (e)4.2 (m)3.7 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t a)12.4 (n)1.9 (d e)-12.1 (m)4.1 (pl)1.3 (o)-0.9 (y)1.6 (e)7.7 (e)1.1 (s \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1471 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��ce%i%�4�v���hb:��@����e����?v��>֮�e�f��,����x ����l����y����"��f�fj׍�(d���z���"y b�r�u5k�47�`7�t����a��ֿ��$�mj����l0���s� �8߲3z�|k �� 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277.7953 648.3916 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 277.7953 649.4116 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 348.6614 648.3916 cm 0 0 m 184.252 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 348.6614 649.4116 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -28.661 -2.9 td (guan xiaoguang)tj -0.028 tw 9.134 0 td (supervisor)tj 11.654 0 td (elected)tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw 7.874 0 td [(on)13.6 ( 2)13.5 (5)13.5 ( june)13.5 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.5 (1)13.5 (9)13.6 (,)13.5 ( mr)13.6 (.)13.5 ( guan)13.5 ( xiaoguang)38.2 ( )]tj 0.277 tc 0 -1.4 td [(was)14.3 ( )0.5 (elected)14.3 ( )0.5 (as)14.3 ( )0.5 (an)14.3 ( )0.5 (employee)249.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(representative)9.2 ( supervisor)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( seventh)9.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw t* [(session)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( supervisory)13.7 ( committee)44.2 ( )]tj 0.134 tc t* [(of)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.3 ( )0.6 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.6 (employees)14.3 (\222)106.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (representatives meeting of the company.)tj -28.661 -2.8 td (yue xuguang)tj -0.028 tw 9.134 0 td (supervisor)tj 11.654 0 td (elected)tj 0.183 tc 0.092 tw 7.874 0 td [(o)-14.1 (n 10 d)-14.1 (e)-14.2 (c)-14.1 (e)-14.1 (m)-14.1 (b)-14.1 (e)-14.2 (r 2019, m)-14.1 (r. y)-14.2 (u)-14.1 (e)155.2 ( )]tj 0.081 tc 0.078 tw t* [(xuguang)13.6 ( was)13.6 ( elected)13.6 ( as)13.6 ( an)13.6 ( employee)53.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(representative)9.2 ( supervisor)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( the)9.2 ( seventh)9.2 ( )]tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw t* [(session)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( supervisory)13.7 ( committee)44.2 ( )]tj 0.134 tc t* [(of)14.3 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.3 ( )0.6 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.6 (employees)14.3 (\222)106.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (representatives meeting of the company.)tj -28.661 -2.8 td (wu zuoming)tj -0.028 tw 9.134 0 td (supervisor)tj 11.654 0 td (resigned)tj 0.093 tc 0.078 tw 7.874 0 td [(the)14.3 ( )0.5 (term)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (office)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (six)14.3 ( )0.5 (session)65.2 ( )]tj 0.095 tc t* [(of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( supervisory)13.6 ( committee)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)67.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(company)13.8 ( expired)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (5)13.8 ( june)13.9 (,)13.8 ( 2)13.9 (0)13.8 (1)13.8 (9)13.8 (,)13.8 ( and)16.2 ( )]tj 0.022 tc 0 tw t* [(mr. wu zuoming would no longer serve as)-5.8 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( e)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (y)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)14.4 ( r)0.5 (e)0.6 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)14.5 ( s)0.5 (u)0.6 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)23.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (of the company.)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 350.2712 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7087 351.0412 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 172.9134 350.2712 cm 0 0 m 104.882 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 172.9134 351.0412 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 350.2712 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 351.0412 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 348.6614 350.2712 cm 0 0 m 184.252 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 348.6614 351.0412 tm ( )tj 0.027 tc -25.795 -2.673 td [(in addition to the changes in the directors, supervisors and senior mana\ gement as mentioned)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(a)0.5 (bo)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)8.2 (,)8.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)8.2 ( t)0.5 (e)0.5 (rm)8.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)8.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)8.2 ( s)0.5 (i)0.5 (x)0.5 (th)8.2 ( )0.5 (se)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)8.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (oa)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)8.2 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)8.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)8.2 ( s)0.5 (i)0.5 (xt)0.5 (h)8.2 ( )0.5 (se)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)8.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (up)0.5 (e)0.5 (rv)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (or)0.5 (y)8.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(committee)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 ( were)13.5 ( expired)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( june)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.5 (1)13.6 (9)13.5 (,)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( election)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( directors)13.6 ( and)17.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw t* [(supervisors )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (new )0.5 (session )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (board )0.5 (and )0.6 (the )0.5 (supervisory )0.6 (committee )0.6 (was )0.5 (detailed )0.5 (as )]tj -0.028 tw t* (follows:)tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.8 td [(on)13.8 ( 2)13.7 (8)13.8 ( may)13.8 ( 2)13.7 (0)13.8 (1)13.7 (9)13.8 (,)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( considered)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( approved)13.8 ( at)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( 4)13.7 (3)13.8 (th)13.8 ( meeting)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( sixth)13.8 ( session)13.7 ( of)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.027 tw 0 -1.4 td [(the )0.6 (board )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (company, )0.6 (mr. )0.5 (lu )0.6 (dongliang, )0.6 (mr. )0.6 (he )0.5 (zhihui, )0.6 (mr. )0.6 (jiang )0.5 (yinggang )0.6 (and )0.5 (mr. )0.6 (zhu )]tj 0.046 tw t* [(runzhou )0.5 (were )0.5 (nominated )0.5 (as )0.5 (the )0.5 (executive )0.5 (director )0.5 (candidates )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (seventh )0.5 (session )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )]tj 0 tw t* (board of the company, mr. ao hong and mr. wang jun were nominated as the\ non-executive )tj 0.028 tw t* (director candidates of the seventh session of the board of the company, \ and ms. chen lijie, )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(mr)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (hu)9.2 ( shihai)9.2 ( and)9.2 ( )0.5 (mr)9.1 (.)9.3 ( lie)9.2 (-)9.2 (a)9.2 (-)9.2 (cheong)9.2 ( )0.5 (tai)9.2 ( chong)9.2 (,)9.2 ( david)9.2 ( )0.5 (were)9.2 ( )0.5 (nominated)9.2 ( as)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (independent)9.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(n)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)1.2 (-)1.2 (e)0.5 (x)0.5 (e)0.6 (c)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)1.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)1.2 ( o)0.6 (f)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (v)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.6 (h)1.2 ( s)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)1.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)1.2 ( b)0.6 (o)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (d)1.2 ( o)0.6 (f)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (y)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (n)1.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(2)7.2 (5)7.2 ( )0.5 (june)7.2 ( )0.5 (2)7.2 (0)7.2 (1)7.2 (9)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (such)7.2 ( )0.5 (candidates)7.2 ( were)7.2 ( )0.5 (all)7.2 ( )0.5 (elected)7.2 ( as)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (directors)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)7.2 ( )0.5 (session)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.023 tw t* (the board of the company at the 2018 annual general meeting of the compa\ ny. on the same )tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(day)4.1 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (mr)4.3 (.)4.2 ( lu)4.2 ( )0.5 (dongliang)4.2 ( was)4.2 ( )0.5 (elected)4.2 ( as)4.1 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( chairman)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( seventh)4.2 ( )0.5 (session)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( board)4.2 ( of)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the company at the first meeting of the seventh session of the board of \ the company.)tj et endstream endobj 1474 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1475 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1476 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1477 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1478 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1479 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9 0 0 10 90.7087 652.4117 tm (name)tj 9.134 0 td (position\(s\))tj 11.654 0 td (status)tj 0 tw 7.874 0 td (reason for the change)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 648.3917 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 0 tc 9 0 0 10 90.7087 649.4116 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 172.9134 648.3916 cm 0 0 m 104.882 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 172.9134 649.4116 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 648.3916 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 277.7953 649.4116 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 348.6614 648.3916 cm 0 0 m 184.252 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 348.6614 649.4116 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -28.661 -3 td (ou xiaowu)tj -0.028 tw 9.134 0 td (supervisor)tj 11.654 0 td (elected)tj 0.13 tc 0.078 tw 7.874 0 td [(on)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (4)14.1 ( october)14.1 ( 2)14.1 (0)14 (1)14.1 (9)14.1 (,)14.1 ( chinalco)14.1 (,)14 ( the)102.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0 -1.5 td [(controlling)14.1 ( shareholder)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14 (,)20.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.079 tw t* (nominated mr. ou xiaowu as a candidate )tj 0.137 tc 0.078 tw t* [(for)13.4 ( the)13.5 ( shareholder)13.4 ( representative)109.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(supervisor)7.3 ( of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)7.2 ( )0.5 (session)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(supervisory)11.2 ( committee)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( )0.5 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (company)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )]tj 0.023 tc 0 tw t* [(on 10 december 2019, as approved at the)-4.8 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(2)12.2 (0)12.2 (1)12.2 (9)12.2 ( third)12.2 ( )0.5 (extraordinary)12.2 ( general)12.2 ( )0.5 (meeting)12.2 ( )]tj 0.093 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 (,)13.7 ( mr)13.7 (.)13.7 ( ou)13.7 ( xiaowu)13.7 ( was)65.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc t* [(elected)14.1 ( as)14.2 ( a)14.1 ( shareholder)14.1 ( representative)27.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(supervisor)7.3 ( of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)7.2 ( )0.5 (session)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (supervisory committee of the company.)tj -28.661 -3 td (shan shulan)tj -0.028 tw 9.134 0 td (supervisor)tj 11.654 0 td (elected)tj 0.042 tw 7.874 0 td [(on )0.5 (24 )0.6 (december )0.5 (2018, )0.5 (the )0.5 (nomination )0.5 (of )]tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw t* [(ms)14 (.)13.9 ( shan)13.9 ( shulan)13.9 ( as)14 ( a)14 ( candidate)14 ( for)13.9 ( the)28.2 ( )]tj 0.078 tc t* [(shareholder)13.6 ( representative)13.5 ( supervisor)50.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc t* [(of)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( sixth)13.7 ( session)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( supervisory)35.2 ( )]tj 0.188 tc t* [(committee)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( was)160.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.04 tw t* (approved at the 16th meeting of the sixth )tj 0.072 tc 0.078 tw t* [(session)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( supervisory)13.7 ( committee)44.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc t* [(of)14.1 ( the)14 ( company)14.1 (.)14 ( on)14.1 ( 2)14 (0)14.1 ( february)14.1 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)14.1 (9)14 (,)35.2 ( )]tj 0.137 tc t* [(ms)13.9 (.)13.9 ( shan)13.9 ( shulan)13.9 ( was)13.9 ( elected)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( a)109.2 ( )]tj 0.078 tc t* [(shareholder)13.6 ( representative)13.5 ( supervisor)50.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc t* [(of)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( sixth)13.7 ( session)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( supervisory)35.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc t* [(committee)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (company)14.3 ( )0.5 (at)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (2)14.3 (0)14.2 (1)14.3 (9)23.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(first)2.2 ( extraordinary)2.2 ( )0.5 (general)2.3 ( meeting)2.2 ( of)2.2 ( )0.5 (the)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (company.)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 225.2712 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 226.0412 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 172.9134 225.2712 cm 0 0 m 104.882 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 172.9134 226.0412 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 225.2712 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 226.0412 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 348.6614 225.2712 cm 0 0 m 184.252 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 348.6614 226.0412 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1480 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9 0 0 10 90.7087 652.4117 tm (name)tj 9.134 0 td (position\(s\))tj 11.654 0 td (status)tj 0 tw 7.874 0 td (reason for the change)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 648.3917 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 0 tc 9 0 0 10 90.7087 649.4116 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 172.9134 648.3916 cm 0 0 m 104.882 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 172.9134 649.4116 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 648.3916 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 277.7953 649.4116 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 348.6614 648.3916 cm 0 0 m 184.252 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 348.6614 649.4116 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -28.661 -3 td (zhang zhankui)tj 9.134 0 td (chief financial officer, )tj 0 -1.5 td (company secretary )tj t* (\(secretary to the )tj -0.028 tw t* (board\))tj 11.654 4.5 td (resigned)tj 0.076 tc 0.077 tw 7.874 0 td [(m)0.6 (r)14.4 (.)14.5 ( z)0.6 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)14.5 ( z)0.5 (h)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (k)0.5 (u)0.6 (i)14.5 ( p)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (p)0.6 (o)0.5 (s)0.6 (e)0.5 (d)14.5 ( t)0.6 (o)14.4 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.6 (g)0.5 (n)48.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw t* [(from)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( position)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( chief)13.7 ( financial)39.2 ( )]tj 0.138 tc t* [(officer)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.8 ( secretary)110.2 ( )]tj 0.043 tc t* [(\()13.5 (secretary)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( board)13.5 (\))13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)15.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(due)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( reaching)1.2 ( statutory)1.2 ( )0.5 (retirement)1.2 ( )0.5 (age)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(as)14.1 ( approved)14.1 ( at)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( 3)14.1 (8)14.2 (th)14.1 ( meeting)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)24.2 ( )]tj 0.071 tc 0.077 tw t* [(si)0.5 (xth)14.4 ( ses)0.5 (sio)0.5 (n)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)14.3 ( b)0.5 (oar)0.5 (d)14.3 ( hel)0.5 (d)14.3 ( by)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)43.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.004 tw t* (company on 20 february 2019, mr. zhang )tj 0 tw t* (zhankui resigned from such positions.)tj -28.661 -3 td (wang jun)tj 9.134 0 td (chief financial officer, )tj t* (company secretary )tj t* (\(secretary to the )tj -0.028 tw t* (board\))tj 11.654 4.5 td (appointed)tj 0.055 tw 7.874 0 td (on 20 february 2019, the appointment of )tj 0.025 tc 0 tw t* [(mr. wang jun as the chief financial officer)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 ( secretary)13.7 ( \()13.6 (secretary)13.6 ( to)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.051 tw t* (the board\) of the company was approved )tj 0.044 tc 0.077 tw t* [(a)0.5 (t)14.5 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.5 ( 3)14.4 (8)14.5 (t)0.5 (h)14.5 ( m)0.5 (e)0.6 (e)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)14.5 ( o)0.6 (f)14.5 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)14.4 ( s)0.6 (i)0.5 (x)0.6 (t)0.5 (h)14.5 ( s)0.5 (e)0.6 (s)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (of the board of the company.)tj -28.661 -3 td (wu maosen)tj 9.134 0 td (vice president)tj -0.028 tw 11.654 0 td (appointed)tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw 7.874 0 td [(on)14 ( 2)14 (1)14 ( march)14 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (9)13.9 (,)14 ( the)14 ( appointment)14 ( of)33.3 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(mr)10.2 (.)10.2 ( wu)10.2 ( maosen)10.2 ( as)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (vice)10.2 ( )0.5 (president)10.3 ( of)10.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( was)13.9 ( approved)13.9 ( at)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( 4)13.9 (0)13.9 (th)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.048 tw t* (meeting of the sixth session of the board )tj 0 tw t* (of the company.)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 300.2712 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7087 301.0412 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 172.9134 300.2712 cm 0 0 m 104.882 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 172.9134 301.0412 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 300.2712 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 301.0412 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 348.6614 300.2712 cm 0 0 m 184.252 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 348.6614 301.0412 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1481 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9 0 0 10 90.7087 652.4117 tm (name)tj 9.134 0 td (position\(s\))tj 11.654 0 td (status)tj 0 tw 7.874 0 td (reason for the change)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 648.3917 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 0 tc 9 0 0 10 90.7087 649.4116 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 172.9134 648.3916 cm 0 0 m 104.882 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 172.9134 649.4116 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 648.3916 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 277.7953 649.4116 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 348.6614 648.3916 cm 0 0 m 184.252 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 348.6614 649.4116 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -28.661 -3 td (he zhihui)tj 9.134 0 td (executive director)tj -0.028 tw 11.654 0 td (elected)tj 0.087 tw 7.874 0 td (on 21 february 2019, as approved at the )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(3)13.9 (9)13.9 (th)13.9 ( meeting)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( sixth)13.9 ( session)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)14.2 ( )]tj 0.084 tc t* [(board)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 (,)13.5 ( mr)13.5 (.)13.5 ( he)13.5 ( zhihui)56.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.077 tw t* [(wa)0.5 (s)14.3 ( n)0.5 (omi)0.5 (na)0.5 (te)0.5 (d)14.3 ( as)14.4 ( an)14.4 ( exe)0.5 (cut)0.5 (i)0.5 (ve)14.3 ( d)0.5 (ir)0.5 (ec)0.5 (tor)18.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.088 tw t* [(candidate )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (six )0.5 (session )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (board )]tj 0.061 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 (.)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (9)13.6 ( april)13.6 ( 2)13.6 (0)13.5 (1)13.6 (9)13.6 (,)13.6 ( mr)13.6 (.)33.2 ( )]tj 0.067 tc t* [(he)14.3 ( )0.6 (zhihui)14.3 ( )0.6 (was)14.3 ( )0.5 (elected)14.3 ( )0.5 (as)14.3 ( )0.6 (an)14.2 ( )0.6 (executi)0.5 (ve)39.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw t* (director of the sixth session of the board )tj 0.111 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)14 ( the)14 ( company)14 ( at)14 ( the)14.1 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (9)14 ( second)83.1 ( )]tj 0.098 tc 0.077 tw t* [(extr)0.5 (aordina)0.5 (ry)14.3 ( general)14.4 ( meet)0.5 (ing)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( the)70.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (company.)tj -19.528 -3 td (president)tj 11.654 0 td (appointed)tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw 7.874 0 td [(on)14 ( 2)13.9 (1)14.1 ( february)14 ( 2)14 (0)14 (1)14 (9)14 (,)14 ( the)14 ( appointment)38.2 ( )]tj 0.102 tc t* [(of)13.9 ( mr)13.9 (.)13.9 ( he)13.9 ( zhihui)13.9 ( as)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( president)13.8 ( of)74.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc t* [(the)13.9 ( company)13.9 ( was)13.9 ( approved)13.9 ( at)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( 3)13.9 (9)13.9 (th)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.048 tw t* (meeting of the sixth session of the board )tj 0 tw t* (of the company.)tj -28.661 -3 td (tian yong)tj 9.134 0 td (vice president)tj -0.028 tw 11.654 0 td (resigned)tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 7.874 0 td [(mr)13.5 (.)13.5 ( tian)13.5 ( yong)13.6 ( proposed)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( resign)13.5 ( from)34.2 ( )]tj 0.102 tc t* [(the)13.8 ( position)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( vice)13.8 ( president)13.8 ( of)74.2 ( )]tj 0.061 tc t* [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( )0.5 (due)14.3 ( )0.5 (to)14.2 ( )0.6 (reaching)14.2 ( )0.5 (statutory)33.2 ( )]tj 0.122 tc t* [(retirement)13.7 ( age)13.7 (.)13.7 ( as)13.7 ( approved)13.7 ( at)13.7 ( the)94.2 ( )]tj 0.07 tc t* [(6)13.9 (th)13.9 ( meeting)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( seventh)13.9 ( session)13.9 ( of)42.3 ( )]tj 0.076 tc 0.077 tw t* [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( b)0.5 (o)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (d)14.4 ( h)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (d)14.5 ( b)0.5 (y)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 ( o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( 2)14.4 (7)48.2 ( )]tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(february)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (2)13.8 (0)13.8 (,)13.8 ( mr)13.8 (.)13.8 ( tian)13.8 ( yong)13.8 ( resigned)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.076 tw t* (from the position of the vice president of )tj 0 tw t* (the company.)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 225.2712 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7087 226.0412 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 172.9134 225.2712 cm 0 0 m 104.882 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 172.9134 226.0412 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 225.2712 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 226.0412 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 348.6614 225.2712 cm 0 0 m 184.252 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 348.6614 226.0412 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1482 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(5. )-694.2 (changes in directors, supervisors and senior )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (management as of the date of this annual )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.333 td (report)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 9 0 0 10 90.7087 582.7467 tm (name)tj 9.134 0 td (position\(s\))tj 11.654 0 td (status)tj 0 tw 7.874 0 td (reason for the change)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 578.7176 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 0 tc 9 0 0 10 90.7087 579.7375 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 172.9134 578.7175 cm 0 0 m 104.882 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 172.9134 579.7375 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 578.7175 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 277.7953 579.7375 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 348.6614 578.7175 cm 0 0 m 184.252 0 l s q bt 9 0 0 10 348.6614 579.7375 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -28.661 -3 td (yu dehui)tj 9.134 0 td (chairman of the board )tj 0 -1.5 td (and executive director)tj -0.028 tw 11.654 1.5 td (resigned)tj 0.116 tc 0.078 tw 7.874 0 td [(on)14.2 ( 2)14.3 (1)14.2 ( february)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.2 (0)14.2 (1)14.2 (9)14.2 (,)14.2 ( mr)14.3 (.)14.2 ( yu)14.2 ( )0.5 (dehui)88.2 ( )]tj 0.025 tc 0 tw t* [(resigned as the chairman of the board and)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)14.1 ( executive)14.1 ( director)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( company)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (due to work allocation.)tj -28.661 -3 td (lu dongliang)tj 9.134 0 td (chairman of the board)tj -0.028 tw 11.654 0 td (elected)tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 7.874 0 td [(on)13.4 ( 2)13.4 (1)13.5 ( february)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.4 (1)13.5 (9)13.5 (,)13.4 ( mr)13.5 (.)13.5 ( lu)13.5 ( dongliang)25.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(was)4.2 ( )0.5 (elected)4.2 ( )0.5 (as)4.2 ( )0.5 (the)4.2 ( chairman)4.2 ( )0.5 (of)4.2 ( the)4.2 ( sixth)4.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc 0.077 tw t* [(s)0.5 (es)0.5 (si)0.5 (on)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( b)0.5 (o)0.5 (ar)0.5 (d)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( co)0.5 (mp)0.5 (a)0.5 (ny)14.4 ( at)19.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(the)13.9 ( 3)13.9 (9)13.9 (th)13.9 ( meeting)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( sixth)13.9 ( session)13.9 ( of)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (the board of the company.)tj -0.028 tw -19.528 -3 td (president)tj 11.654 0 td (resigned)tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 7.874 0 td [(on)13.4 ( 2)13.4 (1)13.5 ( february)13.5 ( 2)13.5 (0)13.4 (1)13.5 (9)13.5 (,)13.4 ( mr)13.5 (.)13.5 ( lu)13.5 ( dongliang)25.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(proposed)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( resign)13.6 ( from)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( position)13.6 ( of)26.2 ( )]tj 0.09 tc t* [(the)13.8 ( president)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( due)13.8 ( to)62.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(work)13.2 ( allocation)13.2 (.)13.2 ( )0.5 (as)13.2 ( )0.5 (approved)13.2 ( )0.5 (at)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( 3)13.2 (9)13.2 (th)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.048 tw t* (meeting of the sixth session of the board )tj 0.058 tc 0.077 tw t* [(h)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.6 (d)14.4 ( b)0.6 (y)14.4 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.6 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)14.4 ( o)0.5 (n)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( s)0.5 (a)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)14.4 ( d)0.5 (a)0.5 (y)14.4 (,)30.2 ( )]tj 0.088 tc t* [(m)0.5 (r)14.4 (.)14.3 ( lu)14.4 ( d)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (gl)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( r)0.5 (es)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (ne)0.5 (d)14.4 ( f)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)14.3 ( su)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)60.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (position.)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 275.5871 cm 0 0 m 82.205 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 276.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 172.9134 275.5871 cm 0 0 m 104.882 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 172.9134 276.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 275.5871 cm 0 0 m 70.866 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 277.7953 276.3571 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 348.6614 275.5871 cm 0 0 m 184.252 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 348.6614 276.3571 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1483 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.217 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(4)189.2 (.)189.2 ( )-427.2 (decision)13.7 ( making)13.7 ( process)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( basis)13.8 ( of)189.1 ( )]tj 0.069 tc 1.89 -1.333 td [(determination)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( remuneration)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( directors)13.8 (,)41.2 ( )]tj 0.147 tc 0 -1.333 td [(supervisors)14.3 ( )0.6 (and)14.3 ( )0.6 (senior)14.3 ( )0.6 (management)14.3 ( )0.6 (and)119.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.333 td (remuneration)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 562.7467 tm [(based)13.6 ( on)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( prevailing)13.6 ( market)13.7 ( standards)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( remuneration)13.6 ( strategy)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 (,)15.2 ( )]tj 0.076 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( h)0.5 (uma)0.5 (n)14.3 ( re)0.5 (sou)0.5 (rce)0.5 (s)14.3 ( de)0.5 (par)0.5 (tm)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( the)14.4 ( co)0.5 (mpa)0.5 (ny)14.3 ( w)0.5 (oul)0.5 (d)14.3 ( f)0.5 (orm)0.5 (ul)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (opo)0.5 (sal)0.5 (s)14.3 ( f)0.5 (or)14.3 ( t)0.5 (he)48.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(remuneration)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (company)7.2 (\222)7.2 (s)7.2 ( )0.5 (directors)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (senior)7.2 ( )0.5 (management)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (submit)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.075 tw t* (the proposals to the board for consideration upon approval by the remune\ ration committee )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (board)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (company)10.2 (.)10.2 ( particularly)10.1 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (remuneration)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( senior)10.2 ( management)10.2 ( )0.5 (will)10.2 ( )0.5 (be)10.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 0 -1.5 td [(considered)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (approved)5.2 ( )0.5 (by)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.3 ( board)5.2 ( )0.5 (whereas)5.2 ( )0.5 (those)5.2 ( of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (directors)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)5.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(will)3.2 ( be)3.2 ( )0.5 (submitted)3.2 ( )0.5 (to)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (shareholders)3.2 (\222)3.2 ( )0.5 (general)3.2 ( )0.5 (meeting)3.2 ( )0.5 (for)3.2 ( consideration)3.2 ( and)3.2 ( )0.5 (approval)3.2 ( )0.5 (upon)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (being approved by the board.)tj 0.078 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( determined)13.8 ( its)13.8 ( remuneration)13.8 ( for)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( directors)13.8 (,)13.8 ( supervisors)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( senior)50.2 ( )]tj 0.074 tc 0 -1.5 td [(management)13.7 ( based)13.6 ( on)13.6 ( its)13.6 ( development)13.7 ( strategy)13.6 (,)13.6 ( corporate)13.6 ( culture)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( remuneration)46.2 ( )]tj 0.063 tc t* [(strategy)13.8 (,)13.8 ( taking)13.8 ( into)13.8 ( account)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( remuneration)13.8 ( standards)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( corresponding)13.8 ( positions)13.8 ( in)35.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.053 tw t* (comparable enterprises in the market \(in terms of scale, industry and n\ ature etc.\), as well as )tj 0.026 tw t* (the company\222s annual operating results, fulfilment of duties by the d\ irectors and supervisors )tj 0 tw t* (as well as the appraisal results for performance of senior management.)tj 0.001 tw 0 -3 td (in 2019, the total pre-tax remunerations of the directors, supervisors a\ nd senior management )tj 0.066 tw 0 -1.5 td (received from the company amounted to rmb8.44 million \(including the tr\ avelling expenses )tj 0 tw t* (of the independent non-executive directors\).)tj et endstream endobj 1484 0 obj <> endobj 1485 0 obj <> endobj 1486 0 obj <> endobj 1487 0 obj <> endobj 1488 0 obj <> endobj 1489 0 obj <> endobj 1490 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1491 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1492 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1493 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1494 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1495 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(3)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 90.7086 575.8845 tm (name)tj 0 tw 14.578 0 td (name of other entities)tj -0.028 tw 12.553 0 td (position\(s\))tj 0 tw 13.363 1.4 td (date of )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.4 td (appointment)tj 0 tw 7.289 1.4 td (date of )tj -0.028 tw t* (termination)tj 8.099 4.2 td (whether )tj t* (receiving )tj t* (remuneration )tj 0 tw t* (or allowance)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 571.7441 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 7 0 0 10 90.7086 572.5142 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 187.0866 571.7441 cm 0 0 m 93.543 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 187.0866 572.5142 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 280.6299 571.7441 cm 0 0 m 93.543 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 280.6299 572.5142 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 571.7441 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 374.1732 572.5142 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 425.1968 571.7441 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 425.1968 572.5142 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 571.7441 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 476.2205 572.5142 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -55.073 -2.8 td (ou xiaowu)tj 14.578 0 td (china copper co., ltd.*)tj -0.028 tw 13.363 0 td (supervisor)tj 12.553 0 td (2019.02.27)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -41.305 -1.4 td (china aluminum )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.4 td (international )tj t* (engineering )tj 0 tw t* (corporation limited*)tj -0.028 tw 12.351 4.2 td (supervisor)tj 12.553 0 td (2011.06.30)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -41.305 -5.6 td (chinalco high-end )tj 1.012 -1.4 td (manufacturing co., )tj -0.028 tw t* (ltd.*)tj 12.351 2.8 td (supervisor)tj 12.553 0 td (2019.09.20)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -41.305 -4.2 td (qinghai yellow )tj 1.012 -1.4 td (river hydropower )tj t* (renewable aluminum )tj t* (co., ltd.*)tj 12.351 4.2 td (chairman of the )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.4 td (supervisory )tj t* (committee)tj 11.541 2.8 td (2012.10.18)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -41.305 -5.6 td (chalco energy co., ltd.*)tj -0.028 tw 13.363 0 td (supervisor)tj 12.553 0 td (2011.07.04)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -55.883 -1.4 td (shan shulan)tj 14.578 0 td (chinalco innovative )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.4 td (development )tj 0 tw t* (investment company )tj -0.028 tw t* (limited*)tj 12.351 4.2 td (supervisor)tj 12.553 0 td (2018.04.26)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -41.305 -5.6 td (aluminum corporation )tj 1.012 -1.4 td (of china overseas )tj t* (holdings limited*)tj -0.028 tw 12.351 2.8 td (director)tj 12.553 0 td (2018.08.06)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -41.305 -4.2 td (china aluminum )tj 1.012 -1.4 td (insurance broker )tj t* (\(beijing\) co., ltd.*)tj -0.028 tw 12.351 2.8 td (director)tj 12.553 0 td (2016.10.26)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 232.3637 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 90.7086 233.1337 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 187.0866 232.3637 cm 0 0 m 93.543 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 187.0866 233.1337 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 280.6299 232.3637 cm 0 0 m 93.543 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 280.6299 233.1337 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 232.3637 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 374.1732 233.1337 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 425.1968 232.3637 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 425.1968 233.1337 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 232.3637 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 476.2205 233.1337 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 91.4392 652.7466 tm (positions in other entities \(continued\))tj et endstream endobj 1496 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 90.7087 652.7466 tm (positions in other entities)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 90.7086 582.7467 tm (name)tj 0 tw 14.578 0 td (name of other entities)tj -0.028 tw 12.553 0 td (position\(s\))tj 0 tw 13.363 1.4 td (date of )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.4 td (appointment)tj 0 tw 7.289 1.4 td (date of )tj -0.028 tw t* (termination)tj 8.099 4.2 td (whether )tj t* (receiving )tj t* (remuneration )tj 0 tw t* (or allowance)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 578.5963 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 7 0 0 10 90.7086 579.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 187.0866 578.5963 cm 0 0 m 93.543 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 187.0866 579.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 280.6299 578.5963 cm 0 0 m 93.543 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 280.6299 579.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 578.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 374.1732 579.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 425.1968 578.5963 cm 0 0 m 51.024 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 425.1968 579.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 476.2205 578.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 476.2205 579.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -55.073 -2.8 td (wang jun \(director\))tj 14.578 0 td (china nuclear )tj 1.053 -1.4 td (engineering & )tj -0.028 tw t* (construction )tj 0 tw t* (corporation limited)tj -0.028 tw 12.31 4.2 td (director)tj 12.553 0 td (2014.03.12)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -55.883 -5.6 td (lie-a-cheong tai chong, )tj -0.028 tw 1.053 -1.4 td (david)tj 0 tw 13.525 1.4 td (newpower international )tj 1.053 -1.4 td (\(holdings\) co., ltd.)tj 12.31 1.4 td (executive chairman )tj -0.028 tw 12.553 0 td (1992.01.30)tj 15.388 0 td (yes)tj 0 tw -41.305 -2.8 td (china concept )tj 1.053 -1.4 td (consulting ltd.)tj 12.31 1.4 td (executive chairman)tj -0.028 tw 12.553 0 td (1991.07.26)tj 15.388 0 td (yes)tj 0 tw -41.305 -2.8 td (herald holdings limited)tj 13.363 0 td (independent non-)tj 1.012 -1.4 td (executive director)tj -0.028 tw 11.541 1.4 td (2005.06.16)tj 15.388 0 td (yes)tj 0 tw -41.305 -2.8 td (harbour centre )tj 1.053 -1.4 td (development limited)tj 12.31 1.4 td (independent non-)tj 1.012 -1.4 td (executive director)tj -0.028 tw 11.541 1.4 td (2018.12.01)tj 15.388 0 td (yes)tj 0 tw -55.883 -2.8 td (wang jun \(chief financial )tj 1.012 -1.4 td (officer, company )tj t* (secretary \(secretary to )tj t* (the board\)\))tj 13.566 4.2 td (china rare metals and )tj 1.053 -1.4 td (rare earths company )tj -0.028 tw t* (ltd.*)tj 0 tw 12.31 2.8 td ( chairman of the )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.4 td (supervisory )tj t* (committee)tj 11.541 2.8 td (2016.07.05)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -41.305 -5.6 td (china aluminum )tj -0.028 tw 1.053 -1.4 td (international )tj t* (engineering )tj 0 tw t* (corporation limited*)tj -0.028 tw 12.31 4.2 td (director)tj 12.553 0 td (2015.05.22)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0.022 tc 0 tw -41.305 -5.6 td [(chinalco capital holdi)0.5 (ng)0.5 (s)-5.9 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 1.053 -1.4 td (co., ltd.*)tj -0.028 tw 12.31 1.4 td (director)tj 12.553 0 td (2015.12.30)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -41.305 -2.8 td (chinalco finance co., )tj -0.028 tw 1.053 -1.4 td (ltd.*)tj 12.31 1.4 td (director)tj 12.553 0 td (2014.02.08)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -41.305 -2.8 td (aluminum corporation )tj -0.028 tw 1.053 -1.4 td (of )tj 0 tw 7.5 0 0 10 208.8787 201.3663 tm (china overseas )tj -1.167 -1.4 td (holdings limited*)tj -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 286.2992 215.3663 tm (director)tj 12.553 0 td (2015.11.13)tj 15.388 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -55.883 -4.3 td (wu maosen)tj 0.07 tc 0.077 tw 14.578 0 td [(c)0.5 (h)0.6 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (c)0.5 (o)14.5 ( i)0.5 (n)0.6 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.5 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)42.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (development co., ltd.*)tj -0.028 tw 13.363 1.5 td (chairman)tj 12.553 0 td (2015.12.31)tj 7.289 0 td (2019.04.28)tj 8.099 0 td (no)tj 0 tw -41.305 -3 td (chinalco research )tj 1.053 -1.5 td (institute of science )tj t* (and technology co., )tj -0.028 tw t* (ltd.*)tj 0 tw 12.31 4.5 td (executive director)tj -0.028 tw 12.553 0 td (2018.11.19)tj 7.289 0 td (2019.04.28)tj 8.099 0 td (no)tj et endstream endobj 1497 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(3. )-694.2 (positions held in shareholder entities of )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (the company or other entities by directors, )tj 0 -1.333 td (supervisors and senior management at present )tj 0 -1.333 td (and during the year)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 -2.333 td (positions in the shareholder entities of the company)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 7 0 0 10 90.7086 468.7467 tm (name)tj 0 tw 13.768 0 td (name of shareholder)tj 12.958 1.5 td (position\(s\) in )tj 0 -1.5 td (shareholder entity)tj 11.339 1.5 td (date of )tj -0.028 tw t* (appointment)tj 0 tw 8.099 1.5 td (date of )tj -0.028 tw t* (termination)tj 8.909 4.5 td (whether )tj t* (receiving )tj t* (remuneration )tj 0 tw t* (or allowance)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 464.5963 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 7 0 0 10 90.7086 465.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 187.0866 464.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 187.0866 465.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 272.126 464.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 272.126 465.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 357.1653 464.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 357.1653 465.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8582 464.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 413.8582 465.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 464.5963 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 470.5512 465.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -54.263 -3 td (yu dehui \(resigned his )tj 1.012 -1.5 td (positions in the company\))tj 12.756 1.5 td (aluminum corporation of )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.5 td (china)tj 0 tw 11.946 1.5 td (general manager)tj -0.028 tw 11.339 0 td (2016.01.08)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.099 0.15 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8.909 -0.15 td (yes)tj 0 tw -55.073 -3 td (ao hong)tj 13.768 0 td (aluminum corporation of )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.5 td (china)tj 0 tw 11.946 1.5 td (full-time deputy )tj 1.012 -1.5 td (secretary of the )tj t* (communist party )tj -0.028 tw t* (committee)tj 10.326 4.5 td (2016.12.06)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.099 0.15 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8.909 -2.4 td (yes)tj 0 tc 0 tw t* ( )tj -55.073 -2.25 td ( )tj 13.768 0 td ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 12.958 0 td (director)tj 11.339 0 td (2019.04.29)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.099 0.15 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -46.164 -1.65 td (lu dongliang)tj 13.768 0 td (aluminum corporation of )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.5 td (china)tj 0 tw 11.946 1.5 td (deputy general )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.5 td (manager)tj 10.326 1.5 td (2016.04.22)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.099 0.15 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8.909 -0.15 td (yes)tj 0 tw -55.073 -3 td (ye guohua)tj 13.768 0 td (aluminum corporation of )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.5 td (china)tj 0 tw 11.946 1.5 td (chief accountant)tj -0.028 tw 11.339 0 td (2018.08.14)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.099 0.15 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8.909 -0.15 td (yes)tj 0 tw -55.073 -3 td (wang jun \(director\))tj 13.768 0 td (china cinda asset )tj 1.012 -1.5 td (management co., ltd )tj 11.946 1.5 td (business director)tj -0.028 tw 11.339 0 td (2013.08.19)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.099 0.15 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8.909 -0.15 td (yes)tj 0 tw -55.073 -3 td (wang jun \(chief financial )tj 1.012 -1.5 td (officer, company )tj t* (secretary \(secretary to )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc t* (the board\) \))tj 12.756 4.5 td (aluminum corporation of )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.5 td (china)tj 0 tw 11.946 1.5 td (deputy chief )tj 1.012 -1.5 td (accountant, director )tj t* (of the finance )tj -0.028 tw t* (department)tj 10.326 4.5 td (2015.11.13)tj 8.099 0.15 td (2019.02.20)tj 8.909 -0.15 td (yes)tj 0 tw -55.073 -6 td (ou xiaowu)tj 13.768 0 td (aluminum corporation of )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.5 td (china )tj 0 tw 11.946 1.5 td (deputy chief )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.5 td (accountant, )tj 0 tw t* (director of the audit )tj -0.028 tw t* (department)tj 10.326 4.5 td (2017.01.10)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.099 0.15 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8.909 -0.15 td (yes)tj 0 tw -55.073 -6 td (shan shulan)tj 13.768 0 td (aluminum corporation of )tj -0.028 tw 1.012 -1.5 td (china)tj 0 tw 11.946 1.5 td (deputy director of the )tj 1.012 -1.5 td (finance department)tj -0.028 tw 10.326 1.5 td (2016.05.05)tj 0 tc 0 tw 8.099 0.15 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8.909 -0.15 td (yes)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 101.2159 cm 0 0 m 96.378 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 7 0 0 10 90.7086 101.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 187.0866 101.2159 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 187.0866 101.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 272.126 101.2159 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 272.126 101.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 357.1653 101.2159 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 7 0 0 10 357.1653 101.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 413.8582 101.2159 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 7 0 0 10 413.8582 101.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 101.2159 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 7 0 0 10 470.5512 101.9859 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1498 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.092 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(mr. )0.5 (wu )0.5 (maosen)]tj /t1_0 1 tf [(, )0.5 (aged )0.5 (56, is )0.5 (currently )0.5 (a vice president of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company. mr. )0.5 (wu )0.5 (graduated )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(from)13.5 ( dalian)13.5 ( railway)13.5 ( college)13.5 ( with)13.5 ( a)13.5 ( bachelor)13.5 (\222)13.5 (s)13.4 ( degree)13.4 ( in)13.5 ( engineering)13.5 (,)13.5 ( majoring)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( welding)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.073 tw t* (technology and equipment. he is a senior engineer with excellent perform\ ance. mr. wu has )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(extensive)7.2 ( experience)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( )0.5 (corporate)7.2 ( )0.5 (management)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )0.5 (he)7.2 ( )0.5 (had)7.2 ( successively)7.2 ( served)7.2 ( )0.5 (as)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.3 ( deputy)7.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(head)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (alumina)9.2 ( )0.5 (branch)9.3 (,)9.2 ( the)9.1 ( )0.5 (deputy)9.2 ( head)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.3 ( the)9.2 ( overhauling)9.2 ( )0.5 (branch)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (director)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.065 tw t* (the transport department of shanxi aluminum plant, the assistant to the \ general manager of )tj 0.077 tw t* [(shanxi )0.5 (branch of aluminum )0.5 (corporation of )0.5 (china )0.5 (limited, the )0.5 (deputy )0.5 (commander-in-chief )0.5 (of )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(the)7.2 ( )0.5 (engineering)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( construction)7.2 ( )0.5 (command)7.2 ( )0.5 (department)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.3 ( chalco)7.2 ( )0.5 (shanxi)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)7.2 ( deputy)7.2 ( )0.5 (general)7.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(manager)8.3 ( of)8.2 ( )0.5 (shanxi)8.2 ( )0.5 (huaze)8.2 ( aluminum)8.2 ( )0.5 (&)8.2 ( power)8.2 ( co)8.2 (.)8.2 (,)8.1 ( )0.5 (ltd)8.2 (*)8.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 27.753 0 td <028604130d3612e312590f6503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.036 tc 0.084 tw [(\))8.2 (,)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( deputy)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.056 tw -27.753 -1.5 td (head and head of shanxi aluminum plant, a director, a general manager an\ d the secretary of )tj 0.059 tw t* (the party committee of qinghai huanghe hydropower regeneration aluminum \ co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <06a1>tj 0.037 tc -0.037 tw t* <090e0dbb062602e50f65038e035b12590e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.7 (,)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( secretary)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( party)13.7 ( committee)13.6 (,)13.6 ( an)13.6 ( executive)13.6 ( director)23.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0.077 tw t* [(and)14.2 ( general)14.3 ( )-0.6 (manager)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( )-0.6 (chalco)14.2 ( asset)14.2 ( operation)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( )-0.6 (management)14.3 ( )-0.6 (company)14.2 (*)14.2 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.035 tc -0.035 tw 39.081 0 td <029512590f1f0b2a0ebe>tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -39.081 -1.5 td <1404104d0b2302ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.037 tc 0.083 tw [(\))9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (successively)9.2 ( )0.5 (served)9.2 ( as)9.2 ( )0.5 (an)9.2 ( )0.5 (executive)9.2 ( )0.5 (director)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.3 ( chalco)9.2 ( )0.5 (shanghai)9.2 ( )0.5 (company)9.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw t* [(limited)13.7 (*)13.8 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.046 tc -0.046 tw 5.083 0 td [<02951259>502.1 <0080>103.8 <026a090e>103.7 <0081>502.2 <03de082202ae0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.06 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.7 (,)13.8 ( an)13.7 ( executive)13.8 ( director)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( general)13.7 ( manager)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( chalco)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw -5.083 -1.5 td (industrial development co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590ec40e380cef089d03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.021 tw (\), the chairman of the board of huaxi )tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(aluminum)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 ( limited)14.2 (*)14.2 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.043 tc -0.043 tw 15.478 0 td <0d36041312590e3803de08220baa038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.057 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14.2 (,)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( chairman)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.1 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( board)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)29.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw -15.478 -1.5 td [(ge)0.5 (ner)0.5 (al)4.2 ( )0.5 (man)0.5 (age)0.5 (r)4.2 ( o)0.5 (f)4.2 ( c)0.5 (hal)0.5 (co)4.2 ( i)0.5 (nve)0.5 (st)0.5 (men)0.5 (t)4.2 ( a)0.5 (nd)4.2 ( d)0.5 (eve)0.5 (lo)0.5 (pme)0.5 (nt)4.2 ( c)0.5 (o)4.2 (.)4.2 (,)4.2 ( l)0.5 (td)4.2 (.)4.2 (*)4.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 33.359 0 td <0295125904b30f1f0cef089d03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\), )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw -33.359 -1.5 td [(the)3.2 ( deputy)3.2 ( )0.5 (team)3.2 (-)3.2 ( )0.5 (leader)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( team)3.2 ( )0.5 (aiming)3.3 ( at)3.2 ( )0.5 (making)3.2 ( )0.5 (up)3.2 ( )0.5 (deficits)3.2 ( and)3.2 ( )0.5 (shaking)3.2 ( )0.5 (off)3.3 ( dilemma)3.2 (,)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.075 tw t* (transforming and upgrading of shanxi branch of aluminum corporation of c\ hina limited and )tj 0.086 tw t* (shanxi aluminum plant and the chairman and an executive director of the \ board of chinalco )tj 0.069 tc 0.078 tw t* [(research)13.8 ( institute)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( science)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( technology)13.8 ( co)13.8 (.)13.7 (,)13.9 ( ltd)13.8 (.)13.8 (*)13.8 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.055 tc -0.055 tw 29.892 0 td <0295125907c512aa04a60b9407bc04fa09eb03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw [(\))-27.2 (. )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw -29.892 -1.5 td [(mr)14 (.)13.9 ( wu)14 ( currently)13.9 ( also)14 ( serves)14 ( as)13.9 ( the)14 ( deputy)14 ( team)14 (-)14 (leader)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( team)14 ( aiming)13.9 ( at)14 ( making)14 ( up)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.068 tw t* (deficits and shaking off dilemma, transforming and upgrading of shanxi b\ ranch of aluminum )tj 0 tw t* (corporation of china limited and shanxi aluminum plant.)tj et endstream endobj 1499 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.04 tc 0.08 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(mr)12.2 (.)12.1 ( )0.5 (wang)12.2 ( )0.5 (jun)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.315 0 td [(,)12.2 ( )0.5 (aged)12.2 ( 4)12.2 (9)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (is)12.2 ( )0.5 (currently)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (chief)12.2 ( financial)12.2 ( )0.5 (officer)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( company)12.2 ( )0.5 (secretary)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.088 tw -7.315 -1.5 td (\(secretary to the board\) of the company. mr. wang obtained a master\222\ s degree in business )tj 0.051 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(administration)13.8 ( from)13.9 ( tsinghua)13.9 ( university)13.9 (.)13.8 ( he)13.9 ( is)13.8 ( a)13.9 ( senior)13.9 ( accountant)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( a)13.9 ( member)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)23.2 ( )]tj 0.066 tc t* [(chartered)13.9 ( institute)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( management)13.9 ( accountants)13.9 ( \()13.9 (cima)13.9 (\))13.9 (.)14 ( he)13.9 ( has)13.9 ( also)14 ( been)13.9 ( recognised)38.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc t* [(as)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( national)13.7 ( top)13.6 ( accounting)13.6 ( leading)13.7 ( talent)13.6 (.)13.6 ( mr)13.7 (.)13.6 ( wang)13.6 ( has)13.6 ( worked)13.7 ( in)13.6 ( grassroots)13.6 ( units)13.6 (,)27.2 ( )]tj 0.066 tc t* [(overseas)13.7 ( companies)13.6 (,)13.7 ( listed)13.6 ( companies)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( various)13.6 ( departments)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( group)13.7 (,)13.7 ( and)13.6 ( has)38.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc t* [(extensive)13.9 ( experience)13.9 ( in)13.8 ( financial)13.9 ( accounting)13.8 (,)13.9 ( fund)13.9 ( management)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( capital)13.8 ( operation)13.8 (.)13.9 ( mr)13.8 (.)16.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(wang)13.5 ( successively)13.5 ( served)13.6 ( as)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( deputy)13.5 ( manager)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( manager)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( treasury)13.6 ( management)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.006 tw t* (division of finance department of aluminum corporation of china* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a3712590e3802ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.006 tw (\), the general )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(representative)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (peru)10.2 ( office)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.3 ( aluminum)10.2 ( c)0.5 (orporation)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( china)10.2 (*)10.2 (,)10.2 ( a)10.2 ( )0.5 (director)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( )0.5 (senior)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.027 tw t* [(auditing )0.5 (manager )0.5 (of )0.5 (minera )0.5 (chinalco )0.5 (per\372 )0.5 (s.a.* )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590964128116240e3802ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.027 tw [(\), )0.5 (the )0.5 (chief )0.5 (financial )0.5 (officer )]tj 0.059 tw t* (and the manager of finance department of chinalco resources corporation*\ \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295125916240b2a0f1f0e5503de>tj t* <082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.059 tw (\), the chief financial officer of china aluminum international engineer\ ing co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <0295>tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* <12590a3710e702880cfb03de08220baa038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.014 tw (\), an executive director, the chief financial officer and the secretary\ to )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* (the board of directors of china aluminum international engineering corpo\ ration limited* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.026 tw <02951259>tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* <0a3710e702880cfb0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.079 tw [(\), )0.5 (the )0.5 (deputy )0.5 (chief )0.6 (accountant, )0.5 (general )0.5 (manager )0.5 (of )0.5 (finance )0.5 (department )]tj 0.062 tw t* (and capital operating department of chinalco and a supervisor of the com\ pany. mr. wang is )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(currently)5.2 ( the)5.2 ( )0.5 (chairman)5.3 ( of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (supervisory)5.2 ( )0.5 (committee)5.2 ( of)5.2 ( )0.5 (china)5.2 ( )0.5 (rare)5.2 ( )0.5 (metals)5.2 ( )0.5 (and)5.2 ( )0.5 (rare)5.2 ( )0.5 (earths)5.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(company)13.7 ( ltd)13.7 (.)13.7 (*)13.7 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.031 tc -0.031 tw 8.101 0 td <02950a370cfd03de0cfd027a0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.045 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.7 ( and)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( director)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( china)13.8 ( aluminum)13.7 ( international)17.3 ( )]tj 0.046 tc -8.101 -1.5 td [(engineering)14.2 ( corporation)14.2 ( limited)14.2 (,)14.1 ( chinalco)14.1 ( capital)14.2 ( holdings)14.2 ( co)14.2 (.)14.1 (,)14.2 ( ltd)14.1 (.)14.2 (*)14.1 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.032 tc -0.032 tw 34.966 0 td <029512590f1f03490a9b067003de082202ae>tj 0 tc 0 tw -34.966 -1.5 td <0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.018 tw 1.028 0 td (\) and chinalco finance co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295125909cc0a1503de08220baa038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.018 tw (\). he is also a director of aluminum )tj 0 tw -1.028 -1.5 td (corporation of china overseas holdings limited* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02951259090e032e0a9b067003de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\).)tj et endstream endobj 1500 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1501 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1502 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1503 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1504 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1505 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 655.8722 tm (other senior management)tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 625.8722 tm [(mr)13.6 (.)13.7 ( tian)13.7 ( yong)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.45 0 td [(,)13.6 ( aged)13.7 ( 6)13.7 (0)13.7 (,)13.6 ( is)13.6 ( a)13.7 ( vice)13.7 ( president)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.7 ( during)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( reporting)13.6 ( period)13.6 (.)20.2 ( )]tj 0.077 tc -7.45 -1.5 td [(mr)14.1 (.)14.1 ( tian)14.1 ( graduated)14 ( from)14.1 ( kunming)14.1 ( university)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( science)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( technology)14.1 (,)14 ( majoring)14.1 ( in)49.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw 0 -1.5 td [(metallurgical)9.3 ( engineering)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (with)9.2 ( a)9.2 ( )0.5 (master)9.2 ( degree)9.2 ( in)9.2 ( engineering)9.2 (,)9.2 ( and)9.2 ( )0.5 (with)9.2 ( a)9.2 ( )0.5 (senior)9.3 ( engineer)9.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(o)0.5 (f)10.2 ( o)0.5 (ut)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (an)0.5 (d)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)10.2 ( p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (fo)0.5 (r)0.5 (ma)0.5 (n)0.5 (ce)10.2 (.)10.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (r)10.1 (.)10.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (ia)0.5 (n)10.2 ( )0.5 (ha)0.5 (s)10.2 ( e)0.5 (x)0.5 (te)0.5 (n)0.5 (si)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)10.2 ( e)0.5 (x)0.5 (pe)0.5 (r)0.5 (ie)0.5 (n)0.5 (ce)10.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)10.2 ( s)0.5 (m)0.5 (el)0.5 (t)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)10.2 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)10.2 ( p)0.5 (r)0.5 (od)0.5 (u)0.5 (ct)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)10.1 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.5 ( non)13.5 (-)13.5 (ferrous)13.6 ( metals)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( corporate)13.5 ( management)13.5 (.)13.5 ( he)13.5 ( successively)13.5 ( served)13.5 ( as)13.5 ( a)13.5 ( technician)14.2 ( )]tj 0.054 tc t* [(and)14.2 ( deputy)14.1 ( )0.5 (director)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( smelting)14.2 ( workshop)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( acting)14.2 ( director)14.1 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( no)14.2 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (2)14.1 ( )0.5 (smelting)26.3 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw t* [(w)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (k)0.5 (s)0.5 (ho)0.5 (p)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( y)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (na)0.5 (n)14.4 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (mi)0.6 (nu)0.5 (m)14.4 ( pl)0.6 (an)0.5 (t)14.4 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.034 tc -0.034 tw 19.03 0 td <0dae06cc12591140>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tc 0.077 tw [(\))14.4 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( ch)0.5 (i)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)14.4 ( di)0.6 (sp)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( h)0.5 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (d)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)20.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw -19.03 -1.5 td [(dispatching)1.2 ( )0.5 (office)1.3 ( of)1.2 ( )0.5 (yunnan)1.2 ( aluminum)1.2 ( )0.5 (plant)1.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 22.353 0 td <0dae06cc12591140>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.029 tc 0.091 tw [(\))1.2 (,)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (head)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (fabrication)1.2 ( )0.5 (factory)1.2 (,)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.006 tw -22.353 -1.5 td [(the )0.5 (deputy )0.6 (head )0.5 (and )0.5 (head )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (production )0.5 (department )0.6 (as )0.5 (well )0.6 (as )0.5 (the )0.5 (head )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (production )]tj 0.028 tw t* (dispatching office, the assistant to the head of the factory and chief d\ ispatcher, and the head )tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(of)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (production)8.2 ( division)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (yunnan)8.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)8.2 ( plant)8.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 26.406 0 td <0dae06cc12591140>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.036 tc 0.084 tw [(\))8.2 (,)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( deputy)8.2 ( head)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (head)8.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw -26.406 -1.5 td [(of)14.2 ( )0.5 (yunnan)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.3 ( )0.5 (plant)14.3 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.038 tc -0.038 tw 13.977 0 td <0dae06cc12591140>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.052 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.6 (vice)14.3 ( )0.5 (chairman)14.2 ( )0.6 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (general)14.3 ( )0.5 (manager)14.2 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (yunnan)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.051 tw -13.977 -1.5 td (aluminum co., ltd. \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0dae06cc12590e380670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tw (\), deputy general manager and general manager of )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(yunnan)9.2 ( )0.5 (metallurgical)9.2 ( group)9.2 ( )0.5 (corporation)9.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 20.056 0 td <0dae06cc043706960dab0fa0143c02ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.037 tc 0.083 tw [(\))9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( general)9.2 ( )0.5 (manager)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.3 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw -20.056 -1.5 td [(chairman)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (yunnan)13.2 ( metallurgical)13.2 ( )0.5 (group)13.2 ( )0.5 (co)13.2 (.)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)13.2 (.)13.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 24.845 0 td <0dae06cc043706960dab0fa00670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.041 tc 0.079 tw [(\))13.2 (.)13.2 ( )0.5 (as)13.2 ( )0.5 (approved)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.041 tw -24.845 -1.5 td (at the 6th meeting of the seventh session of the board held by the compa\ ny on 27 february )tj 0.071 tw t* (2020, mr. tian resigned from the position of vice president of the compa\ ny due to reaching )tj 0 tw t* (statutory retirement age.)tj et endstream endobj 1506 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.064 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(m)0.5 (r)14.3 (.)14.4 ( yu)0.5 (e)14.3 ( x)0.5 (u)0.5 (gu)0.5 (an)0.5 (g)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.387 0 td [(,)14.4 ( ag)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( 5)14.3 (6)14.4 (,)14.3 ( i)0.5 (s)14.3 ( c)0.5 (u)0.5 (rr)0.5 (en)0.5 (tl)0.5 (y)14.3 ( a)14.4 ( s)0.5 (up)0.5 (er)0.5 (vi)0.5 (so)0.5 (r)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (om)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ny)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.3 ( g)0.5 (en)0.5 (er)0.5 (al)36.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc 0.078 tw -9.387 -1.5 td [(manager)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (human)14.3 ( )0.5 (resources)14.2 ( )0.5 (department)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (mr)14.3 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (yue)14.2 ( )0.5 (graduated)14.2 ( )0.5 (from)31.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.5 td [(k)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)8.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)8.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)8.2 ( t)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (n)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.6 (gy)8.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (h)8.2 ( )0.5 (a)8.2 ( b)0.5 (a)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)8.3 ( d)0.5 (e)0.5 (g)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)8.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)8.2 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (i)0.6 (ne)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (g)8.2 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (j)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)8.2 ( i)0.5 (n)8.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)8.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.01 tw t* (census and exploration. he is a senior economist. he has rich experience\ in human resources )tj 0.063 tc 0.078 tw t* [(management)14.2 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (mr)14.2 (.)14.2 ( yue)14.2 ( )0.5 (has)14.2 ( )0.5 (successively)14.2 ( served)14.2 ( )0.5 (as)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (deputy)14.2 ( head)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( coordination)35.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw t* [(division)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( labour)8.2 ( )0.5 (insurance)8.2 ( )0.5 (bureau)8.2 ( and)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( )0.5 (head)8.2 ( )0.5 (of)8.2 ( )0.5 (the)8.2 ( labour)8.2 ( )0.5 (management)8.2 ( )0.5 (division)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(the)6.2 ( )0.5 (personnel)6.2 ( and)6.2 ( )0.5 (education)6.2 ( )0.5 (department)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.3 ( china)6.2 ( )0.5 (nonferrous)6.2 ( metals)6.2 ( )0.5 (industry)6.2 ( )0.5 (corporation)6.2 (*)6.2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw t* (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td <02950a3703de040d0696166e02880e38143c02ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.091 tw (\), the deputy head of the general division of the personnel office of )tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw -0.306 -1.5 td [(state)14.3 ( )-0.6 (bureau)14.2 ( of)14.3 ( )-0.6 (nonferrous)14.3 ( )-0.6 (metal)14.2 ( industry)14.2 (*)14.2 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.034 tc -0.034 tw 22.513 0 td <0a37089503de040d0696166e02880e380485>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tc 0.077 tw [(\))14.2 ( \()14.2 (enjoying)14.3 ( )-0.6 (the)14.2 ( head)14.2 (-)14.3 (level)20.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw -22.513 -1.5 td [(treatment)10.2 (\))10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( deputy)10.2 ( head)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (personnel)10.2 ( )0.5 (department)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( china)10.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)10.3 ( corporation)10.2 (*)10.2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw t* (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td <02950a3712590e380dab0fa002ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.036 tw [(\), )0.5 (the )0.6 (head )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (labour )0.6 (division )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (personnel )0.5 (department )0.5 (of )0.5 (aluminum )]tj 0.037 tw -0.306 -1.5 td (corporation of china* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a3712590e3802ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.037 tw (\), the manager of the remuneration management division )tj 0.062 tw t* [(of )0.5 (the )0.5 (human )0.6 (resources )0.5 (department )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (company, )0.5 (the )0.5 (head )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.6 (general )0.5 (division )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )]tj 0.036 tw t* [(general )0.5 (office )0.5 (of )0.5 (aluminum corporation )0.5 (of )0.5 (china* )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a3712590e3802ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.036 tw [(\), )0.5 (the )0.5 (manager )0.5 (of )0.5 (the general )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(division)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( capital)13.8 ( operating)13.9 ( department)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( company)13.9 (,)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( deputy)13.8 ( general)13.9 ( manager)16.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(of)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( human)12.2 ( )0.5 (resources)12.2 ( )0.5 (department)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.3 ( the)12.1 ( )0.5 (company)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (deputy)12.2 ( )0.5 (head)12.2 ( \()12.2 (departmental)12.2 ( )0.5 (head)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw t* (level\) of the human resources department \(veteran cadre work departmen\ t\) of the aluminum )tj 0.064 tc 0.078 tw t* [(corporation)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( china)13.5 (*)13.5 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.051 tc -0.051 tw 11.871 0 td [<0295>0.5 <0a37>0.5 <1259>0.6 <0e38>0.5 <02ae>0.5 <0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.064 tc 0.078 tw 6.303 0 td [(\))13.5 (,)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( secretary)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( party)13.5 ( committee)13.5 ( and)13.5 ( deputy)36.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.09 tw -18.173 -1.5 td (general manager of chinalco asset operation and management co., ltd* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590f1f0b2a0ebe1404104d0b23>tj t* <03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\).)tj et endstream endobj 1507 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.033 tc 0.087 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(ms)5.2 (.)5.2 ( shan)5.2 ( )0.5 (shulan)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.707 0 td [(,)5.2 ( )0.5 (aged)5.2 ( )0.5 (4)5.2 (8)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (is)5.2 ( )0.5 (currently)5.2 ( a)5.2 ( )0.5 (supervisor)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (company)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (ms)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (shan)5.2 ( graduated)5.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw -8.707 -1.5 td [(from)13.7 ( beijing)13.7 ( institute)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( light)13.7 ( industry)13.8 (*)13.8 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.036 tc -0.036 tw 20.517 0 td <030f052f10c002880e3812aa09eb>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.05 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.8 (,)13.7 ( majoring)13.8 ( in)13.7 ( industrial)13.7 ( corporate)22.2 ( )]tj -20.517 -1.5 td [(management)13.9 (,)13.9 ( with)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( bachelor)13.8 ( degree)14 ( in)13.9 ( engineering)13.9 (.)13.8 ( she)13.9 ( is)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( certified)13.8 ( public)13.9 ( accountant)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.074 tw 0 -1.5 td (and statistician. ms. shan has extensive experience in accounting, finan\ ce management and )tj 0.022 tw t* (other fields. she successively served as an economic analyst at the econ\ omic research office )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(of)3.2 ( )0.5 (beijing)3.2 ( )0.5 (glass)3.2 ( instruments)3.2 ( )0.5 (plant)3.2 (*)3.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 17.744 0 td <030f052f079a11a81103129c1140>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.031 tc 0.089 tw [(\))3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (financial)3.2 ( )0.5 (manager)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.3 ( beijing)3.2 ( )0.5 (cem)3.2 (-)3.3 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw -17.744 -1.5 td [(fil)14.2 ( glass)14.2 ( fiber)14.2 ( co)14.3 (.)14.2 ( )-0.6 (ltd)14.2 (.)14.2 (*)14.2 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.034 tc -0.034 tw 13.057 0 td <030f052f1484058d0d3f1027079a11a81704106a03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tc 0.077 tw [(\))14.2 ( under)14.2 ( saint)14.2 (-)14.2 (gobain)14.2 ( in)14.2 ( china)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )-0.6 (the)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.003 tw -13.057 -1.5 td (financial manager for beijing region of carrefour \(china\) co., ltd.* \(\ )tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw [<089511801045>502.6 <0080>104.2 <02950a37>104.2 <0081>502.5 <03de082202ae0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.003 tw (\), the )tj 0.031 tw t* (financial manager for china region of baker hughes centrilift, the finan\ cial manager for china )tj 0.053 tw t* (region of microsoft research asia \(china\)* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw [<0e060bb4>502.6 <0080>104.2 <02950a37>104.2 <0081>502.6 <052d077207bc04fa09eb>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.053 tw (\), and the business director )tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(and deputy head of budget division and the head of budget assessment div\ ision of the finance)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.049 tw t* (department of aluminum corporation of china* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a3712590e3802ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.049 tw (\). ms. shan currently serves as )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(the)5.2 ( )0.5 (deputy)5.2 ( )0.5 (director)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (the)5.2 ( )0.5 (finance)5.2 ( )0.5 (department)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)5.2 ( chinalco)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (she)5.2 ( )0.5 (also)5.2 ( )0.5 (concurrently)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* (serves as a supervisor of chinalco innovative development investment com\ pany limited* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <0295>tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* <12590bf40e2d0d9a0cef04b30f1f03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.04 tw (\) and a director of aluminum corporation of china overseas holdings )tj 0.065 tw t* (limited and china aluminum insurance broker \(beijing\) co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw [<0295125906ad13880ebe07cf>502.6 <0080>104.2 <030f052f>104.2 <0081>502.6 <0670038503de>]tj t* <082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\).)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(mr)14.1 (.)14.2 ( guan)14.2 ( xiaoguang)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.76 0 td [(,)14.1 ( aged)14.2 ( 4)14.1 (9)14.2 (,)14.1 ( is)14.1 ( currently)14.1 ( a)14.2 ( supervisor)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( company)14.1 ( and)14.2 ( the)14.1 ( general)15.2 ( )]tj -10.76 -1.5 td [(manager)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( president)13.7 (\222)13.7 (s)13.7 ( office)13.7 ( \()13.7 (the)13.7 ( office)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( party)13.7 ( committee)13.7 ( \()13.7 (discipline)13.7 ( inspection)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.074 tw 0 -1.5 td [(commission\)\) )0.5 (of the company. )0.5 (mr. guan is a master )0.5 (of business administration from )0.5 (peking )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(university)3.2 (.)3.2 ( )0.5 (he)3.2 ( is)3.2 ( )0.5 (a)3.2 ( )0.5 (senior)3.2 ( )0.5 (economist)3.2 ( with)3.2 ( rich)3.2 ( experience)3.3 ( in)3.2 ( human)3.2 ( )0.5 (resources)3.2 ( )0.5 (management)3.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(and)14 ( political)13.9 ( work)13.9 (.)14 ( mr)14 (.)13.9 ( guan)14 ( has)13.9 ( successively)13.9 ( served)13.9 ( as)14 ( a)14 ( cadre)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( personnel)14 ( division)17.2 ( )]tj 0.062 tc t* [(and)13.7 ( deputy)13.7 ( secretary)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( youth)13.7 ( league)13.8 ( committee)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( north)13.7 ( china)13.6 ( university)13.7 ( of)34.2 ( )]tj 0.056 tc t* [(technology)14.1 (,)14.2 ( deputy)14.1 ( secretary)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.2 ( youth)14.2 ( league)14.1 ( committee)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( the)14.2 ( attached)14.1 ( agencies)28.2 ( )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(directly)3.2 ( )0.5 (under)3.3 ( the)3.2 ( china)3.2 ( )0.5 (nonferrous)3.2 ( )0.5 (metals)3.2 ( )0.5 (industry)3.2 ( corporation)3.2 (*)3.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 32.331 0 td <02950a3703de040d0696166e02880e38143c02ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\), )tj 0.092 tw -32.331 -1.5 td [(deputy director and director )0.5 (of the )0.5 (investment management )0.5 (office of the china nonferrous )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(metals)10.2 ( industry)10.2 ( association)10.2 (*)10.2 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 14.788 0 td <02950a3703de040d0696166e02880e3805580e36>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.038 tc 0.082 tw [(\))10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (head)10.1 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( business)10.1 ( )0.5 (and)10.1 ( )0.5 (deputy)10.1 ( )0.5 (director)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.08 tw -14.788 -1.5 td (of the office of the expert advisory committee of the aluminum corporati\ on of china* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a37>tj t* <12590e3802ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.034 tc 0.086 tw [(\))6.2 (,)6.2 ( )0.5 (manager)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( )0.5 (talent)6.2 ( )0.5 (development)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )0.5 (training)6.2 ( )0.5 (division)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (human)6.2 ( resources)6.2 ( )]tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw t* [(department)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 (,)13.7 ( head)13.7 ( and)13.7 ( deputy)13.6 ( director)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.6 ( talent)13.7 ( development)13.7 ( and)42.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.066 tw t* (training division of the human resources department \(veteran cadre work\ department\) of the )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(aluminum)13.6 ( corporation)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( china)13.6 (*)13.6 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.03 tc -0.03 tw 16.707 0 td <02950a3712590e3802ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.044 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.6 (,)13.6 ( deputy)13.6 ( secretary)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( party)13.6 ( committee)13.6 (,)16.2 ( )]tj -16.707 -1.5 td [(chairman)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (labour)14.2 ( )0.5 (union)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (supervisor)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (shandong)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)14.2 ( )0.5 (co)14.2 (.)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)14.2 (*)14.3 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.03 tc -0.03 tw 39.101 0 td <0286060712590e3803de>tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -39.101 -1.5 td <082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.071 tw (\), deputy general manager of the president\222s office \(the office of \ the party committee )tj 0 tw t* (\(discipline inspection commission\)\) of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 1508 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 655.8722 tm (supervisors)tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 625.8722 tm [(mr)13.8 (.)13.8 ( ye)13.9 ( guohua)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.893 0 td [(,)13.8 ( aged)13.8 ( 5)13.9 (1)13.8 (,)13.8 ( is)13.9 ( currently)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( chairman)13.8 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( supervisory)13.8 ( committee)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)20.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw -7.893 -1.5 td [(company)10.2 (.)10.2 ( )0.5 (mr)10.3 (.)10.1 ( )0.5 (ye)10.2 ( )0.5 (graduated)10.2 ( )0.5 (from)10.2 ( )0.5 (shanghai)10.2 ( )0.5 (university)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( finance)10.2 ( and)10.2 ( )0.5 (economics)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (majoring)10.2 ( )]tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw 0 -1.5 td [(in)7.2 ( )0.5 (accounting)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (with)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)7.2 ( )0.5 (bachelor)7.2 ( )0.5 (degree)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( economics)7.2 ( and)7.2 ( )0.5 (is)7.2 ( )0.5 (a)7.2 ( )0.5 (senior)7.2 ( )0.5 (accountant)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )0.5 (mr)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )0.5 (ye)7.2 ( )0.5 (has)7.2 ( )]tj t* [(extensive)7.2 ( )0.5 (experience)7.2 ( )0.5 (in)7.2 ( )0.5 (financial)7.2 ( )0.5 (management)7.2 ( )0.5 (and)7.2 ( )0.5 (accounting)7.2 (.)7.2 ( )0.5 (he)7.2 ( )0.5 (had)7.2 ( )0.5 (successively)7.2 ( served)7.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.089 tw t* (as the director of accounting department of the refinery of shanghai gao\ qiao petrochemical )tj 0.065 tc 0.077 tw t* [(c)0.5 (om)0.5 (p)0.5 (an)0.5 (y)14.4 (*)14.3 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.051 tc -0.051 tw 6.018 0 td <026a090e09f712d70369063002b7028802ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.065 tc 0.077 tw [(\))14.3 (,)14.4 ( t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( d)0.5 (ep)0.5 (u)0.5 (ty)14.4 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (ie)0.5 (f)14.4 ( ac)0.5 (c)0.5 (ou)0.5 (n)0.5 (ta)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.3 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( he)0.5 (a)0.5 (d)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( a)0.5 (cc)0.5 (ou)0.5 (n)0.5 (ti)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)37.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc -6.018 -1.5 td [(de)0.5 (par)0.5 (tme)0.5 (nt)14.3 ( of)14.4 ( sin)0.5 (ope)0.5 (c)14.3 ( sh)0.5 (angh)0.5 (ai)14.4 ( g)0.5 (aoq)0.5 (ia)0.5 (o)14.3 ( bra)0.5 (nch)14.4 (*)14.3 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.043 tc -0.043 tw 25.968 0 td <02950a37036902b70670038502ae0321026a090e09f712d702b102ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.091 tw [(\), t)-13.6 (h)-13.6 (e)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw -25.968 -1.5 td (chief financial officer, executive director, a member of the party commi\ ttee, deputy general )tj 0.081 tw t* (manager of sinopec shanghai petrochemical company limited* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <026a090e0369063002b702880670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\), )tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(the)12.2 ( director)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( )0.5 (accounting)12.2 ( department)12.2 ( of)12.3 ( china)12.2 ( petroleum)12.2 ( )0.5 (&)12.2 ( )0.5 (chemical)12.2 ( )0.5 (group)12.2 ( )0.5 (corporation)12.2 (*)12.2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw t* (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0.306 0 td <02950a370369063002b702880dab0fa002ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.036 tc 0.084 tw [(\))8.2 (,)8.2 ( the)8.2 ( )0.5 (chairman)8.2 ( of)8.3 ( century)8.2 ( bright)8.2 ( international)8.2 ( )0.5 (investment)8.2 ( )0.5 (company)8.2 (*)8.2 ( )]tj 0 tc 0 tw -0.306 -1.5 td (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.035 tc -0.035 tw 0.313 0 td <0b3814ba0a3710e704b30f1f03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.049 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14.1 (,)14 ( the)14.1 ( chairman)14 ( of)14.1 ( sinopec)14.1 ( insurance)14.1 ( limited)14.1 (*)14.1 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.035 tc -0.035 tw 34.002 0 td <0295036902b706ad138803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw [(\))-6.9 (, )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw -34.315 -1.5 td [(the)3.2 ( )0.5 (vice)3.2 ( )0.5 (chairman)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (taiping)3.2 ( &)3.3 ( sinopec)3.2 ( )0.5 (financial)3.2 ( leasing)3.2 ( )0.5 (co)3.3 (.)3.1 (,)3.3 ( ltd)3.3 (.)3.2 (*)3.2 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 32.942 0 td <02c4033b036902b70696134409610f2303de08220baa>tj -32.942 -1.5 td <038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.091 tw (\), a director of sinopec finance co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295036902b709cc0a1503de08220baa038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.091 tw (\), and a director of )tj 0.048 tw t* (sinopec oilfield service corporation* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0295036902b70369063002880cfb04a60b9406020a150670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tw (\). mr. ye is also a )tj 0 tw t* (member of the communist party committee and the chief accountant of chin\ alco.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.062 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(mr)14 (.)14.1 ( ou)14 ( xiaowu)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.127 0 td [(,)14.1 ( aged)14 ( 5)14.1 (5)14 (,)14.1 ( is)14.1 ( currently)14 ( a)14 ( supervisor)14 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14 (.)14.1 ( mr)14.1 (.)14 ( ou)14 ( graduated)34.2 ( )]tj 0.055 tc 0.077 tw -8.127 -1.5 td [(f)0.5 (ro)0.5 (m)14.3 ( x)0.5 (i)0.5 (am)0.5 (en)14.4 ( u)0.5 (ni)0.5 (v)0.5 (er)0.5 (si)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)14.3 ( w)0.5 (it)0.5 (h)14.4 ( a)14.3 ( b)0.5 (ac)0.5 (he)0.5 (l)0.5 (or)14.4 (\222)14.3 (s)14.4 ( d)0.5 (eg)0.5 (re)0.5 (e)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( ec)0.5 (on)0.5 (om)0.5 (i)0.5 (cs)14.4 ( ma)0.5 (j)0.5 (or)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.4 ( in)14.4 ( pl)0.5 (a)0.5 (nn)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)14.4 ( an)0.5 (d)27.2 ( )]tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw 0 -1.5 td [(statistics)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( is)8.2 ( )0.5 (a)8.2 ( senior)8.2 ( auditor)8.2 (.)8.2 ( )0.5 (mr)8.2 (.)8.2 ( )0.5 (ou)8.2 ( )0.5 (has)8.2 ( extensive)8.2 ( experience)8.2 ( )0.5 (in)8.2 ( auditing)8.2 ( )0.5 (and)8.2 ( financial)8.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw t* [(m)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.6 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)1.2 (.)1.2 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (e)1.3 ( s)0.6 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.6 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.6 (l)0.5 (y)1.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.6 (d)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (e)0.6 (p)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.6 (y)1.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)1.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)1.2 ( o)0.6 (f)1.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)1.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (d)1.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.062 tw t* (division of the audit department and the director of the first division \ of the audit department )tj 0.042 tw t* [(in )0.5 (china )0.6 (nonferrous )0.5 (metals )0.5 (industry )0.5 (corporation* )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a3703de040d0696166e02880e38143c02ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.042 tw [(\), )0.5 (the )0.5 (deputy )0.5 (head )]tj 0.008 tw t* (of the finance department and the deputy head of the audit department of\ china copper lead )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(&)14.1 ( zinc)14.1 ( group)14.1 ( corporation)14.1 (*)14.1 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.039 tc -0.039 tw 14.046 0 td <02950a3710d60f5112540dab0fa002ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.053 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14.1 (,)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( deputy)14.2 ( general)14.1 ( manager)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( guizhou)25.1 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw -14.046 -1.5 td (branch of the company, the deputy director and the director of the finan\ ce department \(audit )tj 0.006 tw t* [(department\) )0.6 (and )0.5 (the )0.5 (chief )0.6 (financial )0.6 (officer )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (copper )0.6 (department )0.5 (of )0.5 (aluminum )0.5 (corporation )]tj 0.051 tw t* (of china* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a3712590e3802ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tw (\) and also served as a director and the chief financial officer of chin\ a )tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(copper)13.9 ( co)14 (.)13.9 (,)13.9 ( ltd)13.9 (.)14 (*)13.9 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.032 tc -0.032 tw 9.39 0 td <02950a3710d60e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.046 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.9 (,)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( general)13.9 ( manager)14 ( of)13.9 ( the)14 ( finance)13.9 ( department)13.9 ( and)18.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.043 tw -9.39 -1.5 td (audit department of the company. mr. ou currently also acts as the deput\ y chief auditor and )tj t* (the director of the audit department of chinalco, and a supervisor of ch\ ina copper co., ltd.* )tj 0 tc 0 tw t* (\()tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.034 tc -0.034 tw 0.312 0 td <02950a3710d60e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14 (,)14 ( a)14 ( supervisor)14 ( of)14 ( china)14.1 ( aluminum)14 ( international)14 ( engineering)14 ( corporation)20.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw -0.312 -1.5 td [(limited)10.1 (*)10.3 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 4.877 0 td <029512590a3710e702880cfb0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.038 tc 0.082 tw [(\))10.2 (,)10.2 ( a)10.2 ( )0.5 (supervisor)10.2 ( of)10.2 ( chinalco)10.2 ( )0.5 (high)10.2 (-)10.2 (end)10.2 ( manufacturing)10.2 ( co)10.2 (.)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.092 tw -4.877 -1.5 td [(l)-13.7 (t)-13.6 (d.* )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.044 tw <02950a3712590e380dab0fa009f7104c10a10bbf0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.058 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (chairman)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (supervisory)14.3 ( committee)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)30.2 ( )]tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw t* [(qinghai)4.2 ( )0.5 (yellow)4.2 ( )0.5 (river)4.2 ( hydropower)4.2 ( )0.5 (renewable)4.1 ( )0.5 (aluminum)4.2 ( )0.5 (co)4.2 (.)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)4.2 (.)4.2 (*)4.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 32.942 0 td <06a1090e0dbb062602e50f65038e035b12590e3803de>tj -32.942 -1.5 td <082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw (\) and a supervisor of chalco energy.)tj et endstream endobj 1509 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 655.8722 tm (independent non-executive directors)tj 0.024 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 625.8722 tm (ms. chen lijie)tj /t1_0 1 tf (, aged 65, is currently an independent non-executive director of the com\ pany. )tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.5 td [(ms)14.2 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (chen)14.2 ( graduated)14.2 ( )0.5 (from)14.2 ( )0.5 (renmin)14.2 ( )0.5 (university)14.2 ( of)14.2 ( china)14.2 ( )0.5 (law)14.2 ( )0.5 (school)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (obtained)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( )0.5 (doctoral)14.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.074 tw t* (degree in laws. ms. chen lijie has more than 30 years of experience in l\ aws. she acted as )tj 0.092 tw t* [(director )0.5 (and )0.5 (deputy director of commercial )0.5 (affairs )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (office of )0.5 (legislative affairs )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )]tj 0.074 tw t* (state council, deputy director of department of policies and laws of the\ national economic )tj 0.071 tw t* (and trade commission, patrol officer of bureau of policies, laws and reg\ ulations of sasac )tj 0 tw t* (and chief legal consultant of china mobile communications corporation.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.039 tw 0 -3 td (mr. hu shihai)tj /t1_0 1 tf (, aged 65, is currently an independent non-executive director of the com\ pany. )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(mr. hu graduated from shanghai jiao tong university majoring in thermal \ energy engineering.)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.077 tw t* [(he)14.3 ( is)14.4 ( a)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (ofesso)0.5 (r)14.3 (-)14.3 (le)0.5 (vel)14.3 ( seni)0.5 (or)14.3 ( engin)0.5 (eer)14.3 ( wi)0.5 (th)14.3 ( more)14.3 ( th)0.5 (an)14.3 ( 4)14.4 (0)14.3 ( y)0.5 (ears)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( w)0.5 (orkin)0.5 (g)14.3 ( ex)0.5 (peri)0.5 (ence)14.3 ( in)18.2 ( )]tj 0.045 tc 0.078 tw t* [(power)13.5 ( industry)13.5 (.)13.5 ( mr)13.6 (.)13.5 ( hu)13.6 ( has)13.5 ( extensive)13.5 ( experience)13.6 ( in)13.5 ( corporate)13.5 ( management)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( technical)17.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(management)13.9 ( and)13.8 ( successively)13.8 ( served)13.8 ( as)13.9 ( the)13.8 ( supervisor)13.8 (,)13.9 ( director)13.9 ( and)13.8 ( deputy)13.8 ( head)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)21.2 ( )]tj 0.079 tc t* [(huaneng)13.8 ( shanghai)13.9 ( shidongkou)13.8 ( no)13.9 (.)13.8 ( 2)13.9 ( power)13.9 ( plant)13.8 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.065 tc -0.065 tw 26.865 0 td <0d360990026a090e0369077802790b4b025a0cef0f651140>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.079 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.8 (,)13.9 ( deputy)51.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.069 tw -26.865 -1.5 td (director of the preparatory office of the shanghai waigaoqiao no. 2 powe\ r plant \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <026a090e032e09f712d7>tj t* <0b4b025a0f651140162a07140b88>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.014 tw (\), manager of the production department and assistant to the general ma\ nager )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.9 ( huaneng)13.8 ( power)13.9 ( international)13.9 (,)13.8 ( inc)13.8 (.)13.8 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.039 tc -0.039 tw 19.133 0 td <0d3609900f6502620670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.053 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.8 ( and)13.8 ( assistant)13.9 ( to)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( general)25.2 ( )]tj 0.059 tc -19.133 -1.5 td [(manager)13.9 ( and)14 ( director)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( safety)14 ( production)14 ( department)13.9 (,)14 ( and)13.9 ( chief)14 ( engineer)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( china)31.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (huaneng group \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a370d3609900dab0fa002ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\).)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.064 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(mr)13.9 (.)14 ( lie)13.9 (-)14 (a)13.9 (-)14 (cheong)13.9 ( tai)13.9 ( chong)14 (,)14 ( david)13.9 (,)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 19.322 0 td [( aged)13.9 ( 5)14 (9)13.9 (,)14 ( honoured)14 ( with)13.9 ( the)14 ( silver)14 ( bauhinia)13.9 ( star)36.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc -19.322 -1.5 td [(\()14 (sbs)14 (\))14.1 (,)14 ( officier)14.1 ( de)14 ( l)14 (\221)14.1 (ordre)14 ( national)14.1 ( du)14 ( merite)14 ( and)14 ( justice)14 ( of)14 ( peace)14.1 (.)14 ( mr)14.1 (.)14 ( lie)14 ( is)14 ( currently)14 ( an)18.3 ( )]tj 0.043 tc 0 -1.5 td [(independent)13.7 ( non)13.7 (-)13.6 (executive)13.7 ( director)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( company)13.7 (.)13.7 ( mr)13.6 (.)13.7 ( lie)13.6 ( is)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( executive)13.7 ( chairman)13.7 ( of)15.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc t* [(newpower)13.6 ( international)13.7 ( \()13.6 (holdings)13.6 (\))13.6 ( co)13.6 (.)13.6 (,)13.7 ( ltd)13.7 (.)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( china)13.7 ( concept)13.7 ( consulting)13.7 ( ltd)13.7 (.)13.6 ( he)13.7 ( was)29.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc t* [(selected)14 ( as)14 ( a)14 ( member)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( national)14 ( committee)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( 8)14 (th)14 (,)14.1 ( 9)14 (th)14 (,)14 ( 1)14 (0)14 (th)14 ( and)14 ( 1)14 (1)14 (th)14 ( chinese)22.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc t* [(people)13.8 (\222)13.8 (s)13.8 ( political)13.8 ( consultative)13.8 ( conference)13.8 ( since)13.8 ( 1)13.8 (9)13.8 (9)13.9 (3)13.8 (.)13.8 ( from)13.8 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (0)13.8 (7)13.8 ( to)13.9 ( 2)13.8 (0)13.8 (1)13.9 (3)13.8 (,)13.8 ( he)13.8 ( acted)13.8 ( as)13.8 ( a)21.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* [(panel )0.5 (convenor )0.5 (cum )0.5 (member )0.6 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (financial )0.5 (reporting )0.5 (review )0.5 (panel )0.5 (of )0.5 (hong )0.6 (kong )0.5 (special )]tj 0.052 tw t* (administrative region \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw (hksar)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.052 tw (\224\). mr. lie is currently the honorary consul of the hashemite )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(kingdom)13.8 ( of)13.7 ( jordan)13.8 ( in)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( hksar)13.7 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( chairman)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( hong)13.7 ( kong)13.8 (-)13.7 (taiwan)13.8 ( economic)13.7 ( and)25.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc t* [(cultural)13.8 ( cooperation)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( promotion)13.7 ( council)13.8 (,)13.7 ( a)13.7 ( member)13.8 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( commission)13.8 ( on)13.8 ( strategic)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.005 tw t* (development of the hksar, a standing committee member of the china overs\ eas friendship )tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw t* [(association)13.8 (,)13.9 ( a)13.9 ( standing)13.8 ( director)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( china)13.8 ( council)13.9 ( for)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( promotion)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( peaceful)13.9 ( national)27.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc t* [(reunification)14.1 (,)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( a)14.2 ( member)14.2 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( hong)14.1 ( kong)14.2 ( general)14.1 ( chamber)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( commerce)14.1 ( \()14.2 (hkgcc)14.2 (\))14.1 (.)18.2 ( )]tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(currently)5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (mr)5.2 (.)5.2 ( )0.5 (lie)5.2 ( )0.5 (is)5.2 ( )0.5 (also)5.2 ( an)5.3 ( independent)5.2 ( )0.5 (non)5.2 (-)5.2 (executive)5.2 ( director)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( )0.5 (herald)5.2 ( )0.5 (holdings)5.2 ( )0.5 (limited)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (and harbour centre development limited, both of which are listed compani\ es in hong kong.)tj et endstream endobj 1510 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1511 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1512 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1513 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1514 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1515 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(2)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 655.8722 tm (non-executive directors)tj 0.07 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 625.8722 tm [(mr)13.5 (.)13.4 ( ao)13.5 ( hong)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.93 0 td [(,)13.5 ( aged)13.5 ( 5)13.4 (8)13.5 (,)13.5 ( is)13.5 ( currently)13.5 ( a)13.5 ( non)13.5 (-)13.5 (executive)13.5 ( director)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 (.)13.5 ( mr)13.5 (.)13.5 ( ao)42.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.075 tw -6.93 -1.5 td (graduated from central south university with a doctoral degree in manage\ ment science and )tj 0.086 tw 0 -1.5 td (engineering. he is a professor-grade senior engineer with over 30 years \ of work experience )tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(in)14.2 ( enterprises)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( non)14.1 (-)14.1 (ferrous)14.1 ( metals)14.1 ( industry)14.2 (.)14.1 ( he)14.1 ( successively)14.1 ( served)14.2 ( as)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( deputy)14.2 ( dean)18.2 ( )]tj 0.051 tc 0.077 tw t* [(o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( b)0.5 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (j)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.4 ( g)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)14.5 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)14.4 ( f)0.6 (o)0.5 (r)14.4 ( n)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)14.4 (-)14.4 (f)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (s)14.4 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (s)14.4 (*)14.4 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.037 tc -0.037 tw 31.421 0 td [<030f052f03de040d0696>0.5 <166e07bc04fa143c09eb>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tc 0.077 tw [(\))14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)23.2 ( )]tj 0.078 tw -31.421 -1.5 td [(concurrently)14.3 ( the)14.2 ( )0.5 (chairman)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( grinm)14.3 ( )0.5 (semiconductor)14.2 ( )0.5 (materials)14.2 ( )0.5 (co)14.3 (.)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)14.2 (.)14.2 (*)14.3 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.037 tc -0.037 tw 37 0 td <03de07bc031212ac17171fbc04bf>tj 0.033 tc -0.033 tw -37 -1.5 td <08d80670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.047 tc 0.078 tw [(\))14.2 (,)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (chairman)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (guorui)14.3 ( )0.5 (electronics)14.2 ( )0.5 (co)14.3 (.)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)14.2 (.)14.3 (*)14.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.033 tc -0.033 tw 31.33 0 td <0a370e7f0f65027f0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw [(\), )0.5 (t)-13.7 (h)-13.6 (e)5.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw -31.33 -1.5 td [(chairman )0.5 (of guo jing )0.5 (micro-electronic )0.5 (holding, limited* \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0a370c7a0e060f65027f0a9b067002ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.06 tw [(\) in )0.5 (hong kong, )]tj 0.05 tc 0.077 tw t* [(a)14.4 ( d)0.6 (e)0.5 (p)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.6 (y)14.4 ( g)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (l)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.5 ( a)0.6 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.5 ( o)0.6 (f)14.4 ( c)0.5 (h)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)14.5 (*)14.4 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.036 tc -0.036 tw 31.582 0 td [<02950a371259>0.5 <0e3802ae0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.05 tc 0.077 tw [(\))14.5 (.)14.4 ( d)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (g)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)22.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw -31.582 -1.5 td [(period)14.1 (,)14.1 ( he)14.1 ( also)14.1 ( successively)14.1 ( served)14.1 ( as)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( chairman)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14 ( supervisory)14.1 ( committee)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.089 tw t* (company, chairman of the labour union of aluminum corporation of china* \ \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a3712590e3802ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\), )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw t* (the dean of chinalco research institute of science and technology* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.027 tw <0295125907c512aa04a60b9407bc04fa09eb>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw [(\) and)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.02 tw t* [(the )0.5 (chairman )0.5 (of china rare )0.5 (earth )0.5 (co., )0.5 (ltd.* \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <02950a370cfd03de0cfd027a03de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.02 tw [(\) )0.5 (and )0.5 (an executive director )]tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(and)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.3 ( president)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (company)3.2 (.)3.2 ( )0.5 (mr)3.2 (.)3.2 ( )0.5 (ao)3.2 ( is)3.2 ( )0.5 (currently)3.2 ( the)3.2 ( )0.5 (full)3.2 (-)3.2 (time)3.2 ( )0.5 (deputy)3.2 ( )0.5 (secretary)3.2 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (communist party committee and a director of chinalco.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.041 tc 0.079 tw 0 -3 td [(mr)13.2 (.)13.2 ( wang)13.2 ( )0.5 (jun)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.322 0 td [(,)13.2 ( )0.5 (aged)13.2 ( 5)13.2 (4)13.2 (,)13.2 ( )0.5 (is)13.1 ( )0.5 (currently)13.3 ( a)13.2 ( )0.5 (non)13.2 (-)13.2 (executive)13.2 ( )0.5 (director)13.2 ( of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (company)13.3 (.)13.1 ( )0.5 (graduated)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.039 tw -7.322 -1.5 td (from huazhong institute of engineering with a degree of industrial and c\ ivil construction, and )tj 0.088 tw 0 -1.5 td (he is an engineer. he has extensive experience in financial and corporat\ e management. mr. )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(wang)6.2 ( formerly)6.1 ( )0.5 (served)6.2 ( as)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.2 ( engineer)6.2 ( )0.5 (in)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( )0.5 (engineering)6.2 ( )0.5 (department)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( babcock)6.2 ( )0.5 (&)6.2 ( wilcox)6.2 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(b)0.5 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (j)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)2.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)0.5 (mp)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)2.2 ( )0.5 (lt)0.5 (d)2.2 (.)2.2 (;)2.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (ep)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (y)2.2 ( )0.5 (ma)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (er)2.3 ( o)0.5 (f)2.2 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)2.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (ea)0.5 (l)2.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)2.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (ev)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (p)0.5 (m)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)2.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (ep)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (t)0.5 (m)0.5 (en)0.5 (t)2.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)2.2 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)2.2 ( )]tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw t* [(yanxing)14.2 ( )0.5 (company)14.2 (;)14.2 ( )0.5 (senior)14.2 ( )0.5 (deputy)14.2 ( manager)14.2 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (equity)14.2 ( )0.5 (management)14.2 ( department)14.2 ( and)14.2 ( )0.5 (senior)24.2 ( )]tj 0.046 tc t* [(manager)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( business)13.9 ( management)13.9 ( department)13.9 (,)13.9 ( senior)13.8 ( manager)13.9 (,)13.9 ( deputy)13.9 ( general)14 ( manager)13.9 (,)18.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(general)6.2 ( )0.5 (manager)6.2 ( )0.5 (of)6.2 ( )0.5 (custody)6.2 ( )0.5 (and)6.2 ( )0.5 (settlement)6.2 ( department)6.2 ( )0.5 (in)6.2 ( china)6.2 ( cinda)6.2 ( asset)6.2 ( management)6.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(co)9.2 (.)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)9.2 ( )0.5 (and)9.2 ( )0.5 (general)9.2 ( )0.5 (manager)9.3 ( of)9.2 ( )0.5 (the)9.2 ( )0.5 (equity)9.2 ( )0.5 (management)9.2 ( )0.5 (department)9.2 ( )0.5 (of)9.3 ( china)9.2 ( cinda)9.2 ( asset)9.3 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(management)14.2 ( )0.5 (co)14.2 (.)14.3 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)14.3 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (mr)14.2 (.)14.3 ( )0.5 (wang)14.3 ( )0.5 (currently)14.2 ( )0.6 (serves)14.2 ( )0.5 (as)14.2 ( )0.6 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (business)14.3 ( )0.5 (director)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.2 ( )0.5 (china)14.3 ( )0.5 (cinda)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (asset management co., ltd.)tj et endstream endobj 1516 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (9)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.043 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm [(mr)13.8 (.)13.7 ( zhu)13.8 ( runzhou)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.969 0 td [(,)13.8 ( aged)13.8 ( 5)13.8 (5)13.8 (,)13.7 ( is)13.8 ( currently)13.7 ( an)13.8 ( executive)13.8 ( director)13.8 ( and)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( vice)13.8 ( president)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)15.1 ( )]tj 0.056 tc -8.969 -1.5 td [(company)13.5 (.)13.5 ( mr)13.4 (.)13.5 ( zhu)13.5 ( graduated)13.5 ( from)13.5 ( wuhan)13.5 ( university)13.5 (,)13.5 ( majoring)13.5 ( in)13.4 ( software)13.5 ( engineering)13.5 (,)28.2 ( )]tj 0.042 tc 0 -1.5 td [(with)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( master)13.6 ( degree)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( engineering)13.6 (.)13.6 ( he)13.6 ( is)13.6 ( a)13.6 ( senior)13.6 ( engineer)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( outstanding)13.6 ( performance)13.6 (.)14.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(mr)14.3 (.)14.2 ( )0.5 (zhu)14.2 ( )0.5 (has)14.2 ( )0.5 (extensive)14.2 ( )0.5 (experience)14.3 ( )0.5 (in)14.3 ( )0.5 (energy)14.2 (,)14.2 ( )0.5 (technologies)14.2 ( )0.5 (on)14.3 ( )0.5 (power)14.3 ( )0.5 (plants)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (corporate)19.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.036 tw t* (operation and management. he had successively served as the inspection d\ irector, operation )tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(director)12.2 ( )0.5 (and)12.2 ( )0.5 (director)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( fuel)12.2 ( )0.5 (division)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )0.5 (gansu)12.2 ( jingyuan)12.2 ( )0.5 (power)12.2 ( )0.5 (plant)12.2 (*)12.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 36.442 0 td <035a0d200f6810c30cef0f651140>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\), )tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw -36.442 -1.5 td [(the)13.9 ( deputy)13.9 ( chief)14 ( engineer)13.9 (,)14 ( director)14 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( inspection)13.9 ( department)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( director)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( first)22.2 ( )]tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(repairing)12.2 ( )0.5 (department)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( gansu)12.2 ( )0.5 (jingyuan)12.2 ( power)12.2 ( plant)12.2 (*)12.2 ( as)12.1 ( )0.5 (well)12.2 ( as)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (manager)12.1 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )0.5 (huaming)12.2 ( )]tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw t* [(branch)14.1 ( of)14.2 ( gansu)14.2 ( guangming)14.2 ( supervisory)14.1 ( engineering)14.1 ( company)14.2 (*)14.1 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.036 tc -0.036 tw 32.862 0 td <035a0d20038805fc10390b2302880cfb02ae03210d36>tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -32.862 -1.5 td <05fc02b102ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.086 tw (\). mr. zhu also served as the chairman of the labour union, the standin\ g director of )tj 0.031 tc 0.089 tw t* [(the)3.2 ( )0.5 (employee)3.2 ( )0.5 (stock)3.2 ( )0.5 (holding)3.2 ( committee)3.3 ( and)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (deputy)3.2 ( )0.5 (general)3.2 ( )0.5 (manager)3.3 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (gansu)3.2 ( jingyuan)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.021 tw t* (first power co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <035a0d200f6810c30b4b02530cef0f6503de08220baa038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.021 tw (\), the chairman of baiyin huadian water )tj 0.033 tc 0.087 tw t* [(supply)5.2 ( )0.5 (co)5.2 (.)5.2 (,)5.2 ( ltd)5.2 (.)5.2 (*)5.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 9.015 0 td <036310d50d360f65053602e503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.033 tc 0.087 tw [(\))5.2 (,)5.2 ( )0.5 (head)5.2 ( )0.5 (of)5.2 ( guodian)5.2 ( )0.5 (kaili)5.2 ( power)5.2 ( plant)5.2 (*)5.2 ( )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 29.066 0 td <0a370f650bf105220cef0f65>tj 0 tc 0 tw -38.081 -1.5 td <1140>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.031 tc 0.089 tw 1.028 0 td [(\))3.2 (,)3.2 ( )0.5 (director)3.2 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( )0.5 (preparatory)3.2 ( )0.5 (office)3.2 ( )0.5 (of)3.2 ( )0.5 (the)3.2 ( technical)3.3 ( transformation)3.2 ( )0.5 (program)3.3 ( of)3.2 ( )0.5 (guodian)3.2 ( )0.5 (in)3.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.059 tw -1.028 -1.5 td [(duyun )0.6 (city, )0.5 (deputy )0.6 (general )0.6 (manager )0.5 (of )0.6 (guodian )0.5 (guizhou )0.5 (branch, )0.6 (deputy )0.6 (general )0.5 (manager )0.6 (of )]tj 0.084 tw t* (guodian yunnan branch and general manager of guodian power xuanwei power\ generation )tj 0.092 tw t* [(c)-2 (o., l)-2 (t)-1.9 (d.* \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0a370f650f650262070106fe0cef0f6503de08220baa038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.03 tc 0.09 tw [(\))2.2 (,)2.1 ( )0.5 (deputy)2.2 ( )0.5 (general)2.2 ( )0.5 (manager)2.2 ( and)2.2 ( general)2.2 ( )0.5 (manager)2.2 ( )0.5 (of)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw t* (guodian guangxi branch, deputy general manager of the energy management \ department of )tj 0.048 tw t* [(the )0.5 (company )0.5 (and )0.5 (deputy )0.5 (general )0.5 (manager )0.5 (of )0.5 (chalco )0.6 (energy, )0.5 (a )0.5 (director, )0.5 (the )0.5 (general )0.5 (manager )]tj 0.007 tw t* (and the chairman of ningxia energy, the general manager of chalco xinjia\ ng aluminum power )tj 0 tw t* (co., ltd.* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590e2d159b12590f6503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf (\).)tj et endstream endobj 1517 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (8)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.015 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 657.2117 tm (mr. he zhihui)tj /t1_0 1 tf (, aged 57, is currently an executive director and the president of the c\ ompany. )tj 0.06 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td [(mr)14.4 (.)14.3 ( he)14.3 ( gradua)0.5 (ted)14.3 ( fro)0.5 (m)14.3 ( huazh)0.5 (ong)14.3 ( inst)0.5 (itut)0.5 (e)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( t)0.5 (echno)0.5 (logy)14.3 (*)14.4 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.046 tc -0.046 tw 30.43 0 td <0d360295028812aa09eb>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.06 tc 0.077 tw [(\))14.3 ( wi)0.5 (th)14.3 ( a)14.3 ( maste)0.5 (r)14.3 (\222)14.3 (s)32.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.048 tw -30.43 -1.5 td [(degree )0.5 (in )0.5 (engineering )0.5 (and is a )0.5 (senior )0.5 (engineer )0.5 (with )0.5 (outstanding )0.5 (performance. )0.5 (mr. )0.5 (he )0.5 (served )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw t* [(as)13.9 ( an)13.9 ( engineer)14 ( and)14 ( a)14 ( deputy)13.9 ( director)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( power)14 ( control)14 ( office)14 (,)14 ( the)14 ( head)13.9 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( electric)18.3 ( )]tj 0.03 tc 0.09 tw t* [(a)0.5 (u)0.6 (t)0.5 (o)0.6 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)2.3 ( i)0.6 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (t)0.6 (u)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)2.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)2.2 ( d)0.6 (e)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)2.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)2.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)2.2 ( e)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.5 (r)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (u)0.5 (t)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)2.2 ( )0.5 (b)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (c)0.5 (h)2.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)2.2 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (u)0.6 (i)0.5 (y)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)2.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.6 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.6 (n)0.5 (u)0.6 (m)2.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.029 tw t* (magnesium design & research institute* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <0d6e0da21259149d0ba3080707bc04fa09eb>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.029 tw (\), the deputy dean and dean of )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(guiyang)10.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)10.2 ( )0.5 (magnesium)10.2 ( design)10.2 ( )0.5 (&)10.2 ( research)10.2 ( institute)10.2 (*)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (deputy)10.2 ( general)10.2 ( )0.5 (manager)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw t* (and general manager of china aluminum international engineering co., ltd\ .* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590a3710e702880cfb03de>tj t* <08220baa038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw [(\), )0.5 (the )0.5 (chairman of china nonferrous )0.5 (metals )0.5 (processing technology co., )0.5 (ltd.* )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw <0295>tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* <040d07c504a60670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.085 tw (\), the secretary of the communist party committee, chairman, executive \ )tj 0.073 tc 0.077 tw t* [(d)0.5 (i)0.5 (re)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)14.3 (,)14.4 ( pr)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (de)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)14.3 ( ch)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (an)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)14.4 ( l)0.5 (a)0.5 (bo)0.5 (u)0.5 (r)14.4 ( u)0.5 (n)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)14.3 ( a)0.5 (lu)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (um)14.4 ( in)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (na)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (na)0.5 (l)45.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.048 tw t* (engineering corporation limited* \()tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590a3710e702880cfb0670038503de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.048 tw (\) and an assistant to the general )tj 0 tw t* (manager of chinalco.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.066 tw 0 -3 td (mr. jiang yinggang)tj /t1_0 1 tf (, aged 56, is currently an executive director and a senior vice presiden\ t )tj 0.045 tw 0 -1.5 td (of the company. graduated from central south university of mining and me\ tallurgy majoring )tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw t* [(in)13.8 ( the)13.9 ( metallurgy)13.9 ( of)13.8 ( nonferrous)13.9 ( metals)13.8 (,)13.9 ( mr)13.9 (.)13.8 ( jiang)13.9 ( holds)13.9 ( a)13.8 ( master)13.9 ( degree)13.9 ( in)13.8 ( metallurgy)37.2 ( )]tj 0.068 tc t* [(engineering)14.1 ( of)14 ( non)14.1 (-)14 (ferrous)14 ( metals)14.1 ( and)14 ( is)14.1 ( a)14 ( professor)14 (-)14.1 (grade)14 ( senior)14.1 ( engineer)14 (.)14.1 ( mr)14 (.)14 ( jiang)40.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.077 tw t* [(h)0.5 (a)0.5 (s)14.3 ( l)0.5 (o)0.5 (ng)14.4 ( be)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)14.4 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (a)0.5 (ge)0.5 (d)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( p)0.5 (ro)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (on)14.4 ( o)0.5 (pe)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.3 ( a)0.5 (nd)14.4 ( co)0.5 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)14.4 ( m)0.5 (an)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (me)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( pr)0.5 (o)0.5 (d)0.5 (u)0.5 (c)0.5 (ti)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)20.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(enterprises)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( has)13.8 ( extensive)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( professional)13.8 ( experience)13.8 (.)13.7 ( he)13.8 ( formerly)13.8 ( served)13.8 ( as)13.8 ( deputy)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.045 tw t* [(head and then head of corporate management department of qinghai aluminu\ m )0.5 (plant; head )]tj 0.069 tw t* (of qinghai aluminum smelter; deputy manager and manager of qinghai alumi\ num company )tj 0.046 tw t* (limited, general manager of qinghai branch of the company and an executi\ ve director and a )tj 0 tw t* (vice president of the company.)tj et endstream endobj 1518 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (7)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2. )-694.2 (directors, supervisors and senior management )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (as at the date of this annual report)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.079 tc 0.077 tw 0 -2.333 td [(m)0.5 (a)0.5 (jo)0.5 (r)14.4 ( w)0.5 (or)0.5 (k)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( ex)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (ri)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (ce)14.4 ( o)0.5 (f)14.4 ( d)0.5 (i)0.5 (re)0.5 (c)0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (rs)14.4 (,)14.4 ( s)0.5 (up)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (vi)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (rs)14.4 ( a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)51.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.333 td [(senior)13.5 ( management)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( as)13.6 ( at)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( date)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( this)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (annual report:)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 90.7087 524.7466 tm (executive directors)tj 0.06 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 494.7466 tm [(mr)14 (.)13.9 ( lu)13.9 ( dongliang)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.283 0 td [(,)13.9 ( aged)13.9 ( 4)13.9 (6)13.9 (,)13.9 ( is)14 ( currently)14 ( the)13.9 ( chairman)14 ( and)13.9 ( an)13.9 ( executive)13.9 ( director)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( the)32.2 ( )]tj 0.086 tc -9.283 -1.5 td [(company)14 (.)14 ( mr)14.1 (.)13.9 ( lu)13.9 ( graduated)14 ( from)14 ( north)14 ( china)14 ( university)14 ( of)14 ( technology)14 ( majoring)14 ( in)58.3 ( )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td [(accounting. he holds a bachelor\222s degree in economics and is an accou\ ntant. mr. lu has more)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.001 tw t* (than 20 years of work experience in financial management and in non-ferr\ ous metals industry. )tj 0.062 tc 0.078 tw t* [(he)13.8 ( had)13.7 ( subsequently)13.7 ( served)13.8 ( as)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( cadre)13.7 ( in)13.8 ( the)13.7 ( audit)13.7 ( department)13.7 ( of)13.8 ( china)13.7 ( nonferrous)34.2 ( )]tj 0.047 tc t* [(metals)13.7 ( industry)13.7 ( corporation)13.7 (*)13.7 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.033 tc -0.033 tw 15.084 0 td <02950a3703de040d0696166e02880e38143c02ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.047 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.7 (,)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( officer)13.7 (-)13.7 (in)13.6 (-)13.7 (charge)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( capital)19.2 ( )]tj 0.044 tc -15.084 -1.5 td [(division)14 ( of)13.9 ( the)13.9 ( finance)13.9 ( department)13.9 ( of)13.9 ( china)13.9 ( copper)13.9 ( lead)13.9 ( &)13.9 ( zinc)13.9 ( group)13.9 ( corporation)13.9 (*)13.9 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.03 tc -0.03 tw 42.19 0 td <02950a37>tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -42.19 -1.5 td <10d60f5112540dab0fa002ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.04 tc 0.08 tw [(\))12.2 (,)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (head)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (accounting)12.2 ( division)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (capital)12.2 ( )0.5 (division)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (finance)12.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw t* [(department)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( aluminum)13.6 ( corporation)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( china)13.5 (*)13.6 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.044 tc -0.044 tw 24.669 0 td [<0295>0.5 <0a37>0.6 <1259>0.5 <0e38>0.5 <02ae>0.6 <0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 6.261 0 td [(\))13.5 (,)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( deputy)13.6 ( manager)13.5 ( and)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.028 tw -30.93 -1.5 td (manager of the treasure management division of the finance department, t\ he manager of the )tj 0.042 tw t* (general management office, the deputy general manager and general manage\ r of the finance )tj 0.059 tw t* (department of the company, the chief financial officer of chalco gansu a\ luminum electricity )tj 0.037 tc 0.092 tw t* [(c)-14.2 (o., l)-14.2 (t)-14.2 (d.* \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.037 tw <02950a3712590e38035a0d2012590f6503de08220baa038202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.051 tc 0.078 tw [(\))13.7 (,)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( assistant)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( president)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( company)23.2 ( )]tj 0.057 tc t* [(and)14 ( the)14 ( general)14.1 ( manager)14 ( of)14 ( lanzhou)14 ( branch)14 ( of)14.1 ( the)14 ( company)14 (,)14 ( an)14 ( executive)14 ( director)14 ( and)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.037 tw t* (president of chalco gansu aluminum electricity co., ltd., and an executi\ ve director, a senior )tj 0.086 tw t* (vice president and a president of the company. currently, mr. lu also se\ rves as the deputy )tj 0 tw t* (general manager of chinalco.)tj et endstream endobj 1519 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (6)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8876 658.9977 tm (note:)tj 0.069 tw 8 0 0 8 111.3805 658.9977 tm [( )-584.3 (the start date and the end date of tenure of directors \(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw (directors)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.069 tw (\224\) and supervisors \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw (supervisors)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.069 tw (\224\) of the )tj 0 tw 0.959 -1.062 td (company are detailed as follows:)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 -2.938 td [(\(1\) )-1931.9 (directors of the company)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.024 tc 3.543 -2.375 td [(as the term of the sixth session of the board of the company was expired\ in june 2019, as considered)-3.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.054 tw 0 -1.187 td (and approved at the 43rd meeting of the sixth session of the board of th\ e company convened on 28 )tj 0.078 tw t* (may 2019, directors of the seventh session of the board of the company w\ ere nominated including )tj 0.037 tw t* (mr. lu dongliang, mr. he zhihui, mr. jiang yinggang and mr. zhu runzhou,\ as the executive director )tj 0.056 tw t* (candidates; mr. ao hong and mr. wang jun as the non-executive director c\ andidates; and ms. chen )tj 0.006 tw t* (lijie, mr. hu shihai and mr. lie-a-cheong tai chong, david as the indepe\ ndent non-executive director )tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(candidates)10.2 (.)10.2 ( such)10.2 ( )0.5 (candidates)10.2 ( were)10.2 ( )0.5 (all)10.2 ( )0.5 (elected)10.2 ( )0.5 (as)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( directors)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)10.2 ( )0.5 (session)10.2 ( of)10.1 ( )0.5 (the)10.1 ( )0.5 (board)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.052 tw t* (of the company at the 2018 annual general meeting of the company convene\ d on 25 june 2019. on )tj 0.033 tw t* [(the )0.5 (same )0.5 (day, the )0.5 (first )0.5 (meeting of )0.5 (the )0.5 (seventh )0.5 (board of the )0.5 (company )0.5 (was )0.5 (convened at )0.5 (which )0.5 (mr. )0.5 (lu )]tj 0 tw t* (dongliang was elected as the chairman of the seventh session of the boar\ d of the company.)tj 0.068 tw 0 -2.375 td (the term of the seventh session of the board of the company shall be exp\ ired until the directors of )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.187 td [(the eighth session of the board are elected at the general meeting of th\ e company by the end of june)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.026 tc t* [(20)0.5 (22. )0.5 (how)0.5 (ever)0.5 (, g)0.5 (ive)0.5 (n th)0.5 (at )0.5 (ms. )0.5 (che)0.5 (n l)0.5 (iji)0.5 (e, m)0.5 (r. )0.5 (hu )0.5 (shi)0.5 (hai)0.5 ( and)0.5 ( mr)0.5 (. li)0.5 (e-)0.5 (a-ch)0.5 (eong)0.5 ( ta)0.5 (i c)0.5 (hong)0.5 (, d)0.5 (avi)0.5 (d, w)0.5 (ere)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw t* (elected as the independent non-executive directors of the company in feb\ ruary 2015, june 2015 and )tj 0.035 tc 0.085 tw t* [(december)7.2 ( 2)7.2 (0)7.2 (1)7.2 (5)7.2 (,)7.3 ( respectively)7.2 (,)7.2 ( )0.5 (according)7.2 ( to)7.3 ( the)7.2 ( )0.5 (relevant)7.3 ( requirements)7.2 ( )0.5 (that)7.2 ( )0.5 (the)7.2 ( )0.5 (term)7.2 ( )0.5 (of)7.2 ( )0.5 (independent)7.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.024 tw t* (directors shall not exceed six years, the term of the above three indepe\ ndent non-executive directors )tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw t* [(will)14 ( expire)14 ( successively)13.9 ( in)14 ( 2)14 (0)13.9 (2)14 (1)13.9 (,)14 ( and)14 ( then)14 ( the)14 ( company)13.9 ( will)14 ( elect)14 ( new)14 ( independent)13.9 ( non)14 (-)13.9 (executive)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (directors.)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tw -3.543 -2.375 td [(\(2\) )-1931.9 (supervisors of the company)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.057 tc 0.078 tw 3.543 -2.375 td [(as)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( term)13.7 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( sixth)13.6 ( session)13.6 ( of)13.7 ( the)13.7 ( supervisory)13.6 ( committee)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)13.6 ( was)13.7 ( expired)13.6 ( in)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.09 tw t* (june 2019, as considered and approved at the 20th meeting of the sixth s\ ession of the supervisory )tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(committee)6.2 ( of)6.2 ( )0.5 (the)6.1 ( )0.5 (company)6.2 ( convened)6.2 ( )0.5 (on)6.2 ( )0.5 (2)6.2 (8)6.2 ( may)6.2 ( )0.5 (2)6.2 (0)6.2 (1)6.2 (9)6.2 (.)6.2 ( mr)6.2 (.)6.2 ( ye)6.2 ( )0.5 (guohua)6.2 ( and)6.2 ( )0.5 (ms)6.2 (.)6.2 ( )0.5 (shan)6.2 ( )0.5 (shulan)6.2 ( )0.5 (were)6.2 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(nominated)13.2 ( as)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( candidates)13.2 ( )0.5 (for)13.2 ( )0.5 (shareholder)13.2 ( representative)13.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( seventh)13.2 ( session)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.052 tw t* [(the supervisory committee )0.5 (of the company. as )0.5 (considered and approved at )0.5 (the 2018 annual general )]tj 0.026 tc 0 tw t* [(meeting of the company convened on 25 june 2019, such candidates were el\ ected as the shareholder)-1.8 ( )]tj 0.041 tc 0.079 tw t* [(representative)13.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( )0.5 (the)13.2 ( )0.5 (seventh)13.2 ( )0.5 (session)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( supervisory)13.2 ( )0.5 (committee)13.2 ( )0.5 (of)13.2 ( the)13.2 ( company)13.2 (.)13.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.047 tw t* (at the same time, mr. guan xiaoguang was elected as an employee represen\ tative supervisor of the )tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(seventh)12.2 ( session)12.1 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( )0.5 (supervisory)12.1 ( )0.5 (committee)12.2 ( )0.5 (of)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( )0.5 (company)12.2 ( at)12.1 ( )0.5 (the)12.2 ( employees)12.2 (\222)12.2 ( )0.5 (representatives)12.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.056 tw t* (meeting of the company. mr. ye guohua was elected as the chairman of the\ seventh session of the )tj 0 tw t* (supervisory committee of the company at the first meeting of the seventh\ session of the supervisory )tj t* (committee of the company held on 25 june 2019.)tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -2.375 td [(the)1.2 ( amendments)1.2 ( )0.5 (to)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (articles)1.1 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (association)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (chalco)1.2 ( aluminum)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (china)1.2 ( limited)1.1 ( )0.5 (\()1.2 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.029 tw 44.373 0 td [(articles)1.3 ( )]tj 0.046 tc 0.078 tw -44.373 -1.187 td [(of)14.3 ( )0.5 (association)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.467 0 td [(\224)14.3 (\))14.3 ( )0.5 (and)14.3 ( )0.5 (rules)14.3 ( )0.6 (of)14.3 ( )0.6 (procedures)14.3 ( )0.5 (for)14.3 ( )0.5 (the)14.3 ( )0.5 (supervisory)14.3 ( )0.5 (committee)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)14.3 ( )0.5 (chalco)14.3 ( )0.6 (aluminum)14.3 ( )0.5 (of)18.2 ( )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw -7.467 -1.187 td [(china)11.2 ( limited)11.3 ( \()11.2 (the)11.2 ( )0.5 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.912 0 td [(rules)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( procedures)11.3 ( for)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( supervisory)11.2 ( committee)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 26.815 0 td [(\224)11.2 (\))11.2 ( )0.5 (were)11.2 ( considered)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.011 tw -36.726 -1.187 td (approved at the 2019 third extraordinary general meeting of the company \ held on 10 december 2019, )tj 0.043 tc 0.077 tw 0 -1.187 td [(amo)0.5 (ng)14.3 ( w)0.5 (hich)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( c)0.5 (omposi)0.5 (tion)14.4 ( of)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.3 ( s)0.5 (uperv)0.5 (isory)14.4 ( c)0.5 (ommit)0.5 (tee)14.3 ( of)14.3 ( the)14.3 ( com)0.5 (pany)14.3 ( was)14.3 ( in)0.5 (crease)0.5 (d)14.3 ( f)0.5 (rom)15.2 ( )]tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(three)9.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)9.3 ( to)9.2 ( five)9.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (which)9.2 ( )0.5 (includes)9.2 ( three)9.2 ( shareholder)9.2 ( )0.5 (representative)9.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.091 tw t* (and two employee representative supervisors. mr. ou xiaowu, nominated by\ aluminum corporation )tj 0.047 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.8 ( china)13.8 ( \()13.8 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.047 tw 5.398 0 td (chinalco)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.078 tw 4.475 0 td [(\224)13.8 (\))13.8 (,)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( controlling)13.8 ( shareholder)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( company)13.7 (,)13.9 ( was)13.8 ( elected)13.8 ( as)13.8 ( a)13.8 ( shareholder)19.1 ( )]tj 0.05 tc -9.873 -1.187 td [(representative)13.6 ( supervisor)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( seventh)13.6 ( session)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.7 ( supervisory)13.7 ( committee)13.7 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.6 ( company)22.2 ( )]tj 0.034 tc 0.086 tw t* [(at)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( above)6.2 ( extraordinary)6.2 ( general)6.3 ( meeting)6.2 (.)6.2 ( )0.5 (on)6.2 ( the)6.2 ( same)6.2 ( )0.5 (day)6.2 (,)6.2 ( mr)6.2 (.)6.2 ( )0.5 (yue)6.2 ( )0.5 (xuguang)6.2 ( was)6.2 ( elected)6.1 ( )0.5 (as)6.2 ( an)6.2 ( )]tj 0.048 tc 0.078 tw t* [(employee)14 ( representative)14 ( supervisor)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( seventh)14 ( session)14 ( of)14 ( the)14 ( supervisory)14 ( committee)14 ( of)13.9 ( the)20.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (company at the employees\222 representatives meeting of the company.)tj 0.049 tc 0.078 tw 0 -2.375 td [(the)13.6 ( term)13.6 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.6 ( seventh)13.5 ( session)13.5 ( of)13.6 ( the)13.5 ( supervisory)13.6 ( committee)13.5 ( of)13.5 ( the)13.5 ( company)13.5 ( shall)13.5 ( be)13.6 ( expired)21.2 ( )]tj 0.029 tc 0.091 tw 0 -1.187 td [(until)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (supervisors)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( eighth)1.2 ( )0.5 (session)1.2 ( )0.5 (of)1.2 ( the)1.2 ( )0.5 (supervisory)1.2 ( committee)1.2 ( )0.5 (are)1.2 ( )0.5 (elected)1.2 ( at)1.2 ( )0.5 (the)1.2 ( )0.5 (general)1.3 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (meeting and employees\222 representatives meeting of the company by the \ end of june 2022.)tj 0.036 tw 0 -2.375 td (the other changes in positions of directors, supervisors and senior mana\ gement of the company are )tj 0.027 tc 0 tw 0 -1.187 td [(set out in the section of \223changes in directors, supervisors and seni\ or management as)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc t* (of the date of this annual report\224.)tj et endstream endobj 1520 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1521 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1522 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1523 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1524 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1525 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (5)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 90.7087 562.4117 tm (name)tj 9.921 0 td (position)tj 14.173 0 td (gender)tj 7.087 0 td (age)tj 0 tw 7.087 1.5 td (start date of his/)tj 0 -1.5 td (her tenure )tj 9.449 1.5 td (end date of his/)tj t* (her tenure )tj -0.028 tw 15.397 9 td (total )tj -4.251 -1.5 td (remuneration )tj 0 tw 1.722 -1.5 td (before tax )tj -1.805 -1.5 td (received from )tj 0.223 -1.5 td (the company )tj 1.473 -1.5 td (during the )tj -3.001 -1.5 td (reporting period )tj -0.028 tw 9.141 7.5 td (whether )tj t* (receiving )tj t* (emolument )tj 0 tw t* (from related )tj t* (parties of the )tj -0.028 tw t* (company)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6 0 2.6795 10 319.2887 547.4117 tm (\(note\))tj 9.449 0 td (\(note\))tj 12.95 0 td (\(rmb\222000\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 543.2714 cm 0 0 m 59.528 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 6 0 0 10 90.7087 544.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 150.2362 543.2714 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 150.2362 544.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 235.2756 543.2714 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 235.2756 544.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 543.2714 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 277.7953 544.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 543.2714 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 320.315 544.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0079 543.2714 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 377.0079 544.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 543.2714 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 481.0548 544.0414 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 543.2714 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 490.3937 544.0414 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -66.614 -3 td (shan shulan)tj -0.028 tw 9.921 0 td (supervisor)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.173 0 td (f)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (47)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 9.449 0 td (2022.06.30)tj 0 tc 0 tw 17.397 0.1 td (0)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.501 -0.1 td (yes)tj 0 tw -66.614 -1.5 td (guan xiaoguang)tj -0.028 tw 9.921 0 td (supervisor)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.173 0 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (49)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 9.449 0 td (2022.06.30)tj 7.5 0 0 10 465.1255 500.0414 tm (798.3)tj 6 0 0 10 490.3937 499.0414 tm (no)tj 0 tw -66.614 -1.5 td (yue xuguang)tj -0.028 tw 9.921 0 td (supervisor)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.173 0 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (56)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.12.10)tj 9.449 0 td (2022.06.30)tj 7.5 0 0 10 465.1255 485.0413 tm (858.3)tj 6 0 0 10 490.3937 484.0413 tm (no)tj 0 tw -66.614 -1.5 td (wu zuoming)tj 9.921 0 td (supervisor \(resigned\))tj 0 tc 14.173 0 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (53)tj 7.087 0 td (2016.06.28)tj 9.449 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 7.5 0 0 10 465.1255 470.0413 tm (666.1)tj 6 0 0 10 490.3937 469.0413 tm (no)tj 0 tw -66.614 -1.5 td (tian yong)tj 9.921 0 td (vice president \(resigned\))tj 0 tc 14.173 0 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (60)tj 7.087 0 td (2018.06.06)tj 9.449 0 td (2020.02.27)tj 15.34 0.1 td (890.7)tj 3.558 -0.1 td (no)tj 0 tw -66.614 -1.5 td (zhang zhankui)tj 9.921 0 td (chief financial officer )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (\(resigned\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.181 1.5 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (61)tj 7.087 0 td (2015.11.13)tj 9.449 0 td (2019.02.20)tj 15.34 0.1 td (138.5)tj 3.558 -0.1 td (no)tj 0.025 tc 0 tw -56.693 -3 td [(company secretary \(secretary)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.992 -1.5 td (to the board\) \(resigned\))tj -0.028 tw 27.354 1.5 td (2016.03.17)tj 9.449 0 td (2019.02.20)tj 0 tw -47.717 -3 td (wang jun)tj 9.921 0 td (supervisor \(resigned\))tj 0 tc 14.173 0 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (49)tj 7.087 0 td (2016.06.28)tj 9.449 0 td (2019.02.20)tj 15.34 0.1 td (765.7)tj 3.558 -0.1 td (no)tj 0 tw -56.693 -1.5 td (chief financial officer, )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (company secretary )tj t* (\(secretary to the board\))tj -0.028 tw 27.354 3 td (2019.02.20)tj 0 tw -38.268 -4.5 td (wu maosen)tj 9.921 0 td (vice president)tj 0 tc 14.173 0 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (56)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.03.21)tj 24.788 0.1 td (686.8)tj 3.558 0 td (no)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 315.0123 cm 0 0 m 59.528 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6 0 0 10 90.7087 316.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 150.2362 315.0123 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 150.2362 316.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 235.2756 315.0123 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 235.2756 316.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 315.0123 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 277.7953 316.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 315.0123 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 320.315 316.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0079 315.0123 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 377.0079 316.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 315.0123 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 481.0548 316.0323 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 315.0123 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 490.3937 316.0323 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -66.614 -3 td (total)tj 0 tc 0 tw 9.921 0 td (/)tj 14.173 0 td (/)tj 7.087 0 td (/)tj 7.087 0 td (/)tj 9.449 0 td (/)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 14.45 0.1 td (8,439.9)tj 0 tc 0 tw 4.448 -0.1 td (/)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 281.8919 cm 0 0 m 59.528 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 90.7087 282.6619 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 150.2362 281.8919 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 150.2362 282.6619 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 235.2756 281.8919 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 235.2756 282.6619 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 281.8919 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 277.7953 282.6619 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.315 281.8919 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 320.315 282.6619 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0079 281.8919 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 377.0079 282.6619 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 281.8919 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 481.0548 282.6619 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 281.8919 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 490.3937 282.6619 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 8 0 2.1436 8 89.8877 260.9319 tm (explanation:)tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw 8 0 0 8 136.4971 260.9319 tm [( )-942.1 (\()14.1 (1)14.1 (\))14.1 ( \223)14.1 (total)14.1 ( remuneration)14.1 ( before)14.1 ( tax)14.1 ( received)14.1 ( from)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( company)14 ( during)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( reporting)14 ( period)14.1 (\224)14.1 ( in)37.2 ( )]tj 0.06 tc 1.363 -1.187 td [(the)14.2 ( )0.5 (above)14.2 ( table)14.2 ( includes)14.3 ( total)14.3 ( remuneration)14.2 (,)14.2 ( endowment)14.3 ( insurance)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (housing)14.2 ( provident)14.2 ( fund)32.2 ( )]tj 0.049 tc 0 -1.187 td [(\()13.9 (except)13.9 ( for)13.9 ( non)13.8 (-)13.9 (executive)13.9 ( directors)13.9 ( and)13.9 ( independent)13.8 ( non)13.9 (-)13.8 (executive)13.8 ( directors)13.9 (\))13.9 (;)13.8 ( \()13.8 (2)13.9 (\))13.9 ( the)13.9 ( increase)13.9 ( in)21.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw t* [(t)0.5 (o)0.6 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)10.3 ( r)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)10.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)10.2 ( )0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.6 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (s)10.2 (,)10.2 ( s)0.6 (u)0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.6 (r)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)10.2 ( a)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)10.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)10.2 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.6 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.6 (n)0.5 (t)10.2 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.6 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.6 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)10.2 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)10.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)10.1 ( )0.5 (c)0.6 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.6 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)10.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)10.2 ( )]tj t* [(compared)10.2 ( )0.5 (with)10.2 ( last)10.2 ( )0.5 (year)10.2 ( was)10.2 ( mainly)10.2 ( )0.5 (due)10.2 ( )0.5 (to)10.2 ( )0.5 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (company)10.1 (\222)10.2 (s)10.2 ( )0.5 (addition)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (an)10.2 ( employee)10.2 ( representative)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.014 tw t* (supervisor who received remuneration from the company in the year and ch\ anges in the appointment )tj 0.046 tw t* (of some senior management personnel, which caused the company to adjust \ the scope and duration )tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw t* [(of)13.6 ( their)13.6 ( remuneration)13.6 ( accordingly)13.6 (;)13.6 ( \()13.6 (3)13.7 (\))13.6 ( mr)13.6 (.)13.6 ( guan)13.6 ( xiaoguang)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( mr)13.6 (.)13.6 ( yue)13.6 ( xuguang)13.6 ( have)13.6 ( served)13.6 ( as)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.06 tw t* (employee representative supervisors of the company in june and december \ 2019, respectively, and )tj 0.066 tw t* [(mr. )0.5 (wu )0.5 (zuoming )0.5 (resigned as )0.5 (the )0.5 (employee representative )0.5 (supervisor )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company )0.5 (in )0.5 (june )0.5 (2019. )]tj 0.039 tc 0.081 tw t* [(however)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (as)11.2 ( employees)11.2 ( of)11.2 ( the)11.2 ( company)11.2 (,)11.2 ( )0.5 (mr)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (guan)11.2 ( )0.5 (xiaoguang)11.2 ( )0.5 (and)11.2 ( )0.5 (mr)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (yue)11.2 ( )0.5 (xuguang)11.2 ( also)11.2 ( received)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.056 tw t* (remuneration from the company before acting as supervisors of the compan\ y, and mr. wu zuoming )tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw t* [(a)0.5 (l)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)9.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (c)0.5 (e)0.5 (i)0.5 (v)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)9.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)9.2 ( )0.5 (f)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)9.2 ( c)0.6 (om)0.6 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)9.2 ( a)0.5 (f)0.5 (t)0.6 (er)9.3 ( h)0.5 (e)9.2 ( )0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (g)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)9.2 (.)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (f)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)9.2 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.6 (al)9.3 ( r)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (u)0.5 (n)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.6 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.034 tw t* (of such persons disclosed in the above table is total remuneration recei\ ved by each of them from the )tj 0 tw t* (company for the whole year.)tj et endstream endobj 1526 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.01 tc 0 tw 16 0 0 16 84.9673 721.6899 tm [(d)5.8 (i)4.3 (r)-3.8 (e)12.7 (c)-12.4 (t)-12 (o)4.6 (r)-14.5 (s)-8.6 (, s)1.1 (u)7.6 (p)4.8 (e)6.4 (r)-40.2 (v)-14 (i)2.6 (s)-1.4 (o)4.6 (r)-14.4 (s)-8.6 (, s)-4.6 (e)6.2 (n)2.5 (i)3.1 (o)4.7 (r m)4.4 (a)12.4 (n)9.2 (a)15.4 (g)9 (e)4.2 (m)3.7 (e)6.2 (n)-17.5 (t a)12.4 (n)1.9 (d e)-12.1 (m)4.1 (pl)1.3 (o)-0.9 (y)1.6 (e)7.7 (e)1.1 (s \()17.5 (c)-12.1 (o)3.2 (n)-17.5 (t)-19 (i)1.9 (n)5.7 (u)8.2 (e)4.7 (d)11.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1527 0 obj <> endobj 1528 0 obj <> endobj 1529 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y��ce%i%�4�v���hb:��@����e����?v��>֮�e�f��,����x ����l����y����"��f�fj׍�(d���z���"y b�r�u5k�47�`7�t����a��ֿ��$�mj����l0���s� �8߲3z�|k �� �hq��8�(8�o?sv��wd��s��a�3��⊹b�=ef��c���9�����n�j 2����y�q�gq��51�q�g�ez���,ub>�����;j��θ3b֠i�f �4h֠i�v̊�5���� h%ɨ �3��u�ğq�z��g/1�>� �[ߪ endstream endobj 1530 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 1531 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (4)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.121 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7467 tm [(1)93.2 (.)93.2 ( )-523.2 (profiles)13.8 ( of)13.8 ( directors)13.8 (,)13.7 ( supervisors)13.8 (,)13.8 ( senior)93.2 ( )]tj 0.178 tc 0.077 tw 1.89 -1.333 td [(manageme)0.5 (nt)14.4 ( at)14.3 ( present)14.3 ( and)14.3 ( d)0.5 (uring)14.3 ( the)150.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.333 td (reporting period)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs -0.028 tw 6 0 0 10 90.7086 492.7467 tm (name)tj 9.921 0 td (position)tj 14.173 0 td (gender)tj 7.087 0 td (age)tj 0 tw 7.087 1.5 td (start date of his/)tj 0 -1.5 td (her tenure )tj 9.449 1.5 td (end date of his/)tj t* (her tenure )tj -0.028 tw 15.397 9 td (total )tj -4.251 -1.5 td (remuneration )tj 0 tw 1.722 -1.5 td (before tax )tj -1.805 -1.5 td (received from )tj 0.223 -1.5 td (the company )tj 1.473 -1.5 td (during the )tj -3.001 -1.5 td (reporting period )tj -0.028 tw 9.141 7.5 td (whether )tj t* (receiving )tj t* (emolument )tj 0 tw t* (from related )tj t* (parties of the )tj -0.028 tw t* (company)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6 0 2.6795 10 319.2887 477.7467 tm (\(note\))tj 9.449 0 td (\(note\))tj 12.95 0 td (\(rmb\222000\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 473.5963 cm 0 0 m 59.528 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 6 0 0 10 90.7086 474.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 150.2362 473.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 150.2362 474.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 235.2756 473.5963 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 235.2756 474.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 473.5963 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 277.7953 474.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 473.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 320.3149 474.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0079 473.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 377.0079 474.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 473.5963 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 481.0548 474.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 473.5963 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 490.3937 474.3663 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -66.614 -3 td (yu dehui)tj 9.921 0 td (chairman and executive )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (director \(resigned\))tj 0 tc 13.181 1.5 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (60)tj 7.087 0 td (2016.06.28)tj 9.449 0 td (2019.02.21)tj 0 tc 0 tw 17.397 0 td (0)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.501 0 td (yes)tj 0 tw -66.614 -3 td (ao hong)tj 9.921 0 td (non-executive director)tj 0 tc 14.173 0 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (58)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 9.449 0 td (2022.06.30)tj 0 tc 0 tw 17.397 0 td (0)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.501 0 td (yes)tj 0 tw -66.614 -1.5 td (lu dongliang)tj 9.921 0 td (chairman and executive )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (director)tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.181 1.5 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (46)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 9.449 0 td (2022.06.30)tj 0 tc 0 tw 17.397 0 td (0)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.501 0 td (yes)tj 0 tw -56.693 -3 td (president \(resigned\))tj -0.028 tw 28.346 0 td (2018.02.13)tj 9.449 0 td (2019.02.21)tj 0 tw -47.717 -1.5 td (he zhihui)tj 9.921 0 td (executive director)tj 0 tc 14.173 0 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (57)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 9.449 0 td (2022.06.30)tj 15.34 0.1 td (957.6)tj 3.558 -0.1 td (no)tj -56.693 -1.5 td (president)tj 28.346 0 td (2019.02.21)tj 0 tw -38.268 -1.5 td (jiang yinggang)tj 9.921 0 td (executive director)tj 0 tc 14.173 0 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (56)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 9.449 0 td (2022.06.30)tj 15.34 0.1 td (977.4)tj 3.558 -0.1 td (no)tj 0 tw -56.693 -1.5 td (senior vice president)tj -0.028 tw 28.346 0 td (2018.06.26)tj 0 tw -38.268 -1.5 td (zhu runzhou)tj 9.921 0 td (executive director)tj 0 tc 14.173 0 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (55)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 9.449 0 td (2022.06.30)tj 15.34 0.1 td (921.4)tj 3.558 -0.1 td (no)tj 0 tw -56.693 -1.5 td (vice president)tj -0.028 tw 28.346 0 td (2018.05.25)tj 0 tw -38.268 -1.5 td (wang jun)tj 9.921 0 td (non-executive director)tj 0 tc 14.173 0 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (54)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 9.449 0 td (2022.06.30)tj 15.34 0.1 td (150.0)tj 3.558 -0.1 td (no)tj 0 tw -66.614 -1.5 td (chen lijie)tj 9.921 0 td (independent non-executive )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (director)tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.181 1.5 td (f)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (65)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 9.449 0 td (2021.02.28)tj 15.34 0.1 td (209.7)tj 3.558 -0.1 td (no)tj 0 tw -66.614 -3 td (hu shihai)tj 9.921 0 td (independent non-executive )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (director)tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.181 1.5 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (65)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 9.449 0 td (2021.06.30)tj 15.34 0.1 td (209.7)tj 3.558 -0.1 td (no)tj 0 tw -66.614 -3 td (lie-a-cheong tai )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (chong, david)tj 8.929 1.5 td (independent non-executive )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (director)tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.181 1.5 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (60)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 9.449 0 td (2021.12.31)tj 15.34 0.1 td (209.7)tj 3.558 -0.1 td (no)tj 0 tw -66.614 -3 td (ye guohua)tj 9.921 0 td (chairman of the supervisory )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.5 td (committee)tj 0 tc 0 tw 13.181 1.5 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (51)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.06.25)tj 9.449 0 td (2022.06.30)tj 0 tc 0 tw 17.397 0.1 td (0)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.501 -0.1 td (yes)tj 0 tw -66.614 -3 td (ou xiaowu)tj -0.028 tw 9.921 0 td (supervisor)tj 0 tc 0 tw 14.173 0 td (m)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 7.087 0 td (55)tj 7.087 0 td (2019.12.10)tj 9.449 0 td (2022.06.30)tj 0 tc 0 tw 17.397 0.1 td (0)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 1.501 -0.1 td (yes)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 125.2159 cm 0 0 m 59.528 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 6 0 0 10 90.7086 125.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 150.2362 125.2159 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 150.2362 125.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 235.2756 125.2159 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 235.2756 125.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 125.2159 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 277.7953 125.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 320.3149 125.2159 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 320.3149 125.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 377.0079 125.2159 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 377.0079 125.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 433.7008 125.2159 cm 0 0 m 56.693 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 481.0548 125.9859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 490.3937 125.2159 cm 0 0 m 42.52 0 l s q bt 6 0 0 10 490.3937 125.9859 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1532 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3796 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.016 tc 0.006 tw 20 0 0 20 62.3622 722.3699 tm [(d)1.4 (ir)-8.6 (e)8.2 (c)-17.2 (t)-16.7 (or)-19.3 (s)-13.2 (,)-6 ( s)-3.5 (u)3.2 (pe)1.9 (r)-45.1 (v)-18.8 (i)-2 (s)-6.1 (or)-19.3 (s)-13.2 (,)-6 ( s)-9.1 (e)1.6 (n)-2 (i)-1.5 (or)-6 ( ma)7.8 (n)4.7 (a)10.9 (g)4.4 (em)-1.1 (e)1.6 (n)-22.2 (t)-6 ( a)7.8 (n)-2.7 (d)-6 ( e)-16.6 (m)-0.6 (p)-4.3 (l)-3.3 (o)-5.5 (y)-3 (e)3.1 (e)-3.6 (s)]tj et endstream endobj 1533 0 obj <> endobj 1534 0 obj <> endobj 1535 0 obj <>stream h�\��j�0 ��~ �ci��6�i 9�e{��v���'=��'y���ly�?���:v��!y��q���.�4܂e���j����|_ů�q%\/ӌ}��a�9$���ӳ.�r�[p:����^ar���{�3�pథd/����i [w��ݼ�)����2"dq�1vp8����� �<�q@~�q(��?�jإ��mpyƈӕ q)\�v�����g�#�~����&2b��q_�hσ%��<����y4h֠�.�w����,l?��ox�ʉ3f�`x� �5�`x��šy4��ݫ��.ã7��%>���d���z�a��~��6 endstream endobj 1536 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 1537 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (3)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.044 tc 0.078 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(3)16.2 (.)16.2 ( )-600.1 (comparison)14 ( between)14 ( the)14 ( financial)14 ( information)16.2 ( )]tj 0.101 tc 1.89 -1.333 td [(prepared)13.5 ( in)13.5 ( accordance)13.5 ( with)13.5 ( international)73.2 ( )]tj 0.107 tc 0 -1.333 td [(financial)14.2 ( )0.5 (reporting)14.2 ( )0.5 (standards)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (the)14.2 ( )0.5 (prc)79.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.333 td (accounting standards for business enterprises)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 215.433 528.468 79.37 -15 re 374.173 528.468 79.37 -15 re 215.433 513.468 79.37 -15 re 374.173 513.468 79.37 -15 re 215.433 498.468 79.37 -15 re 374.173 498.468 79.37 -15 re 215.433 483.468 79.37 -3.38 re 374.173 483.468 79.37 -3.38 re 215.433 480.087 79.37 -15 re 374.173 480.087 79.37 -15 re 215.433 465.087 79.37 -75 re 374.173 465.087 79.37 -75 re 215.433 390.087 79.37 -60 re 374.173 390.087 79.37 -60 re 215.433 330.087 79.37 -3.38 re 374.173 330.087 79.37 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 249.7916 562.7467 tm (profit attributable)tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -2.459 -1.5 td ( to owners of the parent for)tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.349 -1.5 td ( the year ended 31 december)tj 17.778 3 td (equity attributable to)tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.014 -1.5 td ( owners of the parent)tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.653 -1.5 td ( as of 31 december)tj et 0 0 0 1 k 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 215.4331 528.7177 cm 0 0 m 153.071 0 l s q bt 0 tc 10 0 0 10 215.4331 529.7377 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 528.7177 cm 0 0 m 153.071 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 374.1732 529.7377 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -11.117 -1.5 td ( 2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.028 tw 8.243 0 td (2018)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.937 0 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.937 0 td (2018)tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 2.6795 10 244.1999 499.7376 tm (rmb\222000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.937 0 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_1 1 tf 7.937 0 td (rmb\222000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.937 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 10 0 0 10 320.4322 484.7376 tm (\(restated\))tj 15.874 0 td (\(restated\))tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 480.5872 cm 0 0 m 124.724 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 481.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.4331 480.5872 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 215.4331 481.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 480.5872 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 294.8032 481.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1732 480.5872 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 374.1732 481.3572 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5433 480.5872 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 453.5433 481.3572 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -36.283 -3 td (prepared in accordance )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (with the prc )tj 0 -1.5 td (accounting standards )tj t* (for business )tj -0.028 tw t* (enterprises)tj /t1_1 1 tf 15.07 0 td (850,999)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.937 0 td (831,213)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.464 0 td (54,659,633)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.937 0 td (52,415,307)tj 0 tw -38.399 -1.5 td (prepared in accordance )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (with international )tj t* (financial reporting )tj -0.028 tw t* (standards)tj /t1_1 1 tf 15.07 0 td (850,999)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.937 0 td (707,460)tj /t1_1 1 tf 6.464 0 td (54,659,633)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.937 0 td (52,415,307)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 327.2068 cm 0 0 m 124.724 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 327.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 215.4331 327.2068 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 215.4331 327.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 294.8032 327.2068 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 294.8032 327.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 374.1733 327.2068 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 374.1733 327.9768 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 453.5434 327.2068 cm 0 0 m 79.37 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 453.5434 327.9768 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1538 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.021 tc 0.011 tw 16 0 0 16 338.7047 721.6899 tm [(f)-39.2 (i)-9.1 (n)-1.8 (a)1.4 (nc)4.8 (i)-1.3 (al)-11 ( s)-10 (u)-9.1 (m)-12 (m)-4.2 (a)1.9 (r)-54.2 (y)-11 ( \()6.5 (c)-23.1 (o)-7.8 (n)-28.5 (t)-30 (i)-9 (n)-5.3 (u)-2.8 (e)-6.3 (d\))]tj et endstream endobj 1539 0 obj <> endobj 1540 0 obj <> endobj 1541 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ceaz !m��8���41�q��~v\u�"�bǟ�稪���g��������8�7�.x���0�����c�td��2�8զuq@�a�i� ���x���޼a�� ���f qss��3l�,�`gb/�{m�(�mjc�~^6��w�sqi8��3z48�v�o�u��ubq�u*��_=>hۥ�߭we—�[ �{�=�a�@�{ l�8έsɧ�����%���nxǜ �̢��~v w�g�#�i��|�gy���笟�~����s`�e;hj��z߼'��h���lo�1}7:�.��w���� endstream endobj 1542 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 1543 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (2)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2. )-694.2 (financial summary prepared in accordance with )]tj 1.89 -1.3 td (the prc accounting standards for business )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.3 td (enterprises)tj 0 tw ( \(c)tj -0.028 tw (ontinued)tj 0 tc 0 tw (\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 10 0 0 10 90.7087 584.2467 tm (principal accounting information and financial indicators for 2019 and 2\ 018 of the group:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 277.795 569.477 85.039 -58 re 277.795 511.477 85.039 -14.5 re 277.795 496.977 85.039 -14.5 re 277.795 482.477 85.039 -3.38 re 277.795 479.096 85.039 -14.5 re 277.795 464.596 85.039 -15 re 277.795 449.596 85.039 -15 re 277.795 434.596 85.039 -29 re 277.795 405.596 85.039 -43.5 re 277.795 362.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 347.096 85.039 -15 re 277.795 332.096 85.039 -29 re 277.795 303.096 85.039 -29 re 277.795 274.096 85.039 -43.5 re 277.795 230.596 85.039 -29 re 277.795 201.596 85.039 -29 re 277.795 172.596 85.039 -15 re 277.795 157.596 85.039 -29 re 277.795 128.596 85.039 -29 re 277.795 99.596 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 0 10 334.0913 512.7467 tm (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2018)tj 6.532 4.35 td (increase/)tj 0 tw -2.195 -1.45 td (\(decrease\) for )tj 0.027 -1.45 td (the year 2019 )tj 1.778 -1.45 td (over 2018)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 312.2314 498.2467 tm (rmb\222000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 11.283 0 td (\(%\))tj 10 0 0 10 394.1329 483.7467 tm (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 479.5963 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 480.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 479.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 480.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 479.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 480.3663 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 479.5963 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 480.3663 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -35.717 -2.95 td (revenue)tj /t1_1 1 tf 20.808 0 td (190,074,161)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (180,241,414)tj 12.313 0 td (5.46)tj 0 tw -41.624 -1.5 td (profit before income tax)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 21.975 0 td (2,113,801)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (2,391,330)tj 10.255 0 td (-11.61)tj 0 tw -40.735 -1.45 td (profit attributable to owners of the )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.45 td (parent)tj /t1_1 1 tf 21.873 0 td (850,999)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (831,214)tj 10.255 0 td (2.38)tj 0 tw -41.624 -1.45 td (profit attributable to owners of the )tj 0.992 -1.45 td (parent after excluding gains from )tj 0 -1.45 td (non-recurring items)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 21.873 0 td (230,494)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (119,144)tj 9.672 0 td (93.46)tj 0 tw -41.04 -1.5 td (basic earnings per share )tj -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 208.3318 348.3663 tm (\(rmb\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 331.0334 348.3663 tm (0.037)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (0.034)tj 9.088 0 td (8.82)tj 0 tw -41.624 -1.5 td (diluted earnings per share )tj -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 216.6675 333.3663 tm (\(rmb\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 331.0334 333.3663 tm (0.037)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (0.034)tj 9.088 0 td (8.82)tj 0.025 tc 0 tw -41.624 -1.45 td [(basic earnings per share after excluding)-2.8 ( )]tj 0.027 tc 0.992 -1.45 td (gains from non-recurring items )tj -0.027 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 247.3611 304.3663 tm (\(rmb)tj 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 275.0153 304.3663 tm (\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 5.602 0 td (0.001)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.198 0 td (-0.001)tj 9.7 0 td (n/a)tj 0 tw -41.931 -1.45 td (weighted average rate of return on net )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.45 td (assets )tj 10 0 2.6795 10 133.2196 275.3663 tm (\(%\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 336.8714 275.3663 tm (1.59)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (1.80)tj 8.198 0 td (-0.21)tj 0 tw -41.318 -1.45 td (weighted average rate of return on net )tj 0.992 -1.45 td (assets after excluding gains from )tj t* (non-recurring items )tj -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 194.633 231.8663 tm (\(%\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 336.8714 231.8663 tm (0.43)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (0.27)tj 8.504 0 td (0.16)tj 0 tw -41.624 -1.45 td (net cash flows generated from )tj 0.992 -1.45 td (operating activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 20.399 0 td (12,576,862)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (13,199,390)tj 11.423 0 td (-4.72)tj 0 tw -41.318 -1.45 td (net cash flows generated from )tj 0.992 -1.45 td (operating activities per share )tj -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 238.8006 173.8663 tm (\(rmb\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 336.8714 173.8663 tm (0.74)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (0.78)tj 8.198 0 td (-5.13)tj 0 tw -41.318 -1.5 td (total assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 20.808 0 td (203,070,664)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (200,964,751)tj 12.313 0 td (1.05)tj 0 tw -41.624 -1.45 td (equity attributable to owners of the )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.45 td (parent)tj /t1_1 1 tf 20.399 0 td (54,659,633)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (52,415,307)tj 11.729 0 td (4.28)tj 0 tw -41.624 -1.45 td (equity attributable to owners of the )tj 0.992 -1.45 td (parent per share )tj -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 179.9093 100.8663 tm (\(rmb\))tj /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 336.8714 100.8663 tm (3.21)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.504 0 td (3.11)tj 8.504 0 td (3.22)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 96.7159 cm 0 0 m 187.087 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 90.7087 97.4859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 277.7953 96.7159 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 277.7953 97.4859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 362.8347 96.7159 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 362.8347 97.4859 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 96.7159 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 447.874 97.4859 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1544 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.021 tc 0.011 tw 16 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(f)-39.2 (i)-9.1 (n)-1.8 (a)1.4 (nc)4.8 (i)-1.3 (al)-11 ( s)-10 (u)-9.1 (m)-12 (m)-4.2 (a)1.9 (r)-54.2 (y)-11 ( \()6.5 (c)-23.1 (o)-7.8 (n)-28.5 (t)-30 (i)-9 (n)-5.3 (u)-2.8 (e)-6.3 (d\))]tj et endstream endobj 1545 0 obj <> endobj 1546 0 obj <> endobj 1547 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ceaz !m��8���41�q��~v\u�"�bǟ�稪���g��������8�7�.x���0�����c�td��2�8զuq@�a�i� ���x���޼a�� ���f qss��3l�,�`gb/�{m�(�mjc�~^6��w�sqi8��3z48�v�o�u��ubq�u*��_=>hۥ�߭we—�[ �{�=�a�@�{ l�8έsɧ�����%���nxǜ �̢��~v w�g�#�i��|�gy���笟�~����s`�e;hj��z߼'��h���lo�1}7:�.��w���� endstream endobj 1548 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 1549 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 557.0055 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (1)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(2. )-694.2 (financial summary prepared in accordance with )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (the prc accounting standards for business )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.333 td (enterprises)tj 0 tw ( \(continued\))tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 447.874 595.842 85.039 -52 re 447.874 543.842 85.039 -13 re 447.874 530.842 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 527.461 85.039 -13 re 447.874 514.461 85.039 -13 re 447.874 501.461 85.039 -52 re 447.874 449.461 85.039 -26 re 447.874 423.461 85.039 -78 re 447.874 345.461 85.039 -26 re 447.874 319.461 85.039 -13 re 447.874 306.461 85.039 -13 re 447.874 293.461 85.039 -13 re 447.874 280.461 85.039 -13 re 447.874 267.461 85.039 -13 re 447.874 254.461 85.039 -26 re 447.874 228.461 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 225.452 85.039 -13 re 447.874 212.452 85.039 -15 re 447.874 197.452 85.039 -15 re 447.874 182.452 85.039 -3.009 re 447.874 179.443 85.039 -13 re 447.874 166.443 85.039 -15 re 447.874 151.443 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 90.7086 545.1117 tm (gains or losses from non-recurring items)tj 40.097 3.9 td (for the )tj -1.973 -1.3 td (year ended )tj -0.972 -1.3 td (31 december)tj 3.889 -1.3 td ( 2019)tj -0.028 tw 10 0 2.6795 10 482.3102 532.1117 tm (rmb\222000)tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 527.9613 cm 0 0 m 357.165 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 528.7313 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 527.9613 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 528.7313 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -2.6 td (gains from disposal of non-current assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (259,684)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (government subsidies included in the gains and losses for the reporting \ )tj 0.992 -1.3 td (period \(excluding government subsidies closely related to the ordinary \ )tj 0 -1.3 td (business of the company and enjoyed according to certain standard )tj t* (amount or quantity\))tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.881 0 td (101,267)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (profit of subsidiaries from the beginning of the year to the consolidati\ on )tj 0.992 -1.3 td (date arising from business combination under common control)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 41.522 0 td (37)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -42.514 -1.3 td (except for the hedging business that is related to the ordinary business\ )tj 0.992 -1.3 td (of the company, the gains or losses arising from fair value changes of )tj t* (held-for-trading financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilitie\ s and )tj t* (investment income on disposal of held-for-trading financial assets, held\ - )tj t* (for-trading financial liabilities, and equity investments designated at \ fair )tj t* (value through other comprehensive income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.464 0 td (50,820)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.02 tc 0 tw -40.457 -1.3 td [(reversal of the allowance for impairment of receivables and contract ass\ ets)-7.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.992 -1.3 td (that are individually tested for impairment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.881 0 td (109,385)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (gains from disposal of controlling interest in subsidiaries)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (261,187)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (gains from disposal of equity interest in joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (159,514)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (gain on share of associates\222 net assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (295,288)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (staffing costs for corporate restructuring)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.484 0 td (\(189,326\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.484 -1.3 td (gain on disposal of business)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (262,677)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.3 td (other non-operating income and expenses other )tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc 0.992 -1.3 td (than above items, net)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.492 0 td (\(139,676\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 225.7022 cm 0 0 m 357.165 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 226.7222 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.8741 225.7022 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.8741 226.7222 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -2.8 td (income tax effect)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.484 0 td (\(226,847\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.484 -1.5 td (non-controlling interests effect)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.484 0 td (\(323,505\))tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 179.6932 cm 0 0 m 357.165 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 180.7132 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.8741 179.6932 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.8741 180.7132 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -35.717 -2.8 td (total)tj /t1_1 1 tf 39.873 0 td (620,505)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 148.5628 cm 0 0 m 357.165 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 149.3328 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.8741 148.5628 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.8741 149.3328 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1550 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1551 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1552 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1553 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1554 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1555 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw 12 0 0 12 24.0921 53.8195 tm [(1)0.5 (0)]tj et q 0 tc 0 tw 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(1. )-694.2 (financial summary prepared in accordance with )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (international financial reporting standards)tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1 td (\(continued\))tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.027 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 587.7467 tm [(t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( f)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (w)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 ( i)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (su)0.5 (m)0.5 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)0.5 ( o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (o)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (d)0.5 (at)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)0.5 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (al)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (s)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (ts)0.5 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 (t)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (a)0.5 (b)0.5 (i)0.5 (l)0.5 (i)0.5 (ti)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)0.5 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)0.5 ( )0.5 (g)0.5 (r)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)0.5 (p:)]tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 221.102 553.007 62.362 -15 re 221.102 538.007 62.362 -15 re 221.102 523.007 62.362 -15 re 221.102 508.007 62.362 -3.38 re 221.102 504.627 62.362 -15 re 221.102 489.627 62.362 -15 re 221.102 474.627 62.362 -15 re 221.102 459.627 62.362 -15 re 221.102 444.627 62.362 -3.009 re 221.102 441.618 62.362 -15 re 221.102 426.618 62.362 -15 re 221.102 411.618 62.362 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 8.5 0 0 10 307.9196 557.1117 tm (for the year ended 31 december)tj -0.028 tw -5.851 -1.783 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (2018)tj 7.337 0 td (2017)tj 7.337 0 td (2016)tj 7.337 0 td (2015)tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 2.6795 10 239.4475 524.277 tm (rmb\222000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.337 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.337 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.337 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 8.5 0 0 10 299.2965 509.2769 tm (\(restated\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(restated\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(restated\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 505.1266 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8.5 0 0 10 90.7087 505.8965 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1024 505.1266 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 272.5967 505.8965 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 505.1266 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 334.9589 505.8965 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 505.1266 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 397.3211 505.8965 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 505.1266 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 459.6833 505.8965 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 505.1266 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 522.0455 505.8965 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -50.746 -4.5 td (total assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.172 0 td (203,070,664)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (200,964,751)tj 7.337 0 td (199,955,376)tj 7.337 0 td (191,440,572)tj 7.337 0 td (193,055,775)tj 0 tw -45.519 -1.5 td (total liabilities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.172 0 td (132,345,604)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (133,295,132)tj 7.337 0 td (134,173,344)tj 7.337 0 td (135,432,144)tj 7.337 0 td (140,973,133)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 441.8675 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 442.8875 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1024 441.8675 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 221.1024 442.8875 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 441.8675 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 283.4646 442.8875 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 441.8675 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8268 442.8875 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 441.8675 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.189 442.8875 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 441.8675 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5512 442.8875 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8.5 0 0 10 90.7086 412.8875 tm (net assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.756 0 td (70,725,060)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (67,669,619)tj 7.337 0 td (65,782,032)tj 7.337 0 td (56,008,428)tj 7.337 0 td (52,082,642)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 408.7371 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 409.5071 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 408.7371 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 221.1023 409.5071 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 408.7371 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 10 0 0 10 283.4645 409.5071 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 408.7371 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8267 409.5071 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 408.7371 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.1889 409.5071 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 408.7371 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5511 409.5071 tm ( )tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 375.7771 tm [(2. )-694.2 (financial summary prepared in accordance with )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (the prc accounting standards for business )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.333 td (enterprises)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 447.874 321.872 85.039 -60 re 447.874 261.872 85.039 -15 re 447.874 246.872 85.039 -3.38 re 447.874 243.492 85.039 -15 re 447.874 228.492 85.039 -15 re 447.874 213.492 85.039 -15 re 447.874 198.492 85.039 -15 re 447.874 183.492 85.039 -30 re 447.874 153.492 85.039 -15 re 447.874 138.492 85.039 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 10 0 0 10 90.7086 263.1422 tm (item)tj 0 tw 40.097 4.5 td (for the )tj -1.973 -1.5 td (year ended )tj -0.972 -1.5 td (31 december )tj -0.028 tw 4.195 -1.5 td (2019)tj 10 0 2.6795 10 482.3101 248.1422 tm (rmb\222000)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 243.9918 cm 0 0 m 357.165 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 244.7618 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 243.9918 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 244.7618 tm ( )tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -35.717 -3 td (operating profit)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (1,957,353)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (profit for the year)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.983 0 td (1,488,081)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -38.983 -1.5 td (profit attributable to owners of the parent)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 39.873 0 td (850,999)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (profit attributable to owners of the parent after excluding gains or los\ ses )tj 0.992 -1.5 td (from non-recurring items)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.881 0 td (230,494)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0 tw -39.873 -1.5 td (net cash flows generated from the operating activities)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 38.399 0 td (12,576,862)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 135.6114 cm 0 0 m 357.165 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 136.3814 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 447.874 135.6114 cm 0 0 m 85.039 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 10 0 0 10 447.874 136.3814 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1556 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 12 0 0 12 560.7585 53.8195 tm (9)tj et q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(1. )-694.2 (financial summary prepared in accordance with )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (international financial reporting standards)tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 0 -1.333 td (\(continued\))tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k 221.102 563.642 62.362 -15 re 221.102 548.642 62.362 -15 re 221.102 533.642 62.362 -15 re 221.102 518.642 62.362 -3.38 re 221.102 515.262 62.362 -15 re 221.102 500.262 62.362 -15 re 221.102 485.262 62.362 -3.009 re 221.102 482.253 62.362 -15 re 221.102 467.253 62.362 -15 re 221.102 452.253 62.362 -3.009 re 221.102 449.244 62.362 -15 re 221.102 434.244 62.362 -15 re 221.102 419.244 62.362 -3.009 re 221.102 416.234 62.362 -15 re 221.102 401.234 62.362 -30 re 221.102 371.234 62.362 -15 re 221.102 356.234 62.362 -3.009 re 221.102 353.225 62.362 -15 re 221.102 338.225 62.362 -30 re 221.102 308.225 62.362 -3.38 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs 0 tw 8.5 0 0 10 307.9196 567.7467 tm (for the year ended 31 december)tj -0.028 tw -5.851 -1.783 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (2018)tj 7.337 0 td (2017)tj 7.337 0 td (2016)tj 7.337 0 td (2015)tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 2.6795 10 239.4475 534.912 tm (rmb\222000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.337 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.337 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.337 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 8.5 0 0 10 299.2965 519.912 tm (\(restated\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(restated\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(restated\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 515.7616 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8.5 0 0 10 90.7087 516.5316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1024 515.7616 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 272.5967 516.5316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 515.7616 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 334.9589 516.5316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 515.7616 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 397.3211 516.5316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 515.7616 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 459.6833 516.5316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 515.7616 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 522.0455 516.5316 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -50.746 -3 td (profit before income tax)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 17.34 0 td (2,113,801)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (2,264,514)tj 7.337 0 td (3,049,175)tj 7.337 0 td (1,620,764)tj 8.226 0 td (107,061)tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 482.5025 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 483.5225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1024 482.5025 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 221.1024 483.5225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 482.5025 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 283.4646 483.5225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 482.5025 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8268 483.5225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 482.5025 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.189 483.5225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 482.5025 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5512 483.5225 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8.5 0 0 10 90.7087 453.5225 tm (income tax \(expense\)/gain)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 17.841 0 td (\(625,720\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.392 0 td (\(822,519\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(643,706\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(403,871\))tj 7.67 0 td (226,220)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 449.4935 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 450.5135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1024 449.4935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 221.1024 450.5135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 449.4935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 283.4646 450.5135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 449.4935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8268 450.5135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 449.4935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.189 450.5135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 449.4935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5512 450.5135 tm ( )tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 8.5 0 0 10 90.7087 420.5135 tm (net profit for the year)tj -0.028 tw 17.34 0 td (1,488,081)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (1,441,995)tj 7.337 0 td (2,405,469)tj 7.337 0 td (1,216,893)tj 8.226 0 td (333,281)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 416.4844 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 417.5044 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1024 416.4844 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 221.1024 417.5044 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 416.4844 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 283.4646 417.5044 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 416.4844 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8268 417.5044 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 416.4844 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.189 417.5044 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 416.4844 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5512 417.5044 tm ( )tj 0.008 tc 8.5 0 0 10 90.7087 387.5044 tm (profit for the year attributable to:)tj 0 tc ( )tj 0.008 tc 1.167 -1.5 td (owners of the company)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 17.062 0 td (850,999)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (707,460)tj 6.447 0 td (1,413,221)tj 8.226 0 td (365,800)tj 7.337 0 td (118,241)tj 0 tw -46.409 -1.5 td (non-controlling interests)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 17.062 0 td (637,082)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (734,535)tj 7.337 0 td (992,248)tj 7.337 0 td (851,093)tj 7.337 0 td (215,040)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 353.4753 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7087 354.4953 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1024 353.4753 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 221.1024 354.4953 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 353.4753 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 283.4646 354.4953 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 353.4753 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8268 354.4953 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 353.4753 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.189 354.4953 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 353.4753 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5512 354.4953 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc 8.5 0 0 10 90.7087 324.4953 tm (proposed final dividend for the )tj -0.028 tw 1.167 -1.5 td (year)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0 tc 0 tw 20.343 0 td (\226)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (\226)tj 7.337 0 td (\226)tj 7.337 0 td (\226)tj 7.337 0 td (\226)tj et 1 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7087 305.345 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 90.7087 306.115 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1024 305.345 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 221.1024 306.115 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4646 305.345 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 283.4646 306.115 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8268 305.345 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 345.8268 306.115 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.189 305.345 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 408.189 306.115 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5512 305.345 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 10 0 0 10 470.5512 306.115 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1557 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.021 tc 0.011 tw 16 0 0 16 338.7047 721.6899 tm [(f)-39.2 (i)-9.1 (n)-1.8 (a)1.4 (nc)4.8 (i)-1.3 (al)-11 ( s)-10 (u)-9.1 (m)-12 (m)-4.2 (a)1.9 (r)-54.2 (y)-11 ( \()6.5 (c)-23.1 (o)-7.8 (n)-28.5 (t)-30 (i)-9 (n)-5.3 (u)-2.8 (e)-6.3 (d\))]tj et endstream endobj 1558 0 obj <> endobj 1559 0 obj <> endobj 1560 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �ceaz !m��8���41�q��~v\u�"�bǟ�稪���g��������8�7�.x���0�����c�td��2�8զuq@�a�i� ���x���޼a�� ���f qss��3l�,�`gb/�{m�(�mjc�~^6��w�sqi8��3z48�v�o�u��ubq�u*��_=>hۥ�߭we—�[ �{�=�a�@�{ l�8έsɧ�����%���nxǜ �̢��~v w�g�#�i��|�gy���笟�~����s`�e;hj��z߼'��h���lo�1}7:�.��w���� endstream endobj 1561 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 1562 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 12 0 0 12 27.8451 53.8195 tm (8)tj et q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 15 0 0 15 62.3622 652.7466 tm [(1. )-694.2 (financial summary prepared in accordance with )]tj 1.89 -1.333 td (international financial reporting standards)tj 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 90.7086 602.7467 tm [(the )0.5 (revenue )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (group )0.5 (for )0.5 (the )0.5 (year )0.5 (ended 31 )0.5 (december 2019 )0.5 (amounted to )0.5 (rmb190,074 )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(million)10.2 (,)10.2 ( representing)10.2 ( )0.5 (an)10.2 ( )0.5 (increase)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( 5)10.2 (.)10.2 (4)10.2 (6)10.2 (%)10.2 ( )0.5 (as)10.2 ( compared)10.2 ( with)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (same)10.2 ( )0.5 (period)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( last)10.2 ( year)10.2 (.)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.042 tw t* [(profit )0.5 (attributable )0.6 (to )0.5 (the )0.6 (owners )0.5 (of )0.6 (the )0.5 (parent )0.6 (for )0.5 (the )0.6 (year )0.5 (amounted )0.6 (to )0.5 (rmb851 )0.5 (million, )0.5 (and )]tj 0 tw t* (profit per share attributable to the owners of the parent for the year a\ mounted to rmb0.037.)tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)14.1 ( following)14.1 ( is)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( summary)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( the)14.1 ( consolidated)14.1 ( statements)14.1 ( of)14.1 ( profit)14.1 ( or)14.2 ( loss)14.1 ( and)14.1 ( other)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (comprehensive income for the year 2019 and year 2015 to year 2018:)tj et 0 0 0 0.2 k /gs1 gs 221.102 479.142 62.362 -15 re 221.102 464.142 62.362 -15 re 221.102 449.142 62.362 -15 re 221.102 434.142 62.362 -3.38 re 221.102 430.762 62.362 -15 re 221.102 415.762 62.362 -15 re 221.102 400.762 62.362 -15 re 221.102 385.762 62.362 -3.009 re 221.102 382.753 62.362 -15 re 221.102 367.753 62.362 -15 re 221.102 352.753 62.362 -3.009 re 221.102 349.743 62.362 -15 re 221.102 334.743 62.362 -15 re 221.102 319.743 62.362 -15 re 221.102 304.743 62.362 -30 re 221.102 274.743 62.362 -30 re 221.102 244.743 62.362 -15 re 221.102 229.743 62.362 -30 re 221.102 199.743 62.362 -30 re 221.102 169.743 62.362 -15 re 221.102 154.743 62.362 -15 re 221.102 139.743 62.362 -30 re 221.102 109.743 62.362 -30 re 221.102 79.743 62.362 -3.009 re f bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 307.9195 483.2466 tm (for the year ended 31 december)tj -0.028 tw -5.851 -1.783 td (2019)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (2018)tj 7.337 0 td (2017)tj 7.337 0 td (2016)tj 7.337 0 td (2015)tj /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 2.6795 10 239.4475 450.412 tm (rmb\222000)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.337 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.337 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 7.337 0 td (rmb\222000)tj 8.5 0 0 10 299.2965 435.412 tm (\(restated\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(restated\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(restated\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(restated\))tj et 0 0 0 1 k q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 431.2616 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8.5 0 0 10 90.7086 432.0316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 431.2616 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 272.5966 432.0316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 431.2616 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 334.9589 432.0316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 431.2616 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 397.321 432.0316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 431.2616 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 459.6833 432.0316 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 431.2616 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 522.0455 432.0316 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -50.746 -3 td (revenue)tj /t1_1 1 tf 16.172 0 td (190,074,161)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (180,241,414)tj 7.337 0 td (181,022,636)tj 7.337 0 td (144,855,997)tj 7.337 0 td (123,924,333)tj 0 tw -45.519 -1.5 td (cost of sales)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 15.784 0 td (\(177,946,276\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.392 0 td (\(167,029,416\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(166,290,269\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(133,700,192\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(121,408,135\))tj et 0.5 w q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 383.0025 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8.5 0 0 10 90.7086 384.0225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 383.0025 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 221.1023 384.0225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 383.0025 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 283.4645 384.0225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 383.0025 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 345.8267 384.0225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 383.0025 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 408.1889 384.0225 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 383.0025 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 470.5511 384.0225 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -44.687 -3 td (gross profit)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.756 0 td (12,127,885)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (13,211,998)tj 7.337 0 td (14,732,367)tj 7.337 0 td (11,155,805)tj 7.921 0 td (2,516,198)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7086 349.9935 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8.5 0 0 10 90.7086 351.0135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1023 349.9935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 221.1023 351.0135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4645 349.9935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 283.4645 351.0135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8267 349.9935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 345.8267 351.0135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1889 349.9935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 408.1889 351.0135 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.5511 349.9935 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 470.5511 351.0135 tm ( )tj 0.028 tc -44.687 -3 td (selling expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.951 0 td (\(1,673,139\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.392 0 td (\(2,496,933\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(2,372,966\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(2,111,787\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(1,798,154\))tj 0 tw -46.353 -1.5 td (administrative expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.951 0 td (\(3,956,604\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.392 0 td (\(3,959,177\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(4,551,237\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(3,337,492\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(2,388,276\))tj 0 tw -46.353 -1.5 td (research and development )tj -0.028 tw 1.167 -1.5 td (expenses)tj /t1_1 1 tf 16.674 0 td (\(940,828\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.392 0 td (\(626,873\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(498,234\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(168,862\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(168,870\))tj 0 tw -47.243 -1.5 td (impairment losses on property, )tj 1.167 -1.5 td (plant and equipment)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.674 0 td (\(259,354\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.976 0 td (\(46,484\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(16,200\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(57,080\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(10,011\))tj 0 tw -47.827 -1.5 td (other income)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 18.813 0 td (79,469)tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.753 0 td (135,367)tj 7.921 0 td (89,873)tj 6.753 0 td (155,576)tj 6.447 0 td (1,787,774)tj 0 tw -46.687 -1.5 td (impairment losses on financial )tj -0.028 tw 1.167 -1.5 td (assets)tj /t1_1 1 tf 16.674 0 td (\(169,751\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.392 0 td (\(107,956\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.951 0 td (\226)tj 7.337 0 td (\226)tj 7.337 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -50.857 -1.5 td (impairment losses on )tj 1.167 -1.5 td (investments in joint ventures)tj 0 tc 20.343 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 3.722 0 td (\(216,953\))tj 0 tc 0 tw 10.951 0 td (\226)tj 7.337 0 td (\226)tj 7.337 0 td (\226)tj 0.028 tc -50.857 -1.5 td (other gains, net)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 17.34 0 td (1,247,269)tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.226 0 td (921,904)tj 7.337 0 td (319,402)tj 7.337 0 td (169,200)tj 6.447 0 td (5,027,661)tj 0 tw -46.687 -1.5 td (finance costs, net)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 16.951 0 td (\(4,660,028\))tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.392 0 td (\(4,390,262\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(4,496,732\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(4,204,179\))tj 7.337 0 td (\(5,167,030\))tj 0 tw -46.353 -1.5 td (share of profits and losses of )tj 1.167 -1.5 td (joint ventures)tj /t1_1 1 tf -0.028 tw 17.062 0 td (270,115)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.003 0 td (\(199,452\))tj 8.838 0 td (8,151)tj 6.419 0 td (\(95,508\))tj 7.67 0 td (23,238)tj 0 tw -48.16 -1.5 td (share of profits and losses of )tj -0.028 tw 1.167 -1.5 td (associates)tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.646 0 td (48,767)tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.337 0 td (39,335)tj 6.419 0 td (\(165,249\))tj 7.67 0 td (115,091)tj 7.337 0 td (284,531)tj et q 1 0 0 1 90.7085 76.9844 cm 0 0 m 130.394 0 l s q bt 0 tc 0 tw 8.5 0 0 10 90.7085 78.0044 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 221.1022 76.9844 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_1 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 221.1022 78.0044 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 283.4644 76.9844 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt /t1_0 1 tf 8.5 0 0 10 283.4644 78.0044 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 345.8266 76.9844 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 345.8266 78.0044 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 408.1888 76.9844 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 408.1888 78.0044 tm ( )tj et q 1 0 0 1 470.551 76.9844 cm 0 0 m 62.362 0 l s q bt 8.5 0 0 10 470.551 78.0044 tm ( )tj et endstream endobj 1563 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.024 tc 0.014 tw 20 0 0 20 62.3622 722.3699 tm [(f)-40.9 (i)-10.8 (n)-3.3 (an)-1.5 (c)3.2 (i)-2.9 (a)-1.6 (l)-14 ( s)-11.5 (u)-10.7 (m)-13.6 (m)-5.9 (ar)-56.1 (y)]tj et endstream endobj 1564 0 obj <> endobj 1565 0 obj <> endobj 1566 0 obj <>stream h�\��j� ��}�s�^�l�(h���bx�0z� �c/��;j�`��~z��䓷ݩ�&���1�h����w����%h��m��j��q2��p��83!�pq ~��q�n����|��xu�'� h�8�e/ҽ� �'ۮ�t7aݑ�����ʴ��fԬqqr����l4�4�v��ӏ$�0�o�(�� a�nl�d�����z���8��i������f>e>e>g>?��i���u�|il��yl��{.��=e��!es0�/�f䊓� 0ff�t endstream endobj 1567 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 1568 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 12 0 0 12 560.7585 53.8195 tm (7)tj et q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm (joint ventures and associates:)tj 0.074 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(\225)46.2 ( )-1876.8 (guangxi)13.6 ( huayin)13.7 ( aluminum)13.6 ( company)13.7 ( limited)13.6 ( \()13.6 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 27.253 0 td [(guangxi)13.7 ( huayin)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.703 0 td [(\224)13.6 (\))13.6 ( \()13.6 (mainly)13.6 ( engaged)13.6 ( in)46.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -33.122 -1.5 td (producing alumina products\);)tj 0.052 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)24.2 ( )-1898.8 (chalco)14.1 ( steering)14.1 ( intelligent)14.2 ( technology)14.1 ( co)14.1 (.)14.2 (,)14.1 ( ltd)14.1 (.)14.1 ( \()14.1 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 28.022 0 td [(chalco)14.1 ( steering)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.385 0 td [(\224)14.1 (\))14.1 ( \()14.1 (mainly)14.2 ( engaged)14.1 ( in)24.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -33.572 -1.5 td (provision of information technology services\);)tj 0.082 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225 )-1918.9 (hua dian ningxia ling wu power co., ltd. \(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf (ling wu power)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\) \(mainly engaged in coal and )tj 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (energy power generation\);)tj 0.043 tc 0.077 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)15.2 ( )-1908.9 (g)0.5 (u)0.5 (an)0.5 (g)0.5 (xi)14.4 ( h)0.5 (u)0.5 (al)0.5 (e)0.5 (i)14.4 ( n)0.5 (ew)14.4 ( m)0.5 (a)0.5 (te)0.5 (ri)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (s)14.3 ( c)0.5 (o)14.4 (.)14.3 (,)14.4 ( l)0.5 (t)0.5 (d)14.3 (.)14.4 ( \()14.4 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 23.508 0 td [(g)0.5 (ua)0.5 (n)0.5 (gx)0.5 (i)14.4 ( h)0.5 (ua)0.5 (le)0.5 (i)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.926 0 td [(\224)14.4 (\))14.3 ( \()14.4 (m)0.5 (ai)0.5 (n)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)14.3 ( e)0.5 (ng)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (ed)14.4 ( i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( pr)0.5 (o)0.5 (du)0.5 (ci)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -28.598 -1.5 td (primary aluminum products\);)tj et endstream endobj 1569 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.075 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 446.0128 55.3795 tm [(20)55.2 (1)60.2 (9 annual )-49.9 (repor)30.2 (t)]tj et q 0 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 611.660225 0 0 161.3301952 -1.1546856 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.015 tc 0.005 tw 16 0 0 16 349.5995 721.6899 tm [(c)-17.1 (or)-12.4 (p)-3.3 (or)-9.4 (a)-14.4 (t)-13.9 (e)-5 ( p)-10.1 (r)-11.8 (o)-24.6 (\037)-10.3 (l)-0.7 (e)-5 ( \()12.5 (c)-17.1 (o)-1.8 (n)-22.5 (t)-24 (i)-3.1 (n)0.7 (u)3.2 (ed)6.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1570 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �c`z)b�x q؇��41�q��~vru�"�,�b[��sc�仟t� �5���5�/�if��� _=vnh*n�y����$��a�y� <<��!߼a?� <|��d{u�g� $pu`�'��νv#� e��p|x�-��e|�! ~�'���4��^p��n�d�hͿxzʋs��;/tz��$) ��j�, >�}�=�!2���*��9�i�j�w�w�y�9�u����|{5�ʨ_�~�eθ�~��e�'� �:��icp���zo# k ��)�v��� ~ �� endstream endobj 1571 0 obj <>stream h�\��n� ��<����"iári�z)��ѳ=@ n��d�!o?w�4$���ϙٴϭ��{�u��l�e��p��:�`���ӷ��b&q�.�� ��*�)�i����w� � �f�}5�dw��'t2�k08�b/��'���iq�c��e|����97�g���5�ލ(�,��k�@g���e�a�at%gy�dud>n�3��sa|b>%.9���r1 ↹!>3��/̩�j�]��r\_q}u2��\3m��{����<<�ҷ�u��l�;�����!�h�_ ��� endstream endobj 1572 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 12 0 0 12 27.8451 53.8195 tm (6)tj et q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.069 tc 0.078 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(\225)41.2 ( )-1881.9 (chalco)13.6 ( shanghai)13.7 ( company)13.6 ( limited)13.6 (*)13.7 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.055 tc -0.055 tw 21.981 0 td [<02951259>502 <0080>103.6 <026a090e>103.6 <0081>502 <03de082202ae0321>]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.069 tc 0.078 tw [(chalco)13.6 ( shanghai)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 20.136 0 td [(\224)13.6 (\))13.6 ( \()13.6 (mainly)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -39.282 -1.5 td (engaged in trading and engineering project management\);)tj 0.069 tc 0.077 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)41.2 ( )-1882.9 (g)0.5 (u)0.5 (ang)0.5 (xi)14.4 ( hu)0.5 (as)0.5 (hen)0.5 (g)14.3 ( n)0.5 (ew)14.4 ( ma)0.5 (te)0.5 (ri)0.5 (al)14.4 ( co)14.4 (.)14.3 (,)14.3 ( l)0.5 (td)14.4 (.)14.3 ( \()14.4 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 25.867 0 td [(gu)0.5 (an)0.5 (gx)0.5 (i)14.3 ( h)0.5 (ua)0.5 (sh)0.5 (eng)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 10.204 0 td [(\224)14.3 (\))14.4 ( \()14.3 (m)0.5 (ai)0.5 (nl)0.5 (y)14.3 ( e)0.5 (ng)0.5 (age)0.5 (d)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)41.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -33.236 -1.5 td (producing alumina products\);)tj 0.024 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225 )-1976.8 (chalco materials co., ltd. \(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf (chalco materials)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\) \(mainly engaged in procurement of materials )tj 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (including raw materials and fuels\);)tj 0.051 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225 )-1949.9 (shanxi huaxing alumina co., ltd. \(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf (shanxi huaxing)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\) \(mainly engaged in producing alumina )tj -0.028 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (products\);)tj 0.068 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)40.2 ( )-1882.9 (chalco)14 ( international)14.1 ( trading)14 ( group)14 ( co)14.1 (.)14 (,)14 ( ltd)14 (.)14.1 ( \()14 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.847 0 td [(international)14 ( trading)14.1 ( group)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 15.282 0 td [(\224)14 (\))14.1 ( \()14.1 (mainly)40.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -39.295 -1.5 td (engaged in trading, importing and exporting of non-ferrous metal product\ s\);)tj 0.026 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225 )-1974.9 (shanxi chalco china resources co., ltd. \(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf (shanxi zhongrun)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\) \(mainly engaged in producing )tj 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (primary aluminum products\);)tj 0.037 tc 0.083 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)9.2 ( )-1908.9 (g)0.5 (uizhou)9.2 ( hu)0.5 (aren)9.3 ( new)9.2 ( )0.5 (material)9.2 ( )0.5 (co)9.2 (.)9.2 (,)9.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)9.2 (.)9.2 ( \()9.2 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 23.259 0 td [(guizhou)9.2 ( )0.5 (huaren)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.301 0 td [(\224)9.2 (\))9.2 ( )0.5 (\()9.2 (mainly)9.2 ( e)0.5 (ngaged)9.2 ( )0.5 (in)9.2 ( )0.5 (producing)9.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -28.725 -1.5 td (primary aluminum products\);)tj 0.032 tc 0.088 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)4.2 ( )-1908.9 (l)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (zh)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)4.2 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)0.5 (in)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)4.2 ( c)0.5 (o)4.2 (.)4.2 (,)4.2 ( )0.5 (lt)0.5 (d)4.2 (.)4.2 ( )0.5 (\()4.2 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.796 0 td [(l)0.5 (a)0.5 (nz)0.5 (h)0.5 (o)0.5 (u)4.2 ( a)0.5 (l)0.5 (um)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.918 0 td [(\224)4.2 (\))4.2 ( )0.5 (\()4.1 (m)0.5 (a)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (ly)4.2 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (ng)0.5 (a)0.5 (ge)0.5 (d)4.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)4.1 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (od)0.5 (u)0.5 (ci)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)4.2 ( )0.5 (pr)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (ar)0.5 (y)4.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -24.88 -1.5 td (aluminum products\);)tj 0.026 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225 )-1974.9 (chinalco )0.5 (shanxi )0.5 (jiaokou )0.5 (xinghua )0.5 (technology )0.5 (co., )0.5 (ltd.* )0.5 (\()]tj /c0_0 1 tf -0.028 tw <029512590dab0fa0028604130374027913330d3607c504a60670038503de082202ae>tj 0 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td <0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 1.028 0 td (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf (xinghua technology)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\) \(mainly engaged in producing alumina products\);)tj 0.055 tc 0.078 tw -3.862 -3 td [(\225)27.2 ( )-1895.9 (gansu)14 ( hualu)14 ( aluminum)14 ( co)14 (.)14 (,)14 ( ltd)14 (.)14 ( \()14 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 20.569 0 td [(gansu)14 ( hualu)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 6.766 0 td [(\224)14 (\))14 ( \()13.9 (mainly)14 ( engaged)14 ( in)14 ( producing)14 ( carbon)27.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -24.5 -1.5 td (products\);)tj et endstream endobj 1573 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3795 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.732793 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.015 tc 0.005 tw 16 0 0 16 62.3622 721.6899 tm [(c)-17.1 (or)-12.4 (p)-3.3 (or)-9.4 (a)-14.4 (t)-13.9 (e)-5 ( p)-10.1 (r)-11.8 (o)-24.6 (\037)-10.3 (l)-0.7 (e)-5 ( \()12.5 (c)-17.1 (o)-1.8 (n)-22.5 (t)-24 (i)-3.1 (n)0.7 (u)3.2 (ed)6.1 (\))]tj et endstream endobj 1574 0 obj <>stream h�\��n�0 ��y �c`z)b�x q؇��41�q��~vru�"�,�b[��sc�仟t� �5���5�/�if��� _=vnh*n�y����$��a�y� <<��!߼a?� <|��d{u�g� $pu`�'��νv#� e��p|x�-��e|�! ~�'���4��^p��n�d�hͿxzʋs��;/tz��$) ��j�, >�}�=�!2���*��9�i�j�w�w�y�9�u����|{5�ʨ_�~�eθ�~��e�'� �:��icp���zo# k ��)�v��� ~ �� endstream endobj 1575 0 obj <>stream h�\�͊�0�{�b��c��zza�-x�������bz��w�)]xa� ��?]�����{m���ـ�x ��ީ4ۛx�-_3�^i*n�)�p�nte���fxz��wj���wwx��������"$p�`�������r��-��q^s�ߎ��#d�<�0f�8��`h�u��sbq��t���t'e��|�aont�m�@ވ7�x���9{'ޱ��=� >� q�>�����>�)p�k����8ck��3䒁>��$|t�x���b�.׶��;|ܬ=p��w����� endstream endobj 1576 0 obj <>/procset[/pdf/imagec]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1577 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1578 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/properties<>/shading<>/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1579 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1580 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1581 0 obj <>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text]/xobject<>>>/trimbox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/type/page>> endobj 1582 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 12 0 0 12 560.7585 53.8195 tm (5)tj et q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.039 tc 0.081 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(\225)11.2 ( )-1908.9 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)11.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (lu)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)11.2 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (na)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)11.2 ( t)0.5 (r)0.5 (a)0.5 (d)0.5 (i)0.5 (ng)11.2 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (o)11.2 (.)11.2 (,)11.2 ( l)0.5 (t)0.5 (d)11.2 (.)11.2 ( )0.5 (\()11.2 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 26.932 0 td [(c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (lc)0.5 (o)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (ad)0.6 (in)0.5 (g)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 7.767 0 td [(\224)11.2 (\))11.2 ( )0.5 (\()11.2 (m)0.5 (ai)0.5 (n)0.5 (l)0.5 (y)11.2 ( )0.5 (en)0.5 (g)0.5 (a)0.5 (g)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)11.2 ( i)0.5 (n)11.2 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (he)11.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -31.864 -1.5 td (trading of non-ferrous metal products\);)tj 0.057 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)29.2 ( )-1893.8 (chalco)13.6 ( hong)13.6 ( kong)13.6 ( ltd)13.6 (.)13.6 ( \()13.6 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 15.763 0 td [(chalco)13.6 ( hong)13.6 ( kong)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.865 0 td [(\224)13.6 (\))13.6 ( \()13.6 (mainly)13.6 ( engaged)13.6 ( in)13.6 ( developing)13.5 ( overseas)29.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -22.794 -1.5 td (projects\);)tj 0.056 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)28.2 ( )-1894.8 (chalco)13.5 ( shandong)13.5 ( co)13.6 (.)13.5 (,)13.5 ( ltd)13.6 (.)13.5 ( \()13.5 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.495 0 td [(chalco)13.5 ( shandong)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.285 0 td [(\224)13.5 (\))13.6 ( \()13.5 (mainly)13.6 ( engaged)13.5 ( in)13.6 ( producing)13.5 ( alumina)28.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -23.946 -1.5 td (products\);)tj 0.042 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)14.2 ( )-1908.8 (chalco)14.1 ( zhongzhou)14.1 ( aluminum)14 ( co)14 (.)14.1 (,)14 ( ltd)14.1 (.)14 (*)14.1 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 22.852 0 td <02951259029503c812590e3803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.042 tc 0.078 tw [(zhongzhou)14.1 ( aluminum)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 23.342 0 td (\224\))tj 0 tw -43.359 -1.5 td (\(mainly engaged in producing alumina products\);)tj 0.036 tc 0.084 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)8.2 ( )-1908.8 (chalco)8.2 ( zhengzhou)8.2 ( )0.5 (research)8.2 ( )0.5 (institute)8.2 ( of)8.2 ( non)8.2 (-)8.1 (ferrous)8.2 ( )0.5 (metal)8.3 (*)8.2 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 32.694 0 td <02951259124d03c803de040d0696166e07bc04fa09eb03de082202ae>tj 0 tc 0 tw -29.859 -1.5 td <0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 1.028 0 td (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf (zhengzhou institute)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\) \(mainly engaged in research and development services\);)tj -3.862 -3 td [(\225 )-2000.8 (chalco energy co., ltd. \(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf (chalco energy)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\) \(mainly engaged in energy development\);)tj 0.071 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(\225)43.2 ( )-1879.8 (chalco)14.1 ( ningxia)14 ( energy)14 ( group)14.1 ( co)14 (.)14 (,)14.1 ( ltd)14.1 (.)14 ( \()14 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 24.101 0 td [(ningxia)14 ( energy)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.322 0 td [(\224)14 (\))14.1 ( \()14 (mainly)14 ( engaged)14 ( in)14.1 ( power)43.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -29.589 -1.5 td (generation and coal resources development\);)tj 0.027 tc -2.835 -3 td [(\225)-0.8 ( )-2001.8 (guizhou huajin aluminum co., ltd. \(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf (guizhou huajin)tj /t1_0 1 tf [(\224\) \(mainly engaged in producing alumina)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (products\);)tj 0.079 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225 )-1921.9 (china aluminum )0.5 (logistics )0.5 (group )0.5 (corporation co., )0.5 (ltd )0.5 (\(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf [(chalco )0.5 (logistics)]tj /t1_0 1 tf [(\224\) )0.5 (\(mainly )0.5 (engaged )]tj 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (in logistics transportation services\);)tj et q 0 0 595.276 841.89 re w n q 0 tc 0 g /gs2 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q q endstream endobj 1583 0 obj <> endobj 1584 0 obj <>/procset[/pdf/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream q 0 72.756 596.752 211.653 re w n q /gs0 gs /perceptual ri 596.751684 0 0 214.5766693 0.0002747 71.3684214 cm /im0 do q q endstream endobj 1585 0 obj <> endobj 1586 0 obj <>stream ����adobed��     '$''''$25552;;;;;;;;;;   %%#(((((#,0000,7;;;7;;;;;;;;;;   %%#(((((#,0000,7;;;7;;;;;;;;;;   %%#(((((#,0000,7;;;7;;;;;;;;;;��;��r�""���   [!1"aq2aq�#����br�$35crsbs����mct������� &'()*6789:efghijtuvwxyzdefghijuvwxyz���������������������������������������������������������������� m!1aqq"a�2���#br���3b���4csr��� $�ds�� 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65.4769211 65.4769211 -0 266.0072899 205.0532379 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q endstream endobj 1591 0 obj <> endobj 1592 0 obj <> endobj 1593 0 obj <> endobj 1594 0 obj <> endobj 1595 0 obj <>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 12 0 0 12 27.8451 53.8195 tm (4)tj et q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q bt 0.028 tc 10 0 0 10 62.3622 657.2117 tm [(\225 )-2000.8 (qinghai branch \(mainly engaged in producing primary aluminum and alloy \ products\);)]tj 0 -3 td [(\225 )-2000.8 (guizhou branch \(mainly engaged in mining bauxite and producing alloy pr\ oducts\);)]tj -0.028 tw t* (subsidiaries:)tj 0.04 tc 0.08 tw t* [(\225)12.2 ( )-1908.9 (chalco)12.2 ( shanxi)12.2 ( new)12.2 ( )0.5 (material)12.2 ( co)12.2 (.)12.2 (,)12.2 ( )0.5 (ltd)12.2 (.)12.2 (*)12.2 ( \()]tj /c0_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 22.408 0 td <02951259028604130e2d04bf08d803de082202ae0321>tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.092 tw (\) \(\223)tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.04 tc 0.08 tw [(shanxi)12.2 ( )0.5 (new)12.2 ( material)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 23.785 0 td (\224\) )tj 0 tw -43.359 -1.5 td (\(mainly engaged in producing alumina products, primary aluminum and all\ oy products\);)tj 0.053 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)25.2 ( )-1897.9 (fushun)14 ( aluminum)14 ( co)14 (.)13.9 (,)14 ( ltd)14 (.)14 ( \()14 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.788 0 td [(fushun)14 ( aluminum)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.621 0 td [(\224)14 (\))14 ( \()14 (mainly)13.9 ( engaged)14 ( in)14 ( producing)14 ( carbon)25.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw -24.574 -1.5 td (products\);)tj 0.043 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)15.2 ( )-1907.9 (zunyi)14.1 ( aluminum)14 ( co)14.1 (.)14 (,)14 ( ltd)14 (.)14 ( \()14 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 16.573 0 td [(zunyi)14.1 ( aluminum)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 8.594 0 td [(\224)14 (\))14.1 ( \()14.1 (mainly)14.1 ( engaged)14 ( in)14 ( producing)14 ( alumina)14 ( and)15.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -22.333 -1.5 td (primary aluminum products\);)tj 0.027 tc -2.835 -3 td [(\225)-0.8 ( )-2001.9 (shandong huayu alloy materials co., ltd. \(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf (shandong huayu)tj /t1_0 1 tf [(\224\) \(mainly engaged in producing)-0.8 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 2.835 -1.5 td (alloy and carbon products\);)tj 0.05 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)22.2 ( )-1900.8 (baotou)13.7 ( aluminum)13.7 ( co)13.7 (.)13.7 (,)13.7 ( ltd)13.7 (.)13.7 ( \()13.7 (\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 17.6 0 td [(baotou)13.7 ( aluminum)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 9.525 0 td [(\224)13.7 (\))13.7 ( \()13.7 (mainly)13.6 ( engaged)13.7 ( in)13.7 ( producing)13.7 ( primary)22.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw -24.291 -1.5 td (aluminum and alloy products\);)tj 0.054 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225 )-1946.8 (chalco mining co., ltd. \(\223)]tj /t1_1 1 tf (chalco mining)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\) \(mainly engaged in mining bauxite and producing )tj 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (alumina products\);)tj et q 0 0 595.276 841.89 re w n q 0 tc 0 g /gs2 gs 0 tl/fm1 do q q endstream endobj 1596 0 obj <> endobj 1597 0 obj <>/procset[/pdf/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream q -1.023 72.756 596.299 211.653 re w n q /gs0 gs /perceptual ri 596.2984252 0 0 213.7302942 -1.0229385 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319.858 536.152 l 319.849 535.619 319.849 535.619 319.811 534.616 c 319.811 534.616 l 319.855 534.604 319.909 534.582 319.948 534.559 c 319.948 534.559 l 319.959 534.503 319.959 534.503 319.789 534.114 c 319.789 534.114 l 319.805 534.093 319.825 534.069 319.846 534.05 c 319.846 534.05 l 319.839 534.038 319.33 532.85 318.871 532.81 c 318.871 532.81 l 318.862 532.799 318.045 531.647 318.522 531.354 c 318.522 531.354 l 318.568 531.318 318.568 531.306 318.567 531.294 c 318.567 531.294 l 318.56 531.285 318.558 531.277 318.557 531.263 c 318.557 531.263 l 318.554 531.255 318.553 531.246 318.552 531.232 c 318.552 531.232 l 318.547 531.225 318.543 531.213 318.539 531.202 c 318.539 531.202 l 318.535 531.194 318.535 531.182 318.535 531.173 c 318.535 531.173 l 318.532 531.162 318.531 531.152 318.526 531.141 c 318.526 531.141 l 318.522 531.13 318.521 531.121 318.519 531.108 c 318.519 531.108 l 318.514 531.101 318.511 531.091 318.509 531.079 c 318.509 531.079 l 318.531 531.081 318.554 531.083 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325.194 541.613 325.193 541.613 c 325.193 541.613 l 325.174 541.623 325.155 541.642 325.136 541.655 c 325.136 541.655 l 325.155 541.907 325.155 541.907 325.12 541.948 c 325.12 541.948 l 324.737 541.451 324.737 541.451 324.609 541.407 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 80.4237563 80.4237563 0 321.9734545 536.2887521 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 321.107 541.026 m 321.101 541.026 l 321.101 541.025 l 321.097 541.025 l 321.096 541.025 l 320.999 541.006 320.931 540.96 320.908 540.803 c 320.908 540.803 l 321.078 540.83 321.082 540.833 321.101 540.964 c 321.101 540.964 l 321.101 540.983 321.107 541.003 321.109 541.028 c 321.109 541.028 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 80.4237563 80.4237563 0 321.0092027 536.2887521 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 321.645 540.559 m 321.642 540.559 l 321.635 540.559 l 321.632 540.557 321.632 540.557 321.626 540.557 c 321.626 540.557 l 321.621 540.557 l 321.62 540.557 321.619 540.556 v 321.619 540.556 l 321.613 540.556 321.612 540.554 321.611 540.554 c 321.611 540.554 l 321.604 540.554 l 321.601 540.554 l 321.597 540.554 321.597 540.553 y 321.597 540.553 l 321.592 540.55 321.591 540.55 y 321.591 540.55 l 321.583 540.55 l 321.58 540.549 321.58 540.549 321.576 540.549 c 321.576 540.549 l 321.574 540.549 l 321.565 540.549 l 321.565 540.546 321.565 540.546 321.562 540.546 c 321.562 540.546 l 321.555 540.546 l 321.552 540.546 l 321.551 540.546 321.547 540.544 321.543 540.544 c 321.543 540.544 l 321.541 540.542 321.54 540.542 v 321.54 540.542 l 321.533 540.542 l 321.532 540.542 321.53 540.539 y 321.53 540.539 l 321.529 540.538 321.525 540.538 y 321.525 540.538 l 321.521 540.538 l 321.517 540.538 321.514 540.535 321.512 540.535 c 321.512 540.535 l 321.506 540.535 l 321.502 540.535 l 321.496 540.535 l 321.494 540.534 321.492 540.534 321.488 540.533 c 321.488 540.533 l 321.484 540.533 l 321.482 540.533 321.482 540.529 321.478 540.529 c 321.478 540.529 l 321.475 540.529 l 321.468 540.482 321.475 540.438 321.484 540.414 c 321.484 540.414 l 321.502 540.378 321.543 540.319 321.645 540.55 c 321.645 540.55 l 321.645 540.554 321.648 540.557 321.648 540.561 c 321.648 540.561 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 80.4237563 80.4237563 0 321.5607094 536.2887521 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 324.126 540.58 m 324.11 540.575 324.092 540.571 324.076 540.561 c 324.076 540.561 l 324.095 540.571 324.095 540.571 324.076 540.479 c 324.076 540.479 l 324.063 540.409 324.08 540.382 324.133 540.393 c 324.133 540.393 l 324.127 540.445 324.152 540.496 324.163 540.546 c 324.163 540.546 l 324.168 540.574 324.158 540.581 324.14 540.581 c 324.14 540.581 l 324.136 540.581 324.131 540.58 324.126 540.58 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 80.4237563 80.4237563 0 324.118325 536.2887521 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 334.051 537.783 m 334.014 537.765 334.006 537.704 334.016 537.677 c 334.016 537.677 l 334.039 537.612 334.126 537.631 334.149 537.673 c 334.149 537.673 l 334.167 537.715 334.117 537.784 334.064 537.784 c 334.064 537.784 l 334.06 537.784 334.056 537.784 334.051 537.783 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 80.4237563 80.4237563 0 334.0825077 536.2887521 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 329.971 536.13 m 329.957 536.112 329.957 536.112 329.871 536.076 c 329.871 536.076 l 329.856 536.07 329.811 536.056 329.794 536.008 c 329.794 536.008 l 329.781 535.975 329.736 535.774 y 329.736 535.774 l 329.731 535.647 329.909 535.775 330.016 535.872 c 330.016 535.872 l 330.055 535.907 330.072 536.123 330.071 536.126 c 330.071 536.126 l 330.071 536.21 330.048 536.245 330.015 536.279 c 330.015 536.279 l 330 536.227 330.001 536.174 329.971 536.13 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 80.4237563 80.4237563 0 329.9037463 536.2887521 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 328.078 534.936 m 328.042 534.863 328.108 534.72 328.143 534.698 c 328.143 534.698 l 328.183 534.672 328.183 534.672 328.398 534.731 c 328.398 534.731 l 328.403 534.731 328.411 534.734 328.418 534.738 c 328.418 534.738 l 328.437 534.872 328.455 535.009 328.471 535.145 c 328.471 535.145 l 328.342 535.104 328.118 535.022 328.078 534.936 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 0.4636814 0.4636814 0 328.2695423 534.681646 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 244.891 531.777 m 244.911 531.782 244.935 531.836 244.909 531.885 c 244.909 531.885 l 244.904 531.896 244.895 531.906 244.885 531.916 c 244.885 531.916 l 244.875 531.922 244.864 531.929 244.852 531.936 c 244.852 531.936 l 244.848 531.938 244.842 531.938 244.84 531.938 c 244.84 531.938 l 244.821 531.938 244.835 531.904 244.891 531.777 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 0.1611857 0.1611857 0 244.8758046 531.7772975 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 269.619 521.083 m 269.62 521.083 l 269.62 521.085 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 0.0014997 0.0014997 0 269.6204318 521.082973 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 269.62 521.085 m 269.625 521.082 269.626 521.077 269.626 521.073 c 269.626 521.073 l 269.643 521.02 269.667 520.992 269.683 520.978 c 269.683 520.978 l 269.724 520.942 269.774 520.933 269.775 520.954 c 269.775 520.954 l 269.774 520.962 l 269.763 520.995 269.668 521.087 269.633 521.09 c 269.633 521.09 l 269.626 521.09 269.625 521.09 269.62 521.085 c w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0 0.1473501 0.1473501 0 269.6977694 520.94291 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 101.995 461.043 391.285 204.573 re w n 0.761 0.436 0.237 0 k 0.605 w /gs1 gs q 1 0 0 1 291.5277 508.2984 cm 0 0 m -33.282 0 -60.261 26.979 -60.261 60.261 c -60.261 93.544 -33.282 120.523 0 120.523 c 33.283 120.523 60.263 93.544 60.263 60.261 c 60.263 26.979 33.283 0 0 0 c h s q q q 247.824 493.259 m 254.614 506.566 l 249.316 512.515 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs -6.6120572 3.3736593 3.3736593 6.6120572 251.8762748 501.2002069 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 247.824 493.259 m 247.824 493.259 l 262.54 505.768 l 254.614 506.566 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs -6.6121557 3.3737095 3.3737095 6.6121557 258.4884207 497.8265007 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 319.369 633.035 m 327.161 631.375 l 335.362 643.861 l 335.362 643.861 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs -6.2039849 4.0757146 -4.0757146 -6.2039849 330.4674485 636.4099615 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 327.161 631.375 m 331.778 624.883 l 335.362 643.861 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs -6.2040774 4.0757755 -4.0757755 -6.2040774 336.6715343 632.334193 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 361.424 575.777 m 363.778 568.167 l 378.678 567.101 l 378.678 567.101 l 361.424 575.778 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0.5301918 7.4040379 -7.4040379 0.5301918 369.7863259 567.7369695 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 360.364 560.969 m 360.364 560.969 l 378.679 567.101 l 363.778 568.167 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 0.5301997 7.4041485 -7.4041485 0.5301997 369.2561169 560.3328265 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 204.509 570.019 m 219.436 570.587 l 222.044 578.114 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs -0.2817316 7.4176487 7.4176487 0.2817316 213.4169459 570.3582399 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 204.509 570.019 m 222.607 563.279 l 219.436 570.587 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs -0.2817358 7.4177588 7.4177588 0.2817358 213.698678 562.9404736 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 331.136 508.169 m 338.477 495.158 l 336.181 514.335 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 6.4649655 3.6476156 -3.6476156 6.4649655 334.0968747 502.9226837 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 323.251 507.039 m 338.477 495.159 l 338.477 495.159 l 331.136 508.169 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 6.4650617 3.64767 -3.64767 6.4650617 327.6318041 499.2750126 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 253.427 629.831 m 261.143 631.814 l 244.709 641.962 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 6.0278488 4.3319648 4.3319648 -6.0278488 249.9119729 634.7223796 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q q 249.087 623.15 m 253.427 629.831 l 244.709 641.962 l h w n q 0 g /gs1 gs 6.0279385 4.3320294 4.3320294 -6.0279385 243.8840385 630.3903409 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q bt 0.75 0.6 0.5 0 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.015 tc 9.7469 0 0 9.7469 371.7284 654.5236 tm [(p)20 (rimar)-40 (y aluminum )]tj -0.256 -1.2 td [(production capacit)-19.9 (y )]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.015 tw 15.5951 0 0 15.5951 393.1621 625.2828 tm [(no)20 (.2 )]tj 0 tw -1.698 -1.125 td [(in the w)20 (or)40 (ld)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.7469 0 0 9.7469 383.5594 583.8261 tm [(high-purit)-20 (y aluminum )]tj 0.437 -1.2 td [(production capacit)-19.9 (y)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.015 tw 15.5951 0 0 15.5951 411.7479 554.5853 tm [(no)20 (.1 )]tj 0 tw -1.698 -1.125 td [(in the w)20 (or)39.9 (ld)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.7469 0 0 9.7469 116.7307 583.8261 tm [(r)20 (e\037ned alumina )]tj 0.015 tw 1.714 -1.2 td [(capacit)-20 (y)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 15.5951 0 0 15.5951 133.7983 554.5853 tm [(no)20 (.1 )]tj 0 tw -1.698 -1.125 td [(in the w)20 (or)39.9 (ld)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.7469 0 0 9.7469 121.133 654.2966 tm [(alumina production capacit)-20 (y)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.015 tw 15.5951 0 0 15.5951 163.4351 636.7521 tm [(no)20 (.1 )]tj 0 tw -1.698 -1.125 td [(in the w)20 (or)40 (ld)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.7469 0 0 9.7469 123.2233 502.8099 tm [(carbon production capacit)-19.9 (y)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.015 tw 15.5951 0 0 15.5951 163.4346 485.2655 tm [(no)20 (.1 )]tj 0 tw -1.698 -1.125 td [(in the w)20 (or)39.9 (ld)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 9.7469 0 0 9.7469 344.3804 503.1327 tm [(a)15.1 (ssets scale in the same industr)-40.1 (y)]tj /t1_2 1 tf 0.015 tw 15.5951 0 0 15.5951 398.7252 485.5882 tm [(no)20 (.1 )]tj 0 tw -1.698 -1.125 td [(in the w)20.1 (or)40 (ld)]tj et emc bt 0 0 0 1 k /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.055 tc 0.077 tw 10 0 0 10 62.3622 425.0346 tm [(a)0.5 (l)0.5 (u)0.5 (mi)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)14.4 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (or)0.5 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)14.3 ( o)0.5 (f)14.3 ( c)0.5 (h)0.5 (in)0.5 (a)14.4 ( l)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)14.3 ( \()14.4 (\223)]tj /t1_3 1 tf -0.055 tw 21.145 0 td [(c)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (lc)0.5 (o)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.041 tc 0.091 tw 3.536 0 td [(\224 o)-13.5 (r t)-13.5 (h)-13.5 (e \223)]tj /t1_3 1 tf 0.055 tc -0.055 tw [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (mp)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)]tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.077 tw 9.927 0 td [(\224)14.4 (\))14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)14.4 ( a)14.4 ( j)0.5 (o)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)14.3 ( s)0.5 (t)0.5 (oc)0.5 (k)14.4 ( l)0.5 (i)0.5 (m)0.5 (i)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (d)27.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw -34.608 -1.5 td [(company)10.2 ( established)10.2 ( )0.5 (in)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )0.5 (people)10.2 (\222)10.2 (s)10.2 ( republic)10.2 ( )0.5 (of)10.2 ( )0.5 (china)10.2 ( )0.5 (\()10.2 (the)10.2 ( )0.5 (\223)]tj /t1_3 1 tf -0.038 tw 30.075 0 td (prc)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.082 tw 2.05 0 td [(\224)10.2 (\))10.2 (;)10.2 ( its)10.2 ( )0.5 (shares)10.2 ( are)10.2 ( listed)10.1 ( )0.5 (on)10.2 ( the)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.084 tw -32.124 -1.5 td (stock exchange of hong kong limited \(the \223)tj /t1_3 1 tf (hong kong stock exchange)tj /t1_0 1 tf (\224\), the new york stock )tj 0 tw 0 -1.5 td (exchange and the shanghai stock exchange, respectively.)tj 0.065 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(the)13.8 ( company)13.8 ( and)13.7 ( its)13.8 ( subsidiaries)13.7 ( \()13.8 (collectively)13.8 ( referred)13.7 ( to)13.7 ( as)13.8 ( the)13.8 ( \223)]tj /t1_3 1 tf -0.065 tw 34.15 0 td (group)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.078 tw 3.312 0 td [(\224)13.8 (\))13.7 ( is)13.7 ( the)13.8 ( only)13.7 ( large)37.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0.031 tw -37.462 -1.5 td [(manufacturer and )0.5 (operator in aluminum industry in )0.5 (china with integration of mining of bauxite, coal )]tj 0.077 tw 0 -1.5 td (and other resources; production, sales and technology research of alumin\ a, primary aluminum and )tj 0.044 tc 0.078 tw t* [(aluminum)13.8 ( alloy)13.8 ( products)13.8 (;)13.8 ( international)13.8 ( trade)13.7 (;)13.8 ( logistics)13.7 ( business)13.7 (;)13.8 ( thermal)13.7 ( and)13.8 ( new)13.8 ( energy)13.8 ( power)16.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw t* (generation.)tj 0.093 tc 0.077 tw 0 -3 td [(t)0.5 (he)14.4 ( g)0.5 (ro)0.5 (up)14.4 ( i)0.5 (s)14.3 ( a)14.4 ( l)0.5 (ea)0.5 (di)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)14.3 ( e)0.5 (nt)0.5 (e)0.5 (rp)0.5 (ri)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( no)0.5 (n)14.3 (-)14.4 (f)0.5 (er)0.5 (r)0.5 (ou)0.5 (s)14.3 ( m)0.5 (e)0.5 (ta)0.5 (l)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (du)0.5 (st)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)14.4 ( th)0.5 (e)14.4 ( pr)0.5 (c)14.4 (.)14.3 ( i)0.5 (n)14.3 ( t)0.5 (e)0.5 (rm)0.5 (s)14.3 ( of)65.2 ( )]tj 0.038 tc 0.082 tw 0 -1.5 td [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (mp)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (he)0.5 (n)0.5 (s)0.5 (i)0.5 (ve)10.2 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (t)0.5 (re)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)0.5 (th)10.2 (,)10.2 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (e)10.2 ( r)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (ke)0.5 (d)10.2 ( )0.5 (am)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)10.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)10.2 ( t)0.5 (o)0.5 (p)10.2 ( e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)0.5 (e)0.5 (rp)0.5 (r)0.5 (i)0.5 (s)0.5 (es)10.2 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)10.2 ( g)0.5 (l)0.5 (o)0.5 (b)0.5 (al)10.2 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (um)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.5 (u)0.5 (m)10.2 ( i)0.5 (n)0.5 (d)0.5 (us)0.5 (t)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)10.2 (.)10.2 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)10.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw t* (core competitiveness of the group is mainly reflected in:)tj 0.066 tc 0.078 tw 0 -3 td [(\225)38.2 ( )-1884.9 (its)14.2 ( )0.5 (clear)14.2 ( )0.5 (and)14.2 ( )0.5 (pragmatic)14.2 ( )0.5 (development)14.2 ( )0.5 (strategy)14.2 ( to)14.2 ( build)14.2 ( )0.5 (itself)14.2 ( into)14.2 ( )0.5 (a)14.2 ( top)14.2 (-)14.2 (notch)14.2 ( )0.5 (aluminum)38.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc 0 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (company with global competitiveness in the world;)tj 0.067 tc 0.078 tw -2.835 -3 td [(\225)39.2 ( )-1883.8 (its)13.6 ( ownership)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( stable)13.6 ( and)13.6 ( reliable)13.6 ( supply)13.6 ( of)13.6 ( bauxite)13.6 ( resources)13.6 ( to)13.6 ( ensure)13.6 ( sustainable)39.2 ( )]tj 0.028 tc -0.028 tw 2.835 -1.5 td (development;)tj et endstream endobj 1619 0 obj <> endobj 1620 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/font<>/procset[/pdf/text/imagec]/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream bt 0 0 0 1 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs /t1_0 1 tf 0.028 tc 0.125 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr 7.5 0 0 7.5 62.3622 55.3796 tm [(aluminum corpora)75.2 (tion of china limited)]tj et q -14.173 695.905 609.448 160.158 re w n q /gs1 gs 610.458076 0 0 161.3301952 -14.1733398 694.7328541 cm /im0 do q q bt 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs1 gs /t1_1 1 tf -0.016 tc 0.006 tw 20 0 0 20 62.3622 722.3699 tm [(c)-16.7 (or)-12.1 (p)-3 (or)-9.1 (a)-14.1 (t)-13.6 (e)-6 ( p)-9.6 (r)-11.7 (o)-24.3 (\037)-9.9 (le)]tj et endstream endobj 1621 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/shading<>>>/subtype/form>>stream q 231.267 568.88 m 231.267 568.24 l 231.44 535.106 258.354 508.298 291.528 508.298 c 291.528 508.298 l 324.811 508.298 351.791 535.278 351.791 568.56 c 351.791 568.56 l 351.791 601.843 324.811 628.821 291.528 628.821 c 291.528 628.821 l 258.354 628.821 231.44 602.014 231.267 568.88 c w n q 0 g /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 60.261924 0 0 -60.261924 291.5287154 568.5600354 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q endstream endobj 1622 0 obj <>>>/subtype/form>>stream q 231.848 508.674 120.12 120.07 re w n 0.761 0.436 0.237 0 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 288.4589 627.7339 cm 0 0 m 0.062 -0.446 l 5.777 0.221 l 5.771 0.669 l 4.66 0.771 l h -0.253 -0.725 m -0.292 -1.164 l -0.123 -1.215 l 10.629 -0.526 l 10.676 -0.085 l 9.077 0.365 l h 0.212 -1.436 m 1.084 -2.051 l 14.75 -1.986 l 12.627 -0.64 l h -7.449 -2.485 m -7.254 -2.89 l -3.233 -1.214 l -3.297 -0.783 l -4.175 -0.696 l h -5.796 -2.544 m -5.642 -2.966 l -0.544 -1.34 l -1.912 -0.926 l h -6.824 -0.784 m -9.469 -2.792 l -9.276 -3.208 l -5.538 -1.165 l -5.653 -0.743 l h -4.857 -2.969 m -4.737 -3.403 l 0.756 -2.114 l -0.159 -1.47 l h -9.727 -1.176 m -11.546 -3.509 l -11.232 -3.827 l -7.306 -0.845 l h -4.738 -3.65 m -4.652 -4.093 l 1.379 -3.174 l 0.977 -2.311 l h 1.236 -2.291 m 1.637 -3.152 l 16.199 -4.093 l 15.092 -2.225 l h 14.309 -1.421 m 15.18 -1.972 l 26.013 -4.552 l 26.18 -4.141 l 24.32 -3.024 l 14.475 -1.01 l h -5.36 -4.444 m -5.311 -4.891 l 1.242 -4.466 l 1.41 -3.411 l h -12.735 -1.847 m -13.103 -5.113 l -10.096 -1.254 l h -15.673 -2.747 m -13.363 -5.25 l -12.989 -1.918 l h -18.431 -3.827 m -13.664 -5.281 l -15.924 -2.831 l h -20.958 -5.06 m -16.003 -5.283 l -15.927 -4.843 l -18.783 -3.971 l h -6.543 -5.212 m -6.537 -5.662 l 0.345 -5.922 l 1.116 -4.716 l h -22.37 -5.902 m -22.227 -6.315 l -17.973 -5.884 l -17.987 -5.435 l -21.394 -5.281 l h 1.486 -4.48 m 16.183 -6.673 l 16.292 -4.408 l 16.074 -4.327 l 1.659 -3.396 l h -8.084 -6.293 m -1.266 -7.459 l 0.118 -6.154 l -8.038 -5.846 l h -23.616 -6.699 m -24.283 -7.262 l -24.091 -7.655 l -19.809 -6.763 l -19.877 -6.319 l h 16.502 -4.126 m 29.999 -8.069 l 28.082 -5.29 l 15.412 -2.287 l h -9.697 -6.714 m -3.505 -8.993 l -1.542 -7.656 l -9.581 -6.281 l h -25.334 -8.16 m -26.213 -9.269 l -21.062 -7.73 l -21.172 -7.294 l h 0.665 -5.872 m 0.903 -6.048 l 14.657 -9.601 l 16.109 -6.905 l 1.407 -4.711 l h -11.148 -6.909 m -6.252 -10.434 l -3.786 -9.147 l -10.939 -6.515 l h -26.45 -9.592 m -26.818 -10.637 l -21.524 -8.589 l -21.668 -8.163 l h -31.8 -10.487 m -32.717 -11.239 l -32.469 -11.612 l -27.122 -8.813 l -27.321 -8.41 l h -12.269 -6.932 m -9.347 -11.7 l -6.51 -10.546 l -11.946 -6.632 l h -26.881 -10.919 m -26.697 -11.852 l -21.166 -9.191 l -21.345 -8.778 l h 16.424 -6.729 m 30.364 -11.906 l 30.177 -8.371 l 16.536 -4.387 l h -13.043 -6.948 m -12.61 -12.719 l -9.582 -11.782 l -12.627 -6.813 l h -1.007 -7.548 m 11.666 -12.726 l 14.488 -9.806 l 0.444 -6.178 l h -26.581 -12.064 m -25.815 -12.833 l -20.142 -9.464 l -20.354 -9.069 l h -15.855 -13.438 m -12.849 -12.784 l -13.268 -7.221 l -13.705 -7.165 l h -25.564 -12.965 m -24.212 -13.518 l -18.679 -9.4 l -18.928 -9.026 l h -18.915 -13.828 m -16.13 -13.492 l -14.188 -7.822 l -14.585 -7.621 l h -23.89 -13.578 m -21.978 -13.867 l -17.04 -9.039 l -17.331 -8.698 l h -21.638 -13.873 m -19.234 -13.859 l -15.478 -8.477 l -15.82 -8.186 l h 29.055 -6.272 m 30.377 -8.188 l 40.903 -14.121 l 41.194 -13.79 l 39.195 -11.123 l 29.344 -5.945 l h -35.219 -13.323 m -36.287 -14.618 l -35.999 -14.956 l -26.627 -9.402 l -26.506 -9.25 l -26.786 -8.911 l h -3.269 -9.123 m 7.336 -15.87 l 11.45 -12.897 l -1.212 -7.724 l h 14.885 -9.688 m 28.529 -16.279 l 30.332 -12.152 l 16.354 -6.961 l h -27.303 -10.084 m -37.543 -16.152 l -38.494 -18.461 l -27.122 -10.766 l -26.785 -9.809 l h -6.063 -10.608 m 1.889 -18.844 l 7.103 -16.008 l -3.494 -9.266 l h 30.613 -12.016 m 42.781 -19.736 l 42.166 -15.111 l 30.426 -8.493 l h 41.656 -14.003 m 42.359 -14.941 l 48.632 -20.854 l 48.964 -20.552 l 47.905 -19.177 l 41.99 -13.703 l h 11.886 -12.846 m 24.506 -20.979 l 28.396 -16.483 l 14.745 -9.888 l h -38.631 -18.845 m -38.43 -21.007 l -26.919 -11.98 l -27.104 -11.046 l h -9.229 -11.913 m -4.356 -21.453 l 1.656 -18.951 l -6.293 -10.718 l h -38.36 -21.259 m -36.877 -23.109 l -26.009 -12.982 l -26.796 -12.19 l h -12.584 -12.963 m -11.007 -23.529 l -4.586 -21.535 l -9.459 -11.997 l h -36.68 -23.256 m -33.876 -24.643 l -24.397 -13.703 l -25.809 -13.126 l h -15.931 -13.702 m -17.647 -24.942 l -11.245 -23.591 l -12.821 -13.025 l h 28.74 -16.403 m 40.905 -25.47 l 42.788 -20.027 l 30.551 -12.263 l h -33.618 -24.714 m -29.556 -25.51 l -22.14 -14.086 l -24.146 -13.784 l h -19.083 -14.09 m -23.859 -25.615 l -17.9 -24.986 l -16.184 -13.74 l h -21.869 -14.115 m -29.279 -25.527 l -24.129 -25.633 l -19.352 -14.101 l h 7.533 -16.026 m 18.419 -25.737 l 24.319 -21.147 l 11.7 -13.014 l h -45.86 -24.706 m -46.437 -25.974 l -46.808 -26.81 l -46.435 -27.053 l -38.89 -18.75 l -38.439 -17.687 l -38.807 -17.444 l h 43.05 -19.921 m 52.624 -29.486 l 51.598 -23.979 l 42.443 -15.357 l h 2.048 -19.033 m 10.573 -30.238 l 18.208 -25.872 l 7.324 -16.163 l h 24.698 -21.128 m 36.219 -31.644 l 40.795 -25.69 l 28.609 -16.607 l h -47.663 -28.765 m -47.593 -32.144 l -38.657 -21.202 l -38.855 -19.071 l h -4.251 -21.671 m 1.438 -34.166 l 10.35 -30.346 l 1.826 -19.142 l h -47.558 -32.486 m -45.604 -35.499 l -37.041 -23.291 l -38.533 -21.432 l h 41.103 -25.638 m 50.883 -36.43 l 52.678 -29.884 l 42.987 -20.2 l h -10.967 -23.769 m -8.369 -37.234 l 1.209 -34.251 l -4.48 -21.754 l h 18.588 -25.911 m 28.829 -37.901 l 36.05 -31.82 l 24.521 -21.296 l h -45.433 -35.679 m -41.481 -38.041 l -34.015 -24.845 l -36.85 -23.441 l h 52.165 -25.689 m 52.93 -29.804 l 58.665 -39.153 l 59.076 -38.989 l 58.083 -34.341 l 52.576 -25.529 l h -17.675 -25.195 m -18.163 -39.228 l -8.606 -37.296 l -11.204 -23.829 l h -41.252 -38.131 m -35.361 -39.604 l -29.667 -25.734 l -33.783 -24.928 l h -23.949 -25.866 m -27.271 -40.031 l -18.408 -39.266 l -17.921 -25.23 l h -35.111 -39.636 m -27.523 -40.039 l -24.202 -25.872 l -29.417 -25.766 l h -53.553 -39.936 m -53.623 -43.342 l -53.195 -43.445 l -47.831 -32.45 l -47.881 -30.065 l -48.305 -29.965 l h 10.71 -30.439 m 19.082 -43.811 l 28.63 -38.042 l 18.387 -26.049 l h 36.387 -31.821 m 45.873 -43.858 l 50.788 -36.686 l 40.972 -25.856 l h 51.074 -36.659 m 57.85 -48.274 l 59.487 -40.961 l 52.857 -30.151 l h 1.534 -34.388 m 7.578 -48.923 l 18.864 -43.924 l 10.493 -30.548 l h -53.64 -44.912 m -51.389 -49.071 l -45.744 -35.727 l -47.694 -32.723 l h 28.976 -38.095 m 37.681 -51.368 l 45.715 -44.05 l 36.216 -31.996 l h -51.225 -49.308 m -46.416 -52.705 l -41.582 -38.262 l -45.549 -35.891 l h -8.32 -37.471 m -4.857 -52.827 l 7.351 -49.008 l 1.306 -34.472 l h -56.159 -51.616 m -56.235 -53.741 l -55.789 -53.795 l -53.902 -44.921 l -53.867 -43.381 l -54.312 -43.327 l h -46.197 -52.819 m -38.865 -55.089 l -35.433 -39.835 l -41.356 -38.353 l h -18.162 -39.474 m -17.292 -55.232 l -5.094 -52.887 l -8.556 -37.532 l h -38.625 -55.134 m -29.051 -55.992 l -27.56 -40.279 l -35.191 -39.872 l h -27.316 -40.276 m -28.807 -55.994 l -17.535 -55.264 l -18.404 -39.507 l h 46.022 -44.071 m 52.783 -56.619 l 57.76 -48.6 l 50.935 -36.903 l h 19.2 -44.021 m 26.67 -58.425 l 37.489 -51.517 l 28.777 -38.236 l h 58.026 -48.597 m 61.258 -59.204 l 61.695 -59.181 l 62.998 -52.48 l 59.635 -41.417 l h -56.364 -57.664 m -53.928 -62.795 l -51.502 -49.37 l -53.726 -45.262 l h 7.669 -49.147 m 13.531 -64.461 l 26.456 -58.542 l 18.986 -44.133 l h 37.806 -51.582 m 44.277 -64.994 l 52.626 -56.839 l 45.846 -44.258 l h -53.744 -63.14 m -48.349 -67.494 l -46.482 -52.954 l -51.288 -49.559 l h 61.675 -60.556 m 61.926 -68.574 l 62.372 -68.607 l 63.267 -63.726 l 63.078 -55.673 l 62.632 -55.635 l h 52.907 -56.879 m 56.597 -68.932 l 61.415 -60.557 l 57.862 -48.894 l h -4.801 -53.062 m -0.763 -68.969 l 13.303 -64.549 l 7.441 -49.233 l h -48.123 -67.644 m -39.78 -70.709 l -38.901 -55.329 l -46.25 -53.055 l h -17.271 -55.474 m -15.08 -71.59 l -0.999 -69.028 l -5.037 -53.122 l h -39.54 -70.773 m -28.557 -72.158 l -29.059 -56.234 l -38.66 -55.373 l h -28.816 -56.236 m -28.314 -72.17 l -15.321 -71.617 l -17.511 -55.504 l h 26.774 -58.645 m 32.694 -72.802 l 44.085 -65.157 l 37.607 -51.73 l h -56.286 -59.404 m -55.776 -69.935 l -53.772 -74.476 l -53.341 -74.373 l -53.995 -63.219 l -55.858 -59.296 l h 44.378 -65.233 m 48.214 -77.684 l 56.427 -69.203 l 52.718 -57.088 l h 13.614 -64.688 m 18.769 -79.404 l 32.483 -72.926 l 26.558 -58.761 l h 56.687 -69.265 m 57.318 -79.927 l 61.785 -71.783 l 61.44 -61.003 l h -52.988 -76.229 m -47.271 -81.301 l -48.373 -67.785 l -53.738 -63.455 l h -0.7 -69.202 m 3.547 -84.226 l 18.541 -79.493 l 13.386 -64.776 l h -47.008 -81.509 m -38.116 -85.225 l -39.781 -70.966 l -48.12 -67.903 l h 32.783 -73.036 m 36.734 -85.76 l 48.017 -77.868 l 44.172 -65.39 l h -15.039 -71.827 m -11.737 -86.874 l 3.31 -84.283 l -0.937 -69.261 l h -37.861 -85.311 m -26.127 -87.179 l -28.537 -72.404 l -39.53 -71.018 l h -28.289 -72.411 m -25.876 -87.202 l -11.982 -86.896 l -15.28 -71.855 l h 57.35 -80.372 m 55.74 -87.059 l 56.156 -87.217 l 59.125 -81.702 l 61.046 -74.558 l 60.632 -74.392 l h 48.285 -77.959 m 49.421 -88.555 l 57.096 -80.311 l 56.458 -69.519 l h 18.844 -79.635 m 22.88 -92.505 l 36.522 -85.893 l 32.564 -73.155 l h -49.227 -87.784 m -44.12 -92.577 l -43.753 -92.343 l -47.231 -81.66 l -52.854 -76.671 l h 36.801 -86.01 m 38.637 -96.397 l 49.2 -88.776 l 48.059 -78.133 l h 49.443 -88.887 m 48.124 -96.992 l 54.887 -89.566 l 56.995 -80.776 l h 3.616 -84.456 m 7.693 -97.337 l 22.653 -92.598 l 18.618 -79.722 l h -43.119 -93.503 m -34.154 -97.591 l -38.07 -85.505 l -46.928 -81.805 l h -11.675 -87.108 m -7.601 -99.86 l 7.455 -97.392 l 3.379 -84.515 l h -33.86 -97.71 m -22.056 -99.906 l -26.073 -87.432 l -37.795 -85.566 l h -25.814 -87.441 m -21.788 -99.942 l -7.851 -99.876 l -11.92 -87.135 l h 48.048 -97.434 m 47.414 -98.473 l 46.336 -100.251 l 46.696 -100.519 l 50.234 -96.612 l 52.439 -93.278 l 52.086 -93.002 l h -47.555 -90.295 m -42.912 -97.247 l -39.119 -100.889 l -38.775 -100.603 l -43.3 -93.688 l -47.214 -90.005 l h 22.948 -92.74 m 25.628 -102.864 l 38.415 -96.54 l 36.575 -86.135 l h 38.67 -96.671 m 38.494 -104.17 l 47.824 -97.308 l 49.161 -89.102 l h -36.956 -102.941 m -36.872 -103.01 l -28.399 -107.077 l -34.038 -97.909 l -42.889 -93.874 l h 7.771 -97.565 m 11.354 -107.42 l 25.401 -102.958 l 22.721 -92.83 l h 38.466 -104.492 m 36.652 -108.844 l 44.266 -103.198 l 46.93 -98.806 l 46.604 -98.507 l h -28.003 -107.257 m -16.797 -109.556 l -21.958 -100.17 l -33.708 -97.983 l h -7.508 -100.089 m -3.058 -109.707 l 11.115 -107.474 l 7.533 -97.623 l h -21.673 -100.182 m -16.492 -109.608 l -3.32 -109.717 l -7.763 -100.117 l h 25.684 -103.105 m 26.953 -109.998 l 38.246 -104.341 l 38.423 -96.805 l h -34.813 -104.758 m -29.005 -109.615 l -23.144 -112.485 l -22.896 -112.114 l -28.125 -107.486 l -34.571 -104.383 l h 26.985 -110.252 m 26.959 -113.814 l 36.278 -109.116 l 38.128 -104.668 l h 11.447 -107.644 m 14.312 -114.046 l 26.724 -110.096 l 25.453 -103.195 l h -20.853 -113.599 m -10.893 -115.752 l -16.626 -109.838 l -27.661 -107.573 l h -2.915 -109.928 m 1.519 -116.022 l 14.071 -114.099 l 11.207 -107.704 l h -10.475 -115.834 m 1.222 -116.028 l -3.192 -109.959 l -16.276 -109.851 l h 14.437 -114.26 m 16.443 -117.194 l 26.714 -113.923 l 26.74 -110.344 l h -16.888 -115.161 m -12.959 -116.704 l -7.552 -117.889 l -7.412 -117.463 l -10.543 -116.079 l -16.758 -114.731 l h -8.917 -116.534 m -4.201 -118.618 l 5.368 -118.811 l 1.427 -116.272 l -8.823 -116.103 l h 1.796 -116.222 m 5.819 -118.814 l 16.186 -117.247 l 14.188 -114.325 l h -4.345 -118.856 m -4.255 -118.855 l -13.031 -116.933 l -20.92 -113.835 l -20.99 -113.796 l -21.008 -113.796 l -29.138 -109.815 l -37.045 -103.205 l -37.139 -103.123 l -43.099 -97.4 l -49.409 -87.954 l -49.429 -87.909 l -49.458 -87.868 l -52.375 -81.141 l -55.994 -70.055 l -56.007 -69.996 l -56.61 -57.74 l -56.608 -57.619 l -56.611 -57.614 l -56.399 -51.586 l -53.806 -39.936 l -53.784 -39.866 l -51.416 -34.572 l -46.122 -24.655 l -46.094 -24.611 l -42.636 -20.442 l -35.384 -13.145 l -31.953 -10.292 l -27.679 -7.591 l -27.611 -7.563 l -27.606 -7.553 l -22.718 -5.111 l -22.649 -5.087 l -22.645 -5.081 l -17.298 -2.958 l -17.225 -2.939 l -17.222 -2.934 l -11.642 -1.214 l -5.951 0.066 l -0.469 0.82 l 4.602 1.01 l 4.65 1.009 l 9.035 0.61 l 9.107 0.601 l 19.137 -1.325 l 24.364 -2.774 l 34.342 -7.955 l 39.289 -10.896 l 39.381 -10.968 l 39.392 -10.971 l 48.085 -19.016 l 51.778 -23.808 l 51.843 -23.902 l 58.293 -34.194 l 58.299 -34.215 58.307 -34.232 58.314 -34.248 c 61.679 -45.323 l 63.233 -52.407 l 63.233 -52.449 l 63.245 -52.483 l 63.509 -63.746 l 62.019 -71.868 l 59.37 -81.754 l 59.282 -81.921 55.105 -89.68 v 55.05 -89.764 50.426 -96.758 y 44.491 -103.315 l 44.44 -103.361 l 36.482 -109.269 l 36.395 -109.328 l 32.967 -111.18 l 25.735 -114.829 l 17.746 -117.383 l 17.71 -117.389 l 17.659 -117.41 l 9.652 -118.607 l 5.847 -119.054 l 5.77 -119.053 l 5.751 -119.06 l h f q q endstream endobj 1623 0 obj <>>>/subtype/form>>stream q 263.269 512.471 60.95 6.071 re w n 0.761 0.436 0.237 0 k /perceptual ri /gs0 gs q 1 0 0 1 316.7574 517.0978 cm 0 0 m 0.024 0.02 0.015 0.045 -0.02 0.045 c -0.025 0.045 -0.036 0.044 -0.043 0.041 c -0.073 0.029 -0.12 -0.002 -0.106 -0.011 c -0.075 -0.028 -0.045 0.005 -0.016 -0.011 c -0.016 -0.013 l -0.013 -0.01 -0.005 -0.006 0 0 c -0.016 -0.013 m -0.016 -0.013 l -0.021 -0.015 -0.024 -0.017 -0.031 -0.021 c -0.024 -0.017 -0.021 -0.017 -0.016 -0.013 c -0.031 -0.021 m -0.031 -0.021 l -0.034 -0.021 l -0.031 -0.021 l f q q 1 0 0 1 308.1204 515.3673 cm 0 0 m -0.043 -0.04 -0.204 -0.033 -0.199 0.009 c -0.197 0.027 -0.159 0.037 -0.141 0.037 c -0.064 0.045 0.02 0.03 0.003 0.004 c 0.001 0.001 0 0 y f q q 1 0 0 1 324.1495 518.4903 cm 0 0 m -0.136 -0.103 -0.287 -0.171 -0.426 -0.259 c -0.393 -0.244 -0.364 -0.223 -0.327 -0.212 c -0.358 -0.299 -0.717 -0.431 -0.72 -0.431 c -0.72 -0.417 -0.72 -0.417 -0.691 -0.395 c -0.807 -0.449 -0.92 -0.505 -1.036 -0.56 c -0.44 -0.09 -0.44 -0.09 -0.237 0.022 c -0.272 -0.01 -0.31 -0.038 -0.341 -0.075 c -0.31 -0.081 -0.287 -0.06 -0.254 -0.06 c -0.253 -0.061 -0.253 -0.063 -0.253 -0.067 c -0.261 -0.086 -0.268 -0.09 -0.377 -0.19 c -0.164 -0.06 -0.069 -0.011 0.07 0.053 c 0.051 0.034 0.02 0.016 0 0 c f q q 1 0 0 1 322.6074 517.0669 cm 0 0 m -0.02 -0.008 -0.034 -0.017 -0.053 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endobj 1641 0 obj <> endobj 1642 0 obj <>stream adobe illustrator cc 2017 (macintosh) 2020-03-18t19:30:32 08:00 2020-03-24t15:08:04 08:00 2020-03-24t15:08:04 08:00 application/pdf xmp.did:6a04169a-209c-43d0-a7ca-a5cffef5abe0 uuid:8dbe2f26-5340-4568-80d1-d33c9314c987 xmp.did:87f48225-87d9-45e0-9f00-fe41f63caa1a proof:pdf uuid:1bc59476-f1e8-5640-aad4-eba57481af2a xmp.did:87f48225-87d9-45e0-9f00-fe41f63caa1a xmp.did:87f48225-87d9-45e0-9f00-fe41f63caa1a proof:pdf saved xmp.iid:87f48225-87d9-45e0-9f00-fe41f63caa1a 2020-03-17t10:30:48 08:00 adobe illustrator cc 2017 (macintosh) / saved xmp.iid:6a04169a-209c-43d0-a7ca-a5cffef5abe0 2020-03-18t19:30:32 08:00 adobe illustrator cc 2017 (macintosh) / 1 true false 166.000000 81.000000 millimeters universltstd-light univers lt std 45 light open type version 2.020;ps 002.000;hotconv 1.0.50;makeotf.lib2.0.16970 false universltstd-light.otf universltstd-bold univers lt std 65 bold open type version 2.020;ps 002.000;hotconv 1.0.50;makeotf.lib2.0.16970 false universltstd-bold.otf cyan magenta yellow 默认色板组 0 k=30 process 100.000000 cmyk 74.306858 67.675287 65.481037 25.564963 white process 100.000000 cmyk 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 c=0 m=0 y=0 k=50 process 100.000000 cmyk 49.063858 40.305179 38.348973 0.000000 r=73 g=175 b=182 1 cmyk process 68.511480 15.014876 32.733652 0.000000 r=64 g=130 b=171 1 cmyk process 76.131833 43.588921 23.685053 0.000000 c=75 m=60 y=50 k=0 cmyk process 75.000000 60.000000 50.000000 0.000000 document endstream endobj 1643 0 obj <> endobj 1644 0 obj <> endobj 1645 0 obj <> endobj 1646 0 obj <> endobj 1647 0 obj [0.0] endobj 1648 0 obj <>/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream 0 g /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 231.848 628.744 120.12 -120.069 re f q 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr /relativecolorimetric ri /gs1 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q endstream endobj 1649 0 obj <> endobj 1650 0 obj <>/shading<>>>/subtype/form>>stream q 288.447 628.745 m 259.417 627.282 235.801 605.276 231.848 576.971 c 231.848 576.971 l 231.848 560.149 l 235.632 533.053 257.434 511.73 284.756 508.675 c 284.756 508.675 l 298.3 508.675 l 328.394 512.04 351.791 537.567 351.791 568.56 c 351.791 568.56 l 351.791 600.808 326.458 627.14 294.609 628.745 c 294.609 628.745 l h w n q 0 g /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 72.2485198 0 0 -72.2485198 290.9988336 568.560318 cm bx /sh0 sh ex q q endstream endobj 1651 0 obj <> endobj 1652 0 obj <> endobj 1653 0 obj <> endobj 1654 0 obj <> endobj 1655 0 obj <> endobj 1656 0 obj <> endobj 1657 0 obj [1.0] endobj 1658 0 obj <>/xobject<>>>/subtype/form>>stream q 0 tc 0 tw 0 ts 100 tz 0 tr /gs0 gs 0 tl/fm0 do q endstream endobj 1659 0 obj <> endobj 1660 0 obj <>/extgstate<>/shading<>>>/subtype/form>>stream q 231.267 568.559 m 231.267 535.278 258.246 508.298 291.528 508.298 c 291.528 508.298 l 324.81 508.298 351.791 535.278 351.791 568.559 c 351.791 568.559 l 351.791 601.842 324.81 628.821 291.528 628.821 c 291.528 628.821 l 258.246 628.821 231.267 601.842 231.267 568.559 c w n q 0 g /perceptual ri /gs0 gs 60.261924 0 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)tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.667 td (employees)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw -5.48 -1.457 td [(3)0.5 (9)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (particulars and changes of shareholding )tj 0.992 -1.667 td (structure, and details of substantial )tj -0.028 tw 0 -1.667 td (shareholders)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw -5.48 -1.457 td [(5)0.5 (0)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (chairman\222s statement)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw -4.488 -1.457 td [(6)0.5 (2)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (management\222s discussion and analysis of )tj 0.992 -1.667 td (financial position and results of operations)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw -5.48 -1.457 td [(7)0.5 (3)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (report of the board)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.005 tc 0.005 tw -4.488 -1.457 td [(1)0.5 (0)-74.5 (4)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (report of the supervisory committee)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.045 tc 0.045 tw -4.488 -1.457 td [(1)0.5 (1)-39.5 (0)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (report on corporate governance and internal )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.667 td (control)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.02 tc -0.02 tw -5.48 -1.457 td [(1)0.5 (3)-49.5 (6)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (significant events)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.02 tc -0.02 tw -4.488 -1.457 td [(1)0.5 (4)-49.5 (4)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (connected transactions)tj /t1_0 1 tf -0.005 tc 0.005 tw -4.488 -1.457 td [(1)-4.5 (7)0.5 (6)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (independent auditors\222 report)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.035 tc -0.035 tw -4.488 -1.457 td [(1)0.5 (8)-34.5 (5)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (consolidated statement of financial position)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.035 tc -0.035 tw -4.488 -1.457 td [(1)0.5 (8)-34.5 (8)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (consolidated statement of comprehensive )tj -0.028 tw 0.992 -1.667 td (income)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.02 tc -0.02 tw -5.48 -1.457 td [(1)0.5 (9)-49.5 (1)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (consolidated statement of changes in equity)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.02 tc -0.02 tw -4.488 -1.457 td [(1)0.5 (9)-49.5 (3)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (consolidated statement of cash flows)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.02 tc -0.02 tw -4.488 -1.457 td [(1)0.5 (9)-49.5 (6)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (notes to financial statements)tj /t1_0 1 tf 0.07 tc -0.07 tw -4.488 -1.457 td [(4)0.5 (2)0.5 (7)]tj /t1_1 1 tf 0.028 tc 0 tw 4.488 -0.21 td (corporate information)tj 0 0 0 0.8 k /gs0 gs /t1_2 1 tf 0 tc 37.6589 0 0 37.6589 104.8819 685.4359 tm (contents)tj et endstream endobj 1675 0 obj <>stream ����adobed�� # $&& $ %4/ $(' 9 '()02520)7;;;;7;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $2(!(2;4222;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@@@@@;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ $2(!(2;4222;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@@@@@;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ $2(!(2;4222;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@@@@@;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@��n����""���  �!12aaq"q��b��#r��� $%&'()*3456789:cdefghijstuvwxyzbcdefghijrstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������!1"aqq�� 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